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2 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 6 V O LU M E 3 5 4 I S S U E 6 3 1 6
How bats
spread viruses


Spectral signatures are obtained
for the movement of protons in cold
water clusters By S. S. Xantheas
REPORT P. 1131


Direct observations reveal how
massive galaxies formed in the early

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

universe By N. Hatch
REPORT P. 1128


1090 Manipulating mitophagy and dietary
valine may lead to stem cell therapies
By P. Sommerkamp and A. Trumpp
REPORTS PP. 1152 & 1156

How small startups are vying with
corporate behemoths for quantum The transcriptional network
IN BRIEF supremacy By G. Popkin becomes less malleable in persistently
1082 News at a glance activated T cells By S. J. Turner
Geneticist Li Hui believes a DNA REPORTS PP. 1160 & 1165
database can authenticate mythical
1084 DAM-BUILDING THREATENS figures from before the dawn of China 1106 WHEN STOP MAKES SENSE
MEKONG FISHERIES By K. McLaughlin RNA sequence context matters in the
With scores of dams planned, scientists termination of protein translation
debate measures to soften the By B. Zinshteyn and R. Green
impact By R. Stone


BIOMEDICAL BILL A leader in science and policy
NIH would get $4.8 billion for key POLICY FORUM
championed efforts to understand
research initiatives By J. Kaiser, J. Mervis, 1096 REFORMING THE U.S. COAL and tackle climate change
and K. Servick LEASING PROGRAM By J. P. Holdren and M. K. McNutt
Royalty rates and auction practices
1087 HUBBLE USES GALACTIC LENS TO do not reflect the social costs of coal SCIENCE PRIZE ESSAY
Gravitational lensing aids search for 1108 TRIAL AND ERROR
source of radiation that ionized ancient PERSPECTIVES Optogenetic techniques offer insight
cosmic gas By D. Clery into the dopamine circuit underlying
1099 AS THE BAT FLIES learning By N. Eshel
Can virus transmission from bats to
1088 ONE YEAR LATER, ZIKA SCIENTISTS humans be predicted? By D. T. S. Hayman
Researchers still dont understand the 1110 THE INTELLIGENT
risks, but worry about a possible second INVERTEBRATE
wave of birth defects By G. Vogel
1110 A philosopher explores the underwater
origins and evolution of cognition
Transcranial magnetic stimulation 1111 ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT
brings latent working memories back to Financial and regulatory pressures
direct consciousness By J. Boddy threaten the discovery of new
REPORT P. 1136 medicines By G. Painter

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1075

Published by AAAS
1101 & 1131
2 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 6 V O LU M E 3 5 4 I S S U E 6 3 1 6
Pass the protons, please


1112 NUCLEAR POWER: SERIOUS RISKS Spectroscopic snapshots of the Generation of influenza A viruses as
By P. Johnstone et al. proton-transfer mechanism in water live but replication-incompetent virus
C. T. Wolke et al. vaccines L. Si et al.
By A. B. Lovins
By J. Cao et al.
Reactivation of latent working
memories with transcranial magnetic
stimulation N. S. Rose et al.

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016



Selective modulation of cortical state
during spatial attention
IN BRIEF T. A. Engel et al.
1114 From Science and other journals
REVIEW Gliogenic LTP spreads widely in
nociceptive pathways
M. T. Kronschlger et al.
Intracellular innate immune
surveillance devices in plants and 1081 EDITORIAL
animals J. D. G. Jones et al. 1148 STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY A comprehensive nuclear test ban
Zika virus produces noncoding RNAs By Ernest J. Moniz
using a multi-pseudoknot structure
that confounds a cellular exonuclease 1194 WORKING LIFE
RESEARCH ARTICLES B. M. Akiyama et al. Making a difference, differently
By Matthew Tuthill
Crystal structures of a group II intron Depleting dietary valine
lariat primed for reverse splicing permits nonmyeloablative ON THE COVER
M. Costa et al. mouse hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation Y. Taya et al. a functional T cell
PERSPECTIVE P. 1103 (background) and
1119 ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE an exhausted T cell
Global atmospheric particle formation
1156 HEMATOPOIESIS (foreground). When
from CERN CLOUD measurements Self-renewal of a purified Tie2+ responding to
E. M. Dunne et al. hematopoietic stem cell population chronic infection or
relies on mitochondrial clearance cancer, T cells become
K. Ito et al. exhausted and lose
REPORTS many of their core functions. This process
1124 TOPOLOGICAL MATTER involves a fundamental rewiring of the
Quantized Faraday and Kerr rotation cellular regulation of gene expression.
T CELL EXHAUSTION Thus, exhausted T cells likely represent
and axion electrodynamics of a 3D 1160 Epigenetic stability of exhausted
topological insulator L. Wu et al. a distinct cell lineage. See pages 1104,
T cells limits durability of 1160, and 1165.
reinvigoration by PD-1 blockade Illustration: Valerie Altounian/Science
1128 GALAXY FORMATION K. E. Pauken et al.
Molecular gas in the halo fuels the
growth of a massive cluster galaxy at 1165 The epigenetic landscape of Science Staff ............................................ 1078
high redshift B. H. C. Emonts et al. T cell exhaustion D. R. Sen et al. New Products ............................................ 1174
PERSPECTIVE P. 1102; PODCAST PERSPECTIVE P. 1104 Science Careers ........................................1176

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SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1077

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1078 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Corrected 30 November 2016. See full text.


A comprehensive nuclear test ban

permanent end to nuclear explosive testing, com- and deployed. Although the approval didnt happen, the
bined with sustained reliable deterrence, is in the science and technology did mature. The time has come to
national security interest of the United States and revisit CTBT ratification.
its allies and friends. The next U.S. Administra- The stockpile stewardship innovation that took place
tion and the Congress should revisit the Compre- in the Department of Energys (DOE) national laborato-
hensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) in view ries since the end of testing in 1992 is remarkable. Noth-
of current realities and work together toward en- ing was off the shelf, including a new supercomputing
hanced security through ratification and an international architecture and experimental facilities that explore Ernest J. Moniz is
push for entry into force. previously unattainable pressures and temperatures.

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

the U.S. Secretary
Nuclear weapons have been central to strategic stabil- These capabilities have led to a continuously increas-
of Energy
ity among nations and alliances for more than half a cen- ing understanding of nuclear weapons properties and
tury. Even as American and international leaders aspire dynamics that could not be approached within the test-
to and work toward a stable ing paradigm. Each year, the
world verifiably free of nuclear Secretaries of Defense and
weapons, this outcome cannot of Energy provide the presi-
be expected for a considerable dent with an assessment of
time. Voluntary suspension of the deterrent, building on a
nuclear testing by the perma- peer review carried out by the
nent members of the United DOE national security labora-
Nations Security Council for tory directors and the com-
over two decades has made an mander of the Department of
enormous contribution to sta- Defenses Strategic Command.
bility and nuclear nonprolifera- All indications are that the
tion. India and Pakistan ceased stockpile will remain safe, se-
testing nearly as long ago, cure, and reliable indefinitely
adding a degree of stability in without testing, even as the
a challenging security environ- weapons age and are reduced
ment. The international agree- in number. The new toolkits of
ment that verifiably eliminates supercomputer systems and
the risk of an Iranian nuclear lab facilities are unlocking
weapon greatly mitigates the additional benefits, such as
risk of a proliferation sprint in
the Middle East. The glaring
The time has come to revisit simulating fluid dynamics for
better engines and turbines,
exception is North Korea with CTBT ratification. handling enormous data sets
its nuclear testing as recently for cancer research and treat-
as September, demonstrating vividly the regional and ment, and probing energetic astrophysical phenomena.
global destabilizing effect of nuclear tests. All of this ar- The global monitoring network necessary for world-
gues for a binding no-test regime. wide detection of nuclear explosions has been built. In-
In 1999, the Senate evaluated the CTBT, but did not con- credibly sensitive measurements can now detect and

sent to its ratification. Two principal objections needed identify radionuclide signatures associated with nuclear
to be addressed. The newly created science-based stock- explosive tests, including low-yield or evasive tests. With
pile stewardship program, designed to replace nuclear the treaty in force, international experts will conduct an
test explosions with an integrated scientific program of on-site inspection after a suspect event.
computer simulations, data analysis, and laboratory tests In short, the United States and its partners have the
of weapons subsystems, was at least a decade away from technology needed to make the CTBT work for deterrence
having its suite of new tools in place. There was also un- and strategic stability. Clearly, ratification by the Senate
certainty about the ability to detect low-yield clandestine will not itself bring the treaty into force, but it will provide
underground tests anywhere in the world. At that time, a stronger foundation for achieving a global testing ban
I argued within the Clinton Administration for a time- and for amplifying international pressure and sanctions
limited CTBT approval, providing a period during which on any country that does test.
the needed science and technology could be developed Ernest J. Moniz

Published online 30 November 2016; 10.1126/science.aal4864

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1081

Published by AAAS
We feel relieved after these 2 months,

NEWS which have been very stressful.

Javier Castro Hernndez, of the University Hospital of the Canary Islands on
Tenerife in Spain. Last week, Spanish military delivered his long-awaited order of
29 mice, stranded after two Spanish airlines stopped shipping lab animals.


Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

Bleaching killed these
table corals in the
Great Barrier Reef.

Great Barrier Reef sees worst coral die-off ever

his year has seen the largest recorded die- quickly enough, zooxanthellae return; but prolonged
off of corals in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), bleaching causes death. After water temperatures
Australian scientists reported this week. In the soared in March, surveys found extensive bleaching
worst-hit section of the reef, a northern swath along the northern GBR (Science, 1 April, p. 15). In
spanning about 700 kilometers, extensive coral October and November, investigators returned to the
bleachingthe loss of symbiotic algaecaused bleached reefs to confirm the death toll. There were
an average of 67% of the corals to perish. Bleaching some bright spots: The hot water did not extend to the


occurs when unusually warm water results in corals southern reef, leaving it barely affected, and only 26%
losing their zooxanthellae, the colorful algae that live of the corals in the far north had died, possibly because
within coral tissue and provide nutrients. If waters cool local upwelling of cooler water provided relief.

AROUND THE WORLD eighth grade math scores between Japan schooling on student learning. In its
which ranks fifth behind Singapore; Hong first-ever longitudinal study, the group
East Asia tops in math, science Kong, China; South Korea; and Taiwan tracked the progress of students in nine
BOSTON | Students from East Asia and the rest of the world. (Among fourth participating countries over 8 years.
continue to lead the world in science and graders, the math gap is 23 points.) In Although the students were taking the
math, whereas U.S. students once again science, a few other countries join the East most challenging math and science
rank in the middle of the pack. Results Asian nations in the top tier at both grade courses in their senior year, they still per-
of the 2015 Trends in International levels, and there is no large drop-off to the formed progressively worse as they moved
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) lower-ranked countries. The TIMSS also from elementary to middle to high school.
released this week show a 48-point gap in offers sobering news about the impact of

1082 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
which would have taken effect 1 December, (Science, 15 July, p. 203), revealed last week
Alzheimers drug fails requires employers to pay overtime to work- that two more people recently died after
INDIANAPOLIS | A widely watched candi- ers earning less than $47,476 annually. The the same experimental treatment. The
date drug for Alzheimers disease failed to courts injunction means universities are not announcement prompted strong criticism
deliver on its promisein its final clinical required to pay overtime to postdocs earning of the company and of the U.S. Food and
trial, Indianapolis-based pharmaceutical below that threshold. But NIH said last week Drug Administration, which had halted
giant Eli Lilly and Company announced on that it would stick to a plan it announced in the trial in July for just three business
23 November. Solanezumab is an antibody August to hike the stipends of postdocs on days before allowing it to proceed. All five
that targets amyloid plaque buildup around its Kirschstein National Research Service patients, who had advanced leukemia, died
neuronsa hallmark of the disease, though Awards; starting salaries will increase from from cerebral edema, an accumulation
not necessarily its cause. But in a trial of $43,692 to $47,484. Republican legisla- of fluid around the brain, after receiving
more than 2100 people with mild dementia, tors may try to repeal the rule, which was chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy, in
the intravenously administered drug did not finalized in May, when the new Congress which T cells are genetically engineered to
significantly improve memory when com- convenes in January 2017. fight cancer. The company had argued in
pared with a placebo. Eli Lillys billion-dollar July that the fatal side effect was likely due
investment was criticized for raising public to the combination of the T cells and the
hope that treatment might finally be within More deaths in cancer trial chemotherapy drug fludarabine, which the
reach. Last spring, that criticism grew | Juno patients received along with the immune

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

stronger after the drug companyscrapped Therapeutics, the biotech company whose treatmentbut that theory is now in ques-
one of its criteria for efficacy (http://scim. cancer immunotherapy trial was put tion because the two who died last month
ag/Lillychange), which was interpreted by briefly on hold in July after the deaths of didnt receive that drug. As Science went to
some members of the scientific community three people being treated for leukemia press, the trial is again on hold.
and the drug development industry as a last-
ditch effort to force the drugs success.
With a kiss of food, nurse
ants can make either big
HHS, education nominees named or small workers.
| U.S. President-elect
WA S H I N GT O N , D.C .
Donald Trump on 29 November nomi-
nated orthopedic surgeon and six-term
Representative Tom Price (RGA) to be
secretary of the Department of Health
and Human Services, the parent agency
of the National Institutes of Health
(NIH), the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, and the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). Price, 63, has been
a leading critic of the Affordable Care
Act and an advocate of streamlining FDA
regulations to hasten approvals of new
antibiotics and medical devices. He is an
abortion opponent and has voted repeat-
edly against expanding the number of
human embryonic stem cell lines avail-
able to NIH-funded researchers. Last
week, Trump also announced his intention An ants fate may be sealed with a kiss
to nominate billionaire philanthropist

nts often appear to kiss, quickly pressing their mouths together to feed each
Betsy DeVos to head the Department of other and their larvae. But the insects are sharing more than food, scientists
Education. DeVos is a staunch advocate report this week in eLife: Via that exchange, called trophallaxis, they also shape
for school choice and charter schools but one another and the colonies they live in. Social insects, such as ants and bees,
has no track record of opinion on higher store food in social stomachs, from which they can regurgitate it later to
education, leading academic researchers to transfer nutrients from foraging ants to nurse ants to larvae. But the trophallactic fluid
express both fear and cautious optimism. of Florida carpenter ants contains a diverse array of chemicals, researchers say, such as proteins related to growth and digestionand, surprisingly, a juvenile hormone
important for regulating reproduction, development, and behavior. Scientists previ-
ously thought this hormone was only present in the ants blood. To test the impact of
NIH keeps postdoc stipend hike transfering that hormone through trophallaxis, the researchers gave groups of worker
| The National
ants a few larvae to rear, and provided some of the workers with food supplemented

Institutes of Health (NIH) is raising sti- with the juvenile hormone. Larvae that received the hormone-laced food were twice as
pends for postdoctoral fellows, despite a likely to mature into large worker adults, the team found. This, they say, suggests that
federal judges decision last week to delay nurse ants selectively feed larvae the hormone to meet the colonys changing needs
the nation-wide implementation of new and help shape its long-term fate.
overtime rules affecting low-paying jobs.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA),

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1083

Published by AAAS

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016


Dam-building threatens Mekong fisheries

With scores of dams planned, scientists debate measures to soften the impact

By Richard Stone the Mekong delta, the projects could wipe (Science, 12 August 2011, p. 814). Xayaburi
out more than a third of the lower Mekong Dam is expected to be completed in 2019.

very April, the pa nyawn catfish would Basins annual haul of river fish, by one Farther downstream, work is progress-
make their way up the Mekong River estimatea serious blow to the regions ing fast on the Don Sahong Dam. Last
to spawn, crowding through a nar- 60 million people. month, the Save the Mekong coalition,
row channel that skirts Khone Falls Hoping to forestall catastrophe, environ- an alliance of nongovernmental organiza-
in southern Laos. Villagers netted mentalists and scientists are pressing the tions, appealed to the developers to halt
the thumb-sized fish by the hundreds hydropower companies to incorporate construction until comprehensive infor-
of thousands. Then, in 2014, work started fish-friendly turbines, ladders, and locks mation regarding the projects environ-
on Don Sahong Dam, which straddles the for migratory fish into dam designs. At a mental and social impacts is made public.
channel. Although the dam wont be com- meeting last month in Vientiane, Laos, A project in Cambodia may pose the big-
pleted for another 2 years, construction on fish passage approaches, some scien- gest threat. Lower Sesan 2 on the Sesan
has already cut off the migration and de- tists saw reason for optimism. But others River, a major Mekong tributary, is a
stroyed the fishing sites, says Zeb Hogan, scoffed at the mitigation plans. They be- major mistake, says Kim Geheb, Greater
a biologist with the Global Water Center at lieve that the only way to spare the fish- Mekong coordinator for the Consulta-
the University of Nevada in Reno. Sahong eries is to ax some projects. Im ready tive Group on International Agricultural
channels pa nyawn fishery, he says, no to sacrifice parts of the river if we can Research in Vientiane. Now about 60%
longer exists. persuade the governments to leave the complete, that dam alone could slash fish
Its loss is a microcosm of a larger food rest of it alone, says Ian Cowx, a fisher- catch in the Mekong Basin by about 9%, PHOTO: JASON SOUTH/FAIRFAX MEDIA/STRINGER/GETTY IMAGES

security crisis threatening the Mekong ies biologist at the University of Hull in fisheries experts predict. You just have to
delta, as Laos and its neighbors, hun- the United Kingdom. If we can keep the write off the Sesan and the Srepok, a river
gry for electric power, embark on a dam- lower Mekong flowing, at least you have that flows into the Sesan just above the dam,
building spree. Don Sahong is the sec- a chance. Cowx says.
ond dam under construction on the lower Laos, which government officials say as- Several of the developers are trying to
Mekong, the great artery of Southeast pires to become the battery of Southeast soften the impact on fisheries. The Xayaburi
Asia that wends through Myanmar, Laos, Asia, has the most ambitious plans, envi- Power Company has reportedly committed
Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Laos sioning nine dams on the lower Mekong. $400 million to outfitting the dam with
plans to start construction on a third Work on the first, Xayaburi, began in 2010, features that will reduce its ecological toll,
main-stem damPak Beng, near its bor- despite concerns from Cambodia and Viet- including locks meant to enable fish to tra-
der with Thailandin early 2017. Several nam, Laoss downstream neighbors, that verse the dam. Thats a huge number and
more, and dozens on major tributaries, are the dam would impede sediment and nu- a sign to other developers that they cannot
on the drawing board. By blocking migra- trient flow and pose a formidableif not ignore environmental considerations, says
tion routes and cutting sediment flow to impassableobstacle to migratory fish Hogan, who notes that it will be impera-

1084 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Ota Khami floats where his home stood now, says Matti Kummu, a water expert at U.S. POLICY
before it was bulldozed to make way for the Aalto University in Espoo, Finland. Already,
Lower Sesan 2 Dam in Cambodia.

tive to monitor the effectiveness of the mit-

Cowx says, sediment-light water is scouring
riverbanks in Laos and Thailand. Erosion
is horrendous, he says.
Congress votes
igation measures. But Cowx says that after
listening to a presentation on the plans in
Dams on the lower Mekong will exacerbate
the problem. They are abetted by a surpris-
on sweeping
Vientiane, I was completely gobsmacked.
Ive never seen such a disaster in my life.
He doubts the untested system will work
ing factor: weaker tropical cyclones, which
have slackened the rivers flow. Kummu and
colleagues reported in the 10 November is-
biomedical bill
on the Mekong, where migratory fish span sue of Nature that sediments deposited each NIH would get $4.8 billion
a huge range in lengths, from a few centi- year in the Mekong delta declined by about
meters to a few meters. Xayaburi Power 52 million tons over a 25-year period ending for key research initiatives
did not respond to a request for comment. in 2005. They attribute some 60% of that drop
Even if the fish passages work, Cowx and to less runoff from sparser monsoon rains. By Jocelyn Kaiser, Jeffrey Mervis,
others point out that the reservoirs behind A 2012 paper in Global Environmental and Kelly Servick
dams like Xayaburi will destroy spawning Change predicted that if all 11 lower Me-

grounds, and their stagnant waters could kong main-stem dams and 77 tributary ongress this week was poised to begin

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

create a hostile habitat for larval fish. Guy dams slated for completion by 2030 are voting on a sweeping biomedical in-
Lanza, a biologist at the State University of built, annual fish hauls from the lower Me- novation bill that includes nearly $5
New York College of Environmental Science kong could decline by up to 880,000 tons, billion in dedicated funding for a trio
and Forestry in Syracuse who has studied or 42%. Biodiversity would also suffer in of major research initiatives at the Na-
Xayaburi, predicts that the reservoir will a region that is home to eight of the big- tional Institutes of Health (NIH). The
trigger a cascade of negative environmental gest freshwater fish species in the world, bill also includes measures to speed the ap-
effects, including fish kills and the release including the Mekong giant catfishknown proval of new drugs and medical devices by
of methylated mercury and other toxic sub- to top 3 meters in lengththe dog-eating the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
stances into the water column. catfish, and the giant Siamese carp. All are and it would create a mechanism for catalyz-
Near the mouth of the river, saltwater in- endangered, and all migrate hundreds of ki- ing efforts to streamline federal regulations
trusion could also harm fisheries. Seas are lometers to spawn. Dams could be the nail that universities and academic researchers
rising because of climate change, but the in the coffin, says Hogan, who studies the regard as burdensome.
dams are also contributing, by cutting off giant fish. If we hope to be able to restore The bipartisan bill, known as the 21st Cen-
the flow of sediment that helps keep the populations of these fish at some point in tury Cures Act, is the culmination of more
delta above sea level. Because of Chinas the future, we need to keep a few of them than 2 years of lobbying by research, patient,
dams on the upper Mekong, the sediment around and understand how these dams and industry groups, and extensive nego-
load from China has basically stopped impact their life cycles. tiations between members of the Senate and
Few observers expect the House of Representatives. The House was
a happy outcome in the expected to approve the bill on 30 November,
Power play on the Mekong lower Mekong Basin. The but its fate in the Senate is unclear. Senate
Mekong River Commis- Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (RKY)
Even with fish-passage features, four hydroelectric dams now rising on the
lower Mekong River and on a major tributary, and a fifth dam in the planning sion, an advisory body set has said completing Cures and sending it to
stages, are expected to harm the basins fisheriesand erode food security. up by lower Mekong na- President Barack Obama for signing is one
tions, has provided a fo- of his highest priorities before Congress ad-
rum for airing grievances journs for the year, but disagreements over
1 Pak Beng and prodding developers funding mechanisms or other issues could
Gulf of
to tweak designs, but it derail the legislation.
2 Xayaburi Tonkin
has no authority to stop Still, biomedical research groups were cau-
dams from moving for- tiously optimistic that Cures will finally cross
Mekong ward. Geheb suggests it the finish line. The bill includes a long list of
Vientiane may be in the interest of largely uncontroversial provisions, including
Vietnam and Cambodia calls for NIH to produce a comprehensive

to pay Laos not to build strategic plan, set up a special initiative for
4 Lower Sesan 2 Operating Generating more dams. In Vietnam, young scientists, establish a prize to incentiv-
date capacity (MW) he says, Theyre freaking ize certain kinds of research, and take new
3 Don Sahong out over whats happen- steps to encourage data sharing and ensure
Khone Falls 1 2019 1285
CAMBODIA ing on the main stem and the reproducibility of NIH-funded research.
2 2019 260 the impact on the delta. If And research lobbyists are delighted with
5 Sambor
food security in the region provisions that set aside $4.8 billion over
3 2020 400
Phnom Penh becomes dire, Cowx pre- the next 10 years for three NIH initiatives:
4 2024 912 dicts that Laos could get $1.4 billion for Obamas Precision Medicine
Gulf of Ho Chi hauled before the Inter- Initiative, $1.8 billion for Vice President Joe
Thailand Minh City 5 In planning 2600
national Court of Justice Bidens cancer moonshot, and $1.6 billion for
0 50 100 in the Hague. But by then, the White Houses Brain Research through
South China Sea Planned he says, it will be too late Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies
Km Under construction to save the river. j initiative. The bill also provides $30 million

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1085

Published by AAAS

over 3 years for regenerative medicine re- warns Howard Garrison, a policy expert at research subjects. The bill creates a Research
search using adult stem cells. the Federation of American Societies for Policy Board within the White House Of-
The NIH total is less than the $8.8 billion Experimental Biology (FASEB) in Bethesda, fice of Management and Budget. The board,
envisioned in earlier versions, but research Maryland. He and others want Congress to which would be made up of representatives
advocates arent complaining. They say use the fund as a supplement to NIHs regu- from up to 10 federal agencies and a simi-
Cures would put Congress on record as sup- lar budget, but fear it could become an ex- lar number of research institutions, would
porting sustained funding for key research cuse to curb spending in other parts of the study emerging regulatory problems as well
areas, and specifies how the spending boost agency. Garrison also worries about other as recommend how to harmonize existing
would be paid for. Were absolutely thrilled, provisions that could burden NIH. In a bid policies. The idea came from a 2015 report
says Jon Retzlaff, director of science policy in to boost accountability, for instance, Con- by a committee of the National Academies
the Washington, D.C., office of the American of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. An-
Association for Cancer Research, which has other provision calls for a review of 5-year-
lobbied for Bidens cancer moonshot. old rules that tightened conflict of interest
A 25 November Cures draft calls for Our hope is that [the reporting by NIH-funded researchers. Insti-
raising the money by selling oil from the National Institutes of Health tutions complain the rules have imposed big
U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve and re- costs with little benefit.
directing funds from a public health fund innovation act] will provide The bills FDA provisions aim to accelerate
established by the Affordable Care Act the agencys review of some new drugs and
a layer of security for the

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

(Obamacare). The money would flow into medical devices. In certain cases, FDA would
a new NIH Innovation Account that con- agencys budget. allow companies to run smaller clinical trials
gressional appropriators would control. But Tannaz Rasouli, Association of American or rely on evidence collected outside of tri-
that plan has drawn opposition from some Medical Colleges als to support approval. In an apparent bid
senators, especially those concerned about to boost stem cell and other experimental
the public health programs, and is a source gress wants the director of each institute to therapies, the current draft also directs FDA
of angst in the biomedical research com- personally review and sign off on grants. Its to give special attention to treatments desig-
munity. The arrangement disappoints those awkward, its unnecessary, and its burden- nated as regenerative advanced therapy. If
who sought a dedicated stream of money some, Garrison says. And FASEB worries a a treatment meets the criteriafor example,
for NIH not subject to the vagaries of the plan to impose renewable, 5-year term limits if it is based on stem cells or other tissues
annual appropriations process, but satisfies on institute directors could make it harder and addresses an unmet medical needreg-
some lawmakers desire to keep Congress in for NIH to recruit talent. ulators can offer a company faster review, or
control of spending. Getting a warmer welcome are provisions more flexibility in setting trial endpoints.
Our hope is that this fund will add a layer aimed at reducing the regulatory burden A set of potentially controversial provi-
of security for NIHs budget, says Tannaz on institutions that get federal research sions would expand FDAs priority review
Rasouli, a policy specialist at the Associa- dollars. Reporting requirements on grants system, which attempts to create an incentive
tion of American Medical Colleges in Wash- have grown over the past few decades, for for companies to develop drugs for neglected
ington, D.C. But there are no guarantees, instance, as have rules meant to safeguard tropical and pediatric diseases by doling out
tradeable vouchers that
entitle the companies to
speedier agency reviews.
Cures would add medi-
cal countermeasures
designed to respond to a
chemical or biological at-
tack, for exampleto the
treatments that would win
vouchers for their develop-
ers. But critics say there is
little evidence the vouch-
ers have worked, and
worry that creating even
more of them will only re-
duce their potential value.
If Cures stalls in the

Senate, backers fear it

could be a lengthy wait for
another chance to lock in
NIH funding and tweak
FDA rules. The bill, says
Representative Fred Upton
(RMI), a leading sponsor,
is a once-in-a-generation,
transformational opportu-
Rock star Roger Daltry (left) of The Who was among the many health activists who discussed the 21st Century Cures Act with nity to change the way we
Representatives Diane DeGette (DCO, center) and Fred Upton (RMI). treat disease. j

1086 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
The gravity of the galaxy cluster Abell
2744 (left) magnifies light from some of
the universes oldest galaxies.

and bright in the ultraviolet. Stretched out

by expansion of the universe, the light of
those stars is seen from Earth at visible wave-
lengths, easily picked up by Hubble. Light
from cooler sunlike stars, meanwhile, gets
stretched out to infrared, visible to Spitzer.
Finding the mix of fast-burning young stars
and old, slow burners tells you a lot about a
galaxy. From the ratio of optical to infrared
light we can get the age of the galaxy and the
number of stars, says Peter Capak of NASAs
ASTRONOMY Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Cali-
fornia, Spitzer lead in the project.

Hubble uses galactic lens to Chandra, meanwhile, helped the team

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decipher the distorted images produced by
galaxy cluster gravitational lenses, which

study universes first stars are lumpy and asymmetrical, not smooth
like a telescope lens. To correct for the
lens shape, astronomers have to map the
Gravitational lensing aids search for source of radiation distribution of matterboth normal and
darkwithin a galaxy cluster. Chandra
that ionized ancient cosmic gas pinpointed some of the densest parts of
clusters, so-called active galactic nuclei,
By Daniel Clery Fields, but early results suggest there were. which shine brightly in x-rays. Still, work-
Hubble has produced several earlier im- ing out how the lenses distort background

n a just-completed observing program, ages of the most distant galaxies, made by objects remains something of a black art.
astronomers fitted one of their most staring at one small patch of sky for long pe- Each group has a different approach and
powerful instruments, the Hubble riods. Four years ago, Matt Mountain, then- uses different assumptions, Lotz says. Her
Space Telescope, with the cosmic equiv- director of STScI, was considering whether team gave simulated images to five of the
alent of a telephoto lens. Their goal was to embark on another of these deep field groups and compared their results to hone
to scour the oldest and most distant efforts, which had revealed the largest and an overall approach. It was very success-
reaches of the cosmos for the small, dim brightest of the primordial galaxies. An in- ful. We made a lot of progress, she says.
galaxies that probably held most of the first dependent committee he asked for advice Frontier Fields finished its observa-
stars. Hubbles vision isnt keen enough, so recommended trying the lensing strategy to tions in September, and the team is now
its handlers aimed it at six massive galaxy see much fainter sources in the EoR. Grav- engaged in the mammoth task of process-
clustersgroupings of hundreds or thou- itational lensing was becoming a mature ing the data to find the magnified ancient
sands of galaxieshoping for a boost from field. We could turn it into a real tool, says galaxies in each image. Data from two of
gravitational lensing, a phenomenon origi- Mountain, now president of the Association the clustersAbell 2744 and MACS J0416,
nally predicted by Albert Einstein. With of Universities for Research in Astronomy both about 4 billion light-years away
their masses bending light from back- in Washington, D.C. have been released, and dozens of papers
ground objects, the thinking went, these Over 3 years, some 900 of Hubbles based on the data are already circulating

clusters would bring fainter galaxies into 95-minute orbits, a large chunk of the STScI as preprints.
view. Were taking a trick from Einsteins directors discretionary time, were devoted Some previous studies had suggested
book, says Jennifer Lotz of the Space Tele- to observing the six galaxy clusters. It was that the early universe held so much gas
scope Science Institute (STScI) in Balti- almost constant observing. Every week we that the first stars could not have done
more, Maryland, leader of Hubbles Frontier had stuff coming down, Lotz says. the job of ionizing it. But the galaxies that
Fields program. To interpret the images, which show a Frontier Fields is beginning to reveal may
The program aims to understand the so- jumble of galaxies, far and near, Hubble had have been enough to do the job. We are
called epoch of reionization (EoR)the time help from two other NASA space observa- seeing enough stars, Capak says. Still,
when the universe was less than a billion tories, the Chandra x-ray telescope and the questions remain, he says: Do the stars
years old and something blasted the neu- infrared Spitzer Space Telescope. Spitzers have the right properties? How much of
tral gas scattered through space after the cameras focused on the clusters for more their light is escaping the galaxies?
big bang, stripping away its electrons. Most than 1000 hours. Infrared light can pass It will take Hubbles successor, the James
astronomers believe the culprit was ultra- through interstellar dust, so Spitzer data Webb Space Telescope, scheduled to launch
violet light from the very first generation of helped astronomers distinguish the truly in 2018, to fully answer these puzzles, but
stars. But were there even enough of them distant, ancient galaxies from more recent, Frontier Fields is getting a head start. Its
around at the time, and were they gener- dusty ones, which can look similar. good to be as prepared as possible, Capal
ating sufficient light of the sort needed to Spitzer also helped get a fix on the sizes says. With Frontier Fields, we can take the
cause this cosmic metamorphosis? Astron- of galaxies and their ages. Early galaxies primary steps now, not in the first year of
omers are poring over data from Frontier teemed with massive stars that burned fast James Webb. j

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1087

Published by AAAS

INFECTIOUS DISEASE But a key question has proven difficult to

answer: Why have the effects of Zika been

One year later, Zika scientists so pronounced in northeast Brazil? Doc-

tors in Pernambuco, Bahia, and Paraba
states reported more than 4000 cases of
prepare for a long war microcephaly between July 2015 and Febru-
ary (see graphic, below); Zika was eventu-
ally confirmed as the most likely cause for
Researchers still dont understand the risks, but worry about one-third of them. But in other areas
that suffered outbreaks, the impact has
about a possible second wave of birth defects been much less severe. The southern city of
So Paulo has seen plenty of birth defects,
By Gretchen Vogel Heartbreaking pictures from Brazil her- including cysts in the brain and eye and ear
alded the crisis in late 2015: babies born with problems, but very few microcephaly cases,

t may have sounded like good news. Two tiny heads, their brains apparently deformed says virologist Maurcio Lacerda Nogueira
weeks ago, the World Health Organiza- by a virus known for more than a half- of the Faculty of Medicine of So Jos do
tion (WHO) announced that the Zika century in Africa and Southeast Asia but Rio Preto. The rate of problems is similar,
epidemic was no longer a Public Health never considered a serious threat. Within a he says. What is different is the severity.

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

Emergency of International Concern, a few months, Zika had raced through Latin Other Zika-affected countries have fared
designation reserved for acute threats America and the Caribbean and had con- better as well. Colombia, which had an es-
that Zika received in February. WHOs down- fronted researchers with a puzzle that was timated 100,000 Zika cases, including more
grade came after several months of dropping both terrifying and fascinating. than 17,000 in pregnant women, has reported
case numbers. The decline in reported Zika cases is due only 58 cases of microcephaly. Mexico has
But as the agency was keen to point in part to seasonal drops in populations of monitored more than 3000 pregnant women
out, the change just means that Zika has mosquitoes, Zikas main vector. (Researchers believed to be infected but found not a single
evolved from a cross-border emergency to have also learned that it can hide in semen microcephaly case.
another long-term public health challenge for months and be transmitted during sex.) Part of the explanationbesides differ-
that needs the worlds attention. The virus Cases could pick up again soon, as the South ences in reportingmay be that after north-
is now firmly entrenched in Latin Amer- American summer gets underway. There are east Brazil was hit, women began postponing
ica, which is already battling several other still many places that are going to witness an pregnancy or having abortions if they feared
mosquito-borne diseases. epidemic, says Ko, who helped document the they had been infected. In northeast Brazil,
Meanwhile, fundamental gaps remain in steep rise in severe birth defects in northeast the virus caught everyone by surprise. Now,
scientists knowledge. They dont know how Brazil a year ago. everybody knows, says Laura Rodrigues of
many people Zika infects silently, whether in- In the lab, researchers have worked out the London School of Hygiene & Tropical
fection leads to long-term immunity, or how how the virus could harm fetuses. In cell Medicine (LSHTM).
big a threat it poses to babies in the womb. cultures and in animal models, it zeroes in Researchers also wonder whether a
And although several candidate vaccines on nervous system cells, especially immature cofactor may have exacerbated the viruss
have entered initial human trials, a widely ones needed for brain growth. An unusually effects in the northeast. Initially, some sug-
available product is still years away. As Albert small head size, called microcephaly, is just gested previous exposure to the dengue virus,
Ko, an infectious disease expert at Yale Uni- one of the birth defects linked to Zika. Doc- a close relative of Zika, might trigger antibod-
versity, puts it, We have no prevention, no tors have also documented problems with ies that interfere with the bodys response to
treatment, and no effective ways for counsel- babies eyes, ears, and limbs, as well as more Zika. But So Paulo has dengue rates similar
ing women on risks. subtle brain damage. to those in the northeast, Nogueira says. An-

What happened in Northeast Brazil?


Researchers still dont understand why Northeasta political region comprising nine Brazilian stateshad so many cases of microcephaly and related birth defects between
November 2015 and May. Across the country, roughly one-third of reported cases were confirmed as related to the Zika virus.
Northeast Southeast North Central-West South Northeast
Reported microcephaly cases



North region
750 Central-West

0 South region
2015 2016

1088 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
other possibility is that yellow fever vaccina- NEUROSCIENCE
tion, which is more common in the southeast
than in the northeast, might offer some pro-
tection against Zika because the two viruses
are also related. Malnutrition in the poverty-
Energy pulses reveal possible
stricken northeast may play a role as well;
more severe birth defects seem to cluster in new state of memory
poorer areas.
Another theory is that pyriproxyfen, an Transcranial magnetic stimulation brings latent working
insecticide used to target mosquitoes, might
be involved. In 2014, municipalities in Per-
memories back to direct consciousness
nambuco started treating drinking water
tanks in some regions with the larvicide in By Jessica Boddy word and face, for examplebut were cued
an effort to fight dengue. WHO has approved to focus on just one item. At first, the brain

the treatment as safe, but some researchers emory researchers have shone signatures of both items showed up, as mea-
have pointed out that pyriproxyfens chemi- light into a cognitive limbo. A new sured in this round with electroencephalo-
cal structure resembles that of retinoic acid, memorythe name of someone graphy (EEG). But neural activity for the
which plays a key role in both fetal and pla- youve just met, for example uncued item quickly dropped to baseline,

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cental development. Yet in a study published is held for seconds in so-called as if it had been forgotten, whereas the EEG
in October, Rodrigues and her colleagues working memory, as your brains signature of the cued item remained, a sign
found no statistically significant difference in neurons continue to fire. If the person is that it was still in working memory. Yet sub-
rates of microcephaly between regions where important to you, the name will over a jects could still quickly recall the uncued
pyriproxyfen was used and those that used a few days enter your long-term memory, item when prompted to remember it a few
different chemical, Bt toxin. preserved by permanently altered neural seconds later.
Perhaps the explanation is simply that connections. But where does it go during Rose, who recently left UW for the Uni-
northeast Brazil experienced a much larger the in-between hours, when it has left your versity of Notre Dame in South Bend, In-
Zika outbreak than other regions did, standard working memory and is not yet diana, and his colleagues then turned to
Rodrigues says. The virus was probably embedded in long-term memory? transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a
spreading for more than a year before doc- On p. 1136, a research noninvasive method that
tors detected it in early 2015; perhaps the team shows that memo- uses rapidly changing
second season led to more infections and ries can be resurrected magnetic fields to deliver
more birth defects. That would bode ill for from this limbo. Their This is a really a pulse of electrical cur-
regions that have had only 1 year of Zika, observations point to rent to the brain. They
Ko adds: We are concerned that there may a new form of work-
fundamental find had subjects perform the
be a second wave that is going to come this ing memory, which they its like the dark same cued memory task,
next season. dub prioritized long- then applied a broad TMS
Assessing the real risk to pregnant women term memory, that exists matter of memory. pulse just after the signa-
is difficult, however, because Zika remains without elevated neu- Geoffrey Woodman, ture of the uncued mem-
hard to diagnose. We dont have a denomi- ral activity. Consistent Vanderbilt University ory item had faded. The
nator, says Rosanna Peeling, an expert on with other recent work, appropriate neural activ-
diagnostics at LSHTM. The virus can be de- the study suggests that information can ity for that forgotten item spiked, showing
tected in blood or other body fluids during somehow be held among the synapses that the memory was reactivated into immediate
the 10 days or so that an infection lasts, but connect neurons, even after conventional consciousness from its latent state. Whats
most people dont visit a doctor in that period working memory has faded (Science, more, when the TMS directly targeted the
because symptoms are mild. Detecting past 14 March 2008, p. 1543). brain areas that were initially active for the
infections is difficult because the Zika virus is This is a really fundamental findits uncued item, the reactivation response was
so similar to several other virusesincluding like the dark matter of memory, says even stronger.
dengue, which is rampant in Latin America Geoffrey Woodman, a cognitive neuro- The study doesnt address how syn-
that current antibody tests cant distinguish scientist at Vanderbilt University in Nash- apses or other neuronal features can hold
between them. Several labs are working on ville who was not involved with the work. this second level of working memory, or
Zika-specific antibody tests, but they will take Its hard to really see it or measure it in how much information it can store. Its
years to develop, Peeling says. any clear way, but it has to be out there. a primitive early step in understanding
The lack of a test also makes it hard to tell Otherwise, things would fly apart. how we bring things into mind, says UW
whether past Zika infection provides last- Cognitive neuroscientist Nathan Rose and cognitive neuroscientist Bradley Postle, a
ing protection, and how likely the virus is to colleagues at the University of Wisconsin study co-author.
cause fresh outbreaks in parts of the world (UW) in Madison initially had subjects watch Woodman agrees. Good studies tend to
where it has long been endemic, such as Asia a series of slides showing faces, words, or bring to light more questions than they an-
and Africa. In the meantime, cohort studies dots moving in one direction. They tracked swer, he says. This work absolutely does
that seek out patients with Zika infections the resulting neural activity using functional that. Ultimately, he says, this new memory
as they happen and follow them can pro- magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, state could have a range of practical impli-
vide some answers. Several such studies are with the help of a machine learning algo- cations, from helping college students learn
underway, but the first results are not ex- rithm, showed they could classify the brain more efficiently to assisting people with
pected for a year or more. Until then, Zika activity associated with each item. Then the memory-related neurological conditions such
will keep researchers guessing. j subjects viewed the items in combinationa as amnesia, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. j

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1089

Published by AAAS

Published by AAAS
trapped in long-lasting
equipment that keeps ions
Chris Monroe examines

quantum states.

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ts a Sunday afternoon in September,
and the two co-founders of ionQ, a How small startups are QUBITS OUTMUSCLE classical computer bits
thanks to two uniquely quantum effects:
quantum computing startup, are meet-
ing for a strategy session with their first
vying with corporate superposition and entanglement. Super-
position allows a qubit to have a value of
hire: their new CEO. Sitting in comfy
leather chairs in the Physical Sciences
behemoths for not just 0 or 1, but both states at the same
time, enabling simultaneous computation.
Complex at the University of Maryland quantum supremacy Entanglement enables one qubit to share its

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(UMD) in College Park, the two found- state with others separated in space, creat-
ers are experiencing a touch of culture By Gabriel Popkin ing a sort of super-superposition, whereby
clash. Lifelong research scientists, UMD processing capability doubles with every qu-
physicist Chris Monroe and Jungsang Kim, California Institute of Technology in Pasa- bit. An algorithm using, say, five entangled
an electrical engineer at Duke University in dena, to denote a quantum computer that qubits can effectively do 25, or 32, computa-
Durham, North Carolina, are relaxed and can do something beyond the ken of a clas- tions at once, whereas a classical computer
talkative about their companys plans, even sical computer, such as simulate molecular would have to do those 32 computations in
in the presence of a reporter. They tick off structures in chemistry and materials sci- succession. As few as 300 fully entangled
reasons why trapped ions, their specialty, ence, or tackle certain problems in crypto- qubits could, theoretically, sustain more par-
will make for a great quantum computer graphy or machine learning. allel computations than there are atoms in
perfect reproducibility, long lifetimes, and IonQs team isnt ruffled by Googles the universe.
good controllability with lasers. success. Im not worried that Google will This massive parallelism would not help
Their CEO, David Moehring, whom declare next month that the games over, with many tasksnobody thinks quantum
Monroe and Kim have just hired away Kim says. Or maybe they can declare it, computers will revolutionize word process-
from the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Re- but it wont be over. Still, ionQ, which ing or email. But it could dramatically speed
search Projects Activity, is more guarded. lacks a building or even a website, is a de- up algorithms designed to explore vast
He warns Monroe and Kim against divulg- cided underdog. The startup is sticking numbers of different paths simultaneously,
ing information that he thinks a startup with trapped ionsthe technology behind and solve problems that include searching
should keep secretincluding exactly how the worlds very first quantum logic gates, through large data sets, discovering new
much money they received from the venture which Monroe himself helped create in chemical catalysts, and factoring large num-
capital firm New Enterprise Associates. (He 1995. With precisely tuned laser pulses, bers used to encrypt data. Quantum comput-
is willing to confirm that its several million Monroe can knock ions into quantum ers may even find a role simulating black
dollars.) Kim nods at Moehring and chuck- states that last for secondsfar longer than holes and other phenomena in physics.
les. At some point this guy will implement Googles qubits. Kim has developed a modu- There is a major catch, however. Quantum
a policy that we need to get his approval lar scheme for connecting groups of ions superpositions and entangled states are ex-
to talk. together, which might allow ionQ to scale quisitely fragile. They can be destroyed by
These unlikely partners share a common up faster than many expect. But so far, its slight perturbations from the environment
conviction: that quantum computing leaders have joined just five qubits into a or by attempts to measure them. A quan-
which aims to harness quantum mechanics programmable machine. Trapped ions are tum computer needs protection from what
to vastly accelerate computationis ready a bit of a black sheep right now, Monroe Robert Schoelkopf, a physicist at Yale Uni-
for prime time. They are not alone. Tech gi- admits, but I think in the coming years versity, calls a sea of classical chaos.
ants Intel, Microsoft, IBM, and Google are people will be flocking to it. Though theoretical ideas started appear-
all plowing tens of millions of dollars into One thing is certain: Building a quantum ing in the early 1980s, experimental quan-
quantum computing. Yet the contenders are computer has gone from a far-off dream of tum computing got going only in 1995, after
betting on different technological horses: a few university scientists to an immediate Peter Shor, a mathematician at Bell Labs
No one yet knows what type of quantum goal for some of the worlds biggest com- in Murray Hill, New Jersey, showed that
logic bit, or qubit, will power a practical panies. And Monroe and his colleagues are a quantum computer could quickly factor
quantum computer. among many who hope to cash in. Although large numbersa capability that would ren-
Google, often considered the fields leader, superconducting qubits may have taken a der much of modern cryptography obsolete.

has signaled its choice: tiny, superconducting momentary lead among industry players, ex- Shor and others also showed that it was
circuits. Its group has built a nine-qubit ma- perts agree that its far too early to declare a theoretically possible to keep fragile qubits
chine and hopes to scale up to 49 within winner. Its a good thing that these different stable indefinitely by using neighboring qu-
a yearan important threshold. At about technologies are being developed in parallel, bits to correct their errors.
50 qubits, many say a quantum computer says Preskill, an unofficial dean of quantum Suddenly, physicists and their funders
could achieve quantum supremacy, a term information science. Because there could had both a concrete reason to build a quan-
coined by John Preskill, a physicist at the be surprises that really change the game. tum computer and a sign that the machine

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1091

Published by AAAS

wouldnt dissolve into a pile of cascading ing, such as error correction. But several superconductor structures, and Microsoft
errors. David Wineland, a Nobel Prize companies, including Google and Lockheed has funded several groups to try to make
winning physicist at a National Institute of Martin, bought and tested D-Wave devices. one. Recent papers from these groups and
Standards and Technology (NIST) laboratory A tentative consensus emerged: They did from a separate effort at Bell Labs have
in Boulder, Colorado, had already pioneered something quantum, and, for certain special- shown hints of the crucial anyon in the
methods to use lasers to cool ions and control ized tasks, they might perform faster than a patterns of electrical currents that flow in
their internal quantum states. Within a year conventional computer. Quantum or not, D- their specialized circuitry, and the scientists
of Shors discoveries, Wineland and Monroe, Wave jolted the private sector awake. It was are close to demonstrating an actual qubit,
a NIST staff scientist at the time, built the really eye-opening, Monroe says. [D-Wave] Preskill says. I think in a year or two, we
first quantum mechanical logic gate, using showed that theres a market, theres a hunger can consider it to be nailed: Topological
lasers to manipulate electron states in a be- for these devices. Within a few years, com- qubits exist.
ryllium ion. Because of Winelands experi- panies started lining up behind technologies Google, for its part, recruited John
ence with ions, the chance to seize the lead that aligned with their in-house expertise. Martinis, a superconducting qubit expert at
in early quantum computing experiments Intel made one of the biggest bets, an- the University of California, Santa Barbara
fell in our laps, Monroe says. (UCSB), who had studied D-Waves opera-
As millions of government research dol- tion and shortcomings. In 2014, the company
lars began flowing to quantum physics swallowed his UCSB research team whole,
groups around the world, other kinds of ... theres a market, theres hiring about a dozen people. Soon afterward,

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qubits began to appear. By the early 2010s, Martiniss team announced they had built a
trapped ions faced a strong challenge from
a hunger for these devices. nine-qubit machine at UCSB, one of the larg-
a new darling: circuit loops made out of Chris Monroe, University of Maryland est programmable quantum computers so
superconductorsmetallic materials that far, and they are now trying to scale up. To
can carry an oscillating electric current nouncing in 2015 that it would invest avoid creating an unwieldy jumble of wires,
without resistance when chilled nearly to $50 million into research at QuTech, an off- they are rebuilding the system into a 2D ar-
absolute zero. The 0 and 1 of the qubit cor- shoot of Delft University of Technology in ray that will sit on top of a wafer with control
respond to different current strengths. Add- the Netherlands. The company is focusing on wires etched into it.
ing to their appeal, the loops can be seen silicon quantum dots, often called artificial In July, Martiniss teamnow up to
with the naked eye, controlled with simple atoms. A quantum dot qubit is a small chunk about 30 scientists and engineersused
microwave electronics rather than finicky of material in which, as in an atom, the quan- three superconducting qubits to simu-
lasers, and fabricated using techniques from tum states of an electron can represent 0 and late the ground state energy of a hydrogen
conventional computer chip manufacturing. 1. Unlike ions or atoms, however, a quantum molecule, demonstrating that quantum
They also operate very quickly. dot doesnt need lasers to trap it. computers can simulate simple quantum
At least at first, however, superconductors Early quantum dots were made from near- systems as well as classical computers.
had a fatal weakness: Environmental perfect crystals of gallium arsenide, but re- The result points to the coming power of
noise, even from the electronics used to searchers have turned to silicon, hoping to a machine with quantum supremacy, he
control them, can disrupt their quan- leverage the massive manufacturing infra- says. Martinis calls the 1-year timetable for
tum superpositions in a small fraction of structure of the semiconductor industry. I reaching a 49-qubit computer a stretch
a microsecond. But engineering refine- think [Intels] heart is with silicon, says Leo goal, but he believes it may be possible.
ments have improved the circuits stabil- Kouwenhoven, scientific director of QuTech.
ity by more than a million times, so that Thats what theyre good at. But silicon- MEANWHILE, Monroe is grappling with the
they now can remain in a superposition based qubits are well behind those based on challenges that come with trapped ions. As
state for tens of microsecondsthough ions or superconductors, with the first two- qubits, they can remain stable for seconds,
they still collapse far faster than ions. qubit logic gate reported only last year by a thanks to vacuum chambers and electrodes
group at the University of New South Wales that stabilize them even in the presence of
IN 2007, D-Wave Systems, a startup com- in Sydney, Australia. external noise. Yet that isolation also means
pany in Burnaby, Canada, surprised just Microsoft went for what many con- it is a challenge to get the qubits to interact.
about everybody by announcing that it had sider an even longer shot: topological qu- Monroe recently entangled 22 ytterbium ions
built a quantum computer, with 16 super- bits based on nonabelian anyons. These in a linear chain, but so far he is not able to
conducting qubits. D-Waves machine didnt arent objects at alltheyre quasiparticles, control or query all ion pairs in the chain, as
entangle all the qubits, and it couldnt be traveling along the boundary between two a quantum computer will require.
programmed qubit by qubit. Instead, it re- different materialsand their quantum The complexity of controlling the ensem-
lied on a technique called quantum anneal- states are encoded in the different braid- ble rises with the number of ions squared, so
ing, in which qubits are entangled only with ing paths they follow in time. Because the adding many more is impractical. The way
near neighbors and interact to produce not shapes of the braided paths lead to the qu- forward, Monroe believes, is to go modular
a set of parallel computations, but a single bit superpositions, they would be topo- and use fiber optics to link traps holding per-
overall quantum state. D-Wave developers logically protected from collapse, similar haps 20 ions each. In such a scheme, certain
hoped to map complicated mathematical to how a shoelace stays tied even if nudged qubits within each module would act as hubs,
problems onto such states and use quantum or bumped. reading out information from the rest of the
effects to find minimum points, a promising This meant that theoretically, a topo- qubits and sharing it with other modules;
technique for solving optimization problems logical quantum computer wouldnt need this way, most qubits could remain shielded
such as efficiently routing air traffic. to devote so many qubits to error correc- from external interference.
Almost instantly critics cried foul: D-Wave tion. As early as 2005, a Microsoft-led team On a recent afternoon, Monroe toured his
did not even attempt to do certain things that proposed a way to build a topologically six lab spaces at UMD. In his three older labs,
many thought essential to quantum comput- protected qubit in hybrid semiconductor- electrical wires and vacuum lines descend

1092 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
A bit of the action
In the race to build a quantum computer, companies are pursuing many types of quantum bits, or qubits, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Current Microwaves


Time N

Superconducting loops Trapped ions Silicon quantum dots Topological qubits Diamond vacancies
A resistance-free current Electrically charged atoms, or These artifcial atoms Quasiparticles can be seen A nitrogen atom and a
oscillates back and forth around ions, have quantum energies are made by adding an in the behavior of electrons vacancy add an electron to a
a circuit loop. An injected that depend on the location of electron to a small piece channeled through semi- diamond lattice. Its quantum
microwave signal excites electrons. Tuned lasers cool of pure silicon. Microwaves conductor structures.Their spin state, along with those
the current into super- and trap the ions, and put control the electrons braided paths can encode of nearby carbon nuclei,

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position states. them in superposition states. quantum state. quantum information. can be controlled with light.
Longevity (seconds)
0.00005 >1000 0.03 N/A 10

Logic success rate

99.4% 99.9% ~99% N/A 99.2%

Number entangled
9 14 2 N/A 6

Company support Microsoft, Quantum Diamond

Google, IBM, Quantum Circuits ionQ Intel Bell Labs Technologies

Fast working. Build on existing Very stable. Highest Stable. Build on existing Greatly reduce Can operate at
semiconductor industry. achieved gate fdelities. semiconductor industry. errors. room temperature.
Collapse easily and must Slow operation. Many Only a few entangled. Existence not yet DiTcult to
be kept cold. lasers are needed. Must be kept cold. conLrmed. entangle.
Note: Longevity is the record coherence time for a single qubit superposition state, logic success rate is the highest reported gate Ldelity for logic operations on two qubits,
and number entangled is the maximum number of qubits entangled and capable of performing two-qubit operations.

in tangles from above. On oversize tables, ionQ. The private sector money flowing into A future quantum computer could well
a bewildering array of lenses and mirrors quantum research, he says, is the biggest be a hybrid, with ultrafast superconducting
shape and direct laser light toward portals deal in my career. qubits running algorithms, then dumping
in small steel vacuum chambers containing output to more stable ion memory, while
the all-important ions. Overhead heating, EVEN AS MONEY HAS POURED IN, quantum photons shuttle information among different
ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) computing is a long way from becoming a parts of the machine or between nodes of a
equipmentnecessary to keep dust down secretive commercial field. The major re- quantum internet. One can imagine well
and stabilize the lab temperaturegives off search groupseven those affiliated with have an environment in which several types
a steady drone. Im passionate about HVAC, big companiesare still publishing results of qubits exist and play different roles, says
Monroe says. and presenting at conferences. They say they Krysta Svore, a Microsoft researcher in Red-
The three newer labs are, by contrast, tidy have a mutual interest in publicizing their mond, Washington.
and eerily empty. Instead of Rube Goldberg advances, not least so that potential custom- A quantum computer is so new, and so

optics tables, most of the lasers are inte- ers can think about how they could use a strange, that even the worlds top quantum
grated, plug-and-play units from companies quantum computer. We all need a market, physicists and computer engineers do not
like Honeywellprototypes for the kinds of Monroe says. know what a commercial one will ultimately
turnkey systems that ionQ needs to perfect if Whats more, nobody knows enough look like. Physicists will need to simply build
it is going to succeed. The lasers we use now about quantum computing yet to go it alone the most complex computer possible with
have only one knob, and its on, Monroe with a single qubit type. Every approach current technology, then confront the new
says. He is antsy to get ionQs labs up and needs refining before quantum comput- challenges that are sure to crop up, Svore
running, so he can transition his highly paid ers can be scaled up. Superconductor- and says. Build, study, and repeat. We like to
research scientists onto ionQs payroll and silicon-based qubits need to be manu- joke that once we have a quantum com-
set them to perfecting technologies theyve factured with more consistency, and the puter, were going to use it to design the next
developed at UMDwhich, thanks to an refrigerators that chill them need stream- quantum computer. j
unusual agreement, ionQ can license exclu- lining. Trapped ions need faster logic gates
sively and royalty-free. Next year he will take and more compact lasers and optics. Topo- Gabriel Popkin is a freelance journalist
his first-ever sabbatical to focus on building logical qubits still need to be invented. in Mount Rainier, Maryland.

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1093

Published by AAAS
Downloaded from on December 1, 2016
Li Hui extracts DNA to help nab
modern killersand probe ancient myths.


Geneticist Li Hui believes a DNA database can authenticate
mythical figures from before the dawn of China
By Kathleen McLaughlin, in Chengtoushan, China

nside a museum built over Stone Age plucked a bone fragment that had chipped Based on the luxurious relics buried with
ruins here, two workers last month off the femur. Then he nodded, and the the skeletonwhich archaeologists dubbed
attached an industrial-sized suction workers sealed the display case back up. the mayorLi believes he may have been a
cup to a vacuum-sealed glass case. Air Back in his laboratory, Li will extract and an- chieftain of a clan associated with Fuxi, one
hissed as the seal was cracked and the alyze DNA from the bones, using techniques of the mythical sovereigns. Fuxi is credited
lid was gently lifted away, exposing from the burgeoning field of ancient DNA. with rice cultivation, and the phoenix is a
an eroded human skeleton. Li Hui, a But unlike others in this hot field who want symbol associated with that sovereign.
geneticist from Fudan University in to understand ancient populations and mi- By comparing DNA from the bone chip to
Shanghai, China, had his prize. He grations, Li is seeking scientific support for sequences in a vast database of DNA samples
leaned over the remains, once a major figure some of Chinas most cherished legends. gathered around China, Li hopes to probe
in Neolithic Chengtoushan, an early site of Scientists here believe the skeleton could that tantalizing possibility. It is the latest and
rice cultivation in southern Chinas Hunan be as many as 6500 years old, 2 millennia boldest of his efforts to turn myths into his-
province. The bones are alone in their glass older than Chinas first historical dynasty, tory with the help of DNA. We are retracing
casket, but when excavated in the mid-1990s the Xiaa time, according to legend, when and rebuilding history to understand the
they were draped with a jade necklace and deities known as the Three Sovereigns ruled development and adaptation of Chinese peo-
surrounded by sculptures of a phoenix. the land. Chinese credit the sage-kings with ple, Li says, so we can imagine the future

As a ghoulish green light bathed the skel- laying the foundations of their culture: of Chinese peoplewhat will we evolve into?
eton, Li wrapped his hand in a plastic bag inventing silk and medicine, for instance, Lis quest has won cautious praise from
to minimize contamination and delicately and fashioning Chinas written characters. some scholars. Paleoanthropologist Chris

1094 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Stringer of the Natural History Museum growing DNA collection to discredit a theory Cao Caos grand-uncle and his descendants
in London calls Lis work ambitious and that indigenous Taiwanesethe original oc- were relatedevidence of an unbroken
notes that DNA has proven to be a more cupants of the island, where the Nationalists family line.
powerful tool for elucidating prehistory fled in the waning days of Chinas civil war Now, Li is taking on the Three Sovereigns,
than he and others could have imagined in the late 1940sdescended from Micro- possibly Chinas most cherished legend. By
even a few years ago. Others have qualms. nesians and Polynesians. Rather, their genes examining Y chromosome sequences in their
I cant think of any historian who would could be traced to the Dai people of southern database, he and his Fudan colleagues have
be interested in this, except as a way of ana- China, he reported in Evolu- built a circumstantial case for
lyzing people in China today and how they tionary Biology in 2008. That the existence of the mythi-
think about the past, says Sigrid Schmalzer, finding was in line with the cal clans. Y chromosome
a historian at the University of Massachu- Chinese governments view haplogroupssets of DNA
setts in Amherst and author of The Peoples that the island has always variations that tend to be in-
Peking Man: Popular Science and Human been Chinese. herited togetherindicate
Identity in Twentieth-Century China. She Fudans DNA trove serves that about half of Chinese
and some colleagues see a skein of national- the states interests in practi- men today are descended
ism running through the attempt to estab- cal ways as well. Police call from three lineages: the Three
lish a cohesive Chinese culture predating on the group once a week, on Sovereigns, Li says.
the Xia dynasty. There is a very strong in- average, to help solve crimes. Lis assumption that the

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terest in China in laying claim to a Chinese Because most of Chinas match between the genetic
identity just as far back as you can take it, 1.4 billion people share just pattern and the mythical
Schmalzer says. 100 surnames, and until re- threesome is more than
Li shrugs and says, simply, that there is a cently these clans stayed coincidence raises some eye-
gulf between historians and geneticists, and put in their home villages, brows. I am not sure where
that he is following where the facts lead him. the database allows the ge- one starts out with assump-
He has debunked some historical claims, he neticists to go beyond police tions about genetic connec-
notes, but he says he already has support for DNA forensics and pinpoint a tions that necessarily relates
the Three Sovereigns legend: studies of the suspects surname and home- to the mythical founders of
Y chromosomethe male sex chromosome town. The geneticists have Chinese civilization, says
that trace about half of modern Chinese men identified victims or provided Rowan Flad, an archaeo-
back to three ancient groups. What makes leads in about 50 cases so far, logist at Harvard University,
me believe that [the Three Sovereigns legend] Li says. who studies the emergence
is true is the perfect match of the mythology, The teams latest foren- of complex society in Stone
archaeology, and genetics in timescales and sic success came last sum- Age China. Population ge-
geographic distribution, he says. Cheng- mer, after police in Gansu netics and genealogy rooted
toushans mayor, Li says, may even have province sent them DNA in origin stories dont ini-
been the historical figure revered as Fuxi. swabbed from a crime scene. tially strike me as the most
Over 14 years, 11 women and compatible data sets.
OVER THE PAST 2 DECADES, scientists in Lis girls had been raped and Li will try to prove other-
home base, Fudan Universitys Key Labora- killed in western Gansu, and wise. In his Shanghai lab,
tory of Contemporary Anthropology, have the police deduced that the cluttered incongruously with
collected blood samples from more than cases were related. Analyz- DNA sequencing machines
400,000 people across China to map ethnic ing the DNA, Lis group as- and stuffed monkeys, he will
groups. Chinese people want to know their certained the serial killers extract the mayors DNA and
links to each other, Li says, which made it surname likely was Gao, and compare it to sequences in
easy for him and his mentors to gather sam- zeroed in on his likely home the database. Li suspects
ples. Before DNA, they liked to study their village in Gansu. That was the DNA will reveal that the
family records. They want to know who they enough for police to go on; mayor belonged to an eth-
are related to. in August they captured a nic group linked to early
The Fudan groups original goal was not man named Gao Chengyong, rice cultivationand that
to probe myths, but to build a genetic tree who confessed to the crimes. ethnic group would be the
for the people speaking Chinas 400-plus Fuxi clan.
dialects and languages. Having sampled LI HUIS FIRST FORAY into Chi- Li sums up his quest in a
DNA of individuals who collectively speak nese mythology came in 2013, poem, written in Tang dy-
324 tongues, the team is about three- when he analyzed DNA from nasty style, that he composed
quarters of the way toward reaching its a relative of the Emperor Cao to honor Chengtoushan. Its
goal. The labs founder, Fudan University Cao, a renowned warlord an ode to the secrets that the

Vice President Li Jin, believes the map will who ruled during the second site may reveal. Ancient his-
give a more precise picture of Chinas di- century C.E. For centuries, tories so far from the books.
versity than does the governments clas- rumor had it that Cao Caos Who built this first city.
sification of Chinese people according to grandfather was a eunuch, Please, let me hear your dis-
56 official ethnicities. meaning the emperors father This intricate rubbing depicts tant tune. j
Li Hui, 38, joined Li Jins lab as an had been adopted. On na- Fuxi, the sage-king of Chinese
undergraduate in 1998. He made his first tional TV, Li debunked that mythology credited with Kathleen McLaughlin is a
big splash a decade later, when he used the claim. The DNA showed that developing rice cultivation. writer in Beijing.

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1095

Published by AAAS

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Reforming the U.S. coal leasing program

Royalty rates and auction practices do not reflect the social costs of coal PHOTO: JOEL SARTORE/NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CREATIVE

By Kenneth Gillingham,1 James Bushnell,2 energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- relevant to reform, highlighting the social
Meredith Fowlie,3 Michael Greenstone,4 sions (1). With the largest and lowest-cost costs of coal extraction, the extent of sub-
Charles Kolstad,5 Alan Krupnick,6 reserves in the United States, federal coal stitution away from federal coal induced by
Adele Morris,7 Richard Schmalensee,8 aloneestimated at nearly 10% of the worlds raising additional leasing revenue, the lack
James Stock9 known reserveshas potential to contribute of competition in the leasing auctions, and
substantially to atmospheric CO2 concen- the incentives inherent in the current leasing

bout 40% of all coal mined in the trations (2). In response to calls for reform, program structure. We then turn to critical
United States is extracted from lands DOI has issued a moratorium on new leases areas of research that can be done in the near
owned by the federal government, while it develops a Programmatic Environ- term and would contribute to more informed
under leases managed by the U.S. De- mental Impact Statement to guide the first debate and policy development.
partment of the Interior (DOI). Burn- major reform of the program since 1982. In light of the U.S. pledge under the Paris
ing that coal accounts for 13% of U.S. We review existing knowledge of key issues Agreement and the tangible actions the

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Published by AAAS
(iii) negligible annual land rental payments. emissions due to a substitution of activity
The revenue is roughly evenly shared be- from regulated to unregulated sources, sec-
tween federal and state governments (5). tors, or regions. This is especially relevant
in the context of reforming the coal leasing
SOCIAL COSTS, LEAKAGE, INCENTIVES program for two reasons. First, the CPP is
Nearly all federal coal production occurs in not likely to fully address the external costs
a few Western states. Most is in Wyoming of climate change, in part because of design
and Montana, which have vast reserves be- features that allow for leakage of emissions
ing exploited by low-cost surface mines in the to unregulated and less-regulated electric-
Powder River Basin (PRB) and produce >80% ity production (12). Although reforming the
of all federal coal (see the photo). PRB coal coal leasing program would not likely affect
sells for much less than other U.S. coal. For leakage under the CPP, leasing reform com-
example, the average mine-mouth spot price bined with regulation of stationary sources of
of PRB coal on 28 October 2016 was $0.51 per GHGs may help address coals large climate
one million British thermal units (MMBtu), costs more efficiently. Second, an increase
whereas the average price in other major in royalty or lease payments for federal coal
coal-producing basins varied from $1.41 to can lead to leakage via substitution from fed-
$1.80 per MMBtu (6). PRB coal also has low eral to nonfederal coal production, such as

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sulfur content, often lessening the need for from Appalachia and the Midwest. If the in-
equipment to control SO2 emissions and im- crease of nonfederal coal production is large
plying that PRB coal is higher value to some enough, it could offset the decline in federal
power plants. Although there are differences coal production, an offset that implies lower
in transportation costs, low-cost federal coal government revenues, with little change in
from the PRB puts downward pressure on nationwide coal production, prices, or emis-
coal prices nationwide (7). sions. If the increase in nonfederal coal pro-
Low prices for energy are beneficial for duction is small, government revenues would
consumers but are problematic when the increase and nationwide production and
prices do not take into account the full social emissions would decline.
costs of extraction and combustion. These There is some analysis of the degree of
costs include private costs from extracting leakage from federal to nonfederal coal. One
and transporting the energy, as well as the well-known energy model (the Integrated
external costs that all of society bears, such as Planning Model) implies that increases in
those stemming from emissions of coal-bed royalties on federal coal would increase gov-
methane, water pollution, and land degrada- ernment revenue and reduce nationwide coal
tion from mining activities; CO2 and other production and emissions (1). In the absence
GHG emissions from transporting and com- of the CPP, an additional charge on coal at
busting coal; and water pollution from coal the mine mouth, set so that the CO2 in the
combustion waste materials (811). When coal is monetized at the U.S. governments
these environmental costs are large, the mar- central estimate of the social cost of carbon,
ket price for energy will be considerably be- could achieve roughly three-quarters of the
low the social cost; the consequence is that emissions reductions expected from the CPP,
more coal is used than is optimal socially. a finding that is particularly relevant as the
A striking illustration of how large one CPP is being litigated (1). Another analysis
of these external costsfrom combustion explored the effects of basing royalties on the
This aerial view of a nonlignite coal strip mine in the emissions of CO2is for coal relative to the final delivered price of coalthe price paid
Powder River Basin of Wyoming is representative of market price of coal is seen in the figure be- by the party combusting the coalrather
many operations on federal lands. A reformed federal low. In contrast to oil and gas, which are also than the first transaction price, which often
coal leasing system could provide a more fair return extracted from federal lands, the monetized is at the mine mouth. This analysis found
to the taxpayer and reduce environmental damages. climate damages from PRB coal combustion that substitution of nonfederal coal for fed-
are about six times the spot price of coal. eral would be sufficiently small that revenues
United States is taking to reduce CO2 emis- This underscores that PRB coal is substan- from the royalty program would increase
sions, there have been increasing calls from tially underpriced relative to its social costs. substantially (13).
scientists and environmental organizations It also points to the importance of address- These studies focus on the effects of rais-
to incorporate climate considerations into ing climate externalities of coal use, whether ing royalty rates rather than bringing in more
federal coal leasing policy [e.g., (3)]. In par- through new regulation to price carbon and revenue from leasing auctions. This is due to
allel, there is a conceptually distinct call for other GHG emissions, downstream regula- the structure of the auctions, which often
reforming the program to bring in greater tion like the U.S. Environmental Protection lack any genuine competition: More than
revenue in order to provide a fair return to Agencys (EPAs) Clean Power Plan (CPP) that 90% of leases from 1990 to 2012 had a single
the taxpayer (4). The current program raises seeks to reduce CO2 emissions from power bidder, largely because all but a few leases
revenue through (i) auctions for the right to plants, reforms of the federal coal program, expand existing mines that already have in-
a 10-year lease (with a confidential minimum or some combination of these. frastructure (5). Consequently, bidding is of-
bid set by DOI), (ii) royalty payments per ton Over the past decade, there has been an ten uneconomic for other firms, leaving the
produced based on the first transaction price abundance of research examining the po- operator of the existing mine without mean-
(i.e., the price at the first sale of the coal), and tential for emissions leakage, a shift of ingful competition. Not surprisingly, royalty

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payments ($796 million in 2012) 8 dress environmental consider-

2016 dollars per MMBtu

have been more than double the Average fossil fuel spot price, Jan.-Sept. 2016
ations by bringing the market
auction revenue in most years in 6 price closer to the social cost,
Monetized climate damages
the past decade (5). while bringing in additional
Recent work has analyzed 4 government revenue.
additional programmatic short- Although there is still un-
comings. For example, because 2 certainty and work to be done,
royalties are based on the first there is more than enough evi-
transaction price of the coal, 0 dence to point us in the gen-
mine operators have an incen- Powder River Natural gas Crude oil eral direction of reform. Going
Basin coal
tive to sell coal for low rates to forward, a research agenda
subsidiaries of the coal company. Average fossil fuel spot prices are at the mine mouth or production rig. Costs are based on energy modeling and
If the first transaction price is heat-rate adjusted. Average annual coal, oil, and gas spot prices are the final delivered data-intensive empirical work
with the final consumer (usu- prices in 2016 dollars [from]. Monetized CO2 climate damages of $44 by economists, engineers, and
ally a power plant), mine opera- per ton of CO2 are based on the median U.S. government social cost of carbon at a 3% other social scientists should
tors are permitted to reduce the discount rate adjusted for inflation to 2016 dollars (9). Carbon emission factors come be a high priority to help an-
royalty payments by taking self- from (10) and do not include GHG emissions from the extraction process. Heating swer questions that are directly
reported deductions for trans- values are from (6) and (10). These calculations are based on the methodology from relevant to reforming the fed-

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portation and washing, rather (11). See supplementary materials for data and calculations. eral coal leasing system. More
than deductions based on mar- broadly, there is a strong case
ket prices, which may be substantially below downstream policies for mitigating climate for exploring and researching similar re-
the self-reported estimates (5). Finally, mine change, which could affect the outcomes of forms of the federal oil and natural gas
operators can engage in take-or-pay con- the reform. There is modeling of coal leas- leasing programs. j
tracts with electric utilities that have lower ing reforms with and without the most im-
transaction prices (allowing for lower royalty portant downstream policy, the CPP (1), but
1. T. Gerarden, W.S. Reeder, J. Stock, Federal coal program
payments), which are compensated for by there are myriad ways states can choose to reform, The Clean Power Plan, and the Interaction of
penalty payments associated with purchases achieve their emissions targets under the upstream and downstream climate policies (Working
paper 22214, National Bureau of Economic Research,
less than a stated (usually large) bench- CPP. Further complicating matters are the Cambridge, MA, 2016).
mark (14). These shortcomings highlight many local and state-level climate policies. 2. J. A. Luppens et al., Coal geology and assessment of
the possibility that reforms could increase Interactions among all of these policies will coal resources and reserves in the Powder River Basin,
Wyoming and Montana (Professional paper 1809, U.S.
government revenues and allow the federal determine the efficiency of federal coal leas- Geological Survey, Reston, VA, 2015).
government to reduce other taxes, pay down ing reform for addressing the costs of cli- 3. K. Caldeira et al., Letter to U.S. Department of Interior and
Bureau of Land Management to end coal leasing on public
the federal debt, or invest in projects with mate change and will also determine how lands, 26 July 2016;
high social value. coal production and government revenues 4. M. Squillace, Nat. Resour. Environ. 27 (3), art7 (2013).
will change with a reform. 5. U.S. Government Accountability Office, Coal leasing: BLM
could enhance appraisal process, more explicitly con-
RESEARCH NEEDS Third, how will reform change the effects sider coal exports, and provide more public information
Four major understudied issues could inform of the leasing program on the global, na- (Report 14-140, GAO, Washington, DC, 2013).
6. EIA, Coal Markets Report (EIA, Washington, DC, 2016);
policy debate. First is the potential extent tional, and regional coal markets? Switch-
of leakage from federal to nonfederal coal. ing a generating unit away from PRB coal 7. Council of Economic Advisers, The economics of coal
Two different energy sector models proj- to nonfederal coal often entails nontrivial leasing on federal lands: Ensuring a fair return to the
taxpayer(White House, Washington, DC, 2016).
ect a relatively small degree of replacement costs, potentially leading to fuel switching 8. National Research Council, Hidden Costs of Energy:
of federal with nonfederal coal (1, 13). But away from coal altogether. This could en- Unpriced Consequences of Energy Production and Use
(National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2010).
these two models capture only some of the hance existing trends: With low natural gas 9. Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Greenhouse
many relationships in the energy sector and prices, an aging fleet of coal power plants, Gases, Technical support document: Technical update of
have analyzed only a few of the many pos- and new regulations for air pollutants like the social cost of carbon for regulatory impact analysis:
Under Executive Order 12866 (White House, Washington,
sible reforms. Others have posited that sub- mercury, more than 80% of electric gen- DC, 2016);
stitution of nonfederal coal for federal may eration retired in 2015 was conventional 10. EPA, Emission factors for greenhouse gas inventories
(EPA, Washington, DC, 2014);
be much greater (15). Thus, empirical work thermal coal. Although the U.S. Energy 11. M. Greenstone, D. Stuart, Fossil fuel trends and the
and further energy modeling can refine our Information Administration (EIA) projects social cost of carbon (Energy Policy Institute, Univ. of
understanding of how government revenues, that coal will remain a major energy source Chicago, Chicago, 2015);
nationwide coal production, and emissions for the next two decades (16), a switch away 12. M. Fowlie et al., Science 346, 815 (2014).
might change with alternative reforms of the from PRB coal may affect particular mining 13. M. Haggerty, M. Lawson, J. Pearcy, Steam coal at an arms
length: An evaluation of proposed reform options for U.S.
coal leasing program. regions. Understanding the effects on em- coal used in power generation (Headwaters Economics
Second, any reform of the leasing program ployment, mineral-related state revenues, Working paper, Bozeman, MT, 2016).
would occur in the context of many other and the price of electricity to consumers will 14. I. Peterson, Geo. J. L. Public Policy 13 (1), 165 (2015).
15. A. Krupnick, J. Darmstadter, N. Richardson, K. McLaughlin,
help make policy trade-offs transparent. Putting a carbon charge on federal coal: Legal and eco-
Fourth, despite evidence of program- nomic issues (Discussion paper 15-13, Resources for the

1 2
Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. University of Future, Washington, DC, 2015).
matic shortcomings in the coal leasing pro- 16. EIA, Annual energy outlook 2016 (Report 0383, EIA,
California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. 3University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 4University of Chicago, Chicago,
gram, there is remarkably little research Washington, DC, 2016).
IL 60637, USA. 5Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, on overcoming these shortcomings. Re-
USA. 6Resources for the Future, Washington, DC 20036, search to redesign the auctions to be more
USA.7Brookings Institution, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
competitivesuch as through a regional
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
02139, USA. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. leasing modelor to reform how royalty
Email: payments are structured could help ad- 10.1126/science.aak9851

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Vampire bats (such as this common
PERSPECTIVES vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus) live in
colonies in South and Central America.

EPIDEMIOLOGY data from different fields through a range of location (3). However, more limited data can
modeling approaches. They thus help to elu- suffice for reconstructing epidemiological

As the bat flies cidate data gaps and increase understanding

of viral dynamics and emergence.
Bats are unique among mammals in that
processes through phylogenetic analyses. For
example, Biek et al. were able to identify a
distinct spatiotemperal pattern for Ebola vi-
Can virus transmission they fly. Flight, the often small size of bats, rus outbreaks from analysis of just 13 gene
and their nocturnal behavior contribute to fragments from Ebola virus outbreaks from
from bats to humans be the difficulties researchers have in study- 1976 to 2003; later analyses that included
predicted? ing them. Yet flight has allowed the ~1300 bat-derived Ebola virus gene fragments con-
recorded bat species to become widespread firmed the genetic relatedness and temporal
around the world, occupying all continents structure (4). Such analyses allow predictions
By David T. S. Hayman (except Antarctica) and remote landmasses of the spread of viruses in time and space
such as New Zealand and Hawaii. Bats diets based on just a few viral sequence fragments

he importance of predicting the tim- range from insects to fruit to fish to blood, (see the figure).
ing and location of infectious disease and they can exist as solitary migrants or Analysis of host relatedness can inform un-
emergence events from animal into highly colonial animals. This extraordinary derstanding of viral dynamics and spillover.
human populations is highlighted by diversity appears to be matched by the diver- Streicker et al. conclude that male bats are key
the effect of Ebola virus in West Africa. sity of viruses that bats host (2). to the dispersal in Peruvian vampire bat pop-
Such predictions are, however, usually In their analysis, Streicker et al. used mod- ulation dynamics and rabies virus transmis-
hampered by a dearth of data. In a recent els that combine evolutionary (phylogenetic) sion (1), and rabies virus is more frequently
analysis of rabies viruses derived from vam- relationships and geographic distributions of transmitted between related species than be-
pire bats (see the photo) in Peru, Streicker genetic lineages to estimate how fast differ- tween unrelated ones (3). Yet genetic analy-
et al. show that with sufficient data on both ent rabies virus lineages spread. Surveillance ses of bat population structure can be used
pathogen and host and with accurate models, data of vampire batderived rabies among to make inductive arguments about broad-
predictions can be made to inform surveil- livestock helped to support the findings; scale pathogen transmission in the absence

lance and public health efforts (1). gene flow among vampire colonies across of detailed virological data. For example, the
Bats are the hosts of numerous lethal zoo- the Andes from rabies-infected to rabies-free lack of barriers to gene flow (panmixia) in
notic viruses, including Ebola and Marburg regions allowed prediction of viral spread. sub-Saharan African straw-colored fruit bats
viruses, severe acute respiratory syndrome The authors then used landscape resistance might facilitate viral transmission (5) (see the
(SARS) coronavirus relatives, and rabies virus models to project where rabies virus would figure). Comparative analyses suggest that
(2). Despite their importance, most bat-virus spread and when it would arrive.
systems are studied unsystematically and too Streicker and colleagues have previously
Molecular Epidemiology and Public Health Laboratory,
rarely through ecological frameworks. In the used similarly rich data sets to estimate rates Hopkirk Research Institute, Massey University,
absence of rich data sets, sound theoretical of rabies virus spillover among bat species by Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
frameworks allow the synthesis of empirical focusing on species rather than geographic Email:

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1099

Published by AAAS

Viral dynamics vary in space and time virus persistence in bats. Increasing avail-
A multiscale approach is needed to predict where and when humans or other animals are at risk of infection ability of relevant data for Marburg virus in
from viruses carried by bats. Data compiled from three levelsthe individual, colony, and regionhelp to colonial, cave-dwelling Egyptian fruit bats
understand viral bat host dynamics and to guide predictions. allows this hypothesis to be tested (7, 10, 13).
Trait-based approaches can be used to
gain insights about transmission mecha-
Within-host dynamics nisms in the absence of temporal data.
Immune function, viral traits, and host Transmission of rabies viruses among North
Rabies virus behavior (such as torpor use) afect infection American bat species is mostly limited to
probability, incubation and infectious periods, closely related bat species. Yet, rates of viral
and infection outcome (including possible transmission from solitary migrants, hoary
death). and eastern red bats, are high, suggesting
that migratory species can facilitate viral
Colony-scale dynamics transmission (3). Analyses of bat-virus com-
Within-host dynamics interact with colony munity networks showed that gregarious
size, bat movement, mortality, and birth- bat species are important for viral sharing,
rates to afect viral dynamics at the colony whereas regional migrants are predicted to
level. An infected male (red), as well as
be viral spreaders (14). These studies sug-

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infected (pink) and susceptible (blue)
juveniles are shown. gest that there may be general life-history
traits, such as being migratory, that fa-
cilitate viral sharing among bats (1, 5, 14).
Trait-based analyses can also inform field
studies, such as through identifying poten-
Metapopulation and tially undiscovered filovirus hosts (15).
Pacifc community-scale dynamics Despite the enormous number of viruses
Ocean Regional movement (such as male discovered in bat populations, many open
dispersal) can be inferred from bat questions remain about within-host, popu-
population genetics. These movements lation, metapopulation, and community
interact with colony dynamics to afect dynamics and about spillover transmission
spatiotemporal viral dynamics. Spatial
structure, immune selection, and
(see the figure). Theoretical frameworks and
interspecies interactions can be inferred phylodynamic, epidemiological, and ecologi-
PERU from viral genetic analyses. cal approaches will allow us to understand
bat-virus systems and to model how pertur-
bations such as land-use change and climate
other bat species are also panmictic across periods so that fatal rabies virus infection can change will affect their infection dynamics.
the Congo Basin to Upper Guinea region, persist in colonies each year. The extended Challenging longitudinal field and laboratory
possibly facilitating Ebola virus transmission incubation time allows rabies virus to infect studies will be essential. But if sufficient, ap-
across large spatial areas (6). susceptible juvenile bats born after hiberna- propriate data are collected, we will be able
It remains unclear whether bats respond tion (11). These contrasting findings highlight to predict the spatiotemporal dynamics of
to viral infections in different ways from differences in viral persistence mechanisms bat-virus systems and determine who is most
other mammals (7, 8). It is important to for the same virus in bat species that differ in at risk of infection and where and when. j
understand such differences, not least be- their life histories.
cause scientists studying viruses often rely For many other bat-virus systems, the
1. D. G. Streicker et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113,
on antibody production through immune mechanisms of inter- and intraspecies 10926 (2016).
responses to help understand viral dynam- transmission and within-host dynamics, 2. D. Hayman, Annu. Rev. Virol. 3, 77 (2016).
ics in the absence of virus detection (9, 10) such as infectious period, remain unknown 3. D. G. Streicker et al., Science 329, 676 (2010).
4. R. Biek, P. D. Walsh, E. M. Leroy, L. A. Real, PLOS Pathog. 2,
(see the figure). Two bat-rabies virus studies (7). Examples include coronaviruses, which e90 (2006).
estimated the proportion of bats that become include the precursors of pandemic SARS- 5. A. J. Peel et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2770 (2013).
infectious and succumb to rabies virus expo- coronavirus that are ubiquitous in bats 6. A. Hassanin et al., C. R. Biol. 339, 517 (2016).
7. B. R. Amman et al., J. Wildl. Dis. 51, 113 (2015).
sure in nature. Both estimated similarly low (2). Drexler et al. reported detection of a 8. P. Zhou et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113, 2696 (2016).
proportions of exposures that led to disease, coronavirus, six astroviruses, and an ad- 9. J. C. Blackwood, D. G. Streicker, S. Altizer, P. Rohani, Proc.
most infections were immunizing. Yet the enovirus in feces under a European Greater Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110, 20837 (2013).
10. D. T. S. Hayman, Proc. R. Soc. B 282, 20142591 (2015).
supported mechanisms for rabies virus per- mouseeared bat maternity colony (12). 11. D. B. George et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, 10208
sistence within colonies differed. Blackwood They found increased viral amplification (2011).
et al. suggest that rabies virus cannot persist of coronaviruses and astroviruses, but not 12. J. F. Drexler et al., Emerg. Infect. Dis. 17, 449 (2011).
13. B. R. Amman et al., PLOS Pathog. 8, e1002877 (2012).
long-term in typically sized vampire bat colo- adenoviruses, during colony formation and
14. A. D. Luis et al., Ecol. Lett. 18, 1153 (2015).
nies without viral reintroduction from other post-parturition. These observations sug- 15. B. A. Han et al., PLOS Negl. Trop. Dis. 10, e0004815 (2016).
colonies (9). However, George et al. have re- gest differing transmission dynamics at

ported different findings for North American individual and population levels, driven
I acknowledge funding from the Royal Society of New Zealand
big brown bats, which require overwinter by viral traits and breeding cycles (see the
Marsden Fund (MAU1503). I am grateful to N. French, D.
hibernation to survive. Their model results figure). Dynamic models that incorporate Wilkinson, Matt Knox, T. OShea, and reviewers for useful
suggest that prolonged seasonal bat torpor such cycles can be developed to formulate comments.
is necessary to stall the progression of rabies hypotheses. One example is the hypothesis
virus and to extend already long incubation that seasonal birthing might facilitate filo- 10.1126/science.aaj1818

1100 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
CHEMICAL PHYSICS tural motifs and associated hopping process
in aqueous cluster networks and ultimately

Spying on the neighbors pool in aqueous solution at room temperature.

The current bottom-up (cluster) ap-
proach is complementary to recent top-
Spectral signatures are obtained for the movement down (solution) experimental ultrafast
two-dimensional IR (2D-IR) spectroscopic
of protons in cold water clusters measurements used to probe the spectral
correlations between the stretching and
By Sotiris S. Xantheas ments at room temperature and smear out bending vibrations in the constituent water
the fundamental vibrations occurring at the molecules of the Zundel cation in a concen-

he structure and properties of the molecular level. By selectively tagging the trated (4M) aqueous hydrochloric acid solu-
proton in water are of fundamental protons water neighbors, placed at known tion (8). The analysis of the 2D-IR spectra
importance in many areas of chemis- distinct positions within a cluster, Wolke et obtained during that study suggested an
try and biology. The high mobility of al. showed that they could isolate each neigh- unexpected large concentration of Zundel-
the proton in an aqueous solution is bors different response to the positive charge type cations, further reinforcing their role
understood in terms of its hopping (7). Isotopic substitution with deuterium in in the proton transfer mechanism.
between neighboring water molecules, as neighboring water molecules enables identi- Theory can help bridge the gap between

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suggested by the two-century-old Grotthuss fication of spectral patterns arising from their these bottom-up and top-down ap-
mechanism. The barrier for this process inti- interaction with the proton. Thus, how each proaches that aim at understanding pro-
mately depends on the protons surrounding neighbor was altered by its local environment ton speciation and dynamical properties in
environment, which is manifested by the con- could be accounted for quantitatively. The aqueous environments of varying size, com-
nectivity of the immediate hydrogen-bonding present study shows that it is now possible position, and external conditions (e.g., tem-
network as well as its dynamics caused by to identify the spectroscopic signatures along perature and pressure). The interpretation
thermal fluctuations. On page 1131 of this the proton transfer pathway and quantify the of the measured spectral features can be en-
issue, Wolke et al. (1) shed new light on the correlation between the hydrogen-bonded hanced by theory, even if existing theoreti-
role that the protons water neighbors play OH stretching frequency and its surrounding cal approaches are currently challenged (9)
toward facilitating positive charge transloca- environment in a cold aqueous cluster. when called on to accurately describe the
tion within a hydrogen-bonded network in a This study represents an important step vibrations of even the fundamental units of
cold water cluster. toward understanding the protons struc- those cations in cold aqueous clusters (10).
Understanding the speciation and reac- However, more approximate methods that
tivity of the proton in an aqueous environ- are currently available to treat the collective
ment begins with acids and bases, which can motions in extended systems [such as den-
Proton pathways
transfer (either donate or accept) a proton, The two limiting protonated water sity functional theory models, multistate
according to Brnsted and Lowry. This pro- Proton valence bond (11) models, or both] cannot
structures, the Eigen- and Zundel-type
cess was further explained by Lewis in terms cations, are shown in water cluster Oxygen yet offer a first principlesbased approach
of changes in acids and bases electronic minima of different sizes. In each to the problem of accurately describing
structure in an attempt to offer a generaliza- Hydrogen both network structure, its fluctuations,
structure, a proton shuttles to an
tion of the Arrhenius theory. Simple proton adjacent water molecules oxygen Hydrogen and the corresponding spectral signatures.
transfers or the ones coupled to an electron atom along a hydrogen bond. bond New theoretical methodologies are needed
transfer determine speciation, valence, and that accurately account for the networks
reactivity in aqueous media (2) and explain Eigen cation collective interactions and fluctuations, as
electrochemical processes (3), whereas volt- well as approaches for decoding the spec-
age-gated proton channels play an essential tral patterns associated with the underlying
role in the function of many cells (4). molecular motions in liquids. j
The water environment plays a role in
the molecular-level description of the pro-
1. C. T. Wolke et al., Science 354, 1131 (2016).
ton, the two limiting cases being the Eigen- H3O core
2. J. M. Mayer, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 55, 363 (2004).
type H3O+(H2O)m (5) and the Zundel-type 3. C. Costentin, M. Robert, J.-M. Savant, Acc. Chem. Res. 43,
1019 (2010).
H5O2+(H2O)n (6) cations in water clusters of 4. T. E. DeCoursey, Physiol. Rev. 93, 599 (2013).
varying size (see the figure). Infrared (IR) 5. M. Eigen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 3, 1 (1964).
Zundel cation 6. M. L. Huggins, J. Phys. Chem. 40, 723 (1936).
vibrational spectroscopy is a powerful exper-
7. C. T. Wolke et al., J. Chem. Phys. 144, 074305 (2016).
imental tool for identifying the spectral sig- 8. M. Thmer, L. De Marco, K. Ramasesha, A. Mandal,
natures associated with the underlying water A. Tokmakoff, Science 350, 78 (2015).
9. S. S. Xantheas, Nature 457, 673 (2009).
network structure. With the aid of theoreti- 10. O. Vendrell, F. Gatti, H.-D. Meyer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48,
cal calculations, spectral bands can be de- 352 (2009).
coded and assigned to the causal molecular 11. Y. Wu, H. Chen, F. Wang, F. Paesani, G. A. Voth, J. Phys.
Chem. B 112, 467 (2008).

The challenge is that these bands are of- ACKNOWLEDGME NTS

ten quite broad in condensed-phase environ- This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE), Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences,
Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences.
H5O2+ core Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is a multipro-
Physical Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National gram national laboratory operated for DOE by Battelle.
Laboratory, 902 Battelle Boulevard, MS K1-83, Richland, WA
99352, USA. Email: 10.1126/science.aal1413

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1101

Published by AAAS


Galaxy formation through cosmic recycling

Direct observations reveal how massive galaxies formed in the early universe

By Nina Hatch supply of one of the most massive galaxies stars, but this is difficult to achieve in sim-
in the young universe. ulations. Cold primordial gas is prevented

xtremely massive galaxies are seen Massive galaxies form through a short pe- from simply streaming through to fuel star
in the young universe, but their pres- riod of rapid stellar production, followed by formation in massive galaxies. When gas
ence is puzzling because we do not a prolonged period when they obtain stars falls toward the galaxies, it is heated by
yet understand how they became so by cannibalizing numerous smaller galaxies shocks to a few million degrees, forming
massive so quickly. How do they get (3). How much of the galaxy is produced in hot halos that may take billions of years to
enough fuel to form stars so rapidly? the initial phase of star condensation versus cool sufficiently to form stars.
The raw fuel for forming stars is cold mo- the amount of growth through galaxy merg- Several theories have been postulated to
lecular gas, and although this gas is com- ers is debated, with tension between recent get around this problem, including cooler

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

mon within young galaxies (1), we do not theories and observations. Observations streams of primordial gas being able to
know how it is replenished once the first have shown that massive galaxies have only punch through the hot halo surrounding
reservoirs are converted into stars. On slightly increased in mass over the past 9 bil- the galaxy (6); precipitation of gas from
page 1128 of this issue, Emonts et al. (2) lion years (4), arguing that they form primar- the surrounding hot halo (7); or recycling
report observations that may provide our ily through rapid star formation during the of old stellar gas that is driven out of the
first clue to this fueling problem. They first few billion years. However, simulations galaxy by winds from massive stars (8).
have detected a giant reservoir of recycled of galaxy formation have trouble replicating Progress will require observations that can
molecular gas that is replenishing the fuel this early period of rapid star formation (5). help explain whether these processes occur.
The gap in our understanding is how to To observe how massive galaxies accrete
feed the galaxies with enough raw mate- cold gas, Emonts et al. turned their atten-
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. rial to form. A constant supply of cold gas tion to the Spiderweb galaxy. This is one of
Email: is required to fuel the rapid formation of the most massive galaxies in the universe,
even though it is so far away that
we observe it when the universe
was only 3 billion years old. Its
morphology resembles that of a
spiders web, with a mature galaxy
at the center (9), surrounded by a
100-kpc web of diffuse ultraviolet
light, and tens of smaller galaxies
that resemble flies caught in the
web (10). It has all the hallmarks
of a galaxy caught in the act of
forming: multiple small merg-
ing galaxies and hundreds of new


stars being created per year (see
the photo).
To locate the reservoir of mo-
lecular gas that feeds this galaxy,
Emonts et al. use two indepen-
dent interferometric radio obser-
vations, taken at different spatial
resolutions. Collecting data for 90
hours with a compact array cre-
ates a very sensitive image, but
with low spatial resolution. So
they couple this with a further 8
hours of observations in a wide
telescope configuration, which
creates a highspatial resolution
image. Taken together, these ob-
servations show that only a third
Recycling and growth. The massive Spiderweb galaxy is caught in the act of forming when the universe was only 3 billion years of the total molecular gas emis-
old. Most of the cold molecular gas that Emonts et al. detect with radio telescopes lies between the galaxies in the inset, but it is sion comes from the central gal-
invisible in this Hubble Space Telescope image. This recycled gas can provide the central galaxy with enough fuel to form the next axy. Their surprising conclusion is
generation of stars. that most of the cold gas is located

1102 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
between the galaxies in a vast reservoir that STEM CELLS
extends across 70 kpc. Stars are condensing
out of this vast reservoir at a rate of at least
hundreds per year (11), which will fall onto
the galaxy to grow its outer layers.
Metabolic cues for
Some of the gas within this reservoir must
be recycled material that was once situated hematopoietic stem cells
within stars. This is because Emonts et al. de-
tect the carbon monoxide molecule. Whereas
Manipulating mitophagy and dietary valine
hydrogen was formed a few minutes after may lead to stem cell therapies
the Big Bang throughout the universe, the
heavier nuclei of carbon and oxygen are only
formed in vast quantities within the inner By Pia Sommerkamp1 and data showing that the PML-PPARd-FAO
regions of stars. Because the gas reservoir Andreas Trumpp1,2 axis controls HSC maintenance (10). Ito et
contains carbon and oxygen molecules, at al. further extend this pathway to PPARd-

least some fraction of it must have once been ematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are controlled mitophagy, which is mediated
inside earlier generations of stars. at the helm of the hierarchically or- by the E3 ubiquitin ligase subunit PARKIN
The presence of heavy nuclei in the res- ganized hematopoietic system that and the PTEN-induced putative protein ki-

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

ervoir has important consequences. Gas ensures the lifelong production of all nase 1 (PINK1) (4). Mitophagy enables sym-
expelled from stars is initially very hot and blood cells. HSCs depend on meta- metric cell division and replenishment of
joins the hot halo in an ionized state. The bolic cues to secure their protective the hematopoietic system even under stress
cooling rate of gas is much faster when ele- quiescent status and to enable rapid activa- conditions. This metabolic cueminimizing
ments heavier than hydrogen are present, tion and replenishment of the blood system oxidative stress by increasing mitophagyis
so the recycled gas ensures that cold mate- in response to stressful situations such as thus characteristic of highly potent TIE2+
rial for stellar production can more readily infections, excessive bleeding, or chemother- HSCs and is also conserved in human HSCs.
precipitate out of the surrounding hot halo apy-induced myeloablation (13). On pages The authors further show that targeting the
to form the cold molecular reservoir. 1156 and 1152 of this issue, Ito et al. (4) and PPARd-FAO-mitophagy axis with PPARd ago-
The detection of this vast cloud of recy- Taya et al. (5), respectively, uncover impor- nists enabled the expansion of TIE2+ HSCs
cled molecular gas may help solve the prob- tant roles for the degradation of defective mi- in culture and in mice, suggesting potential
lem of how massive galaxies grow, but it also tochondria (mitophagy) and the amino acid clinical applications (see the figure).
valine in HSC maintenance and function. During homeostasis, HSCs are maintained
Phenotypic HSCs isolated by flow cytom- in a protective dormant state. However, dur-
etry from mouse bone marrow represent a ing normal blood production and especially
To observe how massive rather heterogenous cell population (6, 7). in response to physiological stress, HSCs
Ito et al. genetically engineered mice to ex- must produce progeny while maintaining
galaxies accrete cold gas, press green fluorescent protein under the their functional and genomic integrity to
Emonts et al. turned their control of regulatory elements that govern prevent malignant transformation (1). The
the expression of the Tie2 gene. TIE2 is a findings of Ito et al. suggest that cycling
attention to the Spiderweb receptor tyrosine kinase that responds to HSCs can eliminate damaged mitochondria
galaxy. the growth factor angiopoietin-1, and the and thus limit the production of mutagenic
angiopoietin-1TIE2 pathway is important reactive oxygen species. Indeed, limited mito-
throws up new questions. What expels the for HSC maintenance (8). Remarkably, 68% chondrial biogenesis has been cited as crucial
recycled gas out of the galaxies? How does of TIE2-expressing (TIE2+) HSCs showed re- for HSC maintenance (11). Overall, these data
this gas cool down to form molecules?And constitution capacity after transplantation as suggest a model in which HSCs can switch
how widespread is this mode of galaxy individual cells. These HSCs are located near to various metabolic programs depending on
growth? The Spiderweb galaxy is just one arteriolar structures in the bone marrow, the physiological needs. By targeting these
galaxy in the young universe, and further re- rather than at sinusoids (9). They also exhibit metabolic cues, cell fate manipulation and
cycled reservoirs will need to be observed to enhanced cell cycle quiescence, sit atop the HSC expansion might be feasible.
determine whether this is a common route hematopoietic cell hierarchy, and preferen- The metabolic characteristics of HSCs
by which massive galaxies grow. j tially undergo symmetric stem cell division. have recently attracted attention (2), but lit-
To identify the gene networks that regulate tle is known about the role of single amino
TIE2+ HSCs, Ito et al. performed single-cell acids for HSC function. Taya et al. show that
1. E. Daddi et al., Astrophys. J. 673, 21 (2008).
2. B. H. C. Emonts et al., Science 354, 1128 (2016).
gene expression analysis combined with ge- bone marrow contains 100-fold higher con-
3. L. Oser et al., Astrophys. J. 725, 2312 (2010). netic deletion studies. They found increased centrations of all 20 amino acids compared
4. C. A. Collins et al., Nature 458, 603 (2009). expression of genes encoding the transcrip- to peripheral blood. To test the requirement
5. B. De Lucia, J. Blaizot, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 375, 2 tion factors promyelocytic leukemia (PML) of each amino acid for in vitro and in vivo
6. A. Dekel et al., Nature 457, 451 (2009).
and peroxisome proliferatoractivated re- HSC maintenance, they used single amino
7. A. R. Fabian, Astron. Astrophys. 32, 277 (1994). ceptor-delta (PPARd), which regulate fatty aciddepleted culture media or mouse chow.
8. D. Narayanan et al., Nature 525, 496 (2015). acid oxidation (FAO). This links to earlier These analyses revealed that mouse HSC
9. L. Pentericci et al., Astron. Astrophys. 326, 580 (1997). proliferation and maintenance depends on
10. G. K. Miley et al., Astrophys. J. 650, 29 (2006). 1
Division of Stem Cells and Cancer, German Cancer Research the branched-chain amino acid valine. It
11. N. A. Hatch et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 383, 931 Center (DKFZ), Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg,
(2008). is secreted by vascular endothelial stromal
Germany. 2Heidelberg Institute for Stem Cell Technology and
Experimental Medicine (HI-STEM gGmbH), Im Neuenheimer cells, suggesting that valine may be a critical
10.1126/science.aah6255 Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. Email: component of the HSC niche. Indeed, after 4

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1103

Published by AAAS

weeks of a valine-restricted diet, long-term thus be interesting to examine whether the IMMUNOLOGY
repopulating HSCs from the mouse bone effects of valine depletion on HSCs are me-
marrow are lost. After only 2 weeks of valine
starvation, a sufficient number of HSC niches
become vacant and allow chemoirradiation-
diated by decreasing KIT expression.
Taya et al. also observed that human
HSCs cultured in vitro or analyzed in xeno-
Can T cells be
free engraftment of transplanted donor-HSCs
in congenic mice.
grafts depended on valine and, in contrast to
mice, also on leucine. Valine and leucine are
too exhausted
Because myeloablative chemoirradia-
tion has severe side effects (infertility, poor
overall health, premature aging), there is a
branched-chain amino acids that, when me-
tabolized, influence a-ketoglutarate (aKG)
concentrations. aKG controls embryonic
to fight back?
medical need for alternative stem cell trans- stem cell pluripotency by acting as a sub- The transcriptional network
plantation approaches. Along these lines, strate for DNA- and histone-demethylases
the short-term dietary valine restriction is that control the cells epigenetic state (15). becomes less malleable in
comparatively well tolerated and, besides More studies are needed to explore such a persistently activated T cells
the desired hypocellularity in hematopoi- mechanism and the molecular processes by
etic tissues, results only in decreased num- which valine and leucine control HSC main-
bers of hair follicles and increased brown tenance. This should help to unravel how By Stephen J. Turner and Brendan E. Russ
fat tissue in mice. Importantly, and in con- our daily diet controls stem cell function and

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

trast to chemoirradiation, valine-restricted thus our regenerative organ systems. j hen T cells are persistently acti-
mice remained fertile, showed good overall vated by antigen, such as during
health, and exhibited no obvious signs of chronic infection or in cancer, they
1. D. Walter et al., Nature 520, 549 (2015).
premature aging. However, fast refeeding 2. K. Ito, T. Suda, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 15, 243 (2014). can become functionally incapable
with a valine-containing diet caused the 3. A. Trumpp et al., Nat. Rev. Immunol. 10, 201 (2010). of performing their effector ac-
4. K. Ito et al., Science 354, 1156 (2016).
death of about 50% of mice owing to the de- 5. Y. Taya et al., Science 354, 1152 (2016). tivities, a condition called T cell
velopment of a typical refeeding syndrome 6. A. Wilson et al., Cell 135, 1118 (2008). exhaustion. Exhaustion therefore thwarts
(12). These complications could be avoided 7. R. Yamamoto et al., Cell 154, 1112 (2013). optimal immune control of infection and tu-
8. F. Arai et al., Cell 118, 149 (2004).
by applying a gradual change in the valine- 9. J. Y. Chen et al., Nature 530, 223 (2016). mors. There is a need to learn more about the
restricted diet. Nonetheless, concerns about 10. K. Ito et al., Nat. Med. 18, 1350 (2012). molecular factors that drive T cell exhaustion
11. C. Mantel et al., Cell Cycle 9, 2008 (2010).
the safety of this strategy remain. Previously, 12. H. M. Mehanna et al., BMJ 336, 1495 (2008). and just how malleable T cell immunity is
it was shown that reduced expression of the 13. A. Chhabra et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 8, 351ra105 (2016). once exhaustion is established. On pages
KIT receptor tyrosine kinase (whose ligand 14. K. N. Cosgun et al., Cell Stem Cell 15, 227 (2014). 1165 and 1160 of this issue, Sen et al. (1) and
15. B. W. Carey et al., Nature 518, 413 (2015).
is stem cell factor) was also sufficient to al- Pauken et al. (2), respectively, demonstrate
low stem cell engraftment (13, 14). It would 10.1126/science.aal3466 that T cell exhaustion represents a stable
differentiation state, underpinned by the
apparently irreversible installation of an
Metabolic characteristics of HSCs exhaustion-specific genetic landscape. This
Activation of mitophagy through a pathway that activates fatty acid oxidation (FAO) promotes TIE2+ HSC implies that perhaps in a majority of cases
expansion by enhanced symmetric divisions. Valine is required for HSC maintenance, and lack of dietary valine of persistent immune activation, T cells are
empties bone marrow HSC niches, enabling chemoirradiation-free donor-HSC engraftment. too exhausted to fight back against cancer or
Activation of mitophagy Vacant HSC niches created Cancer immunotherapy aims to comman-
deer the T cell arm of our immune system
to detect and remove tumors (3, 4). This
TIE2- Niche cells
HSC Diferentiation
secrete valine stems from observations that during an
immune response, the immune system limits
collateral damage to host tissues by engaging
HSC marker: TIE2 inhibitory pathways that suppress T cell
Increased stem cell activity function (5, 6). Unfortunately, many tumors
HSC engage these same inhibitory checkpoints
to evade antitumor immunity (7). Given that
PPAR agonist treatment
several of these immune checkpoints are
In vitro In vivo mediated by receptorligand signaling, they
Dietary valine have proven amenable to administration
restriction, HSCs
are lost of antibodies that interrupt ligand binding
(called checkpoint blockade), allowing T
Vacant HSC
cell reactivation and tumor targeting (3, 4).
HSC Activation of PPAR-FAO pathway niches Indeed, checkpoint blockade has generated
expansion excitement owing to some spectacular

Chemoirradiation-free clinical results, including complete tumor

Increased HSC transplantation regression and remission in patients with
PARKIN/PINK1 is possible

Department of Microbiology, Biomedical

Activation of Discovery Institute, Monash University, Australia.
mitophagy Email:

1104 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

weeks of a valine-restricted diet, long-term thus be interesting to examine whether the IMMUNOLOGY
repopulating HSCs from the mouse bone effects of valine depletion on HSCs are me-
marrow are lost. After only 2 weeks of valine
starvation, a sufficient number of HSC niches
become vacant and allow chemoirradiation-
diated by decreasing KIT expression.
Taya et al. also observed that human
HSCs cultured in vitro or analyzed in xeno-
Can T cells be
free engraftment of transplanted donor-HSCs
in congenic mice.
grafts depended on valine and, in contrast to
mice, also on leucine. Valine and leucine are
too exhausted
Because myeloablative chemoirradia-
tion has severe side effects (infertility, poor
overall health, premature aging), there is a
branched-chain amino acids that, when me-
tabolized, influence a-ketoglutarate (aKG)
concentrations. aKG controls embryonic
to fight back?
medical need for alternative stem cell trans- stem cell pluripotency by acting as a sub- The transcriptional network
plantation approaches. Along these lines, strate for DNA- and histone-demethylases
the short-term dietary valine restriction is that control the cells epigenetic state (15). becomes less malleable in
comparatively well tolerated and, besides More studies are needed to explore such a persistently activated T cells
the desired hypocellularity in hematopoi- mechanism and the molecular processes by
etic tissues, results only in decreased num- which valine and leucine control HSC main-
bers of hair follicles and increased brown tenance. This should help to unravel how By Stephen J. Turner and Brendan E. Russ
fat tissue in mice. Importantly, and in con- our daily diet controls stem cell function and

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

trast to chemoirradiation, valine-restricted thus our regenerative organ systems. j hen T cells are persistently acti-
mice remained fertile, showed good overall vated by antigen, such as during
health, and exhibited no obvious signs of chronic infection or in cancer, they
1. D. Walter et al., Nature 520, 549 (2015).
premature aging. However, fast refeeding 2. K. Ito, T. Suda, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 15, 243 (2014). can become functionally incapable
with a valine-containing diet caused the 3. A. Trumpp et al., Nat. Rev. Immunol. 10, 201 (2010). of performing their effector ac-
4. K. Ito et al., Science 354, 1156 (2016).
death of about 50% of mice owing to the de- 5. Y. Taya et al., Science 354, 1152 (2016). tivities, a condition called T cell
velopment of a typical refeeding syndrome 6. A. Wilson et al., Cell 135, 1118 (2008). exhaustion. Exhaustion therefore thwarts
(12). These complications could be avoided 7. R. Yamamoto et al., Cell 154, 1112 (2013). optimal immune control of infection and tu-
8. F. Arai et al., Cell 118, 149 (2004).
by applying a gradual change in the valine- 9. J. Y. Chen et al., Nature 530, 223 (2016). mors. There is a need to learn more about the
restricted diet. Nonetheless, concerns about 10. K. Ito et al., Nat. Med. 18, 1350 (2012). molecular factors that drive T cell exhaustion
11. C. Mantel et al., Cell Cycle 9, 2008 (2010).
the safety of this strategy remain. Previously, 12. H. M. Mehanna et al., BMJ 336, 1495 (2008). and just how malleable T cell immunity is
it was shown that reduced expression of the 13. A. Chhabra et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 8, 351ra105 (2016). once exhaustion is established. On pages
KIT receptor tyrosine kinase (whose ligand 14. K. N. Cosgun et al., Cell Stem Cell 15, 227 (2014). 1165 and 1160 of this issue, Sen et al. (1) and
15. B. W. Carey et al., Nature 518, 413 (2015).
is stem cell factor) was also sufficient to al- Pauken et al. (2), respectively, demonstrate
low stem cell engraftment (13, 14). It would 10.1126/science.aal3466 that T cell exhaustion represents a stable
differentiation state, underpinned by the
apparently irreversible installation of an
Metabolic characteristics of HSCs exhaustion-specific genetic landscape. This
Activation of mitophagy through a pathway that activates fatty acid oxidation (FAO) promotes TIE2+ HSC implies that perhaps in a majority of cases
expansion by enhanced symmetric divisions. Valine is required for HSC maintenance, and lack of dietary valine of persistent immune activation, T cells are
empties bone marrow HSC niches, enabling chemoirradiation-free donor-HSC engraftment. too exhausted to fight back against cancer or
Activation of mitophagy Vacant HSC niches created Cancer immunotherapy aims to comman-
deer the T cell arm of our immune system
to detect and remove tumors (3, 4). This
TIE2- Niche cells
HSC Diferentiation
secrete valine stems from observations that during an
immune response, the immune system limits
collateral damage to host tissues by engaging
HSC marker: TIE2 inhibitory pathways that suppress T cell
Increased stem cell activity function (5, 6). Unfortunately, many tumors
HSC engage these same inhibitory checkpoints
to evade antitumor immunity (7). Given that
PPAR agonist treatment
several of these immune checkpoints are
In vitro In vivo mediated by receptorligand signaling, they
Dietary valine have proven amenable to administration
restriction, HSCs
are lost of antibodies that interrupt ligand binding
(called checkpoint blockade), allowing T
Vacant HSC
cell reactivation and tumor targeting (3, 4).
HSC Activation of PPAR-FAO pathway niches Indeed, checkpoint blockade has generated
expansion excitement owing to some spectacular

Chemoirradiation-free clinical results, including complete tumor

Increased HSC transplantation regression and remission in patients with
PARKIN/PINK1 is possible

Department of Microbiology, Biomedical

Activation of Discovery Institute, Monash University, Australia.
mitophagy Email:

1104 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
far-progressed cancers that were Genomic landscape Nave T cell almost indistinguishable from that
refractory to standard treatments Persistently activated effector Infection, of exhausted cells. Hence, although
(810). Unfortunately, checkpoint T cells stably express PD-1, cancer checkpoint blockade temporarily
blockade fails in more instances which, when engaged with its restores T cell effector function,
than it works, for reasons that are ligand PD-L1, limits T cell the underlying genetic landscape
as yet unclear. function and eventually leads of exhausted cells is fixed and not
One such checkpoint, pro- to exhaustion. T cells display subject to change.
grammed death1 (PD-1), is an exhaustion-specific The studies of Sen et al. and
expressed on activated T cells, transcription network. Pauken et al. suggest that irrevers-
and when engaged by its ligand, Efector T cells ible installation of an exhaustion-
programmed death ligand 1 (PD- specific genetic landscape is a
L1), limits T cell effector function Anti-PD-L1 hallmark of T cell exhaustion. This
(5). Interestingly, persistent virus immunotherapy implies that perhaps in a majority
infections and some cancers induce Blocking PD-L1 of cases, T cells are too exhausted
strong and stable expression of temporarily increases to fight back against cancer cells
T cell efector gene
PD-1 on activated T cells, eventually expression, but the (see the figure). However, although
resulting in permanent loss of T genomic landscape of these observations explain why
cell function and T cell exhaustion exhaustion is Exed. checkpoint blockade fails, what

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

(11, 12). Exhausted T cells are Other
Oth er cel
celll T cells
cell about patients that are cured by
distinct from bona fide memory checkpoint blockade therapy? Are
T cells, which are quiescent like blockade their T cells in the early stages of
exhausted cells but retain the potential exhaustion, and if so, can exhaus-
capacity to be reactivated after PD-L1 tion be halted or reversed if caught
virus or tumor reemergence (12). early? Another question is whether
Earlier studies demonstrated that Anti-PD-L1 the results of both studies are rel-
administration of monoclonal antibody evant to other checkpoint blockade
antibodies that interfere with PD-1 strategies, such as those targeting
signaling restores exhausted T cell the checkpoint protein cytotoxic
function in the context of chronic T lymphocyteassociated antigen
viral infection (11). Building on Permanently 4 (CTLA4), and in other infection
this finding, checkpoint blockade exhausted T cell or tumor settings. The answers to
therapy targeting PD-1 has been Nonresponsive to Level of these questions have important im-
immunotherapy exhaustion
curative for some cancer patients (8, plications for advancing checkpoint
10). However, a majority of patients Continuous blockade as a cancer immunother-
do not respond to PD-1 checkpoint antigen exposure apy. Understanding the mecha-
blockade, with many patients nisms that install and maintain the
demonstrating a transient restoration of T sustained PD-1 expression in exhausted T fixed genetic landscape of exhausted T cells
cell function followed by disease relapse (10). cells and that genetic deletion of this ChAR may enable their reprogramming through
Sen et al. assessed the genomic dramatically reduced PD-1 expression. the use of drugs targeting those proteins that
characteristics of exhausted T cells induced Importantly, ~80% of ChARs identified as modify the genetic landscape (14). For ex-
by persistent lymphocytic choriomeningitis exhaustion-specific in mice had orthologs ample, histone deacetylase inhibitors might
virus (LCMV) infection of mice. The in the human genome that were engaged limit the extent of T cell exhaustion (15). If
authors used a technique called assay in HIV-specific (exhausted) human T cells, the observations of Sen et al. and Pauken
for transposase-accessible chromatin with but not within nonexhausted T cells from et al. are generalizable, then understand-
high-throughput sequencing (ATAC-seq) to the same donors. Taken together, these data ing how other strategies (such as the use of
identify genomic regions that were open, or indicate that rather than representing a state genetically engineered T cells) can combine
accessible, to transcription factors. These of dysfunction, T cell exhaustion results from with checkpoint blockade may lead to du-
open regions [referred to by the authors a bona fide and deliberate differentiation rable and more broadly effective therapies. j
as chromatin-accessible regions (ChARs)] program, underscored by exhaustion-specific
are of interest because they contain gene transcriptional networks.
1. D. R. Sen et al., Science 354, 1165 (2016).
regulatory elements (enhancers) that are Pauken et al. explored how malleable 2. K. E. Pauken et al., Science 354, 1160 (2016).
bound by transcription factors to regulate the ChAR landscape is in exhausted T cells 3. D. M. Pardoll, Nat. Rev. Cancer 12, 252 (2012).
cell typespecific gene expression (13). after blocking PD-L1. Using the same mouse 4. D. S. Shin, A. Ribas, Curr. Opin. Immunol. 33, 23 (2015).
5. H. Nishimura et al., Immunity 11, 141 (1999).
A comparison of the genomic landscape model of LCMV infection, the authors found 6. E. A. Tivol et al., Immunity 3, 541 (1995).
between nonexhausted and exhausted T that treatment with an antibody against 7. H. Dong et al., Nat. Med. 8, 1039 (2002).
cells demonstrated clear distinctions in the PD-L1 caused a temporary increase in the 8. O. Hamid et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 369, 134 (2013).
9. F. S. Hodi et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 363, 711 (2010).
ChAR landscapes with exhausted T cells, as expression of T cell effector genes. However,

10. A. Ribas et al., JAMA 315, 1600 (2016).

defined by the appearance of a unique set of withdrawal of treatment caused T cells to 11. D. L. Barber et al., Nature 439, 682 (2006).
accessible regulatory regions. Notably, many quickly revert back to an exhausted state, with 12. E. J. Wherry et al., Immunity 27, 670 (2007).
13. J. D. Buenrostro et al., Nat. Methods 10, 1213 (2013).
of these ChARs were adjacent to exhaustion- the infection rebounding. This observation 14. H. E. Ghoneim et al., Trends Mol. Med. 10.1016/j.mol-
specific genes, including a ChAR that is is reminiscent of the relapse seen in some med.2016.10.002 (2016).
linked to the PD-1 gene (encoded by Pcdc1 cancer patients after checkpoint blockade 15. F. Zhang et al., Mol. Ther. 22, 1698 (2014).
in the mouse and by PCDHAC1 in humans), treatment. Pauken et al. showed that the
and Sen et al. show that this ChAR mediates ChAR profile after checkpoint blockade was 10.1126/science.aal3204

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1105

Published by AAAS

PROTEIN SYNTHESIS sequence (6, 7). These stop codons occur in a

slippery sequence [AAA UA(A/G), stop co-

When stop makes sense don underlined], which allows the tRNA in
the ribosomal P site (which is decoding the
AAA codon) to pair with the codon in the +1
RNA sequence context matters in the termination frame (AAU). At these positions, ribosomal
frameshifting efficiently outcompetes termi-
of protein translation nation (8), much like cognate tRNA recogni-
tion outcompetes termination in C. magnum
By Boris Zinshteyn and Rachel Green UGA) to encode amino acids. Recent tran- and Parducia sp. This suggests that position-
scriptome sequencing (all the mRNA mole- dependent stop codon recognition exists in

n the age of computational biology, it is cules expressed) revealed that in two ciliates, all of these species and may be a general fea-
easy to envision the genetic code as a set Condylostoma magnum and the unclassified ture of ciliate biology.
of immutable instructions that the cell Parduzcia sp., all three stop codons encode The context-dependence of stop codon
follows without exception. The recent amino acids as well as signal translation recognition in ciliates bears a striking re-
discovery of ciliate (1, 2) and trypanoso- termination (1, 2). This is an altogether pre- semblance to the nonsense-mediated mRNA
matid (3) species in which all three stop viously unknown paradigm containing a po- decay (NMD) pathway in humans and other
codons, which normally act to terminate tentially disastrous ambiguity. The genomes eukaryotes. NMD degrades mRNAs with pre-

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

protein translation by the ribosome, encode of these species encode cognate transfer mature stop codons in early exons or long
amino acids instead is a reminder that de- RNAs (tRNAs), which are complementary to 3 UTRs, but the mechanism by which pre-
coding the information in messenger RNA the stop codons, and the balance between re- mature stop codons are differentiated from
(mRNA) depends on molecular factors that cruiting a tRNA to incorporate an amino acid normal ones is unclear. Several studies have
we do not entirely understand. In these or- or a release factor to terminate translation is argued that proximity to the poly(A) tail is
ganisms, stop codons specify amino acids resolved by the surrounding context of each one measure by which the translational ma-
by default, and termination of mRNA trans- particular stop codon. The sequence struc- chinery identifies a normal stop codon (9,
lation only occurs in close proximity to the ture of ciliate transcripts provides a clue as to 10), and that decay is the default outcome of
polyadenylate [poly(A)] tail. How do these how this balance is accomplished. The unusu- stop codon recognition in the absence of sup-
species differentiate true stop codons from ally short 3 untranslated regions (UTRs) be- pressing factors (11), much as amino acid in-
identical ones that encode amino acids? The tween the true stop codon and the poly(A) corporation appears to be the default for stop
answers to this puzzle may provide insights tail (1, 2) of these ciliates suggest a model in codons in C. magnum.
into translation termination and gene regula- which cognate tRNAs decode stop codons by The distinct stop-codon recognition mech-
tion in all eukaryotes. default, but in close proximity to a poly(A) anism in these ciliates raises many questions
Since the discovery of the standard tail, release factors outcompete tRNAs (see about termination and NMD throughout the
genetic code, small deviations have been the figure). This hypothesis is supported by eukaryotic lineage. We still do not under-
discovered in various organisms and organ- in vitro data showing that poly(A)-binding stand how proximity to the poly(A) tail is
elles (4). Ciliated protists have a particular protein (PABP) (5) stimulates translation ter- determined, particularly when RNA second-
propensity for reassigning one or two of the mination by recruiting release factors. ary structure and protein binding can affect
three standard stop codons (UAA, UAG, and The idea of context-dependent termina- the conformation of a mRNA in three-dimen-
tion sheds light on another ciliate coding sional space. Are release factors only found
oddity. More than 11% of genes in Euplotes in proximity to the poly(A) tail, or are they
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA. octocarinatus contain an in-frame stop co- somehow activated by its presence? Is the sys-
Email: don followed by a frameshift in the coding tem tightly tuned to prevent the production
of truncated and extended proteins, or are
ciliates constantly cleaning up the mistakes
Context matters of a sloppy translational machinery? What is
In some ciliate species, termination of mRNA translation is only efficient in close proximity to the poly-A tail. C. the role of conserved NMD factors in ciliates
magnum has cognate tRNAs for the standard stop codons, so they are translated like normal sense codons. In E. with ambiguous stop codon usage? Answer-
octarinatus, which lacks cognate tRNAs, premature stops stall the ribosome, which is resolved by +1 frameshifting. ing these questions will require both detailed
biochemical studies and genome-wide analy-
Inefcient termination Efcient termination
ses and will likely yield fundamental insights
about gene expression in all eukaryotes. j

Amino acid Release REFERENCES

Polypeptide factor 1. E. C. Swart, V. Serra, G. Petroni, M. Nowacki, Cell 166, 691
chain Ribosome (2016).
59 cap AAAAAAA... 2. S. M. Heaphy et al., Mol. Biol. Evol. 33, 2885 (2016).
mRNA 3. K. Zhonov et al., Curr. Biol. 26, 2364 (2016).
Stop codon 4. S. Sengupta, P. G. Higgs, J. Mol. Evol. 80, 229 (2015).
Cognate No 5. A. Ivanov et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 44, 7766 (2016).
tRNA cognate 6. R. Wang et al., Sci. Rep. 6, 21139 (2016).

7. L. A. Klobutcher, P. J. Farabaugh, Cell 111, 763 (2002).

8. A. V. Lobanov et al., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 10.1038/
nsmb.3330 (2016).
9. N. Amrani et al., Nature 432, 112 (2004).
10. A. B. Eberle et al., PLOS Biol. 6, e92 (2008).
11. Z. Ge, B. L. Quek, K. L. Beemon, J. R. Hogg, eLife 5, e11155
Amino acid incorporation Frameshifting 10.1126/science.aai9060

1106 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
RETROSPECTIVE causes and consequences of global climate
change, as well as in interdisciplinary edu-

Ralph J. Cicerone (19432016) cation and advising around science, tech-

nology, and public policy. His own research
in atmospheric chemistry made seminal
A leader in science and policy championed efforts contributions to understanding the role of
chlorofluorocarbons in destroying the ozone
to understand and tackle climate change layer. His work was cited in awarding the
1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Paul J.
By John P. Holdren1 and Marcia K. McNutt2 tional Academy of Sciences building. He Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, and F. Sherwood
would personally check the energy output Rowland. This effort ultimately led to the

sk which university in the United each day, alerting the building engineer if adoption of the 1987 Montreal Protocol, a
States does the most to improve ca- anything looked awry. global treaty that banned chlorofluorocar-
reer outcomes for low-income stu- For a scientist who lived life on the cut- bons and other ozone-depleting chemicals.
dents, and the University of California ting edge of discovery and innovation, Ci- It was therefore no surprise that Ralph
(UC), Irvine, comes out on top, based cerone was paradoxically old school in spurred the National Academies to produce
on surveys. This is the fertile environ- aspects of his professional life: paper, pen, the series of reports, Americas Climate
ment for teaching and research that Ralph J. dictation. His filing system, at least from Choices, laying out possible strategies for

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

Cicerone, as chancellor (19982005), brought what could be gleaned from surveying the mitigation and adaptation as well as for re-
to international prominence. Walk around state of organization of his office at the Na- search investments, monitoring, and interna-
the National Academy of Sciences in tional cooperation to address the risks
Washington, DC, and hear the echoes from changing climate. Another of
of more than a century and a half of Ralphs major accomplishments while
lofty debate among the nations most president of the National Academy was
respected scientists. This is the sanc- securing the Gulf Research Program, a
tuary for science that Cicerone, as $500 million, 30-year wasting endow-
president (20052016), lovingly nur- ment funded through penalties levied
tured and enhanced. against the parties responsible for the
Ralph Cicerone left his indelible Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
fingerprints on these institutions and Ralphs careerwith its awards
on the people within them. First and and recognitions far more numerous
foremost, his emphasis was on excel- than can be detailed herewas a tes-
lence. He never compromised quality tament to the power of the American
in any of the aspects of the institutions dream. A native of New Castle, Penn-
he led, whether in teaching, research, sylvania, he was the grandson of Ital-
or engagement with policy-makers ian immigrants and the first from his
and the public. family to attend college. He graduated
His promotion of women in science from the Massachusetts Institute of
had an impact. He showed, at UC Ir- Technology (MIT) in 1965 with a ma-
vine, that departments with gender jor in electrical engineering but also
diversity could top the national rank- made time to captain the baseball
ings. At the National Academy of Sci- team. That love of baseball resur-
ences, he put into place new processes faced years later when he encouraged
to help identify and promote worthy female tional Academy, depended on stratigraphic varsity baseball at UC Irvine, where the ball
candidates for election to the membership. horizons of paper in various geographic field now bears his name.
And during his time as president, the pro- locations on a very large desk and an even After graduating from MIT, Ralph earned
portion of women in the National Academy larger table. Nonetheless, his system was both masters and doctoral degrees from the
of Sciences grew from less than 10% to more flawless, as he could put his hand on any University of Illinois. He then distinguished
than 15%; even more tellingly, the percentage document as fast as a search of a hard drive himself in a series of appointments at the
of women among the new cohort of elected might, and his recall was perfect. University of Michigan, the Scripps Institu-
members skyrocketed to more than 26%. Always soft-spoken, Ralph Cicerone, along tion of Oceanography, and the National Cen-
Ralph started the transformation of the with his wife Carol (herself an expert in cog- ter for Atmospheric Research, before joining
Irvine campus into a model of sustain- nitive science), brought a degree of civility UC Irvine in 1989. There he built the Earth
ability, such that it is now considered one and a personal touch to scientific leadership, System Science Department and rose to the

of the greenest (most sustainable) cam- qualities that are too often lacking in the na- positions of Dean of Physical Sciences and
puses nationwide. Similarly, he oversaw tions capital. They were ever gracious hosts ultimately Chancellor, before being elected
the installation of solar panels on the roof at all Academy events, whether the guests president of the National Academy.
of the east and west galleries of the Na- were members, staff, volunteers, or honorees. Ralph J. Ciceronewho retired from the
Cicerone would take extra time to remember National Academy of Sciences presidency
personal bits about the background of each this past Junepassed away at age 73 at his
John P. Holdren is Assistant to the President for Science and of his guests to make them feel at home, in home in Short Hills, New Jersey, on 5 Novem-
Technology and Director of the White House Office of Science his home, the home for science in America. ber 2016, surrounded by his family. j
and Technology Policy. 2Marcia K. McNutt is the President
of the United States National Academy of Sciences. As a scientist, Ralph Cicerone had be-
Email:; come deeply engaged professionally in the 10.1126/science.aal4054

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1107

Published by AAAS

chine learning (4). Remarkably, the brain model for how reinforcement affects be-
ES SAY has evolved a simple mechanism to make havior (7). Despite extensive study, how-
precisely these comparisons. In the 1990s, ever, little is known about how dopamine
Wolfram Schultz and colleagues found neurons actually calculate prediction error.
CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY that dopamine neurons in the midbrains What inputs do dopamine neurons com-
of monkeys showed a curious response to bine and how do they combine them? To

Trial and error reward (5). When the monkeys received an

unexpected reward (in this case, a squirt of
juice), dopamine neurons fired a burst of
answer these questions, we merged molec-
ular biology, electrophysiology, and compu-
tational analysis.
Optogenetic techniques offer action potentials. When that same reward We focused on the ventral tegmental
was expected, the neurons no longer area (VTA), a small brainstem nu-
insight into the dopamine fired. And if Schultz et al. played cleus that produces dopamine. Al-
circuit underlying learning a trick on the monkeys, making though a majority of neurons in
them expect a reward but ul- this region are dopamine neu-
timately withholding that re- rons, a substantial minority
By Neir Eshel ward, the dopamine neurons use the inhibitory neurotrans-
dipped below their normal mitter g-aminobutyric acid

e are all prediction-making ma- firing rate (6). Together, these (GABA) instead. A recent study

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chines. Granted, our predictions results demonstrated that dopa- from our laboratory showed that
are often wrongas the old say- mine neurons signal prediction er- these GABA neurons do not signal
ing goes, Its tough to make pre- ror, or the difference between actual and prediction error; rather, they encode re-
dictionsespecially about the predicted value [see the figure (A)]. If an ward expectation (8).
future. But even wrong predic- outcome is better than predicted, dopamine This finding raised a fascinating ques-
tions serve a purpose: They help us learn. neurons fire; if an outcome is the same as tion: Could dopamine neurons use the
Each time we make a choice, we predict the predicted, there is no change in firing; and GABA expectation signal to calculate pre-
outcome of that choice. When the outcome if an outcome is worse than predicted, do- diction error? To find out, we used a virus
matches our prediction, there is no need pamine neurons dip below baseline. The to introduce the light-sensitive protein
to learn. When the outcome is unexpected, level of dopamine release then informs the channelrhodopsin (ChR2) selectively in
however, we update our predictions, hop- rest of the brain when a prediction needs to VTA GABA neurons. This enabled us to
ing to do better next time. be fixed and in what direction. control the activity of VTA GABA neurons
The idea that we learn by comparing This basic findingthat dopamine neu- with light, a technique called optogenetics.
predictions to reality has been a mainstay rons signal errors in reward prediction We then implanted a set of electrodes sur-
of animal learning theory since the 1950s revolutionized the study of learning in the rounding a fiber optic cable into the VTA.
(13) and is one of the foundations of ma- brain by supplying a powerful, mechanistic Once the mice recovered from surgery, we
recorded from the VTA and manipulated
VTA GABA neuron activity, all while the
Arithmetic and local circuitry of dopamine prediction errors mice performed simple learning tasks.
Dopamine neurons promote learning by conveying reward prediction error (RPE), the difference between Optogenetics offers formidable preci-
actual and predicted reward. To probe how RPE is calculated, Eshel et al. recorded from dopamine neurons in sion, but there are potential pitfalls. In
mouse ventral tegmental area (VTA) while using optogenetics to manipulate nearby GABA neurons. particular, it is easy to manipulate neural
activity in ways that never occur in real
life, producing results that are difficult to
A Mouse brain Laser B Population average interpret. Our system avoided this pitfall,
Unpredicted because we knew how VTA GABA neurons
Dopamine response

reward normally fire in our task. By recording dur-

Predicted ing the manipulation, we made sure to
reward ()
mimic natural firing patterns.
reward (/) When we stimulated VTA GABA neu-
rons, dopamine neurons responded to
unexpected rewards as if they were ex-
Dopamine RPE GABA prediction Reward size pected (9). Conversely, when we inhibited

VTA GABA neurons, dopamine neurons

VTA GABA neurons signal reward prediction, To calculate RPE, dopamine neurons use subtraction (black
which dopamine neurons incorporate into reward line), not division (gray line). Individual neurons (below) all
responded to expected rewards as if they
prediction error. perform the same calculation, ensuring a consistent signal. were unexpected. Finally, if we manipu-
lated VTA GABA neurons simultaneously
on both sides of the brain, we even changed
C Neuron # 1 Neuron # 2 Neuron # 3 the animals behavior. After training mice
Dopamine response

to expect a certain size of reward, we ar-

tificially increased the expectation level
by stimulating VTA GABA neurons during

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford

University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
Reward size Reward size Reward size E-mail:

1108 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
GRAND PRIZE WINNER: CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY input-output function of identified dopa-
Neir Eshel mine neurons and to determine how expec-
Neir Eshel is a psychiatry resident at Stanford University, pursuing a career tation transforms this function. We found
at the interface of research and clinical practice. He is interested in how we that dopamine neurons use simple subtrac-
learn about rewards and punishments, how we make decisions based on tion (9) [see the figure (B)]. Although this
this knowledge, and how these systems break down in neuropsychiatric arithmetic is assumed in computational
disease. He has conducted research at the National Institutes of Health, models, it is remarkably rare in the brain;
Princeton University, the World Health Organization, University College Lon- division is much more common, as exem-
don, and Harvard University. Outside the laboratory and clinic, Neir plays clarinet in chamber plified by gain control in sensory systems.
groups and orchestras and is a passionate advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender However, subtraction is an ideal calcula-
(LGBT) health equality. tion because it allows for consistent results
over a wide range of rewards. Moreover, we
CATEGORY WINNER: TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE found that individual dopamine neurons
calculated prediction error in exactly the
Canan Dagdeviren same way (12). Each neuron produced an
Canan Dagdeviren was born in 1985 in Istanbul, Turkey. As a Fulbright
identical signal, just scaled up or down [see
Doctoral Fellow, she received her Ph.D. degree in Material Science and
the figure (C)]. In fact, even on single tri-
Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dagdeviren
als, individual neurons fluctuated together

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

developed a conformable, piezoelectric, energy harvester that converts
around their mean activity. Such unifor-
mechanical energy from internal organ movements into electric energy to
power medical devices. It is soft and flexible and conforms to the heart as mity greatly simplifies information coding,
well as other soft tissues. This technology could extend the battery life of implanted electronics allowing prediction errors to be broad-
or eliminate the need of battery replacement, sparing patients from repeated operations and casted robustly and coherently throughout
the risk of surgical complications. Beginning in January 2017, she will assume the role of assis- the braina prerequisite for any learning
tant professor at the MIT Media Lab, where she will direct the Conformable Decoders research signal. Presumably, target neurons rely on
group. this consistent prediction error signal to
guide optimal behavior.
CATEGORY WINNER: GENOMICS AND PROTEOMICS Our work begins to uncover both the
arithmetic and the local circuitry under-
Sam Behjati lying dopamine prediction errors. The
Originally from Germany, Sam Behjati read medicine at Oxford University method of evidence accumulation, the in-
and pursued postgraduate clinical training in London, UK. Funded by the
puts that signal reward, and the biophysics
Wellcome Trust, he joined the Cancer Genome Project of the Sanger Insti-
underlying subtraction remain to be dis-
tute (UK) for doctoral research. Using a mutational postcode that cells
coveredprime material for fresh predic-
acquire as they divide, Behjati has shown that it is feasible to reconstruct
tions and unforeseen rewards. j
the early developmental process in the adult mouse. Building on ideas de-
veloped during his Ph.D. preparation, he now aims to define the embryonic origin and fate of RE FERENCES AND NOTES
childhood cancer cells. 1. R. R. Bush, F. Mosteller, Psychol. Rev. 58, 313 (1951).
2. L. Kamin, in Fundamental Issues in Associative Learning:

Proceedings of a Symposium on Fundamental Issues in

CATEGORY WINNER: ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT Associative Learning, N. J. Macintosh and W. K. Honig,
David Seekell Eds., Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 1968
(Dalhousie Univ. Press, Halifax, 1969), pp. 4264.
David Seekell is an environmental scientist based in Sweden. He holds a 3. R. A. Rescorla, A. R. Wagner, in Classical Conditioning II:
Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources from the University of Vermont, Current Research and Theory, A. Black, W. Prokasy, Eds.
and a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia. In his (Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1972), pp. 6499.
Ph.D. research, Seekell developed statistics to provide early warning that 4. R. S. Sutton, A. G. Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An
an ecosystem is passing a tipping point and is about to undergo a regime Introduction (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1998),
vol. 1.
change. He is currently an assistant professor of Ecology in the Department 5. W. Schultz, P. Dayan, P. R. Montague, Science 275, 1593
of Ecology and Environmental Science at Ume University. In 2015, he became a Wallenberg (1997).
Academy Fellow, and in 2016, he received a Science for Solutions Award from the American 6. J. R. Hollerman, L. Tremblay, W. Schultz, J. Neurophysiol.
Geophysical Union. 80, 947 (1998).
7. W. Schultz, Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 23, 229 (2013).
8. J. Y. Cohen, S. Haesler, L. Vong, B. B. Lowell, N. Uchida,
Nature 482, 85 (2012).
9. N. Eshel et al., Nature 525, 243 (2015).
the anticipation period. The reward level, use this input. What arithmetic do they per- 10. E. B. Margolis, H. Lock, G. O. Hjelmstad, H. L. Fields,
meanwhile, stayed the same. After several form? Again, we used molecular techniques J. Physiol. 577, 907 (2006).
trials in which expectation exceeded real- to tag neurons with ChR2, but this time, 11. S. R. Olsen, V. Bhandawat, R. I. Wilson, Neuron 66, 287
ity, the disappointed mice stopped licking we tagged dopamine neurons instead of 12. N. Eshel, J. Tian, M. Bukwich, N. Uchida, Nat. Neurosci. 19,
in anticipation of reward. When we turned GABA neurons. In each recording session, 479 (2016).
off the laser, their behavior slowly returned we shined pulses of light and identified
to normal. We concluded that VTA GABA neurons as dopaminergic if they responded
I am grateful to the many colleagues and mentors who
neurons convey to dopamine neurons how reliably to each pulse. This ensured that the offered criticism and encouragement over the course of this
much reward to expect. In short, they put recorded neurons were indeed dopamine research. Particular thanks to my Ph.D. adviser, N. Uchida,
the prediction in prediction error. neurons; this eliminated the need for other, and to the members of the Uchida lab, especially M. Watabe-
Uchida and J. Tian.
The VTA GABA expectation signal is less accurate identification methods (10).
only part of the puzzle. Another vital ques- Using insights from the sensory litera-
tion is how do dopamine neurons actually ture (11), we designed a task to assess the 10.1126/science.aal2190

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1109

Published by AAAS

A Adult bass
ES SAY supress sunfsh
Sunfsh Sunfsh
compete with population
ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT juvenile bass increases

Passing the Prey

state Juvenile bass

point of Few juvenile bass

recruit to the adult
Adult bass
population is
Adult bass
recruit into adult

no return population supressed increases

Early warning signals

indicate impending Experimental bass addition pushed
the food web past a tipping point between
ecosystem regime changes

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

prey and predator dominated states

By David Seekell B 25 Predator Regime shift

addition complete

n the field of ecology, regime shifts are
massive changes in function and char- 20
Prey abundance index

acter that occur when an ecosystem

passes a tipping point. Regime shifts
sometimes have severe consequences 15 Experimental
for human well-being through losses of system
ecosystem services, including desertifica-
tion in arid regions and marine fisheries 10
collapses (1, 2). These changes are difficult
to predict and sometimes impossible to re-
verse (2). For these reasons, understanding
how to anticipate and prevent regime shifts Reference
is one of the most important challenges 0
faced by environmental scientists (13).
Theoretical analyses have identified statis-
tical anomalies, such as increased autocor- C
relation and variance in time series before
regime shifts (1, 2). These patterns are a man-
Early warning indicator

ifestation of critical slowing downwhen

return rate from perturbation to equilibrium 101 Warning
progressively declines before a tipping point
(1). My dissertation research evaluated these No warning
anomalies as potential early warning indica-
tors for ecosystem regime shifts.
This research was centered around a 102
whole-lake experiment conducted with col-
laborators on two small lakes in the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan. We manipulated the GRAPHIC: ADAPTED FROM D. SEEKELL BY G. GRULLN/SCIENCE
fish community of one lake to cause a tro-
phic cascadea type of regime shiftand 103
made measurements throughout the food 0 75 150 225 300 375 450
web to determine whether early warning Days of study
indicators were detectable before the tip-
ping point (2, 46). An adjacent reference Lake fish regime shift. (A) Positive feedbacks can push either predators (largemouth bass) or prey (pumpkinseed
lake was monitored for comparison. sunfish) to dominance in the study lakes. (B) Average number of fish caught in minnow traps distributed around the
The experimental lake and reference edge of the experimental (black line) and reference (red line) lakes. This is an index of prey abundance. The study
lake had similar fish communities, with occurred during four consecutive summers, but here the data are concatenated into a continuous time series for
piscivorous largemouth bass (Micropterus aesthetic reasons. (C) Early warning of the regime shift based on moving-window conditional heteroskedasticity
tests applied to chlorophyll-a concentrations from four summers concatenated into a single time series (5, 8, 9).
Chlorophyll-a concentration is an index of phytoplankton biomass that strongly reflects the variability generated by
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science,
Ume University, SE-901 87 Ume, Sweden. the regime shift in the fish community (2, 5). There was early warning for the entire summer the year before the regime
Email: shift and until the tipping point was passed during the year of the regime shift.

1109-C 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
CATEGORY WINNER: ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT warning and no warning conditions,
David Seekell reducing the need for pristine reference
David Seekell is an environmental scientist based in Sweden. He holds a systems (5, 8) (see the figure, C). In the
Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources from the University of Vermont, whole-lake experiment, conditional hetero-
and a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia. In his skedasticity was the most powerful early
Ph.D. research, Seekell developed statistics to provide early warning that warning indicator we tested but also the
an ecosystem is passing a tipping point and is about to undergo a regime best at minimizing false-positive warnings
change. He is currently an assistant professor of Ecology in the Department due to the inclusion of thresholds (5).
of Ecology and Environmental Science at Ume University. In 2015, he became a Wallenberg Critical slowing down is a generic phe-
Academy Fellow, and in 2016, he received a Science for Solutions Award from the American nomenon that is not restricted to ecosystems.
Geophysical Union. After our experiment, other research groups
identified early warning indicators before re-
gime shifts in a variety of complex systems,
salmoides) and planktivorous pumpkin- ing signals were recorded up to a year and including in economic records before the
seed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) being most a half before the tipping point and were subprime housing loan crisis (10), before the
abundant. The competitive interactions present throughout the food web including self-termination of epileptic seizures (11), and
between these species form a trophic trian- in time series of prey fish abundance, zoo- before shifts in social networking activity on
glea food web configuration where posi- plankton biomass, and phytoplankton bio- Twitter (12). Hence, although my dissertation

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

tive feedback can push either the predator mass (2, 47). There were no early warning focused on lake ecology, the project is exem-
(largemouth bass) or the prey (pumpkin- signals in the reference system. plary of how fundamental ecological research
seed sunfish) species to dominance (4). This was the first ecosystem-scale proof- can generate tools and concepts that provide
Before the experiment, pumpkinseed of-concept that early warning indicators diverse benefits to society. j
sunfish dominated the fish community in can be detected before tipping points. These
the experimental lake, and largemouth bass results suggest that ecosystem managers
1. M. Scheffer et al., Nature 461, 53 (2009).
dominated the fish community in the ref- may one day be able to use adaptive man- 2. S. R. Carpenter et al., Science 332, 1079 (2011).
erence lake. We slowly added largemouth agement to avert unwanted regime shifts. 3. W. J. Sutherland et al., J. Ecol. 101, 58 (2013).
bass to the experimental lake over the A specific contribution of my dissertation 4. D. A. Seekell, T. J. Cline, S. R. Carpenter, M. L. Pace, Theor.
Ecol. 6, 385 (2013).
course of 4 years in an attempt to was to evaluate the efficacy of tests 5. D. A. Seekell, S. R. Carpenter, T. J. Cline, M. L. Pace,
push the food web past a tipping for conditional heteroskedastic- Ecosystems (N. Y.) 15, 741 (2012).
point where positive feedback ity (clustered variability in time 6. T. J. Cline et al., Ecosphere 5, art102 (2014).
7. M. L. Pace, S. R. Carpenter, R. A. Johnson, J. T. Kurtzweil,
would move the system from series) as early warning indi- Limnol. Oceanogr. 58, 525 (2013).
a sunfish-dominated regime to cators. Conditional heteroske- 8. D. A. Seekell, S. R. Carpenter, M. L. Pace, Am. Nat. 178, 442
a bass-dominated regime [see dasticity is widely studied by (2011).
9. V. Dakos et al., PLOS ONE 7, e41010 (2012).
the figure (A)]. economists but almost never 10. J. P. L. Tan, S. S. A. Cheong, Eur. Phys. J. B 87, 38 (2014).
The experimental lake passed examined by ecologists. A key 11. M. A. Kramer et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, 21116
a tipping point during the third observation in my dissertation (2012).
12. C. Kuehn, E. A. Martens, D. M. Romero, J. Complex Netw. 2,
year of the study [see the figure (B)]. was the presence of conditional het-
141 (2014).
Pumpkinseed sunfish competed with juve- eroskedasticity in time series from ecosys-
nile bass, and the tipping point occurred tems approaching tipping points but not ACKNOWL EDGMENTS
when the adult bass population became from stable ecosystems (8, 9). This essay is based on research supported by the NSF (DEB
0716869, DEB 0917696, and Graduate Research Fellowship
sufficiently large that it could suppress This observation has great practical im-
Program). Whole-ecosystem experiments are logistically
the sunfish, and juvenile bass could reach portance. Most early warning indicators difficult and are therefore conducted as collaborative efforts.
maturity and increase the size of the adult are interpreted by comparison with indica- The following researchers contributed to the whole-ecosystem
population (see the figure, A). This created tors from a pristine reference system. Such experiment described in this essay: R. Batt, W. Brock, C.
Brosseau, S. Carpenter, T. Cline, J. Cole. J. Coloso, M. Dougherty,
feedback that promoted bass dominance pristine systems are in short supply given A. Farrell, J. Hodgson, R. Johnson, J. Kitchell, S. Klobucar, J.
(2, 46). Variability from this shift propa- the global nature of many environmental Kurtzweil, K. Lee, M. Pace, T. Matthys, K. McDonnell, H. Pack, L.
gated throughout the lake, and early warn- changes, such as climate warming. Condi- Smith, T. Walsworth, B. Weidel, G. Wilkinson, C. Yang, and L. Zinn.
E. Murphy gave helpful comments on the text.
ing indicators based on autocorrelation and tional heteroskedasticity tests have thresh-
variance responded strongly. Early warn- olds that make clear distinctions between 10.1126/science.aal2188

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1109-C

Published by AAAS
A Prescription for Change

Arrested development The Looming Crisis in Drug

Michael Kinch
Financial and regulatory pressures threaten UNC Press, 2016. 351 pp.

the discovery of new medicines

tations, is usually not possible. This has
By George Painter tially to the increased costs associated with led to mergers and acquisitions as a means
clinical development. Daunted by both the to increase market share and meet Wall

he discovery, development, and regis- low probability of success and the high cost Street growth expectations. Kinch men-
tration of new drugs is a complicated of development, many venture groups have tions, but fails to adequately address, how
and protracted process, often taking reduced funding for the development of new these mergers inevitably led to consider-
more than 10 years. It is also quite drugs in recent years. able downsizing of research and develop-
expensive, with an estimated cost per The pharmaceutical industry has emerged ment (R&D) staff and profoundly affected
new drug in excess of $1 billion. The de- as a formidable economic engine that has a the ability of large companies to support
velopment pathway has historically required substantial effect on the global economy. By productive internal R&D programs.

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

input from academia, large pharmaceutical 2017, global spending for medicines is pro- With the downsizing of the R&D capac-
companies, and government partners, but in jected to reach $1.2 trillion. In A Prescription ity of large pharmaceutical companies, bio-
recent years, all of these groups have begun for Change, Kinch focuses on the growth of technology companies (many of which arose
facing social and financial chal- from prominent research uni-
lenges that are diminishing their versities) soon became a viable
ability to participate in the dis- source of innovative new drug
covery process. In A Prescription candidates. Kinch describes how
for Change, Michael Kinch traces the relationships among research
the history of the pharmaceuti- universities, biotechnology com-
cal and biotechnology industries panies, and large pharmaceutical
and describes the evolution of the companies formed and led to a
scientific, regulatory, social, and steady stream of drugs to address
marketing forces that are com- unmet medical needs. However,
promising contemporary drug diminished financial support
development efforts. for joint discovery ventures has
The book starts with an in- limited the productivity of these
troduction to the phases of the relationships in recent years. So
clinical development of a new what do we do?
drug. Kinchs descriptions of each Kinch believes that tackling
stage are adequate, and the com- the problems facing contem-
plications that inevitably arise A cycle of acquisitions and downsizing is cannibalizing our pharmaceutical porary drug discovery efforts
throughout clinical drug develop- infrastructure, argues Michael Kinch. would require an unprecedented
ment are well explained and il- level of communication among
lustrated with useful anecdotes. The process, two major pharmaceutical companies, Merck academic, commercial, federal, and financial
he shows, is difficult, expensive, and fraught and Eli Lilly, both of whom rank among the institutions. It would also require a commit-
with unanticipated problems and setbacks. dominant innovators of the 20th and 21st ment to a level and pace of change that a
In a chapter titled Why regulate medi- centuries. Their stories are told in a narra- considerable body of evidence suggests is just
cines, Kinch traces the evolution of the U.S. tive, historical manner, starting with each not going to happen.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and companys birth as a family business. The ap- Yet, as pharmaceutical companies retreat
describes how, in pursuing its responsibil- proach is quite entertaining and provides a and the number of biotechnology start-ups
ity to ensure the safety and efficacy of new way to explain how innovative drugs such as declines, a new paradigm for drug discov-
medicines, the agency helped shape the morphine, penicillin, and insulin propelled ery based on public-private partnerships is
pharmaceutical industry. Key legislation that these companies to world-prominent posi- already emerging. The drug discovery com-
set the FDAs trajectory (the Food, Drug, and tions. Key individuals, innovative research pany Bridge Medicinesformed in October

Cosmetic Act of 1938 and the 1962 Kefauver- universities, and government regulatory au- as a partnership between two venture capi-
Harris Amendments) is introduced in his- thorities emerge as factors that shaped the tal firms, three research centers, and a ma-
torical context. But Kinch misses the chance growth of the industry. jor pharmaceutical companyrepresents a
to really emphasize how increasing public In later chapters, Kinch details how, in promising example of how drugs may be dis-
pressure to ensure safety and efficacy has the face of increasing competition in the covered in the future (1). j
resulted in larger and larger phase 3 pivotal marketplace and rising costs of develop-
efficacy and phase 4 postmarketing trials, ment, large pharmaceutical companies
1. Rockefeller University, Newswire, 31 October 2016; http://
which have, in turn, contributed substan- have become financially dependent on
pharmaceutical blockbusters (drugs that drug-discovery-company-bridge-medicines-launched-
have annual sales in excess of $1 billion). academic-institutions-through-human-proof-of-concept.
The reviewer is at the Emory Institute for Drug
Discovery, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA. However, the discovery of such drugs, at a
Email: pace necessary to maintain market expec- 10.1126/science.aaj1906

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1111

Published by AAAS

viable and acceptable, the time scale to

LET TERS commercial deployment will inevitably be
measured in decades.
Edited by Jennifer Sills Cao et al. suggest collaborative plans,
especially for small modular reactors,
between consortia in China and the
Nuclear power: United States as possible ways forward.
However, it is unclear why these projects
Serious risks should have priority in terms of govern-
mental support. Tellingly, there is no
IN THEIR POLICY Forum China-U.S. commercially operating small modular
cooperation to advance nuclear power (5 reactor anywhere in the world (12). There
August, p. 547), J. Cao et al. make the case is also very limited licensing experience
for low-carbon energy trajectories that with small modular reactors. The cost is
use next-generation nuclear reactors. essentially unknown, and public accept-
However, they fail to address the challenges ability completely untested.
inherent in the reactors they advocate. Pouring resources into innovative
Cao et al. correctly assert that Some reactor technologies could be a damaging

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

studies project that a doubling or quadru- distraction. We must give balanced con-
pling of nuclear energy output is required sideration to a full range of alternative
in the next few decades. They neglect to low-carbon energy options rather than Nuclear energy remains
add that there are also numerous peer- focus uncritically on nuclear energy. a controversial addition to
reviewed studies showing that 100% Philip Johnstone, Benjamin K. Sovacool,* low-carbon energy plans.
renewables scenarios are technologically Gordon MacKerron, Andy Stirling
feasible and economically competitive. Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex,
Unlike some of the reactors proposed by Brighton, BN1 9RH, UK. in a way that makes nuclear energy seem
Cao et al., these could be deployed rapidly *Corresponding author. faster to deploy than renewable energy.
(1). Moreover, more scalable and commer- Email: A closer look at those data suggests
cially available energy efficiency options REFERENCES
the opposite.
can displace the need for new sources of 1. C. Budischak et al., J. Power Sources 225, 60 (2013). Cao et al. claim that nuclear power
nuclear supply (2). 2. M. A. Brown, B. K. Sovacool, Energy Efficiency 1, 35 programs have historically driven the
Cao et al. also correctly state that (2008). fastest growth of low-carbon power, but
3. International Energy Agency, Research and Development
renewable sources of energy in Germany Database (2014);
data in their ref. S1 (1) show that renew-
have been heavily subsidized. However, 4. B. Healey, N. Pfund, What Would Jefferson Do? (DLB ables output (excluding hydropower)
Germany has devoted subsidies to Investors, 2011). grew 6.3 times as fast as nuclear power
5. M. Liebreich, BLOOMBERG New Energy Finance Summit:
the nuclear industry that more than In Search of the Miraculous (Bloomberg New Energy
in 2015. In Figure 2, Cao et al. compare
double those allotted to all renewables Finance, 2016). seven nations average annual increases of
put together (3). The United States has 6. International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook nuclear vs. solar-and-windpower electric-
(International Energy Agency, 2015).
provided the nuclear industry with at ity. Chinas world-leading (2) renewable
7. D. Suna, G. Resch, Energy Pol. 98, 199 (2016).
least 10 times the subsidies devoted to 8. B. Chabot, Wind power and nuclear electricity production increases appear to be less than a tenth
renewables (4). Despite these invest- in China , India , Brazil and South Africa (BICS) up to as fast as Denmarks because the chart
ments, renewables costs are falling fairly 2015 (2016), pp. 17; http://cf01.erneuerbareenergien. divides the energy per capita, which
quickly, whereas nuclear costs continue to dNucBICS2015.pdf. inflates the numbers for less populous
rise (57). In India and China, despite late 9. National Audit Office, Nuclear Power in the UK (National countries. However, the population of
starts on development, electricity produc- Audit Office, 2016). the country producing the energy is not
10. T. B. Cochran et al., Fast Breeder Reactor Programs:
tion from wind has overtaken nuclear (8). History and Status (International Panel on Fissile relevant to different technologies relative
In restructured markets that allow con- Materials, 2010). speed in absolute carbon savings.
sumers to choose from a variety of energy 11. M. V. Ramana, The Forgotten History of Small Cao et al. also disadvantage renewables
Nuclear Reactors, IEEE Spectrum (2015), pp.
options, renewables have been shown to 19;
short lead times and rapid recent growth
be cheaper than nuclear power (9). the-forgotten-history-of-small-nuclear-reactors. (shown in their Figure 1) by comparing
Cao et al. portray a variety of reactors 12. World Nuclear Association, Small modular reactors output increases over the fastest decade.
as innovative and next generation, yet nuclear-fuel-cycle/nuclear-power-reactors/small-
Recent, shorter time periods, such as the
similar reactors have been under develop- nuclear-power-reactors.aspx. 3-year span from 2012 to 2015 according
ment since the 1960s (10). Sodium-cooled to their ref. S1 (1), reveal that nonhydro
fast reactors and liquid metal-cooled fast renewable growth dwarfs nuclear growth
reactors, as well as conventional small (in this case, by a factor of 5.3). Cao et al.s
pressurized water reactors, have a history Figure 1 also shows renewables growth
of costly experiments. In the West, these Nuclear power: through 2015 [from ref. S1 (1)], but their

earlier programs were abandoned, despite Figure 2 shows 2004 to 2014 (2003 to 2013
decades of research and development
commitment and high governmental pri-
Deployment speed for Spain). That truncation shrinks seven-
country growth by 25% for solar power and
oritization, due to economic unviability IN THEIR POLICY Forum China-U.S. 11% for windpower (1).
and safety issues (11). Even if some newer cooperation to advance nuclear power Cao et al. further deemphasize
versions of these technologies prove (5 August, p. 547), Cao et al. parse data renewables by counting only solar and

1112 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Response fastest expansion of low-carbon electricity
supplies is robust over a broad range of
WE AGREE WITH Johnstone et al.s call intervals, even single years. Worldwide, the
to give balanced consideration to a full largest 1-year increase in low-carbon elec-
range of alternative low-carbon energy tricity production was delivered by nuclear
options to address climate change. Unlike power between 1983 and 1984. In that year,
Johnstone et al., we believe that a balanced almost twice as many low-carbon kilowatt
portfolio includes the investment of mod- hours per capita were added by nuclear
est fractions of current energy research, power as were added by wind and solar
development, and deployment (RD&D) combined in 2015the peak year for those
funding into advanced nuclear energy. technologies so far (5, 6). And during the
Johnstone et al. may be confident that peak decade for nuclear construction, 1979
renewables such as wind and solar are the to 1989, the world was adding low-carbon
single fix-all bet for climate change, but the kilowatt hours at a faster annual rate on
evidence provided by actual deployment average than the largest amount added in
rates, reported in our Policy Forum, as well a single year so far by either wind or solar
as system reliability challenges, suggest (5). Moreover, this occurred at a time when
that it would be good to at least hedge that the global economy and population were

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

bet with investments in nuclear energy considerably smaller than they are today.
RD&D. For example, wind and sun are Lovins argues that it is gross additions of
often at low ebb for weeks or even months low-carbon energy that matter, not energy
at a time, and current daily-cycle storage is per capita. But the latter metric is the better
not sufficient to fill in these gaps (1, 2). basis for comparing the decarbonization
Johnstone et al. cite the cost of current performance of countries with different
nuclear energy as a reason not to pursue populations. By this measure, China has
windpower, omitting substantial global the very RD&D that might bring nuclear indeed been slower than Denmark in scal-
nonhydro renewable output. Their ref. costs down. Indeed, it was precisely the ing up wind and solar over the past decade,
S1 (1) uses gross (not net) generation, current cost of nuclear energy, as well as despite its large absolute additions of these
giving nuclear energy an advantage over too-long deployment times, that we cited technologies. Lovins also avoids mentioning
renewables. Their national deployment- as the spur for the needed RD&D. That that in 2015, China, which has just begun
rate comparisons omit preconstruction said, even with regard to current nuclear a major nuclear scale-up program, added
lead times for institutional preparation, technology, Johnstone et al.s assertion that almost as much nuclear electricity as wind
skill-building, design, siting, licensing, and nuclear costs continue to rise is far from and solar combined (5).
financing, which typically total years for universally true. Chinese and South Korean More rapid deployment of solar and
renewables but decades for nuclear energy current light water reactors built in China wind, as well as nuclear and other low-
sources. They omit end-use efficiency, and the United Arab Emirates are reported carbon energy sources, will be needed to
which saves more global electricity than to cost in the range of $2000 to $3000 per achieve deep decarbonization goals. The
renewables or nuclear sources produce (3). kilowatt, a 50% reduction from historical future of our planet depends on it.
Cao et al.s conclusion contradicts the levels (3, 4). Moreover, it has been shown Junji Cao,1 Armond Cohen,2 James
marketplace (2, 4). Fundamental differ- that, with repeated construction of the Hansen,3* Richard Lester,4 Per Peterson,5
ences in scale-up mechanisms, business same reactor design, reactor costs stabilize Staffan A. Qvist,2 Hong jie Xu6
cases, and learning curves informed China or decline (3). We are not persuaded by 1
Key Lab of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics,
State Grids Chairmans 2015 expectation Johnstone et al.s claim that small modular Institute of Earth Environment, Xian, 710061,
China. 2Clean Air Task Force, Boston, MA 02108,
(5) that 2050 global electricity will come reactors should not be pursued because
USA. 3Earth Institute, Columbia University, New
from 14% hydro, 73% other renewables, 7% there is no commercially operating small York, NY 10025, USA. 4Massachusetts Institute of
gas, 3% coal, and 3% nuclear [vs. 10.7% in modular reactor anywhere in the world. If Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 5University
2015 (4)]. the same logic had been applied to utility- of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 6Shanghai
Institute of Applied Physics, Shanghai, 21203, China.
Amory B. Lovins scale wind or solar energy technology in
*Corresponding author.
Rocky Mountain Institute, Basalt, CO 81621, USA. the 1970s, and governments had not spent Email:
Email: billions of dollars in research and early
commercial subsidies for those sources, we REFERENCES
would likely not have the vibrant com- 1. M. Z. Jacobson, M. A. Delucchi, M. A. Cameron, B. A. Frew,
1. BP, BP Statistical Review of World Energy (BP, 2015); Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112, 15060 (2015). mercial wind and solar industry today that 2. A. E. MacDonald et al., Nat. Clim. Change 6, 526 (2016).
statistical-review-2015/bp-statistical-review-of-world- Johnstone et al. rightly celebrate. 3. J. R. Lovering, A. Yip, T. Nordhaus, Energy Pol. 91, 371
Lovins points to data from 2015 and (2016).
2. Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century, 4. Chinese Academy of Engineering, Re-studying the Nuclear
Renewables 2016 Global Status Report (2016); www. other years to show renewables exceeding
Development in China (Tsinghua University Press, ed. 1, nuclear in scale-up rates, but deep decar- 2015) [in Chinese].
3. International Energy Agency, Energy Efficiency Market bonization requires that low-carbon energy 5. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 (www.
Report 2015 (
publication/energy-efficiency-market-report-2015-. sources sustain high rates of deployment
html). over many decades, and results for a energy-2016-full-report.pdf).
4. M. Schneider, A. Froggatt, Eds., World Nuclear Industry single year contain less useful information 6. World Bank, World Development Indicators (2016);
Status Report (2016);
5. Z. Liu, Global Energy Interconnection (Acad. Press, 2015). than the decadal trends we presented. In
fact, as Figure 1 shows, our finding that
10.1126/science.aal1808 nuclear power has been responsible for the 10.1126/science.aal2561

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1113

Published by AAAS
Transcranial magnetic stimulation
restores misplaced memories
Rose et al., p. 1136

IN S CIENCE JOURNAL S Edited by Stella Hurtley


How new particles form

ew particle formation in the atmo-
sphere produces around half of the
cloud condensation nuclei that seed
cloud droplets. Such particles have
a pivotal role in determining the
properties of clouds and the global radia-
tion balance. Dunne et al. used the CLOUD
(Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets) cham-
ber at CERN to construct a model of aerosol
formation based on laboratory-measured
nucleation rates. They found that nearly
all nucleation involves either ammonia or
biogenic organic compounds. Furthermore,
in the present-day atmosphere, cosmic ray
intensity cannot meaningfully affect climate
via nucleation. HJS

Science, this issue p. 1119

The CLOUD chamber at CERN, Switzerland

GALAXY FORMATION CANCER response without interference changes to the polarization of

from T regulatory cells. YN THz light after it passed through
A massive galaxy forming Running interference Sci. Transl. Med. 8, 367ra166 (2016). the thin film, confirming the
from molecular gas Interleukin 2 (IL-2) binds to
expected quantization of the
receptors on different types of T
The most massive galaxies magnetoelectric coupling. JS
cells. CD8+ T cells, which can kill
gather their stars by merging with TOPOLOGICAL MATTER Science, this issue p. 1124
tumor cells, have IL-2 receptors
smaller galaxies and by accreting
gas, which is then consumed
with two subunits. When IL-2 Shining light on
during star formation. Emonts
binds to these, it promotes T cell a peculiar coupling PAIN RESEARCH
et al. investigated the Spiderweb activation. In contrast, T regula- One of the long-standing predic-
Galaxy, a massive galaxy in the tory cells dampen the antitumor tions regarding topological
Glial cells
process of forming in the early immune response. These cells insulators is the magnetoelectric contribute to pain
universe, seen now as it was express a different type of effect, a coupling between a Pain hypersensitivity can spread
over 10 billion years ago (see the IL-2 receptor, which contains materials magnetic and electric to unaffected body regions
Perspective by Hatch). Radio CD25 in addition to the other properties. Thanks to this immediately surrounding the ini-

observations of carbon monox- two subunits. CD25 binds IL-2 coupling, Maxwells equations tial insult. Sometimes it can even
ide revealed large quantities of tightly but does not activate a T inside topological insulators are spread to the opposite site of
molecular gas around the galaxy. cell response. Arenas-Ramirez modified, resulting in so-called the body or to large body areas
The gas is not associated with et al. developed an antibody axion electrodynamics. Wu et and cause widespread pain.
the merger process but may have that can block CD25. Delivering al. used time-domain terahertz Kronschlger et al. discovered a
been recycled from earlier phases this antibody together with IL-2 (THz) spectroscopy to observe form of synaptic plasticity in the
of galaxy formation. KTS allowed IL-2 to bind specifically signatures of these unusual spinal cord that may explain the
Science, this issue p. 1128; to the activating receptors and electrodynamics in a thin film spread of pain hypersensitivity.
see also p. 1102 promote an antitumor immune of Be2Se3. They detected tiny This plasticity was induced by

1114 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
the activation of glial cells. The bone marrow niche. Ito et al. Edited by Caroline Ash
spread was mediated by glio- used single-cell approaches and IN OTHER JOURNALS and Jesse Smith
transmitters that diffuse widely, cell transplantation to identify
even reaching the cerebrospinal a subset of HSCs at the top
fluid at biologically relevant of the HSC hierarchy. Self-
concentrations. PRS renewal relied on the induction
Science, this issue p. 1144 of mitophagy, a quality-control
process linked to a cells meta-
bolic state. Both studies may be
STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY helpful in improving clinical bone
marrow transplantation. BAP
Zika virus is fit to be tied Science, this issue p. 1103, p. 1152;
Zika virus (ZIKV) has been asso-
see also p. 1156
ciated with fetal microcephaly
and Guillain-Barr syndrome.
Other mosquito-born flavivi-
ruses, such as dengue virus,
encode noncoding subgenomic Protecting by
flavivirus RNAs (sfRNAs) in
their 3 untranslated region that
changing the code
Live attenuated vaccines can be
accumulate during infection
very potent, but their potential to
and cause pathology. Akiyama
revert to their pathogenic form
et al. now report that ZIKV also
limits their use. In an attempt
produces sfRNAs that resist deg-
to get around this, Si et al.
radation by host exonucleases
expanded the genetic code of
in infected cells. The authors
influenza A viruses. They propa-
solved the structure of one of
gated viruses that were mutated
ZIKVs sfRNAs by x-ray crystal-
to encode premature termina-
lography and found that the
tion codons (PTCs) in a cell line
multi-pseudoknot structure that
engineered to be able to express
it adopts underlies its exonucle-
these flu proteins. Despite not
ase resistance. KLM
being able to replicate in con-
Science, this issue p. 1148
ventional cells, PTC-containing INSECT GENOMICS
viruses were highly immu-
HEMATOPOIESIS nogenic and protected mice, Acquiring the genes to digest wood
guinea pigs, and ferrets against

he larvae of the invasive Asian longhorned beetle burrow
How to maintain influenza challenge. KLM into and kill trees. On sequencing the genome, McKenna
hematopoietic stem cells Science, this issue p. 1170 et al. found that gene transfers from fungi and bacteria,
Hematopoiesis provides the followed by functional evolution and gene family expan-
body with a continuous supply of sions, appear to have conferred the ability to the beetles
blood cells (see the Perspective OXIDATIVE STRESS to find plants, digest cellulose, and nullify harmful compounds
by Sommerkamp and Trumpp). made by the plants. Interestingly, other wood-feeding beetles
Taya et al. report that amino
Overactive antiviral appear to have undergone a similar evolutionary trajectory,
acid content is important for responses in lupus one that is distinct from that of wood-feeding insects such as
hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) Detection of viral RNAs causes termites. LMZ

maintenance in vitro and in oligomerization of mitochon- Genome Biol. 17, 227 (2016).
vivo. Dietary valine restriction drial antiviral signaling (MAVS)
seems to empty the mouse protein, which leads to the
production of type I interferons Asian longhorned beetle larvae digest wood by using acquired genes.
(IFNs). Buskiewicz et al. found
that MAVS oligomerization in the
absence of virus may contrib- PLANT BIOLOGY localization defines the axis of
ute to lupus disease severity. growth and the domain where
Mitochondrial reactive oxygen
Targeting tip growth new pectin is added to the cell
Tip growth, which characterizes
species (ROS) induced MAVS wall. Pollen tubes of tobacco,
cells as diverse as root hairs
oligomerization and type I IFN which are fatter than those of
production in uninfected cells. and brain neurons, depends on Arabidopsis, showed more com-
The MAVS C79F variant, which secretory vesicles to add new plex patterns: During isotropic
is associated with decreased plasma membrane in a defined growth, SEC3a was distributed
lupus severity, did not oligomer- subdomain. Bloch et al. show in a broad subapical domain,
ize in response to ROS, and cells that in growing Arabidopsis pol- whereas during rapid elongation
expressing this variant produced len tubes, the exocyst subunit growth, SEC3a was localized to
less type I IFN. JFF SEC3a is a target for secre- the apical tip. PJH
Hematopoietic stem cell Sci. Signal. 9, ra115 (2016). tory vesicles at the tip. SEC3a Plant Physiol. 172, 980 (2016).

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1115

Published by AAAS


Getting an UPR
hand on recovERy
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
is an intracellular membranous
labyrinth that provides the entry
point to the secretory pathway.
During proteotoxic stress, the
ER expands to cope with the
added burden of misfolded or
unfolded proteins. This is termed
the unfolded protein response
(UPR). Fumagilli et al. asked
how, after the stress is removed,
the cell returns its ER to normal
levels. In cultured mammalian
cells, they uncovered a pro-
cess called recovER-phagy.
During recovER-phagy, excess
ER membranes are targeted
for destruction. Unexpectedly,
a component of the ER pro-
tein translocation machinery,
Sec62, appears to provide a
key autophagy receptor in this
Corals share gastrulation
process, independently of its
signals for mouth-anus
canonical function. SMH
development with vertebrates.
Nat. Cell Biol. 18, 1173 (2016).


Neuron development
Keeping tissue layers separate

astrulation is the conversion of an embryo from a single sheet of pluripotent cells into a
in human embryos structure with multiple tissue layers. This process establishes the future body plan and is
Mammalian fertility depends on highly conserved among metazoans. In vertebrate embryos, the transcription factor Brachyury
the secretion of gonadotropin- delineates the middle tissue layer (the mesoderm) from the outer (ectoderm) and the inner
releasing hormone (GnRH) (endoderm) layers. Yasuoka et al. discovered that in coral embryos, which lack a mesoderm,
from a population of specialized brachyury is regulated by the same signaling pathway as that found in vertebrates. In corals, it
neurons residing in the hypo- demarcates ectoderm from endoderm and is essential for the development of the mouth-anus. SH
thalamus. During embryogenesis, Curr. Biol. 26, 2885 (2016).
these neurons develop at the
olfactory placodes, and they
subsequently migrate to the
brain. Very little is known about ROBOTICS from the water and connected brain imaging to analyze the
the process in humans, however. in series. When combined with connectivity during placebo and
Casoni et al. have studied this in
Autonomously eat, state-of-the-art electronics, the pain relief treatment for arthritis-
depth by using donated human digest, move, repeat energy output from the fuel cell induced knee pain. Brain activity
embryonic tissue. They tracked Truly autonomous robots require was boosted to usable values for associated with the placebo
the differentiation and migration a robust and independent way powering motors and artificial effect was recorded in the right
of GnRH neurons through the to move and a means to harvest muscles within the robot. MSL midfrontal gyrus circuitry of
first trimester of gestation by energy from the environment. Soft Robotics 10.1089/soro.2016.0020 about half of the participants.
examining samples at differ- Philamore et al. push toward (2016). In contrast, duloxetine-induced
ent developmental stages and these goals by devising a soft analgesia stimulated activity
identified important differences robotic mouth for use in aquatic deep in the right parahippo-
between humans and rodents. environments that gathers NEUROSCIENCE campal gyrus. In some patients,
Unexpectedly, they also found organic biomass, which is pro- duloxetine interfered adversely
Side effects for

that some of these neurons cessed in a microbial fuel cell to with the placebo effect. The
migrate to extra-hypothalmic generate useful energy. Origami- placebo poppers responses of individuals can
regions of the brain, suggesting like folding of a membrane pulls Patients in clinical trials may now be differentiated, and their
that they play roles in other pro- particulate-laden water into the see their conditions improve, exposure to ineffective therapies
cesses not linked to fertility. SH mouth; the mouth is then closed sometimes dramatically, even can be monitored. CA
Development 10.1242/dev.139444 for operation of the microbial when they are in the control arm PLOS Biol. 10.1371/journal.
(2016). fuel cell, which can be isolated of the study. Ttreault et al. used pbio.1002570 (2016).

1116 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

ALSO IN SCIENCE JOURNALS Edited by Stella Hurtley

INNATE IMMUNITY proton either sticks largely to one for items held in a persons highlights recent genetic studies
water molecule in an Eigen motif working memory. However, when showing that male vampire bats
Shared logic in diverse or bridges two of them in a Zundel subjects shift their attention are key to rabies dispersal and
immune systems motif. It has been hard to probe toward something else, the transmission in Peru. Rabies is
The innate immune systems of this question directly because neural representation of the more often transmitted between
both plants and animals depend the distinguishing vibrational now unattended item drops to related species than between
on the ability to recognize bands in bulk aqueous acid baseline, as though the item has unrelated ones. For many other
pathogen-derived molecules and spectra are so broad. Wolke et al. been forgotten. Rose et al. used bat-virus systems, little is known
stimulate a defense response. studied deuterated prototypical single-pulse transcranial mag- about how the virus is transmit-
Jones et al. review how that Eigen clusters, D+(D2O)4, bound netic stimulation (TMS) to briefly ted within and between species.
common function is achieved in to an increasingly basic series of reactivate the representation of Although challenging, further
such diverse kingdoms by simi- hydrogen bond acceptors (see an unattended item. A short pulse such studies of this and other
lar molecules. The recognition the Perspective by Xantheas). of TMS enhanced recognition of bat-virus systems are needed
system is built for hair-trigger These clusters displayed sharp forgotten stimuli, bringing an to inform public health efforts.
sensitivity and constructed in a bands in their vibrational spectra, unattended item back into focal JFU
modular manner. Understanding highlighting a steadily evolving attention. PRS Science, this issue p. 1099
such features could be useful in distortion toward a Zundel-like Science, this issue p. 1136
building new pathways through motif and pointing the way toward
synthetic biology, whether for further investigations. JSY ATHEROSCLEROSIS
broadening disease defenses
or constructing new signal-
Science, this issue p. 1131;
see also p. 1101
response circuits. PJH The epigenetics plaques lie
Science, this issue p. 1117 of exhaustion Patients with the autoimmune
NEUROSCIENCE During cancer or chronic disease systemic lupus erythe-
matosis (SLE) are more likely
Attention changes infection, T cells become dys-
to develop atherosclerosis than
functional, eventually acquiring
Tie me up, cut me down local brain activity an exhausted phenotype. healthy individuals. Smith et
There is a well-known correlation Immunotherapies aim to reverse al. hypothesized that invari-
Group II introns are mobile
between arousal and neuronal this state. Using a mouse model ant natural killer T (iNKT) cells
genetic elements found in all
activity in the brain. However, of chronic infection, two studies contribute to this process
domains of life. They are large
it is unclear how these general now show that the epigenetic because of their connection to
ribozymes that can excise them-
effects are reflected on a local profile of exhausted T cells both immune responses and
selves from host RNA. Costa et
scale. Engel et al. recorded from differs substantially from those lipids. The authors found that
al. determined the structure of
higher visual areas in behav- of effector and memory T cells, iNKT cells from SLE patients
an excised group II intron in its
ing monkeys and discovered a suggesting that exhausted T with asymptomatic plaque
branched conformation. This
new principle of cortical state cells are a distinct lineage (see (SLE-P) produced more of the
conformation is comparable to
fluctuations. A special type of the Perspective by Turner and Th2 cytokine interleukin-4 than
the branched lariat seen dur-
electrodes revealed that the Russ). Sen et al. defined specific those from SLE patients with no
ing the splicing of nuclear RNA
state changes affected neuronal functional modules of enhanc- plaques. These SLE-P iNKT cells
transcripts. The lariat conforma-
excitability across all layers of were associated with changes in
tion helps assemble the group ers that are also conserved in
the neocortex. When the animals lipid composition and monocyte
II active site for the reverse exhausted human T cells. Pauken
attended to a stimulus, the skewing to the M2 phenotype.
splicing reaction. The lariat in et al. examined the epigenetic
vigorous spiking states became Thus, SLE-P iNKT cells may con-
spliceosomal splicing may also profile of exhausted T cells after
longer and the faint spiking nect changes in lipids and the
have a similar role in the second immunotherapy. Although there
states became shorter. These immune response, contributing
step of messenger RNA intron was transcriptional rewiring, the
states correlated with fluctua- to the development of cardio-
removal. GR cells never acquired a memory T
tions in the local field potential. vascular disease in SLE patients.
Science, this issue p. 1118 cell phenotype. Thus, epigenetic
A sophisticated computational ACC
regulation may limit the success
model of the state changes fitted Sci. Immunol. 1, eaah4081 (2016).
of immunotherapies. KLM
a two-state model of neuronal
Science, this issue p. 1104, p. 1165;
responsiveness. PRS
see also p. 1160
WATER CHEMISTRY Science, this issue p. 1140

Frame-by-frame view
of acidic transport WORKING MEMORY

Protons in acidic solution

How to reactivate How bats spread viruses
constantly hop from one water Bats carry numerous viruses,
molecule to the next. In between forgotten memories such as rabies and Ebola, which
the hopping, controversy lingers Sophisticated techniques can they can transmit to humans.
over the extent to which the decode stimulus representations In a Perspective, Hayman

1116-B 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

domain proteins, but NACHT domain proteins

REVIEW SUMMARY are absent from plants and several animal taxa,
such as Drosophila and nematodes. Despite the
vast evolutionary distance between plants and
animals, we describe trans-kingdom principles of
NLR activation. We propose that NLRs evolved
Intracellular innate immune for pathogen-sensing in diverse organisms be-
cause the flexible protein domain architecture

surveillance devices in plants surrounding the NB-ARC and NACHT domains

facilitates evolution of hair trigger switches,
into which a virtually limitless number of micro-
and animals bial detection platforms can be integrated.

ADVANCES: Structural biology is beginning to

Jonathan D. G. Jones,* Russell E. Vance,* Jeffery L. Dangl* shed light on pre- and postactivation NLR archi-
tectures. Various detection and activation plat-
BACKGROUND: Pathogens cause agricultural beneficial interactions with commensal and forms have evolved in both plant and animal
devastation and huge economic losses. Up to 30% symbiotic microbes. Plants and animals use NLR surveillance systems. This spectrum ranges

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

of our crops are lost before or after harvest to path- intracellular proteins of the nucleotide binding from direct NLR activa-
ogens and pests, wasting water and human effort. domain (NBD), leucine-rich repeat (NLR) super- ON OUR WEBSITE tion, through binding of
Diseases and pests are major problems for sustain- family to detect many kinds of pathogens. Plant Read the full article
microbial ligands, to indi-
able agriculture in the face of population growth. and animal NLRs evolved from distinct deriv- at http://dx.doi. rect NLR activation after
Similarly, microbial infection remains a major atives of a common ancestral prokaryotic adeno- org/10.1126/ the modification of host
cause of human mortality and morbidity, respon- sine triphosphatase (ATPase): the NBD shared science.aaf6395 cellular targets, or decoys
sible for ~25% of deaths worldwide in 2012. We by APAF-1, plant NLR proteins, and CED-4 (NB- of those targets, by micro-
lack vaccines for several major infectious diseases, ARC) domain class and that shared by apoptosis bial virulence factors. Homo- and heterotypic
and antibiotic resistance is an ever-growing concern. inhibitory protein (NAIP), CIITA, HET-E, TP1 dimerization and oligomerization of NLRs add
Plant and animal innate immune systems (NACHT) domain class, respectively. Animals complexity to signaling responses and can enable
respond to pathogen infection and regulate and fungi can carry both NB-ARC and NACHT signal amplification. NLR population genomics
across the plant and animal kingdoms is in-
creasing owing to application of new capture-
based sequencing methods. A more complete
catalog of NLR repertoires within and across
species will provide an enhanced toolbox for ex-
ploiting NLRs to develop therapeutic interventions.

OUTLOOK: Despite breakthroughs in our mo-

lecular understanding of NLR activation, many
important questions remain. Biochemical mech-
anisms of NLR activation remain obscure. Events
downstream of plant NLR activation and out-
puts such as transcription of defense genes,
changes in cell permeability, localized cell death,
and systemic signaling remain opaque. We do
not know whether activated plant NLRs oligo-
merize or, if they do, how this is achieved, given
the diversity of subcellular sites of activation ob-
served for various NLRs. It is not clear whether
and how the different N-terminal domains of plant
NLRs signal. We have increasing knowledge re-
garding how animal NLRs assemble and signal,
although knowledge gaps remain. Therapeutic in-
terventions in humans targeting NLRs remain on
the horizon. Design of novel recognition capabili-
ties and engineering of new or extended NLR
NLR tree. Evolution of NLR genes followed diverging pathways for plant and animal species.
functions to counter disease in animals and plants
Numbers of NLR genes per genome identified computationally range widely, as shown on this
provides tantalizing future goals to address plant
stylized evolutionary tree (branches not to scale). The numbers of NLRs can vary markedly even
across genomes from closely related taxa. NLRs likely derived from a common ancestor that
and animal health problems worldwide.

expressed both NACHT and NB-ARC type NBDs. NACHT is found in animal NLRs, and NB-ARC in
The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
plant NLRs. Both occur in fungi. A variety of N- and C-terminal domains have been evolutionarily *These authors contributed equally to this work.
recruited onto NBDs, including those characteristic of NLRs. The asterisk for tomato indicates that Corresponding author. Email: jonathan.jones@sainsbury-laboratory.
experimental evidence exists to give this precision, as discussed in the main text. The double (J.D.G.J.); (R.E.V.); dangl@email. (J.L.D.)
asterisk for wheat indicates the number of NLRs per diploid genome (wheat is hexaploid). NLR- Cite this article as J. D. G. Jones et al., Science 354,
like fungal proteins lack the LRR domain characteristic of NLRs and are thus not included here. aaf6395 (2016). DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf6395

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1117


main, associated with three a-helical domains,

REVIEW that also likely derived from a distinct prokary-
otic ancestral domain (20, 22, 26). Both NACHT
and NB-ARC domains are in fungi, where they
INNATE IMMUNITY have recruited diverse N- and C-terminal domains
but not LRRs (12). Thus, plant and animal NLRs

Intracellular innate immune likely evolved from distinct ancestral NBD line-
ages based on differential expansion from a com-
mon ancestor of these STAND AAA+ ATPases (27).
surveillance devices in plants Although the focus of this Review is on NLRs
involved in innate pathogen-detection, some

and animals mammalian NLRs appear to have distinct func-

tions, including transcriptional regulation in
adaptive immunity (28, 29). Nevertheless, de-
Jonathan D. G. Jones,1* Russell E. Vance,2* Jeffery L. Dangl3* spite considerable NLR diversity in sequence and
function, all NLR and NLR-like proteins are pre-
Multicellular eukaryotes coevolve with microbial pathogens, which exert strong selective sumed to involve a similar switch-like activation
pressure on the immune systems of their hosts. Plants and animals use intracellular proteins mechanism. Indeed, studies of Apaf1 and its

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

of the nucleotide-binding domain, leucine-rich repeat (NLR) superfamily to detect many types homologs have established the paradigm for
of microbial pathogens. The NLR domain architecture likely evolved independently and our current understanding of NLR activation
convergently in each kingdom, and the molecular mechanisms of pathogen detection by plant (30). In this model, preactivation states of NLR
and animal NLRs have long been considered to be distinct. However, microbial recognition proteins feature intra- and potentially intermolec-
mechanisms overlap, and it is now possible to discern important key trans-kingdom principles ular domain interactions to keep the NBD con-
of NLR-dependent immune function. Here, we attempt to articulate these principles. We formational equilibrium in a suppressed but not
propose that the NLR architecture has evolved for pathogen-sensing in diverse organisms fully inactive state (17, 31, 32). In response to spe-
because of its utility as a tightly folded hair trigger device into which a virtually limitless cific pathogen effector (virulence) proteins or other
number of microbial detection platforms can be integrated. Recent findings suggest means specific stimuli, the intramolecular interactions are
to rationally design novel recognition capabilities to counter disease. altered, and the NBD is believed to exchange ade-

nosine diphosphate (ADP) for adenosine triphos-
ulticellularity creates nutrient niches for where they can play a role in heterokaryon incom- phate (ATP), likely driving NLR oligomerization
microbial colonization, which in turn drives patibility (11, 12). Thus, NLRs and fungal NLR-like in at least some cases. NLRs can hydrolyze ATP to
natural selection for hosts with effective proteins represent a protein architecture deployed ADP, but this activity does not drive oligomeriza-
innate immunity. In plants and animals, across kingdoms for host defense and/or self- tion. Whether ATP hydrolysis plays an important
innate immunity involves both cell sur- nonself discrimination. In this Review, we focus role in NLR regulation is unclear; ATP hydrolysis
face receptors (1) and intracellular receptors of on an illustrative handful of the most exciting cur- may convert activated NLRs to an inactive state.
the NLR [nucleotide binding domain (NBD) and rent conceptual developments in NLR biology and NLR oligomerization is believed to initiate sig-
leucine-rich repeat (LRR)] superfamily (24). NLRs refer the reader to excellent recent publications naling by the proximity-induced recruitment and
play critical roles in organismal health in both for further details (1319). We hope to convey the activation of downstream molecules via N-terminal
plants and animals; absence or dysfunction can enthusiasm of this rapidly advancing field as an accessory signaling domains (33). These N-terminal
result in organ failure and death (Fig. 1). NLRs area of active basic research that is at the cusp of domains vary considerably (Fig. 2) but are com-
were originally referred to as Nod-like receptors, exploitation to address pressing plant and animal monly coiled-coil or TIR domains in plant NLRs,
but we do not favor this name because it arose health problems worldwide. or domains in the death-fold superfamily (such
only in the mammalian literature, and the of- as CARD or Pyrin domains) in animal NLRs. The
ficial consensus nomenclature is that NLR stands NLR architecture: Evolution sculpts putative signaling molecules recruited to plant
for NBD-LRR domain-containing (5). Plant NLRs sensitive switches NLRs have not been identified, but several such
are present in angiosperms and gymnosperms, Plant and animal NLRs share a similar modular molecules recruited to animal NLRs have been
and even in bryophytes and liverworts, but not domain architecture, including the core NBD and described. These include a kinase (RIPK2) that is
in the single-celled alga Chlamydomonas. NLR LRR domain, although in both clades there is sub- recruited to NOD1/2, a protease (caspase-1) that
immune receptors are also found in diverse ani- stantial diversity in N- and C-terminal accessory is recruited directly to NLRC4 and NLRP1, and
mals, from corals, sea urchins (6, 7), and primi- domains (Fig. 2). The NBD falls within the STAND a Pyrin-CARDcontaining adaptor protein (ASC)
tive chordates (8) to fish (9) and mammals (10). [signal transduction adenosine triphosphatase that recruits caspase-1 indirectly to several NLRs,
Even though chordates and plant genomes carry (ATPases) with numerous domains] AAA+ ATPase including NLRP3. Interestingly, the pyrin domain
NLR genes, genes encoding these proteins have superfamily, which typically includes Walker A of NLRP3 is also believed to propagate signaling
not been found in several animal lineages such (P-loop) and Walker B motifs involved in nucleo- by nucleating the oligomerization of ASC into
as nematodes and arthropods. Yet, NLR-like pro- tide binding and hydrolysis (20, 21). The NBD polymerized filaments that coalesce into mas-
teins with similar core architecture, but lacking is associated with adjacent a-helical domains sive intracellular specks (34). The essentially
LRR domains, are present in filamentous fungi, (2224). Plant NLRs use a subtype of STAND irreversible conversion of ASC from a soluble to
NBD called the NB-ARC (nucleotide-binding, Apaf1, filamentous form is reminscent of the biochem-
Resistance, CED4), associated with two a-helical ical behavior of prions, and indeed, the ASC
Sainsbury Lab, Norwich Research Park, Colney Lane, domains. This domain, also known as the Apop- Pyrin domain exhibits prion-like properties when
Norwich NR4 7UH, UK. 2Howard Hughes Medical Institute
(HHMI), Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, and
totic ATPase (Ap-ATPase) domain (25), is shared expressed in yeast. Mutations in ASC that disrupt
Cancer Research Laboratory, University of California, with animal proteins that lack LRRs and are in- its prion activities in yeast also abrogate its ability
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 3Howard Hughes Medical Institute, volved in apoptosis such as mammalian Apaf-1, to signal in mammalian cells (35). Conversely, a
Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Drosophila DARK and nematode CED4, and likely yeast prion domain can functionally replace the
Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding
evolved from a class of prokaryotic ATPases. Animal N-terminal Pyrin domain in ASC (35). Highly co-
author. Email: (J.D.G.J.); NLRs, in contrast, carry a distinct NBD subtype, operative polymerization that produces a hair- (R.E.V.); (J.L.D.) the NACHT (NAIP, CIITA, HET-E, and TP1) do- trigger all-or-none signaling output might be

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 aaf6395-1


desirable in proteins that need to respond rapidly

and sensitively to pathogen invasion. It is tempt-
ing to speculate that polymerization may be a
common feature of signaling downstream of both
plant and animal NLRs, although this remains
to be established experimentally.
In both plant and animal NLRs, deletion of the
LRR domain can result in constitutive NLR ac-
tivation. Thus, a primary function of the LRR
domain is likely to be negative regulation of NBD-
mediated oligomerization. A structure of mouse
NLRC4 suggests that autoinhibition is at least
partly mediated by direct contact between the
NBD and LRR (36), although whether this is gen-
eralizable to all NLRs remains to be seen. Once
activated, NLRs often induce a characteristic cell
death response termed the hypersensitive re-
sponse in plants and pyroptosis in animals.

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Cell death is believed to restrict pathogen rep-
lication at the site of infection and, in animals,
results in the release of soluble mediators that
recruit and activate additional immune cells. In-
appropriate spontaneous NLR activation can lead
to autoimmune conditions in both plants and
animals. These syndromes can be more severe at
cold temperatures in both plants and animals,
resulting in chilling sensitive ectopic cell death in
plants and familial cold autoinflammatory syn-
drome (FCAS) in humans (37, 38). These exam-
ples suggest that intra- or intermolecular NLR
interactions required for autoinhibition can be
perturbed at the nonpermissive temperature, or
that ATP hydrolysis is attenuated at lower tem-
peratures, shifting the equilibrium from the in-
active toward the activated state.
Although the induced oligomerization model
has underpinned investigations of animal NLR

activation, it has not been demonstrated for plant

NLRs. Activation of the tobacco N and Arabidopsis
RPP1 NLRs correlates with self-association (39, 40),
but whether this represents the formation of
oligomers, as in the case of Apaf1 and some
animal NLRs, or simply homodimers remains
unclear. There may be diversity in both the resting-
state architectures of plant NLRs and in their
modes of activation by microbial signals that are
tuned by natural selection; no universal general-
ization may exist. For example, heterogeneity in
the subcellular site of activation of a given NLR
is potentially determined by the precise local-
ization of the microbial effector target that ac-
tivates it. There may be additional structural
constraints imposed by requirements for inter-
action with partner helper NLRs, with mi-
Fig. 1. NLRs make a major contribution to organismal health. (A and B) Isogenic potato plants that crobial effector target domains, or decoys of these,
either (A) express or (B) lack a specific NLR (Rpi-vnt1) conditioning resistance to the oomycete or because of integration of target decoy domains
pathogen Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of potato late blight. (C and D) Livers from (C) into the NLR itself (3, 4144).
normal NLRC4+ (resistant) and (D) NLRC4-deficient (susceptible) mice after lethal infection with Subsequent to NLR activation, plant and ani-
Chromobacterium violaceum (white bacterial lesions are visible). (E) Arabidopsis expressing the NLR- mal innate immunity mechanisms likely differ
encoding RPP5 gene undergoes protective localized cell death (trypan bluestained cells; debris of dead greatly, although we remain quite ignorant of
pathogen stained intensely in the center) in response to the Arabidopsis downy mildew pathogen postactivation mechanisms in plants. Neverthe-
(Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis) strain NoCo2. (F) Successful downy mildew colonization of leaf tissue less, despite remarkable diversity in upstream and
from isogenic susceptible Arabidopsis that lack RPP5 (trypan bluestained hyphae and intracellular downstream signaling events, we are forced to
pathogen haustoria). (G) Destruction of mouse intestinal tissue after NLRC4 activation showing contemplate what is so fundamentally advan-
sloughing of epithelial cells into the intestinal lumen. The sloughing response is believed to prevent tageous about the NLR architecture that could
bacterial invasion into deeper tissue. (H) Normal mouse intestinal tissue showing elongated villi and explain why it arose convergently in plants and
intact intestinal epithelium. animals to play a role in pathogen detection and

aaf6395-2 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


defense activation (27, 45). The full spectrum of ing on the activation context, as demonstrated for either new R gene alleles, or other R genes, that
mechanisms in each kingdom suggests that there ADR1-L2 (54). Little is known about how the CC-R restore resistance. This gene-for-gene coevolution
is scope for more conceptual similarities than domain is integrated into activation mechanisms, led to the hypothesis that NLR proteins might
previously suspected. Given this diversity, we but the fact that it is evolutionarily ancient and directly interact with the recognized effector, and
propose that one advantage of the NLR archi- monophyletic suggests a generalizable function in some cases this prediction was fulfilled (58).
tecture may simply be its ability to function as a in plant NLR biology. However, in most cases, direct interaction between
robust on-off switch in diverse signaling contexts. Natural NLR variants featuring degenerate a plant NLR and the recognized effector is not
To illustrate the flexibility of the NLR architec- NBD consensus sequences exist, and there is evi- observed. Instead, many plant NLRs appear to mo-
ture, we articulate below four distinct mecha- dence to suggest that they may participate in non- nitor the state of self proteins, termed guardees,
nisms of pathogen sensing (direct, guard, canonical activation mechanisms. The rice Pb1 whose primary function is in defense signaling
decoy, and integrated decoy) (Fig. 3) and NLR family lacks a P-loop motif but nonetheless and as such are frequently targeted by pathogen
discuss how these four mechanisms can be ap- conditions broad spectrum resistance to rice blast, effectors. If a pathogen virulence protein alters
plied to individual and paired plant and animal potentially by acting as a helper NLR (55). This is the guardees structure, then the associated NLR
NLRs. It remains to be seen whether these four likely evolutionarily conserved, because there are is activated. The guard strategy thus allows a rela-
mechanisms are the main modes of action of Pb1 homologs in maize. The small collection of tively small repertoire of NLRs (~150 in Arabidopsis)
all NLRs or whether we are only scratching the Arabidopsis and Arabidopsis lyrata proteins con- to protect against diverse pathogen effectors
surface. taining variant P-loop residues is also likely to (3, 59, 60). For example, NLR proteins RPM1 and
alter or impair the canonical activation mecha- RPS2 act at the plasma membrane to monitor
Division of labor: Sensors and helpers

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

nism outlined above (56). These include NLRs the state of the plasma membraneassociated
Specific NLR responses can require a pair of with integrated decoy domains that function in defense regulator RIN4. RPM1 detects phospho-
NLR proteins in which one senses the ligand NLR pairs that are encoded together and function rylation of a specific threonine residue on RIN4 pro-
whereas the other (the helper NLR) is required together. For example, in the RPS4/RRS1 gene voked by the pathogen effectors AvrB or AvrRpm1
for its downstream signaling (46, 47). In mam- pair, RRS1 is the sensor NLR, and its P-loop is (61, 62) and mediated via a receptor-like cytoplas-
mals, the NAIP/NLRC4 inflammasomes are com- not required to activate signaling (57). mic kinase (63). This effector-modulated phos-
posed of sensor/helper NLR pairs. In this system, phorylation interferes with both RIN4-dependent
a NAIP sensor NLR is activated by direct binding Guards and decoys: Getting the most mesophyll defense responses (62) and stomatal
to a specific bacterial protein ligand (such as from the NLR receptor repertoire immunity (64). In contrast, RPS2 is activated by
flagellin) (48, 49), leading to recruitment of NLRC4 Plant NLRs were first revealed by cloning cleavage of RIN4 by the bacterial cysteine pro-
as a helper NLR. NLRC4 does not appear to bind Resistance (R) genes that confer the capacity to tease effector AvrRpt2 (65, 66).
directly to ligands but instead functions down- activate defense upon detection of specific pathogen Similarly, RPS5 monitors the state of protein
stream of NAIPs to recruit and activate caspase-1, effectors. There is selective pressure for pathogens kinase PBS1, also at the plasma membrane (67, 68).
a key executioner of inflammasome signaling to mutate their effectors to evade NLR-dependent PBS1 is targeted for proteolytic cleavage by plasma
pathways. Structural analyses demonstrate that surveillance, which in turn selects for evolution of membranelocalized AvrPphB. Illustrating the
in the absence of stimulation, NLRC4 (and pre-
sumably NAIPs) are retained in the cytosol as
monomers, autoinhibited via intradomain inter-
actions (36, 50, 51). Recognition of microbial
molecules by NAIPs exposes a donor catalytic
surface on the NAIP that binds to a receptor
surface on NLRC4, provoking a conformational
change in NLRC4 that exposes its catalytic sur-
face. This in turn propagates the recruitment of
additional NLRC4 monomers to form a ring-shaped
oligomer that appears to contain one NAIP and 9
to 11 NLRC4 molecules. This striking stoichiom-
etry suggests that NAIP activation is a hair trig-
ger for NLRC4-mediated signal amplification.
The concept of sensors and helpers also ap-
plies to some plant NLRs. Plant genomes encode
variable numbers of NLRs, with an atypical N-
terminal coiled-coil domain called a CC-R (52) that
correlates with helper NLR function. Resistance
to the Tobacco Mosaic Virus requires both the
sensor TIR NLR protein N and the helper CC-R
NLR protein NRG1 (53). In Arabidopsis, the five
CC-Rencoding genes comprise two paralogous
NLR families that function as helper NLRs (47, 54).
One of them, a member of the ADR CC-R family,
has both canonical, P-loopdependent signaling
functions in cell death control and a noncanonical
P-loopindependent function as a helper NLR for
several effector sensor NLRs. The noncanonical
function suggested a requirement as a scaffold, Fig. 2. Diversity of NLR and NLR-like architectures (NLR-o-gram). Domain structures of represent-
much like NLRC4, which can also exhibit P-loop ative well-studied NLR proteins from human and Arabidopsis are shown approximately to scale. Definitions
independent functions in transduction of effector- of acronyms are provided in Box 1. The NACHT and NB-ARC domains are sometimes defined as including
activated NAIP signals (48). A given NLR might the associated helical domains, but these domains are shown separately here for clarity. Humans contain
be operating by both of these mechanisms, depend- additional NLRs not known to be directly involved in pathogen sensing.

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 aaf6395-3


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Fig. 3. Diverse strategies for NLR-mediated detection of pathogens. Four conceptually distinct strategies are illustrated. The details of how each strategy is
implemented for a specific NLR example may vary. The guard and decoy strategies are analogous: In both cases, the guardee or decoy proteins are involved in
maintaining the NLR in an inhibited state, and in both cases, the inhibition is relieved upon effector-mediated modification of the guardee or decoy. Guardees
are distinguished from decoys by having an additional and separate function in host defense, whereas decoys are merely mimics of host defense proteins.
Guardees are thus the intended targets of effectors, whereas decoys are inadvertently targeted by effectors.

flexibility of the guard strategy, the RPS5/PBS1 monitor effector-targeted protein kinases of the and NOD2 also appear to be responsive to
system has been engineered to expand RPS5 Pto family that are, in turn, likely decoys for the pathogen-induced ER stress (77). These results
function to recognize other protease cleavage sites defense-relevant kinase domains of pattern re- are consistent with NOD1 and NOD2 exhibiting
engineered into PBS1 (69). cognition receptor LRR-kinases (71). Likewise, the guard-type activation, although it remains un-
Mutations of a guarded protein, such as PBS1, Arabidopsis NLR ZAR1 monitors the state of clear how this is to be reconciled with genetic evi-
can result in no enhanced disease susceptibility. multiple pseudokinases (72) that are likely decoys dence that NOD1 and NOD2 can also be activated
This suggests that paralogs of genuine targets of for effectors that target receptor-like cytoplasmic by peptidoglycan.
virulence proteins may have evolved to resemble kinases involved in defense signaling. Mammalian NLRP3 also acts as a guard of
that target, thus luring pathogens to reveal In mammals, the concepts of guards and decoys cellular integrity because it can be activated by
themselves by their action on a protein that is have not been extensively discussed. The mam- disruption of cellular ion gradients. The molec-
not required for defense. This concept was elab- malian NOD1 and NOD2 NLRs were originally ular mechanism of NLRP3 activation remains
orated as the decoy model (41). Given the proposed to function as direct detectors of bac- unresolved, but the essential role of NEK7 kinase
extensive functional redundancy of plant pro- terial peptidoglycan fragments, which is con- in NLRP3 activation (7880) is reminiscent of the
teins, it is formally difficult to distinguish between sistent with a direct ligand-receptor model for role of protein kinases in plant NLR activation.
redundant guardees and decoys; absence of evi- NLR activation in animals (7375). However, crys- Thus, the guard-type activation mechanism first
dence that a given protein is involved in host tallographic proof that NOD1 and NOD2 bind described in plants may also be germane to NLR-
defense is not sufficient evidence to prove that directly to peptidoglycan-derived ligands is lack- mediated pathogen detection in animals.
it is a decoy. Nevertheless, PBS1 is likely a decoy ing. Instead, NOD1 and NOD2 might indirectly
for a class of cytosolic kinases that function during sense pathogens via responsiveness to disruption Integrated decoys
defense activated by cell surface receptors (63, 70). of host cell physiology (76, 77). For example, acti- An evolutionary challenge for sensor/helper,
Additionally, tomato NLR Prf has evolved an ex- vation of the host cytoskeletal regulators Rac1 guard/guardee, or guard/decoy NLR systems is
tended N-terminal domain of unknown function and Cdc42 by the secreted Salmonella virulence that if the corresponding NLR genes are unlinked
that acts as a detection platform with which to factor SopE results in NOD1 activation (76). NOD1 and exhibit allelic variation, inappropriate allelic

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tionality is poorly understood but, if solved, could

Box 1. Definitions for the acronyms used in this paper. greatly enhance prospects for crop disease control
through genetics rather than chemistry. For ex-
ADR1: Activated disease resistance 1 ample, RPS4 and RRS1 confer effector recognition
ASC: Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD and Colletotrichum fungus resistance when co-
BIR: Baculovirus inhibitor-of-apoptosis repeat transformed into Solanaceae or Cucurbitaceae
CARD: Caspase activation and recruitment domain (88). This is consistent with the idea that re-
CC-R: Coiled coil domain-RPW8-like stricted taxonomic functionality for one NLR
CC: Coiled coil
arises from a requirement for the appropriate
helper or partner NLR. The additional required
FIIND: Function-to-find domain
NLRs are usually hard to identify, but in the case
HD1/2: Helical domain 1/helical domain 2
of paired NLR genes, comprise each other. Sys-
HMA: Heavy metal associated (same domain as RATX) tematic transfer of paired NLRs between plant taxa
LRRs: Leucine-rich repeats may provide additional recognition capacities that
NACHT: NAIP, CIITA, HET-E, TP1 domain would enable elevated crop disease resistances.
NAIP: NLR family, apoptosis inhibitory protein Overcoming taxonomic functionality restric-
NB-ARC: Nucleotide binding domain shared by APAF1, R genes, CED-4 tion may require more than paired NLR genes.
NBD: Nucleotide binding domain The tomato Prf/Pto guard/guardee pair confers
recognition of two widespread Pseudomonas ef-

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NLR: Nucleotide binding domain, leucine-rich repeatcontaining
NLRC4: NLR family, CARD domaincontaining 4
fectors but does not appear to function outside
the Solanaceae. Prf/Pto function requires the
NLRP1/3: NLR family, Pyrin domaincontaining 1 and 3
helper NLRs NRC2a, 2b, and NRC3 (46). A fuller
NOD1/2: Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domaincontaining 1 and 2
understanding of how sensors functionally inte-
PBS1: AvrPphB susceptible 1 grate with helpers is required to rationally ex-
PYD: Pyrin domain pand and transfer useful disease resistance.
RIPK2: Receptor interacting protein serine/threoning kinase 2 The concept of integrated decoys may be wide-
RATX: Related to ATX1 (same domain as HMA) ly applicable (42). Genome-wide analyses of plant
RGA5: Resistance gene analog5 NLR genes led to the discovery of many inte-
RIN4: RPM1 interacting protein 4 grated domains in plant NLR proteins (4244).
RPM1: Resistance to Pseudomonas maculicola 1 There is an overlap between the list of integrated
RPP1: Resistance to Peronospora parasitica 1
domains and the list of domains found to be fre-
quent interactors of pathogen effectors in large-
RPS4/5: Resistance to Pseudomonas 4 and 5
scale yeast 2-hybrid screens (43, 89). This correlation
RRS1: Resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum 1
is consistent with the view that selection favors
STAND: Signal transduction ATPases with numerous domains integration into NLRs of protein domains that
TIR: Toll-like, interleukin-1 receptor resistance protein are targets, or decoys of targets, of pathogen ef-
WD40: tryptophan (W), aspartate (D) 40 amino acids fectors. For example, the rice NLR RGA5 carries a
WHD: Winged Helix Domain C-terminal RATX1 (related to yeast copper trans-
WRKY: tryptophan (W), arginine (R), lysine (K), tyrosine (Y) motif-containing domain porter ATX1) or HMA (heavy metalassociated)
domain and likely binds metals. Effectors AVR-
Pia and AVR1-CO39 from M. oryzae interact with
combinations may be generated that can result their inactivation should result in elevated sus- this domain and trigger RGA4-dependent defense.
in microbe-independent autoimmunity (81, 82). ceptibility. Recent data (86, 87) fulfill this expec- Another rice gene pair, Pikp-1 and Pikp-2, recog-
Such untoward consequences may facilitate selec- tation: The effector PopP2 acetylates two lysines nizes a different effector, Avr-Pik, which exists
tion for genetic linkage of NLR pairs that function in the canonical WRKYGQK DNA-binding motif, in the fungal population as a series of alleles
together. Intriguingly, in multiple plant genomes and the GQK lysine is crucial for RPS4/RRS1 (AvrPikA-D). Structural studies have illustrated
a given NLR may be closely linked and diver- dependent defense activation. Another unrelated how effectors interact with the HMA domain that
gently transcribed from another NLR gene that bacterial effector, AvrRps4, also binds to the WRKY is located between the CC and the NB-ARC domain
is required for its function. For example, rice domain. The RPS4/RRS1 complex converts the of Pikp-1 (90). But why do pathogens evolve ef-
RGA4 and RGA5 are two linked NLRs required effector-dependent modification of the RRS1 fectors that interact with HMA domain proteins?
for recognition of two effectors from the rice WRKY domain into defense activation. Integra- A clue is provided by the observation that the
blast pathogen (Magnaporthe oryzae) (83). Sim- tion of the guarded decoy domain into RRS1, an recessive disease-resistance gene Pi21 contains an
ilarly, Arabidopsis RPS4 and RRS1 are two linked indispensable and linked partner to RPS4, re- HMA domain (91). Recessive disease resistance
NLRs that are both required to confer recognition duces the risk of recombination giving rise to genes are typically interpreted as Susceptibility
of two bacterial effectors, AvrRps4 and the YopJ inappropriate allelic combinations of what could (S) genes encoding proteins in the host required
family acetyltransferase PopP2, and an uniden- be three unlinked proteins, which might result in for pathogen proliferation. Genes that encode
tified fungal molecule (84). In both of these ex- autoimmunity. There are at least nine such linked such effector targets are promising candidates
amples, the two NLR components appear to be NLR pairs in the reference Arabidopsis genome. for genome editing; loss of function of the Pi21
preassociated (57) rather than associating only Importantly, these exhibit decoy domain diversity HMA domain protein results in enhanced disease
upon effector perception, as occurs with NAIPs at orthologous positions across the Brassicaceae, resistance. The role of HMA proteins in suscep-
and NLRC4 (48). suggesting that the rapid shuffling of integrated tibility remains to be established, but conceivably
RRS1 carries a WRKY transcription factor (TF) decoy domains onto existing functional NLR pairs the metal-binding domain may influence host cell
DNA binding domain toward its C terminus. is a useful evolutionary strategy. redox status, resulting in a more congenial envi-
Arabidopsis encodes ~90 WRKY TFs, many of The discovery of linked paired NLRs in plants ronment for the pathogen.
which are implicated in innate immunity in creates a new opportunity. Functional transfer of Integrated decoy mechanisms have not been
plants (85). Conceivably, then, WRKY proteins plant NLRs across species barriers has proven implicated in activation of mammalian NLRs. How-
might be targets for pathogen effectors because largely impossible. This restricted taxonomic func- ever, a conceptually similar mechanism appears

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 aaf6395-5


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aaf6395-8 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


boundaries. The resulting architecture orga-

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY nizes the second-step active site by juxtapos-
ing the intron 5 and 3 ends and promotes
positioning of the last intron nucleotide into
the catalytic center. After the ligated exons have
been released, the terminal ribose of the lariat
Crystal structures of a group II intron intron remains docked in the reaction center,
with its 3-hydroxyl group activated by a highly

lariat primed for reverse splicing coordinated metal ion and poised for catalysis
of the reverse-splicing reaction. Stable docking
of the 2-5 branch structure into the active
Maria Costa,* Hlne Walbott, Dario Monachello, Eric Westhof, Franois Michel site is promoted by a rearrangement of the
base-pairing pattern within the helix that con-
tains the adenosine branchpoint. This rear-
INTRODUCTION: Self-splicing group II introns lariats behave as mobile genetic elements that rangement operates between the two steps of
are catalytic RNAs (ribozymes) that can excise colonize genomes through retrotransposition. splicing and is essential for recognition of the
by themselves from precursor RNA molecules. The group II mobility pathway is initiated by proper 3 splice site. Comparison of lariat
These ribozymes are widespread in the bac- reverse splicing of the intron lariat into a structures in the presence and absence of the

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

terial world and can also be found in the DNA target, followed by synthesis of a DNA copy 5 exon reveals that substrate binding results
bacterial-derived organelles (mitochondria of the integrated intron by the RT enzyme.
in an induced fit that ex-
and chloroplasts) of some higher organisms. ON OUR WEBSITE tends into the catalytic
Group II self-splicing is believed to have evolved RATIONALE: Eukaryotic pre-mRNA splicing Read the full article
center and contributes to
into nuclear pre-mRNA splicing, a fundamental relies entirely on formation of the 2-5 branch at http://dx.doi. coordination of a second
step in the expression of eukaryotic genes dur- structure. In group II introns, the same branch org/10.1126/ catalytic metal ion. This
ing which a large ribonucleoprotein machin- structure is required for efficient and faithful science.aaf9258 exon-sensing device could
ery (the spliceosome) catalyzes the removal of catalysis of the second step of splicing and for ensure that catalysis of re-
introns from nascent premessenger transcripts. complete, accurate reverse splicing of the in- verse splicing is dependent on the accuracy of
Both group II and pre-mRNA splicing proceed tron into DNA targets during intron mobility. intron-exon pairings.
via two sequential phosphoryl transfer reactions. Moreover, in both splicing systems, the branched
First, a 2-5 phosphodiester bond is created nucleotides must translocate within the active CONCLUSION: The present crystal structures
between a conserved intron adenosine and the site between the two steps of splicing. To under- bring to light the crucial role of the 2-5
first intron nucleotide. The resulting splicing stand the molecular mechanisms at play, we branch in organizing the lariat intron cata-
intermediate with a branched conformation is crystallized the lariat form of a group II intron lytic site for efficient and accurate ligation of
called a lariat. In a second step, completion either alone or bound to a nonreactive analog the flanking exons during the last stage of
of splicing leads to the ligation of the flanking of the 5 exon. splicing. Making use of the branch structure
5 and 3 exons and the release of the intron to build the second-step active site results in
lariat. Bacterial group II introns are composite RESULTS: Our crystal structures at 3.4 and 3.5 coupling the two steps of splicing and contrib-
elements that, in addition to their ribozyme resolution reveal that the 2-5 branched nucleo- utes decisively to the fidelity of the overall
core, carry an open reading frame encoding a tides are part of a network of hydrogen bonds process. Moreover, the presence of the 2-5 branch
reverse transcriptase (RT) enzyme. In asso- and stacking interactions that involve highly locks the active site into a near-transition-
ciation with their RT, freed group II intron conserved nucleotides at the intron core and state configuration for catalysis of reverse
splicing, which must have contributed to se-
lection of the lariat conformation during the
evolution of mobile group II introns. As all
nucleotides involved in the catalytic center
have potential homologs in the spliceosomal
system, a group II-based model in which the
2-5 branch fulfills the same organizational
role is proposed for the spliceosome second-
step active site. As in group II introns, the
postulated architecture implies a notable con-
formational rearrangement of the spliceosome
active center between the two steps of pre-mRNA
splicing. Our findings rationalize the extreme
conservation of the branched conformation
both during the diversification of group II in-
trons and along the evolutionary path that gave
rise to the nuclear pre-mRNA splicing appara-

Structural basis for reverse splicing by group II introns. Self-splicing group II introns and their
tus of eukaryotes.

evolutionary descendants, the spliceosomal introns of eukaryotes, are excised as branched mol-
ecules (lariats) with a 2-5 phosphodiester bond. The 2-5 branch organizes the lariat active site, The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*Corresponding author. Email:
priming it for catalysis of splicing and reverse splicing. Reverse splicing into DNA is used to initiate Cite this article as M. Costa et al., Science 354, aaf9258
group II intron mobility in bacteria. (2016). DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf9258

1118 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


binding site (10) in substructure IC1, had been

RESEARCH ARTICLE replaced by their counterparts in Azotobacter
vinelandii intron I2 (construct Oc19; fig. S1B)
(11). The intron lariat excised from the Oc19 chi-
RNA SPLICING meric precursor by in vitro splicing was purified
under denaturing conditions and subsequently

Crystal structures of a group II intron refolded and crystallized, either alone or in the pres-
ence of a nonreactive 5-exon analog RNA (12).
The two structures were solved at 3.4 and 3.5
lariat primed for reverse splicing resolution, respectively, by molecular replacement
(12), which allowed us to locate DVI in both elec-
tron density maps and unambiguously model the
Maria Costa,1* Hlne Walbott,2 Dario Monachello,1 Eric Westhof,3 Franois Michel1
active-site region.
The 2-5 branch of nuclear premessenger introns is believed to have been inherited from The 2-5 branch organizes the
self-splicing group II introns, which are retrotransposons of bacterial origin. Our crystal reactive site
structures at 3.4 and 3.5 angstrom of an excised group II intron in branched (lariat) form show
The Oc19 lariat crystallized alone or in the pres-
that the 2-5 branch organizes a network of active-site tertiary interactions that position the
ence of an unreactive 5 exon exhibits the same
intron terminal 3-hydroxyl group into a configuration poised to initiate reverse splicing, the

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

overall folding of intron subdomains around cata-
first step in retrotransposition. Moreover, the branchpoint and flanking helices must undergo a
lytic DV (Fig. 2A) as the previously published struc-
base-pairing switch after branch formation. A group IIbased model of the active site of the
tures of the O. iheyensis ribozyme that lacked
nuclear splicing machinery (the spliceosome) is proposed. The crucial role of the lariat
DVI (6). In particular, the catalytic triplex, formed
conformation in active-site assembly and catalysis explains its prevalence in modern splicing.
in the major groove of DV by the catalytic com-

ponents of this domain (C358, G359, and C377;
roup II introns are large ribozymes (cata- associates with the intron to promote its genomic fig. S1) and G288 and C289 of the J2/3 strand,
lytic RNAs) with the capacity to self-excise mobility through retrotransposition, a pathway displays the same configuration as in the absence
from their host precursor RNAs in vitro initiated by reverse splicing (3). The latter pro- of DVI.
(1). The group II ribozyme, which is com- cess, by which the freed intron lariat catalyzes its In both our lariat structures, DVI is not bound
posed of six structural domains (DI to own insertion into a DNA target (Fig. 1), rests on to its i receptor (fig. S1A). Instead, its basal sec-
DVI; fig. S1), self-splices through two consecu- the chemical reversibility of the two transester- tion (the one immediately next to the secondary
tive transesterification reactions (Fig. 1). First, ification reactions of splicing. Introns in linear structure central wheel; fig. S1) is only slightly
a 2-5 phosphodiester bond is formed between form, which lack the 2-5 bond, require host func- shifted with respect to the basal stem of DV, with
the 2-hydroxyl group of an adenosine located tions to complete reverse splicing and insert into whose axis it forms an angle of ~160 (Fig. 2B).
in DVI and the first intron nucleotide. The re- DNA: They transpose much less efficiently and in This spatial arrangement suggested that the lar-
sulting splicing intermediate with a branched a predominantly imprecise manner when tested iat was crystallized in its second-step conforma-
conformation is called lariat. Subsequently, the in vivo (4). tion, which was confirmed by fitting the intron 3
terminal 3-hydroxyl group of the 5 exon attacks Aside from its contribution to retrotransposi- end into the density map. The last intron nucle-
the 3 splice site, generating the ligated exons tion, the 2-5 branch is also important for the otide (U419, position g) forms a Watson-Crick
and freeing the intron lariat. Although splicing second step of splicing, because branched intron base pair with A287(g) of J2/3, the highly con-
may occasionally be initiated by hydrolysis, which 3 exon reaction intermediates are much more served linker between DII and DIII (Fig. 2, C and
leads to the release of the excised intron in linear efficient than their linear counterparts at carry- D, and fig. S2). The g-g interaction, which posi-
instead of branched form, the use of a branched ing out exon ligation (5). Despite the central role tions the 3 splice site for exon ligation (13), holds
splicing intermediate is the hallmark of group II of the lariat conformation, the exact arrangement the terminal ribose in the catalytic center even
introns. Because the spliceosomea large and of nucleotides that participate in and surround after the ligated exons have been released. The
dynamic ribonucleoprotein machineryuses the the group II 2-5 branch has nonetheless re- 2- and 3-oxygens of this terminal ribose coor-
same reactional mechanism to remove introns mained elusive. Available x-ray structures of the dinate a metal ion (M1; Fig. 2C and figs. S2 and
from pre-mRNA transcripts in the nucleus of Oceanobacillus iheyensis group II ribozyme (6, 7) S3E), which is also bound to catalytically impor-
eukaryotes, group II and spliceosome-catalyzed correspond to a linear form of the intron trun- tant oxygens in DV (6). The position of the es-
splicing are widely believed to share a common cated at its 3 end; they lack the small helical DVI sential A287(g) base (Fig. 2C) differs markedly
origin [reviewed in (2)]. that carries the branchpoint adenosine (bpA). Struc- compared to previous structures (69). The parti-
Group II introns are widespread in the bac- tures of lariat introns were more recently gener- cular backbone path adopted by the catalytically
terial world. Most bacterial group II introns en- ated by crystallography (8) and cryogenic electron essential J2/3 linker is instrumental in position-
code a multifunctional reverse transcriptase that microscopy (cryo-EM) (9), but in both of them, the ing the A287(g) and G288 bases sufficiently far
resolution of the intron active site is insufficient apart to allow the second-step active site to form
Group II introns as ribozymes and retrotransposons, to identify some essential nucleotides and ascer- at the side of the catalytic triplex (fig. S3D).
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), UMR 9198 tain that they are correctly assembled. Stabilization of g-g is achieved by A287(g) being
CNRS, Commissariat lEnergie Atomique et aux Energies
Alternatives (CEA), University Paris-Sud, University Paris-
To understand the structural basis for the directly stacked on top of the 2-5 branch struc-
Saclay, 1 Avenue de la Terrasse, Btiment 26, 91198 Gif-sur- supremacy of a 2-5 branched structure in group ture, which is formed by base-stacking of the first
Yvette cedex, France. 2Structure and Dynamics of RNA, II splicing, we crystallized the lariat form of a intron nucleotide (G1) on the bpA (Fig. 2, C and
I2BC, UMR 9198 CNRS, CEA, University Paris-Sud, University chimeric group II ribozyme derived from the D, and figs. S2 and S3, B and C). Stable docking of
Paris-Saclay, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France.
Architecture and Reactivity of RNA, Institute of Molecular
O. iheyensis intron. Like most members of struc- the branched nucleotides, which involves hydro-
and Cellular Biology of the CNRS, University of Strasbourg, tural subclass IIC (3), the wild-type O. iheyensis gen bonding between the donor groups of the G1
15 rue Ren Descartes, 67084 Strasbourg, France. ribozyme self-splices exclusively through 5 splice- base and the O1P (pro-Sp) oxygen of C357 in
*Corresponding author. Email: site hydrolysis in vitro (6), resulting in linear mol- DV, places G1 in the proper register to base pair
Present address: Institut des Sciences des Plantes de Paris-
Saclay (IPS2)Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique,
ecules. However, we recently succeeded in activating with the penultimate intron nucleotide through
Btiment 630, rue de Noetzlin, Plateau du Moulon, 91405 Orsay, the branching pathway for O. iheyensis intron a nonWatson-Crick interaction (Fig. 2, C and D)
France. constructs in which DVI and its first-step, i (iota) specific to the second step of splicing (14). The

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 aaf9258-1


helix comprises only 3 base pairs (bp), and the

Group II self-splicing
branchpoint A412 is part of a 2-nucleotide (nt)
(nuclear pre-mRNA splicing)
bulge (Fig. 3, top right, and fig. S3F). A 2-nt branch-
point bulge was present in the crystal structure of a
Intron mobility by small construct intended to mimic DV and DVI
Branchpoint A retrotransposition of a group II intron (18). This observation and
2'-OHA the estimated thermodynamic stabilities in Fig. 3
First step 2'-OH A
AY suggest that the conformation with a 2-nt bulge
could constitute the DVI ground state in many
group II introns.
Because our crystal structures imply that exon
ligation makes use of a 2-nt bulge, the confor-
mation with a 1-nt bulge (Fig. 3, top left) could be
specific to the first (branching) step of splicing.
3'-OH We verified this by introducing base substitutions
UG A that selectively destabilize either one of the two
Second step AY UG A DVI conformations. In constructs G395C:C410G
AY and G396C:C409G, the postulated first-step con-

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

formation should be almost as stable as in Oc19,
whereas a 2-nt bulge should be highly unfavor-
able (Fig. 3). As expected, neither of these sub-
stitutions interfered with the initiation of splicing:
Branched products form rapidly under splicing
conditions (figs. S4 and S5). However, both con-
UG A structs fail to make efficient use of the 3 splice
site, as shown by the nearly complete absence of
ligated exons and the transient accumulation of
both the intron3 exon lariat intermediate and
Group II branched products of intermediate lengths, which
reverse splicing are eventually converted into a molecule that mi-
grates like the Oc19 intron lariat [fig. S4; the same
defects were seen with an O. iheyensisderived
Fig. 1. Splicing and reverse-splicing pathways catalyzed by group II introns. Red wavy line, group II DVI whose sequence lacks the capacity for strand
intron; blue and pink boxes, 5 and 3 exons (for splicing) or DNA sequences flanking the target site (for shifting (11)]. In contrast, construct G395C:C409G,
reverse splicing). Conserved nucleotides at the branchpoint and intron boundaries are shown. Splicing which should overwhelmingly favor the confor-
proceeds through two consecutive transesterification reactions. Dashed lines and arrowheads indicate mation with a 2-nt bulge, is inefficient at initiating
nucleophilic attack at each reactional step, diamonds at intron ends stand for reactive phosphate groups, splicing by branching, as seen from the predom-
and the 2-5 branch is highlighted by a green background.The group II splicing pathway as depicted here is inance of linear products generated by 5 splice-
valid for nuclear pre-mRNA splicing catalyzed by the major spliceosome subtype, except that the latters site hydrolysis (fig. S4), but yields a single lariat
intron substrates end with a G.The freed group II lariat intron is ready to undergo reverse splicing, in which band in a second-step reaction whose rate con-
the two steps of splicing are performed in the opposite direction.The intron lariat in our crystal structures is stant is at least equal to that estimated for Oc19
in the right conformation to carry out the first step of reverse splicing, here shown on a blue background. (fig. S5).
For clarity, the intron-encoded reverse transcriptase that assists splicing and reverse splicing in vivo by In the Oc19 crystal structure, the last six nu-
stabilizing the ribozyme is not depicted. cleotides of the intron form a continuous helical
stack (Fig. 2B). Adding U413 to this stack, by pair-
A412(bpA)-G1-A287(g) purine stack is topped by ~800 times slower than its branched counterpart ing it with A393 in a 4-bp DVI basal helix, would
the second intron nucleotide (U2), whose stretched (5), and disruption of the interaction between G1 drag not only A412 but also G1 out of place, which
backbone allows its base moiety to stack onto and the penultimate intron nucleotide affects explains why, in a branched molecule, the 1-nt
A287(g) (Fig. 2C and figs. S2 and S3, B and C). splicing only of the lariat form of the intron, bulge conformation fails to use the correct 3
The U2 base also interacts with the sugar edge of not its linear form (14). Having the 2-5 branch splice junction efficiently. The crucial role played
A376 in the catalytically critical DV bulge. This as an essential component of the second-step by the branched G1 in binding the intron 3-
constrains the U2 nucleobase into a syn conforma- active site ensures coupling of the two steps of terminal segment is confirmed by the behavior
tion, which is unusual for a pyrimidine (Fig. 2D) splicing and makes it possible to verify at the of linear intron3 exon molecules, in which the
(15). Finally, two metal ions (M3 and M4) partic- exon ligation stage that the proper 5 splice site was absence of the 2-5 bond and consequent de-
ipate in organizing the active site by stabilizing selected during branch formation: Incorrectly stabilization of the intron ends can be invoked to
the contorted backbone path between nucleo- assembled splicing intermediates will either get explain why intron excision is both slow (5) and
tides 1 and 5 (Fig. 2C and fig. S3E). debranched through reversal of the first step imprecise (fig. S4; G395C:C409G lanes).
By revealing the network of stacking and hy- reaction or eventually dissociate from the 5 exon. As opposed to exon ligation, efficient branch
drogen bonding interactions that connects the formation was shown to require a 4-bp, rather
highly conserved nucleotides of the J2/3 linker Alternate branchpoint conformations than 3-bp, DVI basal helix (11, 19). This explains
and intron boundaries to the 2-5 branch, our On the basis of extensive comparative analyses why the 2-nt bulge conformation reacts prefer-
structures make visible the crucial role played by (16, 17), the bpA of group II introns has generally entially by 5 splice-site hydrolysis and accounts
the branched nucleotides in assembling a func- been assumed to form a single-nucleotide bulge for the need to reorganize the DVI bulge between
tional active site for the second step of splicing. on the 3 side of DVI (Fig. 3, top left). However, the two steps of splicing. Other group II introns
This role had been anticipated by biochemical such a secondary structure is not supported by with a 7-nt spacer between the branchpoint and
experiments: A linear intron3 exon splicing in- our electron density maps. These show instead an 3 splice site should share with A. vinelandii I2
termediate carries out the second step of splicing alternate conformation in which the DVI basal whose DVI was part of the Oc19 construct (fig.

aaf9258-2 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


S1B)the ability to toggle between conformations disordered. Concomitantly, the symmetrical inter- only when the 5 exon is tightly bound to the lar-
with a 4- and 3-bp DVI basal helix. This is true nal loop in the basal section of subdomain IC (fig. iat, as expected from our crystal structures.
for all but one of the intron lineages with a 7-nt S1) adopts a fold that completely extrudes nu- Exon-driven rearrangements extend to the ac-
spacer (fig. S6). As in A. vinelandii I2, inter- cleotide A72 (Fig. 4A and fig. S7A). Stacking of tive site, because the nonbridging oxygen (O1P)
conversion between the 1-nt bulge, first-step the flipped A72 base on the highly conserved of U375, which participates in catalysis as a metal
conformation and the 2-nt bulge, second-step A106(l) is made possible by a slight rotation of ion ligand, is properly positioned to fulfill this
conformation is achieved by reciprocal shifting A106 away from its position in the exon-bound role only when the 5-exon substrate is stably
of the two strands that constitute the middle part structure: This chain of rearrangements is ulti- bound to the intron (fig. S7C). This observation
of DVI (in red in fig. S6) by one nucleotide. Such mately triggered by the loss of the hydrogen bond explains why removal of the 2-OH group at exon
a mechanism requires that in a segment that under- between the N1 atom of A106 and the 2-OH position 2 decreases the rate of catalysis by as
goes rearrangement of its base-pairing pattern, group at position 2 of the exon (Fig. 4, B and C, much as 500-fold (25) and illustrates the crucial
one strand contains only Gs (except at its ex- and fig. S7B). role of the 5 exon in helping to bend DV into its
tremities) and the other one contains only pyrim- These structural rearrangements are function- catalytically competent conformation.
idines. This explains the peculiar base distribution ally relevant, as illustrated by data on the binding Just like protein enzymes and the ribosome
and the slow evolution of sequences surrounding of the 5 exon to a subgroup IIB intron lariat (25). (26), therefore, group II introns bind their 5 exon
the DVI branchpoint in these intron subgroups, Two binding modes that differ by a ~100-fold dif- through an induced-fit mechanism, in which ini-
which constitute about half of recognized group ference in Kd (dissociation constant) were identi- tial substrate binding induces structural rear-
II lineages. fied, with the high-affinity configuration being rangements in the catalytic core that, ultimately,

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Conformational reorganization of DVI could dependent on the distal section of DV. More- strengthen enzyme-substrate contacts and trigger
be helped in vivo by proteinseither the intron- over, footprinting experiments revealed that the catalysis. This device allows the system to verify
encoded reverse transcriptase or cellular helicases N1 position of the nucleotide homologous to the quality of intron-substrate pairings before
like yeast Mss116 (20) that would take advantage A106(l) becomes protected from modification engaging in splicing or reverse splicing. The
of the accessibility of this domain in the three-
dimensional structure of the intron (Fig. 2 and Fig. 2. Location of
fig. S3A) to promote rearrangement of its sec- DVI and tertiary struc-
ondary structure. Although the recent cryo-EM ture of the active site
structure of a group II intron bound to its reverse of the crystallized lar-
transcriptase (9) lacks any contact between the
iat. (A) Overall three-
intron-encoded protein and DVI, footprinting dimensional structure
and cross-linking data (21) do suggest a direct, of the Oc19 lariat
possibly transient, physical interaction between showing the position of
these components. I(ii) DVI relative to other
Future work will investigate how the branch- intron components
point rearrangement we identified here is mech- DIII (color coding as in fig.
anistically and structurally coupled to the formation U413
DV S1A). (B) Close-up view
of tertiary contacts between DVI and other intron of DV (red), DVI
components. These contacts include i-i (fig. S1A), (purple), the intron
which is specific to the branching step (10), and IC1 DVI 5-terminal segment
two interactions between DII and the basal and DIV
DII (green), and J2/3 linker
distal sections of DVI (8, 22). The latter interac- DVI
(blue). (C) Base-
tions, which are specific to the exon ligation step stacking array that con-
(22), were removed in our Oc19 construct for the nects the branched
sake of efficient crystal packing. nucleotides to the reac-
G3 DV bulge 5
tion center. M1, M3, and
Exon-driven induced fit and implications
U4 G5 M4 are metal ions (fig.
Group II introns bind their 5 and 3 exons for C377 S3E); dashed yellow
splicing, or their DNA target site for retrotrans- M4 and brown lines indicate
position, by base pairing to exon binding site direct metal ion coordi-
A376 M1 G359
(EBS) sequences located in DI (fig. S1) (3, 23, 24). nation and hydrogen
M3 U2
The linear O. iheyensis ribozyme (DI to DV) had
been reported to retain essentially the same struc- bonding, respectively.

ture when crystallized in the presence or absence

5 end
C358 pnt, penultimate intron
nucleotide. (D) Base-
of exons, except in the EBS1 segment, which is G1 J2/3 linker
base interactions that
complementary to the last nucleotides of the 5 exon 2-5 bond C357
bpA organize the active site.
(fig. S1B) and was found to be slightly disordered Dotted black lines are
in ligand-free structures (6, 7). However, here, pnt
hydrogen bonds.
we report that whereas the 5 exonbound Oc19 Second-step stack Coloring by atom is
lariat (12) differs little from previously published superimposed onto
structures over DI to DV, our exon-free lariat struc- coloring by domains in
ture reveals substantial local rearrangements. the last two panels.
The expected disorganization of the middle G1
section of EBS1 in the absence of the 5 exon re- U2
sults in the neighboring GAAC terminal loop of (U419) syn
bpA (A287)
DV (z) to adopt an alternate conformation in G1 G1
which all four loop bases are stacked (Fig. 4A and pnt
fig. S7A). The reorganized loop cannot interact
with its receptor motif (z), which becomes partly

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 aaf9258-3


Fig. 3. Experimental Oc19 construct splicing by group II introns (33). Moreover, the
evidence for a rear- 3-oxygen of the terminal U419(g) ribose, which
rangement of DVI is the nucleophile of the reverse-splicing reac-
1st step/1-nt bulge k 2 /k br 2nd step/2-nt bulge
between the first tion, is correctly prepositioned in our crystal for
(branching) and sec- DVI inline nucleophilic attack (34) on the scissile phos-
ond (exon ligation) 419 phate (Fig. 5, B and C). The entire arrangement
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
steps of splicing. The of metal ions and ligands is fully consistent with
section of DVI that is 3'-OH
the twometal ion mechanism of catalysis also in
proposed to undergo Intron 1 5'-2' 410 0.72 5'-2'
use for polymerases and group I introns (32). That
conformational rear- G = 13.5 kcal G = 14.6 kcal essential features of this mechanism should di-
rangement by rectly be seen in, or readily deduced from, our
reciprocal strand
ground-state crystal structure brings to light the
shifting (red arrows) is efficiency with which the 2-5 branch structure
in red; base substitu- enforces a neartransition state configuration to
tions in Oc19 mutants 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 the reaction center. This ability to prime the in-
are in blue. Favored tron for reverse splicing must have contributed
conformations are 5'-2' 0.15 5'-2' decisively to the selection of the lariat over linear
boxed; dotted arrows form during the emergence of mobile group II
G = 13.0 kcal

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

indicate unfavorable introns.
rearrangements; values
of DG37 were calculated Implications for the spliceosome
with RNAstructure 5.6 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 active site
(59). k2 and kbr are Nuclear pre-mRNA splicing is catalyzed within
experimentally 5'-2' 28 5'-2' the spliceosome, a highly dynamic ribonucleo-
determined rate con- G = 13.8 kcal protein particle whose active core is composed of
stants for steps 2 and 1, three small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) named U2,
respectively (fig. S5B) U5, and U6 and numerous protein factors (35). In
(12); their ratio was both group II and spliceosomal introns, the 2-5
proposed to depend on 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 linkage of the lariat results from attack of the 5
the thermodynamic splice site by a conserved adenosine that bulges
equilibrium between 5'-2' 0.06 5'-2' out from a helical stem. This shared peculiari-
step 1 and step 2 con- G = 12.7 kcal ty and the presence of similar consensus se-
formations (22). quences at intron boundaries (5-GUAG-3 for
the most common subtype of spliceosomal introns,
5-GUAY-3 for group II introns) led to the hy-
pothesis that the two systems have a common
interaction with the 2-hydroxyl group at posi- ings by demonstrating that a single ion, which is evolutionary origin (36). There is compelling bio-
tion 2 of the 5 exon is of particular biological already observable in the Oc19 lariat ground chemical evidence that part of the highly conserved
interest because it enables group II ribozymes to state, is simultaneously bound to the 2- and 3- U6 snRNA is homologous to DV of group II in-
discriminate between RNA and DNA substrates oxygen atoms and that this unusual coordination trons: The terminal GA of the invariant ACAGAGA
(25). Because exon-intron pairings are directly (28) is made possible by the C2-endo conforma- sequence of U6 interacts with the major groove of
recognized by the intron-encoded reverse tran- tion of the terminal ribose (Fig. 5B). U2-U6 helix Ib to form a group II intronlike cat-
scriptase (9), the latter could ensure that DNA is Because the unreactive 5-exon analog we used alytic triplex (37). The latter promotes binding of
favored over RNA as a target for reverse splicing to prevent lariat debranching during cocrystalli- two catalytic metal ions to conserved, nonbridging
during intron mobility. zation (12) lacks a terminal 3-OH group (Fig. 5A), phosphate oxygens of U6 in a manner similar to
neither of the Oc19 native maps exhibits electron DV (Fig. 5) (38, 39).
Metal ions and catalysis of density that could be interpreted as the second We now propose that the architecture of the
reverse splicing divalent metal ion, which was shown biochem- second-step active site of the spliceosome rests
The architecture of the second-step active site is ically (29) and crystallographically (30) to be on a network of RNA-RNA interactions (Fig. 6)
not altered by binding of the 5-exon substrate, bound to that 3-oxygen. However, our anom- similar to the one our structures have revealed
and in both Oc19 lariat structures, the native elec- alous difference map obtained in Yb3+, which for the Oc19 lariat. As in group II, the 2-5 branch
tron density map revealed a large peak in the binds with higher affinity than Mg2+ (31), does and the terminal nucleotides of spliceosomal in-
reaction center (Fig. 5A). This peak was modeled reveal a second strong Yb3+ binding site (Y2; trons are both required for the second step of
as metal ion M1 and further assigned to a Mg2+ Fig. 5A), which lies at the appropriate location to pre-mRNA splicing (40). Moreover, the conserved
ion based on ytterbium (Yb3+) soaks (Y1 site in coordinate a terminal 3-oxygen and stands 4.0 guanosines at the boundaries of nuclear introns
Fig. 5A) (12). Coordination of M1 involves a apart from Y1/M1 (Fig. 5A). The latter distance is form a nonWatson-Crick base pair that is specif-
remarkably high number of inner-sphere contacts. typical for catalysis of phosphoryl transfer reac- ically required for exon ligation (41, 42) and prob-
Besides the three coordinations with nonbridg- tions by the twometal ion mechanism (32). ably fulfills the same function as the pair between
ing phosphate oxygens in DV [(6) and references When a ligated exon substrate is docked (12) G1 and the penultimate nucleotide of group II
therein], two other inner-sphere contacts with the into our 5 exonbound Oc19 structure (Fig. 5B), introns. Although the two pairings are not iso-
2- and 3-oxygen atoms of the terminal U419(g) the scissile phosphate of that substrate falls into morphic, it is nevertheless possible to fit the
ribose are visualized for the first time (Fig. 5B). the reaction center, right between M1 and Y2, spliceosomal G1:Gn interaction into the Oc19
These newly seen ribose ligands had been pre- with its O1P (pro-Sp) oxygen properly positioned active site in such a way that the Gn terminal
dicted, based on biochemical evidence, to bind to make inner-sphere contacts with Y2 and the ribose remains positioned in the catalytic center
essential divalent metal ions in the transition apical position of catalytic metal ion M1 (Fig. 5, B (Fig. 6A) (12). In the resulting model, G1 no longer
state for the second step of splicing (27, 28). Our and C). This configuration of the scissile linkage stacks on the bpA (Fig. 6B). However, the stacking
crystal structures support and extend these find- is the one determined biochemically for reverse interaction between nucleotides U2 and A287(g)

aaf9258-4 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


is preserved, and we specifically propose that,

5 in the spliceosome, the third invariant A (A45
in mammals, A51 in yeast) of the ACAGAGA
IC loop G369
A370 motif of U6 snRNA (Fig. 6) is the counterpart
A371 of group II A287. This assignment is supported
by several lines of evidence. First, just like A287(g)
in group II introns, A45/51 lies immediately 5 to
the dinucleotide engaged in the catalytic triplex.
G373 Second, substitution of A51 totally blocks the
' second step of pre-mRNA splicing in yeast (43).
A106 Third, A45/51 and nucleotide U2 of spliceosomal
() introns cross-link with each other specifically
during the second step of pre-mRNA splicing
in both mammals (44) and yeast (45), and the
3 chemical mechanism of the cross-link is sug-
5 gestive of a stacking interaction between these
+ 5 exon Genetic suppression data in yeast (46) led to

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90 the suggestion that the highly conserved Prp8
Dynamic spliceosomal protein, which lies at the heart of
IC loop G236 3
G236 S1 3
the splicing machinery and is evolutionarily re-
lated to group IIencoded reverse transcriptases
3 EB (47), recognizes a second-step active-site RNA struc-
5 A370
A72 5 ture composed of intron U2, A51 of U6 snRNA,
A371 and the AG dinucleotide at the 3 intron bound-
G369 ary. These four nucleotides are tightly clustered in
' S1 our model (Fig. 6) and could be recognized by
(IB the catalytic cavity of Prp8 (48). Moreover, the
A106 n
e xo adenosine N1 atoms at the branchpoint and pnt,
G107 5 which are both known to be important for the
exon ligation step (49, 50), yet without an iden-
3 tified RNA partner, constitute additional can-
didates for interaction with Prp8 (Fig. 6C).
Fig. 4. Conformational rearrangements induced by the 5 exon. (A) Conformation of the distal section Available cryo-EM structures of the catalyt-
of DV (red) and basal section of domain IC (bright orange) in the absence of the 5 exon. The z motif (gray ically activated spliceosome pertain to the first
tube) in subdomain ID and the middle section of the EBS1 loop (not shown) are disordered. Black arrows step of pre-mRNA splicing. They reveal the posi-
indicate the wide movements undergone by A72 and G369 (in the GAAC tetraloop) upon 5-exon binding. tioning of the 2-5 branch structure either im-
(B) Base-pairing of the 5-exon substrate (cyan) to EBS1 (gray) promotes integration of A72 into the mediately (51) or soon (52) after its formation.
dynamic IC loop and formation of tertiary interaction between z and the GAAC tetraloop. (C) Rotated view Comparison with our second-step spliceosomal
from (B) highlighting the 2-hydroxyl groups (pink dots) of EBS1 and the 5 exon that are directly recognized model leads to the conclusion that, as already
by the distal section of DV and nucleotide A106(l), respectively. See fig. S7 for the complete networks of proposed for group II introns (10), the 2-5 branch
stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions that stabilize these two structural states. IBS1, intron binding site 1. needs to undergo a major translocation between

5 exon
U375 exons O O U1
DV 5 exon U375 P -
3 2
U375 O
Y2 U-1 Pro-Sp
U-1 O2P
Y2 Pro-Rp Y2
Scissile bond C377 P - O U+1
G359 Pro-Sp
G35 O O P (3 exon)
4.0 A C377 Pro-Sp -
C377 O1P
O1P U+1 Mg2+
3' O - Pro-Rp
G359 P -
M1 O
Pro-Sp OH O-
C358 C358 P -
U419 U419 O 2 3
( ) ( ) O O
U 419
DVI Intron lariat

Fig. 5. The catalytic mechanism of group II reverse splicing. (A) Ytterbium are shown as thick green dashed lines, whereas thin dotted lines are inner-
(Yb3+; an anomalous scatterer that mimics Mg2+) anomalous difference map sphere contacts inferred after docking [without further modeling (12)] a ligated
(violet, contoured at 21s) reveals two ions (Y1 and Y2) at the catalytic center in exon substrate (from PDB entry 4E8K, colored by atoms). The nucleophile of
the structure of the Oc19 lariat complexed with an unreactive 5-exon analog. the reverse-splicing reaction (the intron terminal 3-oxyanion) is in yellow.
The native density Fo Fc omit map (olive, contoured at 7s) for metal M1 (C) Crystallographically derived model of the transition state according to
perfectly superimposes with the anomalous difference map for Y1. (B) Inner- the twometal ion mechanism for group II reverse splicing (O1P and O2P are
sphere coordinations directly observed in our structure for metals M1 and Y2 pro-Sp and pro-Rp oxygens, respectively).

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 aaf9258-5


Fig. 6. Second-step splicing conditions. The Oc19 lariat RNA was

U6 snRNA
active site of the purified by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electro-
spliceosome modeled AGC triad 3 phoresis and stored at 20C. Prior to crystal-
after its group II lization trials, the purified lariat was refolded
counterpart. (A) The 5 ISL bulge U80 and subsequently concentrated to 0.7 mg/l. Crys-
second stepspecific C22 tals were grown in sitting drops by vapor diffu-
interaction between A79 sion at 28C. Crystallization drops of the lariat
the terminal Gs of ACAGAGA U2 U23 alone contained 1 ml of reservoir solution [50 mM
spliceosomal introns box 5 3 Na-cacodylate, pH 6.5, 225 mM NH4Cl, 95 mM
(light green) was (U2 snRNA) MgCl2, and 22% 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD)]
modeled into the group A51 3 and 1.5 ml of renatured RNA. For cocrystallization
II intron active site Gn
G1 of the Oc19 lariat with the 5 exon, an unreactive
(12); numbering of An-1 RNA analog of the latter was added to the drops
snRNA sequences is
bpA at a final concentration of 12 mM. Ytterbium de-
according to the yeast rivative crystals were obtained by soaking native
spliceosome. The
5 Spliceosomal lariat intron crystals in the crystallization solution supple-
catalytically essential (5-G1U...........bpA.....AGn-3) mented with 0.5 mM Yb3+ chloride. X-ray dif-
components of U6 fraction data (table S1) were collected on the

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

snRNA (AGC triad, ISL PROXIMA 1 beamline at the synchrotron SOLEIL
bulge, and ACAGAGA (Saint-Aubin, France), and both structures were
box) are colored as their solved by molecular replacement with MOLREP
45 180
group II counterparts in (54) using as a search model, PDB entry 4FAW
DV and the J2/3 linker 5 3 (7), which corresponds to a linear form of the
3 5
(Fig. 2). The orange Prp8 O.i.I1 ribozyme lacking domain VI. Model build-
lightning bolt stands for ing was done with COOT (55), and structure re-
a second stepspecific A79 5 finement was achieved with BUSTER (56) and
cross-link between 5 PHENIX (57). The positions of ytterbium atoms
nucleotide A51/A45 of ? A51 were identified by MR-SAD (12) with PHASER (58).
U6 snRNA and the U at U2
A51 Catalytic G1 Kinetic analyses
intron position 2 (see G52
text). The location of 3 Kinetic analyses of Oc19 and derived mutant
bpA Gn A53
group II metal M1 is bpA
constructs (figs. S4 and S5) were performed with
G1 An-1 32
potentially preserved in box 51 Second step P-labeled precursors generated from in vitro
the spliceosome (12). 5 site 5
transcriptions. Self-splicing assays were carried
(B) In this view, G1:Gn out in 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 (37C), 2 M NH4Cl,
hydrogen bonds are shown as dashed yellow lines. A potential interaction between U6 snRNA A79 (homologous 10 mM MnCl2, and 0.01% SDS, and reaction prod-
to Oc19 A376; Fig. 2) and intron nucleotide U2 is suggested. (C) Back view of the spliceosomal active site ucts were analyzed on 4% polyacrylamide8 M
and the potential lariat recognition site for Prp8. The nucleotide groups highlighted as orange dots are urea gels (fig. S4). Rate constants for branching
required for the second step of pre-mRNA splicing (see text). (kbr) and hydrolysis (khy), two parallel reactions
at the 5 splice site, were calculated from simple
the two transesterification reactions. Such a large- introns when seven nucleotides separate the exponential fits (e.g., fig. S5A) (12).
scale movement could be part of the extensive branchpoint from the 3 splice site (fig. S8).
conformational rearrangement that is believed to In conclusion, our crystal structures have brought
occur between the two catalytic steps of pre- to light key structural features that explain the
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SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 aaf9258-7


process, as assumed in most models (1113),

RESEARCH ARTICLE or whether atmospheric ions are important
(6, 1416). This relates to the question of whether
solar-modulated galactic cosmic rays (GCRs)
ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE affect aerosols, clouds, and climate (1721). Sec-
ond, the lack of measurements of nucleation

Global atmospheric particle rates at low temperatures means that the or-
igin of new particles in the vast regions of the
cold free troposphere has not yet been exper-
formation from CERN imentally established. Third, whereas it has
been shown that nucleation of sulfuric acid

CLOUD measurements (H2SO4)water particles in the boundary layer

requires stabilizing molecules such as ammonia
(NH3), amines, or oxidized organic compounds
Eimear M. Dunne,1* Hamish Gordon,2* Andreas Krten,3 Joo Almeida,2,3 (7, 8, 2224), it is not yet known from existing
Jonathan Duplissy,4 Christina Williamson,3 Ismael K. Ortega,5|| Kirsty J. Pringle,1 experimental data over how much of the tro-
Alexey Adamov,6 Urs Baltensperger,7 Peter Barmet,7 Francois Benduhn,8 posphere these molecules are important for nu-
Federico Bianchi,6,7 Martin Breitenlechner,9 Antony Clarke,10 Joachim Curtius,3 cleation. Robust atmospheric models to answer
Josef Dommen,7 Neil M. Donahue,11,6 Sebastian Ehrhart,2,3 Richard C. Flagan,12

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these questions need to be founded on direct
Alessandro Franchin,6 Roberto Guida,2 Jani Hakala,6 Armin Hansel,9,13 measurements of nucleation rates. At present,
Martin Heinritzi,3 Tuija Jokinen,6# Juha Kangasluoma,6 Jasper Kirkby,2,3 to simulate nucleation over a very wide range
Markku Kulmala,6 Agnieszka Kupc,14 Michael J. Lawler,15# Katrianne Lehtipalo,6,7 of atmospheric conditions, global models must
Vladimir Makhmutov,16 Graham Mann,1 Serge Mathot,2 Joonas Merikanto,6 use theoretical nucleation models (25, 26), which
can require adjustments to the nucleation rates
Pasi Miettinen,15 Athanasios Nenes,17,18,19 Antti Onnela,2 Alexandru Rap,1
of several orders of magnitude to obtain rea-
Carly L. S. Reddington,1 Francesco Riccobono,7 Nigel A. D. Richards,1
sonable agreement with ambient observations
Matti P. Rissanen,6 Linda Rondo,3 Nina Sarnela,6 Siegfried Schobesberger,6**
(27, 28).
Kamalika Sengupta,1 Mario Simon,3 Mikko Sipil,6 James N. Smith,15#
The lack of an experimentally based model
Yuri Stozkhov,16 Antonio Tom,20 Jasmin Trstl,7 Paul E. Wagner,14 of global particle nucleation is in stark con-
Daniela Wimmer,3,6 Paul M. Winkler,14 Douglas R. Worsnop,6,21 Kenneth S. Carslaw1 trast to global models of atmospheric gas-phase
chemistry, which have been based on laboratory
Fundamental questions remain about the origin of newly formed atmospheric aerosol kinetics measurements since the 1970s (29, 30).
particles because data from laboratory measurements have been insufficient to build We built a model of the global aerosol system
global models. In contrast, gas-phase chemistry models have been based on laboratory based on laboratory nucleation-rate measure-
kinetics measurements for decades. We built a global model of aerosol formation by ments that is able to explain global particle
using extensive laboratory measurements of rates of nucleation involving sulfuric acid, concentrations without any adjustment to the
ammonia, ions, and organic compounds conducted in the CERN CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving rates. We derive some selected implications for
Outdoor Droplets) chamber. The simulations and a comparison with atmospheric CCN, cloud albedo, and hence Earths radiative
observations show that nearly all nucleation throughout the present-day atmosphere forcing.
involves ammonia or biogenic organic compounds, in addition to sulfuric acid. A considerable
fraction of nucleation involves ions, but the relatively weak dependence on ion Chamber measurements of
concentrations indicates that for the processes studied, variations in cosmic ray intensity inorganic nucleation
do not appreciably affect climate through nucleation in the present-day atmosphere. In Fig. 1, we present ~350 measurements of ion-

induced and neutral particle formation from
ucleation of particles occurs throughout system. However, laboratory measurements are H2SO4 and NH3 vapors, conducted in the CLOUD
Earths atmosphere by condensation of needed to disentangle and quantify the processes (Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets) chamber
trace vapors (13). Around 40 to 70% of that contribute to particle formation, and very at the CERN Proton Synchrotron. To enable
global cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) few laboratory measurements exist under at- globally applicable nucleation rate expressions
(46) are thought to originate as nucle- mospheric conditions (710). This leaves open to be developed, we combined ~250 earlier meas-
ated particles, so the process has a major in- fundamental questions concerning the origin of urements (7, 23, 31) with ~100 new measure-
fluence on the microphysical properties of clouds particles on a global scale. First, it is not known ments covering a much wider range of vapor
and the radiative balance of the global climate whether nucleation is predominantly a neutral concentrations than was achieved in the previous

School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK. 2European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), 1211 Geneva, Switzerland. 3Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main,
Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Altenhferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 4Helsinki Institute of Physics, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland. 5Laboratoire de Physique des
Lasers, Atomes et Molcules (PhLAM), Universit Lille 1, UMR 8523 CNRS, 59655 Villeneuve dAscq, France. 6Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Post Office Box 64, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland.
Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen, Switzerland. 8Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Berliner Strae 130, D-14467 Potsdam, Germany. 9Institute of Ion
Physics and Applied Physics, Leopold-Franzens University, Technikerstrae 25, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. 10Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii, 1000 Pope Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA.
Center for Atmospheric Particle Studies, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. 12Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. 13Ionicon, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. 14Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngae 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria. 15University of Eastern Finland, Post Office
Box 1627, 70211 Kuopio, Finland. 16Lebedev Physical Institute, Solar and Cosmic Ray Research Laboratory, 119991 Moscow, Russia. 17School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA. 18Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ICE-HT), Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas, 26504 Patras, Greece. 19Institute for Environmental
Research and Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens, I. Metaxa & Vas. Pavlou, 15236 Palea Penteli, Greece. 20CENTRA-SIM, University of Lisbon and University of Beira Interior,
1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal. 21Aerodyne Research, Billerica, MA 01821, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. Present address: Finnish Meteorological Institute, Atmospheric Research Centre of Eastern Finland, PL 1627, 70211 Kuopio, Finland. Corresponding author. Email: (H.G.); (K.S.C.) Present address: Chemical Sciences Division, Earth Systems Research Laboratory, 325 Broadway, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Boulder, CO 80305, USA, and Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA. ||Present address: ONERAThe French Aerospace Lab,
F-91123 Palaiseau, France. Present address: School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. #Present address:
Department of Chemistry, University of California, 1102 Natural Science II, Irvine, CA 92697, USA. **Present address: Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1119


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Fig. 1. Measured and parameterized nucleation rates. Neutral, GCR, and indicate contaminant concentrations of NH3 below the detection limit of the
pion-beam nucleation rates (J) are shown at 1.7 nm mobility diameter as a instruments (supplementary materials, section 6), whereas colored symbols
function of sulfuric acid concentration. Rates are shown at (A) 208, (B) 223, and lines represent measurements at NH3 concentrations indicated by the color
(C) 248, (D) 278, and (E) 292 K. The symbols show measured values of scale. For clarity, the uncertainties on each data point are not shown, but the
nucleation rates: circles for neutral (n) rates (ion-pair production rate q = overall uncertainty of a factor of 2.5 on nucleation rate and a factor of 1.5 on
0 cm3 s1), triangles for GCR rates (q = 2 cm3 s1), and squares for pion beam [H2SO4] is shown separately from the real data in (A).The contaminant level of
(p) rates (q ~ 75 cm3 s1). The lines show parameterized nucleation rates (sup- ammonia increases as temperature increases. This explains why the ionization
plementary materials, section 8): solid lines for neutral rates, dashed lines effect without added ammonia at 292 K is smaller than that at 278 K and why
for GCR rates, and dotted lines for pion beam rates. Gray symbols and lines the nucleation rates without added ammonia are similar at these temperatures.

experiments. We also studied ternary nuclea- ionization reaches about a factor of 15 at tem- factors. At 223 and 208 K, temperatures typical
tion at temperatures as low as 208 K, typical of peratures found in the lower troposphere. How- of the upper free troposphere, a change in RH
the upper troposphere. We combined these ~350 ever, we measured no appreciable enhancement between 20 and 100% induces at most a factor
inorganic measurements with data on organic- due to ions at lower temperatures representative of 5, and typically a 50 to 100%, change in the
mediated nucleation (24) to quantify nucleation of the upper troposphere, indicating that evap- nucleation rate, whereas ambient atmospheric
rates throughout the troposphere. The experi- oration of the corresponding neutral clusters is concentrations of H2SO4 and NH3 vary over many
ments were performed under neutral, natural strongly suppressed. Ammonia mixing ratios of orders of magnitude. At 298 K, the nucleation
GCR and charged pion beam conditions (supple- a few parts per trillion by volume (pptv) greatly rate increases by about a factor of 10 between 40
mentary materials) (32). GCRs create ion pairs enhance the nucleation rate. For example, at 223 and 80% RH, but this does not strongly affect
in the chamber at a rate of about 2 cm3 s1, K, the neutral rate rises by more than a factor of CCN concentrations (see the model results below).
characteristic of the lower atmosphere, and the 1000 when NH3 is increased from an estimated The inorganic nucleation rates are parameter-
controllable pion beam is able to reproduce equi- 0.05 pptv contaminant level to 6 pptv (Fig. 1B). ized in four dimensionstemperature, [H2SO4],
librium ion-pair concentrations between ground The negative ion cluster composition (fig. S1) (34) [NH3], and ion concentrationsand fitted to our
level and the upper troposphere (33). Neutral confirms that NH3 molecules are participating full data set of ~350 inorganic measurements.
conditions are achieved by removing ions from in and enhancing ion-induced nucleation, al- The RH dependence was not included in the fit
the chamber with an electric field. though binary nucleation of sulfuric acid and because of insufficient data, although we tested
Figure 1 shows how our full data set of in- water without ammonia cannot be neglected. its effect in separate model sensitivity studies,
organic nucleation rates depends on H2SO4, NH3, Although most of our measurements were described below. Because one of our objectives
temperature, and ionization rates. At 208 K, the conducted at 38% relative humidity (RH), the de- was to determine the relative importance of bi-
nucleation rates are up to 104 times as high as pendence of nucleation rates on RH was also meas- nary and ternary nucleation in the global atmo-
at 248 K, the lowest temperature investigated in ured (supplementary materials, section 9) and sphere, we used the molecular composition of
any previous study (7). The enhancement of the was found to be stronger than the dependence on the charged nucleating clusters from APi-TOF
neutral nucleation rate caused by natural GCR ion concentrations but weaker than that on other (atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight)

1120 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


to the neutral and ion-induced ternary organic

H2SO4-BioOxOrg-H2O nucleation rates from our
earlier CLOUD chamber measurements reported
in (24). Here BioOxOrg is a proxy for a-pinene
oxidation products, and we can use the term
ternary by treating them as a single class of
Figure 2 shows that the binary nucleation rates
peak in the upper troposphere, consistent with
earlier models that considered only binary neu-
tral or ion-induced H2SO4-H2O nucleation above
the boundary layer (6, 1113). However, we find
that the fractional contributions to the produc-
tion rate of 3-nm-diameter particles below 15 km
altitude are 15% binary (2.6% neutral and 12%
ion-induced), 65% ternary inorganic with ammo-
nia (54% neutral and 11% ion-induced), and 21%
ternary organic. We are unable to quantify the

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fraction of ternary organic nucleation that is ion-
induced as accurately as for inorganic nucleation
(supplementary materials, section 15), but we
estimate that 28% of all new particles are formed
by ion-induced nucleation. Overall, ion-induced
nucleation is the dominant process over large
regions of the troposphere where particle for-
mation rates are low. Consequently, it produces
more particles than neutral nucleation in 67%
of the troposphere below 15 km. Thus, almost
all new particle formation over the entire tro-
posphere involves NH3 or organic compounds,
and much of this is ion-induced.
Although our model of global nucleation rates
accounts for the most important tropospheric
variables, there remain some missing pieces. The
most important are that we are unable to fully
account for the variation of nucleation rates with
RH, we do not include the contribution of amines
to nucleation, and we assume that the organic
nucleation rate is independent of temperature.
The third of these possible sources of variation
is not yet constrained by CLOUD laboratory meas-
urements. If we assume a ternary organic rate
that increases with decreasing temperature ac-
cording to theoretical estimates (supplementary
materials, sections 10 and 20), the ternary or-
ganic fraction of nucleation increases to 69%.
This temperature dependence is likely an extreme
estimate, given that terpene oxidation products
Fig. 2. Modeled zonal and annual mean particle formation rates, per cubic centimeter per second, are less oxidized at lower temperatures because
at 3 nm diameter. (A) Binary (H2SO4-H2O) neutral nucleation rate, (B) binary ion-induced nucleation isomerization rates are lower (36, 37). This offsets
rate, (C) ternary (H2SO4-NH3-H2O) neutral nucleation rate, (D) ternary ion-induced nucleation rate, (E) ion- the increased ease with which highly oxidized
induced fraction of inorganic nucleation, and (F) fraction of all nucleation from ternary organic nucleation organic molecules condense at lower temper-
(H2SO4-BioOxOrg-H2O). In (E) and (F), the model data are shown only where the overall mean nucleation atures. An estimate of a more likely temperature
rate exceeds 106 cm3 s1. dependence (supplementary materials, section
20) results in a fraction of organic nucleation of
43%. Further numerical studies of the uncertainties
mass spectrometry measurements to unambig- as [H2SO4]3, linearly with [NH3], and linearly with in the fractions of nucleation from different path-
uously verify the amount of ammonia or organic ion concentration. ways are detailed in table S7. Because the neutral
species in, or their absence from, the charged and ion-induced organic nucleation pathways have
nucleating clusters (34, 35) (supplementary ma- Global particle formation pathways different, but unknown, dependencies on temper-
terials, section 6). Guided by these mass spectra, The CLOUD nucleation-rate measurements allow ature (supplementary materials, section 20), the
the four-dimensional global fit enables us to de- us, for the first time, to evaluate the global im- overall fraction of ion-induced nucleation is af-
termine the dependence on trace gas concen- portance of competing particle sources on the fected by this shortcoming. In the sensitivity tests
trations and ions, even though the data are sparse basis of experimental data. The model is de- in table S6, the highest fraction of ion-induced
in any one dimension. Over almost the full range scribed in the supplementary materials, sections nucleation is around 63%, and the lowest is 9%.
of the measurements (supplementary materials, 11 to 16. The total nucleation rate is determined Amines can also nucleate with sulfuric acid
section 8), the nucleation rate varies approximately by adding the inorganic rates (previous section) (23, 3840), but they are unlikely to influence

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1121


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Fig. 3. Comparison of measured and modeled particle concentrations by latitude and altitude. (A) Measured 3-nm-diameter particle concentrations
(fig. S17) (44). (B) Modeled particle concentrations (all processes). (C) Modeled particle concentrations including only primary particle emissions and
binary neutral nucleation of sulfuric acid and water. Modeled particle concentrations in (C) are much higher than the concentrations that result from the
binary-only pathway in the full model because the losses due to the condensation sink for these particles in the full model are higher than those in the
binary-only model.

nucleation in the free troposphere owing to their different nucleation pathways contribute to glob- to a factor of 5 in the lower troposphere below
short atmospheric lifetimes (41) and low fluxes. al particle concentrations. Using the simplest about 6 km altitude.
However, they are important in polluted areas inorganic pathway (binary neutral nucleation) in In addition to our imperfect coverage of the
of the boundary layer (42). A preliminary calcu- the model systematically underestimates particle full parameter space of tropospheric nucleation
lation (supplementary materials, section 17, and concentrations measured in the lower atmosphere rates, uncertainties in the model might also af-
fig. S14) with a slightly different global model and fails to explain their seasonal variation (sup- fect the confidence in our conclusions about the
suggests that 6% of new particles below 500 m plementary materials, section 18). Across 35 glob- causes of global nucleation. Tables S6 and S7
altitude are formed by an amine-driven mech- al surface sites (43), including mountaintops, summarize the principal sources of uncertainty
anism, with a large uncertainty range of 3 to this binary simulation, together with primary par- in the CLOUD measurements and parameteriza-
27%. Amine-driven nucleation is almost cer- ticle emissions, can account for only 31% of the tion, as well as the implementation of the param-
tainly negligible above 500 m because of the particles observed in winter in the Northern eterization in the global model. The dominant
short lifetime of amines in the atmosphere. The Hemisphere and 25% in summer (fig. S15). When sources of uncertainty, we estimate, are vapor
amine-driven nucleation has only a minimal we include ternary H2SO4-NH3-H2O nucleation, concentrations in the model itself, rather than
effect on CCN concentrations (fig. S14C) because 65% of particles in winter are explained but only the parameterized nucleation rates. These and
the highest amine emissions are in polluted 36% in summer. By further including ternary other important sources of uncertainty, such as
areas with high condensation sinks, which H2SO4-BioOxOrg-H2O nucleation, the modeled the aerosol microphysical processes, precursor
suppress nucleation. seasonal cycle of particle concentrations rep- gas and primary aerosol emissions, and removal
When we included a temperature-dependent resents the observations well, explaining 71% processes, have been studied comprehensively
factor to model the RH dependence of the bi- of particles observed in winter and also 71% in in a different configuration of this model for
nary nucleation rate with a polynomial function summer. These comparisons suggest that ter- CCN (47) and 3-nm particle concentrations (48)
(supplementary materials, section 9), we found nary inorganic nucleation is a major source of by perturbing 28 model parameters in a way that
a 4.5% change in the concentration of 3-nm particles in winter in the Northern Hemisphere, allows combined uncertainties to be quantified.
particles and a 0.3% change in the concentra- whereas ternary organic nucleation is a major If we assume that the relative effect of these
tion of soluble 70-nm particles (approximately source in summer. uncertainties on particle concentrations would
representative of CCN) in the troposphere up We compared the predictions of the model be similar in the model configuration used for
to 15 km altitude. If we assume that the ternary with aircraft measurements collected at higher this study, then we can assess where we can be
inorganic and organic nucleation rates depend altitudes, a region of the atmosphere in which confident that free-tropospheric nucleation is
on RH in the same way as the binary rate, we new particle formation is frequently modeled by mainly binary and where it is mainly ternary.
find that tropospheric 3-nm particle concen- binary nucleation of sulfuric acid. The aircraft For the southernmost remote observations in
trations increase by 14%, and 70-nm particle campaigns (supplementary materials, section 18 Fig. 3 [ACE-1 (Atmospheric Chemistry Experi-
concentrations increase by 6.5%. At cloud base and references therein) aimed to determine the ment 1) measurements collected south of Australia;
level, the concentration of soluble 70-nm particles most favorable chemical and meteorological con- supplementary materials, section 18], the stan-
increases by 6.0%. Ternary nucleation should ditions for nucleation in the troposphere (44). dard deviation of 3-nm particle concentrations
be less affected by RH than binary nucleation, Relatively low model resolution prevents us from from the 28 uncertainties is about 60% of the
so this change represents an upper bound. All of fully simulating the effects of meteorology on mean at 850 m altitude. So the binary neutral
these numbers are comparable to typical differ- nucleation, especially humidity variations near model plus one standard deviation would still
ences between the model and observations. clouds (45, 46). Nevertheless, the full model shows lie about a factor of 5 below the observations.
good agreement with observations (Fig. 3B). In Although the binary model is closer to observa-
Evidence from global contrast, as is the case at the surface, a model tions in some areas, such as over the Pacific
aerosol measurements with binary neutral nucleation alone can account Ocean, overall, its low bias relative to observa-
Comparison of the global model results with at- for only 25% of the observed particle concentra- tions suggests that ternary nucleation (H2SO4
mospheric observations helps to establish how tions (Fig. 3C), with especially large biases of up with organics or NH3) is the primary source of

1122 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


Fig. 4. Modeled present-day CCN concentrations and the effect of perturbations. Here hygroscopic particles above 70 nm diameter are used as a proxy

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for CCN. (A) Annual mean CCN concentrations at about cloud base altitude (915 hPa) (N 70, soluble particles with diameters greater than 70 nm). (B) Effect of
changing the heliospheric modulation potential from solar minimum to maximum. (C) Effect of reducing ammonia concentrations to preindustrial levels.
Perturbations are shown as percentage changes from the baseline shown in (A) where concentrations are higher than 5 cm3.

particles below about 6 km altitude in the en- industrial simulation allows us to calculate the case of chemical transport modeling, which is
vironments that we have analyzed. We there- aerosol-cloud albedo forcing without the effect well founded on reaction rate constants measured
fore conclude that binary nucleation becomes of ammonia. We can infer that ammonia has led under controlled laboratory conditions over the
important only at the highest altitudes in the to a strengthening of the anthropogenic aerosol- past few decades (56). The multicomponent
troposphere, and at lower altitudes, ternary nu- cloud radiative forcing from 0.62 to 0.66 Wm2. inorganic and organic chemical system is highly
cleation dominates. The 0.04 Wm2 change in global mean forcing complex and is likely to be impossible to ade-
is within the uncertainty of forcing previously quately represent in classical nucleation theo-
Implications for the atmosphere calculated for this model (52). However, the ef- ries, just as ab initio prediction of reaction rate
The quantified effects of NH3, oxidized organic fect of ammonia on nucleation is a new process constants remains largely out of reach. This
compounds, and ions on global particle forma- in the model, so the entire probability distribu- highlights the importance of replacing theoret-
tion rates enabled us to estimate the effect on tion of forcing reported in (52) would be shifted ical calculations with laboratory measurements,
climate of changes in nucleation rates due to to lower values. as we have done here. The CERN CLOUD meas-
changing environmental conditions. We tested Global aerosol concentrations may be affected urements are the most comprehensive labora-
the effect of changes in the GCR ionization rate by future temperature changes through the tory measurements of aerosol nucleation rates
that occur between the solar maximum and min- temperature dependence of the formation rates. so far achieved, and the only measurements un-
imum (supplementary materials, section 13) (17). When we increase the temperatures used to der conditions equivalent to the free and upper
Over the solar cycle, the global mean change in calculate the inorganic nucleation rate by 2.2 K troposphere.
CCN at cloud base altitude (915 hPa, usually [the projected global mean change by 2100 (53)], This work offers a new understanding of glob-
around 850 m above the surface) is only 0.1% mean CCN concentrations decrease by 1.0% at al particle formation as based almost entirely on
(Fig. 4B), with local changes of no more than cloud base (locally by 10%) and cause a radiative ternary rather than binary nucleation, with
1%. This is expected from the experimentally effect of 0.02 Wm2. Therefore, a temperature- ions playing a major but subdominant role. Our
derived sublinear dependence of the inorganic driven climate feedback related to changes in results suggest that about 43% of cloud-forming
nucleation rate on the ionization rate (supple- inorganic nucleation (54) is likely to be small aerosol particles in the present-day atmosphere
mentary materials, section 8) and consistent with compared with the large greenhouse gas forc- originate from nucleation, which is similar to a
previous assessments (49, 50). The results in (24) ings that are projected to occur by 2100. This previous estimate of 45% obtained using the same
suggest, with a large uncertainty, that organic result also shows that global inorganic aerosol chemical transport model and nonexperimen-
nucleation is less sensitive to ionization rate nucleation provides a pervasive source of CCN tal nucleation rates (4) (supplementary materials,
than inorganic nucleation, so it would be un- that is relatively insensitive to environmental section 16) and broadly consistent with other
likely to substantially increase the effect. perturbation. The effect of rising global temper- studies (5, 6). An experimentally based model of
We also studied the effect of the estimated atures on organic ternary nucleation and CCN is global nucleation provides a basis for understand-
80% increase in NH3 emissions over the indus- less straightforward to calculate because there ing how this complex system of inorganic and
trial period (51). To calculate the baseline aerosol- is probably compensation between decreasing organic molecules responds to changes in trace
cloud albedo radiative forcing, we simulated nucleation rates (thus far not measured in the labo- gas emissions and environmental factors and,
preindustrial aerosols by removing anthropogenic ratory) and rising biogenic vapor emissions. Avail- therefore, how these factors affect past and fu-
emissions and keeping other model parameters able observations suggest that the net effect could ture climate.
constant, and we compared it with our present- be to increase particle concentrations (55).
day simulation. We then simulated present-day REFERENCES AND NOTES
aerosols, keeping ammonia concentrations at pre- Conclusions
1. M. Kulmala et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys. 4, 25532560 (2004).
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SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1123


7. J. Kirkby et al., Nature 476, 429433 (2011). Performance Computing Centre of Excellence, provided and funded 12-02-91522-CERN); the U.S. National Science Foundation
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53. U. Cubasch et al., in Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science
cise measurements of fundamental physical Magnetoelectrics (ME) are materials in which
Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment constants. The measurement of the quan- a polarization can be created by an applied mag-
Report of the IPCC, T. F. Stocker et al., Eds. (Cambridge Univ. tum conductance Gxy e2 =h from the quan- netic field or a magnetization can be created by
Press, 2013), pp. 119158. tum Hall effect (1) and the flux quantum from an applied electric field (9); representative ex-
54. F. Yu, G. Luo, R. P. Turco, J. A. Ogren, R. M. Yantosca,
the Josephson effect (2, 3) provide the most pre- amples are Cr2O3 (10) with an ME coupling of the
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55. P. Paasonen et al., Nat. Geosci. 6, 438442 (2013). cise value for Plancks constant h. More recently, EB form and multiferroic BiFeO3 (11), where the
56. R. Atkinson et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys. 4, 14611738 (2004). topological insulators have been discovered (46), ME coupling can be expressed (in part) in a E  B
in which topological properties of the bulk wave
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS functions give rise to a topologically protected
We thank CERN for supporting CLOUD with important technical surface metal with a massless Dirac spectrum. It Institute for Quantum Matter, Department of Physics and
and financial resources and for providing a particle beam from the Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
CERN Proton Synchrotron. We also thank P. Carrie, L.-P. De Menezes,
has been proposed that topological insulators are 21218, USA. 2Department of Materials Science and
J. Dumollard, K. Ivanova, F. Josa, I. Krasin, R. Kristic, A. Laassiri, best characterized not as surface conductors but Engineering, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,
O. S. Maksumov, B. Marichy, H. Martinati, S. V. Mizin, R. Sitals, as bulk magnetoelectrics (7, 8) with a quantized Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA. 3Department of Physics and
H. U. Walther, A. Wasem, and M. Wilhelmsson for their important magnetoelectric response coefficient whose size Astronomy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,
contributions to the experiment. The computer modeling Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.
simulations were performed on ARC1 and ARC2, part of the high-
is set by the fine-structure constant a e2 =2e0 hc. *Corresponding author. Email: (L.W.);
performance computing facilities at the University of Leeds, UK. Such a measurement could provide precise values (N.P.A.) Present address: Department of Physics,
This work also made use of the POLARIS facility of the N8 High for three fundamental physical constants: the elec- University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.

1124 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


form. Topological insulators (TIs) can be charac- 1 @E 2a @ q substrate, the Faraday rotation in the quantum
terized as special EB magnetoelectrics (7, 8),  B m0 J 2 B
c @t c @t 2p regime is
which in the topological field theory can be q
 E 2 2a 1 1
shown to be qa consequence of an additional term 2p tanfF Nt Nb 3
Lq 2a me00 2p q
EB added to the usual Maxwell 1n 2 2
Lagrangian (7). Here, a is the fine-structure con- The consequences of axion electrodynamics are where n ~ 3.1 is the THz range index of refraction
stant, and e0 and m0 are the permittivity and per- the additional source and current terms in Eqs. of the substrate (sapphire) and Nt , Nb are the
meability of free space. 1 and 2 (7, 15). The additional current term gives highest fully filled LL of the top and bottom sur-
Although Lq is a generic expression that can a half-integer quantum Hall effect (QHE) on the faces of the film, which depend on the chemical
be applied even to Cr2O3 [with q 36 at low tem- TI surface (7). Although there has been some evi- potential and size of the TRS breaking field.
perature (12)], its form merits additional discus- dence for half-integer QHE effects in gated TI There have been a number of interrelated chal-
sion when applied to TIs. Although it is usually BiSbTeSe2 exfoliated flakes (16), gated (Bi1-xSbx)2Te3 lenges in realizing the TME experimentally. First,
said that one must break both time-reversal sym- thin films (17), and surface charge-transfer doped one must have a negligible level of bulk carriers
metry (TRS) and inversion symmetry (IS) to de- pure Bi2Se3 films (18) at very high magnetic fields, and a low chemical potential at the surface, but
fine a magnetoelectric coefficient, this is not it is generally not straightforward to observe the most known topological insulators suffer from
formally true. The Lagrangian defines the action QHE in a conventional dc transport-style experi- inadvertent bulk doping; a metallic gate cannot
S dtdx3 L, and because all physical observ- ment with leads connected to sample edges, as TIs be used easily in an optical experiment to gate
ables depend on expiS=, they are invariant to have a closed surface with no boundaries (19). It is away charge carriers because it would have its
global changes to q of 2p. Therefore, due to the

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desirable then to use noncontact probes such as own Faraday effect in field. Second, as the topo-
transformation properties of E and B, if either Faraday and Kerr rotations (7, 20, 21), which have logical field theory is derived for the translation-
TRS or IS are present, q is constrained to be not been predicted to be quantized with a scale set by ally invariant case, one may expect that it will
just zero (as it is in a nonmagnetoelectric con- the fine-structure constant. One can proceed from apply only when the TRS breaking perturbation
ventional material) but can take on integer multi- the modified Ampres law Eq. 2 in conjunction is strong enough to overcome disorder and es-
ples of p. Three-dimensional (3D) insulators in with the usual Faradays law to derive the reflec- tablish a surface QHE. Third, to reveal the TME,
which either TRS or IS is preserved can be di- tion and transmission coefficients for a traveling the probe frequencies and temperatures must be
vided into two classes depending on whether q is wave incident on a TI surface (section 2 of supple- well below the Landau level spacing ofpthe sur-

2pN 21 (topological) or 2pN (conventional) mentary text). In an applied magnetic field, one face states, which are given by E vF 2NeB
(7). Here, N is an integer that indicates the highest finds that for a TI film on a simple dielectric (where vF is the Fermi velocity). This puts the
fully filled Landau level (LL) of the surface if TRS
is broken. In either case, q can be formulated as
a bulk quantity modulo a quantum (here, 2p) in
much the same way as the electric polarization P
in a ferroelectric can be defined only as a bulk
quantity modulo a dipole quantum that depends
on the surface charge (13). It is important to note
that to support a macroscopic magnetic/electric
moment of the sample from an applied electric/
magnetic field, macroscopic TRS and IS must
both be broken (as they are in conventional mag-
netoelectrics), but a finite magnetoelectric EB
term is more general than the capacity to support
a moment. Because inversion-symmetric Bi2Se3
in magnetic field breaks only TRS, such a sample
cannot exhibit a net macroscopic moment from
magnetoelectricity unless IS is broken macro-
scopically through some other means. In the case
relevant for our experiment, IS constrains the
crystals bulk q term to be 2pN 21 . A net mac-
roscopic moment cannot be generated, but the
sample is still magnetoelectric in the sense that
Lq still applies. The topological magnetoelectric
effect (TME) of this kind has been called axion
electrodynamics because of an analogy that can
be made to the physics of the hypothetical axion
particle that was proposed to explain charge
conjugation parity symmetry violation (CP viola-
tion) in the strong interaction (14).
In the limit where a TRS breaking field is Fig. 1. Quantized Faraday rotation of the topological surface states. (A) Diagram of the Faraday
small and the surface chemical potential is tuned rotation experiment. P1, P2, and P3 are polarizers. The polarization plane (xz) of the linearly polarized
near the Dirac point, modified Maxwells equa- incoming THz beam is rotated by the Faraday angle fF (into the x0 z plane) after passing through Bi2Se3 on
tions can be derived (section 1 of supplementary a sapphire substrate in a perpendicular magnetic field (z direction). The polarization acquires an ellipticity
text) from the full Lagrangian. The modified Gausss simultaneously, as shown in (B). (C) Real part of Faraday rotation of 10-QL Bi2Se3 films with MoO3 at 4.5 K
and Ampres laws read for various values of the magnetic field [color coded as in (D)]. The dash-dot line is the expectation
from Eq. 3. (D) Imaginary part of Faraday rotation. A representative cyclotron frequency is marked by a
red arrow for data at 2.5 T. (E) Quantized Faraday rotation for different samples. Dashed black lines are
r q theoretical expectation values assuming certain values for the filling factor of the surface states. (F) dc
E 2ca B 1
e0 2p transport Hall resistance of a representative 8-QL sample.

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1125


relevant frequency in the traditionally challeng-

ing sub-THz part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Fourth, THz range experiments with their long
wavelengths require large uniform samples of at
least a few mm in spatial extent. Fifth, as the size
of the effect is set by the fine-structure constant,
the rotations are expected to be very small and
much smaller than the capacity of conventional
THz range polarimetry.
Here, we overcome these challenges by using
recently developed low-density and high-mobility
Bi2Se3 molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) films (18),
in conjunction with a high-precision polarimetry
technique (22). Time-domain terahertz spectros-
copy (TDTS) is a powerful tool to study the low-
energy electrodynamics of topological insulators.
Samples are thin films of Bi2Se3 grown by MBE
with a recently developed recipe (18) that results

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in true bulk-insulating TIs with low surface chem-
ical potential. These films were further treated
in situ by a thin charge-transfer layer of deposited
MoO3 that further decreases the carrier density
and puts the chemical potential close to the Dirac
point. MoO3 is a semiconductor with a gap of ~3 eV
(23) and does not contribute to Faraday rotation.
Details of the film growth can be found in (18).
First, as topological surface states have been
shown to be the only conducting channel in these
films (18), we further verify the low Fermi energy
Fig. 2. Quantized Kerr rotation of the surface states. (A) Diagram of the Kerr rotation experiment.The
of these films through measurements of their
black and blue arrows show the optical path for the first and second pulses in the time trace. (B) Bi2Se3
optical conductivity and cyclotron resonance at
thin film in a magnetic field (substrate not shown). Nonchiral edge states from the side surface states
low field in the semiclassical transport regime (figs.
are shown by bidirectional arrows. The circle on the top surface indicates the THz spot where transverse
S1 and S2 and section 3 of supplementary text).
oscillating charge density is built up by the THz electric field. (C) Real and (D) imaginary part of
Next, we explore their low-frequency Faraday ro-
Kerr rotation of 10-QL new Bi2Se3 with MoO3 at 4.5 K. (E) Quantized Kerr rotation for different samples.
tation (Fig. 1A). The complex THz-range Faraday
rotation was measured with the polarization
modulation technique (22, 24). The Faraday ro- is quantized because they have a slightly higher be gapped by an amount vF =d through finite
tation is a complex quantity in which the real part carrier density and filling factor at the same size effects (where d is the film thickness), but in
is the rotation of the major axis of the ellipse magnetic fields (figs. S3 and S4 and section 3 order that they do not contribute to dc transport,
and the imaginary part is related to the ellipticity of supplementary text). Because we measure the this gap must be larger than the LL spacing
(Fig. 1B). The full-field data of a 10-QL sample is top and bottom surfaces of the thin film simulta- E vF 2NeB (19). This condition is hard to
shown in Fig. 1, C and D. At low fields (<4 T), the neously, essential for our interpretation in terms fulfill with films thick enough to be effectively
Faraday rotation shows semiclassical cyclotron of axion electrodynamics is that we can treat the 3D and with fields large enough to establish a
resonance, as demonstrated by the shifting of top and bottom surfaces independently. Previous surface QHE. We believe that quantized dc trans-
the inflection point (close to the zero value) in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy work port is achieved in high fields because the non-
the real part and the shifting of the minimum in (26) and theory (27) showed that the hybridization chiral side states localize in high magnetic field
the imaginary part with fields (24). For the 10-QL gap from top and bottom surfaces was negligible in the highly disordered edges. In the present
sample, above 5 T, the inflection point in the real for film thicknesses more than 6 QL (see further experiment, THz radiation is focused onto a local
part of the Faraday rotation moves above our discussion in section 4 of supplementary text). spot far from the edges of the film, so irrespective
frequency range, and the low-frequency tail be- It is important to point out that this effect is of their properties they cannot contribute to the
comes flat and overlaps with higher field data. In not just the conventional dc quantum Hall effect. spectral response. The Hall response measured
our TDTS measurements, top and bottom states We can contrast the quantized optical response here originates in the bulk of the sample (topo-
are measured simultaneously (18, 24, 25), so the with dc transport that has shown quantum Hall logical surface states), and the edge state picture
quantized Faraday rotation is given by Eq. 3. resistivity plateaus in these films only above does not apply. Section 5 of the supplementary
These data are well described by the prediction ~24 T, as shown for a typical sample 8-QL film in text provides further discussion on the ac QHE and
for the 5 1n plateau. Because the resolution of our Fig. 1F. When an external magnetic field is applied on how the incompressible bulk responds to an
THz polarimetry is within 1 mrad, we conclude perpendicular to the films, top and bottom sur- oscillating charge density in an ac experiment.
that the 10-QL sample enters the quantized re- face states are gapped because of LL formation, Data in Fig. 1 gives evidence for a Faraday rota-
gime when the field is above 5.75 T, with the low- whereas the side surfaces parallel to the mag- tion set by the fine-structure constant. However,
frequency tails falling on the expected value. netic field remain gapless because a small in- such measurements by themselves are limited, as
Similarly, for the 6-, 8-, 12-, and 16-QL samples, plane field will cause only a shift of the Dirac Eq. 3 shows that the Faraday rotation still de-
the low-frequency Faraday rotations fall on the points (28). The dc QHE in conventional 2D elec- pends nonuniversally on the index of refraction
2a 2a 2a 2a
21n, 41n, 71n, and 7 1n plateaus, respectively tron gas (2DEG) is usually regarded as occurring of the substrate n, and our ability to measure the
(Fig. 1E). Aside from the filling factor differences, through ballistic 1D chiral states formed at the fine-structure constant to high precision is lim-
the only qualitative differences between sam- edge of the sample. In the present case, the dc ited by our knowledge of n. However, by using
ples is that thicker samples have a narrower QHE is corrupted at low fields by the nonchiral the explicit time structure of TDTS we can define
magnetic field range where the Faraday rotation side states (Fig. 2B) . These side surface states can and measure a quantity that depends only on the

1126 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


quantized quantum Hall transport seen in usual

2DEGs, because TI surface states live on a closed
2D manifold embedded in 3D space. In a forma-
lism in which the TIs are described as bulk mag-
netoelectrics, this response can be described in
the context of a topological magnetoelectric effect
and axion electrodynamics. Going forward, the
technique may prove to be an essential tool in the
discovery of theoretically anticipated states of mat-
ter such as fractional topological insulators in the
form of a fractional magnetoelectric effect (35, 36).


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tors). When THz light is transmitted through a that quantized rotation is observed (0.2 to 0.8 146805 (2009).
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tories of interaction with the film (Fig. 2A). The resents a direct measurement of the fine-structure 71, 321329 (2009).
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undergoes a Faraday rotation, whereas the sec- solid-state system. Although the level of preci- 15. X.-L. Qi, R. Li, J. Zang, S.-C. Zhang, Science 323, 11841187 (2009).
ond peak undergoes an additional reflection and sion that we have achieved for a is far less than, 16. Y. Xu et al., Nat. Phys. 10, 956963 (2014).
Kerr rotation fK . By subtracting the Faraday rota- for instance, its determination via the anomalous 17. R. Yoshimi et al., Nat. Commun. 6, 6627 (2015).
tion, we can measure the Kerr rotation separately. magnetic moment of the electron (31), the quan- 18. N. Koirala et al., Nano Lett. 15, 82458249 (2015).
19. O. Vafek, Phys. Rev. B 84, 245417 (2011).
In the quantized regime, one can show (section 2 tization should be considered quite good. Its 20. J. Maciejko, X.-L. Qi, H. D. Drew, S.-C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett.
of supplementary text) that the Kerr rotation (up deviation from the accepted value is ~0.5%, which 105, 166803 (2010).
to factors of the third order in a) is can be compared favorably to the quantization 21. W.-K. Tse, A. H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 057401 (2010).
seen in the quantum spin Hall effect, which was 22. C. M. Morris, R. V. Aguilar, A. V. Stier, N. P. Armitage,
4na 1 1 Opt. Express 20, 1230312317 (2012).
tanfK Nt Nb 4 quantized only to the 10% level (32). Moreover,
n2 1 2 2 the observed quantization is far better than that
23. Z. Hussain, J. Mater. Res. 16, 26952708 (2011).
24. L. Wu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 217602 (2015).
Representative data for the 10-QL sample for the observed previously in the ac QHE of 2DEG-like 25. L. Wu et al., Nat. Phys. 9, 410414 (2013).
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27. J. Linder, T. Yokoyama, A. Sudb, Phys. Rev. B 80, 205401 (2009).
ilar to the Faraday rotation, the signatures of this measurement could be further refined, it 28. S. S. Pershoguba, V. M. Yakovenko, Phys. Rev. B 86, 165404 (2012).
cyclotron resonance are inflection points in the could, along with measures of the Josephson effect 29. R. Valds Aguilar et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 087403 (2012).
real part and dips in the imaginary part. Above and quantized Hall resistances in 2DEG, provide 30. J. N. Hancock et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 136803 (2011).
5.75 T, the Kerr rotation of a 10-QL sample is a purely solid-state measure in a redefined con- 31. P. J. Mohr, B. N. Taylor, Rev. Mod. Phys. 72, 351495 (2000).
quantized as 5 n4na ventional electrical unitpscheme 32. M. Knig et al., Science 318, 766770 (2007).
2 1 to within our experimental for the imped- 33. Y. Ikebe et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 256802 (2010).
resolution at frequencies below 0.8 THz. The ance of free space Z0 m0 =e0 , which would in 34. R. Shimano et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 1841 (2013).
prefactor of 5 is the same as arrived at in the turn allow c to become a measured quantity in a 35. J. Maciejko, X.-L. Qi, A. Karch, S.-C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett.
Faraday rotation. We measured Kerr rotation on condensed matter experiment. 105, 246809 (2010).
samples with different thickness6, 8, 12, and It is important to distinguish our results from 36. B. Swingle, M. Barkeshli, J. McGreevy, T. Senthil, Phys. Rev. B
83, 195139 (2011).
16 QLand in all cases the rotation is given by a conventional QHE, as may be observed in a
n2 1 times the filling factor found in the Faraday
2DEG. Do we truly probe axion electrodynamics AC KNOWLED GME NTS
rotation experiments (Fig. 2E). Combining Eqs. 3 and the TME effect? As discussed above, the TME We thank M. Franz, T. Hughes, A. MacDonald, J. Maciejko, J. Moore,
and 4, one can eliminate the dependence on the is characterized by a q angle that is 2pN 21 or M. Orlita, V. Oganesyan, W.-K. Tse, A. Turner, R. Valds Aguilar,
index of the substrate and measure the fine- equivalent a half-integer QHE effect. In Fig. 3C, we X. L. Qi, and S.C. Zhang for helpful discussions. Experiments were
supported by the Army Research Office Grant W911NF-15-1-0560,
structure constant directly. plot the observed quantization index versus the with additional support by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
total filling factor (which can be measured inde- through grant GBMF2628 to N.P.A. at Johns Hopkins University.
ameasured pendently, as discussed above and in sections 3 Film growth for this work was supported by the NSF DMR-1308142,
Nt Nb 1=2 1=2 and 6 of the supplementary text). There is a sys- EFMA-1542798, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
EPiQS Initiative Grant GBMF4418 to S.O. at Rutgers.
tanfF 2 tanfF tanfK tematic offset of 1 in the position of the plateaus
5 that originates from the Berrys phase. With our
previous results establishing surface state trans-
Measuring these quantities in a single scan and port from two independent surfaces (18, 24), one Materials and Methods
taking ratios also serves to minimize the system- must associate a contribution to this offset of 1/2 Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S4
atic noise in the output for ameasured . Using for each surface by itself. This establishes a p Movies S1 and S2
Nt Nb 1=2 1=2 5 and 7 for the 10- and value of the axion angle of the topological insu- References (3745)
12-QL samples, respectively, we plot the results of lators and the TME. 26 February 2016; resubmitted 7 July 2016
Eq. 5 for two samples in Fig. 3, A and B, and find The quantized response that we find here should Accepted 8 November 2016
for both that the measured value is close to 1/137 not be viewed as a simple manifestation of the 10.1126/science.aaf5541

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1127


GALAXY FORMATION the CO distribution, from the gas in the individ-

ual protocluster galaxies to that across the IGM.
Figure 1 shows that the CO emission in the
Molecular gas in the halo fuels the ATCA data covers a region of ~70 kpc around the
central radio galaxy. The CO (J = 1 0) lumi-
nosity is LCO,ATCA ~ 5.6 (1.7) 1010 K km s1 pc2.
growth of a massive cluster galaxy at The high-resolution VLA data detect CO only on
an arcsecond scale within the central radio galaxy
high redshift itself. Figure 2 shows that this central emission
accounts for only one-third of the CO luminosity
observed with the ATCA, or LCO,VLA ~ 1.9 (0.6)
B. H. C. Emonts,1* M. D. Lehnert,2 M. Villar-Martn,1,3 R. P. Norris,4,5 R. D. Ekers,4 1010 K km s1 pc2. Thus, two-thirds of the CO de-
G. A. van Moorsel,6 H. Dannerbauer,7,8,9 L. Pentericci,10 G. K. Miley,11 J. R. Allison,4 tected with the ATCA, 3.7 (1.1) 1010 K km s1 pc2,
E. M. Sadler,12 P. Guillard,2 C. L. Carilli,6,13 M. Y. Mao,14,15 H. J. A. Rttgering,11 originates from gas outside the central radio galaxy.
C. De Breuck,16 N. Seymour,17 B. Gullberg,18 D. Ceverino,1,19 P. Jagannathan,6 Figure S1 shows that the CO-emitting gas outside
J. Vernet,16 B. T. Indermuehle4 the central radio galaxy is spread on scales larger
than the individual protocluster galaxies. This large-
scale molecular gas cannot be imaged with our VLA
The largest galaxies in the universe reside in galaxy clusters. Using sensitive

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

data, which are far less sensitive to low-surface-
observations of carbon monoxide, we show that the Spiderweb galaxya massive brightness emission than the ATCA data (fig. S1).
galaxy in a distant protoclusteris forming from a large reservoir of molecular gas. Figure 3 shows that the bulk of this large-scale
Most of this molecular gas lies between the protocluster galaxies and has low velocity
CO is not peaking cospatially with the central
dispersion, indicating that it is part of an enriched intergalactic medium. This may radio galaxy or any of its brightest surrounding
constitute the reservoir of gas that fuels the widespread star formation seen in protocluster galaxies; the CO-emitting gas instead
earlier ultraviolet observations of the Spiderweb galaxy. Our results support the appears to be concentrated between the galaxies
notion that giant galaxies in clusters formed from extended regions of recycled gas
(12). The velocity dispersion of the CO-emitting
at high redshift. gas, sCO ~ 220 km s1, is also much lower than that
of the protocluster galaxies, sgal > 1000 km s1

(Fig. 2) (7). This agrees with the fact that our VLA
he formation of the largest galaxies in the Spiderweb galaxy as the entire region encom- data do not detect CO down to a 3s limit of LCO <
universe is thought to be a two-stage pro- passed by the Lya halo, and we refer to the gas 9 109 K km s1 pc2 in any of the surrounding
cess. For the past 10 billion years, these between the protocluster galaxies as the inter- protocluster galaxies (12).
giant galaxies have grown mostly by can- galactic medium (IGM). On the basis of Figs. 1 to 3 and fig. S1, we argue
nibalizing smaller galaxies (1, 2). However, Earlier observations of line emission by carbon that our data show a molecular phase of the IGM
computer simulations predict that in an earlier monoxide revealed the presence of large amounts embedded in the giant Lya-emitting halo of the
phase, lasting a few billion years, their stars con- of molecular gas in the Spiderweb galaxy (11). Spiderweb galaxy. There is no evidence that this
densed directly out of large reservoirs of accreted Because molecular gas is the raw fuel for the large-scale molecular gas is rotating. Instead, the
gas (3, 4). formation of stars, observations of molecular gas most blueshifted CO lies toward the southwest,
We present observational evidence for an ex- give us insight into the processes driving the evo- while gas at increasingly higher velocities is dis-
tended gas reservoir fueling star formation in the lution of the distant Spiderweb galaxy. We have tributed increasingly counterclockwise around the
massive Spiderweb galaxy, MRC 1138-262, which obtained sensitive observations of the transi- radio galaxy (Fig. 3). The brightest CO peak lies
is located in a protocluster at a redshift of z = tion between the lowest two rotational levels of in the region between two bright spots in the radio
2.161 (59). The Spiderweb galaxy is not a single carbon monoxide, 12CO (J = 1 0), using the jet (Fig. 3, E and F). This is consistent with recent
galaxy, but rather an aggregation of protocluster Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA; detections of H2O emission along the jets in the
galaxies. They are embedded in a giant halo of 90-hour exposure time) and the Karl G. Jansky Spiderweb galaxy, which imply rapid dissipation
atomic (neutral and ionized) hydrogen gas, which Very Large Array (VLA; 8-hour exposure time) (12). of the kinetic energy supplied by the relativistic
radiates Lya emission across a region of ~200 kpc The ATCA observations were optimized for detect- jets (13). Following recent models (14, 15), the
(6). The central protocluster galaxy has a super- ing low-surface-brightness emission from broadly peak in molecular CO emission along the jet also
massive black hole at its core, which emits jets of distributed CO, with a 4.8 3.5 resolution. The likely indicates that jet-induced gas cooling occurs
relativistic particles visible in radio observa- VLA observations complement the ATCA data within the IGM (12).
tions (5). Observations suggest that the proto- with a higher 0.7 0.6 resolution, making the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging of ex-
cluster galaxies will eventually merge and evolve VLA data sensitive to small-scale features but not tended rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) light in the IGM
into a single giant elliptical galaxy in the center to large-scale ones. Sampling these different spatial of the Spiderweb galaxy has previously revealed
of the cluster (10). We therefore refer to the scales allows us to obtain a complete picture of ongoing star formation across a region of ~70 kpc,

Centro de Astrobiologa (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientficasInstituto Nacional de Tcnica Aerospacial), Carretera de Torrejn a Ajalvir, km 4, 28850 Torrejn de Ardoz,
Madrid, Spain. 2Sorbonne Universits, Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, Universit Paris 6 et Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Unit Mixte de Recherche 7095, Institut
dAstrophysique de Paris, 75014 Paris, France. 3Facultad de Ciencias, Unidad Asociada Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, Astro-Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Campus
de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain. 4Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Astronomy and Space Science, Australia Telescope National Facility, Epping, NSW
1710, Australia. 5Western Sydney University, Penrith South, NSW 1797, Australia. 6National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, NM 87801, USA. 7Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias,
E-38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. 8Departamento Astrofsica, Universidad de La Laguna, E-38206 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. 9Institut fr Astrophysik, Universitt Wien, 1180 Wien,
Austria. 10Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, 00040 Monteporzio (RM), Italy. 11Leiden Observatory, University of Leiden, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands.
Sydney Institute for Astronomy, School of Physics, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. 13Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK. 14Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline
Interferometry, European Research Infrastructure Consortium, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, Netherlands. 15Jodrell Bank Observatory, University of Manchester, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL,
UK. 16European Southern Observatory, 85748 Garching, Germany. 17International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Curtin University, Perth, Australia. 18Centre for Extragalactic
Astronomy, Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK. 19Institut fr Theoretische Astrophysik, Zentrum fr Astronomie der Universitt Heidelberg, 69120
Heidelberg, Germany.
*Corresponding author. Email:

1128 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


with a star formation rate SFRIGM ~ 142 M year1

(where M is the mass of the Sun) (16). The mor- -7.5
phology of this UV-emitting region is similar to
that of the CO emission (Fig. 3). The extended UV
light is most likely produced by young O- and
B-type stars that formed in situ within the IGM,
because its rest-frame UV color (as measured
through the HST Advanced Camera for Surveys
F475W and F814W filters) is bluer than that of -9.5
the protocluster galaxies, and the extended UV
light is also not easily explained by nebular con-
tinuum, scattered light, or synchrotron emission 48.40s 48.30s
(16). The estimated mass of molecular H2 gas that
is available to sustain this in situ star formation is

MH2,IGM ~ 1.5 (0.4) 1011 (aCO/4)M, where aCO
MH2/LCO is the conversion factor between the
CO luminosity and the molecular gas mass in
the IGM (17). We assume a value of aCO = 4M
(K km s1 pc2)1, because the IGM of the Spider-

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

web galaxy is likely to have a metallicity well
below the solar value (17) and because an inde-
pendent estimate of the H2 mass based on the
dust emission (18) gives the same value (12).
Figure 4 shows that with this available molecular
gas mass, the in situ star formation in the IGM of
the Spiderweb galaxy follows the relation be-
tween the surface density of the SFR and the gas
surface density observed in galaxies, also known
Right Ascension
as the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation (12, 19). We
Fig. 1. Molecular gas on multiple scales in the Spiderweb galaxy. 12CO (J = 1 0) total-intensity
therefore conclude that there is sufficient mo-
contours from the ATCA (light blue) overlaid onto a negative grayscale HST image taken with the Advanced
lecular gas available to fuel the in situ star forma-
Camera for Surveys through the combined F475W and F814W filters [HST image copyright American
tion within the IGM.
Astronomical Society, reproduced with permission (6)]. Contour levels are 0.020, 0.038, 0.056, 0.074,
The molecular gas in the IGM of the Spiderweb
0.092, 0.110, and 0.128 Jy beam1 km s1. Red contours show the 36-GHz radio continuum from our VLA
galaxy could sustain the current rate of in situ star
data at 0.20, 0.43, 0.80, and 1.40 mJy beam1. The inset shows the CO (J = 1 0) total-intensity contours
formation for a time scale tdepletion MH2 /SFRIGM
from the VLA (dark blue) at 2.8s, 3.5s, and 4.2s, with s = 0.019 Jy beam1 km s1. No negative contours
~ 1.1 (aCO/4) billion years. With our assumed
are visible at this level around the central radio galaxy in the VLA data, likely because underlying large-scale
value of aCO, this could fuel the star formation
flux skews the noise to slightly more positive values (fig. S1). The uncertainty in the astrometry of the HST
until z ~ 1.6. Therefore, even if the gas is replenished
image is ~0.3.The two inner radio-continuum components (red contours in the inset) likely trace the two-
for another billion years, our results are consistent
sided base of the radio jets.The dashed ellipses in the lower left corners visualize the beam size at full width
with earlier predictions that the halo must stop
of half the maximum intensity (FWHM). Coordinates are given in epoch J2000.
forming stars by z = 1, so that the stellar popula-
tion has at least 5 billion years time to age and
reach the colors seen across the stellar halos of
local central-cluster ellipticals (10).
Our study of the Spiderweb galaxy demon-
strates that giant cluster galaxies can grow their Fig. 2. Spectra of the CO-
stellar mass in situ out of very extended reservoirs emitting gas. 12CO (J = 1 0)
of molecular gas, early in their formation process. spectra at the location of the
The carbon and oxygen required to form the ob- peak emission in Fig. 1. The light
served CO were made in the cores of stars. There- and dark blue spectra show the
fore, the gaseous halo must have been polluted data taken with the ATCA and
with recycled material that has been processed by the VLA, respectively. The ATCA
previous episodes of star formation and was sub- spectrum was obtained by
sequently expelled back into the IGM. Our CO tapering the data to a projected
results complement absorption-line studies of dis- baseline length of ~200 m to
tant quasars, which infer the presence of large ensure that we recover all the
(100 kpc) halos of warm (T ~ 104 K), metal- CO emission (fig. S1) (12). The
enriched gas (20). Our results also support recent VLA spectrum shows the CO
computer models of gas infall into massive dark- emission at the highest spatial
matter halos of submillimeter-bright galaxies, resolution. The histogram
which predict that stellar feedback both from outlined with a dashed
galaxies and from in situ star formation can en- magenta line shows the velocity
rich gas across ~200 kpc with dust and metals distribution of the protocluster
(21). In addition to enrichment by star formation, galaxies (7).The solid magenta histogram includes only galaxies that lie within the CO-emitting region, with
powerful radio jets may drag metals out of the velocities derived from the rest-frame optical emission lines [O II], [O III], and Ha (7). The corresponding
host galaxy and far into the halo environment number of galaxies per bin is indicated in magenta on the right axis. Velocities are with respect to z =
(22). We therefore conclude that our observations 2.161 (12).

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1129


Fig. 3. Distribution and kinematics of the CO-emitting

gas. (A to L) Maps of 12CO (J = 1 0) detected with the

ATCA at different velocities, increasing in sequence from
(A) to (L). Blue CO contour levels are at 3.5s, 2.5s
(both dashed), 2.5s, 3.5s, and 4.5s (all solid), where s =
0.085 mJy beam1. The background grayscale image
was taken with the HST Advanced Camera for Surveys
through the F475W filter. This HST image is placed on a
logarithmic scale to show the extended rest-frame UV

light from in situ star formation discovered in earlier work
(16). We downloaded these data from the HST Legacy
Archive and reprocessed them by applying a 5 5pixel
boxcar smoothing to highlight the low-surface-brightness
UV emission. Red contours show the radio-continuum
source from Fig. 1. The beam size of the CO data is vi-
sualized with the dashed ellipse in (A). The positional
accuracy of the CO peaks is ~0.5 for a 4.5s signal (12).

The CO signal is not entirely independent across adjacent

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

panels because of the applied Hanning smoothing (12).
Velocities are with respect to z = 2.161 (12). Coordinates
are given in epoch J2000.

Right Ascension Right Ascension Right Ascension Right Ascension

Fig. 4. The molecular star-forming gas in

18. J. A. Stevens et al., Nature 425, 264267
the IGM on the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation. (2003).
The surface density of the star formation rate 19. R. C. Kennicutt Jr., Astrophys. J. 498, 541552
(SSFR) is plotted as a function of the molecular (1998).
gas mass surface density (Sgas). The solid blue 20. J. X. Prochaska, M. W. Lau, J. F. Hennawi, Astrophys. J. 796,
140 (2014).
square represents the in situ star formation across
21. D. Narayanan et al., Nature 525, 496499
the IGM of the Spiderweb galaxy.The solid blue (2015).
circle shows the limits for the central radio galaxy 22. C. C. Kirkpatrick, B. R. McNamara, K. W. Cavagnolo, Astrophys.
from our high-resolution VLA data for aCO J. 731, L23 (2011).
0.8M (K km s1 pc2)1. For limits and error cal- 23. R. Genzel et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 407, 20912108
culations, see (12). Solid diamonds represent 24. E. Daddi et al., Astrophys. J. 714, L118
local spiral galaxies; open diamonds represent (2010).
circumnuclear starbursts (19). Brown circles and
purple triangles represent star-forming galaxies AC KNOWLED GME NTS

at 1.0 z 3.5 (23) and z ~ 1.5 (24), respectively. The research leading to these results has received
funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions)
The lines represent the best fit to the different of the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme
samples [black solid (19), brown dashed (23), FP7/2007-2013 under REA grant agreement 624351.
and purple dotted (24)]. We thank L. Colina and S. Arribas for useful discussions.
Supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad
(MINECO) grant AYA2012-32295 (B.H.C.E. and M.V.-M.),
MINECO under Ramn y Cajal program RYC-2014-15686
(H.D.), European Community grant H2020-MSCA-IF-2014
660432 (M.Y.M.), and European Research Council advanced
grants DUSTYGAL 321334 and STARLIGHT 33177 (B.G. and
have identified the predicted cold baryon cycle 7. E. Kuiper et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 415, 22452256
D.C.). The Australia Telescope is funded by the Commonwealth
that governs the early growth of massive cluster (2011).
of Australia for operation as a National Facility managed
8. Y. Koyama et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 428, 15511564
galaxies (14, 21). by CSIRO. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a
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1130 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


WATER CHEMISTRY ingly larger proton affinities (represented as A;

A = H2, N2, CO, and H2O) to the E4 scaffold, we

Spectroscopic snapshots of the

can follow the concerted distortions of the hydro-
nium core and of the solvent water molecules as
one of the hydronium protons is incrementally

proton-transfer mechanism in water pulled closer to the solvated water molecule.

From this perspective, the critical configuration
for proton transfer corresponds to a cluster in
Conrad T. Wolke,1 Joseph A. Fournier,1,2 Laura C. Dzugan,3 Matias R. Fagiani,4,5 which the proton is trapped at the midpoint be-
Tuguldur T. Odbadrakh,6 Harald Knorke,4 Kenneth D. Jordan,6* Anne B. McCoy,3,7* tween the donor and acceptor oxygen atoms. These
Knut R. Asmis,4* Mark A. Johnson1* measurements are carried out on cold (~20 K), size-
selected protonated water clusters using cryogenic
The Grotthuss mechanism explains the anomalously high proton mobility in water as a ion trap photofragmentation mass spectrometry.
sequence of proton transfers along a hydrogen-bonded (H-bonded) network. However, the The multiple photon action spectrum of the bare
vibrational spectroscopic signatures of this process are masked by the diffuse nature of D+(D2O)4 cluster was obtained using the instru-
the key bands in bulk water. Here we report how the much simpler vibrational spectra of ment at Yale, along with the linear action spectra
cold, composition-selected heavy water clusters, D+(D2O)n, can be exploited to capture of the solvated clusters, D+(D2O)4-A (with A =
clear markers that encode the collective reaction coordinate along the proton-transfer D2 and N2). Spectra of the A = CO and D2O
event. By complexing the solvated hydronium Eigen cluster [D3O+(D2O)3] with

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clusters were obtained on a similar instrument
increasingly strong H-bond acceptor molecules (D2, N2, CO, and D2O), we are able to track in Leipzig. Schematic diagrams of these instru-
the frequency of every O-D stretch vibration in the complex as the transferring hydron is ments are included in fig. S1.
incrementally pulled from the central hydronium to a neighboring water molecule. Until very recently, the use of cluster vibra-
tional spectroscopy to reveal the spectral reporters

of the collective proton-transfer reaction coordinate
he translocation of positive charge through Recently, Thmer et al. (5) reported ultrafast has been hampered by the strongly anharmonic
water is widely understood to occur through two-dimensional (2D) vibrational spectra of an potentials that govern this process. As a result,
intermolecular transfer of a proton between aqueous 4 M HCl solution, which they inter- cold-cluster vibrational spectra often display broad
oxygen atoms linked by a strong ionic hy- preted to indicate a surprisingly large population features that mask the small splittings expected
drogen bond (1, 2). This transport requires of Zundel-type configurations. The ultrafast tran- to occur at the start of the proton-transfer path.
thermal fluctuations in the water H-bond net- sients associated with the H5O2+ Zundel motif Moreover, the observed patterns routinely display
work and occurs in a cooperative fashion such were subsequently explored by Dahms et al. (14) more bands than are expected for the funda-
that H-bonds distant from the center of charge in a scheme where this species was isolated in a mentals of a particular structural isomer. Such
control the barrier for proton transfer (35). Many room temperature solution of HClO4 in acetoni- extra bands in the spectra of the crucial n = 4
models of this process have been advanced, rang- trile. An important aspect of that study was the and 5 clusters have been attributed, alternatively,
ing from molecular-level pictures emphasizing the analysis of the ultrafast spectral diffusion displayed to anharmonic features arising from a single
key role of the second solvation shell (3) to more by the excess proton absorptions. In particular, isomer (19, 22, 23) or to overlapping bands from
holistic treatments where the entire medium is Dahms et al. emphasized how the local electric two isomers identified using a classical ab initio
treated as a supermolecule in an electronic struc- field fluctuations in the liquid drive large struc- molecular dynamics approach (24). For n = 4,
ture calculation (4, 610). At the heart of this tural changes in the embedded H5O2+ moiety due one of these isomers corresponds to the Eigen-
discussion is the relative importance of the two to the contribution of the bridging proton to its based structure (E4), which was originally pro-
limiting forms of proton accommodation in water: polarizability. This, in turn, leads to the diffuse posed (25). The other corresponds to a more open
the charge-delocalized, tricoordinated hydronium character of the vibrational spectra of weak acids, arrangement with an equally shared proton be-
ion [H3O+(OH2)3 (or Eigen form)] (11) and the an idea first introduced by Zundel in 1972 (13). tween central water molecules, as occurs in the
more charge-localized configuration where the The interpretation of the ultrafast infrared (IR) Zundel ion, and is hereafter denoted Z4.
proton is located at the midpoint of two closely spectroscopy results rests on understanding how The difficulty in disentangling the roles of
separated oxygen atoms [H2OH+OH2 (or the local distortions in the charge accommodation isomers and anharmonic effects can be traced
Zundel form)] (12). The extremely diffuse vibra- motif are manifested in the vibrational frequen- to the fact that these systems are floppy and
tional signature of the aqueous proton (1113) cies associated with the displacement of the trans- may not be reliably treated with the commonly
is a clear manifestation of the wide-ranging intra- ferring proton parallel to the O-O axis, as well as applied theoretical and computational tools for
molecular distortions intrinsic to its molecular the bending modes of the donor and acceptor predicting vibrational spectra. For example, cal-
speciation, but this breadth also precludes un- water molecules. Analyses of the spectra displayed culating the simple band pattern displayed by
ambiguous structural characterization of the by H+(H2O)n clusters at low temperature and over the H5O2+ cluster required combining very ac-
proton defect by analysis of these bands. a wide spectral range have played an important curate potential energy and dipole surfaces over
role in providing this information (1519). A long- a large configuration space with a full (15D) quan-
standing goal for the cluster work is to capture tum mechanical treatment of the nuclear motion
specific configurations along the pathway for (26). Such demanding methods have not yet been
Department of Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT
06520, USA. 2James Frank Institute and Department of
proton transfer as locally stable structures and extended to larger cluster sizes due to their extreme
Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. then identify the spectral signatures of all key computational overhead. As such, this work is
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State protons involved in the transfer event. Arrange- being carried out in a regime where experiment
University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA. 4Wilhelm-Ostwald- ments that are transient in the bulk are often meta- leads theory, and our approach here is to com-
Institut fr Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie,
Universitt Leipzig, 04103 Leipzig, Germany. 5Fritz-Haber-
stable or even global minima in clusters (17, 20, 21). bine analysis of empirical trends with several
Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 14195 Berlin, Germany. Our strategy exploits the fact that H-bond accept- theoretical approaches to provide compelling
Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, ors attach preferentially to the OH groups of one assignments for the structures in play and the OH
Pittsburgh, PA 15620, USA. 7Department of Chemistry, of the three solvent water molecules that bind to stretching fundamentals associated with them.
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
*Coresponding author. Email: (K.D.J.); abmccoy@
the H3O+ core ion in the Eigen form of the n = 4 Implementation of the scheme outlined in (A.B.M.); (K.R.A.); mark.johnson@ cluster, denoted E4. The scheme in Fig. 1 illus- Fig. 1 requires reliable isolation of the Eigen (M.A.J.) trates how, by complexing molecules with increas- form of the n = 4 cluster, a structure that has

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1131


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Fig. 1. Schematic of the proton-relay mechanism.
The symmetric H9O4+ Eigen ion is distorted upon the
addition of proton acceptors A and A (A = H2, N2,
CO, H2O; A = H2O) to one of the water molecules.
Formation of these complexes induces the attraction
of a proton in the H3O+ core toward the solvated H2O
molecule and reduces the corresponding O-O dis-
tance, ROO.

been invoked since the earliest reports of the

H+(H2O)4 vibrational spectrum by Okumura
et al. (25). The D2-tagged spectrum, H+(H2O)4-D2,
is presented in Fig. 2C. (19) This assignment has
recently been challenged by Kulig and Agmon (24),
however, on the basis of cluster spectra calculated
Fig. 2. Comparison of the experimental and calculated vibrational spectra of the H+(H2O)4-D2
using classical molecular dynamics methods. The
and D+(D2O)4-D2 clusters. (A) Calculated anharmonic (VPT2) and (B) harmonic spectra of H+(H2O)4-D2,
role of isomers in the n = 4 spectra was clarified
compared with the experimental vibrational predissociation spectrum in (C). (D) Experimental spectrum of
by the recent determination [using an isomer-
D+(D2O)4-D2 compared with (E) its calculated anharmonic (VPT2) and (F) harmonic spectra. Calculations
selective, IR-IR hole-burning technique] (19) that
were performed at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level, with the harmonic frequencies scaled by 0.9538 and the
the H+(H2O)4 spectrum (Fig. 2C), reproduced in
VPT2 frequencies left unscaled. Bands indicated by IH(D)B1 (blue) and IH(D)B2 (red) refer to symmetric
many laboratories (17, 18, 23, 25), is homogeneous.
and antisymmetric OH(D) stretches of the core D3O+ ion, which are slightly perturbed by complexation with
Application of vibrational perturbation theory
D2. Band labels (a1 to a12, b1 to b12) aid referencing in the text and in table S1. a.u., arbitrary units.
(VPT2) (27), using the harmonic approximation
for the unperturbed normal modes and frequen-
cies to the E4 structure, provides compelling
assignments for several of the key features in culated to evolve into two distinct features that bonded OH stretching and HOH intramolecular
question (Fig. 2A), but it does not account for split apart as a proton is transferred; therefore, bending fundamentals in many systems (29).
the doubling of the peaks a8,9 and a10,11. As a these features are denoted IHB1 and IHB2. This Figure 2D presents the D2-tagged n = 4 spectrum
result, it is presently unclear whether the diffuse predicted splitting is completely obscured in the [D+(D2O)4-D2] with the energy axis scaled by
features (a10 and a11) above the intramolecular experimental H+(H2O)4-D2 spectrum, however, 1.36. An unexpected dividend of this scheme is
HOH bend are due to fundamentals of the H3O+ by broadening that is not anticipated at these that some of the bands in the H+(H2O)4-D2 spec-
bend (22) or combination bands involving lower- levels of theory, the origin of which is not pre- trum, whose assignments have been in question
frequency modes (19), and their assignments are sently known. (a8-11 in Fig. 2C), are suppressed relative to bend
still uncertain. Of most concern for our study, A useful empirical tool in the assignment of fundamentals (a12 and b12) in the D+(D2O)4-D2
however, is the observation of the predicted split- anharmonic spectra involving hydrogen bonds is spectrum. Such selective suppression is antici-
ting in OH stretching features [ionic H-bonded to follow the evolution of the band pattern with pated for features that arise from coupling between
OHs labeled IHB1 (blue) and IHB2 (red) in Fig. H/D substitution (18, 28). Fundamentals primar- the high-frequency OH stretches and soft modes
2A], calculated (at both the harmonic and VPT2 ily involving displacements of the hydrogen atoms of the scaffold (23). The persistent bands in the
levels) to signal the initial distortion of the em- are expected (at the harmonic level) to appear D+(D2O)4-D2 spectrum are close to features in
bedded H3O+ ion in the E4 structure by the lower in energy by a factor of ~1.36 derived from the scaled H+(H2O)4-D2 spectrum, thus revealing
action of the weakly bound D2 molecule. The the reduced mass change of the OH(D) system, and that these transitions primarily involve displace-
three OH stretches in the hydronium are cal- this scaling relation is closely followed by non- ments of the hydrons. Moreover, the pattern of

1132 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


sharp bands in the D+(D2O)4-D2 spectrum can be

readily assigned to OD stretching and bending
fundamentals expected for the Eigen structure
E4, as indicated by comparison with the calcu-
lated VPT2 spectrum in Fig. 2E and table S1. The
prominent sharp feature (b9) not assigned to a
fundamental has been analyzed in detail for the
H3O+-Y3 series (Y = Ar, N2, CH4) and traced to a
very strong enhancement of the transition moment
of the H3O+ bending mode (not evident in Fig.
2D) upon rotation of the hydronium moiety about
its symmetry axis within the tricoordinated sol-
vent cage (22).
The fact that the fundamentals in the D+(D2O)4-
D2 spectrum are close to strong absorptions in
the scaled H+(H2O)4-D2 spectrum also pro-
vides compelling evidence that the Eigen struc-
ture is adopted by both isotopologues (E4H
and E4D). A comparison of the predictions ob-

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tained by application of VPT2 to both isotopo-
logues is included in table S1, which includes
assignments of the transitions in the calculated
(VPT2) spectra for E4H-D2 and E4D-D2. The under-
lying causes for the extra features and broadening
in the E4H -D2 spectrum are of great interest
but cannot be resolved with currently available
theoretical tools. Consequently, we now focus on
the simpler perdeutero isotopologues to identify
the spectroscopic markers of intracluster proton
Key features that were obscured by broaden-
ing in the E4H -D2 spectrum sharpen notably in
that of E4D-D2. As a result, the subtle splittings
(IHB1 and IHB2) predicted to signal symmetry
breaking of the hydronium core in the D2-tagged
E4 structure are clearly revealed in bands b5,6
and b7. In the C3 symmetric E4D structure, two
OD stretching fundamentals of the hydronium
ion are predicted to be separated by only 38 cm1
at the harmonic level. The lower-energy transition
corresponds to the nondegenerate, symmetric OD
stretch, whereas the higher-energy feature is due
to the doubly-degenerate antisymmetric OD stretch.
This near-degeneracy of the three OD stretches in
the bare E4D species is quickly broken as a
central hydron is displaced away from D3O+,
causing one of the OD stretch vibrations of the
D3O+ to become localized on this OD group and
to be displaced energetically below the nearly
degenerate symmetric and antisymmetric stretching
bands associated with the OD2 moiety. For
reference, we recorded the infrared multiple photon
dissociation (IRMPD) spectrum of E4D (at a tem-
perature of ~20 K) over the limited range afforded
by that technique, with the spectrum displayed in
Fig. 3A. A single feature is observed close to the Fig. 3. Vibrational predissociation spectra of D+(D2O)4-A clusters. These spectra reveal the local fre-
centroid of the IDB1,2 doublet in E4D-D2. quencies of all five OD oscillators involved in the transfer of a deuteron from one water molecule to another
The experimental results for a series of H-bond upon addition of incrementally stronger H-bonding molecules, A (see Fig. 1), to one of the water molecules in
acceptors (A and A in Fig. 1) are presented in Fig. the primary hydration shell around the hydronium ion. (A) IRMPD spectrum of the bare ion. (B to D) Spectra of
3. For clarity, we color code the features traced A = D2, N2, and CO. (E) D2-tagged spectrum for A = D2O [i.e., D+(D2O)5-D2]. (F) H2-tagged spectrum of the
primarily to the motion of the active hydrons en- Zundel isomer of the H+(H2O)6 cluster, with the structure indicated in the inset (21), scaled by 1/1.36 to estimate
gaged in the transfer process (red and blue for the the locations of key bands in the heavy isotopologue with this geometry.The arrow indicates the position of the
hydronium, light and dark green for the relay or bridging proton stretch in the D5O2+ Zundel ion (28). This scaling is required because the D+(D2O)6-D2 cluster
AD water molecule). The calculated harmonic does not occur in this structure, as is evident by its vibrational spectrum (fig. S5). Band colors are correlated
and VPT2 spectra are presented in figs. S2 to S4, with atoms in the structure insets that are most associated with these transitions (red represents the tran-
along with assignments of the calculated (VPT2) sferred proton, dark green the OD group attached to the exterior acceptor, light green the other OD group in this
spectra in tables S2 to S4. The collective spectral DOD unit, and blue the OD2 motif that will reform a neutral water molecule after the transfer is complete).

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1133


tals (b1 and b3) associated with the spectator water

molecules. This effect results from the relatively
strong (~60 cm1) coupling between the two OD
oscillators, which maintain their collective charac-
ter so long as the perturbation of one of the OD
groups upon accepting the H-bond is small rela-
tive to their intrinsic coupling. The phenomenon
is accurately recovered at the harmonic and VPT2
levels, and a detailed analysis of the tag-induced
decoupling is presented in the supplementary text
(section SIV, part C) and fig. S7.
Formally, replacement of the more weakly per-
turbing molecules with a water molecule gener-
ates the Eigen-based form of the protonated water
pentamer, E5, which is the traditionally accepted
structure of this cluster (16, 17, 30, 31). As in the
situation regarding the assignments of the H+(H2O)4
spectrum discussed above, the band pattern dis-
played by the H+(H2O)5 cluster has recently come

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into question (24). The resolution of this issue and
assignment of the fundamentals in the D+(D2O)5-D2
spectrum exclusively to the E5D isomer follows
the same protocol described above for the n = 4
system and is presented in a separate publication
(23). Figure S4 shows both VPT2 and more com-
putationally demanding vibrational self-consistent
field results on both n = 5 isotopologues to ad-
dress the location and fine structure associated
with the key IDB2 fundamental, which presents
the greatest challenge for theory. The assignments
of the OD stretches in the E5D-D2 spectrum are
collected in table S4 and are color-coded in Fig.
3E to highlight the key bands, which fall in line
with the overall trend set by the weaker perturbers
(Fig. 3, A to D). Because the bands associated with
the hydrons most involved in the transfer (red
and dark green) are increasingly red-shifted, the
H-bond donor band (b4, dark green) approaches
the blue-shifted OD2 bands (b5,6, blue) due to the
increasingly distorted hydronium core. The sym-
metric (b6) and antisymmetric (b5) OD stretches
of the OD2 group are now clearly split apart as a
result of the lower symmetry of the E5 scaffold, a
feature that is accurately recovered in the VPT2
calculations (fig. S4).
Fig. 4. Experimentally observed frequencies of the five OD stretches associated with the transfer The observation that the n = 5 cluster is ap-
of the hydron are plotted against the computed O-O distance between the acceptor and donor proaching the tipping point for transfer of the
waters (MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ) for the series of D+(D2O)4-A complexes. Red, transferring proton (IDB2); bridging proton to the adjacent water molecule
blue, OD stretch of the donating water (IDB1); dark green, OD of the water molecule bound to the H-bond is related to the fact that the addition of one more
acceptor, A; light green, free OD of the accepting water. The trends for the five OD stretches are fit to ex- water molecule to form the H+(H2O)6 cluster re-
ponentials to guide the eye. The centroid frequencies and computed O-O distances are given in table S5. sults in the formation of at least two isomers, one
with a Zundel arrangement (Z6) and the other
best described as a distorted Eigen accommoda-
response to complexation with increasingly basic blue (b5,6)] splits farther apart (Dn = 213 cm1 for tion motif (E6) (20, 21). Their spectra have been
(and, hence, more strongly H-bonded) molecules CO) in such a fashion that b7 red-shifts to a greater isolated through the application of isomer-specific
can be qualitatively understood as the spectral extent than b5,6 shifts to the blue. The CO stretch- IR-IR double-resonance spectroscopy (21), and a
manifestation of partial charge accumulation on ing band is also evident in Fig. 3D and occurs particularly important structure in this regard is
one of the central hydrons as it is pulled closer to 39 cm1 above the stretch of the isolated CO mole- that in which the proton is stabilized at the mid-
the AD water molecule. Thus, when D2 is replaced cule (2143 cm1), reflecting its response to the for- point between the oxygen atoms of a proton-bound
by N2 and CO (with gas-phase basicities of 424, mation of the H-bond from a water molecule in water dimer while the remaining four water mole-
495, and 594 kJ/mol, respectively) in the second the primary hydration shell. cules form the first hydration shell around a H5O2+
shell, the highest-energy OD stretches are now The evolution of the ODfree free
sym and ODasym bands Zundel core (16). The spectrum of the D2-tagged
clearly split apart such that two bands (b1 and b3) (b3,4 and b1,2) upon complexation warrants com- n = 6 perdeutero cluster, included in fig. S5, does
remain unaffected, whereas new bands [light green ment. Although the first H-bond acceptor mole- not clearly reflect either of the structures found
(b2) and dark green (b4)] appear lower in energy cule, A, is calculated to attach to only one of the in the light, H2-tagged isotopologue (21), likely em-
(Fig. 3, C and D). At the same time, the doublet OD groups, both ODasym and ODsym bands (b2 and phasizing the role of nuclear quantum effects when
associated with the hydronium ion [red (b7) and b4) shift to the red relative to the two fundamen- different arrangements are close in energy (23).

1134 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


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Eigen ions, each with a maximal splitting between spectroscopic behavior of the cold-cluster model (2011).
the three OD oscillators. systems now allows a more quantitative explora- 21. N. Heine et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 82668273 (2013).
22. A. B. McCoy, T. L. Guasco, C. M. Leavitt, S. G. Olesen,
The observation of clear spectroscopic signa- tion of this proton polarizability model. In fig. S8, M. A. Johnson, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 72057214
tures that encode progress along the proton-transfer we illustrate how the effect of H-bond acceptors (2012).
reaction provides an opportunity to quantify the on the potential-energy curve for the bridging 23. M. R. Fagiani et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 2674326754
relationship between a hydrons stretching frequen- proton can be recovered by considering the (2016).
24. W. Kulig, N. Agmon, J. Phys. Chem. B 118, 278286 (2014).
cy and the environment in which the hydron is electric field they impart to an isolated H5O2+. 25. M. Okumura, L. I. Yeh, J. D. Myers, Y. T. Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 85,
located. A useful index to describe the extent of It is clear from the distance dependence of the 23282329 (1986).
proton transfer is the shortest distance between OD stretching frequency in Fig. 4 that there is a 26. O. Vendrell, F. Gatti, H. D. Meyer, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 184303
two oxygen atoms that surround the hydron defect, continuum in the spectral response of the system (2007).
27. V. Barone, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 14108 (2005).
ROO in Fig. 1, which ranges from 2.57 to 2.41 in to hydron transfer that covers the entire infrared 28. L. R. McCunn, J. R. Roscioli, M. A. Johnson, A. B. McCoy,
the transition from the Eigen to the Zundel ac- spectral region. A particularly important aspect J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 321327 (2008).
commodation motifs. The experimental (and, for of this work is the determination of the correla- 29. S. Horvath et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 114, 15561568
n = 6, estimated by scaling from Z6H) band posi- tions between the hydron stretching absorptions (2010).
30. G. E. Douberly, R. S. Walters, J. Cui, K. D. Jordan, M. A. Duncan,
tions of the five most active OD groups for six across a very large spectral range, with the lower J. Phys. Chem. A 114, 45704579 (2010).
ROO values calculated for the various complexes range due to the transferring hydron and the 31. C. Chaudhuri et al., Mol. Phys. 99, 11611173 (2001).
are presented in Fig. 4. The points along this upper range due to the flanking OD groups. The 32. A. Novak, in Large Molecules (Springer, 1974), pp. 177216.
33. W. Mikenda, J. Mol. Struct. 147, 115 (1986).
curve correspond to the centroids of the key bands geometries represented in a spectroscopic mea- 34. E. Libowitzky, Monatsh. Chem. 130, 10471059 (1999).
in Fig. 3 (given in table S5). These are colored to surement in bulk water will therefore reflect the
highlight the D atom between the nearest oxygen convolution between the population of ROO values AC KNOWLED GME NTS
atoms (red), the remaining OD2 group on the and the oscillator strengths for the bands corre- M.A.J. and K.D.J. acknowledge financial support from the U.S.
Eigen core (blue), the OD group bound to A (dark lated with this distance. Such information should Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy
Sciences, under Award Numbers DE-FG02-06ER15800 and
green), and the free OD stretch in that water mol- be accessible with two-color 2D IR methods and DE-FG02-06ER15066. K.D.J. acknowledges the use of resources in
ecule (light green). Specifically, the three closely could affect the present interpretation of corre- the University of Pittsburghs Center for Simulation and Modeling.
spaced OD stretching bands in the Eigen cation lated transients based on intramolecular HOH A.B.M. thanks the U.S. NSF (grant CHE-1619660) and the Ohio
(red and blue at ROO ~ 2.57 ) quickly split apart bending and excess proton stretching assignments Supercomputing Center for resources on the Oakley Cluster. M.R.F.
and K.R.A. acknowledge financial support from Collaborative
such that the one corresponding to the transferred (5). In the extrapolation of cluster behavior to the Research Center 1109 of the German Research Foundation
deuteron falls in frequency in accordance with the liquid, however, the ROO values operative in solu- (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). Additional data supporting
usual correlation with the distance between the tion are likely to be substantially different from the conclusions are available in supplementary materials.
heavy atoms (3234). The most important result those in small gas-phase clusters. This effect was SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
of this work is therefore the determination of the recently emphasized in our work on the surface-
parametric dependence of the four other OD embedded D3O+, where the OD stretches mani- Materials and Methods
stretches on ROO, which encodes the collective fest a red shift of ~300 cm1 as the cluster size Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S9
response of the surrounding H-bonding network increased from n = 4 to 21 (18, 19). The extension Tables S1 to S5
throughout the course of the hydron transfer. of the cluster studies to follow how symmetry References (3543)
Overall, attachment of an H-bond acceptor (A) to breaking is manifested in larger networks is 8 April 2016; resubmitted 11 August 2016
an OD group on a water molecule in the primary thus a challenging but important direction for Accepted 29 September 2016
hydration shell of hydronium acts to break the future work. 10.1126/science.aaf8425

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1135


WORKING MEMORY activity while participants performed a multi-

step task in which two items were presented as
memoranda for each trial. A cue indicated which
Reactivation of latent working item would be tested by the impending recog-
nition memory probe, followed by the probe, then

memories with transcranial by a second cue, and then a second probe (Fig. 1).
There was equal probability following the first
cue, but not the second, that the uncued item
magnetic stimulation might be needed for an ensuing memory judg-
ment. This procedure moves the uncued item into
Nathan S. Rose,1,2* Joshua J. LaRocque,1,3 Adam C. Riggall,1,5 Olivia Gosseries,1,4
a different state than the cued item, which, by
definition, is in the focus of attention (7). Cogni-
Michael J. Starrett,1 Emma E. Meyering,1 Bradley R. Postle1,5*
tive theories refer to the intermediate state of this
unattended memory item (UMI) as activated
The ability to hold information in working memory is fundamental for cognition. Contrary
long-term memory (LTM) (5, 6).
to the long-standing view that working memory depends on sustained, elevated activity,
For experiment 1, multivariate pattern analy-
we present evidence suggesting that humans can hold information in working memory
sis (MVPA) showed evidence for an active repre-
via activity-silent synaptic mechanisms. Using multivariate pattern analyses to decode
sentation of the UMI that dropped to baseline
brain activity patterns, we found that the active representation of an item in working

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

levels (Fig. 2) (79). This suggests that informa-
memory drops to baseline when attention shifts away. A targeted pulse of transcranial
tion in WM (but outside of focal attention) can
magnetic stimulation produced a brief reemergence of the item in concurrently measured
be maintained in a latent state via mechanisms
brain activity. This reactivation effect occurred and influenced memory performance
other than sustained, elevated activity. Although
only when the item was potentially relevant later in the trial, which suggests that
a similar drop-to-baseline pattern is observed when
the representation is dynamic and modifiable via cognitive control. The results support
participants are instructed to drop information
a synaptic theory of working memory.

Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
he ability to mentally retain information in into question by recent proposals that infor- WI 53706, USA. 2Department of Psychology, University of
an accessible state, to manipulate it, and to mation can be held in WM via synaptic mecha- Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA. 3Neuroscience
use it to guide behavior is a critical building nisms that do not require sustained, elevated brain Training Program, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
block for cognition. It has long been assumed activity (24). 53706, USA. 4Coma Science Group, University of Lige,
4000 Lige, Belgium. 5Department of Psychology, University
that the neural basis for this working mem- Building on theoretical frameworks that in- of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA.
ory (WM) ability is elevated and persistent neu- formation can be held in WM in one of several *Corresponding author. Email: (N.S.R.); postle@
ronal firing (1). This assumption has been called states of activation (5, 6), we recorded neural (B.R.P.)

Fig. 1. General procedure. (A) In phase 1, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were acquired while participants performed a one-item delayed-
recognition task for words, faces, or directions of motion; these data were used for multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA). (B) Classifiers trained on the delay period
were used for subsequent analyses. For experiment 1, these classifiers were used to decode fMRI activity from phase 2 (Fig. 2). (C and D) For experiments 2 and 3, they
were used in a whole-brain searchlight conjunction analysis to generate participant-specific maps of category-sensitive areas (C); nonoverlapping areas were used for
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) targeting in phase 2 (D). (E) In phase 2, single pulses of TMS were delivered during the postcue delay periods.

1136 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


from WM (10, 11), here the UMI remained in

WM because, when so instructed by the second
cue, participants accurately reactivated it and
used it to evaluate the final probe (Fig. 2B).
In three additional experiments, we tested the
hypothesis that if a UMI is encoded in a dis-
tributed pattern of synaptic weights and held in
a state that is more accessible than trial-irrelevant
information, the readout from a nonspecific
burst of activity filtered through this network
might reveal this latent representation (2) (fig.
S1). This would be consistent with the idea that
networks in the posterior cortex can be dynam-
ically configured as matched filters to encode
behaviorally relevant information (3, 4, 12, 13).
For experiments 2 and 3, participants per-
formed the phase 2 WM task (Fig. 1) while we
recorded electroencephalography (EEG) and

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

applied single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimu-
lation (TMS) 2 to 3 s after the cue. For experi-
ment 2, we targeted brain regions identified from
the phase 1 MRI task as preferentially support-
ing MVPA decoding for one category, but not
the other two. MVPA of the spectrally transformed
EEG data from only the phase 2 task detected
reliable evidence for an active representation of
both memory items across the initial portion of
the trial, until the onset of the first cue, at which
point decoding accuracy remained elevated for
the attended memory item (AMI) but dropped to
the baseline for the UMI (14).
After a single pulse of TMS, there was a brief
recovery of MVPA decoding of the UMIa re-
activation effectbefore it returned to baseline
and remained there while the cued item was tested
[P = 0.01; Bayes factor (BF) = 3.64 against the
null] (Fig. 3A). TMS affected neither broadband
decoding of the AMI nor recognition memory
judgments (fig. S4). When we analyzed bandpass-
filtered data, the TMS reactivation effect was
isolated to signal from the beta band (fig. S5)
and was associated with a transient period of
above-chance decoding performance for both the
UMI and the AMI. The TMS reactivation effect
was specific for information that was in WM on
that trial, because above-chance MVPA perform-
ance, as assessed with the AUC (area under the
curve) analysis, necessarily means that TMS did
not activate a representation of the category that
was irrelevant on that trial.
In experiment 2, we administered blocks of
trials with TMS targeting one of the category-
selective regions, but we varied, on a trial-by-trial
basis, which category was the AMI and which
was the UMI. Each block included trials for which
the UMI belonged to the targeted regions pre-
ferred category, and trials for which it did not. Fig. 2. Experiment 1 fMRI decoding (train phase 1, test phase 2): Classifier evidence as a func-
A TMS reactivation effect was observed (Fig. 3B) tion of an items status, collapsed across stimulus category. After stimulus presentation (red and
whether or not TMS targeted the UMIs category- blue circles), delay-period classifier evidence for both items was elevated relative to the empirical
preferred region, although the effect was larger baseline of evidence for the category that was not presented on that trial (absent, gray). Upon
and more prolonged when it did (BF = 4.02 presentation of the first cue (red triangle), evidence for the cued category (red) remained elevated,
for targeted sites, 1.72 for nontargeted sites). but for the uncued category (blue) dropped to baseline. (A) After the first probe (red square), on
This finding suggests that WM is supported by half the trials the second cue designated that the same item would be tested by the second probe,
heightened connectivity between cortical networks and evidence for the two categories remained the same relative to baseline. (B) When the second
that represent all trial-relevant information (AMI cue designated the previously uncued item, evidence for the two categories reversed for the
and UMI) relative to trial-irrelevant information remainder of the trial. Color-coded small squares at the top of each plot indicate P < 0.01; line
(15, 16). width reflects SEM.

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1137


Retrocues that inform subjects that they can

drop an item from memory result in a rapid loss
of multivariate evidence for the no longer
relevant item (11, 17). Nonetheless, proactive inter-
ference from stimuli presented on previous trials
indicates that the brain retains a residual trace
of such recent, but no longer relevant, informa-
tion (18). An important test of state-based models
of WM is whether there is a functional distinc-
tion between UMIs (putatively held in a state
of activated LTM) and dropped information (no
longer in WM). In experiment 3, with a differ-
ent group of participants, we also administered
TMS after the second cue, after which the un-
cued item would no longer be relevant on the
trial, and at which point it should have the same
status as an irrelevant item. If the TMS reacti-
vation effect is a consequence of an item being

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

maintained in a privileged state, it should only
be observed when that item is still potentially
relevant for the trial. We also jittered the onset
of TMS between 2 and 3 s after the cues (14)
and standardized TMS by targeting the same
region on every trial for all participantsan
MVPA-defined region in the right precuneus
known to be critical for the top-down control of
visual attention (19) (Fig. 4A).
For the first half of the trial, the results from
experiment 3 replicated those from experiment
2 (Fig. 4B), with a robust TMS reactivation ef-
fect for the UMI (BF = 9.8 against the null). For
the delay period following the second cue, how-
ever, there was no evidence for significant decod-
ing of the uncued item following the TMS pulse
(BF = 3.4 in favor of the null). These results sug-
gest that UMIs are maintained in a different state
than are items that have been dropped from WM,
and that the mechanisms that maintain latent
representations in WM are dynamic and modifi-
able via cognitive control (20).
Because our design entails decoding at the
category level, it does not rule out the pos-
sibility that the TMS reactivation effect reflects
a general reinstatement of category context (21),
rather than the temporary activation of the
UMI itself. The idea that the representation of
the UMI itself drives this effect would be
strengthened by demonstrating that TMS can
influence recognition memory decisions on this
task. If the TMS reactivation effect reflects a
temporary reinstatement of the UMI back into
the focus of attention, participants should have
more difficulty rejecting the UMI as a lure when
probing their memory of the AMI.
In experiment 4, we presented recognition
memory probes that matched the AMI on 50%
of trials; of the 50% of nonmatch probes, 30%
were drawn from the same category as the AMI,
and a critical 20% matched the UMI (14). Par-
Fig. 3. Experiment 2 EEG decoding (train and test on phase 2 data): Classifier accuracy (area under ticipants were instructed to reject memory
curve, AUC) as a function of an items status at the time of the first cue, collapsed across stimulus probes that did not match the AMI. Critically,
category. AUC reflects classifier sensitivity to discriminating between evidence for the AMI or UMI relative only for the first probe was there an increased
to the absent category. (A) Classification time series of the AMI and UMI upon stimulus presentation (red proportion of false alarms to the UMI for TMS
and blue circles), the first cue (red triangle), TMS, and first probe (red rectangle), averaged over N = 18 relative to no-TMS trials (Fig. 3C, P = 0.01, BF =
sessions, 2952 trials (decoding ends where the AMI and UMI switched on 50% of the trials). (B) De- 3.48) (14).
coding UMIs as a function of whether TMS targeted that items phase 1defined region or a different cat- Our results have important implications for
egorys region. Color-coded small squares at the top of each plot indicate P < 0.05; line width reflects SEM. the understanding of WM at many levels. They

1138 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

Fig. 4. Results from experiments 3 and 4. (A) The MVPA-defined TMS target for experiments 3 and 4 (right precuneus). A, anterior; L, left; R, right;
P, posterior. (B) Classification time series from experiment 3 showing TMS reactivation of the UMI after the first cue, when the UMI was still relevant
(left), but not after the second cue, when the UMI was no longer relevant on the trial (right) averaged over 1152 trials. Color-coded small squares at the
top of each plot indicate P < 0.05; line width reflects SEM. (C) Experiment 4 recognition memory for AMI match probes (AMIm), AMI nonmatch probes
(AMInm), and UMI (nonmatch) probes. *P < = 0.01; error bars denote SEM.

provide neural evidence for at least two levels 3. Y. Sugase-Miyamoto, Z. Liu, M. C. Wiener, L. M. Optican, 20. M. G. Stokes, Trends Cogn. Sci. 19, 394405
of WM that are distinct from the default state B. J. Richmond, PLOS Comput. Biol. 4, e1000073 (2015).
(2008). 21. S. M. Polyn, V. S. Natu, J. D. Cohen, K. A. Norman, Science 310,
of LTM representations (5, 6). They are inconsistent 4. M. J. Wolff, J. Ding, N. E. Myers, M. G. Stokes, Front. Syst. 19631966 (2005).
with models positing just one level of WM stor- Neurosci. 9, 123 (2015). 22. B. McElree, Psychol. Learn. Motiv. 46, 155200
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activated LTM, a more apt label for the second Active Maintenance and Executive Control, A. Miyake, 23. A. Baddeley, Annu. Rev. Psychol. 63, 129
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traces (11, 20). What might be the physiological (2009). 25. R. Desimone, J. Duncan, Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 18, 193222
bases of such representations? Computational 7. J. J. LaRocque, J. A. Lewis-Peacock, A. T. Drysdale, (1995).
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sient formation of weight-based networks that J. Cogn. Neurosci. 24, 6179 (2012). AC KNOWLED GME NTS
can represent information over short time periods 9. J. J. LaRocque, A. C. Riggall, S. M. Emrich, B. R. Postle, We thank J. Samaha, A. Sheldon, B. Kundu, J. Lewis-Peacock,
Cereb. Cortex 10.1093/cercor/bhw283 (2016).
(2, 24). 10. E. F. Ester, D. E. Anderson, J. T. Serences, E. Awh, J. Cogn.
and J. Johnson for assistance and helpful discussions.
Supported by NIH grant MH095984 (B.R.P.). The data are
Our results provide empirical evidence for Neurosci. 25, 754761 (2013). stored at Author contributions: N.S.R., B.R.P.,
the existence of a short-term plasticity mech- 11. A. C. Riggall, B. R. Postle, J. Neurosci. 32, 1299012998 J.J.L., and A.C.R. designed the research; N.S.R., O.G., M.J.S.,
anism that is likely to be fundamental to a wide (2012). and E.M.M. conducted the research; N.S.R., J.J.L., and A.C.R.
12. B. Y. Hayden, J. L. Gallant, Front Neurosci 7, 18 analyzed the data; and N.S.R., B.R.P., and J.J.L. wrote the
range of cognitive functions involving attentional (2013). manuscript. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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blocks for long-term potentiation mechanisms (2015).
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SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1139


NEUROSCIENCE and multiunit activities, yielding highly consistent

results. The HMM has a one-dimensional, latent
variable representing an unobserved population
Selective modulation of cortical state state that switches between two phases, On and
Off. Spikes on 16 recorded channels are assumed

during spatial attention to be generated by inhomogeneous Poisson pro-

cesses, with different mean rates during the On
and Off phases. When an HMM is fitted to the
Tatiana A. Engel,1,2* Nicholas A. Steinmetz,3* Marc A. Gieselmann,4 spiking data, 34 parameters are estimated: firing
Alexander Thiele,4 Tirin Moore,2,3 Kwabena Boahen1 rates in the On and Off phases for each of 16
channels and transition probabilities pon and
Neocortical activity is permeated with endogenously generated fluctuations, but how these poff for the entire ensemble (Fig. 2B). Using these
dynamics affect goal-directed behavior remains a mystery. We found that ensemble neural parameters, we can then infer the most likely
activity in primate visual cortex spontaneously fluctuated between phases of vigorous (On) sequence of On and Off episodes that underlie
and faint (Off) spiking synchronously across cortical layers. These On-Off dynamics, the observed spike trains on a trial-by-trial basis
reflecting global changes in cortical state, were also modulated at a local scale during (Fig. 2C). From visual inspection, On and Off
selective attention. Moreover, the momentary phase of local ensemble activity predicted episodes inferred by the HMM were closely
behavioral performance. Our results show that cortical state is controlled locally within a aligned to the periods of vigorous and faint

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

cortical map according to cognitive demands and reveal the impact of these local changes spiking. These On-Off transitions in spike rates
in cortical state on goal-directed behavior. were also phase-locked to low-frequency fluctu-
ations in the local field potential (LFP) (fig. S3

and supplementary text 3.2). On average, the
ndogenous fluctuations in neocortical spik- stimulation (Fig. 1, B and C). The On and Off HMM captured about half of the maximal
ing activity vary on a continuum between episodes resembled the Up and Down phases explainable variance in the data (fig. S4 and
synchronized and desynchronized states, commonly observed during anesthesia and slow- supplementary text 3.3). For most recording
and the level of synchrony has been asso- wave sleep (13) and were consistent with the large sessions (31 total, 67%), the two-phase HMM
ciated with the overall level of arousal (1, 2). fluctuations in cortical membrane potentials rec- was the most parsimonious model among HMMs,
During slow-wave sleep and anesthesia, ensem- orded intracellularly in behaving monkeys (13). with 1 or up to 8 possible phases (fig. S5). These
ble neural activity exhibits slow synchronous To examine whether these On-Off fluctua- 31 sessions were therefore used in subsequent
transitions between periods of high activity and tions also occur during more demanding cogni- analyses of On and Off episode durations. For
quiescence. In individual neurons, these tran- tive behaviors, we trained monkeys to perform a the remaining 15 (33%) sessions, a one-phase
sitions manifest as alternating Down (hyper- selective attention task. Monkeys were rewarded HMM was the most parsimonious model. Con-
polarized) and Up (depolarized) phases of the for detecting changes in a visual stimulus and sistent with HMM assumptions, the durations of
membrane potential due to, respectively, an ebb indicating those changes with an antisaccade On and Off episodes were distributed exponen-
and flow of synaptic activity (37). In awake response (Fig. 1D). During each trial, a small tially, with the decay time constants ton and toff
animals, these slow synchronous transitions are central cue indicated the stimulus that was most given by the average On and Off episode dura-
less frequent, and thus, ensemble neural activity likely to change orientation. The cued stimulus tions (Fig. 2D and fig. S6A). The averages across
appears less synchronized than during anesthe- was thus the target of covert attention, whereas sessions of these average On and Off episode
sia or slow-wave sleep (812). This relationship because of anticipation of antisaccadic response, durations were, respectively, ton = 149 77 ms
between arousal and cortical synchrony suggests the stimulus opposite to the cue was the target and toff = 102 33 ms for stimulus-driven ac-
that mechanisms controlling cortical state are of overt attention (14). In spite of the difficulty tivity and ton = 97 36 ms and toff = 118 47 ms
brain-wide and unrelated to neural circuits involv- of the task, monkeys performed well above chance, for spontaneous activity (mean SD across 31
ing the selective recruitment of local populations with 69 and 67% correct responses for monkeys sessions) (fig. S6, B and C). We also analyzed
during goal-directed behavior. In particular, changes G and B, respectively. While monkeys performed laminar recordings from area V4 performed with
in cortical state should be orthogonal to the mod- this task, we recorded from area V4 in 46 ses- a different type of linear electrode array, in two
ulations of spiking activity observed locally within sions (25 in monkey G and 21 in monkey B). As different behaving monkeys, and in a different
cortical maps during selective attention. in the fixation task, we observed prominent On- laboratory. In this additional data set, On-Off
We discovered that spontaneous transitions Off transitions occurring synchronously across transitions also occurred synchronously across
between episodes of vigorous (On) and faint (Off) the cortical depth in both spontaneous and cortical layers during spontaneous and stimulus-
spiking occur synchronously across cortical lay- stimulus-driven activity, before and after the driven activity and were equally well described
ers in the visual cortex of behaving monkeys. We attention cue was presented, and evident in both by the two-phase HMM (Fig. 2, E to G, fig. S7,
recorded ensemble spiking activity in area V4 of single- and multiunit activity (Fig. 1E, fig. S2, and supplementary text 3.4).
two rhesus macaques (G and B) with 16-channel supplementary text 3.1). On episodes reliably To investigate the extent to which On-Off dy-
linear array microelectrodes (Fig. 1C, left) arranged followed stimulus onset on a majority of trials. namics reflect arousal or selective attention, we
so that receptive fields (RFs) on all channels However, subsequent On-Off transitions occurred analyzed data from the two monkeys perform-
largely overlapped (Fig. 1A, fig. S1, and materials irregularly within and across trials during the ing the attention task. In rodents, cortical state
and methods 1). The On-Off transitions occurred sustained response to the stable RF stimulus. dynamics closely covary with global arousal, as
synchronously throughout the cortical depth Transitions were also irregular with respect to the measured by pupil size, with dilation character-
during fixation and in the absence of visual attention-cues onset. ized by desynchronization of neural activity and
To characterize the On-Off dynamics, we constriction by an increase in low-frequency fluc-
Departments of Bioengineering and Electrical Engineering,
counted spikes in 10-ms time bins and used a tuations (17, 18). Similarly, the pupil size was
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. 2Howard Hughes Hidden Markov Model (HMM) as a statistically positively correlated with the average duration
Medical Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. principled way to segment spike-count data into of On episodes on a trial-by-trial basis, during
Department of Neurobiology, Stanford University, Stanford, On and Off episodes (Fig. 2A and materials and fixation and attention (fig. S8). Thus, the On-Off
CA, USA. 4Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK.
methods 2.2) (15, 16). An HMM was fitted to 16- dynamics indeed reflected global changes of cor-
*These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding channel multiunit activity, but all analyses based tical state associated with arousal. Spatial atten-
author Email: on the fitted HMM were performed on both single- tion, on the other hand, involves the selective

1140 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE



Channel number

1 mm
Vertical (dva)

Time 500 ms
Channel number


Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

-10 0
Horizontal (dva)

Stimulus aligned Cue aligned


Trial number


0 500 1000 0 500

Time relative to behavioral event (ms)

Fig. 1. Spontaneous On and Off transitions in spiking activity during fixa- oriented-grating stimuli appeared, one in each of the screens quadrants
tion and attention tasks. (A) Overlap of V4 receptive fields measured (Stimulus). After a variable delay (200 to 2 700 ms), stimuli briefly dis-
simultaneously across the cortical depth on 16 channels (lines, RF contours; appeared (Blank, < 270 ms) then reappeared either with or without one
dots, RF centers) for three example recordings (dva, degrees of visual angle). of them changing orientation. Monkeys reported an orientation change
(B) Fixation task. Monkeys fixated a central dot (FP) on a blank screen for 3 s by executing a saccade to the stimulus diametrically opposite to the
on each trial; the dashed circle outlines approximate V4 receptive field lo- change location (Antisaccade; arrow indicates saccade direction). If no
cations (V4 RF). (C) An example trial showing spontaneous transitions be- change happened, monkeys had to maintain fixation (No saccade). A small,
tween episodes of vigorous (On) and faint (Off) spiking in multiunit activity central cue (white line; illustrated larger than actual size) appeared shortly
simultaneously recorded with 16-channel electrodes (left). Spikes are marked (200 to 500 ms) after stimulus onset (Cue), pointing toward the stimulus
by vertical ticks. (D) Attention task. Monkeys reported orientation changes that was most likely to change. (E) On and Off transitions in multiunit spiking
with an antisaccade. A cue indicated which stimulus was likely to change. activity on 16 simultaneously recorded channels (each horizontal band) for 20
Monkeys initiated a trial by fixating a central dot (Fixation). After a brief delay example trials. Activity is aligned to the stimulus (left; blue triangles) and
(333 ms and 170 ms in monkeys G and B, respectively), four peripheral attention cues onset times (right; red triangles).

recruitment of local neuronal populations encod- neuronal activity. In the covert attention condi- overt attention to stimuli in directions orthog-
ing behaviorally relevant stimuli at one retino- tion, the cue directed the animals attention to onal to the RF direction. The overall mean firing
topic location and the simultaneous suppression the RF stimulus. In the overt attention condi- rate of V4 neurons was greater in covert and
of populations encoding irrelevant stimuli in tion, the cue directed attention to the stimulus overt attention conditions relative to the control
other retinotopic locations (1921). We used opposite the RF and indicated that a saccade to condition (Fig. 3A and fig. S9B), as has been
three behavioral conditions to measure the local the RF stimulus was likely to be required. In the previously reported (14). If these local effects
effects of both covert and overt attention on control condition, the cue directed covert and of selective attention are indeed orthogonal to

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1141


Unobserved Firing rate Poisson Observed

On/Off phase spike count



Off Time

Off phase On phase On/Off phase

16 16
Channel number

Channel number

Probability density
0.88 0.9
Off On
off = 85 ms on = 121 ms

1 mm

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

1 1 0 200 400 0 200 400
0 200 0 200 Time 200 ms Episode duration (ms)
Firing rate (Hz)

Off phase On phase On/Off phase


Probability density
Channel number

Channel number

12 12 10 0.03
0.92 0.72 Off On
off = 114 ms on = 36 ms

1 mm
1 1 0 0
0 150 0 150 Time 200 ms 0 200 400 0 200 400
Firing rate (Hz) Episode duration (ms)
Fig. 2. HMM of On-Off dynamics. (A) HMM schematic. In each time bin HMM was fitted to multiunit activity within the time-window beginning 400 ms
(t1, t2, t3, ), spike counts x1, x16 on 16 channels are generated through after the attention-cue onset and ending at the start of the blank period
inhomogeneous Poisson processes with mean rates r1, r16 that are dif- (Fig. 1D). (C) Example epoch of spiking activity segmented into On (green)
ferent between the On and Off phase. Transitions between unobserved On and Off (pink) episodes by the HMM. (D) Distributions (black lines) of On
and Off phases are governed by probabilities pon and poff. (B) Example (right) and Off (left) episode durations overlaid by exponential distribu-
HMM fit. Firing rates of 16 channels in the On and Off phase and transition tions (green and pink lines), with the decay time-constants set by HMM
probabilities (numbers above the curved arrows) estimated by the model. transition probabilities. (E to G) Same as (B)to (D), respectively, but for
Error bars are 5th and 95th percentiles over 10 bootstrap samples. The the additional laminar data set.

global state changes, then we should not expect The On-Off dynamics were modulated by compared with control conditions (Wilcoxon
On-Off dynamics to be modulated by attention. attention consistent with the third scenario. signed rank test; covert, median reduction in
We considered three ways in which an Firing rates during the On and Off phases were frequency 0.2 Hz, P = 0.001; overt, median re-
attention-induced increase in mean firing rate slightly, but significantly, enhanced during both duction in frequency 0.2 Hz, P < 103) (fig. S9A).
could co-occur with the On-Off dynamics (Fig. types of attention [Wilcoxon signed rank test; In separate control analyses, we confirmed that
3B). First, mean firing rate could be enhanced covert, On-phase median modulation index (MI) = the changes in On-Off dynamics were not an
during On phase, Off phase, or both, without 0.008, P = 0.002, Off-phase median MI = 0.005, artifact of the attention-related increase in firing
any difference in the transition dynamics across P = 0.046; overt, On-phase median MI = 0.014, rates, or of the HMMs assumption of discrete
attention conditions. This outcome would sug- P < 105, Off-phase median MI = 0.029, P < 1010] On-Off phases (figs. S9 and S10 and supplemen-
gest that the On-Off dynamics are not selective (Fig. 3C and materials and methods 2.2.5). The tary text 3.5 and 3.6). We also considered the
for local neuronal populations but reflect a average duration of Off episodes was signifi- influence of microsaccades. Unlike stimulus on-
global state. Second, the enhancement in the cantly longer in the covert, but not the overt, set, which was reliably followed by On-episodes,
mean firing rate could arise entirely from an attention condition compared with control con- only a small fraction of transitions was preceded
increase in the duration of On episodes, or a ditions (Wilcoxon signed rank test; covert, median by a microsaccade (fig. S11, A to D). Nonetheless,
decrease in the duration of Off episodes, or change in duration 4 ms, P = 0.004; overt, median changes in frequency or direction of miscrosac-
both, but without any change in the firing rates change in duration 2 ms, P = 0.652) (Fig. 3D). cades could not account for observed increases
during On or Off phases. Third, a combination However, the average duration of On episodes in On-episode durations (fig. S11, E to G). More-
of the first two scenarios is also possible: The was significantly longer during both covert over, increases in On-episode durations were also
firing rates and durations of the On and Off and overt attention as compared with controls observed on trials without microsaccades (fig.
episodes could both be modulated. The last two (Wilcoxon signed rank test; covert, median change S11H and supplementary text 3.7).
outcomes would both indicate that On-Off dy- in duration 7 ms, P < 103; overt, median change Last, we asked whether On-Off dynamics, in
namics are locally and selectively modulated in duration 13 ms, P < 104) (Fig. 3D). Correspond- addition to being modulated by attention, pre-
within confined retinotopic regions and do not ingly, the On-Off transition frequency was signifi- dicted behavioral performance. In our task, the
solely reflect a global arousal state. cantly lower during covert and overt attention probability of detecting a change was greater at

1142 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


A Covert attention C Off phase firing rate On phase firing rate

Overt attention 10
p < 10 Overt 170 p < 105 Overt
Control 100

Number of single units

Firing rate (Hz)

20 0 0
Covert Covert
100 p = 0.046 150 p = 0.002 E
15 V4

0 400 800 0 0
Time from cue onset (ms) -0.3 0 0.3 -0.3 0 0.3
Attention modulation index

B I. Firing rate increase D Unattended Attended

Off episode duration On episode duration representation representation

Firing rate
p = 0.652 Overt p < 10 Overt
10 7
Population firing rate

Number of sessions

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

II. Duration change
0 0
15 p = 0.004 Covert 7 p < 103 Covert

III. Both

0 0
-50 0 50 -50 0 50
Time Change in duration (ms)

Fig. 3. Effects of covert and overt attention on dynamics of On-Off tran- attention (orange). (D) Distribution across recordings of the difference in av-
sitions. (A) Average firing rates of an example single-unit for covert (blue), erage durations of On (right) and Off (left) episodes between covert attention
overt (orange), and control trials (gray). Shaded area represents SEM. and control (blue), and overt attention and control (orange) conditions. In (C)
(B) Three hypothetical ways On-Off dynamics can interact with attention- and (D), triangles indicate medians of the distributions; P values are for Wilcoxon
related increase in average firing rate (blue line, attention; black dashed line, signed rank test. (E) Cartoon of two sites in area V4 corresponding to attended
control). (C) Distribution of attention modulation index of single-unit firing (blue ellipse) and unattended (black ellipse) retinotopic locations (top) with cor-
rates in the On (right) and Off (left) phases during covert (blue) and overt responding On-Off dynamics (bottom).

the cued location as compared with uncued

locations (14). We investigated how the increase
in detection probability at the cued location was
related to On-Off dynamics (materials and meth- Fig. 4. On-Off population state
On-phase detection probability

ods 2.2.6). When the cued orientation change predicts behavioral perform- 1
occurred in the RFs of recorded neurons, the ance. (A) Probability to detect

Off )
probability of detecting that change was signif- an orientation change that ***
icantly greater when it occurred during an occurred during the Off phase
On-phase than during an Off-phase (median (x axis) versus a change that
Difference (On
0.5 0.1
detection probability 64.8% during Off-phase, occurred during the On phase
78.3% during On-phase, difference 13.5%, P < (y axis). Each point represents
103, Wilcoxon signed rank test) (Fig. 4A). This one recording session (blue,
difference in detection probability was evident 0
covert attention; gray, control
t l
beginning ~150 ms before the stimulus change condition). (Inset) Average 0 er ro
0 0.5 1 C ov ont
(Fig. 4B), which is consistent with the average difference between the On and C
duration of On episodes. This effect was spa- Off detection probability. Error Off-phase detection probability
tially selective; we found no difference in detec- bars represent SD across
tion probability between On and Off phases recordings; asterisks indicate
Detection probability

On phase
when the cued change occurred outside the RFs P < 103 for Wilcoxon signed 0.8 Off phase
of recorded neurons (median detection proba- rank test. (B) Time course of
bility difference 0.4%, P = 0.943, Wilcoxon signed the detection probability. At
rank test) (Fig. 4A). each time bin, the detection
Spontaneous On-Off transitions, occurring probability was calculated sep-
synchronously throughout the cortical depth, arately for trials on which the 0.6
were modulated locally within a cortical map instantaneous population state -200 -150 -100 -50 0
during selective attention and predicted behav- was in the On phase (green Time relative to the changed stimulus onset (ms)
ioral performance. These On-Off dynamics rep- line) and on which it was in the
resent a substantial source of correlated variability Off phase (pink line) at the corresponding time bin. Gray shading indicates significant difference in
classically observed in cortical responses (22), detection probability (two-sided paired t test, P < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons across all
and many features of this correlated variability, time bins).

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1143


such as spike-count correlations (23), can be 20. S. Treue, J. H. Maunsell, Nature 382, 539541 (1996). 38. E. Zagha, A. E. Casale, R. N. S. Sachdev, M. J. McGinley,
understood as arising from the On-Off dyna- 21. P. Fries, J. H. Reynolds, A. E. Rorie, R. Desimone, Science 291, D. A. McCormick, Neuron 79, 567578 (2013).
15601563 (2001). 39. G. G. Gregoriou, S. J. Gotts, H. Zhou, R. Desimone, Science
mics (fig. S12 and supplementary text 3.8). Cor- 324, 12071210 (2009).
22. A. Renart, C. K. Machens, Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 25, 211220
related variability can be affected by cognitive (2014).
factors (2426). In particular, spike-count cor- 23. M. R. Cohen, A. Kohn, Nat. Neurosci. 14, 811819 AC KNOWLED GME NTS
relations can increase or decrease during selec- (2011). This work was supported by NIH grants EY014924 and NS076460,
24. M. R. Cohen, W. T. Newsome, Neuron 60, 162173 a Stanford NeuroVentures grant, Medical Research Council
tive attention (2730), and changes in the On-Off
(2008). (MRC) grant MR/K013785/1, and Wellcome Trust grant 093104.
dynamics account for changes in spike-count 25. Y. Gu et al., Neuron 71, 750761 (2011). We thank E. I. Knudsen, K. Harris, S. Ganguli, R. N. S. Sachdev, and
correlations during attention in our data (fig. 26. A. S. Ecker et al., Neuron 82, 235248 (2014). M. Zirnsak for their comments on the manuscript. We thank
S13 and supplementary text 3.8.4). Recent models 27. J. F. Mitchell, K. A. Sundberg, J. H. Reynolds, Neuron 63, D. S. Aldrich for technical assistance. All behavioral and
879888 (2009). electrophysiological data are presented in (14) and are archived at
parsimoniously attribute changes in spike-count
28. M. R. Cohen, J. H. R. Maunsell, Nat. Neurosci. 12, 15941600 the Stanford Neuroscience Institute server at Stanford University.
correlations during attention to fluctuations in (2009). T.A.E., N.A.S., T.M., and K.B. designed the study. N.A.S. and T.M.
shared modulatory signals (31), with smaller spike- 29. D. A. Ruff, M. R. Cohen, Nat. Neurosci. 17, 15911597 designed the experiments. N.A.S. performed experiments, spike
count correlations accounted for by reduced fluc- (2014). sorting, microsaccade detection, and RF measurements. M.A.G.
30. D. A. Ruff, M. R. Cohen, J. Neurosci. 36, 75237534 and A.T. performed experiments for the additional laminar data set.
tuations in these modulatory signals (32). The
(2016). T.A.E. analyzed and modeled the data. T.A.E., N.A.S., T.M., and
On-Off dynamics observed here could underlie 31. R. L. T. Goris, J. A. Movshon, E. P. Simoncelli, Nat. Neurosci. 17, K.B. discussed the findings and wrote the paper.
the apparent trial-to-trial fluctuations in shared 858865 (2014).
modulatory signals (32, 33) but can account for 32. N. C. Rabinowitz, R. L. Goris, M. Cohen, E. P. Simoncelli, eLife

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

within-trial fluctuations as well (fig. S12 and sup-
33. M. R. Cohen, J. H. R. Maunsell, J. Neurosci. 30, 1524115253
plementary text 3.8.5).
Materials and Methods
What mechanisms underlie the spatially and 34. G. Aston-Jones, J. D. Cohen, Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 28, 403450
Supplementary Text
temporally precise control of cortical state during (2005).
Figs. S1 to S13
35. T. W. Robbins, A. F. T. Arnsten, Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 32,
selective attention? Our results suggest that global Table S1
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mechanisms governing cortical states may them- References (4058)
36. J. L. Herrero et al., Nature 454, 11101114 (2008).
selves also operate on a local scale or, alterna- 37. B. Noudoost, T. Moore, Nature 474, 372375 16 May 2016; accepted 31 October 2016
tively, may interact with separate attentional (2011). 10.1126/science.aag1420
control mechanisms operating locally. Indeed,
neuromodulators known to act on a brain-wide
scale (1, 34, 35) also mediate the effects of se-
lective attention (36) and influence circuits that PAIN RESEARCH
control selective attention (37). On the other hand,
cortico-cortical inputs appear to influence state
changes in a spatially targeted manner (38, 39). Gliogenic LTP spreads widely in
Because diffuse neuromodulatory signals are in-
terspersed with topographically precise projec-
tions throughout the cortex, local modulation of
nociceptive pathways
cortical state is likely to be widespread, extend-
M. T. Kronschlger,* R. Drdla-Schutting,* M. Gassner, S. D. Honsek,
ing to modalities beyond vision and serving many
H. L. Teuchmann, J. Sandkhler
cognitive functions.
Learning and memory formation involve long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic strength. A
fundamental feature of LTP induction in the brain is the need for coincident pre- and
1. K. D. Harris, A. Thiele, Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 12, 509523
postsynaptic activity. This restricts LTP expression to activated synapses only (homosynaptic
2. S.-H. Lee, Y. Dan, Neuron 76, 209222 (2012). LTP) and leads to its input specificity. In the spinal cord, we discovered a fundamentally
3. M. Steriade, D. A. McCormick, T. J. Sejnowski, Science 262, different form of LTP that is induced by glial cell activation and mediated by diffusible,
679685 (1993). extracellular messengers, including D-serine and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and that travel
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long distances via the cerebrospinal fluid, thereby affecting susceptible synapses at remote
5. B. Haider, A. Duque, A. R. Hasenstaub, Y. Yu, D. A. McCormick, sites. The properties of this gliogenic LTP resolve unexplained findings of memory traces in
J. Neurophysiol. 97, 41864202 (2007). nociceptive pathways and may underlie forms of widespread pain hypersensitivity.
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7. A. Renart et al., Science 327, 587590 (2010). ctivity-dependent, homosynaptic long-term believed to contribute to these forms of hyper-
8. S. Crochet, C. C. H. Petersen, Nat. Neurosci. 9, 608610 potentiation (LTP) (1) at synapses in noci- algesia and to LTP in nociceptive pathways (710).
9. J. F. A. Poulet, C. C. H. Petersen, Nature 454, 881885 ceptive pathways contributes to pain am- Induction of homosynaptic LTP can be accom-
(2008). plification (hyperalgesia) at the site of an panied by LTP in adjacent, inactive synapses
10. C. M. Niell, M. P. Stryker, Neuron 65, 472479 (2010). injury or inflammation (25). Homosyn- converging onto the same neuron, especially early
11. M. Okun, A. Naim, I. Lampl, J. Neurosci. 30, 44404448 aptic LTP can, however, not account for pain in development. The respective molecular signals
12. A. Luczak, P. Bartho, K. D. Harris, J. Neurosci. 33, 16841695 amplification at areas surrounding (secondary for this heterosynaptic form of LTP are thought
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13. A. Y. Y. Tan, Y. Chen, B. Scholl, E. Seidemann, N. J. Priebe, peralgesia) an injury. It also fails to explain hy- tivated neuron, spreading tens of micrometers
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15. E. Seidemann, I. Meilijson, M. Abeles, H. Bergman, E. Vaadia, neuronal activity in primary afferentse.g., by that, in contrast to current beliefs, activation of
J. Neurosci. 16, 752768 (1996). the application of or the withdrawal from opioids glial cells is causative for the induction of LTP at
16. G. Rainer, E. K. Miller, Neurocomputing 32-33, 961966 (opioid-induced hyperalgesia) (6). Glial cells are spinal C-fiber synapses and that this gliogenic
(2000). LTP constitutes a common denominator of homo-
17. M. Vinck, R. Batista-Brito, U. Knoblich, J. A. Cardin, Neuron 86, Department of Neurophysiology, Center for Brain Research,
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and heterosynaptic LTP in the spinal cord.
18. J. Reimer et al., Neuron 84, 355362 (2014). *These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding Our previous study revealed that selective ac-
19. J. Moran, R. Desimone, Science 229, 782784 (1985). author. Email: tivation of spinal microglia by fractalkine induces

1144 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


Fig. 1. Activation of spinal P2X7 receptors induces gliogenic LTP at C- 30 min of wash-out compared with control values). (B) Bath application
fiber synapses. Recordings were performed on lamina I neurons with of the P2X7R antagonist A-438079 (10 mM) 13 min before BzATP pre-

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

independent monosynaptic C-fiber inputs from two dorsal root halves. vented the BzATP-induced LTP at all C-fiber inputs tested (n = 9, P =
Amplitudes of EPSCs were normalized to six baseline values, and the mean 0.054, at 10 min compared with baseline). (C) In the presence of fluoro-
(1 SEM) was plotted against time (min). Horizontal bars indicate drug acetate (10 mM), BzATP had no effect on synaptic transmission (n = 9, P =
application. (A) DPCPX (1 mM) application started at time point 3 min. 0.114 at 10 min compared to baseline). Insets show individual EPSCs at
Bath application of BzATP (100 mM) started at time point 0 min and indicated time points. Calibration bars indicate 50 pA and 10 ms. Statistical
induced LTP at 13 out of 22 C-fiber inputs (filled circles) (P < 0.001, at 30 min significance was determined by using repeated measures analysis of variance
of wash-out compared with control values). At 9 out of 22 C-fiber inputs, (RM ANOVA) followed by Bonferroni t test. Paired t test was used for control
BzATP did not influence EPSC amplitudes (open circles) (P = 0.650, at recordings.

transient facilitation, but no LTP, at C-fiber syn- primary afferent neurons (19, 20), activates glial NMDARs that is released from astrocytes (23).
apses (12). Here, we recorded monosynaptic C- cells (21, 22), and induces LTP (2, 3), leading to Here, preincubation of slices with the D-serine
fiberevoked excitatory postsynaptic currents the intriguing hypothesis that HFS-induced LTP degrading enzyme D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO)
(EPSCs) from lamina I neurons in rat lumbar spi- at spinal C-fiber synapses might be a variety of abolished both homo- and heterosynaptic LTP
nal cord slices. To investigate whether selective gliogenic LTP. If true, one would predict that (Fig. 2, Ae and Be). We then investigated whether
activation of spinal astrocytes is sufficient for HFS induces LTP not only at conditioned but D-serine alone is sufficient to enhance synaptic
the induction of synaptic plasticity in the ab- also at unconditioned C-fiber synapses and that, strength at C-fiber synapses. Bath application of
sence of any other conditioning stimulus, we in striking contrast to current beliefs, homo- and D-serine facilitated synaptic strength at C-fiber
used ultraviolet (UV)flash photolysis of caged heterosynaptic LTP could be expressed indepen- synapses (to 120 2% in 13 out of 32 cells; P <
inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) in astrocytic dently of each other. To directly test these pre- 0.001) (fig. S4A). This amplification was abolished
networks (fig. S1 and movie S1). This induced a dictions, we used transverse lumbar spinal cord by blockade of NMDARs (in 12 out of 13 cells; P =
robust long-term depression at C-fiber synaps- slices with long dorsal roots attached that were 0.094) (fig. S4B). Taken together, our data dem-
es (gliogenic LTD; to 69 9%, n = 7, P < 0.001) separated into halves. We recorded from 22 dor- onstrate that the combined activation of micro-
(fig. S1C) but no LTP. UV flashes were without sal horn lamina I neurons that received inde- glia and astrocytes, either via P2X7R or by HFS,
any effect on synaptic strength when applied pendent monosynaptic C-fiber input from each was sufficient to induce gliogenic LTP. When
in the absence of caged IP3 (fig. S1D) or in the dorsal root half. HFS applied to one dorsal root gliogenic LTP is induced by conditioning HFS, it
presence of the glial cell toxin fluoroacetate half induced LTP in the conditioned pathway in may appear as homo- and/or heterosynaptic LTP
(fig. S1E). To coactivate microglia and astrocytes, 12 of these neurons (homosynaptic LTP; to 134 that can be elicited independently of each other.
we next applied the purinergic P2X7 receptor 9%, P < 0.001) (Fig. 2Aa, red filled circles). Out of We next asked whether gliogenic LTP also
(P2X7R) agonist benzoyl-benzoyl adenosine tri- these 12 neurons, where homosynaptic LTP was exists in vivo. HFS applied to the sciatic nerve
phosphate (BzATP). This never affected holding induced, 6 also showed LTP at the unconditioned induced LTP of spinal C-fiberevoked field po-
currents or membrane potentials in any of the pathway (heterosynaptic LTP). In total, hetero- tentials in deeply anesthetized rats (to 211 16%
spinal neurons tested (fig. S2), supporting the synaptic LTP was induced in 11 out of 22 neurons at 220 to 240 min; n = 49, P < 0.001) (Fig. 3A).
observation that, in the spinal dorsal horn, and (to 174 19%, P < 0.001) (Fig. 2Ba, blue filled HFS-induced LTP was blocked by spinal appli-
unlike other P2X receptors (13), P2X7Rs are ex- circles) because, importantly, in 5 of these neu- cation of either fluoroacetate (Fig. 3B) or DAAO
pressed exclusively on glial cells (1418). ATP is rons, heterosynaptic LTP was induced in the ab- (Fig. 3C), indicating that it required the activa-
finally hydrolyzed to adenosine. We therefore ap- sence of homosynaptic LTP (to 161 9%, P < 0.005) tion of spinal glial cells and D-serine signaling.
plied the adenosine 1 receptor antagonist DPCPX (Fig. 2C), a finding that cannot be explained by Application of fluoroacetate or DAAO after the
to block adenosine-mediated presynaptic inhibi- current models of synaptic plasticity. induction of LTP had no effects on LTP mainte-
tion (fig. S3). Combined activation of microglia and We investigated whether HFS-induced homo- nance (to 192 23% and to 181 30%, respectively,
astrocytes by BzATP induced LTP in 13 out of 22 and heterosynaptic LTP require activation of glial at 220 to 240 min; n = 6; P = 0.433 and 0.546,
C-fiber inputs (to 156 13%, P < 0.001) (Fig. 1A). cells via P2X7R. Blockade of glial P2X7R by A- respectively) (fig. S5), indicating that once LTP
BzATP-induced LTP was abolished by the selec- 438079 fully blocked LTP induction at the con- was induced, glial cells were no longer required.
tive P2X7R antagonist A-438079 (Fig. 1B) and by ditioned and at the unconditioned sites (Fig. 2, Thus, the gliogenic nature refers to the induc-
fluoroacetate (Fig. 1C). This demonstrates that Ab and Bb). This was also achieved by blocking tion but not to the maintenance phase of LTP.
selective activation of P2X7R on spinal glial cells glial cell metabolism with fluoroacetate [Fig. 2, We then investigated whether HFS leads to
caused gliogenic LTP at synapses between C fibers Ac and Bc and (21)]. Both homo- and hetero- the release of diffusible mediators that spread
and lamina I neurons. synaptic LTP were abolished by blocking postsyn- over long distances to trigger LTP. We induced
High-frequency stimulation (HFS) of primary aptic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) LTP by HFS, collected the spinal superfusate from
afferent C fibers triggers the release of ATP from (Fig. 2, Ad and Bd). D-serine is a coagonist at the respective lumbar segments, and transferred

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1145


Fig. 2. Homo- and heterosynaptic forms of LTP

are induced independently of each other at C-
fiber synapses by conditioning HFS. Recordings
were performed on lamina I neurons with indepen-
dent monosynaptic C-fiber inputs from two dorsal
root halves. Amplitudes of EPSCs were normalized
to six baseline values and the mean (1 SEM) was
plotted against time (min). HFS was applied to one
dorsal root (arrow; conditioned site in red) at time
point 0 min. Horizontal bars indicate drug applica-
tion. (Aa) HFS induced LTP at conditioned synapses
in 12 out of 22 neurons (homosynaptic LTP in red,
filled circles; P < 0.001, at 30 min compared with
control values). In 10 of these neurons, no homo-
synaptic LTP was induced (open circles; P = 0.105).
(Ba) HFS induced LTP at unconditioned synapses
in 11 out of the same 22 neurons tested (hetero-
synaptic LTP in blue, filled circles; P < 0.001, at 30 min

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compared with control values). In 11 of these neu-
rons, no heterosynaptic LTP was observed (open
circles; P = 0.003). (C) In 5 out of these 22 neurons
tested, HFS induced LTP at unconditioned (filled
circles in blue; 161 10%, P = 0.005) but not at
conditioned synapses (filled circles in red; P = 0.313).
(D) Schematic illustration of homo- and heterosynaptic
forms of LTP as varieties of gliogenic LTP. (Ab and Bb)
HFS failed to induce LTP at the conditioned site in the
presence of A-438079 (10 mM; n = 8, P = 0.006).
A-438079 had no effect on EPSC amplitudes at un-
conditioned synapses. (Ac and Bc) In the presence
of fluoroacetate, LTP induction by HFS was abol-
ished at conditioned and at unconditioned sites
(10 mM; n = 9, P = 0.006 and P = 0.034, respec-
tively). (Ad to Be) The NMDAR blocker MK-801, which was added to the pipette
solution (1 mM; n = 9, open bar; P = 0.044 and P = 0.250, respectively) or DAAO
applied to the bath solution (0.2 Uml1; n = 9, P = 0.006 and 0.572, respectively)
blocked the induction of LTP on both sites. Insets show individual EPSC traces
recorded at indicated time points. Calibration bars indicate 100 pA and 10 ms.
Statistical significance was determined by paired t test. In case of non-normality,
the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used.

it to the spinal cord dorsum of nave animals. signaling in the recipient animals also had no actions of the gliotransmitters D-serine and TNF
The maintenance of LTP in the donor animals effect on the induction of transferable LTP (to were required for its induction.
was not affected by exchanging the superfusate 133 12% at 180 to 240 min; n = 10, P = 0.001) Collectively, our data indicate that the com-
(Fig. 3A). The superfusate induced, however, a (Fig. 4D). However, LTP induction was prevented bined activation of microglia and astrocytes, either
robust LTP in the recipient animals (to 173 by blocking TNF (Fig. 4E), D-serine signaling (Fig. by P2X7R agonists or by HFS of primary afferents,
32% of control at 160 to 180 min; n = 10, P = 0.009) 4F), or spinal NMDARs (Fig. 4G) in the recipient triggered gliogenic LTP at C-fiber synapses with
(Fig. 4A), demonstrating that LTP could be trans- animals. Application of D-serine to the spinal cord spinal lamina I neurons through the release of
ferred between individuals. The superfusate col- dose-dependently induced a reversible synaptic D-serine and cytokines such as TNF. Crucially,
lected from nave donor animals had, in contrast, facilitation (to 152 9% at 220 to 240 min; n = 10, glial cellderived signaling molecules accumulated
no effect on synaptic transmission in any of the P < 0.001) (fig. S6), whereas TNF application trig- in the extracellular space, including the cerebro-
recipient animals (Fig. 4B). When glial cells were gers robust LTP at C-fiber synapses (21). These spinal fluid, at biologically active but presently
blocked in the recipient animals, transferable data indicate that transferable LTP required unknown concentrations, and induced LTP at
LTP was still induced (to 160 20%; n = 9, P < activation of glial cells in the donor but not in C-fiber synapses, constituting the phenomenon
0.001) (Fig. 4C). Blockade of interleukin-1b (IL-1b) the recipient animals and that the combined of gliogenic LTP.

1146 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


Fig. 3. HFS-induced LTP in vivo depends on spinal glial cells and D-serine shown in Fig. 4. (B) Spinal superfusion with the glial inhibitor fluoroacetate (10 mM)
signaling. Area of C-fiberevoked field potentials was normalized to baseline fully blocked HFS-induced potentiation in all animals tested (n = 15, P = 0.085).

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values before conditioning HFS and plotted against time (min). Data are expressed (C) HFS-induced LTP was fully prevented by spinal superfusion with DAAO
as mean 1 SEM. Horizontal bars indicate drug application. (A) Mean time course (1 Uml1; n = 6, P = 0.365). Insets show original traces of field potentials
of LTP of C-fiberevoked field potentials. HFS at time point 0 min (arrow) induced recorded at indicated time points. Calibration bars indicate 0.2 mV and 50 ms.
LTP in all animals tested (n = 49, P < 0.001). One hour after HFS, the superfusate RM ANOVA on ranks was performed to determine statistical significance in (A).
was collected from the lumbar spinal cord dorsum and transferred to animals In all other experiments, data were analyzed by using RM ANOVA.

Fig. 4. LTP can be transferred between animals.

Area of C-fiberevoked field potentials was normal-
ized to baseline values before transfer of the super-
fusate and plotted against time (min). Data are
expressed as mean 1 SEM. Horizontal bars indi-
cate application of superfusate or drugs. (A) Spinal
application of superfusates collected from donor
animals shown in Fig. 3A 1 hour after HFS induced
potentiation of C-fiberevoked field potentials in all
recipient animals tested (n = 10, P = 0.009). (B) Super-
fusates collected from nave donor animals (no
HFS) had no effect on synaptic strength in recipient
animals (n = 7, P = 0.477). (C) Superfusion of the re-
cipient spinal cord dorsum with fluoroacetate (10 mM)
or (D) interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1Ra)
(80 pgml1) did not block LTP induction [n = 9, P <
0.001 in (C) and n = 10, P = 0.001 in (D)]. (E to G) LTP
was, however, blocked by topical application of sol-
uble tumor necrosis factor receptor type I (1 mgml1;
n = 10, P = 0.38), DAAO (1 Uml1; n = 6 out of 7, P =
0.519) or D-AP5 (100 mM; n = 6, P = 0.652). Insets
show original traces of field potentials recorded at
indicated time points. Calibration bars indicate 0.2 mV
and 50 ms. In (A), data were analyzed using RM
ANOVA on ranks followed by Dunnetts test. In all
other experiments, statistical significance was deter-
mined by using RM ANOVA.

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1147


Gliogenic LTP is a new form of paracrine syn- STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY

aptic plasticity in the central nervous system and
may lead to pain amplification close to and re-
mote from an injury or an inflammation. This is
in line with the concept of chronic pain as a glio-
Zika virus produces noncoding RNAs
pathy involving neurogenic neuroinflammation
(7, 24). These new insights may pave the way for using a multi-pseudoknot structure
novel pain therapies (25, 26). P2X7Rs play a key
role in chronic inflammatory and neuropathic
pain (27) and in other neurodegenerative and
that confounds a cellular exonuclease
neuropsychiatric disorders (28). Glial cells dis- Benjamin M. Akiyama,1 Hannah M. Laurence,1,2,3* Aaron R. Massey,4*
play considerable diversity between and within David A. Costantino,1 Xuping Xie,5 Yujiao Yang,5 Pei-Yong Shi,5 Jay C. Nix,6
distinct regions of the central nervous system J. David Beckham,4 Jeffrey S. Kieft1,7
(29). If the presently identified gliogenic LTP also
existed at some brain areas, it could be of relevance The outbreak of Zika virus (ZIKV) and associated fetal microcephaly mandates efforts
not only for pain but also for other disorders, such to understand the molecular processes of infection. Related flaviviruses produce
as cognitive deficits, fear and stress disorders, and noncoding subgenomic flaviviral RNAs (sfRNAs) that are linked to pathogenicity in
chronic immune-mediated diseases (24, 29, 30). fetal mice. These viruses make sfRNAs by co-opting a cellular exonuclease via

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structured RNAs called xrRNAs. We found that ZIKV-infected monkey and human
RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES epithelial cells, mouse neurons, and mosquito cells produce sfRNAs. The RNA structure
1. T. V. P. Bliss, G. L. Collingridge, Nature 361, 3139 (1993). that is responsible for ZIKV sfRNA production forms a complex fold that is likely found
2. H. Ikeda, B. Heinke, R. Ruscheweyh, J. Sandkhler, Science
in many pathogenic flaviviruses. Mutations that disrupt the structure affect
299, 12371240 (2003).
3. H. Ikeda et al., Science 312, 16591662 (2006). exonuclease resistance in vitro and sfRNA formation during infection. The complete
4. R. Kuner, Nat. Med. 16, 12581266 (2010). ZIKV xrRNA structure clarifies the mechanism of exonuclease resistance and identifies
5. X.-Y. Li et al., Science 330, 14001404 (2010). features that may modulate function in diverse flaviviruses.
6. R. Drdla, M. Gassner, E. Gingl, J. Sandkhler, Science 325,

207210 (2009).
7. R.-R. Ji, T. Berta, M. Nedergaard, Pain 154 (Suppl 1), S10S28 (2013). lobalization, urbanization, and climate cell lines with ZIKV strain PRVABC59, isolated in
8. S. B. McMahon, M. Malcangio, Neuron 64, 4654 (2009). change contribute to the spread of patho- 2015 from an infected U.S. mainlandPuerto Rico
9. P. M. Grace, M. R. Hutchinson, S. F. Maier, L. R. Watkins, Nat.
Rev. Immunol. 14, 217231 (2014).
genic mosquito-borne viruses, typified by traveler. Northern blot analysis of total RNA iso-
10. Q.-J. Gong et al., Glia 57, 583591 (2009). the outbreak of Zika virus (ZIKV) (1). ZIKV lated from infected cells showed discrete bands
11. H. W. Tao, L. I. Zhang, F. Engert, M. Poo, Neuron 31, 569580 (2001). infection can cause fetal microcephaly and containing parts of the ZIKV 3UTR, consistent
12. A. K. Clark et al., J. Neurosci. 35, 45524570 (2015). Guillain-Barr syndrome (2), motivating efforts with sfRNAs (Fig. 1A). Mouse primary neuron in-
13. J. G. Gu, A. B. MacDermott, Nature 389, 749753 (1997).
14. Y.-X. Chu, Y. Zhang, Y.-Q. Zhang, Z.-Q. Zhao, Brain Behav. to understand the molecular drivers of pathol- fection resulted in very little infectious virus and
Immun. 24, 11761189 (2010). ogy. ZIKV is a (+)-sense single-stranded RNA produced three weak sfRNA bands. Infection
15. K. Kobayashi, E. Takahashi, Y. Miyagawa, H. Yamanaka, mosquito-borne flavivirus (MbFV) related to of C6/36 (Aedes albopictus mosquito) cells pro-
K. Noguchi, Neurosci. Lett. 504, 5761 (2011).
16. R. Aoyama et al., Pain 152, 20852097 (2011). dengue virus (DENV), yellow fever virus (YFV), duced two predominant sfRNAs, whereas Vero
17. W.-J. He et al., Behav. Brain Res. 226, 163170 (2012). and West Nile virus (WNV) (3). The structured 3 (monkey) and A549 (human) epithelial cell in-
18. C. Ficker et al., Glia 62, 16711686 (2014). untranslated regions (UTRs) of many MbFVs fection produced additional bands. Different cell
19. J. Jung, Y. H. Shin, H. Konishi, S. J. Lee, H. Kiyama, Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun. 430, 488493 (2013).
are the source of noncoding subgenomic flavi- types produced different sfRNA patterns, but the
20. R. D. Fields, Y. Ni, Sci. Signal. 3, ra73 (2010). viral RNAs (sfRNAs) that accumulate during largest sfRNA was present in all. The importance
21. D. Gruber-Schoffnegger et al., J. Neurosci. 33, 65406551 (2013). infection when RNA elements resist degradation of this cell typedependent variation in the sfRNA
22. K. J. Sekiguchi et al., Nat. Commun. 7, 11450 (2016).
23. M. Martineau et al., J. Neurosci. 33, 34133423 (2013).
by the host 5 3 exonuclease Xrn1 (fig. S1A) (4). patterns is unknown, although studies with DENV
24. D. N. Xanthos, J. Sandkhler, Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 15, 4353 (2014). These sfRNAs are directly linked to cytopathic suggest that sfRNA production is modulated to
25. R.-R. Ji, Z. Z. Xu, G. Strichartz, C. N. Serhan, Trends Neurosci. and pathologic effects (4); they dysregulate enable host adaptation (16, 18).
34, 599609 (2011).
26. X.-H. Wei et al., J. Neurosci. 33, 15401551 (2013).
RNA decay pathways and bind cellular proteins The production of ZIKV sfRNAs suggests the
27. I. P. Chessell et al., Pain 114, 386396 (2005). important for antiviral responses (514). Preventing existence of Xrn1-resistant structures (xrRNAs)
28. A. M. Basso et al., Behav. Brain Res. 198, 8390 (2009). sfRNA production could be a strategy for tar- in the viral 3UTR. Two areas of the UTR match
29. B. S. Khakh, M. V. Sofroniew, Nat. Neurosci. 18, 942952 (2015).
30. A. Aguzzi, B. A. Barres, M. L. Bennett, Science 339, 156161 (2013).
geted therapeutics or for generating attenuated the sequence pattern and potential secondary
virus for vaccines (1517). structure of known MbFV xrRNAs (Fig. 1, B and
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS Because sfRNA formation during ZIKV infec- C, and fig. S1B) (4, 18). The putative xrRNAs are
This work was supported by grants P 29206-B27 and W1205 from the tion has not been reported, we infected multiple in series near the 5 end of the UTRa location
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) to J.S. We thank L. Czarnecki for and pattern similar to that of other MbFVs (Fig.
laboratory support and B. Heinke and G. Janeselli for technical support.
All of the data are archived on servers of the Center for Brain Research,
1D). Xrn1 halting at putative ZIKV xrRNA1 and
Medical University of Vienna. The authors declare no conflicts of Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, xrRNA2 would result in sfRNAs of sizes matching
interest. M.T.K., R.D.-S., and J.S. designed the research. M.T.K., R.D.-S., University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, Aurora, the two produced in all cell types tested (Fig. 1A
M.G., S.D.H., and H.L.T. generated and analyzed the data. M.T.K., CO 80045, USA. 2Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI),
University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, Aurora,
and fig. S1C). To test whether these putative ele-
R.D.-S., and J.S. wrote the paper, with input from the other authors.
CO 80045, USA. 3School of Veterinary Medicine, University ments are indeed Xrn1-resistant, we challenged
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. 4Department of in vitro transcribed full-length ZIKV 3UTR RNA
Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of with recombinant Xrn1 (19). Although multiple
Colorado Denver School of Medicine, Aurora, CO 80045,
Materials and Methods
USA. 5Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
sfRNAs were observed during ZIKV infection,
Figs. S1 to S6
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77555, in vitro the upstream xrRNA1 quantitatively halted
Movie S1 USA. 6Molecular Biology Consortium, Advanced Light Source, the enzyme (Fig. 1E). However, a UTR lacking the
References (3135) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, upstream xrRNA (DxrRNA1) allowed the enzyme
USA. 7RNA BioScience Initiative, University of Colorado
15 July 2016; accepted 1 November 2016 Denver School of Medicine, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.
to stop at the downstream xrRNA2. The size of
Published online 10 November 2016 *These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding the Xrn1-resistant RNAs matched those of the
10.1126/science.aah5715 author. Email: infection-produced sfRNAs (fig. S1D). Thus, ZIKV

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Fig. 1. ZIKV produces sfRNAs by exonuclease resistance. (A) Northern blot alignment of several known or putative MbFV xrRNA sequences with regions
of purified RNA from mock-infected (m) and ZIKV-infected (zv) human colored as in (B). DENV, dengue virus; JEV, Japanese encephalitis virus; WNV,West
A549, Vero, mosquito C6/36, and cultured primary mouse neuron cells. Probe Nile virus. (D) Cartoon of the predicted ZIKV 3UTR secondary structure, with SL
was complementary to the putative dumbbell sequence in the ZIKV 3UTR. and dumbbell (DB) elements. In the Kunjin strain of WNV (WNVKun), the SL1 and
gRNA, genomic RNA; sfRNA1, band corresponding to largest sfRNA. Inset shows SL2 RNAs are xrRNAs (4, 19, 21). (E) Ethidium-stained gel of in vitro transcribed
a high-contrast view of the region in the dashed box. Infections and Northern ZIKV full-length 3UTR (FL UTR) or a 3UTR lacking the first putative xrRNA1
blots were confirmed in three independent experiments. (B) Secondary structure element (DxrRNA1) treated with recombinant pyrophosphohydrolase RppH (to
diagram with sequence conservation in known stem-loop (SL)type xrRNAs from generate a 5 monophosphate) and recombinant exonuclease Xrn1. The smaller
MbFVs. Universally conserved nucleotides (yellow) and positions of tertiary band indicates Xrn1 resistance. The presence of Xrn1 activity in the absence of
interactions (red, blue) are shown.The P2, P3, and P4 stems and associated loops RppH is due to spontaneous loss of the 5 pyrophosphate moiety that occurs at
contain variable sequences (var); N represents any nucleotide. (C) Sequence some level even in the absence of the RppH enzyme, as previously observed (19).

Fig. 2. Structure of the ZIKV xrRNA1. (A) Secondary structure diagram of to match (A). Magnesium ions are shown as yellow spheres. (D) Detail of inter-
the crystallized RNA. Lowercase letters represent sequences altered to facilitate actions at the 5 end of the RNA. Residue C22 (cyan) contacts the phosphate
RNA expression and crystallization. Colored lines indicate interactions discussed backbone of neighboring residues, setting up a kink in the RNA critical for folding.
in the text. (B) Xrn1 resistance assays of wild-type (Wt) ZIKV xrRNA1 and the Residues U4, A24, and U42 (green) form a base triple interaction orienting the 5
crystallized RNA (Cryst) using 3 end-labeled RNA (yellow circle). The percent- end. Residue G3 forms a long-range base-pairing interaction with residue C44.
age of the total RNA that formed an Xrn1-resistant band (listed below the gel) Residue G2 was mutated from a U to promote transcription; the wild-type seq-
was quantified and is reported as the average SD of three independent ex- uence is predicted to form a base pair with residue A45 (predicted position
periments. (C) Ribbon representation of the structure of ZIKV xrRNA1, colored change indicated by arrow) (21).

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1149


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Fig. 3. Details of the ZIKV xrRNA1 structure. (A) Detailed view of the A37-U51 tour level. (C) The L3-S4 pseudoknot with the P4 stem coaxially stacked. Colors
base pair (red) and intervening nucleotides (blue), which circle the 5 end of the are as in Fig. 2, A and C. (D) Xrn1 resistance assays of pseudoknot mutants and a
RNA. Other nucleotides discussed in the text are labeled. (B) The A37-U51 base pair mutant known to disrupt xrRNA folding (C22G) (19, 21). Quantitation of re-
(red) and intervening nucleotides (blue) are highlighted. The box shows the pre- sistance from three experiments is shown, determined as in Fig. 2B. (E) Northern
viously predicted secondary structure of the P3-L3 stem-loop. Leontis-Westhof blot of viral RNA isolated from viral infection with wild-type virus and virus mutated
nomenclature is used to indicate noncanonical pairing (30). Inset displays details in the xrRNA1 structure.The mutants are labeled to match the analogous mutants
of all three noncanonical base pairs; electron density is displayed at the 2s con- in (D) and fig. S4C; corresponding positions in the viral RNA are provided below.

contains two xrRNAs, and cellular factors could description of a fully folded xrRNA1. ZIKV xrRNA1 around the P1-P2-P3 three-way junction; the P1
modulate xrRNA function during infection to is ideal for such studies, as it shows robust Xrn1 and P3 helices form a ring through which the 5
produce a multiple-sfRNA pattern (20). resistance in vitro (Fig. 1E), it forms sfRNAs in end passes from one side of the structure to the
Insight into the structural basis of sfRNA for- all tested cell types (Fig. 1A), and its pseudoknot other, positioned by nucleotides at the 5 end
mation comes from a previously solved structure is predicted to be stabilized by four consecutive that form base pairs with nucleotides in the junc-
from Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVE) (21), G-C base pairs. tion and a U4A24-U42 base triple (Fig. 2D; the
but our understanding is incomplete. Specifically, We solved the structure of ZIKV xrRNA1 by x-ray dot indicates a nonWatson-Crick base interac-
in the MVE xrRNA structure, an important pseudo- crystallography (Fig. 2A and table S1), using the tion). The presence of these interactions in both
knot (L3-S4; gray line in Fig. 1B) (4, 18, 22, 23) MR766-NIID African isolate sequence (PRVABC59 structures strongly suggests their functional im-
was not formed, and thus the structure of a fully xrRNA1 is 97% identical in this region) with se- portance; disrupting them may be a way to at-
folded xrRNA remains unsolved. Also, the MVE quence alterations to improve transcription and tenuate diverse MbFVs.
structure was of the downstream xrRNA of two crystallization (fig. S2). This RNA maintained The ZIKV xrRNA1 structure reveals multiple
in series (xrRNA2), and evidence now suggests Xrn1 resistance and is thus correctly folded (Fig. previously unobserved interactions. A37 and U51
differences between xrRNA1s and xrRNA2s (16, 18); 2B). All 71 nucleotides were visible (fig. S3), and form a reverse Watson-Crick (or trans) long-range
xrRNA1s are predicted to have a more stable unlike the MVE xrRNA2 structure, the RNA is base pair that closes the ring structure to lasso
fold, and WNV infection models suggest that fully folded; a pseudoknot is formed between L3 the RNA that passes through (Fig. 3A). Contrary
loss of xrRNA1 has a greater effect on viral in- and S4, completely encircling and constraining to predictions, A37 is flipped out of the helix;
fection (4, 24). Fully understanding sfRNA for- the 5 end of the RNA (Fig. 2C). In both the MVE this position is created by an unexpected struc-
mation therefore requires a detailed structural and ZIKV xrRNA structures, the fold is organized ture in the P3-L3 stem-loop that contains a G-U

1150 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


decreased Xrn1 resistance to the same degree as

a previously characterized mutation that disrupts
the three-way junction (C22G) (19, 21). Restoring
the pseudoknot (Comp) returned nearly wild-type
Xrn1 resistance; thus, the pseudoknot is critical
for ZIKV xrRNA1 function.
The effects of structure-based mutations to
xrRNA1 on Xrn1 resistance in vitro led us to pre-
dict that the same mutations would alter sfRNA
formation during infection; therefore, we gen-
erated mutant ZIKV using an infectious clone
based on strain FSS13025 (identical to PRVABC59
in xrRNA1) (27). Mutations in xrRNA1 analogous
to C22G and Pkmut1 resulted in highly reduced
sfRNA formation during infection, matching the
in vitro Xrn1 resistance result (Fig. 3E). Both
sfRNAs were reduced; this finding underscores
the importance of xrRNA1 to sfRNA formation

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overall. A mutation analogous to A37C had no
discernible effect on sfRNA formation, consist-
ent with this mutants Xrn1 resistance in vitro
(fig. S4C).
We also assessed the effect of Xrn1 knockdown
on ZIKV sfRNA production during infection of
human cells (fig. S6). Xrn1 knockdown resulted
in a reduction of one sfRNA species and a change
in the overall sfRNA pattern; however, the per-
sistence of some sfRNA bands suggests that Xrn1
could be redundant with other exonucleases in
producing ZIKV sfRNAs. Xrn1 resistance in vitro
Fig. 4. Model of ZIKV xrRNAXrn1 interaction. (A) Comparison of the S4 region (orange) and adjacent and ZIKV sfRNA production during infection
RNA in the partially folded MVE (left) and fully folded ZIKV (right) xrRNAs. (B) Overlay of the MVE (cyan) are linked by the strong agreement between the
and ZIKV (yellow) structures, showing the change in the position of the P4-L4 hairpin. (C) Models of the MVE effects of RNA mutations in both assays, which
(top) and ZIKV (bottom) xrRNAs docked onto the surface of Xrn1, colored according to electrostatic potential implies that the RNA structure is necessary for
(blue, positive; red, negative). Structural features are labeled. sfRNA formation.
One of the most functionally essential inter-
wobble pair between G38 and U28 and a Hoog- Y48 (R, purine; Y, pyrimidine) base pair observed actions is the L3-S4 pseudoknot, whose formation
steen pair between A36 and U29 (Fig. 3B). The in tRNAs (25). GG pairs have been observed at is accompanied by substantial structural differ-
A37-U51 base pair led us to hypothesize that this this position in cysteine tRNAs, and tolerance ences relative to the MVE xrRNA2 structure (Fig.
interaction may precisely define the size of the for switching between GG and R15:Y48 pairs 4A). The helical element created by the pseudo-
ring, which is 14 nucleotides in the ZIKV xrRNA1. has been shown to be dependent on the RNA knot forms a continuous stack with the P4 helix
Indeed, sequence alignment shows that 30 of 33 sequence context (26). (fig. S7, A and B), placing the P4-L4 stem-loop
confirmed or putative xrRNAs have Watson-Crick The A37-U51 base pair defines the size of the in a different position relative to the MVE xrRNA2
base-pairing partners 14 nucleotides apart in ring and continues the progression of stacked structure (Fig. 4B) and differing from that pre-
analogous positions (fig. S4, A and B). Although bases from the P1 stem to the L3-S4 pseudoknot dicted by structural modeling (fig. S7, C and D).
these are apparent Watson-Crick partners, the (Fig. 3, A and C). Specifically, A52 stacks on this P4s stacking on the pseudoknot likely stabil-
structure suggests that they form noncanonical pair but is not itself paired. This base is universally izes the overall fold, but there are no obvious
pairs. Indeed, YFV, Sepik virus, and Wesselsbron a purine (fig. S4, A and B), likely to maximize sequence-specific roles for this element in forming
virus have G bases at both positions, suggestive stacking potential. The next base, A53, is ex- the structure. However, the P4-L4 stem-loop con-
of a GG pair and thus implying possible alter- truded to form a crystal contact (fig. S5), but in tains numerous conserved bases found in other
native conformations of this long-range base pair. solution it likely stacks under A52, supported MbFVs (fig. S8), and it therefore may be impor-
To explore this long-range interaction, we by the presence of electron density where A53 tant for some aspect of sfRNA formation or
altered the A37-U51 pair by mutation and tested could stack, consistent with a 1,6-hexanediol mol- downstream function.
for Xrn1 resistance in vitro (fig. S4C). Substitu- ecule from the crystallization solution (fig. S5A). If Using the fully folded structure, we constructed
tion of either nucleotide individually had very stacked within the helix, A53 would continue the a new model of the ZIKV xrRNA1 interacting with
little effect, and substitution of both bases to progression of stacked purines through S4 to the Xrn1 from D. melanogaster (with bound substrate
convert the interaction to either a C-G or GG pseudoknot and could form an AA pair with A35, analog), using previously reported biochemical
resulted in only a moderate decrease in resistance. providing additional stability (Fig. 3C). information (19, 28) and the electrostatic charge
Overall, it is not clear why sequence conservation As predicted, the L3-S4 pseudoknot contains distribution and shape of the enzymes surface
shows a preference for apparent Watson-Crick four consecutive G-C Watson-Crick base pairs (Fig. 4C). The model shows extensive contacts
pairing partners; perhaps certain pairs improve (Fig. 3C). The four Gs in L3 are made accessible between the enzyme and the RNA. A model of
Xrn1 resistance in the context of specific xrRNAs, by a U-turn, a motif found in other loops including the partially folded MVE xrRNA with Xrn1 sug-
or they may contribute to functions other than tRNA anticodon loops. To test the functional gested that the RNA ring structure prevents Xrn1
Xrn1 resistance. Consistent with this, the prefer- importance of the ZIKV xrRNA1 pseudoknot, from unwinding the structure (21), but in that
ence for a purine at the first position of this we generated mutant RNAs (Pkmut1, Pkmut2) form, the P4 element projected away from the
interaction and a pyrimidine at the second po- and tested them for Xrn1 resistance in vitro surface of Xrn1 (Fig. 4C). In contrast, the fully
sition is reminiscent of a conserved trans R15: (Fig. 3D). Disruption of the pseudoknot severely folded ZIKV xrRNA1 closely matches the contours

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1151


of an electropositive patch, with P4 contacting a pilot funds (A.R.M. and J.D.B.); a postdoctoral fellowship from SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
conserved charged region on Xrn1s winged helix Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (X.X.); and a University of
Texas Medical Branch startup award, a University of Texas STARs Materials and Methods
domain. award, and NIH grant R01AI087856 (P.-Y.S.). The UC Denver X-ray
This putative P4-Xrn1 interaction could serve Figs. S1 to S8
Facility is supported by UC Cancer Center support grant
Table S1
to stabilize the xrRNAs pseudoknot interaction P30CA046934 and NIH grant S10OD012033. The Advanced Light
References (3145)
and thus enhance resistance to the enzyme, or P4 Source is supported by the Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy
Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-
may form sequence-specific interactions with Xrn1 05CH11231. The data presented in this manuscript are tabulated in 20 June 2016; accepted 26 October 2016
or with Xrn1-bound proteins. Also, because the the main paper and in the supplementary materials. Coordinates and Published online 10 November 2016
winged helix domain is important for processive structure factors have been deposited with PDB accession code 5TPY. 10.1126/science.aah3963
Xrn1 function (29), the bound ZIKV xrRNA may
prevent conformational changes in the enzyme
that are important for processivity. The new struc-
ture and derived hypotheses point the way to HEMATOPOIESIS
future studies that may clarify the formation and
function of ZIKV sfRNAs, with implications for
the development of interventions or vaccines. Depleting dietary valine permits
nonmyeloablative mouse

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1. J. S. Mackenzie, D. J. Gubler, L. R. Petersen, Nat. Med. 10
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(2008). A specialized bone marrow microenvironment (niche) regulates hematopoietic stem cell
5. G. Manokaran et al., Science 350, 217221 (2015). (HSC) self-renewal and commitment. For successful donor-HSC engraftment, the niche
6. A. Schuessler et al., J. Virol. 86, 57085718 (2012).
must be emptied via myeloablative irradiation or chemotherapy. However, myeloablation
7. E. Schnettler et al., J. Virol. 86, 1348613500 (2012).
8. J. A. Roby, G. P. Pijlman, J. Wilusz, A. A. Khromykh, Viruses can cause severe complications and even mortality. Here we report that the essential
6, 404427 (2014). amino acid valine is indispensable for the proliferation and maintenance of HSCs. Both
9. K. Bidet, D. Dadlani, M. A. Garcia-Blanco, PLOS Pathog. 10, mouse and human HSCs failed to proliferate when cultured in valine-depleted conditions.
e1004242 (2014).
In mice fed a valine-restricted diet, HSC frequency fell dramatically within 1 week. Furthermore,
10. S. L. Moon et al., Virology 485, 322329 (2015).
11. S. L. Moon et al., RNA 18, 20292040 (2012). dietary valine restriction emptied the mouse bone marrow niche and afforded donor-HSC
12. A. M. Ward et al., RNA Biol. 8, 11731186 (2011). engraftment without chemoirradiative myeloablation. These findings indicate a critical
13. M. M. Emara, H. Liu, W. G. Davis, M. A. Brinton, J. Virol. 82, role for valine in HSC maintenance and suggest that dietary valine restriction may reduce
1065710670 (2008).
iatrogenic complications in HSC transplantation.
14. G. P. Gertz et al., J. Virol. 90, 1014510159 (2016).
15. A. P. Durbin et al., J. Infect. Dis. 191, 710718

16. S. M. Villordo, C. V. Filomatori, I. Snchez-Vargas, C. D. Blair, lthough much is known about the molecules Numerous cellular and molecular components
A. V. Gamarnik, PLOS Pathog. 11, e1004604 (2015). and signaling pathways regulating hema- of the HSC niche have previously been proposed
17. V. Proutski, E. A. Gould, E. C. Holmes, Nucleic Acids Res. 25,
topoietic stem cells (HSCs), our understand- (3). These include several stromal and neuronal
11941202 (1997).
18. J. S. Kieft, J. L. Rabe, E. G. Chapman, RNA Biol. 12, 11691177 ing of the HSC bone marrow (BM) niche is cell types, as well as various signaling molecules
(2015). less clear. The availability of niche space including the cytokines stem cell factor and
19. E. G. Chapman, S. L. Moon, J. Wilusz, J. S. Kieft, eLife 3, appears to be a limiting factor for engraftment in thrombopoietin. In 1946, Kornberg et al. reported
e01892 (2014).
HSC transplantation (HSCT) (1). Ionizing radiation that rats fed a low-protein diet developed severe
20. S. M. Villordo, J. M. Carballeda, C. V. Filomatori, A. V. Gamarnik,
Trends Microbiol. 24, 270283 (2016). and/or high-dose chemotherapy are most com- granulocytopenia or anemia that was corrected
21. E. G. Chapman et al., Science 344, 307310 (2014). monly used to empty the BM niche. However, by administration of purified amino acids (AAs)
22. A. Funk et al., J. Virol. 84, 1140711417 (2010). severe side effects limit the success of these treat- (4, 5). On the basis of these findings, we hypoth-
23. P. A. Silva, C. F. Pereira, T. J. Dalebout, W. J. Spaan,
ments. Young patients are particularly at risk of esized that specific AAs may be indispensable for
P. J. Bredenbeek, J. Virol. 84, 1139511406 (2010).
24. R. Y. Chang et al., Vet. Microbiol. 166, 1121 experiencing late effects, including secondary the BM niche and could influence HSC fate.
(2013). malignancy, endocrinopathy, and reproductive We initially quantified AA concentrations in BM
25. M. Levitt, Nature 224, 759763 (1969). failure (2). and peripheral blood (PB) by high-performance
26. L. D. Sherlin et al., J. Mol. Biol. 299, 431446
liquid chromatography (HPLC). The BM contained
27. C. Shan et al., Cell Host Microbe 19, 891900 (2016). >100-fold higher concentrations of all 20 AAs and
28. M. Jinek, S. M. Coyle, J. A. Doudna, Mol. Cell 41, 600608 Division of Stem Cell Therapy, Center for Stem Cell Biology also displayed a distinct AA profile (or AA ba-
(2011). and Regenerative Medicine, The Institute of Medical Science, lance), as compared with the PB (fig. S1, A and B).
29. J. H. Chang, S. Xiang, K. Xiang, J. L. Manley, L. Tong, Nat. University of Tokyo, Tokyo 108-8639, Japan. 2Department of
Pathology, Research Hospital, The Institute of Medical
To identify the specific AAs essential for the
Struct. Mol. Biol. 18, 270276 (2011).
30. N. B. Leontis, E. Westhof, RNA 7, 499512 (2001). Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 108-8639, Japan. maintenance of hematopoiesis, CD34Kit+Sca1+
Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Lin cells (HSCs) (6) were cultured for 1 week in
Stanford University School of Medicine, Lorry I. Lokey Stem various media lacking single AAs (Fig. 1A and
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS Cell Research Building, 265 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA
We thank the members of the Kieft lab for discussions; C. Musselman 94305-5461, USA. 4Division of Stem Cell Cellomics, Center
fig. S1C). Proliferation was significantly retarded
and M. Stone for critical reading of this manuscript; and R. Soto from for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, The when cysteine or valine was absent (Cys, Val)
the M. Garcia-Blanco and S. Bradrick laboratories for sharing their Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 108- (Fig. 1B and fig. S2A). We also carried out similar
protocol for sfRNA blots. Supported by NIH fellowship F32GM117730 8639, Japan. 5Impulsing Paradigm Change through analyses using CD34+Kit+Sca1+Lin hematopoietic
(B.M.A.); an HHMI Early Career Scientist award and NIH grants Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT), Japan Science
R35GM118070 and R01GM081346 (J.S.K.); a HHMIBurroughs and Technology Agency (JST), Tokyo 102-0076, Japan.
progenitor cells (HPCs). HPCs displayed signif-
Wellcome Fund medical research fellowship (H.M.L.); University of *Corresponding author. Email: (S.Y.); icant growth retardation in medium lacking cys-
Colorado School of Medicine and Department of Medicine institutional (H.N.) teine or lysine (fig. S2, B and C). Growth of HPCs

1152 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


was not appreciably inhibited in medium lack- to identify significant differences in autophagy of the AA-deficient diets, we quantified AA levels
ing valine. To determine AA requirements for between HSCs cultured in complete and Val me- in PB and BM serum by HPLC. Although cysteine
HSC maintenance, we conducted competitive dia (fig. S4). Collectively, these findings support levels were too low to detect, valine concentration
repopulation assays following in vitro cul- the idea that cysteine and valine are required for decreased by 90% (fig. S5B). Cysteine is a nonessen-
ture (Fig. 1A). No engraftment was detected in HSC survival and HSC self-renewal, respectively. tial AA and can be generated from the catabolism
mice that received Cys or Val cultured HSCs To investigate how cysteine and valine contrib- of methionine in vivo (7). Given this compensation,
(Fig. 1C). ute to hematopoiesis in vivo, mice were fed complete, we focused on valine in our additional studies.
To assess whether Cys and Val media caused Cys, or Val diets for 4 weeks (fig. S5A). Complete To further understand the effect of dietary
reactive oxygen species stress in HSCs, cellular blood counts revealed a significant reduction in valine restriction, we quantified various hem-
proliferation was determined after in vitro culture white blood cell (WBC) and red blood cell numbers atopoietic cell types within the PB and BM. Cor-
in the presence of the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine in mice fed a Val diet (Fig. 2A), whereas platelet responding with our in vitro data, HSC frequencies
(NAC). NAC rescued HSC growth in Cys medium counts were unaffected. No differences were ob- (both immunophenotypically defined CD34KSL
but not in Val medium (fig. S3). We also failed served in mice fed a Cys diet. To confirm the effect HSCs and CD150+CD41CD48KSL HSCs; two

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

Fig. 1. Valine and cysteine are essential for HSC maintenance in vitro.
(A) Protocol for analysis of HSC AA requirements. Forty Ly5.1 CD34Kit+Sca1+Lin
(CD34KSL) cells were cultured in various AA media supplemented with bovine
serum albumin (BSA), stem cell factor (SCF), and thrombopoietin (TPO). After
1 week, cells were either counted or transplanted into lethally irradiated Ly5.2 mice
along with F1 (Ly5.1/Ly5.2) competitors. Complete AA media, commercially man-
ufactured (S-clone) media, and AA-free (none) media were included used as con-
trols. Gy, gray. (B) Cell counts after culture in AA media [as in (A)]. (C) Donor
peripheral blood (PB) chimerism 12 weeks after transplantation [as in (A)]. N.D.
denotes nondetected chimerism. For (B) and (C), experiments were performed
in triplicate; error bars indicate SD.

Fig. 2. Dietary valine restriction significantly perturbs hematopoiesis. (A) White blood cell (WBC), red blood cell (RBC), and platelet (PLT) counts following
a 4-week synthetic diet (n = 3 mice). (B) Frequency of BM CD150+CD41CD48KSL HSCs following a valine-deficient (Val) diet (complete, n = 3; Val, n = 4).
(C) Competitive repopulation assay protocol. BM cells from Ly5.1 mice fed a complete diet or a Val diet for 4 weeks were transplanted into lethally irradiated
Ly5.2 mice, along with an equal number of F1 competitor BM cells.WBM, whole bone marrow. (D) PB donor chimerism after transplantation (n = 6), as outlined
in (C). For (A), (B), and (D), *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1153


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Fig. 3. Valine starvation permits HSC transplantation
without irradiation. (A) Nonirradiative HSC transplantation
into immunocompromised mice. NOD/scid mice fed a com-
plete diet or a Val diet for 2 weeks were transplanted, with
5 103 B6 donor KSL cells isolated, without irradiative
conditioning. Complete diets were then returned, and donor
PB chimerism was monitored. Engraftment is defined as
>1% donor chimerism. (B) Donor chimerism after non-
irradiative transplantation in NOD/scid mice, as outlined in
(A) (complete group, n = 5; Val group, n = 6). Error bars
indicate SD. (C) Representative images of the thymus
(yellow dotted line) in recipient mice at 12 weeks after
nonirradiative transplantation. (D) Nonirradiative HSC transplantation into congenic mice. Ly5.2 mice fed a complete diet or a Val diet for 3 weeks were
transplanted with 1 107 Ly5.2 whole BM cells, without irradiative conditioning. Complete diets were then gradually returned over 2 weeks, and donor PB
chimerism was monitored. Engraftment is defined as >1% donor chimerism. (E) Donor chimerism after nonirradiative transplantation, as outlined in (D)
(complete group, n = 5; Val group, n = 5). (F) Images of mice fed a Val diet (left) or irradiation conditioned (right) 4 months after transplantation.

independent methods to define immunopheno- follicle density and a marked increase in brown fat fed a Val diet for 4 weeks were transplanted into
typic HSCs) (8) were markedly decreased in cells in several tissues (fig. S9D). However, no lethally irradiated recipients, along with equal
mice fed a Val diet (Fig. 2B and fig. S6, A to C). obvious changes were evident in the brain, heart, numbers of recipient BM cells. Donor chime-
However, the proportion of HSCs in G0 did lung, kidney, stomach, pancreas, or testis. Switch- rism was only slightly decreased for Val cells 4
not differ (fig. S6, D and E). Within the PB, num- ing mice back to a complete diet brought a rapid to 8 weeks after transplantation but fell sharply
bers of B220+ B cells and CD3+ T cells signifi- recovery in body weight and in lymphoid pop- at 12 weeks (Fig. 2D and fig. S10G). These data
cantly decreased (fig. S7, A and B). Additionally, ulations and tissues (figs. S8 and S10, A and B). indicate that dietary valine restriction depletes
cellular frequency decreased for BM B cells, Phenotypic HSC frequencies also recovered, as long-term repopulating HSCs rather than shorter-
common myeloid progenitor cells, and common well as BM HPC and lineage+ populations (fig. lived HPCs, consistent with our phenotypic and
lymphoid progenitor cells but not for BM T S10, C to E). Half of the mice fed a Val diet for in vitro analyses.
cells, granulocyte-monocyte progenitor cells, or 4 weeks died within days of resuming a complete Because mice fed a Val diet had far fewer BM
megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cells (9) diet. Autopsy identified pulmonary edema, with HSCs, we hypothesized that dietary valine restric-
(figs. S7, C to E, and S8). These in vivo data in- thickened alveolar walls and fluid-filled alveolar tion could empty the HSC niche and thereby
dicate that HSCs display greater sensitivity than lumina, consistent with refeeding syndrome (10) replace the myeloablative conditioning regimens
HPCs to dietary valine but that other cell pop- (fig. S10F). Refeeding syndrome is well described normally required for successful HSCT. To test
ulations are also affected. in human patients, where refeeding following this hypothesis, we set up a mouse model of allo-
To characterize the systemic effects of the prolonged fasting or malnourishment can cause genic HSC transplantation in immunodeficient
valine-free diet, we histologically evaluated all fatality. (NOD/Scid) recipients (Fig. 3A). After transplan-
organs and tissues. As expected, the BM was hypo- Next, competitive transplantation assays were tation of 5000 Kit+Sca+Lin cells, all mice on
cellular, and the spleen and thymus were atrophic performed to determine HSC function following the Val diet survived and displayed good en-
(fig. S9, A to C). We also observed decreased hair in vivo valine deficiency (Fig. 2C). HSCs from mice graftment (Fig. 3B and fig. S11A), with markedly

1154 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


HSCs. However, the reason for this valine speci-

ficity is not clear. An AA imbalance, rather than
changes in the level of a single AA, may exert such
an effect in vivo, as previously proposed (13, 14).
Our data indicate that HSC homeostasis relies
on valine. Presumably, BM AA levels are optimal
for HSC maintenance and are regulated by niche
components. We therefore sought to identify AA
secreted by representative niche candidates in vitro
(3, 15, 16). The vascular endothelium specifically
secreted Thr, Glu, Val, Leu, Ala, and Lys, whereas
PDGFR+ cells (platelet-derived growth factor
receptorpositive) secreted Thr, Tyr, and Val (fig.
S13). These results suggest that secretion of valine,
and of other AAs, may be an important function
of BM niche cells.
Our study highlights an important role for the
AA microenvironment in hematopoiesis. Although

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the mechanism underlying the HSC-specific va-
line sensitivity remains elusive, these findings sug-
gest a way to further understand stem cell niche
functions. In addition, dietary valine restriction
may be applicable for pretreatment in HSCT and
the treatment of hematological malignancies.


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with BSA and SCF/TPO/Flt3L/IL-3/IL-6 in complete medium (containing all AAs) or medium lacking 8. M. J. Kiel et al., Cell 121, 11091121 (2005).
9. K. Akashi, D. Traver, T. Miyamoto, I. L. Weissman, Nature 404,
single AAs and were counted after 7 days. Experiments were performed in triplicate. Error bars indicate
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complete (n = 5), Leu (n = 4), or Val (n = 3) diet for 2 weeks. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01. (2008).
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12. M. Bhatia, J. C. Wang, U. Kapp, D. Bonnet, J. E. Dick, Proc. Natl.
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crete splenic white and red pulp (fig. S11B), indi- survived over the long term) due to refeeding 101, 489490 (1945).
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cating lymphoid reconstitution. syndrome (fig. S12).
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We also transplanted 1 107 donor BM cells To learn whether similar AA requirements ex- 195199 (1998).
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mortality, valine was gradually returned to the media to assess the colony-forming ability of hu-
diet over 2 weeks after the transplantation (Fig. man BM CD34+CD38 cells (11, 12) (Fig. 4A and fig.
We thank T. Endo, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Ishii, and K. Chan for
3D). Although no engraftment occurred in mice S1D). As with mouse HSCs, no colonies formed technical support; J. E. Dick, R. Yamamoto, and A. Knisely
fed a complete diet, 5 of 5 mice displayed long- under Cys conditions, and Val deficiency sup- for critical manuscript reading; and S. Satomi, M. Chin,
term donor chimerism following the Val diet pressed cellular proliferation. Notably, Leu con- T. Kobayashi, K. Sudo, P. van Galen. N. Mbong, G. Karlsson,
over 3 months after transplantation (Fig. 3E). ditions also decreased human HSPC proliferation A. Reinisch, D. Thomas, K. Takubo, A. Iwama, K. Miharada,
M. Otsu, H. Ema, L. Zon, and N. Chandel for advice. This work
Two further independent experiments using (Fig. 4A). was supported by grants from JST; the Ministry of Education,
the same strategy showed long-term engraftment We also tested Val and Leu diets on human Culture, Sport, Science and Technology (Japan); the Japan
in 5 of 5 and 3 of 5 mice, and no mice died (fig. hematopoiesis using NOD/Shi-scid/IL-2Rgnull (NOG) Society for the Promotion of Science; California Institute of
S11, C and D). HSC engraftment was confirmed mice reconstituted with BM CD34+ cells at near- Regenerative Medicine; the Siebel Foundation; and the Ludwig
Foundation. H.N., S.Y., and Y.T. are inventors on a patent
by secondary transplantation assays (fig. S11E). ly 100% human chimerism (11, 12). In mice that application (PCT/JP2015/083088) submitted by the University
Irradiation of recipient mice in HSC transplan- received Val or Leu diets, absolute numbers of of Tokyo that covers the composition for decreasing HSCs
tation assays causes growth retardation, hair loss, human PB WBCs, BM cells, and CD34+CD38 and methods for producing these cells.
and infertility, and even successfully engrafted cells decreased (Fig. 4B and fig. S11, F and G).
mice usually do not survive more than a year after The Val diet also significantly reduced the hu-
transplantation. By contrast, mice that received a man Lin and CD34+CD38+ cell frequency, a find-
Val pretreatment diet appeared healthy, were ing that was not observed after administration Materials and Methods
fertile, and lived more than a year (Fig. 3F). Nonir- of the Leu diet (Fig. 4B). These data suggest that Figs. S1 to S13
radiative engraftment could also be achieved valine is also indispensable for human HSPC 8 June 2016; accepted 28 September 2016
when mice were switched back to a complete maintenance and that only valine deprivation Published online 20 October 2016
diet immediately rather than gradually, but this exerts a consistent effect on mouse and human 10.1126/science.aag3145

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1155


HEMATOPOIESIS ary transplantation. Donor contribution was

observed in all recipients transplanted with
three Tie2-GFP+ HSCs, whereas 40% showed
Self-renewal of a purified Tie2+ reconstitution capacity with three Tie2-GFP
HSCs (Fig. 1B and fig. S2, A to D), demonstrat-

hematopoietic stem cell population ing that Tie2-GFP identifies an HSC fraction with
minimal heterogeneity. To accurately supply the
bone marrow with individual HSCs, we em-
relies on mitochondrial clearance ployed multiphoton microscopy guidance (local
transplantation) (fig. S2E) to deliver single Tie2-
Kyoko Ito,1,2,3 Raphal Turcotte,4 Jinhua Cui,1,5* Samuel E. Zimmerman,1,6*
GFP+ HSCs near an opening to the marrow of
live mice, and we then tracked these cells dur-
Sandra Pinho,1,5* Toshihide Mizoguchi,1,5 Fumio Arai,7 Judith M. Runnels,4
ing subsequent homing to locations some dis-
Clemens Alt,4 Julie Teruya-Feldstein,8 Jessica C. Mar,1,6,9 Rajat Singh,2,10,11
tance from the delivery site (Fig. 1C and movies
Toshio Suda,7,12 Charles P. Lin,4 Paul S. Frenette,1,2,3,5 Keisuke Ito1,2,3,5,11
S1 and S2). Recipients showed reconstitution
from locally transplanted single (100%) and mul-
A single hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) is capable of reconstituting hematopoiesis and
tiple Tie2-GFP+ HSCs (fig. S2F). A single Tie2-
maintaining homeostasis by balancing self-renewal and cell differentiation. The mechanisms
GFP+ HSC can exhibit reconstitution capacity in
of HSC division balance, however, are not yet defined. Here we demonstrate, by characterizing at

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

a recipient mouse for more than 6 months, once
the single-cell level a purified and minimally heterogeneous murine Tie2+ HSC population,
it is located in the bone marrow.
that these top hierarchical HSCs preferentially undergo symmetric divisions. The induction
We also tested, in vivo and in vitro, whether
of mitophagy, a quality control process in mitochondria, plays an essential role in self-renewing
Tie2 acts as an HSC marker under stress con-
expansion of Tie2+ HSCs. Activation of the PPAR (peroxisome proliferatoractivated
ditions. Of the polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid
receptor)fatty acid oxidation pathway promotes expansion of Tie2+ HSCs through enhanced
(pIpC, inducing the interferon response)treated
Parkin recruitment in mitochondria. These metabolic pathways are conserved in human TIE2+
single Tie2-GFP+ HSCs, 65.0% showed repopula-
HSCs. Our data thus identify mitophagy as a key mechanism of HSC expansion and suggest
tion capacity at levels comparable to those seen
potential methods of cell-fate manipulation through metabolic pathways.
in control mice (fig. S3, A to D). But whereas
the Tie2-GFP+/Tie2-Ab+ fraction exhibited high

recise mechanisms enable efficient and ample, protects HSCs from metabolic stress (5). reconstitution capacity, neither the Tie2-GFP/
regulated hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) In a similar process in mammary epithelial stem- Tie2-Ab+ fraction nor any of the 12 single Tie2-
renewal versus differentiation, and these like cells, older mitochondria are pushed into GFP+ KSL cells showed high reconstitution. The
processes are coordinated. HSCs must with- daughter cells fated to differentiate by asym- majority of the re-sorted Tie2-GFP+ cells (70.6%
stand various stresses to maintain hemato- metric division (AD), thus maintaining high- after 3-day culture; 85.7% after 7-day culture)
poiesis for the duration of their life cycles. The quality stem cell homeostasis (8). Despite extensive exhibited multilineage reconstitution, though
repair or clearance of damage is critical to pre- study of HSC renewal and differentiation, however, Tie2-GFP cells did not. None of 90 Tie2-GFP
cisely controlling their cell fates and maintain- much remains unclear regarding the mechanisms HSCs provided donor-derived Tie2-GFP+ HSCs in
ing stemness upon division, especially during of division balance due to the heterogeneity of recipient mice. These data suggest that Tie2 serves
HSC expansion through symmetric self-renewing HSC-enriched fractions. as a useful marker that can prospectively identify
division. HSC exhaustion can result from defec- In searching for a potential HSC marker, we HSCs (figs. S2G and S3, E to L).
tive cellular metabolism and/or impaired au- observed high Tie2 levels in the CD34 HSC- Single-cell gene expression assays showed that
tophagy (16), a lysosomal degradation pathway enriched compartment (fig. S1A). We therefore a substantial number of genesincluding HSC
that breaks down damaged or unwanted proteins established a Tie2green fluorescent protein (GFP) factors and markers (e.g., Tie2, Hif1a, Mpl, and
and/or organelles (7). The FOXO3A (forkhead reporter line (Tie2-reporter mice or Tie2 Tg) to Foxo3a), as well as Pml (promyelocytic leukemia)
box O3a)driven proautophagy program, for ex- validate Tie2-expression as an HSC marker (fig. and its downstream signaling pathways, which
S1, B and C). Tie2-GFP was specifically enriched regulate fatty acid oxidation (FAO) via Cpt1a
in the HSC fraction but was reduced during dif- (carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a), Ppard (per-
Ruth L. and David S. Gottesman Institute for Stem Cell and ferentiation, in parallel with mRNA levels (fig. oxisome proliferator-activated receptor-delta), and
Regenerative Medicine Research, Albert Einstein College of S1, D to G). Tie2-GFP+ and -GFP fractions in Acox1 (acylcoenzyme A oxidase1)were markedly
Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA. 2Department of Medicine,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA.
CD34CD150+CD48low/CD135KSL cells were puri- higher in the Tie2-GFP+ fraction than the Tie2-
Albert Einstein Cancer Center, Albert Einstein College of fied from Tie2 reporter mice (hereafter, Tie2-GFP+ GFP fraction (Fig. 1D). Hierarchical clustering,
Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA. 4Center for Systems or Tie2-GFP HSCs), and Tie2 levels were detected HSC signature, and signatures for both PPAR
Biology, Advanced Microscopy Program, Wellman Center for in Tie2-GFP+ HSCs but not in Tie2-GFP HSCs signaling and fatty acid metabolism demonstrate
Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA 02114, USA. 5Departments of
(fig. S1H). The cell cycle kinetics (9) revealed that that Tie2-GFP+ HSCs are molecularly farther
Cell Biology and Stem Cell Institute, Albert Einstein College cell cycling was slightly slower in Tie2-GFP+ away from both KSL cells and Tie2-GFP HSCs
of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA. 6Department of Systems versus Tie2-GFP HSCs (fig. S1I). A higher pro- (fig. S4). The functions of the PPAR-FAO path-
and Computational Biology, Albert Einstein College of portion of phenotypic Tie2-GFP+ HSCs than Tie2- way in Tie2-GFP+ HSCs were then assessed. Im-
Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA. 7Department of Cell
Differentiation, The Sakaguchi Laboratory of Developmental
GFP HSCs was closely associated with arteriolar paired reconstitution ability of single Pml/
Biology, School of Medicine, Keio University, Japan. structure (fig. S1J) and expressed endothelial and Tie2-GFP+ HSCs could be rescued by GW501516,
Department of Pathology, Sloan Kettering Institute, HSC markers (10, 11) (fig. S1, K to M). a PPARd-specific agonist (fig. S5, A to C). Thus
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY In addition, the Tie2-GFP+ fraction displayed the PPAR-FAO pathway plays critical roles in
10021, USA. 9Department of Epidemiology and Population
Health, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461,
a highly significant (5.75-fold) increase in long- directly regulating the self-renewal of the top
USA. 10Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Albert term cultureinitiating cell (LTC-IC) frequency hierarchical HSCs.
Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA. relative to the Tie2-GFP fraction (Fig. 1A). Single- Mitochondria are central metabolic organelles
Diabetes Research Center, Albert Einstein College of cell transplantation showed that a high percent- responsible for the final steps of FAO, which
Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA. 12Cancer Science Institute
of Singapore, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
age of single Tie2-GFP+ cells (68.0%) exhibited cleaves two carbons every cycle to form acetyl
*These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding reconstitution capacity without lineage bias and coenzyme A. Once the PPAR-FAO pathway is
author. Email: maintained high donor chimerism upon second- activated, fatty acids have been imported into

1156 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


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Fig. 1. Tie2-GFP marks a distinct HSC subset. (A) LTC-IC frequencies of Tie2-GFP+ and Tie2-GFP HSCs were determined in a limiting-dilution assay (LDA).
(B) Percentages of successful long-term reconstitution. (C) In vivo imaging of single Tie2-GFP+ HSCs immediately after local delivery in the calvarium. (Left) Top
(upper) and side (lower) views of the delivery site.The arrow indicates the opening to the bone marrow. (Right) In vivo imaging of the same cell, 24 hours after local
delivery (en face maximum intensity projection). (D) Single-cell gene expression analysis using the BioMark System array (Fluidigm) (see materials and methods).

Fig. 2.The PPAR-FAO pathway activates mitochondrial autophagy in HSCs. (A) Parkin and Pink1 levels
in GW501516-treated (GW) Tie2-GFP+ HSCs. (B and C) PPARd activators, GW501516 or L-165041 (L165),
enhance colocalization of Tom20 with LAMP1. Treatment with carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone
(CCCP) was used as a control for mitophagy induction [(B), left]. Mitochondrial net flux was calculated by
Tom20-accumulation in the presence of leupeptin (Leup) [(B), right]. Representative immunofluorescence
(IF) images of colocalized Tom20 with LAMP1 [4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), blue; Tom20, red;
LAMP1, green; Merge, yellow] in PPARd-agonisttreated HSCs. White dashed boxes represent the
magnified images shown at right. Scale bars, 2 mm (C). (D) Representative images of GW501516-
treated HSCs immunostained to label mtDNA (left) and quantified for mitophagy [12 hours oligomycin and antimycin A] (right top) and net mtDNA flux
(right bottom). In (A), (B), and (D), error bars represent mean SEM (at least 10 cells analyzed per each condition per each experiment).

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Fig. 3. Parkin is important for PPAR-FAOinduced mitophagy in HSCs. (A) Relative Tom20 colocalization (left) and mitochondria net flux (right) in GW501516-
treated HSCs in the presence of siPark2. (B) Quantification of mitophagy based on the remaining mtDNA staining 12 hours after treatment with oligomycin and
antimycin A. (C) Pink1-silencing reduces PPARd-enhanced mitophagy. Relative Tom20 colocalization (top left), net mitochondria flux (top right), and representative IF
images depicting LAMP1 and Tom20 colocalization in GW501516-treated HSCs in the presence of siPink1 (bottom). (D) GW501516 enhances colocalization of TOM20
with PARKIN (left) and increases mitochondrial net flux (right). Scale bars in (C) and (D), 2 mm.

the mitochondrial matrix (12). Our gene expres- with the increased colocalization of Tom20 (translo- phagy activation in Tie2-GFP+ HSCs treated with
sion assays revealed higher expression of mito- case of outer membrane 20) with LAMP1 (lysosomal- a PPAR agonist.
chondrial autophagy (mitophagy)related genes, associated membrane protein 1). Flux analyses were Hematopoiesis-specific Ppard conditional
including Parkin (Park2), Pink1 (PTEN-induced then performed to quantify mitochondrial turnover knockout mice were then generated. Ppard-
putative kinase 1), Optineurin, Tom 7, Map1lc3a in lysosomes (the organelles where mitophagy deleted HSCs exhibited neither enhanced Tom20
(Lc3), and p62/Sqstm1, in Tie2-GFP+ HSCs at occurs) by evaluating the accumulation of Tom20 and Parkin colocalization nor increased mito-
steady-state conditions. Most of these genes were in the presence of leupeptin, an inhibitor of lyso- chondrial net flux after PPARd agonist treatment,
further up-regulated by activation of the PPAR- somal proteolysis. Pharmacological PPAR-FAO although these agonists stimulated mitophagy in
FAO pathway (Fig. 2A and fig. S5, D to F). To activation enhanced the net mitochondrial flux wild-type HSCs, and a mitochondrial uncoupler,
assess whether mitophagy-related genes are toward lysosomal degradation. These data strongly carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP),
regulated by the PPAR-FAO pathway at the suggest that the PPAR-FAO pathway activates induced mitophagy in both genotyped HSCs
transcriptional level, Pink1-luciferase reporters mitophagy (Fig. 2, B and C). (fig. S8E). Conditional heterozygous deletion of
were used. A PPARd agonist transactivated Pink1 Other findings supported the enhancement Cpt2 partially but significantly attenuated the
reporters, which were reduced by FAO inhibition of mitophagy by a PPAR agonist, including in- enhanced Parkin recruitment in mitochondria
or mutation of FOXO-response elements. Foxo3a creased colocalization of Parkin with pyruvate induced by a PPAR agonist (fig. S8F). Taken
was up-regulated in HSCs upon treatment with a dehydrogenase (PDH), a matrix mitochondrial together, these direct genetic approaches re-
PPARd agonist, and this process was attenuated protein. Mitophagy enhancement was again con- veal that PPARd agonists stimulate mitophagy
by the ablation of Ppard or Cpt2, which are FAO- firmed in GW501516-treated HSCs by the in- in a PPAR-FAOdependent manner.
related genes. These data suggest that the PPAR- creased colocalization of Parkin with both Tom20 To test whether mitophagy is critical for Tie2-
FAO pathway transcriptionally regulates PINK1, and the autophagosome marker LC3 (figs. S7E GFP+ HSC expansion, Parkin and Pink1 were
in part through FOXO3a (fig. S6). and S8, A to D). To explore another mitophagy first silenced by RNA interferencemediated
We then sought to determine whether PPARd- indicator, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) nucleoids knockdown. siPark2 decreased net mitochondrial
induced mitophagy correlates with a specific meta- were quantified after mitochondrial damage flux (a hallmark of mitophagy) in GW501516-treated
bolic state or profile. Cellular FAO activity was with oligomycin and antimycin A. GW501516- HSCs, as indicated by decreased colocalization of
specifically enhanced after PPARd agonist treat- treated HSCs were nearly devoid of mtDNA and Tom20 and PDH with LAMP1, whereas cell death,
ment and was accompanied by Pink1, whereas glu- exhibited increased net mtDNA flux, whereas proliferation rate, FAO activity, and Cdk6 levels
cose uptake or levels of pyruvate and tricarboxylic mtDNA was still partially retained in control were not altered (Fig. 3A and figs. S7A and S9).
acid cycle metabolites were not altered (fig. S7, A HSCs (Fig. 2D). Thus, damaged mitochondria Parkin-knockdown in GW501516-treated HSCs
to D). PPARd agonists also enhanced mitophagy, are cleared more quickly due to enhanced mito- led to accumulating signals of Tom20 and PDH,

1158 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


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Fig. 4. Self-renewing expansion of Tie2+ HSC through mitophagy. (A) Rep- (D) Single Tie2-GFP+ HSC transplantation without supporting cells. Survival
resentative pictures of Tie2-GFP positivity, with bright-field images (BF) col- of recipient mice was examined by plotting Kaplan-Meier survival curves
lected during symmetric division. (B) Representative repopulation kinetics of (also see fig. S13B). (E) PPARd activation induces in vivo expansion of Tie2-
SD during the first and second bone marrow transplantation (BMT). PB-MNCs, GFP+ HSCs. The number of transplanted Tie2-GFP+ HSCs (donor cells) is
peripheral blood mononuclear cells. (C) Division patterns of Tie2-GFP+ HSCs denoted by the dashed line marked Original (also see fig. S13H). (F) Fre-
(left) and Tie2-GFP HSCs (right), in terms of reconstitution capacity. SD, quency of successful hematopoietic reconstitution of shParkin-silenced Tie2-
symmetric division; AD, asymmetric division; SC, symmetric commitment. GFP+ HSCs (also see fig. S13J).

as well as reduced colocalization of LAMP1 with metabolism can therefore control self-renewal high-stress conditions without the enhanced sym-
LC3 (fig. S10, A to C). mtDNA was retained in capacity and the cell fates of human HSCs (Fig. metric expansion provided by Tie2-GFP+ HSCs.
Parkin-silenced HSCs, and these cells were re- 3D and fig. S11, H to J). As expected, PPAR-FAO activation increased
fractory to PPAR agonist treatment (Fig. 3B and Finally, we explored the effects of FAO-induced the number of Tie2-GFP+ cells in vitro with an
fig. S10D). These data suggest that Parkin has an mitophagy on Tie2-GFP+ HSC expansion. In vivo increased rate of SD (fig. S13, C to G). Tie2-GFP+
essential role in PPAR-FAOinduced mitophagy. paired daughter cell (PDC) assays can determine HSC numbers were increased in comparison with
Because Pink1 is known to be essential for the division patterns of HSCs retrospectively, by the original number of transplanted donor cells in
mitophagy and Pink1 levels were increased by assessing the reconstitution capacity of each recipients and were further increased by PPARd
PPAR-FAO activation, we next assessed the effect daughter cell (3, 13). In vivo PDC assays revealed agonist treatment (about a fourfold increase).
of Pink1 knockdown on the process. Pink1 silenc- that Tie2-GFP+ HSCs preferentially undergo sym- Furthermore, PPARd agonist treatment expanded
ing reduced Tom20 colocalization with both metric division (SD) (in 20 out of 27 divisions, or Tie2-GFP+ HSCs under physiological stress, as in-
LAMP1 and Parkin and decreased net flux of 74.1%, both daughter cells showed a reconstitu- duced by pIpC (Fig. 4E and figs. S3B and S13H).
mitochondria in GW501516-treated HSCs, accom- tion capacity) rather than AD or symmetric com- However, silencing Park2 or Pink1 not only
panied by accumulating Tom20 signals. mtDNA mitment [(SC), both daughter cells exhibited no abrogated the expansion of Tie2-GFP + cells
was also retained in Pink1-silenced HSCs (Fig. 3, reconstitution capacity], whereas Tie2-GFP HSCs in vitro but also inhibited their maintenance
B and C, and fig. S10, D to G). Consequently, undergo either AD or SC (Fig. 4, A to C, and fig. (fig. S13I). Most single Parkin-silenced Tie2-GFP+
Parkin and Pink1 play important roles in PPAR- S12). To further test the restoration capacity of cells failed to show reconstitution capacity (92.3%),
FAOinduced mitophagy in HSCs. hematopoiesis by single Tie2-GFP+ HSCs, we whereas the majority of control Tie2-GFP+ cells
We then explored potential clinical applica- performed transplantation assays under high- (66.7%) exhibited this capacity (Fig. 4F and fig.
tions of pharmacological FAO modulation in hu- stress conditions, as are found in single-cell trans- S13J). Pink1/ HSCs failed to adequately respond
man hematopoiesis. TIE2 expression is enriched plantation without supporting cells. The survival to the demand for hematopoietic recovery under
in the HSC fraction, and TIE2-positivity enhan- ratio after single Tie2-GFP+ HSC transplantation high-stress conditions, even though a PPARd ago-
ces LTC-IC frequency and in vivo repopulation was 85.7%, whereas no recipients of single Tie2- nist was administered (fig. S13K). In conclusion,
capacity in human bone marrow (fig. S11, A to GFP HSCs survived (Fig. 4D and fig. S13, A and Tie2-GFP+ HSCs can maintain stem cell potential
G). GW501516 enhances LTC-IC frequency with B). Functional HSCs are present in the Tie2-GFP during cell cycling due to high mitochondrial
mitophagy activation, whereas low doses of an fraction, but they fail to adequately respond to clearance through mitophagy and up-regulation
FAO inhibitor reduce its capacity. Fatty acid the demand for hematopoietic recovery under of Parkin and Pink1 (fig. S14). Our data from this

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1159


highly purified HSC fraction identifies mitochon- 8. P. Katajisto et al., Science 348, 340343 (2015). Institute (to C.P.L.), NIH and Ellison Medical Foundation (to R.S.),
drial clearance by induction of mitophagosome 9. F. Arai et al., Cell 118, 149161 (2004). NIH and Leukemia Lymphoma Society (to P.S.F.), and Japan Society
10. M. Acar et al., Nature 526, 126130 (2015). for the Promotion of Science (to T.S.). We declare no competing
formation as a key mechanism in maintaining financial interests.
11. Y. Kunisaki et al., Nature 502, 637643 (2013).
stemness. 12. W. H. Kunau, V. Dommes, H. Schulz, Prog. Lipid Res. 34,
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RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES 13. R. Yamamoto et al., Cell 154, 11121126 (2013).
1. K. Ito, T. Suda, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 15, 243256 (2014).
2. N. Shyh-Chang, G. Q. Daley, L. C. Cantley, Development 140, Materials and Methods
ACKN OWLED GMEN TS Supplementary Text
25352547 (2013).
3. K. Ito et al., Nat. Med. 18, 13501358 (2012). We thank all members of the Ito lab and Einstein Stem Cell Figs. S1 to S14
4. M. Mohrin et al., Science 347, 13741377 (2015). Institute for their comments on HSC self-renewal and M. Wolfgang, References (1459)
5. M. R. Warr et al., Nature 494, 323327 (2013). A. Carracedo, H. You, and the Einstein Flow Cytometry and Movies S1 and S2
6. M. Mortensen et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 832837 Analytical Imaging core facilities (grant P30CA013330) for help and
(2010). materials. This work was supported by NIH (grants R01DK98263 and 26 February 2016; accepted 4 October 2016
7. L. Galluzzi, F. Pietrocola, B. Levine, G. Kroemer, Cell 159, R01DK100689 to Ke.I.) and NYSTEM (New York State Stem Cell Published online 13 October 2016
12631276 (2014). Science single-cell-core, grant C029154 to Ke.I.), Harvard Stem Cell 10.1126/science.aaf5530

T CELL EXHAUSTION and table S1). Previous studies identified tran-

scriptional (7) or cellular (8, 9) changes in meta-

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bolic pathways after PD-1 pathway blockade.
Epigenetic stability of exhausted Indeed, several metabolic genes were altered
following PD-L1 blockade (table S1). Gene Set
T cells limits durability of Enrichment Analysis (GSEA), however, identi-
fied more prominent changes in cell division
pathways (Fig. 1B and table S2) (5, 10). In ad-
reinvigoration by PD-1 blockade dition, many effector-related genes were biased
toward the anti-PD-L1 group (Fig. 1, C and D, and
Kristen E. Pauken,1 Morgan A. Sammons,2 Pamela M. Odorizzi,1 Sasikanth Manne,1 table S3). Other genes of interest included Cxcl9,
Jernej Godec,3,4 Omar Khan,1 Adam M. Drake,2 Zeyu Chen,1 Debattama R. Sen,3 Il1r2, and Il7r (up-regulated) and Klra9, Tnfrsf9,
Makoto Kurachi,1 R. Anthony Barnitz,3 Caroline Bartman,1 Bertram Bengsch,1 and Cd200r2 (down-regulated) (fig. S1D and table
Alexander C. Huang,5 Jason M. Schenkel,6 Golnaz Vahedi,7 W. Nicholas Haining,3,8,9 S1). Using leading-edge metagene (LEM) analysis
Shelley L. Berger,2 E. John Wherry1* (11), we identified two metagenes in anti-PD-L1
treated TEX compared to control TEX; one cor-
Blocking Programmed Death1 (PD-1) can reinvigorate exhausted CD8 Tcells (TEX) and improve responding to leukocyte activation and one to
control of chronic infections and cancer. However, whether blocking PD-1 can reprogram TEX cell cycle (Fig. 1E; fig. S1, E and F; and table S4).
into durable memory T cells (TMEM) is unclear. We found that reinvigoration of TEX in mice by The anti-PD-L1treated TEX metagenes displayed
PD-L1 blockade caused minimal memory development. After blockade, reinvigorated TEX some overlap with effector T cells (TEFF), largely
became reexhausted if antigen concentration remained high and failed to become TMEM upon driven by cell cycle pathways, but minimal overlap
antigen clearance. TEX acquired an epigenetic profile distinct from that of effector T cells (TEFF) with TMEM (Fig. 1E and table S4), suggesting
and TMEM cells that was minimally remodeled after PD-L1 blockade. This finding suggests that limited acquisition of memory potential upon
TEX are a distinct lineage of CD8 T cells. Nevertheless, PD-1 pathway blockade resulted in TEX reinvigoration.
transcriptional rewiring and reengagement of effector circuitry in the TEX epigenetic landscape. PD-1 pathway blockade can reactivate functions
These data indicate that epigenetic fate inflexibility may limit current immunotherapies. in TEX, but whether reinvigoration is sustained is
unclear. There was a robust reinvigoration of TEX,

as expected (Fig. 1, F and G, and figs. S1, A and B,
ersisting antigenic stimulation during chron- properties prevent optimal control of persisting and S2) (5), and expansion peaked ~3 weeks after
ic infections and cancer can result in T cell pathogens and tumors. Blocking the PD-1:PD-L1 initiation of blockade. By 8 to 11 weeks after
exhaustion, a state of impaired effector func- pathway can reinvigorate exhausted CD8 T cells treatment, however, this reinvigoration was lost,
tions, high expression of inhibitory receptors (TEX), improving effector functions and enhancing and the quantity, proliferation, effector function,
including Programmed Death1 (PD-1, or viral and tumor control (1). Recently developed and inhibitory receptor expression of LCMV-specific
CD279), transcriptional reprogramming, and de- inhibitors of the PD-1 and cytotoxic T lymphocyte CD8 T cells in the anti-PD-L1treated mice were
fective immune memory (1). Collectively, these associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) pathways represent comparable to those in control-treated mice (Fig.
a new paradigm in cancer treatment (24). Although 1, F to H, and figs. S2 to S4). Moreover, although
Department of Microbiology and Institute for Immunology, promising, the majority of patients fail to de- anti-PD-L1 treatment reduced viral load imme-
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, velop durable responses, and most eventually diately after treatment, 4 months later, viral load
Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2Departments of Cell and Developmental progress (24). Thus, it is unclear whether blocking was similar to that in control-treated mice (Fig. 1I).
Biology, Genetics, and Biology, Penn Epigenetics Program,
PD-1 can promote long-lasting improvements Lastly, 18 to 29 weeks after cessation of blockade,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 3Department
of Pediatric Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, and immunological memory development in TEX. the transcriptional profiles of control- and anti-
MA, USA. 4Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology, To address this question, we analyzed the cel- PD-L1treated groups were similar (Fig. 1J, figs.
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. 5Department of lular, transcriptional, and epigenetic changes S5 and S6, and tables S5 and S6). Collectively,
Medicine and Institute for Immunology, Perelman School of
associated with PD-1 pathway blockade using these data indicate that when antigen concentra-
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of the mouse model of chronic lymphocytic chorio- tion remains high, TEX that were reinvigorated
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 7Department of Genetics and meningitis virus (LCMV) infection (fig. S1, A to C) by PD-1 pathway blockade become reexhausted.
Institute for Immunology, University of Pennsylvania, (5, 6). After treatment with antibodies against One possible reason the effects of PD-L1 blockade
Philadelphia, PA, USA. 8Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,
PD-L1 (anti-PD-L1), 1080 genes were up-regulated were not sustained is that the infection persisted.
Cambridge, MA, USA. 9Division of Hematology/Oncology,
Childrens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. and 1686 genes were down-regulated [P < 0.05, We hypothesized that if the infection were cleared,
*Corresponding author. Email: log2 fold change (LFC) 0.2] (Fig. 1A, fig. S1D, anti-PD-L1 might induce differentiation into TMEM.

1160 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


Transcriptional Profiles 0.5 Effector genes Effector genes

Enrichment Score
Enrichment Score
P-val FDR q
+1 day post-tx Neg. Regulation of Apoptosis 0.036 0.424
0.4 PD-L1 control
Mitotic Cell Cycle 0.030 0.402
Chromosome 0.000 0.679 NES=1.90
Clustering Frequency p value<0.001
0 1 Cell Cycle Phase 0.016 0.406 0.3
FDR q value=0.002
0.2 0.2
PD-L1 0.1

0.0 0.0

PD-L1 control Relative Scale

Row Min Row Max

PD-L1 control
LEM Mitosis Neg. Reg. of Apoptosis control 80 ***
Cell cycle Reg. of Leukocyte Act. *** PD-L1 PD-L1
PD-L1 1 Cell cycle phase PD-L1 1 Immune Response 8

% Ki67+ P14s
% P14 of CD8
Response to virus TEFF 2 TMEM 3 ***
60 ***
Leukocyte activation ns
Defense response 6 ***
** *
40 ns
4 *
2 *** ns 20

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ns ns
PD-L1 2 PD-L1 2 TMEM 2
Leukocyte adhesion
Cell cycle
0 0
Cell cycle phase
TEFF 1 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Immune response Immune Response
Response to wounding TMEM 1 Cellular defense response Days Post Infection Days Post Infection
Chemotaxis Reg. of Protein Kinase cascade

+1 day +20 wks +1 day +20 wks Transcriptional

10 8 10 8 Profiles +1day
15 *** 15 ***
PFU/gram kidney

PFU/gram kidney



10 10 PD-L1 +1day

(10.8% of var.)
10 7 10 7 +1day
5 5
PC2 +1day
0 0 10 6 10 6
P ol

P ol
P l

P l











(43.6% of var.)



Fig. 1. Anti-PD-L1 induces an effector-like transcriptional program in TEX (H) Quantification of IFNg+ TNFa+ P14 cells. (I) Viral load in the kidney. Data
cells that is not sustained after cessation of treatment. (A) Consensus hi- in (F) and (G) are one representative experiment. In (H) and (I), the +1 day time
erarchical clustering by 1-Pearson correlation from the microarray on control- or point is combined from two representative experiments, and the +20 week
anti-PD-L1treated TEX. (B) GSEA of representative Gene Ontology (GO) terms. time point is from one representative experiment. Data in (F) to (I) are rep-
(C) GSEA of effector genes. (D) Row-normalized heat map of effector-associated resentative of at least two independent experiments with at least four mice per
genes. (E) Circos plots showing overlap in metagenes identified in anti-PD-L1- group per experiment. (J) Principle-component analysis of RNA sequencing
treated TEX compared to metagenes in TEFF (left) and TMEM cells (right). Ribbons (RNA-seq), percentage of variance (% of var.) indicated. The RNA-seq was
connecting areas of the Circos plots indicate shared genes between groups. performed on two to four independent experiments with 5 to 13 mice per group
The microarray includes four independent experiments with 10 to 12 mice per as indicated in the supplementary methods. Each dot represents an inde-
group per experiment. (F) Frequency of LCMV GP33-specific T cell receptor trans- pendent replicate. Asterisks indicate statistical significance determined by
genic P14 cells among CD8 T cells and (G) Ki67+ P14 cells in the peripheral unpaired t tests between groups (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001). ns,
blood. Gray bar indicates antibody treatment period. Error bars represent SEM. not significant.

To test this idea, we transferred equal numbers and activator of transcription 5) compared to of interferon-g (IFN-g) and tumor necrosis factora
of control TEX, anti-PD-L1treated TEX, or TMEM control-treated TEX (Fig. 2F and fig. S7B). By (TNF-a) (Fig. 2, G to H, and fig. S7, D to H). Thus, it
into antigen-free mice and monitored persistence contrast, expression of the IL-15 receptor subunit may be possible to exploit pathways up-regulated
(fig. S7A). Consistent with previous studies (12, 13), CD122 and responsiveness to IL-15 in vitro were by PD-L1 blockade, including IL-7R, to improve
TEX survived poorly in antigen-free recipients not substantially altered (Fig. 2, C and F, and fig. checkpoint blockade.
compared to functional TMEM (Fig. 2, A and B). S7B). These data suggest that anti-PD-L1 treatment We next examined whether PD-1 pathway
There was a trend toward anti-PD-L1treated may augment activity of the memory-biased blockade could restore robust recall potential
TEX persisting somewhat longer, though survival IL-7R pathway. upon reinfection, a defining property of TMEM.
was poor compared to TMEM (Fig. 2, A and B). Treatment with IL-7 starting in the effector Equal numbers of DbGP33+ CD8 TEX, anti-PD-
We next investigated potential mechanisms for phase can prevent development of exhaustion L1treated TEX, or TMEM were transferred into
this trend. After PD-1 pathway blockade, the num- (14, 15). However, later in chronic infection, TEX antigen-free mice, rested, and then rechallenged
ber of interleukin-7 (IL-7) receptor transcripts respond poorly to IL-7 (12, 13). Because anti-PD-L1 with Listeria monocytogenes expressing GP33-41.
(Il7r; CD127) increased significantly (fig. S1D and improved IL-7R signaling, we tested whether com- TMEM robustly expanded and efficiently produced
table S1). There was also a modest increase in bined treatment had additional benefit (fig. S7C). IFN-g (Fig. 3, A to D). By contrast, both control- and
CD127 protein abundance on a subset of TEX after Indeed, although other aspects of the response anti-PD-L1treated TEX mounted poor responses
anti-PD-L1 treatment (Fig. 2, C to E). Upon stim- were less affected, treatment with IL-7 and anti- to Listeria-GP33 challenge, and reinvigorated TEX
ulation with IL-7, anti-PD-L1treated TEX also PD-L1, but not IL-7 alone, resulted in more antigen- were as defective as control TEX in these key prop-
showed more phospho-STAT5 (signal transducer specific CD8 T cells and improved coproduction erties (Fig. 3, A to D).

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1161


100 * *** ***

ns Arm immune clone 13 clone13+PD-L1 100

# donor DbGP33+/spleen
% recovered (PBMCs)

10 105 97% 105 12% 105 28%
80 80

% CD127+
4 4
10 10 104
60 ns

103 103 103 *
40 40
0 0 0
20 20
10 2 0 10 3
10 4
10 5
0 10 3
10 4
10 5
0 103 104 105
0 0

D 3+
D 3+

D 3+




P cl 1
P l 1

P cl 1





2.5 *** 3.5 *** *** **

CD127 CD122 6 106
100 392 8 100 105 5 ** *


10 ng/ml IL-15

% P14 of CD8
860 17
398 18 3.0
21 5 306 7 2.0 4 105
70 10 260 10 *

# P14+
60 60 ns
40 40
1.5 2 104

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

20 20 2.0
0 0
0 103 104 105 0 103 104 105
1.0 1.5 0 103
naive Arm immune
D 3+

D 3+


-7 1+

-7 1+
P c.

P c.

P 1

P 1

IL l

IL l


P cl 1

P cl 1











cl13 cl13+PD-L1



control IL-7 i.c. PD-L1 PD-L1+IL-7 i.c. 15
33% 2% 28% 3% 47% 7% 51% 11%

105 105 105 105

10 4
10 4
10 4
10 4

3 3 3 3
10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0

0 103 104 105 0 103 104 105 0 103 104 105 0 103 104 105

P i.c.

-7 1+
P -L1
IL ol



Fig. 2. PD-1 pathway blockade moderately improves antigen-independent phospho-STAT5 induction by P14 cells at day 39 after infection after ex vivo
persistence and IL-7 signaling in TEX. (A) Number of DbGP33+ donor CD8 Tcells stimulation with IL-7 or IL-15 for 30 min. Values indicate fold change over
per million peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) at day 27 (compared unstimulated controls. (G) Frequency (of CD8+, left) and number (right) of P14
to day 1) after transfer and (B) number recovered from the spleen. (C) Histo- cells in the spleen after 2 weeks of treatment. (H) Plots (left) and quantification
grams of CD127 and CD122 expression on TEX P14 cells (day 35 after clone 13) (right) of IFNg+ TNFa+ P14 cells from (G) after ex vivo peptide stimulation. Data
compared to TMEM P14 cells or bulk CD44lo CD62L+ TN cells [day 167 after LCMV in (F) to (H) are combined from two independent experiments with at least four
strain Armstrong (Arm)]. Values indicate average geometric mean fluorescence mice per group. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (*P < 0.05, **P <
intensity (MFI) and SEM. (D) Contour plots of PD-1 versus CD127 from mice in 0.01, and ***P < 0.001) determined as described in the supplementary
(C). (E) Quantification of (D). Data in (A) to (E) are representative of at least two methods. Blue asterisks indicate analysis of variance (ANOVA) P values; black
independent experiments with at least four mice per group. (F) Quantification of asterisks indicate post-test P values.

After antigen withdrawal, TEX and anti-PD- (TSS) within 20 kb of OCRs tended to be more set can be reinvigorated by PD-1 pathway blockade,
L1treated TEX failed to down-regulate PD-1 (Fig. highly expressed (fig. S10). OCRs at specific genes whereas the EomeshiPD-1hi subset is more terminal
3E), consistent with Pdcd1 locus DNA methyla- illustrated distinct patterns for TEFF, TMEM, and and responds poorly to blocking PD-1 (24, 25). In
tion and long-term expression of PD-1 (1618). TEX. For example, TEX lacked several OCRs pre- this study, TEX were ~80% Eomeshi and ~20%
TEX also have lower global diacetylated histone sent in the Ifng locus in TEFF and TMEM (Fig. 3G, T-bethi, and this distribution changed minimally
H3 (19), but how this relates to differentiation blue boxes). Similarly, for Pdcd1, TEX-specific OCRs upon anti-PD-L1 treatment (fig. S14, A to C). The
is unclear. We hypothesized that the genome-wide were identified in the B and C regions (Fig. 3G, transcriptional and epigenetic profiles of TEX
epigenetic landscape of TEX may contribute to the black box) (9, 22, 23) and a previously unidentified and anti-PD-L1treated TEX were significantly en-
lack of durable improvements after PD-1 pathway OCR ~23 kb from the TSS (Fig. 3G, red box). riched for genes from the Eomeshi subset (fig. S14,
blockade. Thus, we performed global chromatin Global hierarchical clustering and cocluster anal- D and E) (29). However, there was also a trend
landscape mapping using assay for transposase- ysis showed that TEFF and TMEM were more sim- toward enrichment of genes from the PD-1intTbethi
accessible chromatin with high-throughput se- ilar to each other than to TEX and that TEX had a TEX subset in the anti-PD-L1treated group (fig.
quencing (ATAC-seq) (20) (fig. S8). The majority distinct global epigenetic landscape (Fig. 3, H to J, S14, F and G), perhaps reflecting recent conver-
of open chromatin regions (OCRs) identified were and figs. S11 to S13). These data suggest that TEX sion of Tbethi cells into Eomeshi cells or addi-
in intergenic regions (33.3 to 43.3%) or introns may represent a distinct lineage of CD8 T cells. tional heterogeneity.
(43.4 to 48.5%) (fig. S9A), as expected (21). TEFF, Two subsets of TEX have been defined based We next examined the ability of PD-1 pathway
TMEM, and TEX showed substantial chromatin re- on expression of Eomes, T-bet, and PD-1 (24, 25), blockade to reprogram the epigenetic landscape
modeling compared to TN (Fig. 3F and fig. S9, B and additional heterogeneity has recently been of TEX. Hierarchical clustering, co-clustering, and
and C), and genes with transcriptional start sites described (2628). The T-bethiEomeslo PD-1int sub- principle-component analysis showed considerable

1162 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


Arm immune control PD-L1 Arm immune control PD-L1

105 105 105 105 105 105
0.97% 0.006% 0.007%
91% 33% 28%

104 104 104 104 104 104

3 3 3 3 3 3
10 10 10 10 10 10

0 0 0 0 0 0

3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
0 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 0 103 104 105
Ly5.2 TNF
OCRs Ifng locus
10 kb
** ** PD-1 TEFF TMEM Scale
118,430,000 118,440,000
118,450,000 118,460,000
# donor DbGP33+ cells

105 100 100

52 2 TEX
939 35

% of max
80 1273 60 2006
1541 1030 790
ns 1706 548 Memory
104 60
% IFN+

ns 60 3741 Naive
40 2090
1072 597 Ifng
r RefSeq
40 20
103 Pdcd1 locus
4643 20 kb mm10
20 0 Scale
4002 chr1: 94,050,000 94,060,000 94,070,000 94,080,000 94,090,000 94,100,000
0 103 104 105

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

102 0 Arm immune TEX Effector
cl 13


D 3+

D 3+

LFC 2 up vs TN Memory

P cl 1
P cl 1




LFC 2 down vs TN Naive

Host DbGP33+ r RefSeq Pdcd1

ATAC enrichment of OCRs

TEFF+TMEM-enriched TEX+PD-L1-enriched TEX-enriched PD-L1-enriched
Top 19% of peaks by variance

Enrichment (log2)

Il12rb2 Il10 Nlrc3 Kif13b

Ifngr1 Tox Cblb IL1r2
Ifng Il21 Tcf4 Rnf40
Il18rap Pdcd1 Cd200r Wnt11
Il2ra Ctla4 Ikzf2 C3ar1
Irf4 Cxcr5 Usp1 Rbml5
Klrg1 Casp3 Sel1l Atp8b4
Tbx21 Fasl

# of peaks: 2,579 # of peaks: 5,758 # of peaks: 555 # of peaks: 98


TN (31.1% of var.)
ATAC Enrichment
Score (log 2) 0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 (51% of var.)

Fig. 3. PD-1 pathway blockade fails to restore memory-like recall capac- (***P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001) determined as described in the supplementary
ity or reprogram the epigenetic landscape of TEX into TEFF or TMEM cells. methods. Blue asterisks indicate ANOVA P values; black asterisks indicate
(A to D) The experimental design outlined in fig. S7A was used except that post-test P values. (F) Venn diagrams of ATAC-seq OCRs compared to TN cells
recipient mice were rechallenged with Listeria-GP33 3.5 weeks after transfer. (LFC 2). Data from the two replicates are combined. (G) Representative
(A) Flow cytometry plots of responding TMEM,TEX, or anti-PD-L1treated TEX at ATAC-seq tracks from one independent replicate per group shown at the Ifng
6 days after rechallenge with Listeria-GP33. (B) Concatenated flow cytometry and Pcdc1 loci. (H) Cocluster analysis of variance showing enrichment of OCRs
plots gated on P14 cells from mice in (A) after ex vivo peptide stimulation. (C) in ATAC-seq data set. Solid lines separate cell types, and replicates are shown
Quantification of donor (Ly5.2+) DbGP33+ CD8 T cells in the spleens shown in side by side. (I) Box and whisker plots showing ATAC-seq enrichment from (H).
(A). (D) Quantification of IFNg+ P14 cells shown in (B). (E) Histograms of PD-1 on Whiskers represent the interquartile range. (J) Principle-component analysis of
donor DbGP33+ cells from mice shown in fig. 2B. Values indicate average geo- all OCRs. For (I) and (J), each replicate is shown. ATAC seq data are from two
metric MFI and SEM. Data are representative of two independent experiments independent experiments with 2 to 15 mice per group as described in the
with at least four mice per group. Asterisks indicate statistical significance supplementary methods.

similarity between control and anti-PD-L1treated ~650 OCR changes induced by PD-L1 blockade tified (Fig. 4B and table S10). TF footprinting
TEX (Fig. 3, H to J, and fig. S11). OCRs preferen- were modest by comparison. To determine whether was then performed to identify TFs with evi-
tially found in both TEX and anti-PD-L1treated these changes affected specific transcriptional dence of likely binding (Fig. 4C and figs. S16
TEX were located near Pdcd1, Il10, Ctla4, Cxcr5, circuits, we identified transcription factor (TF) and S17). An integrated network was then con-
and elsewhere, suggesting state-specific regu- motifs enriched in peaks gained [e.g., nuclear structed for transcriptional circuitry based on
lation that was not substantially altered after PD- factor kB (NF-kB), Jun:AP-1 (activator protein 1), predicted TF activity (Fig. 4D and table S11). This
L1 blockade (fig. S13). Although globally, the and CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF)] or lost [e.g., network identified augmented activity of NF-kB,
epigenetic changes were modest, cocluster anal- nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic interferon regulatory factors (IRFs), and bZip
ysis identified a small subset of OCRs specifically 1 (NFATc1), NFAT:AP1, Nur77, Eomes, and Egr2] factors (AP-1 family) and decreased activity of
enriched in TEX (555 peaks) or anti-PD-L1treated (Fig. 4A). We hypothesized that reinvigoration NFAT, Egr2, and Nur77 upon PD-L1 blockade.
TEX (98 peaks) (Fig. 3, H to I; fig. S13; and table resulted from rewired transcriptional control Major features of this transcriptional network
S7). Some of these genes showed the same trend within the existing TEX epigenetic landscape. were recapitulated with a second network ap-
epigenetically and transcriptionally (e.g., CD200r; To test this notion, we performed Wellington proach in which additional TF families were
fig. S10E), and specific biological pathways were bootstrap analysis to predict TF binding activity identified (e.g., Runx, Nr2f6, Prdm1, Rarb, Pparg.
enriched in sets of genes near OCRs that were (Fig. 4B and table S10). TEX and anti-PD-L1 Rxra, and homeobox TFs; fig. S18 and table S12).
unique to each cell type. (fig. S15). treated TEX were more similar to each other than To further investigate how these changes might
TEX displayed ~6000 unique OCR changes com- to TN, TEFF, or TMEM. However, TF motifs biased affect a specific TF, we examined NFAT. NFAT work-
pared to TEFF and TMEM (Fig. 3, F to I). Thus, the toward TEX or anti-PD-L1treated TEX were iden- ing with AP-1 transactivates many effector-phase

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1163


TF Motifs Gained or Lost following PD-L1 TF Motif Enrichment in OCRs Changes in integrated transcriptional network
PD-L1 TEFF TMEM TN TEX NFkB-p50,p52 St6galnac3
30 bZIP:IRF Ear2Tmtc4 Cenpa




Filip1 6330407A03Rik
Fold enrichment over background









Motifs gained
with PD-L1







20 CTCF/ Plod3 D8Ertd82e
NFkB p65 Mrc2 Gm156
satellite element AP-1
10 Atf3
Jun:AP1 IRF1 Dusp5 Mir3081

AP1 NFkB-p65 IRF2 Vav3 NR4A1 SREBP2 Enpp6

0 bZIP
NFATC1 Eomes REST-NRSF 3300005D01Rik
with PD-L1

-IRF Cdyl2
Motifs lost

NFAT:AP1 Row Max Tlr6 4930415F15Rik
Nur77 Fndc9 NFAT- Abhd6

-20 Srfbp1 Ralgapa2
-1500 -1000 -500 0
Atp2b2 ERRA Zfp36l1
Log P value
TF Footprinting Cenpu
EGR2 NFkB -p50
Row Min Cd200r2 Il7r
Ave. Tn5 Integrations (x10-2)

NFATc1 - TEX NFB p65 - PD-L1 Grk5 Il1r2
6 9 Nur77(NR) Etv5 Ly6i
8 Esrrb(NR) Gm5
7 2610005L07Rik
4 6 NFAT:AP1 Urb2
5 NFAT Chst15 Irf8 Klrg1
3 Ctps Tff1

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

2 3
2 HOXA2 Predicted TF Fchsd2 Pmepa1
1 Activity
1 Jun-AP1 LFC in Gene Exp.
0 0 UP w/
-200 0 200
Hoxb4 (PD-L1/TEX)
-200 0 200 PD-L1 -0.75 0.50
Bach2 DOWN w/ (or smaller) (or greater)
+ strand - strand LXRE(NR/DR4) PD-L1

Transcript. changes in CA-RIT-NFAT1 target genes Changes in genes near OCRs containing TF motif
% of TF target genes changed with PD-L1

TF target genes changed with PD-L1

150 2.7x
vs control
TF Overlap

Sum of absolute value of LFC for

p=9e-233 8 Enriched in 15 TEX
(overlap minus TEX only)

Lrrc9 Overlap
Nrgn Ccr6 100
6 10
Glp1r Enpp6 Determine % genes in
overlap or TEX changed by PD-L1 2.5x
Calcb 4 5 3x
Nfatc2 50
Cd200r1 Ar Il7r 0.8x
2 0
Enriched in
-5 0
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

n f bZ 1

pr x 2


R 1


a t IP
B et

R gr2
N rf2

R Irf1
PDL1/TEX (log2)


nf b 1

IR 1

pr n x 2




R a1


-a P
R gr2

N Irf 2

R Irf1

B be


FA x

a t ZI

N un


Y axis: LFC>2 Y axis: LFC 2


X axis: LFC>0.5 or <-0.5 X axis: LFC bet.-0.5+0.5

Fig. 4. Differential transcription factor binding after PD-1 pathway block- corresponding genes regulated. Details in table S11. (E) LFC of genes significantly
ade contributes to an altered transcriptional network during TEX reinvigora- changed by anti-PD-L1 treatment compared to genes significantly induced by the
tion. (A) Enrichment of TF binding motifs in OCRs lost or gained after anti-PD-L1 partnerless NFATconstruct CA-RIT-NFAT1 (30). (F) Venn diagram showing genes
treatment. (B) Wellington bootstrap analysis of TF binding in pairwise comparisons near OCRs containing given TF motifs in TEFF, TEX, or both (overlap) (top left).
for each cell type; the top 10 TFs (in boxes) enriched in all OCRs are shown. Full list Percentage difference in TF target genes changed (P < 0.05, LFC 0.3) with anti-PD-
in table S10. (C) TF footprint for NFATc1 in TEX and NFkB-p65 in anti-PD-L1treated L1 in overlap compared to TEX only (bottom left). Sum of the absolute value of the
TEX. (D) Integrated network analysis of the transcriptional and epigenetic changes LFC in expression in TF target genes after anti-PD-L1 treatment (right). ATAC-seq
after anti-PD-L1 treatment. Lines connect TFs predicted to have altered activity to data shown are combined replicates for each condition.

genes. By contrast, partnerless NFAT that fails tribution of the pattern of target gene expression Our data suggest that in settings of severe
to bind AP-1 induces a subset of TEX genes (30). (Fig. 4F). However, for many TFs identified above T cell exhaustion, reacquiring durable immune
Here, upon anti-PD-L1 treatment, there was signif- that have a key role in effector biology, such as memory may be challenging, especially if tumor
icantly reduced expression of targets of partnerless NF-kB, IRF1, IRF2, Nur77, and Blimp-1 (encoded or viral antigen persists. However, our data also
NFAT in reinvigorated TEX (Fig. 4E), suggesting a by Prdm1), there was an increase in the number indicate that PD-1 pathway blockade may reveal
rewiring of this transcriptional circuit after blockade. of target genes expressed in the TEFF and TEX opportunities to further augment T cell quality or
Together, these data suggested that, although overlap group compared to the TEX-only group effector activity (e.g., NF-kB, IL-7R). Additional
PD-1 pathway blockade did not fully reprogram upon PD-L1 blockade (Fig. 4F). Moreover, genes strategies, such as priming new T cell responses (3),
TEX into TMEM or TEFF, these cells may (re)acquire in the shared TEFF and TEX epigenetic module selectively expanding less exhausted subsets (25),
some features of TEFF biology. One hypothesis is displayed a substantially greater magnitude of or targeting multiple immunoregulatory or homeo-
that upon PD-L1 blockade, the rewired transcrip- change in expression than genes in the TEX-only static pathways (e.g., IL-7, IL-2) simultaneously (1, 3),
tional network allows TEX to preferentially re- group (Fig. 4F). These data indicate that PD- may also augment acquisition of durable immunity.
engage features of their epigenomic program that 1 pathway blockade induces rewired transcrip- Finally, these studies provide the impetus for
overlap with TEFF. To test this idea, we separated tional activity, allowing TEX to more effectively extending epigenetic landscape mapping to human
TF target genes into those containing OCRs that reengage modules of effector genes contained TEX, future evaluation of checkpoint blockade
were (i) specific to TEFF, (ii) specific to TEX, or within the epigenetic landscape of TEX. Specific combined with epigenetic modifiers, or epige-
(iii) shared between TEFF and TEX (Fig. 4F). We TF circuits that are altered, such as NF-kB, may nomic engineering for T cells. Thus, integrated
then examined the change in genes expressed in have implications for cotargeting PD-1 and TNFR cellular, transcriptional, and epigenetic profiling
each category after PD-L1 blockade. For several TFs, family pathways (1, 3, 31) and may be relevant for of TEX not only reveals mechanistic insights into
including T-bet and Eomes, there was no redis- the design of future therapeutics. PD-1 pathway blockademediated reinvigoration,

1164 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


but also points to key opportunities for improving T CELL EXHAUSTION

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(6). The identification of mechanisms that reg- 1A and fig. S2A) during differentiation [as de-
ulate exhausted T cells is therefore a major goal tected by DESeq2, with a false discovery rate
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS in cancer immunotherapy. (FDR) < 0.05]. The majority (71%) (fig. S2A) of
We thank the Wherry lab for discussions and critically reading the To identify regulatory regions in the genome chromatin-accessible regions (ChARs) either
manuscript. We thank C. Surh for providing the antibody against IL-7 of exhausted CD8+ T cells, we used an assay emerged (e.g., those at the Ifng locus) or disap-
(anti-IL-7). The anti-IL-7 antibody is available from La Jolla Institute of
Allergy and Immunology, and the IL-7 used is available from the
for transposase-accessible chromatin with high- peared (e.g., Ccr7) (Fig. 1A) as nave CD8+ T cells
National Cancer Institute, both under material transfer agreements throughput sequencing (ATAC-seq) (7) to demar- underwent differentiation. The gain and loss of
with the University of Pennsylvania. The data presented in this cate areas of accessible chromatin in mouse ChARs were not balanced; a much larger frac-
manuscript are tabulated in the main paper and in the supplementary tion of regions emerged at d8 p.i. and persisted
materials. Sequencing data are available at Gene Expression
Omnibus [accession numbers GSE86796 (microarray), GSE86881 1
or emerged only at d27 than were either tran-
Department of Pediatric Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer
(RNA seq), and GSE86797 (ATAC seq)]. This study was supported by Institute, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 2Division of Medical
siently detected at d8 p.i. or lost from nave cells
a Robertson FoundationCancer Research Institute Irvington Sciences, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. (Fig. 1B). Thus, differentiation from a nave CD8+
Fellowship (K.E.P.), an American Cancer Society Postdoctoral 3
Center for Computational Biology, University of California, T cell state is associated with a net increase,
Fellowship (M.A.S.), National Institutes of Health grant F30DK100159 Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 4Institute of
(J.M.S.), German Research Foundation Fellowship BE5496/1-1 (B.B.),
rather than decrease, in chromatin accessibility
Immunology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
and National Institutes of Health grant T32 2T32CA009615-26 (A.C.H.). 19104, USA. 5Department of Microbiology, University of
(fig. S2B).
This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health (grant Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 6Gastrointestinal Comparison of ChARs from exhausted CD8+
CA78831 to S.L.B. and grants AI105343, AI112521, AI082630, AI115712, Unit and Liver Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, T cells with those found in functional effector
AI117950, and AI108545 to E.J.W.). This research was also supported Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 7Ragon
by the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy. E.J.W. has a patent
or memory CD8+ T cells revealed marked differ-
Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital, Massachusetts
licensing agreement on the PD-1 pathway. The authors declare no Institute of Technology, and Harvard University, Boston, MA
ences in the pattern of regulatory regions. Dif-
additional conflicts of interest. 02139, USA. 8Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred ferential regulatory regions between acute and
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA 98109, chronic infection (Fig. 1C and fig. S2C) showed
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS USA. 9Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer features of enhancers: They tended to be depleted
Science, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
94720, USA. 10Division of Pediatric Hematology and
of transcription start sites (TSSs) and enriched
Materials and Methods for intergenic and intronic areas (Fig. 1D), and
Oncology, Childrens Hospital, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
Figs. S1 to S18 11
Tables S1 to S12
Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of found distal to gene promoters (fig. S2D). The
Technology, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. magnitude of difference in the profile of regula-
References (3238)
*These authors contributed equally to this work. These authors
18 January 2016; accepted 19 September 2016 contributed equally to this work. Corresponding author. Email:
tory regions between exhausted and functional
Published online 27 October 2016 (N.Y.); nicholas_haining@dfci.harvard. CD8+ T cells was greater than that seen in gene
10.1126/science.aaf2807 edu (W.N.H.) expression. We found that 44.48% of all ChARs

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1165


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Fig. 1. CD8+ T cell exhaustion is associated with extensive changes in accessible chromatin. (A) Representative ATAC-seq tracks at the Ccr7 and Ifng
gene loci. (B) Developmental trajectory of new regions at each time point. (C) Overlap in ChARs between cell states. (D) Distribution of nondifferential (left) and
differential (right) regions between acute and chronic CD8+ T cell states. TSS, transcription start site. (E) Correlation network of similarity between states
measured by gene expression (left) and chromatin accessibility (right). Edge length corresponds to similarity (Spearman correlation).

Fig. 2. State-specific enhancers in CD8+ T cells form modules that map to functionally distinct classes of genes. (A) Heat map of peak intensity
for all differentially accessible regions (rows) clustered by similarity across cell states (columns). Shown are normalized numbers of cut sites
(supplementary methods), scaled linearly from row minimum (white) to maximum (purple). (B) Heat map showing row-normalized average mRNA
expression of neighboring genes within each module in (A) in each cell state. Informative genes from each module are shown on right. (C) Heat map
showing enrichment of Gene Ontology (GO) terms (rows) in each module (columns). P-values (hypergeometric test) presented as log10.

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Fig. 3. High-resolution functional mapping of an exhaustion-specific pseudo mapped with 5-bp spacing. Red symbols correspond to the 21
enhancer identifies minimal sequences that regulate PD-1. (A) ATAC- sgRNAs with the largest effect within the 23.8 kb enhancer, for which isogenic
seq tracks from CD8+ T cells, EL4 cell line, and regulatory CD4+ T cells (12). cell lines were later produced. (E) Overlap of TF footprints and sgRNA activity
Arrowheads indicate individual ChARs. (B) Cell sorting gates (top) and cor- within the 23.8 kb enhancer. TF footprints with binding probability >0.9 in
responding genomic polymerase chain reaction amplification for the chronic d27 are shown on top. Lines represent cut sites of top-scoring sgRNAs.
PD-1 enhancer region (bottom) showing proportion of wild-type (WT) Change in PD-1 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) relative to control guide
or deleted (Del) alleles in EL4 cells transfected with control (left) or transfected populations for each sgRNA (red symbol, left axis); 10-bp running
double-cut sgRNAs (right). Representative data shown from two replicates. average of PD-1 MFI changes caused by sgRNA activity shown in black (right
(C) PD-1 expression of EL4 WT (light gray) or representative enhancer- axis). (F) sgRNA cut sites within the SOX3, TBX21, and RAR motifs. (G) Log
deleted (red) single-cell clone out of 46 clones. (D) Normalized enrichment fold enrichment of predicted TF footprints in acute d27 versus chronic d27
of sgRNAs (gray symbols) within PD-1high and PD-1low populations at CD8+ T cells (x axis) (see supplementary methods) are plotted against the
locations shown (supplementary methods). Control nontargeting sgRNAs are corresponding P-value (hypergeometric).

were differentially present between functional within each module and the average gene ex- in each module were distinct on the basis of
and exhausted cells at each time point, com- pression of the adjacent genes (F test, P < 0.001) pathway enrichment (Fig. 2C and table S2).
pared with only 9.75% of differentially expressed (Fig. 2B and fig. S3B). This suggests that, on Thus, ChARs that distinguish nave, effector,
genes (both values estimated at FDR < 0.05). average, the ChARs contained in each module memory, and exhausted CD8+ T cells are or-
Consistent with this, the rank correlation between tended to be associated with the activation, ganized into state-specific modules that posi-
each T cell state by gene expression was much rather than repression, of corresponding genes. tively regulate functionally distinct programs of
higher than at the level of regulatory regions Genes adjacent to ChARs in each state-specific genes.
(Fig. 1E). Thus, state change during CD8+ T cell module included many with known functions in We next sought to test whether regulatory re-
differentiation is accompanied by a larger reor- the corresponding T cell state. For example, mod- gions specific to exhausted cells could regulate
ganization of accessible chromatin than is ap- ule d, active in mouse T cells experiencing chronic genes differentially expressed in exhausted CD8+
parent by examination of gene expression. LCMV infection on d8 and d27 p.i., contained T cells. Persistent expression of PD-1 is a cardi-
Unsupervised clustering identified modules ChARs adjacent to the inhibitory receptors Pdcd1 nal feature of exhausted CD8+ T cells, but PD-1 is
of differential ChARs with similar patterns of and Havcr2 (which encodes Tim3) and the trans- also transiently expressed by effector CD8+ T cells
activity across T cell states (Fig. 2A and fig. S3A). cription factor Batf, all genes that are up- during acute LCMV infection (3, 8). We identified
We found a highly significant positive correlation regulated in exhausted CD8+ T cells (Fig. 2B) nine ChARs within 45 kb of the Pdcd1 gene locus
between the average peak intensity of ChARs (1, 8). Moreover, the functional classes of genes (Fig. 3A) and found several that correspond to

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Fig. 4. Exhaustion-specific epigenetic profiles in the mouse are con-
served in antigen-specific exhausted human T cells in HIV-1 infec-
tion. (A) Representative ATAC-seq tracks from nave, HIV-1 tetramer+,
and CMV tetramer+ samples at the IFNG gene locus (top). Orthologous
regions from five mouse cell states at the IFNG locus, based on mapping of
mouse ChARs to the human genome (colored blocks, bottom). (B) Sche-
matic diagram of mouse and human comparative analysis. (C) Heat map
of average chromatin accessibility at regions orthologous to mouse nave,
memory, and exhaustion enhancers in human samples indicated. Color scale as in Fig. 2A. (D) PD-1 and CD39 expression measured by flow cytometry in
HCV C63B tetramer+, HCV 174D tetramer+, and influenza (flu) matrix peptide (MP) tetramer+ populations from a single HCV-infected donor. (E) Viral sequences
encoding C63B and 174D epitopes. (F) Heat map of average chromatin accessibility at regions orthologous to mouse nave, memory, and exhaustion enhancers
in human samples indicated from a single HCV-infected donor.

previously described regions with enhancer ac- We then tested whether the 23.8 kb enhancer S3K). This suggests that the 23.8 kb ChAR
tivity (1.5 kb and 3.7 kb) (Fig. 3A) (10); these was necessary for high-level PD-1 expression. We present in exhausted, but not functional, CD8+ T
were present in both acute and chronic infection. used the CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease to delete a 1.2-kb cells serves as an enhancer that is required to
We also identified an additional region (23.8 kb) fragment at that position in EL4 cells, which maintain high levels of PD-1 expression.
that only showed appreciable chromatin acces- have both sustained high-level PD-1 expression We next sought to identify the functional con-
sibility in exhausted CD8+ T cells at d8 and d27 and open chromatin at that enhancer site (14, 15) tribution of specific sequences within enhancer
p.i. from chronic infection (Fig. 3A). (fig. S4, C to G). In Cas9-expressing EL4 cells regions to the regulation of PD-1 expression. We
We hypothesized that this ChAR might func- transduced with a pair of single-guide RNAs used Cas9-mediated in situ saturation mutagen-
tion as an enhancer of PD-1 that is required for (sgRNAs) flanking the enhancer, cells with the esis and designed all possible sgRNAs within the
persistent, high levels of expression in exhausted lowest PD-1 expression had the highest amount 23.8 kb enhancer and eight other regulatory
CD8+ T cells. Analysis of chromatin accessibility of the enhancer deletion (Fig. 3B). We confirmed sequences near the Pdcd1 locus (15, 16) (Fig. 3A).
at this region in previously published deoxyribo- this finding in single-cell clones and found that We transduced Cas9-expressing EL4 cells with
nuclease Ihypersensitive sitemapping (11) or the expression of PD-1 in clones with a biallelic a pool of 1754 enhancer-targeting sgRNAs, 117
ATAC-seq data (12) showed that it was not active deletion of the target ChAR was significantly sgRNAs targeting the Pdcd1 exons as positive
in other types of hematopoietic cells, except lower (P > 0.0002, Mann-Whitney U test) than controls, and 200 nontargeting sgRNAs as neg-
the murine T cell line EL4 and regulatory CD4+ expression in nondeleted clones (fig. S4, H to ative controls (fig. S5, A and B). We sorted trans-
T cells, both of which can constitutively express J). Deletion of this region resulted in decreased duced EL4s into populations on the basis of high
high levels of PD-1 (10, 13) (Fig. 3A and fig. S4A). but not abrogated PD-1, suggesting that addi- or low PD-1 expression and quantified the abun-
We cloned a 781base pair (bp) fragment corre- tional regulatory regions in EL4 cells are also dance of individual sgRNAs (fig. S5C).
sponding to this region into a reporter construct involved in regulating PD-1 expression (Fig. 3C). In comparison with nontargeting sgRNAs,
and found that it induced a 10- to 12-fold in- Among all genes within 1.5 Mb of the Pdcd1 locus, which were equivalently distributed between
crease in reporter gene expression, confirming only PD-1 mRNA expression was significantly de- PD-1high and PD-1low fractions, sgRNAs tar-
that it could function as an enhancer (fig. S4B). creased by deletion of the 23.8 kb ChAR (fig. geting Pdcd1 exons were highly enriched in the

1168 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


PD-1low fraction as expected (Fig. 3D and fig. search Institute genome-wide association study provide a crucial step toward the rational engi-
S5, D and E). sgRNAs targeting eight of the nine SNPs (P < 3.70 103) (fig. S8, E to G). This neering of T cells for therapeutic use.
regulatory regions were also significantly en- enrichment strongly suggested that mapped re-
riched in the PD-1low fraction to varying de- gions corresponded to functional regulatory re-
grees (P < 0.00001 to P < 0.01, see supplementary gions within the immune system. Regions at
1. E. J. Wherry et al., Immunity 27, 670684
methods), suggesting that critical sequences the Pdcd1 locus were not among those mapped (2007).
affecting PD-1 expression are densely repre- from the mouse model, as previously observed 2. A. J. Zajac et al., J. Exp. Med. 188, 22052213
sented within each of the eight regulatory (10), which limited our ability to detect an or- (1998).
regions. However, sgRNAs in the 35.6 kb ChAR tholog to the 23.8 kb enhancer observed in 3. D. L. Barber et al., Nature 439, 682687
had no significant effect on PD-1 expression, the mouse model. 4. S. L. Topalian et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 366, 24432454
consistent with prior observations that this Human nave CD8+ T cells from the majority (2012).
region falls outside the CCCTC-binding factor of donors showed greater chromatin accessi- 5. D. L. Porter, B. L. Levine, M. Kalos, A. Bagg, C. H. June, N. Engl.
(CTCF)mediated boundaries of the Pdcd1 bility in nave-specific regions defined in the J. Med. 365, 725733 (2011).
6. A. H. Long et al., Nat. Med. 21, 581590
locus (10). mouse than in memory- or exhaustion-specific (2015).
We focused on sgRNAs inducing cleavage in regions. In the healthy donor, CMV-specific 7. J. D. Buenrostro, P. G. Giresi, L. C. Zaba, H. Y. Chang,
the 23.8 kb enhancer (fig. S5F) and found a tetramer+ CD8+ T cells, and effector memory W. J. Greenleaf, Nat. Methods 10, 12131218 (2013).
strong correlation between the predicted activ- cells were enriched for memory-specific regions 8. T. A. Doering et al., Immunity 37, 11301144
ity in a pooled setting (PD-1 high:low ratio >1 SD (Mann-Whitney U test, P = 0.01 to P < 0.0001) 9. M. A. Paley et al., Science 338, 12201225

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

below mean) and their effect on PD-1 mean fluo- (Fig. 4C and fig. S8H). In contrast, HIV-specific (2012).
rescence intensity in individual cell lines (P = tetramer+ cells from three out of the four subjects 10. J. W. Austin, P. Lu, P. Majumder, R. Ahmed, J. M. Boss,
0.0041) (fig. S5, G and H). Inspection of the pre- showed significantly greater chromatin acces- J. Immunol. 192, 48764886 (2014).
11. J. Vierstra et al., Science 346, 10071012
dicted cleavage-site locations revealed three crit- sibility in exhaustion-specific regions (Mann- (2014).
ical regions of the enhancer in which cleavage Whitney U test, P = 0.05 to P < 0.001) than in 12. D. Lara-Astiaso et al., Science 345, 943949
markedly affected PD-1 expression (Fig. 3E, gray memory-specific regions. (2014).
shading). Finally, we confirmed these findings in a sub- 13. G. Raimondi, W. J. Shufesky, D. Tokita, A. E. Morelli,
A. W. Thomson, J. Immunol. 176, 28082816
We next asked whether these critical regions ject with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection (2006).
in the 23.8 kb enhancer were associated with in whom CD8+ T cell responses to two epitopes 14. O. Shalem et al., Science 343, 8487
distinct patterns of transcription factor (TF) bind- of HCV could be detected (Fig. 4D). Sequencing (2014).
ing in exhausted CD8+ T cells in vivo. We iden- of the HCV genome in this subject revealed 15. M. C. Canver et al., Nature 527, 192197
tified TF footprints (17) using ATAC-seq cut sites that, unlike the C63B epitope, the 174D epitope 16. J. Vierstra et al., Nat. Methods 12, 927930
from CD8+ T cells experiencing chronic infec- had undergone extensive viral escape, and no (2015).
tion, which allowed us to infer TF binding with- wild-type viral sequence could be detected (Fig. 17. R. Pique-Regi et al., Genome Res. 21, 447455
in the 23.8 kb enhancer (Fig. 3E; fig. S6, A to 4E). We found that the C63B tetramer+ cells (2011).
18. E. Gjoneska et al., Nature 518, 365369
D; fig. S7A; and tables S3 to S6). We found that had a phenotype consistent with exhaustion (2015).
cleavage sites of sgRNAs that reduced PD-1 and showed significantly greater chromatin ac- 19. D. Villar et al., Cell 160, 554566
expression in EL4 cells were significantly en- cessibility at exhaustion-specific regions (Mann- (2015).
20. K. K. Farh et al., Nature 518, 337343
riched in TF footprints found in exhausted CD8+ Whitney U test, P = 0.01) than memory regions
cells in vivo (P = 8.63 104, hypergeometric (Fig. 4F). In contrast, 174D tetramer+ cells, which 21. A. Hendel et al., Nat. Biotechnol. 33, 985989
test). The three TF footprints with greatest sen- were specific for the escape mutant epitope, (2015).
sitivity to disruption corresponded to motifs lacked exhaustion-specific surface markers and 22. K. Schumann et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112,
1043710442 (2015).
for Sox3, T-bet (encoded by Tbx21), and retinoic showed greater chromatin accessibility in memory-
acid receptor (RAR) in exhausted CD8+ T cells specific regions, as did influenza-specific CD8+ AC KNOWLED GME NTS
in vivo (Fig. 3F and fig. S7B). Indeed, compar- T cells (Mann-Whitney U test, P = 0.04) (Fig. 4F). The authors thank members of the Yosef and Haining
ison of genome-wide TF footprinting between Thus, the state-specific pattern of chromatin laboratories for their input, the research subjects for
chronic and acute infection at d27 to identify accessibility found in mouse exhausted CD8+ their participation, and J. Doench and the entire Genetic
Perturbation Platform at the Broad Institute for their
TF motifs that showed significantly differential T cells is conserved in human exhausted CD8+
advice on Cas9-mediated screening technology. The
inferred binding (Fig. 3G, fig. S7C, and tables T cells. authors are grateful for input from the Cancer Center for
S3 and S5) confirmed that Rara binding was We find that CD8+ T cell exhaustion occurs Genome Discovery. The data reported in this manuscript
significantly enriched in exhausted CD8+ T cells with a broad remodeling of the enhancer land- are tabulated in the main paper and in the supplementary
(FDR = 3.14 1013) compared with their func- scape and TF binding. This suggests that ex- materials. Genome-wide data generated in this study can
be accessed via GEO accession no. GSE87646. This research
tional counterparts. hausted CD8+ T cells occupy a differentiation was supported by AI115712, AI091493, and AI082630 to W.N.H.
To test whether T cell exhaustion is also asso- state distinct from functional memory CD8+ T cells. from the NIH; by the BRAIN Initiative grants MH105979 and
ciated with a distinct epigenetic state in human Identifying the plasticity of this state and whether HG007910 from the NIH to N.Y.; and by 1R21AI078809-01 and
UM1 AI068618 from the NIH to N.F. The authors declare no
exhausted CD8+ T cells, we analyzed global pat- or how it could be reverted becomes a critical
potential conflicts of interest. D.R.S., J.K., N.Y., E.J.W., and
terns of chromatin accessibility in tetramer+ question for immunotherapy applications. Our W.N.H. are inventors on a patent application (U.S. Patent
CD8+ T cells from four subjects with chronic data also suggest that mapping state-specific en- Application no. 62/310,903) held and submitted by Dana-Farber
progressive HIV-1 who were not on therapy hancers in exhausted T cells could enable more Cancer Institute.
(Fig. 4, A and B; fig. S8, A and B; and table S7). precise genome editing for adoptive T cell therapy.
We successfully mapped 80 to 85% of ChARs Genome editing of CAR-T cells to make them re- SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
identified in the mouse model to their human sistant to exhaustion is an appealing concept
orthologous regions (Fig. 4A, colored blocks, and has led to recent studies investigating the Materials and Methods
and fig. S8C) (18, 19) and found them to be deletion of the PD-1 gene locus (21, 22). Editing Figs. S1 to S8
enriched for disease-associated single-nucleotide exhaustion-specific enhancers (15) may provide Tables S1 to S7
polymorphisms (SNPs) (probabilistic identifica- a more tunable and state-specific approach to References (2343)

tion of causal SNPs, P < 2.77 108; hyper- modulate T cell function than deleting coding 18 December 2015; accepted 7 October 2016
geometric test) (fig. S8D) (20) and, in particular, regions of genes. Functional maps of enhancers Published online 27 October 2016
immune-related National Human Genome Re- specific to exhausted CD8+ T cells may therefore 10.1126/science.aae0491

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1169


VACCINATION generate genetically stable PTC viruses, we in-

dividually replaced 21 extra codons across the NP
gene, most of which were located at conserved
Generation of influenza A viruses sites (23), with an amber codon (Fig. 2A and figs.
S3 to S5). Seven of themNP-Asp101, NP-Gly102,

as live but replication-incompetent NP-Gly126, NP-Asp128, NP-Arg150, NP-Met163, and

NP-Gly169caused UAA-dependent CPE, and such
dependence was stable with a low escape fre-
virus vaccines quency (7 1010 to 5.9 107) even over 20 pas-
sages (Fig. 2A, fig. S4, and table S1). In addition,
Longlong Si,* Huan Xu,* Xueying Zhou, Ziwei Zhang, Zhenyu Tian, Yan Wang,
the amber codon substitutions at Asp101, Gly102,
and Met163 had much less effect on virus packaging
Yiming Wu, Bo Zhang, Zhenlan Niu, Chuanling Zhang, Ge Fu, Sulong Xiao, Qing Xia,
efficiency and replication kinetics relative to the
Lihe Zhang, Demin Zhou
wild-type virus (Fig. 2A and fig. S6).
Using the same strategy, we systematically ex-
The conversion of life-threatening viruses into live but avirulent vaccines represents a
plored the following codons for the generation of
revolution in vaccinology. In a proof-of-principle study, we expanded the genetic code of
replication-incompetent viruses: 22 codons in PB1,
the genome of influenza A virus via a transgenic cell line containing orthogonal translation
HA, NA, and NS; 8 codons in PA, PB2, and M2;
machinery. This generated premature termination codon (PTC)harboring viruses that

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and 14 codons in M1 (fig. S3). Different degrees of
exerted full infectivity but were replication-incompetent in conventional cells. Genome-
packaging and propagation efficiency in trans-
wide optimization of the sites for incorporation of multiple PTCs resulted in highly
genic cells were observed (figs. S4 to S6 and table
reproductive and genetically stable progeny viruses in transgenic cells. In mouse, ferret,
S1): 11 UAG codon mutations in PB1, 10 in NA, 5 in
and guinea pig models, vaccination with PTC viruses elicited robust humoral, mucosal, and
HA and PB2, 18 in NS, 6 in PA and M2, and 0 in
T cellmediated immunity against antigenically distinct influenza viruses and even
M1 caused clearly UAA-dependent CPE (figs. S4
neutralized existing infecting strains. The methods presented here may become a general
and S5). As expected, most of them replicated only
approach for generating live virus vaccines that can be adapted to almost any virus.
in the transgenic cells in the presence of UAA

with various replication kinetics and low escape
he greatest challenge for converting viruses 12 tandem tRNA-expression cassettes (15, 16). The frequencies (<106) (fig. S6 and table S1). How-
such as those responsible for influenza, Ebola, final transgenic cells, HEK293T-tRNA/pylRS/ ever, six of them (HA-Lys57, NS-Phe103, PB2-Gln13,
and AIDS pandemicsinto live whole-virion GFP39TAG, were selected according to the UAA- PB2-Thr35, M2-Lys49, and M2-Lys60) showed
vaccines is to render them as avirulent as dependent GFP phenotype and verified by the relatively high escape frequencies (3.5 104 to
possible while maintaining their full infec- constitutive expression of the orthogonal tRNA/ 8.9 103) and finally lost UAA dependency, which
tivity to elicit sufficient immunity (14). How- pylRS pair as tested in their 200th generation could be ascribed to mutation of PTC codons as
ever, inactivated and attenuated virus vaccines (Fig. 1B). The capability of the transgenic cells to verified by sequencing (fig. S5 and tables S1 and
against influenza often exhibit a decrease or propagate viruses was tested in parallel with pa- S2). Given the odds of reversion during viral
even loss of productivity and efficacy (5). In addi- rental cells by transfection with the packaging propagation, multiple UAG codons, from two to
tion, immune escape due to antigenic drift and plasmids of influenza A/WSN/33 (H1N1; WSN) eight, were introduced into viral genome with
shift (5, 6) introduces a further challenge for the virus (Fig. 1A) (17). The plaque formation assay each at one RNA segment. The packaging and
efficacy of conventional influenza vaccines. The (18, 19) indicated almost identical viral titers and propagation efficiency of the resultant PTC vi-
modern technology of genetic code expansion thus identical packaging efficiency from each trans- ruses generally decreased after the introduction
(7, 8) and its application (913) to the viral ge- fection (Fig. 1C). of more PTCs into the viral genome (Fig. 2B and
nome may provide the potential to generate live We then randomly selected one codon in the table S1). Their escape frequencies also decreased:
but replication-incompetent virus vaccines elicit- gene encoding the viral NP protein, Asp101, for 1.0 108 for mono-PTC virus (PTC-1), 1.2 1010
ing strong and broad immunity (Fig. 1A). A key amber codon replacement via site-directed muta- for dual-PTC virus (PTC-2), and undetectable (<1011)
challenge in designing such a vaccine is to main- genesis. The mutant viral genome was recipro- for strains containing three or more stop codons
tain the reproductive potential of the progeny cally packaged by the transgenic and parental (Fig. 2C and table S1).
viruses during vaccine production, which requires cells to generate the PTC viruses (Fig. 1A). The We next explored the in vivo safety of PTC vi-
a special packaging cell line. production and infectivity of the putative PTC ruses by intranasally infecting BALB/c mice, fer-
We first tested the compatibility of the orthog- viruses were verified by the cytopathic effect (CPE) rets, and guinea pigs. PTC-4A was chosen as a
onal translation systemthe Methanosarcina assay (18, 19). The CPE phenotype was observed representative (Fig. 2, D and E) because it main-
barkeri MS pyrrolysyl tRNA synthetase/tRNA CUA in the transgenic cells only in the presence of tained the intact surface antigens by harboring
pair (MbpylRS/tRNA CUA ) and the orthogonal unnat- 1 mM UAA (Fig. 1D). Clearly, the generation and four stop codons in PA, PB2, PB1, and NP, rather
ural amino acid (UAA) N e-2-azidoethyloxycarbonyl- stepwise reproduction of PTC viruses, as shown than touching envelope HA and NA genes (figs.
L-lysinewith the viral packaging cells. Human in the time-course of CPE accumulation and viral S7 and S8 and table S1). In the mouse model
embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cells were transduced growth curve, occurred only in the transgenic study, the median lethal dose (LD50) of wild-type
with lentivector pSD31s (14) for integration of the cells and not in the conventional cells (Fig. 1E WSN virus was 8 103 plaque-forming units
genes encoding MbpylRS and an amber codon and fig. S2). This result suggests that PTC viruses (PFU), and 10 LD50 of wild-type viruses killed all
containing green fluorescent protein (GFP39TAG) had a higher level of safety (i.e., the viruses were mice, with a significant loss of body weight pre-
into the host genome (fig. S1). The resultant replication-incompetent in conventional cells) ceding death (fig. S9A). In contrast, no mice were
transduced cells were stably transfected with than did the clinically used cold-adapted live killed by PTC-4A even at a dosage of 109 PFU, a
the bjmu-12t-zeo vector (fig. S1), which harbored attenuated influenza vaccine (CAIV) (fig. S2) and factor of 105 higher than the LD50 of the wild-type
the attenuated viruses by codon deoptimization, viruses; no body weight loss or other health issues
which were still able to replicate in conventional were observed (Fig. 3A). Detection of viruses in
State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs, cells and kill the mice at a high dose (2022). the turbinate, trachea, or lung of mice 3 days after
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, 38
Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100191, China.
One concern over such a design is the poten- inoculation of 105 PFU of viruses indicated that the
*These authors contributed equally to this work. Corresponding tial reversion of the amber codon to a sense codon mean viral titers were 101.6, 101.5, and 101.3 PFU/g
author. Email: during PTC virus replication and propagation. To (turbinate, trachea, and lung, respectively) for the

1170 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


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Fig. 1. Establishment of a virion packaging system that is compatible expression of GFP in the presence of UAA (top) and expression of pylRS (middle)
with the orthogonal translation machinery. (A) Schematic representation and tRNA (bottom) (N = 3). (C) Functional evaluation of the effect of the orthogonal
of the generation of premature termination codon (PTC) influenza viruses that pylRS/tRNA pair on the propagation of the wild-type WSN viruses by comparing
are characterized by replication incompetence in conventional cells but high the parental HEK293Tand transgenic tRNA/pylRS/GFP39TAG cells in the presence
reproduction in transgenic cells that contain integrated cassettes for the ex- or absence of UAA (N = 3). (D) Characterization of the infectivity of the progeny
pression of orthogonal tRNA (tRNACUA), tRNA synthase (pylRS), and a gene viruses by the CPE assay and the replication incompetence in the presence of
encoding an amber codoncontaining GFP (GFP39TAG). NP, nucleoprotein; PB1 UAA by comparing the transgenic and parental cells (N = 3). (E) Reproduction
and PB2, polymerase basic proteins 1 and 2; PA, polymerase acidic protein; M, and stepwise accumulation of the PTC viruses in transgenic cells; 10 3%, 50
matrix protein; NS, nonstructural protein; HA, hemagglutinin; NA, neuraminidase. 5%, and 99 1% CPE were observed at days 3, 4, and 5 after inoculation, re-
(B) Characterization of the transgenic cells and their genetic stability by constitutive spectively, conditional on the presence of UAA (N = 3). Error bars denote SEM.

Fig. 2. Genome-wide investigation and characterization of the PTC influ- conventional cells in the presence of UAA. (C) Escape frequencies of
enza viruses. (A) Systematic exploration of the effect of the introduction of different PTC viruses at the first and 20th passage. (D) Comparisons of the
the amber codon at different test sites located in variable, average, or con- morphologies of the PTC viruses and the wild-type WSN by transmission
served domains, based on the ConSurf analysis (23), on PTC virus production. electron microscopy Scale bars, 100 nm. (E) Direct observations of the
Relative efficiency represents a normalization of the days required to attain UAA-dependent plaque phenotypes of PTC viruses; N = 3. Abbreviations for
~100% CPE at each test site compared to the wild-type WSN virus. (B) Mul- amino acid residues: A, Ala; D, Asp; G, Gly; H, His; K, Lys; L, Leu; M, Met; N, Asn;
ticycle growth kinetic curves of different PTC viruses in transgenic and R, Arg; S, Ser; Y, Tyr. Error bars denote SEM.

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 117 1


Fig. 3. Characterization of the in vivo safety of

the PTC viruses. (A) Effect of intranasal virus in-
fection with the indicated viruses or vaccines on the
survival rates and body weights of BALB/c mice
(n = 10). Error bars denote SEM. (B) Detection of
the virus titers in mouse tissues (n = 5) on day 3
after infection with 105 PFU of the wild-type, CAIV,
or PTC-4A viruses. Data are plotted for individual
mice (n = 5) and overlaid with means SD. *P <
0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 [one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) with Newman-Keuls multiple-
comparisons test]; n.s., not significant. (C) Plaque
phenotypes of the rescued wild-type and PTC-4A
viruses in mice.

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

Fig. 4. Characterization of the immunogenicity and protective efficacy the lungs (n = 5) to compare the protective efficacy of the PTC-4A virus versus
of the PTC-4A virus in BALB/c mice that were intranasally inoculated with IIV or CAIV at one or two doses. Error bars denote SD. (D) Characterization of
one or two doses. (A) Antibody responses (including serum IgG and mucosal the protective efficacy of the PTC-4A viruses in terms of survival rates and body
IgA) and virus-specific CD8+ Tcell responses, induced by PTC-4A (n = 5). Error bars weights of the vaccinated mice (n = 10). Error bars denote SEM. *P < 0.05,
denote SD. (B) Mouse serum IgG antibody responses to the influenza internal **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 (one-way ANOVA with Newman-Keuls multiple-
protein NP (n = 5). Error bars denote SD. (C) Plaque titration of the WSN viruses in comparisons test).

PTC group, 103.5, 102.9, and 101.8 PFU/g for the did not occur in vivo. In addition, respiratory cated that influenza viruses have been rendered
CAIV group, and 105.5, 105.7, and 106.5 PFU/g for droplet transmission experiments indicated that avirulent via the introduction of amber codons,
the wild-type group (Fig. 3B). Unlike the rescued PTC viruses were not detected in noninoculated as confirmed by ferret and guinea pig model
wild-type viruses, no plaque was observed for the guinea pigs when caged together with inoculated studies (fig. S9, C and D).
rescued PTC viruses from mice in the absence of guinea pigs, in contrast to the findings for wild- Next, we tested the immunogenicity of PTC-4A
UAA (Fig. 3C), which suggests that PTC reversion type viruses and CAIV (fig. S9B). All data indi- by comparison with the commercially available

1172 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE


inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) and CAIV. We also tested whether the PTC viruses exhibit 4. S. A. Plotkin, Nat. Med. 11, S5S11 (2005).
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the second vaccination (Fig. 4A and figs. S10 to observed, according to plaque titration and ob- 10. S. B. Sun, P. G. Schultz, C. H. Kim, ChemBioChem 15,
S12). Impressively, the second vaccination by servations of the survival rates and body weight 17211729 (2014).
PTC-4A caused the HI and NT antibody titers to changes (fig. S13). Such heterologous protection 11. Y. Zheng et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 43, e73 (2015).
12. N. Wang et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 48674871
increase further by a factor of approximately 6 to was ascribed to the conserved regions of viral (2014).
8, comparable to the effect of CAIV. Such a PTC proteins, including surface and internal antigens 13. C. Zhang et al., Biomaterials 80, 134145 (2016).
virusmediated immune response was also ob- among distant influenza viruses, and to virus- 14. X. Jin et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 40, 17971806
served against internal NP antigen; this effect specific CTLs that collectively contribute to the (2012).
15. J. Hsieh, A. Fire, Annu. Rev. Genet. 34, 187204
was not observed for IIV even after a second broad protective effect (5, 2426). (2000).
vaccination (Fig. 4B and fig. S11A). Furthermore, We then tested whether the existing viral vir- 16. W. Wang et al., Nat. Neurosci. 10, 10631072
a high level of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), ulence of PTC viruses could be enhanced by (2007).
representing the mucosal immune response, was co-propagating wild-type and PTC viruses in 17. G. Neumann et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96, 93459350

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elicited in the lungs by both PTC-4A and CAIV conventional cells. Rather than more plaques, 18. M. Yu et al., J. Med. Chem. 57, 1005810071
but not by IIV vaccine (Fig. 4A and fig. S11A). we observed remarkably fewer plaques or even (2014).
Moreover, approximately 10 times as many virus- undetectable plague formation, depending on 19. S. Xiao et al., Biomaterials 78, 7485 (2016).
specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) were the ratio of wild-type versus PTC viruses and 20. E. J. Jung, K. H. Lee, B. L. Seong, Exp. Mol. Med. 42, 116121
elicited by PTC-4A and CAIV than by IIV, which the number of PTC codons in the PTC viruses 21. J. R. Coleman et al., Science 320, 17841787 (2008).
only elicited a basic level of CTLs in the lungs (fig. S14, A and B). This contrasted with CAIV, 22. A. Nogales et al., J. Virol. 88, 1052510540 (2014).
(Fig. 4A). Our results indicate that the PTC virus which exerted no inhibitory effect on the prop- 23. H. Ashkenazy, E. Erez, E. Martz, T. Pupko, N. Ben-Tal, Nucleic
vaccines elicit robust humoral, mucosal, and cell- agation of wild-type viruses. Furthermore, the Acids Res. 38, W529W533 (2010).
24. A. Impagliazzo et al., Science 349, 13011306
mediated immunity, which may be due to their capability of attenuating wild-type viruses by PTC (2015).
full infectious form carrying the native confor- viruses was verified by in vivo experiments (fig. 25. D. R. Burton, P. Poignard, R. L. Stanfield, I. A. Wilson, Science
mation of all surface antigens and internal viral S14C). This was due to the genetic reassortment 337, 183186 (2012).
components. between the existing and PTC viruses, as verified 26. Z. Stanekov, E. Varekov, Virol. J. 7, 351 (2010).
27. J. Cohen, Science 351, 1619 (2016).
The protective efficacy of PTC-4A virus was by sequencing (fig. S14D). Progeny reassortants
tested and compared with that of CAIV and IIV. harbored at least one replication-incompetent AC KNOWLED GME NTS
Three weeks after vaccination, 15 mice in each gene segment, providing an effective approach We thank Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (Beijing) for technical assistance
group were challenged intranasally with 50 LD50 for neutralization of infectious viruses. with the animal work. Supported by National Natural Science
of wild-type viruses. Three days after challenge, Our results show that we succeeded in gen- Foundation of China grants 81530090 and 21572015 and by
National Key Research and Development Program of China grant
five mice from each group were killed for plaque erating live but replication-incompetent virus 2016YFA0501500. All authors declare no competing financial
titration of wild-type viruses in the lungs (Fig. 4C). vaccines by applying genetic code expansion to interests. D.Z. and L.S. are inventors on a patent application
We found a significant decrease of viral titers in the influenza virus genome. Such live vaccines (PCT/CN2016/092778) held by Peking University that covers the
both PTC-4A and CAIV groups relative to the IIV elicited robust immunity against both parental preparation of PTC viruses through genetic codon expansion.
Sharing of materials will be subject to standard material transfer
group, in particular for dual vaccinations, which and antigenically distinct strains. Generation of agreements. The nucleotide sequences used in the study have
led to a further decrease of viral titers by a factor such PTC virus vaccines can be potentially adapted been deposited in GenBank under accession numbers CY034139.1,
of 103 for both PTC-4A and CAIV. In terms of to almost any virus (27) so long as their genome CY034138.1, X17336.1, HE802059.1, CY034135.1, CY034134.1,
survival rate and body weight for the remaining could be manipulated and packaged in a cell line. D10598.1, and M12597.1; additional data are presented in the
supplementary materials.
mice, all mice in the vehicle group succumbed by Furthermore, the multiple PTC-harboring viruses
9 days after challenge, whereas all mice survived are not only prophylactic but also therapeutic
after immunization even with just one dose of vaccines in the neutralization of the replicating SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
PTC-4A or CAIV (Fig. 4D). The mice inoculated viruses.
with one dose of PTC-4A regained their body Materials and Methods
weight 5 days after challenge, whereas no weight RE FERENCES AND NOTES Figs. S1 to S15
loss was observed in mice inoculated with two 1. F. Krammer, P. Palese, Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 14, 167182 Tables S1 and S2
(2015). References (2841)
doses of PTC-4A or CAIV, which we also confirmed 2. A. Marzi et al., Science 348, 439442 (2015).
in ferret and guinea pig model studies (figs. S11 3. J. B. Ulmer, U. Valley, R. Rappuoli, Nat. Biotechnol. 24, 18 July 2016; accepted 8 November 2016
and S12). 13771383 (2006). 10.1126/science.aah5869

SCIENCE 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 1173

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By Matthew Tuthill

Making a difference, differently

en years ago, after 2 years as a postdoc, I found myself wondering whether I should take a
different road. Up to that point, I had stuck to a pretty traditional path investigating cancer
genetics, but the research grind had taken its toll and my interest was waning. At the same
time, federal funding had flattened, and the scarcity of secure, long-term employment in aca-
demic research added to my dissatisfaction. So I decided to take the leap and leave the typical
academic path to find a better match. Then came the hard part: identifying a new career that

Downloaded from on December 1, 2016

would nurture my passion for science and allow me to make an impact with my work. I found it in
a place many would not expect: a 2-year community college.

As I was considering my options, I students transform themselves,

found inspiration in my first gradu- which is enormously rewarding.
ate school research mentor, Randal They learn lab skills and concepts
Wada, whose work reminded me impressively fast, and its gratifying
that scientists efforts away from the to see them gain confidence in their
bench can be incredibly powerful. In abilities. The deeper emotional
addition to developing neuroblas- connections I have forged with
toma therapies, Randy had created students over the years have been
the Hawaii Cord Blood Bank, which unexpected gifts that continually
helps improve stem cell transplant inspire me.
matches for bone marrow recipi- My work has its challenges. Its
ents. His work made me realize that disheartening when others see both
I could serve science and society my students and me as less worthy
in lots of ways if I simply opened because we are not at universi-
my mind. ties. We sometimes struggle to get
But I still didnt know exactly access to adequate research space,
what I should do. Then a second bit federal funding, scientific confer-
of inspiration came my way. A col- Its gratifying to see [my ences, and other resources and op-
league mentioned that a professor students] gain confidence in portunities. Because my students
at a nearby 2-year college was train- are novices, investigating complex
ing students to produce monoclonal their abilities. biomedical questions requires cre-
antibodies for labs on campus and ativity and restraint. Long-range
for paying clients. I was impressed that the professor, John projects take even longer than they would in other settings
Berestecky, had taken on this type of ambitious project with because students leave for universities just as their skill sets
relatively inexperienced students. Curious to find out more, have finally matured. My pay is below the standard at 4-year
I set up a meeting with John and was struck by his sincerity research institutions, even though my teaching workload
and the way he prioritized student training above grants, is greater. But my occasional frustration is buffered by the
publications, and personal ambition. I could also see his thought of the students, many of whom are considered
passion for teaching, which reminded me of my own back underrepresented minorities, that I have helped train.
when I started college, planning to become a high school Looking back at these 10 years, I realize how much my
biology teacher. Since graduate school I had not thought work on this campus has helped me grow, both as an ac-
about teaching, let alone working at a 2-year collegemany ademic and a mentor, just as it has for many of my stu-

of my research mentors and peers considered it career dents. For my sake as much as for theirs, Im grateful that
suicidebut meeting John made me see things differently. I stepped away from a prescribed career path and found a
Here, at last, was a way to fuse my interest in science way to serve both the student and research communities in
with my passion for teaching. I found a faculty position and my own way, modest though it may be.
joined John at the same quiet junior college in the middle of
the Pacific. Now, I effectively hold two positions: classroom Matthew Tuthill is an associate professor at Kapiolani
instructor and research co-adviser of 15 inexperienced but Community College in Honolulu. Send your career story
eager undergraduates. Both roles give me a chance to help to

1194 2 DECEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6316 SCIENCE

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