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Abstracts / Rev Andal Med Deporte.

2015;8(1):2047 27

and centre. These associations were attenuated after adjustment determine the acceptance of a resistance exercise routine within a
for energy intake and disappeared when CRF was considered. Ado- WLP in sedentary overweight/obese men.
lescents with high CRF had lower fatness, a healthier prole in
most CMR factors and cardio-metabolic scores independently of
their MDS (all P0.044). Results persisted after further adjusting
for energy intake and PA (except for systolic blood pressure, total Inuencia de tres tipos diferentes de
cholesterol and triglycerides). entrenamiento (Electroestimulacin global,
Conclusion. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet alone is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) y Aerobio
an insufcient fundament for lower adiposity and better cardio- convencional) sobre el metabolismo basal post
metabolic health in adolescents. A combination of a Mediterranean esfuerzo
diet with an active lifestyle and high cardiorespiratory tness
seems to be most effective with an active. A. de la O , F. Amaro, C. Roero, A. Gutirrez

Grupo EFFECTS-262, Departamento de Fisiologa, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Correo electrnico: (A. de la O).
MCT1 T1470A polymorphism inuences
adherence to strength training in overweight Palabras clave: Metabolismo basal post esfuerzo; Composicin
and obese men following a weight loss program corporal; Electroestimulacin; High Intensity Interval Training;
Entrenamiento Aerobio
R. Cupeiro a,b, , D. Gonzlez-Lamuno c , A.B. Peinado b , T. Amigo c ,
B. Szendrei b , M.A. Rojo-Tirado b , Objetivo. El desarrollo de este estudio tiene como principa-
b , on behalf of the PRONAF Study Group
J. Butragueno les objetivos: a) determinar el tiempo de activacin metablica
a University of Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain tras un esfuerzo de alta intensidad o aerobio moderado, y b)
b Department of Health and Human Performance. Faculty of Physical cuanticar el gasto energtico extra derivado de la activacin
Activity and Sport Sciences. Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, muscular mediante diferentes tipos e intensidades de entre-
Spain namiento: Electroestimulacin, HIIT y Aerobio. Como objetivo
c IDIVAL- University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain secundario se pretende establecer la modicacin de la composi-
Correo electrnico: (R. Cupeiro). cin corporal en funcin de los diferentes tipos de entrenamiento,
as como la produccin de lactato al nalizar cada uno de los
Keywords: Training adherence; MCT1; Overweight; Obesity; mismos.
Weight loss program Mtodo. Sujetos sedentarios, con ndice de masa corporal
de 35, se sometern a tres tipos de entrenamiento en tres lunes
Introduction. The monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) family consecutivos, de forma aleatoria y randomizada. Previamente se
member MCT1 transports lactate into and out of myocytes. Oxi- ha determinado en todos ellos el metabolismo basal mediante
dative cells import lactate through MCT1 as a substrate, being the anlisis de gases durante 20 minutos, en ayunas, a primera hora
role of MCT1 in glycolysis-derived lactate efux less clear. MCT1
de la manana, tras 10 minutos de estabilizacin. A los 60 minu-
T1470A polymorphism (rs1049434), which has been related with tos del entrenamiento, a las 24, a las 48 y a las 72 horas, se
lactate metabolism and sports specialty 1, 2 , could be an inuen- volvi a realizar la metabolimetra basal y DXA. Todas las sesio-
cing factor for exercise adherence. Therefore the aim of this study nes han sido monitorizadas mediante un pulsmetro. Al inicio
was to relate the adherence to different training modalities with y al nal de cada semana se llev a cabo un anlisis de com-
the T1470A MCT1 polymorphism in overweight and obese men posicin corporal mediante DXA (Absorciometra Dual de RX)
following a weight loss program (WLP). y al nalizar cada entrenamiento se realiz una medicin de
Methods. Seventy overweight and obese (body mass index 25- lactato.
34.9 kg/m2 ) males, aged 18-50 years, followed a WLP of 24 weeks, Resultados. Los resultados han mostrado unos mayores niveles
combining exercise and diet. Subjects were randomized into three de concentracin de lactato en sangre al nalizar el entrenamiento
training groups: strength, S; endurance, E; or concurrent strength de alta intensidad (15,6 mmol.L-1) que los producidos al realizar
and endurance, SE; with a training frequency of 3 times/week, and un trabajo de tipo aerobio (2 mmol.L-1). Por otro lado, se encon-
an intensity progressing from 50 to 60% of 15 repetition maximum traron diferencias signicativas en el consumo de oxgeno basal
or heart rate reserve 3 . One-way ANCOVA adjusting by adherence to post-esfuerzo en situacin previa, a los 60, a las 24 h, 48 h y 72 h tras
diet was used to compare adherence to training among genotypes los diferentes tipos de entrenamiento. Los niveles de dcit de ox-
(TT, TA or AA). geno basal alcanzados en el entrenamiento de electroestimulacin
Results. The ANCOVA test showed differences among genoty- y HIIT se elevaron notablemente por encima de los alcanzados en
pes (p = 0.01) within the S group, having the TT participants el pre-test hasta 72 h despus de haber realizado el entrenamiento,
less adherence (Mean Standard Error) (79.9 2.9%) than the TA dndose diferencias signicativas con el trabajo de tipo aerobio,
(91.5 1.7%; p = 0.01) and the AA (92.7 2.9%; p = 0.02). No signi- tras el cual, los niveles de VO2 alcanzaron valores similares a los
cant differences were found for this variable among genotypes obtenidos en el pre-test.
in the E (TT = 92.9 3.3%; TA = 90.8 2.3%; AA = 87.9 3.6%) or Conclusin. El entrenamiento de alta intensidad (Electroes-
the SE (TT = 87.5 3.1%; TA = 87.8 3.5%; AA = 84.8 3.3%) exercise timulacin y HIIT) genera un consumo calrico ms elevado,
groups. incrementando la tasa metablica durante varios das tras el
Conclusion. Our results suggest that the MCT1 T1470A poly- esfuerzo, mientras que el trabajo aerobio convencional supone
morphism could inuence adherence to strength exercise in men, un gasto menor, y tan solo durante el ejercicio, pero no a
being those with a minor lactate efux from the myocytes (TT) posteriori.
1 less adherent to the program. Although the TT genotype has

been related with sprint/power sports, the lactate availability could

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