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Prefrontal Cortex in the Rat: Projections

to Subcortical Autonomic, Motor, and
Limbic Centers
University Department of Pharmacology, Oxford, OX1 3QT United Kingdom
Department of Biological Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA,
United Kingdom

This paper describes the quantitative areal and laminar distribution of identied neuron
populations projecting from areas of prefrontal cortex (PFC) to subcortical autonomic, motor, and
limbic sites in the rat. Injections of the retrograde pathway tracer wheat germ agglutinin
conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) were made into dorsal/ventral striatum
(DS/VS), basolateral amygdala (BLA), mediodorsal thalamus (MD), lateral hypothalamus (LH),
mediolateral septum, dorsolateral periaqueductal gray, dorsal raphe, ventral tegmental area,
parabrachial nucleus, nucleus tractus solitarius, rostral/caudal ventrolateral medulla, or thoracic
spinal cord (SC). High-resolution at-map density distributions of retrogradely labelled neurons
indicated that specic PFC regions were differentially involved in the projections studied, with
medial (m)PFC divided into dorsal and ventral sectors. The percentages that WGA-HRP retro-
gradely labelled neurons composed of the projection neurons in individual layers of infralimbic
(IL; area 25) prelimbic (PL; area 32), and dorsal anterior cingulate (ACd; area 24b) cortices were
calculated. Among layer 5 pyramidal cells, approximately 27.4% in IL/PL/ACd cortices projected
to LH, 22.9% in IL/ventral PL to VS, 18.3% in ACd/dorsal PL to DS, and 8.1% in areas IL/PL to
BLA; and 37% of layer 6 pyramidal cells in IL/PL/ACd projected to MD. Data for other projection
pathways are given. Multiple dual retrograde uorescent tracing studies indicated that moderate
populations (9%) of layer 5 mPFC neurons projected to LH/VS, LH/SC, or VS/BLA. The data
provide new quantitative information concerning the density and distribution of neurons in-
volved in identied projection pathways from dened areas of the rat PFC to specic subcortical
targets involved in dynamic goal-directed behavior. J. Comp. Neurol. 492:145177, 2005.
2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Indexing terms: cognition; visceral information; pyramidal cells; descending pathways; subcortical

The rat prefrontal cortex (PFC) consists of cytoarchitec- gastrointestinal, gustatory, and related sensory informa-
turally and functionally distinct areas located over the tion (Cechetto and Chen, 1990; Allen et al., 1991; Zhang
medial, orbital, and insular surfaces of the rostral cerebral and Oppenheimer, 1997; Jasmin et al., 2004).
hemispheres (Cechetto and Saper, 1990; Neafsey, 1990;
Neafsey et al., 1993; Thierry et al., 1994; Paxinos et al.,
1999; Uylings et al., 2000, 2003; Westerhaus and Loewy,
Grant sponsor: The Wellcome Trust; Grant number: 047314/96/Z/WRE/MB
2001; Bohn et al., 2003). The medial (m)PFC is strategi- (to P.L.A.G.); Grant sponsor: the Beit Memorial Fund (to P.L.A.G.); Grant
cally involved in both cognitive and autonomic visceromo- sponsor: the Medical Research Council (U.K.); Grant number: G9312936N (to
tor functions (Neafsey et al., 1986, 1993; Loewy, 1991; P.L.A.G.); Grant sponsor: The Royal Society (to P.L.A.G.); Grant sponsor: The
Verberne and Owens, 1998; Groenewegen and Uylings, Open University, Milton Keynes (to P.L.A.G.).
2000; Uylings et al., 2003). In contrast, the ventrolaterally *Correspondence to: Paul L.A. Gabbott, Department of Biological Sci-
ences, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, United Kingdom.
located orbital cortices mediate aspects of reward associ- E-mail:
ations that underlie discriminatory behavior (Schoen- Received 29 April 2004; Revised 30 November 2004; Accepted 26 May
baum et al., 2003). By comparison, the insular cortex is 2005
primarily a viscerosensory region directly involved in the DOI 10.1002/cne.20738
processing of afferent cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary, Published online in Wiley InterScience (



Neural information processed by the PFC is relayed to axons innervating multiple subcortical targets (Pinto and
subcortical sites through populations of projection pyra- Sesack, 2000).
midal neurons situated mainly in deep layers 5 and 6 of The importance of this study is that it presents high-
the cortex (DeFelipe and Farinas, 1992). The terminal resolution at-map density distributions and quantitative
arbors of the descending axonal projections monosynapti- areal and laminar data concerning the main projection
cally innervate distinct subcortical circuits, thereby inte- pathways out of rat PFC innervating subcortical struc-
grating the results of information processing in the PFC tures strategically involved in autonomic, motor, and lim-
with the activity of specic neural networks in subcortical bic functions. Such data provide a rich anatomical frame-
target regions (Bacon and Smith, 1993; Carr and Sesack, work for construction of realistic quantitative
2000). Although the identities of subcortical target regions computational models of how neural activity in specic
receiving input from dened areas of the rat PFC have regions of the rat mPFC might inuence (through parallel
been well described in anterograde tract-tracing studies multiple-distribution output pathways) dened subcorti-
(Sesack et al., 1989; Heidbreder and Groenewegen, 2003; cal regions subserving autonomic, limbic, and other be-
Vertes, 2004), there is little information regarding the havioral functions (Heidbreder and Groenewegen, 2003;
overall quantitative areal and laminar density distribu- Uylings et al., 2003). Preliminary results from this study
tions of the specic PFC neuron populations participating have been reported previously (Gabbott and Busby, 2000).
in descending projection pathways to autonomic, motor,
and limbic centers in the rat.
The principal aims of this study were to provide coronal MATERIALS AND METHODS
and high-resolution at-map laminar density distribu-
The experimental procedures are described in three
tions of neurons in the rat PFC projecting to a wide selec-
parts. All surgical and animal procedures were conducted
tion of strategically important subcortical target sites in-
in accordance with the Society for Neuroscience Policy on
volved in a range of behaviors (see Table 1). By using the
the use of animals in neuroscience research and were
data from such maps in combination with previous esti-
licensed under the U.K. Animals (Scientic Procedures)
mates of the areal and laminar volume numerical densi-
Act, 1986.
ties (Nv; number of cells per unit volume) of pyramidal
cells and -aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic local circuit Retrograde tract-tracing using WGA-HRP:
inhibitory neurons (Gabbott et al., 1997), it has been pos- tracer injections
sible to dene the proportions of pyramidal cells in the
various layers of the infralimbic (IL; Brodmann area 25; Eighty-three male Sprague-Dawley rats (225280 g)
see Brodmann, 1909), prelimbic (PL; area 32), and dorsal were used in these experiments. Animals were deeply
anterior cingulate (ACd; area 24b) elds of mPFC project- anesthetized with equithesin (0.3 ml/100 g body weight
ing to each subcortical region investigated. An ancillary i.p.; Millenbruck and Wallinga, 1946). Unilateral pressure
aim was to use two uorescent retrograde tracers in indi- injections of the conventional retrograde tracer wheat
vidual animals, to derive initial percentage estimates of germ agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase
projection mPFC neurons with divergent corticoefferent (WGA-HRP; 510%) in 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline
(PBS; pH 7.4) were made via glass microelectrodes (tip
diameters 20 30 m) into a selection of identied regions
of the rat brain and spinal cord (Table 1). WGA-HRP was
chosen because of its known transport properties, ease of
Abbreviations detection, and permanent labelling properties (Bolam,
1992). Details of the stereotaxic locations of the injections
ACd dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (area 24b)
AId dorsal anterior insular cortex
and the number of animals used for each brain region are
AIv ventral anterior insular cortex also given in Table 1. The locations of representative in-
BLA basolateral amygdala jection sites are shown in Figures 3, 5 8. Volume of WGA-
DP dorsal peduncular cortex HRP tracer injected varied according to injection site;
DR dorsal raphe
DS dorsal striatum
volumes ranged between 50 and 200 nl, with the VTA,
GU gustatory insular area NTS, rVLM, and cVLM having smaller volumes (50 100
IG indusium gresium nl) of tracer injected than DS, VS, and SC (150 200 nl).
IL infralimbic cortex (area 25) Injections were made continually over a period of 10 min-
LH lateral (posterolateral) hypothalamus
MD mediodorsal thalamus
utes (Bolam, 1992). After tracer delivery, the microelec-
MOP primary motor area trodes remained in place for a further 5-minute period
MOS secondary motor area before being slowly withdrawn.
OBl lateral orbital cortex After a survival period of 510 days, animals were re-
OBm medial orbital cortex
OBvl ventrolateral orbital cortex
anesthetized with equithesin and perfused transcardially,
PAG periaqueductal gray initially with 50 ml of 0.9% physiological saline and then
PB parabrachial nucleus with 500 ml of a mixture of aldehyde xatives 0.52%
PL prelimbic cortex (area 32) glutaraldehyde (G)/3 4% paraformaldehyde (P) in 0.1 M
PrCm precentral motor area
SC thoracic spinal cord
phosphate buffer (PB; pH 7.4) at room temperature. After
Sep lateral septum perfusion, the brains were carefully removed from the
SSp primary somatosensory cortex skulls and postxed for 1 hour in fresh xative. The brains
cVLM caudal ventrolateral medulla were cut into two coronal blocks. The front block extended
rVLM rostral ventrolateral medulla
VP ventral peduncular cortex
from the tip of the cerebral hemispheres to a short way
VS ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens) behind the start of the corpus callosum (see Fig. 1AE).
VTA ventral tegmental area The second block of brain tissue or segment of spinal cord

TABLE 1. Summary Data Detailing the Total Number (n) of Animals Used per Injection Site and the Range of Stereotaxic Coordinates of the WGA-HRP
Injection Sites (Paxinos and Watson, 1986, 1998)1
Region n Range of injection coordinates (mm) Code No.
DS Dorsal striatum 5 1.2, 7.4, 1.0 to 1.0, 7.2, 1.7 31
VS Core/shell ventral striatum Heimer et al. 1991 6 2.0, 4.8, 1.2 to 2.0, 4.8, 1.7 56
BLA Basolateral amygdala 6 4.8, 8.4, 2.9 to 4.9, 8.2, 2.2 4
LH Lateral hypothalamus; including part of the 6 1.9, 8.8, 2.6 to 1.9, 8.2, 1.9 71
dorsomedial and posterolateral segment
Sep Mediolateral septum (incl. rostroventral part) 5 0.0, 7.2, 0.2 to 0.0, 7.4, 0.7 62
dlPAG Dorsolateral periaqueductal grey 8 0.6, 5.2, 8.0 to 0.6, 5.4, 7.6 25
DR Dorsal raphe 7 0.0, 6.3, 8.0 to 0.0, 6.3, 7.5 16
VTA Ventral tegmental area 4 0.7, 8.3, 5.1 to 0.4, 8.4, 5.6 51
PB Parabrachial nucleus 5 1.9, 6.7, 9.5 to 1.9, 6.6, 9.2 67
NTS Nucleus tractus solitarius 6 0.5, 8.0, 13.8 to 0.6, 8.1, 13.6 42
rVLM Rostral ventrolateral medulla 7 2.2, 10.2, 12.0 to 2.0, 10.1, 12.6 22
cVLM Caudal ventrolateral medulla 6 2.0, 9.8, 14.1 to 2.0, 9.9, 13.9 39
SC Thoracic spinal cord (segments T5T12) 7 Thoracic spinal cord T5-12 11
MD Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus 5 0.5, 5.5, 3.3 to 0.6, 5.4, 2.8 46
Total 83
Stereotaxic coordinate range given as lateral, vertical, anterior/posterior from Bregma.

was taken from around the site of the tracer injection gents to the vertical dorsoventral (midline) axis and a
(Table 1). horizontal tangent to the dorsal border of the tissue (Figs.
Serial coronal Vibratome sections (80 m thick) were 1af, 5C,C,D). Section alignment was performed sepa-
cut from both blocks of tissue, and longitudinal sections rately for both hemispheres.
were similarly prepared from the thoracic spinal cord. Upper layer 5 root point. For each section, an oblique
Sections were collected in 0.1 M PB. After sectioning, the 45 line was drawn from the TRP into the tissue and its
tissue sections were thoroughly washed in 50 mM Tris intersection with the upper layer 5 boundary dened
buffer (pH 7.4) and reacted for peroxidase activity by (Figs. 1af,G, 5C,C,D). This transection represented the
incubating the sections in 0.01% H2O2 and 0.05% 33- upper layer 5 root point and served as a common ducial
diaminobenzidine (DAB) for 310 minutes (Bolam, 1992). mark in each section for the subsequent reconstructions
The sections were then washed, dehydrated in an ascend- (Figs. 1e,G, 5D). Clockwise (positive) and anticlockwise
ing series of alcohols, passed through xylene, and nally (negative) distances of all the areal borders along the
embedded under glass coverslips in DPX mountant. upper layer 5 boundary, with respect to the upper layer 5
root point, were measured in the four sets of serial Nissl-
Nissl cytoarchitectonics of PFC and stained sections.
construction of cytoarchitectural at-maps The upper layer 5 boundary is a continuous line in
Four additional male rats (250 g) were anesthetized sections anterior to approximately 3.5 mmB (Fig. 1a c).
with equithesin and perfused with aldehyde xatives To produce a at-map reconstruction of anterior frontal
0.52% G/3% P in 0.1 M PB (pH 7.4). Serial coronal Vi- areas, this boundary line was necessarily interrupted at
bratome sections (50 m thick) were then cut from the the lateral edge of the lateral orbital cortex. However, in
anterior half of the brains [from 5.0 to 1.0 mm anterior posterior sections, continuity of the boundary line is nat-
to Bregma (B); Fig. 1AD,af]. These tissue sections were urally interrupted between the infralimbic/dorsal pedun-
mounted in order onto chrome gelatin-coated slides, air cular cortices and the ventrolateral/lateral orbital cortex
dried, and subsequently stained with cresyl violet (Gab- as the rostral pole of the nucleus accumbens becomes
bott et al., 1997). The sections were nally dehydrated in established (3.0 mmB). Because the lateral orbital cor-
an ascending series of alcohols, taken through xylene, and tex (OBl) is the main area affected by this discontinuity, it
embedded in DPX moutant. was necessary to arbitrarily divide the OBl into a medial
By consulting previously published cytoarchitectonic anterior part (shown at top left of map in Fig. 1H) and a
maps of rat mPFC (Ray and Price, 1992; Swanson, 1998), posterior lateral part (shown at right of map in Fig. 1H).
areal borders and the boundaries between cytological lay- This arrangement ensured minimal distortion of the or-
ers within each area were dened for each set of Nissl- bital cortex.
stained sections (see Fig. 1A,B,af). Drawings of the areal Areal borders. Linear distributions of areal borders
borders and laminar boundaries were made via a drawing around the upper layer 5 boundary line were then con-
tube attached to a light microscope. The drawings were structed for each section. Distribution maps of all the
scanned digitally and electronic les subsequently im- areal borders along this laminar boundary were subse-
ported into graphics software (Adobe Illustrator/ quently produced by aligning the individual section distri-
Photoshop) and measurement programs (NIH Image, butions rostrocaudally with respect to the upper layer 5
MacStereology). All measuring programs incorporated an root point; each distribution was spaced apart by the
assumed linear isotropic tissue shrinkage of 15% (Gabbott thickness (50 m) of each section. Corresponding areal
et al., 1997). boundaries were then joined between sections to produce a
Section alignment. To ensure spatial congruence, at-map of areal borders.
sections were rotated and their medial walls aligned op- The areal border at-maps derived from the four ani-
timally along the dorsoventral midline axis (Fig. 1F). For mals were then superimposed, and a composite map was
each section, a top left hand corner tangential reference constructed. Areal borders in this nal, overall at-map
point (TRP) was then dened (see Figs. 1G, 5C,C). The were smoothed by using a nearest-neighbor least-
TRP represented the intersection point of orthogonal tan- difference algorithm to accommodate differences among

Figure 1

the four individual reconstructions (Fry, 1992). The nal analysis, whereas those at the lower surface were ex-
generic at-map of rostral cortical areal borders shown in cluded (Howard and Reed, 1998). By reference to coronal
Figure 1H served as a template for mapping the quanti- Nissl-stained sections, areal borders and laminar bound-
tative distributions of projection neuron populations in aries were drawn onto the sections containing the retro-
rostral cortices. gradely labelled cell populations.
Segmentation of rostral cortex into sampling strips.
Construction of projection neuron at-maps In each coronal section, the upper layer 5 root point was
Animal selection. For each projection pathway stud- determined. This point dened the center of a segmenta-
ied, the histological sections from individual animals were tion procedure applied to the upper layer 5 boundary line.
inspected to ascertain not only the accuracy and size of the Taking the root point as the center of sampling strip 0, the
WGA-HRP injection site, and possible encroachment into upper layer 5 laminar boundary was then segmented into
surrounding areas, but also the degree of retrograde uniform sampling intervals 100 m wide, extending clock-
transport and the subsequent quality and extent of retro- wise (positive numbers) and anticlockwise (negative num-
grade cellular labelling in the areas of cortex under inves- bers) around the tissue section. As shown in Figure 5D,
tigation. According to these criteria, the histological sec- the complete segmentation of the upper layer 5 boundary
tions from specic animals were selected for line allowed cortical areas in a tissue section to be divided
reconstruction and quantitative analysis. At least two into a continuous set of nonoverlapping trapezoid sam-
complete sets of coronal sections in which labelling was pling strips with the long axes extending perpendicularly
considered (by several investigators) to be optimal were from the pial surface to the white matter. This segmenta-
used per projection pathway. Projection at-maps were tion procedure was carried out for each section analyzed.
constructed only for the hemisphere with the greater Quantication of retrogradely labelled cell popula-
number of labelled cells (ipsilateral/contralateral to the tions. In each section, the absolute numbers of retro-
side of tracer injection). gradely labelled cells occurring in each layer 1 6 of each
Digitization of coronal sections. The perimeter of cortical sampling strip were determined. Labelled cells
each coronal section and the positions of individual retro- that crossed the left side of each strip and the upper
gradely labelled cells were dened and recorded with a laminar boundary were not included (Fry, 1992). Simi-
light microscope (Leitz Dialux 22) tted with a high- larly, within each strip, only cut labelled cellular proles
resolution three-axis motorized stage interfaced to a com- lying at the upper surface of the section were included for
puter system (Neurolucida; MicroBrightField, Colchester, analysis, those at the lower surface being excluded. This
VT). The tissue sections were observed at several optical
procedure was carried out on the histological sections from
magnications (15, 25, and 40 objectives) to verify
at least two animals for each pathway investigated.
positively labelled cells. Several researchers indepen-
Density distribution at-maps. The results from in-
dently checked a selection of different sections to assess
dividual animals were subsequently imported into data
interobserver variability and standardize the detection of
spreadsheets (Excel Microsoft Ofce XP and SPSS 12),
labelled cells. To avoid double counting of cells bisected by
with each cortical layer treated separately. The spread-
the plane of section, only the cut labelled cellular proles
lying at the upper surface of each section were included for sheet data for each layer were arranged relative to count-
ing strip 0, the results for each section being ordered
serially along the rostrocaudal axis of the brain. The sizes
of data cells on all spreadsheets were adjusted to repre-
sent the ratio between the sampling interval used to seg-
Fig. 1. A: Medial surface of the right hemisphere of rat brain.
ment the upper layer 5 boundary line (100 m) and the
Scale (in mm) anterior to Bregma (B, dot). Rostrocaudal (r c) extent absolute thickness of the corresponding histological sec-
of reconstructed medial cortical areas lie between 4.3B and 2.2B. tions (80 m). Marker points for areal borders in each
B: Transparent surface of rat brain showing rostrocaudal (r c) posi- layer of each section were also included. The nal data
tion of coronal section at 3.2 mm B. C: Drawings showing rostro- spreadsheets therefore represent high-resolution unfolded
caudal location of tissue block containing left prefrontal cortex. The
position of a rostral section (dark) located at 3.2 mm anterior to
density-distribution at-maps of the absolute numbers of
Bregma reference is also given. D: Corresponding reconstructed areas retrogradely labelled cells in trapezoid sampling volumes
of lateral (i), dorsal (ii), and orbital (iii) prefrontal cortex are shown. (oriented perpendicular to the axis of viewing) through
E: ACd, PL, and IL areas on the medial wall of the right hemisphere; dened layers of the cortical areas sampled (see Fig. 5D).
Bregma (B). Scales in mm. F: Superposition of rostral coronal sections To aid visualization, the data spreadsheets were subse-
in their correct relative positions perpendicular to the axis of section-
quently transformed into gray-scale density-distribution
ing. G: Transformed alignment of coronal sections so that the top left
tangential reference points (TRPs; see Fig. 5) are superimposed. The maps (see Fig. 5E,F). Comparisons between different lay-
central axis of all TRPs is indicated in the at-map distribution shown ers of a given projection pathway or between different
in F. af: Six sets of coronal sections (Nissl section and drawing of pathways were facilitated by using the same range of
areal boundaries) from 2.3B to 4.2B adapted from Swanson (1998). gray-scale density coding for each map (see Figs. 9 11;
Cortical areas are indicated (PL cortex in gray). Note location of TRP
maximal range 0 70 labelled cells per data cell in spread-
in each section (cf. Fig. 1E). PrCm is a medial subdivision of the
secondary motor area MOs (Ray and Price, 1992). H: Flat-map pro- sheet divided equally into 10 gray levels from white to
jection showing layer 5 borders between the areas of rostral cortex black, respectively). Gray-scale density-distribution at-
examined in this study. This at-map of areal boundaries provided a maps for each layer in the areas of PFC studied were
template for mapping the laminar densities and distributions of the generated for all pathways investigated. One advantage of
retrogradely labelled cell populations. Common tangential reference using at-maps is that the rostrocaudal and dorsoventral
point (TRP; vertical line). Note discontinuity (horizontal dotted line)
where lateral orbital cortex (arrows) is divided and separated from density distributions of projection neurons are simulta-
anterior ventromedial areas of orbital cortex (sections df). Scale neously charted, allowing local regional variations to be
bars 0.5 cm in B,D; 2 mm in F,G; 1 mm in c,e (applies to a,b,d,e,f). readily detected.

TABLE 2. Summary Laminar and Areal Data for Rat Cortical Areas 25 (IL), 32 (PL), and 24b (ACd)1
Total Nv N %GABA %Pyram Nv Pyram L (m) Abs.n.pyramids
Area 25 IL
1 10,138 15.6 84.4 8,557 178 1,522
2 74,721 11.2 88.8 66,352 101 6,702
3 54,906 19.7 80.3 44,089 186 8,201
5 51,349 19.1 80.9 41,541 264 10,966
6a 54,846 10.1 89.9 49,307 232 11,439
6b 79,999 13.1 86.9 69,519 39 2,711
Mean 54,327 14.8 85.2 Sum 41,541
Area 32 PL
1 6,832 17.4 82.6 5,643 207.4 1,168
2 75,696 14.9 85.1 64,417 88.5 5,701
3 59,690 18.8 81.2 48,468 236.2 11,448
5 42,121 21.2 78.8 33,191 340.5 11,302
6a 56,601 12.7 87.3 49,412 264.4 13,064
6b 80,416 14 86 69,157 56.9 3,935
Mean 53,559 16.5 83.5 Sum 46,618
Area 24b ACd
1 5,879 8.1 91.9 5,403 201.4 1,085
2 72,453 25.7 74.3 53,832 77.3 4,161
3 45,740 20.9 79.1 36,180 345.2 12,489
5 41,283 21.6 78.4 32,365 444.2 14,377
6a 52,398 10.1 89.9 47,105 332 15,639
6b 63,795 17 83 52,949 137.4 7,275
Mean 46,924 17.2 82.8 Sum 55,026
Total Nv N, mean numerical density per 1 mm3 of all neurons; %GABA and %Pyram, percentages that GABA immunoreactive and pyramidal cells, respectively, constitute of all
neurons; Nv Pyram, overall mean numerical density of pyramidal neurons; L, laminar thickness; Abs.n.pyramids, absolute number of pyramidal cells in each layer under 1 mm2
of pial surface area. Total number for a column of cortex under 1 mm2 of pial surface area also given. Data derived from Tables 2,3,5,6 and 7 in Gabbott et al. (1997).

Standardization of at-maps. Individual gray-scale using the histological material containing identied pro-
density distributions were imported into graphics pro- jection cell populations in mPFC, separately labelled from
grams (Adobe Illustrator 10 and Photoshop 7) and then 14 subcortical sites with the retrograde pathway tracer
transformed electronically so that the areal boundary WGA-HRP, in conjunction with data presented in Table 2,
markers were maximally aligned with borders on the the following quantitative parameters were derived for
standardized areal at-map (Fig. 1H; Fry, 1992). This each layer in IL, PL, and ACd cortices: 1) volume numer-
standardization procedure allowed comparisons to be ical density of retrogradely labelled projection cells for
made between the laminar density-distribution maps for each pathway (Nv Project.); 2) percentage oft retrogradely
each of the pathways investigated. Because layer 5 was labelled neurons among the total number of pyramidal
demonstrated to be the principal layer from which de- neurons in a layer or area of mPFC (%Project.); and 3)
scending projections originated (see Fig. 13), an overall combined percentage of individual retrogradely labelled
density-distribution at-map composed of all the projec- neuron populations among the total number of pyramidal
tion cell populations, derived from the different pathways projection neurons (Total %Project.). [Note: In the projec-
studied, was constructed to identify specic regions of tion from mPFC to dorsal striatum, the ventral (v) and
layer 5 with high total numbers of labelled layer 5 projec- dorsal (d) PL cortex were investigated separately; see
tion cells. Figs. 6, 13.]
Quantitative parameters for retrogradely Sets of alternate coronal sections (1:2 series) through
labelled cell populations in medial PFC the rostrocaudal extents of IL, PL, and ACd cortices from
three animals in which the sites of WGA-HRP injection,
Quantitative data were extracted from a previously
retrograde labelling, and cellular transport were consid-
published report dening specic aspects of the neuronal
ered to be optimal were selected for study. By using a
composition of the rat mPFC (Gabbott et al., 1997). For
computer-assisted light microscope system (Neurolucida;
each layer in IL, PL, ACd cortices, the following mean
MicroBrightField), 30 50 square nonoverlapping sam-
values were obtained (Table 2): 1) volume numerical den-
sity of all neurons (Nv Total Neurons); 2) percentage of pling quadrats (either 100 100 m or 250 250 m,
GABA-immunoreactive neurons among the total number depending on laminar thickness; Table 2) were randomly
of neurons (%GABA); and 3) Nv of pyramidal neurons superimposed over each layer of the mPFC regions inves-
(dened as GABA-immunonegative cells): [Nv Pyram tigated. While focussing through the tissue section, the
(Nv Total Neurons %GABA)/100]. The latter parameter absolute numbers of retrogradely labelled somata con-
assumed that all non-GABA-containing neurons were py- tained within each sampling quadrat were recorded (Gab-
ramidal cells projecting out of the cortex (White, 1989; bott and Bacon, 1996a,b; Howard and Reed, 1998). The
DeFelipe and Farinas, 1992; Gabbott et al., 1997). left and lower quadrat boundaries, as well as the lower
By considering the depth of each layer (thickness L surface of the tissue section, were dened as exclusion
m) the absolute number of pyramidal cells in a given boundaries (Gabbott et al., 1997; Howard and Reed, 1998).
lamina under 1 mm2 of pial surface was subsequently From the density of retrogradely labelled cells occurring
calculated (Abs.n.pyramids). Mean values for these pa- per quadrat and the thickness of each section, the mean
rameters are presented in Table 2. volume numerical densities of retrogradely labelled pro-
Quantitative parameters for retrogradely labelled jection cells (Nv Project. per mm3; Fig. 2B) in each layer of
cell populations in mPFC. Figure 2A,B shows the cyto- IL, PL (vPL and dPL calculated separately for the dorsal
logical and morphometric procedures schematically. By striatal pathway), and ACd cortices were subsequently

[%Project. (Nv Project/Nv Pyram) 100; Fig. 2C]. Fi-

nally, the total percentages that all 14 retrogradely la-
belled neuron populations composed of the total number of
pyramidal projection neurons (Total %Project.
%Project. for each pathway) were calculated for each
layer in each area. Mean group values SEM (n 3) were
subsequently derived (Fry, 1992; Howard and Reed,

Dual-uorescence retrograde tract-tracing

Part three was a series of retrograde pathway-tracing
studies using two uorescent tracers in the same animal.
The aim was to dene the identity, location, and numeri-
cal size of projection neuron populations in mPFC with
divergent efferent axons that simultaneously innervated
two subcortical target structures (Fig. 3A,Biiii; Catsman-
Berrevoets and Kuypers, 1981; Heimer and Zaborsky,
1989; Meredith and Arbuthnott, 1993; Pinto and Sesack,
2000). Separate injections of compatible retrograde uo-
rescent tracers were made into specic pairwise combina-
tions of the 14 subcortical brain regions being investigated
(Fig. 3A, Table 5; Bolam, 1992; Meredith and Arbuthnott,
1993). Control experiments were also undertaken (see be-
This part of the investigation used 128 Sprague-Dawley
rats (240 285 g) of both sexes. Animals were anesthetized
with equithesin (Millenbruck and Wallinga, 1946; 0.3 ml/
100 g body weight,. i.p.) and placed in a stereotaxic frame
(Kopf Instruments). After appropriate surgery, separate
pressure injections of 50 200 nl of 25% fast blue (FB;
Sigma, St. Louis, MO) and 100 200 nl of 20 25% rhoda-
mine red-labelled latex microspheres (RLM; Lumauor) in
Tris-buffered saline (TBS; pH 7.4) were injected in se-
quence via glass microelectrodes (tip diameters 20 30
m) into specic paired combinations of subcortical sites
(see Table 5). The ranges of stereotaxic coordinates for the
injection sites (Paxinos and Watson, 1986, 1998) are given
in Table 1.
Fig. 2. Quantitative methodology. A: The numerical densities of After a survival period of 5 8 days, the animals were
all neurons (Nv Total Neurons), pyramidal projection cells, and local given an overdose of anesthetic and transcardially per-
circuit GABAergic neurons (LCNs) in each of layers 1 6 of areas 25, fused, initially with 0.9% physiological saline at room
32, and 24b have been dened in a previous quantitative GABA temperature (RT) and then with 500 ml of 4% P xative in
immunocytochemical and Nissl cytoarchitectonic investigation (Gab-
0.1 M PB, pH 7.4, at RT. The brains and spinal cords were
bott et al., 1997). The latter study also calculated the percentage of
GABA-immunoreactive LCNs in each layer of areas 25, 32, and 24b carefully removed and postxed in fresh xative in 0.1 M
(%GABA, asterisk). The numerical density of pyramidal projection PB, pH 7.4, for 1 hour at 4C.
cells (Nv Pyram.) can therefore be calculated, assuming that all LCNs By using the histological methods described above, se-
are GABA immunoreactive and that all pyramidal neurons are rial coronal sections were collected throughout the rostro-
GABA-immunonegative projection cells. B: From the histological ma- caudal extent of the mPFC and also from the correspond-
terial prepared in this study, the numerical density of WGA-HRP
retrogradely labelled neurons projecting to specic subcortical target
ing subcortical injection sites in the brain and spinal cord.
sites (Nv Project.) can be dened stereologically for each layer of areas Tissue blocks were cut at a thickness of 80 m with a
25, 32, and 24b. C: The percentage that neurons projecting to a vibratome. Tissue sections were washed thoroughly (3
specic subcortical nucleus constitute of the overall pyramidal cell 10 minutes) in 0.1 M PBS (pH 7.4), mounted in 100%
population in each layer of each area (%Project.) can be subsequently glycerol, coverslipped, and viewed under uorescent optics
derived. Scale bars 250 m. by using a custom lter block (Chroma Technologies) that
permitted the simultaneous visualization and discrimina-
tion of both FB and RLM uorescent tracers (Fig. 3DF).
obtained (Gabbott and Bacon, 1996b; Howard and Reed, Fluorescence visualization procedures. Care was
1998). taken not to quench the uorescent signal when examin-
The mean percentages that identied neuron popula- ing the sections under uorescent optics. In animals with
tions in IL, PL, and ACd cortices (known to project to optimally located injection sites, areas of mPFC contain-
specic subcortical autonomic and limbic sites) consti- ing retrogradely labelled uorescent somata were care-
tuted of the total population of pyramidal cells were de- fully examined at high magnication to determine the
rived for each layer of each area (or subarea) of rat mPFC presence of neurons containing both uorescent tracers

(FB/RLM). When double-labelled neurons were encoun-

tered in the mPFC, the region of maximal dual labelling
was analyzed quantitatively (Howard and Reed, 1998).
Sampling quadrats (100 100 m) were used to count the
number of cells throughout the thickness of the section
containing either FB or RLM or both FB/RLM tracers (Fig.
3E,F). Because of the paucity of labelled neurons in layers
3, 2, and 1, data were collected only for layers 5 and 6 in
each area. The percentages of double retrogradely labelled
neurons (FB/RLM) within the total number of retro-
gradely labelled layer 5 (6) cells present [FB RLM
(FB/RLM)] were calculated. [In total, 150 300 retro-
gradely labelled neurons were sampled per layer 5 (6), per
area per animal.] However, because of the methodological
difculties (see below), the results were classied into 5%
data bins (see Table 6); quantitative data were obtained
from at least two animals for each paired combination of
injection sites. It was necessary to transform the ob-
served uorescence data (assuming that the two parent
populations were present in the same proportion as in
the single-pathway tracing studies; Table 3AC), to de-
rive the percentage of pyramidal neurons in layer 5 (6)
of a given area projecting to a known pair of subcortical
target structures (Tables 5, 6; Fig. 3; see also Pinto and
Sesack, 2000).
Control retrograde tracing experiments. Pilot injec-
tions of WGA-HRP into immediately adjacent nonproject-
ing structures did not produce retrogradely labelled neu-

Fig. 3. A: Dual retrograde labelling. Two different uorescent

retrograde tract tracers (rhodamine-labelled latex microspheres,
RLM; fast blue, FB) are injected into two subcortical targets (X and Y,
respectively) containing terminal axonal arbors of mPFC projection
neurons. Two distinct cell populations, projecting to either X or Y, are
retrogradely labelled in the cortex with either RLM or FB. A third cell
population projecting to both X and Y will be retrogradely labelled
with both RLM and FB tracers (X/Y). Unlabelled neurons project to
other subcortical targets. Bi: Two separate populations of cortical
projection neurons, which project to either subcortical target site X or
target site Y. The two population may be composed of different num-
bers of cells. Bii: Overlapping populations of cortical projection neu-
rons. Distinct neuron populations project solely to either target sites
X or Y or to both X and Y. Biii: Population of neurons projecting to
target site X contains a subpopulation of projection cells that also
project to target site Y. No cells projecting to target site Y alone.
C: Injection of RLM into the upper segments of the thoracic spinal
cord. The central canal is indicated (thick arrow). The injection is
bilateral and includes the central autonomic area and the interme-
diolateral cell column of the thoracic spinal cord (single-headed thin
arrow). Labelled cells are visible in the longitudinally aligned lateral
ber tracts (double-headed thin arrow). r, Rostral; c, caudal. D: Layer
5 dPL cells retrogradely labelled after separate injections of FB into
dorsal striatum (DS) and RLM into the basolateral nucleus of the
amygdala (BLA). Neurons only projecting to DS are indicated (single-
headed arrows). A population of cells, out of the plane of focus, con-
taining both tracers is present (double-headed arrows). E: Layer 5
vPL cells retrogradely labelled after injections of FB into ventral
striatum/nucleus accumbens (VS) and RLM into the basolateral nu-
cleus of the amygdala (BLA). One retrogradely labelled neuron
projects to VS (single-headed arrow), whereas another projects to
BLA. Two neighboring retrogradely labelled neurons contain both
RLM and FB and therefore project to both VS and BLA (double-
headed arrows). F: Layer 5 ACd cells retrogradely labelled after
injections of FB into lateral hypothalamus (LH) and RLM into the
thoracic spinal cord (SC). Two corticospinal cells are indicated (single-
headed arrows). Another corticospinal neuron contains both RLM and
FB (double-headed arrow), indicating that it also projected to the
lateral hypothalamus. Scale bars 500 m in C; 25 m in DF.

ron populations in the mPFC. For example, injections of cortices (AIv and AId). In reality, this strip is continuous
tracer directly into 1) the posterior, centrolateral, or para- with OBl and OBvl, which border areas of mPFC. Note
central nuclei of the thalamus (for MD injections), 2) area also that the medial portion of the secondary motor cortex
postrema of the medulla (for NTS injections), or 3) zona (MOS) is classied as the precentral motor area (PrCm) as
incerta, ventromedial thalamus (for LH injections) did not given by Ray and Price (1992). The cytoarchitectural
produce retrogradely labelled PFC neurons. In different at-map shown in Figure 1H has been used as the tem-
animals, injections (of similar sizes and locations) into the plate for generating the at-map density distributions of
target nuclei studied here consistently retrogradely la- retrogradely labelled cell populations
belled neurons in the same regions of the PFC and other
brain nuclei. Retrograde tract-tracing studies
In the dual-uorescence tracer study, control tract- Tracer injections. In total, 83 animals were used in
tracing experiments were performed to test for possible the tract-tracing experiments described in this study.
pathway specicity of the individual tracers. For specic Although several animals per injection site had accu-
combinations of subcortical targets (LH/SC, NTS/SC, VS/ rate tracer injection, successful retrograde axonal
BLA), the sites of tracer injection were interchanged. In transport and cellular labelling, only the two optimally
such experiments, there was no signicant qualitative or
labelled animals were used in the reconstructions for
quantitative difference in the distributions of retrogradely
each pathway. Tracer injections were considered opti-
labelled neurons in mPFC. Overall, the resulting patterns
mal when the region of peroxidase labelling of both the
of retrograde tracing were in accordance with published
intensely stained central core and the surrounding halo
(of very much weaker labelling) were conned to as
The images presented in this paper were digitized and
large a volume fraction of the targeted subcortical site
stored as Adobe Photoshop 7 PSD image les. Contrast,
as possible. An additional requirement was that the
brightness, and gray-level modications were performed
injection site did not encroach into neighboring nuclei
in Photoshop to optimize image quality. Final output les
were in TIFF format. and ber tracts known to project to rostral cortical
areas. Table 1 provides a summary of the range of
injection site coordinates. The intense, darkly stained,
central area of each injection site represents the core
RESULTS region from which the vast majority (if not all) of the
The approximate surface location of the transverse seg- neurons were retrogradely labelled by HRP. Where
ment of rostral cortex (including PFC) examined in this present, and depending on the precise location of the
study is shown with respect to the lateral, dorsal, and injection site, the lightly stained halo surrounding the
orbital surfaces of both hemispheres of the rat brain in central dark cores represents regions producing few
Figure 1Diiii. This segment lay bilaterally between ap- retrogradely labelled neurons in PFC. The halo regions
proximately 4.3B and 2.2B (Fig. 1A,D). Figure 1AD appeared as diffuse DAB labelling throughout the neu-
shows the anteroposterior extent of this segment on the ropil that contrasted with the strongly labelled cores,
rostral medial wall. The territories of the principal medial where both groups and individual neurons could be
regions contained within this segment are shown in Fig- found intensely labelled. The qualitative descriptions
ure 1E. This region of cortex was studied because it in- are derived from all animals in which injections were
cluded signicant proportions of the main elds of rostral accurate and discrete, and subsequent cortical labelling
cortex: orbital, peduncular, infralimbic, prelimbic, ante- was representative of the pathways under investiga-
rior cingulate, medial precentral, motor, somatosensory, tion.
and insular areas and their respective subdivisions (Fig. Distribution and morphology of retrogradely la-
1af). In addition, it represented the region with the belled cells. After the subcortical injections of WGA-
greatest degree of overlap between all the retrogradely HRP, retrogradely labelled somata could be readily found
labelled cell populations. throughout areas of rostral cortex (Fig. 4AD,F). At low
magnication, populations of darkly stained cellular pro-
Cytoarchitectural at-maps les could be readily discerned in the tissue and were
A generic at-map of the cytoarchitectonic areal borders located in specic areas and laminae depending on the site
present at the level of the upper layer 5 boundary was of the tracer injection (Fig. 4AC). Retrogradely labelled
derived and is shown in Figure 1H. The at-map is pre- cells were present throughout the full thickness of the
sented for the right cerebral hemisphere (Fig. 1H; lateral histological sections. Bisected labelled cellular proles
to right, medial and orbital to left). The midvertical line in were present at the upper and lower surfaces of the sec-
Figure 1H connects the TRP dened through all sections tions. At higher magnication, the retrogradely labelled
(cf. Fig. 1H and G; see also Fig.1af). It is important to somata contained the characteristic brown end-product of
note that the at-map is obtained by unfolding the upper the peroxidase reaction. The vast majority of labelled cells
layer 5 boundary orthogonally with respect to the TRP were clearly visible against a relatively unstained back-
line (Fig. 1G). A similar reconstruction for the left cerebral ground (Fig. 4A,F). For all the pathways examined, most
hemisphere displayed no signicant differences in the dis- retrogradely labelled cortical cells were pyramidal in mor-
tribution of the cortical elds. phology (Fig. 4F). These labelled cells had darkly stained,
All the major cytoarchitectonic boundaries together triangular somata (containing numerous dark puncta),
with those of the principal subdivisions of the orbital, frequently giving rise to the stout proximal segments of
insular, motor, and peduncular cortices are displayed in ascending apical dendrites and the initial parts of basal
Figure 1H. In constructing the generic at-map, OBl cor- dendritic arbors (Fig. 4F). No retrogradely labelled corti-
tex contains a lateral strip abutting the agranular insular cal cells were found that clearly displayed the morpholog-

Fig. 4. Projection to spinal cord (SC). A: WGA-HRP retrogradely gradely labelled neurons (arrows) in rostral cortical areas following
labelled layer 5 corticospinal neurons (arrow) in PL cortex. (capillary, tracer injection into thoracic spinal cord. F: Two WGA-HRP retro-
c). B: Labelled layer 5 corticospinal neurons (arrow) in vPL and IL gradely labelled corticospinal PL pyramidal cells (P). Apical (single-
cortices. v, Ventral; d, dorsal; m, medial. C: Enlargement of the region headed arrows) and basal dendritic processes (double-headed arrows)
in B showing labelled layer 5 vPL corticospinal neurons (arrows). are indicated. Note characteristic punctate reaction end-product in
D: Drawing of a coronal histological section taken 3.3 mm in front of labelled somata and processes. Scale bar 500 m in A,B; 200 m in
Bregma (animal 15). The boxed region represents the extent of the C; 2 mm in D; 1 mm in E; 25 m in F.
histological section shown in E. E: Location and distribution of retro-

ical characteristics of local circuit (nonprojection) inter- tion maps constructed for each layer were, in effect, col-
neurons (Gabbott et al., 1997). lapsed onto the same segmentation interval used to par-
tition the upper layer 5 boundary line (see Figs. 8E, 9E).
Coronal, at-map, and quantitative This procedure produced density-distribution at-maps
distributions of retrogradely labelled cells that facilitated interlaminar comparisons both within and
The salient features of the coronal and at-map distri- between projection pathways.
butions of retrogradely labelled neuron populations asso- Thoracic spinal cord (SC; Figs. 4, 10H, 13). Retro-
ciated with the pathways studied are described below and gradely labelled cell populations in rostral cortex after SC
shown in Figures 4 12. Quantitative data dening the injections (Fig. 3C) were found in both hemispheres lo-
percentage that identied projection neurons composed of cated principally in the secondary motor area (MOs, in-
the pyramidal cell populations in IL, PL, and ACd cortical cluding PrCm; Fig. 4AC,E) and with greatly reduced
areas are also given in Figures 13 and Table 3AC. frequencies in PL and IL cortices (Fig. 4C,E). Corticospi-
Construction of maps. Volume distortions occur nal neurons were found mainly in layer 5 (Figs. 4A,B,E,
when curved segments of the cerebral cortex are unfolded 13).
to give at representations (see Fig. 1 in Gabbott et al., The at-map density distribution of cortical neurons in
1987). The attening procedure used in this study un- layer 5 projecting to the thoracic spinal cord (Fig. 10H)
folded the cortex with respect to the upper layer 5 bound- also indicated a peak density occurring in medial MOs
ary line (Fig. 5B,C). Because the cortical strips used to (area PrCm). Corticospinal neurons were present, albeit
obtain labelled cell density information were trapezoid- in much reduced numbers, throughout large rostrocaudal
like wedges (with long axis perpendicular to pial surface), extents of PL and IL cortex (Fig. 10H). Cortical neurons
density-distribution at-maps produced for supercial projecting to SC were absent from almost all areas of
layers would be correspondingly larger than for maps orbital cortex and from MOp and GU, AId, and AIv corti-
constructed in deep layers (Fig. 5C). That is, for nonover- ces (Fig. 10H).
lapping sampling strips, the segmentation interval along Quantitative estimates indicated that neurons project-
the layer 5 boundary line would not have been the same ing to the thoracic spinal cord constituted 1% of projection
interval as the lower layer 6 or upper layer 3 boundary neurons in layer 5 of IL cortex, 9% of layer 5 projection
line (Fig. 5C). To overcome this problem, density distribu- neurons in PL, and 13% of projection neurons in ACd layer

Fig. 5. Projection to dorsal raphe (DR). A: Coronal section showing clockwise (positive bin numbers) and anticlockwise (negative bin
the position and extent of the central foci (umbra and penumbra) of a numbers) around the tissue section. The segmented layer 3/5 bound-
WGA-HRP injection into DR. Bregma level and animal identity code ary allows the whole cortex to be divided up into a continuous set of
(16) are indicated. B: Cytoarchitectonic division of the prefrontal nonoverlapping vertical trapezoid sampling strips extending from pia
cortex at Bregma 3.2 mm. C: Location and distribution of retro- to white matter. E: Corticoraphe cell distribution. The absolute num-
gradely labelled neurons (dark punctate dots) in rostral cortex after bers of cells in each layer of each sampling strip were recorded for
an injection similar to A. Drawing composed from six serial sections each section (n 6; sections 2328). Shown here is the number of
(2328). Boundary between upper layer 5 and lower layer 3 is indi- corticoraphe cells in layer 5 collapsed onto the segmented layer 3/5
cated; layer 5 contains vast majority of corticoraphe neurons. Vertical boundary line. By using areal boundary map in B, the position of
(V) and horizontal (H) axes (divided into mm) have been applied borders between cortical areas have been dened. a-p, Anterior-
tangentially to the tissue sections to dene the upper left hand tan- posterior axis. The distributions for each section are spaced apart by
gential reference point (TRP; open circle). An oblique line at 45 to the section thickness (t). F: Transformation of E into a at-map
the V-H axes is indicated. d, Dorsal; l, lateral; a, anterior; p, posterior. gray-scale representation. The absolute number of retrogradely la-
C: Nissl-stained section at the level of the sections shown in B and C. belled corticoraphe neurons in each sampling bin is represented by a
An oblique line to the V-H axes is shown. D: Redrawing of C showing dened gray-scale value. The position of the central sampling bin
distribution of retrogradely labelled corticoraphe neurons (punctate (dened by the 45 line from the TRP) common to all sections is
dots) and the boundary between lower layer 3 and upper layer 5. The indicated (asterisk). Note the distribution of the corticoraphe neuron
point where the 45 line from TRP crosses the layer 5/layer 3 bound- population throughout areas of mPFC and also in the dorsal and
ary is dened as the center of sampling bin 0. The layer 3/5 boundary ventral regions of AId. Scale bars 5 mm in A; 500 m in F.
has been segmented into sampling bins (100 m wide) extending

TABLE 3A. Calculated Percentages That WGA-HRP-Labelled Neuron Populations (Retrogradely Labelled from Dened Subcortical Sites) Constituted of
the Total Population of Pyramidal Projection Neurons in Given Layers of Area 25 (Mean SEM; n 3)1
1 0.27 0.3
2 4.59 0.14 6.79 0.71 12.2
0.35 0.05 0.39 0.22
3 3.74 0.27 5.56 2.45 0.13 12.2
0.48 0.06 0.72 0.31 0.09
5 7.92 1.66 18.59 8.91 26.02 6.79 3.02 5.30 3.81 1.16 0.41 3.70 2.10 0.87 90.3
0.66 0.34 0.51 1.04 1.61 0.46 0.42 0.45 0.56 0.20 0.16 0.46 0.47 0.16
6 3.93 1.30 2.94 1.37 10.68 34.68 0.05 56.3
0.47 0.25 0.34 0.46 0.99 0.85 0.01
The combined percentage (total) that the individual labelled neuron populations constituted of the total number of pyramidal projection neurons in a layer is also given.

TABLE 3B. Calculated Percentages That WGA-HRP-Labelled Neuron Populations (Retrogradely Labelled from Dened Subcortical Sites) Constituted of
the Total Population of Pyramidal Projection Neurons in Given Layers of Area 32 (Mean SEM; n 3)1
DS v DS d
1 0.15 0.15
2 7.61 0.47 0.76 7.51 1.95 vA32dA32 17.517.8
0.34 0.07 0.15 0.44 0.51
3 3.30 0.71 1.28 6.20 0.59 2.45 0.11 13.313.8
0.43 0.12 0.23 0.53 0.23 0.31 0.08
5 8.29 7.23 18.85 27.20 2.47 26.17 1.08 2.86 2.76 5.68 4.68 3.61 1.20 1.50 8.88 103.6112.5
0.37 0.65 0.96 0.74 0.33 1.59 0.18 0.28 0.42 0.52 0.39 1.19 0.18 0.18 0.83
6 1.04 3.68 6.10 1.26 10.65 41.33 0.43 58.061.9
0.21 0.22 0.27 0.17 0.95 0.99 0.09
Because the projection to the dorsal striatum (DS) was markedly different between ventral (v) and dorsal (d) parts of PL cortex (see Figs. 5A, 6A), data are presented separately
for these territories in area 32. The combined percentage (total) that the individual labelled neuron populations constituted of the total number of pyramidal projection neurons
in a layer is given (a range is given for layers 2 6 because of the differences in the projection to DS between ventral and dorsal area 32).

TABLE 3C. Calculated Percentages That WGA-HRP-Labelled Neuron Populations (Retrogradely Labelled from Dened Subcortical Sites) Constituted of
the Total Population of Pyramidal Projection Neurons in Given Layers of Area 24b (Mean SEM; n 3)1
1 0.0
2 5.35 0.28 1.96 5.62 13.2
0.41 0.08 0.30 0.98
3 1.58 0.56 0.21 4.99 0.11 7.6
0.27 0.14 0.08 0.49 0.08
5 1.07 17.57 5.04 0.65 29.86 1.11 2.69 1.65 4.43 4.34 3.61 0.30 0.30 13.34 85.9
0.16 0.76 0.61 0.10 1.68 0.14 0.35 0.26 0.42 0.34 0.62 0.14 0.14 1.11
6 0.33 7.99 0.05 0.15 12.77 36.36 1.07 58.7
0.06 0.62 0.03 0.06 0.66 0.92 0.23
The combined percentage (total) that the individual labelled neuron populations constituted of the total number of pyramidal projection neurons in a layer is also given.

5 (Fig. 13, Table 3AC). About 0.7% of layer 6 projection were also found in layer 5 of ventrolateral and lateral OB
neurons in PL and ACd projected to the thoracic spinal cortex (Fig. 6B). There was moderate labelling over the
cord (Fig. 13, Table 3AC). same regions of contralateral cortex.
Dorsal raphe (DR; Figs. 5, 10B, 13). Injections into The density-distribution at-map of layer 5 neurons
DR (Fig. 5A) retrogradely labelled layer 5 cells in the projecting to DS across rostral areas of frontal cortex
PrCm subregion of MOs and in ACd, PL, and IL cortices as (Fig. 9A) indicated high projection neuron densities oc-
well as in areas of AI cortex (Fig. 5CE). The at-map curring in dorsal PL and ACd cortices and a very
density distribution (Fig. 10B) indicated that the eld of marked reduction in the density of labelled cells in the
neurons projecting to DR arose primarily from PL, ACd, ventral part of PL and in IL cortices. There were, in
and IL cortices. However, regions of the orbital and AId addition, prominent projection neuron densities in both
cortices (and anterior sectors of MOs and MOp) provided sectors of Obl (Fig. 9A).
additional but more diffuse projections to DR. In IL, neurons innervating DS accounted for less than
The projection to DR arose from layer 5 cells (Figs. 2% of projection cells in layers 5 and 6 (Fig. 13, Table 3A).
5C,D, 10B, 13, Table 3AC). Approximately 5% of projec- In ventral PL, about 7% of layer 5 and 3.5% of layer 6
tion neurons in PL innervated DR; corresponding values projection neurons innervated DS. By comparison, in dor-
of 4% and 1% were derived for ACd and IL, respectively sal PL, about 19% of layer 5 and 6% of layer 6 output cells
(Fig. 13). projected to DS (Fig. 13, Table 3B). In ACd, 18% of layer 5
Dorsal striatum (DS; Figs. 6AC, 9A, 13). WGA- projection neurons and 8% of layer 6 projecting cells in-
HRP tracer injections into dorsomedial DS (Fig. 6A) la- nervated DS (Fig. 13, Table 3C).
belled populations of neurons located mainly ipsilaterally Ventral striatum/nucleus accumbens (VS; Figs.
in layers 2, 5, and 6 of dorsal PL, ACd, and the medial part 6DF, 9B, 13). WGA-HRP tracer injections into both the
of MOs (PrCm; Fig. 6B,C). Retrogradely labelled neurons core and the shell of the VS (Heimer et al., 1991; Fig. 6D)

labelled predominantly populations of neurons located ip- lower values of 2% for layer 3, 1% for layer 5, and 0.3% for
silaterally in layers 2,5,6 of PL and IL cortices (Fig. 6E,F). layer 6 (Fig. 13, Table 3C).
Retrogradely labelled cells were also present in areas DP Lateral hypothalamus (LH; Figs. 7AC, 9D, 13).
and VP as well as in layers 5 and 6 of ventrolateral OB, WGA-HRP injections into mainly lateral (also medial and
AId, and AIv cortices (Fig. 6E). In PL cortex, retrogradely posterior) hypothalamic nuclei (Fig. 7A) produced strong
labelled cells were located ventrally in two prominent bilateral labelling in layers 2, 3, 5, and 6 of PrCm, ACd,
tangential tiers, layer 2 and layer 5 (Fig. 6F). There was PL, IL, DP/VP, and medial orbital cortices (Fig. 7B,C).
limited contralateral labelling conned mainly to layer 5 Some retrogradely labelled neurons were also present ip-
in PL, dorsal IL, and AI cortices (Fig. 6E). silaterally in AId and AIv (Fig. 7B).
The density-distribution at-map of neurons in rostral Quantitative data indicated that the prominent projec-
cortex projecting to VS clearly demonstrated a peak den- tions to LH arose from layers 5 and 6 (Fig. 7C, Table
sity occurring within IL and the ventral part of PL cortex 3AC). For IL, PL, and ACd together, approximately 27%
over the full rostrocaudal extent of the cortical territory of layer 5 and 12% of layer 6 projection neurons projected
charted (Fig. 9B). There was a much reduced projection to LH (Fig. 13, Table 3AC).
originating from OBm, medial OBvl, and AId cortices. The at-map density distributions of projection neurons
Noteworthy is that the at-map density distribution of in layers 2 6 indicated that neurons projecting to the
cortical labelling after DS and VS injections were comple- hypothalamus were distributed across medial MOs
mentary with regard to the patterns of projection neurons (PrCm), in all areas of mPFC, and also in orbital and
across areas of mPFC (Fig. 9A vs. B). insular areas (Fig. 9D). There was a coalignment of pro-
Neurons projecting to VS in layer 5 of IL and PL con- jections from all layers, especially along the shoulder of
stituted signicant proportions (19% and 27%, respec- the medial border (which included dorsal ACd and PrCm).
tively) of the projection cells in these regions (Fig. 13, Of specic note is that the injection site slightly en-
Table 3A,B). Additional projections from layers 2 and 3 in croached into mediodorsal and posterior areas of the hy-
IL and PL composed 6 8% of the pyramidal cell popula- pothalamus (Fig. 7A).
tions. Neurons in layer 5 of ACd projecting to VS ac- Parabrachial nucleus (PB) and dorsolateral periaq-
counted for approximately 5% of projection cells in this ueductal gray (dlPAG; Figs. 7EJ, 9E, 10A, 13).
area (Fig. 13, Table 3C). Tracer injections into these subcortical regions (Fig. 7E,H)
Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA; Figs. retrogradely labelled layer 5 neurons primarily in IL and
6GM, 9C, 10). PL cortices (Fig. 7F,G,I,J). Labelled cells were also
present in AI cortex, principally layer 5 (Fig. 7F,I). Retro-
Discrete injections of tracer into BLA, for example, as
gradely labelled cells projecting to the dlPAG were also
shown in Figure 6GJ, produced consistent labelling in
found in layer 5 of ventral ACd (Fig. 7I,J). Although both
medial MOs, ACd, PL, IL, and DP/VP cortices and in
projections arose bilaterally, the ipsilateral projections
anteromedial OB, AId, and ventral GU cortices (Fig.
were numerically more extensive.
6L). Retrogradely labelled neurons were located pre-
The at-map density distribution of cells projecting to
dominantly in two tiers situated in layers 2 and upper 5
PB demonstrated that they were principally located in IL,
in dorsal IL, vPL, dPL, ACd, and medial MOs (Fig. DP, and VP cortices (Fig. 10A). Other projections, al-
6K,M). Of note is a signicant projection from both layer though comparatively sparse, came from throughout PL
2 and layer 5 of contralateral medial border cortices cortex and from OBvl/OBl and AId/GU cortices (Fig. 10A).
(Fig. 6K). Projections to dlPAG from rostral cortex originated in
The at-maps of this pathway show a comparatively IL, PL, and ACd cortices. Of note is the reduced projection
uniform density of labelled neurons in layers 2 and 5 from the anterior parts of PL and ACd cortex (Fig. 9E).
projecting to BLA (Fig. 9C). There is a very sparse projec- Other areas of rostral cortex, including the orbital and
tion to BLA from lateral orbital cortex, with a virtual lack insular cortices, were virtually devoid of projections to
of labelled cells in SSp and MOp (Fig. 9C). A specic dlPAG (Fig. 9E).
feature of these distributions is the prominent nonalign- The quantitative data indicated that neurons projecting
ment of peak densities in layer 2 and layer 5 of PL cortex to PB were located mainly in layer 5, where they composed
(Fig. 9C); that is, a density peak in layer 2 of anterodorsal 9% of projection neurons in IL, 3% in PL, and about 0.5%
PL cortex did not align with a similar density peak occur- in ACd (Fig. 13, Table 3AC). Neurons with axons that
ring ventroposteriorly in layer 5 (Fig. 9C). This nding principally innervated dlPAG accounted for approxi-
was also observed in the at-map produced from the sec- mately 3% of layer 5 projection neurons in each of IL, PL,
ond animal and was corroborated in a reconstruction, and ACd (Fig. 13, Table 3AC).
solely of PL cortex, from a third animal. Of interest is that Septum (Sep) and ventral tegmental area (VTA; Fig.
the distribution of cells in layer 3 of PL cortex, much 7K,L,NP). Injections of WGA-HRP into the mediolat-
reduced compared with that in layers 2 and 5, was rela- eral septum, which included ventral sectors of this region
tively uniform. An additional observation is the relatively (Fig. 7K), labelled mainly neurons in layer 5 of ventral
high density of corticoamygdala neurons in layer 5 of AId mPFC, including ventral PL, IL, DP/VP, and medial or-
cortex (Fig. 9C). bital cortices (Fig. 7L,M). Labelled corticoseptal neurons
Quantitative data indicated that, in PL, corticoamyg- were not found in AI cortex (Fig. 7L). The projection to
dala neurons composed about 8% of projection neurons in mediolateral septum was bilateral with retrogradely la-
layers 2 and 5, 3% of cells in layer 3, and 1% of projection belled cells distributed mainly on the ipsilateral side. In-
neurons in layers 6 (Fig. 13, Table 3B). In IL, the corre- jections into the VTA (Fig. 7N) retrogradely labelled layer
sponding values were 5% for layer 2, 4% in layer 3, 8% in 5 neurons in IL and ventral PL cortices (with additional
layer 5, and 4% in layer 6 (Fig. 13, Table 3B). In ACd, 5% labelling in dorsal PL and ACd cortices) and also AId
of projection neurons in layer 2 projected to BLA, with cortex (Fig. 7O,P).
Fig. 6. Projections to dorsal striatum (DS), ventral striatum (VS), toarchitectural denition of section shown in G: Anterior (ant) and
and basolateral amygdala (BLA). A: Drawing showing a WGA-HRP posterior (post) parts of the basolateral amygdala (BLA), basomedial
injection into DS. Bregma level and animal identity code are indi- amygdala (BMA), lateral amygdala (LA), central nucleus of the amyg-
cated. B: Bilateral areal distributions of retrogradely labelled DS dala (CEA), intercalated nuclei of the amygdala (IA), dorsal part of the
somata (dots) in a coronal section from 30 at approximately 3.2/3.3B endopyriform nucleus (EPd), perirhinal cortex (Peri), piriform cortex
(see Fig. 1). The numbers of retrogradely labelled cells (n) in each (PIR, with layer 2 indicated), amygdalar capsule (amc), optic tract
ipsilateral and contralateral section are given. C: Boxed region in B (OT). I: WGA-HRP injection (dark region; arrowed) into BLA (cf. G,H).
showing laminar distribution of DS cells in dPL cortex. D: WGA-HRP J: WGA-HRP injection into BLA (4). K: Bilateral areal distributions of
injection into VS (nucleus accumbens). Bregma level and animal retrogradely labelled corticoamygdala somata (dots) in a coronal sec-
identity code are indicated. E: Bilateral areal distributions of retro- tion from 3 at approximately 3.2/3.3B. L: Line diagram showing the
gradely labelled VS somata (dots) in a coronal section from 59 at boundaries between cortical areas. M: Boxed region in K showing the
approximately 3.2/3.3B. F: Boxed region in E showing laminar dis- laminar distribution of labelled cells projecting to BLA. Note predom-
tribution of labelled VS cells. G: Part of a Nissl-stained coronal section inant bilaminar distribution in layers 2 and 5 (arrows). Scale bars
(from approximately 2.53.0 mm posterior to Bregma) illustrating the 5 mm in A,D; 2 mm in B,E; 1 mm in H (applies to GI); 2.5 mm in J;
cytoarchitecture of the amygdala and surrounding structures. H: Cy- 2 mm in M (applies to K,M).

The at-map reconstruction indicated that neurons pro- the most widespread and intensely labelled of the path-
jecting to the septal regions injected originated principally ways investigated.
from IL, DP/VP areas, a posterior sector of PL cortex, and The quantitative results indicated that neurons in ACd,
to a lesser extent ACd and anterior PL cortices (Fig. 10C). PL, and IL projecting to MD thalamus constituted on
Additional diffuse cortical projections arose from orbital average about 37% of projection neurons in layer 6 of these
cortex (Fig. 10C). No projections to the mediolateral areas (Fig. 13, Table 3AC). Of note is that approximately
septum were observed from MOs, MOp, Ssp, or regions 4% of layer 5 projection neurons in PL and ACd also
of insular cortex (Fig. 10C). Projections to VTA origi- projected to MD thalamus (Fig. 13, Table 3AC).
nated over a widespread territory of PL, IL, and ACd Composite projection at-map and quantitative
cortices (Fig. 10D). Additional, more diffuse projections data overview. The composite at-map density distri-
arose from anterior PrCm, orbital, and insular areas bution shown in Figure 12A,B clearly indicates the wide-
(Fig. 10D). spread involvement of layer 5 neurons in the mPFC, pe-
Approximately 5% of layer 5 projection neurons in IL duncular, insular, and orbital cortices projecting to the
were labelled after injections into the mediolateral sep- subcortical regions investigated. In particular, the great-
tum (Fig. 13, Table 3A). Corresponding values of 3% and est density of projection neurons for the individual path-
2% were found for PL and ACd cortices, respectively ways occurred across the shoulder of the mPFC in PrCm;
(Fig. 13, Table 3B,C). Between 4% and 6% of layer 5 this density contour gradually declined through ACd and
output neurons in IL, PL, and ACd projected to VTA, remained high in posterior PL and IL cortices (Fig. 12B).
with the highest number occurring in PL cortex (Fig. 13, The potential dual projections of these distributions were
Table 3AC). assessed quantitatively (see below).
Medullary nuclei: nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) Table 3AC provides combined data dening the total
and rostral and caudal ventrolateral medulla (rVLM, percentage that labelled projection neurons belonging to
cVLM; Figs. 8A,B, 10FH, 13). In contrast to all the all the pathways studied (Total %Project) constituted of
other pathways, injections of WGA-HRP into the con- the total number of projection neurons in specic layers of
tralateral NTS (Fig. 8A) produced retrograde labelling of IL, PL, and ACd cortices. These results indicate that the
layer 5 neurons in all of the dorsorostral areas of cortex combined populations of layer 5 projection cells accounted
(Fig. 8B). The highest densities of labelled cells were, for approximately 90%, 109%, and 86%, respectively, of
however, found in IL and AId cortices (Fig. 8B). There was the projection neurons in layer 5 of IL, PL, and ACd
an absence of projection neurons throughout the ventrally cortices. (Note: A value greater than 100% indicates the
existence of separate neuron populations projecting to
situated orbital cortex (Fig. 8B). Contralateral tracer in-
more than one subcortical target; see Discussion.) Simi-
jections into the rVLM and cVLM (Fig. 8A) primarily
larly, the combined labelled cell populations in IL, PL, and
labelled numerically small populations of layer 5 cells in
ACd accounted for 56%, 60%, and 59%, respectively, of
IL and AI cortices (Figs. 8B, 13).
projection neurons in layer 6. Figure 14 shows the relative
The at-map density distributions indicated that the
contribution of each projection pathway to the combined
cortico-NTS projection was sparsely distributed over the
population of projection neurons (given as 100%) in layers
majority of the rostral territory examined (Fig. 10E). Two 5 and 6 of IL, dorsal and ventral PL, and ACd cortices.
regions of relatively increased density occured throughout Noteworthy are the projections to dorsal and ventral stri-
the IL cortex and in AId and the gustatory part of the atum and lateral hypothalamus arising from layer 5 and
insular cortex (Fig. 8B). Cortical projections to the rVLM to the mediodorsal thalamus and lateral hypothalamus
and cVLM were sparsely distributed over PL and IL cor- originating in layer 6. Table 3AC also indicates the com-
tices and in AId (Fig. 10F,G). paratively high value (1218%) that the combined projec-
In IL, NTS-projecting neurons constituted 7% of layer 5 tion cell populations constituted in layer 2 of the three
projection cells; this value decreased to about 1% in PL areas investigated.
and ACd (Fig. 13, Table 3AC). Neurons projecting to
rVLM represented 4%, 1%, and 0.3%, respectively, of layer Combined percentage that individual
5 projection neurons in IL, PL, and ACd (Fig. 13; Table retrogradely labelled neuron populations
3AC). Similar percentages were found in layer 5 of the composed of the total number of pyramidal
respective areas for neurons projecting to cVLM (Fig. 13, neurons in each area (Total %Project. per
Table 3AC).
Mediodorsal thalamus (MD; Fig. 8DF, 11, 13). In-
jections of WGA-HRP into MD (Fig. 8D) produced the Table 3 presents data indicating that, among the path-
greatest number of retrogradely labelled corticotha- ways investigated here, the major projections emerging
lamic cells compared with the other pathways; there from across all layers of IL, PL, and ACd cortices were to
was a strong bilateral projection (Fig. 8E). Labelled LH (9%), to MD (8%), to VS (7.7% in ventral PL and
cells were found almost exclusively in layer 6 of the IL), to DS (5.6% in dorsal PL and ACd), and to BLA
following cortical areas: MOS (PrCm), ACd, PL, IL, DP, (4% in IL and PL). Other projections came from between
OBvl, OBl, AIv, and AId. In more anterior sections, 0.1% and 2.1% of projection pyramidal cells in IL, PL, and
labelled cells were present in the medial areas of the ACd.
orbital cortex (see Fig. 1a,b).
The at-map distribution of corticothalamic neurons in Dual-uorescence retrograde tract-tracing
layer 6 of rostral cortex displayed a uniformly intense studies
distribution in most areas, apart from a complete lack of Representative line drawings of the retrograde tracer
labelled cells in anterolateral MOs and in both MOp and injection sites are shown in Figures 5 8. Figure 3C illus-
SSp areas (Fig. 11). The corticothalamic projection was trates the injection site of rhodamine-labelled micro-

Figure 7

spheres (RLM) into the thoracic spinal cord. Figure 3DF mates indicate that, of the layer 5 projection neuron
shows populations of neurons retrogradely labelled by ei- population, 9% in ventral PL cortex projected to both
ther FB or RLM. Cells containing FB were frequently LH/VS, 6% in PL projected to VS/BLA, 7% in ACd pro-
pyramidal in shape and displayed distinct diffuse nuclear jected to LH/SC, and 2.5% in dorsal PL innervated DS/
and cytoplasmic labelling (Fig. 3D). Cells containing RLM BLA (Fig. 15).
were also mainly pyramidal in outline, with the uores-
cent label appearing as clusters of distinct puncta in the
cytoplasmata (Fig. 3E,F). Cells containing both tracers DISCUSSION
(FB/RLM) displayed typical FB uorescent nuclei and cy-
toplasmata lled with red-uorescing RLM particles (Fig. This study presents important structural data about the
3E,F). Double retrogradely labelled neurons were pyrami- architecture of the rodent PFC: rst, a generic at-map of
dal in shape and found principally in layer 5 of all mPFC PFC areas and, second, a set of representative coronal
areas, except for numerically very small populations of sections and high-resolution at-map density distribu-
layer 6 neurons projecting to both SC and MD and layer 2 tions of identied neuron populations in PFC projecting to
neurons projecting to both VS and BLA. There was no dened subcortical centers involved in autonomic and lim-
signicant masking of one tracer by the other, but FB bic functions. In addition, the mean percentages that iden-
enhanced the uorescence of RLM (Fig. 3E,F). tied projection neuron populations constituted of the
Table 5 details the pairwise combinations of injection overall projection cell populations in IL, PL, and ACd
sites investigated and the relative frequency of double- areas of the rat mPFC have been derived (Cechetto and
labelled neurons (cells containing FB/RLM uoresence) Saper, 1990; Loewy, 1991; Saper, 1996; Ongur and Price,
across IL, PL and ACd cortices (Fry, 1992). Deep-layer 2000; Uylings et al., 2000). Quantitative information is
neurons in the mPFC projecting to BLA/VS, LH/VS, BLA/ also presented dening the percentages that double-
DS, and LH/SC were most frequently observed in these labelled cells (retrogradely labelled with two uorescent
experiments. In each of these pathways there were neu- tracers from combinations of two subcortical sites; Table
rons that projected to both injection sites as well as neu- 5) composed of the layer 5(6) projection neuron popula-
rons that projected to each site alone (see Fig. 3Bii). (Only tions in areas of mPFC.
single retrogradely labelled cells were found in orbital and
insular cortices). Cytoarchitectonic at-maps of PFC
A quantitative summary of the multiple divergent path- Previous cytoarchitectural studies have produced at-
ways from specic areas of mPFC is given in Table 6 and maps of cortical areas in several mammalian species:
shown graphically in Figure 15 (Fry, 1992). These data mouse (Paxinos and Franklin, 2001), rat (Ray and Price,
provide initial indications of the percentage that dual- 1992), monkey (Carmichael and Price, 1995; Gabbott and
labelled neurons constituted of the projection cell popula- Bacon, 1996a), and human (Vogt et al., 1995; Ongur et al.,
tions in layer 5 (or 6 for the MD projection). First esti- 2003). The areal at-map presented here resembles the
rodent map of Ray and Price (1992) and the mouse map of
Paxinos and Franklin (2001). Ray and Price unfolded the
whole rat cortex with respect to the ventromedial edge of
Fig. 7. Projections to lateral hypothalamus (LH), parabrachial IL cortex, the ventral edge of the corpus callosum, and the
nucleus (PB), periaqueductal gray (dlPAG), septum (Sep), and ventral dorsomedial edge of the presubiculum (Fig. 4. in Ray and
tegmental area (VTA). A: WGA-HRP injection into LH (71). Cytoar- Price, 1992). This contrasts with the anteroposterior dor-
chitectural boundaries and distance relative to Bregma are indicated. somedial TRP reference line dened for PFC in this study
The inset shows the mediodorsal and posterior hypothalamic nuclei (see Fig. 1G,H). The upper layer 5 boundary line was used
included in the injection site. B: Bilateral areal distributions of la-
belled somata projecting to LH (dots) in a coronal section from 70 in the unfolding procedure, because the majority of pro-
taken at approximately 3.2/3.3B (see Fig. 1). Note the extensive jection neuron populations were located in layer 5 and
labelling in the deep layers of orbitomedial areas and in the ventral/ minimal volume distortions would occur in other layers
dorsal AI. Numbers of retrogradely labelled cells (n) in each ipsilat- (especially layers 1 and 6) as a result of the attening
eral and contralateral section are given. C: Boxed region in B showing process (see Fig. 1; Gabbott et al., 1987).
the laminar distribution of labelled cells projecting to LH. D: Line
diagram showing the boundaries between cortical areas. E: WGA-
HRP injection into PB (67). Scale same as A. F: Ipsilateral areal Efferent projections of PFC
distribution of retrogradely labelled somata projecting to PB (68) at
3.2/3.3B. Scale same as B. G: Boxed region in F showing the
Injections of anterograde tracers (PHA-L and BDA) into
laminar distribution of labelled cells projecting to PB. H: WGA-HRP specic regions of PFC have been used extensively to trace
injection into PAG (25). I: Ipsilateral areal distribution of retrogradely labelled efferent axons from sites in PFC to their terminal
labelled somata projecting to dlPAG (24) at approximately 3.2/ axonal arbors in subcortical target nuclei. The most ex-
3.3B.Scale same as B. J: Enlarged boxed region in I showing the tensive anterograde study of projections from mPFC has
laminar distribution of labelled cells in IL cortex projecting to PB. been by Sessack et al. (1989; see also Room et al., 1985;
K: WGA-HRP injection into mediolateral septum (62). L: Ipsilateral
areal distribution of retrogradely labelled somata projecting to Sep Reep et al., 1987; McGeorge and Faull, 1989; Hurley et al.,
(66) at approximately 3.2/3.3B. Note labelled cells in orbital cortex. 1991; Takagishi and Chiba, 1991; van Eden et al., 1992).
Same scales as A and B, respectively. M: Boxed region in L showing In a more recent anterograde tracing study, Vertes (2004)
the laminar distribution of labelled cells projecting to Sep. N: WGA- has reassessed the projections of ventral and dorsal mPFC
HRP injection into VTA (51). O: Ipsilateral areal distribution of ret- and concludes that the two cortical regions innervate par-
rogradely labelled somata projecting to VTA (55) at 3.2/3.3B. Same
scale as B. P: Boxed region in I showing the laminar distribution of
tially overlapping sets of subcortical nuclei (Fig. 12 in
labelled cells projecting to VTA. Note labelled cells in AI cortex. Scale Vertes, 2004; cf. Fig. 16 in Hurley et al., 1991).
bars 5 mm in A,H,N; 2 mm in D (applies to B,D); 2 mm in I (applies Anterograde tracing techniques label projection neu-
to F,I,L,O). rons whose processes pass through the injection site,

Fig. 8. Projections to medullary nuclei and to mediodorsal thala- each pathway were located in layer 5. C: Diagram showing the bound-
mus (MD). A: Drawings of WGA-HRP injections into the nucleus of aries between cortical areas. D: Drawing of a WGA-HRP injections
the solitary tract (NTS; 42), rostral ventrolateral medulla (rVLM; 22), into MD (46). Bregma distance is given. E: Bilateral areal distribu-
and caudal ventrolateral medulla (cVLM; 39). Cytoarchitectural re- tions of retrogradely labelled somata projecting to MD (48) taken at
gions and Bregma distances are indicated. B: Contralateral areal approximately 3.2/3.3B. The numbers of retrogradely labelled cells
distributions of retrogradely labelled somata projecting to NTS (44), (n) in each section are given. F: Boxed region in E showing the
rVLM (20), and cVLM (40) at approximately 3.2/3.3B. The numbers laminar distribution of labelled cells projecting to ipsilateral MD.
of retrogradely labelled cells (n) in each section are given. Layer 5 Scale bars 5 mm in A; 2 mm in B,E.
boundaries are indicated in NTS distribution. Projection neurons in

Fig. 9. AE: Flat-map areal density distributions of retrogradely

thereby dening the region of cortex from which projec- labelled neuronal somata in rostral cortical areas of the rat brain
tions originate. In contrast, retrograde tract tracers (HRP, following injections of WGA-HRP into DS (31), VS (56), BLA (5), LH
uorescent tracers) allow the laminar and areal distribu- (71). Distributions are for ipsilateral layer 5 (DS, VS, PAG), layers 2
tion of parent neuronal somata involved in a specic pro- and 5 (BLA), and layers 2 6 (LH). Gray scale gives the number of
labelled cells per sampling bin (0 70). Inset shows at-map denition
jection from PFC to be identied.
of rostral cortical areas. Note neurons in lateral orbital cortex project-
Striatum. DS and VS at-map projections (Fig. 9A,B) ing to DS (double-headed arrow), complementary areas of mPFC
show a broad topographic division of the medial wall into projecting heavily to either DS or VS (dotted lines and arrows), and
ventral and dorsal territories. The highest densities of neurons in AI cortex projecting to BLA (arrow). Scale bars 1 mm.

Figure 9
Fig. 10. AH: Flat-map areal density distributions of retrogradely layer 5. Gray scale gives the number of labelled cells per sampling bin
labelled neuronal somata in rostral cortical areas following injections (0 70). Inset shows at-map denition of rostral cortical areas. Scale
of WGA-HRP into PB (67), DR (16), Sep (62), VTA (51), NTS (42), bars 1 mm.
rVLM (22), cVLM (39), and CS (11). Distributions are for ipsilateral

Fig. 11. Flat-map areal density distributions of retrogradely labelled neuronal somata in rostral
cortical areas following injections of WGA-HRP into MD (46). Note: distribution is for ipsilateral layer 6.
Grayscale gives number of labelled cells per sampling bin (0 70). Inset shows at-map denition of
rostral cortical areas. Scale bars 1 mm.

neurons projecting to the caudate putamen were promi- mPFC, with additional projections arising from orbital
nently located in PrCm, ACd, and dPL cortices and ven- and AI cortices (Figs. 6L, 8C). Jasmin et al. (2004) also
trolateral orbital areas (Berendse et al., 1992; Gerfen and report a strong projection from rostral AI to basal amyg-
Wilson, 1996), whereas the highest densities of neurons daloid nuclei.
projecting to the nucleus accumbens were situated in vPL Lateral (medial/posterior) hypothalamus. Projec-
and IL cortices and to a lesser extent in AI cortex (Ding et tions from PFC to the lateral hypothalamic area as well as
al., 2001). portions of the medial and posterior hypothalamic nuclei
Basolateral amygdala. Bilateral corticoamygdala are well described (Sesack et al., 1989; Thompson and
projections arising from layers 2 and 5 of different PFC Swanson, 1998; Floyd et al., 2001; Pajolla et al., 2001;
areas have been described (Sesack et al., 1989; Hurley et Vertes, 2004). Of special note is that the distribution
al., 1991; McDonald et al., 1996; Shi and Cassell, 1998; shown in Figure 9D shows markedly increased numbers of
Heidbreder and Groenewegen, 2003; Vertes, 2004). Evi- retrogradely labelled neurons in layers 2 6 of dorsal PL
dence suggests that dPL/ACd and vPL/IL innervate sev- and ACd along the rostrocaudal axis and in posterior
eral amygdaloid nuclei (medial, basomedial, cortical, an- PL/IL cortices (Pajolla et al., 2001). The anterograde study
terior, central and medial capsular, and dened of Floyd et al. (2001) in the rat also reports differential
intercalated regions), whereas BLA is heavily innervated projections to hypothalamus from rostrocaudal areas of
by ACd, PL, and IL cortices (Fig. 6GL). In this study, the PFC. In the latter study, rostral PL/IL and MO/VO corti-
projection to BLA originates from layers 2 and 5 across ces principally innervated the rostrocaudal extents of the

Fig. 12. Summary at-map density distribution. A: Composite tours. Readily apparent is the high total density of the labelled cell
diagram showing the combined densities of retrogradely labelled cell populations near to the TRP axis (dorsal shoulder of the medial
distributions in layer 5 for the projection cell populations investigated prefrontal cortex; thick arrow) as well as a peak labelling contour that
in this study (excluding layer 6 MD). B: Distribution in A subjected to passes through caudal PL into IL (thin arrow). C: Flat-map denition
a nonlinear contrast threshold lter to identify specic density con- of rostral cortical areas. Scale bars 1 mm.
Figure 13 (Continued)

Fig. 13. Graphic representations showing the percentages that WGA-HRP retrogradely labelled
neurons constituted of the overall number of pyramidal cells in layers 1 6 of areas 25, 32, and 24b for the
subcortical projection pathways investigated in this study. Mean results SEM; n 3.

lateral and posterior hypothalamic areas, whereas projec- tion from ventral mPFC regions to medial/lateral PB (see
tions from caudal PL/IL also terminated in dorsomedial Sesack et al., 1989, p 235).
and perifornical regions (Thompson and Swanson, 1998). Septum. Injections of retrograde tracer into medio-
In contrast, ACd targeted dorsal and posterior hypotha- lateral septum labelled cell populations located cau-
lamic regions, with dorsolateral orbital and AI cortices doventrally in ipsilateral mPFC, prominently in IL/
projecting mainly to lateral hypothalamus (Heidbreder DP/VP cortices and posteromedial orbital areas. Specic
and Groenewegen, 2003; Vertes, 2004). medial and lateral septal nuclei, and both the horizontal
Periaqueductal gray. Floyd et al. (2000) report that part and the diagonal band of Broca, are known to
ACd, PL, and IL cortices project differentially to the lon- receive topographically organized inputs from mPFC
gitudinal cell columns in the dlPAG and vlPAG of the rat (Sesack et al., 1989; Hurley et al., 1991; Takagishi and
(Hardy and Leichnetz, 1981; Bandler et al., 1991; Ongur Chiba, 1991; Vertes, 2004). Gaykema et al. (1991) pro-
and Price, 2000; Jasmin et al., 2004). In addition, orbital vide light microscopic evidence that anterogradely la-
and AI cortices project to vlPAG (Floyd et al., 2000; Jas- belled axons from several PFC areas (including those
min et al., 2004). In this study, a WGA-HRP injection dened here) come into close contact with the somata
centered on dlPAG (which also impinged on vlPAG) la- and processes of cholinergic septal neurons. The precise
belled projection neurons predominantly situated cau- synaptic interactions of PFC afferents with septohip-
dally in mPFC and including parts of ACd, dorsal and vPL pocampal projection neurons remain to be established
and IL cortices (Fig. 6D), a nding similar to that of Floyd (Tomimoto et al., 1987; Brito and Brito, 1990; Gaykema
et al. (2000). et al., 1990, 1991).
Parabrachial nucleus. The location of neurons pro- Ventral tegmental area. Carr and Sesack (2000)
jecting to lateral and medial PB subnuclei in the ventro- have described the reciprocity and ultrastructural char-
medial (principally IL) and orbital aspects of the PFC, acteristics of connections between PFC areas and neu-
including AI cortex (Fig. 7F), agree with locations in pre- rons in the VTA. The present study extends the light
vious reports (Saper, 1982a; Hurley et al., 1991). The microscopic observations by demonstrating that PFC3
anterograde study of Vertes (2004) also decribes a projec- VTA neurons are distributed over a large territory that

includes all of IL and PL cortices and regions of PrCm and throughout layers 2 6 of the cortex were involved in the
AI cortex. subcortical pathways investigated; the vast majority of
Dorsal raphe. The prefrontal cortex projects to raphe these neurons were resident in layers 5 and 6 (Table
nuclei, in particular, the midline dorsal nucleus and to a 3AC).
much lesser extent the magnus, obscurus, and pallidal mPFC: dorsal vs. ventral divisions. The quantita-
nuclei (Sesack et al., 1989; Peyron et al., 1998; Varga et tive data presented here (Table 3AC) clearly emphasize
al., 2001; Vertes, 2004; Jankowski and Sesack, 2004). the partitioning of the mPFC into a dorsal (d) and a
Projection neurons innervating DR were found in this ventral (v) part, as exemplied by the differential projec-
study to be distributed mainly over the full rostrocaudal tions from IL/vPL and dPL/ACd to DS (Fig. 6E; Sesack et
extents of IL and PL cortices and anterior regions of ACd al., 1989; Saper, 1996; Granon and Pouchet, 2000). The
and PrCm. projections from mPFC to Sep, NTS, cVLM, rVLM, PB,
Medullary nuclei. PFC projections to autonomic and and VS are greater from IL/PL than from ACd (Figs. 7,
cardiovascular centers in the NTS, rVLM, and cVLM have 10 12). Other projection systems to PAG, VTA, and MD
been previously described (Terreberry and Neafsey, 1983, arise uniformly across IL, PL, and ACd, whereas projec-
1987; Sesack et al., 1989; Sun, 1992; Bacon and Smith, tions to SC, DR, and LH show increasing gradients toward
1993; Torrealba and Muller, 1999). The present study ACd.
demonstrates sparse projections to NTS from the full ros- Laminar projections. In this study, although most
trocaudal extents of most rostral cortical areas, especially subcortical projection pathways originated predominantly
from IL cortex (Fig. 10E). By contrast, patchy projections from layers 5 and 6 (Table 3AC, Fig. 4), several origi-
to rVLM and cVLM are conned mainly to caudoventral nated from more than one lamina. Notably, projections to
regions of mPFC, principally caudoventral PL and IL cor- LH, DS, and VS came from across layers 2 6, and princi-
tices, with supplementary projections from AI cortex pally from layer 5. In contrast, the projection to BLA was
(Figs. 10F,G; Terreberry and Neafsey, 1987; Jasmin et al., bimodal, with distinct peaks in layers 2 and 5 (Fig. 3A;
2004). Pinto and Sesack, 2000; Ding et al., 2001), layers that
Spinal cord. Cortical neurons projecting to the tho- receive prominent amygdalocortical input (Bacon et al.,
racic spinal cord were predominantly situated in PrCm 1996). The bilaminar projection to BLA is particularly
with decreasing frequency throughout ACd, PL, and IL strong from dIL and PL cortices (Fig. 8B,D). Cassell et al.
cortices. A nding that correlates with the studies of Nudo (1989) have demonstrated that a signicant proportion of
and Masterton (1988, 1990) and Miller (1987; see Fig. ipsilaterally projecting corticoamygdala neurons is
present in layers 2 and 5 of IL and PL; in addition, a
Mediodorsal thalamus. The topographic reciprocity
population of layer 5 neurons projects solely to the con-
of connections between specic thalamic, intralaminar,
tralateral BLA.
and midline nuclei with PFC have been described for the
The quantitative data dene the very prominent de-
rat (Conde et al., 1995; Vertes, 2004). The MD nucleus has
scending projections from IL, PL, and ACd cortices to
prominent bilateral reciprocal connections with many re-
mediodorsal thalamus (Conde et al., 1995; Vertes,
gions of frontal cortex, especially mPFC and orbital and AI
cortices (Fig. 8E: Negyessy et al., 1998; Uylings et al., 2004); in PL, over 41% of layer 6 pyramidal neurons
2003). The corticothalamic projection neurons are located project to MD. In addition, a small population of layer 5
predominantly throughout layer 6 (Fig. 11; DeFelipe and neurons (4%) contributes to the corticothalamic path-
Farinas, 1992). way. This information provides clear quantitative ana-
Composite layer 5 projection map (Fig. 12). A com- tomical evidence for the strong involvement of the
bined at-map of all the layer 5 projection neuron popu- mPFC as an important cortical hub in the distribution
lations investigated in this study, revealed the high den- of cognitive and autonomic information to subcortical
sity of retrogradely labelled cells in PrCM, ACd, dorsal PL, limbic structures (MD, VS, BLA) and motor (DS) and
and caudoventral PL and IL cortices as well as in caudal neuroendocrine effector (LH) regions (Sesack et al.,
aspects of AId and GU areas. One important feature is 1989; Hurley et al., 1991; Coutureau and Killross, 2003;
that the populations of labelled projection neurons are Vertes, 2004).
distributed across all areas of PFC, with much reduced
representations in primary somatosensory and motor cor- Multiple projection pathways from mPFC
tices (Fig. 12). This indicates a signicant and distributed
inuence of PFC operations in the function of subcortical The data presented in Table 3AC indicate that most
regions. Total %Project values are less than 100%, indicating the
existence of other populations of projection neurons. How-
ever, for layer 5, in area 32 the Total %Project is approx-
Quantitative data imately 109%, suggesting either inherent quantitative er-
The quantitative data presented in Table 3AC conrm rors or that some neurons project to more than one
and extend the at-map density distributions. Mean areal subcortical site (McGeorge and Faull, 1987; Perino et al.,
values across all layers of IL, PL, and ACd cortices (Table 1987; Levesque et al., 1996; Levesque and Parent, 1998;
4) indicated that the major projections were to LH (9.0% Negyessy et al., 1998). Insofar as reasonable estimates
of all projection neurons), to MD (8.0%), to VS (7.7% in were obtained for other areas/layers (with labelled neu-
ventral PL and IL), to DS (5.6% in dorsal PL and ACd), rons accounting for 90% and 86% of layer 5 projection cells
and to BLA (4.0% in IL and PL). Projections to other in IL and ACd, respectively, and 56%, 60%, and 59% of
subcortical targets accounted for between 0.1% and 2.1% layer 6 projection neurons in IL, PL, and ACd), the data
of the projection cells in IL, PL, and ACd. Of special note appear to be consistent. Furthermore, because major
is that, for mPFC as a whole, 37% of projection neurons pathways were investigated in this study, it is unlikely
Fig. 14. Pie charts for layers 5 and 6 in IL, PL, and ACd cortices ventral vs. dorsal PL cortex. Note also that the individual percentages
showing the mean cumulative percentages that the individual la- for ventral and dorsal PL cortex exceed 100%, indicating that some
belled cell populations constituted of the overall pyramidal cell pop- layer 5 neurons in both vPL and dPL project to more than one
ulations. Note that the projections from PL cortex have been divided subcortical target site. The remaining distributions represent 100% of
into a ventral (v) and a dorsal (d) component. This relates to the the total number of pyramidal cells in each layer.
widely differing number of projection neurons projecting to DS in

Fig. 15. Graphs showing the mean percentages that double- axonal projections both to the spinal cord (SC) and to the mediodorsal
labelled neurons constituted of the total projection neuron population nucleus of the thalamus (MD) were located in upper layer 6 of ACd
in layers 5 and 6 of PL, IL, and ACd cortices that innervated identied (asterisk).
combinations of common subcortical targets. Note that neurons with

that other projection pathways would alter the data sub- individual descending corticoefferent projections rarely
stantially. provide collateral input to three or more subcortical tar-
Although large numbers of potential dual projection gets (Ferino et al., 1987; Levesque and Parent, 1998); this
combinations were examined (44; Table 5), only 13 gave is also true for the corticoaccumbens pathway (Pinto and
rise to dual retrogradely labelled neurons in mPFC (Table Sesack, 2000; Rosell and Gimenez-Amaya, 2001; cf. Thi-
6, Fig. 16). The data indicated that, among the layer 5 erry et al., 1983; Perino et al., 1987). Pinto and Sesack
projection neuron populations, 9% in vPL cortex projected (2000) also report that, of mPFC neurons in the rat pro-
to LH/VS, 6% in PL projected to VS/BLA, 7% in ACd jecting to the nucleus accumbens (VS), 13% sent a
projected to LH/SC, and 2.5% in dPL innervated DS/BLA branched projection to the contralateral prefrontal cortex,
(Fig. 15, Table 6). Thus there are limited numbers of 7% sent a collateral projection to the BLA, and 3% sent a
neurons in mPFC regions with axons that innervate com- collateral to the VTA (see Ding et al., 2001). Taking into
binations of the subcortical structures investigated in this account the relative proportions and identities of the neu-
study. Similar ndings have been previous reported for ron populations against which such percentages were de-
descending projections from the cortex (Akintunde and rived, the data presented here indicating that 5.9% of all
Buxton, 1992; Levesque et al., 1996; Levesque and Parent, layer 5 projection neurons in PL cortex sent collaterals to
1998; Pinto and Sesack, 2000). both BLA and VS (Table 6) are in general agreement with
In a technically challenging quadruple retrograde uo- the result of Pinto and Sesack (2000; Table 1, p 638).
rescent tracer study in the rat, Akintunde and Buxton It was possible to establish that the pathways from PL
(1992) found a very low mean percentage (2%) of dually to NTS/dlPAG and NTS/SC (Fig. 15) are likely to repre-
labelled neurons projecting from the cortex to combina- sent two separate dual pathways (and not a single path-
tions of red nucleus, pons, striatum, or spinal cord. La- way with multiple branches), in that no double-labelled
belled corticorubral, corticopontine, and cortico(dorso)s- neurons were found in PL after injections into dlPAG and
triatal neurons were distributed throughout layers 3, 5, SC (Table 6). An additional point of interest, given the role
and 6 of agranular PrCm and MOs cortices (Gerfen and of ascending serotonergic and dopaminergic innervation of
Wilson, 1996). Previous studies have also reported that mPFC (Dalley et al., 2004), is that both IL and PL cortices

Fig. 16. A: Composite diagram showing individual populations of reversed in dPL, where there is a greater absolute number of DS-
labelled neuronal somata in the DP, IL, vPL, dPL ACd, PrCm, and compared with VS-projecting cells. Note that neurons projecting to
medial MOs cortices of the rat mPFC projecting to VS (blue), BLA BLA reside in upper layer 5 and the massive layer 6 projection to MD
(green), dorsal striatum DS (red), and MD thalamus (purple) mapped thalamus. Other projection systems could be similarly mapped.
onto a single representative coronal section (at 3.2 mmB). (Each C: Model diagram showing two distributions of projection neurons
projection population distribution was mapped in 80-m-thick sec- across cortical layers in two related cortical regions. Neurons project-
tions.) Note the relative laminar distributions and the intermixing of ing to four subcortical targets (VS, BLA, DS, and MD) have been
the projection cell populations (particularly DS and VS) between the identied for regions a and b. Quantitative analyses dene the
various regions of the mPFC, especially vPL and dPL. Note also that number/proportion of projection cells per pathway for each layer.
the specic projection neuron populations displayed represent a frac- Characteristic laminar distribution proles are subsequently con-
tion of the projection neurons present in the mPFC. B: Enlargement structed. Such proles provide primary indices of differences (aster-
of the vPL region shown in A. In general, high numbers of VS com- isks) in the four projection systems that govern how the two regions
pared with DS projecting neurons are present in vPL. The situation is affect the activity of the target structures. Scale bars 1 mm.

contain populations of layer 5 projection neurons (1% and newegen, 2003; Morgan et al., 2003; Christakou et al.,
2%, respectively) that innervate both DR and VTA nuclei 2004; Vertes, 2004; Dalley et al., 2004).
(Carr and Sesack, 2000; Varga et al., 2001; Jankowski and Physiological and anatomical evidence indicates that
Sesack, 2004). the rat PFC may be compartmentalized into specic func-
tional domains (Seamans et al., 1995; Ragozzino et al.,
Functional considerations 1998, 1999a,b; Delatour and Gisquet-Verrier, 2000; Groe-
The present paper indicates a topographic segregation newegen and Uylings, 2000; Coutureau and Killross,
of the rodent PFC (medial, orbital, and insular areas) into 2003; Heidbreder and Groenewegen, 2003; Kesner and
rostrocaudal and mediodorsal territories associated with Ragozzino, 2003; Morgan et al., 2003; Vertes, 2004; Dalley
descending projection pathways to common subcortical et al., 2004). The insular cortex is a viscerosensory region
nuclei (Sesack et al., 1989; Hurley et al., 1991). The most processing afferent cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary, gas-
pronounced territorial division occurs in mPFC, where a trointestinal, odour, gustatory, and related sensory and
clear partition into a dorsal group (mPFCd) comprising pain information (Saper, 1982b; Ruggiero et al., 1987;
PrCm, ACd, and dPL cortices and a ventral group of vPL, Yasui et al., 1991; Jasmin et al., 2004). This information is
IL, DP/VP, and OBm cortices is evident (see Fig. 16). subsequently relayed to a variety of subcortical autonomic
Neafsey and colleagues have presented a similar division regions (VS, BLA, MD, LH, PB, dlPAG, VTA, DR, and
of rodent mPFC (see Fig. 6.2 in Neafsey et al., 1993; see medullary regions) and to orbital and mPFC regions (Gab-
also Morgan and LeDoux, 1995; Heidbreder and Groe- bott et al., 2003; Jasmin et al., 2004). Ventral and lateral

Fig. 17. Schematic illustration of projection neurons and struc- m) can be calculated. D: Schematic diagram using data provided in
tural minicolumns in PL cortex (area 32) of the rat. A: Dendritic Table 2 (also Fig. 3A,B) and Table 6 to estimate, to a rst approxi-
bundles have been described from rat PL cortex (Gabbott and Bacon, mation, number of pyramidal cells in a particular layer of a minicol-
1996c). Mean center-to-center distance between bundles is 45 m. umn projecting to a known target. Two markedly different example
The cortical territory associated with an individual bundle extends pathways have been chosen: PL3 MD, where projection neurons con-
perpendicular to the pia through all cortical layers (depth 1,250 stitute 41.33% of layer 6 PL pyramids; and PL3 NTS, where projec-
m). Dendritic bundles are derived from the apical dendrites of layer tion neurons constitute 1.08% of layer 5 PL pyramids. Calculations
6, 5, 3, and 2 pyramidal neurons and processes and dendrites of other indicate that about 9.6 neurons in layer 6 of each minicolumn project
neurons (Gabbott and Bacon, 1996c; Gabbott, 2003). B: In cross- to MD and that 0.2 neurons in layer 5 of each minicolumn project to
section, minicolumns can be ideally packed into a clustered hexago- NTS. The latter result suggests that, given uniform distribution, a
nal honeycomb lattice parallel with the pia (Gabbott and Bacon, single PL3 NTS projection neuron would occur every ve minicol-
1996c; Gabbott, 2003). In rat PL cortex, the mean surface area of each umns. This neuron could receive afferent pyramidal and local cir-
minicolumn (SA) is 1,360 m2, and there are 735 minicolumns per 1 cuitry inhibitory input from neurons in the parent and surrounding
mm2 of pial surface (Gabbott and Bacon, 1996c). C: By using the data four minicolumns (intracortical connections highly schematized; as-
provided in Table 1, the number of pyramidal neurons (non-GABA terisk). By comparison, in such an arrangement, 48 pyramidal neu-
containing cells) in each layer under 1 mm2 of pia (Gabbott et al., rons distributed in layer 6 of the ve minicolumns would project to
1997) can be calculated (see Table 6). Assuming these cells to be MD; there may be distinct microcircuits associated with the MD
projection pyramidal neurons, then the absolute numbers of projec- projection cells.
tion cells in each layer of a minicolumn (volume 1,360 m2 1,250

areas of orbital cortex are implicated in lower order dis- tion of these responses during conditional learning (Burns
criminations, reversal learning, and choice-delayed rein- and Wyss, 1985; Hurley-Guis and Neafsey, 1986; Hardy
forcement (Schoenbaum et al., 2003; Uylings et al., 2003; and Holmes, 1988; Sun, 1992; Frysztak and Neafsey,
Dalley et al., 2004). 1994; Saper, 1996; Fisk and Wyss, 1997, 2000; Owens et
The mPFCd is centrally involved in cognitive functions al., 1999; Owens and Verberne, 2001; Morgan et al., 2003).
such as decision making, memory for motor responses, The mPFCv is also involved in attentional supervisory
response selection and implementation, spatiotemporal functions, stimulus saliency, action outcome rules (task
action sequencing, and spatial navigation learning and in contingencies), and set-shifting underlying the dynamics
working memory (Stuesse and Newman, 1990; Harrison of behavioral exibility (Ragozzino et al., 1998, 1999a,b;
and Mair, 1996; Kesner and Ragozzino, 2003; Dalley et al., Groenewegen and Uylings, 2000; Granon and Pouchet,
2004). In contrast, the mPFCv is involved in the coordi- 2000; Delatour and Gisquet-Verrier, 2000; Morgan et al.,
nation of autonomic activities (such as cardiovascular and 2003; Dalley et al., 2004). The roles of both mPFCv (IL in
pulmonary functions, hemodynamic shifts, and gastroin- particular) and LO/AI cortices may center on providing
testinal and electrodermal actvitities) and in the media- details of internal autonomic context (emotional saliency)

about object/place relationships, with temporally related Projection systems and the superposition of func-
information being processed simultaneously by mPFCd tional domains in rat mPFC. Specic subregions of
(Kesner and Ragozzino, 2003); the idea of neural activity mPFC are involved in different aspects of cognitive and
related to autonomic context is analogous to a somatic sensory information processing required to construct real-
marker (Damasio et al., 1991). time strategies for exible goal-directed behavior
Because of its connections with central autonomic struc- (Goldman-Rakic, 1994, 1995; Ragozzino et al., 1999b;
tures in the medulla and spinal cord, mPFCv in rodents is Floresco et al., 1999; Romanides et al., 1999). The rat
considered to represent a visceromotor region at the cor- mPFC may therefore be organized dorsoventrally as a
tical head of the emotional motor system (Holstege et al., graded set of partially overlapping functional domains,
1996). An essential anterior component of this system is each domain with a characteristic complement of pyra-
LH, which receives a massive input from mPFC areas (see midal neurons that differentially project, via parallel
Figs. 7B and 9D; Pajolla et al., 2001) and projects directly distributive pathways, to specic sets of subcortical tar-
to autonomic medullary regions. Recently, Thompson and get nuclei (see Fig. 16A). The partial superposition of
Swanson (2003; Fig. 16) have described a hypothalamic the complementary projection systems (for example, su-
visceromotor pattern generator network in which excita- perposition of VS, DS, BLA, and MD projection neuron
tory inputs from mPFC and orbital cortices (Fig. 9D) are distributions, as shown in Fig. 16AC) could underlie a
strategically involved. Hardy (1994) provides anatomical morphological partition of rat mPFC responsible for the
evidence that the anterior insular PFC indirectly inu- functional operations described above. Indeed, Chu-
ences central autonomic functions via a hypothalamomed- dasama and Robbins (2003) have recently reported dis-
ullary relay (Saper et al., 1976; Hardy and Holmes, 1988; sociable functional contributions of the orbital and IL
Hardy and Mack, 1990; Hardy, 1994). Indeed, the rat cortices to Pavlovian autoshaping and discrimination
mPFC is centrally involved in cognitive and autonomic reversal learning, which provides further evidence for
processes underlying psychological stress (McDougall et the functional and areal heterogeneity of the frontal
al., 2004). cortex in rats (see also Dalley et al., 2004). The overall
functional architecture of the rodent mPFC would in-
clude not only targeted corticoafferent and intrinsic con-
nections (Audinat et al., 1988; Conde et al., 1995; Gab-
TABLE 4. Mean Percentage Across All Layers That the Total Number of bott et al., 1997, 2003), but also, as shown
Neurons Projecting to Specic Subcortical Targets Constituted of the Total hypothetically in Figure 16C, subregional laminar den-
Number of Pyramidal Cells under Unit Surface Area of Cortex (Mean sity variations in specic overlapping projection path-
Values SEM; n 3)1
ways that are possibly related to the functional inter-
PL cortex connectivity of structural minicolumns (see below).
(area 32) (%) Structural minicolumns. Dendritic bundles repre-
IL cortex ACd cortex
Region (area 25) (%) Ventral Dorsal (area 24b) (%) sent the central components of the vertically organized
cortical minicolumns and are derived from the ascending
BLA 4.0 1.0 4.0 0.8 1.7 0.6
DS 0.7 0.3 2.4 1.2 5.4 3.5 5.3 2.4 apical dendrites of layer 6, 5, 3, and 2 pyramidal neurons
VS 6.8 1.5 8.5 3.9 1.5 0.6 and the processes of other neurons (Fig. 17; Gabbott and
PB 2.1 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1
LH 8.0 1.9 8.1 2.2 11.0 2.7 Bacon, 1996c; Gabbott, 2003). Bundles of apical dendritic
NTS 1.4 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 processes have been described in rat PL cortex, the mean
0.6 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.2
Sep 1.1 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.1
center-to-center distance between bundles being 45 m
VTA 0.8 0.2 1.1 0.3 0.9 0.3 (Gabbott and Busby, 1996c). The cortical territory associ-
DR 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.9 0.2 ated with an individual bundle extends perpendicularly to
MD 7.0 1.6 9.0 2.8 8.0 1.9
rVLM 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.05 the pia through all layers of the cortex (depth 1,250 m).
cVLM 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05 In cross-section, the packing of minicolumns can be mod-
SC 0.2 0.1 1.9 0.7 2.9 1.0
Total (%) 34.0 38.4 41.4 33.6 elled ideally as a clustered hexagonal honeycomb lattice
parallel to the pial surface (Fig. 17). In rat PL cortex, the
The projection from PL cortex to DS has been divided into ventral and dorsal compo-
nents. The overall percentage that projection neurons involved in the pathways studied
mean surface area of each minicolumn (SA) is 1,360 m2,
composed of the total number of pyramidal neurons in a specic area is also given. and there are approximately 735 minicolumns per square

TABLE 5. Combinations of Two Subcortical Regions That Were Injected with Separate Fluorescent Retrograde Tract Tracers in Individual Animals1
Sep Sep
PAG 0 0 0 PAG
DR 0 0 DR
VTA 0 0 0 VTA
PB 0 0 PB
NTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NTS
rVLM 0 0 rVLM
cVLM 0 0 cVLM
SC 0 0 0 0 SC
MD 0 0 0 0 0 0
For each animal, within each combination, tracers were alternated between injection sites. Dual retrograde labelling of single neurons in the mPFC (ACd, PL, IL) is indicated
(, , , low to high frequency of double-labelled neurons in layer 5 mPFC; 0, absence of dual labelling). For region abbreviations, see text. Very low dual SC/MD labelling
() occurred in upper layer 6. (Pathways not examined are indicated by dashes). Total number of combinations studied 44. Number of dual projection pathways from mPFC
13. See Table 6 and Fig. 16 for quantitative data on dual-projection neuron populations in specic areas of mPFC.

millimeter of pial surface (Fig. 17, Table 7A; see also targets. These calculations indicate that about 9.6 pyra-
Gabbott and Busby, 1996c). The data presented in Table midal projection neurons in layer 6 of each minicolumn in
7B and illustrated in Figure 17 give the total numbers of PL cortex project to MD and that 0.2 neurons in layer 5 of
corticoefferent neurons per PL minicolumn and the abso- each minicolumn project to NTS (Table 6B). Given uni-
lute number of cells projecting to identied subcortical form distribution, a single PL3 NTS projection neuron
would occur every ve minicolumns (Fig. 17). This neuron
could be associated with specic corticoafferent (Conde et
TABLE 6. Multiple Divergent Subcortical Pathways: Retrograde Tract al., 1995; Gabbott and Bacon, 1997), interareal (Audinat
Tracing with Two Separate Fluorescent Tracers1 et al., 1988; Gabbott et al., 2003), and intermodular (So-
mogyi et al., 1998) synaptic networks. In such an arrange-
Regions (%) area (%) ment, 48 pyramidal neurons distributed in layer 6 of the
LH VS 20 PL 8.9
same ve PL minicolumns would project to MD, where
LH SC 15 PL 4.5 they might also be embedded in distinct microcircuits
20 ACd 7.2
DS BLA 10 dPL 2.5
associated with the corticothalamic projection. There are
BLA PAG 20 IL 1.8 thus more output neurons per PL minicolumn in layers 5
15 PL 1.5
VS BLA 20 PL 5.9
and 6 given to limbic projections (LH, MD, VS, BLA, DS)
Sep BLA 5 IL 0.6 than to the more distant central autonomic centers in the
10 PL 1.0
NTS SC 10 IL 0.7
midbrain, medulla, and spinal cord (Table 6B). This dif-
20 PL 1.6 ference may relate directly to the content and spatiotem-
cVLM rVLM 10 IL 0.5
PAG NTS 20 PL 0.7
poral processing of information entering the two descend-
5 ACd 0.2 ing functional streams (Room et al., 1985; Groenewegen
PB NTS 5 IL 0.7
DR VTA 5 IL 0.2
and Berendse, 1994; Seamans et al., 1995; Floresco et al.,
20 PL 1.7 1999; Delatour and Gisquet-Verrier, 2000; Heidebreder
MD SC 1 ACd2 0.4
DS SC 5 dPL 1.3
and Groenewegen, 2003).
5 ACd 1.0 In conclusion, this paper has produced a comprehensive
P, quantitative data dening the percentage that double retrogradely labelled neurons
set of at-map density distributions and quantitative cy-
(AB, Fig. 3A), constituted of the total number of neurons retrogradely labelled with toarchitectural information of identied neuron popula-
uorescent tracers in layer 5 of IL, PL, and ACd areas of rat mPFC (see also Fig. 3A,
B, DF). Data were divided into 5% bins from 0 to 20%); Q, calculated percentage that
tions in specic areas and layers of rat PFC projecting (via
the dual retrogradely labelled populations of layer 5 (6) neurons constituted of the total a cascade of parallel pathways) to a major set of subcorti-
number of pyramidal projection neurons in the corresponding area of mPFC. See Figure
3A. From the data obtained in the pathway tracing studies using two uorescent
cal target nuclei involved in cognitive, limbic, motor, and
tracers injected separately into regions m and n, let the percentage that dual retro- autonomic functions. Such a biologically real quantitative
gradely labelled cells (mn) composed of the total labelled neuron populations (X Y
XY) equal P%. If the percentage of layer 5 neurons projecting separately to region A
framework, combined with details of the specic synaptic
equals x% and separately to region B equals y%, then, from the dual tracing studies, the circuits in which the various projections neurons are em-
percentage that dual retrogradely labelled cells (ab) compose of the overall layer 5 cell
population (Q%) can be calculated as [{(x y)/[1 (P/100)]} (P/100)] (Howard and
bedded (White, 1989; Somogyi et al., 1998), could provide
Reed, 1998). The corresponding values for X and Y can be found in Table 3AC. 2Very the basis for understanding the interactions between in-
low number of dual-labelled MD neurons in layer 6 only.
tegrated projection systems at the nal stage of cortical
processing. Insights could also be gained into the spatio-
TABLE 7A. Pyramidal Cell Composition of Structural Minicolumns in Rat temporal dynamics and resolution of information transfer
PL Cortex (Area 32) and Number of Neurons Projecting to NTS and MD: from the rat PFC to subcortical target nuclei involved in
Number of Pyramidal Cells in Each Layer of PL Cortex under 1 mm2 of specic goal-directed behaviors (Fuster, 1989; Damasio et
Pial Surface and in a Minicolumn1
al., 1991; Cummings, 1995; Dalley et al., 2004).
Abs.n.pyramids in Abs.n.pyramids
each layer under per hexagonal
Layer 1 mm2 of pial surface minicolumn*
1 1,168 1.6
3 11,448 15.6
5 11,302 15.4 The authors thank Dr. Daniel Henderson, Statistics
6a 6b 16,999 23.1
Sum 46,618 63.5
Department, The Open University, Milton Keynes, for
help with the statistical analyses and quantitative proce-
Hexagonal minicolumn parameters: center to center spacing 45 m; surface area
1,360 m2; number per pial mm2 735; and extend from pia to white matter (approx.
dures. The assistance of Tina Wardhaugh, The Open Uni-
total length 1,250 m; see also Fig. 8). Data taken from Gabbott and Bacon (1996). versity, is greatly appreciated.

TABLE 7B. Absolute Numbers of Identied Deep Layer Subcortical Projection Neurons per Minicolumn1 in Rat PL Cortex2

5 1.3 1.1 2.9 4.2 0.4 4.0 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.7 0.22 0.2 0.2 1.4 0.6
6 1.4 2.5 9.64
Hexagonal minicolumn parameters: center to center spacing 45 m; surface area 1,360 m2; number per pial mm2 735; and extend from pia to white matter (approx. total
length 1,250 m; see also Fig. 8). Data taken from Gabbott and Bacon (1996).
DS projection to DS divided into vPL and dPL regions. Note that there are approximately 64 pyramidal neurons in a minicolumn in rat PL cortex.
Minimum value (e.g., 0.2 PL3 NTS projection neurons per PL minicolumn).
Maximum value [e.g., 9.6 PL3 MD (corticothalamic) projection neurons per PL minicolumn].

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