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Clifffwood Scho

ool Council
Meeeting Minu utes Januaary 12, 2017
4 to 8:18p.m.

Saarah Frost, Allyyson Watts, Flo

o Burey, Eric Fuung, Colin Ryckkman, Melaniee Ryckman, Pau
ul Kang,
Essther Chung, Ju ulie Kwok, Tirso Beltran
Reegrets: Heba Osman

hairperson: Erric Fung Locatioon: Cliffw
wood Public School
1. Welcome

2. Adoption of
o minutes fro
om November 29, 2016

3. School Rep

4. Treasurer'ss Report
4.1.1. Fundraising Update

5. Other busin

6. Adjournme ent
1. Welcome
2. Adoption of o Minutes off November 29, 2 2016
2.1. DEECISION: Tirso o Beltran movves to accept minutes of N November 29.. Esther Chun ng seconds. MMotion is
3. School Rep port
3.1. Food drive colle ected 1000+ items
3.1.1. Mrs. Woo odland & Ms. Siu's classes won pizza paarties for their classes' effo orts
3.2. Re ed nose campaign ($542.60 0) collected fo or Toronto Fooundation forr Student Succcess
3.3. Cluubs
3.3.1. Boys volleeyball won Cliffwood's firsst red banner
3.3.2. eyball and boys basketball teams now uup and runnin
Girls volle ng
3.4. OTT Fitness came e and did a workout
w with all
a students
3.5. Sch hool purchase es
3.5.1. Decal wass purchased forf the gym and will be insstalled next w week
3.5.2. Laptop sp peakers have arrived and camec in signifficantly underr original bud
3.5.3. Laptops and
a projectors have arrived for K classroooms
3.5.4. Ladibug projectors
p havve not arrived d yet
3.6. Skii trips beginning Jan 26-27 7 for G4-6
3.7. Ro oof not quite complete.
c Lasst of metal flaashing to be i nstalled, but delayed by b bad weather
3.8. Kinndergarten re egistration Feb 7-9 by appo ointment
3.8.1. QUESTION: If child was born early January,
J couldd they be reggistered for th
he earlier year.

wood School Council
C 1 TDSB policy is pretty strict in that regard. Best for parents to call the school office to
discuss specific birthdate and clarify.
3.9. Report cards go home Feb 14
3.10. PA Day next Friday, January 20
3.11. TDSB Facilities came to visit and Bunker will be located at front of school and recommended
installation of a metal bunker instead of a concrete bunker. If a metal bunker is chosen, cost is
expected to be materially lower, and shelves can be installed in the bunker.
4. Treasurer's Report
4.1. Movie fundraising:
4.1.1. Sold popcorn/juice and netted $400
4.1.2. Appreciation for JK/SK teachers to help organize kids to receive popcorn
4.2. Dance-a-thon:
4.2.1. Collecting $1300 in prizes from donors + cash donations
4.3. Silent Auction:
4.3.1. Will proceed with drafting donation request letter, and will continue discussions on logistics
4.3.2. Targeted to run during Education Week (1st week of May)
4.4. Future fundraising
4.4.1. Request for use of School Council popcorn maker to support G5/6 trip in June
4.4.2. Proposed future movie showings + popcorn sales ACTION: Sarah Frost to speak to teachers about possible dates for future movie
fundraising events
4.5. Freezie sales:
4.5.1. Requesting 2 additional dates in addition to June Playday
4.6. Sub Lunch Concern that orders have been incorrect and vendor appears unconcerned with issues
4.6.1. ACTION: Eric Fung to discuss and address issues with Sub Lunch program
4.6.2. ACTION: Julie Kwok to provide name of sub lunch vendor that has previously had no issues with
incorrect orders
4.7. Thank you to Melanie Ryckman, Colin Ryckman, and Julie Kwok for efforts with fundraising

5. Other Business
5.1. QUESTION: Is there a bell for when supervisors come out at the end of the day?
5.1.1. Indoor bell to remind teachers, but no outdoor bell @8:45am
5.2. Parking suggestions
5.2.1. Concern with significant numbers of people parking in no parking zones
5.2.2. School would like parent suggestions for how to inform improve behaviours
5.2.3. ACTION: Sarah Frost to reach out to other schools (e.g. Claire Lee) that have effectively
instituted drop-off zones
5.2.4. SUGGESTION: Put flyers on offending vehicles to inform
5.2.5. SUGGESTION: Can we make the back half of the drop-off zone legitimate parking and leave a
shorter section that is dedicated to drop-off?
5.3. ACTION: Paul Kang to get card for School Council to support Mrs. Mercurio

6. Meeting Adjourned at 8:18pm

Action ID Description Date Raised Assigned to Status Action Taken:

Cliffwood School Council 2

Action ID Description Date Raised Assigned to Status Action Taken:
66. Solicit teacher input into Jun 17, 2015 Sarah Frost Open
preferred configuration for
partition pilot once job
action resolved
84. Draft a role description for Dec 2, 2015 Paul Kang Open Deferred to 2016-2017
classroom parent
88. Investigate implementation Jan 20, 2016 Eric Fung Open Deferred to 2016-2017
of a formal School Council
113. Provide further information Sept 28, 2016 Sarah Frost Open
on next steps to submit
partition proposal to TDSB
119. Review school council Nov 29, 2016 Eric Fung Open
programs in jeopardy for
2017/2018 due to lack of
120. Investigate digital rights for Nov 29, 2016 Sarah Frost Closed
movie fundraising
121. Discuss movie fundraising Nov 29, 2016 Sarah Frost Closed
concept with teachers
122. Remind teachers to utilize Nov 29, 2016 Sarah Frost Closed
classroom allocations
before Jan 31
123. Speak with teachers about Jan 12, 2017 Sarah Frost Open
future movie fundraising
124. Discuss and address issues Jan 12, 2017 Eric Fung Open
with Sub Lunch program
125. Provide name of previous Jan 12, 2017 Julie Kwok Open
sub lunch vendor
126. Reach out to other schools Jan 12, 2017 Sarah Frost Open
who have successfully
implemented drop-off
127. Purchase a card from Jan 12, 2017 Paul Kang Open
School Council to support
Mrs. Mercurio

Decision ID Description Date
89. Tirso Beltran moves to accept minutes of November 29. Esther Chung seconds. Motion is Jan 12, 2017

Cliffwood School Council 3

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