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Barnes Class
Thoughts from the Teacher Civil Rights leaders. We will honor
the people that helped free the
As you know Black History Month
slaves. The permission slip your
begins this week. I will
child will bring home is
be preparing the students
for the Martin Luther
to learn about all of the
King Jr. exhibit in Atlanta
great leaders in African
towards the end of this
American history. I ex-
month. The cost will be
pect them to get the best
$70. If you have and ques-
knowledge out of this month.
tions, comments, or concerns,
Black History Month is a time
please feel free to contact me and I
where we get to honor our great
will respond back as quick as possi-
ble. Enjoy your week and have a
Save the Date
Feb. Choose
2nd person for What's Planned the field trip to Atlanta. I
project want to get the students
This week your child
Feb. Valentines will be able to pick to understand the im-
14th day Party portance of why we are
out an African Ameri-
learning about these great
can leader to do an
historic leaders and how
Feb. Trip to At- online project that
23rd lanta they overcame their hard-
will be due in the up-
Feb. Projects ships.
coming weeks. We
28th Due will also be discussing

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