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Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 55(1):56-62. 2014.

ISSN (p rint) : 2211-3452

DOI 10.1007/s13580-014-0022-9 ISSN (online) : 2211-3460

Research Report

Adventitious Shoot Induction from Leaf Segments in Anthurium andreanum is

Affected by Age of Explant, Leaf Orientation and Plant Growth Regulator
1* 2
Jean Carlos Cardoso and Gustavo Habermann
Departamento de Desenvolvimento Rural, Centro de Cincias Agrrias, UFSCar, Km 174, ArarasSP, 13600-970, Brazil
Departamento de Botanica, IB, Univ Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Rio Claro-SP, 13506-900, Brazil

*Corresponding author:

Received February 16, 2013 / Revised December 17, 2013 / Accepted January 28, 2014
GKorean Society for Horticultural Science and Springer 2014

Abstract. Anthurium is one of the main potted plants on the flower market, and micropropagation is the most used
technique for clonal and large scale propagation of this species. Calli, adventitious shoots and regenerated plantlets
were obtained from leaf segments of Anthurium andraeanum. The influence of genotype, explant orientation, plant
growth regulator, and age of donor plants were tested. We obtained regenerated plants in three (Red One, Red
Dark, and Snow White) out of four different cultivars. The White Beauty, however, was considered to be recalcitrant
under these conditions. Therefore, the second study was conducted only with this recalcitrant cultivar, and the use of
juvenile rather than adult leaf explants enhanced plantlet regeneration at the frequency of 0.3-2.8 plantlets per leaf
segment. The use of 1.0 mgL-1 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and no addition of 2,4-D in the culture medium resulted
in direct plantlet regeneration of Anthurium. Plantlets obtained from Red One and White Beauty were successfully
micropropagated and acclimatized. In ex vitro phases, leaf-derived plants of these two genotypes maintained their
most important horticultural and ornamental characteristics.
Additional key words: direct and indirect organogenesis, ex vitro cultivation, micropropagation, recalcitrant cultivars,
true-to-type plants

Introduction elik, 2009). However, the use of leaf segments shows

wider applications in indirect organogenesis of Anthurium,
The Anthurium genus is comprised of 1,500 species from because it enhances the regeneration potential and maintains
tropical areas, and Anthurium andreanum is of great ornamental the genetic fidelity of regenerated plantlets (Gantait and
value (Dufour and Guerin, 2003). Sinniah, 2011). Therefore, callus induction and in vitro regen-
The propagation of Anthurium andreanum using seeds is eration from leaf explants is highly dependent on genotype
limited because seeds are available in small number and of Anthurium (Gantait and Mandal, 2010; Silva et al., 2005).
they develop slowly (Dufour and Guerin, 2003). In addition, Notwithstanding, direct regeneration of Anthurium plantlets
seed propagation causes high heterozygosity, resulting in from adult tissues is still a challenge.
genetic segregation and uneven production (Bejoy et al., 2008). Unsuccessful results of regeneration in ornamental species
Vegetative propagation by traditional methods is challenging have been overcome when the explants are inserted at different
and time-consuming due to the slow growth behavior of this orientations into the medium. Horizontal explant orientation,
species (Martin et al., 2003). Therefore, micropropagation is with adaxial side-up, shows higher inductions of direct somatic
an useful alternative for propagating Anthurium as well as a embryogenesis in Phalaenopsis amabilis, P. Nebula (Gow
rapid method for providing pathogen-free plants (DOnghia et al., 2009) and Oncidium Gower Ramsey orchids (Chen
et al., 2001; Martin et al., 2003). and Chang, 2002) as compared to the abaxial side-up orien-
Indirect organogenesis from leaf tissues is the most fre- tation.
quently used technique for in vitro regeneration of this species We tested different genotypes and explant orientations on
(Gantait and Mandal, 2010). Explants from vegetative and leaf-segmented organogenesis and plantlet regeneration in
reproductive organs have been successfully used (Atak and A. andraeanum. Additionally, we attempted to directly and
Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 55(1):56-62. 2014. 57

indirectly induce regeneration of plantlets using the same under tap water. Subsequently, these leaves were immersed
medium, i.e. without transferring leaf explants or calli to in 75% (v/v) alcohol for one min, followed by immersion in
another medium. We tested whether the age of donor plants a 1% (v/v) active chlorine solution. Next, the leaves were
is a factor controlling leaf organogenesis in recalcitrant washed three times in autoclaved distilled water.
cultivars of A. andraeanum. We aimed to obtain an efficient Leaf midribs were cut and discarded, and squares of 1
protocol as well as to discover the main factors controlling cm were cut from the leaf lamina using only distal and mid
shoot organogenesis in recalcitrant cultivars of this species. parts of young brown-green leaves (Martin et al., 2003).
Test tubes with leaf segments were maintained in dark
Materials and Methods conditions for 60 days, before being transferred to 16 h pho-
-2 -1
toperiod (35 molm s PPFD provided by white fluorescent
3ODQW 0DWHULDO lamps) for 30 days. The room temperature of both dark and
The leaves used for in vitro experiments were obtained light conditions was 26 1C. The number of calli, adventitious
from Anthurium andreanum Red One and Red Dark with buds, and shoots per leaf segment were measured after 90
red spathes, and White Beauty with white spathes. These days of incubation.
cultivars have been developed for the potted plant market. A two-way ANOVA was run to test the effects of genotypes
Leaves from the Snow White with white spathes (originally (4), explant positions (3), and their interactions on the ad-
developed for the cut flower market) were also used in this ventitious shoot induction from leaf segments. For each
study. treatment, ten test tubes, containing one explant each, were
Donor plants were obtained from micropropagation, and used. The experiments were repeated twice.
were grown in plastic pots containing coconut fiber as the
substrate (Ecogrow crush type, Biogrow, Conde-BA, Brazil). $JH RI WKH 'RQRU 3ODQWV RQ $GYHQWLWLRXV /HDI
These plants were maintained under greenhouse conditions, 6KRRW ,QGXFWLRQ
-2 -1
with an average irradiance of 300 molm s PPFD (11.5 h The second experiment was conducted to study the
photoperiod), 25 5C, and 60% as the minimum air influence of the donor plant age and plant growth regulators
relative humidity. A drip irrigation and fertigation system (PGRs) used in the culture medium on adventitious shoot
was used as recommended by horticultural standard procedures induction from leaf explants. The ages of donor plants were:
(IMAC and Anthura, 2007). The pH of the substrate was (D1) six-month-old plants in the vegetative phase (after
maintained between 5.0-6.0 and the EC (electroic conduc- acclimatization), showing six fully expanded leaves, and no
tivity) between 1.6-1.8 dSm for fertigation. flowers; and (D2) 12-month-old plants in the reproductive
phase (after acclimatization), displaying flowers and 12-15
6WXG\ RI ([SODQW 2ULHQWDWLRQ DQG *HQRW\SHV RQ fully expanded leaves.
/HDI 6KRRW ,QGXFWLRQ Using the same culture medium described previously, we
The four above-mentioned cultivars and three leaf-segmented also tested the following PGRs and combinations: (An1)
-1 -1
explant orientations were tested. Explant orientations were: 2,4-D at 0.1 mgL and BAP at 1.0 mgL ; (An2) BAP at
-1 -1 -1
horizontal, with the abaxial leaf surface in contact with the 1.0 mgL ; (An3) 2,4-D at 0.1 mgL and kinetin at 1.0 mgL ;
medium (ABA), horizontal, with the adaxial leaf surface in and (An4) kinetin at 1.0 mgL .
contact with the medium (ADA), and vertical, with 50% of For this study, only the White Beauty was used because
the leaf segment inserted into the medium (VER). it showed a strong recalcitrant behavior regarding the plantlet
The medium used for callus and shoot induction consisted regeneration from in vitro adventitious shoot induction from
of a MS medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) with a leaf segments in the first study.
reduced concentration of NH4NO3 to 250 mgL (Atak and A two-way ANOVA was run to test effects of the donor
-1 -1
elik, 2009; Nhut et al. 2006), 30 gL sucrose, 100 mgL plant age (2), PGRs used in the medium (4), and their inter-
-1 -1
myo-inositol, 1.0 mgL thiamine, 1.0 mgL 6-benzylamino- actions on the adventitious shoot induction from leaf segments.
purine (BAP), and 0.1 mgL 2,4-diclorophenoxiacetic acid For each treatment, ten test tubes, containing one leaf segment
(2,4-D). The medium pH was adjusted to 5.8 before solid- each, were used as replications.
ification, which was achieved by adding 6.0 gL Agar (Algagel, The growth period and conditions as well as evaluated
Type 900, Campinas-SP, Brazil). Test tubes (13 cm 2.1 cm) parameters were the same as those previously described in
containing 10 mL of medium was used as culture vessels, the first experiment.
which were autoclaved at 121C under 1.0546 kgcm (= 15 In both experiments, mean values were compared by the
psi, 15 lbin ) for 20 min. Tukey test ( = 0.05). The Assistat 7.6 (Silva, 2011) statistical
Leaves of donor plants were first washed with detergent software was used. The experiment was repeated twice.
58 Jean Carlos Cardoso and Gustavo Habermann

0XOWLSOLFDWLRQ LQ 9LWUR DQG H[ 9LWUR *URZWK RI The ex vitro plant development was observed for 18
5HJHQHUDWHG 3ODQWV months. During this phase, morphological alterations in
After shoot organogenesis was obtained in both studies, plants obtained from shoot induction were monitored. The
shoots were multiplied in the MS medium in which 25 gL
-1 time for vegetative growth and flowering, as well as the
-1 -1
sucrose, 1.5 gL activated charcoal, 0.1 mgL myo-inositol, color of leaves and flowers were closely observed.
and 0.5 mgL BAP were added. The medium used for
rooting and stem elongation was the same as the medium Results and Discussion
used in the multiplication phase. However, BAP was replaced
by indol-3-butyric acid at 0.1 mgL . In both media, pH was In the first experiment, three out of four cultivars showed
adjusted to 5.8 0.05 before achieving solidification with shoot induction and regeneration. Only the White Beauty
2.2 gL of gelling agent Gelrite (Duchefa, The Netherlands). showed a strong recalcitrant behavior (callus was formed,
Growth conditions used in this phase were also the same but no shoot developed). For this cultivar, leaf segments,
as those used in the first and the second experiments de- which were originally green, turned yellow after 60 days
scribed previously. under dark conditions, becoming darker and no shoot regen-
Two hundred plantlets of Red One and White Beauty eration was observed at the end of 90 days of in vitro
were obtained. Rooted plantlets were acclimatized and grown incubation (Table 1). Raaj et al. (2012) also observed that
in plastic pots containing coconut fiber as the substrate callus obtained from petioles of A. andreanum Casino
(Ecogrow fiber, Biogrow, Conde-BA, Brazil). These plants turned brown and regenerated no plantlets.
were maintained in a greenhouse, where temperature was The Red Dark showed the highest rate of adventitious
maintained between 20 (minimum) and 30C (maximum) bud induction and shoot regeneration (8.13 shoots/leaf
-2 -1
and an average irradiance of 150 molm s PPFD for the segment). Although the callus induction rate was higher in
-2 -1
first three months and 300 molm s PPFD in the fol- the Red One and Snow White, these genotypes showed
lowing period were used. lower adventitious shoot induction as compared to the Red

Table 1. Effects of genotype and explant orientation on adventitious shoot induction from the leaf segments of Anthurium andraeanum.


$%$  D%  D$  E$  D%  D%
5HG 'DUN $'$  D$  F%  D$  D$  D$
9(5  D%  D$  E$  D%  D%
$%$  D$  D$  E$  D%  D%
5HG 2QH $'$  F$  D$  D$  E$  F$
9(5  D$  D$   E$  D%  D%
$%$  D%  D$  E$  D%  D%
:KLWH 6QRZ $'$  E$  D$  D$  E$  E$
9(5  D%  D$  E$  D%  D%
$%$  D$  D$  E$  D$  D$
:KLWH %HDXW\ $'$  F$  E%  D$  F$  G$
9(5  D$  D$  E$  D$  D$
Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 55(1):56-62. 2014. 59

Dark (Table 1). We also observed two types of callus the best results (Prez-Tornero et al., 2000). On the other
formed from leaf segments: cream-colored callus, which hand, the abaxial position (ABA-type) enhanced direct somatic
was usually small, and green callus with vigorous growth. embryogenesis in Phalaenopsis amabilis and P. Nebula (Gow
Both types gave shoot induction and plantlet regeneration in et al., 2009) and in Oncidium Gower Ramsey (Chen and
all cultivars, except for the White Beauty (Table 1). Chang, 2002) orchids. Therefore, in the present study, the
We observed that shoot induction of Anthurium differed adaxial leaf surface must be in direct contact with the
among genotypes. Particularly for the White Beauty, we culture medium during the callus induction and plantlet
found a conspicuous rate of unsuccessful regeneration. Nhut regeneration. Differences in shoot induction from the ADA-
et al. (2006) also observed two Anthurium cultivars did not or ABA-type leaf orientation might be related to genetic,
produce callus and that no plantlet regeneration from calli physiological, and morphological factors such as leaf polarity,
was obtained in other eight cultivars. A similar recalcitrant which is ontogenetically established in the shoot meristem
behavior was observed in the Octopus of Dieffenbachia (Sessions and Yanofsky, 1999; Xu et al., 2003). Leaf surfaces
genus, which is related to Anthurium genus. In that cultivar, also show distinct capacities for water and ion uptake
Shen et al. (2008) reported that no shoots or plantlet regenera- (Schnherr, 2006).
tion was obtained from the leaf explants. Therefore, observations The age of donor plants seems to play a critical role in the
made by Nhut et al. (2006), Raaj et al. (2012) and our control of shoot organogenesis in Anthurium, as observed in
observations on White Beauty in Anthurium, and also by the White Beauty (Table 2 and Fig. 1). The PGR treatment
Shen et al. (2008) on Dieffenbachia largely exemplify im- (An2) that induced 2.8 shoots per leaf segment in juvenile
portant factors involved in the recalcitrant behavior of tissues, induced only 0.3 shoots per leaf segments from
Anthurium when trying to obtain shoot induction and adult donor plants (Table 2 and Fig. 1). This developmental
plantlet regeneration. switch is frequently observed in woody species. In Prunus
Results from the first experiment showed that leaf segments serotyna, 91.4% shoot regeneration was obtained using
with adaxial (ADA-type) surface in direct contact with the juvenile explants, while only 40% when using mature
culture medium was the best leaf explant orientation for explants (Liu and Pijut, 2008). Optimization of regeneration
obtaining Anthurium shoot induction. Similar results were protocols for adult-derived explants has been attempted in
obtained for Prunus armeniaca, when young expanded leaves trees, which have long juvenile cycles. For this, genetic
with the adaxial side touching the culture medium produced transformation has been used to enhance cell competence

Table 2. Effect of explant age on adventitious shoot induction from the leaf explants of Anthurium andraeanum White Beauty cultivated
on the culture medium composed of different PGRs (An1, An2, An3, and An4).



-XYHQLOH OHDI $Q  E%  D$  D$  D%  D%  D%

$Q  D$  E&  D$  D$  D$  D$
$Q  D$  E&  D$  D%  D%  D%
$Q  D$  D%  D$  D%  D%  D%
$GXOW OHDI $Q  D$  E&  E&  D$  D$  D$
$Q  D$  D'  E$  E$  E$  E$
$Q  E&  D$  E&  D$  D$  D$
$Q  E%  D%  E%  D$  D$  D$
60 Jean Carlos Cardoso and Gustavo Habermann

Fig. 1. Micropropagation and in vitro development of plantlets of Anthurium andraeanum obtained by adventitious shoot induction from
the leaf segments: A, leaf segments from juvenile donor plant; B, leaf segments from adult donor plant; [1, BA (1.0 mgL ) + 2,4-D
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1
(0.1 mgL ); 2, BA (1.0 mgL ); 3, kinetin (1.0 mgL ) + 2,4-D (0.1 mgL ); 4, kinetin (1.0 mgL )]; C, details of plantlet regeneration
from the leaf segment of juvenile (D1) and adult (D2) explants; D, multiplication phase; and E, rooting phase.

for regeneration (Cervera et al., 2008; Pea-Ramrez et al., shoots of most adult Anthurium cultivars. In addition, BAP
2010). The reason why adult Anthurium plants lose its in is absolutely necessary in the medium for shoot induction
vitro regeneration capacity is not well understood. High (Table 2).
secretion of phenols and shifts in the IAA:ABA ratio in Our results propose a protocol for direct shoot induction
mature tissues are among the main causes of low from leaf segments. The direct shoot induction and plantlet
regeneration capacity in adult explants of woody species regeneration obtained is a fast clonal micropropagation
(Beck et al. 1998; Chauvin and Salesses, 1988). For some method and results in true-to-type regenerated plants. In
species showing episodic recalcitrance, the manipulating fact, plantlet regeneration from callus shows high somaclonal
phase may be a solution (McCown, 2000), but in many variations, as observed in Dieffenbachia (Shen et al., 2007),
recalcitrant plants, adequate procedures have not been potato (Bordallo et al., 2004) and strawberry (Nehra et al.,
identified. However, the recalcitrance of adult tissues does 1992).
not only involve shifts in plant development, but also Furthermore, most protocols for induction and regeneration
includes the silencing of many genes that can be reverted of Anthurium shoots obtained from leaf segments (Atak and
with osmotic or thermo stress and/or PGRs application elik, 2009; Jahan et al., 2009; Joseph et al. 2003) proposed
(Park et al. 2010; von Aderkas and Bonga, 2000). two phases: (1) production of callus and (2) induction and
Leaf segments from the adult White Beauty plants in- regeneration of shoots. As a novelty, we induced callus and
oculated onto the culture medium containing 2,4-D and BAP regenerated shoots using the same medium, with no transfer
(An1) resulted in brown callus and tissues, and no shoots of callus to another medium for shoot regeneration.
were observed after 90 days of incubation. Replacing BAP Shoots of Red Dark and White Beauty were multiplied
with kinetin, with (An3) or without 2,4-D (An4), did not in vitro and rooted (Figs. 1D and 1E), acclimatized, and
result in shoot induction from the leaf explants obtained grown under greenhouse conditions. The multiplication rate
from adult plants (Table 2 and Fig. 1). observed for the Red Dark was 5:1 (five shoots were
Our results combined with those from previous studies obtained from each explant), requiring approximately 160
(Bejoy et al., 2008; Jahan et al., 2009) support the hypothesis days for the production of 200 plants. Approximately 93% of
that 2,4-D can serve as an inhibitor of shoot induction in these plants were successfully rooted and 89% of them were
Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 55(1):56-62. 2014. 61

Fig. 2. Eighteen-month-old plants, grown in the greenhouse, obtained from adventitious shoot induction in leaf segment culture.

successfully acclimatized under greenhouse conditions. For the provided for this study. G. Habermann acknowledges the
White Beauty, the multiplication rate was 3.5:1, which required Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological
approximately 200 days for the production of 200 plants. Development (CNPq) for a research productivity fellowship
Approximately 98% of these plants were successfully rooted (CNPq Proc. 306119/2011-0).
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