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By : Group 3
Offering H

Achmad Makin Amin ( 150342604504 )

Lirofiatillah ( 150342601222 )
Ratna Suryaningtya S ( 150342606547 )
Rina Fiji Lestari ( 150342602674 )
Tigris Putri Susanti ( 150342607325 )
Uun Rohmawati ( 150342604651 )





Achmad Makin Amin, Lirofiatillah, Ratna Suryaningtya S, Rina Fiji Lestari, Tigris Putri
Susanti, Uun Rohmawati.
Biology Department, FMIPA UM

Entomology is the study of insects. This science is a science that is organized to understand
the phases of insects life and its role in nature. Insects are the main group of segments from
the six legged animals. Insecta class is divided into several orders, among other things the
order hymenoptera and isoptera. Ants included order hymnoptera and termites included order
The research was conducted to know structure of the body in ants and termites, the difference in the
structure of the ant with termite, and the equation of body structures on ants and termites.
After that observing abdomen, wing, antenna, mouth type of ants and termites and then write
the observed data.
The research showed that termites and ants have different order. This matter can shown in
diverification of abdomen, wing, antenna, mouth type of ants and termites. The basic
difference as ants and termites is structure of wings. The result reveal that ants live in a tree.
They has a central part of the abdomen to shrink, the abdomen there is a pair of wings that are
smaller than the other wing. Ant also has a a pair of antennae that rectangle and have the type
that bite mouth. In breeding the ants have a perfect methamorphosis. Termites have a central
parts of the abdomen with no shrinking. Abdomen also a wing equally between the front and
rear. Termites also has a pair of antennae with a straight shape and has a pair of antennae with
a straight shape and has a type of biting and chewing mouth. Termites in the morphed
development with imperfect.
Keyword : observation on the animals, ants, termites,


1.1 Objective of Research

To know the structure of the body in ants
To know the structure of body in termite
To know the difference in the structure of the ant with termite
To determine the equation of body structures on ants and termites
1.2 Introduction
Entomology is the study of insects. This science is a science that is organized to
understand the phases of insects life and its role in nature. Insects are the main group of
segments from the six legged animals. Insecta class is divided into several orders, among
other things the order hymenopteraand isoptera (Borror:2000).
Order hymenoptera (nation wasps, honest ants) majority of members a cling as
predators of parasites on other insects and others as polinators. Consist of two pairs of wings
and membranaus. The front wings are generally larger than the rear wing. The head found the
antenna (pair) eyes facet and occeli. Type of oral appaliance biter or suction fittend as a
plunges flabellum (Brown, M.W. & S.S. Miller:2005).
Order isoptera to have two pairs of wings are thin and the same size, incomplete
methamorphosis. Termites from the fabric of society, namely kings, queens, solders and
workers. Termite solders and workers bareen, in the temite gut flagellates found that digest
cellulose. Ants belong to the order hymonoptera. Ant has more than 12.00 types (species).
Mostly living in the tropics, sometime ant colony superorganism because the form a unity
despite his relatively small frame, ants including the strongest animal in the world. Male ants
are able to support heavy loads with fifty times their own weight (Nandika:2003).
Termites included to the ordo isoptera, termites designation actually refers to the
animal in general, whereas there as several different forms are known as in an ant colony or
more social in the termites colony has no wings. But some form of winged termites can
achieve that will come out of the nest as a flock at the start of the rainy season, in evening
day and contrary approaching light (Suparman:2010)


2.1 Material &Tools

2.2 Methode
WolOw o b bor s i sk t e eei nr r v vg i f o r
owtOn e g br r i mst ee i r t ve i s n
Wti nh gre i t e
btrug h sn te dy ep re w o of o d
towa h bb i en sd ge o r m
eoiame t brnn o sd ou e fat r h n t o s f
ovo ebf ds e r
vveba ien dis m i d a e l s t r e e
vda ena dti ma a l
nds a t a
ds a t a


No Classification Ant Termites

1 Kingdom Animalia Animalia
2 Phylum Arthrophoda Arthrophoda
3 Class Insect Insect
4 Order Hymenoptera Isoptera
5 Family Formicidae Rhinotermitidae
6 Genus Polyrhachis Coptotermes
7 Species Polyrhacis pruinosa Coptotermes

No Ant Termite
1 Abdomen The middle part of The middle part of the
abdomen become small abdomen does not small
2 Wing Have 2 pair wings with Have apair wings which
different size equal size
3 Antenna Antenna ant is unstraight Antenna termites is
4 Caste in society King, queen, and worker Worker , solder,
5 Metamorphose Perfect ( egg, larva, Not perfect ( egg,
ccocoon, and adult ) nympth, adult )
6 Type or mouth biter Bitter and chewer
Equality ants and termites :

1. Body consist of three parts such as head, thorax and abdomen.

2. The number of legs six pieces or three pairs (Hexapoda) in section thorax. Each
segments of the torax there is a pair of legs. There are no legs to abdomen.
3. A pair wings located on the thorax.
4. Head nd thorax can be clearly seen and easily distinguishable.
5. Using a trachea for breathing.


Ants are skinny insects. Like their relatives the wasps, they have a narrow
connection between their abdomen and thorax. They have chewing mouthparts, and their
antennae are bent in the middle. Some ant species are very tiny (1-2mm long), but some
tropical species are very large (30 mm). Most species are 5-15 mm long. Some ant species
can sting, and all can bite. Ants have lots of glands for producing chemicals. Most ant species
are brown, but some are black, some are yellowish, and some are partly or entirely red.

Each ant colony has several different kinds of ants. They are all the same species,
but they look different. Most of the ants you see are workers. They are female, but they
cannot reproduce. They do all the work in the nest and protect it from enemies. Some ant
species have different sizes of workers for different jobs: large ones with big jaws hunt or
protect the nest, while smaller ones work inside, tending the young and digging. Inside the
nest is the queen, she is a large female, and is the only one who can lay eggs. Some ant
species have several queens in a nest, some have only one. At certain times in the summer
there will be new queens and males in the nest as well. They have wings, and fly out to mate
and start new nests. Males are usually smaller than females. Only males and queen ants have
wings, but the queens remove their wings when they start a new nest. Worker ants never have

Ants are very important insects all around the world, especially in tropical regions.
Ants are found just about every habitat on land except the very coldest. All ant species need
sheltered places to nest and take care of their offspring. Most species nest underground, but
some nest in trees. Some very small ant species can make nests inside acorns and other small
hiding places. Adult ants can live in drier conditions than many other invertebrates, but ant
eggs and young need humid conditions to survive.

Ants have complete metamorphosis. Queen ants lay eggs. The baby ant that hatches
from the egg is a larva, with no legs, just a soft white body like a worm and a small head. The
larvae are fed by the queen (in the first generation) and then by workers. The amount and
kind of food an ant larva gets helps determine how big it will be as an adult, and whether it
will be a worker or a queen. Each larva grows and molts, and eventually spins a small cocoon
of silk, and inside the cocoon it transforms into a pupa. The pupa is a resting stage, it doesn't
move or eat, but just completes the transformation into an adult ant. The new adult emerges
from cocoon to join start working for the nest.

When a new queen finds a good place for a nest, she builds a small chamber and lays
some eggs. When the eggs hatch, she finds food, and feeds and takes care of them until they
mature. They become workers, and they take over all the work in the nest. The queen does
nothing but lay eggs. Queen ants can live for several years. Workers may live for a year but
many only live for a few months. Males die as soon as they mate, so they only live for a few
weeks. Sometimes a nest has several queens, and they can keep a large colony going for
many years.

Different ant species are active at outside the nest at different times of day. Many are
active at night, some in the daylight. Workers are active inside the nest as long as it is warm
enough: tending the young, expanding the nest, collecting food, disposing of waste, and
protecting the nest from predators and parasites. Ants often carry food and water by
swallowing it, and keeping it in a separate stomach, then regurgitating it to share with other
nestmates. Ants use chemicals to work together. If their nest is attacked they produce alarm
chemicals that cause other workers to come and help defend the nest.

Ants can see, but not very well. They mainly communicate with scent and touch.
They have complicated chemical signals that allow them to work together on different tasks.
They often spread information by touching each other's antennae or head. Some ants also
make noises by rubbing their legs against their body.

Ant species eat many different foods. Some specialize in sugary liquids like nectar
Many eat other insects and other small animals, and scavenge dead meat. Some others
specialize in eating seeds or fungus. Ants drink from dew, rain drops, and puddles, and
sometimes they get their moisture from their food (like nectar).

Many ant species store food in their nests, especially the seed-eating ants. Others eat
fungus that they grow in their nest. Ants that find a big food source leave a chemical trail, so
that their nestmates can find the food too. Pretty soon there is a busy column of ants going
back and forth from the nest to the food source.

Leaf-cutter ants live in warm climates, they cut up leaves and carry them into their
nests underground. They eat the fungus that grows on the leaves. Army ants and driver ants
roam through jungles and tropical habitats eating any animals they can find. They are big ants
with sharp jaws, and there are many thousands of them in a group. They will eat any animals,
even large ones, that they can catch.

Worker ants attack predators, they will die to protect their nest. Some ant species can
sting, and all can bite (though the little ones can't hurt a large animal). Many ants also have
toxic chemicals they can spray on their enemies. Ants are very important in lots of roles.
Some species disperse seeds, some are important predators of insects, some tropical species
are important herbivores. Their digging often improves the soil for plant growth.

The reproductive members of the colony are the males and queens. Males are
generally the same size or larger than the workers, are winged, have a small head with
proportionally large eyes. They are produced in older, large colonies and their sole purpose is
to mate with the new queens; they die shortly afterwards. Queens are the largest members of
the colony, often two to three times larger than workers. Queens possess wings but break
them off after mating. They have very large abdomens and can live for a number of years.
Males and queens will swarm from their nest to mate. A given species will mate during a
specific time of the year. After mating, the female seeks a proper nesting site and begins a
new colony. The presence of swarming winged ants inside buildings is an indication of an ant
nest indoors.

Figure 3 Figure 4

Ants are sometimes mistaken for winged termites that are commonly called
swarmers. Ants differ from termites by having a narrow, constricted waist, elbowed (bent)
antennae, and hind wings shorter than front wings (figure 3). Termites have a more
rectangular shaped body with no constrictions, straight, beaded antennae and four wings of
equal size and shape that are much longer than the body (figure 4). Termite wings fall off
very easily and are usually found on the surface from which the termites have emerged. Ants
are commonly seen in the open, as are winged termites when they swarm. But termite
workers, which are creamy white and wingless, avoid light and are rarely seen unless

Ants have a wide variety of nesting habits and food preferences. Some ants build
nests in soil, producing characteristic mounds while others nest in homes behind moldings,
baseboards, countertops, and similar places. Still other ants nest in decaying or moisture
damaged wood. Ants feed on different types of food, including starches, meats, fats, and
sweets. Many ants also feed on honeydew, a sweet liquid produced by aphids and scale
insects. Knowledge of ant food and nesting preferences is very important in controlling ant

Termites are small insects, living in social groups with the caste system developed.
In a colony there are individual winged and some individual have short winged. Termites
have two pairs of wings are shaped like a membrane with a pattern bonr slightly smaller. The
shape and size of the front wing at the rear. Therefore the ordo called isoptera
(iso=same;ptera=wings) (Borror dkk,1993)

The middle part of the abdomen is not narrowed and the part covered with part of
the section that resembles a thorn, abdomen yellowish. Termites have a type of biting and
chewing mouth, besides termites also have straight antennae. There are 3 types of caste in
termites : warrior caste, the caste of workers and reproductive caste (queen). Caste in largest
of workers in a colony, the could reach 90% of the entire colony. Workers caste wingless,
sterile and blind. Pale head similar to the color of the body. Warrior caste has a special feature
in the form of a large head shape and has claws on either side of his head. Reproductive caste
(queen) is the caste of candidates for queen and king. The queen termite can reach a size of 5-
9 cm due to distention of stomach, intestines and body fat. Queen did not move just to stay in
the room called the queen of space (Suparman:2010).

The life cycle of termites undergo gradual metamorphosis of eggs then imago
nymphs to be undergoing some changes. This leads to gradual changes in body shape
similarity in general, way of life and the kind of food between nymphs and imago. However
nymphs have wing buds will grow perfectly in the last stage when the termites have reached
adult levels (Nandika:2003)

Common people often called that termites are white ants. Comparison structure of
body between ants and termites are similar. Between ants and termites have segmented legs.
The body is diveded into three part that is : the front called head, middle of the body called
thorax and back of the body called abdomen. The thorax and abdomen also segmented, like
the legs. At the head have a pair antenna and jaw. At the thorax generally consist of three
segments, where in each segment have a pair of legs, so both of ants and termites have six
legs. Wings on termites only owned by reproductive caste. While of ants, wings only owned
by future king or queen. Between ants and termites wings are located on the top thorax. So if
we look from the body construction termites still one of group with ants. Equality between
ants and termites hust to be here. Next they are separated. Ants entered on ordo hymenoptera,
while termites entered on ordo isoptera.

Ants and termites have the same class namely insect, but order, family, genus,
spesies between ants and termites different. It causes ants and termites have different. Ants
have order hemiptera. where in this order describe the type of mouth on the type mouth biting
ants. Beside describe type mouth also describe metamorfosis. Metamorphosis in ants are
holometabola ( perfect metamorphosis ). The metamorphosis from egg begins - larvae -
pupae adult. In order also describes the wings, ants have two pairs of wings and
membraunus. Ants have wings with one wing is smaller than the other wing. And the head of
the order are met for a pair of antennae, eye facets, and occeli. Where the ants have antennae
are angled. Whereas in termites have orders Isoptera. Where in this order is described by
characteristics. In termites have soft body, two wings and termites have incomplete
metamorphosis. Where two wings in termites thin, besides type of mouth in termites are biter
and chewer. And in termites way of life form colonies with a system of division of labor,
where the termites there are kings, queens, and soldiers while the ant caste is no king, queen,
worker. Besides views of the order, the difference can be seen by naked eye, such as the
body of the ant hard yaitu dark colored soft body whereas in termites, white and pale colored.
The worker ants are female all while on termite workers are termite workers and tentara yang
have different sexes. And abdomen and stomach in separate ants are connected by narrow
passages called pekiole while abdominal termites united with the thorax.


1. Ants are insects that live in groups and used to live in a tree. Ant has a central part of
the abdomen to shrink, the abdomen there is a pair of wings that are smaller than the
other wing. Ant also has a a pair of antennae that rectangle and have the type that bite
mouth. The ants are three castes namely king, queen and workers. In breeding the ants
have a perfect methamorphosis
2. Termites are small insects and live in groups. Termites have a central parts of the
abdomen with no shrinking. Abdomen also a wing equally between the front and rear.
Termites also has a pair of antennae with a straight shape and has a pair of antennae
with a straight shape and has a type of biting and chewing mouth. The termites caste
that there are 3 workers, soldiers and reproductive. Termites in the morphed
development with imperfect.

No Ant Termite
1 Abdomen The middle part of The middle part of the
abdomen become small abdomen does not small
2 Wing Have 2 pair wings with Have apair wings which
different size equal size
3 Antenna Antenna ant is unstraight Antenna termites is
4 Caste in society King, queen, and worker Worker , solder,
5 Metamorphose Perfect ( egg, larva, Not perfect ( egg,
ccocoon, and adult ) nympth, adult )
6 Type or mouth Biter Bitter and chewer
4. Equality ants and termites :
1. Body consist of three parts such as head, thorax and abdomen.
2. The number of legs six pieces or three pairs (Hexapoda) in section thorax. Each
segments of the torax there is a pair of legs. There are no legs to abdomen.
3. A pair wings located on the thorax.
4. Head nd thorax can be clearly seen and easily distinguishable.
5. Using a trachea for breathing.




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