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Tutorial 1

1. Find the median of the set {x,y,56,33,67}, if x < y, difference between x and y is 3
and the mean is 37:

Solution :
y-x = 3 > x = y-3
(y-3+y+56+33+67)/5 = (2y+153)/5 = 37
2y+153 = 37*5 = 185
2y = 185-153 = 32
y = 32/2 = 16 and x=13
Median of {13,16,33,56,67} = 33.


Histogram for problem 1

Find the mean, median and standard deviation of the data from the figure above.

Mean = 2.867
Median = 3

Standard deviation = 5.182=2.28

3. Students in my undergraduate statistics class year 2016, were asked to rate how
fearful they were of the course (statophobia), using a scale from 0 (absolutely no
fear) to 10 (extreme sympathetic arousal and crippling emotions). Here are the data
for the female students in the class.

5 3
6 4
7 2
8 3
9 2
Total 14
a. Gender = Female

Compute the mean, median, mode, range, sample variance, and sample standard

Y (Y-M) (Y-M)2
5 -1.786 3.190
5 -1.786 3.190
5 -1.786 3.190
6 -0.786 .618
6 -0.786 .618
6 -0.786 .618
6 -0.786 .618
7 0.21 .044
7 0.21 .044
8 1.214 1.474
8 1.214 1.474
8 1.214 1.474
9 2.214 4.902
9 2.214 4.902

Sum = 3(5)+4(6)+2(7)+3(8)+2(9) = 95
Mean = 95/14 = 6.786
Sum of squared deviations of scores from their mean = 3(3.19) + 4(.618) +
2(.044) + 3(1.474) + 2(4.902) = 26.356.
Sample variance = 26.356/13 = 2.027
2.027 1.424
Sample standard deviation =

The median location is 14/2 = 7. Since it is an integer, we take the 7 th and 8th
observation where the value falls between a 6 and a 7. The median is (6 + 7)/ 2 =

4. A mining company plans to develop two potential gaussite reserves. Each reserve
has probability 0.3 of successfully yielding usable gaussite and the success of each
reserve is independent of the other. If either of the two reserves is successful, it will
generate RM4 million in profit; if both are successful, profits will ne RM7 million
because excess supply will lower prices. If neither is succeful, profit will be 0. Let X
be the companys profit. Find E(X).

Probability P(x) Profit, x
Only one successful 0.3 (0.7) 4
Only another one successful 0.7 (0.3) 4
Both successful 0.3 (0.3) 7
Neither successful 0.3 (0.3) 0

E(X) = 4 (0.3) (0.7) + 4 (0.7) (0.3) + 7 (0.3) (0.3) = 2.31

5. Let C and D be two events with P(C)=0.25, P(D)=0.45, and P(CD)=0.1. What is
P(C D)?

D is the disjoint union of D C and D C
So, P(D C) + P(D C) = P(D)
P(D C) = P(D)P(D C) = 0.450.1 = 0.35
(We never use P(C) = 0.25.)

6. A multiple choice exam has 4 choices for each question. A student has studied
enough so that the probability they will know the answer to a question is 0.5, the
probability that they will be able to eliminate one choice is 0.25, otherwise all 4
choices seem equally plausible. If they know the answer they will get the question
right. If not they have to guess from the 3 or 4 choices.
As the teacher you want the test to measure what the student knows. If the student
answers a question correctly whats the probability they knew the answer?


We show the probabilities in a tree:

For a given problem let C be the event the student gets the problem correct and K
the event the student knows the answer. The question asks for P(K|C). Well
compute this using Bayes rule:

7. Suppose that P(A)=0.4,P(B)=0.3 and P((A B))=0.42. Are A and B independent?

We have P(A B) = 1 0.42 = 0.58 and we know because of the inclusion-exclusion
principle that P(A B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A B).
Thus, P(AB) = P(A)+P(B)P(AB) = 0.4+0.30.58 = 0.12 = (0.4)(0.3) = P(A)P(B)
So A and B are independent.

8. Let X be the discrete random variable with the following p.d.f.

0.1, x=0
0.4, x=1
P (X) 0.3, x=2
0.2, x=3
0, otherwise

a. Find the cumulative distribution functions

b. Find E(X)
c. Find Var (X)
d. If Y = (X 2)2, find E(Y)


b. E(X) = 0(0.1) + 1(0.4) + 2(0.3) + 3(0.2) = 1.6

c. Var(X) = E(X2) [E(X)]2
E(X2) = 02(0.1) + 12(0.4) + 22(0.3) + 32(0.2) = 3.4
Var(X) = 3.4 (1.6)2 = 0.84
e. E (X 2)2 = (0 2)2 (0.1) + (1 2)2 (0.4) + (2 2)2 (0.3) + (3 2)2 (0.2) = 1

9. Let X be a continuous random variable with p.d.f

x2 (2x + 3/2), 0<x1

f (X) =
0, otherwise
If Y = X + 3, find Var (Y)

2 1
Var (Y) = Var ( X + 3) = 4 Var ( X ),

1 1 1
Var ( X )=E( X )2 [ E( X ) ]2

1 2
1 17
E( X )= 1x . x (2 x+ 32 )dx = 12

1 2
1 5
E( x 2 )= x12 . x 2 x+ 32 dx
( ) = 2

1 1 1
Thus, Var ( X )=E( X )2 [ E( X ) ]2

= 144

1 71
So, Var (Y) = 4 Var ( X )= 36

10. Suppose that the cumulative distribution function of X is given by:

0, x<0
F (X) = 1/5, 0x<2
2/5, 2x<4
1, a4

Determine the probability density function of X.

X 0 2 4
P(X=x) 1/ 1/ 3/
5 5 5

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