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.Telegramss 'RAILMANAK' Lucknow Phonesgf50567 & © (50017 Government of India:Ministry; off Railways Research, Designs and Standap¢@w Organisation, fanalmagar, Lueknow-226011 No,SD.POL.12.2 Dated: 6.1.1984 The General Menager (Enge/Blec.) , 4 - Bastern Railway, Fairlie Plece; Calcutts-700001. + Northem Railway, Baroda House, New Dethi-110001 Subs Introduction of Rajdhani Express with air-bmked stock between Howrah-New Delhi hauled by WaP-1 The WaP-1 locomotive as show in “DSO sketch No.S%.DL.3031 (41t.4), is a 4000 hp ac elec- tric locomotive designed for hauling the Rajdhani Express on the Yowrch-‘ow Delhi electrified section and manufactured at CLu/cw, using HETT 3900 trans- former with 2S- 3P pa:manent connection of the axle-hung, nose-suspended T&O 659 traction motors and floxi-coil bogics with two-stage susponsion, Based on the detailed oscillation trials regarding stability and riding quality of th; locomotive, omergency braking distances, acccioration und haulage capseity trials cte., the WAPL re electric Locomo- tivo hauling IGF all-coil cocching stock was pore mitted: to run at a meximum pormissiblo spocd of 130 Im/h on the Now Delhi - Howrah Rajdhani route, as por Speed Certificate 10,SD.WaPL.11 dat 13.7,1982. With a viow to moot thy incrcasing traffic domond, it has boon doeidcd to sun ths Howrch-Now Delhi 3ajdhani Expross with 1° coaches fittod with alr-brake systom on the YAP1 locomotives and the coaching stock, 2. Det ‘ ing distnes trials have boon conduct.d with single/double hs ded ¥aP1 ng cloctric Locomotiv2(s) wanting 38 coo" als aro contained in ort No,M-419. These WSO Mechante x) Pnein ering % bering distaneas arc comparable with the braking istencos obtiined with tho 9 conch vacuum braked /2 Raj@honi Express hauled by a singlo UDM4 locomotive at 130 Im/h. Basod on tho rosuits of tho dotailod oscillation trials, routc-proving runs, hatlags capacity ond omurgoney br=King distcncu tricls, it is cortificd that op-ration of Singlo/double hendod (both Locos onsrgissd md working) WPL .¢ olcet ric Locomotive(s) fitted with INsVE-5 twin pipo systoa howling 18 IGF -ii-coll virbrrkcd conch ing stock Rojdhand Bxpross upto » m-ximum spucd of 1 Im/h on the New Doli Howrsh Rejdiand route may be permitted subject to the following condition: A Bele od of to N + 4 density ind mininam depth of beLirst cushion below Slecpors of 200 mm (wich may consist of at Loast 75 mi clom brilest na z2st in ealed up condition), on compacted “nd st-ble fora tion and maintainel to tha standards as zocommon- ded in *s0's %cport vo.cuit1, Vol.I. In thi connoction the instructions for mriatensn of track of high sperd rout~s circulated |to othe Re ways undor 2036's D.0.)- noe vido t! 278.171 and o.7i/USMS/1 detsd 21.10.! shall also be follows. “ Als on slo 2.1.2 For track of lower stant tioned above, tne Chief shall decide the lower m: speed. In this connec be seen. When the Chief Engineer oo that the road bed is not eompatie? or there is improper drainage, he aay suitably vos trict the mex. perm: @ speed denending on the local conditions. 2.1.3 The specé on curv basis of the Indian ® inveys Higher speeds n. subject to a ms The “ete of ¢} shall not exe! ane be > mitted y of 100mm, doficioncy i) it) 2.3.2 Bridges shall be to BOML/ABG standard. For orldges of Lo. candard than that ntioned above, the Ghicf Enginecr concernad should be reffered to, The clearance with references to Bridgos refers to standard designs of girders, slabs, pipo culvorts ate, issued by DSO andard designs of stool th ond stability girders : of piors and abui which 4s to be oxaninod under direction of tho Chicf Engincor contorned, and cortificd by the latter in terms of Addondum and Gorrigondum Slip vos.9 & 12 to 128 Bridgo Sub-structure Code. TRACTION INSTALLATION Tho O#2 is provided with swivelling typo of cantilovor assombly, having tho tonsion in the conductors vogulatod automatically. Type of OG, on ths route and its spood potential arc indicated belows- Scetion Proseg @ ' Specd potontial — uemes(Dos Seri Bolur-Shaktigash 50 mm 140 kan/h (vie sc} and Burdw: Kanpur-Ghaziabad- 100 mm 160 km/h. Wew Delhi. @ Tho prosag indicated above is on contact wire for a maximum span of 72 m (nronor- tionatcly loss for smaller spans). On soctions Howrch-Bulur, Shoktigach - Burdwon and Howyche2urdwan via main lino, th2 OWB is of simplo polygonal type, originally orceted for 2000 Vy dc conver. tod to suft 25 ky oc having tonsion in both contact and catonary non-rogulat od. chis O18 is considorcd fit for speed upto 3.20 Im/h from design consideration. lf 2.3.4 2.5.1 At locations where poreclain scetion insulators aro installod on main lino within ono thivd of the span imm structure and the dircetion, 0 limited to 120 km/h. At all oth r locations whore poreolain scetion insulet: © installed spood shall be limitcd to 80 km/h. In addition to tho above, the icf Bagctrical Engincer may impose any temporary spocd rostviction on the basis of his personal Imowledgo and oxporiones of the OHB and the conditions provailing on any parti- cular section, SIGNALLING Tho Signalling on the soction shall form to instructions contained in Board's lottcrs N0,68/13/36/G/5/4 dated 1.7.69 ond N0.74/W3/S0/6/8 datot 7410.74. 9 these instructions have not so f-r boon complicd with, suitable spood restrictions shall bo imposed by the Chiof Signal and Tolocommuniestion Bngincer. OTHER SPECIAL EDITIONS Tho WAP-1 2¢ oloctric locomotives, for keuling the R°jdhoni Bxpress with 18 coaches, shall bo fitted with IRAVB~6 twin pipe oir and provided with sir flow indi suitcblo for twin pipe groduated cked trailing For double hoaded operstion, 7/3 vos shall bo fitted with strongthoned transition serow eoupling cithcr to 2DSO Drg. No. S”DL-2494 (4lt.?) 2495 (41t.5) or to RDSO Drg.N2.SKDL#3614 (alt.1) nnd 3615 (Alt.1), with o minimum proof of 60 t. Pkcctric Lcevmotives for Sigh Speod Oneration" circulated with this office lottor N2.BL/3.3.15/4AM2/GR-OON dated 25.12.1970 and the locomotives 1 be attcndcd t9 accordingly. Tho all-coll 1¢F coaches of tho Rejdhani Express shvil bo fitt a with twin-pipe graduated rol-aso air brake Tho enhanced capacity scrow coupling ank draft gonr/to PDSO's SK.N2.79061 and 79067 withThigh cxp city rubbor pads to 2.4/BD-2267 in tho draft gor with parting plate in the gow. These coaches shril bo main. ned in seesrdanco with tho instructions containod in RDSO Technical Pamphlot © 7807 oxcopt those instructions taining to vacuum brakes. Tho ir br-ke system 2f tho coahhos shall bo maint vined as poz ADSO Tochnical Pomphlot No.c-8201. ALL permanont and tomporary speod rostrictions duo to curves, bridges, track and signalling and intor Locking in forco ond those that may bo dmposod from timc to timo, shall also be observed. ae /Oee FP LIMENSKME TF Ie? OLE “F Be pe 1°73 REPRINT) | . . y ee Wes : . 1 > : | 7 5G. 7 ° =724 2.545, ‘ 2.5.6 Z braking 2.5.7 Baels -6- Tho dosign of the locomotive infringes itons No,.12 and 13 of Chapter IV(C) of the B.G. Metric Schedule of Dimonsions - 1973 Reprint. - G Railway Board vido thoir lottor No.79/WDO/SR/ datcd 7.4,1979 have sanctioned tho above infringonont. Taking into considcration the omorgeney braking distancos obtained during tho omergoncy/dist anco trials (RDSO Mechanical Bnginccring Roport Wo. M-419), Railways may docido tho pemissiblo spood at tho approaches to stations on tho ~ section on which tho Rajdnani Express will bo punning doponding upon the signalling systom. In running the Rajdhani Express with tho WAPL Locomotivo(s), tochnical instructions contained in 50 Lotter Mo.MC/APB dated 6.1.1984 and any other instructions that may bo issuod from timo to timo, shall bo obsorvad. Cy lif S 1 Sketch ( &¥. Keishnemurthy ) DIRBCTOR STANDARDS (MOTIVE POWSR) Copy tor- le a Bnels 1 skotch. ( iV. Kr The secretery (Trectiaa/rlec, ie Hail Bhavan, New Delhi. geese bone, The Generel MaDager ( Design), Chittersan Lo Works, Chitter an jonm71a331, ” ee “hla, shnemarthy ) DIRTCTOR STaNDARDS (Morte Pouca

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