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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention

ISSN (Online): 2319 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 7714 ||Volume 6 Issue 1||January. 2017 || PP.87-91

What Engineering of the Devices Adult Formation: Case of

Professionals of Institutes OFPPT
Yalid Amal1 ;Talbi Mohamed2 ; Gonegai Abdelkader1 ; Hanoune Mostafa1
(laboratory of information technology and modeling, Faculty of sciences Ben Msik Hassan II University
Casablanca, Morocco)
(Laboratory of Physical Chemistry Analytic, Ben MSik Faculty of Sciences Hassan II University of
Casablanca, Morocco)

ABSTRACT: In the setting of the formations organized by the direction of resources human of the OFPPT in
order to develop the staff's expertise. Actions of formation have been started to the profit of the professionals of
the superior institutes of the technologies applied that participate in an active manner to the territorial
development, arriving thus to a new consensus of backing of a real approach participative, governance and
responsibility citizen. The role of the formation and the framing of the professionals of the establishments of the
ofppt has for fundamental goal the backing and the setting to level of their capacities and professional expertise.
The ofppt "Office of the professional formation and the promotion of work": is a public organism in Morocco
created in May 1974; he/it is the first public operator concerning professional formation. The office of
professional formation, enrolls in this perspective while permitting the qualification of the professionals
concerning management, of conduct of the territorial development and the human capital" by the animation of
the sessions of formation and forums to the profit of the staffs of the superior Institutes of the big placed South
of the regional direction of Casablanca in the setting of the setting in .uvre of the national plan of backing
capacities of the establishments of the technologies applied ".
The present research is a research of investigating, of inductive and retrospective analysis of the devices and
the practices of formation of the professionals of the institutes of the OFPPT, that can provide to the field of the
formation the conceptual bases, susceptible to improve the relevance and the quality of the deliverable.
The object of this survey aims to articulate way very strong two measurements that don't necessarily go
together: the theoretical dimension and the operative dimension that are connected to the gait of the
engineering andragogique and the contributions of the professional didactics in the process of analysis,
conceptualization and conduct of the formation devices. To the bottom, the conditions of the practice of the
professional formation let think that he/it is applicable to interest itself/themselves of it to this methodological
operative in the goal of location the clear and explicit logics of construction and formalization of the
professional formations (mutualisation and capitalization for a real reinvestment of this subjective experience in
other domains social of activities.
Keywords: Engineering andragogique; engineering of formation; Formation of adult; Professionalization;
professional didactics and training experiential; Formalization and conceptualization.

The formation is now part of the daily of numerous formations of adults, we progress in a society
where the training appears lifelong Learning" rather than in preparation of the existence [1] (Marchand,1992-
1997. 2000 ALAVA SS., (2008), ) .The amplification of the process of the internationalization of the
production, the international competition, as well as the emergence of the society of information and the
communication make of the formation a fundamental stake in the socioeconomic, technical and technological
development of the countries.
To Morocco entered it in force of the new Constitution 2011 [2] that constitutes a first in the annals of
the history of Morocco while attaching a fundamental importance to the civil society, the political parties and
union splicing that strategic partner in the process of funding and backing of the institutions of a modern State of
democratic right, having for foundations the principles of involvement, pluralism and good governance. In this
perspective the formation plays a primordial role within the institutes, aiming to answer if need be in real agents
of change and socioeconomic and cultural development partner.
The involvement of the superior institutes of technology applied of the OFPPT in the arena of the
national and international political strategy spread through the varied formations and varied that should enroll
and participate manner citizen to this dynamics of change.
The approach of pragmatic and operational formation of formation of the professionals of the ISTA in
this national political orientation answers the needs of a global and integrated development approach putting the 87 | Page
What Engineering Of The Devices Adult Formation: Case Of Professionals Of Institutes OFPPT

focal distance on the investment in human capital. This valorization of the immaterial resources appears in a
new humanist and anthropological approach of develop it human.
The institute of OFPPT continuing education The practiced and consulting formative" enrolls in this
perspective while granting to the finalities societal as one of the strategic objectives of the office. This
contribution citizen and responsible to the formation as powerful lever of development of expertise and backing
of their identities by the quest of the strategies of rationalization and the instrumentalisation of the formation


The setting of reference that served to the analysis of our survey consists mainly of the knowledge
descended of different fields: 1 The Management of the organizations (non-profit) in term of structure, obeys
some rules as the distribution of the activities, of the powers according to relations and ties that coordinate
them.2 The steps of engineering of formation and expertises.3 the GRH in a territorial approach of the
revalorization of the human capital splicing that immaterial resource, of the estimable management of the
strengths and expertise regional" GPEC ".4l'analyse strategic and organizational of the organizations 5des
theoretical perspectives and praxeologiques of the didactic professionnele.6 Of The gait of management of the
project respecting the plan insurance OFPPT (This procedure has for object to master the gait of realization of
the benefits of formations assured by the OFPPT to the look of his/her/its strategic axis of formation - action in
all domains of the knowledge) quality.


This retrospective analysis of conceptualization of the sessions of formation of the professionals [3] of
the ISTA enrolls truly in the reflection of Jean Paul Sartre when he/it says "the man is characterized above all by
the overtaking of a situation, by what he/it succeeds in making what one made him."
This work of survey and research appears then in orientations targets, symbiotic and interactive: In
relation to a socio-professional positioning exit of my trajectory constructs consulting and of formative teacher
to the OFPPT These two orientations continue in a third tendency that presents the specificity of my research
works in progress in engineering andragogique in the course professionalizing "academic students doctoral
thesis ".
The present research titled what engineering of the devices of formation of adults for the formation of
the professionals of the superior Institutes of the OFPPT. Is "a research of investigating, of inductive analysis,
retrospective of the devices and the practices of formation of the professionals that can provide to the field of the
formation the conceptual bases of construction of the formation devices? She/it offers us an opportunity of
benchmarking and marketing of the models of formation of the professionals of the ISTA. The question specific
survey expresses itself of the following manner: facing the difficulties of location of the logics of construction
and formalization of the clear and explicit professional formations. What steps of development of formalization
and conceptualization of the professional experience? To conceive an engineering of the devices of adult
formation and to develop expertise in a specific context of formation of the professionals and to transfer them in
situations complex of the socio-professional and academic life.
The objective of this survey explorative and descriptive was to understand better and to surround the
foundations and the processes of instrumentalisation of this engineering of formation and expertise in
professionalizing situation. For it, we studied the educational and didactic activities of conception, realization
and assessment, whose crucial stake is the formalization of these devices according to an arsenal of articulate
methodological steps adapted to the professional context of the ISTA.
The object of this research aims to articulate way very strong two measurements that are paradox and
antinomic: the theoretical dimension [4] and the operative dimension, The crossing and the complementarity of
these two aspects contributes to the setting in relief of a conceptual setting constructed of the key concepts of
reference, that encourage in a first time the exchanges between the theoretical foundations". epistemological" of
the process of formation engineering and the pragmatic steps [5] and operative and in a second time that permits
to the users to appropriate these instruments and to use them in an adaptive and efficient way.
The central question of research expresses itself of the following manner: facing the difficulties of
location of the logics of construction and formalisation of the clear and explicit professional formations. What
steps of development, formalisation and conceptualization of the experience of formation of the professionals of
the ISTA?
The setting that served to the analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data of research consists of
four main measurements: The engineering of formation and expertises [6], the management of the project, the
theories of trainings experientially [7] and the approaches andragogiques [8]. These measurements are to put
directly on the one hand in relation with the rules of the communication applied to the formation, on the other
hand to the techniques and methods of animation of the adult learners. 88 | Page
What Engineering Of The Devices Adult Formation: Case Of Professionals Of Institutes OFPPT

Table N1: Educational sequencement model

Unit of formation Module of formation (Atelier /Forum)
educational Objectives Defined according to the training units
Andragogy - teaching screenwriting See the grid of Andragogy - educational engineering
Animation technique QQOQCP
Sheet statement
Educational tools and materials Notes block and pens for all participants
Flip -charts
Arabic training media on paper and CD- ROM
Synthesis and conclusions Paper form report containing the various operating points and a
self- evaluation of the program content.

Table N2: Questionnaire that permits to identify her style of training

the style preferred of formation Answer Number 847
Manipulator "Accommodator" 265
Observator "divergent" 107
Conceptualization "assimilator" 250
Thinker scientist "Convergent" 225

Table N3: The number of the recipients of the professionals of institutes 125 Institute superior casa south
Groupe Effectif du groupe (session) (M = Moyenne) Nombre des femmes formes
1 M =14 5
2 M=15 4
3 M=15 6
4 M=16 7

Tableau N4: scheduling of the formation sessions

Unite de formation Groupe 1et 2 Groupe 3et 4 Intervenants

la planification stratgique 8 et 9 /09/2016 11 et 12 /09/2014 A .Yalid /M.Hanoune

les approches de dveloppement 22 - 23 /09/2014 25 - 26 /09/2014 M.Hanoune/A.Yalid
Le montage et la gestion des projets 13 -14 /10/2014 16 - 17 /10/2014 AGonegai/ A.Yalid
les outils de communication interne et externe 27 -28 /10/2014 30 - 31 /10/2014 M.Hanoune / A.Yalid
la mobilisation des fonds 3 - 4/11/2014 7 - 8 /11/2014 M .Talbi /A.Gonegai
Le plaidoyer 19 - 20 /11/2014 21 - 22/11/2014 M.Hanoune/A.Yalid
les outils du diagnostic organisationnel et les 10 -11 / 12 /2014 17 -18/12/2014 A.Yalid/A.Gonegai
techniques de diagnostic territorial
La communication et lanimation participative 25- 26 /12 /2014 27 - 28 /12 /2014 A.Gonegai/A.Yalid
la gestion positive des conflits et la mdiation sociale. 2 - 3 /12/2014 5 - 6/2014 M.Hanoune/A.Yalid
l'immigration : situation de l'immigration casa et les 18 /09/2014 M.Bassiri/A.Yalid
perspectives de la nouvelle stratgie Forum 1
Enfance: Etat des lieux, ralisation et 9 /10/2014 M.Bassiri/A.Yalid
recommandations Forum 2
Le projet du Carrer Center de la formation 13 /11/2014 M.Bassiri/A.Yalid
professionnelle : ses axes et les opportunits quil Forum 3
offre au tissu associatif

Table N5: result global satisfaction rate 89 | Page
What Engineering Of The Devices Adult Formation: Case Of Professionals Of Institutes OFPPT

Table N6: Formalization and instrumentalisation of the educational and didactic activities of formation

In the setting of this research survey, our reflection takes starting point the definition of research
development [9] conceived like tool of methodological analysis of the process of conceptualization and
development of the objects and the educational activities of formation of the professionals of the ISTA including
(Referential of expertise, content - program, educational media, strategies educational) the conception, the
realization and the assessment to hot, while taking account of the data collected to each of the phases of the gait
of research and the corpus of eligible pragmatic and theoretical knowledge to the process of formalization of the
Our works of research aim to concentrate on the instrumentalisation of the activities and the conditions
of trainings of the adult learners in the context professionalizing. It is about proposing the model of engineering
of based devices of formation on the educational object concept - training. Our gait of conception aims a
simultaneous and integrated humanist engineering centered on the proceduralisation intelligent of the
educational instruments represented by the structural components of the educational object proposed. This
conception brings us to work on the convenient triptych. Theory. Convenient. This new orientation takes like
point support the conceptual and theoretical basis of the technological instrumental approach of the objects
trainings, conjugated with the analysis of formed it in situation of formation professionalizing (toward the man's
new humanist and anthropological epistemology to the complex work [10]).
It is therefore on this basis that we will first analyze the engineering of the devices of formation of the
adult learners that presents a rigorous analysis gait in development while making take out again the elements
kept in our proposition of didactic engineering (efficiency, practicability flexibility and Co-construction of the
formation device having an impact on the development of expertise) model synthesis. This restructuring
fundamentally aims to conceptualize a modeling of engineering of formation of the professionals of the ISTA
that allows the researcher-developers in academic formation anxious to do this type of engineering to have to
their disposition a representation that includes the set of the components that is necessary to them. Besides, the
developed model leans on an experience convenient of research action achieved in the setting of a Master
research. However the setting in practice and the operationnality of this formation engineering doesn't limit
itself to the survey of the tool or procedures as evoked higher, but The deep ambition is the problematisation of
the process of conceptualization and widening of the explanatory theoretical perspectives of this practice
conscientisente and actualizing [11].A new results therefore from it resort to the different methodological gait of
conceptualization being interested in the structuring of the principles of efficiencies and relative workings to the
dynamics of formation. In other words to formalize an engineering of the devices of formation and expertise in
situation of formation of the professionals of the ISTA permitting: 1) to diagnose the meaning and efficient
situations of formations in relation with the referential of the eligible expertise professionalizing 2) to identify
the indicators that preside to the development of the content-program 3) to mark the applicable conditions that
contribute to the formalization and the conceptualization of the course of formation of the professionals of the
ISTA 4) and to enroll in a new epistemological paradigm of report" knowledge. Action" according to an
anthropological and humanist vision putting the focal on the conception of a capable topic. Actor of the change
before the effective topic (social agent, responsible agent, topic of right and a psychic entity" full of motivation.
Desire, interest, and representation also the sense").

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