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org review
& 2009 International Society of Nephrology

Assessing acidbase disorders

Horacio J. Adrogue1,2,3, F. John Gennari4, John H. Galla5 and Nicolaos E. Madias6,7
Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; 2Department of Medicine, Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX,
USA; 3Renal Section, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Houston, TX, USA; 4Department of Medicine, University of Vermont College of
Medicine, Burlington, VT, USA; 5Department of Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA; 6Department
of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA and 7Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Caritas St
Elizabeths Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA

Effective management of acidbase disorders depends on Management of acidbase disorders begins with accurate
accurate diagnosis. Three distinct approaches are currently diagnosis, a process requiring two tasks: First, reliable
used in assessing acidbase disorders: the physiological measurement of acidbase variables in the blood, a complex
approach, the base-excess approach, and the fluid containing multiple ions and buffers; this task is an
physicochemical approach. There are considerable exercise in chemistry. Second, proper interpretation of the
differences among the three approaches. In this review, we data in relation to human health and disease allowing
first describe the conceptual framework of each approach, definition of the patients acidbase status; this is an exercise
and comment on its attributes and drawbacks. We then in pathophysiology. The patients history, physical examina-
highlight the application of each approach to patient care. tion, and additional laboratory testing and imaging, as
We conclude with a brief synthesis and our appropriate, then help the clinician to identify the specific
recommendations for choosing an approach. cause(s) of the acidbase disturbance, and from that
Kidney International (2009) 76, 12391247; doi:10.1038/ki.2009.359; information to undertake appropriate intervention.1
published online 7 October 2009 Three distinct approaches are currently used in assessing
KEYWORDS: base-excess approach; physicochemical approach; acidbase disorders, each with a considerable following
physiological approach; Stewart approach worldwide. For the purposes of this review, we name them
the physiological approach, pioneered by Van Slyke and co-
workers;2,3 the base-excess approach, developed by Astrup
and co-workers;4,5 and the physicochemical approach, pro-
posed by Stewart and extended by his followers.69 The last and
newest approach has steadily gained acceptance, especially
among critical-care physicians and anesthesiologists.
The three approaches differ considerably. In this review,
we first describe the conceptual framework of each approach,
and its attributes and drawbacks. We then highlight the
application of each approach to patient care. We conclude
with a brief synthesis and our recommendations for choosing
an approach.

Conceptual framework
The physiological approach considers acids as hydrogen ion
(H ) donors and bases as H acceptors.10 It uses solely the
carbonic acid/bicarbonate buffer system for assessing acid-
base status, a position rooted in the isohydric principle.
Adoption of this buffer system reflects its abundance,
physiological preeminence, and the fact that its two
components undergo homeostatic control.13 Blood pH is
Correspondence: Nicolaos E. Madias, Department of Medicine, Caritas
viewed as being determined by the prevailing levels of
St Elizabeths Medical Center, 736 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02135, USA. carbonic acid (that is, PaCO2, the respiratory component)
E-mail: and plasma bicarbonate concentration ([HCO 3 ], the meta-
Received 24 June 2009; revised 14 July 2009; accepted 14 July 2009; bolic component, Table 1), as stipulated by the Henderson
published online 7 October 2009 equation, [H ] 24  PaCO2/[HCO 3 ].

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review HJ Adrogue et al.: Assessing acidbase disorders

Table 1 | Assessment of the metabolic component of acid-base status

Approach Variable Determination Remarks
Physiological Plasma [HCO
3] Measured pH and PCO2 Interpretation complemented by evaluation of plasma
anion gap, [Na+]([Cl]+[Total CO2])
Base excess Blood base excess (BE) CO2 equilibration method or calculated BE is a measure of the metabolic component of acidbase
from measured pH and PCO2 status as reflected in whole blood
Interpretation complemented by evaluation of plasma
anion gap
Standard BE (SBE) Calculated from measured SBE is a measure of the metabolic component of acid-
pH, PCO2, and hemoglobin base status as reflected in the extracellular compartment.
It is usually calculated automatically from arterial blood
gas results, but it can also be obtained using the blood
acidbase nomogram with the hemoglobin set at 5 g/dl42
Interpretation complemented by evaluation of plasma
anion gap
+ + ++ ++  
Physicochemical SIDa (apparent strong ([Na ]+[K ]+[Ca ]+[Mg ])([Cl ]+[lactate ]) These three formulas for SIDa , as well as additional
ion difference) ([Na+]+[K+])([Cl]+[lactate]+[other strong variants, are currently in use. SIDa is mathematically
anions]) equivalent to the plasma buffer base of Singer and
([Na+]+[K+])[Cl] Hastings64
SIDe (effective strong [HCO3 ]+[Alb ]+[Pi ] where: Represents the sum of plasma [HCO 3 ] and non-
ion difference) [Alb]=[Alb, g/l]  [(0.123  pH)0.631] bicarbonate buffers (anionic equivalency of albumin and
[Pi]=[Pi, mmol/l]  [(0.309  pH)0.469] phosphate)
SIG (strong ion gap) SIDa SIDe An estimate of the concentration of unmeasured anions
in plasma that resembles the plasma anion gap
Value depends upon the variant of SIDa used
ATot (total 2.43  [total protein, g/dl] Primarily related to albumin concentration
concentration For clinical purposes, approximated by the concentration
of weak acids of total protein
in plasma)
All variables and electrolytes listed are expressed in mEq/l, unless otherwise indicated.

The physiological approach recognizes four acidbase calculated value for each 1 g/dl of plasma albumin below or
disorders1,1113 (Table 2). Metabolic disorders are expressed above the average normal value of 4.5 g/dl, respectively.
as primary changes in plasma [HCO 3 ], whereas respiratory Changes in blood pH elicit small, directional changes in the
disorders are expressed as primary changes in PaCO2. Each anionic charge of plasma albumin and thus the AG, but these
primary change in either plasma [HCO 3 ] or PaCO2 elicits in changes are ignored in clinical practice.28,29 The anionic
vivo a secondary response in the other variable that tends to charge of plasma albumin decreases by only 1.5 mEq/l when
minimize the change in acidity.1,11 These secondary blood pH decreases from 7.40 to 7.10.30
responses, otherwise referred to as compensatory, have been
quantitated in animals and humans.1424 We discourage use Attributes and drawbacks
of the term compensatory, because the secondary responses The physiological approach considers the acidbase status of
occasionally can yield a maladaptive effect on blood pH.25,26 body fluids as being determined by net H balance (that is,
Absence of an appropriate secondary response denotes the influx minus efflux) and the prevailing complement of body
co-existence of an additional simple acidbase disorder. Use buffers.31,32 The chemistry of acids and bases is blended with
of ventilator support in critically ill patients can, of course, the empirically derived secondary responses of the intact
alter or prevent expression of the secondary changes in organism to primary changes in PaCO2 or plasma [HCO 3 ].
PaCO2 in response to metabolic acidbase disorders. These This approach is simple regarding data collection and clinical
ventilator-induced alterations are viewed as complicating application. The standard blood gas analyzer measures pH
primary respiratory acidbase disorders. The simultaneous and PCO2, from which plasma [HCO 3 ] is calculated
presence of two or more simple acidbase disorders defines a (Table 1). Comparing plasma [HCO 3 ] with measured
mixed acidbase disorder. [TCO2] in venous blood validates this derived variable.1
Assessment of the metabolic component is complemented Furthermore, most acidbase disorders are first recognized by
by evaluating the plasma anion gap (AG), defined as clinicians through abnormalities in venous [TCO2].
[Na ]([Cl] [TCO2]),27 where [TCO2] indicates venous Although PCO2 is universally considered as an appro-
total CO2 concentration (Table 1 and Figure 1). The average priate index of the respiratory component, plasma [HCO 3]
normal value for plasma AG differs among health-care has been viewed by some as an unsuitable indicator of the
facilities because of methodological variation.27 Normally, metabolic component.33,34 Criticisms include lack of inde-
approximately 75% of the plasma AG is determined by pendence of plasma [HCO 3 ] from the respiratory compo-
plasma albumin concentration.27 Thus, the plasma AG must nent and failure of quantitation of buffers other than
be adjusted by subtracting or adding 2.5 mEq/l from the bicarbonate. Plasma [HCO 3 ] is certainly affected by changes

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Table 2 | Classification of acidbase disorders

Disorder Physiological approach Base-excess approach Physicochemical approach
Metabolic acidosis Primary k in [HCO 3] Primary base deficit (BE, SBE) Primary kSIDe,
k in pH; secondary k in PaCO2 k in pH; secondary k in PaCO2 kpH
Secondary DPaCO2/D[HCO 3 ]=k1.2 mm Hg per DPaCO2/DSBE=k1.0 mm Hg per Secondary DPaCO2 not defined
response mEq/lk mEq/lk
Evaluation of Plasma AG adjusted for plasma Plasma AG adjusted for plasma
plasma unmeasured [albumin] [albumin]
anions Normal AG acidosis (hyperchloremic Normal AG acidosis (hyperchloremic SID acidosis where SIG=0, (kSIDa=kSIDe),
acidosis) acidosis) equivalent to hyperchloremic acidosis
High AG acidosis (normochloremic High AG acidosis (normochloremic SIG acidosis where mSIG (unchanged SIDa
acidosis) acidosis) and decreased SIDe), equivalent to
normochloremic acidosis
Effect of [albumin] No significant effect No significant effect Primary m in Atot (hyperalbuminemic
on acidbase status acidosis)

Metabolic alkalosis Primary m in [HCO 3] Primary base excess (+BE, +SBE) Primary m in SIDa and SIDe
m in pH; secondary m in PaCO2 m in pH; secondary m in PaCO2 m in pH (SID alkalosis)

Secondary DPaCO2/D[HCO3 ]=m0.7 mm Hg per DPaCO2/DSBE=m 0.6 mm Hg per Secondary DPaCO2 not defined
response mEq/lm mEq/lm
Effect of [albumin] No significant effect No significant effect Primary k in ATot (hypoalbuminemic
on acidbase satus alkalosis)

Respiratory acidosis Primary m in PaCO2 Primary m in PaCO2 Primary m in PaCO2

k in pH; secondary m in [HCO
3] k in pH k in pH
Secondary D[HCO3 ]/DPaCO2= DSBE=0 (acute) Not considered
response m0.1 mEq/l per mm Hg m(acute) DSBE=+SBE (chronic)
m0.3 mEq/l per mm Hg m(chronic) DSBE/DPaCO2=m0.4 mEq/l
per mm Hg m

Respiratory alkalosis Primary k in PaCO2 Primary k in PaCO2 Primary k in PaCO2

m in pH; secondary k in [HCO
3] m in pH m in pH
Secondary D[HCO3 ]/DPaCO2= DSBE=0 (acute) Not considered
response k0.2 mEq/l per mm Hg k (acute) DSBE=SBE (chronic)
k0.4 mEq/l per mm Hg k (chronic) DSBE/DPaCO2=k0.4 mEq/l
per mm Hg k
AG, anion gap; SBE, standard base excess; SIDa, apparent strong ion difference; SIDe, effective strong ion difference; SIG, strong ion gap (see Table 1 for definitions).
Plasma AG can be adjusted for plasma [albumin] by subtracting or adding 2.5 mEq/l from the calculated value for each 1 g/dl of plasma albumin below or above the average
normal value of 4.5 g/dl, respectively.
Arrows pointing down (k) indicate decreases and arrows pointing up (m) indicate increases. In respiratory acidbase disorders, the term acute refers to a duration of minutes
to several hours. The term chronic refers to a duration of several days or longer.

in PCO2 and vice versa, because HCO 3 and H2CO3 are take into account the participation of non-bicarbonate
members of a single buffer pair.13 Also, sustained changes in buffers.36
PCO2 substantially modify renal acidification thereby
decreasing plasma [HCO 3 ] in chronic hypocapnia and BASE-EXCESS APPROACH
increasing it in chronic hypercapnia.14,15,25,26,32,35Conversely, Conceptual framework
changes in plasma [HCO 3 ] modify alveolar ventilation The base-excess approach also advocates the centrality of H
resulting in changes in PCO2.16,24 However, the interdepen- balance in defining acidbase status.4,5,33 In this approach, the
dency of PCO2 and plasma [HCO 3 ] does not undermine the three relevant acidbase variables are blood pH, PCO2, and
rigor of the physiological approach, because the secondary base excess (BE) (Table 1). Blood BE was introduced to
responses of the one variable to changes in the other have replace plasma [HCO 3 ] with a measure of the metabolic
been quantitated for each disorder (Table 2). Regarding the component that is independent from the respiratory
second criticism, non-bicarbonate buffers are not quantitated component. Base excess represents the amount of acid or
in the physiological approach, but this does not vitiate alkali that must be added to 1 l of blood exposed in vitro to a
diagnosis, because the level of plasma [HCO 3 ] always reflects PCO2 of 40 mm Hg to achieve the average normal pH of 7.40.
the status of those buffers. Nor does it affect patient Acid is required when blood pH is higher than 7.40 (positive
management, because the apparent bicarbonate space, used BE or base excess), whereas alkali is needed when blood pH is
to compute acid or alkali replacement, incorporates the lower than 7.40 (negative BE or base deficit). Under normal
contribution of non-bicarbonate buffers.3638 Alterations in circumstances, the average blood BE is zero.39 During in vitro
acidbase equilibrium result in changes in the apparent blood titration, any CO2-induced increase in plasma [HCO 3]
bicarbonate space that have been defined experimentally and is attended by an equivalent decrease in the anionic charge of

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Phosphate Phosphate Phosphate

Other Other Other
cations Other cations Other cations Other
anions anions anions

K+ 4 K+ 4 K+ 4
AG Proteins AG

SIDa SIDe Proteins SIDa 10
24 SIDe

Na+ Cl Na+ Cl Na+ Cl

140 106 140 106 140 120

Normal High AG (normochloremic) metabolic acidosis Normal AG (hyperchloremic) metabolic acidosis

or or
SIG acidosis SID acidosis

Figure 1 | Schematic illustration of plasma cations and anions in normal acidbase status, high-anion-gap (normochloremic)
metabolic acidosis or SIG acidosis, and normal anion gap (hyperchloremic) metabolic acidosis or SID acidosis. The numbers
within the bars give ion concentrations in millimoles per liter. AG, anion gap; SID, strong ion difference; SIDa, apparent strong ion difference;
SIDe, effective strong ion difference; SIG, strong ion gap.

non-bicarbonate buffers (largely hemoglobin) that results respiratory disorders represent primary changes in PCO2.
from binding the H released from carbonic acid; as a result, Recomputing data collected according to the physiological
blood BE remains constant. Opposite reactions occur during approach47 allows quantitation of the secondary responses to
in vitro decreases in PCO2 again resulting in a constant blood primary changes in SBE or PCO2 (Table 2). Assessment of
BE. In contrast, when the PCO2 is varied in vivo as a result of SBE is complemented by evaluating the plasma AG.
hypoventilation or hyperventilation, blood BE does not
remain constant because a concentration gradient for Attributes and drawbacks
bicarbonate develops between blood and interstitial com- This approach champions SBE as a measure of the
partment; bicarbonate is lost from plasma into the interstitial contribution of all extracellular buffers to a metabolic acid
fluid in hypercapnia causing a negative BE, whereas or alkali load that is independent of the respiratory
bicarbonate is added to plasma from the interstitial fluid in component. Some practitioners favor this approach because
hypocapnia resulting in a positive BE.19,40 This pitfall was SBE simplifies the estimation of acid or alkali replacement.
addressed by introducing the extracellular BE or standard BE The base-excess approach weds the chemistry of acids and
(SBE), a measure of the metabolic component that is bases with the anticipated secondary responses to acidbase
modeled by diluting the blood sample threefold with its stresses. It is also relatively simple and uses the blood gas
own plasma or estimated by using the blood BE at a analyzer to provide all three relevant variables (Table 1).
hemoglobin concentration of 5 g/dl.33,4143 Currently, many Drawbacks of this approach are the failure to include the
blood gas analyzers calculate SBE from measured pH, PCO2, contribution of intracellular buffers, and the presumption of
and hemoglobin44 (Table 1). a constant 1:3 ratio between blood and interstitial volume, a
The base-excess approach recognizes four acidbase ratio that decreases in patients with severe edematous
disturbances1113,4547 (Table 2). Metabolic disorders are states.40 Most important, the independence of SBE from
defined by primary changes in BE or SBE, whereas the respiratory component is limited to acute hypercapnia

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and hypocapnia. Chronic changes in PCO2 elicit parallel accurate estimate of plasma unmeasured anions than plasma
changes in SBE by altering renal acidification.14,15,35 Further, AG. Under normal conditions, SIG equals zero. In organic
changes in SBE characteristic of metabolic disorders originate acidosis SIDa remains unchanged, but it decreases in
in part from the prevailing secondary hypocapnia or hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. On the other hand, SIDe
hypercapnia.25,26 decreases in both types of metabolic acidosis. SIG equals
zero in hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis (SID acidosis,
PHYSICOCHEMICAL APPROACH Figure 1),51,53 whereas it increases in organic acidosis (SIG
Conceptual framework acidosis, Figure 1) reflecting high levels of unmeasured
The physicochemical approach differs fundamentally be- anions, such as lactate and ketoanions. Estimation of ATot for
cause, in addition to the influence of PCO2 and non-volatile clinical purposes requires measurement of plasma total
weak acids, it proposes that the [H ] of living organisms proteins or plasma albumin (Table 1).
reflects changes in the dissociation of water induced by the The physicochemical approach defines six acidbase
presence of strong ions (that is, ions fully dissociated at the disorders according to primary deviations in each of the
pH of body fluids).69,4850 Applying the principles of three independent variables30,51 (Table 2). Abnormal levels of
electroneutrality and mass conservation, Stewart examined SIDe or ATot indicate the presence of metabolic acidbase
the dissociation of water in a flask, its interaction with solutes disorders. A low SIDe signifies metabolic acidosis (SID
that dissociate in solution (including the weak acids normally acidosis) and a high SIDe metabolic alkalosis (SID alkalosis).
present in plasma), and the effects of adding CO2. He A low-SIDe metabolic acidosis can occur in association with a
concluded that the dissociation of water, and thus the high SIG (for example, diabetic ketoacidosis) or a normal
prevailing [H ], is determined by the interplay of three (that is, zero) SIG (for example, diarrhea) (Figure 1). A high
variables defined as independent and proposed to account for ATot signifies metabolic acidosis (hyperalbuminemic acidosis)
all acidbase effects in the solution: The strong ion difference and a low ATot metabolic alkalosis (hypoalbuminemic
(SID), the total concentration of weak acids (ATot, which alkalosis).5458 Increases in PCO2 define respiratory acidosis
includes proteins and phosphate), and PCO2.68 The SID and decreases in PCO2 respiratory alkalosis. Quantitative
represents the sum of the concentrations of the strong cations measures of the secondary responses to primary changes in
(Na , K , Ca , and Mg ) minus the sum of the SIDe, ATot, and PCO2 are not available.
concentrations of the strong anions (Cl, SO4 , and anions
of organic acids). By virtue of their magnitude, the Attributes and drawbacks
concentrations of Na and Cl are the main determinants The physicochemical approach provides a detailed descrip-
of SID. Stewart developed a set of six equations that, when tion of acidbase variables. Proponents have argued that the
solved simultaneously, yield the [H ] of the solution.68 The increased complexity required for calculating SIG is justified
calculated value equals measured acidity using a pH because it yields an index of unmeasured anions after
electrode. discounting the contribution of albumin and phosphate.
In this approach, both [H ] and [HCO 3 ] are defined as Some data suggest that SIG better predicts the risk of death in
dependent variables, their values being determined exclu- critically ill patients than serum lactate, AG, or blood BE.53,59
sively by the three independent variables. Bicarbonate is However, most studies have not identified any diagnostic or
actually viewed as an irrelevant measure of acidbase status6 prognostic advantage of the physicochemical approach over
that simply contributes to filling the gap between strong the other approaches in such patients.60,61
cations and strong anions. The physicochemical approach Compared with the physiological and base-excess ap-
proposes that acidbase disorders be assessed using SID and proaches, the physicochemical approach requires additional
ATot (collectively representing the metabolic component), and measurements of multiple ions and the use of computer
PCO2 (respiratory component). programs33,62,63 (Table 1). Interpreting SID is cumbersome,
Clinical application of this approach involves measure- because its two formulations, SIDa and SIDe, have different
ment of blood pH and PCO2, and determination of the two connotations. The SIDa itself is somewhat confusing, variable
formulations of SID and ATot.30,51,52 Subtracting strong electrolytes being used in defining it, such that even the
anions from strong cations yields the apparent SID (SIDa). normal baseline differs substantially (Table 1). Despite claims
The simplest estimation of SIDa involves subtracting [Cl] that bicarbonate is an irrelevant anion in terms of acidbase
from the sum of [Na ] and [K ],52 and under normal assessment, it is a major component of SIDe (Figure 1).
conditions, it equals approximately 40 mEq/l (Table 1 and Compared with plasma [HCO 3 ] and SBE, the reliability
Figure 1). The other formulation of SID, effective SID (SIDe), of SIDa, SIDe, and ATot is precarious, because their
represents the sum of plasma [HCO 3 ] and the anionic determination requires multiple measurements and calcula-
equivalency of albumin and phosphate (Table 1 and Figure 1); tions incorporating several assumptions.
it is estimated from blood pH, PCO2, and the plasma The classification of metabolic acidbase disorders is
concentrations of albumin and phosphate using a formula or unduly complex. As examples, metabolic acidosis can be
a nomogram.51 The difference between SIDa and SIDe, associated with normal SIDa, low SIDa, normal SIG, high
known as strong ion gap (SIG), is proposed as a more SIG, or high ATot. Also, the designation of ATot acidosis and

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ATot alkalosis, based on increased and decreased levels of acidbase disorder is present. The AG is markedly increased
plasma albumin, respectively, is largely groundless.33 Despite (28 mEq/l) compared with the expected baseline (approxi-
in vitro data showing that changes in albumin affect acidity, mately 4 mEq/l when corrected for plasma albumin concen-
there is no evidence that the body and, in particular the liver, tration) indicating the presence of increased unmeasured
regulates albumin to maintain acidbase balance. In vivo, anions in plasma. The estimated change in AG (DAG) equals
changes in serum albumin do not correlate with changes in 24 mEq/l and approximates the decrease in plasma [HCO 3 ].
PCO2 or pH.63 Contrary to the physiological and base-excess Using the base-excess approach, the SBE of 25 mEq/l in
approaches that maintain a sharp distinction between conjunction with a blood pH of 7.05 is indicative of
diagnosis and cause, the physicochemical approach attempts metabolic acidosis. The DPaCO2 of 25 mm Hg is appropriate
to blend these elements with respect to metabolic distur- for the DSBE of 25 mEq/l (expected value, 1  25, Table 2)
bances, a potential source of confusion. and represents secondary hypocapnia. Thus, a single acid-
The physicochemical approach is computationally precise base disorder is considered present. The DAG of 24 mEq/l
but anchored exclusively in chemistry. The mathematical (evaluated in a manner identical to the physiological
precision of this approach does not validate the proposed approach) points to high-anion-gap metabolic acidosis.
cause and effect relationship with acidbase variables. To posit Using the physicochemical approach, the decreased SIDe
that SID and ATot determine mechanistically plasma [HCO 3] of 11 mEq/l is diagnostic of metabolic acidosis. The elevated
and pH at the physiological level is presumptuous. Experi- SIG of 27 mEq/l indicates that the acidosis is due to
mental support for such a cause and effect relationship is accumulation of unmeasured strong anions. Reflecting the
lacking.63 Rather than being causes of acidbase perturbations, low plasma albumin concentration, the decreased ATot
changes in SID could be mere reflections of these perturbations. signifies coexisting weak-acid alkalosis (hypoalbuminemic
Proponents of the physicochemical approach argue that alkalosis). The decreased PaCO2 points to the presence of
rapid infusion of isotonic saline (for example, 30 ml/kg/h), a respiratory alkalosis. No information is available to judge the
solution with a SID of zero, generates metabolic acidosis appropriateness of the ventilatory response. Thus, the patient
because of a hyperchloremia-induced decrease in SID. This has three acidbase disorders.
phenomenon is essentially prevented during rapid infusion of Both the physiological and the base-excess approaches
Ringers lactate, a solution with an SID of 23 mEq/l.65 The diagnose an identical simple acidbase disorder, namely high-
physiological approach offers, however, an equally straight- anion-gap metabolic acidosis. The patients clinical history
forward explanation. The metabolic acidosis is caused by the coupled with the prevailing hyperglycemia and positive tests
sizable expansion of the extracellular fluid with a solution for blood and urine ketones (data not shown) establish the
devoid of bicarbonate (that is, isotonic saline) that results in presence of diabetic ketoacidosis. The focus of care is to
a decrease in plasma [HCO 3 ] without a proportional reverse the organic acidosis. In contrast, the physicochemical
decrease in PCO2 (dilution acidosis).66 Such a dilution of approach identifies three separate acidbase disorders,
the extracellular bicarbonate stores is obviated during rapid metabolic acidosis, hypoalbuminemic alkalosis, and respira-
infusion of Ringers lactate, because the infused lactate tory alkalosis. These diagnoses can be a source of confusion
represents a bicarbonate precursor, its metabolism generating for the clinician. Is the hypoalbuminemic alkalosis, a
equivalent molecules of bicarbonate. Dilution acidosis is, of condition of questionable existence, protective in this case?
course, a short-lived phenomenon in patients with normal Must the respiratory alkalosis be treated or is the hypocapnia
renal function, because regulatory changes intervene rapidly; it appropriate for the metabolic acidosis? Attempts to address
can only be sustained in patients with advanced renal failure. these questions risk mismanagement and divert attention
from the key problem, reversing the organic acidosis.
Let us now evaluate the acidbase status of two clinical cases Case 2
using each of the three approaches. The laboratory data for A 58-year-old man with advanced chronic obstructive
each case and the corresponding acidbase diagnoses pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure was admitted
according to each approach are shown in Table 3. because of anorexia and failure to thrive. His medications
include bronchodilators and diuretics.
Case 1 The physiological approach identifies marked elevations in
A 27-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes mellitus was plasma [HCO 3 ] and PaCO2 in the company of a near normal
brought to the emergency department with obtundation, blood pH signifying a mixed acidbase disorder. The PaCO2
severe hyperpnea, and blood pressure of 90/45 mm Hg. of 58 mm Hg exceeds the anticipated ventilatory response to
Using the physiological approach, the plasma [HCO 3 ] of metabolic alkalosis; for a D[HCO 3 ] of 11 mEq/l (35-24), the
4 mEq/l and blood pH of 7.05 signify metabolic acidosis. For expected DPaCO2 is approximately 8 mm Hg (0.7  11,
a D[HCO 3 ] of 20 mEq/l (24-4), the expected DPaCO2 is Table 2) predicting a PaCO2 of 48 mm Hg (40 8). Thus,
24 mm Hg (1.2  20, Table 2) predicting a PaCO2 of both metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acidosis are present.
16 mm Hg (40-24); the patients PaCO2 of 15 mm Hg The increased plasma [HCO 3 ] represents the sum of the
represents an appropriate ventilatory response. Thus, a single effects of diuretics and chronic hypercapnia on renal

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HJ Adrogue et al.: Assessing acidbase disorders review

Table 3 | Clinical examples

Mean normal values Case 1 Case 2
Measured variables
pH 7.40 7.05 7.41
PaCO2 40 mm Hg 15 58
[HCO 3] 24 mEq/l 4.0 35
[Na+] 140 mEq/l 129 138
[K ] 4.0 mEq/l 5.0 3.2
[Cl] 104 mEq/l 96 101
[TCO2] 26 mEq/l 5.0 39
[Albumin] 4.5 g/dl 2.0 1.5
Pi 1.2 mmol/l 1.1 0.5

Derived variables
AG 10 mEq/l 28 2
SBE 0 mEq/l 25 11
SIDa 40 mEq/l 38 40
SIDe 40 mEq/l 11 40
SIG 0 mEq/l 27 0
Atot 15 mEq/l 7 5

Acid-base diagnoses
Physiological approach One disorder: Two disorders:
Metabolic acidosis (high AG metabolic acidosis) Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Base-excess approach One disorder: Two disorders:
Metabolic acidosis (high AG metabolic acidosis) Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Physicochemical approach Three disorders: Two disorders:
Metabolic acidosis (SIG acidosis) Hypoalbuminemic alkalosis
Hypoalbuminemic alkalosis Respiratory acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis

acidification. The AG is reduced, the result of severe Instead, it might prompt clinicians to raise plasma albumin
hypoalbuminemia. level, a scientifically unsupported measure.
Using the base-excess approach, one finds an SBE of No research has been directed toward the potential clinical
11 mEq/l along with the marginally increased blood pH of implications of this divergence in diagnosis. We can only
7.41, which indicates the presence of metabolic alkalosis speculate whether such variable assessment of the acidbase
(diuretic-induced). The DPaCO2 of 18 mm Hg (58-40) status and resultant differences in clinical management
exceeds the anticipated secondary response to the DSBE of contribute to patients morbidity and mortality.
11 mEq/l (0.6  11 B7, predicting a PaCO2 of 47 mm Hg)
and signifies coexisting respiratory acidosis. The AG is SYNTHESIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
reduced because of severe hypoalbuminemia. The physiological and base-excess approaches adequately
The physicochemical approach indicates that the nor- fulfill both the chemical and the pathophysiological tasks to
malcy of SIDa, SIDe, and SIG contrasts with a very assessing acidbase status in a relatively simple and
diminished ATot of only 5 mEq/l. The patients diagnosis is straightforward manner. Conversely, the physicochemical
weak-acid alkalosis (hypoalbuminemic alkalosis). The in- approach addresses these two tasks by introducing consider-
creased PaCO2 signifies respiratory acidosis. Two acidbase able complexity, as it requires multiple determinations to
disorders are diagnosed. compute its panel of acidbase variables. In our judgment,
Both the physiological and base-excess approaches will this approach builds a mathematical superstructure that is
lead clinicians to introduce measures to improve alveolar superfluous, impractical, and at times misleading.
ventilation as well as reduce the metabolic component and The physiological approach offers quantitative measures
thus blood pH by administering potassium chloride and of the secondary responses to primary acidbase perturba-
possibly acetazolamide. These two measures complement tions that have been derived from observational and
each other because even relative alkalemia reduces the experimental studies in humans (Table 2). A corresponding
ventilatory drive. By contrast, the physicochemical approach quantitation is provided by the base-excess approach that is
will fail to pursue these therapeutic measures because it based on recomputing data collected according to the
cannot judge whether the increase in PaCO2 represents physiological approach (Table 2). Conversely, no quantitative
primary hypercapnia, secondary hypercapnia, or both. assessment of the secondary responses to primary changes in

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