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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Siebel 8.1.x e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e d aVolumesIe Student Guide
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Edition 1.0
April 2011
Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


This document contains proprietary information and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may copy and
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the document, please
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Trademark Notice s a
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c l)
Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
nte uide

@ nt G
Author e z
u tude
Neil Lang s q
( f cva this S
Technical Contributors and Reviewers da e
e u s
Siebel CRM Team
a sta se to
C Oracle
This book was published using:
z c en Tutor
e l i
squ rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r
Table of Contents
Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction .......................................................................................... 1-1
Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction ............................................................................................ 1-2
Lesson Agenda ....................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Instructor and Class Participants ............................................................................................................. 1-4
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Training Site Information ......................................................................................................................... 1-5

Course Audience .................................................................................................................................... 1-6
Course Prerequisites............................................................................................................................... 1-7
Course Goal ........................................................................................................................................... 1-8
Course Objectives................................................................................................................................... 1-9
Course Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 1-10
Course Materials..................................................................................................................................... 1-11
Siebel Documentation ............................................................................................................................. 1-12
Feedback ............................................................................................................................................... 1-13
Course Agenda ....................................................................................................................................... 1-14
s a
h a
Introduction to Siebel Application Integration ......................................................................................... 2-1

l c l)
Introduction to Siebel Application Integration............................................................................................ 2-2
nte uide
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 2-3
e z @ nt G
Patterns for Siebel Application Integration................................................................................................ 2-4

s q u tude
Peer Application Integration..................................................................................................................... 2-5

cva this S
Consumer of Services ............................................................................................................................. 2-6
( f
Alternate User Interfaces (UIs) ................................................................................................................ 2-7

e da use
Alternate User Interface: Examples.......................................................................................................... 2-8

sta se to
Siebel Application Integration Choices ..................................................................................................... 2-9
Data-Layer Integration............................................................................................................................. 2-10
C cen
e z
u le li
Business-Layer Integration ...................................................................................................................... 2-11

s q
Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) ......................................................................................... 2-12
V ferab
Closely Coupled Integrations ................................................................................................................... 2-13
l ip rans
Loosely Coupled Integrations .................................................................................................................. 2-14
F n-t
UI-Layer Integration ................................................................................................................................ 2-15

UI Integration: Example ........................................................................................................................... 2-16
Common Steps in Implementing Integration ............................................................................................. 2-17
Overview of This Course ......................................................................................................................... 2-18
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 2-19
Overview of Integration Workflows .......................................................................................................... 3-1
Overview of Integration Workflows........................................................................................................... 3-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Data Exchange ....................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Data Exchange Scenarios ....................................................................................................................... 3-5
Siebel Send ............................................................................................................................................ 3-6
Siebel Send/Receive ............................................................................................................................... 3-7
Siebel Receive ........................................................................................................................................ 3-8
Siebel Receive/Respond ......................................................................................................................... 3-9
Integration Processing for Send............................................................................................................... 3-10
Integration Processing for Receive .......................................................................................................... 3-11
Transporting Data in Integration Workflows .............................................................................................. 3-12
Types of Transports ................................................................................................................................ 3-13
Additional Integration Processing............................................................................................................. 3-14
Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Siebel 8.1.x Integration Table of Contents

Prebuilt EAI Business Services................................................................................................................ 3-15
Example of a Siebel Integration Workflow ................................................................................................ 3-16
Review: XML (Extensible Markup Language) ........................................................................................... 3-17
XML Documents: Review ........................................................................................................................ 3-18
XML Schema Definition (XSD): Review.................................................................................................... 3-19
XML Namespaces: Review...................................................................................................................... 3-20
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Using XML Namespaces Review ............................................................................................................. 3-21

Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 3-22
Practice 3 Overview: Overview of Integration Workflows.......................................................................... 3-23
Integration Objects ................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Integration Objects .................................................................................................................................. 4-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 4-3
Integration Objects .................................................................................................................................. 4-4
Integration Object.................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Types of Integration Objects .................................................................................................................... 4-6
Internal Integration Object ....................................................................................................................... 4-7
s a
External Integration Object ...................................................................................................................... 4-8
c l)
Integration Components (ICs) .................................................................................................................. 4-9
nte uide
Integration Component Key ..................................................................................................................... 4-11
e z @ nt G
Status Key .............................................................................................................................................. 4-12

s q u tude
Creating an Internal Integration Object..................................................................................................... 4-13
1. Identify the Siebel Data to be Exchanged ............................................................................................. 4-14

f cva this S
2. Create the Integration Object ............................................................................................................... 4-15
e da use
2. Specify the Business Object ................................................................................................................ 4-16
3. Select the Integration Components ...................................................................................................... 4-17

a sta se to
3. Review messages ............................................................................................................................... 4-18
z C cen
3. Select the Integration Components: Wizard Action .............................................................................. 4-19

q e
u le li
4. Inactivate Unneeded Integration Component Fields.............................................................................. 4-20
V ferab
5. Inactivate Unneeded Integration Component Keys ............................................................................... 4-21
e l ip rans
Deploying New and Modified Integration Objects...................................................................................... 4-22
F n-t
Directly Deploying an Integration Object .................................................................................................. 4-23

Refreshing the Run-Time Database ......................................................................................................... 4-24
Synchronizing Integration Objects ........................................................................................................... 4-25
Creating an External Integration Object.................................................................................................... 4-26
1. Obtain a Schema of the External Data ................................................................................................. 4-27
2. Create the External Integration Object ................................................................................................. 4-28
2. Create the External Integration Object: Specify the Root Level Node ................................................... 4-29
3. Select Integration Components ............................................................................................................ 4-30
4. Verify the Integration Object ................................................................................................................ 4-31
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 4-32
Practice 4 Overview: Integration Objects................................................................................................. 4-33
EAI Siebel Adapter .................................................................................................................................... 5-1
EAI Siebel Adapter .................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 5-3
EAI Business Services ............................................................................................................................ 5-4
Property Sets and Business Services ...................................................................................................... 5-5
Property Set............................................................................................................................................ 5-6
Hierarchical Data Structures .................................................................................................................... 5-7
Property Set for Hierarchical Data ........................................................................................................... 5-8
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration Table of Contents

EAI Siebel Adapter .................................................................................................................................. 5-9
Using the EAI Siebel Adapter to Read Siebel Data ................................................................................... 5-10
Integration Object Instance...................................................................................................................... 5-11
Using the EAI Siebel Adapter to Write Siebel Data ................................................................................... 5-12
EAI Siebel Adapter Methods.................................................................................................................... 5-13
Query Method ......................................................................................................................................... 5-14
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QueryPage Method ................................................................................................................................. 5-16

Synchronize Method ............................................................................................................................... 5-17
Insert Method.......................................................................................................................................... 5-19
Update Method ....................................................................................................................................... 5-20
Upsert Method ........................................................................................................................................ 5-21
Delete Method ........................................................................................................................................ 5-23
Execute Method ...................................................................................................................................... 5-24
Business Object Layer Considerations..................................................................................................... 5-25
Transaction-Based Processing ................................................................................................................ 5-26
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 5-27
s a
Practice 5 Overview: EAI Siebel Adapter................................................................................................. 5-28
) h 6-1a
c l
Data Conversion .......................................................................................................................................

t el ide 6-2
Data Conversion .....................................................................................................................................
e G u 6-3
ez den t
Processing Integration Object Instances .................................................................................................. 6-4
s q u tu
EAI XML Converter ................................................................................................................................. 6-5
v a S
a (fc e this
Siebel XML ............................................................................................................................................. 6-6

e d
EAI XML Converter Methods ...................................................................................................................
s 6-8

s t a e to u
IntObjHierToXMLDoc Method.................................................................................................................. 6-9

C a ns
XMLDocToIntObjHier Method.................................................................................................................. 6-10

e z l i c e
XML Hierarchy Converter ........................................................................................................................ 6-11

b l e
XML Converter........................................................................................................................................

ra Service ................................................................................................ 6-14


e VService fBusiness
Character Set Conversion

elip -tran
The Transcode s

Handling Attachments .............................................................................................................................
Embedded Attachments .......................................................................................................................... 6-17

MIME...................................................................................................................................................... 6-18
MIME: Example ...................................................................................................................................... 6-19
Writing XML Strings to Files .................................................................................................................... 6-20
EAI File Transport ................................................................................................................................... 6-21
EAI XML Write to File .............................................................................................................................. 6-22
EAI XML Read from File.......................................................................................................................... 6-23
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 6-24
Practice 6 Overview: Data Conversion .................................................................................................... 6-25
Integration Workflows .............................................................................................................................. 7-1
Integration Workflows.............................................................................................................................. 7-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Integration Workflow ............................................................................................................................... 7-4
Integration Workflows.............................................................................................................................. 7-5
Process Properties.................................................................................................................................. 7-6
Process Property Types .......................................................................................................................... 7-7
Inputs to Business Services..................................................................................................................... 7-8
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration Table of Contents

Outputs of Business Services .................................................................................................................. 7-9
Building an Integration Workflow.............................................................................................................. 7-10
1. Define the Workflow Processing .......................................................................................................... 7-11
2. Create the Workflow Process............................................................................................................... 7-12
3. Add Steps to the Workflow Process ..................................................................................................... 7-13
4. Add Workflow Process Properties ........................................................................................................ 7-14
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5. Configure the Inputs and Outputs ........................................................................................................ 7-15

6. Test the Workflow ............................................................................................................................... 7-16
Invoking a Workflow ................................................................................................................................ 7-18
Workflow Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 7-19
Run-Time Event ...................................................................................................................................... 7-20
Declarative Call....................................................................................................................................... 7-21
Scripting ................................................................................................................................................. 7-22
Considerations for Invoking Workflow ...................................................................................................... 7-23
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 7-24
Practice 7 Overview: Integration Workflows............................................................................................. 7-25
s a
EAI HTTP Transport .................................................................................................................................. 8-1
c l)
EAI HTTP Transport................................................................................................................................ 8-2
nte uide
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 8-3
e z @ nt G
Using HTTP Transport ............................................................................................................................ 8-4

s q u tude
Fundamentals of HTTP Transport: Review............................................................................................... 8-5
Communication Modes Review............................................................................................................... 8-6

f cva this S
Data Transmission: Review .................................................................................................................... 8-7
e da use
Siebel Architecture for HTTP Transport.................................................................................................... 8-8
Sending (Siebel Application as the Client) ................................................................................................ 8-9

a sta se to
Configuring Outbound HTTP Transport .................................................................................................... 8-10
z C cen
1. Add the HTTP Transport Step.............................................................................................................. 8-11

q e
u le li
2. Assign Inputs and Outputs................................................................................................................... 8-12
V ferab
3. Assign Request Methods and URLs: Sessionless................................................................................. 8-13
e l ip rans
3. Assign Request Methods and URLs: Session Mode ............................................................................. 8-14
F n-t
Receiving (Siebel Application as the Server) ............................................................................................ 8-15

Processing Incoming HTTP Requests...................................................................................................... 8-16
Profile Configurations for HTTP Services ................................................................................................. 8-17
Profile Configurations for HTTP Service: Parameters ............................................................................... 8-18
URLs for Siebel EAI Object Manager ....................................................................................................... 8-19
Configuring a New HTTP Service ............................................................................................................ 8-20
1. Identify the Workflow or Business Service ............................................................................................ 8-21
2. Create the Profile Configuration ........................................................................................................... 8-22
3. Assign the Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 8-23
4. Modify the eai.cfg File.......................................................................................................................... 8-24
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 8-25
Practice 8 Overview: EAI HTTP Transport .............................................................................................. 8-26
EAI Message Queue Transport ................................................................................................................. 9-1
EAI Message Queue Transport ............................................................................................................... 9-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 9-3
Message Queues .................................................................................................................................... 9-4
Benefits of Message Queues ................................................................................................................... 9-5
Properties of Message Queues ............................................................................................................... 9-6
How Siebel CRM Supports Message Queues .......................................................................................... 9-7
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration Table of Contents

Example: Order Management .................................................................................................................. 9-8
Siebel-Supported Messaging Systems..................................................................................................... 9-9
Siebel Messaging Transports .................................................................................................................. 9-10
Sending Messages ................................................................................................................................. 9-12
Configure Outbound Transport ................................................................................................................ 9-13
1. Create a Transport Connection Subsystem Profile ............................................................................... 9-14
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2. Add an EAI Transport Business Service Step to an Integration Workflow .............................................. 9-15
3. Add Process Properties ....................................................................................................................... 9-16
4. Add Input and Output Arguments ......................................................................................................... 9-17
Receiving Messages: Direct Reads ......................................................................................................... 9-18
Receiving Messages: Receiver Tasks...................................................................................................... 9-19
Receiving Messages: Receiver Components and Methods....................................................................... 9-20
Receiving Messages: Transport Data Handling Subsystems .................................................................... 9-21
Available Dispatch Targets ...................................................................................................................... 9-22
Configure Inbound Transport ................................................................................................................... 9-23
1. Create Profiles .................................................................................................................................... 9-24
s a
2. Create a Workflow or Business Service to Process the Message .......................................................... 9-25
)h a
c l
3. Start a Receiver Task .......................................................................................................................... 9-26

t el ide
Summary: Siebel CRM Messaging System Support ................................................................................. 9-27
Additional Configuration: Java Support in Siebel CRM.............................................................................. 9-28
@ G u
ez den t
The JVMSubsys Profile ........................................................................................................................... 9-29

s q u tu
The File............................................................................................................................ 9-30
v a S
(fc e this
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 9-31
Practice 9 Overview: Using JMS Message Queues ................................................................................. 9-32
ed o us
t a
Data Mapping ............................................................................................................................................
t 10-1
a nse
Data Mapping ......................................................................................................................................... 10-2
z C e
c 10-3
e l i
Choices for Data squ.......................................................................................................................
b l e
Data Mapping .........................................................................................................................................

ra ............................................................................................................. 10-6

e V feEngine
Mapping 10-5

an s
EAI Data
n - t r 10-7

Data Map Components ...........................................................................................................................
Data Map Components: Example ............................................................................................................ 10-9

Data Map Editor ...................................................................................................................................... 10-10

Conditional Mapping ............................................................................................................................... 10-11
Creating a Data Map ............................................................................................................................... 10-12
1. Create an Integration Object Map ........................................................................................................ 10-13
2. Auto-Map the Components .................................................................................................................. 10-14
3. Create Integration Component Maps.................................................................................................... 10-15
4. Create Integration Field Maps.............................................................................................................. 10-16
5. Validate the Map ................................................................................................................................. 10-17
Purging the Cache .................................................................................................................................. 10-18
Using a Data Map ................................................................................................................................... 10-19
EAI Value Maps ...................................................................................................................................... 10-20
Using EAI Value Maps ............................................................................................................................ 10-21
Custom Mapping..................................................................................................................................... 10-22
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 10-23
Practice 10 Overview: Data Mapping ...................................................................................................... 10-24
The EAI Dispatch Service ......................................................................................................................... 11-1
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration Table of Contents

The EAI Dispatch Service........................................................................................................................ 11-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 11-3
EAI Dispatch Service .............................................................................................................................. 11-4
EAI Dispatch Service Methods ................................................................................................................ 11-5
Modifying Messages ............................................................................................................................... 11-6
Rules ...................................................................................................................................................... 11-7
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Search Expression Notation for Rules...................................................................................................... 11-8

Structure of Rules ................................................................................................................................... 11-9
Rule Set ................................................................................................................................................. 11-10
Rule ....................................................................................................................................................... 11-11
Transform ............................................................................................................................................... 11-12
Benefits of the EAI Dispatch Service........................................................................................................ 11-14
Creating a Dispatch Rule Set .................................................................................................................. 11-15
1. Create the Rule Set ............................................................................................................................. 11-16
2. Create the Rule ................................................................................................................................... 11-17
3. Create the Transforms......................................................................................................................... 11-18
s a
4. Update Run-Time Memory................................................................................................................... 11-19
)h a
c l
5. Test the Rule Set ................................................................................................................................ 11-20

t el ide
Using a Dispatch Rule Set ....................................................................................................................... 11-21
e u
Outbound Processing: Overview of Steps ................................................................................................ 11-22
@ G
ez den t
Inbound Processing: Overview of Steps ................................................................................................... 11-24

s q u tu
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 11-26
v a S
(fc e this
Practice 11 Overview: The EAI Dispatch Service..................................................................................... 11-27

e d a
Using Siebel Inbound Web Services ........................................................................................................
s 12-1

s t a e to u
Using Siebel Inbound Web Services ........................................................................................................ 12-2

Ca cens
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 12-3

e z
Web Services .........................................................................................................................................
l i 12-4

squ r....................................................................................................................
Standards for Web Services
a b l e 12-5

e VExamplefe........................................................................................................................
SOAP Message ...................................................................................................................................... 12-6

l i p
SOAP Message
n s 12-7
n - ra Language (WSDL) Document.......................................................................... 12-8
no Siebel Applications ........................................................................................................ 12-9
Web Services
Structure of Siebel Web Services ............................................................................................................ 12-10
Service ................................................................................................................................................... 12-11
Service Ports .......................................................................................................................................... 12-12
Operations .............................................................................................................................................. 12-13
Working with Siebel Inbound Web Services ............................................................................................. 12-14
Administering Inbound Web Services....................................................................................................... 12-15
Completing the Service Address .............................................................................................................. 12-16
Generating the WSDL Document............................................................................................................. 12-18
Invoking Inbound Web Services............................................................................................................... 12-20
Prebuilt Integration Using Web Services .................................................................................................. 12-22
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 12-23
Practice 12 Overview: Using Siebel Inbound Web Services ..................................................................... 12-24
Configuring Siebel Inbound Web Services .............................................................................................. 13-1
Configuring Siebel Inbound Web Services ............................................................................................... 13-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 13-3
Inbound Web Service Architecture........................................................................................................... 13-4
Inbound Web Services: Service Ports ...................................................................................................... 13-5
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration Table of Contents

Inbound Web Services: Operations.......................................................................................................... 13-6
Execution of an Inbound Web Service ..................................................................................................... 13-7
Web Service Inbound Dispatcher............................................................................................................. 13-8
Publishing a Siebel Inbound Web Service ................................................................................................ 13-9
1. Create the Web Service Definition ....................................................................................................... 13-10
2. Create a Service Port .......................................................................................................................... 13-11
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2. Create a Service Port: Binding ............................................................................................................. 13-12

3. Publish the Operations ........................................................................................................................ 13-13
4. Generate the WSDL File...................................................................................................................... 13-14
Transports for Web Services ................................................................................................................... 13-16
Publishing from Siebel Tools ................................................................................................................... 13-17
Default Web Service Security .................................................................................................................. 13-18
Enhancing Security ................................................................................................................................. 13-19
Sessions................................................................................................................................................. 13-20
Sessionless" Sessions ............................................................................................................................ 13-21
Stateless Sessions.................................................................................................................................. 13-22
s a
Stateful Sessions .................................................................................................................................... 13-23
c l
Configure Siebel Inbound Web Sessions ................................................................................................. 13-24

t el ide
Web Service Security .............................................................................................................................. 13-26
Implementing WS-Security for Inbound Web Services .............................................................................. 13-27
@ G u
ez den t
Implementing HTTPS .............................................................................................................................. 13-30

s q u tu
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 13-31
v a S
(fc e this
Practice 13 Overview: Siebel Inbound Web Services ............................................................................... 13-32

e d a
Siebel Outbound Web Services ................................................................................................................
s 14-1

s t a e to u
Siebel Outbound Web Services ............................................................................................................... 14-2

C a ns
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 14-3

e z l i c e
Outbound Web Services.......................................................................................................................... 14-4
u le........................................................................................................ 14-5
Outbound Web Service Architecture
Outbound Web Service

f e rab ....................................................................................................... 14-6
l i p
Proxy Business
n s 14-7
Fe Business
n - a Arguments ......................................................................................................... 14-8
Proxy Business Service Class ................................................................................................................. 14-9
Creating an Outbound Web Service......................................................................................................... 14-10
1. Create the Proxy Business Service ...................................................................................................... 14-11
2. Import the WSDL File .......................................................................................................................... 14-12
3. Inspect the Objects Created: Business Service .................................................................................... 14-13
3. Inspect the Objects Created: Business Service Arguments ................................................................... 14-14
3. Inspect the Objects Created: Integration Objects .................................................................................. 14-15
3. Inspect the Objects Created: Business Service User Properties ............................................................ 14-16
4. Compile the Objects Created ............................................................................................................... 14-17
5. Create the Outbound Web Service....................................................................................................... 14-18
Invoking a Proxy Business Service .......................................................................................................... 14-19
Options for Mapping to/from the Integration Objects ................................................................................. 14-20
Implementing Session-Based Security ..................................................................................................... 14-21
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 14-22
Practice 14 Overview: Siebel Outbound Web Services ............................................................................ 14-23
Overview of Data Federation .................................................................................................................... 15-1
Overview of Data Federation ................................................................................................................... 15-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 15-3
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration Table of Contents

Data Federation ...................................................................................................................................... 15-4
Advantages of Data Federation ............................................................................................................... 15-5
Data Federation ...................................................................................................................................... 15-6
Siebel External Table .............................................................................................................................. 15-7
External Business Component (EBC) ...................................................................................................... 15-8
Distributed Join ....................................................................................................................................... 15-9
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Virtual Business Component (VBC) ......................................................................................................... 15-10

Business Component Behavior................................................................................................................ 15-11
Limitations of EBCs and VBCs ................................................................................................................ 15-12
Additional Limitations .............................................................................................................................. 15-13
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 15-14
Practice 15 Overview: Overview of Data Federation ................................................................................ 15-15
External Business Components ............................................................................................................... 16-1
External Business Components ............................................................................................................... 16-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 16-3
External Business Component................................................................................................................. 16-4
s a
Structure of an External Business Component ......................................................................................... 16-5
c l)
System Fields ......................................................................................................................................... 16-6
nte uide
Data Source Property.............................................................................................................................. 16-7
e z @ nt G
DataSource ............................................................................................................................................ 16-8

s q u tude
Creating an External Business Component .............................................................................................. 16-9
1. Create an ODBC Connection............................................................................................................... 16-10

f cva this S
2. Generate a Schema File for the External Table .................................................................................... 16-11
e da use
3. Create the Table Object in the Siebel Repository.................................................................................. 16-12
3. Examine the Table and Columns Created ............................................................................................ 16-13

a sta se to
4. Map System Fields as Required .......................................................................................................... 16-14
z C cen
5. Specify the Data Source ...................................................................................................................... 16-15

q e
u le li
6. Create the External Business Component ............................................................................................ 16-16
V ferab
7. Identify the Data Source in the Application ........................................................................................... 16-17
e l ip rans
Using an External Business Component .................................................................................................. 16-20
F n-t
Distributed Join ....................................................................................................................................... 16-21

Considerations........................................................................................................................................ 16-22
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 16-23
Practice 16 Overview: External Business Components ............................................................................ 16-24
Virtual Business Components .................................................................................................................. 17-1
Virtual Business Components.................................................................................................................. 17-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 17-3
Virtual Business Component (VBC) ......................................................................................................... 17-4
Data Access and Manipulation ................................................................................................................ 17-5
Required Methods................................................................................................................................... 17-6
Optional Methods.................................................................................................................................... 17-7
Business Services................................................................................................................................... 17-8
XML Gateway Business Service .............................................................................................................. 17-9
Custom Business Service........................................................................................................................ 17-10
Custom Business Service Considerations ................................................................................................ 17-11
Creating a Virtual Business Component ................................................................................................... 17-12
1. Create a Business Component ............................................................................................................ 17-13
2. Create Fields for the VBC .................................................................................................................... 17-14
3. Create the Custom Business Service if Necessary ............................................................................... 17-15
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration Table of Contents

4. Associate the Business Service with the VBC ...................................................................................... 17-16
5. Implement the Methods (Custom Service) ............................................................................................ 17-18
5. Configure the Target (XML Gateway) ................................................................................................... 17-19
Using a Virtual Business Component ....................................................................................................... 17-20
Restrictions on Virtual Business Components .......................................................................................... 17-21
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 17-22
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Practice 17 Overview: Virtual Business Components............................................................................... 17-23

Embedding Web Content in a Siebel View ............................................................................................... 18-1
Embedding Web Content in a Siebel View ............................................................................................... 18-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 18-3
Displaying External Web Content ............................................................................................................ 18-4
Aggregate View ...................................................................................................................................... 18-5
Detail View ............................................................................................................................................. 18-6
Key Concepts ......................................................................................................................................... 18-7
Symbolic URL ......................................................................................................................................... 18-8
Business Component Field...................................................................................................................... 18-9
s a
Specialized Applet .................................................................................................................................. 18-10
c l)
Display External Web Content in a Siebel Application .............................................................................. 18-11
nte uide
Display External Web Content in a Siebel Application (Real-Time Quotes)................................................ 18-12
e z @ nt G
1. Determine the Required URL............................................................................................................... 18-13

s q u tude
2. Add a Field to the Business Component............................................................................................... 18-14
3. Create the Applet ................................................................................................................................ 18-15

f cva this S
3. Assign a Web Template ...................................................................................................................... 18-16
e da use
3. Map the Field ...................................................................................................................................... 18-17
3. Delete the Controls ............................................................................................................................. 18-18

a sta se to
3. Adjust the Applet Class ....................................................................................................................... 18-19
z C cen
3. Modify the Default List Column Configuration ....................................................................................... 18-20

q e
u le li
4. Create the View .................................................................................................................................. 18-21
V ferab
5. Add the View to the Screen ................................................................................................................. 18-22
e l ip rans
6. Complete the Configuration ................................................................................................................. 18-23
F n-t
7. Administer the Symbolic URL .............................................................................................................. 18-24

Test the Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 18-26
Considerations........................................................................................................................................ 18-29
Symbolic URLs in the Dedicated Web Client ............................................................................................ 18-30
Host Aliases............................................................................................................................................ 18-31
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 18-32
Practice 18 Overview: Embedding Web Content in a Siebel View ............................................................ 18-33
Embedding Siebel Content in an External Application ............................................................................ 19-1
Embedding Siebel Content in an External Application .............................................................................. 19-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 19-3
Options for Embedding Siebel Content in External Applications ................................................................ 19-4
Review: Rendering a Siebel Web Application ........................................................................................... 19-5
The Siebel Web Engine XML Web Interface............................................................................................. 19-6
Architecture: Application Request ............................................................................................................ 19-7
Architecture: Siebel CRM Response ........................................................................................................ 19-8
Invoking the XML Web Interface .............................................................................................................. 19-9
Customize the AOM ................................................................................................................................ 19-10
Example: Siebel Sales Wireless .............................................................................................................. 19-11
Add Commands to the URL ..................................................................................................................... 19-12
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration Table of Contents

Example 1: Raw XML.............................................................................................................................. 19-14
Example 2: Apply a Stylesheet ................................................................................................................ 19-15
Example 3: Programmatic Access ........................................................................................................... 19-16
Example 3: Result ................................................................................................................................... 19-18
Add an XML Request to the Body of an HTTP POST Command............................................................... 19-19
XML Interface vs. Web Services .............................................................................................................. 19-20
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Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 19-21

Practice 19 Overview: Exploring the XML Interface ................................................................................. 19-22
Siebel Workflow Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 20-1
Siebel Workflow Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 20-2
Objectives............................................................................................................................................... 20-3
Workflow Process ................................................................................................................................... 20-4
Basic Workflow Process Steps ................................................................................................................ 20-5
Process Properties.................................................................................................................................. 20-6
Creating a Workflow Process................................................................................................................... 20-7
Create a Workflow Process Definition ...................................................................................................... 20-8
s a
Start the Designer ................................................................................................................................... 20-9
c l)
Create the Steps ..................................................................................................................................... 20-10
nte uide
Connect the Steps .................................................................................................................................. 20-11
e z @ nt G
Set Property Values ................................................................................................................................ 20-12

s q u tude
Multi Value Property Window (MVPW) ..................................................................................................... 20-13
Set Input and Output Arguments.............................................................................................................. 20-14

f cva this S
Testing a Workflow Process .................................................................................................................... 20-15
e da use
Set Property Values ................................................................................................................................ 20-16
Start the Simulator .................................................................................................................................. 20-17

a sta se to
Start the Simulation................................................................................................................................. 20-18
z C cen
Run the Simulation.................................................................................................................................. 20-19

q e
u le li
Watch Window........................................................................................................................................ 20-20
V ferab
Verify the Result ..................................................................................................................................... 20-21
e l ip rans
Deploying a Workflow Process ................................................................................................................ 20-22
F n-t
Publish the Workflow............................................................................................................................... 20-23

Activate the Workflow.............................................................................................................................. 20-24
Publish and Activate Workflow................................................................................................................. 20-25
Lesson Highlights.................................................................................................................................... 20-26

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Siebel 8.1.x Integration Table of Contents

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s a
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e nte uide
Siebel 8.1.x e z @ nt G
Course s q u tude
( f c va his S
e d aChapterse1 t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 1
Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration:

Course Introduction
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s q u tude
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e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
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F n-t

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Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 2
Lesson Agenda

Lesson Agenda
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This lesson provides an introduction to the:

Instructor and class participants
Training site information
Goal s a

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s q u tude
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 3
Instructor and Class Participants

Instructor and Class Participants

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Who are you?

What is your prior experience?
Siebel applications
Application Integration
) has
Supporting technologies (XML, HTTP, web services)
te d e
e n
How do you expect to benefit from this course? u i
z n t G
q e
u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 4
Training Site Information

Training Site Information

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Rest rooms Class duration and breaks

Telephones Meals and refreshments

s a
h a
l c l)
Fire Exits Questions? e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 5
Course Audience

Course Audience
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This course is designed for members of Siebel

implementation teams responsible for integrating Siebel
CRM applications with other applications
Application developers
System architects and configurators
Technical Support personnel
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e nte uide
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s q u tude
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 6
Course Prerequisites

Course Prerequisites
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Siebel 8.1.x Tools

Siebel 8.1.x Technical Foundations (recommended)
Familiarity with web services

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s q u tude
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z C cen
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 7
Course Goal

Course Goal
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To enable participants to integrate Siebel applications with

external applications by using:
The Siebel Enterprise Applications Integration (EAI) toolset
Web services and other service-oriented technologies

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s q u tude
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Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 8
Course Objectives

Course Objectives
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To expose Siebel functionality and data as web services

To access external functionality deployed as web services
To configure a Siebel application for a point-to-point
integration solution based on integration workflows
To configure an integration solution based on data sharing
using external business components and virtual business
components s a
h a
To embed web pages from an external web source l c
e e
Siebel view ent Guid
u e z@ ent
a s q Stud
( f cv this
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 9
Course Methodology

Course Methodology
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Subject matter is delivered through:

Lecture and slide presentations
Software demonstrations
Class discussions
Hands-on practices

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s q u tude
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F n-t

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Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 10
Course Materials

Course Materials
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Course content is delivered over five days

Student Guide
All slides presented during lecture
Student notes with references to the Siebel Bookshelf
documentation library
Activity Guide
s a
Hands-on practices
h a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
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e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 11
Siebel Documentation

Siebel Documentation
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Siebel applications are documented in Siebel Bookshelf, a

searchable collection of guidebooks
Bookshelf is also called Siebel Business Applications
Documentation Library
Updated regularly
In the classroom, Siebel Bookshelf is available on Oracle
Technology Network a
as h
l c l)
nteof uide
Make sure you are using the appropriate version
ue tude z@ nt G
Example: Siebel 8.1.1
cva this S

( f
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
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u le li
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F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 12

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If you have feedback on this or other Siebel courseware,

please email

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e nte uide
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s q u tude
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e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 13
Course Agenda

Course Agenda
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Lesson 2: Introduction to Siebel Application Integration
Lesson 3: Overview of Integration Workflows
Lesson 4: Integration Objects
Configuring Integration Workflows
Lesson 5: EAI Siebel Adapter
s a
Lesson 6: Data Conversion h a
Lesson 7: Integration Workflows l c l)
Lesson 8: EAI HTTP Transport e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Lesson u tude
9: EAI Message Queue Transport
s q
Lesson 10: Data Mapping
( f cva this S
Lesson da Service
11: The EAI Dispatch
e to us
t a
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 14
Course Agenda

Course Agenda
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Siebel Web Services

Lesson 12: Using Siebel Inbound Web Services
Lesson 13: Configuring Siebel Inbound Web Services
Lesson 14: Siebel Outbound Web Services
Data Federation
Lesson 15: Overview of Data Federation
s a
Lesson 16: External Business Components h a
Lesson 17: Virtual Business Components l c l)
Embedding External Content e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Lesson 18: Embedding Web Content
s q t u de View
uin a Siebel
Lesson 19: Embedding Siebel a is inSan External
Application a ( f th
d e
t a e to us
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 15
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s q u tude
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a sta se to
z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Siebel 8.1.x Integration: Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Page 16
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Introduction z @
to Siebel
n t G
q e de
u Integration
s t u
( f c va his S
e d aChapterse2 t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 1
Introduction to Siebel Application Integration
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Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

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s q u tude
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a sta se to
z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 2

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Describe several patterns of Siebel integrations
List common Siebel integration implementation solutions
Identify several common integration tasks

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s q u tude
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F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 3
Patterns for Siebel Application Integration

Patterns for Siebel Application Integration

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Peer application integration

Consumer of services
Alternate user interfaces

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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use More

a sta se to
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F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 4
Peer Application Integration

Peer Application Integration

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The Siebel application shares data and functionality with

other applications in the enterprise
The applications in such an integration:
Have the same view of the data
Can originate requests for data and functionality
Some examples:
s a
The Siebel application creates an order and sends it to the
h a
order fulfillment system l c l)
nte uidata
The Human Resources (HR) system updateseemployee de
in the Siebel application
q ez@ ent
u tud
( f cva this S
e a se
a e toCRM u
a s s

z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 5
Consumer of Services

Consumer of Services
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The Siebel application uses an external application to

provide a specific service
The service provider doesn't have the same view of the data
as the Siebel application
The request typically originates in the Siebel application
Some examples:
Siebel applications use the Oracle BI Publisher server to as a
generate reports
c l )h
t el ide
Siebel applications use the Informatica IdentitynResolution
@ e data G u
server to match and cleanse account and z contact t n
s q ue tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
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u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 6
Alternate User Interfaces (UIs)

Alternate User Interfaces (UIs)

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The Siebel application provides CRM data and

functionality through a different (non-Siebel) UI
Provides users an interface that:
Resembles that of another application they regularly use
May be more targeted to a task
May be more streamlined
Allows Siebel data and functionality to be accessed through s a
a wider range of devices, such as smart phones l) h
n t elc ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
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Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 7
Alternate User Interface: Examples

Alternate User Interface:

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CRM Desktop allows users to access Siebel data and

functionality in Microsoft Outlook
Siebel gadget apps on smart phones and tablet computers

s a
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l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
CRM Desktop a
a st se to Smart phone

z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 8
Siebel Application Integration Choices

Siebel Application Integration Choices

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Siebel applications can be integrated using one of multiple

integration strategies
Data-layer integration
Business-layer integration
UI-layer integration

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e nte uide
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s q u tude
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e da use More

a sta se to
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Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 9
Data-Layer Integration

Data-Layer Integration
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Involves exchanging data between a Siebel database and

an external data source
Siebel tables are directly accessed and populated
All business layer functionality and policies are bypassed
Is implemented using Enterprise Integration Manager
Is a Siebel Server component that enables the batch s a
h a
exchange of data between a Siebel database and external
l c l)
data sources ntee ide
@ t G
Provides import, export, merge, and delete functionality

q u ez den
v a s S tu
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rab locate the Oracle University course on EIM.
V feplease
For more information,
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 10
Business-Layer Integration

Business-Layer Integration
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Involves accessing data and functionality through the

business layer of a Siebel object manager
Business layer functionality and policies are implemented
Siebel tables are not directly accessed or populated
Is implemented using Siebel Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI)
s a
) a
Is a collection of tools, technologies, and prebuilt integration
functionality that allow Siebel applications to: lcl

e nte uide
Access data and business logic from external applications
z @ nt G
Provide data and business logic to external applications
u tude

s q
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
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e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 11
Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

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EAI integrations can be:

Closely coupled
Loosely coupled

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s q u tude
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Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 12
Closely Coupled Integrations

Closely Coupled Integrations

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Typically require a detailed understanding of the external

Programming language and operating system
Data structures and relationships
Can be implemented using:
Virtual business components
Discussed in
this course
External business components
h a
Programmatic interfaces l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 13
Loosely Coupled Integrations

Loosely Coupled Integrations

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Are based on exposing data and functionality in the form of

A service is a modular unit of functionality that is easily
Independent of platform and programming language
Can be implemented using:
Siebel web services s a
Discussed in
h a
Industry standard transports this course
l c l)
nte uide
Process integration packs using Oracle's Application
Independent Architecture (AIA)
ue tude z@ nt G
s q
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 14
UI-Layer Integration

UI-Layer Integration
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Refers to integration choices that either:

Embed an external application or web page directly into the
Siebel application
Display a representation of a Siebel view in an external
Allow users to interact with the external application as if
they were running the application directly s a
h a
Can be implemented using: cl) l e
Symbolic URLs e nte uid
q u tud ez@(SWE
Siebel web engine programming interfaces e n t
( f cva this S Discussed in
this course

e da use
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z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 15
UI Integration: Example

UI Integration: Example
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Siebel report scheduling is administered using a view that

embeds a BI Publisher server web page


s a
)BI hPublisher
c l
n t el web i d epage
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
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a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 16
Common Steps in Implementing Integration

Common Steps in Implementing Integration

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Siebel integration strategies often involve several common

Accessing Siebel data
Converting data between a proprietary format and an
industry-standard format
For example, XML documents
Transporting data and requests between systems s a
h a

l l)
Use industry standard transport such as HTTP or commercial
message queuing systems
e n te uide
Transforming data between Siebel and external
z @ datan t G
q e
u tude
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a sta se to
z C cen
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u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 17
Overview of This Course

Overview of This Course

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Instructs students how to integrate Siebel applications with

external applications
Accessing Siebel data for data exchange
Converting Siebel data to an industry standard format
Transporting data
s a
Handling inbound requests
h a
Making outbound requests l c l)
Using prebuilt inbound web services e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Configuring inbound and outbound web
s q u tude

Displaying external data inside
( f i s SUI

e a an external
Displaying Siebel datadin
s e UI
Embedding external o u in a Siebel application
ta webtcontent
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 18
Lesson Highlights

Lesson Highlights
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Siebel applications are integrated with other applications in

common patterns
Peer-application integration
Consumer of services
Alternate user interfaces
Siebel applications support integration at the UI, business,
and data layers
)h as
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 19
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Introduction to Siebel Application Integration

Chapter 2 - Page 20
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Overview of e z @ nt G
Workflows s q u tude
( f c va his S
e d aChapterse3 t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 1
Overview of Integration Workflows
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Overview of Integration Workflows

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 2

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Describe the integration strategy of data exchange
List the general steps in integration workflows

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 3
Data Exchange

Data Exchange
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Is an integration strategy in which applications exchange

data using explicit business processing
Siebel applications typically use integration workflows to
exchange data
Can often involve keeping identical copies of a set of data
in both applications
When data in one application changes, a synchronization s a
l) h
processing occurs to update data in the other application
Updates can occur in both directions
n t elc ide
@ e G u
Usually is characterized by:
ez den t
Small sets of records being updated
s q u tu
v a S
Updates occur based on user
a t his activity
(fc oresystem
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 4
Data Exchange Scenarios

Data Exchange Scenarios

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Can be initiated either in the Siebel application or in an

external application
Can be either one way or return with a response
From the Siebel-application perspective
Siebel send
Siebel send/receive
s a
Siebel receive h a
Siebel receive/respond l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude

( f cva this S
e da use
sta se to

C cen
e z
u le li
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 5
Siebel Send

Siebel Send
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Activity in the Siebel application initiates a data exchange

The Siebel application does not expect or wait for a response
An order is created in Siebel CRM
The order record is sent to the provisioning system

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude

( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 6
Siebel Send/Receive

Siebel Send/Receive
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Activity in the Siebel application initiates a data exchange

The Siebel application waits for a response
An agent in Siebel CRM determines the availability of an
An availability-to-promise (ATP) request is sent to the
provisioning system s a
h a
The quantity available is received by Siebel CRM cl)
n t el ide
@ e G u
Siebel ezOrderden t
s q u tu
ATP Request
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us

a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 7
Siebel Receive

Siebel Receive
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Activity in an external application initiates a data exchange

The external application does not expect or wait for a
An expected delivery date is updated in the provisioning
The updated order record is sent to Siebel CRM s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude

Updatedf va his S
e d a se t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 8
Siebel Receive/Respond

Siebel Receive/Respond
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Activity in an external application initiates a data exchange

The external application waits for a response
The provisioning system needs to verify a shipping address
Request for the shipping address is sent to Siebel CRM
The shipping address is sent to the provisioning system
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Address Requests q u tude

( f cva this S
e da Address
u se
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 9
Integration Processing for Send

Integration Processing for Send

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The minimal set of processing that must be performed in

the Siebel application consists of:
Accessing data from the Siebel application
Converting it from its Siebel internal representation to an
industry-standard format for data exchange
Typically an XML document
Sending it to an external application s a
h a
By using an industry-standard transport

l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
Access Siebel
c v aData is S
Convert Send
a f
( e th Data

a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 10
Integration Processing for Receive

Integration Processing for Receive

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The minimal set of processing that must be performed in

the Siebel application consists of:
Receiving a message from an external application using an
industry-standard transport
Converting the message to its Siebel internal representation
Using the data in the Siebel application
Store the data persistently s a

h a

l l)
Use the data in a subsequent step in the integration workflow
t e anide
Example: Check the customers credit limit before submitting

@ e G u
ez den Siebel t
s q u tu
Receive Convert v a is S
(fc e thData
Access Siebel
Data Data
ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 11
Transporting Data in Integration Workflows

Transporting Data in Integration Workflows

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Is implemented by a set of EAI Transport business

services that send and receive string and binary data
EAI Transport business services use industry standard
transport protocols
A transport service implements some/all of these methods:
Outbound: The Siebel application sends data and continues processing
Send immediately
s a
The Siebel application sends data and waits for a responseha
SendReceive before proceeding
l c l)
Inbound: The Siebel application processes receivededata nte uide
e z @ nt G
The Siebel application invokesq uadditional
t u de after
ReceiveDispatch receiving data
( f cva this S
The Siebel a ereturnsadditional
and u sinvokes
processing after
data to the sending application
sta se to
C cen
e z
u le li
s q
V ferab
e l ip The a n s
F n-t
Send: r Siebel application sends data and continues processing immediately.
nSendReceived: The Siebel application sends data and waits for a response before

Receive: The Siebel application processes received data.
ReceiveDispatch: The Siebel application invokes additional processing after receiving
ReceiveDispatchSend: The Siebel application invokes additional processing after
receiving data and then returns data to the sending application.

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Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 12
Types of Transports

Types of Transports
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File transport:
Uses files to transport data
HTTP transport:
Uses HTTP protocol to send and receive data
Requires a web server to receive data
Queue-based transport: a
Uses third-party messaging middleware such as: h a s
l c l)
nte uide
Java Message Service (JMS)

IBM WebSphere MQ
@ nt G
Microsoft MSMQ e z
u tude

s q
( f cva this S
Uses the EAI DLL Transport
e da ubusiness
se service

a sta se to DLL transport

Invokes a customer-provided

z C cen
q e
u le li
s rabis a set of application programming interfaces for managing
V system
The JMS message
e f e
l ip queues
e a n s than a commercial product.
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 13
Additional Integration Processing

Additional Integration Processing

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Additional processing may be required in some situations

To transform the data between the Siebel data model and
that of the external application
May be required if the external application or
middleware/integration server does not recognize Siebel-
structured data
To evaluate the incoming message and route it to the a
desired processing based on some data in the message has
l c l)
May be required when the Siebel application receives multiple
nte uide

documents that require different processing

e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 14
Prebuilt EAI Business Services

Prebuilt EAI Business Services

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EAI integration uses prebuilt business services to:

Access data in the Siebel application
EAI Siebel Adapter
Convert the format of data
EAI XML Converter
Transport data to external applications (file, web server,
queue) s a
EAI File Transport

c l
EAI HTTP Transport
n t el ide
EAI MQSeries Server Transport @ e G u

e n t
Transform data between different data
s q u tu d
v a S

a fc this
EAI Data Transformation Engine
Process messages based
e d ucontent se

a sta se to
EAI Dispatch Service
z C cen
q e
u le li
s b business services is found Integration Platform Technologies:
e Vpredefined
A list of all the
f e raEAI
e l ipEnterprise
a n s
Application Integration: in Predefined Business Services.
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 15
Example of a Siebel Integration Workflow

Example of a Siebel Integration Workflow

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An integration workflow that accesses a Siebel contact and

uses HTTP transport
Consists of three business service steps
Invokes the EAI Invokes the EAI
Siebel Adapter XML Converter
business service business service

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva tInvokes
h is Sthe EAI
d a e
e to us business service
HTTP Transport

t a
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 16
Review: XML (Extensible Markup Language)

XML (Extensible Markup Language)
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Is a text-based language with user-definable tags

Is frequently used in Siebel workflow-based integrations
Is used to describe the nature and structure of information
Is well suited for describing hierarchically related data
Key parts of XML
XML documents a
XML Schema Definition (XSD) h a s
XML namespaces l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
sta se to

C cen
e z
u le li
s q b for exchanging data among applications. It is:
e Va universal
XML Provides
f e rasyntax
ip rans
F Operating
n -t system-independent
Vendor-neutral language

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 17
XML Documents: Review

XML Documents:
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Contain one or more elements

Are delimited by start and end tags that enclose content
The name in the tag is known as an element type
Might include one or more attribute specifications
Is a name-value pair immediately following a start tag
The value is a string in quotation marks
Might include additional elements s a
h a
l c l)
e of acontact
Start tag for the
root element Attribute
e n t
u id
z@ and n G
ist a parent of

q u e d ehome and cell

s t u
( f cva this S
da use Element
Start tag
End tag for the e
root element
a sta se to End tag
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rab that contains all the other elements.
A root element
e Vis anfelement
e l
A childipelement a n s
is an element that is contained within another element,
F nelement r
-t is an element that contains child elements.
A parent
n o

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 18
XML Schema Definition (XSD): Review

XML Schema Definition (XSD):

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Defines the element names, parent/child relationships, and

attributes in a class of XML documents
Is written in XML itself
Is used by applications to:
Understand the structure of data passed into the application
Verify that the an XML document is correctly constructed
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
q e of the xsd that
u tudFragment
( f cva this S describes the previous
xml document

e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 19
XML Namespaces: Review

XML Namespaces:
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Are collections of element types and attribute names that

are unique
Each namespace must have a unique name
Often the name is based on the organizations' URL
Are used to distinguish duplicate names with different
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
One namespace:
e da use
Another namespace:

sta se to
C cen
e z
u le li
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 20
Using XML Namespaces Review

Using XML Namespaces

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Specify a namespace for a document or element using an

xmlns attribute
Results in unique names by combining:
The name of the namespace
The local element type or attribute name
Allows combining fragments from multiple documents that
might contain duplicate names s a
h a
Is particularly important in web services to distinguish
l c l)
e e
names among various web services ent
@ nt G uid
e z
u tude
s q
( f cva this S
e da use Namespace for the
book element
t a t o
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 21
Lesson Highlights

Lesson Highlights
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Data exchange is an integration strategy in which

applications exchange data using explicit business
Typically requires integration workflows in Siebel CRM
Data exchange can be:
Send only (no response) s a
h a
Send and receive
l c l)
Data exchange can originate in either the Siebele nte uide
application or the external application ez@ ent
s q u tud
Integration workflows include steps v a isaccess
to S Siebel data,
f c
( e thto/from the external
convert to/from XML, andatransport
application d
e to us
t a
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 22
Practice 3 Overview: Overview of Integration Workflows

Practice 3 Overview:
Overview of Integration Workflows
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This practice covers the following topics:

Examining internal and external data structures

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 23
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Overview of Integration Workflows

Chapter 3 - Page 24
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
@ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
Chapter 4

e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 1
Integration Objects
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Integration Objects

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 2

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Explain the role of internal and external integration objects
Create an internal integration object
Create an external integration object based on an XML
schema definition (XSD)

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 3
Integration Objects

Integration Objects
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Define the structure of data being exchanged between a

Siebel application and an external application
Are used as templates to create memory-resident
instances of data for processing by business services

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s ab Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration:
V ferPlatform
Reference: Integration
e l ip Objects
a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 4
Integration Object

Integration Object
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Is designed to represent Integration Object

hierarchical data structures Integration
Consists of multiple
integration components
Each integration First Name

component consists of Last Name

multiple integration
component fields Job Title ) h
l c l
n t e
Contact_Business Addressu i d e
@ e G
e z n t
Integration sq
u tude Street Address

( f cva this S

e da use Postal Code

st se t o
C cen
e z
u le li
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 5
Types of Integration Objects

Types of Integration Objects

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Internal integration object

Describes the structure of the data extracted from or inserted
into the Siebel application
External integration object
Describes the structure of the data that is exchanged
between the Siebel application and the external application
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use More

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 6
Internal Integration Object

Internal Integration Object

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Represents a subset of a Siebel business object

Integration components represent business components
Integration component fields represent business component
Integration Object
Integration Business
Contact Object Object

s a
Contact h a
l c l)
First Name Integration
Component e
u ide
Last Name
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
Job Title
( f cva tIntegration
h i sS
Contact_Business Address
e d a se Component Field

s t a e to u Field

z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 7
External Integration Object

External Integration Object

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Specifies the structure of the data that is actually

transported between the Siebel application and the
external application
Is required only when the external application is not able to
handle data in Siebel format ("Siebel data")
Additional processing is required within the Siebel
application to convert the integration object instance
s a
h a
l c l)
Is often described by an XSD or Document Type Definition
(DTD) file
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 8
Integration Components (ICs)

Integration Components (ICs)

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An integration object includes the following:

One parent integration component corresponding to the
primary business component in the business object
Zero or more child integration components corresponding to
other business components in the business object

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 9
Integration Components (ICs)

Integration Components (ICs)

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In addition, each MVG in the primary and child business

components is represented by a child integration

s a
h a
l c l) IO
MVFs expand to ICs in the

e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 10
Integration Component Key

Integration Component Key

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Is a field or set of fields that uniquely identify a record

being exchanged
Is based on user keys for the tables referenced by the
business components

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 11
Status Key

Status Key
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Is a special type of integration component key used to

return the result of an operation, such as insert or update
Type is Status Key
Can be used to indicate:
Success or failure of an operation
Actual operation performed (for example during an upsert)
ROW_ID for a newly created record s a
Integration component key fields specify the data to bel) h a
returned when status is requested
n t elc ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 12
Creating an Internal Integration Object

Creating an Internal Integration Object

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1. Identify the Siebel data to be exchanged

2. Create the integration object
3. Select the integration components
4. Inactivate unneeded integration component fields
5. Inactivate unneeded integration component keys
s a
Example: Create an internal integration object for accessing h a
l c l)
Siebel contact data
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use More

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 13
1. Identify the Siebel Data to be Exchanged

1. Identify the Siebel Data to be Exchanged

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Identify the data in the Siebel UI to integrate

Determine the underlying Siebel business objects, business
components, and fields

In the client, use About View

s a
)h a
c l
n t el ide
In Tools, use
@ e G uDetermine
Edit Web ez den t
s q u t u
the field

( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 14
2. Create the Integration Object

2. Create the Integration Object

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Use the Integration Object Builder to create an integration

object based on a Siebel business object
Select the EAI Siebel Wizard business service

Select File >

New Object >
EAI and click
Object s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
z @ Constructs
n t Gan
q e e object from
u tuintegration
da business
v s
a is S object
f c
( e th
d a
t a e to us
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 15
2. Specify the Business Object

2. Specify the Business Object

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Select the business object

Provide a name for the integration object

Identifies the parent

business component in
s the business object a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 16
3. Select the Integration Components

3. Select the Integration Components

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Select components to include in the integration object

All components are selected by default

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
Many SiebelV
s rab have a very large number of child business components. Most
l e
ipthese f
s do not have as many child components so in many cases you need to
data structures
F n-t
remove r a
extra child components from the integration object.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 17
3. Review messages

3. Review messages
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Review messages about fields made inactive

Click Finish to configure the integration object

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 18
3. Select the Integration Components: Wizard Action

3. Select the Integration Components:

Wizard Action
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Integration Object Wizard:

Finds all links, business components, and underlying tables
Identifies all business component fields that map to user
keys in tables
Creates integration component user keys based on those
Notes any key columns that are not exposed in a business s a
component l ) ha
c but
elfields, e
n t
Creates calculated fields as integration component i d
marks them inactive
ez den @e t Gu

s u
Such fields cannot be updated
q tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 19
4. Inactivate Unneeded Integration Component Fields

4. Inactivate Unneeded Integration Component

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Set unneeded fields to inactive in each integration

component to improve performance
Do not delete unneeded fields; deleted fields become
active when the business object is upgraded

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use Field will not be included in
a sta se to the integration object

z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 20
5. Inactivate Unneeded Integration Component Keys

5. Inactivate Unneeded Integration Component

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Make sure that the fields in the integration component keys

are consistent with the component fields
Inactivate unneeded key fields in each integration
Inactivate any key that has no active fields

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Inactivate entire key
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta sselect
e o in key
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 21
Deploying New and Modified Integration Objects

Deploying New and Modified Integration Objects

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During development deploy the integration object directly

to the run-time database
Overrides object definition in the .srf file
For production compile the integration object into the
application's .srf file

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 22
Directly Deploying an Integration Object

Directly Deploying an Integration Object

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In Siebel Tools, select the integration object

Right-click and select Deploy to Runtime Database

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 23
Refreshing the Run-Time Database

Refreshing the Run-Time Database

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In the Siebel client:

Navigate to Administration - Web Services > Deployed
Integration Objects
Verify that the integration object was deployed
Navigate to Administration - Web Services > Inbound Web
Click Clear Cache to update the runtime database
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 24
Synchronizing Integration Objects

Synchronizing Integration Objects

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When business objects are modified or updated, it is

necessary to make sure the integration object is still
If business object changes are minor, click Synchronize to
update the integration object
Example: adding a new single value field
If business object changes are extensive, delete and s a
recreate the integration object h a
l c l)
Example: creating a new MVG

e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 25
Creating an External Integration Object

Creating an External Integration Object

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1. Obtain a schema of the external data

2. Create the external integration object
3. Select integration components
4. Verify the integration object

Example: Create an external integration object that describes a

contact data in an external application h a s
n t elc ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
ed o us

a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 26
1. Obtain a Schema of the External Data

1. Obtain a Schema of the External Data

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Use the schema if published by the external application

Alternatively, create a file containing sample XML received
by or sent to the external application
Use an XML utility to generate the schema as an XSD

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 27
2. Create the External Integration Object

2. Create the External Integration Object

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Use the Integration Object Builder to create an integration

Select the EAI XSD Wizard or EAI DTD Wizard service

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
is to create
c thintegration
( f Select an

e da use leaf elements as fields

object with

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rab is not checked then all leaf elements are converted to integration
V feObject
If Simplify Integration
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 28
2. Create the External Integration Object: Specify the Root Level

2. Create the External Integration Object:

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Specify the Root Level Node

Specify the source object to serve as the root-level node

s a
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s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 29
3. Select Integration Components

3. Select Integration Components

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Select the integration components

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 30
4. Verify the Integration Object

4. Verify the Integration Object

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Examine the configured integration object

Verify that it contains the desired components and fields
Inactivate unneeded integration component fields

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 31
Lesson Highlights

Lesson Highlights
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Integration objects define the structure of data being

exchanged between a Siebel and an external application
Integration objects are used as templates to create memory-
resident instances of data for processing by business
Internal integration objects are a subset of Siebel business
objects s a
h a
Use the EAI Siebel Wizard to configure an internal cl)
l de
integration object nte i
e Gu
@ keys
Requires inactivating multiple fields andzuser nt
q e de
Use the EAI XSD Wizard to build
v a s
an S tu integration
object based on the schema
a e t his with the external
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 32
Practice 4 Overview: Integration Objects

Practice 4 Overview:
Integration Objects
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This practice covers the following topics:

Creating an internal integration object
Creating an external integration object based on an
external XSD file

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 33
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Objects
Chapter 4 - Page 34
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
@ nt G
EAI SiebeleAdapter
s q u tude
( f cva this S
Chapter 5

e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 1
EAI Siebel Adapter
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EAI Siebel Adapter

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 2

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Describe the purpose of the EAI Siebel Adapter business
Explain the use of each method
Examine the output of the EAI Siebel Adapter business
service using the business service simulator
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 3
EAI Business Services

EAI Business Services

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Recall: EAI integration workflows typically consist of a

sequence of EAI business services
Configuring these workflows requires manipulating their
inputs and outputs especially:
Integration objects
XML strings
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 4
Property Sets and Business Services

Property Sets and Business Services

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A property set is the in-memory data structure used to:

Pass a set of input arguments into a business service
Receive a set of output arguments from a method
s aSieb
Siebel 4 a
l c l
eString ide
InputString Length
e n t u
Truncate e z @ nt G
s q u tude
property ( f cva this S Output
property set
set a se
Method e
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
The example the
Vshows b
raStringManipulation business service with three methods (Length,
eand s f e
ip ran and Length=4 that are being passed
Truncate, Concatenate). The input property set contains values for two arguments.
e l
F n-t
InputString=Siebel into the Truncate method. The output
no set contains one output argument, OutputString=Sieb.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 5
Property Set

Property Set
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Represents data using name/value pairs

Has two predefined properties: Type and Value
Has an array for storing user-provided name/value pairs

Values for predefined Array of user-provided

properties name/value pairs
s a
property Type h aInputString Siebel
Value Length l c l) 4
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f c va his S
Input property
e d a se t
a e to u

s t
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 6
Hierarchical Data Structures

Hierarchical Data Structures

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Some business services have inputs and outputs that are

complex data structures
For instance, business services that process XML data
Argument type is hierarchy

EAI XML Read from File s a

)h Output arguments
c l
n t el ide
@ e
G u
ReadXMLMsg ez denHierarchyt
s q u tuArgument type for
v a S
a (fc e this complex data structure
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
the raEAIb XML Read from File business service and the ReadXMLMsg
The example
e Vshows f e
e l ip AisFilename
a n s string argument is passed in and an XMLHierarchy argument of type
F n-t
Hierarchy r
passed out.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 7
Property Set for Hierarchical Data

Property Set for Hierarchical Data

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Includes multiple child property sets to represent

hierarchical data in addition to an array of data
For instance data described in an XML file
Child property sets can contain property sets themselves

property set Type s Name Oracle
h a
Value l c l) Site HQ
property set e nte uide

e z @ nt G
San Mateo

Grandchild s q u tude
State CA

property set
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 8
EAI Siebel Adapter

EAI Siebel Adapter

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Is an EAI business service that accesses data in a Siebel

Reads data to send to an external application
Writes data received from an external application
Accesses data through the business object layer
Includes methods to:
s a
Query for records h a
Insert a new record l c l)
Update an existing record e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Delete records
s q u tude
Synchronize records
( f cva this S
Execute a sequence ofdaoperations
e to us
e on a set of records
t a
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rPlatform
a b le
e V fe
Reference: Integration Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration: EAI
Siebel Adapter s
Business Service.
Fel n-tran

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 9
Using the EAI Siebel Adapter to Read Siebel Data

Using the EAI Siebel Adapter to Read Siebel Data

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EAI Siebel Adapter:

Uses an integration object as a template
Integration object is specified as an input argument
Produces a memory-resident object instance that contains
Siebel application data structured by the integration object
Values are assigned to integration component fields
s a
Contact Contact a
Contact el c l
e n t u
First Name
z @ t
First Name:
n G

q e de Edmondson
u LasttuName:
Last Name s
va his S
( f c t
Contact_Business Address
e d a se Contact_Business Address

Integration Object s t a e to u Integration Object Instance

z Ca cens
s q ue le li
The graphicV shows the
f ab
erIntegration Object which describes the structure for the data. The
i p e s
Fel fornthe n
Integration Object Instance contains values for the data in the structure. For example, the First
Name - t r a
contact = Victor, the Last Name = Edmondson and so on.
n o

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 10
Integration Object Instance

Integration Object Instance

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Consists of a top-level property set with:

Type set to SiebelMessage
Name/value properties that identify the type of data and the
integration object that structures the data
Includes child property sets containing the Siebel data
Are referred to as "Siebel messages" a
h a s
Type SiebelMessage IntObjFormat Siebel Hierarchical Format
c l)

Value IntObjName Sample Contact

ntIntegrationu ide
MessageID 1- ABC @
z n t Ggenerated
One or more child property sets
that contain Siebel records
q e
u Object
deto track messages
Message Type Integration
s t u
( f cva this S What the message

e a
d us e contains

Integration s

ta Instanceto
C cens
ue le li
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 11
Using the EAI Siebel Adapter to Write Siebel Data

Using the EAI Siebel Adapter to Write Siebel Data

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EAI Siebel Adapter:

Receives a memory-resident object instance that contains
Siebel application data structured by an integration object
The integration object is specified as part of the instance
Writes the values assigned to the integration component
fields into the corresponding business component fields
Requires that the object instance be a properly formatted s a
c) ha
Type SiebelMessage IntObjFormat
n t e l
Siebel Hierarchical i d e
@ e G u
Value IntObjName
ez d1- eABCn t
Sample Contact
s q u tu
v a
c this S
( f
Message Type Integration Object

e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 12
EAI Siebel Adapter Methods

EAI Siebel Adapter Methods

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Query Method
QueryPage Method
Synchronize Method
Insert Method
Update Method
Upsert Method
s a
h a
Delete Method
l c l)
Execute Method
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use More

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 13
Query Method

Query Method
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Reads business object instances from the Siebel

Returns all records that satisfy the query conditions
Receives the following as input arguments:
Integration object used to structure the Siebel data
Details of query to be executed
s a
Delivers as output arguments: h a
Number of records returned l c l)
nte property
SiebelMessage containing the Siebel data asechild u ide
sets e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 14
Query Method

Query Method
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Performs a query based on one of:

Primary Row ID of the primary business component record
Values of a user key
A search specification
Query by example
The input SiebelMessage contains one or more elements with
assigned values s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 15
QueryPage Method

QueryPage Method
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Returns up to a specified number of records

Similar to populating an applet in the client application
Receives the following as input arguments:
Integration object used to structure the Siebel data
Details of query to be executed
Page size (number of records to be returned)
Sequence number of the first record to be returned in sethas
Sort specification if required lcl e
Delivers as output arguments: e nte uid
e z @ nt G
Number of records returned
s q u tude
SiebelMessage containing the a asischild
cvdata S property sets
( f
athis is sthe h
t set of records in query
Flag indicating whether
e d e last
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 16
Synchronize Method

Synchronize Method
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Updates the parent record, as required, if it exists

Otherwise inserts a new parent
Operates on child records as follows:
If a child component is present in the SiebelMessage,
updates the corresponding child business component
records to match
Deletes records with no corresponding integration component
s a

instances h a
l c l)

instances e nte uide

Updates records with corresponding integration component

e z @ nt G

s q u tude
Creates new records for other integration component instances
If a child component is missing
c v a the
i s SSiebelMessage,
( business
leaves all correspondingachild th component records
d e
t a e to us
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 17
Synchronize Method

Synchronize Method
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Results in making the set of child records the same when

the integration component exists in the SiebelMessage
Receives the following as input arguments:
SiebelMessage containing the data as child property sets
Flag indicating whether to return the integration component
status keys
Delivers as output arguments: s a
h a
Status keys to report operation performed (optional)
l c l)
Is used to make sure the Siebel record matches e ntethe uide
z @ records
n t G
incoming data without losing additional
q echild
u tude in the
Siebel record s
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 18
Insert Method

Insert Method
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Functions similarly to a Synchronize operation when the

root record does not exist in the Siebel application
Creates the new root record
Synchronizes all the child records
Receives the following as input arguments:
SiebelMessage containing the data as child property sets
Flag indicating whether to return the integration componentas
status keys cl) t el ide
Delivers as output arguments: e n u
@ t G
Status keys to report success/failureuwhen
q ez StatusObject
d e n
input argument is set TRUE as
v S tu
Is used when the externala application(fc e thisknows that no record
yet exists a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s b if the record already exists in the Siebel application.
e V errors
The Insert method
f e raout
Ane l ip would
insert nbesused , for example, when an external application creates a new order.
F n-t r a

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EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 19
Update Method

Update Method
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Functions similarly to a Synchronize operation when the

root record exists in the Siebel application
Updates the existing root record
Synchronizes all the child records
Receives the following as input arguments:
SiebelMessage containing the data as child property sets
Flag indicating to return the integration component statushas
keys lcl te de
Uses the user keys in the incoming messageen u
to locate ithe
z@ ent G
records to be updated u e
q Stud
Delivers as output arguments: a s
cv (f s hi
da e t (optional)
Status keys to report success/failure
us knows the record exists
Is used when external t a eapplication
t o
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
The UpdateV e out if the record does not already exists in the Siebel application.
method errors
i p e
l would s f
F update - t r anbe used , for example, when an external application wishes to update an
existing order.

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EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 20
Upsert Method

Upsert Method
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If the parent record exists in the Siebel application, it:

Updates the parent record
Updates all child records that already exist in application
Inserts new child records if none already exist
Does not delete child records in the application
Receives the following as input arguments:
SiebelMessage containing the data as child property sets s a
Flag indicating to return the integration component status
l ) ha
keys elc e nt id
Uses the user key in the incoming message
@ G u if
eto determine
records already exist
s q Stuuez den
cv this
( f
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 21
Upsert Method

Upsert Method
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Delivers the following as output arguments:

Status keys to report operation performed (optional)
Is used when the external application is uncertain whether
a record already exists
Example: External application upserts activity for a service
Updates only the activities added or modified

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 22
Delete Method

Delete Method
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Deletes one or more business object instances from the

Siebel application
Receives the following as input arguments:
SiebelMessage containing the Siebel data as child property
Flag indicating to return the integration component status
keys s a
Determines records to delete based on: l ) ha
Search specification n t elc ide
@ e G u
User keys in the incoming SiebelMessage ez den t
Primary Row ID of the primary businessq u tu
component record
c v a i s S
Delivers as output arguments:
a f
( e th
d us
Status keys to report (optional)
s t a t o
z Ca cense
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 23
Execute Method

Execute Method
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Performs a combination of operations on components in a

Is specified by adding an operation attribute to the
integration component in the XML representation of the
Is used when the external application chooses to send a
series of data access operations as )h
c l
t el ide
<SiebelMessage MessageId="" MessageType="Integration Object"
XML representation
IntObjectName="Sample Account">
@ e
of SiebelMessage
G u
ez den t
<Account operation="upsert">
s q u tu a child Contact
v a
<Name>A. K. Parker Distribution</Name> . . . .
S Deletes
c this updating
( f
a se
<Contact operation="delete">
record without otherwise
the parent
e d
to u
<FirstName>Stan</FirstName>. . . . Account record
t a
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

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EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 24
Business Object Layer Considerations

Business Object Layer Considerations

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EAI Siebel Adapter accesses data through the business

object layer and behaves as a surrogate user
Executes any additional processing in the business
component class
Executes any scripts associated with the business objects
and components
Is subject to business component and field properties such s a
as No Insert, No Update, Read Only l ) ha
Can be subject to access control restrictions tel de e n u i
ViewMode user property of integration object can be set to
z@ ent G
u e
specify different view visibility (personal, manager, and so forth)
q Stud
a s
ViewMode input argument in the QueryPage method can be set
v his

Is overridden by integrationf cuser t

e d a s e
Requires a position

t a to u
that can determine visibility of records

C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

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EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 25
Transaction-Based Processing

Transaction-Based Processing
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EAI Siebel Adapter considers the SiebelMessage to be a

single transaction
Operations on all integration objects and components in the
SiebelMessage must complete without error
Complete rollback occurs if there is any error
Does not rollback any additional processing triggered by the
data access operations a
h a s
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 26
Lesson Highlights

Lesson Highlights
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The EAI Siebel Adapter is an EAI business service that

accesses data in a Siebel application
Uses an integration object as a template
Produces or receives an integration object instance with
Siebel data
Multiple methods are supported
Query and Querypage s a
h a
Synchronize, Insert, Update, and Upsert
l c l)
Delete and Execute e nte uide
z @as a single
n t G
EAI Siebel Adapter operations are treatede
u tude
transaction s q
( f c va his S
EAI Siebel Adapter operations
d a sexecute
e t through the
a e to u
business object layer
s t
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 27
Practice 5 Overview: EAI Siebel Adapter

Practice 5 Overview:
EAI Siebel Adapter
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This practice covers the following topics:

Examining the behavior of the EAI Siebel Adapter using
the business service simulator

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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EAI Siebel Adapter

Chapter 5 - Page 28
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Data Conversione z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
Chapter 6

e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 1
Data Conversion
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Data Conversion

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 2

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Describe the purpose of the EAI XML Data Conversion
business services
Write an XML string to a file and read an XML string from a
Describe ways to handle an attachment
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 3
Processing Integration Object Instances

Processing Integration Object Instances

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Integration objects produced by the EAI Siebel Adapter

need to be converted to an industry standard data format
for exchange
Siebel EAI uses XML
Siebel EAI includes several business services to convert
property sets (in general) and Siebel messages (in
particular) to and from XML strings a
EAI XML Converter c l
XML Hierarchy Converter n t el ide
@ e G u
XML Converter ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
ed o us

a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 4
EAI XML Converter

EAI XML Converter

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Is an EAI business service that converts:

A SiebelMessage to an XML string
An XML string to a SiebelMessage
Uses an integration object definition to:
Create XML from the SiebelMessage
Create the SiebelMessage from XML
s a
c l
EAI XML t el ide
Converter @ e XML
G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rab Siebel Enterprise Application Integration: Siebel XML Converters
e V Reference:
Reference: XML
f e
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 5
Siebel XML

Siebel XML
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Is XML that corresponds to the SiebelMessage

Elements represent the integration object, components, and
component fields
Root element is SiebelMessage


s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
Integration ( f cva this S
e da use
sta se to
C cen
e z
u le li
s q b
The integration
e Vobjectfeisrarepresented by "ListOf". The integration components and
i p s
Fel n-tran
integration component fields are represented by name tags.


Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 6
Siebel XML

Siebel XML
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XML tags used to render a SiebelMessage are defined as

part of the integration object
Names satisfy XML rules regarding spaces and special

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Integration objects have s q u tude
XML tag names
beginning with ListOf ( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 7
EAI XML Converter Methods

EAI XML Converter Methods

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IntObjHierToXMLDoc Method
XMLDocToIntObjHier Method

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use More

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 8
IntObjHierToXMLDoc Method

IntObjHierToXMLDoc Method
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Converts a property set hierarchy to an XML string

SiebelMessage is a property set hierarchy representation of
integration object instances

Input Arguments Output Arguments

SiebelMessage Outputstring containing the resulting
s a
Various formatting flags, including: XML document
h a
l c l)
Tags on separate lines
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
V ferab
Input Arguments:
ip rans
F Various
n -t formatting flags such as UseSiebelMessageEnvelope.
n o
Output Arguments:
Output string containing the resulting XML document.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 9
XMLDocToIntObjHier Method

XMLDocToIntObjHier Method
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Converts an XML string to a property set hierarchy

Input Arguments Output Arguments

Input string containing the source XML SiebelMessage containing the integration
string object instances
Various formatting flags including:
GenerateProcessingInstructions s a
h a
Tags on separate lines
l c l)
nte uide
IntObjName: integration object to
use in the conversion if the SiebelMessage
envelope is absent e
@ nt G
e z
u tude
s q
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
V ferab
Input Arguments:
ip string
elInput a n s
containing the source XML string
F Various
n r
-t formatting flags such as IntObjName.
n o
Output Arguments:
SiebelMessage containing the integration object instances.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 10
XML Hierarchy Converter

XML Hierarchy Converter

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Is an EAI business service that converts:

An XML hierarchy to an XML document
An XML document to an XML hierarchy
XML hierarchy is a property set with Type = XMLHierarchy
Does not use integration object definitions
Converts data using simple rules, such as:
Make each XML element a property set with Type as thehtag a sa
l )
n t elc ide
Make each XML attribute a property in the elements
@ G u
property set uez tu
s fromSexternal
en q d
Is used to process XML documents
c v a i s sources
( f h
that do not conform to Siebel
ed o us et
a integration objects
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 11
XML Converter

XML Converter
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Is a business service that converts between a property set

hierarchy and an XML document
Does not use integration object definitions
Converts data using the same rules as XML Hierarchy
Converter except Type of property set:
Is not set to XMLHierarchy
s a
Is set to the root element of the XML document h a
Is used to: l c l)
Import and export hierarchical data e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Pass property set arguments to and u
s q t u de services
from business

( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 12
Character Set Conversion

Character Set Conversion

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Different applications may encode XML documents using

different character sets
For example, Unicode Consortium Standard Transformation
Format (UTF) 8-bit or 16-bit (UTF-8, UTF-16) or Windows
You may need to convert between character sets
For example, convert Windows-1252 to UTF-8 s a
Siebel EAI provides two mechanisms for converting c l
documents: n t el ide
@ e G u
A CharSetConversion parameter in many ez business
e t
n services
Forces conversion to a particulars q u u
character tsetd

v a S
The Transcode Service business
a t his
(fc e service
Converts from onee
d uset
character s encoding to another
t a t o
C as nse
u e z lice
sq raparameter
b le
e V fe
The CharSetConversion forces the use of a character set; for example, "Read this
e l ipyou should
a n s
treat it as a UTF-16 document, no matter what the XML header says." Because
F n-t
of this, r use it only in situations where you know the XML will use a particular
no set, and you know the XML may not include this information in its header.
Character conversion may be required if external systems only use a certain character set. In
a subsequent lesson you will learn about a JMS message queue system that requires UTF-16
character code.

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Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 13
The Transcode Service Business Service

The Transcode Service Business Service

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Includes two methods:

Validate: Validate the XML to ensure that there will be no
character conversion errors converting it to the new encoding
Convert: Convert the XML from one encoding to another
Includes four arguments for each method:
<Value>: The data to be converted
s a
SourceEncoding: The encoding to use for the XML source h a
TargetEncoding: The encoding to convert to l c l)
ValidationMode or ConversionMode: Convertefrom nte a data u ide
z t G
@a datanstring,
string to an encoding, from an encoding
q u e to
d e or
from one encoding to another a s S t u
(f stepe tothperform
May be added as a workflow
e d a s
conversion a
st se t ou
C cen
e z
u le li
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 14

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Are documents stored in the Siebel file system

Can be exchanged between Siebel and external
Exchange can be in either direction
Are represented as an integration component in the parent
integration objects
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 15
Handling Attachments

Handling Attachments
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Use the EAI Siebel Adapter to include an attachment in the

Use the EAI XML Converter to embed the attachment in
the resultant XML document

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s ab Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration:
V ferPlatform
Reference: Integration
e l ipEAI anda n sAttachments.
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 16
Embedded Attachments

Embedded Attachments
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Appear in an AttachmentId element as either:

Straight text
Base64 encoded string for non-text attachments

Text attachment

s a
h a
l c l)
nte uide
Unencoded text
from attachment
@ nt G
u tudez
Non-text attachment
s q
( f cva this S Base 64 encoded
e da use attachment
t a t o
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

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Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 17

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Alternatively, convert the entire SiebelMessage to a

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions document (MIME)
EAI MIME Hierarchy Converter
EAI MIME Document Converter

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s b
e VHierarchy
f e raConverter transforms the Siebel Message into a MIME
e l a n s
ip itrtransforms
Internet Mail Extensions) hierarchy for outbound integration. For inbound
F n-t
integration, the MIME Hierarchy into a Siebel Message.
The n o Doc Converter converts a MIME Hierarchy into a MIME Message and a MIME
Message into a MIME Hierarchy.

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Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 18
MIME: Example

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MIME message

XML data

c l
t el ide
Text attachment
@ e text)Gu

e z Non-text
e n t
s u
q Stud (encoded) attachment
cv this
( f
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rab header, XML data, a clear text attachment, and a non-text
V faemessage
The MIME contains
e a n s
ip attachment.
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 19
Writing XML Strings to Files

Writing XML Strings to Files

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EAI file transport business services are provided to:

Write memory-resident XML strings to files
Read XML strings from files into memory
EAI business services include services that combine data
conversion and file transport
EAI XML Write to File
s a
EAI XML Read from File h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use More

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 20
EAI File Transport

EAI File Transport

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Moves string data between a Siebel application and an

external file
String data must be in the Value property of the input
property set
Writing data to an external file using a Send method
Reading data from an external file using a Receive methodas a
) h
Can be used for integration in some production systems
t e d e
Example: a bank may collect all changes during n
e the G day i
u and
send them to a processing center in a e @
z batch
single t
n file
q u d e
Is used primarily for testing during v a S tu
a fc this
e d use
t a o
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 21
EAI XML Write to File

EAI XML Write to File

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Transforms data from a property set to an XML string and

writes it to a file
Combines the EAI XML Converter and the EAI File
Transport business services


Converter s
Transport a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
EAI XML s q u tude
toaFile is S
SiebelMessage File
f v
( e th
d a
t a e to us
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 22
EAI XML Read from File

EAI XML Read from File

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Reads a file and transforms data from Siebel XML to a

property set format
Combines the EAI File Transport and the EAI XML
Converter business services


s a
Transport Converter
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
qu Stude
Read from(File
a e t his
c SiebelMessage
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 23
Lesson Highlights

Lesson Highlights
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EAI XML Converter converts integration object instances

to memory-resident XML strings that can be exchanged
with external applications
XML tags are defined in the integration object
Attachments can be embedded in the XML string and
exchanged with external applications
Attachments are represented as integration components s a
h a
The Transcode Service business service convertslfrom c l)
one character encoding to another e nte uide
z@businessn t G
EAI XML Write to/Read From File areue EAI
services that combine the EAI v XMLs q t u
dewith the EAI
File Transport business service ( f c a this S
Are used for primarily
dfora testing
u sepurposes
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 24
Practice 6 Overview: Data Conversion

Practice 6 Overview:
Data Conversion
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This practice covers the following topics:

Examining the behavior of the EAI XML Converter
business service using the business service simulator

s a
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l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 25
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Conversion
Chapter 6 - Page 26
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Integrationez @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
Chapter 7

e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 1
Integration Workflows
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Integration Workflows

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 2

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Explain the purpose of integration workflows
Explain the role of process properties in workflows
Create an integration workflow
Test the workflow using the workflow process simulator
List the ways to invoke an integration workflow in
s a
production h a
n t elc ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 3
Integration Workflow

Integration Workflow
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Assembles business services into a flow to access,

convert, and transport data
Is invoked by:
Activity within the Siebel application
Receipt of a message from an external application

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
Example of an integrations q u tu
workflow to retrievec v
a a
is S
and write it(f
to a file th
ed o us e
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
shows raabStart step, a Get Contact step, a Convert to XML step, a Write to
The example
e Vflow f e
File step,
e l s step.
ip andraannEnd
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 4
Integration Workflows

Integration Workflows
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Can be:
Example of a
combination outbound
and inbound workflow
s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rab and Rules: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration: Defining
V feProcesses
Reference: Business
e n s EAI.
ip forraSiebel
F example
The n -t workflow shows a Start, Query Account By Id, Siebel Message to XML, Send
XMLn& Receive Response, XML to Siebel Message, Update Account, and End steps.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 5
Process Properties

Process Properties
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Every workflow has a set of process properties that persist

for the invocation of the workflow
Some are populated when the workflow process is invoked
Some provide data to invoking workflow or business service
upon completion

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 6
Process Property Types

Process Property Types

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Process properties are of type:

s a
Integration Object
h a
Alias l c l)
Complex data is treated as a single entity en
te uide
@ nt G
XML strings are treated as binary uez de
s q t u
SiebelMessages are treated as
( f cvahierarchy
h i s S
e d a se t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 7
Inputs to Business Services

Inputs to Business Services

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EAI business services can get inputs from:

A process property
A constant value assigned to the input

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
Input arguments defined
e daConstant
u e
svalue Value of the process
for the business service ta o
a s se t assigned as input property assigned as input

z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 8
Outputs of Business Services

Outputs of Business Services

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EAI business services produce outputs that are assigned

to process properties
Can be used as inputs for subsequent business services

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
Output argument assigned
e da uOutput
s e argument defined
to this process property a
st se to
for the business service
C cen
e z
u le li
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 9
Building an Integration Workflow

Building an Integration Workflow

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1. Define the workflow processing

2. Create the workflow process
3. Add steps to the workflow process
4. Add workflow process properties
5. Configure the inputs and outputs
6. Test the workflow a
h a s
l c l)
te uide
Example: Extract a contact record and write it to anfile
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use More

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 10
1. Define the Workflow Processing

1. Define the Workflow Processing

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Identify the EAI business services required for the workflow

Identify the method for each business service
Sequence them as required
Example: Extract a contact record and write it to a file:
EAI Siebel Adapter (query)
EAI XML Converter (IntObjHierToXMLDoc) a
EAI File Transport (send) h a s
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 11
2. Create the Workflow Process

2. Create the Workflow Process

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In Siebel Tools, create a new workflow process record

s a
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l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 12
3. Add Steps to the Workflow Process

3. Add Steps to the Workflow Process

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Invoke the Workflow Designer

Add a start and end step to the designer
Add a business service step for each business service
In the properties window, specify the:
Business service name
Business service method s a

c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
the raGetb Contact Record business service step with the Business Service
e Vshows
The example
f e
e a n sAdapter and the Business Service Method = Query.
= EAI Siebel
F n-t r

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Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 13
4. Add Workflow Process Properties

4. Add Workflow Process Properties

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Edit the default set of process properties in the Multi Value

Properties Window (MVPW)
Add new process properties to store values created and
used by the business services
Leave the default process properties as is

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
Add process properties to a (fc e this
hold the Siebel message anded
the XML string ta t o us
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
The example
e Vshowsfadding
e "SiebelMessage" as Data Type = Hierarchy and "XML Message"
i p s
Fel n-tran
as Data Type = Binary.


Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 14
5. Configure the Inputs and Outputs

5. Configure the Inputs and Outputs

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For each step:

Specify inputs to use in the workflow
Assign a literal value or a process property to each input
Specify outputs to use
Assign each output to a process property

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
the raGetb Contact Record business service steps with the Input Arguments:
The example
e Vshows f e
ip rans Name = the literal value Siebel Contact
F PrimaryRowId
n -t
n o = the Object Id process property.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 15
6. Test the Workflow

6. Test the Workflow

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Use the Workflow Process Simulator in Siebel Tools to test

the workflow

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 16
6. Test the Workflow

6. Test the Workflow

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Use the watch window to monitor values of the process


s a
Values of process a
properties with
c l
simple types
n t el ide
@ e G u
Values of ez den t
properties in the q u tu
Siebel Message as S
(fc e this
ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rabvalues for process properties with simple types and the top and
e V fshows
The Watch Window
e l a n s in the Siebel Message at the bottom.
ipof properties
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 17
Invoking a Workflow

Invoking a Workflow
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Workflow policy
Run-time event
Declarative call

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use More

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 18
Workflow Policy

Workflow Policy
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Integration workflows can be invoked by a workflow policy

Monitors changes in the Siebel database
Executes a policy action when policy conditions are satisfied
Workflow executes in the Workflow Process Manager
server component on the Siebel Server
Workflow executes asynchronously
Runs in the background
l) has
Does not stop user action (no hourglass displayed)
e l c e
Example: e nt u i d
e z @ nt G
User needs to send a list of cancelled
s q t u deto a back-
u accounts
office system once a day
( f c va his S

d a that checks
Create a workflow policy e t for cancelled accounts
e s
once a day
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 19
Run-Time Event

Run-Time Event
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Integration workflows can be invoked by a run-time event

Workflow executes in the Workflow Process Manager in
the user's application object manager
Workflow typically executes synchronously
User must wait until the workflow completes
Example: a
User creates and saves a new contact record h a s
c l)
Run-time event invokes a workflow to submit the newlcontact
nte uide

record for data matching e

e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 20
Declarative Call

Declarative Call
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Integration workflows can be invoked by clicking a custom

button or menu item that invokes the workflow process
Workflow executes either:
Synchronously in the user's application object manager
Asynchronously in the workflow process manager server
component s a
h a
Example: l c l)
User creates a new order e nte uide
User clicks the Submit button after reviewing@ thenorder
t G
qu the deto the
Button click invokes a workflowa t u
cv this S

provisioning system ( f
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 21

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Integration workflows can be invoked by a call in a user-

created script
Workflow executes in the user's application object

s a
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l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 22
Considerations for Invoking Workflow

Considerations for Invoking Workflow

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Advantages of workflow policy invocation

Offers a batch mode
Can be checked at a set interval
Can require that a condition be true for a specified period
before invoking the workflow
Executes asynchronously
Advantages of run-time event invocation s a
h a
Allows for immediate invocation based on user or systeml c l)
activity e nte uide
z @ nt G
User not always aware of workflow invocation
u tude

Advantages of declarative calling s q

a is S
(fcv eor tmenu
Provides the user with aabutton h item to click
d us
e deliberate
Makes the invocation

t a t o
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 23
Lesson Highlights

Lesson Highlights
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An integration workflow assembles business services into

a flow to access, convert, and transport data
Can be outbound, inbound, or both
Build an integration workflow by:
Adding appropriate EAI business service steps
Add process properties to store the integration object
instances and the XML strings
Configure the inputs and outputs as required
t e cl)
l e
Determine how best to invoke the workflow e n u i d
@ t G
Synchronous or asynchronous
q u ez den
Invocation by direct user action ors indirect
a S u
(fc e this
ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 24
Practice 7 Overview: Integration Workflows

Practice 7 Overview:
Integration Workflows
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This practice covers the following topics:

Creating an outbound workflow to retrieve an account and
write it to a file
Creating an inbound workflow to read an account file to
update accounts

s a
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l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 25
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Integration Workflows
Chapter 7 - Page 26
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
EAI HTTP e @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
Chapter 8

e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 1
EAI HTTP Transport
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EAI HTTP Transport

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 2

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Configure an integration workflow to use outbound HTTP
Configure a Siebel application to receive and process
inbound HTTP messages

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 3
Using HTTP Transport

Using HTTP Transport

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To configure HTTP transport in Siebel applications, you

need to understand:
How a Siebel application sends HTTP requests
How a Siebel application responds to HTTP requests
How logging in and out is handled
How data is transmitted in the HTTP request
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 4
Fundamentals of HTTP Transport: Review

Fundamentals of HTTP Transport:

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Communication is directional (request/response model)

Client (browser) sends a request to a web server
Web server responds to the request
Client does not receive requests from a web server
Communication is stateless
Web server treats each request from a client as an
independent request s a
h a
Client can include additional information in the request
l c l)to
e e
establish any prior context
@ nt G ent uid
e z
u tude
s q
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 5
Communication Modes Review

Communication Modes
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Sessionless mode
Client submits a single HTTP request that:
Logs in using supplied credentials
Submits the actual request
Logs off at the end
Session does not persist longer than the request
Session mode s a
Client submits separate HTTP requests to: c l
Log in using supplied credentials n t el ide

@ e G u
ez den
Server responds with a sessionID for identification

s u
Submit the actual request using theqsessionID
Submit additional requestsfas v a S
c this the sessionID
required using

Log off at the end da


e u se
Session persists
a stalonger e to a single request
z C cens
s q ue le li
In sessionless
e rabrequest is an independent session. A client in sessionless mode
e ip and
a n s
authenticate on every request.
In r
t the session can persist for as long as the client doesn't explicitly log off, or it
mayn o
expire at the end of some period of time. In either case the session can comprise multiple
client requests.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 6
Data Transmission: Review

Data Transmission:
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HTTP supports two methods to transmit data in an HTTP

Includes all data in the URL itself
Is used for login and logoff requests and simple commands
Is not normally used for data transfer
POST s a
Places data in the body of the HTTP request
c l
t el ide
Is typically used to send data to an external application

@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
eracanb be transmitted in the GET method is constrained by the limit on
The amountV of data that
l i p
the length
e s
of thenURL
f which cannot exceed a value of typically about a 1000 characters. Since
Fe arenvisible
URLs - tra in browsers data passed using GET is not secure.
o using POST is more secure since it is not immediately visible to a user. In
addition there is no length limitation. For these reasons POST is the preferred method for
most transmission operations.
In the practice for this lesson, you may be directed to set the method to GET rather than
POST . This is done primarily because in some cases it is significantly easier to demonstrate
the concept using GET.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 7
Siebel Architecture for HTTP Transport

Siebel Architecture for HTTP Transport

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Sending (Siebel application as the client)

Receiving (Siebel application as the server)

s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us More

a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s abInterfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration: EAI HTTP
V ferand
Reference: Transports
l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 8
Sending (Siebel Application as the Client)

Sending (Siebel Application as the Client)

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Uses the EAI HTTP Transport business service to

generate HTTP messages to an external application
Is an EAI business service that uses HTTP to transport data
Supports only Send and SendReceive methods
Send: transmits data and completes execution immediately
SendReceive: transmits data and waits for a response from
external application s a
h a
Passes the response to subsequent business service

l c l)
Supports both session and sessionless modes te
e n u ide
Typically uses sessionless mode

e z @ nt G
Supports both GET and POST methods
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 9
Configuring Outbound HTTP Transport

Configuring Outbound HTTP Transport

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1. Add the HTTP transport step

2. Assign inputs and outputs
3. Assign request methods and URLs

Example: Extract a contact record and transport it using HTTP a

h a s
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use More

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 10
1. Add the HTTP Transport Step

1. Add the HTTP Transport Step

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Create a new workflow (or edit an existing workflow)

Create a new business service step to send the HTTP
Assign the EAI HTTP Transport business service
Select the method (Send or SendReceive)
s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a
c this S
a (afcontact

and transport data
d use
Integration workflow to retrieve
e using HTTP

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rabmethod is send, the Siebel application generates the HTTP
e V fservice
When the business
e l ipmethod
and then
a n sproceeds immediately to the nest step in the workflow. When the business
service r
F n-t SendReceive, the Siebel application generates the HTTP message and
no the response before proceeding to the next step in the workflow.
wais for

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 11
2. Assign Inputs and Outputs

2. Assign Inputs and Outputs

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Assign the workflow process property containing the XML

string to the input argument <Value>
For SendReceive, assign the response in <Value> to a
workflow process property

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rab of the Value property in the input property set.
Vto thefecontents
<Value> refers
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 12
3. Assign Request Methods and URLs: Sessionless

3. Assign Request Methods and URLs:

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For sessionless mode specify as input arguments:

Consult the external application documentation for the
correct URL

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
Additional input
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 13
3. Assign Request Methods and URLs: Session Mode

3. Assign Request Methods and URLs:

Session Mode
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

For session mode specify separate pairs of methods and

URLs for:
Consult the external application documentation for the
corresponding URLs s a
h a
l c l)
can vary for

e tetype ofurequest
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 14
Receiving (Siebel Application as the Server)

Receiving (Siebel Application as the Server)

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Uses the EAI Object Manager to process incoming HTTP

Is an object manager that handles all incoming EAI requests
Serves as the HTTP receiver component
Behaves like other client application object managers (for
instance call center object manager)
Handles requests addressed to //HostName/eai_enu
s a
Forwarded by the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) h a

l c l)
Typically requires a login and password

Each application object manager can specify its e

u ide

e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 15
Processing Incoming HTTP Requests

Processing Incoming HTTP Requests

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The external application includes the following in the URL:

Username and password
Name of an HTTP service to invoke
eai.cfg file specifies a profile configuration corresponding
to the HTTP service appearing in the URL
The profile configuration specifies the processing to be
executed upon receipt of the XML message s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
z t G
@Profile nconfiguration
HTTP service
q e e to requestto
u tudrespond
cva this S
in URL
( f
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rabServices section, the SiebelUpsert HTTP service maps to the
e Vthe fHTTP
In eai.cfg under
e l ip rans profile configuration.
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 16
Profile Configurations for HTTP Services

Profile Configurations for HTTP Services

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Are enterprise-wide groupings of parameters that specify

how the target application responds to inbound messages
Are provided for invoking EAI Siebel Adapter with the
following methods:
s a
Execute h a
Can be created to support additional HTTP services l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
erab navigate to Administration - Server Configuration >
To examineV profile configurations
l i p e
Enterprises n s
> Profile
f Configuration.
Fe n-tra

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 17
Profile Configurations for HTTP Service: Parameters

Profile Configurations for HTTP Service:

Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

Specify the processing upon receipt of an HTTP message

Converter Service: EAI XML Converter
DispatchService: EAI Siebel Adapter
DispatchMethod: desired EAI Siebel Adapter method

s a
)h Click Advanced
c l to see remaining

n t el ide parameters

@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rtheabparameters. In this example DispatchService = EAI Siebel Adapter
Vto see
Click Advanced
e f e
l ip rans = Upsert.
and DispatchMethod
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 18
URLs for Siebel EAI Object Manager

URLs for Siebel EAI Object Manager

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Have the following form for sessionless mode Request URL


Login URL
Have the following form for session mode
s a
SWEExtSource=<HTTPService>&SWEExtCmd=ExecuteLogin&UserName=<userna a
me>&Password=<password> c l
n t el URLide
@ e Request
G u
ez den t
s u tu
v a S
a (fc e this Logoff URL

a ed o us
st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
POST b are identical except that SWEExtData parameter is not used
The URLs for
e Vthe f e
e l ip rans
n -t mode:
n o

For session mode:


Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 19
Configuring a New HTTP Service

Configuring a New HTTP Service

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1. Identify the workflow or business service

2. Create the profile configuration
3. Assign the parameters
4. Modify the eai.cfg file

s a
h a
Example: Configure a service to synchronize a contactcl)
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
st se t
C cen
e z
u le li
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 20
1. Identify the Workflow or Business Service

1. Identify the Workflow or Business Service

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Identify the business service or workflow that will process

the incoming data
Create a workflow if necessary

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e daSyncuContact
ABC se
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 21
2. Create the Profile Configuration

2. Create the Profile Configuration

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In the Siebel target application, navigate to Administration -

Server Configuration > Enterprises > Profile Configuration
Create a new profile configuration and set the subsystem
type to EAITransportDataHandlingSubsys

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 22
3. Assign the Parameters

3. Assign the Parameters

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Assign these parameters in the Enterprise Profile

Configuration applet
DispatchMethod = RunProcess
DispatchService = name of the business service OR
DispatchWorkflowProcess = name of the workflow

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 23
4. Modify the eai.cfg File

4. Modify the eai.cfg File

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Locate the eai.cfg file in the ..\siebsrvr\bin\enu directory

Add a new entry to the [HTTP Services] section to
associate the profile configuration to the SWEExtSource
parameter in the incoming message

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
Value in the URL in
the HTTP Request e da use Name of new profile

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 24
Lesson Highlights

Lesson Highlights
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Sending HTTP uses the EAI HTTP Transport business

service to generate HTTP messages to an external
Assign request methods and URLs to configure EAI HTTP
Supports both GET and POST
Receiving HTTP uses the EAI Object Manager to process s a
incoming HTTP requests l) h lc
Is an object manager that handles all incomingnEAI
e u ide
te requests
Serves as the HTTP receiver component
e z @ nt G
Processing is specified in a profile
s q u tude
corresponding to the HTTP cva his S
e d a se t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 25
Practice 8 Overview: EAI HTTP Transport

Practice 8 Overview:
EAI HTTP Transport
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This practice covers the following topics:

Configuring a workflow to retrieve a Siebel account and
generate a HTTP message
Examining inbound HTTP requests
Comparing session and sessionless mode requests

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI HTTP Transport

Chapter 8 - Page 26
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
EAI Message z @
Queuen t G
q e
u tude
Transport s
( f c va his S
e d aChapterse9 t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 1
EAI Message Queue Transport
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EAI Message Queue Transport

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 2

Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Configure a Siebel application to support queue-based
Configure an integration workflow to use an outbound
queue-based transport
Configure a workflow or task to use an inbound queue-
based transport has
l c
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 3
Message Queues

Message Queues
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Provide directional communication

One system writes to a queue, a second system reads it
Provide point-to-point integration between systems
For example:
System1 sends messages to Queue1
System2 reads these messages, acts on them, and may
respond on Queue2 s a
System1 reads messages from Queue2 and acts accordingly

c l
Messaging System
n t el ide
@ e G u
System1 Queue1 Queue2 ez deSystem2
n t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s b
e V Queue
Other Message
f e raIntegration Strategies: Message queues are not always point-to-
e a n s
queue could send a message to an integration hub (such as Oracle Fusion
F n-t
Middleware) r
for distribution to other systems in a hub-and-spoke model. Similarly, most
no queue systems provide a publisher/subscriber model, where one system publishes a
message to a message queue, and multiple systems read from that message queue. For
example, such a model is used in Oracle Universal Customer Management (UCM). However,
the focus of this lesson will be on point-to-point integration, as once you understand point-to-
point integration, the other integrations are easy to implement.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 4
Benefits of Message Queues

Benefits of Message Queues

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Asynchronous communication
The sending system is not required to wait for a response
Guaranteed delivery
Messages are stored by the messaging system until
The message content and structure is independent of the a
message queue system h a s
Persistent storage l c l)
e e nt id
Messaging systems frequently store messages@ e in non-
G u
s q Stu uez den
volatile storage in case of system failure
cv this
( f
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 5
Properties of Message Queues

Properties of Message Queues

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Each message queue stores multiple messages

There is no need to "clear the queue" before writing to it
Messages are typically stored and read "first in, first out"
When a system reads a message, by default it will be the
oldest message in the queue
Most messaging systems support giving some messages s a
higher priority to "move ahead" in the queue l) h lc
One message queue system can support many
e u ide
e z@ nt G e
For example, both incoming and s qu tqueues
outgoing ud
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 6
How Siebel CRM Supports Message Queues

How Siebel CRM Supports Message Queues

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Siebel CRM provides:

Business services and methods for sending to/receiving from
supported message queues
Profile types describing how to connect to message queues
Receiver components that listen on queues for incoming
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 7
Example: Order Management

Example: Order Management

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A user fills in an order form and clicks "Submit Order"

The button event invokes an integration workflow that
places the order on an outbound queue to an order
management system
Once the order management system processes the order,
it places the updated order on an inbound queue
A Siebel receiver task receives the message and updates s a
) a
the order lcl
Messaging System
e nte uide 2. Receive order
1. Place order
z @ nOrder t G
Siebel CRM Outbound Inbound
q e
u tude Mgmt
( f cva this S 3. Process

5. Process
e d a se order

a e to u
4. Send
a s t response

z C cens
s q ue le li
Step Details:V
e f e rab
ip the
a n s clicks the "Submit Order" button, an integration workflow reads the order
F information
n r
-t and invokes a message queue transport business service and method to
nplace that information on an outbound message queue. The workflow may use a profile
to provide the message queue system connection information to the business service.
2.-4. The order management system reads the oldest order from the message queue,
processes it, and places a response on the inbound queue.
5. A Siebel task running the message queue receiver component receives the response
and invokes a business service or workflow to process the response and update the
order status.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 8
Siebel-Supported Messaging Systems

Siebel-Supported Messaging Systems

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The messaging systems currently supported by Siebel

applications are:
IBM WebSphere MQ
MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing)
Java Messaging System (JMS)
A set of application programming interfaces and messaging
services designed to support Java programs s a
Each system has its own transport business service, c l
profile type, and receiver component n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
erab list of supported messaging systems, please see Transports
Reference:V For an up-to-date
l i p e
and Interfaces: n s f Enterprise Application Integration.
Fe n-tra

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 9
Siebel Messaging Transports

Siebel Messaging Transports

Unauthorized reproduction or distribution prohibited Copyright 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates

Siebel CRM provides EAI Transport business services to

send or receive messages in a queue
Siebel CRM provides a separate business service for each
messaging system
EAI MQSeries Server Transport
EAI MSMQ Transport
EAI JMS Transport s a
These business services provide send and receive methods
c l
for sending and receiving messages
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s ab
TransportsV and Data: handle all data as binary data (bytes). The IsTextData
i p e s f
Fel n-tonrathen transport, use the CharSetConversion parameter of the appropriate
parameter available in previous releases is no longer supported. If you want to use character
n o service. This avoids the overhead of unnecessary character conversions, or the
possibility of data corruption due to the use of different character sets in different systems.
Use the Transcode Service business service to convert from one character encoding to

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 10
Siebel Messaging Transports

Siebel Messaging Transports

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Each business service has a corresponding profile type

describing how to connect to the messaging system:
Known as "Transport Connection Subsystems"
For example:
MqSeriesServerSubsys for the EAI MQ Series Transport
MSMQSubsys for the EAI MSMQ Transport
JMSSubsys for the EAI JMS Transport s a

These profiles must be created and configured according c l
to the messaging system's parameters before n t el EAI
using ide
@ nt G u
queue transports e z
umachine e
For example, the messaging system s q t u dname, the
v a S
send queue name, the receive
a (fc queue
e t hisname, and so forth
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s b on configuring the profile, consult the appropriate section of
V feForradetails
Profile Parameters:
l ip and
e a n s
Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 11
Sending Messages

Sending Messages
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To send a message, a Siebel workflow or business service

invokes the appropriate method of the EAI Transport and
provides the message body as a parameter
Available methods:
Send: Send the message to the queue and do not wait for a
SendReceive: Send the message to the queue and wait for s
h a
response from the messaging system cl) t el ide
e n
Messaging System
z @ n t G
Siebel Message
q u
SendeQueue d e
v a s S tu
a (fc e this
a edResponse
o us
as nse t
z lice
u e
sq rable
V fSending
e ecommunication.
a message and not waiting for a reply is referred to as
i p s
"asynchronous" Waiting for a response is "synchronous"
- t r a Thus, the Send method supports asynchronous communication, and the
n o n
SendReceive method supports synchronous communication.
Receiving a Response: To use the SendReceive method, you must specify a receive
queue on which to listen for the response.

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 12
Configure Outbound Transport

Configure Outbound Transport

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1. Create a transport connection subsystem profile

2. Add an EAI Transport business service step to an
integration workflow
3. Add process properties
4. Add input and output arguments

s a
Example: Send contact information in a message to a JMS h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
sta se to

C cen
e z
u le li
s q
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 13
1. Create a Transport Connection Subsystem Profile

1. Create a Transport Connection Subsystem

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Optionally, create a connection profile of the correct type

For example, a JMSSubsys profile for JMS systems
The send methods support providing each connection
parameter separately, so a profile is not required

s a
c l
Profile typeeisn
tel uide
e z @ nt G

s q u tude
( f cva this S least For JMS, specify at
the connection
d a e
e to us
factory and send and

s t a receive queues

z Ca cense
s q ue le li
Navigate to V erab- Server Configuration > Enterprises > Profile Configuration.
i p e
lProfile n s f The profile parameters for each transport type are described in
Fe detail
n - tinraTransports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.
nJMS Parameters: In addition to the connection factory, receive queue, and send queue
parameters, the JMS profile requires a JVM Subsystem name. The default value for this
is JAVA, so you must either create a profile with Name = JAVA and Type = JVMSubsys,
or change the default value to match an existing JVMSubsys profile.
Connection Factory: A connection factory is a Java object that encapsulates a set of
connection configuration parameters; thus, as a Siebel developer you do not need to
know the details of the JMS implementation, you only need to know the queue names
and the connection factory name.

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 14
2. Add an EAI Transport Business Service Step to an Integration

2. Add an EAI Transport Business Service Step to

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an Integration Workflow
Create an integration workflow
Query for an object and convert the Siebel message to XML
Add a business service step that uses the correct transport
and method
For example, use the Send method of the EAI JMS
Transport business service: s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use Add a "Send"
a sta se to business service step

z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 15
3. Add Process Properties

3. Add Process Properties

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Add process properties to support the input and output

arguments of the steps:
The name of the transport connection subsystem profile
A process property to contain the Siebel message
If converting the message to XML, a process property to
contain the XML
s a
c l
n t el ide
Create at least three process
@ e G u
properties: A Siebel message,
ez den t
XML message, and the name of qu
the connection profile
v a s S tu
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rab properties: a Siebel message, XML message, and the name
Create at least
of theliconnection
e s
p anprofile.
F n-t r

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 16
4. Add Input and Output Arguments

4. Add Input and Output Arguments

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Input arguments for the Send method:

The name of the connection subsystem
The message to be sent
There are no required output arguments for the Send
For the SendReceive method, there is an argument used to
store the response: as )h
<Value> c l
el ide

e n t u
@ t G
q u
and message as input argumentsez den
Provide the connection profile name

v a s S tu
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rabAs mentioned, the Send and SendReceive methods can take
Send method
e Varguments:
f e
p nameanofsa connection subsystem, or the individual connection parameters, as
F n-tIfryou choose to provide the individual connection parameters, you should declare
themnas o process properties. This is done in the practice for this lesson, to illustrate the
difference between using a profile and using individual parameters.

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 17
Receiving Messages: Direct Reads

Receiving Messages: Direct Reads

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To read directly from a message queue, a Siebel workflow

or business service invokes the Receive method of the EAI
May also use the appropriate transport connection profile
Directly reading from a queue is not typical; the process will
stop and wait if the queue is empty
The workflow would be similar to a send workflow with the s a
) a
steps reversed lcl
e nte uide Messaging System
Siebel z @
Queue nt
CRM Message
q e
u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 18
Receiving Messages: Receiver Tasks

Receiving Messages: Receiver Tasks

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Typically, an administrator starts a "Receiver" task that

monitors the queue and processes received messages
using a specified workflow or business service
Referred to as "dispatching" the message
Siebel CRM provides a separate receiver component for
each messaging system
s a
Messaging System
Receive Queue lc
l) h
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
Reply va
Workflow ( f c this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rabHandling: By default, receiver component tasks exit when they
V andfeError
Receiver Tasks
e l iptasks
a n s errors. Therefore, the workflows or business services invoked by
F n-t
receiver r should include robust error-handling mechanisms. This is not done in the
no in the slides or the practices of this lesson in order to keep the examples simple, but
must be done for any real-world receiver processes.

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 19
Receiving Messages: Receiver Components and Methods

Receiving Messages: Receiver Components and

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Available receiver components:

MQSeries Server Receiver for MQSeries queues
MSMQ Receiver for MSMQ queues
JMS Receiver for JMS queues
Available methods for receiver tasks:
ReceiveDispatch: a
Retrieve a message from the message queue and dispatch it
h a s

Do not respond to the messaging system l c

nte uide

ReceiveDispatchSend: e G
@ andndispatch
e z t
Retrieve a message from the message
s q u tude
queue it
Once processing completes, send
c v a a response
i s S to the messaging
a f
( e th
e to us
t a
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 20
Receiving Messages: Transport Data Handling Subsystems

Receiving Messages: Transport Data Handling

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Are profiles that specify the workflow or business service

to execute when a message is received
Have Type = EAITransportDataHandlingSubsys
Are not specific to a message queue type

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
The ContactDispatchService
f updatesis S received from
( h
a se tappropriate message queue
e d
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
Navigate to V
f ab > Profile Configuration.
l e
ip rans
TheeContactDispatchService updates contacts received from any appropriate message
F n-t

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 21
Available Dispatch Targets

Available Dispatch Targets

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Transport data handling subsystems support three

dispatch targets:
A workflow
Identified by the DispatchWorkflowProcess parameter
Includes the message body as the <Value> process property to
the workflow
You must create a <Value> process property in any dispatch
s a
workflow a
c l
A business service method
n t el ide
Identified by the DispatchService and DispatchMethod
@ G u

parameters ez den t
q u
s method tuas an input
The message body is passed toathe S

argument of the appropriate

(fctypee this
A dispatch servicerule
edseto us
Identified by
t "DispatchRuleSet"
sthe e t parameter

C a n s
u e z lice
sq rable
V fe parameter: This is an "advanced" profile parameter. To locate it, click
The DispatchRuleSet
l i p
the Advanced
e n s above the parameter list applet. Once you have modified it, click the
F button
n r
-t to return to the list of "basic" profile parameters.
n o

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 22
Configure Inbound Transport

Configure Inbound Transport

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1. Create profiles
2. Create a workflow or business service to process the
3. Start a receiver task

Example: Receive a message from a JMS queue and use it to a

insert or update a contact record h a s
) c l
n t e l
i d e
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 23
1. Create Profiles

1. Create Profiles
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If not already created, create a connection profile of the

correct type
For example, a JMSSubsys profile for JMS systems
While the receive methods support providing each
connection parameter separately, the receive components
require a connection profile
If using a dispatch business service or workflow, create thes a
data handling subsystem profile l) h lc
Specify the workflow or business service that will e
e u
message z@ tG n

q ue tude
You may need to create this workflow (shown on the next slide)
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 24
2. Create a Workflow or Business Service to Process the Message

2. Create a Workflow or Business Service to

Process the Message
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If using a dispatch service, the workflow or business

service only needs to process the message it receives

A dispatch workflow receives

the message in the <Value>
process property, and only
needs to convert it to a Siebel
message and process it
s a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s b using a dispatch service, but are rather reading from the
VIf youfeareranot
Direct Reads:
e l ip queuea n s your workflow must include a business service step that reads the
message r
F n-t queue. For example, for JMS queues you would use the Receive method of
from the
noJMS Transport business service.
the EAI

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 25
3. Start a Receiver Task

3. Start a Receiver Task

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From the server manager command line, start a task for

the appropriate receiver component
Provide the method, connection profile, and dispatch profile
as parameters
For example:

start task for component JMSReceiver with

s a
ReceiverConnectionSubsystem=JMS_ConnectionProfile, a
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
Use the Administration - Server Management ez dscreen
e t
n to
q u tu
monitor the status of the task vas S
a (fc e this
a ed o us
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rabReceiver Components: It is also possible to create copies of the
e VAdditional
f e
e lreceiver n s
ip racomponents, and modify the component definitions to specify the profile names.
F In thisn - tcase, you would start the task for your custom component, and you would only
n o
need to provide the receiver method name.
Running Multiple JMS Receiver Tasks: By default, the JMSReceiver component has
its MaxTasks parameter set to 20. Thus, as many as 20 tasks may be running at once,
listening on 20 different message queues. If you need to increase this number, either
modify the MaxTasks parameter, or create a custom component to listen to additional

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 26
Summary: Siebel CRM Messaging System Support

Summary: Siebel CRM Messaging System

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The EAI Transport names, receiver components,

connection profile types, and dispatch profile types are:


EAI Transport EAI MQSeries EAI MSMQ EAI JMSTransport

Server Transport Transport

Receiver MQ Series Server MSMQ Receivers JMS Receiver a

h a
Component Receiver
l c l)
Connection MqSeriesServer MSMQSubsys n te uide
Profile Type Subsys
e z @ nt G
s q
Dispatch Profile EAITransportData EAITransportData de
u tuEAITransportData
Type HandlingSubsys
( f cva this S HandlingSubsys

e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 27
Additional Configuration: Java Support in Siebel CRM

Additional Configuration: Java Support in Siebel

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To support integration with Java systems, Siebel CRM

A "Java Virtual Machine" (JVM) profile, identifying the
location of the Java executable to run and which Java
libraries to load
Type = JVMSubsys
A "Java Naming and Directory Interface" properties file,
s a
describing how to look up Java objects ) h a
c l
File name =
n t el ide
These are required for any Siebel-Java integration: @ e G u
z n t
Business services written in Java que ude
s t
Java Messaging Service fcva S
a ( e this
And so forth
a ed o us More

a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
JNDI: V Java
Naming b Directory Interface, a hierarchical system used by Java
e f e
ip ransto look up Java objects such as message queues.
e l
F Other
o n -tJava Business Services: You may also use the EAI Java Business Service to
nimplement custom business services in Java. Implementing a custom business service
in Java is beyond the scope of this course. For more details, see "EAI Java Business
Services" in Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 28
The JVMSubsys Profile

The JVMSubsys Profile

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Create a JVMSubsys profile with:

A list of all Java files used by Siebel CRM
For example, Siebel.jar, SiebelJI_enu.jar, and
The location of the JVM executable or DLL
Any JVM options

s a
)h a
c l
n t el profile;ide
ename is G
Create a JVMSubSys
@ u
the default
ez den t JAVA

q u
sJava filesSintuthe JVM Classpath
Place all required
a (fc e this
a ed o us Specify the JVM DLL
Specify t
JVM options t

z Ca cense
s q ue le li
Required Java
e f e rabthree files required by Siebel CRM are:
ip rans
F Thenlanguage-specific
n o SiebelJI file, for example, ..\siebsrvr\CLASSES\SiebelJI_enu.jar
Other Java files depend on the JMS system; for example, to support a JMS system on a
WebLogic server, include WebLogic.jar.

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 29
The File

The File

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Java applications use a naming provider (JNDI) to locate

To use Java business services or messaging with Siebel
CRM, create a file containing:
The initial context factory of the JNDI service
The address of the JNDI service provider
The username and password to access the JNDI servicehas
provider lcl
nte uide
Use a text editor to
e z @ nt G

s q u tude
( f cva thisSpecify
the address, login
d a
e o us e parameters, and initial
a context for the JNDI service
a st se t
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 30
Lesson Highlights

Lesson Highlights
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Message queues provide persistent messaging between

To use message queues:
Create a connection profile for the appropriate messaging
For JMS, also create a JVM subsystem profile and a file
s a
To send, create a workflow that uses the Send or h a
l c l)
SendReceive method of the appropriate EAI Transport
business service e nte uide
e z @ nt G
To receive:
s q u tude

appropriate EAI transport ( f cvaReceive

Create a workflow that uses the
business t h i s S
method of the
service, or
d a e
Create a dispatch
t a e o and
t us profile, and start a receiver task
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 31
Practice 9 Overview: Using JMS Message Queues

Practice 9 Overview:
Using JMS Message Queues
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This practice covers the following topics:

Sending a message to a JMS queue
Receiving a message from a JMS queue

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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EAI Message Queue Transport

Chapter 9 - Page 32
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s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
Data Mapping e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
Chapter 10

e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 1
Data Mapping
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Data Mapping

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 2

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Explain when data mapping is required
List choices to map data
Use the Siebel Data Mapper to create a data map between
an internal and external integration object

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 3
Data Mapping

Data Mapping
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Is required when the external application cannot accept or

deliver data structured by a Siebel integration object

Internal Siebel
Siebel Integration XML External
Application Object Application

sAccepts/delivers a
h a
Siebel-structured data
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Data Map External
s t u
XML de Application
Application Object Data Map
( f va his S
e d a se t
t a to u Does not accept/deliver
Siebel-structured data
a s se
z C cen
q e
u le li
s b XML that corresponds to a Siebel message.
Recall that Siebel
f e risathe
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 4
Choices for Data Mapping

Choices for Data Mapping

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Internal to the Siebel application

Use the EAI Data Transformation Engine business service
Create maps declaratively in the Siebel client
Use a custom business service
Create maps directly in scripts
External to the Siebel application
s a
Incorporate data mapping into the external application
Not common l c l)
nte uide

Use middleware to perform the mapping e

@ nt G
e z
u tude
s q
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 5
EAI Data Transformation Engine

EAI Data Transformation Engine

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Is an EAI business service that transforms an integration

object instance from one structure to another
Uses data transformation maps that:
Are created declaratively in the Siebel client
Are stored in the Siebel database
Is referred to as the EAI Data Mapping Engine in picklists
Is often referred to as the Siebel Data Mapper s a
Stores data maps
c l
n t el ide
@ e UsesGdata u maps
ez den t
Siebel Database
s q u tu
v a
c Mapthis S EAI Data
a ( fData
Mapping Engine
d e
e to us
Creates and edits Data Map
data maps
t a
C as nse
u e z lice
sq Processes
a b le
e V fer
Reference: Business and Rules: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration: Data
Mapping Using thes Siebel Data Mapper.
Fel n-tran

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Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 6
Data Map

Data Map
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Is a mapping between integration objects representing

source and target data structures
Is unidirectional
Need separate maps for Source Target and Target
Source Target
Siebel Application
s a
External Application
Account Company lc
l) h
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
Opportunity Position
s u Lead
q t u de
( f cva this S
Contact Product eda seCustomer Product
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
s rabis the Siebel Application and the target is an external application.
Vthe source
In the example
e f e
e s
ip mapsratonCompany. Opportunity maps to Sales Lead. Contact maps to Customer.
F n-t

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Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 7
Data Map Components

Data Map Components

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A source integration object (IO) to target IO mapping
Multiple source integration components (IC) to target IC
Multiple source integration component fields (ICF) to target
ICF mappings
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 8
Data Map Components: Example

Data Map Components:

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IO to IO mapping

Siebel Application External Application

Account Company

Opportunity Position IC to IC
Sales Lead s a
h a
l c l)
Contact Product Customer
e te uide
e z @ nt G
q e Name
u tudProduct
IC Field Name s
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
IOs map to V
ICs map
IOs. ratobICs. ICFs map to ICFs.
ip rans f e
e l
F n-t

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Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 9
Data Map Editor

Data Map Editor

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Is a set of views in the Siebel client used to examine,

create, and modify data maps

IO to IO
s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
IC to IC
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f c va his S
ICF to
e d a se t
t u the value to
a e toSpecifies
s place in target field

z Ca cens
s q ue le li
To use the data
e f e rab to Administration - Integration > Data map Editor.
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 10
Conditional Mapping

Conditional Mapping
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Mapping of integration components can be conditional

Results in selective mapping of the integration components
in the source IO instance
Specified by a search specification

s a
h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 11
Creating a Data Map

Creating a Data Map

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1. Create an integration object map

2. Auto-map the components
3. Create integration component maps
4. Create integration field maps
5. Validate the map
s a
h a
Example: Create a data map that maps a contact record from
l c l)
an analytics system to a Siebel contact record
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use More

a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 12
1. Create an Integration Object Map

1. Create an Integration Object Map

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Create a new integration object map in the Data Map

Specify the source and target integration objects

s a
h a
6 l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
Select from existing

cva this S
integration objects

( f
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

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Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 13
2. Auto-Map the Components

2. Auto-Map the Components

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Optionally, click the Auto-Map button to generate

mappings as follows
Root integration components are automatically mapped
Other child components are mapped if names are the same
Child components and fields are mapped:
If names are the same 6
Only if parent components are also mapped s a

h a
l c l)
e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 14
3. Create Integration Component Maps

3. Create Integration Component Maps

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In the Integration Component Map list

Create a component map and enter a name for it
Select the source integration component to map
Select the target integration component to map
Enter the name of the parent integration component map (if
Enter parameters for conditional mapping if required as )h
c l
n t el ide
@ e G u
ez den t
s q u tu
v a S
a (fc e this
alternative to auto mappinge
d us
st se to
C cen
e z
u le li
s q
e Vparameters
Provide these
f e rabfor conditional mapping:
e ip rSearch
a n s Specification
F Precondition:
n -t source component must meet for mapping to occur
n o
Postcondition: target component must meet for mapping to occur

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Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 15
4. Create Integration Field Maps

4. Create Integration Field Maps

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In the Integration Field Map view

Create an integration field map
Select or enter a source expression, which can be:
A literal value, such as the name of a source field
Based on scripting to parse data or query for a specific value
Select a target field name
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
Assign input c
( f va his S

d a se t
s t a e to u
z Ca cens
s q ue le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 16
5. Validate the Map

5. Validate the Map

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In the Data Map Editor select the integration object map

Click the Validate button

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e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 17
Purging the Cache

Purging the Cache

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Data maps are cached in the client application

After a map has been created or modified, the cache must
be cleared
To purge the cache:
Create a workflow with an EAI Data Mapping Engine
business service step
Set the method to Purge (requires no arguments) s a

h a
Execute the workflow to clear the cache
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s q u tude
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e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 18
Using a Data Map

Using a Data Map

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Use the EAI Data Mapping Engine business service in an

integration workflow to convert Siebel messages
Add the business step between the EAI Siebel Adapter and
EAI XML Converter
Set the method to Execute
Assign the MapName input argument
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s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 19
EAI Value Maps

EAI Value Maps

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Support mapping of integration component fields where

the value of the fields differ between the source and target
Example: Country Names (Canada versus CA)
Example: Unit of measure (Each versus EA)
Are edited in the EAI Lookup Map list applet
Select Administration - Integration > EAI Value Maps
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
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e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 20
Using EAI Value Maps

Using EAI Value Maps

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The source expression in an integration field map can

reference the EAI value maps
Use the EAILookupSiebel function for inbound value mapping
Use the EAILookupExternal function for outbound value
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e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 21
Custom Mapping

Custom Mapping
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Uses a custom business service

Scripts must be written to specify the mapping
Consider using custom mapping when:
Mapping is complex and involves programmatic logic
External data is not easily described by an external
integration object
Otherwise, use the Siebel Data Mapper s a
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e nte uide
e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 22
Lesson Highlights

Lesson Highlights
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Data mapping is required when the external application

cannot accept or deliver data structured by a Siebel
integration object
You may choose to execute the mapping in the Siebel
Create a data map using the Data Map Editor in the client
Select source and target integration objects s a
h a
Map the child components and fields
l c l)
Execute the mapping by invoking the EAI Data e nte uide
Transformation Engine e z @ nt G
s q u tude
Mappings may include value maps v a is convert
that S the value
of the item (Canada to CA) f c
( e th
d a
t a e to us
C as nse
u e z lice
sq rable
e V fe
e l i p a n s
F n-t r

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 23
Practice 10 Overview: Data Mapping

Practice 10 Overview:
Data Mapping
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This practice covers the following topics:

Creating a data map to map a Siebel account to external
Invoking a data map in an integration workflow

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e z @ nt G
s q u tude
( f cva this S
e da use
a sta se to
z C cen
q e
u le li
e V ferab
e l ip rans
F n-t

Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or it affiliates. All rights reserved.

Data Mapping
Chapter 10 - Page 24

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