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72 Informatica Economic vol. 16, no.


Semantic Business Intelligence - a New Generation of Business Intelligence


Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,

Business Intelligence Solutions represents applications used by companies to manage process

and analyze data to provide substantiated decision. In the context of Semantic Web develop-
ment trend is to integrate semantic unstructured data, making business intelligence solutions
to be redesigned in such a manner that can analyze, process and synthesize, in addition to
traditional data and data integrated with semantic another form and structure. This invaria-
bly leads appearance of new BI solution, called Semantic Business Intelligence.
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Semantic Business Intelligence, Semantic Web, Semantic In-
tegration, Unstructured Data

1 Introduction
The transition from social web (web 2.0)
to the semantic web (web 3.0) opens new
a phenomenon depending on differences that
occur when certain factors are varied [30] in
doors in terms of semantic data integration, the case differences that arise between SBI
one of the consequences being the appear- and BI due to the impact of the Semantic
ance of a new type of BI solutions called Web. Also, in construction of hypothesis was
Semantic Business Intelligence (SBI). used inductive inferring. Thus, the research
This research aims to respond to the question will have an inductive approach in that it will
What is the difference between Semantic be analyzed on two applications on the as-
Business Intelligence and traditional solu- sumption that will be generalized.
tions of Business Intelligence?; moreover, Hypothesis testing will be done using quali-
undertakes to demonstrate that SBI is not a tative analysis, comparative functionalist
fancy term or a marketing strategy but a new type [31]. Whereas deterministic analyzes the
generation of Business Intelligence solutions. influence of a situational context, in this case
The importance of this research approach is the introduction of new technologies in cer-
justified by the fact that all the Internet users tain applications. The appearance of a new
begin to be involved, consciously or not, in generation of Business Intelligence generi-
phenomenon of semantic integration, a phe- cally called Semantic Business Intelligence
nomenon that will be felt in all applications. based on the Semantic Web specific technol-
ogies will confirm the proposed hypothesis.
2 Research Methodology
This study starts from observing the impact it 3 Related works
has the Semantic Web to data and application Even if it occurred in 1958 [5], Business In-
that produce, manage, process and analyze telligence begin to become known since
this data, such as Business Intelligence. Its 1989, when Howard Dresner defines it: "an
goal is to define and analyze the emergence umbrella concept that describes a set of con-
of a new generation of business intelligence cepts and methods to improve business deci-
in the context of web transition from version sions by assist systems use decisions based
2.0 to version 3.0. on facts " [24].
The hypothesis we propose to research is: In our vision, Business Intelligence is a set of
"Semantic Business Intelligence is a new economic applications used for analyze data
generation of Business Intelligence". from companies in order to transform them
Hypothesis construction was based on use of into information that will substantiate the de-
the difference method. This method explains cisions taken by managers.
Informatica Economic vol. 16, no. 2/2012 73

Along the time, attempting to keep up with from the developers of applications or tech-
technology, Business Intelligence passed nologies. The most important partners in re-
through several phases, becoming from oper- search work are: SAP as a conceded producer
ational BI real-time BI [26], adding socializa- of BI and Ontotext Lab, a developer of se-
tion modules [6], and expanding its function- mantic technologies all too well known. On
ality to be used by mobile phones, turning to the other hand, researchers are selected from
Mobile BI [1] and now by adding new se- prestigious universities such as Sheffield
mantic technologies becomes Semantic Hallam University (England), CENTRAL
Business Intelligence. Recherch in Paris and Heriot-Watt Universi-
Given that the subject addressed is a relative- ty (England).
ly new, literature is rather poor in this area of Expected results of project implementation
Semantic Business Intelligence. Internation- aim to incorporate unstructured data into ex-
ally, the field began to attract the interest of isting solutions. For this to be possible, re-
researchers since 2006 due to research pro- searchers propose that the level of technolo-
jects to find viable solutions for the integra- gy to design new architecture that supports
tion of semantic technologies in Business In- integration of unstructured data, hence the
telligence solutions. need for alloying with specialist manufactur-
MUSING, a European research and devel- ers of applications.
opment project funded by FP6 and passed off By consulting the literature, we found that in
in 2006-2010, had as mission developing a Romania there is no post to be treated this
new generation of Business Intelligence. The subject. One reason could be related to the
goal of this project was to support research fact that on the market has not been promot-
that aimed to develop tools and modules for ed semantic solutions yet; most manufactur-
BI which integrate elements of semantic web ers are currently working on them. Looking
and human language processing technologies at things from another angle, the Romanian
to improve knowledge acquisition of BI solu- companies do not seem interested in seman-
tions [16]. tic integration of data which they hold.
This project has managed work up an interest
to some researchers, who treated Semantic 4 Semantic Web premise of SBI appear-
BI, but their number was quite limited com- ance
pared to the area to be exploited, and their in- The Semantic Web "was born" as a desidera-
terest after the project decreased significant- tum [29]: to have data in a Web defined and
ly. interconnected (linked) in a manner that
Fortunately, this mega-project finds its conti- computers can be used not only to display
nuity in projects funded by FP7 Cubist but especially for automation, integration and
(Combining and Uniting Business Intelli- reuse of data from various applications.
gence with Semantic Technologies). Berners-Lee's vision about the Semantic Web
CUBIST is a project funded by the European takes the form of a highly interconnected
Commission on the priority axis "Intelligent network of data that could be easily accessed,
In-Formation Management" and will take understood and used by any desktop or port-
place between 2010 and 2013. The major pil- able computer [4].
lars are represented by semantic technolo- According to the dictionary [32], the term
gies, business intelligence and Visual Analyt- "semantic" considered by the light of infor-
ics, and as areas of interest are covered: mar- matics is seen as "The theory of a formalized
ket and competitive intelligence, computa- particular system interpretation by other for-
tional biology / biomedical informatics and malized system." On the literature [27], [19],
control centers operations [36]. [10] were identified several types of seman-
What makes this project truly extraordinary tics applied in informatics [27]: real-world
is combination between theory and practice: semantics, axiomatic semantic and model-
researchers receive support and cooperation theoretic semantics, But any of them would
74 Informatica Economic vol. 16, no. 2/2012

be used the purpose will be the same: to pro- trol mechanism to manage web content
vide a well defined sense to that word / so as may be posted only real information
phrase to which it applies. - Lack of information systems for natural
The appearance of the Semantic Web, also language processing currently there is
called Web data [9] promises significant im- no common language to be perceived in
provements to the current web. Large amount the same way as man and computer.
of information online, returning irrelevant re- Semantic Web is based on XML that devel-
sults sometimes without accuracy in web ops new standards coding and description of
searches and the lack of applications to pro- data from and about the Web. Semantic Web
cess natural language in idea of being under- technologies were developed as a prerequi-
stood by computers are just some of the site for process automation and improvement
shortcomings that experts hope to solve the of service enabling data integration and in-
Semantic Web [34]. teroperability. The most known and used are
- Excessive amount of information - peo- used technologies semantic RDF Schema,
ple create an unimaginably large amount OWL, SKOS, SPARQL, GRDDL, etc.
of digital information, which grows ex- In terms of the link between Web and BI, we
ponentially in relation with time, reach- can say that Web 1.0 has no influence on
ing to the size of zettabyte [35] (a him. Things change, however, with the
zettabyte represent 1021) emergence of web 2.0 and social networks
- Inefficient search keywords in search en- when implementing CRM applications BI
gines currently, any search information modules that include social messages and
on the web will not only return the re- posts on social networks to analyze their in-
quested information on a domain, but al- fluence on companies [6]. We are currently
so information with the same shape but witnessing the appearance of a new genera-
different meaning (intended only as a tion of BI inspired by the Semantic Web. In
word or phrase, not meaning, namely se- Figure 2 we tried to plot the relationship be-
mantic) tween the two concepts.
- Distrust in the veracity there is no con-

Fig. 1. Web impacts on Business Intelligence

5 SBI a theoretical approach Semantic Business Intelligence has emerged

The literature by the economic data and in response to the question How can be ana-
found the web organizations are divided into lyzed unstructured data? given the fact that
three categories. [28]: BI solutions currently used applies only to
- structured data: data companies from data that are significantly less structured than
SGBD: ERP, CRM, SCM, BI; those unstructured - according to Paquet un-
- semistructured data: data from RSS and structured data represents about 80% of all
XML documents; existing data worldwide [18].
- unstructured data: email-uri, blogs, social Researchers from CUBIST project believe
networks, mobiles, etc. that to be able to integrate unstructured data
Informatica Economic vol. 16, no. 2/2012 75

in its analysis, business intelligence solutions Hereinafter, we will try to highlight with ref-
should be created based on new architectures. erence to this figure we compared differences
They suggest a possible SBI structure, shown appear between BI classic and Semantic BI.
in figure below.

Fig. 2. BI versus SBI [37]

a) Data sources: apart from data from - The subject is the resource (identified by
company departments, SBI intends to a URI)
analyzing the data found on the web that - Object is the resource's values
relate to the organization, too. For ex- - Predicate specify the relationship nature
ample may be relevant for a company to between subject and object
know its For example in Fig. 2 is rendered a triplet.
customers Reviews relating to products
tested, or are their preferences for a
product. Also, analysis of unstructured
data gains importance, given that it can Fig. 3. Example of a triplet
reveal hidden information at first glance,
being useful to BI applications in provid- c) Data analysis: on traditional BI solu-
ing information about the competition. tions the data are analyzed through data
b) The storage: in traditional BI, data mining tools. Into SBI, data mining tools
warehouses' role is to organize, integrate will be replaced by FCA (Formal Con-
and store data from all departments, of cept Analysis). FCA is a method used
an organization. Inside SBI their place is for data analysis, knowledge representa-
taken by triplestores. tion and information management [25]
The use of triplets is a way that makes where the data is structured in units in
statements about web resources by RFD the guise of formal abstractions of con-
consisting of subject, predicate and ob- cepts of human thought, allowing a
jects, where [7]: comprehensive and easily understanda-
ble interpretation [8].
76 Informatica Economic vol. 16, no. 2/2012

As in the literature will appear design speci- produced by Microsoft, is the first BI solu-
fications, models of architecture and struc- tion on the market that tries to integrate se-
tural schemes of SBI certainly that this list mantic data. According to markets data [22]
will grow, but for now it is enough to vali- published by the prestigious company Gart-
date the proposed hypothesis. As you can see ner, in 2011 Microsoft ranked the five most
SBI comes with two new technologies, and popular buyers of BI, with a percentage of
Formal Concept Analysis triplestores, un- 9% which means 1.05 million dollars from
precedented in traditional BI. total sales of BI, in these circumstances the
appearance on the market with a semantic so-
6 SBI market lution is inspired and strategically chosen.
Business Intelligence Semantic Model,

Fig. 4. Semantic Business Intelligence Model [11]

In this solution, there is a layer of metadata Thanks to a special layer called "layer on re-
that describes the concepts (entities) and lationship" can be integrated, process and es-
connections (relationships) between them. tablished relationships between data by map-
This layer was thought by developers of BI ping data columns containing identical or
solution to be user-oriented [23], in that it similar, even if them come from different
shows what can they gain significance, for sources as if all would come from the same
example it shows and what are the tables and place, and included both data from other Ex-
relationships in the real world. cel worksheets and other types of advanced
One of semantic solutions Microsoft is databases.
PowerPivot, which is nothing but a collection
of applications and integrated into Excel SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 - SAP directs
2010 and SharePoint 2010. The novelty of one's efforts towards to semantic integration
PowerPivot occurs due to the fact that instead in SAP BusinessObjects SAP BI 4.0 applica-
of cubes MOLAP, ROLAP and HOLAP tion by adding a new semantic layer in
classic components of traditional BI solu- OLAP. This semantic layer is an abstraction
tions, PowerPivot has his own way of data layer located between the database and users
storage called VertiPaq, a database vertically and allows them to access, process and ana-
organized. lyze data, regardless of origin and regardless
Informatica Economic vol. 16, no. 2/2012 77

of the complexity of data structures and tech- is a new generation of business intelligence
nical details. solutions.
Semantic layer comprises the following ele- Even if SBIs developing solutions only on
ments [15]: parameters for connection to the the beginning, from the materials analyzed
database, universes, panel query, query gen- can be seen easily that speak of a new level
erator, computer, and the local cache (repre- of applications. Using new technologies that
sented by a microcube). For all these parts FCA and triple stores, leads to conclusion
listed, showing the new elements is "uni- that we talk about a new generation of BI,
verse". generic called Semantic BI, thus validated
A universe is an organized collection of the hypothesis that we started.
metadata objects including dimensions, The appearance of applications to process
measures, hierarchies, attributes, predefined semantic data is salutary but it remains an
calculations, functions and queries. Object open question referred to specialists "What
metadata layer called business layer is built will happen with BI solutions currently used
on the relational database schemas or OLAP in companies? Considering the fact that ac-
cubes so that the objects to be mapped direct- quisition involved traditional BI outstanding
ly onto the SQL database structure or MDX financial efforts from companies is hard to
expressions, includes identifying those con- believe that will discontinue them to acquire
nections to data sources achieving queries. other advanced technologies.
The role of he universe is to simplify the us-
ers work because tries to give its objects Acknowledgements
semantically understandable (e.g. Client, This work was supported by the European
Quarter, Sales, etc) without having to know Social Fund in Romania, under the responsi-
the technical terminology, physical or logical bility of the Managing Authority for the Sec-
structure application or data source. torial Operational Program for Human Re-
As it can see, each presented applications in- sources Development 2007-2013 [grant
tends to use a layer data to integrate the un- POSDRU/CPP 107/DMI 1.5/S/78342].
structured data. As will appear on market BI
solutions of other major manufacturers cer- References
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Dinu AIRINEI has graduated the Faculty of Economic Sciences from

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai (UAIC) in 1978. He holds a Ph.D.
diploma in Economics from 1997 and he had gone through all didactic posi-
tions since 1982 when he joined the staff of the Faculty of Economic Scienc-
es, teaching assistant in 1982, senior lecturer in 1990, assistant professor in
1998 and full professor in 2000. Currently he is full Professor of Business In-
formation Systems within the Department of Economics, Quantitative Analysis and Infor-
mation Systems, at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEAA) from UAIC.
He is the author of more than 22 books and over 65 journal articles in the field of Business In-
formation Systems, Decision Support Systems, Data Warehouses and Business Intelligence.
80 Informatica Economic vol. 16, no. 2/2012

Dora-Anca BERTA has graduated the Faculty of Economics and Business

Administration from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai (UAIC) in
2008 and Faculty of Automatics and Computer Science from Gh. Asachi
University of Iai in 2011. Since 2010 she is a Ph. D. student on Alexandru
Ioan Cuza University of Iai on Cybernetics and Economics Statistics and
associate teaching assistant on Faculty of Economics and Business Admin-
istration Iai. She is focused on Decision Support Systems and Business In-

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