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Encyclopaedia Homeopathica 1

WARD James William

Abandoned feeling
- Sensation as if abandoned. Lamium Album (LP)

Abdomen air distension

- Abdomen hard as if filled with air. Raphanus Sativus (Hg)

Abdomen air motions

- Rushing sounds in the abdomen as if from motions of air and fluid faeces as occurs before diarrhoeic stools. Gambogia

Abdomen anxiety
- Feeling as of anxiety in the abdomen and stomach. Tuberculinum (KN)

Abdomen ball
- Feeling as of a ball rolling about in the bladder or abdomen when turning over. Lachesis (Hg)

Abdomen bandaged
- Sensation as if the whole abdomen were tightly constricted or bandaged. Platinum (KN)

Abdomen bearing-down
- constant agonizing bearing-down in the abdomen as if everything were being forced out. Xanthoxylum (Hg)

Abdomen beaten
- Side of abdomen and leg feel as if beaten. Angustura (Hg)
- Abdomen sore to touch; as if beaten, after cough. Caladium (Hg)

Abdomen biconvex body

- Tensive pain in the right side of the abdomen as of a hard, biconvex body. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Abdomen bite
- Evening, itching as of a fleabite on chest and abdomen. Cactus Grandiflorus (Hg)

Abdomen blood flowing

- Sensation as if the blood in the abdomen were flowing backward. Elaps Corallinus (Hg)

Abdomen bruised
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- Before, during and after menses, pain as if bruised, and weary in loins, belly and thighs, impeding going up-stairs. Bovista
- Sensation as of a bruised feeling in the abdomen. Colocynthis (LP)
- Sensation of soreness as if bruised in the abdomen. Hepar Sulphuris Calcarea (LP)
- Sensation of great soreness as if bruised in the abdomen. Magnesia Muriatica (LP)
- Sensation in abdomen as if everything were sore and bruised. Ronunculus Bulbosus (LP)

Abdomen bubbles
- Sensation in abdomen as if bubbles were bursting in it. Taraxacum (LP)

Abdomen burden
- In the abdomen a sensation as if from a load or burden. Nux Vomica (DN)

Abdomen burning
- Tenderness of abdomen to touch, with sensation as of burning. Antimonium Chloridum (Hg)

Abdomen burst
- Heaviness in lower abdomen, as from a load, with anxiety as if abdomen would burst. Ammonium Muriaticum (Hg)

Abdomen bursting bladders

- Gurgling in the abdomen and noise as if small bladders of air were bursting. Lycopodium (Hg)

Abdomen chill
- Chill, after eating, which spreads as if from abdomen. Marum Verum (Hg)

Abdomen clutched
- Feeling in stomach or abdomen as if clutched by a hand. Belladonna (Hg)

Abdomen coldness
- Sensation as of emptiness, hollowness or coldness in abdomen. Amanita, or Agaricus Muscarius (Hg)
- Perspiration, tearing, numbness, sensation as of coldness in abdomen. Ambra Grisea (Hg)
- Feeling as of coldness in abdomen. Calcarea Ostrearum (Hg)
- Sensation as of coldness rising from abdomen into throat and mouth. Carbo Animalis (Hg)
- Feeling as of coldness in the stomach and bowels. Kali Bichromicum (Hg)
- Disagreeable sensation as of coldness in the back, abdomen and limbs. Secale Cornutum (Hg)

Abdomen constriction
- Sensation as of tightness and constriction all over the abdomen. Cactus Grandiflorus (KN)

Abdomen distention
- At first, passage of much flatus, and after several hours, in morning, pressure in abdomen as of distention from
flatulence. Camphora (Hg)
- Rumbling and rolling in abdomen, with a sense as of distention. Carbolic Acid (Hg)

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- Menses profuse, with sensation as of great distension of the abdomen. Cinchona Officinalis (Hg)

Abdomen dragged
- Dragging pain in the liver, abdomen, etc., as though something was being dragged down. Nux vomica (GY)

Abdomen drawn
- Abdomen feels as if drawn in ,following cramp in the stomach. Veratrum viride (Hg)

Abdomen drop
- A feeling of weakness in the abdomen as if it would drop. Staphisagria (Hg)

Abdomen electric shocks

- Stitches as if from electric shocks through the abdomen. Argentum Nitricum (Hg)

Abdomen emptiness
- Painful sensation as of emptiness in the stomach and abdomen. Sepia (LP)

Abdomen empty
- Sensation as of an empty feeling in the stomach and abdomen. Gummi Gutti (LP)
- Empty feeling as of the abdomen and stomach. Lilium Tigrinum (Hg)

Abdomen fist
- Movements in the abdomen as of the fist of a child. Sulphur (Hg)

Abdomen flatulence
- Oppression of the accumulated in the upper part of the abdomen. Chamomilla (Hg)

Abdomen flatus
- Pain in the bowels after eating and moving about as if from flatus. Lycopodium (Hg)

Abdomen flea-bites
- Itching as if from flea-bites on the abdomen and lower extremities. Thuja (Hg)

Abdomen fluid running

- Gurgling in the abdomen as of fluid running from a bottle. Gambogia (Hg)

Abdomen ftal movements

- She felt a very distinct movement in the abdomen as if from a ftus. Pulsatilla (Hg)

Abdomen griping
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- Griping and pinching in abdomen and in region of navel, as if after taking cold, for several days, and a profuse, thin
evacuation follows. Bryonia Alba (Hg)

Abdomen hangs
- Abdomen seems to hang down heavily, as if from a load, when walking. Alumina, or Argilla (Hg)

Abdomen hard body

- Feeling as if a hard body rolled from the navel to the right side. Lycopodium (Hg)
- Tensive pain in the right side of the abdomen as of a hard, biconvex body. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Abdomen heat
- Sensation as of anxiety and strong heat in abdomen. Cainca (Hg)

Abdomen heaviness
- Heaviness in the abdomen as if from a weight. Arsenicum Hydrogenisatum (Hg)
- Sensation as of hardness and heaviness in abdomen, above navel. Camphora (Hg)

Abdomen heavy
- Feeling as if, something heavy was lying on the left side of the abdomen. Lycopodium (Hg)

Abdomen held up
- Shaking sensation of the bowels when walking, they feel relaxed as if they had to be held up. Mercurius (Hg)

Abdomen hot air

- Sensation as of hot air blowing over the lower part of the abdomen and over the lower part of the thighs after stools.
Trombidium (Hg)

Abdomen hot cloth

- Burning over the whole abdomen as if from a hot, dry cloth. Nitric Acid (Hg)

Abdomen hot coals

- Burning in the abdomen as if from hot coals. Veratrum Album (Hg)

Abdomen hot iron

- Feeling of heat in abdomen, as if from a hot iron. Belladonna (Hg)

Abdomen hot water

- Sensation as if hot water were poured from breast into abdomen. Sanguinaria Canadensis (CPTH)

Abdomen ice
- Sensation of coldness as if a piece of ice were in the stomach or in the abdomen. Crotalus Horridus (KN)

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Abdomen inflammation
- Sensation as of fulness, heaviness, heat and inflammation in the abdomen. Aloe Socotrine (LP)

Abdomen knife
- Pains as if from a knife thrust into the abdomen. Lachesis (Hg)

Abdomen live things

- Sensation as of a thousand live things moving about in the abdomen. Podophyllum (Hg)

Abdomen living
- Sensation as if something living were jumping about in pit of stomach and abdomen. Crocus Sativus (CPTH)

Abdomen lump
- Sensation in the stomach and abdomen, as if a lump were accumulating. Lachesis (DN)

Abdomen movements
- Sensation as of movements and gurgling in the abdomen. Zincum Phosphoricum (KN)

Abdomen moving ball

- Sensation as if a ball was moving and turning through the abdomen, and he cries out "Oh my bowels, they go like a wheel".
Sabadilla (Hg)

Abdomen pain swallowing

- Sensation when swallowing as if the head opened and pain shot down into the abdomen. Lycopodium (Hg)

Abdomen painful
- Sensation as of an undefined character in abdomen, necessitating deep inspiration, increased by vigorous movements of
body. Carduus Marianus (Hg)

Abdomen press
- Sensation as of severe pain in abdomen causing patient to lie over sharp corner of table. Stannum Metallicum (GY)

Abdomen pressed
- Sensation as if stones were pressing in the abdomen when sitting bent forward. Tartarus Stibiatus (LP)

Abdomen pressure
- Sensation of pain, with pressure, as if a stone were in the abdomen. Belladonna (DN)

Abdomen puffed
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- Feeling as if the abdomen were puffed up. Stramonium (Hg)

Abdomen pulled inward

- Sensation as if the abdominal walls were pulled inward, as if the abdomen and back were too close together. Plumbum (Hg)

Abdomen raw
- Painfull sensitiveness of the abdomen to touch as if internally raw and sore. Sulphur (Hg)

Abdomen resistance
- Pressure from the pharynx down into the abdomen as if a hard body were opposing from below. Zincum (Hg)

Abdomen sensitive
- Abdomen tense, sore as if bruised and sensitive to touch. Magnesia Muriatica (Hg)

Abdomen shaken
- Paroxysmal cough, severely shaking the chest, abdomen, and whole body, causing a sensation as of excoriation in the
abdominal muscles. hyoscyamus Niger (Hg)

Abdomen sore
- Sensation as of soreness in stomach and abdomen. Apis (Hg)
- Long-lasing painfulness of whole abdomen, as if it were all sore and raw. Belladonna (Hg)
- Abdomen very sensitive, as of sore. Bryonia Alba (Hg)
- Sensation in abdomen as if all the parts were raw and sore. Sulphur (LP)

Abdomen soreness
- Sensation as of soreness in the walls of the abdomen. Rhus Toxicodendron (LP)

Abdomen stick
- Sensation as if a stick extended from the throat to the left side of the abdomen as if the stick had a ball on each end.
Kali Carbonicum (Hg)

Abdomen stiffness
- Sensation as of internal stiffness from head to abdomen. Causticum (Hg)

Abdomen stitch
- When taking a deep breath, sharp, violent, stitch in the right side of the abdomen, as if in the liver, or as if it would burst
open there. Natrum Sulfuricum (Hg)

Abdomen stone
- An undecided but exceedingly unpleasant sensation, as from a stone lying in abdomen, as if all had changed into a stone.
Arsenicum Hydro. (Hg)

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Abdomen stones
- Abdomen feels as if stuffed full of stones, though he has eaten nothing, an it does not feel hard. Antimonium Tartaricum
- Sensation in the abdomen as if sharp stones rubbed together at every movement. Cocculus (Hg)

Abdomen string
- Menorrhagia, with a sensation as of a string pulling from the abdomen to the back. Plumbum (Hg)

Abdomen stuck
- On taking a deep breath stitching pains on both sides in abdomen, above hips to spinal column, extending to region of liver,
as if he were being stuck, in various place above ilium, with needles. Castoreum (Hg)

Abdomen stuffed
- Stuffed feeling in the abdomen as if she could not lean forward. Ferrum Iodatum (Hg)

Abdomen tearing
- Tearing tensive pain in a small spot in the lower abdomen during the latter half of pregnancy, corresponding to the seat of
placenta and sore to touch as if ulcerated. Pulsatilla (Hg)

Abdomen tightness
- Intense pain in the stomach and upper abdomen with a sensation as of tightness. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Abdomen torn
- Violent colic, especially around the umbilicus, as if the abdomen would be torn open. Veratrum Album (Hg)

Abdomen turning
- Nausea as if everything in the abdomen were turning around. Sepia (Hg)

Abdomen unexpanded
- Sensation as if that part of abdomen, the umbilicus, was not sufficiently expanded. Cenchris Contortrix (KN)

Abdomen vessels empty

- Seems as if the blood vessels would empty themselves into the abdominal cavity and then into the outer world.
Podophyllum (KN)

Abdomen walls bruised

- Sensation of soreness as if bruised, of the abdominal walls. Mancinella (Hg)

Abdomen walls sore

- Sensation as of soreness of the abdominal walls. Menyanthes Trifoliata (Hg)

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Abdomen water
- Shuddering in the abdomen as if cold water were running through it. Cannabis Sativa (LP)

Abdomen wind
- Tumors on the abdomen as if the intestines were distended by wind here and there. Natrum Carbonicum (LP)

Abdomen worms
- Sensation as of crawling of worms in abdomen, causing nausea. Calcarea Ostrearum. (Hg)

Abdominal bearing down

- Sensation of bearing down in the abdomen and uterus as if the menses were coming on. Belladonna (BE)
- Pain in lower portion of abdomen and a sensation as of a bearing down. Cactus Grandiflorus (Hg)

Abdominal distention
- Great distension of the abdomen; it looks as if about to be confined. Lilium Tigrinum (Hg)

Abdominal heat
- Sensation of heat through the abdomen, feels as if the bowels would be moved. Lachnanthes (Hg)

Abdominal neuralgia
- Sharp neuralgic pains intermittent from the left side of the womb to the transverse colon, thence cutting across as if
from both sides towards the center. Crotalus Horridus (Hg)

Abdominal stitches
- Stitches shoot from abdomen into the middle of the chest as if from flatulence. Chamomilla (Hg)

Abdominal weakness
- Sensation as if from weakness from the abdomen into the neck. Kalmia Latifolia (DN)

Above bed
- A sound in the ear as if someone were over the bed. Calcarea Carbonicum (HT)

Abraded corona
- Redness of penis near the corona, with sensation as if abraded, with itching. Silicea (DN)

Abraded steno's duct

- Sensation of pain in the orifice of Steno's-duct, as if abraded. Belladonna (DN)

Abraded throat
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- Burning sensation in throat as if abraded. Senega (CPTH)

Abscess brain
- Sensation as if an abscess were forming in his brain. Cuprum Metalicum (Hg)

Abscess burst
- Region of the liver distended, with pain as if from subcutaneous ulceration or as if abscess would burst. Laurocerasus (Hg)

Abscess canthus
- Abscess at the root of the nose, near the inner canthus as if a lachrymal fistula would form. Pulsatilla (Hg)

Abscess ear
- A pressive pain in ear with every cough, as if an abscess would open. Capsicum (Hg)

Abscess ears
- Heat in ears, pulsation, as of abscesses. Anantherum Muricatum (Hg)

Abscess eye
- Swelling and pain as if an abscess would form in right eye. Anantherum Muricatum (Hg)

Abscess forehead
- Burrowing headache in the frontal region as if an abscess were forming. Hepar Sulph. Calc. (Hg)

Abscess hepatic
- Throbbing pain in abdomen as if from hepatic abscess. Nux Vomica (CPTH)

Abscess hip joint

- Sensation in hip joint as if an abscess were forming. Calcarea Silicata (KN)

Abscess nose
- Sudden discharge of pus and blood from the nose as if from a bursting abscess. Lachesis (Hg)

Abscess pectoral
- Sensation as of an abscess on the left chest between the pectoralis major and minor where they form the anterior
boundary of the axillary space. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Abscess subungual
- Superficial abscess just above the root of the nail fo the right little toe, with pain as if a hot iron went into it on raising
the foot from the ground in walking. Cocculus (Hg)

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Abscess throat
- Pressive pain in throat, as if an abscess would break, during a paroxysm of coughing. Capsicum (Hg)

Abscess umbilical
- Sensation as if an abscess were forming near the umbilicus. Plumbum (Hg)

Abscess wrist
- Redness, swelling and itching in a spot on the wrist, then great pain, after some time matter formed and broke the skin
and continued to ooze out for two or three months, then healed, leaving a cicatrix depressed as if scooped out. Kali
Bichromicum (Hg)

Abscesses liver
- Inflammation and swelling of liver as if caused by abscesses. Anantherum Muriaticum (Hg)
- Abscesses in the liver and pain when coughing as if ulcerated. Lachesis (Hg)

Abscesses skin
- Sensation in skin as of abscesses. Syphilinum (CPTH)

Absence head
- Giddy, empty feeling as if there was no head. Cocculus (Hg)

Absence mind
- Frequent vanishing of sight as if by absence of mind with vertigo, when walking. Cicuta Virosa (Hg)
- Awakening as if from complete absence of mind, does not know where he is, nor what to answer. Nux Moschata (Hg)

Absence thought
- Absence of thought as if he could not grasp any thought. Phosphorus (Hg)

Absent foot
- Sensation as if the left foot were gone, (in the joint) so that the staggers when he runs. Lachmanthes Tintoria (HY)

Absent individuals
- He converses with absent individuals as if they were present. Stramonium (Hg)

Absent material body

- Feeling as if unhampered by a material body causing a light and airy sensation and ease of movement. Cinchona Officinalis

Absent mind
- Mind feels as if absent. Baryta Carbonica (Hg)

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Absent persons heard

- Illusions of hearing at night as though voices of absent persons were heard. Chamomilla (Hg)

Abstinence alcohol
- The mouth is dry, even without thirst, as if after alcoholic drinks. Nux Vomica (DN)

Abstinence food
- Sensation in the stomach as if one had been a long time without food till hunger was gone. Cocculus (Hg)

Accident fear
- Apprehensive as if from threatened accident. Kali Iodatum (Hg)

Accident happen
- Foreboding anxiety as if some accident would happen. Magnesia Sulphurica (Hg)

Accident trembling
- Trembling, anguish and fear as if some accident would happen. Magnesia Carbonica (Hg)

Accumulations chest
- Feels like an accumulation in the chest, as if it was painfully contracted. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Acetabula painful
- Severe pain through the pelvis as if from one acetabulum to the other. Formica rufa (Hg)

Achillis bruised
- Sensation in tendo achillis as if bruised. Bryonia Alba (Hg)

Aching arm
- Dull aching pain in the left arm as if he had slept on it all night. Iberis Amara (Hg)

Aching bones
- Soreness in limbs and aching in all bones, as if after taking cold. Cepa (Hg)

Aching bruises
- Stinging, aching pain as if from bruises. Kali Bichromicum (GY)

Aching calves
- Aching pain and soreness as if beaten in the calves of the legs. Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Hg)
- Aching in the calves, extending to the knees, with a feeling almost as if the bones were decaying. Sepia (Hg)

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Aching ear
- Feeling as of fulness and slight aching in middle ear; next day changed to left ear. Arum Dracontium (Hg)

Aching extremities
- Aching pains from the hips to the ankles as if she had walked many miles. Mercurius Iodatus Ruber (Hg)
- Aching pains as if luxated in all parts of the extremities and all joints. Rhus Toxicodendron (DN)

Aching eyeballs
- Eyeballs pain as if compressed, with aching and heaviness in the eyes. Phosphorus (Hg)

Aching feet
- Constant dull, aching, cramplike pain as if in the periosteum or dorsum of the feet. Colocynthis (Hg)

Aching hands
- Soreness and aching in the hands and wrists as if broken and dislocated. Eupatorium (DN)

Aching kidneys
- Constant feeling as of a dull painful sensation in region of kidneys, late in evening. Cantharides (Hg)

Aching limbs
- Aching of the limbs, with feeling as of weight in the feet. Cocculus (Hg)
- Intolerable aching in the back and limbs, with sensation as if the bones were broken. Eupatorium (DN)

Aching lumbar
- Sensation of aching and pressure in small of back as if everything would press out of the genitals. Kali Carbonicum (CPTH)
- Feeling as of languor, with aching in the lumbar region. Zincum (Hg)

Aching mid-scapulae
- Aching as if the front of the chest had been compressed in a vise, mostly between the lower half of the scapulae. Helonias
- Tension and aching between the shoulder blades, with burning, pressing as if from a stone or stitches. Nux Vomica (Hg)

Aching mid-stenum
- Constant sensation as of weight in the center of the sternum, with a heavy, dull aching pain. Sulphur (Hg)

Aching muscles
- Severe aching in the left humerus, the muscles around the bone feel as if severely bruised. Iodoformum (Hg)

Aching nasal bones

- Aching in left side of nose as if in the bones. Cenchris Contortrix (KN)

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Aching navel
- Faint aching about the navel as if she must eat but with loathing and disgust at the thought. Colchicum Autumnale (Hg)

Aching nose
- Aching in the left side of the nose as though in the bones, with dull headache. Cenchris contortrix (KN)

Aching prostration
- Aching of the back and legs, with feeling as if pounded all over, with prostration. Phytolacca (Hg)

Aching sacro-iliac
- Aching in the region of the left sacro-iliac articulation with crawling in the left sole as if it were asleep. Colocynthis (Hg)

Aching sacrum
- Heavy, aching pain in the lower part of the back, with sensation as of bearing down and heavy pain in the chest. Clematis
Erecta (Hg)

Aching shoulder
- Aching pains in left shoulder, as of a toothache, when lying on right side. Carbolic Acid (Hg)
- Dull, aching pain over the top of the left shoulder as if from great fatigue. Chromicum Acidum (Hg)

Aching supra-orbital
- Aching pain about the inner part of the right eyebrow, as if in the periosteum. Oleum Jecoris Aselli (Hg)

Aching throat
- Throat aches, as if after taking cold. Cepa (Hg)

Aching tibia
- Drawing, cramping in the hollow of the right foot, passing along the outer border of gastrocnemius muscle to the knee,
then in tibia as an aching pain, then in the tarsus where it becomes a drawing-aching as if the foot would cramp.
Comocladia Dentata (Hg)

Acid lip
- A chilling, biting, burning sensation on the inner side of the right upper lip as if a corroding acid had touched the spot.
Lyssin (Hg)

Acid mouth
- Mouth burning, as if from acid. Bufones (Hg)

Acid taste
- Saltish taste and acid taste as of iron. Cinchona Boliviana (Hg)

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Acid uprisings
- Constant sensation as of water rising in the oesophagus as if she had eaten sour things. Hepar Sulph. Calc. (Hg)

Acid stomach
- Burning in stomach as if from acidity. Abrotanum (Hg)

Acidity stomach
- Burning in stomach as if from acidity. Apis (Hg)
- Burning in stomach, as of acidity, with transient pressure in stomach. Carduus Marianus (Hg)

Acids teeth
- Soreness of the mouth, fauces and oesophagus as if he had been eating vegetable acids or as if his teeth had been injured
by acids. Chlorum (Hg)

Aconite tongue
- Numb feeling of the tongue as if caused by aconite. Eupatoreum Purpureum (Hg)

Acrid coryza
- Many small, burning pimples under the septum, with sensation as if acrid water flowed from the nose. Natrum Muriaticum

Acrid mouth
- Sensation in mouth and throat as if peculiarly acrid. Arum Dracontium (Hg)

Acrid nares
- Sensation as if an acid, acrid fluid were running through the posterior nares over the palate. Kali Bichromicum (LP)

Acrid nose
- Corrosive sensation on the nose as if from something acrid. Platinum (Hg)

Acrid post-nares
- Sensation as if an acid acrid fluid was running through the posterior nares over the palates causing cough. Kali
Bichromicum (Hg)

Acrid secretion
- Burning and soreness in the rectum and anus, as if the secretions were acrid. hydrargyrum (DN)

Acrid skin
- Skin, cold, white, shrunken and dry as if washed in acrid water. Sumbul (Hg)

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Acrid throat
- Dryness, scraping and burning as if from something acrid in throat, and increased phlegm. Apis Chenopodii Glauci (Hg)
- On small spots in throat, sensation as of something acrid and corroding, which produces suffocative cough. Carbo
Vegetabilis (Hg)
- Sense as of slight acrid feeling in throat. Castanea Vesca (Hg)

Acrid vapors
- Nose painful when breathing as if from inspiring cold air or inhaling acrid vapors. Antimonium Crudum (CPTH)

Acridity larynx
- Sensation every evening as of a spoiled stomach, and acrid risings up to the larynx. Ambra Grisea (CPTH)
- Burning scraping in the larynx as if from acridity. Chenopodium (LP)

Acromion load
- Dull intermittent pressure, as if from a heavy load on right side of neck and left acromion. Anacardium Orientale (Hg)

Action nasal bones

- Sensation as of action in the bones of the nose. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Action refused
- Weakness and lassitude when going upstairs as if the limbs would refuse to act before reaching the top. Sepia (Hg)

Activity wings
- Feels unusually active, going as if on wings. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Acts painful
- The child acts as if it had a pain with rush of blood to the head. Graphites (Hg)

Acute hearing
- Singular sensation as of deafness from one ear to the other, as if a tube went through the head, while yet there was an
overacuteness of hearing. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Adenitis neck
- Swollen or inflamed glands of the neck, with red streaks, as if in scarlet fever. Rhus Toxicodendron (Hg)

Adhere eyelids
- Sensation as if the eyelids would adhere in the corners. Alumina (CPTH)

Adhere fauces
- Sensation as though the mucous membrane of the cheeks and fauces if touched would stick to the finger and peel off.

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Belladonna (BE)

Adhered chest
- Chest sometimes feels as if something had grown to the sore spot in front and was back of the chest. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Adhered eyeballs
- Inability to open the eyes well, as if agglutinated to eyeballs. Mercurius virus (CPTH)

Adhered heart
- Sensation as if the heart had grown fast or as of a narrow band encircling the body and lying upon the heart. Phosphorus

Adhered inner parts

- Feeling as if the inner parts were grown together. Rhus Toxicodendron (Hg)

Adhered lids
- On waking could not open the eyes, it seemed as if the inner surface of the lids were too dry and that they stuck fast to
the ball. Veratrum Album (Hg)

Adhered lungs
- Feeling as if lungs adhered to chest. Cadmium sulfuratum (Hg)

Adhered parts
- Sensation as if certain parts were grown together. Rhus Tox. (GY)

Adherent abdomen
- Feeling as of something adherent in the abdomen. Sepia (Hg)

Adherent scalp
- Sensation as if the scalp were adherent to the bones. Sinapis Nigra et Alba (Hg)

Adhering lung
- Sensation as if the left lobe of the lung was adhering. Euphorbium (Hg)
- Pain as if the lower lobe of the right lung was adhering to the ribs. Kali Carbonicum (Hg)

Adhesion internal
- Sensation in the inner parts in general as if they were grown together. Rhus Toxicodendron (LP)

Adhesion lungs
- Sensation as if the lungs were in a state of adhesion. Cadmium Sulphuricum (LP)
- Fulness and construction in the hypochondria and upper abdomen with feeling as if from adhesion of the lungs. Thuja (Hg)

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Adhesion pleura
- Stitch in the left breast above nipple on stopping or drawing a deep inspiration as if there were an adhesion between the
lung and pleura. Lac Vaccinum Butyraceum (SW)

Adhesion stomach
- Drawing as if growing together in the pit of the stomach as fart as the throat, when it seems to press the windpipe so
that she can hardly breathe. Spongia Tosta (Hg)

Adhesion lungs
- Dyspnoea as if from adhesions or contraction of the lungs. Mezereum (Hg)

Advancing vertigo
- Vertigo on rising from the bed as if everything was moving from side, or approached and then receded. Cicuta Virosa (Hg)

Affection repulsed
- after having caressed her husband or child she pushes them away from her, as if they were not what she supposed.
anacardium Orientale (Hg)

Affright asleep
- He starts as if in affright, and wakes when he is just falling asleep. Belladonna (Hg)
- On falling asleep, starts as if in a affright. Dulcamara (Hg)

Affrighted easily
- A sensation of being easily startled, as if affrighted. Chamomilla (DN)

Aflame stomach
- Burning in the throat as from hot coals, extending to the stomach with anguish as if a flame were rushing out. Euphorbium
Officinarum (LP)

Afraid child
- Child will hide as for shame of something, or as if afraid. Baryta Carbonica (KN)
- Child seems to be afraid of something and starts as if frightened. Opium (Hg)

Age blighted
- In walking, feeble, as if suddenly blighted with old age. Arnica Montana (Hg)

Age weakness
- Tremor of the hands when seizing anything and when moving the hands as if from weakness of old age. Ledum (Hg)

Aged rheumatism
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- Rheumatism especially in aged persons, with sensation as of soreness of the bones. Eupatoreum Purpureum (Hg)

Agglutinated eyeballs
- Inability to open the eyes well as if agglutinated to eyeballs. Mercurius Vivus (CPTH)

Agglutinated lid
- Sensation as of heaviness in upper lid, as if he could not raise it easily, or as if it were agglutinated to lower lid, and could
not be easily loosened. Causticum (Hg)

Agglutination lids
- Distressing pain as if the eyes were dry with nightly agglutination. Lycopodium (Hg)

Agitated brain
- Burning headache, as of brain agitated by boiling water. Aconitum Napellus (Hg)

Agitation fly
- Seems as if he would fly to pieces. Magnesia Muriatica (KN)

Agony abdominal
- At times severe cutting pains as if from a stab in the tumor, causing her to bend double and scream and toss about in
agony. Colocynthis (Hg)

Ague attack
- Sensation as if an attack of intermittent fever were approaching. Elaterium (LP)

Ague bloated
- Bloated in abdomen as if after ague. Absinthium (Hg)

Ague chills
- Chills up and down the back, as if ague was coming on. Baptisia Tinctoria (HY)

Ague paroxysm
- Quaked and trembled and teeth chattered as if he had a paroxysm of ague. Vespa (Hg)

Ague sensation
- Feels as if he had the ague. Aesculus Hippocastanum (HY)

Air asleep
- On going to sleep feels as if in the air. Tellurium (Hg)

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Air blowing
- Sensation as if cold air were blowing on him. Moschus (LP)

Air breast
- Sensation in the left breast above the nipple as if wind was in the cellular tissue. Mercurius Iodatus Flavus (Hg)

Air bubbles
- In intervals peculiar pain as if air bubbles pressed forcibly through the intestines and passed upward. Palladium (Hg)

Air-cells expectoration
- He raised large lumps of mucus, greenish-white casts as if from air cells, sometimes hanging together and spreading out in
the vessel. Nitric Acid (Hg)

Air-cells unemptied
- Expiration was difficult, prolonged and it seems as if insufficient as if the air cells were hardly half empty. Chlorum (Hg)

Air clavicle
- Sensation as if the air came directly under the clavicle. Rumex Crispus (KN)

Air current
- sensation as if he was turned about so rapidly that he perceives a current of air produced by motion. Moschus (Hg)

Air desire
- Anxiety in region of sternum, without pain; feels as if he must go into open air and busy himself. Anacardium Orientale

Air distention
- Sensation as if the air was distending the right external meatus and as if roaring in the ears would occur. Mezereum (Hg)

Air ear
- Sensation of pricking and feeling as if cold air had streamed into the ear. Dulcamara (DN)
- Sensation as if cold air were pouring into the ear. Mezereum (BYL)
- Sensation as if cold air escaped from the ear when laughing. Millefolium (HT)
- Ears feel as if air were pouring into hem. Mezerium (LR)

Air eggs
- Mouth as if filled with air tasting of rotten eggs. Aconitum Napellus (Hg)

Air eructations
- frequent rising of air as if the stomach were filled with dry food. Caladium Seguinum (LP)

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Air eustachian
- Snapping in the ear after every eructation, as if the air penetrated the Eustachian tube. Graphites (Hg)

Air exhaled putrid

- Sensation as if exhaled air smelled putrid, almost causing nausea. Chronicum Acidum (Hg)

Air eye
- Acute tearing pain in the head and right eye with dimness of vision and a sensation as if cold air was rushing through the
eye. Crocus Sativus (Hg)
- Sensation as if a cold stream of air blew through the eye. Medorrhinum (BYL)
- Sensation as if cold air were streaming out of the head through the eye. Thuja Occidentalis (LP)
- Sensation as if stream of cold air was blowing through the eyes. Fluoric Acid (BYL)

Air eyes
- The eyes feel as a cold stream of air were blowing out through them. Thuja (Hg)

Air flying
- Lightness of whole body, as if swimming or flying in air. Calcarea Arsenica (Hg)

Air food
- Empty eructations from morning till evening as if every particle of food was turned into air. Iodum (Hg)

Air forcing
- Eructations, as if air were forcing its way through stomach, causing a feeling of soreness. Baryta Carbonica (Hg)

Air frontal-sinuses
- Sensation as if air forced itself into the frontal-sinuses. Zincum (Hg)

Air glands
- Sensation in the thyroid and cervical glands on breathing as if air were passing up and down those glands. Spongia Tosta

Air gums
- Pressure upon the swollen gums causes crackling as if a collection of air had formed there. Daphne Odora (Hg)

Air head
- Sensation as if a current of air were rushing through head, if not kept warm. Aurum Metallicum (Hg)
- Sensation as if there were air in head. Benzoic Acid (Hg)
- Head feels as if filled with air to bursting. Lyssin (Hg)

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Air headache
- After going from open air into room, headache, the pain is aggravated by the slightest change, as if from a current of air,
cold or warm. Calcarea Ostrearum (Hg)
- Violent headache as if brought on by exposure to a current of air. Colocynthis (DN)

Air hot
- Feels as if the air just in front of her were hot. Sulphur (Hg)

Air hover
- Sometimes feels as light as though she could float or hover in the air. Mancinella (Hg)

Air hunger
- Great feeling of suffocation, it seems as if she could not long survive for want of air. Apis (Hg)
- After suppressed coryza; panting breathing, gasping for air; sensation as if there were dust in air. Arsenicum Album (Hg)
- She felt the need of breathing deeply, as if the chest were stopped and she could get no air. Bryonia Alba (Hg)
- He was seized with great distress, and seemed ready to expire, as if struggling for breath. Lyssin (Hg)
- Could not get air enough, felt as if smothering. Melilotus (Hg)
- Frequent deep respirations, during which she presses the chest forward and arches the back as if endeavoring to remove
some obstruction in the chest, accompanied by a peculiar motion of the head and mouth and gasping for air. Opium (Hg)
- Feeling as if the lungs themselves were constrited, as if air were forcibly kept out, with feeling of dryness. Phosphorus

Air icy cold

- Sensation on deep inspiration as if icy-cold air were streaming through the air passages. Corallium Rubrum (CPTH)

Air imprisoned
- On breathing, sensation as if the air became imprisoned in the epigastrium causing great anxiety. Rhus Toxicodendron (Hg)

Air impure
- Headache in upper part of head, as if from staying in a room filled with a thick and dusty atmosphere. Agnus Cactus (Hg)

Air inspired cold

- Sensation as of coldness in the nose when inspiring air. antimonium Crudum (LP)

Air insufficient
- Sensation as if the lungs could not be sufficiently expanded. Asafoetida (LP)
- Sensation as if he did not get enough air into chest, on account of which he elevates thorax and inspires forcibly. Bromium
- Seems as if she could not get air deep enough into lungs. Capsicum (Hg)
- Breathing difficult, as if there was no air in the room. Plantago Major (Hg)
- Felt as if the air she inhaled did not reach the pit of the stomach. Prunus Spinosa (Hg)

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Air knee-joints
- Sensation as if hot air was going through the knee-joints which were shaky. Lachesis (Hg)

Air larynx
- Inhaled air feels as if cool in larynx and trachea. Cistus Canadensis (CPTH)

Air lightness
- Feels light as if flying in the air. Valeriana (Hg)

Air meatus
- Feeling as if the air was distending the internal meatus. Mezereum (Hg)

Air neck glands

- On breathing sensation as of air passing into the glands if the neck. Spongia Tosta (Hg)

Air nipples
- Sensation as if air streamed from the nipples. Cyclamen Europaeum (Hg)

Air nostrils
- Sensation as of coldness in the nose when drawing in the air. Hippomanes (LP)

Air objects
- Slight delirium, picking and other motion of hands and fingers in air, as if they came in contact with real objects.
Atropinum Sulphuricum (Hg)
- He moves his hand as if endeavoring to seize some object which he indistinctly perceives in the air. Stramonum (Hg)

Air obstruction chest

- Sensation as if the air did not penetrate the chest. Rumex Cripus (CPTH)

Air-passages cold
- Sensation as if the air passing through the air-passages were icy cold. Corallium Rubrum (LP)

Air passing
- Sensation as if air were going through some place or other. Aurum Metallicum (KN)
- Pain in the right shoulder-joint extending towards the fingers as if air was passing down. Fluoricum Acidum (Hg)

Air pleura
- There is a feeling as if air escaped from the lung into the pleural cavity at each inspiration. Chlorum (Hg)

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Air posterior nares

- Pain in the posterior nares as if from air pressing through with violence, when talking or coughing. Magnesia Sulphurica

Air prepuce
- Great swelling of the prepuce as if it was distended with air or water to a blister. Mercurius (Hg)

Air pressing pharynx

- Pain in the posterior nares as if from air pressing through with violence, when talking or coughing. Magnesia Sulphurica

Air rushing head

- Sensation as if a current of air were rushing through the head if it be not kept warm. Aurum Foliatum (LP)

Air sharp
- Irritation in left nostril and feeling as if air is too sharp. Brachyglottis Repens (Hg)

Air shoulder-joint
- Pain in the right shoulder-joint extending towards the fingers as if air was passing down. Fluoricum Acidum (Hg)

Air spine
- Sensation as if cold air were spreading from spine over body, like an aura epileptica. Amanita, or Agaricus Muscarius (Hg)

Air stepping
- After walking, feels as if stepping on air. Natrum Muriaticum (Hg)

Air stomach
- Sensation as of a peculiar emptiness in the stomach as thought it were filled with air, one hour after eating. Belladonna
- Fulness of the stomach, as if it were filled with air. Kobalium (LP)

Air suspended
- Feeling as if suspended in the air, with unconsciousness. Sepia (Hg)

Air teeth
- Painful sensation in the back teeth as if they were hollow and air was forced into them. Coccinella Septempunetata (Hg)
- Sensation as if cold air was blown on the teeth. Coccus Cacti (LP)

Air thyroid
- Sensation in the thyroidn and cervical glands on breathing as if air were passing up and down those glands. Spongia Tosta

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Air tubes tightness

- Sensation as of constriction in the air tubes, with tightness and suffocation. Chlorum (Hg)

Air waist
- Sensation as if cold air were blowing around the waist. Silicea (LP)

Air walking
- In walking instead of going forward, he felt as if he should go into the air. Ferr. Phos. (HO)
- She felt as if she was walking on air. Lac Caninum (Hg)

Air withheld
- Oppression of the chest as if air was withheld on talking and coughing. Drosera (Hg)

Airless chest
- Sensation as if there was no air in the chest and he could not breathe. Kali Carbonicum (Hg)
- Sensation of breathlessness, as if air did not penetrate the chest, or as if falling or passing very rapidly through air.
Rumex Crispus (Hg)

Airless room
- Sensation as if not enough air in the room to breathe. Belladonna (BE)

Airy body
- Feeling as if unhampered by a material body causing a light and airy sensation and ease of movement. Cinchona Officinalis

Akimbo arms
- The clavicles feel as if they would slip from their sockets, has to place arms akimbo. Lyssin (Hg)

Alarm awaking
- He awakes full of alarm and fear as if something under the bed had cried out. Belladonna (DN)

Alarmed awaking
- Awaking often, as if alarmed. Agnus Cactus (Hg)

Albuminous stool
- In evening a stool exactly as if white of an egg. Asclepias Tuberosa (Hg)

Alcohol heartburn
- Heartburn with warmth in the stomach as if from alcohol. Tellurium (Hg)

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Alcohol mouth
- Food and drink cause a burning as of alcohol in the mouth. Belladonna (DN)

Alcoholic confusion
- Aching in the forehead and confusion as if he had taken too much alcoholic drink. Sulphur (Hg)

Alcoholic sensation
- Sensation as if he had taken too much alcoholic drink. Sulphur (Hg)

Alive abdomen
- Movements in bowels as if caused by a living thing. Arundo Mauritanica (Hg)
- Painful jerks in abdomen, moving from place to place, as if something living were in it, accompanied by drawing from left
hip-bone across to right and thence into knee; still, however, the pain remained in hip, where it seemed as if a tearing,
pushing pain. Cannabis Sativa (Hg)
- Feeling as of something alive and moving in the abdomen. Crocus Sativus (Hg)
- Sensation as of a thousand live things movings about in the abdomen. Pdophyllum (Hg)
- Much burning in the abdomen and a sensation as of something alive there. Sabadilla (Hg)
- Slight sensation of motion in the abdomen as if something were alive. Sabina (Hg)
- rolling in the abdomen with feeling as if something alive were there with spasmodic griping in the praecordial region. Sepia
- Movement in the abdomen as of something alive, as if the abdominal muscles were pushed outward by the arm of a ftus.
Thuja Occidentalis (LP)

Alive arm
- Numb feeling of the arms at night in bed, with it a sensation as if something living were running in the arm. Ignatia (Hg)

Alive arms
- Sensation as if something living were hopping about in the arms and other parts of the body. Crocus Sativus (LP)

Alive belly
- Motion in belly as of something alive. Calcarea Phosphorica (Hg)

Alive bowels
- Running and crawling in the bowels as of something alive. Cyclamen Europaeum (Hg)

Alive brain
- Confused sensation in the vertex with buzzing sensation at night as if something living were in the brain. Hypericum
Perforatum (Hg)

Alive chest
- Sensation as if something living were hopping in the chest. Crocus Sativus (Hg)

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Alive ear
- Sensation of roaring as if something alive were in the ear. Silicea (BYL)

Alive ears
- Roaring in the ears as if something alive were in them. Silica (Hg)

Alive goitre
- Sensation in goitre as if everything were shaking and moving about in the same, as if it were alive, particularly on
swallowing. Spongia Tosta (Hg)

Alive head
- Sensation as if everything in the head were alive. Petroleum (Hg)

Alive heart
- Peculiar sensation about heart as of something alive, struggling. Castor Equorum (Hg)
- Sensation as of something alive running in the heart. Cyclamen Europaeum (Hg)

Alive ilium
- Spasmodic stricture, feels as if something alive were pushing out of the ilium. Thuja (Hg)

Alive legs
- Twitching, as if something were alive in legs. Berberis (Hg)

Alive ribs
- Jumping as of something living in the lower portion of the right chest as if beneath the ribs. Crocus Sativus (Hg)

Alive shoulder
- Gurgling feeling in shoulder, with sensation as of something alive in joint, especially about midnight. Berberis (Hg)

Alive skin
- Sensation like a fine digging, as if something alive were beneath the skin of the abdomen above the left hip in the side
upon which he lies. Spongia Tosta (Hg)

Alive soles
- Crawling in both soles, as if from something alive. Causticum (Hg)

Alive stomach
- In stomach, contractive gnawing and tearing pain as if caused by some living thing. Anantherum Muricatum (Hg)

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Alive stomach
- Sensation as if something living were hopping about in the pit of the stomach. Crocus Sativus (LP)
- Feeling in the pit of the stomach as if something were alive. Mancinella (Hg)
- Jerking in the stomach as if from something alive. Sanguinaria Canadensis (Hg)
- Sensation as if something alive were rising from the stomach into the throat. Veratrum Album (Hg)

Alive teeth
- Sensation of fluttering as if something alive was in the teeth. Syphilinum (Hg)

Alive tissues
- Sensation as of something alive in the tissues. berberis (Hg)

All-gones bowels
- Sensation of empty, all-gone feeling in the bowels. Podophyllum (KN)

All-gone hungry
- "All-gone" feeling as if hungry. Lycopodium (KN)

All-gone mealtime
- Sensation as of an all-gone hungry feeling before mealtime. Sulphur (KN)

All-gone stomach
- Feeling as of hollowness, with faint all gone feeling, especially in the pit of the stomach. Ignatia (GY)
- Sensation as of all-gone hungry feeling after stool. Petroleum (KN)
- Sensation as of a sinking, all-gone feeling. Sanguinaria (KN)
- Sensation as of a gnawing, all-gone, empty, hungry feeling in the stomach not relieved by eating. Sepia (KN)
- Sensation in stomach as of an all-gone, hungry feeling. Tuberculinum (CPTH)

Alone dead still

- Ill humor and anxiety as if a misfortune would happen, or as if she were alone and all about her were dead and still, or as if
she had been forsaken by a near friend. Rhus Toxicodendron (Hg)

Alone fearful
- Fear of being left alone as if something horrible might happen. Elaps Corallinus (LP)

Alopecia glossy
- A boy had a bald spot on the front part of his head as large as a 25 c piece, of glossy smoothness and the air around
appeared as if cut short near the roots, the place being covered with dry crusty scales. Sepia (Hg)

Alternate cold heat

- Alternate sensation as of burning and coldness in the body. Sepia (Hg)

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Alternately beaten
- Pain as if beaten in the calf and thigh, going downward in the right leg and corming up in the left . Chimophila Maculata

Alternating cold heat

- Sensation as of heat, followed by that of cold, without shivering. Rumex Crispus (Hg)

Alternating discharge dryness

- Profuse discharge of glairy mucus from the nostrils, alternating with a sensation as of great dryness of the Schneiderian
membrane. Cundurango (Hg)

Alternating numbness pain

- Feeling as of numbness occasionally taking place of sciatic pains, making exercise very fatiguing. Gnaphalium (Hg)

Alternating vision
- Sees everything half light and half dark, with sensation as if he must die. Glonoinum (Hg)

Ammonia eyes
- In the eyes, heat or a biting, as if from ammonia. Sulphur (DN)

Anaemic pre-consumptive
- Anaemic, with feeling as if in the first stage of consumption. Ustilago (Hg)

Anaesthesia brain
- Constrictive sensation in the brain as if too tight, with a feeling as of anaesthesia of the brain. Kali Bromatum (Hg)

Anaesthesia drawing
- Drawing and sensation as of weariness with apparent dulness of feeling. Thuja (Hg)

Anaesthesia finger-tips
- Sensation as if a hard skin were drawn over the tips of the fingers of the fingers of the left hand; there is little feeling
in them and sensation of touch is suspended. Staphisagria (Hg)

Anaesthesia legs
- Anaesthesia of the legs, with a feeling as if enclosed in an elastic stocking. Picric Acid (Hg)

Anal relief
- A long-continued sensation after stool, as if one had just been to stool, or as if one had just recovered from a pain in anus.
Berberis (Hg)

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Anal urge ineffectual

- Sensation as of great weight in anus and urging to evacuate a great quantity but nothing passes. Cactus Grandiflorus

Anchylosed joints
- Limbs swelled and painful, joints almost as firmly locked as if anchylosed, cannot move hand nor foot for pain, from this
swelled and inflamed state of joints. Aurum Metallicum (Hg)

Anger motions
- Attacks as of fear; grinding of teeth, doubling of fists, as if in furious anger. Calcarea Ostrearum (Hg)

Angina coughing
- Sensation as of pain in the throat when coughing. Capsicum Annuum (GY)

Anguish accident
- Trembling, anguish and fear as if some accident would happen. Magnesia Carbonica (Hg)

Anguish asthma
- Asthma when fatigued, as if from anguish. Arsenicum Album (Hg)

Anguish awaking
- Sometimes Paroxysms come on at night when it seems as if she were suffocating and wakes up in great anguish. Digitalis
Purpurea (Hg)

Anguish heart
- Anguish about the heart as though he had committed some evil deed. Cina (Hg)
- Trembling pulsation with palpitation and feeling as of anguish in the heart. Spigelia (GY)

Anguish precordial
- Precordial anguish as if he would die. Carbo Vegetalis (Hg)

Anguish restlessness
- Great restlessness and anguish as if she had committed a crime or as if she had been forsaken by a near friend. Rhus
Toxicodendron (Hg)

Anguish stomach
- Feeling as of anguish in the pit of the stomach. Chelidonium Majus (Hg)

Anguish weakness
- Great weakness of nerves, as if from violent anguish. Agnus Cactus (Hg)

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Anguish weariness
- Feeling as of anguish increased with failure of every effort to strive against the weariness. Coca (Hg)

Angular food
- Feeling as if food formed itself into lumps with hard surfaces and angles, which caused soreness in the stomach. Nux
Moschata (Hg)

Animal abdomen
- Sensation as if an animal were crying in the abdomen. Thuja Occidentalis (LP)

Animal epigastrium
- Sensation as of an animal wriggling in the epigastric region. Chelidonium Majus (Hg)

Animal nature
- He felt as if he was clear animal right through, while all mental power was dormant. Lachesis (Hg)

Animals abdomen
- Gurgling in abdomen as if animals were floundering about. Podophyllum (KN)

Ankle splinter
- Pain as if a splinter of bone were sticking in right fibula, just above outer malleolus. Asafoetida (Hg)

Ankle sprain
- Sensation as of sprain in wrist and ankle. Calcarea Silicata (KN)

Ankle weak
- Foot turns under, when walking, as if from a weak ankle. Carbo Animalis (Hg)

Ankles cold
- Coldness of feet extending over the ankles as if standing in cold water, followed by chilliness up the legs. Lycopodium (Hg)

Ankle weak
- Want of power in ankles and feeling as of a heavy weight in each instep. Arnica Montana (Hg)

Annoyance clothes
- Feeling as if the clothes were uncomfortable, and of annoyance to the wearer. Spongia Tosta (GY)

Anorexia stomach
- Feels as if she needed food, but did not want it. Baryta Carbonica (Hg)

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Another says
- When he says anything it is as if another person had said it. Alumina (KN)

Another sees
- When he sees anything it is as if another person had seen it. Alumina (KN)

Answering confusion
- Awakening as if from complete absence of mind, does not know where he is, nor what to answer. Nux Moschata (Hg)

Answers inappropriate
- He gives short, unintelligible answers which at times are inappropriate, as of one slumbering. Phosphorus Acidum (Hg)

Answers sleeping
- Asleep, but hears everything, and answers questions as if she was awake. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Answers slowly
- Answers very slow, and he spoke as if in a bad temper. Zincum (Hg)

Ants all over

- Tingling all over as if from ants. Ignatia (Hg)

Ants body
- Sensation as if ants were running through the whole body. Cistus Canadensis (LP)
- Creeping as of ants all over the body. Diadema Aranea (Hg)
- Sensation of biting as of ants over the whole body. Gummi Gutti (LP)
- Itching sensation as if ants were crawling over the body. Phosphoricum Acidum (Hg)

Ants brain
- Sensation of crawling, as if ants in the brain. Alumina Silicate (KN)

Ants chest
- At times pressive pain in the occiput, sudden stitches in the side and sensation as of ants running over the chest.
Mezereum (Hg)

Ants crawling
- Crawling sensation as if from ants. Secale Cornutum (Hg)

Ants creeping
- Sensation as if crawling and creeping of ants. Aconitum Napellus (KN)

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Ants externally
- Biting as if from ants over the whole body. Gambogia (Hg)
- His whole body feels as if covered with ants. Zincum (Hg)

Ants extremities
- "Asleep" sensation as if ants were crawling in the extremities, deep in the muscles and skin. Cadmium Sulphuricum (KN)

Ants formication
- General formication as if covered with ants, with violent itching. Zincum (Hg)

Ants internally
- In the evening soon after lying down a sensation as if ants were running through the whole body. Cistus Canadensis (Hg)

Ants limbs
- Crawling as if ants on lower limbs. Asterias Rubens (Hg)

Ants limbs
- Sensation as of ants creeping in the limbs. Phosphorus (Hg)

Ants running
- Asthmatic sensation as if ants were running through the whole body. Cistus Canadensis (Hg)

Ants skin
- Sensation in skin as if from ants. Agaricus Muscarius (KN)
- Crawling sensation as of ants in the skin. Sabadilla (Hg)

Ants spine
- Sensation as if ants were creeping along the spine. Agaricus Muscarius (CPTH)

Ants surface
- Tingling of lips, formication about the head and crawling, as of ants over the surface. Picric Acid (Hg)

Ants tongue
- Painful, tingling sensation as if from ants crawling on the tongue. Secale Cornutum (Hg)

Anus bite
- Sensation as if anus was raw from a bite. Culex Musca (KN)

Anus burning
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- Sensation as of burning at anus after each evacuation. Apis (Hg)
- Burning and soreness around anus, as if excoriated. Baryta Carbonica (Hg)
- Sensation of burning in anus after stool, as if on fire. Iris Versicolor (CPTH)
- Sensation as if red hot iron were burning anus. Kali Arsenicosum (KN)
- Sensation as of burning or biting in and around anus after stool. Kali Carbonicum (CPTH)
- Passage of bright red blood from the anus with terrible burning and pricking in it as if from thorns. Lyssin (Hg)

Anus coming out

- After stool, feeling as if everything were coming out at the anus. Trombidium (Hg)

Anus drawn up
- The anus feels as if drawn up into the rectum. Iodoformum (Hg)

Anus drops falling

- Sensation as if drops of cold water were falling from the anus. Cannabis Sativa (CPTH)

Anus fluid
- Sensation as of a warm fluid escaping from anus. Aconitum Napellus (Hg)

Anus impassable
- Constipation where the anus feels tight and as if nothing could go through it. Lachesis (GY)

Anus itching
- Itching in anus with sore pain as if from haemorrhoids. Nux Vomica (CPTH)

Anus knife
- Pain in hemorrhoids as of a knife sawing up and down, could not sit, stand or lie, only possible position was kneeling.
Aesculus Hippocastanum (Hg)

Anus occlusion
- Sensation as of occlusion of the anus. Opium (Hg)

Anus open
- Anus feels as if it stood wide open. Phosphorus (KN)

Anus piles blind

- Pain in the anus as if from blind piles. Ignatia (Hg)

Anus sharp points

- Anus feels sore, or as if sharp points were sticking in it. Iris Versicolor (Hg)

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Anus sore
- Burning pain in anus as if parts around it were sore. Berberis Vulgaris (CPTH)

Anus split
- Stools hard as a stone and large, feel as if they would split the anus. Mezereum (Hg)

Anus throbbing
- Hemorrhoids, burning as if pepper were sprinkled on them swollen itching, throbbing. Capsicum (Hg)

Anus tight
- Difficult passage of flatus, as if the anus resisted expulsion. Lyssin (Hg)

Anus ulceration
- Sensation as of subcutaneous ulceration near the anus, only when walking. Agnus Cactus(LP)

Anus weak
- Sensation as if anus and rectum were weakened by long continued diarrhoea. Colocynthis (CPTH)

Anxiety abdomen
- Oppression in abdomen as if in great anxiety and fear, without palpitation, afterwards ascending to chest. Arum
Maculatum (Hg)
- Sensation as of anxiety in the abdomen. Bufo (KN)
- Sensation as of anxiety and strong heat in abdomen. Cainca (Hg)

Anxiety afternoon
- Feeling as of extreme anxiety from noon to 3 P.M. Asterias Rubens

Anxiety alone
- Fear of being alone as if something horrible might happen. Elaps Corallinus (Hg)

Anxiety arising
- Frequent awaking as if from anxiety and as if it were time to rise. Digitalis Purpurea (Hg)

Anxiety awaking
- Frequent waking as if from anxiety. Digitalis Purpurea (CPTH)
- Frequent awaking, as if in fright, with anxiety. Sambucus Nigra (Hg)

Anxiety badness
- Anxiety and uneasiness as if she had done something bad. Alumina (CPTH)

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Anxiety bed
- Sensation as of anxiety at night in bed on closing the eyes. Magnesia Muriatica (KN)

Anxiety body
- Seems as if his whole economy were full of anxious feelings and restlessness. Digitalis (KN)

Anxiety chest
- Stoppage of nose, with oppression and sense as of anxiety in chest. Calcarea Ostrearum (Hg)
- Feeling as of anxiety in the chest, in the region of the heart. Carbo Vegetabilis (KN)
- Confused undulating sensation in the cardiac region, with fulness and feeling as of anxiety in the left chest. Mercurialis
Perennis (Hg)
- Anxious and spasmodic tightness of the chest as if it were too full and the larynx constricted. Pulsatilla (Hg)

Anxiety coldness
- Anger, with anxiety, restless and sensation as of coldness. Arsenicum Album (LP)

Anxiety conscience
- Great anxiety as if from a troubled conscience. Digitalis Purpurea (Hg)

Anxiety conscience
- Apprehensive and anxious as if from a bad conscience. Strontiana Carbonica (Hg)

Anxiety death
- Anxious thoughts as if about to die, for which she prepares farewell messages. Lycopodium (Hg)

Anxiety deathly
- Deathly anxiety, as if her senses would vanish, with trembling of all the limbs. Platinum (Hg)

Anxiety dispute
- Anxiety as if he was engaged in a lawsuit or dispute. Nitric Acid (Hg)

Anxiety drowning
- Anxiety as if it would impel him to commit suicide by drowning. Drosera Rotundifolia (Hg)

Anxiety enemies
- Anxiety as if surrounded by enemies. Anacardium Orientale (CPTH)

Anxiety epigastrium
- Feeling as of anxiety in the epigastrium and stomach. Gratiola (Hg)
- Anxiety and distress as though some great evil were impending, and this distress appears to him to come from the

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epigastrium. Pulsatilla (DN)
- On breathing, sensation as if the air became imprisoned in the epigastrium causing great anxiety. Rhus Toxicodendron (Hg)
- Sensation as of utter prostration or anxiety in the region of the epigastrium. Terebinthina (Hg)

Anxiety epilepsy
- Anxiety as if threatened with an epileptic fit. Alumina, or Argilla (Hg)

Anxiety events
- Foreboding anxiety as if some accident would happen. Magnesia Sulphurica (LP)

Anxiety evil
- Anxious and restless as if some evil impended. Mercurius (KN)

Anxiety face
- Expression of great anxiety on his face as if worn out by long suffering. Sulphur (Hg)

Anxiety foreboding
- Foreboding anxiety as if some accident would happen. Magnesia Sulphurica (Hg)

Anxiety giddiness
- Sensation as of giddiness with anxiety when moving. Aloe Socotrine (LP)

Anxiety happenings
- Anxiety as if something might happen. Amyl Nitrosum (CPTH)

Anxiety heart
- Feeling as of anxious sensation about heart. Calcarea Ostrearum (Hg)
- Sensation as if the heart stood still, with great anxiety. Digitalis Purpurea (CPTH)
- Anxiety about the heart, as if some evil was going to happen. Menyanthes Trifoliata (Hg)
- Anxiety about the heart, with a feeling of nausea and sensation as of hunger. Phosphorus (Hg)
- Sensation as of anxiety on the heart. Theridion Curassavicum (LP)

Anxiety horrible
- Fear of being left alone as if something horrible might happen. Elaps Corallinus (LP)

Anxiety ill-humor
- Ill-humor and anxiety as if a misfortune would happen, or as if she were alone and all about her were dead and still, or as if
she had been forsaken by a near friend. Rhus Toxicodendron (Hg)

Anxiety murder
- Great anxiety of mind as if he had committed murder. Phosphorus (Hg)

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Anxiety possessed
- Sensation of anxiety as if possessed. Carbo Vegetabilis (KN)

Anxiety precordia
- Sensation as of anxiety and constriction; mostly in precordia; liver engorged, slight hemorrhage here and there.
Anthracinum (Hg)
- When walking in the open air, palpitation with great anxiety in the precordia, as if he had suffered some evil in the heart.
Cina (DN)

Anxiety pursued
- Anxiety as if pursued with suspicion of everything around him. Anacardium Orientale (CPTH)

Anxiety restlessness
- Woke at an early hour with a frightened sensation as if something dreadful had happened; could not rest in bed, felt as if
she must do something to rid her mind of this torture. Medorrhinum (Hg)

Anxiety sensation
- Sensation as of anxiety. Guarea (Hg)

Anxiety solar-plexus
- Apprehensiveness at the pit of the stomach as if when expecting some very unpleasant news. Mezereum (Hg)

Anxiety stomach
- Terrible sensation as of sickness, weakness and anxiety in region of stomach. Arsenicum Album (Hg)
- Drawing pain from region of kidneys to inguinal glands, with feeling as of anxious, nauseous sensation in pit of stomach.
Cannabis Sativa (Hg)
- Feeling of anxiety as if in pit of stomach. Lycopodium (CPTH)
- Pressure in the pit of the stomach as if from great anxiety. Paeonia (Hg)
- Feeling as of anxiety in abdomen and stomach. Tuberculinum (KN)

Anxiety suicidal
- His anxiety is such that he feels as though he should take his own life. Rhus Toxicodendron (DN)

Anxiety sweat
- Anxiety on moving as if sweat would break out. Niccolum (Hg)
- Anxious feeling as of trembling or violent trembling all over with cold perspiration. Pulsatilla (Hg)

Anxiety terrible
- Anxiety as if something terrible had happened. Ignatia (Hg)

Anxiety wrong-doing
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- Anxiety and disquiet as if she had done something wrong, or as if some great misfortune were about to happen. Ignatia

Anxious breathing
- Great oppression of the chest at night, waking him from sleep and obliging him to sit up with anxious suddenness, feels as
if he would suffocation. Lactuca Virosa (Hg)

Anxious dreams
- Anxious dreams with a feeling as of embarrassment. Ammonium Muriaticum (GY)
- Dreams vivid and anxious as if pursued by wild beasts. Sulphur (Hg)

Anxious dyspnoea
- Sensation as of some thing tearing in the chest, with great dyspnoea and anxiety. Spigelia (Hg)

Anxious happening
- Anxiety as though something terrible had happened. Ignatia (DN)

Anxious raising head

- Head rests upon the chest when lying and sitting, if she raises it she becomes anxious; feels as if something were tearing
in the chest and is seized with nervous spasmodic respiration and violebt and convulsive efforts at distention of the
chest. Spigelia (Hg)

Anxious wakefulness
- Kept awake at night as if from an anxious feeling. Magnesia Muriatica (KN)

Anxious walking
- Anxious when walking as if some one were pursuing. Anacardium Orientale (CPTH)

Anxiousness body
- Sensation as of anxiousness in the body. Chamomilla (GY)

Anxiousness body

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