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Business Research Methods BUS- 401

Project Report Evaluation Rubric

Name : _________________________________________________ Roll No:

Title of the Project: ________________________________________ Date :

Component Fully met (5) Met (4) Partially Met (3) Not met (2) Score
Thesis overview Effectively and Develops a set of Develops Hypotheses are
insightfully develops testable and hypotheses. The not testable or
a set of testable, supportable manuscript lacks a justifiable. Focus
supportable and hypotheses. The clear of the manuscript
impactful study manuscript is nicely organizational is hard to follow;
hypotheses. In organized and the structure and lacks
general the document focus of the cohesive focus; organizational
is well organized and manuscript is some sections are structure.
maintains a tightly generally clearly organized
integrated focus maintained and focused and
throughout the throughout the others are not.
manuscript. document.
Justification for The introduction The introduction The proposal Very little support
hypotheses section provides a section provides a provides weak for the conceptual
cogent overview of logical overview of support for study and theoretical
conceptual and conceptual and hypotheses. relevant to the
theoretical issues theoretical issues Provides some study hypotheses
related to the study related to the study evidence of sound was provided.
hypotheses. hypotheses. critical thinking. Provides little
Demonstrates Demonstrates evidence of sound
outstanding critical competent critical critical thinking.
thinking. thinking.
Supporting Provides clearly Provides adequate Provides Provides little or
evidence appropriate evidence evidence to support inappropriate or no evidence to
to support position position insufficient support position
evidence to
support position
Review of relevant Sophisticated Provides a Fails to cite Provides little or
research integration, synthesis, meaningful important or no relevant
and critique of summary of the relevant scholarship.
literature from related literature. Shows scholarship.
fields. Places work understanding of Misinterprets
within larger context. relevant literature research findings.
Maintains The proposal is well The proposal has an The proposal is The document
purpose/focus organized and has a organizational somewhat focused lacks focus or
tight and cohesive structure and the or has minor drifts contains major
focus that is focus is clear in the focus. drifts in focus
integrated throughout throughout.
the document
Methodology Identifies appropriate Identifies Identifies The
Sample methodologies and appropriate appropriate methodologies
Procedures research techniques methodologies and methodologies described are
Measures (e.g., justifies the research techniques and research either not suited
Data sample, procedures, but some details are techniques but or poorly suited to
analytic and measures). Data missing or vague. many details are test hypotheses.
plan analytic plan is missing or vague. The methodology
suitable to test study The methodology is under-
hypotheses. Provides is largely developed and/or
appropriate incomplete. is not feasible.
justification for
controls. Project is
Results section The statistical results The statistical Results are not There is not a
are discussed in a results are discussed always described good
sophisticated and adequately. accurately. correspondence
accurate way. between the
tables and the
written document.
Discussion section Provides a Adequately The integration of No integration of
sophisticated integrates the the findings within the findings within
integration of the findings within the the extant the extant
findings within the extant literature. literature is literature. Fails to
extant literature. Attends to issues of superficial or attend to issues of
Addresses strengths, strengths, incomplete. Poorly generalizability or
weaknesses, and weaknesses, and justifies the design strengths
limitations of the limitations of the strengths, and weaknesses.
current study current study. weaknesses, and
accurately and limitations of the
insightfully. current study.
Grammar, clarity, The manuscript is The manuscript The manuscript The manuscript is
and organization well written and ideas effectively communicates poorly written and
are well developed communicates ideas adequately. confusing. Ideas
and explained. ideas. The writing is The manuscript are not
Sentences and grammatically contains some communicated
paragraphs are correct, but some grammatical effectively.
grammatically sections lack clarity. errors. Many
correct. Uses sections lack
subheadings clarity.
References and Properly and explicitly Properly cited. May The manuscript The manuscript
citations cited. Reference list have a few has several lacks proper
matches citations instances in which instances of citations or
proper citations are improper use of includes no
missing. citations. Contains citations.
General recommendations for the thesis :

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