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Aims & Scope

The European Journal of Pain (EJP) is the official journal of the European Pain Federation (EFIC). It
is a multi-disciplinary, international journal that aims to be a global forum on all aspects of pain research and
pain management. The journal publishes clinical and basic science research papers relevant to all aspects of
pain and its management, including specialties such as anaesthesia, dentistry, neurology and neurosurgery,
orthopaedics, palliative care, pharmacology, physiology, psychiatry, psychology and rehabilitation; socioeconomic aspects of pain are also covered.
The journal publishes original clinical and basic science articles; reviews on pertinent topics not recently
covered by other international journals. Full length articles and short communications will be accepted in the
following fields: clinical studies and controlled observations, epidemiological studies, experimental studies on
patients, healthy volunteers, animals and tissue preparations. Clinical case studies may be accepted if they
are of particular scientific value. Letters to the Editor and Commentaries related to the content of the journal
will also be published. The 2012 impact factor of the EJP is 3.067.
Journal content and further information including author guidelines and submission details - can be found
The European Pain Federation EFIC is also currently looking for a new Editor-in-Chief for the European
Journal of Pain - please find more information here.

Subscription to the EJP

There are several options to subscribe to the European Journal of Pain:
Members of the local National EFIC Chapters:
1. EJP online version: Subscribe to the EJP online version (free of charge) via the
registration form
2. EJP print version: Subscribe to the EJP print version at a reduced rate here
Participants of the EFIC Pain in Europe VIII Congress, Firenze 2013
1. EJP online version: Subscribe to the EJP online version, free of charge until
01/01/2016 via the registration form
You can subscribe to the EJP via the Wiley Online LIbrary (paying)
EFIC Council members are encouraged to inform the members of their National Chapter of
this offer and direct them to this page. Please note that this complimentary access is linked
to your membership of the EFIC Council.
Do you require any additional information or material for dissemination amongst your National Chapter
members to promote this opportunity to access top quality scientific literature published in the European
Journal of Pain? Please do not hesitate to contact EFIC (

EFIC trusts you will appreciate and enjoy this opportunity to access the European Journal
of Pain.

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