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Monday, January 8, 2001 / the voice of the school

Science <7>
1932. Born in Argentina JoaquÍn Lavado, Quino the small. 1935. At 3 years, his
uncle, commercial artist, used a pencil and paper to distract. Quino just discov
ered his vocation. 1950. Draw his first cartoon for advertising. 1954. He publis
hed his first page of jokes without words.
Never solve a problem hectares was as rewarding as in this pair of strips with w
hich Quino and their kids make good the saying that from the mistakes we learn.
And based on laughter.
1963. It publishes "Mundo Quino" collection of jokes without words. This same ye
ar also begins the story of Mafalda. 1964. Mafalda makes its debut in society. 1
966. Given the huge success of Mafalda, she published her first book collection
of his strips. 1968. Mafalda makes the leap to Europe, to Italy. 1971. Mafalda a
ppears in Spain. Yes, with the inscription "adult" things of censorship. 1973. O
n July 25, Quino presents the latest four strips and makes Mafalda and friends f
ormally fired from readers. From this point only briefly reappear to sponsor goo
d causes. 1977. At the request of UNICEF, illustrated by Quino Mafalda, the glob
al campaign of the declaration of the Rights of the Child. 1981. Mafalda bursts
into the film with the premiere in Buenos Aires for a feature film. 1983. Mafald
a Manolito reappear in a dental hygiene campaign in Argentina. 1984. Mafalda, fo
r the first time in Galician. 1985. It publishes "Quinoterapia" collection of jo
kes about medicine.
At school with Mafalda
In their strips are hectares of knowledge
Mafalda Manolito, Felipe, Susie, Miguelito, Freedom. They are the names of some
of my favorite teachers. But this revelation does not confuse you. Yes, your fir
st impression, "Are not these some famous cartoon characters?" Was successful. B
ecause those are also the names of the characters in the comics featuring, preci
sely, and signed by Quino Mafalda. So how characters and teachers at a time, wil
l it be matter of chance that gives the same collection of names to different fa
ces, some paper and other flesh and blood, or does it perhaps be ranting of the
writer? Well, quite the latter. But let me explain: JoaquÍn Lavado, Quino, was
honored last December with the Quevedo of humor prize, awarded jointly by the Mi
nistries of Education, Culture and Sport Affairs, and with which the path is to
recognize Professional Latin American cartoonists whose work has had major socia
l and artistic significance. For my part, so good, quite the contrary, I still a
dd the odd merit. For example, and since, after all, this is the voice of the sc
hools, you can not ignore the numerous references teaching and a lot of knowledg
e present in the adventures of the gang led by Mafalda. Therein lies my favorite
teachers. But as always in these cases and missing words are, at least for now,
events, demonstrations. Immediately to remedy it, I leave with minimal collecti
on of "evidence" that the limited space of this page lets me. But believe me, th
ere are many more. And we must not lose. Of course, not lost, the unavoidable fi
rst step is to find them. A great excuse, if you still need to look for one-to e
njoy the adventures of Mafalda and her friends. And to learn from them. > M. And
M. Ares Barral
In 1986, Mafalda stars in the campaign by the Ministry of Education and Science
Spanish to promote the first school board elections
In 1992 Lumen editorial published "All Mafalda", a book compilation that gathers
all the strips published the character of the author and other materials. The p
resentation of the work was done by Gabriel GarcÍa Márquez that defined Quino'
s work with a text as soon as it is delicious. So glad I give the word, "Quino,
with each of his books, has a long shown that children are the bearers of wisdom
. The trouble for the world is that as they grow they lose the use of reason, th
ey forget in school what they knew at birth, marry without love, work for money,
they brush their teeth, cut nails, and end-turned into miserable adults, do not
drown in a glass of water, but in a bowl of soup. Check this in every book of Q
uino is the closest thing to happiness: the quinoterapia.

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