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C 2 r 50% 500 250 This study sheet provides a

general review of all topics in

Math 8 Principles
7 3 the BC Math 8 Principles
DEPOT curriculum. For an extensive
bh online lesson of each topic, visit

Number Sense: Ch 1 Number Connections: Ch 2: Operations with Fractions

Multiplication & Division Chart 1.1 Exponents & Powers: Finding Lowest Common Multiple: LCM
When multiplying/dividing two integers, Exponential Factored Standard Keep dividing by a common factor and then
two negatives becomes a positive. One Form Power Form Form multiply all the common factors with the last
negative & one positive become a negative. pair of numbers:
24 2222 16
ie : 3 2 6 Ex: Find the LCM of 48 and 72:
53 52 5 5 5 5 5 3125
8 48,72 ie: Divide both numbers by 8
15 3 5
21 7 3 The number in exponential
Power 3 6,9 Divide by 3

3 7 2 42 form is called a power. 1 2,3 No more common factors

LCM= 8 3 2 3 =144
3 Exponent
Adding/Subtracting Negative Numbers ie: 5 to the power of 3. 5
Note: Use number line: Base 2.2/2.3 Adding & Subtracting Fractions
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ex: Simplify in Exponential form: When adding or subtracting fractions, find
7 7 7 7 7 7 3 the lowest common denominator(LCD). Only
1stnumber is where you start i)74 72 73 7 if denominators are the same, then you can
2nd number is which way you go. 7 7 7
add/subtract the top.
' ve Left ' ve Right 5 5 5 5
ii) 52
2 2 2 6
Ex: Simplify:
3rd Use multiplication chart to resolve the 3 2 7 3
sign in the middle. 1.2 Integral Exponents: LCD: 4,3 12 ii) LCD: 8,6 24
4 3 8 6
Standard Form Exponential Forms
ie: 5 3 5 3 , 17 2 17 2 Decimal Fraction Posit. Exp. Neg. Exp.
9 8
Add only
21 12
Subtract only
12 12 24 24
10,000 104
Ex: Add or Subtract the following: 1,000 103
the top
the top
i) 8 3 5 ii) 9 2 9 2 11 100 102 12 24
10 101 2.5/2.6 Multiplying &Dividing Fractions
-8 -7 -6 -12-11-10 -9 -8
1 100 When multiplying fractions, simplify by
-5 -4 1 1 cancelling out common factors in both the
0.1 10 1
10 101
iii) 350 120 iv) 80 200 1 1
numerator and denominator.
0.01 10 2
350 120 230 80 200 120 100 102 Ex: Simplify by Multiplying:
1 1 3 16 14 Common 15 27 14 Common
+20 +100 0.001 10
+100 +100
1,000 103 ii)
0 21 24 Factor: 7, 8 36 35 12 Factor: 5, 9
20 1 1
-350 -330 -230 -80 -120 0.0001
10,000 104
10 4
2 2 Multiply 3 3 14 Common

Factor: A number that divides evenly 3 3 tops &bottom 4 7 12 Factor: 7, 3
into another given number 1.4/1.5 Writing in Scientific Notation: 4 3 1 2
Large Numbers have a positive exponent.
Greatest Common Factor: (GCF) 9 4 1 4
Small Numbers have a negative exponent.
The largest factor that is common to 3 1 1 3

two or more numbers. Ex: Write in Scientific Notation: 4 1 2 8
Keep dividing by a common factor and then i) 175000 1.75 105 ii) 0.000074 7.4 105 Note: When cancelling common factors, you
multiply all the common factors. can cancel up & down only, not sideways.
Convert from Scientific to Standard Form
Ex: Find the GCF of 48 and 72: Steps: When dividing fractions, flip the second
2 48,72 ie: Divide both numbers by 2 Positive exponent move decimal right fraction (reciprocal) and then simplify by
6 24,36 Divide by 6 Negative exponent move decimal left multiplying.
The exponent shows many digits moved Ex: Simplify by Dividing:
2 4,6 Divide by 2
Ex: Convert to Standard Form: 6 4 Flip second 12 36 44 Flip fractions

1 2,3 LCD: 2 6 2 =24 ii)
i) 1.53 105 153000 ii) 2.73 104 0.000273 14 21 fraction 49 28 18 divided
6 21 Simplify 12 28 18 Simplify
Prime Number: A number that only 1.6 Rational Numbers
14 4 49 36 44
has 2 factors, 1 and itself. Rational Numbers: Numbers that can be 3 3 9 3 4 9
ie: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29etc. written as a fraction. Includes all integers,
2 2 4 7 9 22
Mixed Fraction to Improper Fractions: fractions, mixed numbers, terminating & 3 2 1 6
repeating decimals.
When changing a mixed fraction to an 7 1 11 77
3 5
improper fraction, multiply denominator by Ie: 100, , , 1.73, 1.211, 9
the whole number and then add the 2 6 Order of Operations: BEDMAS
numerator. 1.11 Squares and Square Roots
When simplifying expressions with more than
Note: the denominator does not change 2 2 4 4 2 one operation: , , , ,
ie: Convert from Mixed to Improper: 10 10 100 100 10 1st Simplify Brackets first
2 3 3 3 3 2 14
3 4 2 14 15 15 225 225 15 2nd Exponents
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3rd: Multiply/Divide from left to right
3 Note: Square root of a number is
7 11 11 11 7 40
11 3 7 40 4th Add/Subtract from left to right
11 11 11 11 11 11
Ex: Simplify: Ch3: Ratio and Rate Ex: The drawing of a bug is 3cm long. The
scale is 5:1. How long is the actual bug?
i) 3 5 3 2
Brackets 3 5 2 3.2: Equivalent Ratios and Proportions
The bug is 5 times smaller than the
Ratios compare 2 or more numbers with
2 3 2 Exponents 2 4
2 2
drawing 3cm 5 0.6cm
the same unit. Reduce the ratio by
43 2 Multiply then Divide dividing all numbers by the GCF. Ratios The bug is 0.6cm or 6mm long.
12 2 6 can also be written as a fraction. Ex: The drawing of a house is 11cm tall.
8 2 8 1 Multiply ie: 3 : 4 3 4 The scale is 1:150. How tall is the house?
ii )
3 8 3 2 Reducing a ratio does not change its value. The house is 150 times bigger than the
8 2 1 Add/Subtract drawing. 11cm 150 1650cm
Ex: If there are 20 boys and 15 girls in a
The house is 1650cm or 16.5m tall.
3 3 2 from left to right class, what is the ratio of boys to girls.
6 1 20 :15 20boys :15 girls 3.7: Maps & Scales
Simplify: LCD
3 2 To convert units in the metric system: mm,
4:3 Divide by common factor of 5
12 3 15 5 cm, m, & km, use the following chart.

6 6 6 2 Ex: There are 50 chocolate bars in a box. 10 100 1000
Right (divide)
The ratio from OHenry to Mars to Aero
3 5 13 bars is 3:4:1. How many of each are there?
mm cm m km
iii ) 2 1 Mixed fractions to improper Left (mulitply)
2 8 3 OHenry : Mars : Aero 100 1000
3 21 16
= Simplify Brackets 3 x : 4 x :1x " x " is a scale factor Ex: Convert 5000000mm to m.
2 8 3
12 21 16 3 5 : 4 5 :1 5 8 x 50 x 5 To move from mm to m, you divide by 10
Add fractions and then by 100. This is the same as
8 8 3 15 : 20 : 5 15 O ' Henry, 20 Mars, 5 Aero dividing by 1000: 10 & 100 1000

39 16
26 3.4: Rate 5000000mm 1000 5000m
8 3 Rates compare 2 numbers with different
units. Ex: Simplify the scale: 1cm:500000km
2.7/2.8 Mult/Div. Rational Numbers 1st convert 500000km to cm.
Ex: Tom ate 30 burgers in 20minutes. At
When multiplying rational numbers, 500000 1000 100 50,000,000,000cm
what rate can he eat burgers?
convert them to fractions if possible. If not,
30burgers The ratio is then 1:50,000,000,000. Do not
then multiply by brute force or calculator. Divide : 1.5burgers / min need units b/c both units are the same.
0.5 1
0.2 1
0.125 91 0.11 20 min .
Ex: The scale of a map is 1:200,000. If a
2 5 8
0.3 1
0.16 2
0.250 2
3.5: Unit Rates and Unit Prices
3 6 8 9
Unit rate: a rate where the 2nd
term is 1 lake is 3cm long on the map, how big is the
0.25 1
0.142857 3
0.375 3
0.33 Unit price: the cost for 1 unit of an item. actual lake in km?
1st the lake is 200,000 times bigger
4 7 8 9
For unit prices, dollar value goes on top,
Ex: Multiply: and unit amount at the bottom. 3cm 200000 600,000cm
i ) 0.125 0.5 ii )1.4 0.25 iii)3.66 0.3 2nd Convert 600,000cm to km.
Ex: 25 donuts at Tim Hortons cost $5.00.
1 1 14 1 366 1 600,000 1000 600km
= = What is the unit price for 1 donut?
8 2 10 4 100 3 $5.00 Ch 4: Percents
Unit Pr ice $0.21/ donut

0.35 =
1.22 24donuts A percent is a ratio comparing a number to
16 10 100 100. 45% is 45 out of 100
Ex: Job A pays $5000 in 10 days. Job B
When dividing rational numbers, multiply 60% 60100 0.6
pays $3000 in 6 days. Find unit rate for
both numbers by 10, 100, or 1000 to 57% 57 100 0.57
each job & compare which job pays better?
eliminate the decimal places.
Find the unit rate of pay for each job 4.2/4.8: Finding Percent of a Number
Ex: Divde
$5600 When asked to find the % of a given
0.3 100 30 JobA : $560 / day
i) 0.3 0.15 2 10 number, multiply the % by the number.
0.15 100 15 Job A pays more
JobB :
$533.33/ day ie; 20% of 300 0.20 300 60
0.275 1000 275 11
ii) .275 0.25 6
Ex: 22.5% of 2700 students in Beaver High
0.25 1000 250 10 Ex: Jake ran 75m in 11 seconds & Tom ran
are from Asia. How many students are
Applications of Fractions: 200m in 28seconds. Find the unit rate for
from Asia?
Ex : 1 3 of a class have black hair & 2 5 have each person and compare who is faster.
0.225 2700 608students
blonde hair. If there are 30 students in the Jake :
6.81m / s
class, how many have neither black or 11s Ex:15% of a number is 57.Find the number.
Tom is faster. Note: its 15% of an unknown number x
blonde hair? 200m
Tom : 7.14m / s
3 of 30 10 28s 0.15 x 57 divide both sides by " x "
10+12 = 22 students
5 of 30 12
2 3.6: Scale Drawings x 57 0.15
30 22 8 students have neither black or A scale drawing is an exact representation x 380 15% of 380 is 57
of an actual object that is reduced or
blonde hair.
enlarged to fit into a drawing. Ex: 20% of a number is 12. Find 5% of that
Ex: John has $500. He spent 1 5 on his car number.
All scale drawings have a scale that shows
and 2 3 of what was left on rent. How much Note: its 20% of an unknown number x
how much an object is enlarged or reduced.
money is left?
Drawing Ratio : Actual Object Ratio 0.20 x 12 5% of 60
5 of $500 $100 car $400 left x 12 0.20 0.05 60
ie: If scale is 1:5, then actual object is 5
3 of $400 $266.66 rent times bigger than drawing. x 60 3 5% of the number is 3
$500 100 266.66 $133.33 left If scale is 5:1, then actual object is 5 times
smaller than drawing.
4.3: Estimating with a Percent Ch5: Patterns & Relations: 5.4/5.5 Graphing Co-Ordinates x, y
When estimating with percents, round the 5.1: Variables & Expressions: Each coordinate is mapped onto a grid as a
number to the nearest dollar or percent. Algebraic Expression: 3x 8 y 7 xy single point.
Ex: Find 33% of $895
33% 30%
Terms: 3x,8 y,7 xy
Variables: x, y : The value of a variable
x, y 3, 5 3 right , 5down

$895 $900
30% of $900 0.3 $900 $270
x-coordinate y-coordinate 4,8 4 left, 8 up
can change to whatever you assign them. Positive: right Positive: up
Negative: left Negative: down
Ex: Sara wants to give a 15% tip for a When evaluating, substitute the variable Origin(0,0)
$85 dinner. How much tip should be with the values they are given. Y- axis
given? Ex: Evaluate, Given x 2, y 1 Quadrant 2 Quadrant 1
10% of $85 8.50 total tip 8.50 4.25 i ) 3x 2 y 1 ii ) 4 3 x y X-axis
5% of $85 4.25 12.75 Quadrant 4
4 3 2 1
Quadrant 3
3 2 2 1 1
4.4: Discount & Sale Price 642 = 4 7 28 The origin is the center of the graph with
Discount: A reduction in cost for an item 5.2: Formulas coordinates of (0,0)
Ex: A $400 Mp3 is on sale at 35% off.
When finding formulas from a table of Ex: Indicate the co-ordinates for each of the
What is the discount & sale price?
Discount : 0.35 $400 $140 values, look for patterns. following points:
SalePrice : $400 140 $360.00 Ex: Find a formula for each TOV. A 2,1
4.5: PST & GST i)
x 1 3 6 9 12
A B 4,3
PST: Provincial Sales Tax y 9 5 2 1 4
C 3,5
GST: Goods & Services Tax Pattern: the sum of each pair adds to 8 D
GST,PST,HST in Canadian Provinces 2007 Formula: x y 8 D 2, 2
GST PST HST Nun 6% x 1 3 6 9 12 C
Alb 6% Ont 6% 8% ii)
y 4 8 11 14 17
BC 6% 7% PEI 6% 10% Ex: Graph the following points, indicate
Man 6% 7% Queb 6% 7.5% Pattern: y is 5 more than x what shape it is.
NB 14% Sask . 6% 5% Formula: x 5 y Graph each point and connect the dots
NFL 14% Y .T . 6% Ex: The equation for the surface area A 1,2 B 4,3 C 3, 3 D 2, 2
NS 14% NWT 6%
of a cylinder is S 2 3.14 r 2 2 3.14 r h
Ex: If PST & GST are both 7%, what is the B
Find the area when r 4cm & h 6cm . A
total cost of $25 hat? Parallelogram!
PST : 0.07 $25 1.75 1st plug in values for r & h
S 2 3.14 4 2 3.14 4 6
GST : 0.07 $25 1.75
TotalstCost : $25 1.75 1.75 $28.50 S 2 3.14 16 2 3.14 24 D
4.6: Commission S 100.48 150.72
A wage that a salesperson would get based S 251.2cm 2
on a percentage of their sales. To find
5.6 Graphing Relations:
commission, multiply % with total sales. 5.3: Finding Ordered Pairs When graphing a relation:
With any function, every value for x will Make a table of values,
Ex: John earns a 5% commission. How generate one value for y . Every pair of Plot each point on the grid,
much will he earn if has $3000 in sales? Make a title for the graph,
x & y can be mapped onto a grid as a point.
Commission : 0.05 $3000 $150 Label both axis, and label a few points.
Ex: Cindy earns $15/hr and a 3% on When finding ordered pairs, pick a few Ex: A school wants to build a rectangular
values for x and use the formula to find the fence of 20m around a playground. Write
commission. How much does she earn if
she worked 35hr & $20,000 in sales? values for y . an algebraic expression for the perimeter
Hourly : $15 hr 35hr $525.00 Ex: Find 5 ordered pairs from y 3x 5 ii) Make a table of values &
Commission : 0.03 $20,000 $600. 00
1 : Let x 0,1,2,3,4
st iii) Graph the relations
Total : $525 $600 $1125.00 2nd : Solve for y Ordered Pairs:
4.10: Simple Interest x 0, y 3 0 5 y 5 0, 5 Width Playground

I P r t I : Interest Earned x 1, y 3 1 5 y 2 1, 2
P : Pr incipal ,$ in beginning x 2, y 3 2 5 y 1 2,1 x 1 2 4 5 6 8
x 3, y 3 3 5 y 4 i ) 2 w 2 L 20
r : InterestRate : decimal form 3, 4 ii )
y 9 8 6 5 4 2
T : Time, # of years Divide by 12 months x 4, y 3 4 5 y 7 4, 7 Length vs Width
Divide by 52 weeks , Divide by 365 days Ex: Which of the following is not an
Ex: Jerry deposited $3500 for 8months at ordered pair for: 2 y 3x 8
2.5% interest rate. How much interest will 2,1 , 1, 2 , 4, 3
he earn?
P $3500, r 0.025, t 8 2,1 : 2 1 3 2 8 Length
I 3500 0.25 8 1, 2 : 2 2 3 1 7 Not Ordered Pair

I $58. 33 4, 3 : 2 3 3 4 8 Width
Ch 6: Solving Equations: 6.7: /Distributive Prop. Ch 7: 2 Dimensional Polygons
6.1: Writing Equations When a number is in front of a bracket, Polygon: A 2D shape with 3 or more sides
Terms: expand that number with every term Triangle(3), quadrilateral(4), pentagon(5),
Sum:Add Product: Multiply inside the brackets. hexagon(6), heptagon(7), octagon(8),
Difference: Subtract Quotient: Divide nonagon(9), decagon(10), dodecagon(12).
Ex: Write an equation that describes the 35x315x9 Perimeter: Distance around a polygon
sentence. Area: Space inside a polygon
i) Eight less than a number is 12:
ie: 2 x 4 3x 8x 6 x2
7.1/7.2: Pythagorean Theorem
x 8 12 6.8/6.10:Solving Eq. with Several
ii) Three more than double a number is 21 Steps a height a 2 b 2 c 2 or
2 x 3 21 1st Use Distribute Property to simplify all a c
b base a 2 c 2 b 2 or
iii) The sum of a number and six more than brackets
2nd Move all liketerms to one side and c hypotenuse
double a number is 50. b
combine liketerms b2 c2 a 2
x 6 2 x 50
3rd Isolate x The Pythagorean Theorem can only be used
6.2:/6.3 Solving Eq. by Add/Subtract with a Right Angle Triangle:
When solving for x , the goal is to isolate x . Ex: Solve for x
i) 9 x 12 7 x 6 Move all liketerms Hypotenuse MUST be the longest side. It is
Do the opposite of what x is doing. If x is
9 x 7 x 12 12 7 x 7 x 6 12 to one side the opposite from the right angle
adding a number, then subtract that
9 x 7 x 6 12 The Base and Height can be switched back
number on both sides.
Ex: Solve for x : 2 x 6 and forth
i ) x 5 11 ii) x 7 11 x 3
Ex: Tom walks 70m East and 85m South.
x 5 5 11 5 x 7 7 11 7 7 ii ) 7 2 x Multiply all terms by LCD: 3 How far is Tom from where he started?
x6 x 18
3 1st find a,b,c: a 70, b 85, c x
3 7 3 3 2 x Cancel out Denominators x 2 702 852
6.4/6.5: Solving Eq. by Mult/Div. 3
If x is multiplying a number, then divide 21 x 6 x x 2 12125
? 85m
that number on both sides. In contrast, if 21 7 x x 12125 110m
x is dividing a number, than multiply that
3 x Tom is 110m from where he started.
number on both sides. Do the opposite.
iii ) 3 2 x 4 9 x 3
Ex: Find the height of the triangle:
Ex: Solve for x : 6 x 12 9 x 3
a x, b 40, c 60
i ) 3x 15 ii)
12 6 x 6 x 12 3 9 x 6 x 3 3
4 12 3 9 x 6 x x 2 402 602
3 x 15

4 4 12 15 3 x 60m x 2 1600 3600
3 3 4 5 x
x 2 2000
x5 x 48 Problem Solving:
40m x 2000 44.7cm
When both sides have a denominator, Ex: Mark has 12 dollars more than Jack.
multiply both sides with the LCD to cancel The sum of all their money is 40, how Formula NOTES
out the denominator. much money does each person have? 7.5 Circumference Circumference is the
Let Jacks money be x Circle 3.14 distance around the circle.
Ex: Solve for x
Let Marks money be x 12 The formula depends on
x 8
LCD: 12 ii)
5 2
LCD:3 x Jack's money + Mark's money = 40 C 2 r d whether if you have the
4 3 x 3
x x 12 40
radius or the diameter.
x 8 5 2
12 12 3x 3x Diameter = radius x 2

x 3 2 x 12 40 r d
3 x 32 15 2 x
2 x 28 7.9 Area - Circle Area is the space inside
32 15
x x x 14 Jack has $14, Mark has $26 circle. You must have the
A r2
3 2 radius to use the formula.
6.6 Liketerms: Ex: The sum of three consecutive integers r
is 72 . Find the numbers: r d 2 & r 2 r r
Liketerms have the same variables with
the same exponents. Consecutive means that the numbers are Area - Rectangle Area of a Rectangle is
ie: 3x, 11x, 170 x are liketerms in order. Ie: 1,2,333,34,35. just length times width.
Let the numbers be: x, x 1, x 2 Note: For Squares, the
8 x,3x 2 are not liketerms because the L
exponents of x are not the same. x x 1 x 2 72 length & width of a
W square are the same
3 x 3 72
Note: You could add or subtract terms
ONLY if they are liketerms 3 x 69 Area -Triangle The area of a Triangle is
x 23 23, 24, 25 are the numbers bh half of a rectangle.
Ex: Add or Subtract: A 0.5 b h Therefore it is divided by
i )3x 5 x 16 ii) 6 x 8 x 2 14 2. The base & height
must be perpendicular.
8 x 16 6 x & 8 x 2 not liketerms H
x2 Can't add them B
Area Parallelogram Area of a Parallelogram
iii) 6 x 5 8 x Move liketerms to one side is the same as a rectangle.
6x 5 6x 8x 6x
A l w bh The length is the base.
All rights reserved. Copyright
5 2x The height is the width.
Homework Depot, Vancouver, Canada
2.5 x Author: D.G.W. Y. W
Ex: Find the AREA of each shape: 8.2: Surface Areas: When finding the Surface Area,
i) Base 4cm, Height 5cm The area of all the sides added together. draw a net for the solid. Find the
4cm A BH Draw a Net to find the Surface Area (SA). area of each surface separately and
A 45 Cylinder add them.
SA 2 r 2 2 r H Ex: Find the SA of each solid:
A 20cm 2 H
7cm SA=2 Circles Rectangle 3cm

ii) Base 6m, Height x?? Top & bottom are circles. i) 3cm
2cm 4cm
The rectangle has a length
1st : Find height 2nd : Find Area
equal to the circumference. 2cm
10m 102 62 x 2 A 1
2b h Rectangular Prism
S . Area 2 (A1) +2 (A2) +2 (A3)
100 36 x 2 A 2 8 6
W Top &Bottom : 2 l w
H S . Area 2(3 4) 2(4 2) 2(2 3)
64 8 x A 24cm 2
6m Front &Back: 2 l h S . Area 2(12) 2(8) 2(6)
iii) Diameter 8cm L
Left & Right: 2 w h S . Area 52cm 2
1st : Find 2nd : Find Get the area of all six sides r=3cm
and then add them up.
Radius Area 2cm
8cm Triangular Prism ii) 3cm
R D 2 A r 2 3.14 4
2 B h
SA=2 Tri. 3 Rectangles 2cm
R 4cm A 50.3cm 2 bh
H Note: Triangle = S . Area 2 +
7.10: Composite Figures: 2
S . Area 2 3 18.85 2
Composite Figure: A 2D shape made up Triangular Pyramid
of 2 or more polygons. SA Sum of 4 Triangles S . Area 94.2cm 2
Ex: Find the Area of the shape
4m To find the Volume of a prism, first
A2 is A1 A3 add to
Rectangular Pyramid get the area of the base. Then
a square become a circle
A1 A2 A3 SA 1(Rectangle)+4(Tri.) multiply it with the height.
Ex: Find the Volume of each solid:
A2 L W A1 A3 r
Total 16 12.6 i) Diameter =8cm, Height =2cm
8.3: Volume: r 8 2 4cm
A2 4 4 A1 A3 2 28.6cm 2
The space inside the 3D solid. For Prisms, 8cm V r 2h
the volume is always given by: 2cm
A2 16cm 2 A1 A3 12.6cm 2 V 4 2

Ex: Find the Perimeter Vol. of Prisms Area of Base Height of Pr ism V 100.5cm3
The circumference is 3 of the circle. Cubes ii) Base=5cm, Hypotenuse =13cm,
4 V L W H Height of Prism =11cm. Use
The perimeter also includes the two radii's The base is L W , and the height
6cm V S S S S3 is H . Therefore the volume is pythagorus to find " h " .
1st : Circum : 2nd :Perimeter : W L W H . Since all the sides are 5 h 1st Find " h " 2nd Volume
H same, its also S S S S 3 .
C 6 P 84.8 6 6 V Area base height
4 h 5 13
2 2 2

Units for volumes are always cubed

V 1 2 5 12 11
C 84.8cm P 96.8cm ie: mm3 , cm3 , m3 . h 169 25

L 13cm
Ex: Find the area of the green part: h 144 12 V 330cm3
Big Circle r 4cm, Small Circle r 2cm
V L W H Rectangular Prism
Area Big Circle 2Sm circle The base is L W , and the height
8.5: Composite Solids:
W A 3D solid made up of 2 or more solids.
A 4 2 2
2 H is H . Therefore the volume is
4m 4m L W H . When finding volumes of composite
A 50.3 25.1 solids: separate the shape into different
A 25.2cm 2 L prisms or pyramids. Find volume of
Triangular Prism each shape separately & add/subtract.
Ch8: 3-Dimensional Solids bh
V The base is a Triangle and Ex: Find the volume of each composite
H 2
8.1: 3D Solids 2 solid:
the height is H . Multiply the area Vol
Polyhedra: 3D solid where all sides are
3cm +
B h of the triangle with the height.
made of polygons Remember: Base and Height must Vol l w h L W H
Prism: A solid where opposite sides are
H be perpendicular V 3 4 9 5 4 5
same & sides are rectangles 5cm
V 208cm3
Pyramid: A solid with a base at the
bottom & all sides are triangles that bh Triangular Prism(B) 8cm

meet at the top. 2

The base is also a triangle and the Volume +

Naming 3D Solids H height is H . The prism can be

rotated so it faces down. Therefore,
Volume l w h L
Use the base to find the description & 2
the formula stays the same. 8cm
then write prism or pyramid. h
Volume 15 7 8
Examples of descriptions: 7cm 15cm 2
Triangle Triangular Volume 1312.5cm3
Rectangle Rectangular V r H 2 Cylinders:
The base is a circle: A r 2 , and
Pentagon Pentagonal Vol
r the height is still H . Multiply the b h H r 2 H
Hexagon Hexagonal 8cm Vol 1

H area of the circle by the height to 20cm

2 10 8 20 3 20
Ie: If the base is a triangle and its a V 1
get the volume. 10cm
prism Triangular Prism V 234.8cm 2
CH 9 Geometry: 9.5: Angles in Polygons 10.3/10.4/10.5: Bar/Line/Circle Graphs
9.1/9.2: Angle & Lines Formula: Sum of all angles in a polygon: Bar Graphs Compares the amount of
diiferent things
S n 2 180 n : number of sides
Line Graphs - Shows how something
2 3
1 4 5
7 Transversal
Ex: Find the sum of all the angles in a progresses over a period of time.
pentagon. Circle Graphs: Shows how something is
1st: Pentagon has 5 sides n 5 divided into smaller parts.
Transversal: Line crossing 2 parallel lines
Ex: Draw a Bar Graph showing which color
Terms for Angles: S 5 2 180 A pentagon can
is the most popular:
Complimentary: 2 ' s that add to 90 S 3180 1 3 be turned into
Favourite Color in Class
Supplementary: 2 ' s that add to 180
3 triangles. 15
S 540 12
3 180 540
Acute: ' s less than 90 9
Ex: Find the sum of all the angles in a
Obtuse: ' s between 90 and 180 polygon with 120 sides.
Straight: ' s equal to 180 1st : n 120 S 120 2 180
Vertically Opposite: Equal ' s opposite to
Blue Yellow Red Green Orange

S 21240 Ex: Draw a Circle showing how the class

each other at an intersection
Ex: Find the value of the missing angle was divided on their colors:
ie: 1& 3, 2 & 4, 6 & 8, 5 & 7
130 145 The solid is a hexagon, so To Find the angle, multiply each percent by
Corresponding Equal ' s that correspond The sum of all the interior 360
80 X
at different intersections from two parallel angles is S 4 180 720 Colour Percent Degree
lines 140
Blue 30% 108
ie: 1& 5, 2 & 6, 3 & 7, 4 & 8 x 145 130 80 150 140 720 Yellow
Blue Yellow 24% 86

Alternate Interior Equal ' s that form x 645 720 Red

Orange Re d 18% 58
Green Green 16% 65
the Z with the parallel lines x 75 Orange 12% 43
ie: 4 & 6, 3 & 5 9.3 Line of Symmetry
Co-Interior Supplementary ' s on the A line that cuts a shape into two 10.7 Mean, Median, Mode, & Range
same side of a transversal between two Mean: average of all the numbers. Add all
symmetrical halves.
parallel lines ie: 4 & 5, 3 & 6 the numbers then divide by how many
Co-Exterior Supplementary ' s on the Ex: Find all lines of Symmetry: there are.
Median: The middle number when all the
same side of a transversal on the outside of
terms are arranged from least to greatest.
the two parallel lines. ie 2 & 7, 1& 8
If two numbers are in the middle, then
Ex: Find all missing angles: take the average of the two.
Mode:The number that appears the most.
1 1 50 , Vertically Opposite 's Range:The difference between the biggest
3 2 40 , Complimentary 's and the smallest value.
3 65 , Supplementary 's Ex: Given the set of numbers, find all the
50 measures of central tendency.
9.4:Angles in Triangles Ch 10: Statistics & Probability 3, 6, 11, 4, 5, 5, 8, 1, 5
3 6 11 4 5 5 8 1 5 48
Note:The 3 Angles in a triangle add to 180 10.1/10.2: Analyzing Data Mean 5.33
Statistic:The science collecting, organizing 9 9
Terms for Triangles Median :1,3, 4,5, 5,5,6,8,11 5
and analyzing data
Equilateral: with all 3 angles/sides equal Range :11 1 10
Survey: a process of collecting data from Mode : 5
All 3 ' s are equal to 60 . other people 10.11/.12 Probability & Indep. Events
Isosceles: with all 2 angles/sides equal Sample: a small group that is surveyed to Probability: The likelihood of an event,
Scalene with no equal angles/sides represent a population ranging from 0 to 100%.
Right Angle: with 1 angle equal to 90 Population: The entire group is being # of Desired Outcomes
studied. Pr obability
Obtuse: with 1 angle greater than 90 Total # of Outcomes
A survey is to be unbiased, where everyone
Acute: with 3 angles less than 90 Independent Events: Events that do not
has an equal chance of being selected.
affect each other. If events are
Ex: Find all missing angles: Frequency: the number of times something
independent, multiply their outcomes.
2 1 55 : Isosceles
To find the Percent divide the amount in Ex: Two dice are rolled. What is the
2 70 : ' s in 180 each category by the total value. probability of getting a sum greater
3 125 : Suppl. ' s Ex: A class of 50 students was surveyed on than 9? Create a sum chart
55 1 3 what their favourite color was. Use the 1 2 3 4 5 6
chart to answer the following questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
30 1 2 75 : Isosceles Colour Frequency Percent 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 75 : Corresponding ' s 6
1 2 Blue 15 15 30% f 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pr x 9 16.7%
4 105 :Supplimentary ' s 50 36
4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 105 :Alternate Interior ' s Yellow 12 12 24%
50 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 5 Re d 8 8 16% 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 110 : Co Exterior ' s Green 9 9
18% Ex: A coin & dice is rolled. What is the
70 2 40 : 's in Orange 6 6 12%
probability of getting a H & 3?
1 3 40 : Corresponding 's
50 Pr head Dice : 3 independent events!
Total : 50
1 1 1
30 2 3 i) Which color is the most popular? Blue Pr
2 6 12

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