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N A N CY L . W I T H E R E L L

Different routes to the same destination:

Drawing conclusions with tiered
graphic organizers
The ability to draw conclusions while like it, caused us to wonder how to teach students
this important comprehension skill and provide
reading is an important comprehension skill,
them with tasks that would reinforce it at develop-
but it needs to be reinforced as students mentally appropriate levels. In the remainder of
learn. this article, we define tiered (leveled) graphic or-
ganizers, demystify the process of drawing con-

everal years ago, Marys (first authors) son, clusions, and provide examples of tiered graphic
Jimmy, and his friend Patrick, were at home organizers for drawing conclusions with upper
writing a report to accompany their fifth- elementary-grade students.
grade science project. The last section of the
assignment puzzled them. It said, draw conclu-
sions. They asked Mary to clarify this for them.
She did so gladly and provided what she thought Meeting the needs of all students
was a clear, thorough explanation. As she turned Today, perhaps more so than ever, teachers
and began to walk away, she overheard Patrick need to be able to identify where each student is in
whisper, I dont think your mother was right. his or her learning and provide targeted instruction.
Were supposed to draw the conclusions. The sto- This is a daunting job, especially as class sizes get
rybook character Amelia Bedelia flashed into bigger, diversity in the classroom grows, and
Marys mind. It had never occurred to her that chil- teacher assistants are either splitting their time be-
dren might interpret drawing conclusions in this tween classes or are nonexistent. For years, special
literal way. educators have made curricular and instructional
Mary knew the classroom teacher and was sure
adaptations to meet the needs of learners. These
she had taught the students how to draw conclu-
adaptations often involve changes to the concep-
sions before assigning this project. She was equal-
ly certain that some students were very familiar tual difficulty of a task as well as to some of the
with drawing conclusions before the teachers for- content (Switlick, 1997, p. 243). Switlick noted,
mal instruction began and would need to be chal- Many students cannot keep pace with the curriculum as
lenged to extend their current understanding. it is structured in the general education setting. If cur-
Others probably caught it during instruction and ricular adaptations are not made for individual stu-
could be successful in drawing conclusions with dents, these students may suffer a different kind of
minimum support. Some students, like Jimmy and segregation. While in the general education classroom
Patrick that day, would need additional instruction sitting beside their peers, they may be denied the basic
and guided support in order to move beyond their right to learn. Thus, curriculum modification has be-
literal misunderstanding. This anecdote, and many come a requirement in todays classroom. (p. 227)

242 2005 International Reading Association (pp. 242252) doi:10.1598/RT.59.3.4

In addition, the No Child Left Behind Act of heterogeneous classrooms, as well as those of
2001 (NCLB; 2002), federal legislation designed to struggling readers and writers.
increase student achievement in all academic ar-
eas for all precollegiate students in the United
States, heightens the need to match students with Differentiating instruction
appropriate skills so they can achieve steady, fast-
paced academic growth. NCLB specifies that all Many of us are familiar with the term differen-
students must reach the proficient level on state tiated instruction as a result of Tomlinsons (1999)
tests by 20132014, and that all individual schools work. According to Tomlinson, instruction can be
must meet adequate yearly progress (Rebora, differentiated in three basic areas: content,
2004). These, as well as other often-competing de- process, or product. When differentiating through
mands, especially for students, teachers, and ad- content, students are given different materials at a
ministrators in schools receiving Title I funding level in which they can work independently with
(Title I is a U.S. federally funded program for at- successful understanding. These materials, such as
risk students), necessitate careful, thoughtful cur- leveled books, ensure that learning is at each stu-
ricular plans. dents just right level. Differentiating through
Furthermore, according to the Center for process focuses on the modification of teaching
Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence practices. All learners are taught in an instruction-
(University of California, Santa Cruz, Center for al mode that allows them to grasp important con-
Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence, cepts successfully. When a teacher notices that two
2002), by the 2030s, if not sooner, 40% of the or three students may seem confused about a con-
school-age population will come from homes cept, she works with this small group a little longer.
where students speak languages other than English In this way, the process (the instruction) has been
as their native language. It is conceivable that stu- modified.
dents in any one class might be at various levels of When differentiating through product, the fol-
second-language acquisition: preproduction, early low-up assignment or response is leveled or
production, speech emergence or intermediate flu- tiered, enabling students to complete assign-
ency stages of acquisition (Lake & Pappamihiel, ments that are at their just right level. Its not re-
2003, p. 202). The Center noted, most U.S. alistic or even advisable for teachers to develop
schools are dramatically under-educating this stu- individual or small-group lessons for every instruc-
dent population (University of California, Santa tional task. It is feasible, however, to meet individ-
Cruz, Center for Research on Education, Diversity, ual needs by creating leveled, or tiered, follow-up
and Excellence). Teachers continually fashion activities to reinforce whole-class instruction.
modifications that control the language and con-
ceptual difficulty of academic tasks, making it pos-
sible for English learners to focus on skills that will Designing customized tiered
lead to English proficiency while acquiring content
knowledge. graphic organizers
Finally, it is as important to provide modifica- The steps offered in Figure 1 provide guide-
tions for students who excel at certain tasks as it is lines for teachers to use when creating effective
to provide modifications for students who are less tiered graphic organizers. It is important to begin
accomplished. Cohen (1997) noted that many gift- with a clear idea of the concept of the lesson and
ed students are underchallenged and not receiv- the expected outcome. The outcome does not
ing instruction that is developmentally appropriate change throughout the process; however, when it
for their level of achievement (cited in Reis, is time to apply what has been learned, students
Kaplan, & Tomlinson, 1998). Switlick (1997) rec- will be at varying points of understanding. If the
ommended that teachers subgroup students to teacher asks everyone to do a highly sophisticated,
meet all needs. Such subgrouping or differenti- challenging follow-up activity, for example, some
ated instruction (Tomlinson, 1999) meets the de- students will fail. On the other hand, if she asks
velopmental needs of high-achieving learners in everyone to continue to work at an introductory

Different routes to the same destination: Drawing conclusions with tiered graphic organizers 243
level, some students will not be challenged enough.
Sequence of steps to follow when designing There is no magic number of tiers to create. In
tiered graphic organizers some cases, the teacher might begin by creating
just two levels. The teacher, based on the needs of
the students in the class, determines the appropriate
Creating tiered graphic organizers
number of levels. Once the graphic organizers have
been designed, make sure the outcome is the same
Identify the concept/strategy/skill you will for each one (Witherell & McMackin, 2002). It is
important to have the tiered organizers look equal-
ly challenging and have an equal workload. It is the
increasing cognitive demand placed on the learner
that should differentiate one level from the next,
Decide and state an overall desired not the amount of physical work involved.
outcome for your instruction.

How to get your class started

As Harwayne (2004) stated, teachers are
Think about the levels of your students.
Where and with what will they be matchmakers. After two or three tiered graphic or-
successful? ganizers are designed and the concept has been
taught to the whole class, the teacher needs to
match students with the appropriate organizer. We
want each match to be one that works: the level is
instructional for the student, the work is motivat-
Think about the students who will easily
achieve the desired outcome. What type ing, and the result is successful. Teachers have
of graphic organizer can you create to found it helpful to photocopy each tiered organ-
challenge them to think more complexly izer on a different color of paper (e.g., introduc-
about the targeted concept/strategy/skill?
Create it.
tory organizers on green paper, intermediate
organizers on blue paper, challenging organizers on
yellow). If your school does not provide colored
paper, you might want to highlight the organizers
titles using a different color marker for each level.
Continue to focus on the same desired
outcome. Design one or two graphic
Once the teacher has identified which leveled
organizers that are less cognitively graphic organizer would be best for each student,
challenging. the actual work can begin. There are several ways
to use tiered responses in the classroom:
1. If there is not a lot of explanation needed to
complete the graphic organizers, students can fin-
Match your students to the appropriate
ish them with little direction. The teacher will have
leveled graphic organizers. to pass out the appropriate tiered graphic organiz-
er to each student. If the graphic organizer is on
each learners developmental level, he or she
should be able to complete it independently.
2. The teacher may review the directions for
Assess students work. Determine if anyone
might be successful completing a more all the graphic organizers at one time, before send-
complex graphic organizer. Allow him or her ing students off to work independently. Weve
to try it! found it effective to make a transparency of each
organizer. We provide short oral vignettes, such
Note. Adapted from Tomlinson (1999). as the basketball scene or the dog with the muddy
paws introduced later in this article, and model

244 The Reading Teacher Vol. 59, No. 3 November 2005

how to complete each graphic organizer with these ferentiate the process by completing the task to-
vignettes. We remind students as we use each gether in a small-group format.
transparency that some of them will be receiving Vygotskys (1978) zone of proximal develop-
it. We want all students to be familiar with all lev- ment addresses the value of adult support and guid-
els. Students working on the introductory organ- ance, as well as the need for teachers to know
izer in the first lesson will hopefully be able to where students are developmentally and how to
move to the intermediate level after additional in- nudge them along. Vygotsky noted what is in the
struction on future days. Likewise, students work- [childs] zone of proximal development today will
ing on the intermediate level should be able to be the actual developmental level tomorrowthat
progress to the challenging level with additional is, what a child can do with assistance today she
teaching and practice. If you find that students will be able to do by herself tomorrow (p. 87).
who use the challenging organizer successfully Teachers need to offer students challenges that are
finish the task before other students, you might within their reach (Dixon-Krauss, 1996). With
consider making a fourth-level organizer that is tiered organizers, the sequence of instruction and
cognitively more demanding. application of a skill is basically built in. When
3. The teacher can call one group to the rug students are successful at one level, they are en-
and explain how the tiered response is to be com- couraged to try the next level graphic organizer.
pleted, while students at their desk complete their Each level becomes the measurement of student
own level without extensive explanation or finish success, and each level ensures that learning con-
other work while they are waiting for directions. tinues to take place.
Once the teacher is finished explaining to one
group, she can call up another.
4. The teacher explains all levels of the tiered What do readers do when they draw
organizer and allows students to pick their just a conclusion?
right level organizer to complete independently.
All readers, even young children, draw conclu-
Teachers have found that this method can work
sions. A youngster, for example, soon realizes that
well when students choices are monitored. When
a helium balloon will fly away forever if he or she
this method is used, teachers need to explain care-
doesnt hold on to the string tightly. The child
fully that students should choose a graphic organ- quickly makes a logical connection between cause
izer that will make them think harder but not one and effect. When we draw conclusions, we know
that is too difficult. When children choose their the effect (result) of an event, and we try to work
activities within a structured environment, they are backward to determine the cause. Heres another
able to choose tasks consistent with their abilities example: Suppose a dog were playing in a muddy
and interests (Roller, 1996, p. 2). In this way, they backyard. A young boy lets the dog into his house.
will choose tiered responses that challenge but do Mom comes home later and finds black paw prints
not frustrate them. on her new white bedspread. Its probably safe to
5. The graphic organizer can be explained to infer that the dog played in the mud and then
one capable student, who in turn will explain it to jumped onto the bed. Nobody told us this explicit-
others, using that leveled graphic organizer. ly, but it is a logical conclusion based on the infor-
Teachers need to be comfortable implementing mation we have and our prior experiences. In this
their chosen classroom management system. The case, we know the result (i.e., a bedspread with
goal is to get students to complete an appropriate black paw prints) and must work backward to de-
graphic organizer successfully. Tiered graphic or- termine what caused this effect (i.e., the muddy
ganizers enable teachers to consistently assess yard and the boy letting the dog in the house).
whether a task is too difficult or not challenging Pearson and Johnson (1978) referred to drawing
enough. The assessment guides the instruction. If conclusions as backward inferencing (as con-
there is doubt that all will be successful, the teacher trasted with making predictions, which they iden-
may decide to assign partner work for some stu- tify as forward inferencing). According to van
dents (Prescott-Griffin & Witherell, 2004) or dif- den Broek, Fletcher, and Risden (1993), inferences

Different routes to the same destination: Drawing conclusions with tiered graphic organizers 245
occur when the reader activates information that is I must combine what I know for sure with what I
evoked by, yet goes beyond, the information that think about this information and then determine
is provided explicitly in the text (p. 170). Allan what else I can figure out from the information pro-
and Miller (2000) pointed out that Hebers (1978) vided. What I know for sure is based on what the
interpretive level of comprehension, his inferential author describes in the text. This step can be diffi-
level, is sometimes referred to as reading between cult for students. Weve found that they often skip
the lines or a blending of text-based connections over the factual details and jump right to a conclu-
and schema-based connections (p. 154). Readers sion. This may not be a problem with short, simple
connect what they know to new information en- texts, but without carefully considering the effect
countered in the text. first, students might infer an incorrect cause (con-
Teachers often face the challenge of translat- clusion), especially when reading challenging ma-
ing this jargon-laden language of inferencing into terials. Its worth noting, too, that when students
language that is more kid friendly. Beal, (1990), compose stories, they often leave out details, which
who investigated types of inferences students makes it difficult for readers to draw conclusions.
make, seems to have found a way to do this. She This skill can be reinforced while reading and writ-
asked children to tell her what they had to figure ing. What I think about this refers to connections the
out in order to understand the story (p. 1013). reader makes between the information in the text
Now, when teaching inferencing, we make it clear and the background knowledge and experiences he
that readers have to figure out what the author or she brings to the text. What else I can figure out
intended them to know. They need to go beyond is what the reader determines when he or she reads
exactly what was written. They need to use the between the lineswhen the reader draws a con-
information in the text, blend it with their own ex- clusion. The objective of the lesson that follows is
periences and knowledge, and then read between for all students to be able to use this process to draw
the lines to figure out what the author would have conclusions. During the lesson, well talk through
written if it were possible to write everything he more complex ideas. When we get to the follow-up
or she was thinking and feeling. All readers, at activities, however, well tier them so this skill
times, find it challenging to fill in the gaps that ex- can be reinforced at educationally sound levels for
ist between the lines of text. Lack of sufficient everyone.
background knowledge, inconsiderate texts Lets go back to the basketball game. By piec-
(Armbruster, 1984), weak vocabulary knowledge, ing information together, we can figure out, or con-
lack of relevant experiences, and many other fac- clude, that the home team just won the game. As
tors contribute to the level of difficulty readers en- teachers, we would talk through the process we
counter when making inferences. Given this used, focusing on what information came from the
reality, how can we structure our teaching to cre- text, what information we brought from our experi-
ate developmentally appropriate experiences for ences, and how we figured out the result. After pro-
all learners within whole-class environments? viding a few additional examples, we would invite
students to offer examples of their own. Finally, we
move on to examples from student texts.
Using think-alouds to teach and Lets pretend students are just beginning to
read Bud, Not Buddy (Curtis, 1999). This is the sto-
reinforce drawing conclusions ry of Bud, a 10-year-old boy who decides to look
As we mentioned earlier, drawing conclusions for the father he never knew. Buds mother, who
is an abstract concept. In order to teach this skill, we died a few years earlier, left flyers advertising
begin with concrete examples; we might provide Herman E. Calloway and his famous band. Bud has
the following think-aloud: Imagine I just turned on a strong feeling that Mr. Calloway is his father. He
the TV to catch the end of a basketball game. The sets out on a humorous and touching journey to
cameraman scans the stands and shows the home- find Mr. Calloway.
town crowd going wild. Everyone is cheering and At the start of the book, Bud is getting ready
clapping. Banners are waving, and people of all to move from an orphanage to a foster home.
ages are hugging one another. To draw a conclusion, Before leaving, he checks to make sure the few

246 The Reading Teacher Vol. 59, No. 3 November 2005

belongings he has are still in the battered suitcase I was having this thought because Todd Amos was hit-
he carries: ting me so hard and fast that I knew that the blood
squirting out of my nose was only the beginning of a
First I pulled my blanket out and saw that everything whole long list of bad things that were about to hap-
was where it was supposed to be. At the bottom of my pen to me. (Curtis, 1999, p. 9)
suitcase were the flyers. I took the blue flyer out and
looked at it again.
What do I know for sure? Todd Amos was
The paper was starting to wear out from me looking at hitting Bud. Bud was thinking about ending the
it so much but I liked checking to see if there was any-
fight. Stop and think about this information. What
thing I hadnt noticed before. It was like something was
telling me there was a message for me on this flyer, but else were we able to figure out from this infor-
I didnt have the decoder ring to tell what it was. mation? Bud was talking in these two para-
(Curtis, 1999, p. 6) graphs, and he was getting beaten up pretty
badly. Todd Amos is the 12-year-old boy Bud is
Thinking aloud, we raise the following points: living with in his new foster home. Todds a bul-
What do I know for sure? Bud says, I looked at the ly. How did I figure this out? I wasnt sure who
flyer again. The book also says, the paper was was talking at first, but when I saw the word I in
starting to wear out from me looking at it so the second paragraph, I knew Bud was telling us
much.... Stop and think about this information. what he was thinking. I remembered information
What was I able to figure out from this informa- that was given in chapter 1. I also remembered
tion? Bud looked at the flyer many times. It must that only Mr. and Mrs. Amos were named. The
be important to Bud, and it contained valuable in- sons name wasnt given. I pieced the information
formation. How did I figure this out? I took all the together and read between the lines to conclude
clues the author provided. For example, the author that Todd was the 12-year-old boy. I figured out
used the word again to let us know that Bud has
hes two years older than Bud and beating him up
already looked at this flyer beforeprobably many
the first time they meet. He doesnt even know
times. I got this same idea when it said the paper
Bud. Maybe he wants Bud to know whos going
was wearing out. I imagined myself in Buds situ-
to be the boss in the house. Why didnt the au-
ation and thought about what the author was really
thor just come out and tell me instead of having
trying to tell me. Why didnt the author just come
out and tell me instead of having me figure it out? me figure it out? Not knowing the sons name
I think the author is giving me one piece of infor- made me pause for a second when Todd Amos
mation at a time so I dont know the entire story suddenly appeared in chapter 2. I was thinking,
all at once. This flyer is mentioned in several sen- Who is this? Introducing Todds name and his
tences and seems to be something Bud treasures. unforgettable actions at the same time will help
Because Ive taken time to figure this out, Ill prob- me remember how mean Todd was. Also, it was
ably remember this information as I continue to fun to figure out who Todd was.
read. Many additional examples of think-alouds
Lets try one more example of drawing conclu- might need to be shared with students before they
sions. As mentioned previously, we find out in are ready to apply this skill independently. While
chapter 1 that Bud is moving to a new foster home. this instruction is taking place, we are observing
Hell be living with Mr. and Mrs. Amos and their and informally assessing which students are find-
12-year-old son, whose name is not mentioned. We ing this easy and would benefit from more chal-
dont learn anything else about the Amoses until lenging work; which students are ready to try some
we get to chapter 2. Heres how the second chap- comparable examples on their own; and which stu-
ter begins: dents are beginning to understand this skill but
need additional support in order to be successful.
There comes a time when youre losing a fight that it
just doesnt make sense to keep on fighting. Its not When students are ready to apply this skill inde-
that youre being a quitter, its just that youve got the pendently, we match each of them to one of the fol-
sense to know when enough is enough. lowing graphic organizers.

Different routes to the same destination: Drawing conclusions with tiered graphic organizers 247
Introductory-level graphic organizer

Drawing conclusions
Name _____________________________________________ Date __________________________

I will read
page ___________________________________________________________,
paragraph(s) ____________________________________________________

Think about the passage you just read and list what you know for sure.

Stop and think about this information.

What else were you able to figure out from the passage you read?

248 The Reading Teacher Vol. 59, No. 3 November 2005

Tiered graphic organizers as his or her learning style (Gregory & Chapman,
2002). We hope teachers will use the guidelines
Drawing conclusions and models of graphic organizers in this article to
design and create graphic organizers that meet their
Students using this introductory-level graphic
organizer (see Figure 2) will be able to read a pas- unique curriculum needs and the developmental
sage identified by the teacher, list what they know levels of the students in their classes.
for sure (i.e., the literal information in the passage), In the business of successful instruction, teach-
stop and think about this information, then deter- ers must be continually aware that learning is tak-
mine what else they can figure out (i.e., what con- ing place. The use of tiered graphic organizers
clusion can be drawn; what the author intends the assists teachers in assessing growth, as they ob-
reader to know but hasnt come right out and said). serve students during instruction and as students
progress from one level to the next. Although we
have not conducted empirical studies to determine
Clues to conclusions
the effectiveness of these graphic organizers on stu-
Students using this intermediate-level graphic dent learning, teachers who have used them and
organizer will complete the same activities as in the other graphic organizers we have designed (see
introductory-level graphic organizer (see Figure 3).
Witherell & McMackin, 2002, in press) have found
In addition, they will be able to make explicit con-
they support student understanding of concepts and
nections between the information in the text and
skills. Teachers have determined the effectiveness
the background knowledge and experiences they
of tiered organizers as students, who begin the skill
used to draw the conclusion.
at a lower level graphic organizer, show enough
growth to successfully complete the next level
Considering conclusions graphic organizer. Additional research in this area
Rather than having the teacher specify the pas- is clearly warranted; but based on our experiences
sage(s) to read, as in the two previous graphic or- and the research of others (e.g., Tomlinson, 1999),
ganizers, students will read until they can identify a it appears that exploring differentiated routes
place where they can draw a conclusion independ- through the use of tiered graphic organizers is a
ently. Students using this challenging-level graph- promising way for all students to reach the ultimate
ic organizer (see Figure 4) also will be able to destination of enhanced comprehension.
complete the activities described for the interme-
diate level.
McMackin teaches at Lesley University (29
Everett Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA).
E-mail Witherell teaches
Support understanding of concepts at Bridgewater State College in Bridgewater,
and skills Massachusetts. E-mail
Its probably safe to say that none of us wants
fifth graders to reach for a box of crayons every Allan, K.K., & Miller, M.S. (2000). Literacy and learning:
time they draw conclusions. Even with careful Strategies for middle and secondary school teachers.
teaching, however, this skill, like most others, will Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
need to be reinforced at different levels of com- Armbruster, B.B. (1984). The problem of inconsiderate
plexity if children are to grow and develop at the text. In G.G. Duffy, L.R. Roehler, & J. Mason (Eds.),
fastest and most effective pace. Comprehension instruction: Perspectives and sugges-
Educators are constantly concerned with the tions (pp. 202217). New York: Longman.
range of differences in the classroom and in opti- Beal, C.R. (1990). Development of knowledge about the role
of inference in text comprehension. Child Development,
mizing instruction for each learner: Researchers
61, 10111023.
and teachers alike know that one size never fits all Cohen, C.S. (1997). The effectiveness of peer-coaching on
(McCardle & Chhabra, 2004, p. 6). Modifications classroom teachers use of differentiation for gifted mid-
made must be based on sound knowledge of the dle school students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
learner: what he or she knows and can do, as well University of Connecticut, Storrs.

Different routes to the same destination: Drawing conclusions with tiered graphic organizers 249
Intermediate-level graphic organizer

Clues to conclusions
Name _____________________________________________ Date __________________________

I will read
page ___________________________________________________________,
paragraph(s) ____________________________________________________

Think about the passage you just read and list what you know for sure.

Stop and think about this information.

What else were you able to figure out from the passage you read?

While figuring this out, what connections did you make to your own experiences
or to something youve read?

250 The Reading Teacher Vol. 59, No. 3 November 2005

Challenging-level graphic organizer

Considering conclusions

Name _____________________________________________ Date __________________________

I read
page ___________________________________________________________,
paragraph(s) ____________________________________________________

Think about the passage you just read and list what you know for sure.

Stop, think about this information, and relate it to your experiences.

What else were you able to figure out from the passage you read?

While figuring this out, what connections did you make to your own experiences
or to something youve read?

Different routes to the same destination: Drawing conclusions with tiered graphic organizers 251
Curtis, C.P. (1999). Bud, not Buddy. New York: Dell Yearling. Roller, C. (1996). Variability not disability: Struggling readers
Dixon-Krauss, L. (1996). Vygotsky in the classroom: in a workshop classroom. Newark, DE: International
Mediated literacy instruction and assessment. White Reading Association.
Plains: NY: Longman. Switlick, D.M. (1997). Curriculum modifications and adapta-
Gregory, G., & Chapman, C. (2002). Differentiated instruc- tion. In D.F. Bradley, M.E. King-Sears, & D.M. Tessier-
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CA: Corwin Press. From theory to practice (pp. 225251). Boston: Allyn &
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(2nd ed.). New York: Prentice Hall. on Education, Diversity, and Excellence. (2002). A
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national study of school effectiveness for language mi-
and principles to support English language learners in
nority students long-term academic achievement
the early childhood classroom. Childhood Education,
Project 1.1 Final Report. Retrieved June 27, 2004, from
79(4), 200203.
McCardle, P., & Chhabra, V. (Eds.). (2004). The voice of evi-
van den Broek, P., Fletcher, C.R., & Risden, K. (1993).
dence in reading research. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.
Investigations of inferential processes in reading: A the-
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-110, 115
Stat. 1425 (2002). oretical and methodological integration. Discourse
Pearson, P.D., & Johnson, D.D. (1978). Teaching reading Processes, 16(1-2), 169180.
comprehension. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of
Prescott-Griffin, M.L., & Witherell, N.L. (2004). Fluency in fo- higher psychological processes (M. Cole, V. John-Steiner,
cus: Comprehension strategies for all young readers. S. Scribner, & E. Souberman, Eds. & Trans.). Cambridge,
Portmouth, NH: Heinemann. MA: Harvard University Press. (Original work published
Rebora, N. (2004). No child left behind. Education Week. 1934)
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252 The Reading Teacher Vol. 59, No. 3 November 2005

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