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20 DE MAYO DEL 2016

Environmental pollution
Environmental Problems is something that affects our quality of life,
which makes it a very important issue. It is important to know what it
really is, the different kinds (water, soil and air), as well the effects it
causes in our environment and how we can fix it.

The environmental pollution is a known process (such

as resource consumption) that has negative effects on
the sustainability of the environmental quality necessary for the well
being of the organisms living in it.

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies. This form of

environmental degradation occurs when the pollutants are directly or
indirectly discharged into the water bodies without adequate treatment
to remove harmful compounds. Water pollution affects the entire
biosphere; plants and organisms living in these bodies of water. In
almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to
individual species and population, but also to the natural biological
communities. Some causes of the water pollution are: Industrial waste,
sewage and waste water, accidental Oil leakage, chemical fertilizers
and pesticides.
Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or
other harmful materials into Earth's atmosphere, causing diseases,
death to humans, and damage to other living organisms such as
animals and food crops, or the natural or built environment. Air
pollution may come from anthropogenic or natural sources. Air
pollution can be caused by: Burning of Fossil Fuels, agricultural
activities, exhaust from factories and industries, mining operations and
indoor air pollution.
Soil contamination or soil pollution as part of land degradation is
caused by the presence of xenobiotic (human-made) chemicals or
other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is typically caused by
industrial activity, agricultural chemicals, or improper disposal of waste.
Contamination is correlated with the degree of industrialization and
intensity of chemical usage. Soil pollution can be caused by: Oil
drilling, mining and activities by other heavy industries, accidental spills
as may happen during deforestation activities, corrosion
of underground storage tanks Acid rain (in turn caused by air pollution),
intensive farming, and agrochemicals; such
as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers and industrial accidents.
The different effects that cause pollution are very serious which in turn
continue to grow, the main effects and best known are: Impact the
human health, Loss of Biodiversity, Ozone Layer Depletion and
Economic Impact. Human health is being affected by pollution, as we
can see a lot of new diseases, and all new problems that are in our
society. The other important point is the extinction of species, in recent
times we could be informed when a species becomes extinct; this
affects all aspects different environment. The ozone layer is being
mainly affected by air pollution because the air there are certain toxic
substances being less dense, rise and damage the ozone layer, as we
all know, the ozone layer has a hollow, which makes the sun's rays
penetrate more easily and temperatures are higher.

Actions to combat everything from pollution and to stop the

consequences of them brings to begin it is important to know and
understand as what are the causes, above and so to attack them
wisely, such as do campaigns recycling, raise awareness of how
serious the pollution is, conserve water, use less the vehicle, do not
use products that damage the environment, do not throw waste on the
ground, etc. But the most important thing is we ourselves want to do
something about this, and so to motivate others to be more aware.

In conclusion the environmental problems are a very big problem, that

everyone knows but nobody makes something to help the
environment. We are killing our planet and we need to make
awareness. It is necessary to start recycling, separate the trash in
inorganic and organic, use bicycles or public transportation to reduce
the pollution in the air, stop spill oil the rivers and oceans and to many
things that we can do to help the ecosystem.

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