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Practical advice and easy to disciple others.

For Just Llecllish M. Contents Jesus had a fantastic view. While on earth was im
plemented, and before ascending, Introduction left that continue to charge until
its 1. Definition of discipleship return. The vision of Jesus Christ was discip
ling all 2. Potential of discipleship nations. So he took a 12 and discipled 3.
Discipleship process for 3 years. Required no more, as their 4. The point of dis
cipleship strategy was the spiritual multiplication. And he was right. You and I
are the fruits of that 5. Discipleship Ministry reproduction chain! But much re
mains to 6. Measurement of discipleship to reach all peoples of all nations. Ane
findings question what can we do, the answer is: keep multiplying is the key. T
hus, our city and our nation, and to the ends of the earth, will be achieved. Sl
eep and work for a church in which all its members are committed to the task of
making disciples. A church in which their members are able to respond satisfacto
rily to the question "who is your disciple? A church in which the greatest joy o
f a disciple is that his disciple is discipling another. And so, to reach our ci
ty, nation, and until the last people of our globe. In your hands you a study in
draft form. Ready to train for a successful task of making disciples. It is my
prayer that this vision you into the mind and heart. And that as you read and st
udy, the Holy Spirit produces in the depths of your being a strong desire to dis
ciple others.
A. Definition of discipleship
1. It is the goal of the Great Commission. In Matthew 28 we read: "Go therefore
and make disciples ... baptizing them ... and teaching them ...". In imperative
form appears only make disciples. In the original Greek for the word appears mat
heusate id, and this is not an imperative verb, but a gerund. Therefore, it shou
ld be read by going (See Matthew 28: 18-20). With regard to the verbs: id, bapti
zing, and teaching, Juan Carlos Miranda said that "they appear as gerunds and sh
ould be understood as auxiliary imperative." Juan Landrey says that these "three
verbs as gerunds appear side, describing the action of the main verb." 2. It is
not for newborns. You do not begin to disciple after your "white" born again. F
or Jesus himself began to disciple the 12 even before they are born again. When
one is born again, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in our hearts. Jesus before he
rose, gathered his disciples, and then blowing, said, "Receive the Holy Spirit.
" Note: I still had not been born again, and already being disciples of Jesus.
It is a quality of people. When you make friends with someone, and started to di
sciple. Although we have not yet spoken of Christ, and started to disciple, unle
ss he is who you are discipleship. Continues to cultivate their friendship, with
your words and your attitudes and actions offer him to Christ, and although the
first does not get as Savior, continues to be your friend. And when I get it, c
ontinues to discipleship.
4. It is a two-step process. Making disciples is a process, which interacts the
disciple and the disciple in two phases. The first, before his new birth. The se
cond, after his new birth. In the first, sign up to their new birth, the second,
it helps to "be a Christian and reproductive responsibility." The concept under
which work is related to the "biology spiritual" children of God. And it would
be good if they learn not mechanically, but reflective and critical. We will see
graphically, and say: This is a process that goes from low to high. First they
engender, and after meeting his New Birth (point zero), we must help them grow a
nd grow and reproduce in others. And all this for the influence of our presence,
attitudes, actions and words to him.
What is to make disciples? Is to collaborate with God in the procreation, birth,
growth, spiritual development and reproduction of men and women, allowing the H
oly Spirit work through our presence, attitudes, words and actions. Attitudes Pr
esence Words Actions time they spend together. What the student perceives their
discipleship. What the student is doing to his disciple. What the student hears
of his pupil. Quantitative Qualitative Multiplicative
Growth Reproduction Development.
B. The potential of discipleship
The reproductive potential. All we reproduce, or we play.
2. The social potential. We can all have friends;€and it is good to cultivate C
hristian friendships, to disciple them. Sometimes we fall into the trap of depar
ting from all our friends, supposedly to sanctify. Friends, neighbors, family.
A disciple is one who: is where your master. Learn from the Master. Reproduced i
n other life of his Master.
3. The potential fruitful. The student has not chosen the Lord but has been chos
en and placed by God to bear fruit. Jn.15: 16 â ¢ Fruit abundance (quantity). â ¢ pe
rmanent result (quality). Demystifying There are certain myths that have hindere
d the health and growth of the church, which devalues the potential of the disci
ples of Christ. Myth is the job of pastor is not my gift I have no time. No sorr
y. I am very busy. I am ashamed. The pastor is really the coach may not be an ev
angelist, but a disciple, by nature. It is not how long you have, but how you us
e it. No matter what you feel, we must obey the Master. Best. The Lord is not lo
oking for people idle. God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love
and self-control.
Discipleship process
1. Militia and intercede in prayer. a. The devil will prevent you understand the
gospel. 2Cor. 4:4 b. And if you listen, the devil's influence to forget. Mat.13
: 4.19 c. If you pray, the Lord opened her heart. Hch.16: 14
Stay in total and constant communion with God, and follows the guidance of the H
oly Spirit. A. Acts 8:26-35 Person needs. b. Specific circumstances. c. Right wo
rd. Whenever ministers, do it in the power of the Holy Spirit. In your own stren
gth, you will fail. 1Pe. 4:11 a. "I am filled with the Spirit? b. "My flesh is l
eading me? Always speak the Word. If you do, the Holy Spirit will use the word t
hat comes from your lips, and as with a sword transfers. Heb. 4:12; Acts. 6:9-10
a. Ridicule his intellect. b. Will touch your emotions. c. The cause for action
. d. Calm your spiritual thirst. e. He will bring conviction.
5. Stick to present the message, and do not Aloque to convince him. That is the
job of the Holy Spirit! Jn. 16:8 a. Do not argue if you do not know. b. Discuss,
if you know where you stand and whether it is appropriate to discern it. 6. Loo
k no immediate decisions. The important thing is to know how to be safe. And do
not be discouraged! a. One sows, another reaps. b. You could have a chance. c. I
t might be useful in its last minutes. Your goal is not to achieve conversion. T
here is a continuing process: Growth, development and reproduction. If your stud
ent is playing in another, you do succeed. And if you can multiplicarte up to fo
ur generations, you can consider yourself exitoso.2Tim.2: 2
The point of discipleship
1. First, influential through personal contact. a. Your attitude. b. Your action
s. c. Your words.
You can ask these questions.
Questions Rating Agencies
(From Moving in Discipleship, by Humberto Lay)
If I die today, are you sure that you would go to heaven? If you answer is not s
afe or secure, you can tell how you were not either, until you discovered from t
he Bible that it was possible to be. If you answered yes sure, do not contradict
. Then add the next question. Suppose you died tonight and you have to stand bef
ore God. If He will ask: "Why should I let you into heaven?", What would you res
pond? If you give any other reason than faith in the work of Christ on the cross
, you know most likely not born again. It is very common that is relying on thei
r good works or it does not hurt anyone.
3. You can use this outline to present the message of salvation. a. The man is a
sinner. Rom. 3:23 b. Your destination is hell. Rom. C. 6:23 God loves you and d
o not want to go there. D. Jn 3:16 The only way to be saved is by receiving Jesu
s as Savior and Lord. Rom. 10:9 4. Guide him to the decision for Christ. a. Make
sure you understand the message. b. Ask if you're serious. c. After you repeat
the sentence decision. God, I acknowledge that I am a sinner. But you sent Jesus
to die for my sins. Now I regret all my sins and receive Jesus as my Savior and
confess him as my Lord. 5. End praying with him. 6. Bring to the church and pre
sent it to the Pastor. Also present it to your friends. a. There is not everythi
ng. b. The process continues.
Discipleship Ministry
1. Ministral with your prayer a. The sun will burn if it takes root. Mat. B. 13:
5,6,20,21 The longings they could drown. Mat. 13:7,22 c. May the Holy Spirit str
engthen you in spirit. Eph. 3:16 2. Ministral with your presence. a. Be glove wi
th him. b. I see in you an example worthy of imitation: Your attitude, words and
actions. c. Use well the time you have. d. Search and achieves objectives. e. Q
uality vs time. Amount of time. 3.€Ministral with your attitudes. a. Practice t
he art of listening. b. Do not cut your say. c. Do not be distracted, set all yo
ur attention on it. d. You see, from father to son. e. The transformation is not
immediate. f. Never be negative. g. God is in control. h. All things help us ei
ther. Rom. 8:28 i. There is always a way out. 4. Ministral with your words. a. U
nleashed on the floor; repÍteselo again and again until you see a change in att
itude. b. Always have words and thoughts for him. c. Encourage him. d. Comfort t
hem. e. Challenge them. f. Comfort them. g. Pass on the vision, plan, policies a
nd philosophy, own, your local church. h. ABC Teach Bible course.
Measurement of discipleship
1. If you recognize your problem and wants to do something. a. He speaks of his
emptiness and absurdity. b. Asks many questions. c. He likes to listen. d. It at
tracts your lifestyle. 2. If you are enrolled in basic studies offered by the lo
cal church. a. Help them to buy your Bible. b. Teach them to take notes on the m
essages. c. Teach them how to meditate. d. Encourage them to successfully comple
te their basic studies. 3. If attending voluntary religion. a. Sit down and acco
mpany him forever. b. With your example teach them to praise and worship. c. For
5 Sundays, bring it to the cults. d. Then watch for your assistance and if nece
ssary, visit it immediately. e. Do the same with respect to the cells. f. Partic
ipate in events that are organized. g. Encourage them to follow with regard to w
ater baptism. 4. If you've learned to pray with all prayer. a. To repeat after y
ou. b. To pray for you. c. Little by little, to do alone. d. S participate in fa
sting and vigils. e. Compromételo with a program of the intercession of the chu
rch. 5. If you are serving the Lord. a. Involucral in the ministry you are servi
ng. b. If you are interested in serving in another ministry, involucral and make
sure to disciple. c. Communicate to your leader about his immediate superior sk
ills. 6. If you are discipling another. a. Explain what is expected of him. 2 Ti
m. 2:2 (cf. Mark 3:14). b. Have on hand this study (Make Disciples). c. Help the
m to reproduce. d. Accompany you when you have to share with others.

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