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Teacher's Resource Book


present perfect continuous 2 Choose the correct tenses.

Affirmative: we use have/has + been + the -ing 1 Steven Spielberg has directed / has been
form of the verb. directing over twenty films since 1980.
Hes been writing letters all morning. 2 He has worked on / has been working on a
Negative: we use havent/hasnt + been + the new film since January.
-ing form of the verb. 3 John Galliano has designed / has been
We havent been reading much lately. designing clothes for a long time.
Interrogative: we put have/has before the 4 He has designed / has been designing two
subject + been + the -ing form of the verb. new collections since last summer.
You look hot! Have you been running?
5 Lonely Planet have published / have been
publishing two new travel guides this month.
1 Complete the conversations with the
correct form of present perfect continuous. 6 They have published / have been publishing
travel guides for years.
1 How long he
(play) that computer game? 3 Complete the text. Use the correct form
Since ten oclock this morning! of the present perfect simple or present
2 You look dirty! perfect continuous.
I (repair) my motorbike. Ever since he was a teenager Alex Whitestone
3 Frank has got a black eye. (want) to travel. This year he
he decided to do it. Alex gave up his job as a
(fight) again? journalist in July, and since then he
(travel) around the world. So far
4 Why is she crying? he 3 (visit) four different
She (watch) a sad film. countries.
5 Mary looks tired. At the moment Alex is in Bangkok, in
Yes. She (revise) all night for Thailand. He 4 (already / be)
her exams. there for five days. I 5 (never /
6 Ive been here since one oclock. What be)
you (do)? to Asia before, so it was my first stop, he
I (look for) you! explains.
So 6 he (buy) any
present perfect simple souvenirs yet? Not yet, says Alex.
We use the present perfect simple to emphasize: And what about the food? Its great! I
the result of an activity (not the activity 7
(eat) a lot of rice and fish, he
itself). says.
Weve written ten letters today. During his travels Alex 8 (meet)
how many times an activity happens. many other tourists. I 9 (made)
Ive read this book three times. some new friends, he says, and we
(exchange) advice about where
present perfect continuous to go and what to see. I 11
We use the present perfect continuous (also / write) a travel guide, but I
to emphasize: (not finish) it yet!
the process of an activity.
Weve been writing letters since breakfast.
how long an activity continues.
Ive been reading all morning.

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