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Yoga Sadhana


Starting Position:(Prarambic stithi)

The position which is adopted in PM-I series for legs and

also for arms.
Here the arms are placed behind the buttocks with finger
Pointing outwards leaning the entire back with the legs stretching
in front of the body.

PM-I( legs)

Toe bending:
While inhaling bend the toes backward
While exhaling bend the toes forward

Ankle bending:
While inhaling bend the ankle backward
While exhaling bend the ankle forward

Ankle rotation:
While inhaling rotate the ankle in backward direction.
While exhaling rotate the ankle in forward direction.

Knee Bending:
Interlocking the fingers under your thighs stretch the
Knee and lower leg while inhaling
While exhaling bend the knee and bring the thighs
against the abdomen.

Knee Rotation:
Interlock the elbows under your thighs.
Inhaling rotate the toe in upward direction from the knee jt.
Exhaling rotate the toe in downward direction from the knee jt.
Half Butterfly Pose:
Sit in Starting position.
Bend the Rt Knee and drop the knee on the floor.
Lift the Rt foot and place the Rt foot on the opposite (Lt) thigh, with the
Rt hand holding the Rt Knee and Lt hand holding the toes of the Rt foot.
Inhale and lift the knees towards the chest with the head, neck, back is
in one straight line.
Exhale and bring down the knees and gently tap the knees against the
floor. Repeat the same for 5 rounds. Gradually bring down the foot on the floor
Straighten the leg. Repeat the same with the opposite leg.

Hip Joint Rotation:

Sit in Starting position.
Bend the Rt Knee and drop the knee on the floor.
Lift the Rt foot and place the Rt foot on the opposite (Lt) thigh, with the
Rt hand holding the Rt Knee with the index finger pointing outwards and Lt hand
holding the ankle of the Rt leg.
Now holding the ankle of the Rt leg, While inhaling rotate the knee from
the hip joint in the up ward direction and exhaling in the downward direction
making a big circle with the index finger. Repeat the same with the opposite leg.
Make a rotation in both clock wise and anticlock wise direction (5 rds each).

Full Butterfly Pose:

Sit in Starting Position.
Bend both the knees and drop the Knees on the floor on both the sides.
Hold the toes by interlocking the fingers, move the knees both in upward
and downward direction in normal breathing.

PM-I( arms)

Clenching fist:
Inhaling separate all the fingers.
Exhaling make a fist.

Wrist bending:
Inhaling bend the wrist in a forward &backward direction as if you are
Pushing the wall from your hands.
Exhaling bend the wrist in a forward & downward direction
Wrist rotation:
Make a fist; rotate the fist from the wrist in clockwise and anticlockwise
Direction in normal breathing.

Elbow Bending:
Inhaling stretch the elbows and the arms.
Exhaling bend the elbows and touch the shoulders.

Shoulder rotation:
Bend the elbows with your fingers touching the shoulders.
Bring both the elbows in front of your chest, rotate the
Elbows in upward direction beside the ears.
While exhaling bring down the elbows.
Rotation done in both clock wise and anticlockwise direction.

Head rotation:
Rotate the head from the neck in clockwise and anticlockwise direction.
Inhale while u rotate the neck in backward direction and exhale while u rotate the
neck in forward direction.

Points to be remember:
Begin the PM-I(legs) in starting position,PM-I(arms)could
be done in starting position or meditative posture.

Aware of the breath ,movement of joints ,muscles involved

while performing asana.

After each asana give yourself some time to feel the effected
Body parts and relax. Take a deep abdominal breath after
each asana.

Perform minimum ten rounds and five rounds each in clockwise

And anticlockwise direction.

Once you master the P.M-I with the normal breathing ,try to
Practice the P.M-I with Ujjayi Pranayama.
P.M-II(Abdominal series)

Uttanapadasana(Raised Legs Pose):

Chakrapadasana(Leg Rotation):


Suptaudarakarshanasana(Sleeping Abdominal Stretch Pose):

Naukasana(Boat Pose):

P.M.-III(Energy Block postures)

Gatyatmak Meru Vakrasana(Dynmic Spinal twist):

Chakki Chalanasana(Churning the Mill):

Nauka Sanchalanasana(Rowing the Boat):

Backward Bending Asanas

Advasana:(reversed corpse pose):

Makarasana(csrocodile pose):

Bhujangasana(cobras pose):

Ardhashalabasan(half locust pose):


Abdominal Breathing:

Thoracic Breathing:

Full Yogic Breathing :

Bhastrika(bellows breathing):

Nadi Shodana Pranayama(psychic network purification):

Bramari Pranayama(humming bee breath)

Ujjayi Pranayama (the psychic breath)

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