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Atlntida 1 Written test / 50

Grade 6 Oral /12

December 7th Final Mark
e Teachers signatures _______________________ _________________________________ __________________________


1-Listening Comprehension

-Listen to the recording on Fidel Castro and fill in the missing

information. You will hear the recording twice.

He was Cuba's 1 __________from 2 ________ until his 3 _________in 4 ___________.

Castro was born on a 4 ________ plantation in 5__________.

He became politically active and wanted to bring social 6 __________to his country.

Castros rebel forces started the 7 _________in December 1958.

Castro 8 _________prime minister in 9 ___________1959.

10 marks 1 each

2- Reading Comprehension

Read the text below and answer the following questions:

1- Where was the text extracted from?
2- What is it about?
3- What is the result of the debate?
4- What are the persons positive qualities?
5- Why was the person a bad leader? 10 marks 2 each
3- Prewriting activity- Answer the following questions about Human Values or
Understanding the Media
1. What are the most important human values?
2. Do people put them into practice? Yes, No Why?
3. Are Human Values universal or cultural?
4. What happens with human values in a Democracy/ Dictatorship`?
5. What relationship is there between Peace and Human Values?
6. How are Human Values related to Human Rights?
1. What are the most widely used means of communication?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation?
3. What are the distinguishing features of the internet?
4. What is advertising and how does it relate to mass media?
5. How is the history of mass media related to the history of mankind?
6. How do people use social networks?
12 marks 2 each
Writing activity
Interview a famous personality about one of the topics below or Write an article about
a)Human Values in Cuba b)The internet and its impact on advertising or c)Mass Media
18 marks -

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