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Cite this: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 1727317283 PAPER
Spectral and intramolecular charge transfer properties in
terminal donor/acceptor-substituted all-trans-a,x-diphenylpolyenes
and a,x-diphenylpolyynesw
Published on 30 August 2011. Downloaded by FAC DE QUIMICA on 18/08/2016 19:44:56.

Xiaonan Ma, Linyin Yan, Xuefei Wang, Qianjin Guo* and Andong Xia*
Received 4th April 2011, Accepted 12th August 2011
DOI: 10.1039/c1cp21036j

The absorption spectra and intramolecular charge transfer (CT) properties of terminal donor/
acceptor-substituted all-trans-a,o-diphenylpolyenes (DPE) and a,o-diphenylpolyynes (DPY)
molecules with dierent conjugated bridge length and substitution modes were investigated by
using quantum chemical calculations. We calculated the ground state structures and energy of
two series of terminal donor/acceptor DPE and DPY by DFT method. The dependence of
conjugation length and substitution modes of the electronic absorption spectra was obtained by
TDDFT calculation. The hybrid-GGA XC-functional PBE0 employed in this work was selected
from several functionals by comparing the calculated electronic spectral data with experimental
value. The CIS-based generalized Mulliken-Hush (GMH) approach was further used to calculate
coupling values HAD of the CT process. The calculation shows that both the HOMOLUMO
energy gaps and average bond length alternations between unsaturated multiple (CRC and
CQC) and saturated single bonds (CC) decrease regularly with the extension of conjugation.
The eective conjugated length (ECL) of DPE and DPY with the same order MM 4 MP/PM 4
PP is found together with the regular red shift of the electronic absorption spectra with the
extension of conjugation, resulting from the dierent p-electron delocalization and conjugation
eciency. The GMH analysis further suggests that the CT process in both DPE and DPY is
predominated by the through-bond mechanism. The remarkable dierence of the conjugated
length dependence of squared CT coupling between substituted DPE and DPY is the result of the
energetic matching degree of the frontier molecular orbitals between donor/acceptor and the
conjugated bridge.

1. Introduction mechanism of CT process is essential for understanding the

biological function and designing synthetic energy transducing
Charge transfer (CT) plays an important role in chemical and systems. Generally, a typical molecule with intramolecular
biological systems,19 as well as the organic functional materials1013 charge transfer contains the electronic donor (D) and electronic
and electronic devices.14,15 Determination of the molecular acceptor (A) groups.16,17 However, in many systems of interest,
the donor and acceptor are spatially separated, where the direct
coupling between the donor and acceptor is very weak.18,19
The State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics, Institute
of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, Therefore, a conjugated bridge (B) is required for connecting
P. R. China. and Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences donor and acceptor to promote the CT process,2,46 so that the
(BNLMS), Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, transfer of the electron can be regulated in a controlled
Beijing 100190, P. R. China. E-mail:,
manner, in which the CT process is inuenced remarkably
w Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: The perfor- by the donoracceptor distance, and by structure of the conjugated
mance of seveal DFT XC-functionals are displayed in S1 by compare bridge.2023 Typically, the photoinduced CT process generally
the calculated absorption wavelength values with the experimental includes three steps: (1) the ground state (GS) of donor unit is
data. All the TDDFT calculated electronic absorption spectra of DPE
and DPY mentioned in this work are shown in S2. S3 shows the photoexcited to form a locally excited (LE) state; (2) CT
dierent features of LE and CT states of substituted DPE and DPY occurs through the bridge or/and space to reach the CT state;
species, which is identied by the charge dierence density and (3) charge recombination, i.e. CT state relaxation brings
transition density representations of the correponding transitions. system back to GS.
The CIS-GMH calculated coupling values and the correspongding
donoracceptor distance of DPE and DPY species are shown in S4. According to Marcus theory,1,24 in long-range CT systems
See DOI: 10.1039/c1cp21036j. the CT coupling matrix element, HDA, describing the transition

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donorbridgeacceptor systems, meanwhile the TDDFT was

restricted in calculations of the vertical excitation transition.
Recently, the terminal donoracceptor substituted conjugated
oligomers have been studied widely which are expected to have
special optoelectronic eects.3944 As the long conjugated stilbene
derivatives, all-trans-a,o-diphenylpolyene (DPE) compound
plays important roles in biological systems such as light-harvesting
Scheme 1 Molecular structures of the terminal D/A substituted DPE antennas and triggering the vision signal.45 The conjugation
(a) and DPY (b) compounds. length dependent photophysics has been studied widely by both
experimental and theoretical methods.4651 Meanwhile, during the
Published on 30 August 2011. Downloaded by FAC DE QUIMICA on 18/08/2016 19:44:56.

between the initial and nal electronic states, and primarily past years, the study of one dimensional conjugated molecules
governs the CT rate,25 which can be described as, such as a,o-diphenylpolyyne (DPY) has also attracted the
interest of a number of research groups because of its unique
2p function as a simple linear molecule in nanoscale devices.52,53
kET jHDA j2 DWFC 1
h As a unique class of molecules with the simplest conjugated
bridge, both DPE and DPY represent the right model for
where DWFC is the FranckCondon factors weighted by the probing CT process with less inuence from the conguration
density of states, and is related to the nuclear motion spectrum limitations.54 Although the conjugation length dependence of
of the donor-p-acceptor system and its surroundings. the 11Ag(S0) - 11Bu transition of linear polyenes has been
To calculate electronic coupling of the CT process involving successfully interpreted in terms of the one-electron HOMO -
excited states, Newton and Cave developed the generalized LUMO transitions in the molecular orbital model,46 the
MullikenHush (GMH) approach to estimate the donor characterizing of CT coupling mechanism between terminal
acceptor interactions,26,27 based on the early models developed donor/acceptor substituted DPE and DPY compound is still
by Mulliken and Hush.28,29 This approach has been used to challenged and lack of quantitative description, in which the CT
calculate the coupling values for both ground and excited-state can be regulated in a controlled manner through such two kinds of
CT reactions. The signicant advantage of this approach is conjugated molecular bridges.55 In other words, the relationship
that one can calculate the electronic coupling without the among the structural character, conjugation property and the
transition state geometry,30 making GMH a useful method long-range CT coupling by through-bond and/or through-space
for calculating electronic coupling of the charge transfer process mechanisms within donor/acceptor substituted DPE and DPY
of large systems.31 In the early applications,32,33 the semi- compounds are still not understood. Scheme 1 shows the
empirical ZINDO/S calculation has been used to estimate the molecular structures of the donor/acceptor substituted a,o-
CT coupling in the GMH scheme. Recently, several ab initio diphenylpolyene (DPE) and diphenylpolyyne (DPY) studied
calculated methods such as CASSCF27 and TDDFT34 have been in this work. The substitution modes considered in this work
developed to calculate the CT coupling. Unlike the semi-empirical are listed in Table 1. Obviously, the DPE and DPY systems
method, ab initio calculation did not depend on the empirical with dierent conjugated length and substitution modes
parameters, therefore always supply more accurate coupling provide right model to address the question mentioned above.
values.35 However, although DFT methods show high accuracy In this article, we calculate the ground state structures and
in predicting molecular grometries and vibrational frequencies, energy of two series of terminal donor/acceptor substituted
plenty of studies indicated that TDDFT methods lead to a,o-diphenylpolyene and diphenylpolyyne by DFT method.
signicant problems in the description of CT states in large The dependence of conjugation length and substitution modes
conjugated molecules.34 Since the exact XC-functional is unknown, of the electronic absorption spectra is obtained by TDDFT
approximate XC-functionals need to be employed in practical calculation. The hybrid-GGA XC-functional PBE0 employed
calculation. The TDDFT calculations based on the approximate in this work was selected from several functionals by comparing
XC-functionals usually tend to underestimate the excitation the calculated electronic spectral data with experimental value.
energies, especially for large p-conjugated systems, doubly The two-state generalized Mulliken-Hush (GMH) approach
excited states and CT states.34,36 Moreover, the potential based on the CIS wave functions is further used to calculate
energy curve of CT state calculated by TDDFT often shows CT coupling HDA. We found that the eective conjugated
wrong sharp, in which the 1/R asymptotic behavior along the length (ECL) of DPE and DPY series shows distinct dierence
charge-separation coordinate R does not show the correct with each other due to their dierent p-delocalization and
electrostatically attractive pattern when standard XC-functionals
are empolyed.34 On the other hand, Hsu and her co-works
developed CIS-based GMH framework and its variants to Table 1 Substitution modes of the donor and acceptor in DPE and
DPY studied in this work
compute the coupling for charge transfer,18,30 excitation
energy transfer37 and triplettriplet energy transfer.38 Especially, Donor Acceptor
they demonstrated that the CIS based GMH scheme is able to
characterize both through-bond and through-space CT coupling, MM mata-NMe2 meta-CN
with results close to experimentally derived values.30 Therefore, PM para-NMe2 meta-CN
in this work, we employed the similar calculated framework MP mata-NMe2 para-CN
PP para-NMe2 para-CN
based on the CIS method to estimate the CT coupling in the

17274 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 1727317283 This journal is c the Owner Societies 2011
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conjugation eciency, which is also reected by the dierent In principle, the coupling factor is an o-diagonal Hamiltonian
CT coupling strength. The GMH analysis indicates that the matrix element between the initial and nal diabatic states in
CT process in both DPE and DPY is predominated by the CT process.35 Solving the Schrodinger equation yields a set
the through-bond mechanism. The remarkable dierence of of eigenstates, but the coupling is the Hamiltonian element in a
the conjugated length dependence of squared CT coupling charge-localized space. Therefore, the GMH scheme empolys
between DPE and DPY is the result of the energetic matching an additional dipole operator to dene the charge-localized space,
degree of the frontier molecular orbitals between donor/ then the coupling can be calculated by transforming the two-state
acceptor and the conjugated bridge. Hamiltonian accordingly. On the basis of the consideration
above, in GMH scheme, the coupling factor HDA between
2. Computational methods the initial donor LE state and the nal CT state can be
Published on 30 August 2011. Downloaded by FAC DE QUIMICA on 18/08/2016 19:44:56.

given by,31,35
The ground state geometries and corresponding absorption
spectra were calculated by DFT and TDDFT methods in m12 DE12
6-31g* level, respectively. In TDDFT calculations, the calculated m1  m2 2 4m212
excited state properties are strongly dependent on the fractions
of orbital exchange in the used hybrid XC-functional. The
where m12 is the transition dipole moment between the two
functionals with small orbital exchange fraction (such as
adiabatic states in the charge transfer, (m1m2) is the dierence
B3LYP, 20%) tend to overestimate the CT properties,
in adiabatic state permanent dipole moments, and DE12 is the
therefore favor zwitterionic-like states with strong CT
energy dierence between the initial and nal adiabatic states.
character. On the contrary, functionals with large oribital
Due to the existence of the principle error of TDDFT
exchange fraction (such as BHandHLYP, 50%) is more
methods in the description of CT state in large conjugated
suitable to treat the neutral-base electronic excitation.56
systems, all of these values are obtained by CIS calculations in
In this work, the hybrid-GGA functional PBE0 was employed
6-31g* level with the DFT optimized ground state geometries.
in the structural and spectral calculations of terminal DA
Previous studies have shown that the CIS method yields
substituted conjugated systems, which is made up by the pure
reliable coupling values for a variety of CT processes.30,35
PBE XC-functional and 25% percentage of orbital exchange. Here
All of the calculations were carried out by the method
the PBE0 functional was selected from eleven well-established
implemented in GAUSSIAN 03 E.01 package.57
functionals by comparing the calculated electronic spectral data
with experimental value in references The detail information is
shown in ESI S1.w The line shape of the calculated electronic 3. Results and discussion
absorption spectra is broaden with the multiple Gaussian
3.1. Structure and energy of ground state
function related to the corresponding excitation energy and
oscillator strength from the TD-PBE0 calculations. The The most stable molecular structures of DPE and DPY in the
UVvis spectra peak half-width at half height tentatively sets ground states are fully optimized under the DFT method
as 0.3 eV (2419.66 cm1). without any symmetry constraint. The bond length alternation
The CT couplings are calculated by means of the two-state parameters (BLA) for DPE and DPY are calculated, where the
generalized MullikenHush (GMH) approximation in this work. BLA is dened as the dierence between the averages of the

Fig. 1 Bond length alternation parameters (ab) and HOMOLUMO energy gap (cd) versus the number of repeat units (n) obtained from the
DFT calculation. The (a) and (c) are for DPE series, (b) and (d) are for DPY series.

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saturated (CC) and the unsaturated (CQC in DPE and 3.2. Absorption spectra
CRC in DPY) bond lengths:58,59
The electronic absorption spectra of DPE and DPY series
BLA(DPE) = R(CC) %
 R(CQC) (3) were calculated at TD-PBE0/6-31G(d) level based on the
optimized ground state geometries. The performance of the
BLA(DPY) = R(CC) %
 R(CRC) (4) PBE0 functional in the calculation of electronic spectra is
shown in ESI S1.w As an example, the multiple gaussian
The evolution of the calculated BLA of DPE and DPY is function (the half-width at half-height tentatively sets as
plotted as a function of the number of repeat units (n) in 0.3 eV) broaden absorption band shapes of DPE/DPY series
Fig. 1(a) and (b) respectively. The BLA values in D/A with the conjugated bridge length (n = 6) and dierent
substituted species is slightly smaller than that in non-
Published on 30 August 2011. Downloaded by FAC DE QUIMICA on 18/08/2016 19:44:56.

donoracceptor substituted modes are shown in Fig. 2. For

substituted DPE and DPY, resulting from the ICT by association DPE, there are two well-established low-lying excited states
donor and acceptor units, and the possible reduction of 21Ag and 11Bu. The rst one is optically forbidden due to the
isomerization of DPE and DPY after substitution.60 Furthermore, same symmetry with the ground state, whereas the second one
it is found that the BLA values in dierent D/A substitutions is symmetry allowed.46,64 The intense absorption band of
of DPY and DPE at the same number of repeat units DPE is seen, which is corresponding to the symmetry allowed
decreases in the order MM 4 MP/PM 4 PP. Meanwhile, transition 11Ag (S0) - 11Bu.60 However, for DPY, two
the BLA of both DPE and DPY decreases in an exponential absorption bands are symmetry allowed corresponding to
pattern with the extension of the conjugated chain, which is the transitions of 11Ag (S0) - 11B1u and 11Ag (S0) - 21B1u,
consistent with other similar calculated studies.59,60 The respectively.65,66 One more allowed transition corresponding
exponential tting values of the BLA evolution are listed in to 11Ag (S0) - 11Au is dicult to be observed because of
Table 2. The BLA value of DPY is larger than that of the overlap with the S0 - 11B1u transition band.60 As shown in
corresponding DPE due to the intense p-bonding character of Fig. 2, the electronic absorption spectra of PP-substituted
DPY, which is related to the larger energy gap between species shows a bathochromic shift by about 59 nm (for DPE)
HOMO and LUMO than that of DPE. and 36/14 nm (for the rst/s band of DPY) compared to that
The energy gap values of DPE and DPY calculated by DFT of MM-substituted species, respectively. The degree of red
is shown in Fig. 1(c) and (d) as a function of the number of shift increases in the order MMoMP/PMoPP in both DPE
repeat units (n). The conjugated length dependence of energy and DPY series as shown in Fig. 2. The red shift in DPE series
gaps of both DPY and DPE shows the exponential decrease is more evident than that in DPY series due to the higher
trends as described in literature,61 indicating the extension of conjugation eciency of DPE backbone.
conjugation. Table 2 lists the exponential tting values of the Similar to the evolutions of HOMOLUMO energy gap
energy gap evolution with the number of repeat units (n). DPY with the conjugated length increases, the absorption
series exhibits larger energy gap than DPE series, because of the
smaller p-electron delocalization and less eective conjugation
length in DPY than that of DPE. Moreover, because of the
very low rotational barrier about 0.05 eV per cylindrical triple
bond,62,63 the twisting about the cylindrical triple bond in DPY
interrupts the conjugation of rod-like oligomers, leading to a
larger HOMOLUMO energy gap relative to that of DPE.
In addition, compared to the cases of non-substituted
species, the terminal donor/acceptor substitutions in both
DPE and DPY further lower the energy gaps due to the ICT
eect, which reorganizes the charge distribution in conjugated
chain.36 On the other hand, the ICT eect becomes weak with
increasing distance between donor and acceptor, where a
reduction in the ICT eects accordingly shifts the absorption
band to longer wavelengths.

Table 2 Fitting parameters of the evolution of bond length alternation

(BLA/A) and HOMOLUMO energy gap (gap/eV) with the conjugated
bridge extension

BLA/A gap/eV BLA/A gap/eV
n=1 n=N n=1 n=N n=1 n=N n=1 n=N
HH 0.117 0.0645 4.313 1.7599 0.208 0.1062 4.436 1.9854
MM 0.118 0.0640 3.596 1.3156 0.208 0.1045 3.736 1.6850
PM 0.110 0.0626 3.499 1.5546 0.203 0.1048 3.711 1.6207 Fig. 2 The calculated absorption spectra of DPE (a) and DPY
MP 0.114 0.0635 3.414 1.2596 0.206 0.1057 3.352 1.7495 (b) series with conjugated bridge length (n = 6) and dierent
PP 0.105 0.0617 3.328 1.5326 0.200 0.1046 3.479 1.6726 donoracceptor substituted modes.

17276 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 1727317283 This journal is c the Owner Societies 2011
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wavelength for both DPE and DPY series shows regular red values estimated by eqn (6) are listed in Table 3. Because of
shift with the increasing p-conjugated bridge length (See the low calculation accuracy of PBE0 functional for the S0 -
ESI S2)w, resulting from the increase of the p-electron 11B1u band of DPY (see the ESI S1)w, we did not t the
delocalization along the conjugated chain.61,67 Meanwhile, the spectral data of this band to estimate the ECL value, although
oscillator strengths of the main absorption band for both DPE the absorption wavelength of this band also shows regular red
and DPY show the signicant increase with the prolongation of shift with the extension of conjugation (as shown in Fig. 3(c)).
conjugated bridge length, indicating that the extension of the Obviously, the DPE shows much longer ECL value than that
p-electronic system leads to strong oscillator strength.62 In the of DPY. As suggested by Luthi and his co-workers that,58,59
description of the eective conjugated length introduced by the conjugation eciency, i.e., the ability to promote electron
Meier,67 the absorption wavelength of conjugated oligomers delocalization along the conjugated backbone, determines the
Published on 30 August 2011. Downloaded by FAC DE QUIMICA on 18/08/2016 19:44:56.

could be tted by the empirical exponential equation, ECL of conjugated oligomers. The relative short ECL results
from the much lower conjugation eciency of polyyne
ln = lN  (lN  l1)eb(n  1)
conjugated chain than that of polyene chain due to the
where Dl = (lN  l1) are the absorption wavelength dierence relatively weak p - p* orbital interactions. In addition,
between the polymer and monomer, n represents the number of because of the very low rotational barrier about 0.05 eV per
repeat units in conjugated chain, and parameter b indicates how cylindrical triple bond,62,63 twisting the cylindrical triple bond
fast ln will saturate towards lN. From these parameters, one in DPY should break the conjugation of a single polymer
can calculate the eective conjugated length (ECL) of the chain, also resulting in the shorter ECL in DPY.
oligomer series with eqn (6), which is dened as the value of Furthermore, it is found that the terminal donoracceptor
n for which the dierence between lN and ln is less than substitution of DPE and DPY oligomers have remarkable
1 nm.68 The ECL values oer a quantitative measurement for eect on the ECL value. That is also reected by the BLA
the conjugation eciency of DPE/DPY backbone as well as evolution as well as by the dierence in HOMOLUMO
the CT characters between donor and acceptor.5859,62 energy gap with respect to the D/A substitutions. Particularly,
the ECL values of both of donor/acceptor substituted DPE
ln Dl
ECL 1 6 and DPY also show the order MM 4 MP/PM 4 PP. This
order is consistent well with the order of HOMOLUMO
Fig. 3 shows the conjugated length dependence of the absorption energy gap of D/A substituted DPE and DPY species. It is
wavelength and oscillator strength values of S0 - 11Bu band known that HOMOLUMO energy gap of D/A substituted
(for DPE) and S0 - 11B1u, S0 - 21B1u bands (for DPY). It is series could be contributed from two parts, the energy from
found that, the absorption wavelengths (in nm) of S0 - 11Bu p-conjugated bridge and the correction term from the CT
band (for DPE in Fig. 3(a)) and S0 - 21B1u band (for DPY in eect as described in references.6970 Therefore, the dierent
Fig. 3(b)) are tted well by the eqn (5) as a function of the ECL value in the D/A substitution series shows the summation
number of repeat units (n). The tted parameters and ECL of the alternation degree of conjugated eciency in conjugated

Fig. 3 Conjugated length dependence of the absorption spectroscopy of DPEs and DPYs. The (a)(c) are for absorption wavelength and the
(d)(f) are for the corresponding oscillator strength. The solid line stand for the tting data, the dash line is the ordinary connected line.

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Table 3 Fitted parameters of the absorption wavelength and DPY are p and p*-type orbitals that only localized
calculated ECL values for DPE and DPY Series on conjugated bridge. In this transition, the amounts of
DPE S0-11Bu DPY S0-21B1u transferred charges for this transition are very small.
In the S0 - 11Bu transition of DPE, the transition component
lN l1 ECL lN l1 ECL is domminated by the CT transition (HOMO - LUMO),
HH 1277.0 302.7 B179 561.3 173.8 B54 which are independent with the dierent conjugated length
MM 1182.7 310.4 B151 724.7 186.8 B98 and substituted mode. However, unlike the DPE, besides the
PM 1080.7 355.6 B124 602.8 188.5 B68
MP 1113.3 325.2 B132 655.3 187.2 B77
HOMO and LUMO, other p and p* orbitals also have to be
PP 1025.5 372.8 B106 583.6 197.4 B61 considered for the S0 - 11B1u transitions in DPY. The longer
the conjugated chain is, the more important is the participation
Published on 30 August 2011. Downloaded by FAC DE QUIMICA on 18/08/2016 19:44:56.

of other more orbitals, which normally diminishes the CT

systems and CT eects, where the extension of the conjugated process and cause the decrease of the oscillator strength.6971
part is helpful for decreasing the energy gap, and the D/A- On the other hand, the dierent behaviors of the oscillator
substitution brings a diminished bathochromic eect. As strengths of DPY relative to that of DPE also correlated with
shown in Table 3, compared to the non-substituted species, the conguration interaction between the 11B1u and 21B1u states
ECL becomes a little shorter after DPE was substituted with in long chain DPY, which lowers the 11B1u state.60
D/A, whereas the ECL become a little longer after DPY was
substituted with D/A. This could be explained that the D/A
3.3. Intramolecular charge transfer
coupling could be modulated with dierent conjugated
bridges, where the conjugated polyene chain is more suitable The orbital contour plots for the frontier orbitals of donor/
for D/A communicating than conjugated polyyne chain. acceptor substituted DPE and DPY are shown in Fig. 4. We
Furthermore, the CT coupling magnitude of substituted found that the conjugated bridge in substituted DPE and DPY
DPE/DPY in the order MM 4 MP/PM 4 PP will be expected makes signicant contribution for all the frontier molecular
in following CIS-GMH analysis which would give a more orbitals, i.e. the electron is transferred via the conjugated
quantitative description for the CT mechanism. bridge, which indicates the conjugated bridge dependence of
However, it is nessesary to note that the ECL values presented CT process from donor to acceptor and the strong coupling
here are less accurate due to the principle error of the TDDFT between donor (acceptor) and the bridge. Therefore, here we
methods mentioned in previous sections. Therefore, the tentatively suggest the CT process in substituted DPE and
obtained ECL values could be taken as qualitative or DPY follows a through-bond mechanism.
semi-quantitative results. The more accurate quantitative The CIS-GMH approach was further applied to substituted
result relies on the future application of highly accurate excited DPE and DPY compounds to compute the CT coupling HDA
state calculate methods (such as CASPT2 and MRCI) on such involving the CT state and LE state. The detail information of
complex systems, which are applicable only to small molecules CT and LE state identify is shown in ESI S3.w For simplication
up to 20 atoms nowadays. without any loss of generality, only the lowest lying LE and
The conjugation length dependence of the corresponding CT states are considered in this work. The CT coupling
oscillator strength is shown in Fig. 3(d)(f). Generally, in squared (with the unit of eV2) is plotted in Fig. 5, the CT
conjugated system, the oscillator strengths of S0 - 11Bu band coupling and the corresponding DA distance values are also
of DPE series and S0 - 21B1u band of DPY series, increase with summarized in ESI S4.w It is found that the magnitude of the
the extension of the p-conjugation system,62 and follow regular CT coupling is sensitive to the dierent substituted positions in
increase with the increase of the number of repeat units (n). both DPE and DPY series, indicating the signicant inuence
However, for S0 - 11B1u band (ICT band) of DPY, the of the dierent substituted mode to the ICT process.
oscillator strength increases with the increasing number of Especially, for both of DPE and DPY, the magnitude of the
repeat units (n) in the rst, and then decays with the extension CT coupling follows the same order of MM 4 PM/MP 4 PP,
of conjugation. To understand this peculiar dependence of which is consistent with the degree of CT character deduced
oscillator strength of S0 - 11B1u transition of DPY series, we by HOMOLUMO energy gap and with the ECL values
turn to investigate the detailed transition properties of these estimated by the red shifted absorption with the conjugated
transitions mentioned above. Table 4 shows the TDDFT extension mentioned in previous sections. In this order, the
calculated vertical excitation energies, oscillator strengths, DPE and DPY species with meta substituted donor/acceptor
and the corresponding transition components of the important show relative higher CT coupling values than para isomers, which
transitions of typical substituted DPE and DPY. The results agrees with the so-called meta-eect in many stilbene-like
indicate that the excitation of S0 - 11Bu (DPE) and S0 - molecules.7274 In donoracceptor substituted DPE systems, the
11B1u (DPY) are dominated by the HOMO - LUMO CT state of the meta isomers are more twisted about the aniline-
transition. For substituted DPE and DPY, HOMO is a p-type styrene bond than that of the para isomers,72 which result in
orbital located on donor and conjugated bridge, and LUMO is a stronger charge localization and account for the larger CT
p*-type orbital contributed from the acceptor and conjugated character of meta isomers. The meta-eect in DPY systems
bridge. The transitions HOMO - LUMO corresponding to the can be attributed to the more intense cumulenic character of
CT states. Another transition S0 - 21B1u of DPY possess conjugated bridge in relaxed excited state of meta isomers.75
large oscillator strengths and more complicated transition In our calculations the relative higher CT coupling in meta
components, where the HOMO  1 and LUMO + 1 of isomers of substituted DPE and DPY can be interpretated by

17278 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 1727317283 This journal is c the Owner Societies 2011
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Table 4 The calculated vertical excitation energies, oscillator strengths of the important transitions of typical substituted DPE and DPY, together
with the corresponding transition components

DPE S0 - 1 Bu 1
DPY S0 - 1 B1u
DPY S0 - 2 B1u
DPE S0 - 11Bu DPY S0 - 11B1u DPY S0 - 21B1u
n=2 3.0988 eV/0.1674a 3.2720 eV/0.1602 5.9127 eV/1.3913 2.9919 eV/1.6104 3.0825 eV/1.2683 5.2893 eV/0.8875
H - L,b 0.89 H - L, 0.96 H2 - L + 2, 0.25 H - L, 1.00 H - L, 0.95 H5 - L, 0.62
H1 - L, 0.11 H1 - L, 0.04 H4 - L + 1, 0.22 H1 - L, 0.05 H2 - L + 3, 0.27
H1 - L + 4, 0.18 H1 - L, 0.05
H3 - L, 0.08 H1 - L + 1, 0.04
n=4 2.8062 eV/0.9648 2.7688 eV/0.2293 4.3626 eV/1.8665 2.5669 eV/2.3560 2.5663 eV/1.0512 4.1542 eV/3.7302
Published on 30 August 2011. Downloaded by FAC DE QUIMICA on 18/08/2016 19:44:56.

H - L, 0.92 H - L, 0.31 H3 - L, 0.23 H - L, 0.98 H - L, 0.80 H1 - L + 1, 0.37

H1 - L, 0.08 H2 - L, 0.20 H2 - L + 1, 0.21 H1 - L, 0.02 H1 - L + 1, 0.18 H2 - L, 0.21
H1 - L + 1, 0.17 H1 - L + 3, 0.20 H3 - L, 0.18
H1 - L, 0.13 H1 - L + 2, 0.11 H2 - L + 2, 0.11
H2 - L + 1, 0.10 H1 - L, 0.08 H - L + 2, 0.07
n=6 2.5154 eV/2.8622 2.3268 eV/0.1948 3.7240 eV/2.1215 2.2678 eV/3.0507 2.1860 eV/0.6953 3.5518 eV/4.8548
H - L, 0.94 H - L, 0.22 H - L + 2, 0.48 H - L, 0.97 H - L, 0.67 H - L + 2, 0.28
H  1 - L, 0.06 H  2 - L + 1, 0.31 H  1 - L + 2, 0.13 H  1 - L, 0.03 H  1 - L + 1, 0.28 H  1 - L + 1, 0.25
H  1 - L, 0.23 H  2 - L + 1, 0.11 H  3 - L, 0.22
H  1 - L + 1, 0.15 H  1 - L, 0.09 H  2 - L, 0.17
n=8 2.2552 eV/3.9264 2.0308 eV/0.1056 3.1999 eV/3.3297 2.0483 eV/3.6949 1.9343 eV/0.4840 3.1563 eV/5.3355
H - L, 0.96 H - L, 0.19 H - L + 2, 0.20 H - L, 0.97 H - L, 0.59 H - L + 2, 0.41
H  1 - L, 0.04 H  2 - L + 1, 0.31 H  1 - L, 0.17 H  1 - L, 0.03 H  1 - L + 1, 0.33 H  1 - L + 1, 0.20
H  1 - L, 0.20 H  2 - L + 1, 0.17 H  3 - L, 0.18
H  1 - L + 1, 0.15 H  3 - L, 0.16 H  2 - L, 0.14
H  2 - L, 0.09 H  1 - L + 2, 0.15
n = 10 2.0536 eV/4.7349 1.8410 eV/0.0558 2.9295 eV/5.5259 1.8821 eV/4.2979 1.7475 eV/0.3517 2.9431 eV/5.5157
H - L, 1.00 H - L, 0.19 H - L + 2, 0.12 H - L, 0.97 H - L, 0.53 H - L + 2, 0.50
H  2 - L + 1, 0.35 H  1 - L, 0.24 H  1 - L, 0.03 H  1 - L + 1, 0.37 H  1 - L + 1, 0.18
H  1 - L, 0.18 H  2 - L + 1, 0.20 H  3 - L, 0.14
H  1 - L + 1, 0.14 H  3 - L, 0.12 H  2 - L, 0.13
H  2 - L, 0.10 H  1 - L + 2, 0.18
a b
The vertical excitation energy and corresponding oscillator strength. H = HOMO, L = LUMO.

Fig. 4 Schematic diagram with the calculated absolute energies and the orbital contour plots of the frontier orbitals around the gap of donor/
acceptor substituted DPE and DPY.

the dierent electronic structure feature and conguration isomers due to the lower degree of localization, and the CT
interaction properties of corresponding transitions. As shown coupling is restricted, whereas the singlet states of the meta
in Fig. 4, we found that meta-substitution blocks charge derivatives show greater CT character. Moreover, the HOMO
delocalization in the HOMO, where the wavefunction is higher energy in meta isomer of DPE increases around 0.006 eV, while
localized relative to that in para isomers. As a consequence, the LUMO decreases about 0.287 eV relative to that in non-
the local excitation of donor is somewhat limited in the para substituted species. However, substitution of donor/acceptor

This journal is c the Owner Societies 2011 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 1727317283 17279
Published on 30 August 2011. Downloaded by FAC DE QUIMICA on 18/08/2016 19:44:56. View Article Online

Fig. 5 Length dependence of squared electronic coupling of DPE/DPY series and its exponential decay tting.

in the para position leads to a more symmetric increase 1.1 A1 for through-bond coupling in saturated hydrocarbon
(0.307 eV)/decrease (0.297 eV) of the HOMO/LUMO, which bridges.30,8082 It is found that most of the tted b values of the
would induce a weaker electron interaction than in the meta CT coupling in DPE and DPY series are around 0.20.5 A1,
isomer (also suitable for the DPY system).76 On ther other the b value suggests that the through-bond mechanism rather
hand, as shown in Table 4 and mentioned above, TDDFT than the through-space mechanism makes the dominant
calculation indicates that the meta isomers show more complex contribution to the CT coupling. The through-bond character
contributed components of S0 - 11Bu (DPE) and S0 - 11B1u of the CT process in DPE/DPY is agreement to the signicant
(DPY) transitions than para isomers, while the contribution of contribution of conjugated bridge for the HOMO/LUMO
HOMO - LUMO component accordingly turns lower. As representation as mentioned in the beginning of this section.
shown in Fig. 4, many other frontier molecular orbitals beside Moreover, the overall coupling value is composed of two
HOMO and LUMO (such as HOMO  2, HOMO  1, contributions as shown below:83,84
LUMO + 1, LUMO + 2) are mainly contributed by the
conjugated bridge, while HOMO locate on donor and con- HDA = HSpace Bond
DA + HDA (8)
jugated bridge, and LUMO is contributed by the acceptor and
conjugated bridge. Therefore, the complex transition compo- where the rst term HDASpace is the direct through-space
nents involved plenty of frontier molecular orbitals in meta coupling contribution, and the second term HDABond is the
isomers promote the interaction between donor/acceptor and through-bond contribution mediated by the presence of a
conjugated bridge, then accordingly induces the relative high conjugated bridge. To further study the through-space/bond charge
CT coupling values. transfer mechanism in DPE and DPY, the through-space coupling
For bridge-assisted CT systems, the squared CT coupling is is calculated in partial structures containing disconnected donor
usually expected to decrease approximately with distance and and acceptor fragments with two extra lling hydrogen
is characterized by an exponential decay formula with an atoms.37 The calculated coupling values are listed in Table 5.
exponent parameter b:7779 Compared to the full molecule including the conjugated bridge
connecting donor and acceptor, it is found that the through-space
|HDA|2 = |H0DA|2exp[b(r  r0)] (7) coupling values are much smaller and decay very fast along with
the donoracceptor distance. Therefore, we conrm that the CT
where H0DA is the coupling element at a reference donor process in these molecules is predominated by the through-bond
acceptor distance r0, and the parameter b represents the mechanism, which is consistent with the prediction from the
donoracceptor distance dependence of the squared CT frontier molecular orbital representation and the values of
coupling. In this work, the DA distance is dened as the tted decay parameter b.
nitrogen atom in dimethylamine to carbon in cyano. The On the other hand, the squared CT coupling of DPE and
exponential tting of the CT coupling squared (with the unit DPY series shows dierent decay pattern with the extension of
of eV2) is also shown in Fig. 5, which is dependent with the conjugation. For DPE series, the squared CT coupling follows
donoracceptor distance (with the unit of angstrom), and the regular exponential decay monotonously with the increase of
tted b values are also listed in Fig. 5. The decay parameter conjugated length, which is consistent with the calculated result
b suggests the coupling mechanism in some extent. Experimental in literature.85 However, the conjugation length dependence of
studies suggested that typical values for b range from 2.8 to the squared CT coupling of DPY is obviously dierent from
3.0 A1 may be for through-space coupling, and from 0.8 to that of DPE, where the coupling values obeys the exponential

17280 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 1727317283 This journal is c the Owner Societies 2011
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Table 5 Calculated CT coupling of the disconnected fragment exponential decay when the repeat units (n) is less than 4. The
without mediated bridge impact of the substituents is pronounced only in the shortest
Through space coupling  102/eV in DPE oligomers, where the donor and acceptor not only inuence
the orbital energies, they also alter the electron correlation as
MM PM MP PP discussed above.
n=1 0.42 0.60 1.57 0.43
n=2 5.46  104 5.08  104 2.08  103 4.84  104
n42 0 0 0 0 4. Conclusions
Through space coupling  10 /eV in DPY We have performed a series of quantum chemical calculations
to study the conjugated length and terminal donor/acceptor
Published on 30 August 2011. Downloaded by FAC DE QUIMICA on 18/08/2016 19:44:56.

n=1 0.53 1.09 1.21 0.14

n=2 5.70  104 0 2.03  103 0 substitution dependences of the absorption apectra and CT
n42 0 0 0 0 properties of two model conjugated a,o-diphenylpolyenes and
a,o-diphenylpolyynes. The DFT calculation indicates that the
decay with the number of repeat units (n) larger than 4, average bond length alternation between unsaturated multiple
whereas the CT coupling doesnt increase signicantly but (CRC and CQC) and saturated single bonds (CC), and
turns into a platform-like stage when n is less than 3, similar to HOMOLUMO energy gap decrease regularly with the
the behavior of oscillator strength as shown in Fig. 3. In extension of conjugation. The TDDFT calculated absorption
donorbridgeacceptor system, bridge energetic plays an spectra of DPE and DPY show typical red shift with the
important role in controlling coupling and CT rates.38,86 The conjugated length increases and the eective conjugated length
stage of CT coupling in short chain DPY is remarkably (ECL) shows the same order MM 4 MP/PM 4 PP, resulting
correlated to the energetic matching of the donor/acceptor from the dierent p-electron delocalization and conjugation
relative to the conjugated bridge. The DFT calculated eciency, which is also reected by the dierent magnitude of
HOMO/LUMO energy levels of the donor, acceptor and the electronic coupling with the same orders. The GMH
conjugated bridge fragments with dierent length in DPE analysis indicates that the CT process in both DPE and
and DPY series is showed in Fig. 6. For DPE, it is found that DPY is predominated by the through-bond mechanism.
the LUMO of donor and HOMO of acceptor shows the Specially, for DPE series, the squared CT coupling shows
perfect matching energetically with that of polyene bridge regular exponential decay monotonously with the increase of
with dierent conjugated length, suggesting that the donor conjugated length, but DPY series show unexpected relative
excited state and acceptor CT involved active orbitals are close low coupling values in species with conjugated bridge less than
in energy to the HOMO/LUMO of the polyene bridge. n = 4, which is the result of low energetic matching degree of
However for DPY, those species with short polyyne bridge the frontier molecular orbitals between donor/acceptor and
show evidently unmatched energy level between donor, bridge conjugated bridge. We believe that these results provide a well
and acceptor. The twisting the cylindrical triple bond in DPY, description about the absorption spectra and CT properties of
which breaks the conjugation of a single DPY chain, could be DPE and DPY species, and the relationship between the
the main reason leading to the high bridge energy in the short relative position of the donor and acceptor group, as well as
chain. Therefore, we believe that the energetic unmatching in the inuence of conjugated bridging units. Meanwhile, it is
DPY series induced by the torsional motion of bridge may be nessesary to note that for both TDDFT and CIS methods
the main reason for the CT coupling which doesnt obey the empolyed in this work, the calculated accuracy are limited, where
the presented calculation are qualitative or semi-quantitative
results. The more accurate result relies on the future application
of highly accurate methods (such as CASPT2 and MRCI) on
such complex systems, which are applicable only to small
molecules up to 20 atoms nowadays.

This work was nancially supported by NSFC, 973 Programs
and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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