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Gs Class News
January 29 February 4 5th
Historical Festivities
This month we celebrate the men and heroes like Rosa Parks, Federick Douglas,
women who took a stand for what was Jackie Robinson, and many more! There will
right and those who overcame the obsta- be refreshments, a special musical perfor-
cles of their skin color. Join us on Febru- mance by the students, and a few guest
ary 23rd for a special program honoring speakers to teach us about the historical im-
portance of this month.

Birthday Wishes! Valentines Day

Anaya February 2 Why is Cupid the mascot for valentines, so please come
Devonte February 13 love? How long has Valen- prepared with a valentine for
tines Day been around? each student (27 total). If
Jewles February 17
On Tuesday, Febru- you would like to
Ms. G February 23
ary 14 we will be bring in any treats,
Jason February 28 having our annual please feel free! If
Valentines Day cele- your child has any
brations! We will be food allergies or die-
learning about the history of tary conditions not recorded
the holiday and how it origi- with the schools nurse,
nated. We will also be ex- please let me know so I can
changing make sure the day runs by
February Goals: smoothly.
In January, we discussed how having
goals can help you succeed. This month Poem Contest!
were specifically focusing on short term
Finish this poem and win a prize!
goals and how they can help you achieve
Roses are red,
the bigger picture. Ask your children
Violets are blue.
what goals they have for themselves, and then let them
The winner will be announced at
ask about your own goals. Give examples of how past
the Valentines Day party.
goals have helped you succeed in life.

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