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Consider the following two statements consisting of Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and select
your answer using the codes given below:

Assertion (A) Rise of militant movements in Indian National movement revealed to

the British Government, the extent to which the Indians were.
humiliated and dissatisfied.

Reason (R) Indian youth were involved in large numbers in lnilitant movements
and left their foot prints as Heros.

~ Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation to (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false

(C) (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct explanation to (A)

(D) (A) is false and (R) is true

t51W6lJQ9ill ,@Q96lJrrffi,$lUJriJa;Glf1Gil
Q a;rr@ffia;uuL.@moo Iffi.d>!llI(Iffi.) a;rr~""" ill (a; rr) qo,$l UJ"'l6lJ a;"'lOOffi a;Q9~~Gil

Qa;rr.;.r@ gGw Qa;rr@ffia;uuL.@mooQ!Orr@jut516151(9)i;i91 "-rFJa;m 61S1"'lL"'lUJ~ Q!OITlGljQIFwa;.

,@)i;~UJ 61S1@!O"'l6\JUGurr~rrL.L~~Gil. ~61S1~G!OMUJ6lJrr~a;Glf1w ,"@IfM, qoriJ,$IG6\JUJ

qoL.M ,@)i;~UJr'ra;"'lOO '")i;!O ~oo61S1d>@j g~"'lLOUU@~ ,If>illt51ffi"'la; ,@wffia;1f

Q IFW~ (9)i;!Oi9I ,"",:,U"'l!O "-""" r'r~~ UJ191.

,@)i;~UJ ,@"'lOOI@jr'ra;m ~~a; ~oo61S1Gil' ~61S1~ G!OMUJ6lJrr~a;m ,@UJffia;~~Gil

,@"'l""")i;iJ. ,If>rrUJa;r'ra;oo rra; 10 riJa;oo191~"'lQT Glja;"'l 00 61S1L.@1f Q IFWW moo QTr'r.

o 27 GTBA14
[Turn over
102. Identify the leader who uttered the following statement:

"I am not anti-English, I am not anti-British, I am not anti-any government, but I am

anti-untruth, anti-humbug and anti-injustice .... so long as the government spells injustice, it
may regard me as its enemy, implacable enemy ....".

(A) Gopala Krishna Gokhale (B) Bala Gangadhara Tilak

$' M.K. Gandhi (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

8i1 Q)P;i9I';;@) GTib1~IT6'TQJ';' ~ Ql Q), IVIT';' <!I!>rF.J

" . . .. IVIT';' <!I!>rF.J 8i1 aQ) llJ IT16(5';;@) GTib1~ IT6'TQJ';' ~ QlQ), IVIT';' GT!bib
~ ~/fITrF.J16p;ib1Ii>@)Lb GTib1~IT6'TQJ';' ~ QlQ) , <!I!>6'TITQl IV IT';' "-""'"" LO';;@)U LjIDLbU IT6'TQJ Ii>rDi Ii>@) GTib1~IT6'TQJ';';
aLO IT/ftq.,;;@) GTi5l~IT6'TQJ';'; ~'ib1,;;@) GTib1~IT6'TQJ';'; ~ ~16 GTi91QJ",,~ ~'ib1llJ IT16 IVL!bi91 GI6ITGil8i1IDaibIT
~ QJ IT16Gil GT';'"" 6'T U ""I6QJ 6'TIT16 16C'9i91QJ IT, /fLOITibIT6'TU U Gl P;ib (LP tq.llJ ITib U ""I6QJ 6'TIT16 16C'9i91QJ IT. "

103. Which national leader uttered the following statement?

"I am an Indian Tom Tom waking up all the sleepers so that they wake and work for their

(A) E.G. Thilak (B) Gopala Krishna Gokhale

~ Annie Beasant (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

" IVIT';', ~C'9 @!bib1llJ';', ibu U L"" L ~ tq.~i9I "-ID rF.J@)UQJITI6",,6!T 6lSI\91P;G ib i-9 G /fuJ i9I ' ib ITuJIVITL tq.1i>@)
U 6<!<lfIllJITIi>IPlLOITIPI6lSI\91 U Lj<mITQJ GlflU a u@T" .


GTBA14 28 0
104. Consider the following pair.s.
I. Swami Vivekananda Parliament of Religious Chicago 1893
II. M.S. SubbuIak&hmi Patronized art and architecture
III. Mother Teresa Central Hindu School, Banaras .

IV. Raja Ravivarma Classical paintings

Which of the pair given above is/ar~ correct? "

(A) I only . ~ II only
(C) III only (D) IV only

LSlmGlJ ('!>Lb .@ 60l~TI"""m a; ('!>~~ riJ Q a;rr 6iTa;.

I. ffiGlJrruSl 6lS1C:GlJa;rr6OT)i;f5rr 1893 ~Lb ~...m-G' $I1i;a;rrC:a;rr6lS1m IfLDllJ urr~rr~LDm!DLb

II. GTLb.GTffil.ffiUl..jQ)LffiuSl a;6OlQ) LD!Di!JILb a; Ltq.LIi;a;6OlQ)

III. <!lIm6Ol6OTQf5~lfrr' LD~~ llJ .@)i;i9Ju u 6iT6TfI,u

IV. ~rr1!lrr ~6lS1GlJinDrr u ~ 60lLDllJ rr60TSl6lS1llJ ffiJa; 6iT

c:LD!D@j!!5luLSlcoL.@",,_a;6TfIriJ GT191Iflfl?



105. Which is not the work of Ottakkuttar?

(A) Senkuntarmalai (B) Saraswathi Anthathi

, Yapparun Kalam (D) Arumbai ToIIayiram

GT)i;f5!9ITriJVlLLIi; .~f5IT GT@~llJi9J ~riJQ)?

(A) QlfffiJ@j)i;f5IT LDrr6OlQ) . (B) If~ ffil GlJi5l <!lI)i;p;rri5l

(C) llJrruu('!>ffiJa;Q)Lb (D) <!lI('!>Lb""u~ Qp;rr6iTmrrt6l~Lb

106. Who was the founder of the Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party?
(A) Achariya Menon (B) J.B. Kriplani Menon
T Achariya J.B. Kriplani (D) Jai Prakash Narayanan

lQ\)rrm LDffili9ITITLSl~!B1!lrr a;L$I""llJ~ C:p;rr!Di!JI6lS1~f5GlJITllJrrIT?

(A) ~6lfrrITllJrr C:LD6OTm (B) J.B. l('!>umQ\l C:LD6OTm

(C) ~6lfrrITllJrr J.B. l('!>umQ\l (D) Q1!luJLSl ~a;rr~ )!irr~rrllJ_m

D 29 GTBA14
[Turn over
107. Who became the Chief Minister of Madras Presidency in 1923 after Justice party won the
(A) Ramarayeningar (13) K.V. Reddy
(C) T.N. Sivagnanam Pillai (D) A.V. PatI'o

1923 ~til ~6IiIT(jj\ ID6<lLUGUdJ!D G"",,6<lm LllIT8iIT6Ilm" ~ibrTib6Ul6iJ iBib!8iLJ1 G6lJdJ!!5IQudJ!D L51!D@jUJITrT
G"",,6<lm LllIT8iIT6Ilm"
~ib!"" CPib6iJ Lll)i;ib!r\lUJIT8i G u IT!PIu~u dJ!DITrT?
~ ~ITLll~ITUJ6011ffiJ8irT (B) ~8i.61SI. G~Ltq.
(C) tq.GT"". J16lJI@jITmtil L51cir6<lm (D) GJ.61SI UIT~~~IT

108. Who made the statement: 'Worship of God through the services of the poor'?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) Mother Therasa
.y Swami Vivekananda (D) Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

" GJ6<llj?8ii5"@j G ibIT6IiIT(jj\8icirG./ tU6lJ19]8iL ~ 6<lm 6lJ6Ilm"

ffiJ@j6lJibdJ@j"Lll til" GT""!PI ""-!!5IUJ6lJrTUJITrT?
(A) Lll8iIT~LllIT8iIT)i;ib! (B) ~",,6<lm Gib~"IT

(C) "'6lJITu5I61SI~6lJ8iITm)i;ibIT (D) ~ITLll,$1(i9Gi!p.mU~Lll~til"rT .

109. Point out the wrong statementin the following:

I. The place which experiences the seismic event first is called epicentre.
II. Tornadoes are "S" :,haped storms.
III. Harmattan wind is blowing in the Eastern part of Sahara desert.
IV. The word Igneous has been derived from a Latin word.
(A) . III (B) IV
II (D) I

~$6liITL $<I9~i9I$ffil6iJ ib6lJ!DITm6<lib $Ltq." $IT6liITL5I,,$~til.

I. CY'ib""CY'ib6Ul6iJLj61Sl~ib!rT~ GJdJu(jj\til ~L~6<lib Lj61Sl~ib!rT J16<lLllUJtil GTm ~6<lll?"$uu(jj\,$1!Di9I.
II. ~LITrTm~LIT LjUJ6iJ "S" 6lJtq.6lJ~i9IL"" ~<!!J"@jtil.
III . ~ ITrTLllLL"" 8iITdJ!PI 8'~ IT~IT61SI"",$1lj?"@jU U @jib!u516iJGU$,$1""!Di9I.
IV . ~ ,,6011UJGillGT""!D6lJITrT6<lib UJITm i9I ~ 6l)~ib!"" Q LllIT\j$lu516Ul(i9)i;i9I G U !DU U LLi9I.
(A) . III (B) IV
(C) II (D) I

GTBA14 30 o

110. Match the following pollutants.

(a) Gaseous pollutant l. Anthrax

(b) Metal pollutant 2. Chlorine

(c) Deposited matter pollutant 3. Cadmium

(d) Bio pollutant 4. Tar

(a) (b) (c) (d)

2 3 4 1

(B) 1 2 3 4

(C) 4 3 2 1

(D) 3 1 .2 4

.$~';;ffiIT~til UlrrBiuG\i5~Bi."m Qurr<.'9i5~ffi.

(a) ffirrW11Jl
UlrrBiuG\i5~ l. ~~~lJrr.;;.m

(b) ,,-G:6Ilrrffi UlrrBiuG\i5~ 2. @iG:mrrrTIGOT

(c) U L'IJLJ ."ou.;;8lu U CoL UlrrBiUG\i5~ 3. ffirrLu'l LlJ til

(d) ,ulSlir UlrrBiuG\i5~ 4. p;rrir

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 2 3 4 1

(B) 1 2 3 4

(C) 4 3 2 1

(D) 3 1 2 4

o 31 GTBA14
[Turn over
Ill. Which of the following is correctly. matched? .

1. Meteors Shooting star

II. Comets Revolve round the earth

III. Halley's Comet Appear once in 100 years

IV. Milky Way Hundreds of stars

~. I

(B) II


(D) IV

1. ..,.r\1a;iiJa;cir

II. QJITGU)!iL8'~ibIIJUl !dull." UJ a; iiJ!DlQJ (!91W~

III. G:~61Sl.m QJITGU)!iL8'~ibIIJUl 100 QJ(!9L~ibIiiJ@i jjl(!9ciP"'W G:iOITm1!JlUl


(A) I

(B) II

(e) III

(D) IV

GTBA14 32 o
112. Match the following List I with List II with regards to reservoir. Select correct answer using
the codes given below the list:
List I List II
(a) Human being 1. Cholera
(b) Livestock 2. Ring worm
(c) Rodents 3. Plague
(d) Dogs and 'Cat 4. Anthrax

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 1 2 3 4

" ;r~
(D) 2

lQljuSlo$.rrl.;, .@Qljut5IL~6<lib Qo$lToo-(!;l 6lJITI6<l1f I-l!>..L';' 6lJITI6<lIf' II-re QUITQIj~~Ili. 6lJITI6<llfo$~';;@j .$~W
l!>..GirmQ iblT@jut5I6I5lQlj)5:!91IfITIwIT6>T6l5I6<lL6<lW Q::o ITIGljQ If LUIli.

6lJITI6<lIfI 6lJITI6<lIfII
(a) LD..tlib';' 1. o$lTQ)~1T
(b) o$lT6\J)D6<lLili Gir 2. 6lJ6<lmw LJ@
(c) Q 1li1T16I
U U 6<l6lJ 3. t51~m.;;
)DITLULDlDIJ)/lb l,j,6<l6>T 4. ~';'~~IT';;.w

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 1 4 3 2
(D) 2 3 1 4

113. Energy flow in an eco system is

~ Unidirectional

(B) Multidirectional

(C) Bidirectional

(D) No direction

<5\l))bl6<lQ) LDOO-L6\)~%!6\J Q6lJ.rrluuGllb If';;%! SlL.LLDIT6>T:!9I

(A) ~~~%!6<l1f C:)DIT.;;1

(B) UGIl%!6<l1f~)DIT.;;1

(C) .@QIj%!6<l1f~)DIT.;;1

(D) %!6<lIfWlDiD

o 33 GTBA14
[Turn over
114. Which of the following statement is correct?

I. When blood. glucose level decreases, the hormone glucagon signals the liver to
prq.duce and release more glucose and to stop consuming it for its own needs.

II. When blood glucose level decreases, the hormone glucagon signals the liver to
produce and release more glucose and to increase consuming it for its own needs.

III. When blood glucose level is high, insulin signals liver to synthesize and storage of
glycogen and triacyl glycerol.

IV. When blood glucose level is high, insulin signals liver to stop the synthesis and
storage of glycogen and triacyl glycerol.

~ IandIII

(B) I and IV

(C) II and III

(D) II and IV

1. fiMIf,if> @)~8;C: rrdu ~QT6l.j @j6D!D"-ILbC:urr~. @)~ rrm .@LlJ8;@)lbrT. ~$l'" ~QTQ\lbiJ
@j~8;C: rr6DGll)if>LlJrrrlllf,~ Q\l@Q\l8;@jLb U"l- .biJGliIJ6D6\l1f,@)IT~@$Im!D~. C:LDWLbif>6m~ C:if>6DQJgrr
@j~8;C: rr6D/FU uLlJmu@If,~QJ6Dif>"-ILb if>@8;$Im!D~.

II. .@1J1f,if> @j~8;C: rrdu ~QT6l.j @j6D!D"-ILbC:urr~, @j~ rrm .@LlJ8;@jlbrT, ~$l'" ~QTQ\lbiJ
@j~8;C: rr6DGll) if>LlJrrrlllf,~ Q\l@Q\l8;@jLb U"l- biJGliIJ6D6\l1f,@)IT~@$Im!D~. C:LDWLb ~$l'" ~QTQ\lbiJ
@j~8;C: rr6D/Fif>m C:if>6DQJ8;rru uLlJmu@If,~$Im!D~.

III. . .@1J1f,if>@j~8;C: rrdu ~QT6l.j ~$l rIl8;@jLbC:urr~ .@mlFiQ\1m ~$l'" ~QTQ\lbiJ $I6DQTC:rrQ1ljm LDWIDILb
"l-6DIJ~ 6D1FbiJ$I GlfI/F1J
rr6D6\l1f,if>LlJrrrllIf,~ C:/FuSl8;@)Lbu"l-biJGliIJ6D6\l1f,@)IT ~ @ $Im!D~ .

IV. .@1J1f,if>@)~8;C: rrdu ~QT6l.j ~$l rIl8;@jLb C:urr~ .@m Q\1m, $I6Dmc: rrQ1ljm LDWIDILb"l-6D1J~6D/FbiJ


$IGlf1/FlJrrbiJ,,-wulf,$lLDWIDILb C:/FuSlu6DU ,!BlIDIIf,~Lbu"l-biJGliIJ6D6\l1f,@)IT~@$Im!D~





GTBA14 34 0
115. .In the Union budget 2013-14, Rs. 1,000 crores has been allocated for funding women
empowerment and safety. The name of the fund is called
(A) Abhaya fund
~ Nirbhaya fund
(C) Soubagya fund
(D) Sumangali fund

2013-14 LD~~llJ ~~'" G1.J~6ljQ661l6lj,,_,,8iI0 (Ilj. 1,000 a"rrLq- ,@~ Qu.;.,."ffi ~~"rr~LDllJLDrr""0 LDrDg)I
~i9I"",uuL0ffimi91. ~P;!!i ,@~u\16i!TQUllJir .
(A) ~UllJrr ,@~
(B) ,@irullJrr,@~
(C) Q6mu~,,8illlJrr ,@~
(D) "'LDffiJ",QIl ,@~

116. Privatisation is supported for the following reasons, point. out which of the following
statement is/statements are correct.
I. To improve efficiency.
II. To reduce government interference.
III. To increase. freedom and speed of decision making.
IV. To disown the responsibility of the government.
V. To promote private sector culture by introducing competition.
(A) I, II and V are correct
..,r I, II, III and V are correct
I, III, IV and V are correct
(D) I, III arid IV are correct

LDrr 8iW"';"'L ""-rDg)I"m10"rIIllJrr6I>T6I>TG1.J
"@j!!i0@jJD1~!!i GT6I>TG1.J?
I. ~ lJ)6I>T
~ ~ "rII"".
II. ~~If16i!T!!i6I>T6IllDLLq-6I>T6I>T
III. "'iOP;~~LDrr"GljLD.
IV. ~~'" i06i!TQurrg)lULj8;6I>Tm
V. au rrLLq-u\16I>T
6I>T (1jl"Uu 0ib~.i06O\lllJ
~ JD1 rrn-i9I6I>T
!D"@jrllllJU';"'Lj "6I>T
m 6lJmir"".
(A) I, II LDrDg)lLD
(B) I, II, III LDrDg)lLD
V "rIIllJrr6I>T6I>T6lJ
(C) I, III, IV LDrDg)lLD
V "rIIllJrr~"'6lJ
(D) I, III LDrDg)lLD
IV "rIIllJrr6OT6I>T6lJ

o 35
[Turn ovel'
117. In 2007, the percapita consumption of energy in India was -----_ Kilogram of oil
(A) 529 (B) 592
(C) 295 (D) 925

2007 --'{j,tD --'{j,6lirrGl, ~)i;~IUIT6>S16iJ ib6O\1)!luiT ,"ITl68;~ 19J/liiT6>Sl6bT<!9Iffi6lj -- ~ gJG:6UITgJ~ITtD

,"6lirr6",,"" U~.,jLGl8;@l 6LDtD.

~ 529 (B) 592

(C) 295 (D) 925

118. The oxidation number of Mn in K2Mn04 is
(A) +2 (B) +4
+6 (D) 0

K2Mn04 -6iJ Mn-m --'{j,MllG:arWjD ,"6lirr

(A) +2 (B) +4
(C) +6 (D) 0

119. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen is coloured?

W Np ~ ~~
(C) NO T N02

\i?/li.,;,rL 6)!lL~I6bT --'{j,8;66Gl/li6ITl6iJ '"191 )fi1jD(lJl6LlUi9J?

W N~ ~ ~~
(C) NO (D) N02

120. Colemanite is an important mineral of

../fJ Boron (B) Aluminium
(C) Gallium (D) Indium

G:IT6iJLD6arL iSlGirrQJ('1jtD ~ iT :L G:6UIT/liib~Girr(lJl8;gJ IULDITar 60\1LDLDIT@ltD

(A) G:UIT~ITGirr (B) <!9I@)Ju5l6O\1IUtD
(C) G:Q\1lUtD (D) ~Girr"l-lUtD

GTBA14 36 o
121. Consider the following pairs:

I. X rays - Rutherford

II. Atomic Nucleus - Roentgen

III. Artificial radioactivity - Curie and Juliot

Which of the pair given above is/are correct?

(A) I only

(B) II and III only

(C) I and II only

JII'f III only

(A) I l1lLQjlLb

(C) I l1lIDWLb II l1lLQj1Lb

(D) III l1lLQj1Lb

o 37 GTBA14
[Turn over
122. Consider the followingstatements and select the correct answer.
1. The path of a projectile is a parabola.
II. The acceleration due to gravity at the centre of the earth is zero.
III. The gravitational constant does not have unit and dimensions.
~ Both I and 11are correct but III is false
(B) Both I and III are correct but 11is false
(C) I, .n, III all are correct
(D) Both 11and III are correct but I is false

.$WIh.mL 8<>.rDi!)I"'''''''' "'Qljp;ibIciJ Q "'IT.m (i)I /fIfhu IT6m 6lSI." L'" lLJp; Gi5 rr)i>Q i5(i)1 :

1. GTrTlQuITQljm ~6SrJDl6Sr UIT"'i5 UIJQJ"'''''6tj ~@iLD,

11. LJ6lSIu516Sr"'LDlLJp;ibIciJ LJ6lSIrrrruLJ (Y'(i)I';;"'p;ibI6Sr LDiblULJ !J1R1llLJLD ~@iLD.

11 1. rr rru L5llLJciJ LDITJDl<IIl';;@i ~ Q)@i LDrDi!)ILDU rTlLDIT_"" '" m 8J." L lLJIT191.

(A) 'I LDrDi!)ILD11 8'rTllLJIT6m."QJ ~6mITciJ III i5QJi!)I

(B) I LDrDi!)ILDIII 8'rTllLJIT6m."QJ ~6mITciJ 11 i5QJi!)I

(C) 1, 11, m ~8JlLJ ~"'6mP;i91LD 8'rTllLJIT6m."QJ

(D) II LDrDi!)ILDIII 8'rTllLJIT6m."QJ ~6mITciJ I i5QJi!)I

123. \'\Thatis the relation between the voltage 'V across the ends of a resistor 'R' and the current
'r which flows through it?
(A) V=- (B) I=VR

.." 1= V
(D) V = 12R

R GT@JLD u516Sri5."L QJ~GlLJ Q8'GU@lLD u516SrG6mITL.LLD 'I' @iLD ~i56Sr @il!)J.;;G", ~"'LD)i>i91m""
u516Sr6m@P;i5P;ibIrD8J"'Lu51Q)IT6m (V) Q i5 ITLrrLJ GT6Sr6m?

(A) V=~ (B) I=VR


(C) 1= V, (D) V = 12R


GTBA14 38 0
124. Which of the following vitamins are water-soluble?

(A) Thiamine, Riboflavin, Vitamin-D and Vitamin-E

(B) Niacin, Vitamin-BIz, Vitamin~K and. Vitamin-D

~ Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin a.ndVitamin-BIz

(D) Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E, Vitamin-K and Folic Acid

~';;";';"'L GiOfTLlT";,,,lki> G";fT(!j\,;;,,;uuL(!j\mm, QlGULLlD1GM,,;cl16iJ. 6l')!>iO GiOfTLn- iO.;.,..."rITI6iJ - ";QlglU';;


125. World Meteorological Organisation head quarters islocated at

~ Geneva

(B) Taiwan

(C) Pentagon

(D) Manila

(A) G1JilQ\1GUfT



(D) Ul.ml6\lfT

39 GTBA14
0 [Turn over
126. The expansion of e-PPS is
..I'J Electronic Project Proposal System
(B) Electronic Population Prediction System
(C) Electronic Polymer Purchasing System
(D) Electronic Petrol Purchasing System

(A) uSlm6>T@ i5lL-L (lpmQLDrr~i"ru <!9jffiLDULj

(B) uSlm6>T@ LDffiGiTQi"rrffi'" 6lJ(i96lJ@jIffilJl!;i"ru <!9jffiLDULj

(C) uSlm 6>T@ U rr61SILDiTQ rrGiTGlSlffi
6llT<!9jffiLDU Lj

(D) uSlm6>T@ QULGlJrrru Q rrGiTGlSlffi6llT


127. The first clear detection of water vapour in asteroid belt was reported by
(A) Indian Space Research Organisation (B) NASA
(C) Russian Space Agency .;If' European Space Agency

@)!'JIriuGrrGiTu@)i5luSlru fijITim ~GlSl @(i9UUffii" u!D05ltu Qi"6Tf16lJrr6llT(lptq.ffi6lJ Q6lJ6Tf1uSlLL@jI

(A) @)!;~hum GlSl...,.Q6lJ6Tf1~uJQj ~!'JI6lJ6>Ttil (B) )!irr6rr

(C) lJ~UJ GlSl...,.Q6lJ6Tf1~!'JI6lJ6>Ttil (D) rnGlJrruurr GlSl...,.Q6lJ6Tf1~!'JI6lJ6>Ttil

128. The Vice President of India is elected by

I. The members of 10k Sabha
II. The members of Rajya Sabha
Out of these
(A) Neither I nor II (B) I only
(C) II only
-? Both I and II

@)!; ~ UJrrGlSlm @jIffi_ @)tq.UJlJ"'1!;i"ffiQJ6lJ ffi lJ Gi5 iT)!;Q i"@uu@jI

I. LDffi",.".ffi 6lJ "'-!'JIU LSl6llTiT


II. LDrr~",riu"'''''ffi6lJ l>...!'JIuLSl6>TiT


(A) I <!9j6\lQJ@jIII -til @6\lffi'" (B) I LDL@til

(C) II LDL@til (D) I LD!D!'JItilII @lJ...,.@til

GTBA14 40 0
129. Arrange in chronological order:
I. Bhairon Singh Shekkawat
II. K.R. Narayanan
III. Mohammed Hamid Ansari
IV. Krishna Kant
(A) III, IV, I and II (B) II, IV, I and III
(C) I, III, II andIV (D) IV, II, III and I

.I. ..,uC:~rrw 51"" Q~ffirrQJ~

II. K.R. )!irr~rrlU_w
III. QPffilDi9J~tll~ <2>IwlFrrrfl
IV. $1(!lj~_ ffirr,!i>~
(A) III, IV, I lDWWtb. II vir II, IV, I lDWWtb III
(C) I, III, II lDWWtb IV (D) IV, II, III lDWWtb I

130. The world forestry day is observed on

(A) 8'h March (B) 15'h March
..jJIf 21" March (D) 22nd March

~Q)ffi QJQT )!irrffi <2>I@JlFrfl';;ffiUU~QJi9J

(A) lDrrrT" - 8 (B) lDrrrT" -15
(C) lDrrrT" - 21 (D) lDrrrT" - 22

131. Ladies singles final in Wimbledon - 2013 had won by

..A M. Bartoli (B) S. Lisicki
(C) S. Peng (D) K Nara

2013 Q) )!i"'LQUW!D 6lSltbt51ffiLW lDffimlrT';;ffirrrn ~W"'!DlUrT t51rfl6lSlQ)QQJwo51 QUW!DQJrT lUrrrT?

(A) M. urTC:Lrr6lSl (B) S. 6lSlw,;;$1

(C) S. Quw"",;; (D) K )!irrllrr

o 41 GTBA14
[Turn over
132. The programme Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is aimed at

(A) providing free food for the poor people

.,A. providing education for children

(C) providing financial assistance to unemployed

(D) providing free medical aid to the poor

'IfITGU618;~ ~LS1lUIT6N' 6r6NlD ~LL:ii~6N G)!lIT8;/lilDITGU~

(A) GJ""~ lD8;/li\B8;@i "-_GUcll8;@jLb ~LLLb

(B) 61lDITIT
/li\B8;/liIT 61!T /li6ilGlll6lJ~ rfu@jLb~ LLLb

(C) GGU""Q)lUWGlDITQ?8;@jJtl~ "-!5Gl1l.GU~rfu@jLb~LLLb

(D) GJ""~/li\B8;@j {@Q)GUIflDQ?:ii~GU "-!5Gl1l GU~rfu@jLbSLLLb

133. Which one of the following is known as the world's eternal city?

(A) Athens (B) Berlin

(C) Cairo Rome

(A) GJG!56NQu (B) QUIT6l\16N

(C) Q/litiJG~IT (D) G~ITLb

134. The state that has literacy rate lower than the national average is

(A) West Bengal (B) Maharastra

Andhra Pradesh (D) Karnataka

(A) GlDW@jGUrfu/liITmLb (B) lD/liIT~IT~"l-~IT

(C) qj,,ri>~~ LS1~G!5IfLb (D) /liIT)!lITL/liIT

GTBA14 42 D
135. Find the missed figure in the sequence

EB 13
(1) (2)



- -
(C) (D)

6lJITl."Ifu516iJlLGITGTT G>Sl(ij\ULL 6lJ"'~ULi1;"'~8; 1li.m(ij\,Sltq.8;Ili6ljtD:

EB 13
(1) (2)



- -
(C) (D)

o 43 GTBA14
[Turn over
136. Arrange the given words in a meaningful sequence:

1. Honey 2. Flower 3. Bee 4. Wax

(A) 1,3,4,2 (B) 2, 1,4,3

2,3, 1,4 (D) 4,3,2, 1


.sIP8;",dN L 6lJITIT
ii;'" 10"'''' GIT.~ ITii;1bCY''''GIT6lJITl..,,,uSI <i>GT@i91'" :

1. GIb6!T 2. !,;h . 3. 6lJdN(5i 4. QLD@@)

(A) 1,3,4,2 (B) 2, 1, 4, 3

(C) 2,3, 1,4 (D) 4,3,2,1

137. 30 percent of a number is 15 less than 3/5'h of that number. What is the number?

(A) 48 (B) 52

; 50 (D) 70

(A) 48 (B) 52

(C) 50 (D) 70

138. When a number is divided by 13, the remainder is 11. When the same number is divided by
17, the remainder is 9. Then the number is

(A) 339 (B) 369

349 (D) 359

~<!9 GTdN""'IT6Il'Ii9I13-~<i> 6lJ@l8;"'UU(5itb GUITi9I u'ii5l11-reii; 1b<!9llDi9I.~GIb GTdN 17 -~<i> 6lJ@)8;$UU(5itb

GUITi9I u'ii5l9-reii; 1b<!9llDi9I.~)i;1b GTdN

(A) 339 (B) 369

(C) 349 (D) 359

GTBA14 44 o
139. The following table gives the life time of 500 CFL lamps;

Life time (months) 9 10 11 12 13 14 More than 14 Total

Number of lamps 26 71 82 102 89 77 53 .. 500

A bulb is selected at random. The probability that the life time of the selected bulb is atmost
11 months is given by

82 179
(A) -
500 wfI!f -

97 268
(C) - (D) -
500 500

6lJ ITW J!iITGIT(LDIT10"" "ffil ro ) 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 -1B6111L .e9IibI"til QLDIT~lOtil

61I1.mj;@j"ffil ~ 6T.m ...flli;."" 26 71 82 102 89 .77 53 500

GIOr'r)i;QIO(!)Ii;"uULL 9'C!9 @jWro 61I1ffili;.$I~ 6lJITWJ!iITGIT.e9libI"uLlftil 11 LDITIO"""\5Ii;@j uSJ"ITLDro

~ C!9U U 10W"IT"" .@"WIO"Qj

82 179
(A) (B)
500 500

97 268
(C) (D)
500 500

140. If 7 spiders make 7 webs in 7 days, then 1 spider will make 1 web in how many days?

(A) 1

(B) 7/2

(D) 49

(A) 1 (B) 7/2

(C) 7 (D) 49
0 45 GTB.A14
[Turn over


, , - 625 011
: 0452-6364666 : 98426 49140
Website : email:

`.130/- `.160/- `.110/- `.500/-

`.150/- `.400/- `.300/- `.250/-

`.420/- `.600/- `.400/- `.150/-

14l. Identify the next figure:

0 ;J = .
I (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)



rurll.""lFu5kiJ ~@i!;15 ULi!;""15 ffi';"-@LS1"l-:

= ?.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(A) (B)

. (C) (D)

GTBA14 46 o
142. Malini deposited Rs. 7,000/- with a finance company for 3 years at an interest of 15% per
annu;n. What is the compound interest and the amount that Malini will get after 3 years?
(A) Compound interest - Rs. 3,246, amount - Rs. 13,246
(B) Compound interest - Rs. 3,646, amount - Rs. 10,646
(C) Compound interest - Rs. 6,436, amount - Rs. 16,046
(D) Compound interest -Rs. 4,636, amount - Rs. 14,636

lJl(i9 JI!51 <;'6lLDlU ~!516iJ , LDIT61Sl6O\l ~.;.rllj- dJ@j 15 % .,. 6Or!J) Q) ib~!516iJ . 3 c!)j,.;.r 0ffi~';;@j (19. 7, 000/- (IJl ib<;O0

QiFtUibITrr: &>.L0 QJLllj- (IJl<;'6l!J)u516iJ, 3 c!)j,.;.r0ffi~';;@jU t51!J)@j LDIT61Sl6O\lQUi!JIUl QJLllj-~ QibIT<;'6lffiLLJUlQLDIT~ib~


(A) &>.L0QJLllj- - (19.3,246, QibIT<;'6la; - (19. 13,246

""" &>.L0QJLllj-- (19.3,646, QibIT<;'6lffi~ (19.10,646

(C) &>.L0QJLllj- - (19.6,436, QibIT<;'6lffi - (19.16,046

(D) &>.L0QJLllj- - (19.4,636, QibIT<;'6lffi - (19.14,636

143. The average salary of all workers in the factory Rs. 60. The average salary of 12 officers is
Rs. 400. The average salary of rest is Rs. 56. Find the total no of workers in the factory

(A) 1116

.JIft 1032

(C) 1212

(D) 1132

lJl(i9 Q ibIT~ dJiFIT<;'6lQ)u516iJ lLmm QibIT~ Q)ITmrr ffiGTll& iFlJ'ITiFrIl ""'!51lU Ul (19.60. ~!516iJ ~!51ffiITrIlffim 12 au rIl60r
iFlJ'ITif rIl ""'!51lU Ul (19.400. Jiib(lJl mm Q ib IT~ Q) ITmrr a;GTIl& if IJ'ITiFrIl ""'!51lU Ul (19. 56 .,. 6O\l6iJ Q ib IT~ dJiFIT<;'6lQ) u516iJ

lLmm QLDIT~ib QibIT~Q)ITmrrffiGTll& .,..;.r6llOfl';;<;'6lffi ffiIT.;.r

(A) 1116

(B) 1032

(C) 1212

(D) 1132

D 47 GTBA14
[Turn over
144. Ma tch the following:
List I List II

(a) DejJuty Chairman of the Rajya Sabha 1. Appointed by the President

(b) Speaker of the Lok Sabha 2. Appointed by the Lok Sabha

(c) Chairman of Public Accounts Committee 3. Elected by the Lok Sabha

(d) Chief Election Commissioner 4. Elected by the Rajya Sabha

(a) (b) (c) (d)

~) 4 3 2 1

(B) 2 3 4 1

(C) 3 2 1 4

(D) 1 3 2 4

QurrQ!i~~/l; :

UL"l-llJQ> I UL"l-UJQ>. II

(a) LDrriBIQ)rliJ/l;6IT6<>6lJ~ ~ 6<>_ ~lb6<> Q)6lJ r'r 1. 1BGMrr~u~llJrrQ> iBlUJLDGMLO

Q"uJ llJ U U G\$IlD rrr'r

(b) L.D 8;c$m ~ 6U a:u IT,!!) ITLU GifT 2. LD8;8)m~6lJLUrrQ) ~UJLD6Mtb


(c) Q U rr~ /l;_ 8;@j @j@6lS16irr 1b6<>Q)6lJr'r 3. LD8;8ima>6UW rrro


(d) 6<>LDUJ1b6<>Q)6<>W GiOr'riOQ>~6<>_UJr'r 4. rrJbl Q) ffiJ 8i GTHi~ 6U UJ rrro .


Glbr'r)i;Q iO@8;/l;UU@$IlDrrr'r

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 4 3 2 1

(B) 2 3 4 1

(C) 3 2 1 4

(D) 1 3 2 4

GTBA14 48 o
145. Who said that, "Prime Minister is the captain of the ship of the State?"

~. Munro

(B) Ramsay Muir

(C) Jennings

(D) . H.J. Laski

(A) L060lrragrr

(C) Q1)6m6O\lriuGiu

(D) H.J.6IlrrGiu.$l

146. By which of the following articles, the procedure for the amendment of the Indian
Constitution is given?

(A) Article 230

(B) Article 320

.,r (C) Article 358

Article 368

aiJ) Qlrr(!)';;IUuLQj\.rrm .@IB~UJ ~g81UJ6Il""LOu'-I !L~U'-IIGTfIro GTlBiO!L~uL5Iro ~g81UJQ)""LOu'-I~

LUU L(i).rrm~?

(A) !L~U'-I 230

(B) !L~U'-I 320

(C) !L~U'-I 358

(D) "-~U'-I368

o 49 GTBA14
[Turn over
147. Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A) India is a Republican Polity.
Reason (R) India shall have no hereditary ruler and the people shall elect their
Now select your answer. according to the coding scheme given below.
A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

g~".,;rrL QJrrli;$IlLJriu"mQT "QJdI

""-6JIDJ (A) ,@)i>:i1lLJrr~("j @)"l-lLJ~" ~L51lLJmLDul.I QPm!D.

"rr~_tD (R) ,@)i>:i1lLJrr6lS1Ql

LD~l.IQJ~ :5m6lJmLDlLJQl6lJrrLDQlLDIi;"Qr :5tD -!9l~m" :5rrLDrr"GQJ G:5ir)i>~

gGw Q"rr01i;"uuL0QrQT@)n5lu50"mQTQ"rr.,;rr0 ",lllLJrr6M 6lS1mLmlLJ Q:5i1l6lj Q",u".

(A) (A) LD6JIDJtD(R) ,@~.,;rr@tD "ill, GLD@JtD(R) .,.rnu~ (A) 6lS16J@)"iIllLJrr6M6lSlQTIi;"tD

(B) (A) LD6JIDJtD(R) ,@~.,;rr@tD "ill, GLD@JtD(R) .,.rnu~ (A) 6lSl6J@)"iIllLJrr6M6lSlQTIi;"LD~6lJ

(C) (A) "ill, ~6MrrQl (R) :5QJIDJ

CD) (A) :5QJIDJ, ~6MrrQl (R) "ill

148, The Chairman of Sarkaria Commission was

Ranjit Singh Sarkaria
(B) Rajiv Singh Sarkaria
(C) Sivaraman Sarkaria
(D) Ramesh Singh Sal.karia

"ir Ii;"rr iIllLJrr @)@6lSlrn :5m 6lJQJir

(A) ,@~~51ib51riu "irli;"rrilllLJrr

(B) ,@~rrlJ\l~GiJ51riu "irli;"rrilllLJrr

(C) 51QJ~rrLDrn "irli;"rrilllLJrr

(D) ,@~GLD~ 51riu "irli;"rrilllLJrr

GTBA14 50 o
149. Who was the speaker of Eleventh Lok Sabha?

(A) Bal Ram Jakhar

(B) Shivraj Patil

, P.r\. Sangma

(D) Somnath Chatterjee

(A) u6iJ~rnb allT8;8iIT

(B) 61QJ~IT1i5uauu

(C) t.9. ". /fffiJl1lIT

(D) a/flTtbJ!ilT~ /fITLLIT~

150. Who appoints the Advocate General for the State?

(A) President

(B) Prime Minister

l '"
Chief Justice of Supreme Court

(C) "'<b\5J!i IT

o 51 GTBA14
[Turn over

151. Match List I with List II and select your answer using the codes given below in the lists.

List I List II

(a) Lala Lajpat Rai 1. The Philosophy of the Bomb

(b) Bhagat Singh 2. Chitta gong Armoury Raid

(c) Surya Sen 3. Assassination of Saunders

(d) Bhagwaticharan Vohra 4. Extremist Nationalist

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 2 1 4 3

(B) 3 4 1 2

(C) 2 4 1 3

4 3 2 1



(a) GUIT6ll1T6ll1 u::fI ~ITuJ 1. QGlJ tq.@).m(Bi l"15i9JGlJ Lb

(b) uo;1551riJ 2. 5lLLo;ITriJ <!$LLjI"" .ilLriJ@) I" IT"@)iiiGU

(c) @;ITlUJIT Q GirT 3. "IT GirTL~o;fu Q 0; IT6IlGU

(d) Uo;GlJ::fI"~.m Sl~1T 4. ~6lSl ~GlJ ITI" Giii51 UJGlJ1T::fI

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 2 1 4 3

(B) 3 4 1 2

(C) 2 4 1 3

(D) 4 3 2 1

GTBA14 52 o
152. Match List I with List II and sele.ct the correct answer using the codes given below:
List I List II

(a) Beek 1. Lahore Congress

(b) Archibold 2. Mohammedans Defence Association

(c) RahmatAIi 3. Principal, AIigarh College

(d) Pakistan Resolution 4. Coining the word Pakistan

(a) (b) (c) (d)

2 3 4 1
(B) 3 1 2 4

(C) 1 4 3 2

(D) 4 2 1 3

6iJITl..,1F I -@ru "-.mmru!iJ..,w ruITl"'1F II -"-.L6M Qu rrQ9:5i9Ja;. Gl9 Qa;rr(ijl8;a;uuL(ijlmm Q~rr@iut5l6>SlQ9,ri;i9J

"-. ffiJa; m 6lSl.., L'" lU:5 Q ~ITl6lj Q IFtUa;.

rurfl"'lF I ru.ITl..,1F II

(a) QU8; 1. Q)rr8<>. ri LDrrp; rr(ijl

(b) ~ri"urrruL 2. c!pa;LD~lUri ~!iJa;rru'-1" IFffiJa;tb

I. (c) Q~a;LD:5 ~6>SI 3. c!p~ru 6lJri. ~ 6>SI

a; rrri a;ru@IITrfl


~ . (d) u rr.$Iffil~rr 6M~riLDrr6lITtb 4. urr.$lffilibrrm ",6MW QlFrrruQ)rr8;a;tb

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 2 3 4 1

(B) 3 1 2 4

(C) 1 4 3 2

(D) 4 2 1 3

o 53 GTBA14
[Turn over
153. Which of the following statements about !\'langal Pandey are correct?
I. He refused to use the greased catridge.

II. He was a Sepoy in the 19th native infantry stationed at Berhampur.

III. He belonged to the regiment of 34 N.I at Barrackpore.

IV. He was not punished by the British.

(A) I and II (B) II and IV

(C) II and III .:J' I and III

(A) I L1liD11)IU:> II (B) II L1lJD11)I u:> IV

(C) II L1l iD 11)1u:> III (D) I L1lJD11)IU:> III

154. Surdas was the disciple of

(A) Madhavacharya ../> Vallabacharya

(C) Namadev (D) Eknath



GTBA14 . 54 D
mfl ggf a DVD (VIDEO) btpL
. 155. Who was the Prime Minister when for the first time No-confidence motion was moved ,in the
Indian Parliament?

.A JawahariaI Nehru

(B) Indira Gandhi

(C) Morarji Desai

(D) LaI Bahadur Shastri

J!i Li:llS18;~," u5l6iJ 6ll IT ~ rnD IT nD C'PI"QI C'P1"611 IT'" ,@)ii~ UJ J!iITLIT ~ IllQl!D ~~ 6iJ Q ffiIT~ (11 6U )iiI" QUIT@i9I t5l g I" III

~~Ill","gITffi ,@(9)iiI"6UiTUJITiT?

(A) 1B6U ffiiT6ll IT6iJ G:J!i Q9

(B) ,@)ii~gIT ffiIT)ii~

(C) Q III ITgIT iT!l G:I"" ITtiJ

(D) 6ll IT6iJU ffii9JI iT "IT Qu ~ IT!

156. The Chief offensive Weapon of the Vedic period

(A) Sword

(B) Axes

(C) Spear

,JII'f Bow and Arrow

(A) 6tHTGlr


(C) FFL"l-

(D) 6lSl6iJ IlllD lPI til ~ til L.J

o 55 GTBA14
[Turn over
157. Consider the following pairs.

Iron are deposits State

l. Bababudan Hills Karnataka

II. I3adampahar Goa

Ill. Dalli Rajhara Orissa

IV. Kundem-Surla Chhattisgarh

Which of the pair given above is/are correct?

ttl!'!! I only

.(B) I and II

(C) II and III

(D) II and IV

L51~QJ(lJLb .@Q)_e;Q)QT e;(IJ::b~ciJ Qe;IT.rre; .

.@(IJ Lb~::bib IT~ U Lq.6l.j e;.rr LDIT~Q)Lb

l. UITUl..lL6OT LDGft)Q)a;m e;rr)!iITLe;IT

II. uITibLbue;ITrr Ge;ITQJIT

III. LITQ\l gIT1!ile;gIT 9ITl/fIT

IV. @j6WLLb-",rrQ)IT 5L....l12..GTua;ir

GLD!D@j!D1UL51LL .@..,_e;ffilciJ 6f~ /fIT1? -

(A) I LDL@Lb




GTBA14 56 D
o 57
[Turn over
159. Match the surface area with their ocean.

(a) Atlantic Ocean 1. 165,000,000 kill'

(b) Indian Ocean -..

82,000,000 kill'

(c) Pacific Ocean 3. 73,000,000 kill'

(d) Arctic Ocean 4. 14,090,000 km'

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 3 1 2 4

(B) 1 2 4 3

(C) 4 3 -.

2 3 1 4

ffiL61516irrU ~u 6U <!91ib li>@jrfiLu Gu ~IT~ ffi\5 L 6irrQUIT Q9ll;i9Iffi.


(a) <!91 LGll IT6rioT"l-8iQ U Q9 "" ffiUiJ 1. 165,000,000 kill'

(b) .@)i;~llJUQUQ9""ffiUiJ 2. 82,000,000 kill'

(c) u61tSl8i QUQ9""ffiUiJ 3. 73,000,000 kill'

(d) qJ,IT8i"l-8i QUQ9""ffiuiJ 4. 14,090,000 kill'

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 3 1 2 4

(B) 1 2 4 3

(C) 4 3 2 1

(D) 2 3 1 4

GTBA14 58 o
160. Match the following:

(a) Polydactyly 1. Y linked trait

(b) Color blindness 2. autosomal recessive trait

(c) PKU 3. Sex linked recessive trait

(d) Hairy Pinna 4. autosomal dominant trait

(a) (b) (c) (d)

.4 3 2 1
(B) 1 2 3 4

(C) 2 3 4 1

(D) 3 1 2 4

QUIT(lljib~ffi :

(a) U IT6lI1
LIT Ii;"'LQ\l 1. "Y" IfITrrp;i5 @)_ill

(b) ~lDli; @)(lljL@ibi56iT"'LD 2. <!iJ,LaLITaIfITLDGU ~@ffiJ@)@)_ill

(c) .slaffilLj 3."'-ibi5 ~@ffiJ@)@)_ill

(d) ffiIT~ GU@tq. QH3TTrr6lJ

~ 4. <!iJ,LaLITaIfITLDGU ~n.iJ@) @)_ill

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 4 3 2 1

(B) 1 2 3 4

(C) 2 3 4 1

(D) 3 1 2 4

D 59 GTBA14
[Turn. over
161. Match the List I with List II answer using the codes given below:

List I List II

(a) Occupancy tenants 1. Extremely weak

(b) Tenants-at-will 2. Permanent and hereditary

(c) Sub-Tenants 3. Temporary Tenants

(d) Intermediaries 4. Absentee landlords

(a) (b) (c) (d)

2 3 1 4
(B) 1 2 3 4

(C) 4 3 2 1

(D) 3 4 2 1

QJIfI6m1f I IB QJIfI6m1f II "-LciT QUrT@:$:ffil $l9a;6lirrL @@ Ql5rT@)Ut51.o1@)!;(9iUl QUrT@:$l5lJlrTQIT 6lSl6mL6mW

Qa;rTG'.;;a;uuLL'@)!DluJL6mL uwciTuG':$:ffil @i!DlUt51L6ljUl.


(a) ,rBlQ) qj,.;;ffil gull u L.J @):$I56ma;wrgir

(b) 6lSl@uu @):$I56ma;l5rTgir

(c) "-LU@.i~ @.i:$I56ma;i!irTgir

(d) @6mL:$l5ga;ira;cir

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 2 3 1 4

.(B) 1 2 3 4

(C) . 4 3 2 1

(D) 3 4 2 1

GTBA14 60 o
162. As per the census 2011, India's Population was 1.21 billion, which is -----. percent
of the world's population.
(A) 18.5% $ 17.5%
(C) 16.5% (D) 15.5%.

2011 LDB;a;LQ ib rr..,a; a;_ B;Q a; 0 U .5IGMU L<j.I@) JiiiblllJ rrGlS1GMLDB;a;.rr Q ib rr..,a; 1.21 .51GbQ$lllJ..,rr@jtil. I@) i9J "-Q) a;
LDB;a;LQibrr..,a;u51GM ------"ib'""ibLDrr@jtil.

(A) 18.5% (B) 17.5%

(C) 16.5% (D) 15.5%

163. According to 2013-14 budget of lndia, what is the percentage of current revenue expenditure
meant for payment of interest?
(A) 16 percent "'" 26 percent
(C) 28 percent (D) .32 percent

I@)JiiiblllJrrGlS1GM2013-14 QJI)Qj-Q"Q)Qj ibILL~ibIGMUL<j., "'~ib"''''GlS1<':\'B;a;rr0 piLUlj QJ(!ljQJ rrtiJ Q"Q)GlS1Gb,

QJ LL<j.llJrra;ao Q"@)I~ibu U 0$1 JDi9J?

(A) 16GlS1<':\'B;a;rr0 (B) 26 GlS1<':\'B;a;rr0

(C) 28 GlS1<':\'B;a;rr0 (D) 32 GlS1<':\'B;a;rr0

164. Which district in Tamil Nadu secures first rank in percapita lncome in 2009-10?
(A) Chennai
(B) Tiruvallore
(C) Coimbatore

.", Kanniyakumari

(A) Q"GM'" ..,

(B) ibIQ9QJ.rr~r'r

(C) Ga;rrllJQP~i9JTr'r

(D) a;GM6O\lllJrr@jLDrfI

D 61 GTBA14
[Turn over
165. Classify the following elements as Lanthanides and Actinides
L Samarium (Sm)
2. Uranium (V)
3. Plutonium (Pu)
4. Dysprosium (Dy)

Lanthanides Samarium, Dysprosium

Actinides Uranium, Plutonium

(B) Lanthanides Samarium, Uranium'

Actinides Plutonium, Dysprosium

(C) Lanthanides Dysprosium, Plutonium

Actinides Uraniulll, Salnal'iulll

(D) Lanthanides Samarium, Plutonium

Actinides Uranium, Dysprosium

gc:~QffiIT08;ffiuuL0Girm iD",liLnrliJffi6mm C:6lJ)!>iD6m6>T0,~8;I!j.6m6>TLITffi t5lrTl~i91 ~rD1ffi.

1. "C: l!l rTlllJlb

2. lhJ, c: ~6oT11lJlb
3. '-1~C:LIT6OTI1lJ lb

4. I!j.ciu'-1C:~ITciullJlb

(A) C:6lJ)!>iD6m6>T0 c:
"C: ill rTlu..ilb, I!j.ciu '-1 ~ITciu IlJlb

~8;1!j.6m6>T0 lhJ, c:~6OTI1lJlb, '-1(5 c:L IT6OTI1lJlb

(E) "C: ill rTlllJlb, lhJ, c:~6OTI1lJ

'-1(5C:LIT6OTI1lJ lb, I!j.ciu'-1C:~ITciuIlJlb

(C) 'C:6lJ)!>iD6m6>T0 c:~ITciu IlJlb,

I!j.ciu'-1 '-1(5 c:LIT 6OTI1lJlb
~8;1!j.6m6m0 lhJ, c:~6OTI1lJ,lb,"C: ill rTlllJlb

(D) C:6lJ)!>iD6m6m0 "Gill rTlllJlb, '-1(5 c:L IT6OTI1lJlb

~8;1!j.6m6m0 . lid> c:~6OTI1lJlb, I!j.ciu'-1c:~ITciu IlJ lb

GTBA14 62 D
166. Match the list of radio isotopes with its uses given below and choose the correct answer
using the below given codes.

(a) Cobalt 60 1. Fertilizer

(b) Ag!9! 2. To photograph brain tumour

(c) Hg!97 3. Blood cancer

(d) p32 4. Sterilisation

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 2 4 1 3





(D) 1 3 2 4

G:~ Q$rr@8;$UUL@ffim G:g"l-G:wrr 1lJG:.rrG:Lrrul..j$ffi UL"l-W6!lQ> <!'lIi"GN uWGN$G:mrr@ Qurr(lljlbi91$.

61f1wrrm 6lSl6!lL6!lW G:~ Q$rr@8;$UUL@ffim@j!DIu5@$6!lmQ$rroo@ Qi"IfiGlj Q .tiJ.

(a) G:$rrurr6iJL 60 1. "-gLb

(b) Ag!9! 2. (yl6!lm $L"l-6!lW uLLb LS1"l-8;$

(c) Hg!97 3. [fj) gIbi" l..jIDwG:)DrrtiJ

(d) p32 4. I9IOOUl .$l (IljL6l ~ \9l U l..j

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) 2 4 1 3
. (B) 4 3 2 1

(C) 1 2 3 4

(D) 1 3 2 4

D 63 GTBA14
[Turn over


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167. COnsider the following statements and select the correct answer:
Assertion (A) Sclerenchyma cells provide mechanical support to the plants.
Rea?on (R) Sclerenchyma cells have thin cell walls.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(E) Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)

,JII!f , (A) is true but (R) is false

(D) (A) is false but (R) is true

~8;IJiff~tb GUIT8;$IUJri.J1E601ffi
lE~itibl6U QIEIT.m@ IfrrlUJIT6.-rGlSl601L601UJitC:f!iIT)i;Qf!i@:

""!Di!JI (A) GiIl$lffigoM601IELDIT

QIf6UIE6ITf!iITGUgri.JIE~8;@i "-i!JIiblit f!ioM601LDuSl6016.-r

IEITg_tb (R) GiIl$lffigoM601IELDIT


(A) (A) LD!Di!JItb(R) @g.m@tb Ifrrl. C:LDWtb (R) 61'oMU~ (A)GlSl!D@iIfrrlUJIT6.-rGlSlffi8;ffitb

(B) ,(A) LD!Di!JItb(R) @g.m@tb Ifrrl. C:LDWtb (R) 61'oMU~ (A)GlSl!D@iIfrrlUJIT6.-rGlSlGTT8;IELD6U6IJ

(C) (A) Ifrrl qJ,6.-rIT6U(R) f!iGUi!JI

(D) (A) f!iGUi!JIqJ,6.-rIT6U(R) Ifrrl

168. The nitrogenous bases found both in DNA and RNA

I Adenine and Uracil
II - Thymine and Guanine
III - Uracil and Thymine
IV - Adenine, Guanine and Cytosine
(A) I (B) II

(C) III ~ IV

"l-.61'oM.<;J (DNA) LD!Di!JItbqJ,IT.61'oM.<;J. (RNA) qJ,$IUJ @g.m"l-Wtb IEIT_uu@$IoM!D 601)DLC:gITffi6.-rGill

BiITI)r5J 8)ffilTQ.laT

1 - ~"l-6016.-roM LD!Di!JItbu..jgIT816U

II- 601f!iulloM LD!Di!JItb @iGUIT6016.-roM

i!JItb 601f!iulloM

IV - ~"l-6016.-roM. @iGUIT6016.-roM

(A) I (B) II

(C) III (D) IV

GTBA14 64 o

169. The DSC prize for South Asian Literature was given to
(A) Songs of Blood and Sword
..vtr Chronicles of Corpse Bearer
(C) Nine Lives
(D) You can sell

QibiD"rrif1tu .@6\l8;$IUJUl QibrrLn-urrm DSC urll.6M QuiDw JlirrGlJGiJ

(A) 61Urrri,)Giu~u t516lTL...~dlrrL... GiuGlJrrn-L...

(B) $Igrr6O\l8;"GiJGiu ~u "rrn-uuGiu Gugn-

(C) 6!lJlim 61516iJGiu

(D) i!d>G"m Q"GiJ

170. INDRA - is the joint Naval exercise between the following cOlintries
(A) India and America
(B) India and Japan
, India and Russia
(D) India and Australia

"INDRA" - 8iGi9 "dlrrL Jlirr(!)\"~8;$I6!lLGUJUJrrm ""-L...(!)\"LiDU6!lL uu51iDif16"UJ @jrDl8;@jUl

(A) .@.IT>~UJrrLDiDl1J!Ul'~QLDrII8;"rr

(B) .@.IT>~UJrrLDiDl1J!UliJ5uurrm

(C) .@.IT>~UJrrLDiDl1J!Ulg~UJrr

(D) .@.IT>~UJrrLDiDl1J!Ul~Giu~Gg6151UJrr

171. Which among the following has the world's largest reserves of Uranium?
(A) USA (B) Canada
(C) Russian Federation 'Australia

8iWffidlrr L GlJiDrDl6\>"'.IT>ib JlirrL...tq-GiJ"'-.6IJ$IG6\l G UJ ~~" ~ 6IT6lj lI.jG g 6O\lUJUl "'-.6lr6lTi9I ?

(A) USA (B) "mLrr

(C) g~UJ ""-L...L6!lLDULj (D) ~Giu~Gg6151UJrr

o 65
[Turn over
172. \\Thich of the following is not correctly Matched?

Dances States

(A) Bhangra Punjab

(B) Kuchipudi Andhra Pradesh

$! Yakshagana Gujarat

(D) Odissi Odisha

. )!iL6>T""a;6iT ill 1T)bI6U"" a;6iT

(A) UIT""~IT U<@jlfITU

(B) @i.;oa;uytq. ~,!i;i5llJu L5I~Giblftil

(C) lU8;~a; 1T6>T

til @i1J6~ITiJ;

(D) ~tq..w.rol ~tq.GIUIT

173. UN flag is designed with the leaves of.which of the following tree?

,A Olive

(B) Willa

(C) Apple
(D) Pine

(A) qI,61SIoiJ

(B) 6lSlril(g6U IT

(C) qI,uL5l6iT

(D) a>u~

GTBA14 66 o
174. Telecommunication Consultant India Ltd. was set up in the year
(A) 1975 (B) 1976
(C) 1977
'" 1978

@ )i>~hLJii; Q i!iIT~ 6Ilii; Qi!iITLirLj GIf~ "" Jl1J)l"" 6mtil Gr)i>i!iqj,~Gi OJrDu Giii;i!iU U L-Li9I ?
(A) 1975 (B) 1976
(C) 1977 (D) 1978.

175. The world's firstintelligent 'Knife' developed can detect

(A) Genetic disorders (B) Congenital diseases
~ Cancer (D) None of the above

"-.6Ilffil6irrC'Pi!iGU'19I~-!616lj';; "ii;ib1' Gr6irrui9I Gr~~';; "~L!61u.J';; ""-"l-u.J~?

. (A) l1l~Lj';; @i~!DUITGi"Gir (B) t51!D6lSl.;;@i~!DUITGi"Gir

(C) LjrD!J)JG)!1ITuJ (D) Gl1lliJ"~L OJi9ItD1GU~6Il

176. The speed of the world's fastest super computer is

(A) 33.88 petaflops (B) 33.87 petaflops
, 33.86 petaflops (D) 33.83 petaflops

"-.6Ilffil6irr~ib1 G""" G 11ltil U L'-c ".ml.,\l uSl6irrG""" til

(A) 33.88 LSLLIT:oUmITuQu (B) 33.87 LSLLIT:oumrruQu

(C) 33.86 LSLLIT:oUmITuQu (D) 33.83 LSLLrr:oumrruQu

177. The satellite which was placed in orbit by PSLV-C22 on 2nd July 2013 is

(A) IRNSS - lA (B) IRNSS - 1B


o 67 GTBA14
[Turn over
178. India's first centre to monitor climate change was opened recently at

(A) New Delhi . ..,Jf!'; Chennai

(C) Jaipur (D) Bengaluru

~LuQQJUU ~6<lQ) lJ)rrdJlD~6<l~/Eoo/Err~8;@iLb (1p~6i> 6<llJ)LULb/fLOuMjl6i> ,@)i;ib1LUrr6lSl6i>'


(A) LJl9Iib16i>Q\1 (B) Q/fm6<lm

(C) .QlJ'iltiJ iJIT (D) QuffiJ/E(5(1lj

179. How many straight lines are there in the figure below?

(A) 10 ytj 12

(C) 16 (D) 8

(A) 10 (B) 12
(C) 16 (D) 8

GTBA14 68 . o
180. Find the missing number in the diagram.

rL[i] UQIi] Cii:GJ

~ ~ ~

(A) 25 (B) 30
, 96 (D) none of these


~ ~ ~

(A) 25 (B) 30
(C) 96 (D) .@QJ!DJDlG\>GT~ 6lj uS!G\>..,GlJ

181. The sum of three prime number is 101. The difference of two of them is 24. What are the
(A) 5,59,37 (B) 41, 53, 7
(C) 11, 37, 53 ",. 3,61,37

(Yl6>r1!)l U /lilT GT6lirr/licl1 6>r . Gl::oG\> 10 1. ~ QJ !DJDlG\>.@1J6lioTGl GT6lirr/li~8;@) .@"'LULL 6lS1::!;~llJ ITIf cD 24 GT6O\lG\>
~ 6iJ Q QJ 6lioT/liGil llJ IT"'QJ ?

(A) 5,59,37 (B) 41, 53, 7

(C) 11, 37, 53 (D) 3, 61, 37

182. A started from a place. After walking for a kilometer, in a direction, he turns to the left,
then walking for a half kilometer, he again turns to the left .Now he is going eastwards. In
what direction did he originally started?
tJIIff West. (B) East
(C) North (D) South

A GT6>ruQJrr ~niL::!;~G15lQlj)i;~ 9Q1j ~"'If"'llJ G)!iIT8;$l 9Q1j $lGGlJIT tDLLrr )DL)i;::o L5l!D@).@LL.JU8;/licD ~C!9cDL5l
1/2 $l.GQlIT tDLLrr )DL)i;~ L5l!D@)tD6lirrGlcD .@LL.JU8;/licD ~QIjcDL5l)DL)i;~ QIfG\>$l!DlTrr. ::O!DGUIT~ ~QJrr $lW8;@)
~6011f G)DIT8;$l)DL)i;~ QIf6>r!DITG\>,Q::OITL8;/li::!;~G\> ~QJrr GT)i;::o~"'If"'llJ G)DIT8;$l)DL8;/li::!; Q::OITLLi.J$lI5IDITrr?

(A) GLO!D@). (B) $lW8;@)

(C) QJL8;@) (D) Q::O!D@)

D 69 GTBA14
[Turn over
183. The circle-graph given here shows the spendings of a country on various sports during a
particular year: Study the grapl> and answer the question.

What percent of the total spendings is spent on Tennis?

12~% (B)

(C) 25% (D) 45%

QIliIT(blIiiIliUULL 6lJLL 6lJ"'~ULl1lITGOTi9I 1Jl<'9 )liITLtq-cilT @)!DlUtS1LL qj,om tq-JD@)cir U 6iJG6lJ lPJ
ib..,~1ii IliITL(bl1 JDi9I. .$ ~liilli om L 6lJ.., ~U Lib'" ~ U UITn-ibi91 GllicirGlSlIii@)u~6iJ


(A) 12~% (B) ')').1

.. 2

(C) 25% (D) 45%

GTBA14 70 o
The sides of a triangle are in the ratio.!. : .!. :.!. and its perimeter is 1~4 ~m. The le;,gth 'of
234 .
the longest side is
(A) 52 em ~ 48em
(C) '32 em (D) 26 em

." ',fl' ... 1 1 1

~(f9 CY'ffi"'ffiIT_!!,~,rn UffiffiffiJffiGlT -: - : -
,GlTLDfTrn U8;ffii!;~6bT ~GlT6l.J 6f6bTrn?

(A) 52 em (B) 48 em
(C) 32 em (D) 26 em

185. If A's salary is 20% less than B's salary, by how much percent is B's salary more than A's?
(A) 24% vi'!! 25%
(C) 20% (D) 22%

A- 6bT 6lJ (f9LDITrnLb B - uS16bT6lJ (f9LDITrn 15m!!, 6lSIL 20% @im!D6lJ ITffi "-- 6ITGlTi9J 6f 6llfIciJ B - uS16bT 6lJ (f9LDIT~ Lb A - uS16bT
. 6lJ (f9LDITrn i!;m!h 6lSIL 6fGlJ 6lJ GlT6l.J1f!h6fJ!hLb ~~ffiLD ITffi "--6ITGlTi9J ?

(A) 24% (B) 25%

(C) 20% (D) 22%

186. The volume of a cube is 125 emS. The surface area of the cube is
(A) 625 em2 (B) 125 em2

. vi'" 150 em2 (D) 100 em2

~(f9 ffirn lfi9J~i!;~6bT ffirn ~GlT6l.J 125 ffirn QIf.u'l. 6f6llflciJ ~!h6bT Lj!Duu~UUGlT6l.J 6fGlJ6lJGlT6l.J?

(A) 625 If.QIf.u'l. (B) 135 If.QIf.u'l.

(C) 150 If.QIf.u'l. (D) 100 If.QIfu'l.

187. If 50% of (x - y) = 30% of (x + y) then what percent of x is y?

.A> 25% (B) 50%

(C) 75% (D) 100%

(A) 25% (B) 50%

(C). 75% (D) 100%

o 71 GTBA14
[Turn over
188. The least number which when increased by 1 is divisible by 12, 18, 24, 32 is
(A) 278 (B) 288
~ 287 (D) 279

9@ GT.m@JJLoM9oM6"IlWffi""-L.L ~@ 12, 18, 24, 32-qj,m u'i!buSloMn5!

ru@jU@$lW@. ~i!>!b6"lla;UJu'i681(p1

(A) 278 (E) 288

(C) 287 (D) 279

189. The missing term in the series

9,225, 16, 196,25, 169, _? _, 144
(A) 81 (B) 121
., 36 (D) 49

9, 225, 16, 196, 25, 169, _? _, 144 GToMW Q!bITLrTlm6lSl@UL.LGT.m

(A) 81 (E) 121
(C) 36. (D) 49

190. Find x in 4% x 642x = 16%+5

(A) 1 (B) 5
(C) 4 2

4'x64" =16H'GTrnlm,x-@oMLO~uy
(A) 1 (B) 5
(C) 4 (D) 2

191. At simple interest Rs. 1,000 becomes Rs. 1,150 in 3 years. If the interest rate is increased by
3% then the total amount is
(A) 1,400 (B) 1,300
(C) 1,140 1,240

9@ @jn5!UtSlL...L!brnlruL...Lq-.,)!b~~m3 -='<j,.m@a;cllm (19. 1,000 qj,aT@ (19. 1,150 qj,$1W@. 3% ",,-@/OmITa;

.,)!bU> @@UtSloM, !bWGUIT6"Il!bUJ
(A) 1,400 (E) 1,300
(C) 1,140 (D) 1,240

GTBA14 72 o
192. If 18% of the total number of oranges in a basket is 36. Then the total number of oranges is
(A) 100 (B) 150
Ji'!'. 200 (D) 300

~QIj ""o<>u616iJ "-<;ITm GLDrri1;;:o~~f@jffi u~ri.Ja;ffil6iJ 18% ~m~ 36 .,.6IlfI6iJ GLDrri1;;:OC'P<;ITm


u ~ri.Ja;ffilm .,.~..,n,;;o<>a;
(A) 100 (B) 150
(C) 200 (D) 300

193. The ratio of the prices of two cows was 23 : 16. Two years later the price of the first cow rises
by Rs. 477 and that of the second by 10% and the ratio of their prices became 20 : 11. Find
the original prices
tI(!fj Rs. 1,219, Rs. 848
(B) Rs. 1,218, Rs. 848
(C) Rs. 1,210, Rs. 850
(D) Rs. 1,219, Rs. 840

.@~~@ LDrr@a;ffilm 6lSI0<>Q)6lSI$1;:OLDrrm~23 : 16 . .@~~@ ~~@a;\5';;@j LS1!D@j.C'P;:o6iJLDrrL,,!-m 6lSI0<>Q)

@umu 477-~a; "-UJirli>;:o~ LDJDiJ)ILD .@~~LrrQJ~ LDrrL,,!-m 6lSI0<>Q)10% "-UJirli>;:o~. ;:OJDGurr~ 6lSI0<>Q)t6lm
6lSI$1;:OLDrrm~20 : 11 ~@jLD. "-~O<>LD 6lSI0<>Q)O<>UJ';;
(A) @urrLiJ 1,219, @urrtiJ848
(B) @urrLiJ 1,218, @urrtiJ 848
(C) @urrLiJ 1,210, @urrtiJ 850
(D) @urrLiJ 1,219, @urrLiJ 840

194. A ladder of 25 ft length reaches a window which is 24 ft above the ground level on one side
of the street. Keeping its foot at the same point the ladder is turned the other side of the
street and now reaches a window of 7 ft high. Then the width of the street
'31(B) 32

~QIj Q;:OQlj6lSl6iJ~1!)Ii1;;:ouuL@<;ITm 25 <!lI,,!- ,mC'P<;ITm .,...fl ;:OO<>~LDLLi1;il615lQljIi>~ 24 <!lI,,!- "-UJ~C'P<;ITm

Ifm mO<>Q)i1; Q ibrr@$1!D~. <!lI,,!-O<> UJ LDrrJD!DrrLD6iJ <!lIoiJ.,...flo<> UJ ffi~ JD)D <!lIi1;G il'QIj6lSIm LDI!)IU,;;a;i1;il@,1l<;ITm
IfmmO<>Q) 7 <!lI,,!-"-UJ~i1;il6iJGibrr@$1!D~ .,.6IlfI6iJ<!lIi1;Gil'Qlj6lSlm<!lIa;Q)LD
(A) 30 (B) 32
(C) 29 (D) 31

o 73 GTBA14
[Turn over
195. Which of the following statements about Lok Pal is/are wrong?

(i) Lok pal will have the power to investigate an Administrative Act done by a Minister
or Secretary

(ii) Lok Pal can inquire into a complaint of maladministration

(iii) Action taken in a matter affecting the dealing with Government of India and any
foreign government

(iv) Grant of honours and .awards

(A) (i), (iv)

(B) (ii), (iii)

(C) (i), (ii)

~ (iii), (iv)

(i) ~<!!>LD)i;I5lITI
~Q.>Q)i9J Q8'LUQ)rrwITI~ )b1irQJrrs;Q8'LU6>lQ)6lSl8'rr~~...,. Q8'tULU GQ)rrffiurr~ffi@i ~15ls;rr~tb
. "-.m@.

(iii) &'i))i;i!JLU~~8'rr,;"s;tb LDJ:i>WtbQQJafl)!irrL.(\ ~~8'rr,;"s;li;i9JL~ qJ:i>u@tb ~uu)i;::o,;"s;6>lwffi @ilDlli;i9I


(A) (i), (iv)

(B) (ii), (iii)

(C) (i), (ii)

(D) (iii), (iv)

GTBA14 74 o
196. Which one of the following is not related to NGO's?

(A) Civil Society Organizations

(B) Citizen Associations

(C) Non-State actors

~ Public Corporations

197. In Indian Constitution the directive principles of state policy were incorporated in Articles

(A) Art. 40 to Art. 51

~ Art. 36 to Art. 51

(C) Art. 39 to Art. 51

(D) Art. 25 to Art. 51

@)i;ibhu ~~6<>lLDUl5IQr. ~~61Qr Q"'fTW<>l"'<>ltu ""~ Q~p;i!jILb 1d)!i!DlQP<>l!D"'<>lm


(A) "-. 40 QP:2iQl"-. 51 ",,<>l~

o 75 GTBA14
[Turn over

198. Consider the following statements and select the COl'l'ect answer using the code.

I. IGOANPS covers only BPL population and persons above 65 years and provides
Rs. 200 month

II. In India, avoidance .of poverty is reached when a person has access to 2100 calories
pel' person per day in Urban area and 2200 calories in rural areas.


(A) I only.

(B) II only

,/ I and II

(D) Neither I nor II

,$~e;6Il'oTL 6tHT,;;ffill1JffiJ e;..,m e;6lJ6O\li!;~ <!9{ 6lJiD!Di.-iJ I"T111Jrr6<T GlSl..,Lu5I..,6<T @j!DiuSLQL.mrr Q e;rr.mrr@

Q ~IT1,d;Q ~ (5\,;;e;6l.jLb.

I. IGOANPS Q~rrLirLj"'LI1J~ BPL LD,;;e;LQ~rr..,e;u5I.-iJ 65 6lJ11J~rr6<T6lJire;~';;@j e!9. 200 LDrr~Lb

Qe;rr(5\,;;e;u u @6lJ~rr@jLb

II. @,d;~l1JrrGlSl.-iJ 6lJW..,LD ~GlSliruLj <OrGirru~<Or,d;~ ~(i9 LD6O\l~Girr2100 e;G:Q)irIT1e;ffi~(i9 )!irrLe;~';;@j

)!ie;irLjlDi!;~~Lb LDiDwLb2200 e;G:Q)rrIT1e;ffiffil~rrLDULj~i!;~@,lJLb<OrL@6lJ~rr@jLb.

(A) I LDL@Lb

(B) II LDL(5\Lb

GTBA14 76 o
199. Which among the following Committees' was responsible for the incorporation of
fundamental duties in the constitution?
(A) Wanchoo Committee
(B) Sachar Committee
oJI'f' Swaran Singh Committee
(D) Bhagawati Committee

8iG\:ll Q"fT@,""UUL..G\ffi6TT @)(lg,""cl\6i> GT~ ~"l-uumL," "LmLD"m6TT @)i;:$hu ~~lJ'mLDut5l6i> @m"",,",,

"fT~""'LDfT" @QIj)i;Ib~?

(A) 6lJfTe" @)(lg

(B) IffTiffTIT

(C) oro6lJ~.51ffiJ @)(lg

(D) U"6lJ:$I @)(lg

200. Arrange the following in descending order

1. Teshil
2. Sub-division
3. Village
4. Pargana
2, 1,4,3 (B) 3,4,2, 1

"(C) 2,1,3,4 (D) 1,2,4,3

1. IbfT516i>

2. ~m_u-t5lO16l<

3. $I~fTLDtb

4. urra;rrmrr

(A) 2, 1,4,3 (B) 3, 4, 2, 1

(C) 2,1,3,4 (D) 1,2,4,3

D 77 GTBA14
[Turn over

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