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교육 컨텐츠를 개발하고 설계함으로써
세계를 무대로 학생과 기업인의 전진과 발전을 지향하여 글로벌 리더로 만듭니다.
에듀인에서 지구촌을 경험해 보시기 바랍니다.
에듀인은 더욱 편리하고, 재미있는 영어 듣고 말하기를 위해
지속 노력 발전해 나가겠습니다.

Fun English Training

즐거운 영어 회화
에듀인 지음
주 소 : 서울시 양천구 목1동 현대하이페리온Ⅱ 206-3901
대표전화 : 02)745-7333
팩 스 : 02)2640-0670
허가없이 이 교재의 일부 또는 전부를 무단 복제 전재 발췌 할 수 없습니다.

- 2 -
현대는 지구촌의 많은 사람들이 이룩해 놓은 그 무엇들을 먼저 찾고
공유하는 정보 경쟁시대입니다.
그래서 반드시 영어가 필요한 시대이기도 합니다.

우리는 영어 공부는 하고자 노력은 하지만, 바쁜 생활 속에서 영어를 듣고 말할 기회를 갖기는 쉽지

않습니다. 에듀인은 전화와 화상 솔루션을 통하여 한국에서 영어를 듣고 말할 수 있도록 해 드리고
있습니다. 에듀인에서 지구촌을 경험해보시기 바랍니다.

자! 이제 여유를 갖으시고,
특히 처음 접하시는 회원 분들께서는 발음.단어.문장 등 잘못하지 않을까 긴장하고 걱정하지 마세요!!

틀리면 어떻습니까? 원어민이 아닌 이상 틀릴 수 있는 것이 정상입니다.

문화를 이해하고 즐긴다는 생각으로 도전해보시기 바랍니다.

에듀인은 더욱 편리하고, 재미있는 영어 듣고 말하기를 위해 지속 노력

발전해 나가겠습니다.

- 3 -

Lesson 1 Introduction 자기소개 ․․․․․․․․․․ 3

Lesson 2 Greetings 인사 ․․․․․․․․․․ 6

Lesson 3 Susan's day 수잔의 하루 ․․․․․․․․․․ 12

Lesson 4 Family 가족 ․․․․․․․․․․ 15
Lesson 5 Numbers 숫자 ․․․․․․․․․․ 18
Lesson 6 How many? 얼마나 많이? ․․․․․․․․․․ 24
Lesson 7 Dates and Days 날짜와 요일 ․․․․․․․․․․ 27
Lesson 8 Weather and Seasons 날씨와 계절들 ․․․․․․․․․․ 33
Lesson 9 Colors and Shapes 색깔과 모양들 ․․․․․․․․․․ 39
Lesson 10 Body Conditions 몸의 상태 ․․․․․․․․․․ 43
Lesson 11 Emotions 감정표현 ․․․․․․․․․․ 46
Lesson 12 Presents from Grandma 할머니로부터의 선물 ․․․․․․․․․․ 52
Lesson 13 World Cup 월드컵 ․․․․․․․․․․ 59
Lesson 14 Offering Coffee 커피 대접하기 ․․․․․․․․․․ 63
Lesson 15 Ordering a steak 스테이크 주문하기 ․․․․․․․․․․ 65

- 2 -
Lesson 1 (자기소개)


A : Hi. My name is (John). What's your name?

B : Hi, John. My name is (Susan).
A : Nice to meet you, Susan.
B : Nice to meet you, too. John.
A : What's your last name?
B : My last name is (Kim / Lee / Park)
A : Are you from Seoul, Susan?
B : Yes, I was born in Seoul. / No, I was born in (Daegue, Cheongjoo..)

A : What do you do Susan?

B : I am a ( ).

A : Where is your office?

B : It is in ( ).

A : How long have you worked there?

B : I have worked there for ( ) years.

A : Do you like your job?

B : Yes, I do./No, I don't

* 이름을 물어볼때, last name 은 “집안의 성”을 뜻합니다.
그래서 또는 family name 이라고도 합니다.
*가까운 사이일 경우는 first name만을 물어보는 경우가 많습니다.
*“what do you do?" 현재 하고 있는 일, 즉, 직업을 묻는 표현입니다.
다른 표현으로,“what do you do for living?" (살기위해서 어떤 일을 하십니까?)
이라고도 합니다.

- 3 -
About me

A : How old are you, Susan?

B : I am ( ).
A : Where are you from?
B : I am from Seoul, Korea.
A : Where do you live?
B : I live in ( ).


A : Hi! What's your name?

B : _____________________
A : Nice to meet you.
B : ______________________
A : What's your last name?
B : _____________________
A : Where are you from?
B : _____________________
A : How old are you?
B : _____________________
A : What do you do?
B : _____________________
A : Do you like your school/work?
B : ______________________
A : Where do you live?
B : _____________________

Asking questions

B : ____________________________
A : I am Brian.

B : _________________________
A : Nice to meet you, too.

- 4 -
B : __________________________
A : My last name is Smith.

B : __________________________
A : I am from London.

B : ____________________________
A : I am 27.

B : ___________________________.
A : I am a teacher.

B : Do ___________ your work?

A : Yes, I do.

B : ______________________.
A : I live in the Philippines.

* "where are you from?"
어느 곳에서부터 왔습니까? 출신 지역을 묻는 표현입니다.
넓게는 국적을 물어보는 표현이기도 합니다.

*“where do you live in?" (어느곳안에서 살고 있습니까?)

살고있는 지역을 묻는 표현입니다.
“I live in Korea." "I live in Seoul." (한국에서 살고있습니다./서울에서 살고있습니다.)
대답은 도시나 나라가 될 수 있습니다.

- 5 -
Lesson 2 (인사)

Sally : Hello. My name is Sally.

Anna : Hi I'm Anna. Nice to meet you.
Sally : Nice meeting you too.
Anna : What is your last name?
Sally : Sanchez
Anna : How do you spell your last name?
Sally : S-A-N-C-H-E-Z
Anna : Are you from California, Sally?
Sally : Well, my family is in California now,
but we're from Korea originally.
Anna : Oh, my mother is Korean from Seoul!
Are you from Seoul?
Sally : No, we're not from Seoul. We're from Daegu.
Anna : So is your first language Korean?
Sally : Yes, it is.

*“from"이 쓰이는 두가지 의미
- 다른도시에 살 때, 현재 거주하는 도시에 대해 물을때
- 국적을 물을때
*“first language" (제1의 언어?)
제일 처음배운 언어를 뜻합니다. 즉, 모국어를 말합니다.
다른 표현으로,“mother tongue"이라고도 쓰입니다.


last Name : (집안의) 성 mother : 어머니

meet : 만나다 originally : 원래부터, 본래부터
spell : 철자를 말하다 first : 첫 번째, 제 1의
family : 가족 language : 언어

- 6 -

Read the conversation on page 6 and answer the following questions.

A: What is Sally's last name?

B: Sally's last name is __________________.

A: What is Sally's first language?

B: Sally's first language is ____________________.

A: What is Sally's nationality?

B: Sally's nationality is ___________________.

About me

A: What is your last name?

B: ______________________________________.

A: What is your first name?

B: ______________________________________.

A: What is your nationality?

B: ______________________________________.

A: What is your first language?

B: ______________________________________.

- 7 -
Useful English Expressions


Hi! Hello!
How are you? I'm fine, thank you.
Good morning! Good day!
Good afternoon! Good evening!

Making Introductions

Hi! Hello!
What is your name? I am ______________.
Where are you from? I am from ___________.
How old are you? I am _________ years old.
Where do you live? I live in _____________.
It's nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you too.

Saying Goodbye

Goodbye! See you later!

See you tomorrow! Have a nice day!

- 8 -

Fill in the blanks with the proper expression.

Jack : Hello, my name is Jack.
a. What is your name?
b. How old are you?

Judy : Hello, Jack. My name is Judy.

Jack : ___________________________________.
a. It's nice to meet you, Judy.
b. Did you do your homework?

Judy : It's nice to meet you too.

Jack : ___________________________________?
a. How are you today?
b. How old are you?

Judy : I am 10 years old. How about you?

Jack : ___________________________________.
a. I am ten years old too.
b. I live in Busan

Jill : It's 4:00 o'clock, time to go home.
Kevin : Yes it is. ________________________, Jill!
a. What's your name?
b. Goodbye

Jill : Goodbye, Kevin.

a. How are you today?
b. See you tomorrow!

- 9 -
Grace : Good morning, Amy!
Amy : ___________________, Grace. How are you?
a. Good evening
b. Good morning

Grace : I'm fine, thank you. How about you?

Amy : _____________________________.
a. I'm fine too.
b. See you later!

Grace : Where are you going?

Amy : I'm on my way home.
Grace : ____________________________?
a. How old are you?
b. Where do you live?

Amy : I live on Tulip Street, near the post office.

Grace : I live on Sunflower Street, that's near Tulip.
Amy : Let's walk home together then!

- 10 -
Practice Conversation

Amy : Hello, mom. This is my classmate, Grace.

Mrs. Lee : Hello, Grace.
Grace : Good afternoon, Mrs. Lee.
Mrs. Lee : It's nice to meet you too.
I'm glad that Amy met new friends already.
Amy : Everybody in my school seems very nice.
Grace : That's true.
Mrs. Lee : Well, I'm happy to hear that.
Amy : Mom, I'll show Grace my room, alright?
Mrs. Lee : alright, I will call you when it's time for dinner.
Amy : Thanks, Mom!
Grace : Thanks, Mrs. Lee.

Asking questions

A: What did Amy want to show Grace?

B: Amy wanted to show ___________________________.

A: Who is Grace?
B: Grace is ____________________________.

post office : 우체국 classmate : 급우, 반친구
glad : 기쁜, 즐거운 walk : 걷다

- 11 -
Lesson 3 (수잔의 하루)

Let's Review!

A : Hi! What's your name?

B : _____________________
A : Nice to meet you.
B : ______________________
A : What's your last name?
B : _____________________
A : Where are you from?
B : _____________________
A : How old are you?
B : _____________________
A : What do you do?
B : _____________________
A : Do you like your school/work?
B : ______________________

“For a working person"

Talking about my usual day (Present tense 현재형-일반적인 사실을 말할 때.)

A : What is your day like?
B : (In the morning)
I wake up at 7 in the morning.
I take a shower.
I get dressed and ready.
I have a quick breakfast.
I leave my house around 8:30.
I take the subway to work.

*wake up 과 get up
둘다 같은 표현입니다. “잠에서 깨다”와 “일어나다”라는 표현입니다.
*get dressed와 wear
같은 표현이지만, 주체인 내가 옷이 입혀지는것이기 때문에, get dressed를 더 많이 사용합니다.

- 12 -

A : What time do you wake up?

B : __________________________

A : Tell me three things you do in the morning.

B : I _____________________________.
I _____________________________.
I ____________________________.

A : How do you get to work?

B : ____________________________
I get to the office by 9.
I work until 6 pm.
I take the subway home.

(In the afternoon)

I have dinner. I watch TV.
I get ready for bed.
I go to bed around 11:30 at night.

A : What time do you get to the office?

B : ____________________________

A : What time do you finish work?

B : ____________________________

A : What do you do before you go to bed?

B : ___________________________

A : What time do you go to bed?

B : ____________________________

- 13 -
Talking about yesterday (Past tense 과거형 지난 일을 말할 때)
A : What did you do yesterday?
B : (In the morning) Tips
I woke up at 7 in the morning. *what do you do? (당신은 무슨일을 하십니까?)
I took a shower. 앞에서 나온 직업을 묻는 표현입니다.

I got dressed and ready. *what did you do yesterday?

(당신은 어제 무슨일을 하셨습니까?)
I had a quick breakfast.
“어제”라는 때를 물음으로 직업이 아닌,
I left my house around 8:30. 어제 무슨일을 했는지를 물어보는 표현입니다.
I took the subway to work.
I got to the office by 9.

A : What time did you wake up?

B : __________________________

A : Tell me three things you did in the morning.

B : I _____________________________.
I _____________________________.
I ____________________________.

A : How did you get to work?

B : ____________________________
I worked until 6 pm.
I took the subway home.
(In the evening)
I had dinner.
I watched TV.
I got ready for bed.
I went to bed around 11 at night.

A : What did do after you finished work?

B : ____________________________

A : What did you do before you went to bed?

B : ___________________________

A : What time did you go to bed?

B : ____________________________

- 14 -
Lesson 4 (가족)

Let's Review!

A : What time do you wake up?

B : __________________________
A : Tell me three things you do in the morning.
B : I _____________________________.
I _____________________________.
I ____________________________.
A : How do you get to work?
B : ____________________________

“Let's talk about family!"

A : How many people are there in your family?

B : There are four of us. There are my parents, my sister and I.

A : How old is your sister?

B : She is twenty.

A : What does she do?

B : She is a college student.

A : Where does she go to school?

B : She goes to Ehwa Women's University.

A : What does she study?

B : She majors in History.

*How many are there in your family? (당신의 가족이 몇명입니까?)
가족의 숫자를 물어보는 질문입니다. 또 다른 표현으로는,
how many people are in your family?
(가족안에 몇명이 있습니까?) 가 많이 쓰입니다.

- 15 -
A: What does your father do?
B: He is an engineer. He works for an engineering firm.

A: What does your mother do?

B: She is a housewife.

A: What do you do?

B: I am a designer. I work for Samsung.

About me

A : How many people are there in your family?

B : There are __________ of us. There are my parents, my ____________ and I.
A : How old is your sister/brother?
B : She/He is ____________.
A : What does she/he do?
B : _______________
A : What does your father do?
B : He is a ( ). He works for ( ).
A : What does your mother do?
B : She is a ( ).
A : What do you do?
B : I am a _________________. I work for _____________________.

Asking questions

B : How many ____________________ in your family?

A : There are ( ) of us. There are my parents, my ( ) and I.

B : How old is ______________?

A : She/He is ( ).

B : (job) What does _____________?

A : _______________

- 16 -
B : _______________ your father ____?
A : He is a ( ). He works for ( ).

B : _______________ your mother ____?

A : She is a ( ).

*“sibling" (형제, 자매)
형제 자매의 여부나 숫자를 물을때, “sibling"이라는 단어를 많이 씁니다.
example 1) 여부를 물을때 - “Do you have any sibling?"
->"Yes, I have a sister."
->"No, I don't have any."
example 2) 숫자를 물을때 - “How many siblings do you have?"
->"I have two sisters and a brother."
->"I don't have any siblings."

- 17 -
Lesson 5 (숫자)

Let's Review!

A : How many are there in your family?

B : There are __________ of us. There are my parents, my ____________ and I.
A : How old is your sister/brother?
B : She/He is ____________.
A : What does she/he do?
B : _______________
A : What does your father do?
B : He is a ( ). He works for ( ).
A : What does your mother do?
B : She is a ( ).
A : What do you do?
B : I am a _________________. I work for _____________________.

"Spelling Bee"

Jack : Do you know who won the first place in the Spelling Bee yesterday?
Jill : Yes, Grace won first place.
Amy : No, Grace won second place.
It was Kevin who won the first prize. Tips
Jill : Are you sure? *“등수”
Amy : Yes, Grace answered twenty questions correctly. first place : 1등
second place : 2등
Kevin's score was 25.
third place : 3등
Jack : Who won third place then?
Jill : That would be Judy.
Jack : How many words did she spell correctly?
Amy : 18, I think.
Jack : The winners must be very excited.
Amy : Grace is very happy. This is her first time to win a spelling contest.
Jill : Did she train very hard?
Amy : Oh yes, she trained everyday for three hours.

- 18 -
Jack : Maybe Kevin trained everyday for four hours.
Amy : I want to join the next spelling bee!
Jill : I'm sure you'll do very well.
Jack : You just have to practice hard like Kevin, Grace, and Judy.


place : 장소, 곳 spelling : 철자

yesterday : 어제 sure : 확실히, 반드시
answered : 답했다 correctly : 올바르게, 정확히
score : 득점, 기록 winners : 우승자, 승리자
excited : 흥분된, 들뜬 train : 훈련하다, 길들이다
practice : 연습 second : 두번째


Read the conversation on pages 18-19 and answer the following questions.

A: Who won the first prize in the Spelling Contest?

B: _________________ won the first prize in the Spelling Contest.

A: How many words did Kevin spell correctly?

B: _________________________________________.

A: How many words did Grace spell correctly?

B: _________________________________________.

A: Who won the third place?

B: _________________ won the third place.

A: Why was Grace very happy to be one of the winners?

B: Because ____________________________________.

A: How many hours did Grace train everyday? How about Kevin?
B: Grace trained _________________, and Kevin trained __________________.

- 19 -
A: Who wanted to join the next Spelling Bee?
B: _________________ wanted to join the next Spelling Bee.

About me

A: Have you ever participated in any contest or competition?

B: ________________________________________.

A: How did you prepare for the contest?

B: ________________________________________.

A: Did you win or lose?

B: ________________________________________.

Cardinal Numbers are counting numbers.

1 One 11 Eleven
2 Two 12 Twelve
3 Three 13 Thirteen
4 Four 14 Fourteen
5 Five 15 Fifteen
6 Six 16 Sixteen
7 Seven 17 Seventeen
8 Eight 18 Eighteen
9 Nine 19 Nineteen
10 Ten 20 Twenty

- 20 -
Ordinal Numbers talk about order; when objects are placed in order,
we use ordinal numbers to tell their place or position.

1st First 11th Eleventh

2nd Second 12th Twelfth
3rd Third 13th Thirteenth
4th Fourth 14th Fourteenth
5th Fifth 15th Fifteenth
6th Sixth 16th Sixteenth
7th Seventh 17th Seventeenth
8th Eighth 18th Eighteenth
9th Ninth 19th Nineteenth
10th Tenth 20th Twentieth

Asking questions

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

A: How many days are there in one week?
B: There are ___________ days in one week.

A: What is the third letter of the alphabet?

B: _____________________________________________.

A: What is the first month of the year?

B: _____________________________________________.

A: What is the fifth day of the week?

B: _____________________________________________.

A: What is the 7th letter of the word IMPOSSIBLE?

B: _____________________________________________.

- 21 -
About me

A: How many fingers do you have on one hand?

B: I have ___________ fingers on one hand.

A: How many slices of pizza can you eat?

B: I can eat _______________ slices of pizza.

A: How many glasses of water do you drink a day?

B: I drink _____________ glasses of water a day.

A: How many brothers do you have?

B: I ____________________________________.

A: How many sisters do you have?

B: I ____________________________________.

Practice Conversation

Jack : Hello, Kevin. How was your math exam?
Kevin : It was very easy.
Jack : How many questions were there in the exam?
Kevin : There were twenty questions. Five of them were word problems.
Jack : Were you able to answer all the questions?
Kevin : I answered the first 15 questions, but I was not sure about my
answers for the 5 word problems.
Jack : Well, I hope you get a perfect score.
Kevin : I hope so too.

- 22 -
Miss Kwon : Children, please line up in a straight line from the shortest to the
Amy : I'm the shortest, so I should be first.
Jill : I think I'm shorter than you, Amy.
Amy : Oh, right! I am a little bit taller.
I guess that means I will be second in line.
Jack : I am always the 20th person in line because I am the tallest.
Kevin : Last year, I was the 7th person in line, but I grew taller so I am now
the 10th.
Miss Kwon : Alright, children, please be quiet. We are about to enter the

Asking questions

A: Do you like to read books? What kind?

B: _____________________________________________________.

A: How tall are you?

B: ______________________________.

- 23 -
Lesson 6 (얼마나 많이?)
"How many?"

A : How many days are there in a week?

B : There are 7 days in a week. *There is / There are ~
셀수있는 것 (countable)을 물어보는
A : How many days are there in a month? how many 의 대한 대답입니다.

B : There are 30 (thirty) days in a month. example 1) How many apples are there?
- > There are five apples.

A : How many weeks are there in a month?

B : There are 4 weeks in a month.

A : How many hours are there in a day?

B : There are 24 (twenty four) hours in a day.

A : How many minutes are there in an hour?

B : There are 60 (sixty) minutes in an hour.


A : How many days are there in a week?

B : There are __ days in a ____ .

A : How many days are there in a month?

B : __________________________.

A : How many weeks are there in a month?

B : __________________________.

A : How many hours are there in a day?

B : ___________________________.

A : How many minutes are there in an hour?

B : ___________________________.

- 24 -
Asking questions

B : (days/a week) How many _______ are there in a _____?

A : There are 7 days in a week.

B : (days/a month) _____________________?

A : There are 30 (thirty) days in a month.

B : (weeks/a month) ____________________?

A : There are 4 weeks in a month.

B : (hours/a day)________________________?
A : There are 24 (twenty four) hours in a day.

B : (minutes/an hour)_____________________?
A : There are 60 (sixty) minutes in an hour.

*slice of pizza
A : How many brothers and sisters do you have? 피자도 셀수있는 음식으로, 한판,두판,
B : I have ____ and ____ . 세는 경우 one pizza, two pizzas로
말할 수 있지만, 대부분의 경우
조각피자를 말합니다.
A : How many slices of pizza can you eat?
그래서 “slices of pizza"라는 표현을
B : I can eat __ slices of pizza.
주로 씁니다.

A : How many glasses of water do you drink a day?

B : I drink ____ glasses a day.

A : How many hours do you work a day?

B : I work about ____ hours a day.

- 25 -
Asking questions

B : How about you? _____________ brothers and ____________?

A : I have one sister.

B : (pizza) ________________________?
A : I can eat three slices.

B : (glasses of water) _____________________________ a day?

A : I drink about five glasses a day.

B : (work) ______________ hours ________ work a day?

A : I work about seven hours a day.

*glasses of water
물은 셀 수 없으므로 물을 담는 잔으로 셉니다. 그래서 a glass, two glasses 라는
표현을 씁니다.

*pieces of cake
케잌도 케잌자체로 세기도 하지만, 대부분의 경우 잘라져있는 조각 케잌으로 셉니다.
그래서 “slice"라는 표현보다 ”pieces of cake"이라는 표현을 많이 씁니다.

*한가지 더...
어떠한 일이 매우 쉬웠을때, “piece of cake"이라는 표현을 많이 씁니다.
케잌 한조각을 먹는것처럼 ”쉬웠다, 가벼웠다“ 라는 표현입니다.
example) "How was your test, Jim?" (짐, 시험은 어땠니?)
“Oh, it was a piece of cake." (어, 정말 쉬웠어요.)

- 26 -
Lesson 7 (날짜와 요일)

Let's Review!

A : How many brothers and sisters do you have?

B : I have ____ and ____ .

A : How many slices of pizza can you eat?

B : I can eat __ slices of pizza.

A : How many glasses of water do you drink a day?

B : I drink ____ glasses a day.

A : How many hours do you work a day?

B : I work about ____ hours a day.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Weekdays : Monday ~ Friday Weekend : Saturday ~ Sunday


1 January 2 February 3 March

4 April 5 May 6 June
7 July 8 August 9 September
10 October 11 November 12 December

st th th th
1 first 9 ninth 17 seventh 25 twenty fifth
2nd second 10th tenth 18th eighteenth 26th twenty sixth
3rd third 11th eleventh 19th nineteenth 27th twenty seventh
4th fourth 12th twelfth 20th twentieth 28th twenty eighth
5th fifth 13th thirteenth 21ST twenty first 29th twenty ninth
6th sixth 14th fourteenth 22nd twenty second 30th thirtieth
th th rd th
7 seventh 15 fifteenth 23 twenty third 31 thirty first
8th eighth 16th sixteenth 24th twenty fourth

- 27 -
목요일(Thursday), 7-14
A : What day is it today?
B : It is Thursday.
A : What's the date?
B : It is July 14th.

Friday, 3-17
A : What day is it today?
B : It ________________
A : What's the date?
B : It ___________________.

Monday, 11-8
B : __________________today?
A : It is Monday.
B : ______________________?
A : It is November 8th.

Saturday, 10-25
B : _______________?
A : It is Saturday.
B : _______________?
A : It is October 25th.

A : When is Christmas?
B : ___________________

A : When is New Year's Day?

B : _______________________.

*What day is it today?
오늘이 무슨 요일인지 묻는 표현입니다. 대답은 월요일, 수요일등이 될 수 있겠지요.
*What is the date?
오늘의 날짜를 묻는 표현입니다. 대답은 몇월 몇일이 될 수 있겠지요.
같은 표현으로는, What date is it today? 가 있습니다.

- 28 -
"Birthdays and Holidays"

Miss Kwon : Class, who can tell me why tomorrow, May 5, is a special day?
Jack : I know why, Miss Kwon!
Miss Kwon : Yes, Jack?
Jack : Tomorrow is my birthday!
Miss Kwon : Well…happy birthday, Jack, but aside from your birthday, May
5 is also a national holiday for Korea.
Kevin : Teacher, I know what holiday it is!
Miss Kwon : Alright, Kevin. What are we celebrating tomorrow?
Kevin : May 5 is Children's Day.
Miss Kwon : Very good, Kevin. And do you know what this means?
Grace : We will not have classes tomorrow!
Miss Kwon : That is correct, Grace.
Jack : That's great! Then everybody come to my birthday party!
Miss Kwon : It's very nice of you to invite all your classmates, Jack.
Grace : Where and what time will you have your birthday party?
Jack : I will have a party at my house.


tomorrow : 내일 because : 왜냐하면

special : 특별히 holiday : 공휴일, 휴일,
birthday : 생일 weekend : 주말
aside : 곁에, 옆쪽에 celebrate : 축하하다, 기념하다,
national : 국가의 vacation : 휴가, 휴일,
means : 뜻하다, 의미하다 invite : 초대하다

- 29 -

Read the conversation on page 29 and answer the following questions.

A: Why is May 5 a special day?

B: Because __________________________________.

A: Who is celebrating his birthday on May 5?

B: _____________ is celebrating his birthday on May 5.

A: What day of the week did May 5 happen to be?

B: _______________________________________.

A: Where will Jack have his birthday party?

B: Jack will have his birthday party _________________.

A: What time is the party going to start?

B: The party is going to start _______________________.

About me

A: What do you think is the most popular holiday in Korea?

B: I think the most popular holiday in Korea is __________________.

A: What is your favorite Korean holiday?

B: My favorite Korean holiday is ___________________.

There are 7 days in one week

Monday 월요일 Friday 금요일

Tuesday 화요일 Saturday 토요일
Wednesday 수요일 Sunday 일요일
Thursday 목요일

- 30 -
There are 12 months in a year
January 1월 July 7월
February 2월 August 8월
March 3월 September 9월
April 4월 October 10월
May 5월 November 11월
June 6월 December 12월

Asking questions

Complete the following sentences:

A: There are ________ days in one week.

A: Some people go to church on _______________________.

A: I watch TV on ___________________________________.

A: I spend time with my family on ______________________.

B: There are ________ months in one year.

B: My birthday is in _________________________________.

B: We celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday during the month of ___________.

B: New Year's Day is in ____________________________________.

B: Snow starts falling in ____________________________________.

*“Thanksgiving holiday” 추수감사절, 즉 추석을 뜻한다.
* "New Year's Day" 1월 1일을 의미한다.

- 31 -
Practice Conversation

Jack : I hate Mondays!

Kevin : Why do you hate Mondays?
Jack : Because, I have to go back to school.
Kevin : What did you do last weekend?
Jack : I played soccer and then I slept a lot.
Kevin : You did not do your homework?
Jack : What homework?
Kevin : Our Math homework.
Jack : That's for Wednesday; we don't have to finish it today.
Kevin : We do!
Jack : Oh no, I should finish it now!


A: Why does Jack hate Mondays?

B: Because _______________________.

A: What did Jack do during the weekend?

B: ________________________________.

A: Did Kevin do his homework?

B: ________________________________.

About me

A: Do you always do your homework on time?

B: ____________________________________________.

A: Do you have any appointment on Saturdays?

B: ____________________________________________.

- 32 -
Lesson 8 (날씨와 계절들)

"Is It Sunny Where You Are?"

Dear Jack,

How are you? How are Mom and Dad? I am having a great time here in the
Philippines. The food is great and the people are very friendly. The weather is
interesting. Unlike Korea, the Philippines does not have four seasons it only has the
summer and the rainy season. Most of the time, it is warm and sunny. The summer
months, April to May are very hot, followed by a rainy period. The months of
November to January are dry, but a little cold.

Since it is October, the weather is no longer humid and sticky and the rainy days
have stopped. It's very nice to see the bright sunshine year round, but I miss the
colors of autumn in Korea, when the leaves turn red, yellow and gold. I'm glad that I
will be home before winter, because I really don't want to miss playing in the snow.

Please say hello to all our friends, and try to write me back. Maybe you can also
send me some pictures of what you did during summer vacation. Take care always!

Your sister,

- 33 -

The Philippines : (국가)필리핀 followed : 뒤따라오다

friendly : 호의적인, 친절한 rainy : 비오는
interesting : 흥미로운 period : 기간
people : 사람들 humid : 습한
unlike : ~같지않게 sticky : 끈적끈적한
seasons : 계절들 bright : 빛나는, 밝은
sunshine : 햇빛 turn : 변하다
round : 둘레에, 그 일대동안 home : 집으로
pictures : 사진들, 그림들 during : ~동안


Read the letter on page 33 and answer the following questions.

A: Who wrote the letter?

B: _____________ wrote the letter.

A: Where is Jill?
B: Jill is ___________________________.

A: What did she like about the Philippines?

B: _______________________________________.

A: How many seasons does the Philippines have?

B: There are ______________________________.

A: What months are hot?

B: ________________________________________.

A: When did Jill write the letter?

B: ________________________________________.

A: How did Jill describe the colors of autumn?

B: _________________________________________.

- 34 -
About me

A: What do you usually do in the winter?

B: I ____________________________________________.

A: What do you usually do in the summer?

B: I ____________________________________________.

A: What do you usually do in autumn?

B: I ____________________________________________.

A: What is your favorite season? Why?

B: My favorite season is ___________ because _______________________.

A: Which of the seasons do you like least? Why?

B: ______________________________________________.

Korea has four seasons; WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER and AUTUMN.

Winter : The weather is bitter cold and dry with the occasional snow fall.
Spring : Spring begins during the middle of April. The colors are bright and
the weather is generally pleasant.
Summer : Hot and humid weather; people enjoy going to the beach or
traveling for vacation.
Autumn : Autumn is the season with much sunlight and changing autumn
leaves. Beginning in October, the weather is dry and clear.
Traditionally, Koreans enjoy the season of harvest Chusok which
is one of the most important national holidays in Korea.

- 35 -

winter : 겨울 pleasant : 쾌활한

spring : 봄 enjoy : 즐기다
summer : 여름 beach : 해변
autumn : 가을 travelling : 여행
weather : 날씨 traditionally : 전통적으로
bitter : (맛이)쓴 harvest : 추수, 수확
dry : 건조한 generally : 일반적으로
occasional : 가끔의, 때때로의

Useful expressions and idioms when discussing the weather

It's a sunny day.

It is scorching hot. (It's very hot.)

The sky is clear.

The air is humid.

There's a cool breeze. (This means that there is a light wind.)

The wind is strong.

It rained all day.

There is a typhoon.

The streets are flooded with water. (There is too much water on the streets.)

The weather is acting up. (This means the weather is very bad.)

It's hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. (This means that it's very hot.)

It's freezing cold. (This means that it's very cold.)

It's raining cats and dogs. (This means that it's raining very hard.)

- 36 -
scorching : 태우는듯한 rained : 비가왔다
clear : 맑은 typhoon : 태풍
breeze : 미풍 flooded : 홍수가났다
wind : 바람 enough : 충분한
freezing : 어는, 몹시추운 sidewalk : 보도, 인도


Complete the following sentences.

A: Today is a good day to fly a kite because ________________________.

A: I was not able to go out and play because _______________________.

A: You should put on some sun block because ______________________.

B: __________________________, it's a good day for a picnic.

B: I want to take a shower because ________________________________.

B: I don't think it will rain because ________________________________.

B: ______________________________ and cars cannot pass through.

Practice Conversation

Grace : It's scorching hot today!

Amy : I know! It's a good day to go to the beach.
Grace : It's so hot that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
Amy : It's strange because yesterday, it was raining cats and dogs.
Grace : The weather is really acting up lately.
Amy : I have an idea; let's go to the mall where it's cooler.
Grace : That would be great!

- 37 -
About me

A: What time of year is the best weather where you live?

B: _________________________________________________.

A: Have you ever seen snow?

B: __________________________________________________.

A: Have you ever been in a typhoon?

B: ___________________________________________________.

A: Where do you get your weather information?

B: I get my weather information from_________________________.

A: What is your favorite winter activity?

B: My favorite winter activity is ______________________________.

- 38 -
Lesson 9 (색깔과 모양)

"At the Playground"

Jack : Wow! This is the best playground I have ever seen!

Jill : It's very nice, isn't it? I like the colors, yellow and blue.
Jack : Yes, everything looks bright!
Grace : It used to be purple and green but I think these new colors are
Jill : What's that big circle in the middle?
Grace : Oh, that's the fountain. At night, water comes out of the circle.
Jack : And those triangle-shaped objects are lights?
Grace : Yes, different colored lights.
Jack : It must be very pretty at night!
Grace : Yes, it is.
Jill : What are those rectangles and squares beside the swing set?
Jack : I know what those are! Those are monkey bars.
Grace : I always play on the monkey bars.
Jack : I like the slide.
Jill : The swing is still my favorite.
Grace : Well, why are we standing here? Let's play!


playground : 놀이터 green : 녹색

yellow : 노란색 circle : 원
bright : 밝은 middle : 가운데의
blue : 파란색 fountain : 분수
purple : 보라색 triangle : 삼각형
rectangle : 직사각형 square : 정사각형
slide : 미끄럼틀 swing : 그네

- 39 -

Read the conversation on page 39 and answer the following questions.

A: Where are Jack, Jill, and Grace?

B: They are _____________________________.

A: What were the old colors of the playground?

B: The old colors of the playground were _________________________.

A: What are the new colors?

B: The new colors are _____________________________.

A: What is a fountain?
B: _______________________________________________.

A: What is the shape of the lights in the fountain?

B: The shape of the lights in the fountain is _____________________.

A: What is Jack's favorite ride in the playground?

B: Jack's favorite ride in the playground is ______________________.

A: What is Jill's favorite ride in the playground?

B: Jill's favorite ride in the playground is ________________________.

A: What did the children do at the end of the conversation?

B: _________________________________________________.

About me

A: Is there a playground near your house?

B: _________________________________________________.

A: What is your favorite ride when you're at the playground?

B: _________________________________________________.

- 40 -
A. Colors

red 빨간색 apples, blood, strawberries

yellow 노란색 bananas, sunflowers
blue 파란색 sky, sea
orange 오렌지색(귤색) carrots, oranges
green 녹색 leaves, grass
purple 보라색 grapes, eggplants

B. Shapes


Asking questions

A. Answer the following questions:

A: What are the colors of the Korean flag?

B: The colors of the Korean flag are __________________________.

A: What is your favorite color? Why?

B: My favorite color is _______________________________________.

A: Is there any color that you don't like? Why?

B: __________________________________________________________.

- 41 -

B. What objects have the following shapes? Name as many as you can.

* Circle
→ _________________________________________________________.

* Square
→ _________________________________________________________.

* Rectangle
→ _________________________________________________________.

→ _________________________________________________________.

- 42 -
Lesson 10 (몸의 상태)

I have a toothache. = My tooth hurts.

I have a headache. = My head hurts.

I have a backache. = My back hurts.

I have a stomachache. = My stomach hurts.

A : Are you okay? You look a little sick.

B : I have a headache. (head)
A : Take some medicine.
B : I think I need to.

A : Are you okay? You look a little sick.

B : _______________________ (tooth)
A : Take some medicine.
B : I think I need to.

* “Are you okay?" 기분이나 컨디션을 물을때
“Are you all right?" (괜찮습니까?)
“How do you feel?" (어떻습니까?)
“How is your feeling?" (기분이 어떻습니까?)
라는 표현이 많이 쓰입니다.

“You look a little sick," (좀 아파보입니다.) 라는 뜻으로는,

“You don't look good." (좋지않아보입니다.)
“You don't look well." (좋지않아보입니다.)
이런 표현들이 많이 쓰입니다.

- 43 -
A : Are you okay? You look a little sick.
B : ______________________ (stomach). Tips
A : Take some medicine. * body pains
headache (두통) stomachache (복통)
B : ______________________.
toothache (치통) backache (요통)
다른 통증표현으로는,
A : Are you okay? You look a little sick. “I have a sore throat." (목이 아파요-편도선 통증)
B : ______________________ (back) “I have a scratchy throat." (목이 따끔거려요.)
A : Take some medicine. “I have an itchy throat." (목이 간지러워요.)

B : ________________________.

A : What's wrong? You look a little sick.

B : My head hurts. (head)
A : Take some medicine.
B : I think I will.

A : What's wrong? You look a little sick.

B : ________________ (tooth)
A : Take some medicine.
B : I think I will.

A : What's wrong? You look a little sick.

B : ___________________. (stomach)
A : Take some medicine.
B : ___________________.

A : What's wrong? You look a little sick.

B : ______________________(back)
A : Take some medicine.
B : ______________________.

B : __________ okay? ______________ a little sick.

A : I have a headache.
B : _____________ medicine.
A : I think I need to.

- 44 -
A : How are you feeling?
B : I am a little tired. I worked all day.

A : Are you okay?

B : I am a little stressed. I have a test tomorrow.

A : What's wrong?
B : I am a little angry. I had a fight with my brother.

A : How are you?

B : I _________________. I worked all day.

A : How are you?

B : I ___________________. I have a test tomorrow.

A : How are you?

B : I __________________. I had a fight with my brother.

* argument
- 논쟁이나 말다툼을 뜻합니다.
* fight
- 싸움이나 다툼을 뜻합니다. 몸싸움도 포함합니다.
* how are you?
- 가장 일반적인 안부 인사지만, 때에 따라 상대방의 기분이나 상태를
묻는데도 많이 쓰입니다.

- 45 -
Lesson 11 (감정표현)

Let's Review!

A : Are you okay? You look a little sick.

B : ______________________ (stomach).
A : Take some medicine.
B : ______________________.

B : __________ okay? ______________ a little sick.

A : I have a headache.
B : _____________ medicine.
A : I think I need to.

A : How are you?

B : I ___________________. I have a test tomorrow.

"How Are You Today?"

Amy : Hello Grace! Hey, you seem sad. What's wrong?

Grace : Oh I'm not sad Amy; I'm just a little tired.
Amy : Why?
Grace : I have a Math test today.
I studied very hard. I'm worried because our lesson is difficult.
Amy : That would make anybody tired.
Grace : I only had four hours of sleep.
Amy : That's too bad.
Grace : How about you? How are you today?
Amy : I'm very excited.
Grace : Why?
Amy : My father is coming home from Canada.
Grace : That's wonderful! I'm sure you missed him a lot.
Amy : Yes, he worked in Canada for 6 months.
Grace : That's a long time. It's great that he's coming home.

- 46 -
Amy : It is. That's why I'm very happy today.
Why don't we go to the ice cream parlor? It's my treat!
Grace : That would be nice. I'd love some strawberry ice cream.
Amy : Maybe eating some ice cream would cheer you up!
Grace : That sounds good. Let's go!


seem : ~보이다 ice cream : 아이스크림

wrong : 잘못된 treat : 대접, 한턱
tired: 피곤하다 cheer : 응원, 격려
studied : 공부했다 parlor : 가게, 휴게실
wonderful : 훌륭한 sound : 소리
missed : 놓치다 worried : 걱정했다
difficult : 어려운 feelings : 기분, 느낌
emotions : 감정들 strawberry : 딸기


Read the conversation on pages 46-47 and answer the following questions.
A: Was Grace sad?
B: ________________________________________.

A: Why was she tired?

B: Because _______________________________________.

A: How many hours of sleep did Grace have?

B: ________________________________________________.

A: Why was Amy excited?

B: Because ________________________________________.

A: How long did her father work in Canada?

B: Her father worked _____________________________ in Canada.

- 47 -
A: Where are the girls going?
B: The girls are going________________________________________.

A: What kind of ice cream does Grace like?

B: Grace likes _______________

About me

A: What makes you sad?

B: ________________________________________________.

A: What do you do when you're sad?

B: ________________________________________________.

A: What makes you angry?

B: ________________________________________________.

A: What do you do when you're angry?

B: ________________________________________________.

A: How do you cheer up somebody who is not having a good day?

B: ________________________________________________.

A: How do you feel today?

B: ________________________________________________.

- 48 -
Some Useful Expressions

How are you today?

I'm fine, thank you.
I'm having a very good day.
I'm a little tired because I had a very busy day.
I'm not having a very good day.
I'm very upset because ____________.
I'm quite tired because _____________.
I am worried about ________________.
Don't worry, everything will be fine.
Cheer up! It's not that bad.

Some Useful Idioms

My mother will hit the roof. (My mother will be very angry)

Mr. Kim is as cool as a cucumber. (Mr. Kim is very calm.) Tips

* common emotions
happy, sad, angry,
She is as happy as a lark. (She is very happy.)
scared, worried

He looked like he had ants in his pants all day.

(He can't stop moving; he was very worried or excited about something.)

I am at the end of my rope I will shout at her soon.

(I am about to lose my patience and get very angry.)

useful : 쓸모있는, 유용한 calm : 고요한, 참한
expression : 표현 lark : 종다리새
angry: 화가난, 성난 pants : 바지
scared : 무서운 something : 무언가, 어떤것
busy : 바쁜 rope : 밧줄, 끈
quite : 완전히, 아주 lose : 잃어버리다, 놓치다
idioms : 숙어, 관용구 patience : 인내심, 참을성
cucumber : 오이

- 49 -
What are the feelings and emotions behind these sentences?

1. Our team won the game! ___________________________

2. Why did you take my book? I needed that today! ________________

3. Oh, no! I forgot to study for the test! ___________________________

4. It's too dark, Mommy, can you stay with me? _________________________

5. I miss my sister. I hope she comes home soon. _______________________

6. We're going to the beach! __________________________

7. Mother is going to be very upset because I failed my math exam. __________

- 50 -
Practice Conversation

Kevin: Hello Jack! How are you?

Jack: I'm fine, thanks for asking. How about you?
Kevin: I had a very busy day. I finished my project for Art class.
Jack: Oh no! I forgot to do my project!
Kevin: Don't worry, Jack. You still have one week to finish it.
Jack: Really? That's good. I haven't even started working on it yet.
Kevin: Well you have to get started because it takes long time!

About me

A: How would you describe a good teacher?

B: __________________________________________________.

A: Describe one of your school teachers?

B: __________________________________________________.

- 51 -
Lesson 12 (할머니로부터의 선물)

Mother : Jack! Jill! I have a surprise for both of you.

Jack : What is it, mom?
Jill : Are we going to the circus?
Mother : No, Jill. A package arrived from Canada.
It's from your grandmother.
Jack : Wow! That's great!
Jill : Oh, I hope there are lots of chocolates.
Jack : I hope she remembered that I wanted ice skates!
Mother : Well, Jack, I think she remembered.
Here's a pair of ice skates for you, two T-shirts and two boxes full
of chocolates.
Jack : That's awesome! Grandma's the best!
Jill : How about me, mom? What did she send me?
Mother : She sent you two boxes of chocolates too, don't worry.
There are three pretty dresses and a big doll house for your
Barbie dolls!
Jill : That's wonderful!
Mother : Your grandmother gives excellent presents.
Jack : What did she send you and dad?
Mother : Oh, she sent us matching winter coats.

surprise : 놀람, 놀라운일 remembered : 기억했다
both : 둘다, 양쪽의 pair : 한쌍
circus : 서커스 awesome : 최고의, 멋진
package : 짐꾸러미, 소포 excellent : 훌륭한, 뛰어난
arrived : 도착했다 exactly : 정확하게
matching : 어울리는 coat : 코트

- 52 -

Read the conversation on page 52 and answer the following questions.

A: What did Jill think the surprise was?

B: Jill thought the surprise was ________________________________.

A: What was Mother's surprise?

B: Mother's surprise was ______________________________________.

A: Who sent the package?

B: __________________ sent the package.

A: Where is Grandma?
B: ___________________________________________________.

A: What did Jack want?

B: Jack wanted _______________________________________.

A: What did Grandma send Jack?

B: Grandma sent ______________________________________.

A: What did Grandma send Jill?

B: Grandma sent _______________________________________.

A: What did Grandma send Mom and Dad?

B: Grandma sent _______________________________________.

- 53 -
About me

A: Do you have relatives who live abroad?

B: ____________________________________________________________.

A: Have you ever received packages from abroad?

B: ____________________________________________________________.

A: What did you get?

B: ____________________________________________________________.

A: What is the best present you have ever received?

B: ____________________________________________________________.

Examples of nouns

People Places Things Animals

mother Canada pencil cat
father city Samsung Nemo
Jack house bag spider
Jill school Daewoo tiger
grandmother Busan chair Hello Kitty
teacher park shoes birds
Elm Street cup country book cow

What are the nouns in the sentence?

1. Mother had a surprise for the children.


2. Jack wanted some new ice skates.


- 54 -
3. The boxes of chocolates were for Jill.

4. Their grandmother is in Canada.


5. Busan is a beautiful city.


6. The boys are playing in the park.


7. Daewoo makes very good cars.


8. My shoes are on the chair.


9. Garfield is my favorite cat.


10. I am reading a book about birds.


Which words in the following sentences are nouns?

Some sentences have more than one noun.
Pick out the nouns and tell whether they are names of people, places, things or animals.

Example: Jaymie went to school early.

The nouns are JAYMIE and SCHOOL.

JAYMIE is a name of a person and SCHOOL is a name of a place.

- 55 -
More exercises - circle on the nouns.

1. Good afternoon, Mrs. Lee!

2. I ate pizza for dinner.

3. She rides the bus to school.

4. The girl was crying.

5. Sally had to go to the doctor.

6. I have two dogs.

7. We are about to enter the library.

8. May 5 is a national holiday for Korea.

9. I will buy some ice cream at the store.

10. My house is on Tulip Street.

11. Please say hello to all our friends.

12. The children will go to the beach.

13. New York is a very busy city.

14. Simba is a famous lion.

15. I need more paper.

- 56 -
Practice Conversation

Grace : Amy, we need to do our science project!

Amy : Oh, that's right! Miss. Kim said we should finish it by Friday.
Grace : Can we do it this afternoon?
Amy : Sure! Let's do it at my house. My mother will not mind.
Grace : That's great! What do we have to do?
Amy : We need to cut pictures of animals that live in water.
Grace : You mean like fish and whales and octopus?
Amy : That's right.
Grace : Then we need some paper, old newspapers and
magazines, scissors and glue.
Amy : I have those at home.
Grace : You're the best Science class partner in the world, Amy!


science : 과학 picture : 사진, 그림

project : 프로젝트, 과제 animal : 동물
should : ~해야만한다 whale : 고래
house : 집 octopus : 문어
mind : 신경을쓰다 newspapers : 신문
great : 좋아!,대단해! magazines : 잡지
scissors : 가위 glue : 풀
partner : 동무, 상대방 those : 저것들

- 57 -

A: What do Amy and Grace have to do?

B: They have to do ________________________________________.

A: When does Grace want to do the project?

B: ________________________________________________________.

A: Where are they going to do the project?

B: They are going to do the project _________________________.

A: What do they need to do the project?

B: They need to do ________________________________________.

A: Who is the best Science class partner in the world?

B: The best Science class partner in the world is _____________________.

- 58 -
Lesson 13 (월드컵)

Kevin : Who's your favorite soccer player, Jack?

Jack : I think Ahn Jung Hwan is the best! He is really good!
Kevin : He's a powerful player, he is strong and fast.
Jack : How about you? Is he also your favorite?
Kevin : I like Ahn Jung Hwan, but my favorite is Park Ji-Sung.
Jack : He played very well in the 2006 World Cup games.
Kevin : Yes, he did. He had very clever moves.
Jack : Creativity really helps in this sport.
It gives the opponent some surprises.
Kevin : I think the Korean team performed well in the World Cup games.
Jack : Our team played very well in the 2002 World Cup too.
Kevin : Oh yes, those were very exciting times! I think our athletes are
getting better and becoming more popular internationally.
Jack : That's true. It makes you feel very proud to be Korean, doesn't it?
Kevin : Indeed!


powerful : 강한, 강력한 proud : 자랑으로 여기는

player : 선수 indeed : 실로, 참으로
clever: 솜씨있는, 뛰어난 athletes : 운동가, 경기자
move : 움직임 popular : 인기 있는, 대중의
creativity : 창조성, 독창성 internationally : 국제적으로
opponent : 반대하는, 대립하는 performed : 실행하다, 치루다

- 59 -

Read the conversation on page 59 and answer the following questions.

A: What were the boys talking about?

B: The boys were talking about _______________________________.

A: Who is Jack's favorite soccer player? Why?

B: Jack's favorite soccer player is _____________________________.

A: Who is Kevin's favorite soccer player? Why?

B: Kevin's favorite soccer player is _____________________________.

A: What did Kevin think of Korean athletes?

B: Kevin thought ______________________________________________.

A: What makes Jack feel proud to be Korean?

B: ____________________________________________________________.

About me

A: What is your favorite sport?

B: ____________________________________________________.

A: Are you good at this sport?

B: ____________________________________________________.

A: How often do you play this sport?

B: ____________________________________________________.

A: Are you a member of any sports team?

B: ____________________________________________________.

A: Do you like watching sports competitions?

B: ____________________________________________________.

- 60 -
Pronouns take the place of nouns in sentences. It's important to use pronouns properly so
that we won't repeat ourselves and so that the sentences will not be confusing.

� We use HE, to take the place of a man's name - or a male noun.

Examples : Elmo is my friend. He is funny.
Have you met my father? He is a Math teacher.
Where is John? He is late.

� We use SHE to take the place of a woman's name- or a female noun.

Examples : My mother works at the hospital. She is a nurse.
My favorite Disney princess is Jasmine. She is pretty.
Jane is at the bookstore. She is buying some books.
� We use IT to take the place of the name of an object.
Examples : This is my bag. It was a gift from my teacher.
I need the book. Give it to me now.
You can have my chocolate bar. I don't want it.


Replace the noun in the sentence with a pronoun.

1. Mr. Kim is very smart.
_____ is very smart.

2. The girl in the red dress is my sister.

_____ is my sister.

3. The Queen was very angry.

_____ was very angry.

4. Brad Pitt is handsome.

____ is handsome.

- 61 -
5. I painted the chair.
____ is my project.

6. Math is a difficult subject.

____ is a difficult subject.

7. Amy was late for class today.

_____ was late for class today.

8. Michael asked about you.

____ asked about you.

9. Jill is Jack's sister.

____ is Jack's sister.

10. Did the glass break?

Did ____ break?

Practice Conversation

Jack : Have you met the new girl?

Jill : Yes, her name is Amy.
Jack : Is she nice?
Jill : Yes, she is.
Jack : I met her brother. He's in Grade 5. He's very tall.
Jill : I did not know she had a brother.
Jack : His name is Andy. He's nice too.

Asking questions

A: What is the name of the new girl in school?

B: The name of the new girl in school is _______________________.

A: What is the name of Amy's brother?

B: The name of Amy's brother is ______________________________.

- 62 -
Lesson 14 (커피 대접하기)

"Offering coffee"

A : Would you like some coffee?

B : Yes, please.
A : How do you take your coffee?
B : ___________________________.
1. With cream and sugar, please.
2. Black, please.
3. Cream only, please.
4. Sugar only, please.

Asking questions

B : Would _______________________.
A : Yes, please.

B : How ________________________.
A : With cream and sugar, please.

A : Would you like some coffee?

B : No, thank you. ____________________.
1. I don't drink coffee.
2. I just had some.
3. I am okay.

A : Would you like anything else?

B : Can I have some tea instead? (* instead : 대신에)
fruit juice

- 63 -

B : Would ______________________?
A : No, thank you. I just had one.

B : Would you like ______________?

A : Can I have some fruit juice instead?

A : Would you like some coffee?

B : Yes, ________.
A : How do you take your coffee?
B : _____________________

B : Would _________________?
A : No, thank you. I just had some.

B : Would ___________________?
A : Can I have water instead?

* How do you take your coffee?
커피를 어떻게 마십니까? 라는 표현으로 어떤것을 얼만큼 넣어서 마시는지의 질문입니다.
같은 표현으로, “How do you like your coffee?" "How do you drink your coffee?"
라고 쓸 수 있습니다.

- 64 -
Lesson 15 (스테이크 주문하기)

Let's Review!

A : Would you like some coffee?

B : Yes, _______.
A : How you take your coffee?
B : _______________.

B : Would _______________________?
A : Yes, please.
B : How _____________________?
A : With cream and sugar please.

"Ordering a steak I"

A : Are you ready to order? * steak 주문시
B : Can I have a few more minutes, please? 보통 steak 주문시 soup(스프)나
salad(샐러드)는 곁들여 나오며, 고기의
A : Certainly. Let me know when you are ready. 익힌정도는 5가지로 나눌 수 있습니다.

B : Thank you.
rare(앞뒤만 살짝익힌 거의 날것의
상태)에서부터 well done(고기를 완전히
B : I am ready. I will have New York steak. 익힌상태)까지 주문을 할 수 있습니다.
A : Would you like soup or salad?
B : I will have salad.

A : What kind of dressing would you like?

B : I will have (French/Italian/Honey Mustard).

A : How would you like your steak?

B : (Rare/Medium Rare/ Medium/ Medium Well/Well done), please.

- 65 -
A : Are you ready to order?
B : Can ____________________, please?

A : Certainly. Let me know when you are ready.

B : Thank you.

B : I ___________. ______________________ New York steak.

A : Would you like soup or salad?
B : _______________ of soup _____________ today?
A : Today's soup is beef and vegetable.
B : __________________ salad.

A : What kind of dressing would you like?

B : ________________ (French / Italian / Honey Mustard).

A : How would you like your steak?

B : (Rare / Medium Rare / Medium / Medium Well / Well done), ___________.

Asking questions
B : _______________ to order?
A : Can I have a few more minutes, please?

B :_______________. _____________________________.
A : Thank you.

A : I am ready. I will have New York steak.

B : ______________ soup or salad?
A : I will have salad.

B : What kind of dressing _________________?

A : I will have (French/Italian/Honey Mustard).

B : ___________________________ your steak?

A : (Rare / Medium Rare / Medium / Medium Well / Well done), please.

- 66 -
"Ordering a steak II"

A : What would you like to drink?

B : I will have a diet coke, please.

A : I will have your drink ready soon.

B : Thank you.

A : Would you like more diet coke?

B : Yes, please./ Oh, I am okay for now.

A : If you need anything, let me know.

B : I will. Thanks.

* what would you like to drink?
음식이 나오기전에 음료수를 주문받을때 쓰이는 표현으로, 같은 표현들로는,
"Would you like anything to drink?" "Can I get you a drink?" 등이 많이 쓰입니다.

A : What would you like to drink?
B : _______________ a diet coke, _______.

A : I will have your drink ready soon.

B : _______________.

A : Would you like more diet coke?

B : (Yes)_______________.

A : Would you like more diet coke?

B : (No). _____________________

A : If you need anything, let me know.

B : ___________. _____________.

- 67 -
Practice Conversation

A : Would you like fresh pepper for your salad?

B : Sure. (a little later)That's enough.

A : Enjoy your meal.

B : Thank you.

(During a meal - 식사중)

A : How is your food?
B : It‘s great.

(After a meal - 식사후)

A : How was your food?
B : It was great.

A : Would you like a dessert or coffee?

B : (Yes.) Coffee sounds good./(No.) No. I am ready for the check.

A : Here is your check. I will take care of it when you are ready.
B : Thank you.

A : Would you like fresh pepper for your salad?
B : _______.(a little later) ____________.

A : Enjoy your meal.

B : _______________.

Practice Conversation
(During a meal - 식사중)
A : How is your food?
B : It‘s great.

- 68 -
(After a meal - 식사후)
A : How was your food?
B : It was great.

A : Would you like coffee or dessert?

B : No. I ____________________.

A : Here is your check. I will take care of it when you are ready.
B : _______________________________________.

* waiter/waitress 와 tip
Tip 문화가 발달된 곳에서 웨이터나 웨이트리스 본인들이 맡은 테이블에 최상의 서비스는
필수입니다. 식사중에도 음식맛이 어떤지, 필요한것은 없는지 자주 물어보며, 손님들이 음식을 잘
즐길 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 대부분의 경우 tip은 각자가 능력껏 받을 수 있는 급여입니다.

- 69 -
Fun English Training
즐거운 영어 회화
기초 Step1 Step2
초급 Step3 Step4
중급 Step5 Step6
고급 Step7 Step8

Business English
글로벌 비즈니스맨을 위한 영어 회화
Step1 Step2

글로벌 감각과 시사 토론을 위한

영자 신문 회화

주니어 회화
Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4

TOEFL Speaking
iBT Speaking 시험 대비

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