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Nombre: Adriana Flores Reyes AVANZADO B 2T

Paralelo: 960

Autonomous Education


It is true that with the technological advances and their immersion in the educational field

many favorable changes have arisen, on the other hand also have created new challenges for all

the actors that are the process of teaching-learning. The implementation of new forms of

teaching in the Espol are generating these changes, experts in education realized that learning

not only occurred in the classroom, but could also be carried out in others in an autonomous


There is a great variety of opinions and concepts regarding this term. In the analysis on

autonomous education, we find that it is a methodology where the student is the active agent

of his own learning, the remarkable evolution of new technologies has facilitated distance

education considered an educational modality where students do not need to physically attend

any Classroom because these can be virtual as opposed to traditional education that manages
Nombre: Adriana Flores Reyes AVANZADO B 2T
Paralelo: 960

guidelines that the student must follow when learning some content at any given time, the

material for the student to be able to carry out the activities is sent by email or other

possibilities offered by the internet.


Autonomous learning means that it is a learning process carried out with motivation, contents,

techniques and evaluation that come from the person who learns and is carried out by it. This is

how responsibility, discipline, will and punctuality fall on oneself and each one is aware of their

own learning process, this learning has the advantage that the person chooses his own way of

understanding, analyzing and learning the Things from outside by means that seem convenient,

comfortable or easier. It also allows you to interact with your environment, because an

autonomous learning can not be confused with a single learning, because in its learning there is

one of the most effective ways to learn: team dialogue, sharing ideas, reflect and critically

critique each One of the opinion.

Nombre: Adriana Flores Reyes AVANZADO B 2T
Paralelo: 960

The practice is a very important tool since we realize that we have learned and that we have

improved little by little through the change. Since this practice is intimate and absolutely

personal because it allows to see a human experience that is evident in the transformation and the

change, there are also different techniques for the better apprehension of the knowledge, some

people prefer to use the CONCEPTUAL MAPS (based on the link and the Organization of key

concepts of the themes), others prefer to look for the TESTS (ideas, questions, opinions and

arguments of the author in the form of written text), and many more. All these tools for study

methodologies are different according to the person, it is clear that autonomous learning defends

the student's own action and allows him to accommodate his own personal needs and


Another of the tools widely used at this time are Information and Communication Technologies

(ICTs), optimize the management of information and the development of communication. They

allow action on the information and generate greater knowledge and intelligence. Covering all
Nombre: Adriana Flores Reyes AVANZADO B 2T
Paralelo: 960

areas of human experience. They are everywhere and modify the areas of everyday experience:

work, ways of studying, buying and selling, procedures, learning and access to health, among

others, are no more than the Computational tools in the service of autonomous learning, through

virtual courses, presentation of materials in slides and other means, that are ready for the student

or apprentice, to check them in the moment that needs them.


In conclusion, it seems that we are destined to learn continuously and throughout our lives,

learning has become a necessity for our present society, because the world is immersed in change

and therefore it becomes indispensable an autonomous learning mode that allows updating Our

knowledge on our own and also share and discuss them together with those around us. All people

must be able to define our learning objectives in accordance with our values and our situation, to

develop a plan to achieve them, to apply the necessary effort and will and to evaluate the results

of our learning.

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