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ME340 Cole Meyer

LAB 4 cgmeyer2


Figure 1 Free response with Small inertia, Stiff spring, Light damping

Figure 2 Free response with Big inertia, Stiff spring, Light damping
ME340 Cole Meyer
LAB 4 cgmeyer2

Figure 3 Free response with Big inertia, Stiff spring, Strong damping


Experiment Data Reduction Table

System Theoretical Values Experimental Values
c m k
Cas Ns/ N/ n rad/s
kg - rad/s
n -
e# m m
0.5 78 0.19312
1 8 37.65875 0.2242 35.82
5 0 2
2.5 78
2 8 0.08969 17.48949 0.1335 17.611
5 0
2.5 78 0.84084 overdam
3 75 17.48949 overdamped
5 0 1 ped

From our experimental data, case 3 is in overdamped.

To calculate the theoretical damping ratio and natural frequency, following
equations are used:
ME340 Cole Meyer
LAB 4 cgmeyer2

m (1)

= (2)
2 km

In order to estimate damping ratio and natural frequency from our experimental
data, two consecutive extrema and two zeros are estimated using the graph. We
then use the following formulas to solve for the damping ratio and natural

t 2 t 1= (3)

1 2 |d 1|
e = (4)
|d 2|

n= (5)
1 2
Where t1, t2 are two consecutive zeros of the curve and t2 is the larger one. And
d1, d2 are two consecutive extrema while d1 has larger magnitude.
ME340 Cole Meyer
LAB 4 cgmeyer2

Figure 4 Step Response of Mechanical Suspension System

ME340 Cole Meyer
LAB 4 cgmeyer2

Figure 5 zoom-in graph of Step Response of Mechanical Suspension System

From the graph, we found the rise time tr is equal to 0.115s, the peak time tp
is equal to 0.195 with the peak displacement of 0.927cm. And the steady state
displacement x ss is 0.5817cm. Then we solve the maximum relative overshoot
equation to find the damping ratio

x ( t ) x ss 1 2

x ss
=e =0.5936 (6)

Where x(t) is the peak displacement. And by solving this equation, we got

To find n , first need to find d by using the equation related to peak

ME340 Cole Meyer
LAB 4 cgmeyer2

t p= (7)

By solving this equation, we got d=16.11 rad /s

After d is solved, n can be calculated by plugging d into equation 5. And

we got n=16.33 rad /s

5. To estimate the stiffness k from the steady-state displacement, hooks law can
be applied.

k= (8)
x ss

where F is the pulse amplitude given to the system and x is the steady state
displacement of mass.

And by solving this equation, we got k =859.55 N /m

Mass, m , can be estimated by using the equation 1 and c , can be estimated

by using equation 2. And we got m=3.22 kg c=17.26 Ns /m

ME340 Cole Meyer
LAB 4 cgmeyer2


Figure 6 Impulse Response of Mass-Spring-Damper Model

7. From the graph, the peak time tp is equal to 0.135 with the peak displacement

of 1.614cm. And the steady state displacement x ss is 0cm with a settling time,
t s , of 1.26 s . To find n , d needs to found by using the equation
related to peak time:

t p= (9)
2 d

And we got d=11.64 rad /s

the damping ratio of the system, , can be calculated by solving the step
response equation with equation 5.
ME340 Cole Meyer
LAB 4 cgmeyer2

(t )
e (10)
h (t)= sin

Here, we pick tp as our t , and we got =0.71 n=16.69 rad /s

Then, m can be calculated with equation 1. As a result, we got m=3.09 kg

. To estimate c , equation(2) can be applied. And we got c=73.53 Ns/m

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