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This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
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United States Government or any agency thereof.

ey e,
Distribution JF_/
1. R, B. Hall VaJkJi
z. F. F. Oas
3. P. F. Nichols
It. W. S. Nechodom

__--20: M. C.
R. Nilson


This document classifie&bY:


-2- HW-762C_ -RD


- ,,,,

The information presented here is a collection of most of the physics information

available at this time for the New Production Reactor. The details of some of the
physics information, particularly those dealing with exposure and temperature
effects_are by no means to be considered the final word since there has been no
experimental verification of these effects. However , the gross physics characteris-
tics described are felt to be reasonable representations of the expected physics
behavior of N Reactor and should serve as useful guides throughout the startup
planning and initial operation. As actual operating transients and other operating
data such as control rod calculations, etc., are obtained the information presented
here should be supplanted.

The work which is presented here repl-esentsthe effort of many people both in-
directly and directly. The experimental physics results have been obtained in the
Reactor Lattice Physics Operation under R. E. Heineman and in the Critical Mass
Physics Operation under E. D. Clayton. Principal investigators have been D. E. Wood,
D. L. Johnson, R. I. Smith, G. W. R. Endres_ R. C. Lloyd and C. L. Brown. Analytical
support has been obtained from the Theoretical Physics Operation under J. L. Carter
and analog comput_tional services have been obtained from the Systems Research O_era-
tion under R. A. Harvey. The above groups and people are in the Hanford Labora_qry.

In the Irradiation Processing Department the Analytical l_Sics work has been
carried out in the Design Analysis Unit under D. L. Condotta, in the Operational
Physics Subsection under G. C. Fullmer and in the Reactor PhYsics Unit under R. Nilson.
Principle investigators have been D. E. Simpson, G. F. Bailey, C. E. Bowers, C. D Wil-
kinson, C. W. Allen, W. A. Blyckert, W. S. Nechodom, R. E. Tiller, R. H. Meichle,
J. C Peden, D. K. McDaniels and R. Nilson.

Indirect assistance has been obtained through the use of IBM-7090 programs of
R. O. Gumprech_, R. J. Shields, C. R. Richey, D. Matsumoto, and D. L. Johnson
Also, considerable indirect assistance has been obtained from physics work at
other sites. A referral to the list of references at the close of the draft
will indicate the principle sources of information.

Several of the figures in this draft are not included. The reason for this is
that they are identical to figures presently included in the second volume of the
N-Reactor Hazards Report, HW-71408 VOL2. Where this has been dora the appropriate
figure is so referenced.


-3- HN-76206-RD


, mmmL

o i. Basic Physics Processes . ....... . . . . . . .... 6

_. Lattice Physics ........ ...... ....... 7
2.1 Description of the Lattice........ . 7
2.2 Lattice Physics (General) . ...... . . ..... 7
2.3 Nuclear Properties of Reactor Materials . .......... 9
2.3.1 Material Densities and Atomic Weights ...... 9
2.3.2 Cross Sections and Nuclear Constants . . . . . . . . . i0
2o3.2.1 Thermal and Near-Thermal Cross Sections . . I0 Fast Neutron Cross Sections . . . 12 Resonance Integrals . ..... 13
2.3.24 Other Nuclear Constants ..... . 15
2.4 Neutron Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . .... . . 16
2.4i Thermal Flux Spectrum. . . . . . . . . . .... 16
2.4.1oi Correction for Absorbing Medium . . 17 Multiple Moderators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4.2 Epithermal Flux Spectrum . . . . . 19
2.4.3 Fast Neutron Spectrum 21
25 Lattice Parameters (Theoretical). . 22
2o5.1 Reproduction Factor ,_ ' ' " " " .... 22
25.2 Fast Effect,_. 22
2.5.) Resonance Escape Probability, p 24
2 5 4 Thermal Utilization f 25
2o6 Lattice Parameters (Experimental) ..... . . . . . . . 26
2.6.1 PCTR Measurements 26
2.6.2 Exponential Pile Measurements- ..... 26
2.6.3 "Best-Value" Lattice Parameters 26
27 Cell Flux Distributions. .- ....... _i
3. Core Physics .'. 32
3.1 Introduction . .... . .... .... 32
3.2 Description of Core and Reflector.. ......... 33
33 Slowing Down and Diffusion of Neutrons. ..... 33
3.3.1 Fermi Age. ..... 33
33. 2 Diffusion Area " .... " ......... "" "' " " 35
3.3.3 Migration Area .... ,.... o - 36
3.4 NeutronStreaming. ...... ......... 36
3o5 Neutron Leakage, keff. ........ ........ 37
36 Core Power Distribution. ........... .... 38
4. Estimation of Effects of Lattice Changes ............ 42
4.1 Changes Uniform Over the Reactor ...... . . . . . . . 42
% 4ol.1 Fuel Element Charades .... '..... ..... . . . 42
4.1o2 Enrichment Variation ........ ....... 43
4 1 3 Impurities i_ F_el _"
o o ,
,, ,.
_'ql, "' .0 43

4 i o4 Reactor Atmosphe re 43



4.2 Non-Uniform Changes. .... ....... .... 43

4.2.1 Reactivity Effect of Natural Uranium Fuel ....... 45
4.22 Reactivity Effect of Empty Process Tubes .......... 46
, 4.2.3 Reactivity Effect of Water-Filled Process Tubes .... . . . 46
4.2.4 Reactivity Effect of Foreign Material in Process Tubes .... _6
5 Reactor Products 46
5.1 Introduction 46
e' 5 2 Plutonium Production
@ . @ II 46
5 3 Neptunium Production
@ 47 "
5.4 Tritium Production _ . 47
5.5 Fission Products
5.6 Calculation of Nuclear Reactions .

5.6.2 Plutonium Buildup aml D " "" " " " " "
Calculations " " " " " : " " " " " ' " 49
5.6.3 Neptunium Production Calculations.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.6.4 Fission Products (Useful) 55
5.6.5 Tritium Production Calculations .... 56
5.7 Production Yields. .. . 57
5.7.1 Pl_u_oniumBuildup and U235 Burnout . . . . . . . . 57
5.7.2 U_ and Np237 Buildup. ; . . 60
5.7.3 Useful Fission Product Yields _ . . 60
5.8 Reactor Weighting for Production.. . . 60
6. Reactivity Transients . . 67
6.1 Introduction. 67
6.2 TemperaLure Coefficients of Reactivity 67
6.2.1 Graphite Temperature Coefficient of'ReaCtivity ....... 69
6.2.2 Coolant Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity . .... 71
6.2.3 Doppler Coefficient of Reactivity. , . 77
6.2.4 Operating Reactor Temperature Coefficients . . . . . .... . 78
6.3 Exposure-Dependent Effects..... , . . , . ...... 83
6.3.1 Long Term Gain (Cold) . . . . . . . . . . 85
6 3 2 Xenon Poisoning
. .0
6 3 3 Samarium Poisoning
- 83
6.3.4 NeptuniumHoldup.... .... . . . . . .. 83
6.3.5 Over-all Long Term Reactivity Effects'.. ..... . . . 86
6 4 Over all Reactivity Changes
am " @ 86
6.5 Operational Reactivity Transients....... , . . . 88
6 5 1 Reactor Startup Transients
6.5.2 Normal Shutdown Transient ...... . .... . ....... 88
6 5 3 ScramTransient
o o 93
6.6 Accidental Reactivity changes .... 93
6o6_1 Loss-of-Coolant Reactivity Effect ..... 93
_. 6.602 Lattice Flooding........ ......... 93
.6.3 Cold Water Reactivity Effect. 94
7 Reactor Control
@ - 94
7.1 Introduction. .... ..... .......... 94
7.2 Control Philosophy. o ....... 94
7.2ol Operational Control Criteria. .... ...... t
7_2.2 Safety Control Criteria .................. 95
2 3 Backup Philosophy
7o & " 95

-5- HW-76206-RD

7.3Horizontal control Rods. , .... .... 96
7 B i Control Strengths
$" @ @ @ @ I 96
7.3.2 Maximum Worth of Single Rods or Group of Rods. 97
7'3.3 Stuck Rod Limlt 97
7.4 Ball 3X System o . . . . . . . . 98
7 4 1 Control Strengths
e @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 98
7.4.2 Inoperable Ball Column Limit _ 98
" 7.5 Total Control Considerations , 99
7 6 Speed of Control Considerations
e _ _ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 99
7.6.1 Reactivity Sources . . . lOl Control RodWithdrawal , . . i02
76 .1.2 Cold Water Ad_tltion. : i02
7 6 1 3 Core Flooding
@ @ @ @ @ @ @' @ @ @ @ @ IOR
7.6.1._ Summary of Reaetivlty Ramps. . . 103
7.6.2 Excursion With Scram. .... . ... . .... 103
7.7 Ultimate Shutdown Mechanism. . 112
7 8 Reactor Kinetics
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 112
7.9 Xenon Oscillations . i18
i0 System Stability
@ ' @ @ @ @ @ '@ I_I
8I Criticality @ @ @ 121
8.1 Criteria For Safe Storage. , 1_
8.2 Basic Data. , . , . . . , . , . . . . . . , . . . 122
8 3 Proce&ures
and Safeguards @ @ @ @ '
9. Heat Generation.... , 124
9.1 E_uilibriumHeat Generation (Total)................ 12_
9 1 1 Energy Source " 124
9.2 Equilibrium Heat Generation (Fra ctional ) . . . . '. . . . . . . . .
9o2.1 Heat Generation in Fuel................... 125
9.2.2 Heat Generation in Process Tube............. , . 129
9.2.3 Heat Generation in Graphite Moderator............ 129
9.2.A Summary of Heat Generation Fraction , 129
9.3 Shutdown Heat Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
9.3.1 Shutdown Heat Generation Transient. , . . . . . ...... . 130
93.1.1 Assumptions on Model . . . . . . . . . .... 130
9.3.2 Heat Generation After Shutdown (Total) . . ...... 130
9.3.3 Heat Generation After Shutac_a (Fractional)_ . . ...... 134


-6- HW-76206-RD

P sics

. o

N Reactor is a graphite-moderated, water-cooled thermal reactor of the Hanfo_d

type. It differs somewhat from the earlier reactors, principally in moderator-
* to-fuel ratio, enrichment and operating conditions. The physics discussion
will be limited to the Phase I operation (plutonium production only) of N Reactor.

.i. Baslc,,

Like the other Hanford reactors, N Reactor_i 8 a converter - the principal

nuclear processes being the transmutation of U=_v to Pu 239 and the fissioning of
U235 to provide the neutron carriers of the chain reaction and the neutrons necessary
for the plutonium production. These reactions are as follows: "

uz35 + C]..2)
Q is the heat of fission of about 202 Mev. "'

The conversion reaction (1.1) goes for all neutr_ energies from fission energies
down to the thermal energies. The ma_Or fraction of plutonium production is by
thermal neutrons with most of the remaining by resonance neutrons. (The production
b_ fast neutrons is only on the order of one per cent. ) The fission reaction in
U 35 is also possible at all neutron energies, but in N Reactor is predominantly a
thermal neutron reaction.

Fission neutrons are born in the reactor fuel with an average energy of two
Mev. To be useful, then, as chain Carriers, they must be slowed down to thermal
energies. The principal slowing down process for neutrons in a thermal reactor is
by elastic scattering with the nuclei of the reactor's mOderator. In N Reactor, the
chief moderator is graphite with the cooling water also contributing to the moderat-
ing process.

N Reactor is a hetereogeneous reactor; that is, its fuel and moderator are
separated into discrete volumes. The lumping of the uranium is necessary to over-
come excessive losses of neutrons to resonance capture. The resonance capture
probability in N Reactor, in spite of the lumping of the fuel, is approximately
0.17 which is higher than in the older Hanford reactors (_0.12). The principal
reason for the higher resonance capture Probability is the undermoderated nature
of the N lattice. The C-U atom ratio, for example, is 33; this can b_ compared
to a ratio of 75 for the K Reactors. A brief e_lanation of the relationship
between the degree of moderation and the degree of resonance capture follows.

,/- -6a- HW-76206 RD

In an operating reactor, an equilibrium is established between the appearance

and removal of neutrons at each energy over the entire energy spectrum of neutrons
in the reactor. The chief processes accounting for the removal of neutrons from
a particular energy interval LIE are elastic scattering by moderator atoms (modera-
tion effect) and absorption. Secom_ processes include inelastic scattering
and leakage. In a well-moderated reactor, for example the priginal Hanfor_ reactors,
there is an excess of moderator material over that needed for optim=a reactivity.
The high C-U ratio provides a hishly-efficient slowing @_ra ability for the lattice
which in turn reduces the availability of the neutrons for resonance capture.
On the other han_ a low C/U lattice (such as N Reactor) has less than enough
moderator to be an optimum lattice insofar as reactivity is concerned, an_ has
a much-lowered slowing down ability which in turn increases the availability of I

neutrons for resonance capture

Since the pre.,_nant resonance neutron absorber in the Hanfor_-type reactors

(includlng N)
reactivity, is Uhas ,athe
which i._ortance
definite of the
optimu_ resonance abso_tion
absorption is apparen_
of neutrons in 8U_ Unlike
tinues to increase as the C-U ratio is _ecreased. As the point of o_timum reac-
tivity is passed in the lowering of the C-U ratio, a chain reaction becomes i=pos-

of N Reactor, uranium enriched to 0._ w/o U_is required to sustain the chain
reaction. _he increased amount of U_ present _ecreases the plutonium produced
from thermal neutron absorption ,inU_ s but the decrease is not ez_b to over-
come the increased resonance production.

An important feature of the un_rmodmrated reactor, quite apart from its

better over-all neutron econo_j is the fact that the lattice is fail-safe upon
loss of coolant. Water, which acts as both a moderator an_ a neutron poison,
is worth more as a moderator in N Reactor an_ hence its removal reduces t1_ =_d-
eratin_ efficiency of the reactor an_ increases the resonance capture probability.
(_he resonance capture probability in the dry N lattice is N 0.25. )

'_ Related to the fail-safeness of the lattice on coolant loss is the converse
effect of increasing the amount of water in the reactor. Either a cold water
insertion at reactor equilibrium level (which would increase the coolant density
an_ hence the amount of water in the process tubes) or floo_in_ of the _raphite
structure can ad_ reactivity.

The relative reaction rates which go on in an_ nuclear reactor are functions
of the concentrations present of each material, the temperatures of these mat-
erials and the average ener_ _ (temperature) of the neutrons. The dynamic equili-
brium among the various competitive nuclear reactions will therefore change as new
q materials are formed (fission products and transuranic elements, for example) an_
as the reactor is brought up from a cold shut_own condition to equilibrium tem-
perature. These temperature- and exposure-dependent effects are very important
and their consideration must be taken into account in the reactor and fuel design.
k Sufficient reactivity must be available over all of the useful reactor oyerating
cycle and, as well, too much reactivity must be avoided from a control standpoint.
The principal operati_ reactivity effects are those associated with the buildup
of fission products Xe 35 and sml_9, and heating of moderator, coolant and uranium.
These are all discussed in later sections.


-7- RI#-762O6 RD

2. Lattice Physics
_ .

The physics associated with a unit lattice cell is a convenient and useful
- vmeans of describing the reactor physics of a large thermal reactor. In this sec-
tion, the reactor will be assumed to be infinite in extent an_ each lattice cell
t_erefore is one of an infinite set of identical cells. The modifications to
such a model are discussed in the next section on core physics.

2.1 Description of t_ Lattice ,m,

The N-Reactor lattice is rectangular; the vertical spacing is nine inches

and the horizontal spacin_ is eight inches. The process tubes are nominal quarter-
inch wall, Zircalloy-2, 2.7-inch I.D. tubes. _he start_p___fgelelements are con-
centric tubes of metallic uranium enriched to 0.947 _/o _U_3_ The fuel cla_ is
Zircalloy-2. Additional lattice dimensions are given in Table 2.1.1 and a cross
sectional view of the lattice is shown in Figure 2.1.1. (See Figure C-l of
_w-?l_8 V0LZ.)

Table 2.1.i
Lattice Dimensions

spacing 8" horizoatal x 9" vertical

Equivalent Cell Diameter 9.575"

Fuel Element (Inches) Outer : i_' Inner -"

o.D. clad 2.4o6" 1.249"

O.D. Fuel 2.354 1.16?
I.D. Clad 1.764 : _.438
Z.D. Fuel , 1.8Z6 " '_,0.490
Process Tubes (Inches)

0.D. 3.258"
I.D. 2.708

The process tubes pierce the reactor core front-to-rear. A graphite 'coolant system
composed of 6_0j Zircalloy-2 tubes runs side _o side in every filler layer verti-
cally and on 16'inch centers horizontally. These tubes are 0.75 inches 0.D.

2.2 Lattice Physics (General)

_ The neutron spectr_un in N Reactor is less thermal than in the older

Hanford reactors. A question thus arises in the use of the classical Fermi _ic-
ture of the neutron cycle. In spite of this, the familiar, Fermi, four-factor formula
for the multiplication factor of an infinite lattice is assumed valid for N Reactor
aud appropriate modifications are made in the definitions to insure that all neu-
tronic processes are properly accounted for. The Fermi formula is
, .


-8- H'W'-76206-RD


Figure 2.1.1 is a cross section of an N lattice cell and is identical to Figure C-I
..... _-71408 V0_.

. (2.2.1)
where Moo is the infinite m_itiplication factor and is defined as the ratio
, of neutrons in the (n + 1) th generation to _hose in __he nth generation. A
koo of unity implies a constant neutron popu2_tlo_, a kno_ i in_lles an
, increasing neutron population, an_ a koo C i implies a decreasin8 neutron pop.
ulation. The lifetime of a neutron generation in a reactor is usually taken
as the average time between birth in fission and death as a thermal neutron.
Capture an_ leakage processes taking place as the neutrons slow down do not
appreciably alter_the lifetime in a thermal reactor.

" The constant _ in 2.2.1 is the repr0_uction factor and is defined

as the number of neutrons produced by _rmal fission for each neutron absorbedln the
fuel (exclusive of those captured in U=_u resonances) 'l'ne conetant_ is the
fast fAssion factor and it accounts for fast fission _ U23B. The fast fission
factor is defined as the number of neutrons making their first collision with
moderator external to the fuel element per neutron arising from thermal fission.
The parameter p is the resonance escape probability and describes the probability
a neutron will escape resonance capture as it slows _ to ther_ energies.
"" In'the foraulation used, only resonance capture in U=og is considered in deferrals,
Ing p and then on_ the true resonance captures. The I/v-.lawcaptures are accounted
for elsewhere (in f and _ ). _he parameter f is the "tMeraBl" utilizati_ and Is
defined as the fracti_ of thermal an_ all i/v-law absor_tio_ (_p tO _- I00 'key
neutron ener_) occurring in the uranium. Weetoott cross seotlons must be used
in the calculat'ion of f an_ _ to _ consistent with these definitions. (These
cross sections are described _u Section 2
-- 3.2.1).

2.3 Nuclear Properties of Reactor Ma.terial s

In a heterogeneous reactor such as N Reactor_ various materials, other

than fuel an_ m_erator_ are required .to give structural support, transport cool-
ant, support the _uel elements and contain the fuel. Materials are critical from
both a physical standpoint (resistance to corrosion, strength, heat transfer pro-
pertiesj etc. ) and a nuclear standpoint (neutron absorptian cross section_ resis-
tance to radiation damage_ etc. ).

The physics of nuclear reec_zs deals primarily with the co_petltive nuclear
reactions which take place in the reactor. In order to determine the important
reaction rates, it is necessary to know the nuclear properties of the various reac-
tor materials. Of i_portance in this regard, are I) the neutron cross sections,
"_ 2) the material densities and atomic weights, 3) the number of neutrons released
per fission, _) the parameters describing the moderatSn_ ability of the materials
(principally the moderators), 5) the angular distributions of neutrons scattered
fro_,the atoms of the various materials_ etc. These properties are discussed in
the following sections.

2.).1 Material Densities and Atomic Weights

The densities, atomic or molecular weights, an_ nuclear densities

of the principal reactor materials are listed in Table at room tempera-
ture (20 C) and for operating reactor conditions.

-i0- K_-76206 RD

_ble z.3.1.i
physical Properties of N-Reactor Materialsa_
_ ii i 'L

Atomic or Density 8m/cm3 Nuclear Density
_r_ .oi.wt. zo__Ac
_rati_ _=ie/c_3(20c)
H20 18.016 1.00 0.822 - 0.835 3.35 x i022b

c 2.011 1.71 1.71 8.58x 1022

zr-2 9_.22 6.4 6.4 4.z3x 1o22
U 238.07 18.9 18.66 ' 4.783 x 1022
a S_cial control materials such as S,_03, B_C etc. are listed elsewhere
b Molscules/cs3
S.3.2 Cross sections and Nuclear Constants

The appropriate cross sections for the nuclear reactions ta_

place in a reactor are dependent on the particular neutron accounting procedure
e_ployed in the reactor pb_ics calculations. The usual Eanfor_ procedure is to
calculate the effective multiplication f_ctoz _of the reactor via the well-known
Fermi four factor fo_mla. (Section _.2) ! _,, Near-Thermal.

The_w._.a_ Cross. Sections. ,,,,,

Since _ost of the nuclear reactions .in N Reactor occur

at thermal or near-therNal neutron ene_giesj the most important cross sections._are

those at these energies. The Westcott formulation is particuJarl_ useful sxnce
it defines an effective Cross section for a material which when Nultiplied by the
proper flux gives the total reaction rate over the entire thermal an_ slowing-down
neutron spectrum. The flux employed is nvo where vo is 2200 _s (the velocity
of neutrons corresponding to a neutron temperature of 20 C) an& n is the total
neutron density (integrated over all energies).

The Westcott cross section is an approximation and is most

accurate for very _ermai reactors -- those which have a spectral index, r, of 0.1
+++, or less. The spectral index for N Reactor is _ 0.II, hot.
,:.: .... o.+,.+=?+.._v +`,., _. .

The spectrum assumed in deriv_ the Westcott cross sec-

+tions is a simple Maxwellian thermal distribution Joined by an appropriate Join-
ing function to a I/E slowlng-down spectrum. The spectral index, r, is defined
as the ratio of epithermal neutrons (in one logarithmic decrement) to the thermal
neutrons in the Maxwellian distribution. (See Section 2.4)

The Westcott cross sections contain factors which correct

for the non-i/v-ness of the cross sections both in the thermal and epithermal
energy ranges. The cross section is defined by


-ii- RW-76206 RD

(g+ rs), (2,


= 2200 m/s value of cross sectlon_

g = factor correctln6 for non-i/v behavior of the cross ,S.ectionwhere

integrated over a Maxwellian distributionj

s = correspondl_ non-1/v correction factor for epithermal neutron


The cross sections have been derivel _M Westco_t for sev-

eral reactor materials. Only fission an_ capture cross sections are considered..
Scattering cross sections usually cha_e so slowly with energy that they may be
treated separately _

The non-i/v correction factors are functions of neutron

energy (or temperature). Tables giving these factors are given in Reference io
A convenient characteristic of the Westcott cross sections is that if the actual
cross section is i/v, the factors g = i an_ s = O. Hence_ for a i/v absorber

= %. (2.3;2.z.2)

In reactor calculations graphite, w_r, zirconium and

U238 can be treated as i/v absorbers. Resonance'capture in U_v is accounted _
for in the calculation of p, the resonance escape probability , thus the resonan_ 8
_ need not be considered in the determination of the Wes_cott cross section for u

The Westcott cross sections can be thought of as the cross

section of an equivalent i/v-law absorber. That is multiplying the Westcott cross
section, _ , by the total neutron density times vo gives the same reaction rate
that a i/v absorber _ould give with O"O = _.

It is often convenient to have an expression for the

cross section which will give the proper reaction rate in the true flux, rather
than in the artificial flux nvo.

The expression

'_" O" = o. _ , (2.3.2,1o3)


-12- HW-76206 A'_

can be used to deduce average cross section for pure thermal spectra; To-
bein6 the absolute neutron temperature for 2200 m/s neutrons; T, the actual
w neutron temperature; and _/_, the constant resultlng from averaging over
a Maxwellian distribution. For the actual reactor spectrum, 2.3..2.1.3is often
used, but is a poor approximation if the eplthermal term 0-0 rs of the cross
section is large.

.. Theoretical spectral indices and neutron temperatures "

for the N Reactor fuel element are given in Table for equilibrium condition

N Reactor Spectrum Constants (lquilibrium)

Inner _ ii __
ii i i
Tube .
Outer Fuel
i __1

Spectral Index, r _ 0.130 NO.IO

Neutron Temperature (K) _ 610 _645 Fast Neutron 0roe s Sections

In the neutron accounting procedure_ it is useful to

treat reactions above lO0 key neutron ener_ separately from the rest. Usually,
the cross sections in this energy ranse are so small compared to the _hermal an_
resonance ener_ cross sections that _he fast reactions can be ignored insofar
as any _easurable effect on the neutron balance. An exception exists and this
deals with the fact that fast fission (predo_nantly in U23 _) occurs at a suf-
ficient rate to materiall_ affect the an,triplication factor (see Section 2.5.2_

Fast neutron cross sections are usually important for only

materials inside the fuel element or in clo_e proximity to the fuel element. The
fission neutron ener_ spectrum is given by=

z(m)=m.o96 (-s/o.965) (

and the fast cross sections are usuall_ averaged over such a spectrum.

A compilation of fast neut.ron cross sections from

Reference 3 which are useful in calculating the fast fission factor is given in
Table 2,


-!3- HW-76206 RD

. Fast Three-Grou_ Cr_oss ,,Sections for u2383 %b_
.............. _,S _

t. _ orou_B
=) 2.8_5 o o

o.5_9b 0 0

G_et 1.89 b 5.91 b 5.33 b

_' 2.07 b ....

o.o3zb o.138b 0.Z35b

_.5_z b 6.05 b 5.66 b

The groupings are defined in Section 2.5.2.

The cross sections are defined as follows: _ is

the fission cross sectlon_ _'et is the elastic transport cross sect_on-(the
scattered neutron remains in the group); _'i is the inelastic scattering cross
section (the scattered neutron goes into group C)_ _'c is the capture cross sec- Resonance i Integrals

The only d_mlnant resonance absorber in a reactor such

as N is U238. Resonance absorption also occurs in the other heavy isotopes but
their concentration is small enough that the reactions can be handled by using
the Westcott cross se_ons. The most c0nyenient manner of treating the reson-
ance absorptions in U=_v is throu@h_ p, the resonance escape proba_ilit_o The
calculation of p involves a knowledge of the resonance integral for U=_ u, which
is a complicated function of the fuel geometry.

The resonance integral _or the N-Reactor fuel geometry

is base_ on the measured integrals of Hellstrand . Although, Hellstrand's work
was confine_ to rods and single tubes with a D20 moderator and coolant_ his re-
sults have been extended in an approximate fashion to the N Reactor case of H20
coolant an_ graphite moderator.

Hellstran_'s latest expression for the resonance integral

of U238 over a S/M range of 0.07 to 0.25 (where S/M is the surface-to-mass ratio
of the fuel element) is


-14- _-76206-p,D

RI= z.95+ z5.8_[

s/H . (2.3.z.3.1)

" The expression can be _ritten also in the


_I =-T- + z?3 1 - exp(-(s/x)/S.3) , (

which converges to an infinite-dilution value of 279.4 barns vhen S/M -_ oo

and F-_ I. F is the disadvantage factor.of the element for resonance energy

The effective surface_ Seffj which is to be used in cal-

culating the surface-to-mass ratio for the N-Reactor fuel element is co.rplicated
by the presence of moderating material (water) within the fuel element. An effec-
tive surface can be computed.

Self " So + __.__ _'i Si, (Z.3._.3.3)


where So is the outer surface of the outer tube of the fuel and the Si are the
three inner fuel surfaces. The constants _ i are weighting factors which give the
relative worths of the inner surfaces.

A ver_ simple set of relations for the _" i's has been derive
in _uch the same fashion that Hellstrand used to correlate his measurements on hol-
low tubes filled With D20. If the indices 1_ 2j and 3 describe the outer-tube inner
surface, the inner-tube outer s Arfaee, and the inner-tube inner surface, respectively
-i5- h_-76206-RD

The P's are probabilities that resonance neutrons ori-

ginating in the inner coolant regions will appear at the appropriate surfaces
. without suffering a collision with a water molecule. PI is the probability of
appearing at surface S1, P2 at 82, etc. These escape probabilities have been
derived and appear in Reference 5- The_ are also built into the p-subroutine
of the FLEX and M0_ IBM-7090 programs
.6.- -- Other Nuclear Constants

The average number of neutrons released per fission varies

among fissionable isotopes and also is a function of the energy of the fission-
initiating neutron. The thermal values of I_ for predominant_Athermal-fissionin8
isotopes are given in Table _e value given for U _ is averaged over
a fiesion energy neutron spectrum (Reference 5).

Neut,.ronsRelease Per Fission

uz35 z.
p -39 z.88

.The avera@e logarithmic energy change of a neutron
per collision can be determined for is.tropic scattering in the center-@f-mass
- coordinate system as a function of the atomic mass of scatterer, A.

E----_ 12 for A )I0,

_" = in _. = A +2/3 -

_ =l + [(A-1)2/2_] in[(A-1)/(A + 1)] for A< 10. (2.3o2.401)

For high energy meutrons, where p-waver or higher

order scattering can occur_ the above formulation for _ is not valid. This
will only be a problem in carbon or ox_genj since n-p scattering is is.tropic
to very high energies Likewise_ at low neutron energiesj where molecular bind-
ing or lattice effects become important_ the above formulas for _ are not valid
However_ for most of the neutron energy range which is of interest in reactor
calculations, the simple A-dependent expressions are _ are satisfactory
-16- HW-76206-RD

Values of _ for the important reactor materials are

given in Table 2 3 2.4.2.


H2o o.948 o.324

c o.158 0.0556
Zr 0.0218 0.0073

u o.oo84 00028
Although neutron scatterir_ is isotropic in the center-
of-mass coord/nate system for most _aterials_ and over most of the pertinent
energy range of reactor neutronsj the scattering _Lstribution is peaked forward
in the laboratory frame of reference due to th@ moP,ion of the neutron. The
laboratory angle between the directions of motion of a neutron before an& after
sca_terin6 (for isotropic c.m. scattering)can also be expressed as a simple
function of atomic mass. Of most use is the average cosine of the scatterin6

P'o " o. (z.3

Values of _ o for the reactor _terials are listed in

Table It is seen that only for the ligher materials does the scatter-
in6 have a pronounced forward peaEing_ i.e., _ o 4< I.

z.4 Neutr_ S_c.tru_

The energy spectrum of reactor neutrons covers a range from fission
energies (as high as i0 Mev) to thermal energies (fraction of an ev). To des-
cribe the spectrum with any accuracy in a hete reogeneous reactor is beyond pre-
sent means. However, certain si_plified characteristics are Enown with suf-
ficient accuracy to permit useful calculations.

. z.4.1 Flux
Since most of the reactions in a thermal reactor occur at thermal
or near %_ermal energies_ a description of the energy spectrum for neutrons at
these energies is of most importantance. The simplest model assumes that the
neutrons reach an energy distribution in equilibrium with the moderator atoms o
That is, if the moderator has an absolute _e_perature, T_ the thermal neutrons
have a speed distribution vhich follows Maxwell's gas law.

n (v) = _no Av2exp (" mv2/2 Mr), (2._.11)

-l?- _-762o6-_o

where no is the total number of thermal neutrons per cubic centimeter and
A is defined as


The mass m is the neutron mass.

The Maxwellian spectrum is not exact one for many reasons:

i) It is valid for a homogeneous non-absorbing medium,

2) It does not take into account the moderating effect of more than

3) It ignores the contribution from neutrons still slowing down.

Each of these practical aspects is discussed in turn. Correction for Absorbing Med.ium

The thermal neutron distribution will be changed from

the pure _ellian due to neutron absorption in the medium. The work of Con-
veyou, Bate an_ Osborn7 has been useful in this respect. Using a Monte-Carlo
technique_ they computed thermal neutron spectra for an infinite capturing
medium. The calculations were carried out for a uniform medium of unbou_i
nuclei of constant scattering cross section and 1/v absorption cross section.
It was assumed that the scattering nuclei were dis:ributedaccor_ing to a Maxwell
distribution at temperature T and that neutrons were introduced into the system
from a monoenergetic source. Their results indicate that the actual spectrum is
peaked above that determined from F_well's law and the following linear relation

= (i,z.n (2.4,I.Ioi)

where To is defined as an effective neutron temperature (the temperature which

when used in 2._.i.i gives the best least-squares fit of a Maxwell distribution
to the Monte-Carlo computed flux distribution),T is the moderator temperature
= in oK, A is the moderator mass number and K is defined as

" x = -TE)(2
oZ/2 C, s , (2.4.1.zo2)

-18-_ HW-76206-RD


TO " 293 K,

Na = nuclear density of absorbers,

Ns = nuclear density of scatterers,

O"a -absorber cross sectionj and

_s = scatterer cross section.

The Conveyou etal expression for the effective neutron

temperature is only an approximation In-_ N lattice since the lattice is far from
a uniform medium. ' i
, Multiple Moderators

The moderating effect of the process cooling water

in N Reactor is significant. _he effective neutron temperature ih the fuel
is at about 200 K lower than in the graphite due to the neutron cooling effect
of the water.

_here is no simple way to take into consideration the

combined absorption and scattering effects of the various materials in the N
lattice. A scheme used in the FLEX code considers both the absorptive effects
on the neutron temperature an& the moderating effects of water and @raphite. A
neutron temperature is thus determined for each region of the lattice cell.
Typical_alues computed in this manner are given in Table for equilibrium
N-Reactor conditions. The neutron temperatures are probably accurate to within
_+50 K. (See also Table 2.7.1).

i __
iii i i ,uml

Neutron Temperatures,- N Lattice-E%uillbrium

Pl_vsicalTen_erature ca Neutron erature oKa

Orahi 550 790

Process Tube 262 675

Water P_8- 238 540 - 600

Outer Fuel 364 645


Inner Fuel 402 610

a Temperatures quoted are 't_0se which _ouid be important from reactivity considera-
tions - in other words flux-squared weighted, pile average values. Simple
volume-average temperatures would be lower and peak temperatures higher.


-19- HW-76206-RD

2.4.2 Z_i_ern__!
" Neutrons above thermal energies constitute a flux that is best
described by a distribution function .g._ the flux per unit range of energy.
The _umber of neatrons in a range dE at energy E (speed v) is n(E)dg an_
the correspondlng flux is _(E)dE = n(E) v(E)dE. In the region from about
1 ev to I00 key, the distribution function is assumed to be inversely propor-
tLonal to the energy. For the special case where all nuclei are pure scatterers,

_m)- _T'_-i-", (2._.2.z)

where qT is weighted
the total sum
of all neutron emission rate percross
unit sections,
volume_ 2 s is
the vol_ne macroscopic scattering

fs V_ _" .
. .._.!._z _sl vl,=_ (2._.22)

_is the average logarithmic decrement



assum.tng all O"s independent of energy. Actually, the scattering cross section
of water is a function of energy_ so is an approximation.

The third defect mentioned in the previous section for the thermal flux distrl-
h_tion was the omission of the contribution of the slowing-down neutrons to
the thermal spectrum. It must be recognized that the thermal and epithermal flux
distributions overlap. It is here where it is most useful to combine the two

distributions and again

densityintroduce the Westcott
per unitflux formul_tion.
defines a neutron distribution speed interval,as Westcot_
follows, u

n (v) = n (z- _:)./= (,) + _ j% (v), (2._.2._)


" where .Pm and _ e are the Mexwellian and epithermal density distribution functions
normalized so that

O0 O0

J_m (V)dV =fD e (V)dV = l, (2._.2.5)

0 O


-20- E_-76206-RD

and v is the _tron speed. _he quantity f if related to the spectral index,
r, by r - f _/4. The constant/_- de_ermines the low energy cut off energy
- of the epither_al component, _ k_. The numerical value of _ is ,_ _-5.

The total density n is


n-f n(v)_v. _z._.z.6)

For all practical purposes, .the density distributions
can be cut off at ,w i00 key; no virgin fission neutrons are to be included.
The %uantlty f is the fraction of the total density in the eplthermal distribu-
tion. The thermal dAstrlbution is given by

m_ " cv/ 'P

vkere vT is _ m_d o_'_u_ l_v_ ener_'.l_lv T : m]-__ The eptthe_.l

distribution _T is assumed pz_Nl't;teml_...t O .1,/]l..per unxg energy interval giving

per unit speed interval. The epithermal distribution is assumed terminated
at lower energies by a cut-off function _ whose detailed form is discussed in
Reference 8. If a simple unit step-function is.used for _ , ( _ - 1 for E )_kT_ _
- 0 for E < _ k_), the normalized form of _o is

/e(_) - vT _-_ _

tlon Joined to a I_ slowing down distribUtion is useful in calculating reaction

rates in a reactor. Westcott cross sections (defined earlier in Section
are defined in terms of such a flux distribution. To use Westcott cross sec-
tions in a reactor calculation the followin_ steps must be taken:

i) Determine the spectral index for the lattice. Usuaily only r for
" the fuel is necessary since most non-1/v absorbers are found in the
fuel region of the lattice. (For i/v_ _ ,, _ - See Section _.3.2.1).

2) Determine the neutron temperature of the Maxwellian portion of the



-21- EW-762b_-RD

3) Determlne the appropriate Westcott cross section for 2200 m/s neutrons
(Westcott tables are available - See Reference i_ for example)_

4) Determine the total neutron density n (up to ,_ i00 kev is

sufficient) andto
multiply by vO
the -Westcott
the velocity
273 K neutrons determine flux corresponding
(See 5.6.11. to

The use of Westcott cross sections automatically considers the spectrum

2.M.2.4. The FLEX or M_FDA programs can be used to determine the neutron
tenperatures and spectral indices.

It must be remembered that, although the Westcott

convention is useful, its applicability is limited to well-_oderated reactors
(r _ 0.i) an_ the compiled Westcott cross section are limited to thin sample
values, i.e., they neglect self-shielding. For s-factors this can be a very
marke& effect since s is deduced from "infinite-lilution" resonance integrals.
In spite of these limitations, Westcott cross sections are considered a good
first approximation in_e N Reactor. The convetnion of including on_ 1/v
absorption in s for U"_v and usin$ effective resonance integrals in the deter-
mination of _-factors in other cases where self-shielding may be important
also extends the applicability of the Westcott convention.

2.4.3 Fast Neutron Spectrum

has been measureT_ an_

ener_ distribution
follows function form
the analytical forgiven
U235 in
fission neutrone

= z=
Here n(E) dE is the number of fission neutrons (per fission) with energies
in the range E to E + dE (Mev)x The normalization is based on the most
recent value for m;25 of 2.43 ._


P" . / n(z)dE= z.3.


Actually, suck a spectrum as @i_n byEquation does

not exist anywhere in the reactor since it will be modified by neutrons which
= have undergone collisions am_ have lost some energy. Within the fuel element,
the spectrum given by 2._.3.1 should be the dominant component, at least for
neutrons above i Mev.


-22o HW_76206-RD

The energy spectrum characterizimg the neutrons during

their slowing-down phase is.again known only inexactly, particularly for _ner-
gies close to fission energies. For neutron energies considerable below fis-
sion eaergies ( < i00 key) the s_ectrum is usually assumed to follow the I/E
energy dependence given in the preceding section.

i Further discussion of the fast neutron spectrum is given

in Section 2.5.2.

2.5 Lattice Parameters (Theoretical)

, ......

The theoretical methods described in this section are tho_e appear-

iag with minor exceptions in the FLEX and _F_ IBM 7090 programs,u

2.5.1e ro uctlon
; The reproduction factor is defined as the average number of therma
fission meut_s released per neutron absorbed in the fuel excluding resonance
capture in U__ and absorptions accouated for in the fast effect. The repro-
ductioa factor may be written as

a a


- average number of neutrons released per fission by isotope i,

_f- fission cross section (Westcott) of isotope i_

a = absorptio_ cross section (Westcott) of isotope i, and

v,_ y, _ s, X_lSm , FP, are the normalized concentrations of U238, U23,_

Pu _@, Pu _0, Pu = _, Xe, Sin, respectively. (See Section 5).

The concentration of Pu239 is to b_dimlnlshed by the

Np239 concentration which has not yet decayed into Pu_F (See Section 7)

Usually, _ust the green, clean value of _ is desired; _his

is usually the quantity derivable from measurementsof the other lattice con-
stants in the cold, clean, green lattice. ._

25.2 Fast Eff.9,ct,_

The fast fission factor following Spinrad's model is defined
as the number of neutrons ms.kin_their first collision with the moderators
external to the fuel element per neutron arising from.thermal fission The
-23- ]_-76206- .RD

calculation of _ is restricted to fast fission in U238 only and i8 based on

a pseudo three-Kroup _alculatio_. The application of Spinrad's model by
_ Fle ischn_n ami Soodak _ is used in the FL_X and MOFDAcodes. The three groups
are defined as follows:

Oro_A consists of fission neutrons with energies above 1.4

Nev_ the effective U=_fas_ , ftssio_ threshold. The spectr_n follows E_ua-

Group B consists of fission neutrons vith energies below 1.4

Mev. The spectrum also folAows R_uation

Group C co_ist8 of .n_utrou which are scattere_ out of Group

A. The spectrum is assume_ to be Be "j resulting from the statistical model
of the nucleus.

It is to be noted that 8//2_mee groups refer to neutrons

within the fuel. Moderate_ neutrouJ are not include_ except those which are
scattered by smderators internal to the _1. Thus_ in the case of N Reactor
eaQh group will have a smalA coeq_aent from neutrons _attered by _ater inter-
hal to the #el. However, the co_onent "Jillbe sill.

The threetrou_ expressio_ for_ is vritten as



_Mth --fA HA + f_ % . fA #A NO), (2._.2.1)

where _ is the i_st-to-t_rm_l fissio_ ratio, _)A is the number of fission

neutrons resu_ti_ from fission by a @row# A neutron (See _able,
th i8 the :_=ber of flsslo: neutrons res_timg from thermal fission
(See _ble 2.3.2.k.i). fA is the fraction of fission aeutro_ in Group A,
fB likewise in Group B.

=z - = o. 6z, ,ms

The other constants are deined as follows. The group c_oss

m sections are given in Table 2


-2_- HW-76206-R_

NC " I-P ,and

JA In I I I I III |1 ii ID


w_re PA, PB, an_ PC are the first flight collisio_ probabilities for
neutrons in groups A_ B an_ Cj respectivel_. The collision probabilities
can be calculated most excactly with a Monte Carlo method; however it has been
shown that it is sufflclentl_ accurate to calculate the P's by hce_genizing
the fuel element into a soli_ cylinder and then using tabulated cylindrical
ro_ escapep :obabilities

2.5 3 Resonance, Escape Probability, P

The resonance escape probability is defined as the probability

" \ that a fission neutron escaping a fuel element for the first time sl_ down
to thezmal energies without resonance capture. Xno_npredo_nantly U-_ systemj
it is sufficient to consider resonance escape in U co-only. The definition
further excludes a_7 i/v-cap_res in the materials considered. The following
general formula may be use&:_

VA ' ""

where RI
No- = effective
n_ber resonance
of U_38 ato_ inte_1_l,
per cc of :_el ' _ECL,_SSIFIED ,

Vo = volume of fuel only,

VM = total volume of moderator - (inside an_ outside of fuel), and

VA = volume of homogenized fuel element (includes internal coolant)o

X an_ y are dimensionless variables given by x = A_(_EM) an_

y = AA/ (_7/_ M) where AM and AA are the cross sectional areas per cell of
" .. -25- HW-76206-RD

the total mo_rator (including coolant) and h_no@enized fuel element, res-
pectively. E M is the mean value of the age of resonance neutrons in the
moderator and can be related to _, the mean value of the age of resonance
neutrons in the lattice by
-, -.

, _',_. _ _1- . 0.65 (2._.3.2)

__ f_uctions _ and _ _cterize the absorptions in the

fuel element of_resonance-ener_ neutrons an_ resonance neutrons from
other fuel elements, respec_ively_ Expressions for these functions are given
in References 5 and 11. For x < 0.5,

i_ (x) : z - x. (z.p.3.3)

For N Reactor x = 0.132_ so _(x) = 0.868.

Since the contribution to the resonance absorption in a

fuel element from neutrons native to the fuel element in question is _ch
less than the contributions from other fuel elements, the function _ is very
close to zero. In the N Reactor _ = .00872.

. 2.5.4 Thermal Utilization, f

The '_herne_" utilimation is defined as the ratio of the total

number of neutrons absorbed in the fuel to the total number of neutrons absorb-
ed in all materials. In both cases_ the resonance captures in U238 and the
absorptions accounted for in the fast effect are excluded. An expression for
calculating the thermal utilization is

f _ r_el ,, e, . _ (z5._ l)

_ regions

, where
V = region volume in lattice cell,
a = macroscopic absorption cross section (Westcott), and

XI V 0

The term n is the total neutron density in each lattice region integrated over
all energies up to _ i00 key and vo is 2200 _s.

' -26- _-762o6-_

2.6 !_ttice parameters (Ex_erimental,_

The actual lattice parameters for the N Reactor (cola, clean, green)
have been determined experimentally for a prototypical lattice. The descrip-
tions of the experimental arrangements are given in Table 2.6.1. '

I _ 2.6.1 PCTR _asurements

The results of the PCIR measurements are given in Table

2.6.212. Actually_ two lattice arrangements were studiedj one was as
exact a copy of the actual lattice as possible_ the other was a "condensed"
.. lattice in that the large steam vent and other voids in the stack were removed_
and the lattice spacing compressed to maintain the same graphite-to-uranium

z.6.z __nt_A P_ _asu_wnta '

The material buckling of _e lattice was measured for the
a_ck_p and con_m.nse_a#,tice _ an exponential pile. The results are also
given in Tabl 2.6._'. lhe'inch higher B_ determined in the condensed
lattice is a resul t of "_e smaller miUat_ion area. The migration area de-
duced for the ccnensed lattice i| 300 cm"_ which compares to a value of 5_ c_
for the_iockup lattice, lhe ra_io i8 2.15 which is in good agreement with
the ratio predicted theoretical_ and_ich considers the effect the voids
have on neutron streaming. (See Section 3._).

:_ Table 2.6.ii

Col_, Cl,eana Green

--- E_xperimental Lairlee ParaRters - Wet

Mockup Lattice Condensed Lattice

L ' ,,I_ I Ill,

f 0.879 0.881
p 0.829 0.836

a 1.o59
k_ 1.o75 1.o7_

h Base& on measurement of # an_ use of one-group expression for _"

" instead of Spinrad definition (See Reference 12).

,_,,_ 2.6.3 "Best-value, Lattice Parameters

The availability of experimental cola, clean_ green lattice

parameters for a lattice almost identical to the N lattice makes it possible
to normalize theoretical methods and detenni_ebest values for the lattice
'., pares_ters c_ the actual 11 lattice o Feat_,_es such as process tube &ifferences,
_raphite purity differences_ helium-vs.-air atmosphere, cross-coolin_ tubes,


- m.

-27- HW-76206-RD


Actual N-Lattice PCTR Zxpo,ne,

al Pile Mockup .

Lattice P_t_h
_ i, , , 8" x 9" 8" x 9" 8" x 9"

Graphite (Core)
SoZi_ density Z.7Z + O,02 ga/a=3 1.69 _/a=S 1.69 ga/QaS
_h +0.85- +o.9_ +z.o7
_s See Figure 2_ See Figure 24 See Figure
. 24
Atmosphere Helium Air Air

qross Cooz_m_
Tube Material Zr-2 None None
i.D 0.70"
0.D. 0.75"
Tube Pitchi i 16" x 9"

Process Tubes
Tube Material Zr-2 _S Alumlnt,a 2S Aluminum
_slty 6.5oz=Ic=3 z.7ply=3 z.7pl==3
I_D. 2.708" 2.702" 2.702"
O.D. 3.258" 3.O58" 3.058"
Fuel Elements
....Clad Material Zr-2 2S AI__n 28 Aluminum
C.ladDe'nsltY 6.50 ga/e=3 2.7 8=/c=3 2.7 p/ca3
(blae) 0.D. 2.406" 2.394" (2.349")a 2.39_" (2.349")a
o.D. 2.35 " 2.336" 2.336"
Tube (Core)
(Clad) I.D.
Z.D. 1.816"
1.76k'' 1.793"
1.737" (1.779" )a 1.793"
!.737" (1.779" )a

1 z. ss"
Inner (Core) I.D. 1.i67" Z,Z83" 1.183"
Tube (Core) I.D. O. Ago" O. kgk" O. kg_"
(Cla_) I._. 0._38" 0._37"(O._?T')
a 0._37"(0._77'_)
_.,. 23.2" Effectlvel_ Effectively co
Supports Zr-2 Effectively noneb Effectivel_ Noneb
En& ca_s 0.250" on each end None None
U_um ,_nsit_
. 18.90
w/o 3
w/o _

HCR and HSR See Figure 2_ None

Ball 3X See Figu/_ S_ None None
a; CIa_ use'_in__r_ no ements. Figures in 10eren-
theses are 0.D. or I.D. of cla_, whichever is appropriate.
b. Lucite spacers were use_ which effectively mock up water.
etc. can be taken into account in the calculations. The best-value cold, clean,
green lattice parameters so derived for N Reactor are given in Table 2.6.3.

Tab_ 2.6..3

Bem_-valuecole, c_ Green ,,_tt,ice P_m_rs a

Parameter Value
, ...... _ _\.

_x_ .. l.o778
z.4z84 ,_-
e z,b_iA
" o.88o3 -"


awocron-q_z_ t_e _,_zuae_. I_eot :da_z_re_e k to 1.o752'

The agreement with experimental values is go_ except for 6 , _here the differe_c6
lies in the definition of 6 . _he derivation of & from the measurement of C iS
,.. the older definition of _ _hioh is the number of neutrons which slow down
U_v fission threshold for each neutron produced by thermal fission (See Reference
12). An average for the RPR startup element is 0.067. ,

2.7 Cell Flux Distrlbutions

The i/v-law absorber reaction rate throughout the lattice cell has been
determined experimentally in the cold, vet, green _ la_iee by irradiatin_ U 35-pins
and foils at different radial positions in the lattice_=. Plots of the =easured
distribution are shown in Figures 2.7.1 and 2.7.2. For all practical purposes the
distributions can be assumed to be representative of the thermA flux in the cold
lattice. Figure 2.7.1 is for the condensed lattice. Figure 2.7.2 is for a close =ockup
of the actual lattice.

FL_X-co=puted, region-average, thermal (l/v) fluxes in each region of the

lattice cell are given in Table 2.7.1. The reactor conditions were hot, green.
Other items of interest are also given in Table 2.7.1. such as physical temperatures,
neutron temperatures, re,ion areas_ etc. The void regions are cyllndrized void regions
to mockup the actual void spaces.

A three-group flux calculation has also been made b_ Simpson13 using a

Fortran Code F SUPER. The exposure assumed was 700 _D/T. The three neutron energy
groups chosen for the flux calculations were a fast group (E > 0._ Mev)_ an epi-
thermal group (0.2_ Mev ) E_ 0.1_ ev) and a thermal group including all neutrons in
the thermal energy Maxwellian distribution. The cell traverses are given in Figure
2.7.3. .,

-32- HW-T6206-RD

3. Core Physics
_ ,

3.1 lntro&uction
,, ,,,

The preceding sectionwas concernedwith the propertiesof an infinite

, array of lattices. Consideration.restbe given to effects associatedwith a
finite reactor. Also, N reactor is a reflected reactor an_ the effects of a
reflector must be considerel.

maize z.7.1
_-Compute_ "q_ermal _lux" Traverse
(Hot_" Green) .......
Resion Material Phys, Temp.a . Neut. Te=p.a Are___alJv Flux

1 oraphlte 550c 790K 279.1caz 2.152

2 Wold 495 770 94.97 2.o_o
3 Graphite 470 750 33.97 1.957

4 Void /
430 715 2.57 1.888
5 Zr-2 262 675 16.66 1.8_i

6 H20 228 600 7.57 1.644

7 Zr-2 249 615 1.26 1.433

8 U 364 645 11.47 1.320

9 zr-2 261 6oo z,o1 z.288

i0 H20 234 .550 7.97 1.278

11 Zr-2 257 570 1.02 1.106

Le u 4oz , 61o 5.75 1.0oo -_

1_ Z_-2 26_ 58o o.26 o9?6

14 H20 239 540 0.99 1.036

i,, , __ , --- , ,, , ,,, . -,,

= a. _ Flux-squarek wei_te_ averases,

b. Region-average_ values. Normalized to unity in inner fuel region (region 12).

" "1 o, o c_,_ /_r_ t) t/_,__1._

C/_" 3C.

-33- E_-76206-RD

3.2 aefZector
* The N-Reactor core, at initial startup, will be comprised of 1004 lattice
units as described previously (Figure 2.1.I). Provis_ns have been made to increase
this number of 1072 if future operating trends Justify add/tlonal irradiation
volume. This core is pierce& by three systems of openings in addition to the
process channels and steam vents; horizontal control ro_ channels; the ball 3X
safety system channels; and the graphite m_lerator cooling tubes.

These three void systems_ alonK with the 2" x 3" rectangular steam vents
running both parallel and perpendicular to the process channels, reduce the core
, g_aphite density from a no, Ltual 1.7 _nS/c_3 tO an effective 1.3 8ms/am3.

The physical dimensions of the ooze are set by the lattice geometry and
the charge length. There are 34 vertical rows of tubes, resultinK in a core

width of 34 x 0.667 feet or 22.667 feet; there are 32 horizontal rows of tubes,
32 " 2_ coz_ _he.oornere are
Figure 3.2.1 (See Figure C 2, RW-71_O8 VOL2) resulting in a coreaseqttlvalentradius
or a x 0.75 foot height. truncated shown in
of 12.6_ feet. The core le_ Is defined by the portion which contains fuel material,
or 35 feet. This rouKhly cylindrical _ment contains 693.0 tons of Kraphite
1.70/aa3) 387 oz
The core i8 s_TOUl_.ed rad2a_ by a retr4ector of hIKh-purity_ 81_aphlte
"_ which is infinite in effect; the front and rear "reflector" is composed of gra-
phite plus other material (e.g., process tubes, water dnm_es).

3.3 ,aaa
As a consequence of the _zlnoderated lattice of _he N-Reactor, the
fast_o-thermal flux ratio Is quite large relative to that of existing.,ovenaodera-
ted Wanford reactors. As an illustration of this difference, the ratio of fast flux
to thermal flux is estimated to be 2.50 at N (co_paz_d to 1.08 at a K reactor):
Th_s enhances the production of plutonium _n the reactor and also makes the lattice
fail-safe (from a reactivity standpoint) upon loss of water.

The lattice migration area deduced from an exponential experiment is

' 646 cm2 (see Section 2.6.2); this isReparable into a.Fermi aKe ( _ ) of _ _80 cm2
and a diffusion area (L2) of _ 160 cm"_at room temperature. At operatinK tempera-
ture M2 increases by _ 10%.

The age of neutrons in a heterogeneous reactor and particularly N

Reactor is not readily calculable with an_ precision. The complex structure of
the 3 moderator and the large amount of water in the N lattice make the calcula-
tion of E difficult. The Fermi age mawrbe estimated by the equation

lr = ..... .......... , (

i i '[iiSlFjEi]
- HN-76206-RD

Figure 3_2.1 is a d/a_rsm of the core geo._*_ryof N Reactor Id_.nticaltc

Figure C-2 of HW-TIh08 VOI_o

-35- HW-76206-RD

where Cs is a stesening correction (SeeSection 3.4),

' VT is the total lattice.cellvolume, and the

V i are the sub-latticecell volumes.

The sum over i is over all lattice cell regions; the sum over J is over only
moderator cell regions; and the sum k is over'onlynon-snxlerator cell regions.

The quantities _ and _ s have been defined previously and the

U i's are the ages to thermal for each moderator. Inelastic scattering in the
uranzum fuel _t be consideredand the _i's are Kiven by


_a " ap from fission energies to thermal, an_

_b " ass to the_ for neutrons scattered inelastically with uranium


The _-components are given in Table below

! 0


Material _ a
L L iii t _ i,i .......
_ b

The collisionprobabilityP2 is the fast neutron collisionprobabillty

in the fuel and can be obtained from previously defined quantities.

* P2" (fA_Asc) (fANA+ _'s_+ _'A,,T_

SC),"z (_._._._)
(_ I_ z-_ 4;^. o,s_., ._._ o4_
where the
,-_aconstantsare as def earlier in Section 2.5.2.

The diffusion area, ,.-,can be estimated from

i i ,_ . ,

i 1
-36- HW-76206-_ ._

where again Cs is the streaming correction and the other constants are

ai " macroscopic Westcott absorption cross section of ith region,

s _i = volume-averap i/v flux (Westcott) in ith region,


Li -diffusion length of ith region.

The sum over i is over all lattice cell regions.


The migration are is defined as the sum of L2 and _
. .

3.4 NeutronSt_a ._

_he large void fraction in the reactor core allows preferential neutron
passage along the void e_An_els; tl_le effect, called "streaming", _anifests itself
in various lattice paremeters, in particular _ an_ L2 and thus in reactor leakage
and multiplication. As an illustration of the magnitude of this effect, if the
graphite were "smeared" over the core (retaining the same number of g_aphite
atoms but reducing the density and filling all void space) the over-all pile
reactivity would be increased by 0.8 per cent due to decreased leakage.

_e stre_ _rrectton to the age and diffusion area, Ca, can be estimated
using Behren's formulas_'. For example the effect of voids on the diffusion length
of neutrons in the reactor may be calculated from the e_tton


LI -diffusion length in the reactor vlth voids,

Lo = diffusion len_ in the reactor without voids,

-void volume/volume of solid material, ,

r = twice the volume of the hole divided by the surface area of the hole,

o _- moan free path in the --rator,

Q = mean square chord la_ through
the hole/square
of the mean
chord Zez_,'th.

The factor Q is dependent upon the shape of the hole and is given in Reference 14.
Modifications may be made to the equation to consider voide _hich are not uniformly
oriented; hc_ever_ this is not necessary for the N Reactor because of the symmetrical
distribution of the axes of the voids. The above equation may be simplified _o
-37- W-76Z06-RD

' 2 2
L/L - .2 .r
without any sIKnflcantloss in accuracy for calculationsfo= N Reactor. This
expressionBy be used in coEparinK lattices with an_ without voids. The
secon term may be thought of as a "_ensity" correctionwhile the third term
ma_ be consideredas a "streW" cozTectlon.

The calculatedratio of the s_ua_e of the diffusionle_ in a nor-

mal lattice to that of a condensed lattice _e._ without voids) is 2.01.1_-.This
_"- maY'_ comparedwith thee_perlmenta!l_deter=U_d ratio of migration areas of
_I-. 2";1:5 . _e calculated 15 and measure_.16 values of the diffusion leng_ of the
_".._ graphite stack alone (no fuel or process tubes present) are 86.3 and 8_.7 centi-
" wters_ respectively. These two exa_les o correlation between experiment and
theory indicate that the anlaytical method of dste_ these values is fairl_
accurate for this type of reactor. "'

The theoreticalvalue of the strea_ term r_/_ in 3._.2 is

._ 0._, 15 hence the stre ,anLlnKcorrection Cs is equal to 1.48. _he sam streaming
corrections can be used for correcting the ass.

3.5 Neutron Leaka@ej kA_

: .....

_'_ The neutron leakage in a reactor is a function of the reactor size and
the neutron migration area; it is str_ influenced by the presence of a reflec-
tor of pure moderator material surr_ the active core. For a' uniform s homo-
Keneous loading_ the effectiveand infinite lattice multiplicationfactors are
related by the equation:

keff " ...........

1 + BK2L2.. __ I + BK2' (L._ +"_" ) , . (3.5.1)


kel_ = effective pile multiplication,

BS2 = pile Keomtric buckling.

This equation may be used to calculate an effective geometric buckling

for a heterogeneous reflected _eactor if the various parameters are known. Both
three-groupcalculationsand moctified_c_e-grou_calculationsindicatea keff for
the fully-loaded_greenreactor of .v 1.060 at room temperature. The effective
g_ometricalb_cklinK may be then determinedfrom a rearrangementof the previous
-38- _w-762o6-_

zoo - keff
ss2 _ '_f'_ (3.5.2}

Assun_ "best values" of the pa_ters as given in Section 2.6 an_ a keff
for the fully loaded reactor o_ 1.060, the total geometrical buckling is 22.1
mlcro-bucks(I_ b = I0-_ ca _).

If the front and rear reflector augmentation at N Reactor is estimated

from a cosine flux distribution, the lon@itudin_l buckling component is _ 7.3_ b;
this indicates a radial buckling component of 14.8 _ b and a radial reflector--
au_nentation of _ 240 centimeters (all older Hanford production reactors have
radial au_nentations of the order of 60 centimeters).

The ratherlarge reflector savings is due to the predominantly "fast"

neutron Sl_ctr_ in the core; epithermal neutrons emerging from the core into
the reflector are quic_ thermalized. In the thermal state, there is a good
probability that the neutrons will be transferred to the core and utilized in
the fission process; in fact, there is a net gradient of thernnl neutrons from
the reflector inward to the core.

It should .be noted that the reflector aupentation as defined by the

geometrical buckling is extremely sensitive to the total pile reactivity; an
error of only 0.2 per cent _ k/k in the deternLinationof _ff can result in
an error of over 60 centimeters in the estimate of _ , the reflector savings.
Best estimates for the effective reactor size (in terms of neutron boundaries)

Effective radius = 635 centimeters,

Effective length = 1160 centimeters.

These dimensions are based upon keff = 1.060 at roan temperature The
total leakage of NPR cos_ares to .leakageat BDF type Hanford reactor as follows:

m% cold, clear . . . . . . . . .01_3_ _ _,/_:

ms, _,ot, c_ . . . . . . . . .o151,_ _ _,/k

. : 3.6 Cor e power,tribution

..... ECLASSl
The significant reflector augmentation results in an exceptionally
high flattening efficiency in N Reactor, even without the smoothing effect of
control rods or other flattening agents. Theoretical flattening efficiencies
of 80 - 98 per cent are calculate_ for routine operation, with actual efficiencies
(including microscopic fine structure) of 70 - 90 per cent. The best estimate for
the flattening efficiency is 90 per cent. Radial power distribution for various
flattening efficiencies are plot@_d in Figure 3.6.1 (See Figu_: C-3 of RW-71_08
. 0

"39- EW-76206-ILD

Figure 3.6_I is a plot of radial power distributions for various degrees of

flattening and is identical t o Figure C-3 of HW-71408 VOL2.



-42- SW-76206-_D

VOL2). The axial power distribution will follow an _pproximate cosine s_ with
a peaking ups tAvern Of pile center rue to the lower ,coolant temperature towards %he
inlet enA of .the reactor. The reactiWt heldl in i:flatt_h_'i:vsi _radius of th_-:_lat
" zone is shown in Figure 3.6.2. Radial flux distributions are shown in YiKure 3.6.3.

_.1 _s unifora over the _eactor

It will be useful to know some of the =re probable reactivity variations
caused by lattice changes which are made uniformly in each lattice cell. _he simplest
procedure in calculati_ these effects is _o employ one of the IBM-7090 physics
codes described earlier (MOYDA, FLEX, etc. ). However, it is worthwhile to discuss
some Beneral results at this time.

.z.z zze=nt
The initial 21.6 ib/ft fuel elemnt for N Reactor is not the only
fuel choice possible. It is a conservative choice, one deslgned so that the reacti-
vity transients should be within the capacity .of the horizontal rod system. A
heavier fuel eleaent is not impossible, end m_y well. be charged after the reactor
has been operated an_ the actual reactivity transients and effective control rod

Since the N Reactor is undermoderated, a_ further decrease in the

uranium-to-moderator ratio will result in a loss in reactivity. Thus, a heavier fuel
element vould require a higher enrichment. Also, in general as the fuel weight is
increased, the reactivity transient between cold and equilibriua reactor conditions
is made more negative which further increases the enrichment requirements. The
heavier the fuel element, the greater the plutonium yield. This means that i0zportant
econo=/c gains are possible if a heavier fuel element is feasible.

Sincefuel redesigninvolvesnot on_ a changeIn uraniumvolume,

but also a change in coolant volu_e, (assu_ a fixe_ process tube size), any
attempt to characterize the ph_ics of the heavier fuel geometries beyond th$.
simplest terms is i_practical. Updated results Of rather early calculations_f are
given in Table _.i.i.i to illustrate the general Ibehavior of the re%uired enrichment
level an_ plutonium yield as a function of fuel _netr_ an_ weight. Goal exposure is
assumed to _e 1200 MWD/T.

" Enrichment _ Plutonium.Yield as_ 1_. ction Of Fuel Weight

Uranium Wt/Foot g_ Pu/M_TO@ 1200 NgD/T Enrichment Level a


.. 2_.5 l_s o.8_6 z.oo

23.2 0.835 o,97_

22.2 0.825 0.958

2.6 o.8zo o.9 7

of _ 2%.
-43- HW-76206-RD

4.1.2 Em. c nt yariati0n

_.e reactivity effect of varying the enrichment level in th
21.6 Ib/feet fuel element is quite linear over the range 0.92 to 1.00 w/o U_35 .
T_=resctivity variation is calculated to be 0.38% per 0.01% absolute change in
w/o _U _,_ichmeeD/_p
fuelnt. For example, the _Ifference in local
thereactivity between 0.9_7 and 0.95?
a is 0.38%, the higher enrichment being most reactive.

4.1.3 Impurities in Fuel

Occasionally it may be necessary to accept uranium fuel with

different impurity levels than that initially specified. The presence of U236
in recycled fuel will also act as an impurity. For most chemical elements,
the reactivity effect can be simply estimated from the change in f, the thermal
utilization. For certain chemical elements whose mass is very low (so they act
as moderators as well as polsons) or which may @dye rise to particular neutron pro-
duci_ reactions, such as the n,2n reaction in beryllium, other factors must be con-
si_ered. But, a general rule for elements whose atomic weight is greater than about
45 can be given as follows:

where fo is the thermal utilization of the uranium without the Impurity, wp is the
weight fraction of the impurity an_ Ku is the d_r coefficient of the impurity
with respect to uranium.

o-ep Au (4 1.3 2)
_au Ap

where _ ap and _ au are the Westcott absorption cross sections of the impurity
and uranium, respectively, and the A's are the atomic weights.

4.1.4 ,Reactor Atmo,sphe,r,e

: The reactivity difference between an air (nitrogen) and a helium

atmosphere in the reactor has been calculated to be 0.16%. The principal effect
of nitrogen in the lattice is to increase the parasitic absorptions and thus reduce
a, the thermal utilization, f. The thermal neutron absorption cross section of helium
is zero.

_.2 Non-Uniform Changes E[LJ I IEO

The changes discussed in the precedimg section apply for _tuiform changes
over the entire reactor, It is also necessary to consider the problem of local lattice
variations and their effect on the over-all reactor which is a much _ore difficult
problem. The simplest metho_ of treating these problems is the use of perturbation
theory in the one-group diffusion theory model. If the Perturbation involves changes
which affect the thermal neutron absorption or fission cross section (impurities,
nitrogenj enrichment, etc. ) the appropriate statistical weight, W, is the s_uare of
the thermal flux.
-45o HW-76206-RD

Wlocal = ca1 _ actor dV, (4.2.1)

eactor cell

If the l_rturbation Involves chants which affect the thermal diffusion coefflciennt
(voids, _nsity chanses, etc.) the appropriate statistical weight is the square of
the gradient of the flux.

%oo (_.2.3)

Perturbation theor_ can be extended to a two-group or .mltigroup model. This is

necessary if the perturbation involves change in epithermal or fast neutron reaction
rates (fuel element variation, for example). These problems are difficult and solu-
tions are not _escribed here. Some information is presented below on the effect of
natural uranium columns, air columns an_ water columns.

4.2.1 Reactivity Effect of Natural Uranium Fuel

The possibility exists of using some natural uranium fuel elements

for either flattening purposes or for reactivity tailoring (in the event that
0.9_7 _/o provides too much excess reactivity). The cold, clean, green material
buckling for natural uranium fuel elements of the same geo_ry as the enriched
uranium has been measured in the N-Reactor Exponential Pile_.-The results are given
in Table The d/mensions of the prototypical fuel elements used in these
tests are the same as shown in Table 2.6.1 and the same corrections described in
Section 2.5 whould be applied to _se results. The enriched buckllngs are also
repeated in Table Bowers o has computed the poison effect of natural
uranium. This curve is given in Figure 4.2.1.

Experimental M_terial Bucklings - Prototypical N Fuel ElementsI_

" Enrichment Wet Lattice Dry L_t_ice

0:712 w/o -95 _+2_ b - 93 _+ 4_ b

_/o +_6 _+5/Ab + z4+ 5_ b

..A_6- _-76206-RD

4.2.2 Reactivity Effect,,,of E_t_r, Process ` ,,Tubes

An empty process tube in N Reactor is expected to result in an increase

in the over-all pile reactivity due to the local increase in the C/U ratio. The
magnitude of the effect must await experimental determination during the startup tests.

4.2.3 R_eactivity Effect of Water-Filled Process " Tubes

Again, this must be deferred to when startu_ test results are available.

The reactivity effect of poison columns, target columns and other

foreign materials must also await startup tests.

5. Reactor Products
,i i , i ." iii i


5i Introduction
. _4'' ,'

, As previous_.sta_ed, N'_eac_or is _ converter- the principal2_clear pro-

cesses being the _transmutation of U 3_ to Pu 39 and the fissioning of U _a to provide
the neutron carrier of the chain reaction and the _trons necessary for the plutonium
production The principal product is therefore Pu _J_. However, since all the
nuclei can absorb neutrons, a host of other products2_._n _. ,.Qre also produced in
the reactor. The other products of __erest are Pu .+v I____A (which_are higher trans-
nmtat_s in the plutonium chain), Np 3Y W_ h has both U_3_ and U23 _ as precursors,
and U_which is a useful precursor of Np _ an_ will probably be recycled in N-
Reactor fuel. Tritium may also be a product but would require a special loading in-
cludin_ lithium targets. Po 210 ma_ also be a product but again could require special
bismuth target elementB.^ There are also many fission products which are useful such
as Csl37 ex_ Sr_O: pu2_ which has important use as an isotope power source is pro-
uced in minute amounts and could be produced in useful amounts by irradiating
Np237 targets.

5.2 Plutonium Production

Pluton_u_ results in the re_or when neutrons are absorbed in U238. A

small a_oun_ is also prcduced from U"_. The principal reactions in uranium lead-
ing to plutonium isotopes are diagrammed below.

-47- m_-?62o6-E', {

pu2_Z #" =A_Z

n T

7' n I'
u238 .p238 iiii ii
#" ii
. pu238
u ? ....P"
i ii i Npz37

':" nit

, Figure 5.2.1

_ Uranium
The U238 neutron reaction to U239 goes at all neutron energies wi_ the.

ma_or share being in thethe
thermal energy of_e. The abeta decay half
of,U life.
39 has Pua2_ 939
23._-mlnute half llfe; beta decay has 2.33-_
is relatively stable with a half life of 2_300 years, Pu is an unwanted i_,_
tope in _eapons gr ade p lutoniumsince it is capa ble of spontaneous fission Pu
is beta-active with a 13-year half life an_ ie also fis_ion_b!e.

5.3 Neptunium _Production

" R_nt interest in Pu238 for radioisotope power sources has st_te_ a mar-
k_t for _D"_' N_=_Ican be fashioned into target elements and irradiated to yield
_-.238 17,_.. _,23_ formed from successive transmutations _n uranium is too minute
to be'wor_hil''e). Th_eactio_oleading to Np237 are _o shown In Figure 5.2_i.
v+. _o ._=n +.hqt both U:_an_ U_u are _recursors of Np _ The fas_ neutron n,_n
........ _8 a t 60 -r cent of N :_I formed from virgin ur_alum.
reaction in U contributes_ bou 1_ i _, p
Recycled uranium rich in U23 _ promises to boost Np _ production.

5._ Tritium Production

Tritium (H3) is formed by an n, _ reaction in Li6.

6 (n,,_) H_. (_._.l)
The reaction is predominantl_ a thermal neutron reaction. To pro_uce
H3 in N Reactor _oul_ require _ special load/n@ such as an E-N, or possibly the
use of lithium control ro_s. Neither avenue has received serious stud_ to date.

5.5 F8_ion
Doducts m

" Fissionin@ events in the reactor l_ad to a host of fission Droducte

with a_g_ic mass_ ranging from 72 to 161. _o isotope_ with commercial Interest
_i_ .... are C$ o, an_ Sr_-_he. fisslonlpro_u ct chains leading to these isotopes are as

i .

6 i137 xe S7 - Ba137
24s 3.9m _ 29y

33. z.7m _ Z8y 64.3h

' The cumulative yields per thermal fission of _35 of C_137 an_ Sr90 are 6.15%
and 5.77%_ respectively.
5.6 Ca!c_tion 0f _clear Reactions


Although most reactions of interest in a thermal reactor occur at

thermal energies, sufficient epithermal events also occur that a flux _e_ine_ to
include both thermal and epithermal neutrons is desirable. _he Westcott convention
is an obvious choice. This convention defines an effectiv_ cross section, _ by
" equatin@ the reaction rate per a_om, R, to the product of _ wi%h nvo where

n = neutron density, including both thermal and epithermal neutrons,

ana vo - 2ZOO m/s. Thus,


The flux _ is not be be confused wit_ the conventional flux

- which is _ust the _hermal neutron density times v O. _ is also nora ' true flux
since it is not in terms of the true velocity of neutrons in the react-'_.

The most convenient manner to determine the Westcott flux in the

fuel_ where most of the useful reactions take place_ is to derive a relationship
between the power density and the flux. The fission power generated per unit
volume of fuel is given by
-49- HW-76206-RD

where P is the power in megawatts, k is a constant equal to the megawa_ts

_'_ " "_ =m . _M _ "_ '_" _' _ r ,per fission per second, the Nf _fare the maeroscopi6 fission cross .sections for
isotopes fissionable by thermal.and epithennal neutrons, an_ is the fast-to-
thermal fission ratlo_ usually defined for uranium only.

For a heat of fission of 202 Mev,

k ,, 3.236 x I0"17 _/flssion/sec.

The m6avatts/ton of fuel is often a convenient unit of power density. F_pressing

equatlm_ in terms of MW/T, the relationship for flux becomes

6. 37
x x

UItID_ X_px_oenIM_tlVeYS/.t188 Of the CO_ls'bag,tBfor I l_&otor With 0111,7_3_ { U238

present in the fuel the relati_mhip _etween flux and _g/T is

For 387 tonsas

is obtained fuelxan_.power
of2.52 i0" of 4000 MM, the average Westeott flux in the fuel

5.6._ _zuto_um
anau_35_:_:o_t c_zoua_tlons
i ........... '

The dlfferent_ equations governin_ the buildup of the plutonium

isotopes an_ the burnout of U__ are given below.

+ z -_ + _ m - z - % (5.6o_0a)

-5o- z_-762o6-Rr


" - _'a (

The sum in ( is over-all thermlAy-fissioasble isotopes.

_Me ftsstc= rate e_uatian is also of i_ortanee.

+_z ^ _z _z s )} (

vhere S'= _/1)_-5, _ 1_t_; the .fur-to-thermal ttsst_ ratio fo= green uranium.

A Qonvealentmethodof solv_ theseequationsis to introducea hey variableO vhich-

is detlae_as,

vht_ is a _sasureof _3_ _uraout. F_rtherdefining

N_/NO25 ==u,

" N25/No25 = x, and

"28/.025 = v,

the d_,ere_tia_ equations become OECLdSSIF

' (6 _, " _ I- _'o/:_

6" 13' ,_._:)

.. s:_ + .r_V+ xG + r.r-_ _r,/!:_:
- , "_


. .. ,- ..... "=k..

The solution of th_ other equations foll_,s _'hea_thod of Cohen an! etal2'_ Tn_-
other o.u_uti_ie_are.expanaed in po_er series. Writing x as a gezter._lpower oe.rie_

" x - do +all@ + d20:_+ d_@3 + . . ,

q,, " I

y =,_t@ + _p._2+a3@3 _.. o o ,

z --gl@ = g2@2 + g3@3 + , (5.'6.e,_._

s _hl@ +h2@ 2 _.h3@3 + . . . , and

u = kzo+ --_2
2 + --_3o3
+. . . .
_e eoei_flclents
can be solved for in the usual manner amd the resulting
' solutlon_ are as follows:

y ': (B + D)@ + ,_ ._ dl.1 +A al.a +H hl. 1 _" @I

i =2

!,= 3

r, ,,.._ ,-% ..

4 ._ "

Terms out _o the ".enthpos_ey,of @ are more than sufficient to accurately deermlne
the s_lutlonz. Th_se equatlons are solved in subrouzlnes of _he FLEX and MOF!I_
codes_ .

__ -- --. _- -. _.

The differential e_,luationsgoverning the production of _Ip237 are z5


. BEI:L,SSlF pr . . . . '_l
d_: (

E_uation 5 .6.3.1
represents t__fonaatlono_ 236from U235.o_quation
represents the formation of U_'-_f from the U- formal from If "_ or from any
u23blnltially present and also from U23_. The U23_ reaction is an n,2n
reaction an_ such 0nly occurs at fast neutron energies. The n#2n threshold is
' 5.8 Mev. Thus, the n,2n cross section in is an effective n,2n cross
section defined in terms of the Westcott flux_ _ . Equation 5.6.3,3 represents
the formation of Np237 from U237 by beta decay. The half life is 6.5 da_s_. The
equations can be solved most s_nply by assumlu6 instantaneous decay of U 3Y to
Np o, an_ by separating the production by precursor. The solutions are then

-5_- E,1-762O6-.I_

/ @


In the U238, _ois, in contrast t3

Westcott cross c r _3 e i _" i,tegra!

Equation can be simplifiedby expen_ the exponentialsin series.

Terms beyon_ the thir_ power in _t are not necessary. In terms of the exposure
variable _: H_D/I:

N37 =NoZ5
Z6^ 25 Z_ (
= Zs-I +_
. zc'z+_Z D-I)

:3 3 B'm+i_
_M(o_ 3 c,1+I"3 D"m)1!

= 1.12x io19_ a25


. H Z_o_
#-_'_ (z+_")

'_ 37
_.. = 1.12 x 1019_-a
= (,,,
o'_ _6 ^ z5)(_'a
--e_ ^ 37'-_'a
,,,_' ),

^ 25 "_a
c = (ca ^ 26) (_'a
_ 37 "_a
^ 26)'

H = Heat of fissiou in MeVo

Equation 5.6-3.5 can be wri%_en in terms of the exposure variable, also.
Expandin_ the exponential terms in series and keepin_ terms up to Ms,

_a37 __
_ _6_ ..I, [IEI;LASS (_.6.B._)
-55- HW-76206-RD

For _t < 3 x 1020, Equation can be simplified to


. _37 =
A _
No28 O'n,2n _
_a 27_
_a37 - _ a 28

The n,2n cross section can be expressed as20

where Gr fu is the Westcott fission cross section for the uranium

^ 25
_fu = _25 _fii , ,, t

_25 + _28

In terms of the exposure variable M (Mk'D/T)

N37 f.o,o.o4 , 1 3,.1J.)

" _ _"+ _" I(N2_
'+ _28_H ,5.6.
5.6.4 zlss!onPr_u_ts(use3_
The useful fission products can be computed from the"Perklns-_.In5_I
equations using the ACTICAY c2 program for the IBM-7090o

i(t) =(8.352x lo-3) p (A:Le.

+ Be">.mr (5.6.._o_.)

where P is reactor power in megawatts, _C is the megacuries of activity of isotope

i at time t after reactor shutdown and _ li and _ 2i are the _ecay constants
associated with the parent nuclide (or nucl_des) of the isotope and of the .isotope
itself, respectively. The constants A i and Bi are defined as

--Ai = Y2i" Yli F _2i (i" e" _ll T)l _ and (..5.6_4..2)
,_.i - _,_ L J

-56- I_-76206-RD

where Y_i is the cu_tive yield of isotope I, Yli is the independent yield
4 of isotope i and T is the irradiation time in the reactor in seconds.

5.6.5 Tritium
ii i inure II

The differential equation governing the buildup of tritium can be

expressed as:

Since the number of Li6 atom is very_rge compared to the n_which will
react to.form tritium, it may be assumed to stay constant. The equation may then
be integrated to give

$, 3(t ) i " z, 6 t. (
If the flux in the lithium containing target element is calculable, either absolutely
or relative to the flux in the fissionable fuel eleaents, then the solution of the
e_uatlon is straightforward.
,_,_,.,_.,.._._..,._ _.... .... ,..._ ; .' ..... .

" ' Zn most caseS, :it is mot feasible to accurately'calculate the flux
_ :; :Ln the llthlum-bearlng target elemn.t;, Tbls is true when li_hiu_-containin_ control '_.
' rods are use!, orlwhen target elements are_':lutersperse_ With f_ssi_le fuel elements
in the same fuel column (E N load, for exa_le). In these Cases, another approach .'
_ to the calculation of tritiu_ buildup is necessary. _'.,;.

The number of neutrons absorbed in _ithiuz-contai_in_ target ele-

ments may be measured by the effect of such absorptions on the reactivity of the
reactor. The excess reactivity of the reactor without the target elements is
readily calculated using conventional techniques. _The reactivity of the reactor
with target elements is fixed, 'since enough target .(poison)elements will be added
to reduce the excess reactivity to the required level for reactor opera%ion. The
= multiplication factor, k, expresses the relative number of thermal neutrons absorbed
in the fuel element in each successive generation. _ Since at a constant power
level, this ratio must, by definition, be unity, then the number of atoms of
tritium produced 'per thermal neutron absorbed in the fissionable fuel may be stated
as _kLi where _kLi is the reactivity held in lithium.

If U23_ is
a U_ only
atom.material in the fuel, rate
then isevery neutron absorb-
ed in the fuel destroys Since the fission _irectly related
to the rate of U23_ burnout, the rate of tritium buildup may thus be_x_lated to '
the fission rate and hence power level. If the fuel also contains U23_, pert of
the thermal neutrons are absorbed in this isot ope, and furthermore
" U- _o is subject
to fission by fast neutrons which increases the fission rate per thermal neutron
absorbed. Furthermore, plutonium is built up,. which is subject to thermal neutron

I]FI ......_
-57- _-762o6-_ <

absorption and fission. The exact solutions in this case require writing equations
" for all thermal neutron absorptions in the fissionable fuel, and for _he fission
rate_ and integrating with respect to time as in Section 5.6.2.

. A simp_qe but ,,_e accurate approximation, to the T3-buildup problem

when fuel containing U=_ and U oUis used is to assume that the number of fissions
per thermal neutrcQ absorption remains constant throughout the residence time of
_, the fuel. Green fuel parameters may then be used to calculate T3 buildup. In this
case_ the number of fissions per thermal absorption is silly

" __25
o'm5 (_-+ _ )
_ -_ ....... : .._ _ _t
r/ _ _
(x + ; ), (

-,_' end the number 'of T3 atoms per fission is:

/(z +_")

Since there are 2.67 x 1021 fissions/_S_D,(See Section 5.6.1) the auger of T3
atoms produced per MMD is

_.u_.25 _ 2.67_ _o_ # (

and the number of grams of T3 produced per M_D i_

,, ZI_. _)_ x (z._38 x zo"_)

5.7 _oduction Yiel_

5.7.i Plutonium Bui!du_.and,. U235 Depletion

Theoretical plutonium buildup and U_35 depletion curves are given

in Figure, and 5o7.1.2o These results are from FLEX calculations; the
F/GURE 5".2.1.1
. ,

estimated uncertainty in the results is _+five per cent on a relative.


5.7.2 U236 and Np237 Builaup

a Theoretical curves of U236 and Np237 buildup are giver,in

Fisurs_5.72._nd The neptunium format_ rates are _en ,_epazately
for TF_v and U_oj precursors. The formation of Np _" from any U"_ in itxally pro.-
sent in the fuel (as woul_._e the case with fuel2_cycle ) is given in te_s _of
gm/T _ initial ppm of U_ in the fuel. The U _ produced is calmulated fro_.
the U_ burnout of Figure by m2u!tiplyingthe burnout by _/i + oc . _here
is the capture t_ fission rate of U 35. In the NPR hot flux spectrum, the
value of _ is 0.207.

The expected return of _36 in recycled fuel for two bl_nd_tr-_

schemes j 5.0 w/o and 1.2 w/o enriched uranium blend, is shown in Figure
The degradation factors are 0.66 and 0.97, resistively for the 1.2 w/o and 50 w/o
blend. The degradation fat%or is defined as U 30 retuln dlvi.!,. U:_:36out;':._.

5.73 Use_ Fission product Yields

The yields of the fission product Cs137, Sr90, PmI_7 and CeI'_
are shown in Table 5_7.3.1 for 58 and 116 day continuous irradiaSions a_ _000 MW._
The yields are given as present per ton of fuel at one day followln_ reactor shut-
down assuming ali fuel at the same exposure. The exposures corresponding to 58
and 116 days are rou6hly 600 and 1200 MWD/T; 387 to_ of uranium are assumed in
the loading.

Useful Fission Products C/Ton ,24 Hours After Shutd_.,na

600 M','_=/_T ' _"" 'I'

Cs137 {30 y) i..960 ?,9_-0

Sr90 _28 y,, 2,000 3,99':',

p_l _7 (Eo6 y) 7._

200 i,< , #:'C)

CeI_ (285 d.) 69,000 129,000

, aBased on 387 tons.

Since the flux varies from point to point in a reactor the eoncez_-'_.t:
of products _ill vary and it is often necessary to define yields averaged ove_ o.n
appropriate reactor volume The flux varies radially across the fuel element ond
longitudinally along the fuel column axis. Both variations mus_ _e _aken into
account to obtain a columu-avg,_a@edyield. Richey's_3 formulation is used as 9n
example in the case of the Pu_3_ concentration y o
41 0

-6_- a_-76206-_

" V

"v _v, (5.8.2)


vhere V io the total uraalua volum in a _oluu_. _hemfo_e,


y -
I/ 0
oav + 9-
- 0
av +... (5.8.3)

_er 0 is a _actloa of ax_ ix381tlonin tJ2eoolumn, rsdAal _osltion

froa the axle of the fuel a_ ix__loa tim, t. Oae eaa _ite

o. o_) _(r) o3(_), (_.8._)


j- _AetaaQe roa roat to rear in a aolun_ ,

r - ra&MLl dListaacefrom axis of uel element

The fLrst Integral in 5.8.3 _ecomes


o azl o _ (5.8.5)

--limits in the integrationsover r are _he inner au_ outer radAi of each _
_hs-- of
the concentrictu_e i_Aelelemnt; for e_le R22 is the outer radAus of the outer fuel

-65- w-76zo6-_

@1(_) can be exprenoe_ a s a nor_lization factor timee a flux _nction which will
assumed to be sinuaotdal.

where _ ie the _cnt and rear extmpolati_ length.

" i

_(r) can also be expresse& by a aor_lization factor times a flux i_nction.

@2(r) " _'lmOx _ (r). ' 5.8.7)

For the 1tRoaator_el _et_ _1(r) cannotbe mdJqt_l_



L *

n gLtSSlrl

..... , , _. o o,

_., -66- _-762o6.[_

By s_1_ar teahniques_ for an_ te_z of the series (5.8.3),

vlt= 2,,
'V '

_ _)r<lr+
S"- ]
p @)

r 1 _p


Y = alvl @max +a2w2 @"_'max+ (5.8.9)

6o Reactivit_ ,,Trausient s "

6.l Introauction
| iim |1 i

" The sources of the reactivity variations over a normal operating cycle,
including stmtdown and startup, in N Reactor are similar to those in the other
Hanford reactors. However, higher power levels, higher te_eratures, higher fuel
exposures and. the undermoderated nature of the N lattice act to increase the
normal reactivity variations of the Hauford-type reactor and to introduce new
sources of reactivity variations not present in the older Haufor: reactors.

602 Ten,stature Coefficients of Reactivity

The temperature-dependent sources of reactivity v_riations in N Reactor

include, in addition to the usual fuel and graphite heating effects (which are
nuclear) one asso_.iated with coolant heating (which is both nuclear end physical)_
The fuel temperature and coolant temperature coefficients of reactivity are
negative; the graphite temperature coefficient is positive. Other temperature-
associated pl_ysicaleffects, such as fuel expansion, are too small to produce
any significant reactivity coefficient.

Except for the Doppler coefficient (in a _ lattice) there are no

experimental detern_nations of the N-Reactor temperature coefficients. Xn most
cases the calculational techniques are extensions of approximate methods which
have been fairly successfu_ used in the old Kauford tea,for calculations.
There is perhaps no other area of physics which is more uncertain than the
graphite and coolant temperature coefficients; the information presented here is
therefore the best information available prior to startup and my after further
investigations change somewhat. However, the gross effects to be described are
felt to be fairly correct and any differences should occur in the details.

For an actual operating reactor, the calculation of the over-all tem-

perature coefficient is con_licated by the fact that the temperatures will vary
over the reactor. It is simpler for discussion purposes to describe the tempera-
ture coefficient in terms of average temperatures which are properly weighted
from a full pile rea=tivity standpoint. The simplest ten,stature weighting ks
by the square of the neutron flux.

where _I("_) end T(_) are the _atia.'L"l.y-dependen_ temlx;rature and m_osc_ic
flux. In N Reactor an avera@e fuel_ graphite and coolant temperature m_st be
a thus calculate_.

The temperature coefficients of N Reactor are most simply obtained by

using the various _-70_0 physics programs describe_ earlier.O The average
graphite temperature coefficient, for example, can be determine_ by co_pu_ing k

for an initial graphite temperature T eandfor a higher graphite temperature

(Tg + _h Tg) and dividing the differengc by the change in temperature _ Tg.

Equation (6.2.3) is exact in the l_nit _ T-_O and is sufficiently accurate
for temperature changes in the N Reactor to be useful. Equation 6.2.3 can be then
written for each temperature, where only the constants which vary significantly
wi_h each temperatures are included.

"Tf, Tg _ Tw P 4 Tw

-69- RW-76206-1_D

The total tenrperatur_e coefficient cannot be easily stated since none of

the separate temperatures (graphite, fuel and coolsnt) are representative of a
single reactor temperature (as would be the case in a homogeneous reactor). The
- temperatures are all related to the power of ____ereactor_ however, (assuming
constant coolant flow and inlet coolant temperature) and it is sometimes useful
to define a power coefficient of reactivity as follows:

k _ Tg _ Tv k _ Tf

The power coefficient is more convenient to use in reactor operation

since the power is measured directly whereas the individual temperatures are often
not measured. Usual_, the power coefficient is dete_d from operational exper-
ience in the reactor and once known can be correlated with the temperature coefficient
if the temperature-power relationships are known.

6.2.1 Graphite Temperature Coefficient of Reactivit_ I


The averaje graphite temperature coefficient is given in Equation 6.2.4.

The terms involvinK _ , f and L= involve vari@tions in thermal cross sections
of the various reactor materials with neutron'energy. Since the graphite is
the principal moderator in the reactor its physical temperature determines to a
large deg/ee'_he temperatures of the thermal neutrons in the reactor. (As is
shown later the coolant temperature also plays an important role in determining
the neutron temperature). For the simplest model, then_ of a Maxwellian thermal
flux distribution, a characteristic neutron temperature can be defined which is
net on

oTn = Tn (Tg, Tw) (

In general, the neutron temperature will vary over the lattice and
its calculation is exceedlngly complex. The approximation used in the _OFIIAand
FLEX physics programs has been described earlier (See Section 2. ),

The _--coefficient is simplest to calculate since it involves at

most only two regions of the lattice cell (.thetwo fuel regions). The following
e_tions _llustrate the form of the _ -coefficients for the simple case where
U 35 is the only thermally-fissionable isotope present.

- - , .
N5 _ f5


-7o- HW-76_06 -;{L,

7) 5 is assumed independent of energy. The Westcott cross sections defined earlier

can be used to obtain the variations of the cross sections with neutron temperature o
(The use of Westcott cross sections in _ has the effect of taking into acc_tBt
eplthermal absorptions as well as thermal absorptions in all isotopes (in U'_
only 1/v-law absorptions are included).

-co ici nt, l/it

MOFDA calculations averaged over a graphite temperature range of 20 to_550 C and
with equil_brium coolant temperature and density (232 C and 0.SZ gm/cm_) is
-i.0 x I0 _/C in the reactor with green fuel ang -5.4 x i0"6/oc in the reactor
with an average fuel exposure of 700 M_D/T. The coefficient is less negative for
the expose_ fuel due to the positive temperature coefficient of the plutonium _ort
of .
The f-coefficient is not amenable to a simple calculation since
the knowledge of the neutron temperature and flux in each part of the lattice
cell is required. The calculation of the fine flux structure across the cell
requires the solution to the Boltzman transport equation. (The FL_X and MOFDA
codes employ the P3 approximation to the transport equation. ) The same is true
for the L'-coefficient.

The averaged f-coefficient, 1/f _f/ _ Tg, as determined from

MOFDA calculations under the same conditions as fo_ the _ -coefficient, is
,6._ x i0"5/oc in the green reactor anl',6.2 x lO'_/C in the 700 MWD/T reactor.

The average_ L2-coefficient, -B2 _2 i

-7.5x i0"7/0In the green reactor and -5.9 x i0 7/ C in the 700 MWD/T reactor.
The variation in the Fermi age, _ , with graphite temperature
arises from the fact that the neutrons have to slow down over a smaller energy
range as the neutron temperature increases. The coefficient _s _mall and
positive and for a he tereogeneous reactor is difficult to calculate. For these
reasons it can be neglected.

-71- E_-76206-RD /


The graphite coefficients are stuamarizedin Table 6.2.1.i.

, Average Graphite Temperature Coefficient Over 20 - 550 C
(For Equilibrium Coolant Conditibns)

7_ _m/m
Green FueI Average Ex_osure

/ _/_ _,,'a ,_ i iii

, -i.o_ io'51oc-_._x to-ClOt
iI_ _'_I _ _g _._ x zo-51Oc_.2 _ zo-51c
"B2 _T/_ TS neglIBible negligible

.Bz/(z+ L_z) _ ,2/m _g -?.5x zo-?/Oc-5.9x zo-?/oc

ilkm kl a _g +_.3x _o-51c+_.6x _o-_IOo

It is of interest to note that the exposure dependence of the

granite coefficient in the
resultRPRis is due
not ofas course
to theas higher
that obs_ed in the earlier
Hanford reactors.% This U_ enrichment which
tents to lessen the plutonium effect, at least at the exposures considered here.

The graphite coefficient is not a linear function of graphite tem-

perature. At low temperatures the coefficient is considerably larger than the
averages given in Table 6.2.2.i an& at higher temperatures the coefficient is less.
The integral g_aphite te._peratur
e reactivity effect is shown in Figure 6.2.1.I.
(gee Figure C-_ of _ 71_O_ VOL_) as a function of local graphite temperature. The
slope of the curves is the differential coefficien_ i/k dk/_Tg. ' '

6.2_ ,,,, Temperatu_e,,._efficient_

Clant.... .f, Reactivit.

The coolant coefficient is given in Equation 6.2.5. The

term involving _ is related to the coolant density variation. The terms involving
, f, L% p and T are related to both the coolant density and temperature

The _ -coefficient is simplest to compute. Basically, what is

involved is a reduction in the shielding effect 'of the water within the fuel ele-
ment to the interaction of fast neutrons between the concentric fuel tubes.
The calculation of is made by homogenizing the fuel, cladding and coolant inter-
hal to th_ fuel assembly, and calculating the collision probabilities for the _hr_
fast neutron groups described in Section 2.5.S on the fast effect calculation.
In equation 2.5.1 for _ , the quantities g ,NA_ NB, NO and JA are all dependent
on the collision probabilities and hence the coolant density. The co=plete total


Figure is a :plotof

i_entlcal to the inte.gralgraphite
Figure temperature coefficient and is
C 4 of BW--71408VOL2.

-73- _-76206-RD

differential is not re_eated here but the general expression for the _ -part
of the coolant temperature coefficient is functionally as follows.
, I

-: '/'
There is no exposure-dependence on the _-coefficient. The theoretical value of
the averag_ value of this coefficient over the coolant temperature range is
+ 4 x lo _/c.
The p-coefficient is also fairly straightforward, and again the
effect is related to the water density change primarily_ although there is a slight
effect associated directly with the water temperature, which is connected with the
Doppler effect,

There are two distinctive water density effects on the resonance

escape probability. Firstly, the reduction of the water density makes the lattice
even more under-moderated and thus increase the importance of resonance capture.
Secondly, the reduction of water density in the coolant internal to the fuel element
decreases the effective resonance integral (lower surface-to-mass ratio) and thus
decreases the importance of resonance capture. Thus, the two effects are opposite
in sign; the former effect is dominant so the net coolant temperature coeffient of
p is negative.

The coefficient can be written in functional notation as follows:

"' _RI + , (

or 1 _ = + _ , where
P_Tw A B '

_ B
_ _ Tw _sw --.


. .... .

-74- HW-76206-D

The coefficient is quite insensitive to fuel exposure and is not

linear ow, r the o_vating water _asity range in the N Reactor. The theoretical
. value of i/P_/_Tw is-7.8 x I0".5/C.The coefficient is seen to be quite large
which is indicative of a fairl_ undermoderated lattice.

The behavior of the thermal utilization on coolant temperature

variation is much more complex then either that for _ and p. There are several
distinct effects:

I) Reduction of water density r_oves poison from the lattice and decreases
the cell disadvantage factor_ "_".... ' ,

2) Reduction of_i:_a_er density reduces the cooling effect of the water on the neut-
ron te_erat_ in the i_el which also decreases the cell disadvantage factor.
, "i ":_

3) Increasing the water te_peratare increases the neutron temperature in the fuel
more than in the graphite. Thls reduces the absorptlveness of the uranium to
ther_ neutrons which also decreases the cell _Isadvaatage factor.

_) Increasing the water temperature anA reducing the density increases the neutron
temperature in the water which reduces the poisoning effect of the water and also
decrePses the cell dAsadvantase factor.

Effect l) an_ 4) are positive an_ effects 2), and 3) are negative.

Since the calculation of f first re%uires a calculation of the neu-

tron flux distribution acrOSS the lattice cell (disadvantage factor) and then a
computation of the relative absorptions in each cell region (SeeEquation R.5.4.1)
and both these parts of the calculations depend on the cross sections, the functional
dependence of f on the water temperature ultimtely reduces to Just o_e of cross
section dependence which in turn depend on the coolant temperature and density.
As a first approximation, only the uranium and coolant cross sections need be con-
sidered as changing enough to contribute to the coolant teeEerature coefficient of
f. In functional notation each of the four effects can be identified. Deflnin_
Tw and _ as the physical temperature and density of the coolant, respectivel_,
and @U"_a_ @was the neutron temperatures in the uranium and coolant, respectively,
the functional dependencies can be written as follows:


For a Simple uranium-graphite lattice the cell disadvantage factor is defined as

the ratio of the average flux in the graphite to the average flux in the fUel.
For the N lattice the concept of a cell disadvantage factor can be carried over to
represent the average flux in a homogenized region external to the fuel element
to the average flux in a hozogenized region internal to the outer diameter of
the fuel element. Thus, decreasing the cell-disadvantage factor can be pictured
as a flattening effect on the microscopic flux distribution across a lattice cell.

Ou-Ou (_, ? _,, ...),

_, " _w(_,, ? ..,, "")"

Thenj the total differential is

3 4

where subscripts on the curly braces refer to the four effects described earlier.

The coolant teerperature coefficient of f is a function of fuel

exposure since plutonium and uranium have different temperature dependences in
these cross sections. Also_ the coolant te_erature coefficient of f is dependent
on the _raphite temperature. For cold gra_ green fuel the theoretical

average coolant temperature coefficient i/f _--w is +1;3 x i0"5/C.

The behavior of _ With coolant temperature is connected solely

with the effects on the neutron temperature in the fuel_ thus

-- dab

-76- HW-76206-RU

4 The coolant temperaturecoefficient of _ is also exposure-dependent

and a function of graphite ,tem_rature. For cold graphite and green i_el the theo-
. value of _I?,'/'_ :_/-_ -_.,_,-4.9x zo'_/oc.
'_nevariation in E, with ooolaat temperature is linked with the
decreased moderatingeffect as the coolant density is reduced. Thus, the age
will increase as the coolant is heated. There is also the sam= effect discussed
earlier with respect to graphite te=_eraturejand that is that as the water tem-
perature is raised, the general neutron tem_ez_t_re is raised and hence the neu-
trons have to slow down over a s=aller rs_e to reach the_l e%uilibri_a. This
latter effect is neg_iglble,however. The cal_u!ated r-coe_icient -B= __
for cold graphite a_d green fuel is -5.6 x lO'_/C.

_e variation of L2 with coolant te=_eraturearises from 1_otha

reduction in coolant _eneitywhich re=ores neutron absorbers fro= the lattice and
an elev&ting of the general neutron te=pez_turewhich reduces the over-all absorp-
tion cross sectionsand..allovathe neutrons to diffuse lo_er. The calculatedaverage
value of.-B_(l + L_B2) I _ El/_ Tw for cold graphite and green fuel is
-3 x zo-_/c.
The green fuel, cold _z_phite"coolant coefficientsare summarized
in Table 6.2._.i.


._eoreticalAverage Coolant Te rature Coefficient

over_p - _o c
(For Cold Graphite, Green Fuel)

_z=".-_ -_._x zo-_/oc

_Tw 61oc

_ _
_T-_ -7.8x lO'_/C

4 Tw +1.3 x 10" C

-_ _ -5.6 x zo'6/%
-_(z, L_)'I =---i
---_ -3 x zo-6/c

k _T w
="[IEI;L;SIFIEI] -u..7 x zo-5/Oc
.vm a

-77- BW-76ZO6-RD

The total coolant coefficient can be expressed as a sum of two.

term one re_at_ng to temperature alone 'and one relattns to density alone. This
, allows a c_arison with an experimental determination of the coolant density
coefficient . The theoretical breakdown for the green fUei_ cold graphite,
ooolant coefficient is

,'3." x lo'2/g<,n3 (o,_J.'_ro,._).*

._ _he experimental coolant density measurements 12 indicate

x lO_/g-c__ (_Ity o_)
Assuming the experimental result is closer to being correct than
the theoretical result_ the total coefficient in teru of the te_pera._ variable
(making no correction on the temperature-alone part) beeo_s :13 x 10 _/'C
for the cold g_aphitej green fuel case instead of -11.7 x 10 _/C.

6.2.3 Doppler Coeff_oient of Reactivity


The Doppler coe_icient has been measured for a prototypical N

fuel element in the dry lattice The temperature range of the experiment was
297 X to 1241 K (24 C tO 968 C). The _astwed ehsnse in koo was (T in OK).

koo(_). -(_ o.o6)1o'3f (1.79o+ o.oo6)(Tl1/2-_o_.12)

, (6.z.3._)

The unit functions U(Ti-T_)" O, T i $ T_

i,Ti> T_
are introduced to describe the chan_e observed in koo due to the volume expansions
when the _-_ P and _ _ phase transformations were passed through. _These are not
part of the true Doppler effect.

Over the N-Reactor fuel temperature range of 20 - 380 C, one can

obtain fro_ the above expression an'd the experimental value of p for the dry lattice
(O.717) the temperature coefficient of the resonance inte_l_al RI.

Rio ave
* Note that the sign of the denslty-only coefficient is _Iven as positive; the den-
sity coefficient is negative, however, since the water density decreases with in-
creasing temperature

-78- HW-72606-RD

AssuminK that the resonance tnte_ te_perature dependence is not grossly

changed in the vet lattice and ueinK the vet lattice p va!ues , one obtains
o,'_,,.,,p _,{
" i k = -5x I0"_(_+ 273)'II_/_ (TS,C). (
* The integral of is plotted in F___re The average coefficient
over the _ 20 - 360 C Is -2.3 x 10 _/0.

6.2.4 _ratinB Reactor ,_erat_ ,,Ooe,


A separate descrlptl_ of the temperature coefficients in terms

more manin@ful to the operator of the reactor is given below. The temperature
coefficients are separated as follows:

a) H_O_,rator
__rstu_ O__c_nt related
_ to effect _r_uoedb_ a c_
graphite teEperatUre. Most usefully defined for coolant and fuel alzead_
at equilibrium temperatures.

b) WaterTe-- rature Coefflclent related only to the effect of a change in

et water tempera ure. Include8 effect of metal heatinK (Doppler) caused
by the rater temperature c_, the effects d_e to as_ density chazqps
associated vith the water temperature e_ and the neutron spectrum effects
associated vlth changing water temperature.

c) Power Coefficient related to effect of addAticoal fuel heating as reactor

is brought tO _0_er and effect of increasing the average water temperature
through the reactor - in other vords, the correspondAnK change in rater _ T.

Theoretical ifferentlal coefficients (MDFDA) are given in Table 6.2._.I for cold
and hot conditicu. C_ete curves are shown in Figures, 6.2._.1, 6.2._._
and 6._._.3.

Table 6.2._.1 ii ii

N Reactor Temperature Coefficients - rational

i ii iii _ Green _OO H_D/T
' Cold Hot Cold Hot

Moderator (ink/C) +O.105 +0.023 _O.10_ _.0_1

Water (_/C) -0.150 -0.150 -0.120 -0.130

eow_r(mk/_) -0.003 -0.003 -0.oo_6_ -o.oo_6_

The curves in Figure 6.2._.1 depict the reactivity behavlor with

coolant temperature which would be characteristic during a reactor startup. Under
zero power c_ndlti_ns the coolant inlet temperature is e%ual to the averse coolant
temperature. The curves in Figure 6.2._.2 are representative of the reactivity
effect of varyin_ the coolant inlet at full reactor power, and in this case the
average coolant temperature would be approximately the man of the in_et and out-
let tewmeratures_ the outlet being I05 C hotte_rtl_. theai_R
See Fi_ _ of-_g_" VOL_.

!I --


a plOtc.TOfof_he.ln__iRw
eoefflolent i_ntleal to


-8o- RW-76ZO6-_D

Figure 6.2.14..Iis a plot of the integral coolant temperature coefficient for zero
power an_ is identical to Figure C-5 of E_-71_08 VOL2.

-8z- N_-76206-RD

Figure is a plot of the iutegral coolant temperature coefficient for full
power and is identical to Figure C-6 of HW-71_08 VOL2.

-83- HW-72606-RD

6.3 Exposure-Dependent gffects

.._ The reactiyity ef_ts asso_._ted with exposure include the effects of
U_SS-depletlon, Pu_S_, Pu:_u ,,_=Pu:_A-for_ation, and fission product formation.
The net reactivity effect of U _-burnout and plutonium formation is positive
in spite of a less-than-one-for-one replacement of fissionable atoms by the
conversion p_ocess. Thin,increase resul_q_from the higher fission cross section
ahd neutron yield of Pu =a_ eomt_zed to U-_. The net exposure effect, including
fission products j is neptive, however. The following sections deal with the
various exposure-dependent effects on reactivity.

6.3.z (co )
The effects of plutonium formation_ U235-burnout an_ fission pro-
duct formation (other than xenon an_ samarium) are for present purposes combined
into one effect_ called the _. The lo_ term gain is given most
simply for the cold reactor, since it is usually convenient also to include exposure
effects in the temperature coefficients.

Based on observation of long-term reactivity effects in the present

Hanfor_ reactors, the cold lon8 tern effect lspositive in natural uranium fuel up
to an exposure of 550 NgD/T. In N Reactor, the hi_her fuel enrichment will tend
to decrease the long term gain,2but the harde r neutron spectrum will be a cceq_nsating
factor. Calcu_ions based on U O_-depletion a_ plutonium formation and assuming
an average cross section of 50 barns for fission products (other t_an xenon and
# samarium) _ indicate a c_ld, long term reactivity gain to an average exposure of
700 N_D/T of _ 2 x i0"_.

6.3.2 Xenon Poisoning

After a reactor startup, xenon _oisoning reaches its e%uilibrium

value after an incremental exposure of. 30 NgD/T (2.5 days.). After reactor shut-
down, the xenon poisaniDg initially increases_ dne to the decay of the precursor
iodine-135, then decreases and eventually decays A typical startup and
" shutdown xenon %ranslent is shown in Figure for an average i_el exposure

Of 7CK)
in Y _D/6T. 3.2._.
gure The_xposure dependence
_e equilibrium of the
xenon in Noperating
Reactor xenonbe poisotctn_
will worth 2.7 isto shown
_3.1_ _ k/k.

.Samarlum-l_9_olsonlng reaches an e_uillbrlum value of about
6,5 x 10-3 _ k/k at !00 NgD/T exposure. A_ter each reactor shutdown, the samarium ,.
poisoning increases due to the decay of its precursor promethlum-l_9. The equilll '
brium value _s regained by the time an additional exposure of i00 MMD/T Is reached
after each startup. The equilibrium samarium is shown in Figure _s a
' function of fuel exposure. The cold reactor samarium defect is 6.7 x 10-3 _ k/k.

6 3._ Neptunlum Holdup

Calculations of the reactivity _ai_s in a reactor due to plutonium

buildup usuall_ assume instantaneous formation of plutonium. The fact that the
formation of plutonium-239 is delayed through the 2.33 day, beta-decay of
neptunlum-239 makes it necessary to correct the calculated reactivity _ains.
This is most convenientl_ done by assigning a reactivity "loss" for the neptunium
Figure C-_ of _W-71,O_ V0I_. ._p.|_ir,P.
Figure C-9 of _w-71_o8VOL2.
. m

, , .

-84-- HW-76206-RD

Figure is a plot of the xenon transient an_ is identicalto Figure C-8
of HW-71h08 VOLe.



-85- XIW-76206,zR_, r"


Fi_re is a plot of Fission Product poisoning and neptunium holdup in N

Reactor and is identical to Figure C-9 of Hw-71o8 VOL2.
holdup effect. The neptunium holdup reactivity defect at equilibrium is a_out
x I0"_. The equilibrium neptunium holdup effect is shown in Figure
as a function of exposure.

6.3.5 Over-all Lo_ Term Reactivit_ Effects

For additional clarity, two set of curves are given of the total

. Neptunium holdup, samarium poisoning, other fission product poisoning,

burnout and plutonium buildup are all included. The exposure dependence of
xenon poisoni_ is included, but not the initial,_reen 3.1 per cent _k/k loss.
The curves give essentially the reactivity transient the reactor would experience
after a startup ant equilibrium xenon and temperature had been reached.
Figure is for a uniform exposure. Figure is for a "mixed" exposure -
that is exposures running uniformly from zero to goal. The abscissas in the
figures are to be interpreted as follows: in the uniform exposure case, the goal
exposure is equal to the pile-average exposure. In the mixed exposure case, the
pile-average exposure is assumed to be about half of the goal exposure. The

The hotmore .losely
pile, represents
over-all, the most
long term likely
effects ere charging andindischarging
also given Figures 63 5i
and thus indicating the exposure-dependence of the net temperature coeffi-

6.4 Over-all Reactivity Changes

The preceding discussion in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 enables an estimate of

the reaotlvity requirements and transients to be made. The estimated breakdown foz
the green reactor and the reactor with an average i_l exposure of 700 MWD/T are
shown in Table 6.4.1.

Table 6.4.1

.FuelExpos_ (Average)

o _m/_ 7oo_/_
Xenon "3.1_ -2.8%

(cold) 0 -0.6?
Neptunium (cold) 0 -0,38_

Long Term Gain (cold) 0 +0.2_

Temperature Coefficients

Do_ple_ -o._ -o._

coo_nt -_._ -_.3_
Moderator +2.8% +3.0%
k, Cold (Xenon-Free) 1.059 1.050

,__I_, coi(__o_ot -o._ -o_i,_

k, Equilibrium i.020 io021

*See FL_r_s c'IO and C-ll of HW-_IhO_ VOI2.

d I,

. t *

"_'IOA 90tTTL-_ jo OT-0 oa'_'l:_ oo,. TloT_.uopl: el: tVa'e

_e,zr_eo_o m.zoJ:'l:U'n
,zo,T _.uoTemJ,zo,.uLzoo,._ucTTTl-,=oxo o_o, ,To _.oT_ _ e'l: T'_'_'9 o.zn._ycT


-88- _-76Z06-_)

6.50_erational Reactivit_ Transients

The various temperature and exposure reactivity contributions have been
combined to determine typical reactor startup and shut down reactivity transients.

6.5 .I Reactor Startup Traulents

Typical reactor startup reactivity transients are shown in

Figure for the green reactor and the reactor with an average fuel exposure
of 700 MMD/T. The curves are for an "infinite"outage. The green, infinite-outage
startup transient should represe, t the most extensive case insofar as excess reac-
tivity is concerned during a startup,

The startup procedure assumes operation at ten per cent power

(_O0 MY) for the first two hours in order to bring the coolant inlet temperature
up to the design value of 185 C. Thus, the initial negative transient is due to
water and uranium heating. It is anticipated that the rise to full power will be
accosplished at a rate of about 100 _/min. Further uranium and coolant heating
plus graphite heating and xenon buildup contribute to the transient durig this
period. A peak power level, called turnar0Undj is reached approximately five hours
after startup. At this tim the full ten,stature effect has been attained, and
the reactivity loss beyond turnaround is due to further xenon buildup.

The infinite-outage stsrtup transient curves indicate that the maxi-

.nun excess reactivity during the startup and operation is the cold, xenon-free
reactivity. This differs from the present Hanford reactors where the "turnaround"
level for an infinite-0utage startup is higher than the initial cold, clean reac-
tivity level. "r

Even if the reactor were scrammed at "turnaround", the Im,aediate

reactivity effect associated with cooling down of the fuel an_ coolant would not
result in an excess reactivity beyond that for the cold reactor.

6.5.2 Norma! Shutdown _,ranslent

Typical reactivity shutdown _ransients are given in

Figure the rea_tor loaded with g_n fuel and fuel at an average
exposure of 600 MWD/T. The initial equilibrillm_eactivities shown are
those e_ected with 0.947 per cent enriched fuel -actually the reactivity
carried in control rods at equilibrium (equilibrium excess reactivity) will be
nearer one per cent, so the entire set curves can be moved down about one per
., cent. To be consistent with startup transient (Figure the reactivites
are shown as they are expected to be with the full 0.947 per cent enrichment.

The assumed power reduction in Figure is 2-1/2 per cent

a per minute. The initial small reactivity peak is due to the initial cooling
of the fuel and coolant. Following the initial rise in reactivity is a decrease
for about an hour as the graphite cools and xenon builds up. During this period
the primary coolant system pressure is reduced and the average coolant temperature
-- is held constant at about 338 F. Further cooling of the coolant and graphite
to shutdown temperature (100 F) and further xenon buildup produces the transient
shown between 1-1/2 hours and ten hours after starting down. After ten hours,
the xenon decay becomes predominant and the reactivity increases to the cold pile
valuesof 5.9 and 5.0 Per cent respectively for the green and ripe cases.

Figure 6_ 3.5.2 is a plot of the over-aJ._ long tenm transient for nLtxe_ exposures and
is identi_l to Fi_e C-11 of HW-TI_08 VOL2.

Figure is a saram tranelentan_ is i_entlcal to Figure C-13 in HW-71_08 VOL2,

-93- .NW-76206-RD

6.5.3 8cram Transient

If the reactor is shut down from equilibrium by the scramming

of the horizontal safety rods, the short-time behavior of the reactivity transient
depends on the strength of the rods inserted. Several scram transient curves are
given in Figure (See Figure C-13 of RW-71_08 V0L_). The rise following the
b initial reactivity decrease in each case is due to cooling of the fuel and coolant
The curves in Figure (unlike the other transient curves) are plotted in
terms of the reactivity of the reactor - that is the sum of the lattice reactivlty
and the reactivity effee% Of the ro_s. It is seen that nearly the full worth of
the rods is obtained at about I.3 seconds after _e time the master safety circuit
breaker operates.

6.6 Aeeidental...React!vity _a_S '

6.6.1 Loss-of-CooAan_
The N-Reactor lattice is fail-safe upon loss of coolant. That
is, the dry lattice is less reactive than the wet lattice. The primary loop _oola_t-
loss reactivity effects for the green and ripe reactor are glvq_ in Table 6.6.1.i.
The value for the cold, green reactor is an ex_rimental value'; the others are
theoretical values normalized to the experimental value.


_ma o_coo1_t_aQtlvlty
z_e_ (_/_)
con_tlon z_o Zx_os_re
coz_Lat_Zee -6.C_ -6._%
_otLattice -7,_ -7,3_
6.6._ _ttice yloodi_

The NPR has an undermoderated lattice, and as _ust discussed_ lo_s

of coolant _results in a reactivity loss. Ccnversely_ addition of more mo_era_.or

beenlattice maytheoretically_
result in a_crease
. In theinanalysis,
the The effect
was of core-flo_dir_
analyzed lattice progressively
floodmd with water in a favored (low thermal flux) position and the maximum reac-

frto he effect- The calculated maximum _k/k for flooding under various lattice
conditions are given in Table

Flooding Reactivity Effect (Maximum)

Condition (All for Green Fuel)

Cold Graphite, Hot Uranium and Water + 0.25%

Equilibrium Power + 2.2 %

<_ ++<>.++<,. //lll.,_l.
I ++?, _++_
%.? ,...
+++ + \+_ b
,,.. _
.<<" _++,+m
_y _...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm

1 2 3 4 5

i+ III1_

" +,++....+_.o..

-94- R_76206-F,D

6.6,3 ColdWaterReactivit_Effect +

The N lattice will gain reactivity when the density of the coolant
water is increased. This reactivity effect has been calculated to be a maximum
of 36 per cent in the hot reactor lattice at equilibrium power and for green
fuel25 . Values for other reactor conditions are given in Table 6.6.3oio


CO1d Water Reactivity Effects (,F_ximum)

Zero Power (Cold graphite, hot uranium and water) + 3.1%

E%uilibrium Power + 3.6%

7. Reactor Control

7ol Introduction

In contrast to previous Hanfor_ reactors, N Reactor has only one rod system,
combini_ safety a_ control functions. The rod system is horizontal. Because
of higher power levels, higher graphite temperatures and design flexibility charac-
teristics, all requiring additional control strength and+adjustability, more rods
are provided at N than at the older reactors a_, because of space limlts, the rods
will enter the reactor from both sides. Also, the recirculation or primary coolant_
at high temperatures and pressures, makes the use of temporary poison columns highly
in-_onvenientthereby creating an additional demand on control rod strength and flexi-
bility over previous reactors.

Th_ backup control system in the N Reactor is a vertical ball system.

This system is independent of the horizontal rod system and provides capacity to
control any credible operating or disaster reactivity situation.

72 Control Philosophy

The philosophy of reactor control and safety in the Hanford reactors

had its origin in the days of th_ Manhattan Project. The original philosophy
has satisfactorily stood the test of time and has carried on through the years
with few changes. It was only natural, then, that the initial thoughts with
respect to reactor control a_d +safetyfor the RPR followed closely the tradi-
tional Hanford philosophy.

-95- HW-76206 -RD

7.2.1 Operational Control Criteria

. The operational control system must meet the following requirements:

i. Adequate strength to maintain the reactor subcritical under all normal operating
and shutdown conditions.

2. AdJmtment at rates fast enoug_ to override all normal, operational reactivity

transients and to minimize delays at startup. However, the system must be
limited to its withdrawal rate to that rate which_ in coincidence with simultan-
eous failure of the Primary Safety System, would not result in fuel melting.

3. Precision positioning and movement to permit establishing and maintaining the

reactor power level within desired limits.

4. Adequacy of geometrical coverage and flexibility to permit attaining adequate

power-flattening efficiencies and satisfactory control over spatial power cycl-

7.2.2 Safety Control Criteria

-- . , , i,.,i

There must be two safety control systems. One of the systemsj

depending on the nature of the accident , is to provide the primary protection;
the other, then, will function as a backup. The safety control systems must
meet the following requirements:

l) Both primary and backup system must have adequate strength to

maintain the reactor subcritical for all credible _ accidents at least until the reac-
tor is damaged beyond repair as a result of the causative accident. Beyond this
point the inserted safety control system or systems are required to maintain control
only to the extent that the consequences of the incident are no worse than those
which would result from the causative accident alone.

2) The primary system must have speed of control insertion adequate

to (a) limit a power excursion from credible accidents which would in themselves
result in damage, (loss of coolant, for example,) to one of a magnitude such that
the ultimate consequences of the excursio_ are no worse than those which would have
resulted from the causative accident alone, or (b) limit a power excursion from other
credible accidents (such as fast rod withdrawal)to one of a magnitude such that no
damagebeTond mild fuel stressing will result.

The backup system must satisfy criterion (2) except it is required

. to prevent fuel melting instead of fuel damage.

7.2.3 Backup Philosophy

- The purpose of a backup safety system is to provide safety pro-

tection in theevent of a failure in the primary system. There shall be no
intent in design to permit the removal of one _r part of one of the safety systems
from service on the premise that the backup system is in service and will act if

*--'_-_ble accidents exclude acts-of-war, sabotage, and large falling obJectsi

earthquakes which are severe enough to prohibit entry of poison from both
safety systems are also considered incredible.

-96- BW-76206'RD

Each safety system must back up the other system for as many failure
and accident conditions as possible. There may be certain accidents, such as a
@ severe earthquake, in which one system is disabled, rendering it useless in either
a primary or backup ca_aclty. Therefore, the two systems shall be different in
design, if possible, to reduce the probability of both systems being disabled by
one accident.

Both safety systems shall be activated by automatic trips as well

as by manual trips. The two safety systems shall have independent drives. It
is desirable that they also take their activating signals from independent
circuits_ If common sensors or common circuits are used in the two safety systems,
the reliability of these common elements must be high enough to yield an operatlonal
fault rate which is commensurate with that obtainable under s wholly-independent

The _egree to which the control systems meet these criteria is dis-
cussed in later portions of this section.

73 Horizontal Control Rods

__ , ,

The worth of individual control rode and the strength of the entire HCR
system in N Reactor will only be known accurately after reactor startup tests have
been completed. However, laboratory measurements of the N ro_ system in various
configurations and theoretical calculations of the rod strengths have been rondel2,24

7.3.1 Control Strengths

The experimental determixmtions for the N Reactor control strengths

consisted of determining the cold-reactor, control effectiveness of a single rod and
of six rods arranged in the proper spacing in an exponential pile. Using the same
theoretical methods which were used to calculate the control strengths in the N
Reactor, itself, the exponential pile results were correlated with theory. The
observed relationship between calculated and experimental values in the exponential
pile was then used to establish most probable values for the control strengths in
N Reactor under various operating conditions. The results of this normalization
are listed in Table 7.B.l. The calculations are described in Reference 26.

The local control strengths of the control rods included in the

table are defined as the change in buckling of a region with a cross sectional
area of 1150 in.2 (32 in. x 36 in.). The migration areas listed _re_those used
to derive the reactivity effect by the relationship _k/k = _B2M _. The full-
.. pile strengths are lower than the local strengths due to incomplete coverage of the
reactor core with control rods. The lower values in each case represent an extrapola-
tion from the six-rod exponential measurement, whereas the higher values are derived
from the single-rod exponential measurement. The difference is probably due to
the difficulty in exactly duplicating boundary conditions in calculating the effect
in the reactor; the true value probably lies nearer to the lower value.
-97- IIw-762o6RD

Table 7.3.1

J Most Probable_ontrol Strengths

(Horizo-ntalRo_ )
Local Control _,I_ _eact.nrStrength
Strength (a ) __ Probable_ a) Theoretical
Reactor Condition _B_(_b) - AB_ _AbMst M-'io
Cold Reactor 170-213 120-133 640 7.7-8.5 7.0-8.3 td)

Hot Reactor 165-205 118-131 710 8._-9.3 7.7-9.1

Cold Reactor Flooded (b) 205-245 131-140 409 5.4-5.7 5.1-5.6

Hot Reactor Flooded(b) 200-238 130-138 479 6.2-6.6 5.9-6.5

Hot Reactor-Cold Water 170-213 120-133 647 7.8-8.6 7.1-8.4

Maximum Accident( c) 205-245 131-140 416 5.4-5.8 5.2-5,7

(a) Lower value represents extrapolati0n from six--rodexponential pile measurements;

higher value from single-ro_ exponential pile measurement.

(b) Flooded to extent that maximum reactivity is achieved. Rod strengths (full zeactor
_ill continue to decrease beyond "opt_aaum"floo_ing but poisoning due to water
exceeds the loss in control strength _._yondpoint of optimum floodin6.

(c) Optimum floodi_ combined with cold water injection in hot reactor.

(d) Lower value calculated with streaming __orrectionon neutron free path; higher
value with no streaming correction.

7.3.2 Maximum Worth of Single Rods or Gr_oupsof Rods

One-dimensional, three-group d/ffusion theory calculations

have _sen made to determine the worst flux distortion under which rods may be with-
dmawn . Two separate cases were studied. In each case, all rods were assumed
inserted except for a single bank of rods (in N Reactor there are ii rod banks)o
Withdrawing an entire center bank (nine rods) woul.dresult in an increase of about
three per cent _ k/k. Withdrawal of an entire outermost rod bane (six rods)
would result in an increase of 2.5_ _ k/K. Withdrawing two adjacent banks
,, theoretically could result in reactivity increases of six per cent ami _.3 per cent
for central and outer rods, respectively. With normal hydraulic system action,
the maximum reactivity withdrawal rate is 4 per cent per minute which corresponds
to pulling two adjacent outer rod banes (12 rods) at the maximum rate.

7.3.3 Struck Rod Limit

In order to determine a failed (or stuck, or OFF) rod limit,

it is necessary to first define the maximum reactivity condition which the rod
system alone is expected to control. This is defined as the condition attained
either under ho_ graphite, xenon-free, optimum-flooded conditions,,or under ho_
graphite, xenon-free, cold-water-injection conditions, but not both.

-98- HW-76206-RD

The calculation of a failed-rod limit was simplified by

conservatively assuming that the failed rods were centrally located, adjacent to each
J other, and in the region of maximum flux. A one-energy group, multiregional buckling
calculation was used to determine the lattice material buckling at which the reactor
would be Just-critical with various numbers of rods out of service. It was found
that three adjacent rods could be removed from service while maintaining the reactor
subcritical under either accident assumption. The failed-rod limit, has, therefore,
been set at three. If four or more rode fail to reach their 75 per cent limit
switch within 1.5 seconds after a safety circuit trip, these failed rods are backed
up by an automatic drop of balls in the rows in front of and behind each failed

74 Ball SX System

7.4.1 Control Strengths

Exponential pile measurements and calculations have been performed

to determine the strength of the Ball (3X) _fety System using techniques similar
to those used for determining rod strengthsrv The results are given in Table 7,_I.

, ,_ 7.4.1 |

Most Probable Control Strengths

Local Control Full Reactor Strengtha

Stre_th a
Reactor Condition
,, ,, _B_b) Z_B2_b ) M2(cm 2) _k/k(%)

Cold Reactor 117-138 i04-120 6_0 6.7-7.7

Hot Reactor 108-132 96-116 710 6.8-8.2

Cold Reactor Floodedb 14_-165 125-140 409 5.1-5.7

Hot Reactor Floodedb 135-159 118-135 479 5.6-6.5

Hot Reactor Cold Water I17-138 104-120 647 6.7-7.8

Maximum Accidentc 144-165 125-140 416 5.2-5.8

,,, _'Lower value-represents extrapolation from six-channel exponential pile measure-

ment; higher value from single-channel exponential pile measurement.
b Flooded to extent that maximum reactivity is achieved.
c Optimum flooding combined with cold water injection in hot reactor.

7o4.2 Inoperable Ball Column Limit

An "out-of-service Ball 3X hopper limit" has been determined in the

same way as the failed-rod limit. A total of four ball hoppers may be locked
out while still maintaining Ball (3X) Safety System Capacity to drive the reactor
subcrltlcal under either the cold water or flooding accident conditions.

p o

-99- HW-76206-RD

7.5 Total Control Cons_i_erations

The operational control criteria and part of the safety control criteria
are re-state_ents of the Hanford Total Control Criterion. As far as the operational
control criteria are concerned, the horizontal control rods have adequate strength
in the operating reactor (minimum of 7.7 per cent _k/k cold) to control any fore-
seeable transient. The cold, clean, green reactivity with 0.947 per cent enriched
fuel is 5.9 per cent. For ripe fuel, the cold, clean reactivity is 5.0 per cent.
Thus, the cold reactor shutdown margin with the control rods is at _ minimum
1.8 per cent _ k/k. Actually, the reactor fully enriched with 0.947 per cent U 235
fuel is expected to have an excess reactivity at equilibrium about one per cent
higher than needed (if the temperature coefficients are correct), and an effective
enrichment reduction by the use of natural uranium columns will then be e_ployed
which will reduce the cold excess reactivity of 4.9 per cent. This would serve
toincrease further the shutdown margin. _

The more restrictive criterion is the one dealing with adequacy of control
over various accident conditions. The first safety control criterion states that
either control system must be able to maintain the reactor subcritical for all
credible accidents*.

The shutdown margins for both the horizontal rod and Ball 3X systems
for a number of reactivity slates are given in Tables 7.5-i and 7.5.2.

It is seen that either safety system is able to maintain the reactor sub-
critical under all credible conditions. A simultaneous cold water accident and
optim_n flooding incident resulting in a five per cent increase in reactivity (which
is considered incredible) would result in a reactivity state outside of the strength
of the horizontal rods. However, assuming a Just-critical state prior to the _ostu-
lated accident_ the shutdown margin of the Ball 3X system would be positive even
for this accident.

7.6 Speed-of-Control Considerations

The second safety control criterion is a restatement of the Hanford Speed-

of-Control Criterion. Since the water-loss accident in N Reactor does not result in
a rapid increase in reactivity as is the case in the present reactors, the accident

The qualifying clause "at least until the reactor is damaged beyond repair, etco" is
included to make it unnecessary to maiLtain subcriticality beyon_ the point when
the consequences of the accident would not be increased significantly even if the reac-
_" t or di_ go supercritical. Such is the case in the present Eanford reactors for _he
water-loss accident. When the reactor has heated sufficiently from fission product
decay heat to render it no longer possible to re-establish cooling, there is no
real point in being concerned about a delayed-critical state since a meltdown is
inevitable. Going supercritical would only hasten the meltdown with no significant
increase in fission product inventory or fission product release probability. The
situation at the N Reactor is slightly more complicated. Even if flow cannot be
re-establlshed in the process tubes, accident severity is minimized by operation of
the moderator cooling system. Supercriticality durin6 operation Of this syst_ would
increase severity Of consequences.

-too- 762o6-

Shutdown Margin - Horizontal ROdLsystem

Excess Lattice Minimum Probable Shutdo_

Reactor Condition Reactivity _ a Rod Strength %_ Margin_

Cold, Clean, Green 4.9 7.7 2.8

Hot (Turnaround)c 3.3 8.4 5.1

Hot (Turnaround)c 6.9 7.8 0.9

Plus Cold Water
Hot (lXarnaround) c 5.5 6.2 0.7
Plus Flooding
Hot (Equilibrium) 1.0 8.4 7.4

Hot (Equilibrium) 4.6 7.8 32

Plus Cold Water
Hot (Equilibrium) 3.2 6.2 30
Plus Flooding

a'""AdJu'sted to give one-'_r cent excess reactivity at equilibrium.

b Assuming no other control poison in the reactor.
c Ripe - 700 MWD/T average exposure.

Excess Minimum Pro_able Shutdown
Reacto r Condition Reactivity _a Bal!3 X Strength (_
Cold, Clean, Green 4.9c 6.7 i_8

Hot (Turnaround) 0d 6.8 6.8

Hot (Turnaround) 3.6d 6.7 3ol
Plus Cold War,z"
Hot (Turnaround) 2.2 d 5.6 3.4
Plus Flooding
, Hot (Equilibrium) 0d 6.8 6.8

Hot (Equilibrium) 3.6d 6.7 3.1

Plus Cold Water
Hot (Equilibrium) 2.2d 5.6 3.4
Plus Flooding
Hot (Scram Recovery) 5.1e 6.8 lo7

a Adjusted to give ,j one per cent excess reactivity at equilibrium.

b Assuming no shadowing due to control rodsalready inserted. Assuming no rods
already inserted are ejected.
c Lattice excess reactivity. No control rods or other poisons inserted.
d Pile excess reactivity. Sufficient control rods in reactor to maintain reactor
Just critical at equilibrium or turnaround.
e Assumes all horizontal rods are withdrawn to make a scram recovery, reactor is
scrammed with Ball 3X and cools to xenon-free state.
-lOl- HW-76206-RD

governing the response of the safety systems is one associated with rod-withdrawalo
Since the horizontal rods combine both operational and safety functions, the
limitation on withdrawal rate specified in the operational control criteria can
also be included in this discussion.

There are two degrees of accidents involved and the allowable consequences
differ for each. Firstly, there is the case where the control rods are withdrawn
so as to result in the maximum possible reactivity ramp and the reactor is auto-
matically shut down by a safety rod scram (primary system). In this case,
the speed of shutdown should be fast enough to limit any damage to _id fuel
stressing only- definitely no boiling or fuel melting should occur. This may
at first appear to be a much more demanding requirement on the primary safety
system than is required in the older Hanford reactors. However, the possible
reactivity insertion rates (poison withdrawal rates) in N Reactor are so much
smaller than that possible from COOlant loss in the older reactors that a "no-boil-
ing criterion actually is less restrictive than the no-melting criterion in effect
in the speed-of-control interpretation in the present reactors. (As will be seen
later, the major factor in this result is the strongly-negative prompt temperature
coefficient in the I_PR).

Secondly, there is the case where the control rods are withdrawn at their
maximum rate (or reactivity is added by some other means - cold water accident,
for examp1'_)and the primary safety system (safety rods) fail to enter the reactor
This is a more improbable accident (two failures or accidents are required)j and
the requirement that the backup system response must meet is set at no fuel
melting. No fuel meltin_ in this case means no uranium melting.

In order to assess the de_ee to which the safety systems meet both these
speed-of-control requirements, it is first necessary to consider the sources and mag-
nitudes of the reactor excursions. Then, particular excursions are exanLined_o
determine whether the criteria are indeed satisfied.

7.6.1 Reactivity Sources

The principal accidental sources of positive reactivity are i) core

floo_in6, 2) cold water insertion during equilibrium reactor operation and 3) exces-
sive control rod withdrawal rates. There are two types of failures or errors which
must be considered in any discussion on withdrawal of control rods. The two f_ilures
or errors are I) increased rod withdrawal speeds due to inadverten_ admission of air
or gas into the hydraulic systems, and 2) steeper ramps resulting from maxim1_n
strength rods being involved in the rod withdrawal.

* From a reactor efficiency standpoint, any power transient should not stress the
fuel elements to the point where a rupture rash would occur. Procedural rod
withdrawal rates will be less than these maximumly possible and will undoubtedly
be governed by fuel rupture considerations.

-102- HW-76206-ED Control
,, Rod Withdrawal

The control system is designed so the maximum rate at which

horizontal control rods can be withdrawn depends on the pumping capacity of the
oil pumps serving the rod hydraulic systems. The possibility of air or some other
gas leaking into the hydraulic lines has been considered since rod speeds could
be increased by the presence of gas in the hydraulic _ystem. The maximum reactivity
ramp due to such a failure in the hydraulic system is believed to be 0.04 per cent
per second. This compares to the 0.025 per cent per second maximum ramp for a nor-
really-workinghydraulic system.

The situation in which the particular rods chosen to be

withdrawn together are the maximum-worth rods will also result in a reactivity
ramp larger than 0.025 per cent per second. If the twelve rods in one end
of the reactor (rear or front) were ganged together and withdrawn at the m_imum
speed _assuming normal operation of the hydraulic system) the reactivity ramp would
be 0.062 per cent per second. Such a ganging will be prohibited by mandatory Procese
Standards and the occurrence is very unlikely. After operating experience is gained,
the control rods will probably be grouped in permanent gangs and thus the flexibility
of unlimited combination will only exist during the initial operating period of the
reactor. Any permanent ganging of control rods before startup is considered unwise
since the best control rod patterns can only be determined after some reactor opera-
tion has been achieved.

Assuming a combination of the two circumstances, both hydraulic

system failure (gas in the lines) and a withdrawal of the strongest rods at one time
at full speed, would result in an average ramp of 0.i0 per cent _k/k per secon_
This ramp is only half of that currently possible in the present Hanford reactors
from the simultaneous withdrawal of all vertical safety rods at their maximum speed. Cold Water Addition

The time when cold water addition would produce a maxinnun

reactivity increase is when the reactor is at equilibrium. The s_erage coolan_ _en-
sity at operating conditions is about 0.82 _m/cm3 and the average temperature is
about 230 C. An increase to near unity density and near river temperature in the
coolant by the substitution of cold emergency cooling water will produce a theore_
tical full-pile reactivity increase of about 3.6 per cent._p

Results of de_ai_edstudies on how fast cold water can be

injected into the reactor have shown that in the case of a primary coolant system
dump, cold raw water may start to reach the reactor in approximately 30 seconds
and may fill all coolant channels in an additional 30 seconds. Thus, the
reactivity ramp during the time cold water is replacing the normal coolant in the
reactor is about 0.12_per cent per second. Core Flooding

The rupture of a process tube during reactor opeation will

admit high temperature water into the graphite stack. If it is assumed that the
water does not flash to steam but remains in a aaturated state at low pressure in
the hot stack and collects in the graphite in such a manner that the maximum

-103- HW-76206--RD

reactivity effect is ache.eyed (around lOto 15 per cent of the available voids filled
--those close_ to the process tubes), an increase in reactivity of 2_2 per cent
is calculated__ The rate at which water could fill the stack to this amount from
a single process tube leak (assuming a critical flow rate of 200 pounds/second*)
is about 150 seconds. Thus, the average reactivity ramp_om such a break would be
about 0.015 per cent per second. A faster addition of water to the stack could
only come from a multiple tube break which is considered highly improbable. Summary of Reactivity Ramps

For convenience a graphic summary of the possible positive

reactivity ramps is shown in Figure 7.6.1._. (See Figure A-1 of HW-71408 VOL2).

7.6.2 Excursion With Scr_am

The safety philosophy requires that the primary safety control system
have a response which is fast enough to limit any credible power excursion to one
of a magnitude such that no damage beyond mild fuel stressing will result. Since
the magnitudes of the credible reactivity ramps in N Reactor are considerably smaller
than in the older Hanford reactors, speed of control in N Reactor is not so severe
a problem as it is in the present reactors. Nevertheless, the scram speed of the
horizontal rods is very high; the rodereach 90 per cent effectiveness from their.
full-out position in about 1.2 seconds. A plot of the reactivity characteristic
curve for the horizontal safety rods _ given in Figure (See Figure A-2
of HW-71408 VOL2). The initial delay includes instrument and circuit delays as ,_ell
as the time required for the rods to enter the active zone of the reactor from their
full-out position.

To test the meeting of the criterion on primary safety system

response, reactor kinetic calculations have been made under a variety of assumptions
The scram response of the horizontal rods is shown to be more than adequate to shut
down the reactor from any credible excursion before any boiling occurs. A plot of
a startup excursion due to a reactivity ramp of O.lO per cent per second (_vhichis
equivalent to the maximum reactivity insertion rate due to rod withdrawal) is _.hownin
Figure Figure A-3 of HW-71408 VOL2). As shown, the excursion is
characterized by a sharp initial peak which, in this case, is turned around at about
26,000 _ (reactor power) by the combined action of the scram rods and the negative
temperature coefficients. The scram signal is assumed to be given by the high-
level neutron flux monitor (set to initiate a trip at 4400 MN, llO per cent of equil-
ibrium level**)_ The scram rods continue to drive the power and temperatures down
as sho_n in the figure. The #oak fuel temperature is 383 F and the outlet coolant
temperature peaks well belcw 300 F. Half-coolant flow is assumed in the startup
excursion calculations; the loop wrestlersis RO0 Dsia and the reactor is initially
4_3 per cent _ k/k subcritical. At the startup pressure of 300 ps_a boiling ,._ould
begin at 410 F.

[_nii30 ponds is liquid water.

_* _is _,ould_e the last nuclear trip in the safety circuit. In other words, the
calculation has assumed that all lower period, power-rate and level trips failed.


-104- HW-76206-RD

Figure is a graphical summary of N-Reactor reactivity ramps and is same

as Figure A-I of HW-71408 VOL2.

-io5- Hw-76206 -RD

Figure 7.6.2,1 is a plot of the Scram rod characteristic and is identical to

Figure A-2 of HW-71408 VOL2.

-i06- ITW-76206-RD

Figure 7622 is a plot of a startuD excursion with normal HSR scram and is identi-
cal to Figure A-3 of HW-71408 voL2.

. ,

-107- HW-76206-RD

Figure (See Figure A-4 of HW-71408 VOL2) illustrates the

case in which the excursion is assumed to occur at equilibrium level. The assumed
j reactivity ramp rate in this case is 0.05 per cent per second, which corresponds to
control rod withdrawal in excess of the simultaneous movement of the maximum number
of control rods together with gas in each hydraulic system so that the rods come out
faster than normal. A balanced-flux is assumed, however. The power variation in
Figure is that for a nominal central tube operating initially at 4400 kw.
The temperature increases are mild even though there is about a ten per cent increase
in tube power. Boiling would occur at an outlet temperature of about 585 F.

It is conceivable, but highly impro_able, that the Primary Safety

System (horizontal rods) would fail and the excursion would have to be terminated
by the Ball (3X) Safety System. The Ball 3X system is required to be able to
shut down the reactor from any credible excursion before fuel melting occurs.

Tests using actual hoppers have indicated that the Ball 3X insertion
rate is about 7.84 ib/second. The mechanical construction of the hoppers and entry
valves determines the release rate; furthermore, the time required to fill the
ball channels is longer than formerly expected due to the time required to fill the
exit piping. The full-pile reactivity effect of Ball 3X insertion is, therefore,
first characterized by an initial poisoning effect (about 30 per cent of the total
Ball 3X system worth) due to the "grey" streams of falling balls during the period
of filling the exit piping. This is followed by a gradually-increasing poisoning
effect as the columns fill up. About 50 seconds are required to achieve the full
effectiveness of the Ball 3]{poisoning. A plot of the expected scram characteristic
curve of the Ball 3X system is given in Figure (See Figure A-5, HW-71408
The kinetic calculations show that in spite of the slow-acting
nature of the Ball 3X system, the initial partial poisoning effect is strong enough
to adequately shut down the reactor from any credible excursion if the primary system
fails. A 1.5 second time from a IX trip has been assumed for the circuitry of the
Ball 3X system to sense failure of the rods to scram properly. The results of the
calculations are shown in Figures and (See Figures A-6 and A-7 of
HW-71408 VOL2). It is seen that peak fuel temperature achieved in the equilibrium
excursion case is about 680 F. In fact, the outlet coolant temperature is held
about i0 F below the boiling point (585 F). Thus no fuel melting is fairly well
assured for this case. The fact that the assumptions made are for the most part
extremely conservative adds weight to this conclusion.
-io8- Bw-76206..-_

Figure 7_6_2o3 is s plot of an excursion during equilibrium with normal HSR scr_
identical to Figure A-4 of HW-7]._08VOL2

Figure 76.2.4 is a _lot of the characteristic scram curve of the Ball 3X system and
is same as Figure A-5 of H_.T-71408 VOL2.
Figure ?.6.2.5 is a plot of a startup excursion with Ball 3X scram identio_i _
Figure A-6 of _-71_08 VOId.

Figure 7_6_2,6 is a plot of am equilibriumexcursionwith Ball 3X scram and i_ "Ldentical
to Figure A-7 of HW-71hO8 VOle.
-ll2- HW-76206-RD

The major reason the relatively slow-acting Ball 3X system has

time to adequately shut down the reactor is that the reactor, itself, has a power-
ful 'shutdownmechanism, the prompt negative fuel and coolant temperature coeffic_nts_
Thus, as soon as the reactor enters the significant power-pr_iucing range in the
excursion, the reactivity-damping effects due to fuel and coolant heating are suf-
ficient in themselves to prevent a runaway power excursion. Therefore time is pro-
vided during a subsequent, slower-acting, potential excursion resulting from a
continuation of the ramp (combined with reactor heating) to permit the entry of
Ball 3X balls and the term/nation of the power rise before boiling occurs.
Figure case_ clearly illustrates this behavior. The initial
excursion is turned around solely by the prompt temperature coefficients.

7.7 Ultimate Shutdown Mechanism

Figures 7.7.1and 7.7.2(See Figures A-8 and A-9 of HW-71408 VOL2)illustrate

the consequences of a nuclear excursion with fa_ilureof both automatic scram systems.
The ultimate shutdown mechanism (if the reactor is not _-'_lly scras_ed) in this
case is the negative void coefficient after boiling commences. Whether there would
be alternate boiling and con:lensationin the post-boiling period is not Enown _ addi-
tional studies including two-phase flow and heat transfer considerations srenecassary.
However, eventual loss of all coolant (with all controls out of the reactor) and
continued heating of the reactor should result in a Just-critical reactor (basel on
conservative calculations) at the melting point of zirconium, 1900 C. Eventual
flow of molten fuel into the graphite will render the reactor permanently subcritical_

It is reassuring that a simultaneous failure of all automatic shutdown devices

during a maximum startup excursion leaves about 15 seconds after the initial power
turnaround by the temperature coefficients to manually scram the reactor, before boil-
ing commences.

7.8 Reactor Kinetics

w_ _

The non-equilibrium, short-time behavior of the reactor is described by

the conventional reactor kinetics equations

+ i Ci , (7.8,1)
Figure 7.7.1 is a plot of a startup excursion with no scram. Same as Figure A-8
of HW-71408VOLe.


Figure 7.7_2 is a plot of an eq_iilibrium
excursionwithout scram. Same as Figure A9
of w-714o8 VOL2.
-_5- BW-76ZO6-aD


N = neutrondenslty, ,

Ci - concentration of delayed neutron precursor, group i,

pi " fraction of delayed neutrons in group i

k= _. keff- I,

- mean neutron lifetime r ,

_i " decay constant of delayed neutron precursor, group i, and

" Table 7.8.1 gives the various conetants for several:;:, _

" reactor conditions.

The delay1__neutron fraction is .693 for green fuel. The _action deereases
with exposure (Pu _ has a smaller delayed neutron fraction than U_) in the manner
shown in Figure 7.8.1. The reactor period in seconds is plotted in Figure 7.8.2
as a function of [ k for green and 2000 NgD/T l%ael.

In the solution of the reactor kinetics eq_aticms for short term transients
there are two prompt reactivity feedback effecte. These are related to the uranium
sad coolant temperature coefficients. Xenon variation and g;a_bite heating have
too long a time constant to affect the short-tlme kinetics calclatioma.

The temperature equatione can be written for sim@le-l_ase flow.


where ,
Tm = fuel temperature_ _,

Tin " inlet coolant temperature, C,

" Q = tu_e power, kw, anA

Tw -.average coolant temperature, C.

, ..

-ll8- HW-76206-RD

The constants KI, I(2,etc. include heat transfer coefficients, spe_ic

heats, flow rates, etc. The numerical values are given below for N Reactor._

Half-Flow Full-Flow
(s zquillbri )
K1 @01731 _01731

Kz 0.7898 0.7898
K3 0.6985 0.6985

K4 0.7353 ' i._705

Instrumentation trips and shut down rod functions are also necessary in the kinetic
calculations as are any reactivity effects associated with the accident - ramp rate,

The prompt neutron lifetime in N Reactor is ab.out half that in a conventional

graphite moderated reactor. The value is _ 5._ x 10 _ second. _

7.9 Xenon Oscilla_ons

The combination of a large core (in comparison to the neutron migration dis-
tance) an_ the relatively high power density in N Reactor results in a complication
in the dynamic behavior of the reactor which is associated with the formation and
destruction of xenon.

Xenon instability can persist only above a threshold flux which depends both
on the size of the reactor and the flux distribution in the reactor_ The over-all
temperature coefficient also influences the oscillatory tendency; a negative over-all
coefficient raises the threshold flux whereas a positive coefficient has the opposite
effect - thus acting as an add/tienal driving agent for the oscillation.

A coml_rison of parameters end characteristics which are important in the

assessment o_ xenon instabilStv is given in Table 7.9.1 for both N Reactor end _he
K Reactors. The information in the _able is for a radial oscillation of the fil-st
mo,lewhich is the most prevalent mode in the Hanford reactors -- i .e., has _he
lowest threshold.* The threshold fluxes are given for two degrees of radial
flattening efficiency; the zero per cent flattening efficiency corresponds to the
unflattened radial distribution whereas the 80 per cent flattening efficiency is
representative of radial flattening efficiencles in the Hanford reactors.

The parameter "A" listed in the table is a measure of the severity of the
disturbance_ It is the ratio of the peak local power obtained in a free oscilla-
tion to the minimum local power. Amplitude ratios of the magnitudes indicated have
never been obtained in a_y of the Hanfor_ reactors chiefly because the cycling perlols
are long (on the order of 25-30 hours) thereby allowing adequate time to either damp
out the oscillation by proper control action or to shut down the reactor if control
action is not successful.

* Due to the increase lensth of N Reactor, the threshold for axial oscillation is
also attainable assumin@ a zero, net temperature coefficient (See Table 7.9.1).

-120- HW-76206-_

The information in Table 7.9.1 can be su_narized by asying that N Reactor

should experience a considerably smaller tendency towards xenon-instability than
- do the K Reactors. Furthermore, the much more flexible control system in N Reactor
_ill make oscillation-control much easier. N Reactor, by virtue of its net
negative over-alltem_erature _oefficient, _ill te_d to self-damp oscillations if
they start. The threshold _luxes given in the table are computed for a zero tem-
perature coefficient. The net positive temperature coefficient in the K Reactors
will therefore lower the threshold quoted in these reactors.

The chief factors then contributing to N Reactor'fe better stability against

xenon oscillation_e as follows:

1) The ratio of equilibrium flux to threshold flux is low compared to

the K Reactors.

2) The net temperature coefficient is slightly negative.

3) Greater control flexibility exists: 87 control rods in N Reactor

compared to 20 in the K Reactor.

Parameters I_po_rtant to Radial Xeno n Instability a

ACon_ariso n Between N and K Reactors
ill iii jlllll

Parameter K N

Average Thermal Flux at 4000 Mwb 3.3 x 1013 2.8 x 1013

Equilibrium Xenon 2.6 per cent 3.0 Per cent

Threshold Flux (0 Per cent flattenlng) 2.2 x 1013 4.l_x 1013

Threshold Flux (30 Per cent flattening) 9.5 x 1012_ , i.4 x 1013

A (0 l_r cent flattening) _ 6 1

A (80 per cent flattening) 20 i0

Migration Area, M2 600 cm 650 cm2

Reactor Length H 946 cm 1160 cm

a For typical operating flattening efficiencies, the axial oscillations are also
attainable in N-Reactor. For example, for a 20 per cent axial flattenin_
efficiency, the threshold flux for axial oscillations is 2.1 x 1013 n/cm_-sec
and the value of A is 5.
b Conventional flux in fuel, averaged over the reactor.

The only factor acting to increase the cycling tendency is the greater
length of N Reactor as compared to the K Reactors.


-_- Hw-762o6-_ j-

7.10 System Stability

" The detail.

considerable dynamic _r%_ce of the N-Reactor system has been analyzed in

_ The most significant aspect of the reactor is that it is relatively fast

compared to the total loop. The time constants of the i_el element and coolant
transport time through the reactor are on the order of one and one-half secondes
whereas the total coolant transport time is 60 seconds and the effective time
constantof the heat exchanseris 20 seconds, l_Arthermore,
thereis a very tight
loop in the reactor kinetics in the form of the two promp%, negative, temperature-
coefficient feedbacks fr_n the coolant water and fuel. These two coefficients pro-
duce a power coefficient of reactivity of -2.6 x lO"g per Mw.

The relatively slow driving functions which can be applied to the reactor
through primary coolant temperature cha_es are followed almost exactly by the
reactor. In responding to changes in reactor coolant inlet temperature, the com-
bination of the fuel and coolant temperature coefficients of reactivity is such
that changes in inlet temperature are attenuated to approximately one-third their
value, and appear at the reactor outlet with the opposite sign.

The significant feature of the heat exchan@er is that, at rated power opera-
tion, any changes in inlet temperature are attenuated by approximately a factor of
four when they al_ar at the primary coolant outlet of the heat exchanger. The
transport time through the primary side of the heat exchanger is _hree seconds. There-
fore, with a heat exchanger time constant of 20 seconds, it is found that changes
in the inlet temperature to the heat exchanger appear much more rapidly at the out-
let than do changes in secondary steam flow. In the control of the heat exchanger,
it is found that the time constant of the steam flow valve will be an important
parameter in the control loop.

The analysis also showed that there can be changes in reactor power level
(d_e to various system disturbances) some of which will be of a transient nature
and others which will maintain a stead_ state deviation from .the nom4nA1 value.
The analysis indicated that operator action to bring the power level back to its
original level will be relatively unimportant in the over-all performance of the
primary loop. The main feature of operation noted is that if there is a power
disturbance, the action of the operator would tend to bring the power back to the
nominal value immediately, whereas, in the case of no operator action, there
will be a delay for the temperature effects to get around the loop and bring the
power level back to the operating value. From the limited amount of work done
to date on the effect of operator action on over-ell loop performance, it al_pears
that there are no detrimental effects of normal operator action on the over-all
loop performance.

8. criticallty
The enrichment level of N-Reactor fuel elements is high enough so that a critical
condition can be obtained with light water as a moderator. Since irradiated fuel
elements are stored under water, and since flooding of other storage areas can never
be absolutely ruled out as an incredible event, care in the storage configurations
and amounts nmst be exercised to prevent inadvertant attainments of critical masses.

-122- HW-76206-RD

8ol Criteria for Safe Storage


Procedures and safesuards which have proven successful in preventing the

attainment of critical =asses with enriched fuel in the older Hanford reactors
have been based on the following criteria.

I) The han_Lling,shipping and storage of uuirradiated, enriched urania shall

be such that both an error or accident in the ph_slcal arrangement or =ass
of fuel and w_ inundation is required to achieve a critical =ass.

2) The handling, shipping an_ storage of irradiated fuel (where han1ing,

shipping an_ storage under water is required for cooling and radiation pro-
tection) shall be such that a critical arrangement is prohibited by physical
means in every situation possible and by procedures in only those situations
not subject to prevention by physical means.

3) In cases where control over co_Lfi_ration or shape is no_ possible_ the allowed
=ass or volume of enriched uranium will be 2/3 of the value for the uranium-to-
wate"---rvolume ratio which yields the _ critical =ass or volume and will be
calculated for the optimum shape (sphere). ......

4) In cases where control over configuration or shape is pocsible_ the same criterion
as 3 will apply except the allowed mass or volume will be calculated for the
actual shape or Configuration.

8.z Basic_,ta
,Material bucklings have been =aasured in _u_q_:ntial assembly for proto-
typical N-Reactor fuel elements enriched to 1.OC _ U__ . Water lattices of both
the complete tube-in-tu_e assembly an_ outer tube alone were measured. The measured
bucklings were correlated to the tee-group critical eq_tion_and critical =asses
and geometries were calcu]ated for enrichments up to i.i0_ U235- The results are
given in Tables 8.2.1 and 8.2.2.


Maximum Bucklings - N-Reactor Fuel in Light Water

Uranium 2 -6 -2
Enrichment Maximum ,,B.,.#!0 cm
...... Inner Outer Tube-in-
u235 _be _be Tube ,
o.95 '2090 _.8o 1825

1.00 2680 2900 2k80

l.o5 3250 3500 3o60

z.lO 3790 41oo 3660

-123- Hw-762o6-_

, i _ i

" Minlennn Critical_ Masses ..- N-Reactor. _l_el in._IAKht Water

Minimum Critical Mass, KK U

| [ _ i i i ....

Enrichment Ymner 0uter Tube-in-

0.95 5820 +300 7620

1.00 3820 2800 _500

1.05 2700 2000 3100

1 .I0 20_0 1500 2270

These data have been translated into the critical mass, volume and fuel Isnsi-
t_es shown in Table 8.2.3 for both +the unirradiabed enri_hmen_ level of 0.947 w/o
U 35 end an effective discharge enrichment level of 1.0 w/o U 35.

_b!e 8.2.3+

.+, Crit.icalltyData - _
=ul R, i _ , l i Fuel Zlements in Light Water
iii i 111 ,t

ml ii i _ i i iiiii i

(Allbuc_l_ valuesare _+3 x 10"+ cm"2)
' OuterTube OnAy Inner_be0_ _
Maximum Material
Buckling 0.001_5 cm"2 0.00_80 cm"2 0.002090 cm"2

Minimum Critieal* 7620 Kg O 4300 Kg U 5820 F_ U

Mass (380 elements ) (310 tubes ) (870 tubes )

Minimum Critical* 1180 liters 825 liters 945 liters


Minimum Critical _ - 38.0 inches 33.5 inches 35.5 inches

Cylinder Diameter

crtlca1** 7+0 z 52oib,uln 2 .6 6 2

Mass Per Unit Area (17 elements/f_.2_ (17 tube/ft2_ (411.

Minimum Critical oo-

,@lab Thickness + 22.6
i inches
11 1 ,111 i i !9"_ inches
, , , .,, 20.8 inches -.

Spherical geometry.

* c_-Slab _eometry. [_ECL_S_IFIEU

-124- HW-76206-RD

_D_D F_T.- _._ U235

' _ube-ln-_b_ Outer TubeOnly I_nner

Maximum Material -2
Bucklin6 .002_80 cm .002900 cm"2 .002680 cm"2

MinimumCritical* 4500Kg U 2800Kg U 3820Kg U

Mass (225 elements) (211 tubes ) (570 tubes ',)

Minimum Critical*
Volume 705 liters 546 liters 620 liters

Minimum Critical oo -
Cylinder Diameter 31.7 inches 28.1 inches 304 _.nche_

Minimum Critical_* 610 ibs U/ft2 _ 430 Ibs U/ft2 _ 545 ibs "J/ft2
Mass Per Unit Area (14 elements/ftz) (14 elements/ft_ (36 elem.nts/f_

Minimum Critical co -
Slab Thickness 18.5 inches 16.9 inches 17.8 inches

_* Spherical geometry.
co Slab geometry.

8.3 Proceaures an_ Safe_mards

The procedures aml safeguards for the handling, shipping, and storage of N-
Reactor fuel elements can be drived from the criteria and basic data. Detailed pro-
cedures will be given in the N-Reactor Process Standards. Assessment of the safe_y
of proce0.uresand storage arrangements are discussed in detail in the NPR Hazards
Review _33

9- Heat Generation

Of importance are the various sources of nuclear heat generation in the reactor
and as _ell the geometrical distribution of such sources. The heat generation &uzing
equilibrium reactor operation and after shutdown are both of interest and must be

' 9 _1 Equilibrium Heat Generation (Total)

element.34The total heat generation has been calculated for the 21.6 Ib/ft star,up

9.1_l Ener_ Sources

The nuclear sources of energy can be d/vided into pr_mRr-"and

secondary sources. The primary sources are those directly associated _ith the
fissioning event and these are listed in Table 9.l.1 (From Reference 35). The
data refer to U235.


-125- I_-76206-R/o

Prin_ry Ene r_ Sources From Fissiau

Source Energy
__ Release per Fission

Fission Fragments Ek = 168 _+ 2 Mev

Prompt Neutrons En " 4.87 _+ 0.6 Mev

Prompto ma says z,F - ?.z _+0.8

Delayed Neutrons En = (FP) = 0.0068 + 0.0003 Mev

Isomeric Gamma Rays E _, (I) = 0.24 Mev

Fission Product Gammas E _(FP) = 5-7 _+ 0.8 Mev -

Fission Product Betas E # (FP) = 8.0 _+0.7 _ev

Fission Product Anti-Neutrinos E_ (FP) = 10.5 + 0.8 Mev

The isomeric gamma rays occur 5 x 10-8 to 10-6 seconds after fission. All bu_
the anti-neutrinos provide sensible heat. The total energy emission per fission
is seen to be 204.5 + 2.5 Mev, with 194.0 Mev of it appearing as sensible heat in
the reactor The secondary _nergy sources In the reactor are those associated _ith
various neutron interactions. These energy sources are given in Table 9.1_2.
The specific energies depend on the reactor.

The total, primary plus secondary, sensible heat generated per

fission is detailed in Tables 9.1.3 and 9.1._ ._orthe 21.6 Ib/ft tube-in-t,tbe
element for two different reactor cond/hions. The first illustration represents
the equilibrium energy generation after the reactor had been in operation at full
pOwer for one day. The second illustration represents the e_uilibrium energy
generation after an exposure of i000 _D/T had been attained. Differences arise
principally from the change in th_ proportion of fissions in the various fissionable

92 Equil,ibr_um Heat Generation (Fra,cti, o_l)

ment_k _ The calculations have been made for the 21.6 ib/ft startup fUel ele-

9o2_.i Heat Generation in Fuel

_ __ ,l ,,_ L__

The ma_or fraction of the energy of fission appears as heat in the

fuel element, l_netotal kinetic energy of the fission fragments, fission and decsy
beta particles is absorbed in the uranium due to the short ranges of these particles
(only a very small surface fraction would escape the fuel). Al_o, a large fraction
of the neutron kinetic energy is absorbed through inelastic scattering, fast c.,,pture
an,l fast fission in the fuel. Of the various gamma radiations, an appreciable
fraction will also be absorbed in the fuel due to the high Z of the uranium.

Table 9.1.2
, ......

Seconda Energy Sources From Fission

S_ou__ce WetEaerE7PerEvea%
Ra& Neutron Capt_e

uZ35 6._1_v %-
U238 4.63 Mev _"

pu239 6.39 Mev _"

pu241 6.11 Mev

Graphite 5.0 Mev _"

Water 2.24 Mev

Zirconium 8.0 Mev _/

016(m_p)_16 i my _"
Capture Product Decay

uz39 o.o7_
_v f, o._:5
_239 o._84
_vT',o.1_ m,rle
zlrc=lum o._5._v'(, ooo2mv_
Fast Fission in U238
-;.- , , , -
194.0 Mev Senelble

a Beta par_ -'_the e_ polnt-energles-'

" an_ assuming an allowe_ spectrum,
-1_- nW-76206-RD

TO_ Energy Release 21.6 ib/ft Elewnt

Event Events/Fission Net lnergy Release/Zvent (Mev) Zner_r/Flps$on (Mev)

n ,
n-cap, in graph. 0.0334 4.95 0.165

n-cap, in PT o.0450 7.95 o.358

n-cap in H2o 0.0855 2.z_ o.192

n-cap in Clad.. 0.0077 ' 7.95 O.061

Outer Fuel Tube

U235 fisslon 0.6709 168 4.87 7.23 13.49 129.880

O238 fission 0.0420 168 3.2 7.23 13.49 8.061

U235 capture 0.1409 6.4! 0.903

U238 capture 0.6829 4.63 3.162

U239 decay 0.6829 0.45 0.074 O.359

Np239 decay 0.1755 0.15 0.284 0.084

zn_r FuelTub_
U 235 fission 0.2660 168 A.87 7.23 13.49 51.495

U238 fission 0.0211 168 3.2 7.23 13.49 4.050

U238 capture 0.0567 6.41 O.363

U238 capture 0.2510 4.63 1.163

U239 decay 0.2510 0.45 0.074 0.132

,, _II_239
_ decay _ 0.0645 0.15 0 284 0.031
Total _v/Fission 200.5 Mev

-128- HW-76206-RD

Total E_rgy Release 21.6 ib/ft Element

(Reactor Operating to Exposure oi" _O0_D/T)

Svent E,vents/Fiss!on Net Ener,: Release/Event (MN_) Energy/Fission (_,)

n-ca_ in gra_h. 0.0_9 4.95 0.158

n-cap, in PT 0.0426 7.95 O.339
n-cap,in K O o.0791 2.24 0.177
n-cap,in c_a: 0.0072 7.95 0.057

Outer Fuel Tube

U 35_ fission 0 544_ 168 4.87 7.55 13.9 105.770
U23_ fission 0:0424 168 3.2 7.55 13.9 8.168
Pu .9 fission 0.1321 168 5.8 7.55 13.9 25.793
U_2241 fission 0.0017 168 5.8 7.55 13.9 0.332
=a tureo.zz
U _ capture 0.6542
3 6.
z o.739
Pu_,m9capture 0.0736 6.39 0.470
Pu_,_. capture 0.0146 5.65 0.082
o ptu
U _ decay
0.6542 0.45
Np239 decay 0.6542 0.15 0.284 0.31_

l_r Fuel Tube

U 35 fission 0.2200 168 4.8? 7.55 13.9 42.759
'U 23_ fission 0.0206 168 3.2 7.55 13.9 3.969
Pu239 fission 0.0390 168 5.8 7.55 13.9 7.614
p_2_l fission negl. 168 5.8 7.55 13.9 negl.
_o_ capture 0.0_7_ 6.41 O.304
U_J_ capture 0.239._ 4.63 1.109
Pu239 capture O.0215 6.39 O.137
Pu2_40 capture O.OOhO 5.65 0.023
p_2_1 _apture ne_l. 6.11 r_eEl,,
U:39 d_cay 0 _393 0.45 0.074 0.125
Np239 decay , 0.2393 0.15 0.284 __

Total l,_v/F!_sion 201_9 Mev

-129" HW-76206-RD

in,,Process _be
The zirconium process tubes are sufficiently thick in the N Reactor
to stop an appreciable fractionof gamma radiation from sources both inside the
tube and outside the tube (n__ capture in the graphite). Energy losses due to
neutron interactions in the process tubes are negligible.

9.2.3 Heat ,Oe,_,,ration in O.raphlte_ _r,ator

The graphite moderator receives energy from gammas escaping the

fuel process tube and coOlant_ by fast neutron ._deration and from neutron capture
gamma rays from the carbon. Neutron scattering in the coolant water must be con-
sidered in determining the neutron kinetic energy remainlmg for energy transfer to
the graphite. Neutrons which do interact with the water can be assumed to do so
only once while their kinetic energy is still significant to be considered as an im-
portant energy source.

9.z.4su_._ ,,,of_eat_ne_ti_ yractions

The total heat generation fractions for the 2!.6 ib/ft stax_up fuel
geometry are given in Table 9.2._.i.

_uilibrium of_at"_,6'lb/f%
__ti= l_raoti_
Element_ '

o (zi_y) m'._ 67._z_ o._,_o._ _._._

iooo_,_/_ _7.o_ 67.8"_ o.2_ o._, _._

9,3 _ut_ow_Heatse_rati=
The generation of heat after reactor shutduwn must be known for ma_7
reasons. Sufficient heat is generated for a considerable time after fissioning
ceases (due to the decay of radioactive fission products) so that coolim_ of the
reactor must be maintained for sometime. The shape of the power decay curve dur-
ing the actual shutdown process and immediately afterward is also important in
the N Reactor since the heat removal system must be pro_e_med to respond pro-
perly. However, the shape of the heat decay curve during shut down is dependent
on the rate control poison is added_ the conditions imposed on flow and/or outlet
temperature, etc. Delayed neutron fissioning also affects the shutdown transient
and will vary somewhat according to the proportion of fissionable isotopes pre-

The fractional heat generations will differ considerably after fission-

in_ ceases. The greater proportion of penetrating energy carriers ( rays)
after cessation of fissionin_ will mean that a greater fraction of heat will
"appear" in the graphite than did durin_ equilibrium reactor operation. Also,
the time-dependent energy variation of the fission-product gamma rays, will vary
the fuel-to-graphite heat generation fraction with time.

" gel],
e .,_

-130- BW-76206-

9.3.1 shut eat oenerati r lent

Early anal_sls of the shut _n heat transient in N Reactor were

made for several simplifying assumptions . These calculations should be
brought up to date at an early date. For the present they will be reported.

9.3.1.iAs!a tloM nodal

Z. Cons1_:t reactor inlet temperature.

2. N-Reactor fuel elemen_ stma.late_ by solid ro_ element.

3. C_tant over-all heat transfer coefficient for fuel


4. One-secon_ time constant between scram signal and 75%

rod insertion.

The heat transfer and neutron kinetics equatlons were standard.

(See Sectlc_,7.8). Delayed neutron constants vere characteristic of fuel exposed
to lO00 M/D/T. Safety rod strengths of 20, 40 and 60 x i0 _ _k/k were considered.
Results for two cases are given in Figure 9.3.1.i and In the first set of
curves a constant tube outlet temperature was assumed and in the second set constant
flow was assumed. _he power for constant outlet temperature is seen to decay faster
than for constant flow due to the absence of _he positive reactivity effect from
cooling down the coolant in the co_tant-outlet-tem_erature case.

_he principle sources of energy in irradiated fuel for times greater

than I00 seconds after a reactor shutdown are beta and _ decay of fissiOn pro-
ducts and beta an_ gamma _ca.7 of U239 and 1_39. Recent copulations of gamma and
beta decay rates frn4_ 123 isotopes from thenaal fission of U'_-_:_have been reported
by Perkins and King _for reactor operation t_s from one to 1000 hours and as s
function of time aft_ r shutdown from 100 to l_. seconds. Enabe and Putnam37 comblned
the experimental res-.itsof Maienschain_ etal_o and the computed Perkins-Kin@ da_a
to determine an acc_,_te tim_ dependence of the fission product decay gamma activity
for times between o__ and i0_ seconds after reactor shutdown. Beta decay energy
release rates for +'e same times _ere also determined by _abe and Putnam from the
Perkins-Kin_ compi_ _tion and other sources of data. Smith3Y has prc_zmed the
equations of Knabe _ud Putnam and curves for Smith's report are _iven in

The energy emis_ions per disintegration of U_ "=_and

Np are as follows_

E29 !

- o.o7

-z3_- Rw-762o6-_o

The energy (_ + _) decay rates of U239 and Np239 (for T > 1000 hours, where T
is time of reactor operation) are

-_z9 t
E29 (t) 1 1" 51 X 10 _0. _e._vatteDsec,

.... _39 (t)- z.25 x zozo e" _v/watt-sec,

where _ 29 and _ 39 are the decay constants for U239 and Np239, respectively.

plotted The

in FigUre beta andand
gemna heat3_neration rates NPR
for lO00 hour afteroperation.
shutdown are
The total
heat generation rates are shown in Figures and for lO00 hour NPR
operation. The scram strength assu_ed in Figure is 40 cmk.

9.3.3 Heat Generation A_r Shut_ (Fractional)

several times afte_ shutdown _. _he results are presented in Table 9.3.3 l

Tab_ 9.3.3.l

Fractional Heat Generation Afte r Shutdova

Time After Shu_ (Seconds) Per Cent Heat iGeneration '

Outer i i
Fuel a
i i
Fuel a Graphite b

_oz 6z.o_ 26._ 8._ .

zo_ 6z._ _._ 606_

zo5 63.5_ _._ 5.5_
zo_ 6z.o_ _.o_ _._

a Does not include claddi_.

b Remaining heat would be r_ distributed in,he ratio 1:2:_ for water,
clad and process tube respectively.

6 The significant peak in the fraction of heat generated in the gra-

phite at lO seconds after reactor shut down is dne to an increase in the _vera_e
energy of the fission product decay _smmas at these times. However, at 10_ seconds
after shut
reactordown the total
so theheat generation
in the rate is only one perat ce_ of the equili-
brium power, peaking graphite fraction 1 seconds is
Of nO concern.


-139- h'W-76206-RD


!o Westcott_ Co H_ Effective Cross Section Va!ues for Well-Moderated_e_l
S_ectra.qCRRP-960 ED3 Rev. November I_ 1960.

2. Cranberg_ Lo_ G. Frye_ N. Nereson, and L. Rosen_ "Fission Neutron Spectrum of

uz35" nev.zo3:661.1956. f

3o Fleishman, M. R. and H. Soodak. "Methods and Cross Sections for Calculatlng

the Fast Effects" Transactions of AUS I_ No. 2: 153: 1958. Nuclear Sci. and
Z:zzT.z96o. - -- ' - "..............
4o Hellstrand_ Eo an: @. Lundgren. "The Resonance Integral for Uraniun_ Metal and
Oxide_ " Nuclear
.... Sci.# and Eng. 12: 435. 1962.

5. Joanou.; G_ D. Notes_
_ on Lattice Parameter Calc_tions _ HW-60422 REV. October 6._
60 FLEX is an Engineering physics survey code written by R. J. Shields.
MOFDAis an engineering physics survey code written by R. O. Gumprecht.

70 Conveyou# R. R. # R. R. Bate and K. K. Osburn. "Effect of Moderator Temperature

Upon Neutron Flux in Infinite Capturing Medium1" J. Nuclear Energy 2_: 153. 1956.

8_ Westcott# C. Ho# Wo A. Walker and T. K. Alexander. "Effective Cross Sect4.ons and

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Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy,_Geneva
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9_ Sher, Ro ,_SJ Felbe_um. _east Squares Analysi s of the 2200 m/see Parameters
of :#e33_ ,., --_ and Pu';_;', :BN..-722,
-- -- t June, 1_2. ' -.... - .....

i0 spinrad_ B. Z._ "Fast Effect,in Lattice Reactors_" Nucl. Sol= and Eng. i: k550
19,=60 (See also Reference 3). - ....

iio Pershagen# B.# G. Anderson# and I. Carlvlk# "Calculation of Lattice Parameters

for Uranium ROd Clusters in Heavy Water and Correlations With Experiments#"
PrOCou_2ndZutern.: Confo Peacefu! Use_a AtRmic Energy, Gen___12: 341. 1958o

12o Wood_ D. E o and Do L. Johnson. Lattice Parameter Measur..ementsfor _N__Reactor_

HW-72096. To be issued_ (Secret).

:)/ 13o Simpson_ Do E NPR Three-@roup Flux Distribution_ HW-64501o March 31_ 19600
(Confidential). " .... - .............

1_o Behrens,_ Do J. The Mi_ratio n Length of Neutrons in a Re.a.ctor, AERE TR-877o

19 6.
I_ _Wlyckert_W o A. Increase of the Diffusion Length of Neutrons in N Reactor Due
tc, V01ds_ E_-76Le_.. January: 7/1963; (Unclassifiod), ........ "....


-14o- HW-76_.O6-RD

16+ W_lkinson_ C+ D. N_I_ Moderator Stack Purity Test- Descri_tion, _lysis and
Results, HW-72654 _3. J_e 8, i_2, (secret),.... -
" 17+ Nechodom, W+ S. NPR Reactivity Parameters_As a Function of Fuel Element
Weight.+_W-64693-RD. January 19, 1960. (SECRET ROUGH DRAFT)

18. Bowers, C. E.# Private Oommunlcatlon.

19. Cohen_ E. R. an_ R. H. Sehnert. Lone Term Irradiation of Nuclear Fuels,

NAA-SR-1012. September 151 1954.(_cret)'......... -

- 20. N_lson R..__he Effective (n,2n) Cross Sec!i%n _or _38, h_-58817. Janumry 9.+1959

_i_ Perkins_ J+ F+ and R. W. F_Ing. '_nergy Release from the Decay of Fission Products+
Nuclear Sci. and Eng. 3: 726. 1958.

2_ Jchnson_ D+ L. ACT_CAy Fission Product Decay Progr_m_ HW-71984. December i0,

1961o ....

23 Richey_ C+ R+ Technical Description of the New SS Accountability Program on the

,_-709_:, HW-63i59+ January 7/1960. (Secret) + .....
++ +...................

24 Smlth_ R. I+ The variation of koo With Fuel Temperature for the NPR_ H_-693_3+
April 21_ 1961..!:_onf1_entlai). -- ' --

25 Allen+ C+ W+ &N-ReactorHazards Review_ of Cold Wa_tgr+yloodlng and Star%u_ A_ci-

dents_ HW-6_755. April 25, 1960. (Secret).

26. Bailey+ G+ F. Review of _ Control System Capacities, Hw-7 7o. To be issued+

(Secret). --+ : :: .......

27+ Allen+ C+ W _ Delayed Neutron Fractions a_ADeca_ Constants_ HW-69751, _y,

1961+ (Secret).

28+ Tiller_ R E._ private communication.

_9o Le!by:_D. W+ _ Development and Performance of NPR Reactor Analog M_odel_ RW-6666_.
August 5_ 1960.(Confidential).

30+ Le_by_ Do Wo,__WRHeat Exchange_and Load Control Analysis_ HW-6554_+ May i0_
i96C. _Confidential)+

31. Le!by_ D+ W. NPR Prima:y Loop_.Performanc

e .,Study#HW-68168 October 2.5_ 1960.

32 o -_yd:, R+ C+ and C. L. Brown. Exponential Measurements and Critical Parameter
Calcu--lations...- NPRFuel El ement_,in Li_'t_Water,'RW-69399, Ju:ly,1961: ' -

+I 4k.

-141- HW-76206-RD

33, Miller, N. R_ and R. E. Trumble. _NPRHaza+rds_Review (l_ll,,,_llelll,,Ill " Productil0

___) _ EW-71408 VOLl _. December 15, 19_i. (Secret).

3h. Mei,_hle;R. H, _ Heat Generation_tes- StartuD Fuel _ometry, HW-76343.

35. l+ilson+ P. NI_ Heat+ Generation Ratem During Operation, _-59075 RNV. To be :+-
is ued _ ( S'C_'% ) ' l +++ , ..............

36. Norwood+ K., J. C. Peden and R. E. Tiller. N-Reactor Post-Scram Transients

and He_t Ex_ge Thermal Shock Considerations HW-64476......A_ril_2_- ' 1_0
[searet). ................... -- -- -- _ _r eB, ]W_ " +

37. Knabe+ W. E. and G. E. Putnam. The Activity of the Fis+ion+prod.ucts

APEX-448o October 31+ 1958.

38+ Maienschein,F. C., R. W. Pee_%W. Zobel, and T. A.Love,"GammaRays Associates

With Fission,"Proc. _+.n
d Intern. Conf. Peaceful Us+esof At0mic.Energy,_Ge_+eva
366. 1956.

39. Smith._M.+Ro The Activity of the Fission products of _35 _ .....

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hO. Nilson, R. and R. H. Melchle. Fract_ionalHeat GenerstlonRates in Hanford Reac-

tore After Shutdown, HW-69628, Mayi7, 19_[Confident_jLi)." ..... ++ ++ --- =+"

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