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Verbs and nouns that go together \ =< hher homework for ss amewspaper when | ) read ‘mary people about two hours toes have my breakfast. W people read . . i __ J = = oo = tennis on Testa a magazine wien ae Say abays plays .. ‘evenings with her ices sister lays | chey travel by train | — Ae - —— = = = --- the uitar in her Many Japanese men like golf in their fee time. Richard! usually listens | tienes rock bond. playing to. : 7 S : > 7 A) | .--theradiowhe te (My daughter listens s €D8 on her personal ten crives to work fo. stereo, Katy often watehes .., 7) : - } aoe iC a =) vvideos at ner Do you usualy «television ot he His sister sometimes | boutriendrs house watch | | weekend? goes... NS } shopping with her friends on Saturdays. .- home, They dor My aranatfatner goes. swimming in the sea All the children want to every day,and hes 781 their evening meat Most people i My husband has 2 Ke = ) : ae = -- @ shower, ct 6 a.m, My frend Laura about 100 e-mails Nicks grandmother He gels up vary early. writes a day! | writes... - yo = — (+ school. He wae! letters to allher ‘On Wednesday evening | Jimny be . at home and standchiéren every month, | “iim hates going to eat usualy go to . watch TH ) the cinema with my My husband and! Neil's 20n usually Australia every . Zs \( ‘our friends in \ : ) | see - the summet holidays rinks .. oe rink - J te = =) a Se ie = _ ocr @ Pearson Education Limited 2005

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