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INFLUENCE OF WHEEL LOAD AND TYRE PRESSURE ON FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR THESIS by YUSUF FUAD $2 26990020 PROGRAM MAGISTER SISTEM DAN TEKNIK JALAN RAYA PROGRAM PASCASARJANA INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG 1993 Teg. 8 Fua PROGRAM PASCASARJANA - INSTITUT TEKNOLOG! BANDUNG PROGRAM MAGISTER SISTEM DAN TEKNIK JALAN RAYA INFLUENCE OF WHEEL LOAD AND TYRE PRESSURE ON FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR by YUSUF FUAD $2 26990020 Approved by [U Ahh [ers DR. “DJUNAED! KOSASIH SUPERVISOR wi Otang F DR. DAVID HUGHES ‘SUPERVISOR a Prof. Ir, TRISNO SOEGONDO MSCE, HEAD OF PROGRAMME DATE : 1993 B06 SUMMARY INFLUENCE OF WHEEL LOAD AND TYRE PRESSURE ON FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT BEHAVIOUR, Yusuf Fuad, 1993, Program Magister Sistem dan Teknik Jalan Raya, Program Pascasarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung. ‘The thesis is concerned with an analytical approach to analyzing the performance of pavement structures using The Asphalt Institute Computer Program Dama. The main objectives of the investigation has been to evaluate the offect of various combinations of axle load and tyre pressure on flexible pavement failure behaviour for various pavement characteristics in terms of asphalt concrete stiffness and thickness, granular base modulus and thickness, subgrade modulus and air temperature. ‘The major defects observed on a pavement surface due to traffic loading are normally assumed to be cracking and permanent deformation. The analysis is based on the assumption that cracking originates at the underside of the bituminous layer due to stresses induced by the traffic. The design criteria used to limit cracking and permanent deformation are consecutively the horizontal tensile strain at the underside of a bituminous layer and the vertical compressive strain at the surface of subgrade. Such criteria arc also adopted in program Dama in determining the design life of pavement structures. ‘The general pavement structure used in the investigation has been a three layer system consisting of asphaltic concrete surfacing, granular base and subgrade. The characteristics of asphaltic concrete influenced by such factors as aggregate grading, filler content, time of loading, type and content of binder (bitumen), and degree of compaction is represented by the layer stiffness. The granular base layer is stress dependent and its characteristic is represented by a modulus that is a function of the asphalt layer thickness and modulus, foundation support and the thickness and the quality of the unbound base material itself. ‘The characteristic of the subgrade is represented by the modulus which is governed by the degree of compaction applied to it prior to pavement construction, and its subsequent response to moisture changes. The results of this study showed that the wheel load and tyre pressure have a different influence on the fatigue and deformation life, In deformation life, influence of whee! load is greater than tyre pressure, independent on pavement structures. In fatigue life, influence of wheel load and tyre pressure is critically dependent on the asphalt concrete thickness, in which, influence of wheel load decreases with the decrease in thickness and influence of tyre pressure increascs with the decrcasc in thickness RINGKASAN PENGARUH BEBAN RODA DAN TEKANAN BAN PADA KELAKUAN PERKERASAN LENTUR, Yusuf Fuad, 1993, Program Magister Sistem dan Teknik Jalan Raya, Program Pascasarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Tesis ini merupakan suatu pendekatan analitis untuk menganalisa kinerja. struktur perkerasan dengan menggunakan program komputer Dama dari The Asphalt Institute Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah mengamati pengaruh dari berbagai kombinasi beban dan tekanan ban pada sifat-sifat keruntuhan perkerasan lentur untuk berbagai kondisi perkerasan, seperti kekakuan dan ketebalan lapis permukaan aspal beton, ketebalan dan kualitas pondasi, kekekuan tanah dasar (CBR) dan temperatur udara. Kerusakan utama yang teramati pada permukaan perkerasan yang diakibatkan oleh beban alu lintas umummya adalah retak dan deformasi permanen, Metoda analisa umumnya didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa retak berawal dari dasar lapisan aspal akibat tegangan yang ditimbulkan oleh beban lalu lintas, Kriteria perencanaan yang digunaka, ‘untuk membatasi etal: dan deformasi adalah regangan tarik horisontal pada dasar lapisan aspal dan regangan tckan vestikal pada permukaan tanah dasar. Kriteria demikian juga digunakan dalam program Dama untuk menentukan umur rencana straktur perkerasan. ‘Struktur perkerasan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah struktur dengan tiga lapisan yang terdiri dari aspal beton, pondasi dengan material berbutir dan tanah dasar. Sifat aspal beton yang tergantung pada gradasi material batuan, jumlah fraksi halus, lana pembebanan, jenis dan jumlah bahan pengikat (bitumen), serta kepadatannya diwakili oleh nilai modulus kekakuannya. Kekakuan lapisan pondasi dengan material berbutir tergantung pada tegangan yang bekerja, dan dalam hal ini nilainya tergantung dari ketebalan dan kekaknan fapisan aspal, kekakuan lapisan tanah dasar, serta ketebalan dan kkualitas lapisan pondasi itu sendiri, Karakseristik tanah dasar diwakili nilai modulus yang, sesuai dengan tingkat kepadatan yang diberikan pada tahap awal konstruksi, dan juga pada perubahan kadar air. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa beban roda dan tekanan ban mempunyai pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap umur deformasi dan fatigue. Untuk umur deformasi, pengaruh dari beban roda lebih besar dari tekanan ban, dan tidak tergantung pada struktur perkerasan. Sedangkan pada ummr fatigue, pengaruh dari beban roda dan tekanan ban sangat tergantung pada ketebalan lapisan aspal, yang dalam hal ini pengaruh dari beban roda berkurang dengan berkurangnya ketebalan lapisan aspal, sementara pengaruh tekanan ban meningkat dengan berkurangnya ketebalan. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY .. RINGKASAN ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ... TABLE OF CONTENTS... LIST OF TABLES .. LIST OF FIGURES . LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS .. I INTRODUCTION............. L.1 General Background 12 Objectives . se I. LITERATURE REVIEW IL1 Design Principles .. ILL. Basis for Design .. W.1.2. Design Criteria 1.2. Material Characterization 1.2.1 Asphalt Layer .. 1.2.2. Unbound Granular Layer .. 1.2.3 Subgrade. 113 Specification of Loading IL4 Performance Criteria .. ILS Computer Program ... Il WORK PROGRAMME, 11.2.1 Asphalt Concrete Layer ... 11.2.2 Granular Base Layer .. 11.2.3. Subgrade .. 11.2.4 Air Temperature IV DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS .... IV.1 Pavement Configuration ... IV.2 Influence of Wheel Load and Tyre Pressure on the Load Repettions to Failure for Various Asphalt Concrete Stiffnesses ..... v3 Induce of Wheel Load and Tye Presue onthe Lond Repti to Failure for Various Asphalt Thicknesses ..... IV4 Influence of Wheel Load and Tyre Pressure on the Load Repettions to Failure for Various Granular Base Thicknesses. 2B IV.5 Influence of Wheel Load and Tyre Pressure on Failure for Various Granular Base Qualities (K1) ... IV.6 Influence of Wheel Load and Tyre Pressure on the Lod Repetto ‘0 Failure for Various Subgrade CBR values ........ 26 30 31 IV.7 Influence of Wheel Load and Tyre Pressure on the Load Repetitions to Failure for Various Air Temperatures .. 1V.8 Influence of Wheel Load and Tyre Pressure on the Load Repetitions to Failure of Fatigue Based Structure for Various asphalt Concrete Thicknesses . V_ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS V.1 Conclusions .......... 'V.2 Recommendations REFERENCES ... BIBLIOGRAPHIES .. 34 66 68 69 a CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS V.1 Conclusions The computer program Dama is an clastic-layered pavement analysis program used to ascertain the repetitions to failure of a given pavement structure subjected to any design load configuration. The distress modes used to estimate the design life are permanent deformation and fatigue cracking. The investigation described in this thesis concentrated on influences of important loading parameters applied on a given pavement with various pavement configurations and layer material characteristics. The results of this study show that wheel load and tyre pressure indicated a different influence on the design life of fatigue and permanent deformation failure criterion. The detail conclusions are as follows : 1, Whee! load have greater influence on the subgrade permanent deformation failure than the tyre pressure. At designed reference pavement, relationship between wheel load and design life was : Nd = 6,667 E+11 (WL) #27! While, relationship between tyre pressure and design life was : Na = 2.291 B+05 (TP) 146 2. Effect of pavement configuration on the relationship between deformation life and wheel load were as follows : — an increase in asphalt concrete and granular base thickness resulted in higher intercept and only slightly the slope of wheel load relationship — an increase in stiffhess of asphalt concrete resulted in higher intercept but did not show any clear indication in slope of wheel load relationship ~ an increase in granular base quality resulted in higher intercept and only slightly the slope of wheel load relationship ~ an increase in subgrade CBR resulted in higher intercept, while the slope slight increased up until certain value, then decreased = an increase in air temperature resulted in lower intercept and did not any clear indication in slope 3. Effect of pavement configuration on the relationship between deformation life and tyre pressure were as follows : = an increase in asphalt concrete and granular base thickness resulted in higher intercept and lower slightly the slope — an increase in stiffness of asphalt concrete resulted in higher intercept and lower slightly the slope = an increase in granular base quality resulted in higher intercept and lower slightly the slope — an increase in subgrade CBR resulted in higher intercept and slightly the slope - an increase in air temperature resulted in lower intercept and higher slightly slope 4. On the fatigue based structure, thickness of asphalt concrete layer have important influence on the relationship between whee! load and fatigue life. An increase in thickness resulted in higher intercept and slope of whee! load relationship. The wheel load relationship of pavement using 300 mm asphalt concrete thickness was : Ne = 2.819 E+12 (WL) 3-9! ‘While, on the pavement using 50 mm asphalt concrete thickness was : N¢ = 6.640 E+05 (WL) 9580 ‘The thickness of asphalt concrete layer also have important influence on the relationship between tyre pressure and fatigue life, in which, an increase in asphalt concrete thickiess tesulted in lower intercept and higher slope. The tyre pressure relationship of prretient usittg 300 mm asphalt doflerete thickness was : Nf = 1474 £+08 (TP) 0-234 While, on the pavement using 50 mm asphalt concrete thickness was : Nf = 5,859 E+17 (TP) 4110 a For thin asphalt concrete thickness the fatigue life was relatively independent of the wheel load, and tyre pressure appeared to be a more significant factor than wheel load. 7. The horizontal stress and strain at the bottom of the asphalt concrete layer indicated an important effect of asphalt concrete thickness on the fatigue life and wheel load relationship. The important effect of thickness also indicated on the fatigue and tyre pressure relationship. V.2 Recommendations The present study indicated that the influence of wheel load and tyre pressure on the design life of fatigue structures is critically dependent on the asphalt concrete thickness, and there is a unique relationship between loading parameters and design life on the thin asphalt concrete layer. Based on this results, the further research is recommended to investigate the effect of wheel load and tyre pressure on the thin asphalt concrete layer with various combinations of asphalt concrete stiffnesses, granular base stiffnesses and thicknesses. REFERENCES . AASHO (1972), Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, American Association of State Highway officials, Washington, D.C. 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