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A. Lecture Identity
Name of Subject : Region Education
Credit : 2 credits
Subject Number : 52221105
Semester : Odd
Study Progrma : Industrial Technology
Nama Dosen : Aang Kunaepi

II. Urgency of subject

This subject of Religion Education constitutes uinivesity subject ( local curriculum)
given in even for all study programs in Universitas Islam Indonesia for 2 credits.
The orientation of this subject is; student is able to understand Islamic belief well and
intactly as convictional foundation of Muslim. Thus, student is able to apply tauhid as basi value in
all aspects of life either individual or social such as economy, socil politic,etc.
Dasar pemikiran dari lahirnya mata kuliah ini merupakan mata kuliah kekhususan UII,
This subject of Ibadah and akhlak, constitutes uinivesity subject ( local curriculum) given in
even for all study programs in Universitas Islam Indonesia for 2 credits.
The thought background of this subject based on UII statutes, namely: in chapter II,
section 7, confirmed that UII aims at : subsection [1] : creating skilled personnel and Muslim
scholar, pious and good behaviour, competent, knowledgeable in action and actionable in
knowledge, and in subsectiont [3] : taking arole in building society and State of Republic of
Indonesia, just and wealthy based on Pancalsila, Constitution of 1945 blessed by Allah SWT.
So, based on Vision and Mission of University and Study Program, ideally this subject is
expected can embody Intergrated religion education in Universitas Islam Indonesia
III. Concept Map



Explaining Deals with Explaining


Explaining Deals with Explaining




Explaining Explaining
With this concept map expected can direct student to know material of lecture of learning
Religion education for one semester

IV. Objective of subject

1. This subject is able to give good comprehension on Islamic belief as basic fou for
conviction of muslim
2. Student is able to apply tauhid as basic value in all aspects of life either individual or
social such economy, social politic and etc.

V. Competence and Acievement indicator

1. basic competence

Student is able to understand Islamic belief well and intectly based on al-Quran and
al-Hadist .

2. Acievement Indicator

Setelah perkuliahan selesai:

a. Student is able to explain : a. Sense of human b. Process of human creation c.
Human has God, d Human as creation who religion, e.Fitrah of human toward
b. Student is able to understand : a. Allah as creator, regulator, maintainer b. Right
of creaotor tobe worshipped, c. Allah is al mighty and the giver of livelihood, d.
13 Obligatory attributeof Allah tobe believed and vise versa of out of the
question attributes
c. Student is able to undertand: a,. kinds of creation, b. attribute and position of
creation, c. function and position of human as creation,d. the human need toward
guide of Allah
d. Student is able to explain: a. sense of Religion, b. revealed religion and non
revealed religion, c.tolerance of being religoius, d. bulding tolerance based on
akidah deal with the other adherents
e. Student is able to explain :a. the truth of Islamic Religion, b.Sources of Islamic
religion, c. Aspect of Islamic teaching, d. Characteristic of Islamic teaching
f. Student is able to explain : a. Sense of akidah, tauhid and faith as well its
argumentation, b. Position of source of belief, c. The benefit of belief learning, d.
Scope of belief explanation, e Factor of strengthening and weakening belief, f.
Relationship between belief and akhlak
g. Student is able to explain :a. Sense of belief in Allah, b. Function of oneness 3.
exitence of Allah, c. Potency of breaking belief
h. Students is able to explain: a. Sense of belief in angel, b. Identification of angels
in perspective of al-Quran, c. Manifestasion of belief in angel, d. philoshophy
of belief in angel .
i. Students is able to explain: a.sense of belief in Allahs books, b. Identification
Allahs books in perspective of al-Quran, c.Manifestation of belief in Allahs
books, d. philoshophy of belief in Allahsbook
j. Studenst is able to explain: a. sense of belief in Prophets, b. Identification of
prophets in Quranic perspective, c. Manifestation of belief in prophets, d.
philoshophy of belief in prophets
k. Student is able to explain: a. Theory of hereafter Process occurance b.
Philoshophy of belief in hereafter, c. Heaven and hell life, d.Philoshophy of
heaven and hell existence, e.Classification of small and big hereafter
l. Student is able to explain : a. position of qadla and qadar, b. Function of effort
and pray, c. philoshophy of belief in qadla and qadar, d. Realization good tauhid
based on al-Quran
m. Student is able to explain: a. deviation in human life, b. sense of Kufur and its
sort, c. sense of Syirik and its sort , d. sense of nifaq and its sort
VI. Timeline of Lecture topic
No Meeting
Discussion Topic and Sub of Discussion topic
Fitrah/Existence of human
1 a. Sense of human fitrah
b. Process of human creation
c. Human has God
d. Human as creation who has religion
Fitrah of human toward akidah
2 a. Faith and tauhid in Islam
b. The definition and prerequisite of syahadat
c. The position of syahadat
d. The actualization of syahadat in worship and
e. The influence of Syahadat toward humans life
f. The destroying syahadat
g. The invalid of syahadat and faith
h. The way of defending faith
Allah as creator, regulator, maintainer b. Right of creaotor
Third tobe worshipped, c. Allah is al mighty and the giver of
livelihood, d. 13 Obligatory attributeof Allah tobe believed
and vise versa of out of the question attributes
Fourth Human as creation among the other creations
4 a. kinds of creation
b. attribute and position of creation
c. function and position of human as creation
d. the human need toward guide of Allah

Human and religion

5 a. sense of Religion
b. revealed religion and non revealed religion
c. tolerance of being religoius
d. bulding tolerance based on akidah deal with the
other adherents

Islamic Religion
6 a. the truth of Islamic Religion
b. Sources of Islamic religion
c. Aspect of Islamic teaching
d. Characteristic of Islamic teaching

Islamic belief
7 a. Sense of akidah, tauhid and faith as well its
b. Position of source of belief
c. The benefit of belief learning
d. Scope of belief explanation
e. Factor of strengthening and weakening belief
f. Relationship between belief and akhlak.

Ninth belief in Allah

9 a. Sense of belief in Allah
b. Function of oneness exitence of Allah
c. Potency of breaking belief

Tenth Belief in angel

10 a. Sense of belief in angel
b. Identification of angels in perspective of al-Quran
c. Manifestasion of belief in angel
d. philoshophy of belief in angel .
11 Eleventh Belief in Allahs books
a. sense of belief in Allahs books
b. Identification Allahs books in perspective of al-Quran
c. Manifestation of belief in Allahs books
d. philoshophy of belief in Allahsbook .
12 Twoelevth belief in Prophets
a.sense of belief in Prophets
b. Identification of prophets in Quranic perspective
c. Manifestation of belief in prophets
d. philoshophy of belief in prophets
13 Thirteenth belief in hereafter and hereafter life
a. Theory of hereafter Process occurance
b. Philoshophy of belief in hereafter
c. Heaven and hell life
d. Philoshophy of heaven and hell existence
e. Classification of small and big hereafter

Fourteenth belief in Qadha and Qadar

14 a. position of qadla and qadar
b. Function of effort and pray
c. philoshophy of belief in qadla and qadar
d. Realization good tauhid based on al-Quran).
15 Fifteenth deviation in human life and a glance of kufur and syirik as
well nifaq
a. deviation in human life
b. sense of Kufur and its sort
c. sense of Syirik and its sort
d. sense of nifaq and its sort

VII. Reference :

1. Ahmad Azahar Basyir1990, Pendidikan Agama Islam I (Aqidah), Perpustakaan FH UII.

2. Ahmad Daudy, 1997, Kuliah Akidah Islam, Bulan Bintang, Jakarta.

3. Endang Saefuddin Ansari, 1990, Wawasan Islam: Pokok-Pokok Tentang Pikiran Islam
Dan Umatnya, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta.
4. Mohammad Arkoun, 1996, Rethinking Islam, Pustaka Pelajar,Yogyakarta.

5. Noor Hadi, !995, Husnul Hamidiyyah Lil Muhafazah Ala Aqaidil Islamiyyah
(Benteng-benteng Terpuji Untuk Menjaga Kepercayaan-Kepercayaan Islam,
Sumbangsih Offset, Yogyakarta.
6. Nurccholish Majid, 1995, Islam Agama Kemanusiaan, Membangun Tradisi Dan Visi
Baru Islam Indonesia, Paramdina, Jakarta.
7. Projodikoro HS, 1991, Aqidah Islam Ddan Perkembangannya, Sumbangsih
8. Shalih Bin Fauzan Bin Abdullah Al-Fauzan, 1999, Kitab Tauhid 1,2,dan 3, FIAI UII-
PDPM, Yogyakarta.
9. Sidik Tono Ed., 2001, Akidah Islam, UII Press, Yogyakarta.
10. Yunahar Ilyas, 1993, Kuliah Aqidah Islam, LPPI; UMY, Yogyakarta.
11. Yusuf Qordlowi, 1995, Karakteristik Islam, Kajian Analitik, Terjemahan Rafi
Munawwar dan Tahuddin, Risalah Gusti, Surabaya.

B. Assessment System
NO component percentage change

1 Meeting attendance 10%

2 task 10%

3 Classs participation

4 Mid term 30%

5 Final exam 40%

TOTAL 100%

Assessment Procedure
1. PAP [absolute ]
2. PAN [ relative ]
Note :
1. This assessment component, percentage and procedure of assessment as a bid toward
student. Determination of assessment component, percentage and procedure of
assessment constitutes an agreement with student
2. Attendance agreement, procedure of dressing, examination etc will be discussed with

C. Learning startegy
This lecture is based on collaborative learning, although individual learning will also
keep being used as long as it is appropriate to goal and learning material. therefore alternative
strategy of lecture that is going to be used are [1] speech, [2] Active Debate, [3] Student-
Created Case Studies, [4] Small Group Discusion, [5]speech and SQ3R continued with Active
Debate, [6] speech dan Reading Guide, [7] speech and discussion [8] SQ3R collaborated with
Rolling Cognitive and [9] the other starategies adapted with material and student agreement.
This learning strategy can be changed, adapted with material growth and method as well
student agreement.
Approved by, Supervised by Prepared by,
Date : Date : Date :
Dean, Head of Study Program

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