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After all, They are only

Animal animals.
By SINGAYAZI KAMINJOLO humans do. They feel

Talk pain, pleasure, fear and

ven in urban frustration and can show
environments we happiness, excitement
are surrounded and content just as we
by various animals humans do.
domestic pets, livestock
for food, wild birds and LSPCA is dedicated
other wildlife. We see to animal welfare and
some that are clearly instilling a culture
well-looked after, even of animal care and
pampered! Others are compassion in the general
injured, sick, lacking public through awareness
water, exposed to all campaigns, primary and
extremes of weather, left tertiary education, farm
dangling for hours in the animal clinics, donkey
sun to be sold and maybe welfare programme, an
targets for sling-shots or annual rabies vaccination
stones. campaign and deliver free
spay and neuter services
There are some simple, to those communities
internationally recognised who would usually not
guidelines, shown in the afford vet treatments for
illustration, known as the their animals.
5 Freedoms for Animals.
We advocate for animals
It is inconceivable for us and promote and enforce
to imagine being whipped, the Animal Protection Act
confined in small spaces, in Malawi.
or tied to a heavy weight
all day long. We humans Our Veterinary Clinic and
cherish our right to Centre for Animal Welfare
welfare, yet we often in Kanengo are run by a
dont comprehend that dedicated team to ensure
animals likewise have a that the 5 Freedoms for
right to welfare. Animals Animals are understood
suffer in the same way and and practised by all in
to the same degree that Malawi.

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