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Christopher Norvilus

Dr. Hoehl

COM 380- Nonverbal Commuication

February 8, 2016

Evidence 1

For my evidence of eye behavior/eye contact, I have decided to discuss my current

internship at Risen Savior Lutheran as a Teen Haven Program Worker. Teen Haven is an

afterschool program where local teens are provided with the opportunity to hear Gods word,

have access to academic assistance, and receive other life advice from program workers. Eye

behavior and contact is a crucial aspect to me successfully completing my internship duties on a

daily basis.

When I was new at Teen Haven, I paid close attention to the eye behavior of the teens as I

introduced myself. Their messages were easy for me to decode because I analyzed it from my

own experience as a teenager and other individuals I know that are in the same age group. As I

introduced myself, some of the teens gave me obvious nonverbal cues that showed they were

nervous to meet me because I was the new program worker. When I looked the person in the eye

to ask what his or her name was, they would say it quietly and either look down or away from

me to avoid direct eye contact. More outgoing students would look directly into my eyes and

engage in conversation which showed their initial willingness to open up to me instead of remain

reserved initially like some of the other teens.

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Now that I have worked at the Risen Savior Teen Haven Program for more than six

months, I analyze the eye behavior of the teens in an entirely new way but still look for similar

nonverbal eye behaviors. Because we all know each other well now, I am looking to their eye

contact to let me know if they are genuinely listening to me when I am assisting them with

homework, giving life advice, or leading a devotion. Some of the same nonverbal cues are

present when students listen they engage in eye contact and when they dont they are showing

they are not focused by not looking at the homework or by looking away from me when I talk.

As my internship continues, I plan on paying close attention to the eye behavior of the teens and

using it as a tool to do my job effectively. It will continue to allow me to better understand and

observe nonverbal communication in general because I will be paying very close attention to its

effect with my students.

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