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2.1.1. Definition of HIV/AIDS
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that belongs in the lentivirus
family. Two types of HIV that are different but equally from its genetic antigennya associated i.e.
HIV-1 and HIV-2 was isolated from people with AIDS. HIV-1 is more plentiful on people with
AIDS in the United States, Europe, and Central Africa, while HIV-2 is more plentiful in West
Africa. HIV-1 ditransmisi easier than HIV-2. The period between infection first occurred with the
symptoms of the disease are longer and milder disease in HIV-2 infection (Kumar et al, 2005).

2.1.2. Epidemiology
According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United
Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), a total of 33.2 million people living with HIV
who comprised 19.1 million adults, 15.4 million people women and 2.1 million children under
the age of 15 years. Approximately 6800 new HIV infections a day in 2007, consisting of adult
5800 in which almost 50% were women, and 40% is made up of the young aged between 15-24
years. The number of sufferers of approximately 1200 people are children aged under 15 years
and over 96% of the low income countries and modest.
In children who are diagnosed with AIDS when aged less than 13 years, 90% of them got
the infection through their HIV-infected mother to the fetus or newborn child. In Indonesia, the
cumulative number of cases according to their risk factors that most heterosexual transmission
was through heterosexual to heterosexual as much as 9166 cases and according to the age also
shows age between 20 to 29 years are the most namely 9142 cases from the data so that the 2009
(Ditjen PP & PL Health RI, 2009). AIDS is a disease that is very dangerous because it has a Case
Fatality Rate of 100% in 5 years, where it came within 5 years after AIDS diagnosis as upheld,
then he will die (Rasmaliah, 2001)

2.1.3. Mechanism of HIV/AIDS

HIV infection attacked two major components in the human body, namely the immune
system and the central nervous system. When entering into the body, HIV binds on certain types
of white blood cells especially T helper lymphocytes. T helper lymphocyte will be activated and
coordinate the other cells in the immune system. There are CD4 receptors on the surface of
lymphocytes that allows HIV to bind to receptors that. HIV is its genetic information store as
RNA (RNA). If it has been in the CD4 + lymphocytes, a type of enzyme called reverse
transcriptase is used by the virus to make a copy of its RNA into DNA (DNA). HIV mutates
easily at this time because of a reverse transcript made a mistake during the change from RNA
into DNA. DNA viruses last entering the nucleus and with the help of a DNA virus integrase,
integrate with cell DNA. Genetic lymphocytes will replicate the HIV virus that would eventually
destroy the lymphocytes. Every infected cells would produce thousands of new viruses and in a
few days, in the blood and genital fluids will contain a lot of virus and CD4 + lymphocytes will
decrease. Because of the amount of virus that many new people, infected with the HIV virus can
also pass it on to other people (Kumar et al, 2005).
Between a sign and a simptom popularized during primary HIV-1 infection is gone
himself although some simptom like weak body will remain until a couple of months.
Simptomnya overall and started in a short time, such as fever, accompanied or not by night
sweats and Lymphadenopathy that normally appear on the second week especially in the osipital,
and the lymph aksila servikal. Erythema classic, nonpruritus, makulopopular and rash usually
symmetry, size 5 to 10 mm are usually found on the face and a secondary. In addition there is
ulceration on the oropharynx, pain due to the movement of the eyes, photophobia, and
candidiasis. The illness lasts longer than 14 days has a bad prognosis (Schuitemaker and
Miedema, 2000).

Kumar.V., Abbas.A.K., Fausto.N, Robbins.S.L. & Cotran.R.S. (2005). Robbinand Cotran

Pathologic Basis of Disease.Elsevier Saunders (4th ed).

Rasmaliah. Epidemiologi HIV/AIDS dan Upaya Penanggulangannya. Tesis. FKM USU, Medan

Schuitemaker, H., Miedema, F., 2000. AIDS Pathogenesis In Immunology And Medicine.

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