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I believe that every student has his or her own assets, which far outweigh his or

her hindrances to educational exploration. I believe that every student has potential: potential to learn
themselves and potential to teach the educator as well. I believe that in order for students to develop
academically, socially, and emotionally, it is my responsibility to provide this foundation through a
judgment-free, inspirational classroom environment. I look to center my instruction on three overarching

(1) I will make learning engaging and authentic, (2) I will aim to teach the whole student and will
create a classroom supportive of diverse needs and (3) My students will feel empowered and
prepared for their future.

First and foremost, learning should be fun and purposeful. Learning new things should be seen as a
fulfilling and exciting experience. In order to maximize student potential, I will create engaging lesson plans
with effective teaching methods that are tailored to the specific interests and diverse needs of the students
in my class. I will incorporate flexible instructional methods, classroom design and materials, resulting in
personalized learning experiences, so that all students are active members of the classroom. In addition to
creating an engaging classroom environment, I strive to provide my students with learning activities that are
authentic and provide real-world relevancy to life beyond the four walls of the classroom. I believe that a
teacher that is truly dedicated to his/her profession and uses out-of-the-box teaching methods can both
create an optimum environment for instruction and instill in the minds of young children, a life-long hunger
for learning.

Secondly, I believe one of my primary responsibilities, as a teacher, is to attend to the whole student. My
students will learn, from the first day of school, that when in the classroom, they must respect one another.
Also, I believe in creating classroom rules that incorporate both my own policies and student-created
policies. I will teach acceptance of peer differences, and I will create a classroom environment that
embraces learner differences. I will be an active member of IEP teams for Special Education students, and
I will build relationships with both my students and their families to create a classroom that embraces all
cultural differences. Through establishing the importance of mutual respect and collaboratively creating
classroom rules, positive student behaviors should follow. My students will be able to monitor and reflect on
their own behavior, once aware of what is expected of them.

Lastly, I believe my role, as a teacher, is to empower my students to dream big. The 21st Century student
needs a teacher that will provide opportunities for students to develop skills necessary to develop into
critical thinkers and problem solvers. My students will feel encouraged to seek out their own answers to
their questions, while I take a coaching role. Also, students need to have exposure to technological skill
development, in order to best be prepared for their eventual future as a professional. To support students
accordingly, I believe in incorporating purposeful technology into my lessons in a way that enhances
learning experiences. I will make sure every student feels empowered and confident in the fact that he or
she has so much to offer the world. I will, from the beginning, encourage the sharing of all relevant thoughts
and ideas freely in the classroom. My students will be encouraged to ask questions, set goals for
themselves, and they will be acknowledged for their accomplishments.

I will encourage all of my students to be the next great.

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