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Each individual should be responsible for their quality of life by providing themselves
the basic health essentials such as good nutrition, exercise and weight control. High risk
factors such as smoking, drugs, environmental and occupational hazards should be avoided.
There are three attributes of personal responsibilities for attaining and maintaining health and
wellness in an individual that includes personal responsibility for action, concern for others,
health awareness and sound decision-making.

Personal responsibility for action means that one makes strong commitments to
modify their lifestyles and avert inappropriate behaviors that will impede their quest for
optimal health. One should practice active lifestyles by engaging in regular and effective
workout. Nevertheless, one can achieve optimum wellness by eating wholesome and
nutritious meals. These positive behaviors will reduce health risk such as obesity. Besides,
one should avoid himself or herself to involve in recreational drugs, alcohol and smoking.
According to the alcohol statistic, alcohol is 10% of the UK burden of disease and death,
making alcohol one of the three biggest lifestyle risk factors for disease and death in the UK,
after smoking and obesity. In the UK, in 2014 there were 8,697 alcohol-related deaths
(Alcohol statistics, 2016). In addition, one can strike a healthy balance between work,
personal, family and social life. The idea of balance means that all of our activities must get
equivalent time and attention to be perfect. One should always be optimistic and learn to
manage stress. According Meera Lester, positive people generally have higher levels of
optimism and life satisfaction and live longer (Be Happy with Yourself, 2010).

Concern for others is part of the attributes of personal responsibilities for attaining
and maintaining health and wellness. Good individuals tend to be un-critical and will not
judge or measure others with own standards. They practice good attitude through words and
actions that show their respect and concern for others around them. According to Richard
Blonna, social well-being involves being connected to others through various types of
relationships. Individuals who function optimally in this domain are able to form friendships,
have intimate relationships, give and receive love and affection, and accept others
unconditionally. They are able to give of themselves and share in the joys and sorrow of
being part of a community (Richard Blonna, The Six Dimensions of Wellness, 2011).

Health awareness and sound decision-making helps one to achieve health and
wellness. Health education is defined as any combination of planned learning experiences
based on sound theories that provide individuals, groups, and communities with the
opportunity to acquire information and skills needed to make quality health decisions
( American Association of Health Education (AAHE), 2001). Thus, health education helps
one to gain health awareness or wellness tips that helps one to decide on the appropriate
exercise routines, dietary guidelines and achieving short-term or long-term wellness goals.
For example, a proper medical check-up is a right start for one to plan a wellness program
based on his or her current state of health.

In conclusion, health and wellness is a practice and a process that requires

willingness, patience and persistence. We should commit to ourselves now and take action to
practice healthy lifestyles for a better life.

American Association of Health Education (AAHE). (2001). Joint Committee on Health
Education and Promotion Terminology.
(2010). In M. Lester, 365 Ways to Live Happy (p. 2). United States: Adams Media.
(Alcohol statistics. (2016, August 4th). Retrieved from Alcohol Concern:
(2011). In J. L. Richard Blonna, Health Counseling (Second ed., p. 8). United States: Jones &
Bartlett Learning.

Physical, social, intellectual and environmental health are four dimensions of health.
One will achieve a high level of wellness with all these dimensions of health as these four
components are integrated and function together.

Environmental wellness is described as a lifestyle that is supposed to be respectful of

and in harmony with our environment. According to Richard Blonna, Janice Loschiavo, and
Daniel N. Watter, environmental well-being involves high-level functioning on two levels.
The most immediate environment known as the micro-environment, consists of your school,
home, neighborhood and work site. The macro-environment, or the level of well-being at
larger level (state, country, and the world at large), also affect wellness (The Six Dimensions
of Wellness, 2011).

The micro-environment greatly affects our overall health. The quality of air and water,
the living condition, personal safety and social support system are included in this level.
According to Malaysia 2016 Crime & Safety Report, there continued to be a noticeable
increase in crime, including several reported assaults and robberies, sometimes involving
weapons, in Kuala Lumpur in 2015 (Malaysia 2016 Crime & Safety Report , 2016). In my
daily life, I will practice to be alert and be aware of my surroundings to avoid myself to
become a victim. For example, I will not use mobile devices while walking on the street and I
will pay attention to the information that broadcasted by local police about scam alert.
Nevertheless, I will always safeguard my credit card information as well as my online
banking password.

In addition, our behaviors which are eco-friendly are rather important in preserving
our environment as mankind is abusing this planet. I believe that I should practice
environmental friendly lifestyles before trying to influence people around me to have
environmental consciousness. In my daily life, I will always protect myself from the
environmental hazards. I will not expose myself to noisy environment and smoking area as
second hand smoke is very harmful to our body. Nevertheless, I will practice to categorize
wastes at home to support the recycling programs that implemented by the community and
government. In addition, I will always use reusable food container instead of polystyrene
foam when buying my food every day. Polystyrene is not biodegradable and it is harmful to
the environment.
The macro-environment is also affecting us in obtaining optimum wellness. For
example, terrorist attack that occurred on 13th of November 2015 in Paris followed by the first
launches attack by Islamic State in Malaysia on 28th of June 2016 does make people to live in
fear and insecurity (Lourdes, 2016). People may have watching, reading and listening to news
related to these events every day and that makes people feel more vulnerable. Fear can color
our daily routines in a bad way to some extent and these terrorist event can have an impact on
peoples mental health. However, we should be positive despite the bad incident happen in
the world.

In conclusion, leading a lifestyle that is environmentally conscious and minimizes any

action that may causes harm the environment are important to achieve environmental
wellness. It is our choice to live in ways that are respectful to our environment.

(2011). In J. L. Richard Blonna, Health Counseling (Second ed., p. 8). United States: Jones &
Bartlett Learning.
Lourdes, M. (2016, July 4). Islamic State launches first successful attack in Malaysia.
Retrieved from CNN:
Malaysia 2016 Crime & Safety Report . (2016, February 29). Retrieved from OSAC :

Social media are computer-mediated technologies that allow the creating and sharing
of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities
and networks (Social Media, 2016). Billions of us around the world are using social media
every day and for every part of our lives whether in our personal relationships, in our studies,
at work and for entertainment. The common social networking sites include Facebook,
Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Line, WeChat and so on.

An individuals social skills are developed during the process of becoming young
adult through the interactions with family, friends, and colleagues. Social skills that includes
effective communication skills, listening skills, and conflict management skills, and social
adaptation helps an individual to become a social well-being person. Social media is one of
the important elements in social wellness. Nowadays, social media is a preferred form of
communication for many peoples. Interacting with each other using social network helps
enhance the social skills among the young adults.

For example, young adults love spending time socializing online via sites such as
Facebook and Twitter. They are interacting with their friends by sharing their daily activities
via this networking site or chatting online with each other. It is a good form of
communication for young adults who may be busy with their daily routines. They may be
busy with their assignment or studies and even long working hours. Through social media,
people are keeping in touch and this helps to achieve social wellness. Nevertheless, a
gathering of old schoolmates from high school or college can be arrange as most of the
people can easily be contacted via social networking site such as Facebook.

In addition, social media can help facilitate information sharing. Young adults who
have same hobbies can share their interest via social network. They can share their ideas to
each other and this encourage them to involve in activities with people which can develop
communication skills among young adults. For examples, young adults who are interested in
marathon may share information about tips of running a marathon or any upcoming marathon
events via Facebook.

Individuals who are social well-being are able to foster a healthy relationship and live
in a harmonious environment. Individuals should learn not to criticize, judge or blame others.
One should learn to be friendly, respect and tolerance to others to achieve social wellness.
People can easily get caught up in self-critical thinking, which perpetuates low self-esteem,
contributes to depression and anxiety, and inhibits social interaction. Some inspirational
quotes that are shared in social network not only giving positive energy to helps young adults
to keep them happier and healthier but also helps them to think positively and develop good
personalities that helps them to achieve optimum wellness in social domain (Inspirational
Quotes, n.d.).

In conclusion, social media is essential to enhance social wellness among young

adults by maintaining and developing healthy relationships with others via social networking
sites. Individuals that maintain an optimal level of social wellness are able to build a better
living space and live in harmony.

Inspirational Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved from Facebool:
Social Media. (2016). Retrieved from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia:

Maintaining a balance of the mind, body, and spirit is necessary to live a happy and
fulfilled life. A weakness or imbalance in one of these aspects is crippling to the others as the
body, mind and spirit are inextricably linked.

There are guidelines and strategies that improve our physical, mental, emotional, and
even spiritual wellness. Regular exercising is a healthy lifestyles choice to stay healthy.
According to Dr. Mercola, exercise boosts levels of health-promoting neurochemicals like
serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which may help buffer some of the effects of stress
and also relieve some symptoms of depression. Exercise not only treated as a medical tool to
lose weight, prevent disease, and live longer but it can also be treated as a daily tool to
immediately enhance our frame of mind, reduce stress and feel happier (Mercola, 2016). It is
important to find an exercise routine that works for us and make it part of our daily routine.

Furthermore, one can stay healthy by adequate rest and sleep. Our bodies need sleep
and rest to restore our body. In addition, our minds are desperately need sleep to stay fresh,
energized, and well. Sleep recharges the brain, solidifies memories, increases learning that
improve our performance and productivity of the day. According to Dr. Christina Hibbert,
most of the people need 7 to 9 hours a night of sleep each day and we can focus on what
relaxes us and do a little bit of that each day for 10 minutes. When we push ourselves too
much, our body suffers, our mind and soul does too (Hibbert, 2015).

One can initiate to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit by controlling stress and
managing emotions. In the rapid pace of modern living, the negative effects of stress are
widespread and growing. Our stress response is triggered when we are faced with
overwhelming demands. Prolonged exposure to these reactions can have an impact on
physical, emotional and mental health. One should be an optimist to achieve health and
wellness. Besides, we should have the attitude of always looking on the bright side and this
increases our ability to experience happiness in our day-to-day life while helping us to cope
more effectively with stress. Besides that, according to Katharina Star, mindfulness
meditation is another common relaxation skill that can assist with stress and anxiety
reduction. One is recommended to set aside at least 5 to 10 minutes to sit in meditation each
day and regular practice will help us to lower anxiety and bring us a sense of inner peace
(Katharina Star, 2015).
Nevertheless, engaging in spiritual nourishment or worship according to ones faith is
essential to stay spiritually healthy. Religion helps followers engage in healthier lifestyle
practices on a daily basis. Spirituality helps followers examine their feelings and helps us
have a calmer outlook, lower blood pressure, and a more even-handed approach to dealing
with lifes stresses (Milam, n.d.).

In conclusion, healthy living is a long-term commitment and achieving total wellness

requires taking responsibility and take action. We should practice healthy lifestyles to
promote wellness in our body, mind and spirit.

Hibbert, D. C. (2015, July 29). 6 Strategies for Body-Mind Wellness & Empowerment.
Retrieved from Dr. Christina
Katharina Star, P. (2015, February 1). Mindfulness Meditation for Panic Disorder . Retrieved
from Verywell:
Mercola, D. (2016, April 25). How to Protect Your Mental Health and Avoid an Emotional
Breakdown. Retrieved from - Take control of your health since 1997:
Milam, P. (n.d.). How Religion and Spirituality Affect Our Health . Retrieved from
Spirituality health:

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by a low weight, a strong desire

to be thin, food restriction and an overwhelming dread of becoming fat. In order to stay thin,
anorexics typically engage in extreme dieting followed by purging, or excessive exercise to
maintain their extremely low weight. The undernourishment may cause hormonal
disturbances that one women can stop menstruating, anaemia, heart problems, brittle bones,
low blood pressure, and many other problems which are life threatening.

Bulimia Nervosa is a life-threatening eating disorder that is psychological in origin

and can have dire physical consequences. While anorexics starve themselves, bulimics binge
on food and then purge by self-induced vomiting. Bulimics also frequently use diet pills,
laxatives, diuretics to reduce their weight. The purpose of purging is to prevent weight gain
and also temporarily relieving depression.

These eating disorders are a major issue in society today. According to the eating
disorder statistics, 30 million people will be impacted by an eating disorder at some point in
their lifetime in the United States alone. Almost 50% of people with eating disorders meet the
criteria for depression. While women are more commonly affected by eating disorders, 10
million men and boys will battle some form of the illness at some point in their lifetime and,
due in large part to stereotypes and cultural bias, males are much less likely to seek treatment
for their eating disorder (Eating Disorder Statistics, 2015).

Anorexics and bulimics have many warning symptoms that help people notice the
signs of these eating disorder. The symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa may include rapid and
dramatic weight loss, excessive dieting and exercising and constipation. Besides, Bulimia
Nervosa may has the symptoms like chronic gastric reflux after eating large amounts of food
on the spur of the moment, secondary to vomiting. Both of these eating disorder have similar
and obvious symptoms to help people to detect them. The emotional symptoms of Anorexia
Nervosa are fear of gaining weight, a distorted body image and hyperactivity. Furthermore,
bulimics may have the emotional symptoms like mood swings and making excuses to go to
the bathroom after meal.

According to Stefanie Lein, malnutrition and dehydration happens to an Anorexic due

to dramatic weight loss followed by diseases such as low blood pressure and heart attacks.
Anorexia Nervosa can also causes organ damage, digestive system damage, hormonal
disturbances, brittle bones, hair and nails (Lein, n.d.). In addition, according to Tanya Todd, a
bulimic may have tooth enamel erosion, gun infections, cavities and tooth discoloration
caused by stomach acids from regular vomiting. Frequent vomiting can result in irritation and
tears in the lining of throat, esophagus and stomach (Todd, 2015).

In Conclusion, treatment is available, and recovery is possible for these eating

disorder. Nutritional counseling is an important part of recovery as nutrition counselor helps
victims to form an eating plan that will allow them to maintain a healthy weight.
Psychotherapy may also help victims to cope with stress, improvement of problem-solving
and decision making skills. Family members and friends can be a huge help in providing
support for the victims recovery.

Eating Disorder Statistics. (2015, February 5). Retrieved from Mental Health Screening:
Lein, S. (n.d.). Effects of Anorexia. Retrieved from Eating Disorders Online:
Todd, T. (2015). Bulimic Activities and Their Impacts on Health and Personality . Retrieved
from Steady Health :

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