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BIOL 105: Exam 2 Study Guide

The following is a study guide that highlights key definitions, terms, facts and concepts that will be on
the exam. The following list is broken up by topic/chapter to help organize your studying.
Questions will focus on lecture content; however, any material covered in class or the book is fair
game for the exam.

Chapter 7: Inside the Cell

1) Know the following terms:
2) Know the three major Domains of life
3) Know there difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
4) Be able to recognize and label the basic parts of a bacteria cell
5) Be able to recognize and label the basic parts of a eukaryotic cell (animal and plant)
6) Know the organelles we went over and what their functions are
7) Know what goes into and out of the nucleus and how this process is regulated
8) Know the basic sequence of proteins are processed by the endomembrane system
9) Know the three main types of cytoskeletal structures: their names, structure, function and
10) Know the difference between cilia and flagella

Chapter 9: Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

1) Know the following terms: ATP synthase
2) Know the basic structure of ATP
3) Know the basic ideas of how ATP works (e.g. phosphorylation)
4) Know how redox reactions work
5) Know the basic equation for cellular respiration
6) Know the steps of cellular respiration and know the major inputs/outputs at each step
7) Know what feedback inhibition is and how it works
8) Know the similarities/differences between cellular respiration and fermentation
9) Know the two main kinds of fermentation

Chapter 10: Photosynthesis

1) Know the following terms: autotroph, heterotroph, accessory pigment, photosystem, stomata,
2) Know the general equation for photosynthesis
3) Know what can happen when energy is absorbed by molecules
4) Know the basic information about light we discussed in class
5) Know the two parts of photosystems
6) Know the basic steps of photosynthesis and know the major inputs/outputs at each step
7) Know the three main types of photosynthesis

Chapter 11: Cell-Cell Interactions

1) Know the following terms: extracellular layers, cross talk
2) Know the differences between the primary and secondary cell wall in plants
3) Know what the extracellular matrix is in animals, know the two main types we discussed, and
how it attaches to cells
4) Know types of connections between cells: middle lamella, tight junctions and desmosomes
5) Know the ways cells have of communicating with each other: plasmodesmata, gap junctions,
6) Know the detailed steps of cell signaling we discussed in class (including G proteins and
enzyme-linked receptors)
Chapter 12: The Cell Cycle
1) Know the following terms: cell division, lymphatic system, gene, chromosome, chromatid,
centromere, karyotype
2) Know the progression of cancer (e.g. benign, malignant, metastatic)
3) Know how cancer cells differ from normal cells
4) Know the basic structure of chromosomes
5) Know the steps of the cell cycle
6) Know the three major checkpoints that help control the cell cycle
7) Know the two types of genes that help control the cell cycle
8) Know what telomeres and telomerase are and how they relate to cancer
9) Know the basic detection methods for cancer
10) Know the treatment options for cancer

Chapter 13: Meiosis

1) Know the following terms: homologous chromosomes (homologs), autosomes, sex
chromosomes, nondisjunction,
2) Know the difference between haploid, diploid and how to interpret what n, 2n, etc. means
3) Know the key steps of meiosis (both meiosis I and meiosis II)
4) Know what crossing over is and what it causes
5) Know why sexual selection is often advantageous
6) Know the key differences between mitosis and meiosis

Short Films
1) Know the material on the viewing guide for the films

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