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For this artifact, I solved different problems that involved arithmetic sequences.

problems gave me a set of three numbers where I was then asked to find a random number in the
sequence. In order to solve these problems, I used and equation, an = a1 + d(n-1). I had to plug
in different numbers into the equation, an representing any number in the sequence, a1
representing the first term in the sequence, and d representing the difference between each
number in the set. The (n-1) is there to represent the difference between the number you are
trying to find and the number before it. The problems I answered required me to plug in the
information and solve the equation in order to find any specific number in the sequence.

I used many skills in order to solve these problems. One skill I used was the ability to
follow directions. Some problems required different answers than the others, so I had to read
carefully in order to fully understand what was being asked of me. I also had to use critical
thinking and reasoning. I had to be able to tell if my answers were valid and if they made sense.
I also used equation solving skills. Because arithmetic sequences require an equation, an = a1 +
d(n-1), I was able to use my equation solving skills by plugging in the information in the
question. From there, I used basic equation solving skills to solve the problem.

I can use these skills outside of math. I can use direction following skills almost
anywhere. This skill is crucial on any test or assignment so that you always fully understand
what is being asked of you. I can use critical thinking skills outside of math. For example, in an
interview, providing the employer with relevant and import information about yourself uses
critical thinking. This is a skill that can be used is various situations, including math and in the
real world.

My strength in this artifact is my ability to solve equations. I am able to successfully

plug in and use numbers from the problems in order to come out with a correct outcome. This
skill is important when solving arithmetic sequences because you must use the data to solve the
equation an = a1 + d(n-1).

A challenge I faced while completing these problems was keeping my work organized.
Normally, when I do equations, I write quickly without thinking of how neat my work looks.
When making this artifact, I had to work slowly and write each step out neatly. This was a
challenge for me, but by taking my time I was able to overcome my messiness.

I am wondering where else arithmetic sequences are used in nature. I am also wondering
how arithmetic sequences affects architectural designs.

I have decided to focus on how arithmetic sequences are used in nature. An example is
the Haileys comet. The comet was first visible in 1986 and has reappeared every 76 years. This
can be put into an arithmetic sequence because the number will go up by 76 each year. The first
three numbers in the sequence would be 1986, 2062, and 2138 because there is a common
difference of 76. The equation would then be an = 1986 + 76(n-1). So, if an astrologist needed
to find out what year it would be when the comet passes for the nth time, they can plug in n to
find the year. This helps me understand how arithmetic sequences can be used in the natural

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