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The article: der (masculine) die Geschwindigkeit (the speed)

die Frhlichkeit (the joyfulness)

der Hftling (the prisoner)
der Frhling (the spring) die Portion (the portion)
der Flchtling (the refugee) die Region (the region)
der Zwilling (the twin) die Station (the station)
die Reaktion (the reaction)
-ist die Situation (the situation)
die Nation (the nation)
der Optimist (the optimist) die Tradition (the tradition)
der Pianist (the pianist)
der Polizist (the policeman) -schaft
der Spezialist (the specialist)
die Erbschaft (the inheritance , the
-or heritage)
die Landschaft (the countryside)
der Humor (the humor) die Kundschaft (the customers, the
der Doktor (the doctor) clientele)
der Tresor (the safe) die Wissenschaft (the science)
der Professor (the professor) die Eigenschaft (the characteristic)
der Motor (the motor) die Freundschaft (the friendship)
die Gesellschaft (the society)
der Egoismus (the egoism)
der Tourismus (the tourism) die Schnheit (the beauty)
der Pazifismus (the pacifism) die Klugheit (the cleverness)
die Bldheit (the stupidity)
-er die Dummheit (the foolishness)

der Hrer (the receiver) -enz

der Jger (the hunter)
der Kfer (the bug, the beetle) die Intelligenz (the intelligence)
der Krper (the body) die Konsequenz (the consequence)
der Tiger (the tiger) die Frequenz (the frequency)
der Bcker (the baker) die Existenz (the existence)
der Donner (the thunder) die Differenz (the difference)
die Tendenz (the tendency)
The article: die (feminine)
die Normalitt (the normality)
die Mdigkeit (the tiredness) die Spezialitt (the speciality)
die Sigkeit (the sweetness, the candy) die Elektrizitt (the electricity)
die Fhigkeit (the ability) die Flexibilitt (the flexibility)
die Hufigkeit (the frequency) die Kontinuitt (the continuity)
die Flssigkeit (the liquid, the fluid)
Compound Words
-ung If you have a compound word, the gender
of the compound word matches the gender
die nderung (the change) of the last word.
die Abteilung (the department)
die Einladung (the invitation) Examples:
die Anleitung (the instruction)
die Forschung (the research) der Wind + die Mhle = die Windmhle
(the windmill)
The article: das (neuter)
das Spiel + der Platz = der Spielplatz (the
-nis playground)

das Schulzeugnis (the school certificate) die Frage + das Zeichen = das
das Gedchtnis (the memory) Fragezeichen (the question mark)
das Erlebnis (the experience)
das Geheimnis (the secret)

-ment More examples of compound words:

das Dokument (the document) das Wohnzimmer + die Lampe = die

das Komplement (the complement) Wohnzimmerlampe (the living room lamp)
das Medikament (the medication, the
medicine) die Haustr + der Schlssel = der
das Instrument (the instrument) Haustrschlssel (the front door key)

die Bank + das Konto = das Bankkonto

-lein / -chen (the bank account)

Sometimes these endings are used to belittle der Wein + die Flasche = die Weinflasche
a noun.
(the wine bottle)
der Vogel (the bird) => das Vgelchen
(the little bird, the birdie)
das Buch (the book) => das Bchlein (the

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