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Br. J. Anaesth.

(1986), 58, 169-189



Most patients demonstrating the conventionally be expected to alter this pattern of response,
accepted clinical features of shock, whatever its increasing the risk of a critical reduction in tissue
cause, will respond favourably to the administration oxygen availability and subsequent complications.
of i.v. fluids. Thus, patients suffering from shock In patients with acute upper gastrointestinal
attributable to sepsis, drug overdose and, on haemorrhage, for example, the presence of
occasion, myocardial infarction, manifest increased hypovolaemic shock, age over 60 years, and
cardiac output and improved tissue perfusion in haemoglobin concentration, at admission to hos-

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response to fluids, much as do patients with overt pital, of less than 10 g dl"1 were associated with
blood volume losses, for example following increased mortality (Macleod and Mills, 1982).
haemorrhage, burns and gastrointestinal obstruc- Not surprisingly, the additional insult of trauma
tion. Hypovolaemia, either relative or absolute, is augments the endocrine and metabolic effects of
therefore a universal accompaniment of all forms hypovolaemia (Benedict and Grahame-Smith,
of shock and its identification and elimination is 1978).
fundamental to the success of treatment. The reduction in blood volume following
This chapter will address the problem of hypo- thermal injury results from loss of plasma at the
volaemia as a contributing factor in impending site of burn and the rate and volume of plasma
shock. The pathophysiology and treatment of deficit are roughly proportional to the extent of the
established hypovolaemic shock will be outlined. area burned (Goodwin, 1984). The increase in
The value of prognostic indices in the shocked capillary permeability and subsequent sequestra-
patient will also be reviewed. tion of intravascular fluid in the extravascular space
lead to the formation of tissue oedema and an
increase in haematocrit, packed cell volume often
HYPOVOLAEMIA reaching 70-80% in the absence of rapid,
Aetiology adequate fluid replacement. The composition of
The effects of haemorrhage, a common cause of the oedema fluid closely resembles that of plasma
hypovolaemia, vary with the nature, duration and with respect to sodium and potassium concentra-
severity of blood loss, the patient's age and general tions (Baxter, 1974).
health, and with the speed, adequacy and nature Hypovolaemia may be a consequence of dehyd-
of resuscitation. In previously healthy young ration from either a primary deficit of water or a
adults, the acute loss of 10% of the total blood primary deficit of salt. A primary deficit of water
volume has been shown to reduce arterial pressure generally results from reduced intake rather than
by 7% and cardiac output by 2 1 % ; the loss of from increased loss. The commonest cause in
20% of the blood volume reduced arterial clinical practice is inability of the patient to
pressure by 15% and cardiac output by 41% acquire an adequate volume of fluid either because
(Hinshaw et al., 1961). Individual response is of exhaustion or disturbance of consciousness (as
remarkably variable and reduction in plasma in the case of intrinsic brain pathology or the
volume of as much as 25 % may occur without effects of drugs, e.g. sedatives) or because drinking
arterial hypotension (Hardaway, 1979). The is forbidden (as in the case of upper gastrointestinal
presence of cardiovascular disease or anaemia can operations). Causes of increased loss include
pituitary and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
(Cohen, 1984). A primary deficit of salt arises not
from reduced intake, but from increased loss. The
Intensive Therapy Unit and University Department of deficiency may be of salt alone if the patient loses
Surgery; Western Infirmary, Glasgow G i l 6NT. both salt and water and replaces the water by
TABLE I. The contrasting features of water depletion and salt depletion

Water depletion Salt depletion

Cause Deficient intake Excessive loss

(especially loss of
intestinal secretions)
Dehydration Cellular Extracellular
Thirst +++ Absent
Urine volume Scanty Normal (even increased
until late)
Lassitude + +++
Weakness Late Early
Vomiting Absent May be + + +
Plasma volume Normal until late Reduced+ + +
Haemoconcentration Late and slight Early and severe
Arterial pressure Normal until late Decreased+ + +
Blood urea Increased + Increased + + +
Blood sodium Slight increase Reduced + +

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Blood chloride Slight increase Reduced+ + +
Urine sodium Reduced + + + Reduced+ + +
Urine chloride Reduced Absent
Cause of death Uncertain. ? Increase in Peripheral circulatory
intracellular osmotic failure

drinking, as may happen in diarrhoea, copious because of multifactorial aetiology or prior

sweating or Addison's disease. A deficiency of (possibly inadequately documented) resuscitation.
both salt and water occurs most commonly when Even when the existence of hypovolaemia is not in
fluid is lost from the gastrointestinal tract as, for doubt, accurate quantification of volume deficit is
instance, in intestinal obstruction, severe diarrhoea often difficult. Subjective visual estimation of fluid
and biliary and pancreatic fistula. Sodium loss in loss is fraught with problems and may be grossly
excess of water also arises in a proportion of inaccurate. Blood loss may be assessed on the basis
patients with chronic renal failure and in uncon- that a hand represents 500 ml (Grant and Reeve,
trolled diabetes mellitus. 1951) but the method takes no account of loss from
The principal features of water and -\\t major vessels. In thermal injury, the figure of 4 ml
depletion are contrasted in table I. A prim, y of plasma loss per kg body weight for each per cent
deficit of water leads to cellular dehydration as a of body surface burned is widely accepted, but in
result of the increase in tonicity of the extracellular some cases may be a significant underestimate
fluid and the metabolic response to stress; thus (Goodwin et al., 1983). Clinical features of
circulatory failure from a shrinking blood volume dehydration are important for diagnostic purposes,
is a late manifestation of this syndrome. By but cannot be used to quantify extracellular losses.
contrast, a primary deficit of salt leads to a Thirst is an insensitive measure of water depriva-
reduction in the volume of extracellular fluid tion and becomes obvious only after a deficit of
(including a reduction in blood volume), but not 1.5 litre has occurred. Moderate to severe water
to cellular dehydration. As blood volume contracts deprivation is associated with deficits of 4-10 litre.
there is increasing difficulty in maintaining an Slight to moderate salt depletion, associated with
adequate circulation. lassitude and orthostatic fainting, implies a deficit
of up to 4 litre of isotonic saline. Moderate to
severe salt depletion is associated with deficits of
Assessment and Measurement 6-10 litre (Marriott, 1947).
Detection of the presence of hypovolaemia would Although a number of methods are available for
seem a relatively simple task and, in many measuring blood volume, they have not become
instances, the combination of overt fluid loss with widely popular or practised outside a few
inadequate replacement makes for an easy diag- committed centres (Shoemaker and Monson,
nosis. In a proportion of patients, however, the 1973) and the reasons are not hard to find. While
clinical presentation may be less clearcut, perhaps accurate in the presence of an intact and adequate
circulation, measurement of blood volume, nor- (2) insert central venous catheter for pressure
mally using tracer substances, becomes less monitoring and blood sampling;
reliable when microcirculatory abnormalities are (3) insert arterial catheter;
present, for example hypoperfusion (incomplete (4) monitor ECG;
mixing) and increased capillary permeability (5) insert bladder catheter (in the absence of
(extravascular losses). The techniques themselves urethral injury);
are time-consuming, require technical expertise, (6) measure core and peripheral temperatures.
usually involve radioisotopes and cannot be Cardiovascular parameters may be displayed
repeated frequently. The patient's normal blood conveniently and continuously using simple
volume is not available for comparison (and monitoring apparatus. The ECG is useful for
derived values, based on height and weight, are at detecting arrhythmias and myocardial ischaemia,
best approximations). Finally, volume loss from but is not a reliable indicator of myocardial
extravascular sources, which may be substantial if function (Brock and Bowes, 1975). Intravascular
the injury or insult is of long duration, is not measurement of arterial and central venous
measured. pressure has greatly facilitated management: the
For these various reasons, assessment of catheter systems are easy to set up, reliable and

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hypovolaemia is usually made by a combination of accurate. The incidence of complications is low
a careful history, clinical examination, estimation when the techniques are in regular use by
of apparent or observed losses, and indirect experienced personnel (Swan and Ganz, 1983).
haematological and haemodynamic measurements When these manoeuvres have been completed,
including haematocrit, heart rate and pulse a series of measurements may be obtained which
volume, arterial and venous pressures, and some include:
index of tissue perfusion, for example peripheral (1) conscious level;
skin temperature and urine output. Haemodyna- (2) heart rate and rhythm, arterial and venous
mic measurement should always be considered as pressures;
complementing clinical appraisal and any discrep- (3) respiratory rate and rhythm, blood-gas
ancy between the two approaches viewed with analysis;
concern. Emphasis is placed on serial measure- (4) core-peripheral temperature difference;
ments, particularly in response to resuscitation. (5) urine output;
A clinical history must always be part of the (6) haemoglobin/haematocrit;
initial assessment, but may be difficult or (7) electrolytes/acidbase balance (serum and
impossible to obtain in patients with disturbed urine);
conscious level, or may need to be delayed in the (8) chest radiograph.
presence of life-threatening cardiovascular or The coreperipheral (or peripheralenviron-
respiratory conditions. Some or all of this mental) temperature gradient is a useful non-
information may have to be obtained indirectly. invasive indicator of the adequacy of peripheral
Physical examination is best done in a logical perfusion and, under certain circumstances,
sequence, for example in systems or anatomical closely reflects changes in cardiac output (Joly and
regions, in order to avoid serious oversights. A Weil, 1969). The blood-gas tensions may signal
check-list or prepared form is of great value for early development of respiratory complications,
inexperienced or experienced clinicians alike, and particularly when used in conjunction with the
reduces time spent on paper work. The aim of the inspired oxygen concentration, from which an
initial examination is to identify the magnitude estimation may be made of the alveolar-arterial
and source of the hypovolaemia and to determine oxygen tension gradient (or similar derived value).
which systems need to be monitored during Urine output is a simple and sensitive indicator of
resuscitation. total renal blood flow and its distribution within
the kidney.
Monitoring Tests of haemoconcentration include measure-
Monitoring of the patient suffering from impending ment of haematocrit or the haemoglobin concen-
or established hypovolaemic shock must be simple tration, although neither can be relied upon to
but adequate. The following procedures are indicate the magnitude of blood loss (in the case
recommended as a basis for initial management: of haemorrhage) during the acute stage. The same,
(1) insert large bore i.v. cannulae; to a large extent, is true of plasma protein
concentration although, assuming normal hepatic a value exceeding 15 mm Hg suggests left ventri-
function, restoration of plasma proteins is much cular failure. Interpretation of PCWP measure-
more rapid than that of red cell mass (which may ments may be especially difficult if hypovolaemia
take weeks). The haematocrit is more appropriately (with or without the use of mechanical ventilation
used to judge the effectiveness of blood transfusion and positive end-expiratory pressure) leads to
during resuscitation. Serum concentrations of intravascular pressure (in the measured segment of
sodium and chloride are often measured, but the lung) decreasing to less than alveolar pressure.
results can be difficult to interpret. A deficit of Again, the use of a fluid challenge may help to
sodium leads not to any striking reduction in resolve uncertainty about the validity of absolute
sodium concentration, but to water excretion and measurementslarge pressure increases with no
eventually to dehydration; a great deficit of improvement in left ventricular stroke volume
sodium may decrease the concentration from suggesting exhaustion of preload reserve (Wood
140 mmol litre"1 to 120 mmol litre"1 or a little less. and Hall, 1985).
An excess of sodium leads not to any striking The measurement of plasma oncotic (or osmotic)
increase of sodium concentration, but to water pressure (COP) was reported to be of additional
retention and eventually to oedema. Within recent value as a guide in fluid management and in

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years it has become customary to measure urine helping to differentiate between the various causes
electrolyte concentrations and osmolality in con- of pulmonary oedema. Assuming normal Starling
junction with serum concentrations. This has forces, pulmonary oedema is likely to occur if the
helped to rationalize therapy and, along with difference between COP and PCWP decreases to
haemodynamic measurements, makes it possible less than 5 mm Hg. Direct measurement of COP
to distinguish not only between pre-renal and has not become routine in clinical practice and,
intrinsic renal failure but also, in the case of the although controversial, recent evidence suggests
former, the principal deficit (salt or water). that a reasonable approximation may be obtained
The composite information obtained from this by calculation from serum total protein concen-
series of measurements is an adequate guide tration (Torrijos et al., 1985). More important,
during the early phase of resuscitation, but however, is the increasing disenchantment with
continuous monitoring is essential for longer-term the measurement itself. Many authorities now take
care. One of the most useful early procedures in the view that, since interstitial pressures do not
difficult cases is the "fluid challenge": changes in remain static in shock and are not measured, the
central venous and arterial pressures in response only valid parameter in this context is PCWP.
to i.v. administration of, for example, colloid
200 ml over 10 min, may indicate hypovolaemia or
cardiac failure, or both (Weil and Shubin, 1969). Cardiac output (litre min'1)
The rate and volume of subsequent fluid admin- 5.8 1tO
istration may thus be determined more accurately. PA catheter I . . \
It is wise to remember that normal initial meas- placed ^J^T *
urements may be misleading. f^ chest drain

On occasion, catheterization of the pulmonary

artery by means of a pulmonary flotation catheter
is indicated. Once in position, the catheter can be
used to measure right atrial pressure, pulmonary
artery pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pres-
sure (PCWP) and cardiac output; pulmonary
angiography may also be performed. In the
sometimes complex haemodynamic circumstances
associated with hypovolaemic shock, the pulmon-
ary flotation catheter may aid fluid management, 10 20 30 40 | 50 60 70 80
evaluation of both right and left ventricular
function, management of acute interstitial pul- Time (min)
monary oedema and diagnosis of pulmonary em- FIG. 1. Continuous measurement of mixed venous oxygen
bolism. In the majority of cases, PCWP accurately saturation (SvoJ after placement of pulmonary artery flotation
reflects left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and catheter (at time 0).

Y* L^

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E~==] ~

FIG. 2. "Branch chain decision tree." (After Shoemaker (1984).)

Mixed venous oxygen tension or saturation is a fluid replacement after operation. In the first
reliable measure of the overall adequacy of tissue example, the diagnosis is not in doubt, the
perfusion and oxygenation (Kasnitz et al., 1976). complete package of physiological compensatory
Apparatus has been developed which allows mechanisms is immediately called into play and,
continuous measurement and display of mixed assuming rapid and adequate volume repletion,
venous oxygen saturation and which has proved to outcome depends on securing haemostasis. In the
be of practical value in the intensive care setting second example, the diagnosis may be less
(Weston and Ledingham, 1984). Acute changes in obvious, the clinical presentation obscured by
tissue oxygenation are rapidly detected (fig. 1) additional, time-dependent factors such as com-
(Woodcock, Murray and Ledingham, 1984). partmental fluid shifts, and the outcome influ-
Delays in resuscitation may be prevented by the enced to an extent by shock-related complications
use of one of the several management procedures such as intravascular coagulation. Clearly, indi-
or algorithms now available (fig. 2); reduction in vidual patients may feature anywhere in the
mortality and morbidity may result (Shoemaker, spectrum between those two extremeswith age,
Appel and Bland, 1983). general health and concomitant illness further
contributing to the ultimate clinical presentation.
Hypovolaemia is the most common cause of
HYPOVOLAEMIC SHOCK shock in a general hospital population (Ledingham
Pathophysiology et al., 1974). It is diagnosed when the clinical
The onset of hypovolaemic shock may be sudden, features of hypotension, tachycardia, pallor,
for example after major vessel injury, or more sweating, peripheral cyanosis, hyperventilation,
gradual, for example in association with inadequate clouding of consciousness and oliguria are pre-
Exog. substrate
Extracellular space Ischaemia


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Passive leaks
FIG. 3. Diagram showing some important factors in cell volume and ion regulation in mnmmnlian cells.
(After Trump, McDowell and Arstila (1980).)

dominantly attributable to diminished venous content (fig. 3). This essential energy source for
return. The latter may be the result of overt fluid the ionic pump of the plasma membrane is
loss (directly or indirectly) from the circulation or normally broken down to adenosine diphosphate
of sequestration of fluid within body spaces; (ADP) and phosphate in the presence of ATP-ase.
examples of such " third space " collections include The absence of the high energy phosphate bonds
ascites, massive oedema, haemothorax, intestinal leads to depression of pump function and cell
obstruction and haemoperitoneum. Myocardial swelling, the cells tending to approach Gibbs-
failure and sepsis are, by definition, not of major Donnan equilibrium with an increase in intracell-
clinical significance in the early stages of hypo- ular sodium, calcium and water content and a loss
volaemic shock, although both factors will in- of potassium and magnesium. In spite of these
evitably become important if the shock process is observations, evidence of membrane dysfunction
not rapidly reversed. A critical reduction in oxygen in the face or normal tissue ATP concentrations
availability to the cell is thefinalcommon pathway suggests that energy depletion is only one of a
leading to death from shock of all varieties; number of factors involved (Shires and Shires,
reduced substrate supply and accumulation of the 1984). When oxygen tension decreases to a critical
products of cell metabolism are contributing value within the mitochondrion (thought to be of
factors (Ledingham, 1977; Nair, 1985). the order of 0.1 kPa ( < 1 mm Hg) (Nunn, 1977)),
the electron transfer mechanism, which accounts
Cellular dysfunction for 90% of the body's oxygen consumption,
At the cellular level, three important features of becomes defective. Oxidative phosphorylation is
cell injury may be considered: altered cell volume uncoupled and ATP production gradually ceases.
regulation; altered energy metabolism; and the , Associated structural changes, visible on light and
suicide-bag concept of Lysosomes (Trump* Mc- electron microscopic examination, include mito-
Dowell and Arstila, 1980). One of the earliest chondrial swelling and disruption of the lining
consequences of reduced oxygen availability is a membrane, initially involving only the outer layer.
decrease in cellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Eventually the inner membrane also deterior-
ates as a result of continued low ATP concentra- in shock is a critical reduction in oxygen
tions. ATP deficiency also contributes to two availability, the main vehicle for its propagation is
other metabolic consequences of importance in the cardiovascular system, although ultimately no
hypovolaemic shockabnormalities of calcium organ escapes involvement.
flux within the cell (Sperelakis and Schneider, The central nervous system initiates the body's
1976) and lactic acidosis. Persistence of high homeostatic responses to acute injury (including
intracellular calcium concentrations leads to fluid loss) by mechanisms which are complex and
myocardial cell fatigue failure and asystolic ill-understood. Multiple afferent stimuli (arterial
cardiac arrest. Lactic acidosis, stimulated by and venous pressures and volume, osmolality, pH,
increased phosphofructokinase activity, augments hypoxia, pain and anxiety, tissue damage and
calcium slow channel inhibition at pH less than sepsis) reach the hypothalamus where they are
6.8, as well as having adverse effects on other integrated and relayed to the sympathetic nervous
enzyme systems. The hypothesis that lysosomes system and adrenal medulla. Simultaneously, the
contribute to the downward spiral of refractory anterior pituitary initiates the hormonal response
shock by dissemination of destructive enzymes is characteristic of the metabolic response to injury.
undoubtedly attractive and, indeed, there is good Preservation of the integrative function of the

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evidence that lysosomal disruption does occur, but central nervous system may be critical in deter-
this would appear to follow, rather than cause, cell mining the fate of the shocked patient (Golden
death (Trump et al., 1976). Likewise, significant and Jane, 1973).
structural changes in other cellular organelles tend Vasopressin (AVP) and adrenocorticotrophic
to occur late in the ischaemic process. hormone (ACTH) are commonly regarded as the
The aforementioned pattern of pathophysio- principal "stress hormones". Increased produc-
logical disturbance occurs in all cells, but the tion of these hormones follows a variety of different
susceptibility of different cells to hypoxia and stimuli, principally increased osmolality (detected
ischaemia is very variable. Astrocytes, for example, by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus), decreased
cease to function after seconds, whilst skeletal arterial pressure and volume (detected by vascular
muscle will function anaerobically for 30 min and mechanoreceptors and relayed via the tractus
hepatic cells for several hours; increased supplies solitarius) and psychological stress (relayed via the
of glucose are required to provide adequate limbic system). ACTH is released into the blood
substrate for anaerobic glycolysis, which may be stream in response to corticotrophin releasing
a problem in low flow states. Clearly, in the factor (CRF), the composition of which is still
presence of complete ischaemia the progress of uncertain, but would appear to comprise several
cellular disintegration will be more rapid, but components including a 41-residue peptide
(depending on a variety of factors) the kidney and (CRF-41), vasopressin and adrenaline (Bucking-
liver, for example, have survival times, at 37 C, ham, 1985). ACTH stimulates the production of
of 1-2 h. The plasma membrane and early cortisol, which plays a major role in protecting the
mitochondrial changes are readily reversible if the organism from the effects of hypovolaemia.
cause of shock is promptly eliminated, and several Another anterior pituitary peptide, (3-endorphin
pharmacological agents are known to attenuate or (derived from the same precursor as ACTH), is
even reverse some of the adverse metabolic effects, also released during stress and is thought to
for example ATP-MgCl, (Peitzman et al., 1981; mediate longer-term neuronal and endocrine
Chaudry et al., 1983), glucose-insulin-potassium changes. It was thought to have been implicated
(Bronsveld et al., 1984), calcium channel blockers in producing cardiovascular depression in shock
(Hackel et al., 1981) and steroids (Goldfarb and (Holaday et al., 1983), but a recent study (Watson
Glenn, 1983). None of these agents is of proven et al., 1984) has suggested that another endogenous
clinical value. opiate, met-enkephalin, may be more important in
this connection (see below).
Neurohumoral mechanisms The basic endocrine activation in shock in-
The sequence of physiological events leading to volves release of the catecholamines and angio-
the fully established clinical presentation of tensin, with related later increases in the plasma
hypovolaemic shock is probably one of the best concentrations of such hormones as cortisol,
known in emergency medicine and needs only a growth hormone, glucagon, antidiuretic hormone
brief summary here. Since the central disturbance and aldosterone; the main metabolic action of
several of these hormones is mediated by the "cell Plasma kinins are vasodilator polypeptides
messenger" or intermediate cyclic adenosine which increase capillary permeability. They are
monophosphate. The combined effect is to released by both hypoxia and endotoxaemia from
mobilize energy reserves and conserve salt and inactive precursors (kininogens) present in the
water. In the short term these mechanisms may be alphas-globulin fraction of the plasma protein.
regarded as protective, but ultimately they lead to The initial step appears to be activation of the
the breakdown of cellular integrity. Hageman factor (Factor XII) which leads to
There is a massive outpouring of catecholamines conversion of kininogen to kinin by proteolytic
in all forms of shock; plasma adrenaline concen- enzymes (kallikreins) released from leucocytes
trations exceed noradrenaline concentrations in and injured tissues. Activation of the Hageman
hypovolaemic shock (Benedict and Grahame- factor also promotes complement activation, with
Smith, 1978) while the reverse is true in septic the subsequent release of a number of pharmaco-
shock (Griffiths, 1972). In a recent study in logically active substances which appear to be
patients with traumatic shock, plasma catechola- responsible for leucocyte aggregation and endo-
mine concentrations were found to correlate posi- thelial cell damage. Putative local mediators of the
tively with Injury Severity Score; plasma microvascular injury include the arachidonic acid

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noradrenaline concentrations were significantly metabolites, plasma or phagocyte-derived pro-
higher on admission in non-survivors than in the teases, fibrinogen degradation products (particu-
casualties who survived serious injury (Davies larly the fibrin D monomer) and toxic oxygen
et al., 1984). Angiotensin II, the most potent radicles released by activated leucocytes. Sero-
vasoconstrictor known, is also released into the tonin and histamine may play a secondary role
blood following shock and has been incriminated in the pulmonary vascular response to shock.
as a cause of heart failure after prolonged severe These various effects are unusual following un-
haemorrhage (Morton et al., 1977); another complicated hypovolaemia, but readily occur in
extracardiac cause of heart failure is the presence the presence of shock compounded by trauma or
in the blood of myocardial depressant factor sepsis (Whaley et al., 1979).
(MDF), a circulating peptide released from Prostaglandins and leukotrienes are synthesized
hypoxic pancreatic acinar cells (Lefer, 1978). by cellular microsomes from arachidonic acid via
Catecholamines and angiotensin II stimulate the cyclo-oxygenase and lipo-oxygenase pathways
secretion of one another and blockade of both respectively (fig. 4). Macrophages, neutrophils,
would appear to be necessary if complete abolition platelets and mast cells are all involved in the
of vasoconstriction is desired. A possible further generation of these substances, which have a wide
inter-reaction is with enkephalins, which are range of pharmacological effects on the cardiovas-
stored with catecholamines in adrenal chromaffin cular system. Prostaglandins of the E and F groups
cells and which may suppress cholinergic-depen- exert directly opposing physiological actions in the
dent catecholamine release from the adrenal microcirculation; the ratio of the concentrations of
glands (Kumakura, Karoum and Guidotti, 1980). these metabolites in response to injury thus
Opiate antagonists, for example naloxone, might appears to be of considerably greater importance
act either by blocking this suppression locally or than their absolute values. The same is true for the
by antagonizing central enkephalinergic inhibi- thromboxane:prostacyclin ratio in organs such as
tion. the heart and lung (see below). These observations
Other substances released into the blood during may help to explain the indifferent results
shock include histamine, plasma kinins, comple- obtained from early pharmacological attempts
ment components and arachidonic acid metabo- (using, for example indomethacin and aspirin) to
lites. Histamine has long been thought to have a block the adverse effects of the prostaglandins in
role in the aetiology of shock. This vasodilator shock. The recent emergence of more selective
substance is derived partly from the mast cell blocking agents may well improve this situation.
granule, but there is also evidence that endotoxin Leukotrienes are potent chemotactic factors and,
stimulates the rate of production of histamine by in addition, cause bronchoconstriction, vasocon-
activating histidine decarboxylase. The weight of striction and microvascular exudation of protein
present evidence would suggest that histamine (Piper, 1983). There are no clinically applicable
does not play an important part in initiating selective inhibitors of the lipo-oxygenase pathway;
hypovolaemic shock. glucocorticoids induce inhibition of the common
Cell membrane phospholipids

Stimulus (phospholipase) (Inhibited by steroids)

Cyclo-oxygenase (inhibited by
\ ^ aspirin, indomethacln)

Endoperoxides Peroxidase


Chemotaxis Prostacyclin Thromboxane
synthetase synthetase

Vasoconstriction PGI 2 TxA ?

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Anti-platelet aggregator Vasoconstriction
Vasodilatation Platelet aggregation
Bronchoconstriction LTD4 Potentiates oedema

t Vascular permeability LTE4

6-keto-PGF 1 a TxB,

FIG. 4. Arachidonic acid metabolites in inflammation.

arachidonate precursor, phospholipase A2, thus the slower the onset, the greater the opportunity
blocking the production of both metabolic for "autoregulation" and diversion of flow to
pathways. juxtamedullary glomeruli. The magnitude of
The presence of tissue injury or sepsis compli- reduction of bloodflowin some of the "non-vital"
cating hypovolaemia is likely to promote the areas is not reflected in any of the routine clinical
production of interleukin 1 from macrophages. haemodynamic measurements and this is often not
This recently identified lymphokine appears to appreciated. In a recent experimental study, for
depend on arachidonate metabolism for its example, a 10% reduction in blood volume
capacity to induce fever and regulate immune produced negligible changes in arterial pressure
function. Its importance in injury metabolism is and heart rate, but an almost 30% reduction in
only beginning to be explored (Fleck, Colley and colon bloodflowand oxygen availability (Gilmour
Myers, 1985). et al., 1980). The profound decrease in splanchnic
blood flow has important implications for liver
Regional and microcirculatory disturbances function, since approximately 70% of hepatic
The early catecholamine-induced vasocon- blood flow normally traverses the portal vein.
strictor response in hypovolaemic shock is not Thus, although the liver cells themselves may be
uniformly intense throughout the body and relatively resistant to hypoxia, disturbances in
redistribution of blood flow occurs in favour of hepatocellular and reticuloendothelial function
certain "vital" organs, notably the brain and the are demonstrable (Saba and Scovill, 1975; Gottlieb
heart. As a result, the main brunt of the initial et al., 1984). Interaction between these two func-
microcirculatory changes affects the skin, muscle tions is increasingly recognized to be important
and gastrointestinal tract; the kidney response in a variety of conditions associated with hepatic
varies with the rapidity of onset of hypovolaemia: ischaemia (Canalese et al., 1982).
Normal Hypovolaemic shock
Tissue homeoatasis



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FIG. 5. Effects of hypovolaemic shock on the interstitial fluid phase. The capillary surface area available
for blood-tissue exchange processes is decreased. Fluid is mobilized from the interstitial phase (resetting
of pre- to postcapillary resistance ratio) and from cells (glucose-osmotic factors). The result is an
increased interstitial colloid density and reduction of the free-fluid phase. (After Haljamae (1984).)

A number of additional factors can complicate viscosity is unrelieved, rouleau formation occurs,
the microcirculatory response to shock. Autoregu- with aggregation of red cells and platelets,
lation may be adversely affected by pathological particularly in vessels with a flow of less than
changes in the blood vessels. In hypertension the 0.1-0.2 mm s"1. Platelet aggregation is enhanced
pressure/flow relationship is maintained but by many factors, including adenosine diphosphate,
shifted to the right, and in atherosclerotic disease thrombin, collagen fragments, hydrogen ions,
the relationship becomes linear; the net effect in noradrenaline and endotoxin. Endotoxaemia may
both conditions is to produce a greater decrease in readily occur in response to trauma, pancreatitis or
bloodflowfor a lesser decrease in arterial pressure. splanchnic ischaemia. The severity of the periph-
It should be remembered also that the normal eral circulatory failure associated with these latter
vasoconstrictor responses to hypovolaemia may be conditions is, in part, attributable to the effects of
obtunded during the administration of general endotoxaemia on the complement, coagulation
anaesthetic, sedative or related agents, causing the and fibrinolysis cascades (Foulis et al., 1982).
already reduced circulating blood volume to be No description of the microcirculatory response
more widely spread. Maldistribution of tissue to shock would be complete without mention of
perfusion is one of the more recently explored the interstitial fluid compartment. The fluid
aspects of shock and much has yet to be learned, volume within this phase is substantial (almost
but it is known that, even when overall flow to an four times the plasma volume) and the bulk is
organ or region seems adequate, the flow may be found in the skin, viscera and skeletal muscle. A
traversing "preferred" route capillaries rather decrease in the "functional" extracellular fluid
than nutrient vessels, and shunting through volume follows sustained haemorrhage (Shires,
arteriovenous anastomoses may also occur (Silver, Carrico and Canizaro, 1973). In the early stage of
1977). hypovolaemic shock, much of this volume loss is
An increase in blood viscosity further impairs accounted for by transfer to the vascular compart-
flow in the microcirculation, giving grounds for ment, with involvement of both the gel and
the current belief that, in lowflowstates, a degree free-fluid phases of the interstitium (fig. 5)
of haemodilution (to a haematocrit of around (Haljamae, 1984). Later, as microvascular pressure
30%) produces improved oxygen delivery relationships alter, transport of fluid from the
assuming that arterial oxygen tension and cardiac vascular compartment into the interstitium
output are adequate. If the increased blood occurs; a proportion of this fluid enters the

hypoxic cells, to a degree which is dependent on avoidance of unnecessary movement, immobiliza-

the severity and duration of the shock. The tion of broken limbs, gentle handling of damaged
gastrointestinal tract may be more vulnerable to tissues and maintenance of pressure dressings
these effects than the muscle mass and, ultimately, are as important in the accident and emergency
disintegration of the organism may be largely department, the operating theatre or the intensive
influenced by absorption of toxic factors from the therapy unit as during pre-hospital transport. The
gut (Haglund and Lundgren, 1978). role of the G-suit or antishock trousers is
Hypovolaemic shock may prove fatal during the uncertain. Used at low pressure, the device may be
acute phase if treatment is delayed or the a useful splint and reduce venous pooling; at
underlying cause cannot be controlled (Ledingham higher pressure, compression of the inferior vena
et al., 1974). Recovery from the acute phase is cava and increase in afterload may result, together
usually consistent with long-term survival, but with respiratory embarrassment. At best, it may
incomplete recovery, often associated with surgical serve as a temporary expedient in the field
or septic complications, may lead to single or (Holcroft, 1982) or in gaining time in selected
multiple organ failurenotably involving the lung patients with severe abdominal or pelvic haemor-
and the kidney (Dove, Stahl and Delguercio, rhage. Whatever its role, there is no doubt that

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1980). Microvascular and subcellular disturbances sudden deflation of this support before adequate
of a widespread and refractory nature are present fluid replacement, can lead to dangerous hypoten-
and mortality is high (National Heart, Lung and sion. The practice of tilting the hypovolaemic
Blood Institute, 1979). patient head-down in an attempt to augment
venous return is less frequently utilized than
Treatment formerly. There is certainly no evidence that this
The importance of prompt and adequate resusci- manoeuvre achieves any consistent haemodynamic
tation in the early stages of hypovolaemia is clear, improvement (Sibbald et al., 1979) and adverse
often before the diagnosis can be confirmed. In pulmonary and cerebral effects have been reported.
practice, acute resuscitation of a patient suffering Raising the legs is an adequate and safe first aid
from any form of shock is influenced more by the procedure.
nature of the associated physiological disturbances
than by specific aetiological factors. Success of Fluid administration
subsequent treatment, on the other hand, is largely Strange to relate, perhaps, the type of fluid loss
dependent on detection and elimination of the in shocked patients does not influence the choice
underlying cause. In many patients, considerable of initial fluid replacement as much as the
overlap will exist between the two processes. perceived nature of the underlying physiological
disturbance. Thus, whether the loss be caused by
Initial resuscitation haemorrhage, burns or gastrointestinal pathology,
The objective of treatment is to restore adequate both colloid and crystalloid solutions are used in
oxygen availability for the metabolic requirements the first instance; later adjustment of the fluid
of the tissues. The immediate aims are to augment regimen includes respectively whole blood (or red
intravascular volume, optimize cardiac output and cell concentrates), plasma substitutes or electrolyte
its distribution, and ensure adequate pulmonary solutions. Successful resuscitation is dependent
gas exchange. These aims are achieved by more on the rapidity and adequacy of fluid
minimizing further fluid loss and replacing repletion than on the composition of the regimen.
estimated loss with either colloid or crystalloid Dispute as to the selection offluidfor resuscitation
solutions and transfusion with concentrated red (the "colloid v. crystalloid" controversy) centres
cells to a haematocrit of 30-35 %; by the judicious mainly on issues relating to philosophy, side-
use of pharmacological agents; and by the effects and economics.
administration of oxygen together with mechanical The arguments on both sides have been
ventilation when indicated. outlined in a number of major reviews (Shoemaker
The wise counsel, found in all first aid manuals, and Hauser, 1979; Virgilio, Smith and Zarins,
of reducing the risk of further fluid loss in the 1979; Poole et al., 1982) and need not be reiterated
hypovolaemic patient appears to carry less weight in detail. The terms "colloid" and "crystalloid"
once the patient has crossed the hospital threshold were coined by Thomas Graham in 1861 and refer
(Waddell, 1975). It should be realized that respectively to solute particles that are larger or
smaller than an arbitrarily determined particle that which will induce overload; the value of the
weight, usually taken as 30 000 in the case of body " fluid challenge " in this regard has been indicated
fluid components. In effect, this means that colloid above. Concern about the adverse effects of
particles (e.g. albumin) will not pass through crystalloids in shock is centred mainly on the risk
semipermeable membranes. that lactated Ringer's solution may aggravate
The proponents of colloid solutions cite the existing lactic acidosis, but extensive clinical
following arguments: experience has failed to uncover a significant
(i) Since the key problem in shock is considered problem (Shires and Shires, 1984). The adverse
to be loss of circulating volume (mainly blood effects of colloids include dilution of clotting
plasma), replacement with colloid is more appro- factors, disturbance of renal function and ana-
priate and, because of the smaller volumes phylactoid reactions (Messmer, 1984). However,
involved, is more rapidly effective (Shoemaker even here the low incidence of reactions and the
et al., 1981). possibility of prevention or treatment are such that
(ii) Crystalloids, because of their prompt equilib- these agents may be used with safety provided
ration with extracellular fluid (ECF), require to be overdose is avoided (1.5 g/kg body weight per day
infused in amounts exceeding estimated losses by in the case of dextran).

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three to four times. (In critically ill patients, Many clinicians believe that the best results in
1000 ml of crystalloid solution was shown to shock resuscitation are achieved using a combina-
increase plasma volume by a mean of 194 ml, tion of colloid and crystalloid solutions and there
whereas 500 ml of 5 % albumin produced a mean is some evidence that oxygen consumption is
increase of 700 ml (Shoemaker, 1976; Hauser et higher with the combination than with either
al., 1980).) regimen alone (Smith and Norman, 1982).
(iii) Crystalloids reduce the colloid osmotic pres- Nevertheless, exploration of alternative fluid
sure, thus favouring the occurrence of pulmonary programmes continues and recent enthusiasm has
oedema (Rackow et al., 1983). been expressed for the use of hypertonic saline
The proponents of crystalloid solutions, on the solutions in the treatment of refractory hypovolae-
other hand, would argue that: mic shock (de Felippe et al., 1980) and in severely
(i) Since the key problem in shock is considered burned patients (Bowser-Wallace, Cone and
to be shrinkage of the extracellular fluid compart- Caldwell, 1985).
ment, replacement with crystalloid is more Whole blood (or, optimally, red cell concentrates
appropriate (Shires et al., 1960; Virgilio et al., with added colloid or crystalloid) will be required
1979). in the treatment of major blood loss or burns. If
(ii) Excess increase in pulmonary artery wedge large quantities are transfused, dilution of clotting
pressure is less likely to occur with crystalloids factors (fibrinogen, factors V and VII, and
because of their rapid equilibration with ECF platelets) results, and replacement with fresh
(Virgilio et al., 1979). frozen plasma and platelet transfusions may be
(iii) Crystalloids are free from the risk of the required (as indicated by the coagulation assays).
occasional anaphylactoid reactions which can In the case of massive transfusion, blood warming
occur with any colloid solution, but are mostly and filtration procedures are normally used, al-
associated with synthetic colloids (Messmer, though the evidence that microfilters prevent the
1984). occurrence of respiratory complications is not
(iv) Crystalloids are much cheaper than natural or convincing (Derrington, 1985). As in the case of
synthetic colloid solutions (Moss et al., 1981). "clear" fluids, development of artificial haemo-
As previously stated, it is clear that either globin solutions continues. These may be con-
approach is likely to lead to successful resuscitation sidered in two groupsstroma free haemoglobin
in the majority of patients. Whichever approach is (SFH) solutions and fluorocarbons. The main
chosen, the importance of rigorous, frequent and problem with SFH has been its very high oxygen
comprehensive monitoring cannot be overstated affinity, but recently developed products, inclu-
for reasons involving both the volume and ding polymerized pyridoxalated haemoglobin
composition of the infused fluid. At all times, ((SFH-PLP)n) with a P 80 of 20 mm Hg, appear
careful judgment is required in striking the to have overcome this obstacle (De Venuto, 1982).
optimum balance between the volume of fluid per Of the fluorocarbons, Fluosol-DA is the most
unit time needed for adequate tissue perfusion and promising and its use in the management of blood
loss in certain religious minorities has been the adequacy of resuscitation. Occasionally, bicar-
reported. bonate is required when pre-existing hyperkal-
If hypovolaemic shock proves refractory to fluid aemia is exacerbated by a decreasing extracellular
repletion (as outlined above) and oxygen adminis- pH as a result of non-respiratory acidosis.
tration (see below), the following factors may be Respiratory acidosis demands correction of vent-
responsible: initial underestimate of the degree of ilation. Electrolyte balance is calculated from
hypovolaemia; failure to arrest haemorrhage; knowledge of input, serial serum estimations and
cardiac tamponade or tension pneumothorax; analysis of 24 h urinary output and other measur-
underlying sepsis; or delayed treatment, leading to able external losses. Diuretics may be required in
secondary cardiovascular effects (e.g. the release of the later stages of resuscitation, usually to
MDF). minimize the risk of pulmonary overload; in this
context both frusemide and dopamine may be
Pharmacological agents administered by i.v. infusion.
If elimination of surgical factors together with Two further drugs are worthy of mention.
restoration of blood volume and red cell mass fails Corticosteroids have been given to shocked
to restore cardiac output, then pharmacological patients after severe trauma (Rokkanen et al.,

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assistance may be required. Unquestionably, the 1974; Svennevig et al., 1984). A variety of
drugs most commonly used in these circumstances beneficial effects was noted, but mortality was
are the inotropic agents (to increase myocardial unaffected. In the recovery phase, particularly
contractility) with or without the use of vasodilators after shock of traumatic origin, persistent sym-
(to decrease afterload) (Foex, 1983). Dopamine pathetic overactivity is sometimes observed. Such
has proved attractive for its effects on both cardiac patients are at risk of increased intracranial
output and urine output. If administered by i.v. pressure and recurrent haemorrhage. The use of
infusion at a rate (2-20 ug kg"1 min"1) such that a drug such as labetalol, which combines a and
systolic arterial pressure does not increase above P-adrenergic blocking actions, has proved to be of
80-100 mm Hg, dopamine will normally induce a value in this situation (Morel, Forster and Suter,
gratifying diuresis. If the rate is increased, the 1984).
ot-adrenergic agonist action of the drug emerges
and arrhythmias occur. The risk of intrapulmon- Oxygenation/'ventilation
ary shunting should be noted, and that toxic side- Many patients with hypovolaemic shock suffer
effects increase with the passage of time, although
from hypoxaemia of varying degree and multifac-
withdrawal of this agent has been successfully torial aetiology. Once the airway is secured,
achieved after many days of administration. amongst the most important priorities are correc-
Dobutamine, acting directly on (Jj-adrenergic tion of this disturbance of pulmonary gas
receptors, may have a more pronounced inotropic exchange and elimination, as far as possible, of
action on the heart than dopamine, with less factors leading to increased oxygen consumption
marked effects on heart rate and excitability. A (e.g. pain and sepsis) (Halmagyi and Kinney,
manoeuvre which is gaining popularity is to use 1975; Arturson, 1977). In the presence of low
dopamine by low-dose infusion during the early blood flow (and possibly anaemia) a high inspired
stages of resuscitation to maintain renal perfusion
oxygen concentration will be required to improve
andif cardiac output requires to be augmented tissue oxygen availability. The judicious use of
either to increase the dose of dopamine or to addanalgesic drugs is not only humane, but will
dobutamine (with the aim of achieving the best significantly reduce oxygen consumption.
combination of pharmacological actions). Com- Ventilatory assistance is required when there is
monly used vasodilators are chlorpromazine, excessive respiratory work or ventilatory inade-
nitroprusside and nitroglycerin; selection should
be based on the predominant cardiovascular quacy with hypercapnia. Failure of adequate
disturbance. oxygenation (POQ, less than 8.7 kPa) when breath-
ing oxygen 15 litre min"1 through a high-flow
Acid-base imbalance rarely requires pharma- mask (Flo, approximately 0.7) represents a shunt
cological correction. Non-respiratory acidosis of 20-25 % of the cardiac output and calls for the
associated with perfusion failure is rapidly use of positive pressure ventilation. Techniques
self-correcting once cardiac output is improved which increase mean intrathoracic pressure, such
and its disappearance may be used as a marker of as positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and
constant positive airway pressure, should be used the recovery phase, particularly with the ventilated
with caution in hypovolaemic patients and the patient, one of the benzodiazepine agents, for
optimum increased pressure should be selected to example, may be used to relieve anxiety or
provide maximum oxygen delivery (Suter, Fairley agitation. Except in previously unconscious pat-
and Isenberg, 1975); continuous measurement of ients, non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking
mixed venous oxygen saturation during the agents are never used without simultaneous
application of PEEP will indicate changes in cortical sedatives.
oxygen delivery. PEEP improves gas exchange in
patients with pulmonary oedema, not by reducing Further treatment
pulmonary oedema, but by increasing alveolar In general, patients should be adequately
volume (Hopewell and Murray, 1976); adverse resuscitated from shock before surgery, but in
effects include renal dysfunction and pulmonary some instances this is not possible. In ruptured
barotrauma (Ginsberg, 1977; Tyler, 1983). In the ectopic pregnancy, for instance, it is often
traumatized patient, coincidental head injury impossible to maintain a normal arterial pressure
would prompt the early use of mechanical until bleeding is controlled and blood cleared from
ventilation to reduce the risk of secondary the peritoneal cavity; in leaking aortic aneurysm

Downloaded from by guest on October 16, 2016

deterioration of cerebral function (Jennett and it is often best to commence surgery as soon after
Carlin, 1978). initiation of resuscitation as reasonable, lest major
bleeding occurs; and in the presence of sepsis,
Analgesia normal cardiovascular function may be difficult to
Effective safe analgesia should not be withheld restore until the source is eliminated.
from hypovolaemic, especially injured, patients. Once haemodynamic stability has been achieved,
A variety of agents are available including pent- it is important to take immediate stock of further
azocine, buprenorphine, phenoperidine and fen- fluid needs, since even small amounts in excess of
tanyl, but morphine probably remains the most requirement will tend to provoke pulmonary
frequently used. There is no place for subcutan- oedema, whilst mild dehydration may be associated
eous or i.m. injection of these agents in hypovol- with an increased risk of renal failure. These
aemic shock. Because of impaired blood flow, complications are especially likely to occur in
absorption is unreliable, unpredictable and dan- association with major sepsis (Woodcock and
gerous. Increments of the chosen drug (e.g. Ledingham, 1985) and the persistence of tissue
morphine 2 mg) should be administered i.v. every and pulmonary oedema may have a bearing on
25 min until a satisfactory level of sedation is outcome. At this stage, methods designed to
achieved. It is rarely necessary to exceed decrease fluid retention may prove valuable,
10 mg per 70 kg body weight. Duration of action including the simultaneous administration of
i by this route is short, however, and the dose may salt-poor albumin and diuretics. If haemodialysis
' have to be repeated at 30-60 min intervals. All is in use, ultrafiltration is of particular value. In
narcotic analgesic drugs are peripheral vasodilatorsrecent years, the advent of continuous arterio-
acting on capacitance vessels. Hypotension venous haemofiltration has greatly facilitated
developing after administration generally indi- emergency fluid removal (Kaplan, Longnecker
cates unrecognized hypovolaemia. and Folkert, 1984).
Analgesic effects equal to those of morphine can Earlier comments about the importance of
be produced by 25-50 % nitrous oxide in oxygen. avoiding unnecessary movement in the shocked
For short term, occasional use (avoiding patients patient should not be misconstrued. Once adequate
with air collections in body cavities (e.g. pneumo- resuscitation has been achieved, such patients may
thorax) or head injury) nitrous oxide is of value. be moved within hospital or transported between
Infiltration of local analgesic drugs or nerve blockhospitals without difficulty, provided intensive
also deserve consideration in selected patients. care is maintained in the hands of experienced
Extradural and intrathecal blockade are not personnel (Bion et al., 1985).
recommended during resuscitation from shock
although once the initial resuscitation phase is
over, these techniques have their place. ASSESSMENT OF PROGNOSIS

The addition of a sedative drug is seldom From earliest times until the present day it has
necessary during the period of shock itself but, in been an intuitively attractive, although remarkably
1984). However, reversal of shock is more
TABLE 11. Number and percent of patients with two or more values promptly achieved in survivors and serial meas-
in the normal range (Shoemaker, 1984)
urements during early resuscitation allow predic-
Non-survivors Survivors tion of outcome at 24 h, or even earlier, with a high
degree of accuracy (Chang et al., 1977; Cowan et
No. No. 0/
al., 1984).
/o /o
MAP 29 78 68 89 More sophisticated haemodynamic measure-
HR 30 81 66 87 ments may improve the accuracy of prediction in
CVP 35 95 72 95 certain circumstances. Perhaps the best known
WP 11 30 21 28 example is that of cardiogenic shock secondary to
Cardiac index 35 95 64 84
Mean of these variables 76 75
myocardial infarction, in which patients may be
classified into groups on the basis of cardiac output
and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure measure-
elusive, objective of those involved in the ments, with mortality varying from 1 % in the least
management of shock to predict outcome in an affected to over 60 % in the most severely affected
individual patient. As in other forms of prognosti- group (Forrester et al., 1976). In hypovolaemic

Downloaded from by guest on October 16, 2016

cation the possible advantages of accurate predic- shock, low cardiac output, persistently increased
tion are: more efficient use of existing resources; pulmonary vascular resistance and low skin
facilitation of audit and comparison; improved temperature have some association with outcome,
evaluation of new forms of treatment. Amongst the but the reported degree of correlation varies
problems in trying to determine the fate of widely between centres. The ability to increase
shocked patients are some which are related to standardized left ventricular stroke work in
shock itself, such as its severity and duration and response to intravascular fluid may also forecast a
the stage and effects of resuscitation, and others successful result in hypovolaemic shock (Czer and
which are common to any prognostic index, such Shoemaker, 1980); a more generally applicable
as aetiology, associated disease and age. One test, based on the changes produced by dopamine
further point concerns the seemingly simple infusion on toe temperature seems to allow early
matter of definition of outcome. Whereas, in separation of survivors and non-survivors (Ruiz,
earlier times when resuscitation techniques were Weil and Carlson, 1979).
relatively basic, it was reasonable to consider
outcome from shock as being synonymous with Vasoactive Mediators
ultimate survival (and many publications made no Since both the systemic and pulmonary vascular
distinction), nowadays with increasingly sophisti- changes described above may be caused by the
cated procedures for initial management such release into the circulation of vasoactive substances
assumptions cannot be made. In centres properly including the catecholamines, histamine, brady-
equipped and staffed for major emergencies, kinin, serotonin and arachidonic acid metabolites,
successful resuscitation from most forms of shock it is not surprising that blood concentrations of
is now common, although subsequent mortality these agents during the acute phase of shock may
remains substantial (Ledingham and McArdle, relate to outcome. Increasingly selective pharma-
1978). cological agents are being used to manipulate
these mediators in an effort to improve prognosis.
Haemodynamic Variables Grahame-Smith and his colleagues (Benedict
Prognosis in severe shock may be considered with and Grahame-Smith, 1978; Davies et al., 1984)
reference to the usually measured variables in demonstrated that the pattern of catecholamine
critically ill patients, amongst which those reflect- response can distinguish between shock of different
ing cardiovascular function still take precedence. aetiology and, in respect of traumatic shock, a
The standard haemodynamic variables at the positive correlation existed between adrenaline
onset of shock appear to be of little prognostic concentrations at admission and Injury Severity
value in hypovolaemic or traumatic shock. The Scores exceeding 10; a similar relationship existed
most commonly monitored variables in shock with noradrenaline. Significantly higher concen-
(table II) are neither sensitive nor accurate in early trations of noradrenaline, although not adrenaline,
warning of death, the values being almost identical were seen in those with a fatal outcome. It is
in non-survivors and survivors (Shoemaker, probable that measurement of catecholamine
<* 500 3000 0
2500 if
o_ 400
2000 . '-z
J l 300 1500 g
1-3 200 1000
" 100

Start trial drug |
DIC ARDS dialysis 53.3 1>

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26.7 2;



FIG. 6. Clinical course of a typical postsurgical septicaemia progressing to ARDS. An open prostatectomy
was complicated by rectal perforation and haemorrhage; intermittent positive pressure ventilation was
continued after operation, and septic shock (streptococcal) was diagnosed a few hours later. Antibiotics
were started immediately. A trial drug, dazoxiben, was used to inhibit thromboxane synthesis, but this
did not prevent development of disseminated intravascular coagulation, ARDS and renal failure. Death
occurred on the 11th day. The upper panel shows arterial concentrations of thromboxane B t , which
decreased to immeasurable values soon after dazoxiben was given, and 6-keto-PGF m (metabolite of
prostacyclin) which decreased over the next few days. The lower panel shows volume of lung water
(columns) (measured by the thermal-green dye double indicator dilution technique), which increased
abruptly from normal on the 3rd day after operation with the onset of ARDS. The degree of hypoxaemia
is measured by the alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient ( P P J

turnover will prove to be of greater value than pulmonary dysfunction, as measured by the
plasma values, but such techniques are not yet alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient. Obser-
clinically applicable. Histamine and bradykinin vations from this centre would confirm this
changes have also been shown to relate to clinical relationship, although attempts to modify these
course and outcome, but predominantly in septic effects by pharmacological means have so far
shock (Griffiths, 1972; O'Donnell et al., 1976). proved disappointing (fig. 6) (Woodcock and
Of major current interest is the probability that Ledingham, 1985).
arachidonic acid products may be aetiologically
involved in one of the major complications of Metabolic changes
shock, namely, the adult respiratory distress Metabolic determinants of outcome in severe
syndrome. One study (Reines et al., 1982) showed shock have attracted increasing attention. Adren-
a highly significant increase in thromboxane B, in ergic mechanisms produce metabolic effects either
non-survivors following septic shock, by compar- indirectly via hormones or by direct action on
ison with either survivors or controlschanges biochemical pathways. Insulin is inhibited, while
which were reflected in the associated degree of glucagon and cortisol are stimulated. The initiation

8 10 12 14 16 18

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S 5 0 points Lactate (mmol litre"1)

0 2 4 6 8
Lactate (mmol litre"1)
FIG. 7. A comparison of the curves of survival probability and the values of S M computed for various
groups of shock: o = Septic; x = septic combinations; + haemorrhagic + trauma + combinations;
= cardiogeaic + combinations. (After Vitek and Cowley (1971).)

of these changes results in stimulation of glycogen- complex relationship. Whole blood lactate concen-
olysis, lipolysis, gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis. trations at the onset of resuscitation were similar
Glucose, lactate, pyruvate and alanine all show a in both the survivor and non-survivor groups.
positive correlation with severity of injury (and, by Serial lactate measurements were better at predict-
inference, with outcome) while ketone bodies are ing outcome than single measurements. How-
inversely correlated; plasma cortisol correlates ever, lactate measurements were less valuable than
positively with moderate injury and negatively serial measurements of simple haemodynamic
with more severe injury (Stoner et al., 1979; variables (table III).
Oppenheim, Williamson and Smith, 1980). After Oxygen consumption less than 120 ml min"1
initial resuscitation, continued stress (e.g. sepsis) m in the early phase of shock and mixed venous
is associated with sustained plasma cortisol oxygen saturation less than 50% are commonly
concentrationsin the absence of inhibiting associated with non-survival; in the case of septic
mechanisms (Watt and Ledingham, 1984). shock, prognosis is also poor when oxygen
The relationship between poor perfusion and consumption exceeds twice normal (Shoemaker et
lactic acidosis has been recognized for many years
and has led a number of authors to describe TABLE III. The magnitude of the coefficient reflects the relative
"probability of survival" curves (Weil and Afifi, strength of the contribution of that variable to the prediction of
1970; Vitek and Cowley, 1971). One of the outcome. ^Did not make a significant contribution to prediction;
the absence of these variables would not influence prediction
difficulties with such a relationship is that the
mean " S M " (50% probability of survival) may Variable Coefficient
vary from around 2 mmol litre"1 in the case of
cardiogenic shock to nearly 8 mmol litre"1 in Urine output at 3 h
Change in temperature gradient 0-3 h
traumatic shock (fig. 7). Furthermore, while the Change in mean arterial pressure 0-3 h 0.45
. association between lactate and outcome appears Mean arterial pressure at 3 h 0.44
close in traumatic and uncomplicated hypovol- Temperature gradient at 3 h -0.39
aemic shock, experience from this centre (Cowan Change in urine output 0-3 h 0.19f
Whole blood lactate at 3 h 0.14f
et al., 1984) in a group of patients suffering Change in whole blood lactate 0-3 h 0.09f
predominantly septic shock, showed a more
al., 1973; Kasnitz et al., 1976). On the basis of Baxter, C. R. (1974). Fluid volume and electrolyte changes of
these and related observations (Haupt, Gilbert and the early postburn period. CHn. Plait. Surg., 1, 693.
Carlson, 1985) it is clear that the relationship Benedict, C. R., and Grahame-Smith, D. G. (1978). Plasma
noradrenaline and adrenaline concentrations and dopamine-
between oxygen availability, oxygen consumption B-hydroxylase activity in patients with shock due to
and lactic acidosis may not be as simple as at first septicaemia, trauma and haemorrhage. QJ. Med., 47, 1.
thought. The initial metabolic changes in shock, Bion, J. F., Edlin, S. A., Ramsay, G., McCabe, S., and
including gluconeogenesis, lead to a complex Ledingham, I. McA. (1985). Validation of a prognostic score
series of adaptive changes in other organs (some in critically ill patients undergoing transport. Br. Med. J.,
291, 432.
of the responses of which may be deficient) and it Bowser-Wallace, B. H., Cone, J. B., and Caldwell, F. T.
is perhaps not surprising that examination of any (1985). Hypettonic lactated saline resuscitation of severely
single event within the whole may be unrewarding burned patients over 60 years of age. J. Trauma, 25, 22.
in terms of predicting outcome. Awareness of this Brock, P., and Bowes, J. (1975). Limitations of electrocardio-
problem has led various groups of investigators to scopyfailure of the electrocardiograph to warn of low
cardiac output. Anaesthesia, 30, 90.
construct biochemical "profiles" in which simul- Bronsveld, W., van Lambalgen, A. A., van den Bos, G. C ,
taneous account is taken of several haemodynamic Thijs, L. G., and Koopmans, P. A. R. (1984). Effects of
and metabolic disturbances and the pattern of glucose-insulin-potassium (GIK) on myocardial blood flow

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change observed in relation to clinical course. This and metabolism in canine endotozin shock, Circ. Shock, 13,
more rewarding, if complicated, approach is 325.
Buckingham, J. C. (1985). Hypothalamo-pituitary responses
clearly unsuitable in the routine management of to trauma. Br. Med. Bull., 41, 203.
shock outside research centres. The optimal Canalese, J., Gove, C. D., Gimson, A. E., Wilkinson, S. P.,
system has yet to be devised, but there is general Wardle, E. N., and Williams, R. (1982). Reticuloendothelial
recognition that metabolic and hormonal abnor- system and hepatocyte function in fulminant hepatic failure.
malities contribute substantially to the haemo- Gut, 23, 265.
Chang, P. C , Weil, M. H., Portigal, L. D., and Shoemaker,
dynamic and substrate disturbances of shock and W. C. (1977). Prognostic indices and predictors for patients
must be considered in the development of scoring in circulatory shock; in Recent Advances in Intensive Therapy
systems. (ed. I.McA. Ledingham), p. 19. Edinburgh: Churchill
As a consequence of the progressive metabolic Chaudry, I. H., Ohkawa, M., Clemens, M. G.,and Baue, A. E.
derangements of untreated or refractory shock, (1983). Alterations in electron transport and cellular
serum enzymes ultimately become increased and metabolism with shock and trauma; in Molecular and
may be of prognostic value (Hardaway, 1981), but Cellular Aspects of Shock and Trauma (eds A. M. Lefer and
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