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Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary Pastoral Formation Evaluation

Pastoral Year Assignment
Seminarian: __________________________________________

Year of Formation: _Pastoral Year_______

Field Supervisor: ______________________________________

Field Education Placement: _____________________________
Please complete the following rubric and comments sections, by March 1. A narrative letter is always welcomed as well. Returning this
form from your email address serves as your electronic signature. Please cc the seminarian as well, to confirm that he has seen it. If sending
a hard copy or a scanned copy, please sign the form and have the seminarian sign it as well.
In the rubrics, please place an X or highlight one box per row that best describes the students observed behavior at the placement for that
criterion (row). Please read the descriptors for each rubric carefully before answering. We understand that some questions may be difficult
to answer, but we ask that you try to answer N/A only if the trait discussed is completely not relevant to or cannot be observed at this
placement. We value your comments greatly, so would ask you offer any comments that could be useful in the spaces provided.

1. ProfessionalismPersonal
PPF 239 m

2. Work ethic
PPF 239 m

All of the qualities in column

3 (well-developed) and
further, is a model of
responsibility for others.

Has a strong work ethic,

demonstrates enthusiasm for
the work assigned and the
organizations mission, and
expresses gratitude for the
opportunity to be of service.

Typically on time for
appointments and
communicates any need for
absence from required
activities in advance or
promptly; takes ownership of
activities for which
Works diligently and
contributes at expected level
to organization; expresses
appreciation for opportunity
to learn.



Occasionally tardy or absent

for appointments and
responsibilities; inconsistently
communicates about absences
or changes of schedule;
reticent to take personal
responsibility for activities

Often tardy or does not show

up consistently to
appointments; fails to
communicate about absences
or changes in schedule;
tendency to blame others for
problems with activities

Does not always meet

expectations; energy and
enthusiasm for work are
uneven; expresses willingness
to learn and work, but does not
always seem aware of the
opportunities that the
placement provides.

Does not meet expectations;

energy and enthusiasm for
work are minimal;
performance reflects a desire
to meet minimal requirements.


Please indicate how the seminarian has shown personal responsibility and work ethic or how he could grow in this area:_______________

2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary



Demonstrates the ability to

listen attentively and
reflectively to specific details
from parishioners/clients and
staff resulting in clear
understanding and detailed
recollection; has skills to
listen deeply to the lived
experience of others and
grasps the emotions they are
expressing; is sought out by
others for consultation.
Consistently demonstrates the
ability to effectively
communicate with
parishioners/clients and staff.
Language skills, vocabulary,
and articulation are excellent.
Writing skills are professional
and grammatically correct.
Demeanor is positive and
Demonstrates a sincere and
enthusiastic eagerness to
engage collaboratively
parishioners/clients and staff.
Is socially appropriate,
respectful, and inviting.
Works well in groups,
recognizing and drawing out
the strengths and gifts of
others and steps up to offer
leadership where appropriate.
Works in a professional
manner with both women and

Manifests the ability to

engage and interact with
parishioners/clients and staff
so as to benefit from their
input; is considered a good
listener and is someone with
whom others are comfortable
sharing their experiences.

Demonstrates an adequate
ability to listen and engage
others but would benefit from
more concentration; is
sometimes not attuned to the
sense and sentiment others are
attempting to share.

Does not listen or engage

parishioners/clients or staff
and can appear to be distant
and removed from the pastoral
experience; in need of further
training in the craft of critical
and active listening and
observational skills to be able
to connect better with others.

Manifests the ability to

communicate effectively the
majority of the time with
parishioners/clients and staff.
The need for clarification and
repetition are minimal.
Vocabulary and articulation
are good. Demeanor is

Demonstrates some difficulty

in effectively communicating
ideas, directions, or concepts to
parishioners/clients or staff.
Language skills, vocabulary,
accent, articulation are in need
of attention.

Sometimes ineffective when

attempting to communicate
ideas, theological concepts, or
directions to or from another
person; needs significant help
to develop ability and desire
to communicate effectively.

Demonstrates social
appropriateness when
interacting with others. Is
respectful and open. Works
well with others and
recognizes the strengths and
gifts of others in the group. Is
professional with both
women and men.

Demonstrates some social

awkwardness and discomfort
but makes a genuine attempt to
relate well to others. Struggles
with role in groupseither
taking on too much leadership
or withdrawing and limiting
contributions. Is learning to
work professionally with both
women and men.

Demonstrates limited interest

in engaging others, aloofness,
or avoidance of social
interaction. Struggles to
engage successfully in
collaborative work. Need s to
grow in working
professionally with women
and/or men.

3. Communication skills: listening
PPF 239 a, m; 280 d iv

4. Communication skills: expression

PPF 239 a, e, m; 280 d iv

5. Relational and collaborative skills

239 d, m; 280 d iv, vi




Please indicate how the seminarian has demonstrated skills in communication and collaboration with others or how he could grow in this
2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary


6.Teaching and presentation skills
PPF 239 a, c, e

7. Evangelizing skills
PPF 239 a, c, e; 280 d i, viii, ix

Talks or lectures are wellplanned, well-organized,

engaging, and appropriate to
audience; employs effective
teaching and communication
strategies, with a variety of
appropriate media; able to
manage classroom or
maintain attention of
audience; respects and
connects with audience
Presents the faith of the
Catholic Church in an
inviting and challenging way
that connects it to the
listeners lives; demonstrates
energy and enthusiasm for
sharing the faith.




Demonstrates ability to
connect with and manage
different types of audiences;
utilizes some specific
teaching and motivational
strategies and media, and is
working to develop these
more fully

Fulfilled tasks assigned in the

areas of teaching or
presentation; teaching and
motivational skills developing,
as well as comfort with media;
developing classroom
management skills and ways to
connect with audience.

Not confident in teaching or

presenting role; has struggled
to connect with audiences;
needs to seek development of
teaching skills and use of
media; struggles to maintain
attention of audience.

Demonstrates the ability to

present the faith of the
Church in accord with official
teaching, and shows interest
in evangelization and

Expresses the desire to share

the faith of the Church;
growing in the skills to do so;
shows interest in
evangelization and formation,
but sometimes uncomfortable
in this role.

Not confident in evangelizing

role; hesitant to share faith in
situations where appropriate.


Please indicate how the seminarian has demonstrated teaching and evangelization skills or how he could grow in this area. _____________
8. Response to feedback
PPF 239 g

Welcomes constructive
feedback, even feedback with
some critical aspects,
integrates it, and often
improves beyond what was

Accepts constructive
feedback positively, even
feedback with some critical
aspects, and integrates it.

Receives constructive
feedback, but demonstrates
some hesitation or resistance,
particularly if the feedback
contains some critical aspects;
struggles with how to make
changes based on feedback.

Avoids feedback or is very

uncomfortable with feedback;
demonstrates resistance to

Please indicate how the seminarian has responded to constructive feedback:____________________________________________________

2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary


9. Cultural sensitivity
PPF 239 e, h; 280 d i, vi, viii

10. Religious pluralism

PPF 239 e, i,; 280 d i, viii

11.Attentiveness to the poor,

marginalized, sick or suffering
PPF 239 k; 280 d ii, iii


Actively engages persons of

other cultures with not only
respect and hospitality, but
also, enthusiasm, interest, and
appreciation, recognizing and
valuing their dignity as
children of God.

Engages persons of other

cultures with respect,
openness, and hospitality.

Actively engages persons of

religions or denominations
other than own with respect
and appreciation as well as
enthusiasm and knowledge,
and at the same time
confidence in own faith

Engages persons of other

religions and denominations
with respect and appreciation,
and at the same time is well
rooted in own faith.

Is particularly drawn to
reaching out to the poor,
marginalized, sick or
suffering (has developed a
preferential option for the
poor) and communicates
understanding of the social
contexts and structures that
can lead to injustice for those

Is particularly drawn to
reaching out the poor,
marginalized, sick or
suffering (has developed a
preferential option for the
poor) and is developing skills
for social analysis.

Demonstrates some
awkwardness with or
intercultural ministry, but
expresses interest in serving
better in this area; shows
kindness to persons of other
cultures, but does needs to
grow in cultural awareness.
Does not engage fluidly in
interreligious and/or
interdenominational ministry;
needs to learn more about other
faith traditions; is either
hesitant about expressing own
faith, or is unable to express it
in a way appropriate to the
Is somewhat awkward or
hesitant to reach out to the
poor, marginalized, sick, or
suffering; needs to be more
proactive and to further
develop skills for social



Demonstrates discomfort or
hesitance with ministry with
persons of other cultures

Demonstrates discomfort with

or resistance to ministry with
persons of other religions or
denominations; can be offputting or too forceful in
presenting Catholic
Demonstrates discomfort or
resistance to reaching out to
the poor, marginalized, sick,
or suffering at the placement;
does not demonstrate insight
into social context or skills for
social analysis.

Please indicate how the seminarian has demonstrated cultural sensitivity, religious pluralism, and attentiveness to those on the
peripheries or how he could grow in these areas:__________________________________________________________________________
2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary


12.Leadership skills
239 d, l, m; 280 d iv, v, vi

PPF 239 m

14.Dealing with conflict or

PPF 239 m

Demonstrates strong
leadership skills through
organizational abilities,
communication abilities, and
ability to work with and
direct a community toward
Deals very well with
unexpected situations; is
willing to change plans to
meet all reasonable
expectations in situations of
need; most people would
never notice that there was a
change or an unexpected
event, because they are
handled so smoothly.
All of the qualities described
in column 3 (welldeveloped), and takes
leadership in resolving
conflicts or disagreements
and in helping others to
resolve conflicts or




Demonstrates potential for

leadership by openness to
taking on new tasks,
communication abilities, and
making significant
contributions to team work.

Demonstrates limited
leadership traits but is a team
player and appears eager to

Does not look for

opportunities to lead or make
significant contributions to the
team; other skills need to be
developed before moving
toward leadership.

Willing to respond to
unexpected situations and
handles them with grace; it is
clear that it takes some effort,
but these situations are
handled well.

Has had difficulty when

changes or unexpected changes
have taken place. Tries to
respond, but displeasure or
discomfort may be obvious.

Has appeared put out or

offended when changes or
unexpected situations have
taken place; has had difficulty
recovering and continuing
forward in such situations

Recognizes and can evaluate

situations involving conflict
or disagreement; applies good
listening skills, an appropriate
level of assertiveness, and
negotiation strategies to
resolve situations of conflict
or disagreement; is gracious
and concerned for the
interests of all and shows
respect to all parties.

Has difficulty in situations of

conflict or disagreement, either
not recognizing conflict when
it exists or becoming too
emotionally involved. Tries to
be respectful, but needs to
work on listening skills,
finding an assertive balance
between being too passive or
too aggressive, or developing
negotiation skills to handle
these situations.

Has not demonstrated the

ability to deal with conflict or
disagreement well, sometimes
adding fuel to the fire
instead of helping in such
situations or not addressing
existing conflict; has not
mastered good listening skills
or developed skills to be
appropriately assertive.


Please indicate how the seminarian has demonstrated the above leadership skills and abilities or how he could grow in these

2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary


15.Contribution to mission, goals, and
activities of the parish
PPF 239 m; 280 d i; iv, ix

professionalism, enthusiasm,
and commitment in
contributing to the mission,
goals, and activities of this
parish; has made significant
contributions, working to
support the parish




Demonstrates a positive
contribution to the ongoing
mission, goals, and activities
of this parish.

Demonstrates an attitude of
growth and desire to serve but
needs a deeper understanding
and commitment to the
mission, goals, and activities of
this parish; needs guidance to
maintain focus on the mission,
goals, and activities of the

Contributions do not
demonstrate full engagement
or understanding of the
mission, goals, and activities
of this parish; the effort
needed to train or motivate
this student requires
significant supervisory and/or
organizational resources.


Please indicate how the seminarian has contributed to the mission of your parish or how he could grow in this area: ___________________
16.Met learning goals established at
beginning of assignment
PPF 239 m

Has met or exceeded all the

learning goals established for
this pastoral assignment, with
great responsibility; on the
rare occasion of any
concerns, brought them to the
appropriate supervisor in an
appropriate and timely

Has met or exceeded most of

the learning goals established
for this pastoral assignment;
has been responsible in
bringing any concerns to
supervisor in an appropriate
and timely manner.

Has met some of the learning

goals established for this
pastoral assignment; has made
a concerted effort in most, if
not all, areas, and has been
responsive to concerns brought
forth by the field supervisor.

Has met few of the learning

goals the student established
for this pastoral assignment;
has not demonstrated great
commitment in working
toward these goals; has not
made requested changes in
response to concerns brought
forth by field supervisor.

Please indicate ways in which the seminarian has been effective in fulfilling the learning agreement and ways in which he could grow in
this area: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary



Comfortable in roles of
leadership in the liturgy and
public prayer (as appropriate
to this assignment and stage
in formation); follows
liturgical norms faithfully; is
prayerful in demeanor and
attitude; to the extent possible
in this placement, helps the
people to pray by own
liturgical style; demonstrates
a desire for liturgy to be
celebrated well and in such a
way that it will have a real
impact in the lives of people.

Contributes to the liturgy and

public prayer of the
community, with a prayerful
attitude, and seeks always to
learn more about the liturgy;
to the extent possible in this
placement, serves as a leader
in the liturgy and other
opportunities for public

17.Pastoral skills necessary to
celebrate the sacraments, and lead
worship and prayer; performance at
liturgical events
PPF 239 b

Takes part in the liturgical life
of the community and leads
public prayer, but does not
show great curiosity about
learning more about liturgy;
does what is asked, but does
not look for opportunities to
lead in liturgical activities.



Student does not appear

comfortable or at ease when
asked to lead or assist in the
liturgy or public prayer, and
does not offer leadership in
this area.

Please indicate how the seminarian has demonstrated the ability to lead worship and prayer or how he could grow in these areas:________
18.Preaching skills
PPF 239 a
N.B. Please answer this question
based on any opportunities to
preach or to give reflections the
seminarian has had during this

Has consistently preached

theologically correct and
well-organized homilies,
reflections, or talks; has been
aware of the context and the
audience; has used images
and stories well; has
demonstrated good oral
communication and delivery,
and has used delivery aids

Has generally preached

theologically correct and
well-organized homilies,
reflections, and talks, usually
demonstrating an awareness
of the context and the
audience; has sometimes used
images and stories; has
demonstrated good oral
communication and delivery,
and has used delivery aids

Is growing in the ability to

preach theologically correct and
well-organized homilies,
reflections, and talks, while
sometimes demonstrating a
need for continued growth;
needs to be more aware of the
context and the audience; only
occasionally uses images and
stories; needs further
development of oral
communication and delivery
skills; rarely uses delivery aids
or has used them

Needs significant work in

order to be able preach
theologically correct and wellorganized homilies; often does
not seem aware of the context
and the audience; rarely uses
images and stories;
communication and delivery
skills need significant
improvement; rarely uses
delivery aids or has used them

Please describe the seminarians greatest strengths in preaching and what suggestions you would make for future growth.
2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary


19.Administrative skills
PPF 239 l; 280 d iv, v

Evidences ability across a

broad spectrum of
administrative skills: staff
relations, supervising,
scheduling, collaborative
work, fundraising; public
relations and
communications; in several
of these areas has taken
leadership and constructively
contributed to the
improvement of the
communitys administrative

Has shown ability in at least 3
administrative areas including
staff relations, supervising,
scheduling, collaborative
work, fundraising, or public
relations and

Developing administrative
skills in various areas;
contributes willingly to the
administrative functions of the
community and demonstrates
an eagerness to learn.



Very few or weak

administrative skills; hesitant
to take on responsibilities in
new areas; does not
demonstrate eagerness to learn
or full understanding of the
importance of these skills for

Please indicate how the seminarian has demonstrated the above administrative skills or how he could grow in this area:_______________
20.Professional Ministerial Ethics
PPF 244

Has demonstrated
faithfulness to the norms of
ministerial ethics, especially
with regard to care and
respect for children and
vulnerable adults; completely
faithful with regards to
keeping confidences and
financial responsibility; is
worthy of emulation as an
honorable and honest person.

2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary

Has demonstrated
faithfulness to the norms of
ministerial ethics, especially
with regard to care and
respect for children and
vulnerable adults; respectful
of all; has been honest and
careful in keeping
confidences and
demonstrating financial

Has demonstrated consistently

appropriate behaviors,
including with children and
vulnerable adults; is growing
in the ability to show respect in
tense situations; while
generally honest and discreet
about confidences, is still
growing in these areas.

Has behaved in a way that

commitment to the norms of
ministerial ethics has been drawn
into question; there have been
some situations, either with
relationships with others, with
lack of respect, or with honesty
or maintaining confidences that
have raised serious concerns.
(N.B. Clearly this area is one of
very serious concern. If the
supervisor believes this
response is necessary, it would
be very important to share the
specific information with the
Seminary as soon as possible.)





Has demonstrated, in words

and actions, an appreciation
for the gift and the discipline
of celibacy; is respectful and
appropriate at all times, with
women and men; is a model
even for the priests in the
parish with regards to an
attitude about celibacy; is
capable of keeping proper
boundaries, without in any
way losing the freedom to
love and to interact with all
members of the community;
commitment to celibacy is
clear and freeing for ministry.

Has demonstrated, in words

and actions, a positive
attitude about the gift and the
discipline of celibacy; is
respectful and appropriate at
all times, with women and
men; is capable of keeping
proper boundaries, while
appearing comfortable in
relationships; commitment to
celibacy has been

Has demonstrated, in words

and actions, a generally
positive attitude about the
discipline of celibacy, while
further growth is still evidently
needed in being able to
recognize it as gift; is
respectful and appropriate at
all times, with women and
men; sometimes comments or
attempts at humor raise
questions; is growing in the
ability to keep proper
boundaries, even if there have
been no serious violations of

Has demonstrated, in words

and actions, serious doubts or
worries about the discipline of
celibacy, and further growth is
still evidently needed in being
able to recognize it as gift; is
generally respectful and
appropriate, with women and
men, but sometimes
comments or attempts at
humor can be inappropriate;
needs significant work on
proper boundaries. (N.B.
Clearly this area is one of
very serious concern. If the
supervisor believes this
response is necessary, it
would be very important to
share the specific
information with the
Seminary as soon as

21.Capacity for chaste, celibate and
loving service
PPF 90-96


Please indicate how the seminarian has demonstrated professional ethics and a capacity for celibacy or how he could grow in these
22.Maintenance/ Balance of Prayer
Life and Ministry
PPF 253

Faithful to time before the

Blessed Sacrament, to daily
Mass, to the Liturgy of the
Hours and other times of
personal prayer; personal
prayer has not taken away
from service to the people,
but service has shown itself
to be rooted in prayer; others
comment on the commitment
to prayer life or spirituality.

Demonstrates that prayer is

important and strengthening
for service; faithful to daily
Mass and other times of
prayer, including the Liturgy
of the Hours; intentionally
makes an effort to find a
balance between prayer and
pastoral ministry.

Prays, and expresses a desire

make deeper connections
between personal prayer life
and ministry; is seeking to
become more faithful to times
of prayer.

Does not clearly demonstrate

the importance of prayer and
its impact on the Christian life
and ministry; has sometimes
missed or been late even to
required Masses or times of

Please comment on what evidence the seminarian shows of a profound spiritual life, which links to and supports his ministry:___________
2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary


23.Cultivating bonds in diocese
PPF 239 j, 254
N.B. Please answer this question
only for seminarians working in
their own dioceses.

Takes advantage of
opportunities to meet or
fellowship with Bishop, priests,
deacons, religious and laity of
the Diocese, expressing a deep
commitment to be a part of the
life of the local Church; has
taken part in diocesan activities
and occasionally played a
leadership role in Diocesan
activities; has a broad
contextual understanding of the
Diocese and its people.




Takes advantage of
opportunities to meet or
fellowship with Bishop,
priests, deacons, religious and
laity of the Diocese; taken
part in diocesan activities;
knows a good deal about the
diocese and takes advantage
of opportunities to learn

Participates occasionally in
opportunities to meet or
fellowship with Bishop,
priests, deacons, religious and
laity of the Diocese;
possesses some, but limited,
awareness of the needs and the
make-up of the local Church;
willing to learn, but not yet
deeply connected with the life
of the Diocese.

Participates in opportunities to
meet or fellowship with
Bishop, priests, deacons,
religious and laity of the
Diocese when required, but
shows little interest in the life
of the Diocese or the broader
Church beyond these
occasions; possesses little
knowledge of the context and
make-up of the local church
and little initiative shown to
learn more.


Please comment on the seminarians growth in connection to his own Diocese: __________________________________________________
24.Theological Integration
PPF 239 f, g

Exhibits a strong integration

of theology and pastoral
practice commensurate with
level of formation;
theological reflection is
reflected in the richness of
pastoral practice.

Consistently integrates
theology into pastoral
practice, commensurate with
level of formation.

Demonstrates a
desire/willingness to regularly
consider the integration and
application of theology with
pastoral work though it is still
a struggle to do so; needs
guidance to make these

Does not regularly attempt to

integrate theology and pastoral
practice; needs guidance to
begin to engage in this process
of reflection.

Please comment on the seminarians capacity for theological integration: _________________________________________________________


2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary


What evidence of vocational discernment has the seminarian shown? _____________________________________________________________

Would you like to have the seminarian assigned to you as a priest one day? Why or why not? ________________________________________
Do you recommend the seminarian for continuation in the Seminarys formation program?
Yes ________

Yes, with reservations _________

No ___________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If you are returning this evaluation by email, please check the box to confirm the statement below. When returning the evaluation, please be
sure to copy your supervisee on the email so that his receipt of the evaluation is demonstrated to the Seminary.
My supervisee has had an opportunity to review and discuss this evaluation with me.
If you are returning this evaluation by mail in hard copy, please sign and date this evaluation, and have the seminarian sign it with a notation by
him indicating that he has seen it and is aware of its content.
Supervisor: ________________________________

Seminarian: ________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

2017 St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary


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