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The Benefits Of Nutritious Foods

Eating is one of the human needs to establish their lives. The food that we eat not only
tasty and presented with a charming look, but the food should have enough nutrients to be
absorbed by our body. With the intake of healthy and nutritious food, the body will receive its
positive impact. Some of the positive impact are live longer and stronger, sharpen the mind,
and feel better.
Consuming nutrients can make the muscles, bones, organs, and other body parts
strong for a long period. Eating foods rich in vitamin will enhance immunity such as
immunity against diseases caused by toxins. A proper diet reduces the risk of heart disease,
stroke, high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, bone loss, cancer, and anemia. (Jeanne Segal,
Ph.D. and Gina Kemp, M.A, 2015). Also, eating healthy food means eating fewer calories
and more nutrient-dense foods so that the pattern of life can make us live longer and stronger.
In addition, nutrition is an important key for the brain to do its job. People who eat a
selection of brightly colored fruit, leafy veggies, and fish and nuts packed with omega-3 fatty
acids can improve focus and decrease their risk of Alzheimers disease. (Jeanne Segal, Ph.D.
and Gina Kemp, M.A, 2015). To sharpen the mind can also carried with the consumption of
antioxidant-rich green tea. Consume it regularly will also provide benefits to enhance
memory and mental alertness.
By eating a healthy and nutritious food will give you more energy for our bodies.
Nutritious foods will also help us to look better and brighter. When we feel our bodies
become better then we'll look happy inside and outside.
So, by eating nutritious foods that are very good for the body and provide amazing
benefits to our bodies. To get the maximum benefit, we must pay attention to the type of food
that we eat. Not only eat food that tastes good but the food must have enough nutrients for the
body. That way, your body will look better.

Segal, Jeane dan Gina. 2015. Nutrition and Diet Tips for Healthy Eating as You Age.
Journal of HelpGuide. 1.
eating/eating-well-as-you-age.htm ( diakses pada tanggal 9 Desember 2015
pukul 20.00 WIB).

Diana, Sara dan Khokhar , Santosh. 2014. Assessment And Comparison of Diet
Quality And Physical Activity of African-Caribbean, South Asian and Caucasian
Groups in The UK. International Journal of Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics
(IJFS). 2(5). (diakses
pada tanggal 9 Desember 2015 pukul 20.00 WIB).
The Benefits Of Nutritious Foods

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Made Arny Fariyanti
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