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The Notory Art ARS NOTORIA

revealed by the Most High Creator to Solomon.
mus Salomoni reuelauit.

IntheNameoftheholyandundividedTrinity, InNomineSanctae&indiuiduaeTrinitatisincipitsanctissimaArsNotoria,
beginneththismostholyArtofKnowledge,Revealedto quamCreatorAltissimusSalomoniperAngelumsuumsuperaltareTempli
SOLOMON,whichtheMostHighCreatorbyhisholy ministrauit,vtpereamomnesscientiasliberales,mechanicas,exceptiuas&earum
AngelministredtoSOLOMONupontheAltarofthe facultatesperbreuespaciumtemporispossitsubitoacquirere&habere,&in
Temple;thattherebyinashorttimeheknewallArtsand proferedomysticaverbasanctarumorationuminomnisapientiapenitus
Sciences,bothLiberalandMechanick,withallthe fundaretur.

Alpha and Omega! Oh Almighty God, the beginning of all

things, without beginning, and without end: Graciously this Alpha&Omega,DeusOmnipotens,principiumomniumrerum,sineprincipio,
day hear my prayers; neither do thou render unto me finissinefine,exaudihodieprecesmeaspiissim,&nequesecundminiquitates
according to my sins, nor after mine iniquities, O Lord my meas,nequesecundmpeccatamearetribuasmihi,DomineDeusmeus,sed
God, but according to thy mercy, which is greater then all secundmmisericordiamtuamquemaiorestrebusomnibusvisibilibus&
things visible and invisible. Have mercy upon me, O Christ,
the Wisdom of the Father, the Light of Angels, the Glory of inuisibilibus.MisereremeiSapientiaPatris,ChristeluxAngelorum,gloria
Saints, the Hope, Refuge, and Support of Sinners, the Sanctorum,spes&portus&refugiumpeccatorum,cunctarumrerumconditor,&
Creator of all things, the Redeemer of all humane Frailties, humanaefragilitatisredemptor.Quiclum&terram,marcquetotumacmundum
who holdest the Heaven, Earth, and Sea, and all the whole ponderapalmaeconcludis,tepiissimedeprecor&exoro,vtvncumPatre
World, in the palm of thy Hand: I humbly implore and illustresanimammeanradiosanctissimiSpiritustui,quatenusinhacsacrosancta
beseech, That thow wilt mercifully with the Father, artetaliterpossimproficere,vtvaleamadnoticiamomnisscientiae,artis&
illustrate my Minde with the beams of thy holy Spirit, that I sapientiae,memoriae,facundiae,intelligentiae,&intellectus:virtutetui
may be able to come and attain to the perfection of this sanctissimiSpiritus,&tuinominisperuenire.EttuDeusmeus,quiinprincipio
most holy Art, and that I may be able to gain the knowledge creasticlum&terram,&omniaexnihilo:quiinSpiritutuoomniareformas,
of every Science, Art, and Wisdom; and of every Faculty of comple,instaura,sanaintellectummeum,vtglorificemteperomniaopera
Memory, Intelligences, Understanding, and Intellect, by the
Vertue and Power of [3] thy most holy Spirit, and in thy
Name. And thou, O God my God, who in the beginning hast
created the Heaven and the Earth, and all things out of cognoscendumomniumScripturarumscientiam,memoriam,eloquentiam&
nothing; who reformest, and makest all things by thy own perseuerantiam,quiviuis&regnasinseculaseculorum,Amen.
Spirit; compleat, fulfil, restore, and implant a sound
Understanding in me, that I may glorifie thee and all thy
Works, in all my Thoughts, Words, and Deeds. O God the
Father, confirm and grant this my Prayer, and increase my
Understanding and Memory, and strengthen the same, to
know and receive the Science, Memory, Eloquence, and
Perseverance in all manner of Learning, who livest and
reignest World without end. Amen.

[1] Incipit primus Tractatus istius artis, & expositiones eius, quas Magister
Here beginneth the first Treatise of this Art, which Apollonius Flores aureos appellauit, ad eruditionem omnium scientiarum
Master Apollonius calleth, The golden Flowers, being the naturalium generaliter. Et hoc confirmauit authoritate Salomonis Manichi &
generall Introduction to all Natural Sciences; and this is
Confirmed, Composed, and Approved by the Authority Euduchij compositum & probatum.
of Solomon, Manichus, and Euduchus.

IApolloniusMasterofArts,dulycalled,towhomthe quasicessissevidetur,tractaturussumdecognitioneartiumliberalium,&de
NatureofLiberalArtshathbeengranted,amintendedto cognitioneAstronomi.[583]Quibusexperimentis&quibusdocumentisartium
treatoftheKnowledgeofLiberalArts,andofthe compendiosacompetensquecognitiopossithaberi,quibusquenaturistemporum
KnowledgeofAstronomy;andwithwhatExperiments idoneepossitnaturasummainfimaquecompetenterdiuidi,&quibusdiebus&
andDocuments,aCompendiousandCompetent hotisfactahominuminchoandaatquedeterminandasunt.Qualiterhomo&quali
KnowledgeofArtsmaybeattainedunto;andhowthe efficaciainistaartedispositionemvitaesuaeageredebeat,&cursumlunae
highestandlowestMysteriesofNaturemaybe inspiceredebeat&studeat.Primarbitratussum,quaedampraeceptade
competentlydivided,andfittedandappliedtotheNatures spiritualibusscientijsdeclaranda,vtadsingulaquaepraefatisumus,ordine
ofTimes;andwhatproperdayesandhoursaretobe continuopertingatur.
ended;whatQualificationsamanoughttohave,toattain [3]Nemireris,ergoquodaudieris&quodvisurusesinhocopusculo
theEfficacyofthisArt;andhowheoughttodisposeof subsequenti,&quodinuenisexemplartantae&inestimabiliseruditionis.

Somethingswhichfollow,whichwewilldeliverto Quaedamsuntposteaquaesequuntur,quaetibimirabiliofficioexantiquissimis
theeasEssayesofwonderfulEffects,andhaveextracted Hebraeorumlibrisextractalegendopraelibauimus:quaevbivideris,licetignota
themoutofthemostancientBooksoftheHebrews; fueruntlinguehumanae,tamenpromiraculoreputaquodDominoDeotuotibi
forgotten,andwornoutofanyhumaneLanguage) nouerisesseconcessum.
admirethegreatPowerandEfficacyofWordsinthe [Explicit prologus. Admiratio auctoris de tanta virtute hujus artis.]

Of what efficacy words are. Quanta sit efficacia verborum.

ThereissogreatVertue,PowerandEfficacyincertain [5]EstenimtantaquorundamDeiefficaciaverborum,vtcumipsaverba

An explanation of the Notary Art. Ista ostensio subsequens est de arte notoria.

Thisartisdividedintotwoparts:Thefirstcontaineth [6]Istaarsdiuiditurinduaspartes:Inprimaponitnotasgenerales,insecunda
itiswritten:ThereforetherearecertainNotesofthe notacuiussignificatioestexHebraeodistorta,quelicetcumpaucissimisverbis
NotaryArt,whicharemanifesttous;theVertuewhereof comprehendaturtameninexpressionesua,&inexpressionemysterijsuamnon
HumanReasoncannotcomprehend.ThefirstNotehath amittitvirtutem:Tameneiusvirtusestquodexeacontingit&proceditmirabiliter
hissignificationtakenfromtheHebrew;whichthoughthe admirandumquilibetarbitretur.

[Beginning of] The first precept [, first chapter of three [7] Incipit prima oratio primi capituli de tribus capitulis.

1. This oration occurs in full at

the end (p. 115).
HElyScemath,Amazaz,Hemel;Sathusteon,hheli HelyscemathAmazaz,hemel,Sathusteon,hheli
Tamazam,&c.1whichSolomonentituled,Hisfirst Tamazam&c. (Hely.semat.azaran.
Revelation;andthattobewithoutanyInterpretation:It hemel.Samic.theon.)
beingaScienceofsoTranscendentapurity,thatithathits [8]QuamSalomonprimamorationemstatuit
OriginaloutofthedepthandprofundityoftheChaldee, &[584]voluiteamomniinterpretecarere,scienstantam
Hebrew,andGrecianLanguages;andthereforecannot subtilitatisdeChaldei,Hebraei,Graeciprofunditate
possiblebyanymeansbeexplicatedfullyinthepoor sermonisextortam;vtnullomodopossitplenario
ThreadbareSchemeofourLanguage.Andofwhatnature schematesermonisexpo*i.Quaeautemsiteius
theEfficacyoftheaforesaidwordsare,Solomonhimself efficacia,ipseidemSalomoninlib.II.Helisoe
dothdescribeinhisEleventhBook,Helisoe,ofthe conditorisdefulgore,sapientiaeostendit:Sedamicus&
MightyGloryoftheCreator:buttheFriendandSuccessor successorSalomonis,idestApollonius,cumpaucis
ofSolomon,thatis,Apollonius,withsomefewothers,to alijs,quibusdatafuitistiusscientiaemanifestatio,
whomthatSciencehathbeenmanifested,haveexplained exposure,diceter.Istadiuinamysteriaprofunda&
thesame,anddefineditto[8]bemostHoly,Divine,Deep, sanctissima,&qumplurimmreuerendasunt&non
andProfoundMysteries;andnottobedisclosednor absquefideimagnitudineproferenda.

A Spiritual Mandate of the precedent Oration. [9] Hic datur spirituale mandatum de praecedenti

Beforeanyonebegintoreadeorpronounceany aliquasorationesistiusartisproefficacia,istam
OrationsofthisArt,tobringthemtoeffect,letthem orationemsemperprimproferatininitioreuerenter&
alwayesfirstreverentlyanddevoutlyrehearsethisPrayer deuot.

IfanyonewillsearchtheScriptures,orwould Siquiseuigiletscripturae,siuequamlibetscripturam
understand,oreloquentlypronounceanypartofScripture, facundindagaresiueproferrevoluerit,verbafigurae
lethimpronouncethewordsofthefollowingFigure,to praecedentisquaepraefatisumus,scilicet,Hely
wit,Helyscemath,inthemorningbetimesofthatday, scemath.Inilladiequandoaliquisvultincipereopus
whereinthouwiltbeginanywork.AndintheNameofthe summoman,innomineDominiDeinostri,inipsa
LordourGod,lethimdiligentlypronouncetheScripture propositaprolationescripturaediligenterproferat:Cum
proposed,withthisPrayerwhichfollows,whichis,Theos illatamenorationequesequitur,quaeestTheos
Megale;Andismysticallydistorted,andmiraculouslyand megale,quaeestexHebraeo,Graeco,&Chaldaeo
properlyframedoutoftheHebrew,Greek, sermonesubtiliterdistorta&elimatamirabiliter&
andChaldeanTongues:anditextendethitselfbrieflyinto propri,scilicerperexpositionemsummatim
everyLanguage,inwhatbeginningsoever[9]theyare protenditurinomnisermoneinquolibetinitio
declared.ThesecondpartoftheOrationofthesecond proferendasunt.
andthefollowingExpositionthereof,oughttobe Incipitsecundaparsorationissecundicapituli,
pronouncedfirst,whichisaLatineOration:Thethird queexHebraeo,Graeco,&Chaldaeoestexcerpta.Cum
OrationofthethreeChapters,alwaysinthebeginningof istaprimasuaexpositiosequensproferridebet;quae
everyFaculty,isfirsttoberehearsed. oratiolatinaest.Tertiooratiodetribuscapitulis,quae

TheOrationis,TheosMegale,intuymasEurel,&c.2 [10]Incipitipsaoratio,Theosmegaleiotuymas 2. This oration occurs in full at

the end (p. 104).

Thissheweth,howtheforegoingPrayerisexpounded: [11]Hicostenditqualiterpraefataoratioexponatur.
ButalthoughthisisaparticularandbriefExpositionof Huiusmodiverorationishocestparticula&
thisOration;yetdonotthink,thatallwordsarethus summatimpraelibataexpositio.Nontamenputesquod
expounded. singulaverbaexponantursic.

The Exposition of this Oration. Incipit expositio dictae orationis.

Lux mundi Deus immensae pater aeternitatis, largitor Corresponding with LIH
OH God, the Light of the World, Father of Immense sapientiae & scientiae & totius gratiae spiritualis, pie & XVIII.
Eternity, Giver of all Wisdom and Knowledge, and of inaestimabilis dispensator, noscens omnia prius antequam
1. Cp. Isaiah 49:2.
all Spiritual Grace; most Holy and Inestimable fiant, faciens tenebras & lucem, mitte manum tuam &
Dispenser, knowing all things before they are made; tange os meam, & pone id vt gladium acutum ad
who makest Light and Darkness: Stretch forth thy enarrandum eloquenter [585] haec verba. Fac linguam
Hand, and touch my Mouth, and make my Tongue as meam vt sagittam electam ad enarrandum mirabilia tua,
a sharp sword;1 [10] to shew forth these words with & ad pronunciandum ea memoriter. Emitte Spiritum
Eloquence; Make my Tongue as an Arrow elected to sanctum tuum Domine, in cor meum ad percipiendum &
in animam meam ad retinendum ea memoriter. Emitte
declare thy Wonders, and to pronounce them
Spiritum sanctum tuum Domine in cor meum ad
memorably: Send forth thy holy Spirit, O Lord, into percipiendum & in animam meam ad retinendum, & in
my Heart and Soul, to understand and retain them, conscientiam meam ad meditandum per iuramentum tui
and to meditate on them in my Conscience: By the cordis, id est per dextram piae scientiae tuae. Et
Oath of thy Heart, that is, By the Right-hand of thy misericorditer & clementer in me gratiam tuam inspira &
doce, & instrue, & instaura introitum & exitum sensuum
holy Knowledge, and mercifully inspire thy Grace
meorum, & doceat [sic] me & corrigat [sic] me disciplina
into me; Teach and instruct me; Establish the coming tua vsque in finem. Et adiuuet me consilium altissimi, per
in and going out of my Senses, and let thy Precepts infinitam sapientiam & misericordam tuam, Amen.
teach and correct me until the end; and let the
Councel of the most High assist me, through thy
infinite Wisdom and Mercy. Amen.

The words of these Orations cannot be wholly Non ex toto verba orationum possunt exponi.
NEitherthink,thatallwordsoftheprecedingOration singulainlatinumtranslatasintsermonem,cumaliquid

Of the Triumphal Figures, how sparingly they are to be [14] Hic loquitur de triumphalibus figuris quomodo
pronounced, and honestly and devoutly spoken. parc dicantur, & honest proferantur, & deuot.
TherearealsocertainFiguresorOrations, Suntetiamqudamfigursiueorationes,quas

The Expositions of the Lunations of the Notary Art. [15] Ist sunt expositiones lunationis artis notori.

THesearetheExpositionsoftheLunation,and Hsuntexpositioneslunationis&introductionis
andarealsorevealedanddeliveredtousthatrequirethem postulantibusabangelko,adostendendamfacundiam
fromtheAngel,fourtimesoftheyear,toshewthe plenariaminquatuorlinguis,Graeca,Hebra,Chalda
EloquenceandFulnessofthefour[13]Languages,Greek, &latina:&quatuororbisterrarumpartesdataestDeo
Hebrew,ChaldeeandLatine;andGodhathdetermined potestasdefiniendihumanmentisfacundiam,necnon
thePoweroftheFacultiesofHumaneUnderstanding,to humanitatisquatuorvirtutes,Intelligentiam,
thefourPartsoftheEarth;andalsothefourVertuesof Memoriam,Facundiam&istorumtriumstabilitatem
Humanities,Understanding,Memory,Eloquence,andthe dominari.IstaetiamsuntdequibusPrfatumest,qu
FacultyofRulingthosethree.Andthesethingsaretobe sicutdiximus,itaproferendasunt.

He sheweth how the precedent Oration is the Beginning [16] Ostendit qualiter ista oratio predicta sit
and Foundation of the whole Art. principium & fundamentum totius artis.

THatisthefirstFigureoftheNotaryArt,whichis Ipsaverartisnotoriprimafiguraqusupr

TheprecedentOrationoughttobe[14]spokensecretly; Oratioprcedensdebetproferrisecret&solussit
andlethimthatspeaksitbealone,andpronounceitwith quiproferateam,&ipsevixaudiatse:&hcest
alowvoyce,sothathescarcelyhearhimself.Andthisis conditioeius:quodsinecessitaseumargueritalicuius
theconditionhereof,thatifnecessityurgeonetodoany magnioperis,poteritdicimanebis&circanonambis
greatworks,heshallsayittwiceinthemorning,and &confessussit&ieiunetinprimadie,inquoprofert
abouttheninthhourtwice;andlethim[beconfessed, eam,&viuatcast&deuot.Ethocestquoddicithic.

ThisistheOrationofthefourTongues,Chaldee, IstaestoratioquatuorlinguarumChald,Grce,
Greek,HebrewandLatine,evidentlyexpounded,whichis Hebr&latineuidenterexposita,qusplendorvel
called,"theSplendororSpeculumofWisdom."Inallholy speculumsapientiappellatur.Insingulislunationibus
Lunations,theseOrationsoughttoberead,onceinthe sanctisprdictaoratiodebetlegi,inmanesemelcirca
morning,onceaboutthethirdhour,onceabouttheninth tertiamselemcircanonamsemel&circavesperas
hour,andonceintheevening. semel.

The Oration. Incipitoration.

Assaylemath, Assay, Lemeth, Azzabue. [15] Assaylemath. Assay Lemeth. azzabue.

The second part of the precedent Orations, which is to Incipit secunda pars prcedentis orationis, & tantum
be said onely once. semel debet dici.

AZzaylemath, Lemath, Azacgessenio. Azzaylemath. Lemath. Azacgessenio.

Sequitur tertia pars orationis prcedentis & simul

The third part of the precedent Oration, which is to be
spoken together with the other.
Lemath. Sebanche. Ellithy aygezo.
Lemath, Sebanche, Ellithy, Aygezo.
This Oration hath no Exposition in the Latine. [17] Hic exponitur qualiter non habet expositionem in
THisisaholyPrayer,withoutdangerofanysin, Hicestoratiosanctasinetotiuspeccatipericulo

Of the Efficacy of that Oration which is inexplicable to [18] De efficacia eiusdem orationis que inexplicabilis
humane sense. est humanosensu.
THisisthatonelywhichSolomoncallsThehappiness HcestomninoquamSalomonflicitatemingenij,
Here he sheweth, in what manner those Notes differ in [21] Hic ostenditur qua ratione in arte ista differant
Art, and the reason thereof; for a Note is a certain not, & ista est ratio. Nota enim est est qudam
knowledge, by the Oration and Figure before set down. cognitio per orationem et figuram suprapositam.


madeintheirdueplace,andhowtheNotesarecalledin Seddeorationibus&figurismentiosuotempore
theNotaryArt.NowhemakethmentionofthatOration, habendaratioest,quareinartenotorianotdicantur.
whichiscalled,TheQueenofTongues:foramongstthese ModofacitmentionemdequadamorationequeRegina
Orations,thereisone[19]moreexcellentthantherest, linguappellatur.Interistastamenorationesvnaest
whichKingSolomonwouldthereforehavebecalled,The excellentiorquamRexSalomonReginamlinguid
QueenofTongues,becauseittakesaway,asitwere,with circovoluitappellari,quiaquodamsecretotegimento
acertainSecretcoveringtheImpedimentsoftheTongue, impedimentumlinguaufert,&mirabilemeloquenti
andgivethitamarvellousFacultyofEloquence. tribuitfacultatem,adquamantequamperueniatur
Whereforebeforeweproceedfurther,takealittleEssayof parumperdeipsaorationeestprlibandum.Ipsaenim
thatOration:ForthisisanOrationwhichintheScriptures estoratio,quinscripturisdocendisinoresemper
wearetaughttohavealwayesinourmouthes;butitis habendaest,deChaldotamensermoneextortaest:
takenoutoftheChaldeanLanguage:which,althoughit qulictbreuissit,mirabilisefficaciest,vtcum
beshort,isofawonderfulVertue;thatwhenyoureade ipsamscripturamlegerisorationeprmemorata,
thatScripture,withtheOrationbeforementioned,you reticerenonpoteris,qutibimens&lingua
cannotkeepsilentthosethings,whichtheTongueand suggesserint&administrabunt.
TheOrationwhichfollows,isacertainInvocationof AngelorumDei,&prouocatfacundiam,&inprincipio
theAngelsofGod,anditprovokethEloquence,andought scripturarumdebetdici,&inprincipiomensis
tobesaidinthebeginningoftheScripture,andinthe prfertur.Incipitoratio.

The Oration
Lameth. Leynach. Semach. belmai. (ist orationes non
[1] Ameth, Leynach, Semach, Belmay, (these habent proprias lunationes, vt dicit commentator supra in
Orations have not proper Lunations, as the glossa azzailemat Geseg Lothamasim,
Commentator saith upon the Gloss, Azzailement, Ozetogomaglial. Zeziphier, Iosanum: Solatac,
Gesegon, Lothamasim, Ozetogomaglial, Zeziphier, Bozefama, dafarciamar, zemait, Lemaio, pheralon,
Anuc, philosophi Gregoon Letos anum, anum anum.)
Josanum, Solatar, Bozefama, Defarciamar, Zemait,
Lemaio, Pheralon, Anuc, Philosophi, Gregoon,
Letos, Anum, Anum, Anum.)

How this Oration is to be said in the beginning of every [23] Qualiter ista oration proferatur in principio
Moneth, chastly, and with a pure minde. cuiuslibet mensis cast & puro cporde semper

INthebeginningoftheScriptures,aretobetaught, Vtinprincipioscripturarumdocendarum
howtheprecedentOrationoughttobespokenmost secretissimdebetdicioratioprdicta,&qutibi
secretly,andnothingoughttoberetained,whichthy legentimens&linguasuggesterit,reticerinondebet.
MindeandUnderstandingsuggestsandpromptstotheein Prtereasequunturqudamverbaprceptadeilla,
thereadingthereof:Thenalsofollowcertainwords,which quiainprincipiomensissemperincipidebent,&etiam
arePreceptsthereof,whichoughtalwayestobebegunin inalijsdiebus.Istaetiamestqumemoriam.Sed
thebeginningoftheMoneth,andalsoinotherdayes.I tamensapienter&cummaximvenerationisofficio,&
wouldalsonotethis,Thatitistobe antequamcibus&potussumatur,proferendaest.

Here followeth the Prayer we spake of before, to obtain [24] Sequitur oratio de qu locuti sumus ad
a good Memory. producendam memoriam.

Deus summe Deus inuisibilis. Theos patir Heminas per

archangelos tuos eliphamasai gelonucoa. Gebeche
[2]O Most Mighty God, Invisible God, Theos Patir banai Gerabcai, elomnit: Et per angelos tuos gloriosos,
Heminas; by thy Archangels, Eliphamasay, quorum, nomina adeo consecrata sunt, vt nobis proferri
Gelonucoa, Gebeche Banai, Gerabcai, Elomnit; and non debent qu sunr hc: do. hel. x. p. a. li. o. ff. &c.
by thy glorious Angels, whose Names are so qu humanis sensibus comprehendi non licet.
Consecrated, that they cannot be uttered by us; which
are these, Do. Hel. X. P. A. Li. O. F. &c. which cannot
be Comprehended by Humane Sense.

Here following is the Prologue of the precedent Oration, Sequitur prologus prdict orationis, que prouocat
which provoketh and procureth Memory, and is & adhibet memoriam & continuatur cum prcedenci
continued with the precedent Note. Nota.

THisOrationoughttobesaidnexttotheprecedent proxima,scilicetLemath&cumista.Tequesohodie
Oration;towit,Lameth:andwiththis,Ibeseechtheeto oTheossemperproferendaprovnaoratione.Sipro
day,OTheos,tobesaidalwaysasonecontinuedOration. memoria,inmanedicatur.Siproaliaefficaciavespere
IfitbefortheMemory,letitbesaidinthemorning;iffor dicatur.Etsicdicaturinvespertina[589]hora,&in
anyothereffect,intheevening.[22]Andthusletitbesaid mane.Etsiproferatur,vtdictumest,istacumoratione
inthehouroftheevening,andinthemorning:Andbeing precedenti,prouocatmemoriam&linguamimpeditam
thuspronounced,withtheprecedentOration,itincreaseth soluit.

Here beginneth the Prologue of this Oration. [25] Hic incipit ipsius orationis prologus.

Te quso Domine m illumina conscientiam meam

I Beseech thee, O my Lord, to illuminate the Light splendore luminis tui, & illustra & confirma intellectum
of my Conscience with the Splendor of thy Light: meum odore suauitatis spiritus tui, adorna animam meam
vt audiendo audiam, & audita memoriter teneam.
Illustrate and confirm my Understanding, with the Reforma Domine cor meam: Instaura Deus sensem
sweet odour of thy Spirit. Adorn my Soul, that meum: Placa pijssime memoriam: Aperi mititissime
hearing I may hear and what I hear, I may retain in animam meam: Tempera benignissime linguam meam
per gloriosum & ineffabile nomen tuum. Tu qui es fons
my Memory. O Lord, reform my heart, restore my
bonitatis, & totius pietatis origo, habeas patientiam in me
senses, and strengthen them; qualifie my Memory & memoriam da mihi, & quod te petij in oratione hac
with thy Gifts: Mercifully open the dulness of my sancta largiaris mihi. Et qui peccantem non statim
Soul. O most merciful God, temper the frame of my iudicas, sed ad pnitentiam misertus expectas, te quso
Tongue, by thy most glorious and unspeakable indignus precor, vt facinorum meorum & peccatorum
Name: Thou who are the Fountain of all Goodness; meorum scelera extinguas & abstergas, & me petitione
the Original and Spring of Piety, have patience with tanta per Angelorum tuorum virtutem de quibus prfatus
me, give a good Memory unto me, and bestow upon sum, dignum & efficacem esse facias, qui es Trinus Deus.
me what I pray of thee in this holy Oration. O thou
who dost not forthwith Judge a sinner, [23] but
mercifully waitest, expecting his Repentance; I
(though unworthy) beseech thee to take away the
guilt of my sins, and wash away my wickedness and
offences, and grant me these my Petitions, by the
verture of thy holy Angels, thou who art one God in
Trinity. Amen.

Here he sheweth some other Vertue of the precedent [26] Hic ostendis alias efficacias quas habet prdicta
Oration. oratio.

IfthoudoubtofanygreatVsion,whatitmayforeshew; Hanceandemorationem,&sidealiquamagna
orifthouwouldstseeanygreatVsion,ofanydanger visionedubitaueris,quidprtenderedebeatvelsi
presentortocome;orifthouwouldstbecertifiedofany magnamvisionidepericuloinstantisiuedefuturo
onethatisabsent,saythisOrationthreetimesinthe viderevolueris,veldequouisabsentevishabere
eveningwithgreatreverenceanddevotion,andthoushalt certitudinem,vespereterdicascumsumm
Here followeth an Oration of great Vertue, to attain the venerationisobsequio,&videbisquodpetieris.
knowledge of the Physical Art, having also many other
Vertues and Efficacy. [28] Hc incipit oratio magn virtutis, & est de
cognitione artis physix & habes plures virtutes &

IFyouwouldhavetheperfectknowledgeofany efficacias.

Disease,whetherthesametendtodeathorlife:ifthesick Sivishaberecognitionemdealicuiusgritudine,
partylielanguishing,standbeforehim,&saythisOration vtrumadmortemveladvitamsitinfirmus.Siiacuerit
threetimeswithgreatreverence.[24] languens,assistenscorameodicastercummagna


The Oration of the Physical Art. [29] Incipit oratio physic artis.

IHesus fili Dominus Incomprehensibilis: Ancor, Ihesus fili: Dominus incomprehensibilis: Ancor, Anacor,
Anylos Zohorna, Theodonos, helyotes phagor,
Anacor, Anylos, Zohorna, Theodonos, hely otes Norizane, Corichito, Anosae, helse, Tonope phagora.
Phagor, Norizane, Corichito, Anosae, Helse Tonope,
Phagora. Sequitur alia pars orationis.

Another part of the same Oration. Elleminator, Candones helosi, Tephagain, Tecendum,
Thaones, Behelos, Belhoros. hocho phagan,
Elleminator,Candoneshelosi,Tephagain,Tecendum, Corphandonos, human natus, & vos Eloytus
Thaones,Behelos,Belhoros,HochoPhagan, phugora. Angeli sancti adeste & aduertite & docete me
Corphandonos,Humannatus&vosEloytus vtrum talis conualescat an moriatur de ista infirmitate.

Thisbeingdone,thenaskthesickperson,Friend,how [30a]Hocacto,Tuncinterrogabisinfirmum.Amice
dostthoufeelthyself?Andifheanswerthee.Ifeelmy qualitertusentiste?&siresponderittibi,ben
selfatgoodease,Ibegintomend,orthelike;thenjudge conualescam,velaliudtalesimile,sciasproculdubi,
withoutdoubt,Thesickpersonshallrecover:butifhe quodadvitamestinfirmus.Siautemrespondeat
answer,Iamverygrievouslyill,orworseandworse;then grauitervelmalsto,velaliudsimile,sciasproculdubio
doubtlessconclude,Hewilldyeonthemorrow:Butifhe ipsuminproximomoriturum.[590]Siautemresponndeat
answer,Iknownothowmystateandconditionis, necioqualitersto,sciassimiliterquodmoritur,vel
whetherbetterorworse;thenyoumayknowlikewise, infirmitasingrauiusmutabitur.Siautempuerfuerit,
Thathe[25]willeitherdye,orhisdiseasewillchangeand qui&tatemcorrespondendinonhabueritautmalor,
alterfortheworse.IfitbeaChilde,thatisnotofyears languensinfirmusgrauitervelnoluerit:postorationem
capabletomakeananswer;orthatthesicklanguishso dictamterqdinuenerisprimoinmentetua,deipso
grievously,thatheknowethnothow,orwillnotanswer, futurumscias.

Furthermoreifanyonedissembleandseektohideor [30b]Porrsiquisinfirmitatemsuamsimulauerit
coverhisinfirmity;saythesameOration,andthe velcelauerit,dicaseandemorationem,&suggerettibi
AngelicalVertueshallsuggestthetruthtothee.Ifthe virtusangelicaveritatem.Siverlonginquusinfirmus
diseasedpersonbefarreoff;whenyouhearhisName,say fuerit,auditonomineeius,proeosimiliterdicashanc
likewisethisOrationforhim,andyourmindeshallreveal orationem,&veniettibiinanimotuo,vtrumviuere
toyouwhetherheshallliveordye. debeatsiuemori,

IfyoutouchthePulseofanyonethatissick,saying Situinfirmialicuiuspulsumtetigeris,eadem
thisOration,theeffectofhisInfirmityshallberevealedto orationememorata,reuelabiturtibi,cuiusmodifuerit
you. effectusinfirmitatis.Sietiamalicuiusmulieris
OrifyoutouchthePulseofanyWomanwithChilde, reuelabiturtibivtrumsitmasculusvelfmina,
sayingthesameOration,itshallberevealed,whethershe qdsconcepit.Sciastilludmiraculumnonexnaturatua
shallbringforthaMaleorFemale. proueniresedsanctorumAngelorum,quorumagerehic
Butknow,thatthisMiracleproceedsnotfromyour reuelare.Itemsidevirginitatealicuiusdubitaueris
ownNature,butfromtheNatureandVertueofthe eademorationereuelatamemorabiturtibivtrumsit
holy[26]Angels;itbeingapartoftheirOffice, virgovelcorrupta.

Here follows an efficacious Preface of an Oration, [31] Hec est prsatio orationis efficacia quam
shewing what Verture and Efficacy you may thereby efficaciam quam virtutem poteris qualibet die
prove every day. probare.

OfthisOrationSolomonsaith,Thatbyitanew DeistaorationeaitSalomon,hancnouam
knowledgeofPhysickistobereceivedfromGod:Upon cognitionemphysicDeoaccipi:vndevocauit&
which,hehathlaidthiscommand,andcallethit,The dixithocmandatummiraculumcumesseefficax
MiraculousandEfficaciousFoundationofthePhysical fundamentumphysicscienti,&quodcontineatinse
Science;andthatitcontainethinitthequantityand quantitatem&qualitatemscientitotiusartis
qualityofthewholePhysicalArtandScience:wherein physiceinquareestmirabilitermagisspeciosumquam
thereiscontained,ratheramiraculousandspecious,then horridummiraculum.Tuatquotiescunquelegeris,non
fearfulorterribleMiracle,whichasoftensoeverasthou adverborumpaucitatem,sedmysterijtantilauda
readestthesame,regardnotthepaucityofwords,but virtutem.IpseenimSalomondeartisNotori
praisetheVertueofsogreataMystery: subtilitatediuiniauxilijmirabililibertateextorsit:
For,Solomonhimselfspeakingofthesubtilityofthe Scilicetquiagrandequoddamproponimusvidelicettot
NotoryArt,wonderfullyextollstheDivineHelp;towit, &tantasubtamspeciosabreuitateconstringere
Becausewehaveproposeda[27]greatthing,thatistosay naturaliumarbitroressealiquodgeneraleprohemiumin
somanyandsogreatMysteriesofNature,contained tamsubtilis&excellentisoperisordinationeproponi,vt
undersospeciousbrevity,thatIsupposethemtobeasa magicanimusauditorissuperhcconfortetur&
generalProblemtobeproposedintheordinationofso conualescat.

Here he sheweth how every Note of every Art, ought to [32a]Hicdiciturqualitervnaququenotavnius

exercise his own office; and that the Notes of one Art cuiusqueartissuumhabetexercereofficium,&not
profit not to the knowledge of another Art; and we are to vniusartisadaliamartemsciendamnonprosunt,&
know, That all Figures have their proper Orations. sciendumest,quodomnesfigursuaspropriashabent
familiesoftheNotoryArt;andleavingthatpartwhichis Disseramusergopropossibilitatisnostrviribus
natural,wecometothegreaterpartsoftheArt: notoriartisfacultatem,&quodnaturaliumest,ad
forSolomon,agreatComposer,andthegreatestMasterof maioraartisaccedamus.SalomonetenimartisNotori
theNotoryArt,comprehendethdiversArtsunderthe magnuscompositor,diuersarumartiumsubipsa
Notionthereof.ThereforehecalleththisaNotoryArt, contentarumMagisterquidemmaximus.Artemipsam
becauseitshouldbetheArtofArts,andScienceof idcirconotoriamappellauit,eoquodessetarsartium&
Sciences;which[28]comprehendethinitselfallArtsand scientiascientiarum,queomnesartesliberales&
Sciences,LiberalandMechanick:Andthosethingswhich mechanica:&exceptiuasinsecomprehendit:&quin
inotherArtsarefulloflongandtediouslocutions,filling cterisartibus[591]longis&grauibusloquutionibus
upgreatprolixiousVolumesofBooks,wearyingoutthe necnonprolixis&fastidiosislibrorumvoluminibusper
Student,throughthelengthoftimetoattaintothem:In maximitemporisspacium,quibusingenioso
thisArtarecomprehendedverybrieflyinafewwordsor comprehenduntcumpaucisverbis&scriptis
writings,sothatitdiscovereththosethingswhicharehard paruissimisquosuisimperitos&duros,perbreue
anddifficult,makingtheingeniouslearnedinaveryshort spaciumtemporismirabili&inauditaverborumac
time,bythewonderfulandunheardofVertueofthe nominumvirtuteredditcruditos.
Thereforewe,towhomsuchafacultyofthe creatorisaffluentigratiarationescripturescientiarum
knowledgeoftheScriptureofSciencesisgranted,have concessatantummunus&tamegregiumdonum
whollyreceivedthisgreatgift,andinestimablebenefit, competenterrecipimus.Namcumartessingulnotas
fromtheoverflowinggraceofthemosthighCreator.And sibidispositas&prnotatashabeantcumfiguris,&
whereasallArtshavetheirseveralNotesproperly cumnotavniuscuiusqueartissuumnonhabuerit
disposedtothem,andsignifiedbytheirFigures;andthe transscendendiofficium,adaliamartemscientiamnot
NoteofeveryArt,hathnotanyofficeoftranscendingto vniusartisnonprosuntnecvalent:&quiaaliquantulum
anotherArt,neitherdotheNotesofoneArtprofitorassist hocestdifficile,inhoctractuparuuloquodpaludium
totheknowledgeofanotherArt:Thereforethismayseem adipsumcorpusartisdicitur.DesingulisipsiusNotis
alittledifficult,asthissmallTreatise,whichmay[29]be singulatim&illudquodmagisnecessariumestad
calledaPreludiumtotheBodyoftheArt:wewillexplain diuersarumscripturarumscientiasacquirendasdiuinitus
theNotesseverally;andthatwhichismorenecessary,we exploremus.

A certain special Precept. Hic ponit quoddam speciale prceptum.

THisisnecessaryforus,andnecessarilywesuppose posterisnostrisidoneumarbitramur&vtile,vt
willbeprofitabletoposterity,thatweknowhowto quibusdamcompendiosistractatibusprolixa&magna
comprehendthegreatprolixiousVolumesofwritings,in scripturarumvoluminacognoscamus:Quoavtleuiter
briefandcompendiousTreatises;which,thatitmayeasily fieripossitdelibrisantiquissimistribus,quia
bedone,wearediligentlytoenquireoutthewayof Salomonecompositisuntdiligentissiminquiramus.In
attainingtoit,outofthethreemostancientBookswhich quorumprimoilludprimum&specialeintelligendum
werecomposedbySolomon;thefirstandchiefestthingto est,quiorationeprmissaantesecundumcapitulumin
beunderstoodtherein,is,ThattheOrationbeforethe omnisermonelongovtendumest,principiumcuius
secondChapter,istobeusedlongbeforeeveryspeech, orationisestAssay.&competentitemporeverba
thebeginningwhereofisAssay:andthewordsofthe orationisdicantur.Subsequensautemparsorationis
Orationaretobesaidinacompetentspaceoftime;but tuncprecipudicendaest,quandoadcognitionem
thesubsequentpartoftheOrationisthenchieflytobe scripturarumvoluminareuoluendonotaminspexeris.
said,whenyoudesiretheknowledgeoftheVolumesof Tuncetiamdicendaestipsaoratio,quandograuem
writings,andlooking[30]intotheNotesthereof.Thesame scientiamtibianteainauditam,subitillamtibi
Orationisalsotobesaid,whenyouwouldclearlyand propositam,&lucid&plenarienucleare&proponere
plainlyunderstandandexpoundanyScienceorgreat volueris:ipsoetiamtemporeeandemorationemdices,
Mystery,thatisonasuddenproposedtoyou,whichyou quandotibialiquodimportunum,aliquodgrauedixerit,
neverheardofbefore:sayalsothesameOrationatsuch quodtuefacultatisnonsitexponere,eandemorationem
time,whenanythingofgreatconsequenceisimportuned commemorabis.Istaestorationdequalocutisumus,&
ofyou,whichatpresentyouhavenotthefacultyof estmirabilisoratio,cuiusparsprimainvoluminede
expounding.ThisisawonderfulOration,whereofwe magnitudinequalitatisexponitur.

The Oration. [34] Incipit Oratio.

LAmed, Rogum, Ragia, Ragium, Ragiomal, Agaled, Lamed, Rogum, Ragia, Ragium, Ragiomal, Agalad,
Eradioch, Anchovionos, lochen, saza, ya, manichel,
Eradioch, Anchovionos, Lochen, Saza, Ya, Manichel, mamacuo, lephoa, Bozaco, Cogemal, Salayel,
Mamacuo, Lephoa, Bozaco, Cogemal, Salayel, ytsunanu, azaroch, beyestar, amak.
Ytsunanu, Azaroch, Beyestar, Amak.
TotheoperationoftheMagnitudeofArt,thisOration contineturinlocosecundoprimnotgeneralis Cp. LIH XXVIII.
containethinthesecondplace,ageneralTreatiseofthe tractatusdeomniscriptura.Cuiusexpositionispartem
firstNoteofallScripture,partoftheExpositionwhereof, demagnitudinequalitatisartiseiusdemsatis
wehavefullyexplained[31]intheMagnitudeofthe explanauimus:sedneprorsusipsiussacramentalis
qualityofthesameArt.ButtheReaderhathhardlyheard intellectusadmiransmysteriumrudishabereturauditor,
oftheadmirableMysteryoftheSacramentalIntellectof hocsciatcertissi,velnihildubitansdeverbisgrecis
thesame:Lethimknowthisforacertain,anddoubtnot ipsiusorationissupradicteesseprincipiumexpositionis
oftheGreekwordsoftheOrationaforesaid,butthatthe euisinlatino.[592]
The beginning of the Oration. [36] Incipit Oratio.

OHEternalandUnreprehensibleMemory!Oh Memoriairreprehensibilis,sapientia

Here is also a particular Exposition of the fore-going [37] Hc est etiam particula expositionis prfat
Oration, which he hath left unexpounded, to be read by orationis, quam vnusquisque doctorum, qui in hac
every one that is learned in this Art; and know, that no arte asseruisse legitur reliquit inexpositum. Scias ad
humane power nor faculty in man is sufficient to finde eius expositionem nequaquam humanam posse
out the Exposition thereof. sufficere facultatem.

ThisOrationisalsocalledbySolomon,TheGemme [38]HcetiamoratioSalomoneGemmacoron
andCrownoftheLord:forhesaith,Ithelpethagainst Dominiappellatur.Inpericulo,inquit,ignis,terr,
dangerofFire,orofwildeBeastsofthe[33]Earth,being bestiarum,easiquidemprodestcumfidedicta
saidwithabelievingfaith:foritisaffirmedtohavebeen credentia.Allatamenimfuisteabvnoquatuor
reportedfromoneofthefourAngels,towhomwasgiven Angelorumperhibetur,quibusdatumestnocere&
powertohurttheEarth,theSea,andtheTrees.Thereis prodesseterr&mari&arboribus.Ipsiusetiam
anexampleofthisOration,intheBookcalled,The orationisexemplarlibriflorumdoctrinclestis
FlowerofheavenlyLearning;for appellauit.GlorificandoenimSalomoninhocDeum,
hereinSolomonglorifiethGod,becausebythisheinspired qudadTheologiampronutudiuino&eiusmysterio
intohimtheknowledgeofTheologie,anddignifiedhim atqueomnipotentisnobilitatisinspirauit.Etinspiciens
withtheDivineMysteriesofhisOmnipotentPowerand quasdamorationesipsaminnoctesacrificijmaioris
Greatness:whichSolomonbeholdinginhisnight DominoDeolargiente,interaliastransmissaseiusdem
Sacrifice,bestoweduponhimbytheLordhisGod,he artisnotoriconuenientercollocauit,qusanct&
convenientlygatheredthegreaterMysteriestogetherin dignsunt:atquereuerendimysterijsunt.Ipsisquidem
thisNotoryArt,whichwereholy,andworthy,and nondeTheologiaerrantesomisregentiles,quas
reverendMysteries.ThesethingsandMysteriesof SalomonsignumsacrimysterijDeiangelo(alia)
TheologietheerringGentileshavenotalllost, prcedentevocauithocetiamestopplementum
whichSolomoncalleth,TheSigneoftheholyMysteryof dignitatisnostr&salutishuman,&quodineis
GodrevealedbyhisAngelbefore;andthatwhichis continetur.

The first of these Orations which we call Spiritual, the [39] Prima oratio ex istis de quibus loquimur
vertue whereof teacheth Divinity, and preserveth the spiritualis operatur ad Theologiam, & ipsius
memory thereof. conseruat memoriam.
TheseareOrationsalso,whichareofgreatvirtueand nostrasalushabereefficaciam.Quarumprimaoratio
efficacytoourSalvation:ThefirstwhereofisSpiritual, SpiritualisadTheologiamcognoscendam,&ipsius
andteachethDivinity;andalsoPerseveranceinthe perseueranterhabeturmemoria,idcircoipsumsignum
Memorythereof:ThereforeSolomoncommandethittobe gratiDeiSalomonprcepitappellari.GratiaenimDei
called,TheSigneoftheGraceofGod:for, est,vtinquitEcclesiastes,spiritualisinverbisqu
asEcclesiastessaith,ThisistheSpiritualGraceofGod, inspirauitmihi,vtdisputarem[593]deomnilignolibani
thathathgivenmeknowledgetotreatofallPlants,from vsqueadIsopem,quegrediturdepatiete.

The election of time, in what Lunation these Orations [40] Assignatio temporis scilicet in qua lunatione
ought to be said. orationes ist proferri debent.

THefirstOrationoughttobesaidonceinthefirst OrationinprimaLunadebetproferrisemel,&in
thespaceofsomemoneths,castingoffalldoubtfrom eam,castviuas,&summomaneamdicas.

Solomontestifieth,ThatanAngeldeliveredthe [41]Attulitistamorationemsubsequentem
followingOrationinThunder,whostandethalwayesin Salomonetestante,Angeluspropositustonittuo,quiin
thePresenceoftheLord,towhomheisnotdreadful.The conspectuDominosemperassistit,cuinonest
Mysteryhereofisholy,andofgreatefficacy:neither paufirius,eiusmysteriymsacrosanctumest&
oughtthisOrationtobesaidaboveonce,becauseit efficacius,vtcumeamorationemsemellegeris,non
moveththeheavenlySpiritstoperformanygreatwork. ampliusdicioportet:equodpromoueatSpiritus
thereof,thatitmoveththeCelestialSpiritstoperformany [42]Deeademorationedicit,quodtantumesteius
greatworkwhichtheDivinePowerpermitteth.Italso mysterium,quodetiamspiritusclestespromoueatad
giveththevertue[36]ofitsMystery,thatitexalteththe aliquidmagnumperagendumdiuinapermittente
tongueandbodyofhimthatspeakethit,withsogreat potentia:Habetetiaminsuimysterijlargitorem
inspiration,asifsomenewandgreatMysterywere efficacemvtlinguam&corpusipsiusproferentistanta
suddenlyrevealedtohisunderstanding. inspirationeexaltetvtquasinouumquidetmagnum

Here followeth the beginning of this Oration, wherein is [43]Hcautemestorationisprincipium,inquatanta

so great vertue and efficacy, as we have said, it being efficaciaestvtdiximus,&cummagnadeuotioneopus
said with great devotion. eamlegi.

Achacham,Yhel,Chelychem,Agzyraztor,Yegor,&c. Achacham yhel, chelychem, agzyraztor, yegor, &c.

ThisisthebeginningoftheOration,thepartswhereof [44]Istudestprincipiumprfatorationis,cuius
arefour:Butthereissomethingtobesaidofthe partessuntquatuor.Seddeprincipiumaliudperse
beginningbyitself,andofthefourpartsseverally;and dicendumest,necnondecterisquatuorpartibus
thenbetweenthebeginningandtheseOrations,whichare singulatim:prtereainterprincipium&ipsasorationes
four,weshallmakethiscompetentdivision. qusuntquatuoristamcompetentemfacimus
severally:AndthisOrationistobedividedintofourparts; [45]Hocenimquoddeprincipiodicendumest
andthefirstpartthereofistobesaid,thatis,the singulariter.Eristaoratioinpartes4.diuidendaest,&
beginning,beforeanyotherpartoftheOrationistobe eiusdictaprimaparte,idest,principiumantequampars
compleated.TheseGreekNames[37]followingaretobe aliaipsiusorationisconpleatur,istanominagrca
pronounced.Thisisthedivisionofthese sequentiaproferendasunt.Istaestdiuisioistarum
Orations,Hielma,Helma,Hemna,&c.OhGodtheFather, orationum,hielma,helma,hemna&c.DeusPater,
GodtheSon,GodtheHolySpirit,ConfirmthisOration, DeusFilius,Deussanctespiritus,orationemconfirma
andmyUnderstandingandMemory,toreceive, &intellectummeum&memoriamadsuscipiendam,ad
understand,andretaintheknowledgeofallgood cognoscendam,[594]adretinendamomnium
Scriptures;andgivemeperseveranceofmindetherein. scripturarumbonarumscientiam,eloquentiam&earum

ThisisthebeginningofthatOration,which,aswe [48]Istudestprincipiumprfatorationis,qu
havesaidbefore,oughttobesaidaccordingto[*after]the sicutdiximus,dicidebetsecundumprolationes&
Prolations[=postponements]andConstitutions secundumconstitutionesipsiusobnostrmemori
[=arrangements]thereof;andoughttoberepeated, obliuionemrecitarihabet,&secundumexercitium
becauseoftheforgetfulnessofourMemory,and ingenij,&secundumsanctitatemvitnostr,&inea
accordingtotheexerciseofourwit,andaccordingtothe esttalemysterium,&talisefficaciavirtutis.
TherefollowethanothersubtileOration,whereinis [49]Sequituraliasubtilisoratio,inquacontinetur
containedaSacramentalMystery,andwhereinevery tamsacramentalemysterium,&inquaomnisscientia
perfectScienceiswonderfullycompleated:Forhereby perfectamirabilitercompletur.DeistaenimvoluitDeus
Godwouldhaveustoknow,whatthingsareCelestial, vtsciremusquclestia,quterrena,&quilibet
andwhatareTerrene;andwhatheavenlythingsthe secundumclestiaclestis,&secundumterrena
Celestialeffecteth,andwhatearthlythingsthingsthe terrenusefficitur.QuiaDominusdixit:Imperfectum
Terrene:becausetheLordhathsaid,Myeyes videruntoculimei,&inlibrotuoomnesscribuntur
have[38]seentheimperfect,andinthybookeveryday dies,formabuntur&nemoineis&c.Sicenim
shallbeformedandwritten,andnomaninthem,&c.So habitandumestinprceptisDei.Nonenumpossumus
itisinthePreceptsofGod:forwearenotabletowriteall omniascribere,vtSolhabeareundemcursumquem
things,howtheSunhaththesamecourseasatfirst,that primohabuit&confirmeturordonoster.Omnisenim
ourordermaybeconfirmed:forallwritingwhatsoever, scriptura,qucunqueDeononest,legendanonest.
whichisnotfromGod,isnottoberead;forGodhimself VoluitautemipseDeusdiuidereomnia,&hocest
wouldhaveallthingstobedivided:&thisishowthese quomodoistasuntagendaantesecundampartem,qu
aretobeused,beforethesecondpart,whichcontainethso tamgloriosas&excellentesorationumconsecrationes
gloriousandexcellentConsecrationsofOrations,& continet,&quconsecratamparteminclishabere
defineththeConsecratedparttohavepowerinthe definiturvtnequaquamillalinguishumanispossit
Heavens,andinnowisecanbedefinedbyhumane definiri.

This is the beginning of the second part of that Oration [50] Istud est principium secund partis istius
spoken of before, which is of so great vertue. orationis qu tand est efficaci, sicut dictum est
Aglaros Theomiros. Thomitos &c.
Cp. LIH XV.6.
ThisisthesecondpartoftheprecedentOration,of [51]Istaoratioprcedensestsecundaparsorationis,
whichsomesingularthingistobespoken.Whereforeif dequaaliudsingulariterdicendumest.Vndeseistam
thousayestthisOration,commemoratingthefirstpart orationemdicerisprimaparteeiuscommemorata,istam
thereof,saytheOrationfollowing,andthou orationemsequentemdicas&pruideasprceptaqu
shalt[39]perceivethepreceptswhicharetherein. suntinea.

Oh God of all things, who art my God, who in the Deus omnium qui es Deus meus, qui in principio creasti
beginning hast created all things out of nothing, and hast omnia ex nihilo, Cum Spiritu tuo omnia reformasti,
reformed all things by the Holy Spirit; compleat and restore comple, restaura, conscientiam meam, & sana intellectum
my conscience, and heal my understanding, that I may meam, vt glorificeme per omnia opera cogitationum
glorify thee in all my works, thoughts and words. mearum, & verborum meorum.

AndafterthouhastsaidthisOration,makealittle [52]Etpostquamistamorationempredictamdixeris,
respitethespaceofhalfanhour,andthensaythethird factointerualloquasidimidihore,dicasistamtertiam
partoftheOration,whichfollows:Megal,Legal, partemorationisqusequitur:Megal,legal,
Chariotos,&c.havingsaidthisthirdpartoftheOration, Cp.LIHXXXVand
thenmeditatewiththyselfabouttheScripturesthou legalCharitos"doesn't
desiresttoknow;andthensaythisOration: [53]Hacparteorationisdictatertia,prmeditaberis appearinfullinArsNotoria,
tercumdescripturisquasscirevolueris,&deindedices butcanbefoundinfullin
Oh thou that art the Truth, Light, and Way, of all istamorationem. LIHXXXVtherespelled
Creatures: Oh just God, vivify me, and confirm my hariothos...".
understanding, and restore my knowledge and Veritas, Lux, Via omnium creaturarum: Iuste Deus
conscience unto me, as thou didst unto viuifica me & intellectum meum confirma, & restaura
King Solomon, Amen. conscientiam meam sicut regi Salomoni restaurasti,
Amen. [595]

Commemoratingthepartsaccordingtothatwhichis [55]Partibusenimistisprmemoratissecundm
laiddown,addtheOrationfollowing:theotherOrations quoddefinitumest,addesistamorationemsequentem, Thisorationoccursinfull
beingsaid,saythefourthpartoftheOration,whichis istisorationibusdictis,quartampartemorationisdicas: inLIHXXXVII.
this:Amasiel,Danyi,hayr,&c. Etestista.Amasiel,Danyi,hayr&c.
Then the parts being commemorated as is directed, add quoddefinitumest,addesistamsequentemorationem.
also the following Oration.
Ego in conspectu tuo Domine Deus meus, in cuius nutu
I speak these things in thy presence, Oh Lord my sunt omnia nuda, & aperta, hc loquor, vt ablato Cp.LIHXXXVIII.
God, before whose face all things are naked and infidelitatis errore, adiu[u]et Spiritus tuus omnia
open, that I being washed from the error of infidelity, viuificans, omnem incredulitatem meam. Amen.
thy all-quicking Spirit may assist me, and take away
all incredulity from me. [Amen.]

How the Latine Orations are not expounded by the [56] Qualiter orationes latin non exponuntur
words of the Orations. verbis orationum.

Wearethereforetoknow,thatthewholeOration Sciendumestergo,quodillatotaoratioinexposita
remainethunexpounded;becausethewordsthereofareof remansit,proptereaquiatantsubtilitatisesteius
sogreatsubtilty,adornedwiththeHebrewandChaldean zeuma,ornatusdelinguaChaldaHbratamsubtili
Tongue,withthesubtileandwonderfulelocutionofGod: &admirabilielimationedecorum,vtnullatenuspossit
thattheofficeofthefreeexpositionthereof,cannot inmetransferriliberlucutionisofficium.Verbalatina
possiblybetransferreduponme.TheLatinewordswhich qusubiungunturpartibusorationisprfat,eaverba
aresubjoynedtothepartsoftheOrationaforesaid,are suntqudechaldoinnostrotransferripotueunt
suchwordsashavebeentranslatedoutof sermone:nontamendetotaorationesunt,sed
the[41]ChaldeanTongue:fortheyarenotthewhole singulariumpartiumorationisprfatsuntcapitulaad
Oration;butascertainheadsofeveryOrationpertaining orationempertinentia.

Here he speaketh of the efficacy of all these. [57] Hic loquitur de efficacia omnium istarum.

ForthisOrationissuchamystery,as Ipsaenimoratiotantimysterijestvtsicutrege
KingSolomonhimselfwitnesseth,thataServantofhis Salomonetestantedumipsamorationemquidam
Househavingfoundthisbookbychance,andbeingtoo familiariseiusdomuslibrohoccasuinuento,nimium
muchovercomewithWineintheCompanyofaWoman, crapulatusvinopostaccessummulierisprsumptuose
hepresumptuouslyreadit;butbeforehehadfinisheda legeret,nondumeiuspartefinita,elinguistotus,expers
partthereof,hewasstrickendumb,blindandlame,and memoria,ccus&mutusvsqueadhorammortisfactus
hisMemorytakenfromhim;sohecontinuedtothedayof est.Inhoraautemmortiseiusferturdeuisse:*quatuor
hisdeath:andinthehourofhisdeath,hespokeandsaid, angelos,quosoffenderatintamsacromysterio
thatfourAngelswhichhehadoffendedinpresumptuous prsumptuoslegendo;vnummemorie,alterum
readingsosacredamystery,werethedailykeepersand lingu,tertiumoculorum,quartumauriumcustodes&
afflicters,oneofhisMemory,anotherofhisspeech,a flagellatotesquotidiehabuisse.Quotestimonioipsa
thirdofhissight,andthefourthofhishearing. oratioeidemregiSalomoniomninocommendabilis
BywhichTestimonythisOrationissomuch Prcipimusergovtquicunqueeamlegerevoluerit,non
commendedbythesameKingSolomon,andgreatisthe prsumptuoseeamdicat.Inprsumptioneenim
mystery[42]thereof:wedogreatlyrequireandcharge peccatumest:vndesicutprceptumestitadicaturista
everyone,thatwillsayorreadit,thathedoitnot oratio.

Wethereforeholditconvenientandnecessary,to [58]DEARTISERGOPRAECEPTISgeneralibus,
speaksomethingofthegeneralpreceptsofart,andofthe deomniumartiumcognitionenecessariumarbitrati
knowledgeofallarts;andoftheseveralpreceptsofevery sumusdesingularibusprceptissingulariumartium
singularart:butbecausewehavetouchedsomthingofthe aliquiddefinire.SedquiadecursuLunaliquid
courseoftheMoon,itisnecessarythatweshewwhather prlibandotetigimus:necesseestvtdeeiuscursuquid
coursesignifies.TheMoonpasseththrough12signsin significetexponamus.Luna12,signahabetinmense
oneMoneth;andtheSunthrough12signsinayear;and vno,Solver12.signainanno:&spiritusvno
inthesametermandtime,theSpiritinspireth,fructifieth eodemquetemporeeodemqueterminoinspirat,
andillustrateththem;whenceitissaid,thattheSunand fcunda,[596]illustrat.Vndedictumest:vtLuna&Sol
theMoonruntheircourse:itisunderstoodthecourse cursumsuumhabent,subauditur,quiapriushabebant.
whichfirsttheyhad.Butbecausethisiswantinginthe Sedquiainhebroistuddeficit,inlatinoetiamdebere
Hebrew,wethoughtgoodtoomititintheLatine,having deficerearbitramur.Daistaorationeprcedenti,etiam
spokensufficientlyoftheprecedingOration,andthethree desuistribuspartibussatisdictumest.

In this Chapter he sheweth the efficacy of the [59] In isto capitulo ostendit efficaciam orationis
subsequent Oration, it being special to obtain subsequentis, qu specialis est ad facundiam.
ThisHolyOrationwhichfolloweth,isacertainspecial specialiterfactaadfacundiam.Cumautemcter
Oration,toobtaineloquence;whereasallothershave omnesdepluribushabeantefficaciam,ipsaestenim
virtueandefficacyinotherthings,thiscontaineththis quoddamspecialemysteriuminsecontinens.Ercum
certainspecialmysteryinitself:Andwhereasoneofthe vnadegeneralibusestostendensinsequdam
generalsisshewinginitself,certaingeneralprecepts, generaliaprceptaomnibusatribuscommunia.Sic
commontoallartsforsoGodinstitutedthesoulinthe enimDeusinstituitanimamincorpore,dicens,hanc
body,saying,ThisIgiveuntoyou,thatyemaykeepand vobisdovtipsamobseruetis&custodiatislegem
observetheLawoftheLord;Andthesearetheythatstand Domini.Etquisuntisti,inconspectuDeisemper
inthepresenceofGodalwayes,andseetheirSaviourface assistunt,&videntsaluatoremfacieadfaciemnoctu
tofacenightandday.SoofthisOration,Isay,Thisisthat dieque.Itemdeeademoratione:Hcestinquamilla
mostglorious,mysticalandintelligibleOration, oratiogloriosissimamystica&intelligibilis,continens
containingsuchmysteriesinit,whichthemind, insemysteria,inquibusmens&conscientia&lingua
conscienceandtonguesucceedeth.Thisissuchamystery, succedit.Ipsaenimmysteria,tantavthomoseruetea
thatamanshallkeepitaccordingtohiswill,who secundmvoluntatemeiusquipruidetomniain
foreseethallthingsinhissightthataremade;forthe conspectusuocondita.Ipsaenimestoratio,cuiustam
mysteryofthisOrationisglorious[44]andsacramental: gloriosum&sacramentaleestmysterium.Deipsa
letnomanpresumetosayanyofthisOrationaftertoo orationenemopostcrapulamnimiamvelluxuriam
muchdrinkingorLuxury;norfasting,withoutgreat aliquiddicereprsumat,necetiamieiunusnisiin
reverenceanddiscretion.WhenceSolomonsaith,Letno magnaveneratione&discretioneeamproferat.Vnde
manpresumetotreatanythingofthisOration,butin Salomoninquit:Nemodehacoratione,nisisuis
certaindeterminateandappointedtimes,unlesshemake temporibusdeterminatisaliquidtractareprsumat:nisi
mentionofthisOrationbeforesomegreatPresident,for illiusorationisfactaessetcommemoratioeoramaliquo
someweightybusiness;forwhichthisOrationisof prsuleproaliquonegociocompetenti:ipsaoratio
wonderfulexcellentvirtue. mirabiliterestsalubrissuperhoc.

ThegoodnessofthisOration,andtheattainingtothe [60]Deipsaautemoratione,cuiuscausatam
effectsthereof,itisreadinthatPsalmwhereinitissaid, salubrisest,vteiusinteruentioneeffectus,lectusestille
Followme,andIwillmakeyoufishersofmen,ashesaid Psalmus,dequodictumest.Venitepostme&faciam
anddid. vosfieripiscatoreshominum,sicutdixit&fecit.
Weknowthatitisnotofourpower,thatthisOrationis sitnonexnostrafacultatescimus:Nequeetiamquando
ofsogreatVirtue,andsuchamystery,assometimesalso discipulissuisDominusdixit,hocscirepotuimusnec
theLordsaidtohisdisciples,Thiswearenotableto possumus.Ipsaenimoratiotantimysterijest.Quia
know:forthisOrationissuchamystery,thatitcontaineth diximusvtipsacontineaturnomenDominimagnum,
initthegreatNameofGod;whichmanyhavelyedin quodsesciremultimentitisunt:itaquodIesurepertoin
sayingtheyknewit;forJesushimselfperformedmany templo,multamirabiliafecistenarrat.Quodverumest,
MiraclesintheTemplebyit:Butmanyhavelyedabout sedquidcunquefecit,mentitisunt,&abscondeunt
whathedid,andhavehidandabscondedthetruththereof; veritatem,vtnemoillorumnecaliquisposteosillud
so[45]thatnonehavedeclaredthesamebeforeitcameto nuderetproferre,adquodantequamperueniatur,aliquid
passe:butwesupposehavespokensomthingaboutor extradicendumarbitramur.[597]

In this chapter he setteth down the time and manner [61] In isto capitulo assignas tempus & modum
how this Oration is to be pronounced. qualiter ista oratio proferatur.

ForthisOrationisoneofthegenerals,andthefirstof Ipsaenimoratioestvnageneralium&prima
particulars,containingbothinitself;havingaspecial singulariumdevtraqueinsecontinens.Etcum
virtueandfaculty,togainEloquenceinitself:thereforeit specialiterdefacundiafacultateminsehabeat&
isnecessarytobeunderstoodwhattime,ordination,and virtutem.Intelligendumquid,quotempore,qua
whatdayesitistobesaidandpublished. ordinatione,quibusdiebussitproferenda.

Itmayalwayesberehearsedinevery14Lunaryas OmnitemporepotestproferriinLunadecimaquarts
abovesaid;buttheordinationofthetimeforeveryday, vtsupr.Ordinationveristiusorationis,vtinsingulis
whereinitistobesaid,isespeciallyinthemorning diebusquibusproferatur,mandiluculdicatur,
betimes,beforeamanisdefiled;andthenallOrationsare antequamcontamineturhomo,tamenprcipu
chieflytobesaid.AndthisOrationmustbethen orationesprdictproferantur.Taliautemmodooratio
pronouncedtotallytogether,withoutanydivision.And dicaturinsimulabsquediuisione:&tamendiuisiones
althoughtherearedivisionstherein,theOrationisnot ineademsint,nonqudoratiodiuidaturinse,sedquia
dividedinitself;butonlytheDivineandGloriousNames tantumnomen&tamgloriosumperpartesscribatur,&
arewritten[46]severally,andaredividedintoparts, secundumpartessingulasipsiusnoministanti&tam 1.Corresponding
accordingtotheterminationsofeverygreatandGlorious gloriosiperterminosdiuidatur,&dicaturvtipsum
Name;anditistobesaidtogetherasamostexcellent excellentissimumnomennonsimultotum,propter sabahelzerothayzabahel....
Name,butnotasoneWord,becauseofthefragilityofour fragilitatemnostramproferatur.Necipsiusnominis
nature;NeitherisitneedfultoknowtheElementsof elementavelsyllab
neitherletanyonepresumptuouslyspeakthem;neitherlet [62]cuminorationesintposit,cognoscivelvbi
himdoanythingbywayoftemptation,concerningthis sintposit,cognoscendumnonest,nealiquisea
Oration,whichoughtnottobedone:Elmot,Sehel, prsumptuoseproferat,siuepertentationemaliquidde
Hemech,Zaba,&c.1 ipsaorationeageret,quodagendumnonesset,Elmot,

No man that is impedited or corrupted with any crime, [63] Nemo impeditus criminalibus ansus sit proferre
ought to presume to say this Oration. illam orationem.

Thisisathingagreeduntoamongstthewisemenof EcceresconformataapudSapientesistiusseculi,
thisWorld,thatthesethings,aswehavesaidbefore,be quvtdiximuscumsummaindustriaproferendaest.
pronouncedwithgreatreverenceandindustry:itmaybe Omniquidemdieproferripotest,quopeccatis
saideveryday,whereinthouartnothindredbysome criminalibusimpeditusnonfuerisdieverquo
criminalsin;andinthatdaywhereinthouartimpeditedby criminalibusfuerisimpeditusincordetuopoteriseam
somecriminalsin,thoumaistrememberitinthyheart; memorare,vtsibenvoluerisessefacundus,illam
andifthoudostdesiretobe[47]madeEloquent,repeatit repetaster.etsimalreifueritsiuealiquodmagnum
threetimes.Andifanyevilthingtroublethee,orthouart negociumemergettibi,semelrepetasorationem,&
ermergedandinvolvedintoanygreatbusiness,repeatthis adhibebiturtibifacundia,qumnecessefuerit,&sieam
Orationonce,andEloquenceshallbeaddedtothee,as bisrepetiuerispoterittibimultitudoeloquentiobesie
muchasisneedful;andifthourepeatitovertwice,great tantumestsacramentumorationisipsius.Aliudetiam
Eloquenceshallbegiventothee:sogreataSacramentis tertiumquodinipsaorationeconsiderandumest.Ipsam
thisOration. videlicetorationemitadeberepronunciari,vtconfessio
ThethirdthingtobeconsideredinthisOration,is;This mane,&postipsamorationem,istasequensoratio
Orationoughtsotobepronounced,thatconfessionofthe latina.

This is a Prologue or Exposition of the precedent [64] Iste est prologus siue expositio prcedentis Cf.LIHXL.
Oration, which ought to be said together. orationis qu simul debent proferri.

Oh omnipotent and eternal God, and merciful Father, Omnipotens terne Deus, & misericors Pater ante omnia
blessed before all Worlds; who art a God eternal, secula benedicte, qui nobis tern Deus &
incomprehensible, and unchangeable, and hast granted this irreprehensibilis & impermutabilis remedium salutare
blessed gift of Salvation unto us; according to the contulisti, qui [598]propter omnipotentiam maiestatis tu
omnipotency of thy Majesty, hast granted unto us the nobis facultatem loquendi & discendi concessisti, cteris
faculty of speaking and [48] learning, which thou hast animalibus negatam: Cuius dispositio in sui providentia
denyed to all other animals; and hast disposed of all things non fallitur, Cuius etiam natura terna est &
by thy infallible providence: thou art God, whose nature is consubstantialis Deo, qui exaltatus est super clos. In
eternal and consubstantial, exalted above the Heavens; in quo tota Deitas corporaliter habitat: Deprecor maiestatem
whom the whole Deity corporally dwells: I implore thy tuam & omnipotentiam glorifico, & ternitatis tu
Majesty, and Glorify thy omnipotency, with an intentive virtutem ac magnificentiam tuam summam & ternam &
imploration, adoring the mighty Virtue, Power and vna intentione imploratione flagitans, deposco te Deus
Magnificence of thy eternity. I beseech thee, Oh my God, to meus Sapientia instimabilem vit Angelorum. Deus
grant me the inestimable Wisdome of the Life of thy holy Spiritus sanctus incomprehensibilis, in cuius conspectu
Angels. Oh God the Holy Spirit, incomprehensible, in chorus Angelorum tuorum consistit, deprecor & flagito,
whose presence stand the Holy quires of Angels; I pray and vt per sanctum & gloriosum nomen tuum, & per
beseech thee, by thy Holy and Glorious Name, and by the conspectum Angelorum tuorum, & principatus clestes:
sight of thy Angels, and the Heavenly Principalities, to give mihi GRATIAM tuam dones, & mihi subuenias, &
thy GRACE unto me, to be present with mee:, and give unto facunditatem mihi tribuas & intellectus tui memoriam &
me power to persevere in the Memory of thy Wisdome, who perseuerantiam concedas: Qui viuis & regnas ternaliter
livest and reignest eternally one eternal God, through all vnus ternus Deus, per omnia secula seculorum, in
worlds of worlds; in whose sight are all celestial virtues, conspectu omnium clestium virtutum, nunc & semper
now and alwayes, and everywhere, Amen. [49] & vbique. Amen.

ThisOrationbeingthusfinished,theremustof [65]Istaautemorationesicfinita&istisadditisex
necessitysomeMysterybeadded;sothatyouaretobe necessitatesecundumomnesponendumestquoddam
silentawhileaftertheLatineOrationisended:andaftera mysterium,itavtaliquamtaciturnitatemhabeasfinita
littletaciturnity,thatis,alittlespaceofsilence,beginto orationelatina,&posttaciturnitatemsc:interuallum
saythisOrationfollowingseriously:Semet,Lamen,&c.1 aliquodseruaincipiasdicereistamorationem

This(saithSolomon)istheOrationofOrations,anda [66]Ista,inquitSalomon,estorationumoratio,&
specialexperiments,wherebyallthings,whethergenerals experimentumspeciale,quoomniasiuesingulariasiue
orparticulars,areknownfully,efficaciouslyand generaliacognoscunturplen,efficaciter&perfect,&
perfectly,andarekeptintheMemory.Butwhenthouhast inimemoritertenentur.
sparingthereof,anddonotrashlydeclarethosethings [67]Postquamergoexistaorationefacundiam
whichthyTonguesuggestsandadministerstothee;for habueris,quamhaberevolueris,parcetibi&noli
thisistheendofallgeneralprecepts,whicharegivento proferreeaqutibilinguasuggeretacadministrabit.
obtainMemory,Eloquence,andunderstanding.Allthose Isteenimestfinisgeneraliumprceptorum,qudata
thingswhicharebeforedelivered,ofgeneralprecepts,are suntadmemoriam,facundiam,intelligentiam
givenassignshowthefacultyofattainingtothe adipiscendam.Istaomniaquprlibatasunt,
understandingofthegeneralpreceptsmaybehad,which generaliumprceptorum,datasuntsignavtde
alsoSolomoncallethSpirituals;[50]andthosesingulararts generalibusprceptis&intelligendisadipiscendis
havesingularvirtuesandpowers. habeaturfacultas.Quautemdiencepssuntipsa

Havingnowgivenasufficientdefinitionofgeneral [68]Postquamverdegeneralibusprceptisdata
precepts;andtheOrationsarelaiddown,andthe estsufficiensdefinitio,&orationespositsunt&
AuthorityoftheOrationsuntowhattheyaredesigned;it authoritatesorationuminquibusdesignantur,quidde
isnownecessarytosetdownwhatistobedone, singulisorationibusagendumsit,quiadesingulis
concerningthesingularOrations;becausewearenowto artibustractaturisumussingulatim,necesseest,vtquod
treatoftheseveralandparticulararts,thatwemayfollow ipseconditor&magisternosterinexemplumposuitnos
theexamplewhichourbuilderandMasterhathlaidbefore etiamexequamur.AitenimSalomonantequamad
us;forSolomonsaith,beforeweproceedtothesingular artiumnotassingulas[599]&orationesprnotatas
notesandOrationsofartsbeforenoted,thereoughttobe accedatur,prludiumdicereoportet,quodestr
saidaPrudium,whichisabeginningorPrologue. prohemiumsiueprologus.

How every several art hath its proper note. Qualiter singulares artes suas proprias habent notas.

Beforeweproceedtothesingularpreceptsofseveral Vtadsingulaversingulariumartiumprcepta
Arts,itisnecessarytodiscoverhoweveryseveralArt antequamperueniamus,necessariumest,vtquomodo
hathaseveralNote.[51] singularesartessingulashabeantnotas,disseramus.
Of the liberal Sciences and other things, which may be [71] De scientiis liberalibus, & aliis qu possunt
had by that Art. haberi per istam artem.

TheliberalArtsareseaven,andseavenexceptives,and Artesverliberalessuntseptem,&septem
seavenMechanicks.Theseavenexceptivesare exceptiu,&septemmechanic.Septemexceptiu
comprehendedundertheseavenliberal:Itismanifest subseptemliberalibuscontinentur.Quautem
whattheseavenliberalArtsare,ofwhichweshallfirst liberalesseptemsunt,manifestumest,dequibusprim
treat.TheMechanicksarethese,whichareadulteratedly agendumest.Mechanicautemsuntista,qu
calledHydromancy,Pyromancy,Nigromancy, adulterinvocantur,Hydomantia,Pyromantia,
Chiromancy,Geomancy,Geonegia,whichis Nigromantia,Chiromantia,Geomantia,Geonegia,qu
comprehendedunderAstronomy,andNeogia. continentursubAstronomiaNeonegia.Hydromantiaest
Hydromancy,isascienceofdiviningbytheWater; currentisqudamscientiamagistrorum
wherebytheMastersthereofjudgedbythestandingor experimentorumhabeatur.Pyromantiaestflamma
runningoftheWater.Pyromancy,isanexperimentof discurrentevelcircumfluente,perquamantiqui
diviningbytheflamingofthefire;whichtheancient scientiamexperimentorum,philosophimagnam
Philosophersesteemedofgreatefficacy.Nigromancy,isa efficaciamcomprehendebant.Nigromantiaest,quod
SacrificeofdeadAnimals,wherebytheAncients sacrificiumanimaliummortuorum,quosinepeccato
supposedtoknowmanygreatExperimentswithoutsin, quodamantiquimagnaexperimentasolebantnotare,
andtoattaintogreatknowledge:from magnamscientiamvitconsueueruntcomprehendere.
whenceSolomoncommandeththattheymightreadseaven VndeSalomonprcepit,vtseptemlibrosartiseiusdem
BooksofthatArtwithoutsin;andthattwohe possintlegeresinepeccato.Duosverquod
accompted[52]Sacriledge,andthattheycouldnor:read sacrilegiumreputaret,&duolibrieiusdemartissine
twoBooksofthatArtwithoutsin.Buthavingspoken peccatononposselegi.Quiaverdeipsiusartissatis
enoughhereof,weproceedtotherest. moddictumest,adcteradiuertamur.

Of the liberal Sciences and other things which may be [72] De scientiis liberalibus, & aliis qu possunt
had thereby. habere per hanc artem.
ThereareseavenliberalArts,whicheveryonemay Artesverliberalessuntseptem,quassinepeccato
learnandreadwithoutsin.ForPhilosophyisgreat, potestvnusquisquediscereaclegere.Estenim
containingprofoundMysteriesinitself:TheseArtsare Philosophiamagnainsecontinens&profunda
wonderfullyknown. mysteria.Isteomnesartesprfatmirabiliter

He declareth what notes the three first liberal Arts have. [73a] Dicit quot notas habent prim tres artes
andRhetorickfour,andeveryonewithopenanddistinct Grammaticaenimtantmtresnotashabet:
Orations.ButwhereforeGrammarhath Dialecticaverduas,Rhetoricaquatuor,&singul
three,Dialectstwo,andRhetorickfour;thatweknow cumorationibusapertis,&distinctis.Sedquare
KingSolomonhimselftestifiethandaffirmeth;forhe Grammaticatres,Dialecticaduas,Rhetoricaquatuor
saith,AndasIwasadmiringandrevolvinginmyheart habet:ipseRegeSalomonetestante&affirmanteillud
andmind,whichway,fromwhomandfromwhencewas cognouimus.Aitenim:Etegoadmiransincordemeo&
thisscience,AnAngelbroughtonebook,whereinwas reuoluens,qu,quibus,&vndeessetistascientia,
writtentheFiguresandOrations,and[53]deliveredunto Angelusvnumlibrumattulit:inquofigur&orationes
metheNotesandOrationsofallArts,plainlyandopenly, erantscript,&dimisitmihisingularumartium
andtoldmeofthemallasmuchaswasnecessary:Andhe notas[600]&orationesdistinc&apert,&dixitmihi
explaineduntome,astoaChildaretaughtbycertain desingulis,quantumnecessefuit.Etexplanabatmihi
Elements,sometediousArtsinagreatspaceoftime,how sicutpueroperclementaqudamadartesmagno
thatIshouldhavetheseArtsinashortspaceoftime: temporisspacio,prolixas,vtperpreuespacium
Sayinguntome,Soshaltthoubepromotedtoevery temporisarteseashaberem,dicensmihi:itatuad
sciencebytheincreaseofthesevirtues.AndwhenIasked omnemscientiampromoueberisperperistarum
him,Lord,whenceandhowcomeththis?TheAngel incrementavirtutum.
hiswill:thiswritingisbythepoweroftheHolyGhost, [73bInterrogatioSalomonis.]Etdumego
whichinspireth,fructifiethandincreasethallknowledge; postularum,Dominemivndehoc,&qualiter?
Orations,attheappointedanddeterminatetimes,and ResponditAngelus:MagnumDominiesthoc
observethetimesasappointedofGod,andnootherwise. sacramentum,&eiusvoluntatescriptumhocper
WhenhehadthussaidheshewedtoKingSolomonabook Spiritussanctivirtutem.Quodestinspirans,fcundans,
whereinwaswritten,atwhattimesallthesethingswereto &illustransomnemcognitionem.EtrursusAngelus
bepronouncedandpublished,andplainlydemonstratedit inquit:Notasistascumorationibussuissecundm
accordingtotheVisionofGod:WhichthingsIhaving temporadeterminata&constitutarespice,&serua
heardandseen,didoperateinthemall,according temporasicutstatutasuntDeo,&nonaliter.Hisdictis
to[54]theWordoftheLordbytheAngel:And ostenditRegiSalomonilibruminquoscriptumerat,
soSolomondeclareth,itcametopasseuntohim:Butwe q1uibustemporibusheomniaproferendaessent,
thatcomeafterhim,oughttoimitatehisAuthority,andas apertissim&secundvisionemDominidemonstrauit.
muchasweareableobservethosethingshehathleftunto Quibusenimauditis&visis,&secundmverbum
us. AngeliDominoillatum,inomnibusistisoperatus

Here Solomon sheweth, how the Angel told him distinctly, [74] Hic ostendit Salomon qualiter Angelus ostendit
wherefore the Grammar hath three Figures. sibi diuisim quare Grammatica tres figuras habet.

BeholdwhereforetheGrammaticalArthathonlythree EccequarearsGrammaticahabettantummodotres
NotesintheBookofSolomonGemeliath,thatis,inThe notasinlibroSalomonisGemelioth,idest,inlibro
BookoftheArtofGod,whichwereadistheArtofall artesDEI,questarsomniumaliarumscientiarum,&
othersciences,andofallotherArts;ForSolomonsaith, aliarumartium,legimus,AitenimSalomon:Etcmab
WhenIdidinquireeverythingsingularlyoftheAngelof AngeloDeisingulatimcumterroreinquireremdicens:
God,withfear,saying,Lord,fromwhenceshallthiscome Domine,&vndehocmihiprstabitur,vtplenari
topassetome,thatImayfullyandperfectlyknowthis sciamistamartem:Curtotnotulcompetantilliarti,&
Art?WhydosomanyNotesappertaintosuchanArt,and totisti,cumorationibusdeterminatis&diuisisad
somanytosuchanArt,andareascribedtoseveral ipsarumhabendamefficaciamascribantur.Angelus
determinateOrations,tohavetheefficacythereof?The verrespondisselegitur:IstaarsGrammaticaars
Angelisthussaidtoanswer:TheGrammaticalArtis liberalisdicitur,&triahabetnecessaria:ordinationem
called[55]aliberalArt,Andhaththreethingsnecessary dictionum&temporum,&ipsisadiunctarumsiue
thereunto:Ordinationofwordsandtimes;andinthem,of figurarum.Simplex&composita,&varia,&varia
AdjunctsorFigures;Simple,compoundandvarious;and declinatiopartiumadpartes,siuepartibusrelatio,&
avariousdeclinationofthepartstotheparts,orarelation congrua,&ordinatadiuisio.Hcestratioquarein
fromtheparts,andaCongruentandordinatedivision. Grammaticatresnotappositsunt,&sicplacuit
Thisisthereason,whythereisthreeNotesintheArt diuinpotenti,vtpervnamdeclinandiplenacognitio:
ofGrammar:AndsoitpleasedtheDivineWisdome,that peralteramomniumpartiumconueniensordinatio
asthereshouldbeafullknowledgeofdecliningbyone; haberetur:pertertiamomniumpartiumsimpliciter&
byanother,thereshouldbehadaconvenientOrdination compositconueniens&continuadiuisiohabeatur.

The Reason why the Dialectical Art hath two Figures [75] Ratio quare ars Dialectic duas figuras habet
onely. tantummod.

Dialect,whichiscalledtheformofArts,anda Dialecticaver,queestformaartium,&doctrinalis
Doctrinalspeech,hathtwothingsnecessarythereunto,to sermodicitur,duohabetnecessaria,scilicetfacundia,
wit,EloquenceofArguing,andPrudencetoanswer; argumentandi,[601]&prudenterrespondendi.Duas
ThereforethegreatnessoftheDivineProvidenceand ergonotasaltitudoprouidentidiuin&pietatis
Piety,hathappointedtwoNotestoit;thatbythefirst,we apposuit,vtperprimamfacundargumentandi,&per
mayhaveEloquenceto[56]ArgueandDispute;andbythe secundamindustriamrespondendihabeamusabsque
second,industrytoanswerwithoutambiguity:Wherefore ambiguitare.ProptereaergoGrammatictres,
thereareascribedtoGrammarthreeNotes,and Dialecticduasnotasascripsimus.
The Reason why Rhetorick hath four Figures. [76] Ratio quare ars Rhetoric quatuor figuras habet.

LetusseewhereforeRhetorickhathfourNotes.For QuareergoRhetoricaquatuornotashabet,
therearefourthingsnecessarytherein;astheAngelofthe videamus.Quatuoreniminea,vtaitSalomoniAngelus
LordsaiduntoSolomon;towit,acontinualand Domini,suntnecessaria,scilicet:Ornatuslocutionis
flourishingadornmentoflocution,anordinate,competent continuus&floridus:iudiciumordinatumcompetens&
anddiscreetjudgement,aTestimonyofCausesorOffices, discretum:causarumsiueofficiorumtestimonium
ofChances&Losses,acomposeddispositionofbuying causantium&damnatorum,&emptorum&venditorum
andselling;AnEloquenceofthemattersofthatArt,with compositadispositio:Artiseiusdemnegotiorum
ademonstrativeunderstanding.Thereforethegreatnessof facundiacumintellectudemonstratiuo.Artienim
GodhathappointedtotheArtofRhetorickfourNotes, RhetoricidcircoaltitudoDeinotasquatuorcum
withtheirHolyandGloriousOrations;astheywere orationibussuissanctis&gloriosistanquamper
reverentlysentbytheHandofGod;thateveryNotein manumDominimissisreuerenterapposuit,vtnot
thisArtaforesaid,mighthaveaseveralfaculty,Thatthe singulinarteprfatasingulashabeantfacultates,vt
firstNoteinthatArt,mightgiveacontinual[57]locution, notaprimainarteeademlocutionemcontinuam,
acompetentandflourishingadornmentthereof:The competentem&floridumornatumadhibeat.Secunda
second,todiscernJudgements,justandunjust,ordinate iudiciaiusta&iniusta,ordinata&inordinatamvera&
andinordinate,trueandfalse:Thethird,competentlyto falsadiscernat.Tertiavtofficia&causascompetenter
discoverofficesandcauses:andthefourthgiveth discernat.Quartaver,vtintellectum&facundiam,
understandingandeloquenceinalltheoperationsofthis subtilitateminipsiusartisoperibusomnibus,absque
Art,withoutprolixity.SeethereforehowinGrammar, prolixitatedistribuat.
theseveralArts. EccedeGrammatica,Logica,Rhetorica,quare

But of the other Arts and their Notes, we shall speak in Decterisautemartibusipsarumnotarumlocosuo
their due place and time, as we find them disposed in the &tempore,sicutinlibroeiusdemSalomonisreperimus
book of the same Solomon. dispositionem.
At what times and hours the Notes of these three liberal [77] Quibus temporibus, quibus horis qualiter not
Arts are to be looked into. trium artium liberalium inspiciantur.

Nowweproceedtoshewatwhattime,andhowthe Eccetranseundumest,vtquibustemporibus,&quo
NotesoftheseArtsaretobelookedinto,andtheOrations statu:quomodonoistarumatriuminspiciendsunt,&
tobesaid,toattaintotheseArts.Ifthouartaltogether orationesearumproferend,&artesipsarum
ignorantoftheGrammaticalArt,andwouldst adipiscendsuntdisseramus.Sirudisprorsusinarte
have[58]theknowledgethereof:ifitbeappointedtheeof Grammaticafueris,&voluerishabereeius
Godtodothisworkofworks,andhaveafirm cognitionem,&sitibiDeocollatumfuerit:vthoc
understandinginthisArtofArts:Thenknowthatthou opusoperum.Inartematriumpossishaberefirmum&
maistnotpresumetodootherwisethanthisbook subtilitatem:istudsciendumest,&aliterfacerenon
commandeththee;forthisbookofhisshallbethyMaster, prsumas,qumtibiliberisteprcipit.Ipseenimliber
AndthisArtofhisthyMistress. suitibimagister,&ipsaarssuitibimagistraerit.

How the Grammatical Notes are to be looked into in the [78a] Qualiter in Luna prima nota Grammatices
first Moon. inspiciantur.

Forinthismanner,theGrammaticallNotesaretobe SicenimnotGrammaticesinspiciendsunt&
lookedinto,andtheOrationstobesaid. orationesearumproferendsunt.Diebusigiturqua
InthedayeswhentheMoonisinherprime,thefirst est,&eiusorationesvigesies&quaterrecitandsunt,
Noteistobelookedinto12times,andtheOrations cumsummsanctitatis[602]veneratione&modico
thereofrepeated24timeswithHolyreverence;makinga interuallofacto.Etsingulainspectionenotorationes
littlespacebetween,lettheOrationsbetwicerepeatedat bisrecitandsunt,&peccatissummoper
theinspectionofeveryNote,andchieflyabstainfrom obseruandum.SicagendumestprimadieLunvsque
sins:dothisfromthefirstdayoftheMoontothe14,and adquartamdecimam:decimaquartavsquead
fromthe14tothe17.ThefirstandsecondNotesaretobe decimamseptimam.Primanota&secundasingul
lookedinto20times,andtheOrationstoberepeated30 vigesiesinspiciend,&orationestricesiesrecitand
times,onthe[59]15and17dayes,usingsomeinterval suntinteruallofactodecimoseptimodie&quinto.
betweenthem,AllthethreeNotesaretheneverydaytobe Omnestresnotsingulisdiebusduodecies
lookedinto12times,andtheOrationstoberepeated20 inspiciend,&orationesvigesiesrecitandsunt.
thouhastreadanybooksofthisArt,anddesirest [78b]EccedenotisGrammaticeartisdictumest.
perfectiontherein,doasiscommanded;usingthegeneral Vermsialiquantulumlegistilibroseiusdemartis,&
OrationstoincreaseMemory,Eloquence,understanding eiusdesiderashabereperfectionem,itafaciassicut
andperseverancetherein,repeatingtheseaboveinthedue prceptumest.Verumtamenorationibusfactis
timeandhoursappointed;lestthatgoingbeyondthy generalibusadaddendammemoriam,facundiam,
precept,thoucommittestsin:butwhenthoudostthis,see intelligentiam&earumperseuerantiam,cumhisqu
thatitbesecrettothyself,andthatthouhavenolookeron suntsupramemoratis&recitatissuistemporibus&
butGod.NowwecometotheNotes. horisconstitutisneprtereundoprceptumvergasin

Here followeth the knowledge of the Notes. [79] Istis tractatibus finitis perueniendum est ad
notitiam notarum.
firstdaytilltheevening,ifyoucan;ifthoucanstnot,then Considerandumestver,quinprincipio
takeanotherhour.ThisistheGrammaticalprecept.[60] inspectionisnotarumomnium,primadieieiunandum

Of the logical notes. [80] De notis Dialectic.

TheDialecticalNotesmaybeusedeveryday,except DenotisDialecticomnibusdiebusproferripossunt
onlyinthosedayesbeforetoldof:TheRhetoricalevery nisitantummodoinillisdiebusquidicuntur.Not
day,exceptonlythreedayesoftheMoneth,towit, .11, autemquatuorRhetoricinillisdiebusproferantur
17,and19.Andtheyareforbiddenonthesedayes, quibusconstitutumest,idest,omnibus,prtertresdies
asSolomontestifyes,theNotesofallArts,exceptthe mensis,scilicetLuna11.&17.&19.Etpropterhoc
NotesofthisArtareoffered.Thesepreceptsaregenerally diebusilliseasproferrivetitumestcumorationibus,
tobeobserved. quiaillisdiebus,ipsotestanteSalomone,omnium

How the Logical Notes are to be inspected, and the Qualiter not Dialectic inspiciantur, & orationes
Orations thereof said. earum proferantur.

Know,thattheDialecticalNotesarefourtimestobe Sciendumest,qudnotDialecticquater
lookedinto,andtheOrationsthereofinthatdayare20 inspiciuntur,&orationesipsarumipsadievigesies
timestoberepeated,makingsomerespite,andhavingthe recitandsuntinteruallisfactis,&libriseiusdemartis
booksofthatArtbeforeyourEyes;andsolikewisethe anteoculospositis.LibriautemRhetoricartis
booksofRhetorick,whentheNotesthereofareinspected, similiteranteoculosponendisunt,quandonot
asitisappointed.Thissufficethfortheknowledgeofthe eiusdemartisinspiciuntur,vtdefinitumest.Istasunt
3Arts.[61] sufficientiaadcognitionemistarumtriumartium.[603]
How we must beware of offences. [81] Qualiter cauendum est peccatis.

BeforeweproceedtobeginthefirstNoteoftheArt IncipitprimanotaGrammaticartis,adquam
ofGrammar,somthingistobetryedbefore,thatwemay antequamperueniatur,aliquidprlibandumest,vt
havetheknowledgeofthe1,2,and3Notes.Andyou haberipossitprim&secund&tertinotcognitio.
oughtfirsttoknow,inwhattheNotesoftheGrammatical, Etsciredebesqudinprincipio,inquonot
Logical,orRhetoricalArtaretobeinspected,itbeing Grammatic,siueDialectic,siueRhetoricartis
necessarythatyourgreatestintentionsbetokeepfromall inspiciuntur.Necessariumestquidemcumsumma
offences. intentioneabomnibuscriminalibuscustodias.

How the Notes ought to be inspected, at certain elected Qualiter certa tempore debeant prouideri in
times. inspectione notarum.

Thisisaspecialandmanifestknowledge,wherewith Istaestcognitiospecialis&manifesta,quanot
theNotesoftheGrammaticalArtareknown:howthey artisGrammaticdignoscuntur,quomodoproferri
aretobepublished,atwhattimes,andwithwhat debeant,&quibustemporibus,&qualidistinctione
distinction,isdulyandcompetentlymanifest;itisspoken merit&competentermanifestatur.Dictumest
alreadyofthepublishingandinspectionoftheNotesand superiusdeprolatione&inspectionenotarum&
Orations:nowweshalldigressealittletospeaksomthing orationum.Nuncveraliquatenusestdiuertendum,
ofthetimes,itbeinginpartdonealready.[62] quialictdetemporibusinparteactumsit,tamenmagis

How divers Months are to be sought out in the Qualiter diuersi menses quruntur in inspectione
inspection of the Notes. notarum.

WehavespokenalreadyofthetearmsofthisArt, Diximussuperiusdeterminisistiusartis,quibus
whereintheOrationsaretoberead,andtheNotestobe orationessuntlegend&notinspiciend.Nunc
lookedinto:itremainethtodeclare,howtheLunationsof restatdecere,qualiterprdictorationeslunationes
theseOrationsaretobeinspectedandfoundout.Butsee inspiciantur&inueniantur.Seddeincepsvidendumest,
thatyoumistakenot:yetIhavealreadynotedthe nefortaliquasitdeceptio:tameninprdictanotaui
Lunations,whereintheNotesoughttobelookedinto,and lunationesinquibusdebeantnotinspici,&orationes
theOrationsrehearsed:ButtherearesomeMonths, proferri.Sedaliquisuntmenses,quorumlunatiomagis
whereintheLunationismoreprofitablethanothers:if vtilisestadincipiendum,qumaliorum.Vndeinsigno
thouwouldstoperateinTheologyorAstronomy,doitina igneo,cvoluerisTheologiamvelAstronomiam
fierysign;ifGrammarorLogick,inGeminiorVirgo;if operari.SiverGrammaticamvelLogicamsitin vel
MusickorPhysick,inTaurusorLibra;ifRhetorick, in :SiverMusicamvelPhysicamsitin vel :
Philosophy,ArithmetickorGeometry,inGeminior SiverRhetoricam,velPhilosophiam,vel
Cancer;forMathematicks,inTaurusorGemini:sothey Arithmeticam,velGeometriam,sitin vel :Pro
PotestatesandChorusofAngels,dorejoyceintheir Mathematicasitin VELIN .etsicdiessunt
Lunations,anddeterminatedayes.[63] formati&liberimalis,&inbonoloco.Gaudentetiam

Here is made mention of the Notes of all Arts. Hic fit mentio de notis omnium artium.

IApolloniusfollowingthepowerofSolomon,have EgoApolloniusauthoritatemSalomonisassecutus,
disposedmyselftokeephisworksandobservations,asit cuiusopus&obseruantiasquascunquecustodire
isspokenofthethreeNotesofGrammar,sowillIobserve disposui,sicutdictumestdetribusnotisartis
thetimesastheyaretobeobserved:ButtheOrations Grammatic,&itaobseruabotempora,sicut
thereofarenotwritten,butaremorefullydemonstratedin obseruandasunt.Sedsciendumest,orationesearum
thefollowingwork;forwhatiswrittenofthosethree nondumesseconscriptas:sedinsequentioperedeipsis
Notes,arenotOrations,butDefinitionsofthoseNotes, pleniusdemonstrandumest:sedtamenqueinnotisillis
writtenbytheGreek,Hebrew,andChaldean,andother tribusscriptasunt,nonsuntorationes,sed
thingswhichareapprehendedbyus:Forthosewritings definitiones[604]notarumearumperipsasscriptas,
whicharenotunderstoodinLatine,oughtnottobe Grcas,Hebras,&Chaldas:Etcteraquinnobis
pronounced,butonthosedayeswhichareappointedby apprehenduntur.IstatamenscriptaquLatinisnon
KingSolomon,andinthosedayeswhereintheNotesare intelliguntur,nonpossuntinillodieproferri,nec
inspected,butonthosedayesthoseHolywritingsare debent,nisidiebusilisquibusconstitutumestRege
alwayestoberepeated:andtheLatine,onthosedayes Salomone,&inillisdiebus,quibusnotinspiciuntur:
whereintheNotesarenotinspected.TheNotesofthe sedillisdiebussemperrecitandasuntillasacramenta
LogicalArtaretwo:andatwhattimestheyaretobe scripta:&tamenquLatinasuntipsisdiebusquibus
publishedisalreadyshewninpart:more notnoninspiciuntur,proferripossunt.Notautem
shall[64]hereafterbesaidofthem:nowwecometothe artisDialecticdusunt:sedquibustemporibus
rest.TheLatinewritingsmaybepublished,accordingto proferridebeant,inpartedictumest,posteaautemde
theAntiquityoftheHebrews,exceptonthosedayeswe ipsiscertiusdicetur.Ecceadreliquadiuertendumest.
havespokenof:forSolomonsaith,Seethatthouperform Sciendumverarbitramureaquinnotisartis
allthosepreceptsastheyaregiven:Butoftherestwhich Dialecticscriptasunt,omnibusdiebusproferri
follow,itistobedoneotherwise:forwhenthouseestthe possunt,quibusnotipsiusartisinspiciuntur.
firstNoteofLogick,repeatinthyheartthesigninthefirst Sciendumestetiam,psascriptaLatinasecundm
Note,andsointheNotesofallArtsexceptthosewhereof antiquitatemHebrorumposseproferri,nisihisdiebus,
adefinitionshallbegiven. quibusdiximus.Sciendumesttamen,ipsasnullomodo

Definitions of several Arts, and the Notes thereof. Definitiones singularum artium, & earum notarum.

WewillgivealsoDefinitionsofseveralArts,asitisin Dabimusenimdefinitionesdesingulisartibus&
theBookofSolomon;GeometryhathoneNote, notisearum,sicutestinlibroSalomonis.Geometria
ArithmetickaNoteandahalf;Philosophy,withtheArts vnamnotamhabet,Arithmeticavnam&semis.
andSciencescontainedtherein,hath7Species;Theology Philosophiatamencumartibussuis&scientiissubse
andAstronomy,withtheSciencesinthemcontained,hath continentes,septemspecieshabet.Theologiaver&
7Notes,buttheyaregreatanddangerous;notgreatinthe Astronomiacumomnibusscientiissubsecontinentes
pronunciation,buthavegreatefficacy:Musickhathone septemnotashabet,sedilltamenmagispericulos&
Note,andPhysickoneNote;buttheyareallto grauessunt,nonidcircograues,qudpronuncientur
be[65]publishedandrehearsedintheirappointeddayes: grauer,sedquiagrauemhabentefficaciam.Musica
Butknow,thatineverydaywhereinyoubeholdestthe vervnamnotamhabet.Physicavervnamnotam
NotesofTheology,Philosophy,orofanyArtscontained quoque,singulatantummodindiebusdeterminatis
inthem,thatthouneitherlaughnorplay,norsport, proferendasunt.Sciendumverestinomnibusdiebus,
becauseKingSolomon,whenhesawtheformsofthese quibusnotasTheologivideris,velPhilosophi&
Notes,havingoverdrunkhimself,Godwasangrywith atriumsubipsiscontentarum,nullatenusrideas,neque
him,andspokeuntohimbyhisAngel,saying,Because ludumhabeas:quiaRexSalomon,dumnotarum
thouhastdespisedmySacrament,andPollutedand earundeminspiceretformas,fortplussolito
deridedmyHolythings;Iwilltakeawaypartofthy crapulatus,iratusesteiDei,&perAngelumsuum
Kingdome,andIwillshortenthedayesofthy locutusestei,dicens:quiadespexistisacramentum
Children.AndtheAngeladded,TheLordhathforbidthee meum,illudens&contaminans,auferampartemregni
toenterintotheTemple80days,thatthoumaistrepentof tui,&comminuamfiliostuosantediessuos:&addidit
thysin.AndwhenSolomonweptandbesoughtmercyof Angelus,[605]introitumtemplisuiprohibettibi
theLord,theAngelanswered,Thydayesshallbe Dominusdieb.80.vtsecundumpeccatumtuum
prolonged;neverthelessmanyevillsandiniquitiesshall pnitentiamfacias.EtcumSalomonfleret,&
comeuponthyChildren,andtheyshallbedestroyedof misericordiampeteretDomino,ResponditAngelus,
theiniquitiesthatshallcomeuponthem. prolongatisuntdiestui,veruntamensuperfiliostuos
AtthebeginningofaNote,havingseenthegenerals; corrumpentursiperuenienteiniquitate.
seekuntoGodforhispromises,beforetheNotesofthe Ecceadprincipiumnotsicvisisgeneralibus
threeArts.[66] inspicianturspecialia.VerbumSalomonisestad

[Here is the beginning of the notes.] [82]Ecceadprincipiumnot.

The first Oration <at the beginning of the Note>. Oratio prima

[1] The Light, Truth, Life, Way, Judge, Mercy, Lux, veritas, vita via, iudex, misericordia, fortitudo,
Fortitude and Patience, preserve, help me, and have patientia, conserua & iuua me & miserere mei. Amen.
Mercy upon me, Amen.

[Oration 2.] [128] Oratio secunda.

ThisOration,withthepreceding,oughttobesaidin Istaorationcumprcedentidebetdicianteprimam
thebeginningofthefirstNoteofGrammar. notamGrammatic.

[2] Oh Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, eternal God, in Domine sance pater Omnipotens terne Deus in cuius
whose sight are all the foundations of all Creatures, conspectu omnia sunt invisibilium fundamenta
and invisible beings, whose Eyes behold my creaturarum cuius oculi imperfectum meum viderunt,
cuius charitatis dulcedine plena est terra & cli: Qui
imperfections, of the sweetness of whose love the
omnia vidisti antequam fiant, in cuius libro omnes
Earth and Heavens are filled; who sawest all things formati sunt dies, & homines inscripti in eo: respice
before they were made, in whose book every day is hodi super famulum tuum tibi toto corde & tota mente
formed, and all mankind are written therein: behold subiectum per Spiritum sanctum tuum confirma me,
me thy Servant this day prostrate before thee, with benedic, protege omnes actus meos in hac inspectione
my whole Heart and Soul, by thy Holy Spirit confirm seu repetitione & constantia tu visitationis me illustra.
me, blesse me, protect all my Actions in this
inspection or repetition, and illuminate me with the
constancy of thy visitation.
The 3 Oration. [129] Oration tertia.

ThisOrationoughttobesaidbeforethesecondNoteof Istaorationdebetdiciantesecundamnotam
Grammar.[67] Grammatice.

[3] Behold, O Lord, merciful Father of all things; Respice Domine Deus clems pater omnium terne
eternal dispensor of all virtues, and consider my dispensator omnium virtutum, operationes meas hodi
operations this day; Thou art the Beholder and considera: Tu es actuum hominum & angelorum
inspectoratque discretor, vt admirabilis gratia
Discerner of all the Actions of Men and Angels: Let
promissionis tu in me dignetur subitam adimplere
the wonderful grace of thy promises condescend to virtutem & in me tantam efficaciam nomine tuo sancto &
fulfil this sudden virtue in me, and infuse such magno operante infundas, tu qui laudem tuam in ore
efficacy into me, operating in thy Holy and great tuorum te diligentium imponis & infundis, Amen.
Name, thou who infusest thy praise into the mouths
of them that love thee, Amen.

The 4 Oration. [130] Oratio quarta.

LetthisOrationberehearsedbeforethethird Istaoratioproferaturantetertiamnotam
GrammaticalNote: Grammatic.

[4] O Adonay, Creator of all visible Creatures! Oh Creator Adonay omnium visibilium creaturarum, Pater
most Holy Father, who dwellest incompassed about piissime, qui in circumscripto lumine habitas ternaliter
with eternal light, disposing and by thy power & ante principium omnia inestabiliter disponens atque
gubernans: Aeternitatem tuam atque incomprehensibilem
governing all things before all beginnings; I most
pietatem verbis supplicantibus aggredior, vt huius
humbly beseech thy eternity and thy sacramentalis atque mystici operis in me perfectorum
incomprehensible goodness may come to perfection angelorum tuorum efficaciam & considerationem
in me, by the operation of thy most Holy Angels; clarescat. Atque per eorundem Angelorum sanctorum
And be confirmed in my Memory, and establish these nomina in memoriam habendam & sancta opera tua in
thy Holy works in me, Amen. me cum stabilitate, Amen.

AlittlespaceafterthisOration,saythefollowing:the Creator)istamorationemproferasinprincipio
firstOrationoughttobesaidbeforethefirstNoteof inspectionistertifigurartisGrammatice:??post
Logick. istamorationemfactoaliquoparuointeruallo.[606]

[5] Oh Holy God, great good, and the [68] eternal [135]5Istaorationdebetdicianteprimamnotam
Maker of all things, thy Attributes not to be exprest, artisDialectic.
who hast Created the Heaven and the Earth, the Sea
and all things in them, and the bottomless pit, Sancte Deus pater & pie indissolubilis augmentator, qui
clum et terram, mare & abyssos & omnia qu in eis
according to thy pleasure; in whose sight are the
sunt sicut stabiliri voluisti. In cuius conspectu omnis ratio
Words and Actions of all men: Grant unto me, by & sermo subsistit. Per hec sacramenta pretiosa
these Sacramental Mysteries of thy Holy Angels, the Angelorum tuorum da mihi que desidero & credo artis
precious knowledge of this art, which I desire by the huius absque malignitatis intentione scientiam. Amen.
Ministry of thy Holy Angels, it being without any
Malignant or Malitious intent, Amen.

PronouncethisOrationinthebeginningofthefirst (Istamorationemlatinamproferinprincipio
FigureoftheLogickart;andafterthisOrationrehearse inspectionisprimefigurartisDialectice,etpostistam
incontinentlywithsomeinterval,theOrationswritten orationemproferasincontinenticumaliquointeruallo
betweenthefirstFigure. illasorationesquscribunturinterprimamfiguram)

The6OrationoughttobesaidbeforethefirstNoteof [137]6.Istaorationdebetdiciantesecundamnotam
theDialect. Dialectice.

[6] Helay [*Heloy]: Most Merciful Creator, Inspirer, Heloy, Clementissime creatir, inspirator, reformator
Reformer, and Approver of all Divine wills, omnium diuinarum voluntatum approbator, ordinatorque
Ordeyner of all things, Mercifully give ear to my malorum, deprecationem gloriosus intende & mentem
Prayer, gloriously intend unto the desires of my heart, meam respice benignus, vt quid humilitate deprecor sicut
that what I humbly desire, according to thy promises, ante promissionem mihi de tu magisterie largitate
concedas Amen.
thou wilt Mercifully grant, Amen.
[(Thatorationmustbepronouncedbeforethe artisDialectice,&priusqumproferanturalieorationes
followingfigureoftheDialecticart,andmaybe quscribunturcircaipsamsecundamfiguram.

ThisOrationfollowing,oughttobepronouncedbefore [138]7Istaoratiodebetproferrianteprimamnotam
thefirstNoteoftheRhetoricalArt. Rhetorice.

[7] Omnipotent and merciful Father, Ordeyner and Omnipotens & misericors pater omnium creaturarum
Creator of all Creatures: Oh most Holy Judge, eternal ordinator. Iudex eterne, Rex regum & Domine
King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; who wonderfully dominantium qui sanctis tuis eloquentiam scientiam
condescendest to give wisdome and understanding to conferre dignatus es mirabiliter: qui omnia djiudicas
atque discernis, illumina hodie cor meum fulgore
thy Saints, who judgest and discernest all things: I claritatis tue, vt intelligam & cognoscam que in ista arte
beseech thee to illuminate my heart this day with the considerantur exopto. Amen.
Splendor of thy Beauty, that I may understand and
know what I desire, and what things are considerable
to be known in this Art, Amen.

ThisOrationwiththefollowingHanazay,&c.oughtto (Istaenimoratiocumaliaoratione
bepronouncedbeforethefirstFigureofRhetorick:and subsequentiHanazay&c.debetpronunciariante
althoughtheOrationisdividedintotwoparts,yetitisone primamfiguramartisRhetoric,&quamuisdiuidantur
andthesame:Andtheyaredividedonlyforthiscause, perduaspartesorationis,vna&eademoratioest:sed
thattheremightbesomemeanintervalusedinthe propterhocdiuiduntur,vtinproferendoeasfiataliquod
pronouncingofthem;andtheyoughttobepronounced modicuminteruallum,&debetproferripriusqum
beforetheotherOrationswrittenintheFigure. orationesscripteinfiguraproferantur.

Hanazay, Sazhaon, Hubi, Sene, Hay, Ginbar, Ronail, Hanazay, Sazhaon hubi, sene, hay, ginbar Ronail,
Selmora, Hyramay, Lohal, Yzazamael, Selmora, hyramay, lohal ysazamael Amathomatois,
Amathomatois, Yaboageyors, Sozomcrat, Ampho, yaboageyors, Sozomcrat, Ampho Deldenos, geroch, Compare LIH LX.
Agalos, Meihatagiel Secamai, Saheleton
Delmedos, [70] Geroch, Agalos, Meihatagiel,
Mechogrisces, Lerirencrhon.
Secamai, Saheleton, Mechogrisces, Lerirencrhon.

The8Oration,letitbepronouncedbeforethesecond [139]9[sic]Istaoratioproferaturantesecundam
NoteoftheRhetoricalArt: notamartisRhetorice.

[8] Oh great eternal and wonderful Lord God, who of Vnus magnus & mirabilis eterne Deus, eterni consilij
thy eternal counsel hast disposed of all virtues, and angele dispositor omnium virtutum & ordinator bonorum
art Ordeyner of all goodness; Adorn and Beautify my omnium; adorna hodi intelligentiam meam & multiplica
understanding, and give unto me Reason to know and in me rationem discendi & cognoscendi, qua in
proferendis nominib. omnium clestium angelorum
learn the Mysteries of thy Holy Angels: And grant contulisti & candem scientiam secundum promissionem
unto me all knowledge and learning thou hast mihi concede, & huius artis discretionem Amen.
promised to thy Servants by the vertue of thy holy
Angels, Amen.

ThisOration,withtheothertwofollowing,oughttobe (Istaoratiocumreliquisduab.[607]sequentibus
pronounced,(viz.Vision,&c.)Azelechias,&c.inthe orationibus,videlicetVision,&c.&aliaorationem
beginningofthesecondFigureofRhetorick,andbefore videlicet,Azelechias,&c.debentinprincipiosecund
theotherOrations;[whicharewrittenbelow(where)the figurartisRhetoricpronunciari,&priusquamali
figuresthemselvesaredisplayed]andthereoughttobe orationesquscribunturinfraipsamfiguram
someintervalbetween<them>[thatorationwhichis proferantur,&debetfierialiquodinterualluminteristas
writtenbelow,andbeforethefigureitself]. orationesquscribunturinfra&interipsamfiguram.

LetthisOrationfollowingbesaid,beforethesecond [141] Oratio 10.

[9] Vision; beholding with thy eternal conspiration all Rhetoric
Powers, Kingdomes and Judges, Administring all
Vision omnium potestatum atque regnorum, & Compare LIH LXII.
manner of Languages to all, and of whose power V: Usyon omnium ...
iudiciorum, terna conspiratione aspiciens, omnium
there is no end; restore I beseech thee and increase
administrans schemata linguarum, in cuius regimine
my Memory, my heart and [71] understanding, to nullum est impedimentum: Instaura quso ad memorata
know, understand, and judge all things which thy & repetita, cor meum & linguam meam ad discernendum,
Divine authority commendeth necessary in this art, ad eloquendum, ad iudicandum, ad habendum qu in hac
perfectly fulfill them in me, Amen. arte necessaria authoritas diuina commendat, & in me
perfect compleatur, Amen.
Compare LIH LXIII.)
LetthisOrationfollowing,withthePrecedent,be Oratio 11.
[10] Azelechias, Velozeos, Inoanzama, Samelo, secundamnotamRhetoric.
Hotens, Sagnath, Adonay, Soma, Jezochos, Hicon,
Jezomethon, Sadaot. And thou Oh God propitiously Azelechias velozeos, Inoanzama, Saruclo, hotens
Sagnath, Adonay, Soma Iezochos, hicon, Iezomothon,
confirm thy promises in me, as thou hast confirmed
Sadaot. Et tu Deus propitius in me promissiones
them by the same words to King Solomon; send unto confirma, sicut confirmasti per eosdem sermones Regi
me, Oh Lord, thy virtue from Heaven, that may Salomoni. Emitte mihi Domine virtutem de clis, qu
illuminate my mind and understanding: strengthen, cor meum & mentem illuminet & confirmet: Conforta
Oh God, my understanding, renew my Soul within Deus intellectum meum, & animam meam innoua in me,
me, and wash me with the Waters which are above & laua me aquis, qu super clos sunt. Effunde de
the Heavens; pour out thy Spirit upon my flesh, and spiritu tuo super carnem meam, & in visceribus meis ad
fill my bowels with thy Judgements, with humility facienda & compotenda iudicia tua humilitate &
and charity: thou who hast created the Heaven and charitate, qui clum & terram fecisti, & hominem ad
similitudinem & imaginem tuam creasti, infunde
the Earth, and made man according to thy own
charitatis tu lumen intellectui meo, vt fundatus &
Image; pour out the light of thy love into my radicatus in misericordia tua, diligam nomen tuum, &
understanding, that being radicated and established in cognoscam & adorem te, & intelligam omnes scripturas
thy love and thy mercy, I may love thy Name, and istius artis, ob quam hc data Deo, & insignita per
know, and worship thee, and understand [72] all thy manus Angelorum sanctorum, & emissa sunt figurarum
Scriptures, And all the Mysteries which thou hast mysteria, qu in corde & intellectum meo habeam &
declared by thy Holy Angels, I may receive and cognoscam, & huius artis constanter officium habeam
understand in my heart, and use this Art to thy Honor nominis tui sancti & gloriosi, prualente consilio tuo,
and Glory, through thy mighty Counsel, Amen.
Ars. Not. Glose de la Version
The11Orationoughttobesaidbeforethe Oratio 12. B, 141, var. 8, Vronse, p.
198. Compare LIH LXIV.
[11] I know, that I love thy Glory, and my delight is
in thy wonderful works, and that thou wilt give unto Scio enim quia delector me in facta tua magna mirabili &
me wisdome, according to thy goodness and thy ineffabili, & dabis mihi scientiam, quam per hoc opus
habentibus pollicitus es, secundm magnam &
power, which is incomprehensible: Theon,
incomprehensibilem virtutem tuam. Theon, Haltanagon
Haltanagon, Haramalon, Zamoyma, Chamasal, haramalon, zamoyma Chamasal, Ieconamril,
Jeconamril, Harionatar, Jechomagol, Gela Magos, harionatar, Iechomagol, gela magos, Kemolihot,
Kemolihot, Kamanatar, Hariomolatar, Hanaces, Kamanatar, hariomolatar, hanaces, Velonionathar,
Velonionathar, Azoroy, Jezabali; by these most Holy Azoroy Iezabali. per h sacratissima Dei &
and Glorious profound Mysteries, precious Offices, gloriosissima, & profunda mysteria, & preciosissima
virtue and knowledge of God, compleat and perfect officia, & virtutem & scientiam,[608] auge in me &
my beginnings, and reform my beginnings, Zembar, comple quod incepisti, & reforma quod incepisti in
me. Zembar, henoranat, Grenatayl, Samzatam,
Henoranat, Grenatayl, Samzatam, Jecornazay: Oh
Iecornazay, fundamentum altissime omnium bonitatum
thou great Fountain of all goodness, knowledge and
virtue, give unto thy Servant power to eschew all & scientiarum atque virtutum, tribue famulo tuo tibi
evill, and cleave unto goodness and knowledge, and displicentia vitare contagia & tua veritate pura, &
to follow the same [73] with an Holy intention, that intentione sancta, possim sociari vt tuam promissionem
toto corde desiderans in omnibus tam in legibus qu in
with my whole heart I may understand & learn thy
decretalibus prcipu hec sancta mysteria videar &
Laws and Decrees; especially these Holy Mysteries; cognoscar adipisci, & bene in ista arte proficiam penitus
wherein that I may profit, I beseech thee, Amen. laudandus & facundus. Amen.

12.ThisOrationoughttobesaidbeforetheninth [142]13Istaoratiodebetproferriantequartam
[*fourth]RhetoricalNote: notamRhetoric.1

Oh most reverend Almighty Lord, ruling all Reuerende potens & Dominus superioribus angelis & 1. Vronse, p. 199.
Creatures both Angels and Arch-Angels, and all Archangelis omnibusque clestibus creaturis, tam Compare LIH LXV.
Celestial, terrestrial, and infernal Creatures; of whose infernalibus qum clestibus: de cuius magnificentia 2. Omitted by Turner. So V.
greatness comes all plenty, [+whose power governs venit plenitudo, quia nobis dign familaturi, cuius2
quatuor mundi partibus regna portas [*potestas]. Qui
the four parts of the world] who hast made man after ossibus & anima & spiritu, hominem ad imaginem
thy own Image; Grant unto me the knowledge of this &similitudube tuamfecisti, Da mihi huius artis scientiam,
Art, and strengthen all Sciences in me, Amen. corroborans me in ipsius facultatis scienti. Amen.

13.PronouncethisbeforethefirstFigureof 14Istaoratioproferaturanteprimamfiguram
Arithmetick: Arithmetic.

Oh God who numbrest, weighest, and measurest all Deus qui omnia pondere & numero & mensura fecisti: in Compare LIH LXVI.
things, given the day his order, and called the Sun by cuius ordine omnium momentorum dierum patens est &
his Name; Grant the knowledge of this Art unto my apta dimensio: qui etiam solus stellarum nomina nominas
menti me constanter tribue efficaciam, vt in huius artis
understanding, that I may love thee, and
cognitione te diligam, & tu pietatis munus agnoscam.
acknowledge the gift of thy goodness, Amen. Amen.
Compare LIH LXVII. Compare
14.SaythisbeforetheseminoteofArithmetick: 15IstadebetproferriantesemisArith.
Oh God, the Operator of all things, from whom
proceeds every good and perfect gift; sow the Seeds
of thy Word in my Heart, that I may
[145] Mediator omnium operationum & creaturarum,
understand [74] the excellent Mysteries of this Art, quo omnia procedunt naturaliter bona & omnia virtutum
Amen. dona procedunt, quo omne quod est solidum & Wis. 18:14-15.
perfectum est: cuius sermo recens de regalibus venit
sedibus in corda nostra dum medium tenent cuncta
scientium me tua charitate in intellectum bonum
constitue ad percipienda h tanta excellentissima
mysteria huius artis, & istorum sacramentorum perfect
consequar effectum Amen.

15.SaythisbeforethesecondFigureofArithmetick: [143]16Istaoratioproferaturantesecundam
Oh God the perfect Judge of all good works, who
makest known thy saving goodness amongst all Deus iustis Iudex operum, qui nobis notum fecisti
Nations; open my Eyes and my Heart, with the salutate tuum & in conspectu gentium reuelasti iustitiam
beams of thy mercy, that I may understand and tuam, reuela oculos meos, & cor meum illustra salutari
iustitia tua, vt mirabilia tua de tuis tam gloriosissimis
persevere in these thy Heavenly Mysteries, Amen. sacramentis enarrem, quatenus per ea tantam in hac arte
consequar intelligentiam vt te prstante qui solus
mirabilia facis, magna, in ipsa arte subitus interpres
efficiar: vt mea facunditate & memoria cum stabilitate
recepta dimentiendo dimentiar, & intercessione
cunctarum virtutum clestium, honorem in secula
seculorum. Amen.
Compare LIH LXIX.
16.ThisOrationbeforethesecondNoteofGeometry: [146]17Istaorationdebetproferriantesecundam
Oh God the giver of all wisdome and knowledge to
them that are without sin, Instructor and Master of all Omnis sapienti Deus & scienti donator illis in quibus
Spiritual Learning, by thy Angels and Arch-Angels, peccatum non est disciplin spiritualis Magister &
by Thrones, Potestates, Principates and Powers, by instructor, per angelos tuos & archangelos, per thronos et
Cherubim and Seraphim, and by the 24 Elders, by the potestates, principatus & virtutes, per cherubin &
Seraphin per viginti quatuor seniores, per quatuor
4 Animals, and all the host of Heaven, I adore, animalia per omnem militia clestis exercitus, adoro,
invocate, worship and glorify thy Name, and exalt inuoco, flagito & veneror, glorifico & exalto nomen tuum
thee: most terrible and most merciful, I do humbly sanctum terribile mitissimum. Te quso vt hodi cor
beseech thee this day to illuminate and fill my Heart meum Spiritus sancti lumine & gratia tu visitationis
with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, thou who art three fcundatum & roboratum illustres: tu qui es trinus &
in one, Amen. vnus Amen.
17. Say this Oration before the second Note of Theology.
I adore thee, Oh King of Kings, my light, my 18Istaorationdebetproferriantesecundamnotam
substance, my life, my King, and my God, my theologi.
Memory, [75] and my strength; who in a Moment
gavest sundry Tongues, and threwest down a Mighty Adoro te rex regum, rex meus & Deus meus, vita &
substantia mea simul & reuelatio mea, memoria & virtus
Tower [i.e. Babel], And gavest by [the annointing of
mea: qui hora vna diuersarum genera linguarum
the seven-fold grace of] thy Holy Spirit the dificantibus turrim dedisti: & qui sanctis Apostolis tuis
knowledge of Tongues to thy Apostles, infusing thy vnctionem septiformis Spiritus sancti infundisti, & illis Compare LIH LXX.
knowledge into them in a Moment, giving them the idiomata qu nos docent de omnibus linguis eisdem
understanding of all Languages: [and commandest repent loqui tribuisti, per virtutem Verbi tui in quo
them to teach us from all the same tongues, omnia creasti per potentiam huius sacramenti, inspira cor
wherewith thou hast created all things, and through meum & infunde in illud rorem grati tu in subito tui
the power of this sacrament,] inspire my Heart, and sancti spiritus afflatus lumine efficaciam huius operis &
intelligentiam & expositionem lingu & istarum artium
pour the dew of thy grace and Holy Spirit into me,
capax & subtile ingenium valeam consequi. Amen.
that I may understand the Exposition of Tongues and
Languages, Amen.

Three Chapters to be published, before any of the Notes. [83] Qualiter tria capitula ante omnium notas debent
WhatwehavespokenofthethreefirstChap.are proferri.
them,andtheOrationsonthedayesappointed,andwork Qudetribusprimiscapitulisdiximusanteomnes
bytheNotes[youwishtoperform]asitisdemonstrated notasgeneraliter&specialiterpronunciandasunt:ita
toyou.TheseOrationsoughttobesaidalwayesbefore tamen,vtcumipsasorationesdiebusdeterminatis
noon,everydayoftheMoneth;andbefore dixeris,&denotisvoluerisoperari,vttibi
the[single]NotessaytheproperOrations:andinall prmonstratumest:Totomensediebussingulissemel
reading,observethepreceptscommanded.[76] ipsasorationesdicereoportetantemeridiem:&tamen

How the Proper Notes are to be inspected. [84] Qualiter not propri inspicuintur.

IfyouwouldlearnanythingofanyoneArt,lookinto Sciendumestigitur,vtsidealiqueartesolascire
theproperNotesthereofintheirduetime.Enoughissaid voluerisadlegendumsiueaddiscendumIpsiusartis
alreadyofthethreeliberalArts. notproprie&solinspiciendsuntsuotempore.De

What dayes are to be observed in the inspection of the [85] Qui dies obseruandi sunt in inspectione notarum
Notes of the four Arts. quatuor artium.

InthefourotherArts,onlythefourfirstdayesaretobe Eccedereliquisquatuoratribus.Nullaenimdiesin
observed:ThePhilosophicalNotes,withallSciences earumnotisinspiciendisobseruandaest.Nisiquatuor
containedtherein,the7and17dayesoftheMoonareto diesprimiquiobseruandisunt.Notverphilosophi
beinspected,7timesaday,withtheirseveralOrations. cumscientijssuisqusubeacontinentur.Luna7.&
TheNoteistobelookedinto,withfear,silenceand 17.cumorationibussingulisdiebusseptiesinspiciend
trembling. sunt.Notaautemterroriscumtaciturnitate[610]&
OftheNotesoftheliberalArts,itisspokenalready; timoreinspiciendaest.InOmeliaprimainnoualuna
butonlyknowthis,thatwhenyouwouldusethem,live inspiciendaesteisdemdiebus.
isfullyandperfectlytobepronounced,asyouhaveheard: [86]Denotisautemliberaliumquatuorsatisdictum
butwhenyoulookintothem,[77]repeatallthe est.Ettamensciendumest,quodquandoipsas
TheologicalOrations,andtherestintheirduetime. pronunciaueris,viuendumestcast&sobrie.Notaver

Of the inspection of general Notes. [87] De inspectione notarum generalium.

SaythegeneralNotes10timesaday,whenyouhave Denotisautemgeneraliumetdeorationibusearum
occasiontouseanycommonArts,havingthebooksof hocsciasquodquotiescunquedeexceptiuis,vel
thoseArtsbeforeyou,usingsomeintervalorspaceof adulterinisscirevolueris,ipsasnotasgeneralesdiebus
timebetweenthem,asyouhavebeentaughtalready. singulisdecies,factistameninteruallis&librum

How the three first Chapters are to be pronounced [88] Qualiter tria prima capitula semper proferenda
before Orations. sunt ante orationes.

Tohaveperfectionherein,know,thatinthegeneral Denotisomnibusiaminitialiterdataestcognitio,&
pronunciationofOrations,theNotesofthethreeheadsare decapitulorumorationibus.Vtautemperfectionem
toberehearsed;whethertheOrationsbepronouncedor ipsarumhabeas,hecscito,quodingeneralibus
not. pronunciandisorationibussiuenotisipsarum

How the fifth Oration of Theology ought to be rehearsed [89] Qualiter oratio quinta Theologi proferri supr
upon these Orations. istas orationes.

Thereisalsosomthingelsetobesaidofthefourother Eccedereliquisquatuorliberalibusartibusaliud
liberalArts;ifyouwouldhavetheperfectknowledgeof dicendumest.Siveroperfectamipsarumnotitiam
them,makethefirstOrationofTheology[78]beforeyou haberevolueris,itafaciesorationemquintam
saytheOrationsoftheotherNotes.Thesearesufficiently Theologipriusorationessingularumnotarumdices.
declared,thatyoumayunderstandandknowthem;And Hcsatisdeclaratasunt,vtintelligas&cognoscas,&
letthecapitularOrationsbepronouncedbeforetheseveral iterumsciasdeorationibuscapitulorum,itadebereante
NotesofeveryArt,andkeptasisdetermined,&c.These notassingulassingulariumartiumpropronunciarisicut
aretheAugmentationsoftheOrations,whichbelongtoall definitumest,&itacustodi&fac.Istsunt
Artsliberalandexceptive,exceptMechanick,andare augmentationesorationumquenotisomniumartium
especiallyascribedtotheNotesofTheology.Andtheyare liberalium&exceptiuarumprtermechanicas
thustobepronounced,thatwhensoeveryouwouldlook competunt[611]&specialiternotisTheologi
intoanyoneNoteofanyArt,andwouldprofittherein, ascribuntur.Sicigiturpronunciandesunt,vt
saytheseOrationsfollowing. quandocunquevnamquamquenotamvniuscuiuscunque

1. Ezomamos, Hazalat, Ezityne, Hezemechel, 1 Ezomomos, hazalat, Ezityne, hezemechel

Czemomechel, Zamay, Zaton, Ziamy Nayzaton, Czemomechel zamay, zaton ziamy nayzaton,
Hyzemogoy, Jeccomantha, Jaraphy, Phalezeton, hyzemogoy, Ieccomantha, Iaraphy, phalezeton,
Sacramphal, Sagamazaim. Secranale Sacramathan: Compare LIH LXXI.
Sacramphal, Sagamazaim, Secranale, Sacramathan;
Iezennalaton hacheriatos. Ieteleymathon, zaymazay,
Jezennalaton Hacheriatos, Jetelemathon, Zaymazay, zamaihay, Gigutheio Geurlagon Garyos. Megalon
Zamaihay, Gigutheio Geurlagon, Garyos, Megalon hera cruhic, Crarihuc.Amen.
Hera Cruhic, Crarihuc, Amen.

LetthisOrationwiththefollowingbepronounced [91]Istaorationcumprcedentiproferaturante
beforethefirstNoteofPhilosophy: primamfiguramphilosophi.

Oh Lord God, holy Father, almighty and Domine Deus sancte pater omnipotens, exaudi preces
incomprehensible; [79] hear my Prayers, thou that art meus incomprehensibilis, inuisibilis, immortalis & Compare LIH LXXII.
invisible, immortal and intelligible, whose face the intelligibilis cuius vultum angeli & Archangeli &
clestes virtutes ardenter videre desiderant. Cuius
Angels and Arch-angels, and all the powers of
maiestatem ternaliter atque optim pro posse meo
Heaven, do so much desire to see; whose Majesty I exerceo, adorans vnum Deum in secula seculorum,
desire eternally to adore, and honour the only one Amen.
God for ever and ever, Amen.
2.SaythisbeforethesecondNoteofPhilosophy: [92]2.Istaproferaturantesecundamnotam
Oh Lord God, Holy and Almighty Father, hear my
Prayers this day, and incline thy ears to my Domine Deus sancte pater & omnipotens, exaudi preces
Orations; Gezomelion Samach, Semath, Cemon, meas hodie & inclina aurem tuam ad orationes
Gezagam, Gezatrhin, Zheamoth, Zeze Hator Sezeator meas, Gezomelion Samach, Semath, Cemon, Gezagam
Samay Sarnanda, Gezyel, Iezel, Gaziety, Hel, Gezatrhin zheamoth zeze hator Sezeator
Samay Sannanda, Gezyel, Iezel, Gaziety hel,
Gazayethyhel, Amen.
Gazayethyhel. Amen.

Saythisfollowingwiththeformer: [93]Istaorationcumprcedentisimulproferatur.

Oh God eternal, the way, the truth, and the life; give Deus semper via, vita, veritas: Da lucem tuam florem Compare LIH LXXIV.
thy light and the flower of thy Holy Spirit into my Spiritus sancti in conscientiam & mentem meam, &
mind and understanding, and grant that the gift of thy concede vt fulgeat & clarescat donum grati tu in cor
grace may shine forth in my heart, and into my Soul, meum, & in animam meam nunc & per omnia secula
seculorum. Amen.
now and for ever, Amen.

PronouncetheOrationfollowingbeforethethirdNote [94]Istaoratioproferaturantetertiamnotam
ofPhilosophy; philosophi.

Lemogethom, Hegemochom, Hazachay Hazatha, Lemogethom, hegemochom, hazachay Hazatha,

Azamachar, Azacham, Cohathay. Geomothay Azamachar, Azacham,
Compare LIH LXXV.
Logomothay, Zathana, [80] Lachanma, Legomezon, Cohathay.Gehomothay Logomothay, zathana,
Lachanma, Legomezon, Legornozon.
Legornozon, Lembdemachon, Zegomaday,
Lembdemachon. zegomaday, Hathanayos, Hatamam,
Hathanayos, Hatamam, Helesymom, Vagedaren, Helesymom, Vagedaren, Vadeyabar, Lamnanath,
Vadeyabar, Lamnanath, Lamadai, Gomongchor, Lamadai, Gomongchor, Gemecher, Ellemay,
Gemecher, Ellemay, Gecromal, Gecrohahi, Gecromal, Gecrohahi, Colomanos,
Colomanos, Colomaythos,Amen. Colomaythos, Amen.
Compare LIH LXXVI.
SaythisfollowingwiththeprecedentOration: [95]Istaoratiocumprcedentisimulproferatur.

Vita omnium creaturarum Deus visibilium, claritate

Oh God the life of all visible Creatures, eternal terna clestium, & omnium virtus salus indeficiens, qui
brightness, and virtue of all things; who art the es pietatis origo, qui omnia nouisti antequam fiant, qui
original of all piety, who knewest all things before diiudicas omnia qu videntur & ineffabili dispositione
the were; who judgest all things, and discernest all discernis, glorifica nomen tuum sanctum ineffabile hodie
in cor meum, & corrobora intellectum meum &
things by thy unspeakeable knowledge: glorify thy intelligentiam meam. Auge memoriam meam, &
Holy and unspeakable Name this day in my heart, confirma facundiam [612] meam. Expeditam redde
and strengthen my intellectual understanding; linguam meam in scientiis & scripturus tuis, vt facultate
increase my Memory, and confirm my eloquence; mihi te collata, et sapienti tu doctrin corde meo
make my Tongue ready, quick, and perfect in thy insignita laudem te & cognoscam te et intelligam nomen
Sciences and Scriptures, that by thy power given tuum sanctum in secula seculorum. Amen.
unto me, and thy wisdome taught in my heart, I may
praise thee, and know and understand thy Holy Name
for ever World without end, Amen.

SaythisOrationfollowingbeforethefourthNoteof [96]4Istaorationproferaturantequartamnotam
Philosophy. philosophi.

Oh King of Kings, the Giver and Dispenser of Rex regum infinit misericordi, maietatis immens
infinite Majesty, and of infinite mercy, [81] the largitor atque dispensator, ac stabilitor omnium
founder of all foundations; lay the foundation of all fundamentorum, pone fundamentum omnium virtutum Compare LIH LXXVIII.
tuarum in me & aufer me insipienciam cordis mei vt
thy virtues in me, remove all foolishness from my
stabiliantur sensus mei in dilectione charitatis tu, &
heart, that my senses may be established in the love informetur spiritus meus per te secundum recreationem &
of thy charity, and my Spirit informed by thee, invocationem voluntatis tu, qui viuis & regnas Deus per
according to the recreation and invocation of they omnia secula seculorum, Amen.
will, who livest and reignest God throughout all
Worlds of Worlds, Amen.

How these Orations are to be said every day once before [97] Qualiter dict orationes qualibet die proferantur
the general Notes, and the Notes of the liberal Arts. semel ante notae generales & notas artium liberalium.

These4OrationsarenecessaryforliberalArts,but Horationesliberalibusartibusquatuosnecessari
chieflydoappertaintoTheology,whicharetobesaid suntsedspecialiteradTheologiampertinent,quascum
everydaybeforethegeneralNotes,ortheNotesofthe notamgeneralemvelnotamalicuiusliberaliumartium
liberalArts;buttoTheologysayeveryoneofthese7 cumorationib.suispronunciarevoluerisistasorationes
timestoeveryNote;butifyouwouldlearnorteachany prdictaspriusdicessemelsingulisdiebus.
thingofdictating,versifying,singingorMusick,oranyof VeruntamencumdenotisTheologitractarevolueris,
theseSciences,firstteachhimtheseOrations,thatthou sicutdiximus,easdemorationesapudvnamquamque
would'stteach,howheshouldreadthem:butifhebea notamseptiesdices.Etsialiquamnotamdedictando
Childofmeanunderstanding,readthembeforehim,and versificandovelcontandovelorganizando,siuedealijs
lethimsayaftertheewordfor[82]word;butifhebeofa huiusscientijsaliquaaddiscerevolueris,siuedocerer;
goodunderstanding,lethimreadthem7timesadayfor7 ipsumquemdocuerispriusistasorationesdoce,vt
dayes:orifitbeageneralNote,pronouncethese quoquomodolegat&sipuerminorisintellectusfuerit,
Orations,andtheVirtuethereofshallprofityoumuch, tulegaseasanteipsum&illeposttelegatdeverboad
andyoushallthereinfindgreatvirtue. verbum.S[i]inversitbonintelligentilegateas

Compare LIH LXXIX.

SolomonsaithoftheseOrations,letnomanpresumeto [98]DeorationibusistisaitSalomon.Istasorationes
makeuseofthemunlessfortheproperofficetheyare solasnemoprsumatnepropterofficium,adquod
institutedfor. institutsunt.

Oh Father, incomprehensible, from whom proceedeth Deus pater immense, quo processit omne quod bonum
every thing that is good; whose greatness is est, cuius magnitudo est incomprehensibilis, exaudi hodie
incomprehensible: Hear this day my Prayers, which I preces meas, quas in conspectu tuo refero, & concede
make in thy sight, and grant to me the Joy of thy mihi & redde mihi lticiam salutaris tui, vt doceam hodie
saving health, that I may teach unto the wicked the iniquos, vias tuas & semitas scientiarum tuarum, &
conuertantur ad te rebelles & increduli, vt quod corde
Wayes and Paths of thy Sciences, and convert the
repeto & ore commemoro in me radicitus habeat
Rebellious and incredulous unto thee, that fundamentum, vt in operibus tuis efficax videar &
whatsoever I commemorate and repeat in my heart adiutus. Amen. [613]
and mouth, may take root and foundation in me; that
I may be made powerful and efficacious in thy
works, Amen.

SaythisOrationbeforethe6NoteofPhilosophy: [99]Istaorationproferaturantesextamnotam
Gezemothon, Oromathian, Hayatha, Aygyay,
Lethasihel, Lechizliel, Gegohay, Gerhonay, Gezomothon, Oromathian, hayatha, Aygyay,
Samasatel, Samasathel, [83] Gessiomo, Hatel, Lethasihel, Lechizliel, Gegohay, Gerhonay, Samasatel,
Segomasay, Azomathon, Helomathon, Gerochor, Samasathel, Gessiomo hatel, Segomasay, Azomathon, Compare LIH LXXX.
Helomathon, Gerochor, hejazay Samin, heliel,
Hejazay, Samin, Heliel, Sanihelyel, Siloth, Silerech, Sanihelyel, Siloth Silerech, Garamathal, Gesemathal,
Garamathal, Gesemathal, Gecoromay, Gecorenay, Gecoromay, Gecorenay Samyel, Samihahel,
Samyel, Samihahel, Hesemyhel, Sedolamax, Hesemyhel, Sedolamax, Secothamay, Samya
Secothamay, Samya, Rabiathos, Avinosch, Rabiathos, Auinosch, Annas. Amen.
Annas, Amen.
Compare LIH LXXXI,
Thensaythisfollowing: [100]Istaorationcumprcedentiproferatur, LXXXIII, and LXXXIX.

Oh eternal King! O God, the Judge and discerner of Rex terne Deus Judex & discretor omnium, agnitor
all things, knower of all good Sciences; instruct me scientiarum bonarum, instrue me hodie propter nomen
this day for thy Holy Names sake, and by these Holy sanctum tuum, & per hc sancta sacramenta, & clarifica
mentem meam, vt intret scientia tua interiora mea sicut
Sacraments; and purify my understanding, that thy
aqua fluens de clo, & sicut oleum in ossibus meis, per
knowledge may enter into my inward parts, as water te Deus Salvator omnium, qui es fons bonitatis, et totius
flowing from Heaven, and as Oil into my bones, by pietatis origo, instrue me hodie in istis scientijs quas
thee, Oh God Saviour of all things, who art the desposco, tu qui es vnus Deus Amen.
Fountain of goodness, and original of piety; instruct
Deus pater immense, quo procedit omne quod est
me this day in those Sciences which I desire, thou bonum, cuius magnitudo misericordi est
who art one God for ever, Amen. incomprehensibilis, exaudi hodie preces meas, quas in
conspectu tuo refero, et redde mihi leticiam salutaris tui,
Oh God Father, incomprehensible, from whom vt doceam hodie iniquos vias tua, et semitas scientiarum
proceedeth all good, the greatness of whose mercy is tuarum, & conuertantur ad te rebelles & increduli, &
fathomless, hear my Prayers, which I make this day etiam in operibus tuis efficax videar & adiutus. Amen.
before thee, and render unto me the joy of thy
Salvation, that I may teach the unjust the knowledge
of thy wayes, and convert [84] the unbelieving and
Rebellious unto thee; and may have power to
perform thy works, Amen.
The 7 Oration, which is the end of the Orations, [101] Incipit oratio septima qu est finis suarum
belonging to the ineffable Note, the last of Theology, orationum & complementum earum precipu ad
having 24 Angels. notam ineffabilem pertinens, qu est vltimum
Theologi, viginti quatuor angelos habentem.
Oh God of all piety, Author and Foundation of all
things, the eternal Health and Redemption of thy Istudestprincipiumorationis.
people; Inspirer and great Giver of all graces,
Sciences and Arts, from whose gift it cometh: Inspire Deus totius pietatis autor & fundamentum omnium, salus
terna & redemptio populorum, inspirator omnium
into me thy servant, an increase of those Sciences: gratiarum, scientiarum & artium largitor immense, de
who hast granted life to me miserable sinner, defend cuius munere venit, vt nobis famulis tuis scientiarum in
my Soul, and deliver my Heart from the wicked me inspirare digneris augmentum: Qui etiam mihi misero
cogitations of this World; extinguish and quench in peccatori tua viam concesisti, vt scire sacramenta,
me the flames of all lust and fornication, that I may defende animam meam, & libera cor meum de prauis
the more attentively delight in thy Sciences and Arts; huius mundi cogitationibus & incentiu libidinis omnis
and give unto me the desire of my Heart, that I being fornicationis in me extingue potentiam, & reprime vt
confirmed and exalted in thy glory, may love thee: scientijs tuis & artibus tuis intensius delectar in eis, & des
mihi petitionem cordis mei, vt in glorificatione tua
and increase in me the power of thy Holy Spirit, by
confirmatus & exaltatus diligam te, & augeatur in me
thy Salvation and reward of the faithful, to the virtus spiritus sancti per salutem tuam et remunerationem
Salvation of my Soul and Body, Amen. fidelium in salutem anim me et corporis mei. Amen.

Thensaythisfollowing: Istaoratiocumprcedentiproferriomninodebet.

Oh God most mighty Father, from whom proceedeth Deus pater immense, quo procedit omne quod est Compare LIH LXXXIII.
all good, the greatness of whose mercy is bonum, cuius [614] magnitudo misericordi est
incomprehensible; hear my Prayers, which I make in incomprehensibilis, exaudi hodie preces meas, quas in
conspectu tuo refero.
thy sight.

[Here begin the] Special precepts of the Notes of [102] Incipiunt prcepta specialia de notis Theologi,
Theology, chiefly of the 1. 2. and 3. & specialiter
de prima, secunda & ter-
These7Orationsareanaugmentationoftherest,and tia.
especiallybeforetheineffableNote;thesearetheprecepts Orationesseptemistequasproponimusaugmentata
tomaketheesufficient,whichwecommandtheeto reliquarumorationumsunt.Etanteomnesnotas
observebytheauthorityofSolomon:diligentlyinquire Theologidieidebent.Sedtamenprcipuantenotam
themout,anddoaswehaveproposed,andperfectly ineffabilemprouiiciandesunt,vtdiximus.Ista
pronouncetheOrations,andlookintotheNotesofthe experimentasuntqupostulastiadsufficientiam,qu
otherArts. tibiauthoritateSalomonisseruareprcipimus,&de
How Solomon received that ineffable Note from the [103] Qualiter Salomon recepit notam ineffabilem sibi 1.Cp.LIH.XCV.
Angel. traditam ab Angelo.

BecausethoudesiresttheMysteryoftheNotes,take Eccequiamysterionotarumpostulasti,hocdenota
thisoftheineffableNote,theexpressionwhereofisgiven ineffabiliprcipuhabeas,cuiusexpressioestdata,
intheAngelsbytheFiguresof[86]Swords,birds,trees, gladiorum,florum,arborum,volucrum,candelabrorum,
Flowers,Candles,andSerpents;ForSolomonreceived serpentuminangulisperfiguras.HancautemSalomon
thisfromtheLordinthenightofPacification,ingravenin Deonoctepacificorumaccepitinfolioaureo
abookofGold;andheardthisfromtheLord:Doubtnot, designatam.EtaudiuitDomino.Nedubitesnec
neitherbeaffraid;forthisSacramentisgreaterthanallthe expauescas,quiahocsacramentummaiusestomnibus:
rest;AndtheLordjoynedituntohim,Whenthoulook'st EtsubiunxiteiDominus.Cumautemhancnotam
intothisNote,andread'sttheOrationsthereof,observe inspexeris&orationeseiuslegeris,obseruamandata
thepreceptsbefore,anddiligentlylookintothem;And qusuperiusdatasunt,&ipsadiligenterrespice,qu
bewarethatthouprudentlyconcealandkeepwhatsoever legerisinnotaDei,&innotaineffabilicauetibi
thouread'stinthisNoteofGod,andwhatsoevershallbe prudenter,vtqucunqueinspexeris,&qucunquetibi
revealedtotheeinthevision.AndwhentheAngelofthe invisionevenerintceles&custodias.Etcumtibi
Lordappearethtothee,keepandconcealthewordsand magnusAngelusDominiapparueritsignumcrucisin
writingsherevealethtothee;andobservethemtopractice vexillogerens,verbaqutibiostenderitineffabiliter
andoperateinthem,observingallthingswithgreat scriptacustodi&cela,&operareineis,sicuttibi
reverence,andpronouncethemattheappointeddayesand prceperit,&ipsamnotamTheologipervisionem
hours,asbeforeisdirected:andafterwardssay:Sapienter magnamquamvidebisaperuerit,summoperecustodi:
dieillo;Age,&castevivas.Butifthoudostanything &quicquidtibiinomnibusnotisidemsimileapperuerit
uncertain,thereisdanger;asthenwilthaveexperience cumsummaintentioneobserua&orationessicut
fromtheotherNotesandtheOrationsofthem;but dictumestineapronunciadiebus&horisdeterminatis,
considerthatwhichismostwonderful[87]inthose &repetetamenpartesilliusorationismagn,quam
Orations;forthesewordsareineffableNames,andare habes,sicuttibiprceptumest,&diuide,&fac
spirituallytobepronouncedbeforetheineffable interuallasicutsuperiusdictumest:&postquamillas
Note,Hosel,Jesel,Anchiator,Aratol,Hasiatol,Gemor, dixeris,SAPIENTERDIEILLOAGEETCASTE
Gesameor.1ThosearetheOrationswhichoughttobe VIVAS.Siautemincertusaliquidfeceris,periculum
pronouncedaftertheinspectionofallArts,andafterthe quideminstatcurabaliisnotis&orationibusearum
NoteofTheology. experimentumhabueris,sedinistis&orationibus


Thisisthefulfillingofthewholework;butwhatis [105]Hocestexemplementumtotiusoperis:Sed
necessaryforanexperimentofthework,wewillmore qudetotiusoperisexperimentosuntnecessariaaliqua
plainlydeclare.Inthebeginningoftheknowledgeofall plendicerevoluerius&prlibatalucidiusdeclarare.
Art,thereisgivenalmosttheperfectdoctrineof Ininitiocognitionisomniumartiumdataesttota
operating:Isayalmost,becausesomeflourishing doctrinaoperandi&fereperfecta.Eccequaredixerim
institutionshereofremain,whereofthisisthefirst fer.fereenimdixi,quiaadhucqudamflorida&
beginning. continuahuiusoperisrestantinstituendaquorum

How the precepts are to be observed in the operation of [106] Qualiter mandat sunt obseruanda in
all Arts. operatione omnium artium.

Observethe4 ineveryoperationofTheology. QuartamautemLunaminomniomnium

Exhibitthatoperationwithefficacyevery4 quartam pronunciationeTheologiobseruabis.Quotiescunque
lunam;anddiligentlylookintothebooksandwritingsof Lunaquartafueritinoperisinstantisefficaci
thoseArts;ifthoudoubtofanyoftheChapters,theyare exhibitione,subtiliuslibruminspicias,atqueipsarum
tobepronounced,asistaughtofthe[88]superiour artiumscripturas.Capitulaautemdequibusdubitasti,&
Chapters;butknowthis,thattheseHolyWordsof adhucforsitandubitasitapronunciandasunt,sicut
Orations,weappointtobesaidbeforethebedofthesick, superiorumcapitulorumdocetintentio.Hocautem
foranexperimentoflifeordeath.Andthisthoumaistdo scias,quodhcverbasanctaorationum,quante
often,ifthouwiltoperatenothingelseinthewholebody lectuminfirmiadexperimentummortissiuevit
ofArt:Andknowthis,thatifthouhastnotthebooksin dicendainstituimus,etiamsinihilaliuddetotocorpore
thyhands,orthefacultyoflookingintothemisnotgiven artisoperarivolueris,spiuspoterisfacere.
therefore:buttheOrationsaretwicethentobe [107]Hocautemsciendumest,quodsilibrostibiad
pronounced,wheretheyweretobebutonce:Andasto manushaberenonpoteris,velsitibiipsosinspiciendi
theknowledgeofavision,andtheothervirtueswhich facultasdatanonfuerit,nonidcircominuseritoperis
theseholyOrationshave;thoumaistproveandtrythem, effectus,&bisproferanturomnesorationesvbisemel
whenandhowthouwilt. proferrentur.Capitulaautemdequibusdubitasti,vel


1. S adds the following note:

These precepts are specially to be observed. [108] Ista sunt prcepta qu specialiter agenda sunt Here endeth the notary arte, as
alsoe the Clavicula
& obseruanda. Salomonis according to the
Butwhenthouwould'stoperateinTheology,observe writen exemplar; which once
onlythosedayeswhichareappointed;butalltimesare CumdeTheologiavervoluerisoperari,prterillos came to my hand but
convenientforthoseNotesandOperations,forwhich diesquitibibreuiterinstitutisunt,nullusobseruandus examining theArs
Notoria which is printed &
thereisacompetenttimegiven;butinthepronounciation esrdies.Temporaautemomniacompetentiasuntillis found in that printed exempalar
ofthethreeliberalArts,orinthe[89]inspectionoftheir notis&orationibusquibusdataesrtantatemporis
Notes,perhapsthoumaistpretermitsomedayappointed, definitio.Hocautemrestat,quodinartiumliberalium
ifthouobservetherest;orifthoutransgresstwodayes, triumpronunciatione,siueinipsarumnotarum
leavenotoffthework,foritlosethnotitseffectforthis, inspectionefortaliquemdiemprtermiseris
fortheMoonismoretobeobservedinthegreater institutum,sifort[616]cterosobseruaueris,etiamsi
numbersthanthedayesorhours.ForSolomonsaith,if duostransgressusfueris,nonidcircorelinquasopus
thoumissadayortwo,fearnot,butoperateonthe tuom,quiapropterhcnonamitteteffectumsuum,
generalChapters.Thisisenoughtosayofthem:butbyno cummaioribusnumerisLuna,potiusdiessunt some aditions or
augmentations; compleated by
meansforgetanyofthewordswhicharetobesaidinthe obseruandiquamhor.VndeSalomonait:Sihoras Magister Apolonius a
beginningofthereadingtoattaintoArts;forthereisgreat transgressusfuerisindievna,vnamvelduas,non suckcessor of Salomon in that
virtueinthem.AndthoumaistfrequentlyusetheHoly terrearis&decapitulisgeneralibussicutdictumest sublime & secret studdy; as he
Wordsofthevisions:butifthouwouldstoperateinthe operare.Hocsatisestdeistis:Veruntamenvrbaqu stileth himselfe parte of them
being placed before & parte
wholebodyofthePhysicalArt,thefirstChaptersarefirst tibiinitiosermonumfaciendorumsiuelectionum behinde; the above written
toberepeatedasbeforearedefined.AndinTheology, legendarum&scientiarumadipiscendarum,nulla Notory Arte; which is said
thoumustoperateonlybythyself:Oftenrepeatthe rationeobliuiscaris:quiapersedictamagnumeffectum additions, I thought fitt to sett
Orations,andlookintotheNotesofTheology:this habent.Etverbissacramentalibusvisionumpoteris downe here allsoe (but by
themselves) & see to conclude
producethgreateffects.Itisnecessarythatthouhavethe frequenteroperari.Siautemvoluerisinciperedetoto in one Booke as followeth.
Noteofthe24AngelsalwayesinMemory;andfaithfully corporeartisphysicopus,sicutsuperisdefinitumest. Here followeth the additionall
keepthosethings,whichtheAngelrevealestotheeinthe Primacapitulapriusrecitanda,dequibusdataest part of the [sic] as it stands in
vision.1[90] definitioperprdicta.Sciendumestetiamquodde the beginning of the printed
exemplar: viz It then
Theologiatantumpoterisperteoperari.Notasinspice commences with the section "I
&orationesTheologispiusrepete:Etsidetoto Apollonius...."
The Experiment of the precedent work, is the beginning of [110 Incipit nova ars Salomonis.]
the following Orations, which Solomoncalleth Artem
Novam. Ista qu operis prcedentis sunt experimentum. Hoc
principium sequentium orationum est, quas orationes
TheseOrationsmaybesaidbeforeallArtsgenerally, Salomon ARTEM NOVAM appellauit.
pronouncedwithoutanyotherChapters,ifthouwouldst [111]Orationesenimistanteomnesgeneraliter&
operateinanyoftheaforesaidArts,sayingtheseOrations anteomnesnotasspecialiterdicipossunt:&debent
induetimeandorder;thoumaisthavegreatefficacyin proferrietiamsiabsquealijscapitulisdeipsaarte
anyArt.AndinsayingtheseOrations,neitherthetime, prfataoperarivoluerisipsisorationibusdictistempore
day,nor ,aretobeobserved:buttakeheed,thaton &ordinecongruo,poterisinqualibetartiummagnam
thesedayesyouabstainfromallsin,asdrunkenness, habereefficaciam.Inipsisorationibusdiscendisneque
gluttony,especiallyswearing,beforeyouproceed temporanequediesnequeLunaobseruandasunt.Sed
thereunto,thatyourknowledgethereinmaybethemore tamenilludspecialiterinipsisobseruaridebet,quia
cleerandperfect. diebusquibusorationesipsproferuntur,peccatis
WhereforeSolomonsaith,WhenIwastopronounce specialiteriuramentissuperfluis:adquasantequam
theseOrations,IfearedlestIshouldoffendGod;andI perueniatur,aliudprlibandumest,utipsarum
appointeduntomyselfatimewhereintobeginthem;that orationumplenior&perfectiorcognitio
livingchastly,Imightappearthemoreinnocent. habeatur.Vnde Salomon inquit:Egoistas

[91]ThesearetheProaemiumsoftheseOrations,thatI [112a]Istasuntearumorationumprohemia:
mightlaydowninordereverythingwhereofthoumaist antequamtameneadequibusdubitasproponere
doubt,withoutanyotherdefinition.Andbeforethoubegin disposuivtsingulasingulis[617]subordineposita,
totryanyofthesesubtileworks,itisgoodtofasttwoor absquealiquadefinitioneclarescat.
desiresbegoodorevil. Istasuntquidemetiam,dequibusdubitarenondebes
Thesearethepreceptsappointedbeforeevery vtrumtriacapitulaomnibusartissubsecontentis
operation;butifthoudoubtofanybeginning,eitherofthe debeantinassignationeprlibatatemporisproferri:
threefirstChapters,orofthefoursubsequentArts,that quiacertsicutprlibauimus,itapossunt&debent.
thoumaisthavetheeffectofperfectknowledge;ifthou Sedsciendumest,quodsecundmintentionem,quam
considerandpronouncetheOrations,astheyareabove tibiDeocollatamcredo&scio,&siceamsuperi
described,althoughthouoverpasssomthingignorantly; prlibatamtedecreuimusintueri;paucavelnullasunt
thoumaistbereconciledbythespiritualvirtueofthe dequibusoporteatdubitare.Verumtamentibiterminum
subsequentOrations. nonposuiprclarum.Prtereaquiainitiascriptorum


TheAngelsaidoftheseOrationstoSolomon:Seethe [114a]DeistisorationibusaitAngelusSalomoni.
holinessoftheseOrations;andifthouhasttransgrestany Videigiturorationumistarumsacramenta,&siquidde
thereinpresumptuouslyorignorantly,sayreverentlyand illisprsumptuosvelignorantertransgressusfuisti,
wiselytheseOrations,ofwhichthegreatAngelsaith:This dicasreuerenteratquesubtilitereasdemorationes.Etde
isagreatsacramentofGod,whichtheLordsendethto ipsisorationibusAngelusmagnusinquit:Hoc
theebymy[92]hand;atthevenerationofwhich sacramentumDeimagnumest,quodpermanummeam
sacrament,whenKingSolomonofferedwithgreat tibimittitDominus.Adcuiusvenerationemsacramenti
patiencebeforetheLordupontheAltar,hesawthebook cumrexSalomoncummagnapatientiainconspectu
coveredwithfinelinen,andinthisbookwerewritten10 Dominiofferretsuperaltare,viditlibrumsyndone
Orations,anduponeveryOrationthesignofgoldenSeal: inuolutum.&inhoclibroscriptasorationesdecem&
andheheardinhisSpirit,ThesearetheywhichtheLord supersingulasorationessignumsigilliaurei.Etaudiuit
hathfigured,andarefarexcludedfromtheheartsofthe inspiritu:hcsuntqufigurauitDominus,&qu
unfaithful. longexclusitcordibusinfidelium.

ThereforeSolomontrembledlestheshouldoffendthe TremuitergoRexSalomonneoffenderetDominum
Lord,andkeptthem,sayingitwaswickednesstoreveal &custodiuitipsasdicenseasfasnonestnecoperariin
themtounbelievers:buthethatwouldlearnanygreator ipsisininfidelibus.Sedquialiquidmagnumvel
spiritualthinginanyArtornecessaryScience,ifhe spiritualeinartibussiueinartealiquavultadipisci
cannothaveahigherwork,hemaysaytheseOrationsat alicuiusscientinecessaria.Sisuperiusopushabere
whattimesoeverhewill;thethreefirst,forthethreefirst nonpoterit.Omnitemporequandocunquevoluerithas
liberalArts;aseveralOrationforeveryseveralArt,or orationesdicat,primastresproprimistribusliberalibus
generallyallthethreeforthethreeArtsaretobesaid;and specialitersingulamorationemprosingulaarte:vel
inlikemannerthefoursubsequentOrations,forfourother generaliteromnestresproartibusdicend[618]sunt.
liberalArts.Andifthouwouldsthavethewholebodyof Item&quatuororationessubsequentesquocunque
Art,withoutanydefinitionoftime,thoumaistpronounce temporevoluerisproalijsquatuorartibusliberalibus
theseOrationsbeforetheseveral[93]Arts,andbeforethe dicassimilimodo.Etsiforttotumcorpusartishabere
OrationsandNotesoftheseArts,asoftenasthouwilt, volueris,absquealiquatemporisdefinitione,ipsas
fully,manifestlyandsecretly;butbewarethatthoulive orationespronunciarepoterisanteartessingulas,&ante
chastlyandsoberlyinthepronounciationthereof. orationes&notasearumatrium,quotiesvolueriseas

ThisisthefirstOrationofthe10,whichmaybe [115]Istaoratioestprimadedecem,qupersesine
pronouncedbyitsself,withoutanyprecedentworkto opereprcedentipossuntpronunciariadmemoriam,
acquireMemory,Eloquenceandunderstanding,and facunditatem,&intelligentiam&illarumtrium
stablenessofthesethreeandsingularlytoberehearsed stabilitatemacquirendam.Etsingulariterdebetproferri
beforethefirstfigureofTheology: anteprimamfiguramTheologi.

Omnipotent, Incomprehensible, invisible and Omnipotens, incomprehensibilis, inuisibilis &

indissolvable Lord God; I adore this day thy Holy indissolubilis Deus, adoro hodie nomen sanctum tuum: Cp.LIH.LXXXIV.

Name; I an unworthy and miserable sinner, do lift up ego indignus & miserrimus peccator extollens orationem
& intellectum meum & rationem meam ad templum tuum
my Prayer, understanding and reason towards thy
sanctum cleste, &assisto tibi hodie Deus meus,
Holy and Heavenly Temple, declaring thee, Oh Lord ostendens te Deum meum creatorem meum & saluatorem
God, to be my Creator and Saviour: and I a rational meum. Et ego rationabilis creatura, inuoco hodie
Creature do this day invocate thy most glorious gloriosissimam clementiam tuam, vt viuificet hodie
clemency, that thy Holy Spirit may vivify my Spiritus sanctus infirmitatem meam: & tu Deus meus qui
infirmity: And thou, Oh my God, who didst confer Moysi & Aaron seruis tuis per literarum elementa
the Elements of letters, and efficacious Doctrine of exterioris lingu tu efficacem doctrinam contulisti,
thy Tongue to thy Servants Moses and Aaron, confer confer hodie mihi gratiam superioris dulcedinis tu qua
the same grace of thy sweetness upon me, which thou instruxisti seruos tuos, & inuestigatione qua inuestigasti
eosdem per Prophetas, & sicut potuisti eis momentaneam
hast [94] investigated into thy Servants and Prophets: conferre doctrinam: adhibe eam doctrinam quam scire
as thou hast given them learning in a moment, confer desidero, & emunda conscientiam meam, ab operibus
the same learning upon me, and cleanse my mortuis: & mitte cor meum in viam rectam & aperi
Conscience from dead works; direct my Heart into i[llu]d ad intelligendum, & destilla intellectum meum in
the right way, and open the same to understand, and viam rectam. Et tu Domine Deus qui me ad imaginem &
drop the truth into my understanding. And thou, Oh similitudinem tuam creare dignatus es, exaudi me in tua
Lord God, who didst condescend to create me after iustitia, & doce me in tua veritate, & reple animam meam
thy own image, hear me in thy Justice, and teach me scientia tua secundm magnam misericordiam tuam, vt in
in thy truth, and fill up my soul with thy knowledge multitudine miserationum tuarum amplius me delectes &
according to thy great mercy, that in the multitude of in operibus tuis magnis, & complaceam in
administratione mandatorum tuorum: & secundm opera
thy mercies, thou maist love me the more, and the grati tu adiutus & restauratus & exaltato corde &
greater in thy works, and that I may delight in the conscienta mea emundata confidere in te, & epuler in
administration of thy Commandments; that I being conspectu tuo, & exaltem nomen tuum quod bonum est,
helped and restored by the work of thy grace, and in conspectu sanctorum tuorum. Sanctifica me hodie, vt
purified in Heart and Conscience to trust in thee, I in fide viuam & spe perfecta, & charitate constanti,
may feast in thy sight, and exalt thy name, for it is literaturam quam desidero adipiscar, & addiscam: &
good, before thy Saints, Sanctifie me this day, that I adepta scientia exaltatus,[619] corroboratus, illuminatus
diligam te & cognoscam, & scientiam & sapientiam
may live in faith, perfect in hope, and constant in
intelligam de scripturis tuis, quas hominibus sciendas
charity, and may learn and obtain the knowledge I permisisti sentiam & firmiter habeam et retineam. Iesu
desire; and being illuminated, strengthened, and Christe Fili Dei vnigenite, cui ante secula omnia dedit
exalted by the Science obtained, I may know thee, pater in manus, da mihi hodie propter nomen sanctum
and love thee, and love the [95] knowledge and tuum gloriosum & ineffabile nutrimentum corporis &
wisdome of thy Scriptures; and that I may understand anim, idoneam & perspicacem linguam liberam &
and firmly retain, that which thou hast permitted man expeditam & absolutam, vt & quicquid postulauero in tua
to know: Oh Lord Jesus Christ, eternal only begotten misericordia & voluntate & veritate disponatur: & omnis
oratio mea & actio in beneplacito tuo radicata &
Son of God, into whose hands the Father gave all
confirmata consistat. Aperi Domine Deus meus & Pater
things before all Worlds, give unto me this day, for vit me fundamentum scienti quam desidero. Aperi
thy Holy and glorious Name, the unspeakable mihi, Domine fontem quem aperuisti protoplasto Ad: &
nutriment of Soul and Body, a fit, fluent, free and quem aperuisti seruis tuis Abraham &Isaac & Iacob ad
perfect Tongue; and that whatsoever I shall ask in thy intelligendum ad discendum & ad iudicandum, su[s]cipe
mercy, will and truth, I may obtain; and confirm all pro me hodie Domine preces & orationes omnium
my Prayers and actions, according to thy good sanctorum, & sanctarum clestium virtutum, vt omnium
pleasure. Oh Lord my God, the Father of Life, open scripturarum tuarum docibilis constanter efficiar. Amen.
the Fountain of Sciences, which I desire; open to me,
Oh Lord, the Fountain which thou openedst to Adam,
and to thy Servants Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,
to understand, learn and judge; receive Oh Lord my
Prayers, through all thy Heavenly virtues, Amen.

ThenextOrationisthesecondoften,andgiveth [116]Istaoratiocumprimapronunciatadat Cp.LIHLXXXV.

Eloquence,whichoughttobesaidaftertheother;alittle facunditatem.Etestsecundaoratiodedecem&cum
intervalbetween,andbeforethefirstFigureofTheology. prcedentipronunciaridebetfactoaliquomodico
I adore thee, thou King of Kings, [96] and Lords, oratiodebetproferriantesecundamfiguramTheologi.
eternal and unchangeable King: Hearken this day to
the cry and sighing of my Heart and Spirit, that thou Adoro te rex regum & domine dominantium, rex terne
maist change my understanding, and give to me a impermutabilis, intellige hodie clamorem meum spiritus
& cordis mei gemitum, vt commutato intellectu meo, &
heart of flesh, for my heart of stone, that I may breath
dato mihi corde carneo pro lapideo respirem ante
before my Lord and Saviour; and wash Oh Lord with Dominum & Saluatorem meum. Et laua Domine interiora
thy new Spirit the inward parts of my heart, and wash mea spiritu tuo nouo intellectu carnis me malo: pone
away the evil of my flesh: infuse into me a good intellectum tuum bonum, & aufer me quod malum est,
understanding, that I may become a new man; reform commutans me in hominem nouum: vt dilectione qua
me in thy love, and let thy salvation give me increase reformasti me, salus tua mihi intelligenti tribuat
of knowledge: hear my Prayers, O Lord, wherewith I incrementum. Exaudi hodie preces meas Domine, quibus
cry unto thee, and open the Eyes of my flesh, and clamo ad te, & reuela oculos carnis me & mentis me
understanding, to understand the wonderful things of considerans & intelligens & custodiens mirabilia de
scripturis legis tu, vt viuificatus in iustificationibus tuis
thy Law; that being vivified by thy Justification, I prvaleam in conspectu adversarij fidelium diaboli.
may prevail against the Devil, the adversary of the Exaudi me Domine Deus meus & propitius esto mihi qui
faithful; hear me Oh Lord my God, and be merciful plasmasti me, & ostende hodie misericordiam tuam, &
unto me, and shew me thy mercy; and reach to me porrige mihi vas salutare, vt potem & satier de fonte
the vessel of Salvation, that I may drink and be grati tu: vt de scriptutis quas desidero hodie psallam
satisfied of the Fountain of thy grace, that I may cum intellectu & scientia & intelligam & veniat hodie
obtain the knowledge and understanding; and let the gratia Spiritus sancti & requiescat super me. Amen. [620]
grace of thy Holy Spirit come, and rest upon
me, Amen. [97]

For Eloquence and stability of mind. [117] Ista oratio dat facundiam proferenti, & Cp.LIHLXXXVI.
stabilitatem mentis.
beforethefirstFigureofAstronomy. Istaesttertiaorationdedecem,&cumaliis
I confesse my self guilty this day before thee Oh stabilitatemmentis.Istaoratiodebetpronunciariante
God, Father of Heaven and Earth, Maker of all primamfiguramartisAstronomi.
things, visible and invisible, of all Creatures,
Dispenser and Giver of all grace and virtue; who Confiteor ego tibi reus hodie Deus pater cli & terr,
conditor omnium visibilium & inuisibilium, creaturarum
hidest wisdome and knowledge from the proud and
omnium, atque virtutum omnium & gratiarum bonarum
wicked, and givest it to the faithful and humble; dispensator atque largitor. Qui obscondis sapientiam &
illuminate my Heart, and establish my Conscience scientiam, tuam superbis & reprobis (sibi non autem
and understanding: set the light of thy countenance maiestati tu fidentibus.) Humilia (Illumina) hodie cor
upon me, that I may love thee, and be established in meum, &stabilem fac intellectum meum, & mentem
the knowledge of my understanding, that I being meam, & diligentem te fac conscientiam meam, & signa
cleansed from evil works, may attain to the hodie lumen vultus tui super me, vt prorsus innouatus
knowledge of those Sciences, which thou hast intelligens efficiar & stabilis in mundatis tuis: &
emundatus ab omnibus operibus malis, preualeam in
reserved for believers. Oh merciful and omnipotent
scripturis & scientiis tuis, quas reseruasti vnic tibi
God, cleanse my Heart and reins, strengthen my Soul credentibus. O fortis & misericordissime, &
and Senses with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, and omnipotentissime Deus, vre cor, renes, internos sensus
establish me with the fire of the same grace: meos, corrobora hodie animam meam gratia Spiritus
illuminate me; gird up my loyns, and give the staffe sancti, & igne visitationis eiusdem grati tu illumina
of thy Consolation into my [98] right hand, direct me me in fortitudine stabilitatis: prcinge lumbos meos, &
in thy Doctrine, root out of me all vices and sin, and baculum confortationis tu porrige in dexteram meam, &
comfort me in the love of thy mercies: Breath into doctrinas dirige in opera mea veras: vt eradicatis sordibus
& vitiis peccatorum meorum, prualeam confortatus in
me Oh Lord the breath of Life, and increase my
dilectione misericordiarum tuarum. Inspira mihi Domine
reason and understanding; send thy Holy Spirit into
me, that I may be perfect in all knowledge: behold spiraculum vit, & auge mentem meam, & intellectum
Oh Lord, and consider the dolour of my mind, that meum, & rationem meam, & mitte Spiritum sanctum in
my will may be comforted in thee; send into me from me: vt in omnibus scripturis tuis exercitatus spiritus meus
Heaven thy Holy Spirit, that I may understand those confortetur & augeatur. Oro, respice benign, &
considera Domine hodie dolorem mentis me, vt fiat
things I desire. Give unto me invention, Oh Lord, voluntas mea confortata in te, & de clo mittere mihi
thou Fountain of perfect reason and riches of digneris in terram consolatorem Spiritum tuum, vt in
knowledge, that I may obtain wisdom by thy Divine stabilitate perfecta me muniat in pr prsenti, & in
assistance, Amen. continuatione conferat vt conforter ad ea intelligenda
qua desidero. Da inuentionem, fons omnis rationis
perfect scienti locupletissim, vt auxilio tuo sancto
hc merear obtinere, Amen.

To Comfort the outward and inward Senses. [119] Ad confortationem sensuum interiorum & Cp.LIHLXXXVIII.
Oh Holy God, mercyful and omnipotent Father,
Giver of all things; strengthen me by thy power, and O Pientissime Deus, & misericors, clemens Deus Pater,
help me by thy presence, as thou wert mercyful Deus omnipotens, omnia donans, fac mihi possibilia
to Adam, and suddenly gavest him the knowledge of omnia credenti in posse vigore tuo, & adiuua me hodie
pientissime Deus, sicut misericors fuisti Ad pnitenti,
all Arts through thy great mercy; grant unto me qui ei subitam, per omnipotenti tu misericordiam,
power to obtain the same knowledge by the same scientiam multarum agnitionum contulisti atrium: Confer
mercy: be present with me Oh [99] Lord, and instruct mihi hodie per eiusdem omnipotenci tu
me: Oh most mercyful Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, misericordiam, vt eam scientiam [621] valeam adipisci:
breath thy Holy Spirit into me, proceeding from thee Adesto clementissime pater operi hodie, & instrue me
and the Father; strengthen my work this day, and benignissim. O Domine clementissime Iesu Christe fili
teach me, that I may walk in thy knowledge, and Dei confirma aspirando in me Spiritum sanctum qui te
glorify the abundance of thy grace: Let the flames of Patre procedit: consolida opus meum hodie, & doce me,
vt ambulem in scripturis, & glorier in multitudine
thy Holy Spirit rejoyce the City of my Heart, by effluentis graci tu: vt impetus fluminis sanctissimi
breathing into me thy Divine Scriptures; replenish Spiritus ciuitatem cordis mei ltificet, diuinam
my Heart with all Eloquence, and vivify me with thy Scripturam inspirando, & repleat cor meum, omnimoda
Holy visitation; blot out of me the spots of all vices, I facundia, & visitatio sua sancta viuificet me, & deleatur
beseech thee, Oh Lord God incomprehensible; let thy in me macula omnis vitij. Te queso, Domine Deus meus
grace alwayes rest upon me, and be increased in me; incomprehensibilis, vt gratia tua semper maneat super
me, & multipliciter in me, & sanabis. Domine animam
heal my Soul by thy inestimable goodness, and
meam pietate tu instimabilis clemenci, &
comfort my heart all my life, that what I hear I may confortabis cor meum hodie, & toto tempore vit&aerlig;
understand, and what I understand I may keep, and me, vt quicquid audiero, intelligam, & quicquid
retain in my Memory; give me a teachable Heart and intellexero custodiam" & quicquid custodiero, memoriter
Tongue; through thy inexhaustible grace and teneam, & alios corde & lingua docili instruam notitiam
goodness; and the grace of the Father, Son, and Holy tu inexhaust bonitatis per hc sacramenta prfata,
Ghost, Amen. [100] cooperante gratia Patris, & Filii, & Spiritus sancti, Amen.

This following is for the Memory. [120] Hc oratio cum prcedentibus debet legi pro
O Holy Father, merciful Son, and Holy Ghost,
inestimable King; I adore, invocate, and beseech thy Pie Pater, misericors Fili, clemens Spiritus sanctus, Deus,
Holy Name, that of thy overflowing goodness, thou Rex ineffabilis & instimabilis, adoro, inuoco &
wilt forget all my sins: be mercyful to me a sinner, deprecor nomen sanctum tuum super effluentem
quitatem tuam, quatinus omnia ignoscas & indulgeas
presuming to go about this office of knowledge, and miserabilis mihi misero peccatori prsumente in officium
occult learning; and grant, Oh Lord, it may be quod aggressurus sum de literatura & occulta scientia
efficatious in me; open Oh Lord my ears, that I may cognoscenda, & fac me Domine vt efficaciter in me Cp.LIHLXXXIX.
hear; and take away the scales from my Eyes, that I vigeat & inualescat. Aperi mihi Domine Deus aures
may see: strengthen my hands, that I may work; open meas, potenter vt audiam, & exterge lutum oculorum
my face, that I may understand thy will; to the glory meorum, vt videam: dilata aures meas vt audiam:
of thy Name, which is blessed for ever, Amen. conforta manus vt operer: conforta pedes meos vt
ambulem: expandi nares meas, os meum & olfactum
meum, vt sentiam & loquar tibi placita semper, ad
honorem nominis tui, quod est benedictum in secula
seculorum, Amen.
This following strengtheneth the interiour and exteriour [121] hc oratio antequam legas, valet ad sensus
Sences. interiores & exteriores.

Lift up the senses of my Heart and Soul unto thee, Extolle sensus carnis & carnis & anim me ad te
Oh Lord my God, and elevate my heart this day unto Domine Deus meus, & eleuo cor meum hodie ad te, vt
thee; that my words and works may please thee in the placeant verba & opera mea in conspectu populi tui, &
fulgeat omnipotentia tua magna, & misericordia tua in
sight of all people; let thy mercy and omnipotency
visceribus meis, & dilatetur mens mea in me, &
shine in my bowels; let my understanding indulcescat eloquium tuum sanctum in ore meo, vt quod
be [101] enlarged, and let thy Holy Eloquence be legero vel audiero intelligam, & proferre sciam, sicut
sweet in my mouth, that what I read or hear I may Adam intellexit: sicut custodiuit Abraham, & ego Cp.LIHXC.
understand and repeat: as Adam understood, and custodiam: sicut memoriter tenuit Iacob, & ego teneam,
as Abraham kept, so letme keep understanding; and vt in scripturarum tuarum virtute fundatus, radicatus,
as Jacob was founded and rooted in thy wisedome, misericordi [622] tu fundamentum confirmatum glorier
so let me be: let the foundation of thy mercy be acquisisse & delectatus in operibus manuum tuarum,
confirmed in me, that I may delight in the works of iustitiam & pacem mentis & corporis perseueranter
adipiscar, & firme custodiam gratia Spiritus tui sancti
thy hands, and persevere in Justice, and peace of Soul Domine plenaria in me operante, vt hostium visibilium
and Body; the grace of thy Holy Spirit working in mihi aduersantium insidias atque versutias gaudeam
me, that I may rejoyce in the overthrow of all my superasse, Amen.
adversaryes, Amen.

This following giveth Eloquence, Memory and Stability. [122] Ista oration cum prcedentibus dat memoriam, Cp.LIHXCI.
facundiam & stabilitatem.
Disposer of all Kingdomes, and of all visible and
invisible gifts: Oh God, the Ordeyner and Ruler of all Omnium regnorum, visibilium quoque inuisibilium
wills, by the Counsel of thy Spirit dispose and vivify donorum dispensator, atque Deus omnium voluntatum
the weakness of my understanding, that I may burn in ordinator, consilio tui spiritus dispone, viuifica virtutem
debilem mentis me, & ardeam in accessu voluntatis
the accesse of thy Holy will to good: do good to me sanct tu ad bonum: in beneplacito autem tui facias
in thy good pleasure, not looking upon my sins; grant magnitudinem peccatorum meorum non aspiciendo:
me my desire, though unworthy; confirm my largire mihi indigno quod opto, & rationem cognoscendi,
Memory and reason to know, understand, and intelligendi, memoriter retinendi in me confirma, &
effectum bonum cum gratia sensibus meis accomoda, &
retain, [102] and give good effect to my
iustifica me in iustificatione Spiritus sancti, vt quicquid
senses through thy grace, and justify me with the ex carnis macula & labe peccati contraxerim, diuina
justification of thy Holy Spirit, that what spots soever potentia tua ineffabiliter abluat, pietas qua in principio
of sin are contracted in my flesh, thy Divine power clum & terram creare voluisti, ita spiritualis tua
may blot out; thou who hast been pleased in the misericordia restauret, qua hominem perditum ad regnum
beginning, to create the Heaven and Earth, of thy sanctissimum reuocare dignatus es: Tu Domine tua
Mercy restore the same, who art pleased to restore sapientia & scientia attingens, disponens omnia suauiter,
lost man to thy most Holy Kingdome ; Oh Lord of omnes sensus meos facundos in me restituas, vt ego
wisdome , restore Eloquence into all my senses , that indignus peccator & miser in omnibus operibus tuis
confirmatus, & perspicax & facundus, gratia Patris, &
I, though an unworthy sinner, may be confirmed in Filij, & Spiritus sancti largiente efficiar operante, qui
thy knowledge, and in all thy works, by the grace of viuis ac regnas trinus & vnus, Amen.
the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, who livest and
reignest three in one, Amen.

An Oration to recover lost wisdome. [123] Oratio hc ad recuperationem amissi ingenij Cp.LIHXCII.
debet pronunciari.
Oh God of living, Lord of all Creatures visible and
invisible, Administrator and Dispenser of all things, Deus viuorum, dominator omnium creaturarum,
enlighten my Heart this day by the grace of thy Holy visibilium & inuisibilium, administrator & fundator,
omnia omnibus, singula singulis tribuens secundm
Spirit, strengthen my inward man, and pour into me
natur facultatem. Ideo hodie gratia Spiritus sancti cor
the dew of thy grace, whereby thou instructest meum illustret & multiplicet Spiritus sanctus, &
the Angels; inform me with the plenty of thy corroboret interiorem hominem: & fcunda me rore
knowledge, wherewith from the beginning thou hast grati tu, qua Angelos instruxisti: informa me largitate
taught thy [103] faithful; let thy grace work in me, and tu scienti, quam principio fideles tuos docuisti, vt
the flouds of thy grace and Spirit, cleanse and correct operetur in me gratia septiformis, & superiori celeri
the filth of my Conscience. Thou who comest from impetu fluminis de Libano puteum conscienci me
Heaven upon the Waters of thy Majesty, confirm this corrigat, repleat & exuberet, tu qui venisti de clis super
wonderful Sacrament in me. aquas maiestatis tu, & huius sacramenti in me
confirmes mirabilia.
To obtain the grace of the Holy Spirit.
[124] Ad recuperationem gratia Spiritus sancti.
Oh Lord my God, Father of all things, who
revealest thy celestial and terrestrial secrets to thy Profiteor tibi Deus meus hodie, pater omnium, qui
secreta clestia reuelas seruis tuis, & terrena ostendis: te
Servants, I humbly beseech and implore thy Majesty, deprecor suppliciter, maiestatem tuam exoro, vt sicut tu
as thou art the King and Prince of all knowledge, es Rex & Princeps nostrarum cogitationum, exaudi hodie
hear my Prayers; and direct my works, and let my preces meas dirigenter, dignanter opera mea dirige, &
Actions prevail in Heavenly virtues, by thy Holy actiones clestium virtutum in spiritu sancto prvaleant.
Spirit: I cry unto thee, Oh God, hear my Clamor, I Clamo ad te hodie, Deus meus; exaudi clamorem meum, Cp.LIHXCIII.
sigh to thee, hear the sighings of my heart, and ingemisco ad te, exaudi gemitum cordis mei hodie, &
alwayes preserve my Spirit, Soul, and Body, under semper spiritum meum, & animam meam, & totum
the Safeguard of thy Holy Spirit; O God thou Holy corpus meum, sub tutela Angelorum tuorum prserua.
Spiritus sancte Deus, cuius charitas perpetua ac clestis,
Spirit, perpetual and Heavenly charity, whereof the
cuius possessione cli & terra plena est, aspira ad hanc
Heaven and Earth is full, breath upon my operation; operationem meam, & quod in laudis tui honorem
and what I require to thy honour and praise, grant deuot&egeave; postulo, mihi concede. Spiritus sanctus in
unto me; let thy Holy Spirit come [104] upon me, rule me veniat, & regnet & imperet, Amen.
and reign in me, Amen.

To recover intellectual wisdome. [125] Oration ad recuperationem ingenij & Cp.LIHXCIV.

Oh Lord, I thy Servant confesse my self unto thee,
before the Majesty of thy glory, in whose Spirit is all Domine ego seruus tuus nunc tibi hodie confiteor coram
Magnificence and Sanctimony: I beseech thee maiestate glori tue, in cuius Spiritu sunt omnis
magnificentia & sanctimonia: te deprecor secundm
according to thy unspeakeable Name, extend thy
merciful Ears and Eyes to the office of my operation; ineffabile nomen tuum, quatenus ad me operationis
and opening thy hand, I may be filled with the grace I officium aures tu pietatis & clemens oculos tuos
desire, and satiated with charity and goodness; accommodes, & aperiente manum tuam gratiam quam
whereby thou hast founded Heaven and Earth, who desidero satier, & fcunder charitate & claritate, qua
clum & terram fundasti, qui viuis [et regnas solus per
livest, &c. omnia secula seculorum]. Amen.

Say these Orations from the first day of the month, to Istas orationes iam dictas proferas in primo die
the fourth day: in the fourth day Alpha and Omega, and mensis, vsque ad quartum diem: in quarta autem
that following it, viz. Helischemat azatan; As it is in the solas seqientes Alpha & omega, & illam sequentem,
beginning: afterwards say, s*il. Helischemat azatan, vt habetur in principio.
Compare LIH XVII.
Theos Megale patyr, ymas heth heldya, hebeath [10] Theos Megale patyr ymas heth heldya hebeath
heleotezygel, Salatyel, Salus, Telli, Samel, Zadaziel, heleotezygel Salatyel salus telh samel zadaziel zadan
Zadan, Sadiz Leogio, Yemegas, Mengas, Omchon Sadiz leogio yemegas mengas omchon Myeroym Ezel
Ezely yegrogamal Sameldach Somelta sanay
Myeroym, Ezel, Ezely, Yegrogamal, Sameldach,
Geltonama hanns Simon salte patyr osyon hate
Somelta, Sanay, Geltonama, Hanns, [105] Simon haylos, Amen.
Salte, Patyr, Osyon, Hate, Haylos, Amen.
Oh light of the World immense God, &c.** O lux mundi Deus immense &c. ** This paragraph is given in
full on page 9. It is described as
the exposition of the preceding
Oration. It occurs here in full in
S, but in R.T. and H it occurs in
the beginning, worded slightly
differently, O God, the light of
the world, Father of immense

Hereby is increased so much Eloquence, that nothing is Tanta facundia per hanc adaugetur, vt nihil supra. Cf.LIHXXandXXI.
above it.
Thezay lemach ossanlomach azabath azach azare
gessemon relaame azathabelialbeliarsonor tintingote
Thezay lemach ossanlomach azabath azach azare amussiton sebamay halbuchyre
gessemon relaameazathabelial biliarsonor tintingote gemaybe tedayl hermayltextos sepha pamphilos
amussiton sebamay halbuchyre gemaybe redayl Cytrogoomon bapada lampda yochim yochyle
tahencior yastamor Sadomegol gyeleiton zomagon
hermayl textossepha pamphilos Cytrogoomon
Somasgei baltea achetom gegerametos halyphala
bapadalampdayochim yochyle tahencior yastamor semean utangelsemon barya therica getraman
Sadomegol gyeleiton zomagon Somasgei sechalmata balnat hariynos haylos halos genegat
baltea achetom gegerametos halyphala semean gemnegal saneyalaix samartaix camael [624] satabmal
utangelsemon barya therica getraman sechalmata simalena gacyach salmancha sabanon salmalsay
balnat hariynos haylos halos genegat gemnegal silimacroton zegas me bacherietas zemethim
saneyalaix samartaix camael satabmal theameabal gezorabal craton henna glungh hariagil
simalenagaycyah salmancha sabanon parimegos zamariel leozomach rex maleosia mission
zebmay aliaox gemois sazayl neomagil Xe Xe Sepha
salmalsay silimacroton zegasme bacherietas
caphamal azeton gezain holhanhihala semeanay
zemethim theameabal gezorabal craton henna gehosynon caryacta gemyazan zeamphalachin
glungh hariagil parimegos zamariel leozomach rex zegelaman hathanatos, semach gerorabat syrnosyel,
maleosia mission zebmay aliaox gemois sazayl halaboem hebalor halebech ruos sabor ydelmasan
neomagil Xe Xe Sepha caphamal azeton gezain falior sabor megiozgoz neyather pharamshe forantes
holhanhihala semeanay gehosynon caryacta saza mogh schampeton sadomthe nepotz minaba
gemyazan zeamphalachin zegelaman hathanatos, zanon suafnezenon inhancon maninas gereuran
semach [106] gerorabat syrnosyel, halaboem hebalor gethamayh passamoth theon beth sathamac
hamolnera galsemariach nechomnan regnali phaga
halebech ruos sabor ydelmasan falior
messyym demogempta teremegarz salmachaon
sabor megiozgoz neyather pharamshe forantes saza alpibanon balon septzurz sapremo sapiazte baryon
mogh schampeton sadomthe nepotz minaba zanon aria vsyon sameszion sepha athmiti sobonan
suafnezenon inhancon maninas gereuran gethamayh Armissiton tintingit telo ylon vsyon, Amen.
passamoth theon beth sathamac hamolnera
galsemariach nechomnan regnali phaga Azay lemach azae gessemon thelamech azabhaihal
messyym demogempta teremegarz salmachaon sezyon traheo emagal gyeotheon samegon pamphilos
alpibanon balon septzurz sapremo sapiazte baryon sitragramon limpda iachim alna hasios genonagal
aria usyon sameszion sepha athmiti sobonan samalayp camiel secal hanagogan heselemach getal
sam sademon sebmassan traphon oriaglpan thonagas
Armissiton tintingit telo ylon usyon, Amen.
tyngen amissus coysodaman assonnap senaly sodan
Azay lemach azae gessemon thelamech azabhaihal alup theonantriatos copha anaphial Azathon azaza
sezyon traheo emagal gyeotheon samegon pamphilos hamel hyala saraman gelyor synon banadacha
gennam sassetal maga halgozaman setraphangon
sitragramon limpda jachim alna hasios genonagal
zegelune Athanathay senach zere zabal somayel
samalayp camiel secal hanagogan heselemach getal leosamach githacal halebriatos Iaboy del masan
sam sademon sebmassan traphon oriaglpan thonagas negbare phacamech schon nehooz cherisemach
tyngen amissus coysodaman assonnap senaly sodan gethazayhy amilya semem ames gemay passaynach
alup theonantriatos copha anaphial tagayl agamal fragal mesi themegemach samalacha
Azathon azaza hamel hyala saraman gelyor synon nabolem zopmon vsyon felam semessi theon, Amen.
banadacha gennam sassetal maga halgozaman
setraphangon zegelune Athanathay senach zere zabal
somayel leosamach githacal halebriatos Jaboy del
masan negbare phacamech schon
nehooz cherisemach gethazayhy amilya semem ames
gemay passaynach tagayl agamal [107] fragal mesi
themegemach samalacha nabolem zopmon usyon
felam semessi theon, Amen.

The third part, the sign Lemach. Sequitur tertia pars signum Lemach.

Lemach sabrice elchyan gezagan tomaspin hegety Lemach sabrice elchyan gezagan tomaspin hegety Cf.LIHXXIIandXXIII.
gemial exyophyam soratum salathahom bezapha gemial exyophyam soratum salathahom bezapha
saphatez Calmichan samolich lena zotha phete him saphatez Calmichan samolich lena zotha phete him
hapnies sengengeon lethis, Amen.
hapnies sengengeon lethis, Amen.

For the memory. Ad Memoriam. Cf.LIHXXIVandXXV.

Oh great invisible God, Theos patyr behominas Deus summe inuisibilis Theos patyr behominas
Cadagamias imas per sanctos angelos tuos, qui Michal
Cadagamias imas by thy Holy Angels, who id medicina Dei, Raphal, fortitudo Dei: Gabriel
are Michael the Medicine of God; Raphael the ardens holy per amassay Cherubin gelommetos
Fortitude of God, Gabriel ardens holy per Amassan, Seraphin gedabanan tochrosi gade anathon. zatraman
zamanary gebrienan plenitudo sancte Cherubins per
Cherubin, Gelommeios, Sezaphim gedabanan,
omnes tuos angelos, & per omnes tuos archangelos
tochrosi gade anathon, zatraman zamanary gloriosos, quorum nomina Deo consecrata, qu
gebrienam: Oh fulness, Holy Cherubins, by all thy nobis[625] proferri non debent, qu sunt hc, dichal,
Angels, and by all thy glorious Arch-angels, whose dehel depymon exluse exmegon pharconas pharconas
Names are consecrated by God, which ought not to Nanagon hosiyel ozogon gathena ramon garbona
be spoken by us, which are these, dichal, vramani Mogon hamas:
deheldepymon exluse exmegon pharconas Nanagon
hossyelozogon gathena ramon garbona & qu humani sensus apprehendere non possunt, te
vramani Mogon hamas; [108] Which humane sence quso Domine, illumina conscientiam meam splendore
tui luminis, & illustra, & confirma intellectum meum
cannot apprehend: I beseech thee, Oh Lord illuminate odore suauitatis Spiritus sancti, adorna animam meam, vt
my Conscience with the Splender of thy light, and audiam, & audita memoriter teneam, reforma cor meum
illustrate and confirm my understanding with the Domine, placa piissime viscera mea, memoriam, aperi
sweet odor of thy Spirit; adorne my Soul, reform my mitissime os meam: tempera benignissime linguam
heart, that hearing I may understand, and retain what meam per gloriosum & ineffabile nomen tuum, qui es
I hear in my Memory. Oh mercyful God, appease my fons totius pietatis, habeas patientiam in me, &
bowels, strengthen my Memory, open my mouth memoriam da mihi, &c.
mercifully; temperate my Tongue by thy glorious and
unspeakable Name: thou who art the Fountain of all
goodness, have patience with me, and give a good
Memory unto me, &c.

SaytheseOrationsinthefourth ,viz.Hely Istorationesquartaluna,sc.Helyschemath:

schemath,AlphaandOmega,Theosmegale.Ohlightof Alpha&omega,Theosmegale.Olux
theWorldAzalemach,greatGodIbeseechthee:These mundi,Azaylemach,Deussummetequso:Debent
oughttobesaidinthe8,12,10[*16],20,24,28,30.and proferriin8.&12.&
morningonce,thethirdhouronce,theninthonce,and quibuslibetlunationibusproferasquater,insummo
onceintheevening;andintheotherdayesrehearsenone, manesemel,circatertiamsemel,circanonamsemel,
butthemofthefirstday,whichareAlphaand circavesperassemel.Etnota,qudinaliisdiebus
Omega,Helyschemat,Almighty,incomprehensible,I nunquamproferas,sedillasquasprotulistiprimadie,
adorethee;[109]Iconfessemyselfguilty:OTheos qusunt:Alpha&omegahelyschemat,Omnipotens
hazamagiel:OhmercyfulLordGod,raiseupthesencesof incomprehensibilis,Adorote:Confiteoregoreus,o
myflesh:OhGodofallliving,andofallKingdomes,I Theoshazamagiel,DomineDeusmisericors,extolle
confesseOhLordthisday,thatIamthyservant.Rehearse sensuscarnis,omniumregnorumDeusviuorum:
theseOrationsalsointheotherdayesfourtimes,oncein confiteorhodietibiDomineegoseruustuus.Illas
themorning,onceintheevening,onceaboutthethird orationesiamdictasproferasinaliisdiebusinsummo
hour,andonceontheninth;Andthoushaltacquire manesemel,circatertiamsemel,circanonamsemel,
Memory,Eloquenceandstabilityfully,Amen. circavesperassemel:Etsicacquiresmemoriamtantam

The Conclusion of the whole work, and Confirmation of Conclusio operis totius, & confirmatio scienti
the Science obtained. acquisit.

Oh God, Maker of all things; who hast created all Conditor omnium rerum Deus, qui cuncta ex nihilo
things out of nothing; who hast wonderfully created creasti: qui gradatim omnia mirabiliter ordinando fecisti
the Heaven and Earth, and all things by degrees in in principio clum & tetram, & cum tuo Filio, per quem
omnia facta sunt, in quo omnia finaliter rect retinentur,
order, in the beginning, with thy Son, by whom all
qui Alpha & Omega nuncupatis, te quso, lict indignus
things are made, and into whom all things shall at peccatur, vt ad finem optatum in hac sacratissima arte
last return: Who art Alpha and Omega: I beseech thee pos-
though a sinner, & unworthy, that I may attain to my sim celeriter peruenite, & non in peccatis meis exigenti-
desired end in this Holy Art, speedily, and not lose bus valeam amittere, cum bono fiat mihi secundm illam
the same by my sins; but do good unto [110] me, ineffabilem misericordiam tuam: quia non secundm pec-
according to thy unspeakable mercy: who doth not to cata nostra fecit nobis Deus, neque secundm
us after our sins, nor rewardeth us iniquitates nostras retribuat no-
after our iniquities, Amen. bis, Amen.

Confirmatio cum conclusione flexis genibus deuot
Oh wisdome of God the Father incomprehensible, Oh dicas semper in fine.
most mercyful Son, give unto me of thy
O Sapientia DEI Patris incomprehensibilis, Fili
ineffable mercy, great knowledge and wisdome, as clementissime, tribue mihi per ineffabilem misericordiam
thou didst wonderfully bestow all Science to summ scienti bonum, sicut mirabiliter omnem
King Solomon, not looking upon his sins or scientiam Regi Salomoni dignatus es largiri, non
wickedness, but thy own mercies: wherefore I aspiciendo eius scelera vel peccata, sed misericorditer Theendofthefirstpartof
implore thy mercy, although I am a most vile and futurorum donum. Proinde clementissime deprecor & ArsNotoria/Thesecond
unworthy sinner, give such an end to my desires in exoro, quatenus mihi vilissimo peccatori aperias part/OftheliberallSciences
this art, whereby the hands of thy bounty may be misericordiarum tuarum largitatem, & in hac arte tribuas andotherthingswhichmay
mihi talem finem, per quem in me manus tu largitatis behadbythisArtand
enlarged towards me, and that I may the more continueswiththatchapter
potenter largiatur, vt ab hac media via impia valeat
devoutly walk by thy light in thy wayes, and be a constringere, & per lumen & semitas tuas valeam (seeabove,pp).
good example to others; by which all that see mee, deuotius ambulare, & iube me aliis inde exemplum
and hear me, may restrain themselves from their tribuere, per quod possint omnes qui viderint me, &
vices, and praise thy holyness through all audiuerint, vitiis resilire, & per cuncta pi secula
Worlds, Amen. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, &c. laudare, Amen. Sit nomen Domini benedictum. &c.

rehearsethesetwoOrationsalwayesintheend,to Hasduasorationessemperinfineproferas,vt
confirmthyknowledgegained.2 confirmentintescientiamacquisitam.

Benedictio loci.
The Benediction of the place.
Benedic Domine locum istum, vt sit in eo sancta
sanctitas, castitas, mensuetudo, virtus, victoria,
Blesse Oh Lord this place, that there may be in it sanctimonia, humilitas, bonitas, plenitudo, legis
Holy Sanctity, chastity, meekness, victory, holiness, obedientia Patri, Filio, & Spiritui sancto. Exaudi me
humility, goodness, plenty, obedience of the Law, to Domine sancte Pater omnipotens terne Deus, & mittere
digneris sanctum Angelum tuum Michalem, qui me
the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Hear Oh Lord, holy
custodiat, protegat, foueat, & visitet me habitantem in
Father, Almighty eternal God; and send thy Holy hoc habitaculo, per eum qui. &c.
Angel Michael, who may protect, keep, preserve and
visit me, dwelling in this Tabernacle, by him who
liveth, &c.

Whenyouwouldoperate,haverespecttothe Sivisoperari,necesseestinspicerelunationes.Isti
Lunations:theyaretobechoseninthosemoneths,when mensessunteligendi,inquibus regnatin , vt
the Rulesin and ,inthesemoneths Augustus,Iunius,Iulius,& entein in
youmaybegin. istissignisincipias.

IntheNameoftheLordbeginneththismostHolyArt, INNomineDominiincipitARS
AngelupontheAltar,thattherebysuddenlyinashort sanctissima,quamAltissimusDEVSSalomoni
spaceoftime,hewasestablishedintheknowledgeofall superaltareperAngelumministrauit,vtpereamsubit,
Sciences;andknow,thatintheseOrationsarecontained &perbreuetempusinomniscientiafundaretur,&
allSciences,Lawfulandunlawful;First,ifyoupronounce scias,inhisorationibuscontineriscientiaslicitas&
theOrationsofMemory,Eloquence,[112]and illicitas.Prim,siorationespertinentesadmemoriam&
understanding,andthestabilitythereof;theywillbe eloquentiam&intelligentiam,&adillorumstabilitatem
mightilyincreased,insomuchthatyouwillhardlykeep protuleris,augebunteaomnia,itaqudvixlinguam
silence;forbyawordallthingswereCreated,andbythe reseruarepoteris:quoniamomniainsoloverbocreata
virtueofthatwordallcreatedbeingsstand,andevery sunt,&soloverbostantomniacreata,&omne
Sacrament,andthatWordisGod.Thereforeletthe sacramentum,&Deusestipsumverbum.Credatergo
Operatorbeconstantinhisfaith,andconfidentlybelieve, operanspossehaberitantamscientiam&
thatheshallobtainsuchknowledgeandwisdome,inthe sapientiam[627]inproferendisorationibushis,quia
pronouncingtheseOrations,forwithGodnothingis petentifirmafide,omniapossibiliaapudDEVM,vt
impossible:thereforelettheOperatorproceedinhiswork, obtineat.Itemoperansprocedatinopere,fide,spe,&
withfaith,hope,andaconstantdesire:firmlybelieving; desiderio,scilicetquodhabeatfirmamspem,rectam
becausewecanobtainnothingbutbyfaith;Therforehave fidem,charitatemperfectam,&magnumdesiderium
nodoubtinthisOperation,whereoftherearethreespecies firmitercredendo,quianihilhabemusnisiperfidem.
wherebytheArtmaybeobtained. Ideononestdubitanduminhuiusartisoperatione.Et

ThefirstspeciesisOration,andreasonofaGodly PrimaspeciesestOration.&estpimentisratio,in
mind,notbyattemptingavoyceofdeprecation,butby vocemdeprecationisnontentando,sedlegendoinsua
readingandrepeatingthesameintheinwardparts.The interioraprorumpens.Secundaspeciesestieiunium,&
secondspeciesisfastingandpraying,fortheprayingman orantemexaudiDEVShominem.Tertiaspeciesest
Godheareth.Thethirdspeciesischastity;hethatwould castitas,quivulthancartemoperari,videatqudsitad
operateinthisArt,lethimbecleanandchastby[113]the minusmundusadoperisimplementumpernouemdies.
spaceofninedayesatleast;andbeforeyoubegin,itis Anteartisinceptionem,cminprimisoperarivis,
necessarythatyouknowthetimeofthe .forinthe necesseestvtpossiscognoscereLunamprimam,
primeofthe .itispropertooperateinthisArt:and quandovidelicetLunaestintactuprimo,tuncinista
whenyoubeginsosacredanArt,haveacaretoabstain arteest.Videergoquandoincipisoperariduosante
fromallmortalsins,atleastwhileyouareproceedingin mansionem,&adsuscipiendumtamsaetatissimum
thisworkuntilitbefinishedandcompleated:andwhen opus,&confitearisquamtmeliuspoteriscreatori,&
youbegintooperate,saythisversekneeling: vlteriusdebescauerepeccatismortalibus:&adminus
Lift up the light of thy Countenance upon me, Oh Lord my duminceperisoperari,dicflexisgenibushuncversum:
God, and forsake not me thy servant N. that trusts in thee:
Illumina Domine vultum tuum super me Domine deus
meus, & non derelinquas me N. sperantem in te.

ThensaythreetimesPaterNoster,&c.Andassertthat EtdictribusvicibusPaternoster.Ettuncpinequd
thouwiltnevercommitwilfullperjury,butalwayes periuriumvoluntatumnunquamvelisperpetrare,sed
persevereinfaithandhope.Thisbeingdone,withbended semperinfide,spevelisperseuerare.Hocfacto,flexis
kneesintheplacewhereinthouwiltoperate,say, genibusdicinilloloco,inquovelisoperari:

Our help is in the Name of the Lord, who hath made Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini, qui fecit clum
Heaven and earth: And I will enter into the Invocation of the & terram: & introibo ad inuocationem Altissimi, ad eum
most high, unto him who enlightneth and purifieth my Soul qui illustret, purificet animam & conscientiam meam.
and Conscience, which dwelleth under the help of the most Qui habitat in adiutorio Altissimi, in protectione Dei cli
high, and continueth under the protection of the God of commorabitur. Aperi Domine quso dubia cordis mei, &
Heaven: O Lord open and unfold the doubts of my Heart, mutabis me in nouum hominem dilectionis tu, est (?)
and [114] change me into a new man by thy love: be thou Oh mihi Domine fides recta: spes vit, charitas perfecta, ad
Lord unto me true faith, the hope of my life, and perfect enarrandum mirabilia tua. Oremus.
charity, to declare thy wonders. Let us pray:

Oh God my God, who from the beginning hast Deus qui es Deus meus, principio omnia creasti ex
Created all things out of nothing, and reformest all nihilo, qui Spiritu tuo omnia reformasti, restaura
things by thy Spirit; restore my Conscience, and heal conscientiam meam, & sana intellectum meum, vt
glorificem te per omnia opera mea cogitationum &
my understanding, that I may glorify thee in all my
verborum: conscientiam emenda per eum qui tecum viuit
thoughts, words and deeds; through him who liveth in ternum.
and reigneth with thee forever,Amen.

NowintheNameofChrist,onthefirstdayofthe NuncinCHRISTInomineprimadiementis,inquo
Month,inwhichthouwouldstacquireMemory, visacquirerememoriam,facundiam,&intelligentiam,
EloquenceandUnderstanding,andstabilitythereof,with &illarumstabilitatemcumcordeperfecto,corde
aperfect,goodandcontriteheart,andsorrowforthysins contrito,cumdoloredepeccatisperpetratis,corde
committed;thoumaistbegintopronouncetheseOrations bono,&[628]optimo:incipiasproferreistasorationes
following,whichappertaintotheobtainingofMemory qusequuntur,qupertinentadmemoriaminomnem
andallSciences,andwhichwerecomposedanddelivered scientiamhabendam,&qucompositsunt&delat
bytheAngeltoSolomon,fromthehandofGod. SalomoniperAngelummanuDei.

ThefirstandlastOrationofthisart,isAlphaand Primaoratio&vltimahuiusartis.Alpha&:Deus
Omega:OhGodomnipotent,&c.[115] omnipotens,&c.

ThisfollowingisanOrationoffourLanguages,which Hancsequidebetoratioquatuorlinguarum,quest
isthis: hc:

Hely, Schemat, Azatan, honiel sichut, tam, imel, Hely, Schemat, Azatan, honiel sichut tam, imel,
Iatatandema, Jetromiam, Theos: Oh Holy and strong Iatatandema, Ietromiam, theos,Deus pie &
God, Hamacha, mal, Gottneman, Alazaman, Actuaar, fortis, Hamacha, mal, Gottneman, Alazaman, Actuaar,
Secheahal, Salmazan, zay, zojeracim, Lam hay, Secheahal, Salmazan, zay, zoieracim, Lam hay,
Masaraman, grensi zamach, heliamat, seman, selmar,
Masaraman, grensi zamach, heliamat, seman, yetrosaman muchaer, vesar, hasarian Azaniz, Azamet
selmar, yetrosaman muchaer, vesar, hasarian Azaniz, Amathemach, hersomini, & tu sacrosancte pie Deus, &
Azamet, Amathemach, hersomini. And thou most incomprehensibilis in omnibus operibus qu sunt sancta,
Holy and just God, incomprehensible in all thy iusta & bona, magol, Achelmetor, samalsace, yana,
works, which are Holy just and good; Magol, Eman, & cogige, maimegas, zemmail, Azanietan,
Achelmetor, samalsace, yana, Eman, and cogige, illebatha sacraman, reonas, grome, zebaman,
maimegas, zemmail, Azanietan, illebatha sacraman, zeyhoman, zeonoma, melas, heman, hathoterma,
reonas, grome, zebaman, zeyhoman, zeonoma, melas, yatarmam, semen, semetary,Amen.
heman, hathoterma, yatarmam, semen,
semetary, Amen.

ThisOrationoughttofollowthefirstofthetenabove Hancsequidebetoratioprimadedecem,quam
To perform any work. superiusinuenies.

ThisistofollowthethirdOrationabove: Ad omne opus agendum.

I confesse, O Theos hazamagielgezuzan, sazaman, Hcscribidebuitsuperiusposttertiamorationem,

Sathaman, getormantas, salathiel, nesomel, megal
vuieghama, yazamir, zeyhaman, hamamal amna, Confiteor. O Theos hazamagiel gezuzan, sazaman,
nisza, [116] deleth, hazamaloth, moy pamazathoran Sathaman, getormantas, salathiel, nesomel, megal
vuieghama, yazamir, zeyhaman, hamamal amna,
hanasuelnea, sacromomem, gegonoman, nisza, deleth, hazamaloth, moy pamazathoran
zaramacham Cades bachet girtassoman, gyseton hanasuelnea, sacromomem, gegonoman, zaramacham
palaphatos halathel Osachynan machay, Amen. Cades bachet girtassoman gyseton palaphatos
halathel Osachynan machay, Amen.

Thisisatrueandapprovedexperiment,tounderstand EXPERIMENTVMverum&probatumad
allArtsandsecretsoftheWorld,tofindoutanddigup intelligendumomnesartes&secretatotiusmundi,&
mineralsandtreasure;thiswasrevealedbytheHeavenly onemthesaurum&mineraliaeffodipossunt:hocde
AngelinthisNotoryArt.ForthisArtdothalsodeclare angeloclestireuelaqturinhacartenotoria.Narrat
thingstocome,andrendereththesensecapableofallarts etiamhcarsdecontingentibusfuturisque:sensusque
inashorttime,bytheDivineusethereof. reddithabilesadomnesartes,breuisubcompendio,
Wearetospeakalsoofthetimeandplace.First dicendumestdetempore&loco.Primautemomnia
therefore,allthesepreceptsaretobeobservedandkept; prceptaconseruandaerunt,debetqueoperansesse
andtheOperatoroughttobeclean,chaste,torepentofhis purus,&sanctaconfessioneprimapnituisse,&
sins,andearnestlydesiretoceasefromsinningasmuchas ampliuspeccatiscessarecupiens,veletiamsilaicus
maybe;andsolethimproceed,andeveryworkshallbe tractatusqualescunquevolueritinuestigare,tali
investigatedintohim,bythedivineministery. conditionevtest,procedat,&plenariinuestigabit

WhenthouwiltoperateinthenewMoon,kneelingsay CmigituroperarivoluerisinNouilunio,cmprimo
thisverse:LiftupthelightofthyCountenanceuponus, eaminspicis,dicflexisgenibushuncversum:Illumina
OhGod,andforsakeusnot,OhLordourGod.1Thensay Dominevultumtuumsupernos,&nederelinquasnos 1. See p. 113.
threetimesthe[117]PaterNoster:Andafterwardslethim Domine[629]Deusnoster,&dictribusvicibusPater 2. Note Turner's omission of
vowuntoGod,thathewillnevercommitwilfullperjury, noster.EtposthocvouetDeo,qudnunquam the reference to the Catholic
butalwayespersistin[theCatholic]2faith.Thisbeing voluntariumperiuriumvoletperpetreare,&qud faith.
done,atnightsaywithbendedkneesbeforethybed,Our semperinfideCatholicavelitperseuerare.Hocfactode
3. See pp. 113-4.
helpisintheNameoftheLord,&c.3andthis noctegenibusflexisdicantelectumtuum:Adiutorium
Psalm;Whosodwellethundertheshadowofthewingsof nostruminnomineDomini,&c.EtPsalmum,Qui 4. Ps. 91 (90 in the Vulgate).
themosthigh,4totheend;andtheLordsPrayer,andthe habitatinadiutorioaltissimi,vsqueadfinem,&
Prayerfollowing. orationemDominicam,&orationemsequentem.

Theos Pater vehemens; God of Angels, I Pray and Theos patir vehemens, angelorum Deus, rogo & inuoco
invocate thee by thy most Holy Angels Eliphamasay, te per sanctissimos Angelos tuos Eliphamasay Cf.LIHXXIVXXV.The
gelomicros gedobonai Saromana elomnia: et per missingwordscorrespond
Gelomiros, Gedo bonay, Saranana, Elomnia, and by withthefollowinginLIH:
angelos tuos, quorum adeo consecrata sunt nomina, vt
all thy Holy Names, by us not to be pronounced, "Deihel.Dehel.Depymo.
nobis proferri non debent, qu sunt h: de: el: x p n k h Dein.Hel.Exluso.Depymon.
which are these: de. el. x p n k h t li g y y. not to be t li g y y de humanis sensibus fari non possunt, nec Helynon.Exmogon.
spoken, or comprehended by humane sense; I comprehendi, Parineos.Exmegan.
beseech thee cleanse my Conscience with the Pheleneos.Nauagen.Hosyel.
Splendor of thy Name; illustrate and confirm my Te queso munda conscientiam meam splendore nominis Dragon.Garbona.Rathion.
understanding with the sweet savour of thy Holy tui, illustra & confirma intellectum meum per Spiritum Monyham.Megonhamos."

Spirit: O Lord Adorne my Soul, that I may sanctum in odore suauitatis: adorna Domine animam
understand and perfectly remember what I hear; meam, vt audita intelligam, & intellecta memoriter
teneam: Reforma Domine cor meum, restaura Domine
reform my Heart, and restore my Heart,and restore
Deus sensum meum, placa piissime Deus viscera mea,
my sense Oh Lord God, and heal my bowels: open aperi mitissime os meum, tempera piissime linguam
my mouth most merciful God, and frame and temper meam ad laudem & gloriam nominis tui, per gloriosum &
my Tongue to [118] the praise and glory of thy Name, inffabile nomen tuum Domine, qui es fons bonitatis, &
by thy glorious and unspeakeable Name. O Lord, totius pietatis origo, habe patientiam in me, & da mihi
who art the Fountain of all goodness, and original of verum intellectum, scilicet non plus sapere qu oportet,
all piety, have patience with me, and give unto me a & istud memoriter retinere, tu qui peccantem non statim
iudicas, sed pnitentiam misertus expectas, te quso
true understanding, to know whatsoever is fitting for indignus, vt facinorum & scelerum meorum squalores
me, and retain the same in Memory: thou who dost abstergas, & me petitione tanta per angelorum tuorum
not presently Judge a sinner, but mercifully expectest virtutes, de quibus prfatus sum, efficacem facias, ad
repentance; I beseech thee, though unworthy, to wash laudem & gloriam tui nominis, qui in Trinitate perfecta
away the filth of my sins and wickedness, and grant viuis ac regnas Deus, per omnia secula seculorum, Amen.
me my petitions, to the praise and glory of thy Holy
Name; who livest and reignest one God in perfect
Trinity, World without end, Amen.

Some other precepts to be observed in this work. Sequuntur alia prcepta in hoc opere seruanda.

Fastthedayfollowingwithbreadandwater,andgive Sequentidieieiunainpane& dando

Almes;ifitbetheLord'sday,thengivedoubleAlmes;be eleemosynam,&sifueritdiesDominicus,tuncduplica
cleaninbodyandmind;boththyself,andputonclean eleemosynam,&expiabitieiunium,sismundusin
Cloaths.[119] corpore&anima,&sifueritferialisdies,balneare,&
The processe follows.
Sequitur processus.
ProblemeorQuestion,withbendedknees,beforethybed, Cmergooperarevoluerisdealiqupdifficili
makeConfessionuntoGodtheFather;andhavingmade problemate,seuqustione,flexisgenibusantelectum
thyConfession,saythisOration. tuumpurconfitereDeoPatri,factaqueconfessionedic

Send Oh Lord thy wisdome to assist me, that it may Mitte Domine sedium tuarum assistricem
be with me, and labour with me, and that I may Sapientiam, [630] vt mecum sit & mecum laboret, &
alwayes know what is acceptable before thee; and sciam quid acceptum sit coram te omni tempore, & mihi
that unto me N. may be manifested the truth of this N. manifestetur veritas huius qustionis vel artis.
question or Art.

Thisbeingdone,Thriceinthedayfollowing,when Hocdicto,terindiesequenticmsurrexeris
thourisest,givethankstoGodAlmighty,saying,Glory regratiareteoportetDEOomnipotentidicendo.Gloria,
andhonour,andbenedictionbeuntohimthatsittethon &honor,&benedictiositsedentisuperthronum,
theTrone,andthatlivethforeverandever,Amen.with viuentiinseculaseculorum,AMEN.Flexisgenibus,&
bendedkneesandstretchedouthands. manibusexpansis.

Butifthoudesiresttounderstandanybook,askof Siautemvoluerishaberenotitiamalicuiuslibri,
somethathathknowledgetherein,whatthatbooktreateth qureabaliquosciente,vndetractatliber:hocfacto
of:Thisbeingdone,openthebook,andreadinit;and aperilibruminipsolegendo,postoperarevtprius
operateasatfirstthreetimes,andalwayeswhenthou dictumest,tribusvicibus,&sempercmisdormitum,
goesttosleep,write[,andafterwards,]Alphaand scribe&posteaverAlpha&Omega,&indextro
Omega,[120]andafterwardssleeponthyrightside, latereobdormiaslocandopalmamsubtusaurem:&
puttingthepalmeofthyhandunderthyEar,andthou videbissomniariomniaquoptabis.Etaudiesvocem
shaltseeinadreamallthingsthoudesirest;andthoushalt personteinformantibusinillolibro,velinalia
hearthevoyceofoneinformingandinstructingtheein facultatequacunque,dequaoperaris.Factoautem
thatbook,orinanyotherfacultywhereinthouwilt manaperilibruminipsolegendo,&statimhabebis
operate:Andinthemorning,openthebook,andread eiusintellectum,acsilongotemporisvsuinipso
therein;andthoushaltpresentlyunderstandthesame,asif studuisses,&semperregraciareDeosicutdictumest.

AfterwardsonthefirstdaysaythisOration: Posteprimadiedichancorationem.

Oh Father, Maker of all Creatures; by thy O pater creaturarum omnium opifex, per tuam
unspeakeable power wherewith thou hast made all ineffabilem potentiam, qua omnia condidisti, excita
things, stir up the same power, and come and save potentiam tuam & veni ad me saluandum, protegendo me
me, and protect me from all adversity of Soul and ab omni aduersitate corporis & anim. Amen. De Filio
ver. CHRISTI Fili Dei viui, qui es splendor & figura
Body, Amen. Of the Son say, O Christ, Son of the
luminis, apud quem non est transmutatio, nec
living God, who art the splendor and figure of light, vicissitudinis obumbratio, tu verbum Dei altissimi, tu
with whom there is no alteration nor shaddow of sapientia Patris, aperi mihi indigno famulo tuo N. venas
change; Thou Word of God most high, thou wisdome Spiritus salutaris, vt sapienter intelligam, & intellecta
of the Father; open unto me, thy unworthy memoriter teneam, vt enarrem vniuersa mirabilia tua. O
servant N. the veins of thy saving Spirit, that I may sapientia qui ex ore Altissimi prodiisti, attingens fine
wisely understand, retain in Memory, and vsque ad finem fortiter, suauiter disponensque omnis,
declare [121] all thy wonders: Oh wisdome, who veni ad docendum me viam prudenti. Deus qui
discipulis tuis sanctum dedisti Spiritum, & eorum corda
proceedest out of the mouth of the most high,
illustrare & docere dignatus es, tribue mihi indigno
powerfully reaching from end to end, sweetly famulo tuo N. in eodem Spiritu rect sapere, & in eius
disposing of all things in the World, come and teach consolatione semper gaudere.
me the way of prudence and wisdome. Oh Lord
which didst give thy Holy Spirit to thy Disciples, to
teach and illuminate their Hearts, grant unto me thy
unworthy servant N. the same Spirit, and that I may
alwayes rejoyce in his consolation.
1. Ps. 51 (KJV); Vulgate Ps.
Other precepts. Alia prcepta. 50.

2. Ps. 31 (KJV); Vulgate Ps.

HavingfinishedtheseOrations,andgivenAlmes, Finitisistisorationibus,&datiseleeosynis,deuot 30.
whenthouentrestintothyChamber,devoutlykneeldown cmintraueriscubiculumtuum,prosternasteante
beforethybed,sayingthisPsalm:Havemercyuponme, lectumtuum,dicendoPsalmum:MisereremeiDeus
OGod,accordingtothemultitudeofthygreat secundmmagnammisericordiamtuam.Et:Inte
mercies,&c.1and,IntheeOhLordhaveItrusted,&c.2[as Dominesperaui,sicutsoletlegiincompletorio:&his
iscustomarilyreadduringtheeveningprayer dictuserigete,&vade[631]adparietem,&expande
service.]Thenriseup,andgotothewall,andstretchforth manustuasinmodumcrucisfaciendovelhabendoduas
thyhands,havingtwonaylesfixed,uponwhichthou clauosfixos,quibusmanussustentasdicendohanc
maiststayupthyhands,andsaythisPrayerfollowing orationemqusequiturtotamentemdeuotione.
Deus qui pro nobis miseris peccatoribus crucis patibulum
O God, who for us miserable sinners didst undergo the & mortis supplicium subire voluisti, cui etiam Abraham
painful death upon [122] the Crosse; to whom filium suum immolauit Isaac, Tibi ego hodie indignus
also Abraham offer'd up his son Isaac; I thy unworthy famulus tuus, peccator & multis malis perplexus immolo
servant, a sinner perplexed with many evils, do this day & sacrifico animam meam & corpus meum, vt mihi
offer up and Sacrifice unto thee my Soul and Body, that sapientiam salutarem influas & inspires qui prophetis
thou maist infuse into me thy Divine wisdome, and inspire spiritum propheticum indidisti.
me with the Spirit of Prophesy , wherewith thou didst
inspire the Holy Prophets.
1. Ps. 5.
AfterwardssaythisPsalm;OhLordinclinethineears Posthocdicpsalmum:Verbameaauribuspercipe
2. Ps. 23 (Vulgate 22).
untomywords,&c.1 Domine&c.Etsubiunge:
Dominus regit me, et nihil mihi deerit in loco pascu ibi
The Lord is my shepherd,2 and nothing shall I want: he shall me collocauit indignum famulum suum N. super aquas
set me down in green pastures, his servant N. he shall lead [*aquam] refectionis educa[ui]t me, animam meam
me upon the waters of refreshment, he converteth my Soul, conuertit, et educat me N. super semitas iustiti propter
and leadeth me N. upon the paths of his righteousness for nomen suum sanctum. Vespertina oratio descenda ad te
his Holy Name: Let my evening Prayer ascend upunto thee Domine, & descendat super me indignum famulum tuum
Oh Lord, and let thy mercy descend upon me thy unworthy N. Misericordia tua, protege, salua, benedic, sanctifica
servant N. protect, save, blesse, and sanctify me, that I may me per signaculum sanct crucis, vt sit mihi obstaculum
have a shield against all the wicked darts of my enemies: contra sua iacula omnium inimicorum meorum:
defend me Oh Lord by the price of the blood of the just defende me Domine per lignum sanctum & per precium
One, wherewith thou hast redeemed me; who livest and iusti sanguinis tui cum quo me redemisti, qui viuis &
reignest God, whose wisdom hath laid the regnas Deus: cuius sapientia clum stabiliuit, terram
foundation [123] of the Heaven, and formed the Earth, and formauit et mare in termino suo collocauit, et omnes
placed the Sea in her bounds: and by the going forth of thy creaturas per simplicem emanationem condidit: et
Word hast made all Creatures, and hath formed man out of hominem de limo terr ad imaginem et similitudinem
the dust of the Earth, according to his own image and suam plasmauit: qui Salomoni filio regis Dauid
likeness; who gave to Solomon the son of sapientiam instimabilem donauit, Prophetis
King David inestimable wisdome: hath given to his propheticam scientiam tribuit, Philosophis philosophicam
Prophets the Spirit of Prophesy, and infused into scientiam mirific inflauit, Apostolis fortitudinem
Philosophers wonderfull Philosophical knowledge, elargitus est, Martyres confortauit, confessores
confirmed the Apostles with fortitude, comforted and sanctimonijs confirmauit, Virgines virginitatis flore
strengthened the Martyrs, who exalteth his elect from conseruauit: qui ab terno electos suos exaltat et prouid
eternity, and provideth for them; Multiply Oh Lord God, thy preleget, multiplica super me indignum famulum tuum
mercy upon me thy unworthy servant N. by giving me a N. Domine Deus misericordiam tuam dando mihi
teachable wit, and an understanding adorned with virture ingenium docile et intellectum virtutibus et scientijs
and knowledge, a firm and sound Memory, that I may decoratum, memoriam firmam, vt mirabiliter retineam
accomplish and retain whatsoever I endeavour, through the assequens adipiscar, et celsitudine tui nominis
greatness of thy wonderful Name; lift up, Oh Lord my God, ineffabiliter subseruiens valeam complacere: et illumina
the light of thy countenance upon me, that hope in thee: Domine vultum tuum super me Deus meus sperantem in
Come and teach me, Oh Lord God of virtues, and shew me te. Veni ad docendum me Domine Deus virtutum, et
thy face, and I shall be safe. ostende mihi faciem tuam, et saluus ero.

ThenaddthisPsalm: EtsubiungePsal.AdteDomineleuauianimam
Ps. 25 (Vulgate 24.), except
"UntotheeOhLorddoIliftupmySoul:Ohmy Confundantur.[632] verse 3 (Vulgate 4).

Havingfulfilledthesethingsuponthewall,descend Hiscompletisinparietedescendeantelectumtuum,
untothyBed,writinginthyrighthandAlphaandOmega: scribensindextrapalmaAlpha&:&tuncponaste
thengotobed,andsleeponthyrightside,holdingthy dormitum&dormiastenendoindextrolaterepalmam
handunderthyrightEar,andthoushaltseethegreatness subdextraaure,&videbusmagnificentiamDeiquam
ofGodasthouhastdesired.Andinthemorning,onthy optasti.Maneautemflexisgenibusantelectumtuum
thingshehathrevealedtothee: regratiareDeoprohisqutibireuelauit.

I give thanks unto thee, Oh great and wonderful God, Gratias tibi ago Deus magne & mirabilis, qui dedisti
who hast given Salvation and knowledge of Arts unto salutem & perspicacitatem scientiarum mihi indigno
me thy unworthy servant N. and confirm this Oh famulo tuo N. & confirma hanc Deus quam operatus es in
God, which thou hast wrought in me, in preserving me salubriter conseruando, gratias ago tibi Domine Deus
immense, qui me miserum peccatorem cum non essem
me. I give thanks unto thee, O powerful Lord God, creasti, & cum perditus essem pretioso sanguine filij tui
who createdst me miserable sinner out of nothing, Domini nostri Iesu Christi me redemisti, & cum
when I was not, and when I was utterly lost; not ignorarem doctrina ac scientia salutari, concede quso
redeemed, but by the precious blood of thy Son our mihi indigno famulo tuo N. Domine Iesu Christe vt per
Lord Jesus Christ; and when I was ignorant thou hast hanc scientiam in tuo sancto seruitio semper stabilis
given unto me learning and knowledge: grant unto merear inueniri. Amen.
me thy servant N. O Lord Jesus Christ, that through
this knowledge, I may be alwayes constant in thy
Holy service, Amen. [125]

Theseoperationsbeingdevoutlycompleated,give Completatotalioperatione&deuotperacta,omni
thanksdailywiththeselastOrations.Butwhenthou diedeincepsregratiaredehisvltimodictisorationibus.
wouldstread,study,ordispute,say, Cumautemlegerevelstuderevolueris,veldisputare
Remember thy word unto thy Servant, O Lord, in
which thou hast given me hope; this is my comforter Memor esto verbi tui seruo tuo Domine, in quo mihi
in humility. Then add these Orations: Remember me spem dedisti, hic me consolatus est in humilitate mea, &
O Lord of Lords, put good words and speech into my subiunges orationes has: Recordare mei Domine omni
potentatui dominans, da sermonem rectum & ben
mouth, that I may be heard efficaciously and and sonantem in os meum, vt alios in formem & audiar
powerfully, to the praise, glory, and honour of thy efficaciter ad laudem & ad gloriam & honorem nominis
glorious Name, which is Alpha and Omega, blessed tui gloriosi qui est & benedictus in secula seculorum.
for ever, World without end, Amen.
Then silently say these Orations. Tuncsubsilentiodichasorationes:

O Lord God, that daily workest new signs O Domine Deus innoua signa & immuta mirabilia Spiritu
and unchangeable wonders, fill me with the spirit of sapienti & intellectus & facundi me replendo: & pone
wisedome, understanding and Eloquence; make my os meum vt gladium acutum, & linguam meam vt
mouth as a sharp Sword, and my Tongue as an arrow sagittam electam, & verba oris mei confirma ad omnem
sapientiam, corda quoque audientium liquefac desiderent
elected, & confirm the words of my mouth to all suscipere Elysenac tzacham, &c.
wisdome: mollify the Hearts of the hearers to
understand what they desire, Elysenach, Tzacham,
&c. [126]

The manner of Consecrating the Figure of Memory. De modo consecrandi figuram memori.

Itoughttobeconsecratedwithgreatfaith,hopeand Debetconsecrarisummafide,spe&charitate,&
charity;andbeingconsecrated,tobekeptandusedin cumiamfueritconsecrata,serua&easicvtarisin
operationasfolloweth. operatione.

1. Ps. 91 (Vulgate 90).

OnthefirstdayofthenewMoon,havingbeheldthe Primdienouilunijinspectanoualuna,poneeam 2. This could perhaps refer to
oration 2 on p. 21, or the
newMoon,puttheFigureunderyourrightEar,andso subdextraaure,&consequenterinalijsnoctibus,& oration "for the memory" on p.
consequentlyeveryothernight,andseventimesaday;the cumdedieeaminspiciasseptemvicibus.Primoinhora 107, or the oration on p. 117
firsthourofthemorningsayingthisPsalm,Quihabitat, matutinalidicendoPsalmum.Quihabitat,pertotum& that starts with "Theos Patir
&c.1throughout;andtheLordsPrayeronce,andthis orationemdominicamsemel,&orationemTheospatyr vehemens."
3. Ps. 138 (Vulgate 137).
OrationTheosPatyr2onceinthefirsthouroftheday: semelinhoraprimadiei.EtdicdeindePsalmum 4. Ps. 103 and 104 (Vulgate
thensaythisPsalm,ConfitebortibiDomine,&c.3andthe ConfitebortibiDomineintotocordemeoquoniam 102 and 103) both start with
LordsPrayertwice,andtheOrationTheosPatyrtwice. audiuistiomniaverbaorismei&orationemdominicam "Benedic anima mea Domino."
InthethirdhourofthedaythePsalmBenedicatanima PsalmumBenedicatanimameaDominum&
meaDominum,&c.4theLordsPrayerthrice,andthe omnia[633]quintramesunt,&orationemdominicam
OrationTheosPatyr. ter,&orationemTheospatyr.

InthesixthhoursaythisPsalm:Appropinquet Inhorasextadicpsalmum,Appropinquetdeprecatio
deprecatiomeainconspectutuoDomine,secundum meainconspectutuoDominesecundumeloquium
eloquiumtuum.1 tuum:damihimemoriam,&vocemmeamaudi
GrantuntomeMemory,andhearmyvoyceaccording auditumtuumdamihifacundiam.Eructabuntlabiamea 1. Ps. 119:168 (Thau)
tothygreatmercy,[127]andaccordinguntothyword imperiumcumdocuerismeglorificationestuas.Gloria
grantEloquence,andmylipsshallshewforththymajesty, patri,&c.Orationemdominicamnouies&Theos
whenthoushaltteachmethyGlory:Gloriapatri,&c,say patyr.

Intheninethhour,saythePsalmBeatiimmaculatiin InhoranonadicPsalmum,Beatiimmaculatiinvia
via;1theLordsPrayer12times,andTheosPatyr. &orationemdominicam12.&orationemTheos
IntheEveningsaythisPsalm,Deusmisereatur misereaturnostri&orationemdominicam15.&Theos
nostri:2theLordsPrayer15times,andTheosPatyras 1. Ps. 119 (V. 118).
patyrtoties.InhoracompletorijdicPsalm.DeusDeus 2. Ps. 67 (V. 66).
often. meusrespiceinme&Deusinadiutoriummeum 3. Ps. 22 (V. 21).
intende,&teDeumlaudamus,&orationemdominicam 4. Ps. 70 (V. 69).
ThelasthoursaythisPsalm,DeusDeusmeusrespice semel&Theospatyr.Etistaoratioqusequiturbis

O God, who hast divided all things in number, Deus qui omnia numero, pondere, mensura horarum
weight, and measure, in hours, nights, and dayes; dierum & noctium patens diuisio, qui semper stellas solus
who countest the number of the Stars, give unto me dinumeras, metire me, tribue constantiam efficacem, vt in
huius artis N. vera cogitatione te diligam & munus tu
constancy and virtue, that in the true knowledge of pietatis cognoscam, qui viuis & regnas, &c.
this Art N. I may love thee, who knows the gifts of
thy goodness, who livest and reignest,&c. [128]

Four dayes the Figure of Memory ought to be Per quatuor dies consecratur figura memori per
consecrated with these Orations. orationes:
O pater creaturarum omnium Solis
O Father of all Creatures, of the Sun and Moon. & Lun. * Lectisternium, a Robe in
which the Priests used to sleep
Thenonthelastdaylethimbathhimself,andputon Tuncvltimadiedebetsebalneare&mundisvestibus in the Temples, to receive the
cleangarments,andclean*Ornaments,andinaclean seindueremundislectisterniisvtiinlocosecreto Divine Oracles.
place,suffumigatehimselfwithFrankincense,and suffumigetthure,&veniasinnoctehoradebitacum
comeinaconvenienthourinthenightwithalight incensolumine,vtnemotevideat,&antelectum
Kindled,butsothatnomanmayseethee;andbeforethe genibusflexisdicsummacumdeuotionehanc
beduponyourkneessaythisOrationwithgreatdevotion. orationem.

OmostgreatandmostHolyFather,sevenornine Summepaterpijssime,nouiesvelsepties,postea
times:thenputtheFigurewithgreatreverenceaboutyour respiciasfiguramcumreuerentiacircacaput,&
Head;andsleepintheBedwithcleanlinnenvestiments, obdormiasinlectoindutislineisvestibusmundis&non
anddoubtnotbutyoushallobtainwhatsoeveryoudesire dubitesquicquidpetietisobtinebis:&estpermultos
forthishathbeenprovedbymany,towhomsuch probatumquibusconcessasuntsecretaclestiaregni,
coelestialsecretsoftheHeavenlyKingdomeare Amen.
The Oration following ought to be said as you stand up. Sequitur oratio quam dicere debes vt supr stat.

O great God, Holy Father, most Holy Sanctifier of all Summe Deus pater pijssime sanctorum sanctificator
Saints, three and one, most high King of Kings, most sanctissime, trinus & vnus, altissime rex regnum,
powerful God Almighty, most glorious and most wise fortissime Deus omnipotens gloriosissime & dispensator
prudentissime moderator rector omnium creaturarum
Dispensor, Moderator, and Governour of all
visibilium & inuisibilium, Deus potentissime, cuius
Creatures, visible and invisible: O mighty God, terribibilis & ineffabilis maiestas metuenda, cuius
whose terrible and most mighty Majesty is to be omnipotentia clum & terra mare, infernus & omnia qu
feared, whose omnipotency the Heaven, the Earth, continet, quam mundi machina admirantur & venerantur,
the Sea, [130] Hell, and all things that are therein, do tremunt & obediunt: Deus Sabaoth inuincibilis Deus
admire,reverence, tremble at, and obey. fortissimus insuperabilis. Deus magnus & immensus
quem capit nullus sensus, super omnia amabilis instructor
O most powerful, most mighty, and most invincible admirabilis, eruditor inuincibilis magistrorum ex tunc
doctor doctorum sapientissime simplicium instructor
Lord God of Sabaoth: O God incomprehensible; the mitissime amator humilium benignissime Deus
wonderful Maker of all things, the Teacher of all scientiarum & Deus sapientiarum, in quo sunt omnes
learning, Arts and Sciences; who mercifully thesauri sapienti & bon scienti, qui solus absque
labore & sine mora sapientiam & omnem scientiam
Instructest the humble and meek: O God of all
quemuis hominem docere scis & potes, si vis, qui es
wisdome and knowledge, In whom are all Treasures prsentium, prteritorum, & futurorum peruigil
of wisdome, Arts and Sciences; who art able instantly inspector & omnium cordium assiduus perscrutator, per
to infuse Wisdome, Knowledg, and Learning into any quem sumus viuimus & moriemur: qui sedes super
man; whose Eye beholdeth all things past, present, cherubin, intueris solus abyssos disponis, discernis, regis
and to come; who art the daily Searcher of all hearts; & dirigis vniuersa: confiteor hodie coram sancta &
through whom we are, we live and dye; who sittest tremenda nimis ineffabiliter [635] gloriosa maiestate &
upon the Cherubins; who alone seest and rulest the coram omnium clestium virtutum & potestatum
bottomeless pit: whose Word gives Law throughtout consortio gloriosam maiestatem laudans, ac benedicens te
Deum & Dominum meum & invocans nomen tuum
the universal World: I confesse my self this day magnum, & mirabile super me, & quod est super omne
before thy Holy and glorious Majesty, and before the nomen: deprecor itaque te altissime Domine omnipotens,
company of all Heavenly virtues and Potentates, adorante, colende, tremende Deus magne adonay &
praying thy glorious Majesty, invocating thy great omnium beatitudinum, dignitatum latitudinum mirabilis
Name, which is a Name wonderful, and above every dispensator omnium bonorum optimorum cuiusque vis,
Name, blessing thee O Lord my God: I also largissimus erogator, vt clementer abundanter &
beseech [131] thee, most high, most omnipotent Lord, permanenter digneris super me hodie multiplex donum
Spiritus sancti grati infundere, Et nunc te clementissime
who alone art to be adored; O thou great and
Domine, qui Adam primum hominem ad imaginem &
dreadfulGod Adonay, wonderful Dispensator of all similitudinem tuam creare dignatus es immittere dignare
beatitudes, of all Dignities, and of all goodness; & confortare templum corporis mei & velis in toto corde
Giver of all things, to whomsoever thou wilt, meo hospitari descendens splendidissimo templo
mercifully, aboundantly and permanently: send clorum lucidissimo grati & ineffabili maiestatis
down upon me this day the gift of the grace of thy omnipotemti, secundum quod mirabiliter in sanctis
Holy Spirit. And now O most merciful God, who hast fidelibus tuis operatus es, sic mitte mihi hodie altissime
createdAdam the first man, according to thy image & benignissime rex tern glori Deus admirabilis &
and likeness; fortify the Temple of my body, and let sanctissime de sede glorios maiestatis dominationis tu
multiplicem benedictus septiformis grati tu Spiritum
thy Holy Spirit descend and dwell in my Heart, that I
may shine forth the wonderful beams of thy Glory: as sapientie & intellectus, Spiritum fortitudinis & consilij,
thou hast been pleased wonderfully to operate in thy spiritum scienti & pietatis, spiritum timoris & amoris
faithful Saints; So O God, most wonderful King, and tui ad cognoscendum tuam incomprehensibilem
eternal glory, send forth from the seat of thy glorious voluntatem & ad proficienda & intelligenda, miranda
vald sancta mysteria tua & occulta sapienti tu, qu
Majesty, a seven-fold blessing of thy grace, the Spirit manifestare te decent, & qu latent & expediant tuis
of Wisedome and Understanding, the Spirit of scire: Sed vt valeam mihi inuestigare & comprehendi
fortitude and Counsel , the Spirit of knowledge and profundam benignitatem, ineffabilem dulcedinem
Godliness, the Spirit of fear and love of thee, to misericordi tu immend pietatis & diuiuitatis tu Et
understand thy wonderful Holy and occult mysteries, nunc tu ipse clementissime Domine, qui olim in faciem
which thou art pleased to reveal, and which are primi hominis inspirasti spiritum vit digneris hodie in
fitting for [132] thine to know, that I may comprehend corde meo clemanter & permanenter infundere vnum &
verum & subtilem & perseuerantem, valentem, rectam &
the depth, goodness, and inestimable sweetness of
perfectam, in omnibus intellectum, memoriam
thy most immense Mercy, Piety and Divinity. And indeficientem viuacem & tenacem: efficacem facundiam
now O most merciful Lord, who didst breath into the sancti spiritus gratiam mellitam ignitam & expeditam &
first Man the breath of life, be pleased this day to perfluentem, vt de multiplicatione benedictionum tuarum
infuse into my Heart a true perfect perceiving, & largiflua permanenter dotatus, omnia contemnenda
powerful and right understanding in all things; a despiciam & te solum Deus omnium, qui es verum
quick, lasting, and indeficient Memory, and summum & salutiferum & instimabile omne bonum,
efficacious Eloquence; the sweet, quick and piercing super omnia ardenter glorificem, laudem adorem,
Grace of thy Holy Spirit, and of the multitude of thy benedicam & exaltem te regem regum & dominum
dominantium in omni tempore & semper laus tu
blessings, which thou bountifully bestowest: grant magnificenti, tu misericordi & omnipotenti sit in
that I may despise all other things, and glorify, praise, ore meo & anima mea flammescart iugiter & in ternum
adore, bless and magnify thee the King of Kings, and coram te: qui es omnipotens Deus, omnium rex, pax
Lord of Lords; and alwayes set forth thy praise, summa [636] & sapientia vera, dulcedo insatiabilis,
mercy, and omnipotency: that thy praise may suauitas instimabilis, ineffabile gaudium omnium
alwayes be in my mouth, and my Soul may be bonorum, desiderium beatorum, vita, societas & finis
inflamed with thy Glory for ever before thee. O thou gloriosus; qui fuit ab terno & est & semper erit virtus
who art God omnipotents, King of all things, the inuincibilis, solus impassibilis, splendor inextinguibilis
benedictio & claritas, honor laus, & venerabilis gloria
greatest peace and perfectest wisdome, ineffable and
inestimable sweetness and delight, the ante & vltra omnia secula seculorum tempora, Amen.
unexpressible [133] joy of all good, the desire of all
the blessed, their life, comfort, and glorious end; who
was from eternity, and is and ever shall be virtue
invincible, without parts or passions; Splendor and
glory unquenchable; benediction, honour, praise, and
venerable glory before all Worlds, since and
everlastingly time without end, Amen.

The following Oration hath power to expell all lusts. Oratio sequens habet vim repellendi omnem
libidinem voluptatis.
O Lord, Holy Father, omnipotent eternal God, of
inestimable mercy and immense goodness; O most O Domine sancte pater omnipotens terne Deus
merciful Jesus Christ, repairer and restorer of instimabilis misericordi & pietatis immens. Iesu
Christe pijssime conditor, reparator & gubernator generis
mankind; O Holy Ghost, comforter and love of the
humani. Spiritus sancte paracletus fidelium omnium
faithful: who holdest all the Earth in thy fingers, and amator, qui tribus digitis apprehendisti molem terr, &
weighest all the Mountains and Hills in the World; libras in pondere montes & colles in statera, & qui facis
who dost wonders past searching out, whose power inscrutabilia & magna mirabilis solus: cum nil sit quod
there is nothing can resist, whose wayes are past possit resistere tu voluntati, cuius vi inuestigabiles,
finding out: defend my Soul, and deliver my Heart defende animam meam & libera cor meum de prauis
from the wicked cogitations of this World; extinguish huius mundi cogitationibus: incensus libidines & omnes
and repress in me by thy power all the sparks of lust fornicationes in me potenter extingue & reprime, vt
actibus tuis intentis delectetur, & augeatur in me virtus
and fornication, that I may [134] more intentively love
Spiritus sancti per salutem & remuneratione, fidelium in
thy works, and that the virtue of thy Holy Spirit may salutem anim me & corporis mei ac cordis mei.
be increased in me, among the saving gifts of thy Summe pijssime Deus conditor ac redemptor & reparator
faithful, to the comfort and salvation of my Heart, generis humani, ego seruus tuus & filius ancill tu opus
Soul, and Body. O most great and most Holy God, manuum tuarum. Misericordissime Deus & redemptor
Maker, Redeemer, and Restorer of mankind, I am thy ante conspectum tu maiestatis immens gemebundus
servant, the Son of thy hand-maid, and the work of assisto clamans, deprecans, postulans instanter toto
thy hands: O most merciful God and Redeemer, I cry cordis affectu, vt me miserum peccatorem de tua magna
and sigh before the sight of thy great Majesty, misericordia confidentem recipias, me scientijs ac
beseeching thee, with my whole Heart, to restore me scripturis eloquentem audiuerint verba mea in corde suo
melliflua sentiant, qui viderint & auduyerint sapientes,
a miserable sinner, and receive me to thy great
mansueti, superbi, humiles, cunctantes & tanta humilitate
mercy; give me Eloquence, Learning, and audiant, intelligant, & mea verba ben sentiant melliflue,
Knowledge, that those that shall hear my words, they deifica, pacifica tuorum beneficiorum exhibitorum
may be mellifluous in their Hearts; that seeing and considerata qui viuis & regnas nunc & in ternum.
hearing thy wisdome, the proud may be made Amen.
humble, and hear and understand my words with
great humility, and consider the greatness and
goodness of thy blessings, who livest and reignest
now and for ever, Amen.

Note,thatifyoudesiretoknowanythingthatyouare Nota,Sialiquodtibiignotumscirevolueris&
ignorantof,especiallyofanyScience,readthisOration:I maximdescientijslegeistamorationem:confiteortibi
confessmyselftotheethisday,OGodtheFatherof hodiecli&terr,trinavice,&semperinfinedebes
HeavenandEarth,1[135]threetimes;andintheend exprimereidproquopostulasexaudiri.Posteadesero
expressforwhatyoudesiretobeheard;afterwards,inthe quandovoluerisiredormitumdicasflexisgenibus
EveningwhenyougotoBed,saythe orationemTheospertotum,deindepsalmum:Qui
OrationTheosthroughout,andthePsalmQui habitatcumversiculo:EmitteSpiritumtuum:Etvade
Habitat,2withthisversicle,EmitteSpiritum;andgoto dormitum,&capefiguramadhocdeputatam,&pone 1. Cf. p. 97.
sleep,andtaketheFigureforthispurpose,andputit subauredextra,&horasecundanoctisveltertiavidebis 2. Ps. 91 (90 in the Vulgate).
undertherightEar:andaboutthesecondorthirdhourof eaqupostulasti,&[637]sciassinedubio,quia
thenight,thoushaltseethydesires,andknowwithout experieris,&scribeadmanumdextramAlpha&
doubtthatwhichthoudesiresttofindout:andwriteinthy Omegacumsignocrucis,&poneeandemmanumsub
righthandAlphaandOmega,withthesignoftheCross, auredextra,&eademdieieiunabisincibis
andputthathandunderthyrightEar,andfasttheday quadragesimlibussemelcomedendo.

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