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Home Remedies For Breast Cancer

Home remedies for breast cancer include garlic, broccoli, grapes, wheatgrass,
green tea, lignans, soybean, vitamin D, calcium, and a well-balanced diet.
Breast cancer refers to the malignant growth of tissues of the breast. These
can be categorized as ductal, lobular, or inflammatory based on the place of
origin. It can be caused due to consumption of alcoholic beverages, radiation
therapy of the breast, a first child being born at an old age, old age, intake of
progesterone or estrogen, and a number of other unspecified health factors
and behavioral habits.
Breast cancer can be detected by several early symptoms, some of which
include regular discharge from the nipple and nipples becoming inverted.
Home remedies for breast cancer are available, not necessarily to cure breast
cancer, but to boost the immune system or kill the cancerous tissues to a
certain extent. Still, proper lifestyle and eating habits are recommended for
longevity and survival rate improvement of breast cancer patients.
Please note that the home remedies for breast cancer are available not for
treating the disease completely, but for decreasing its negative aspects to an
extent. Breast cancer, as the name implies, is the malignant growth of tissues
within the breast. The uncontrolled proliferation of cells can ultimately lead to
the death of individual if it becomes metastasized or if it is not removed by
surgery. The breast is composed of several lobes and ducts. The lobes
function in the production of milk, which is carried via the ducts to the nipples.
Breast cancer is separated into 3 types. These are ductal, lobular or
inflammatory. Ductal originates in the ducts, while lobular begins in the lobes.
Inflammatory breast cancer refers to those in which breasts are swelled, warm
and red. Out of the three, ductal breast cancer is the most common.
According to the National Cancer Institute, the following risk factors are
involved in the development of breast cancer:
-Old age
-First childbirth at an old age
-Family history
-Prior breast treatment with radiation therapy
-Consumption of alcoholic beverages
-Intake of progesterone and estrogen hormones
Breast cancer is characterized by the following symptoms:
-Lump in the underarm region or near the breast
-Increased discharge from the breast
-Nipples become inverted
-Change in texture or morphology of breast like scaliness, unevenness,
swelling, or reduction in size
-Increased heat radiating from the breast
-Pain is not felt even when pressure is applied
Recent r
esearch study provides information on high-priority chemicals that may cause
breast cancer in women. Though not yet curable, breast cancer can be
prevented by certain precautionary measures and a balanced lifestyle. Once
induced, it cannot be stopped, but by eating a healthy nutritious diet designed
for cancer patients, one can ward off incoming pathogens and activate the
immune system to fight against the cancer cells. Research published in
Journal of the American College of Nutrition lists foods to be avoided to
reduce risk of cancer. An additional dietary regimen should be followed as the
patient undergoes chemical or radiation therapy that tends to show various
side effects like hair loss and nausea.

Home Remedies For Breast Cancer

Some of the home remedies for breast cancer are explained in further detail
Garlic: It is well known that garlic has certain antibiotic properties which can
be used to get rid of various infectious agents like bacteria, yeast, and fungi.
According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative
Medicine (NCCAM), presence of alkyl sulphur compounds makes it a very
good anti-cancer agent. It does so by causing the malignant cells to undergo
natural cell death, also known as apoptosis. It also plays an important role in
activating the immune cells against cancerous cells. It is always better to eat
garlic in raw form as an oil, clove or powdered substance, rather than
consuming it in a cooked form.
Broccoli: Broccoli contains the linamarase gene that when present inside
cancer cells can breakdown into cyanide and effectively kill tumorous cells.
Grapes: Grapes contain a compound called proanthocyanidins that reduces
the bodys estrogen production. This results in the effective treatment of breast
cancer, as is evident from the clinical trials performed over several breast
cancer patients. The study showed that the extract of grapes affects breast
cancer tumors that are hormone-sensitive. A drug called doxorubicin was also
found to enhance its anti-tumor activity by consuming grapes juice or extract
everyday as a supplemental treatment.
Wheatgrass: This widely praised type of health grass is known to be
advantageous to cancer patients. Wheatgrass, when taken in the form of juice
or raw is shown to regress cancer cells growth as demonstrated by
the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre. It has the ability to enhance the
immune system, and rids your body of toxins and waste products.
Green Tea: Prepare herbal green tea by boiling some amount of tea leaves in
a glass of water till it reduces to half. This has anti-inflammatory properties and
is very effective against breast cancer formation.
Lignans: Lignans are present in
the seeds of sunflower, cashews, strawberries, flaxseed, and peanuts. These
compounds prevent estrogen-dependent tumors by slowing down their rate of
growth and progression. Any of these items can be incorporated in the daily
diet chart and should be used as frequently as possible.
Vitamin D: Vitamin D intake has been associated with a lower risk of breast
cancer. This can be found in milk, eggs, and cod liver oil, but not
in cheese and yogurt.
Exercise: Research suggests that exercising an hour daily reduces the risk of
contracting breast cancer in women of any age and any
weight. Research also suggests that physical activity and healthy diet may help
to reduce risk of cancer.
Low calorie diet: Research suggests that low calorie diet may slow down the
spread of breast cancer.
Soybean: This is one of the known dietary elements that are considered to be
an absolute must for breast cancer patients. According to the MD Anderson
Cancer Center, it contains phytoestrogens and several other entities that block
cancerous cells from using estrogen. It also contains isoflavones needed for
the prevention of cancer at early stages. It can be taken either as sprouts or as
a cooked vegetable.
Olive Oil: Olive oil is known for its health benefits. It also reduces risk of
cancer. Recent research study suggests that hydroxytyrosol, a major
component of olive oil may help prevent breast cancer in postmenopausal
Calcium: It is important to consume calcium, especially in the pre-menopausal
period for women. It has been shown to reduce breast cancer risk in a number
of different studies. Foods rich in calcium are canned salmon, orange
juice, almonds and green vegetables.
Beneficial Diet: According to a recent study, intake of vegetable protein,
vegetable fat, dietary fiber, and nuts during adolescence may help to reduce
risk of breast cancer. It is good to
have cucumbers, carrots, bananas, corn, spinach, peas and lentils for patients
suffering from cancer. These can be consumed in soups. Lentils can also be
eaten as sprouts as they are rich in protein.
Harmful Diet: It is advised to cut down on hot dogs, beef, lamb and pork,
since they contain a high amount of saturated fats. Eating less of these types
of red meat will reduce the risk of prostate and colon cancer.
Disclaimer: Home remedies for breast cancer mentioned here must be
discussed with your doctor or physician. The website must not be held
responsible for any problem arising due to negligence adopted by any of its
visitors or readers.
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References: National Cancer Institute, National Centre for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine, clinical trials, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Centre, MD Anderson Cancer Centre

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