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• Delimitation hard to do: - Start with puberty - culminates when the teenager b
ecomes independent from parents
• Puberty begins when the individual reaches reproductive capacity (appearance o
f primary sexual characteristics) • pubescence before puberty
• During the pubescence is given the gradual appearance of secondary sexual char
• Changes that occur in girls - breast development - Appearance of hairiness - E
nlargement of the basin and rounding of the hips - Increase in height and weight
- Oily Skin - Acne - Increased sweating - a growth of sexual organs
• Changes that occur in boys: - Increase in height - Development of muscles and
bones - Chest and shoulder widening - Appearance of hairiness
- Change of voice becomes more serious - The skin is oily - Acne - Increased swe
ating - Growth pronounced testicles and penis
Time of great change at different levels: • • Physiological Psychology • Social
• Intellectual • Affective
• It is said that the teenager becomes an adult when:
- Builds its autonomy - acquires identity - achieves the ability to withstand st
ress and setbacks - can develop life projects - falls socially
• You can not talk in adolescence but in adolescence, as each teen is different
from all others.
Sexuality in adolescence
Sexuality in adolescence
• Can be defined as preferences and predispositions or sexual experiences, exper
imentation and discovery of identity and sexual activity over a period of one
Sexuality in adolescence
• It is during adolescence that arouse the curiosity about sex - Operation of ho
rmones - Conversations with peers - Viewing of pornographic films
Sexuality in adolescence
• Masturbation:
Sexuality in adolescence
- Masturbation is the act of autoestimulação genitals, either manually or using
objects in order to obtain sexual pleasure, whether they can achieve orgasm
Sexuality in adolescence
• On the approach to the opposite sex, there is a growing curiosity about the ot
her. - When to start sexual activity?
Sexuality in adolescence
Sex? Yes? ... Do not ...? Sex? Yes? ... Do not ...?
Sexuality in adolescence
• many doubts arise
To be tar aq ue gos he / she will be who is going to notice me? ? r s is tive us
es? From my parents go and grass is qu The pre Sque And ai r? ? dist the m Ve fi
nd them selves amig?? of?
Does he / she thinks I'm cute (a)?
Sexuality in adolescence
• There is no right age to start sexual activity • It depends on each individual
because everyone is different - Biological maturation - Maturity (psychological
Sexuality in adolescence
Sexuality in adolescence
Sexuality in adolescence
• CONTRACEPTION: - is the set of one or more actions, devices or drugs to preven
t or reduce the likelihood of a woman becoming pregnant.
Temperature method
• Method: - measuring the temperature of the woman to agree, putting the thermom
eter in the mouth, rectum or vagina; - the temperature in the days between ovula
tion and menstruation following rises about 2-5 tenths of a degree - three days
after this rise in temperature the risk of pregnancy is lower.
• Efficiency - 80/85% • Advantages - There are no changes in the body.
• Disadvantages - there are normal variations of body temperature - Exp fever -
time to wake up every day does not match - need to know your own body - does not
protect against STDs
Calendar method
• Method: - Notes on the calendar the first day of menstruation for 12 consecuti
ve cycles - during the menstrual cycle a woman is only fertile for three days an
d after 5 days before ovulation (14 days before the next period.
- Shorter cycle (12 consecutive cycles) - 18 = 1st day of fertile period - longe
r cycle (of 12 consecutive cycles) - 11 = last day of fertile period
• 1st day of fertile period - 26-18 = 8 • Last day of fertile period - 30-11 = 1
9 • more fertile days - between the 8th and 19th day of the menstrual cycle
• Efficiency - 64% • Advantages - no changes in the body.
• Disadvantages - menstrual cycles have to be very regular - survival time of sp
erm varies; - does not protect against STDs.
Method of mucus
• Efficiency - 60/85% • Advantages - there are no changes in the body.
• Disadvantages - requires a thorough knowledge of one's body - does not protect
against STDs
• There are different contraceptive methods available in the market:
• Performance - the sperm are trapped in a bag preventing the semen from the vag
ina. • Efficiency - 97%
• Advantages - easy to purchase - only method that protects against STD'S. • Dis
advantages - can break - can not be used more than once.
• Performance - inhibits the release of the egg - modifies the walls of the uter
us - modifies the vaginal mucus. • Efficiency - 98/99%

• Advantages - controls the menstrual cycle, - decreases the risk of uterine can
cer and ovarian cancer, - decreases the pain of menstrual flow and period;
• Disadvantages - hormonal changes - oblivion - sore breasts - bigger risk when
combined with tobacco - does not protect against STDs - less effective when you
have nausea, diarrhea and antibiotics.
Morning after pill
• Pill the next day - used as emergency contraception - is not a contraceptive m
ethod • Performance - to block or delay ovulation - preventing fertilization of
the egg - preventing the implantation of the egg in the uterus
• Effectiveness - Day 1: 95% - Day 2: 85% - Day 3: 58%
Family planning
Family planning
• FAMILY PLANNING: - is one way of ensuring that people have access to informati
on, effective contraception and safe, adequate health services that permit the e
xperience of sexuality safe and healthy as well as pregnancy and birth in the mo
st appropriate.
Family planning
• Objectives: - to promote healthy behaviors towards sexuality - information and
advice on sexual and reproductive health - reducing incidence of sexually trans
mitted infections and their consequences, including infertility, - reduce mortal
ity and maternal morbidity and perinatal Infant;
Family planning
- Allow the couple to decide how many children they want, if you want and when y
ou want, ie: planning your family - to prepare and promote responsible parenthoo
d; - improving the health and well being of the family and that particular perso
n .
Family planning
• IN A CONSULTATION: - clarify any doubts about how the body develops and the wa
y it works in relation to sexuality and reproduction, taking into account the wo
man's age - shall provide information on pregnancy;
Family planning
- Inform yourself about the anatomy and physiology of human sexuality and their
reproductive function - to give complete information, free and with scientific b
asis about all contraceptive methods - clinical monitoring is carried out;
Family planning
- Provides a free method that best suits each - elucidates about the consequence
s of an unwanted pregnancy - helps to prevent, diagnose or treat sexually transm
itted infections, including those transmitted by viruses: HIV, hepatitis B and C
, syphilis and genital herpes;
Family planning
- Help to better understand the sexuality - is conducting screenings for breast
cancer and cervical cancer - is attached to pregnancy and pregnant women prepare
for childbirth.
Pregnancy occurs when a
• FERTILIZATION: - is the union of two gametes (a sperm and egg)
Save ten
• PREGNANCY: - is the state resulting from the fertilization of an egg by sperm.
- This lasts for forty weeks, in which the fetus develops in the womb - this cu
lminates in the expulsion to the outside or at delivery or birth.
Pregnancy Symptoms
Pregnancy Symptoms
• No appearance of menstruation • nausea and vomiting (or retching) • Dizziness
and headache • sore breasts, especially around the nipples • Strong and frequent
Pregnancy Symptoms
Pregnancy vs. Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy
• In Portugal, abortion was decriminalized up to 12 weeks • Being able to why a
woman decide whether or not a child
• ABORTION: - is the expulsion of an embryo or a fetus before the end of their d
evelopment and viability in extra-uterine. - Abortion may be spontaneous or indu
• INDUCED ABORTION: - is a procedure used to terminate a pregnancy - is legal wh
en the pregnancy termination is performed in accordance with the legislation in
- Can happen when there are congenital malformations, when the pregnancy is the
result of a crime against freedom and sexual self-determination, when the pregna
ncy endangers the life and physical health and / or mental health of women or si
mply by choice of the woman
Teenage pregnancy
Teenage pregnancy
• Unexpected Event - unplanned • Usually premarital • Considered a serious socia
l problem • Comes stop and create difficulties in preparing for adulthood
Teenage pregnancy
• Seen differently based on factors: - Ethnic - moral - religious - political
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
-Beliefs and attitudes related to sexuality-Age of onset of sexual life, number
of sexual partners
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Teenage pregnancy Causes
Antagonism of tasks of pregnancy and adolescence
Antagonism of tasks of pregnancy and adolescence
Antagonism of tasks of pregnancy and adolescence
Antagonism of tasks of pregnancy and adolescence
Pregnancy month by month
First month of pregnancy
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Missed • • • Her breasts are swollen nipples are more sensitive and with a darke
r shade
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• arise nausea and vomiting, possibly a sign of the presence of this hormone in
pregnancy - chorionic gonadotropin • Gives an increased blood flow • There is an
increase in heart rate
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Blood pressure • low production of progesterone is enhanced • Increases fatigu
e verifying an almost uncontrollable sleep • The heartburn becomes frequent • Pa
ssing feel the urge to urinate quite often
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Caution: - to relieve the sick, the pregnant woman can suck on ice, lemon juic
e or mint - should quit smoking - not to consume alcohol
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- Should not take any medicine or x-rays without the guidance of doctor.
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- It is advisable to consume more foods rich in folic acid, such as beans, chick
-peas, lentils, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, raw cabbage, carrots, liver, yea
st, wheat bread, orange and banana. These foods help prevent cardiac anomalies,
congenital malformations and changes.
Pregnancy month by month: The embryo
Pregnancy month by month: The embryo
• The fertilized egg is divided into several cells, while advancing the fallopia
n tube. • Upon reaching the cavity of the uterus (about the fourth day after fer
tilization) is already a small ball (not yet visible to the naked eye), consisti
ng of about 100 cells.
Pregnancy month by month: The embryo
• During this period, the egg will be developed to reach close to 0.3 cm long.
Second month of pregnancy
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• You may suffer from constipation • Increase the milk producing cells and chann
els to transport you to the nipples
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• The breasts grow, and become much more sensitive to temperature, due to increa
sed blood flow throughout the region, the body itself begins to prepare the brea
sts for breastfeeding. • The body becomes rounded
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• The pregnant may have gained weight about two pounds, the mean ideal is 800g t
o 1kg per month
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Caution: - if you suffer from constipation should eat more foods like wheat ge
rm, plum, and oat fiber in the richest overall
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- The pregnant should take a balanced diet scheme,€ensuring the necessary nutrie
nts for a healthy pregnancy
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- Should drink at least two liters of fluid per day between juices, vitamins and
water because it helps prevent swelling in the fingers and ankles, caused by th
e malfunction of the kidneys
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- Beauty care: Moisturize the skin of the belly, breasts, thighs and face to pre
vent formation of stretch marks - in the summer, not saiar home without using a
sunscreen is in pregnancy, the skin is more susceptible to the emergence of frec
kles and dark spots
Pregnancy month by month: The embryo
Pregnancy month by month: The embryo
• The embryo floats in the bag of fluid and will have almost an inch. • The head
began to take shape and its four concavities appear later, the ears and eyes. •
Four members form small stumps.
Pregnancy month by month: The embryo
• It develops the belly and chest • Begins to constitute the heart and circulato
ry system
Third month of pregnancy
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Dizziness, palpitations and tachycardia • blood flow towards the brain is redu
ced and low blood pressure • You may feel cramps, especially at night
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Salivation increases, it becomes more acidic and the gums bleed easily • Can e
merge varicose veins and hemorrhoids
Pregnancy month by month: Mother • Caution:
- Pregnant women should increase consumption of liver, kidney, eggs, wheat, plum
s, grapes and green vegetables during pregnancy because the body has an increase
d need for iron-rich foods
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- To prevent cramping legs should extend and flex your ankles and toes upward to
ward the knee - to help raise the tension and relieve the dizziness, you should
put a little salt under the tongue
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- Must start preparing the breasts for breastfeeding - when dry, after bathing,
rub your nipples with a towel: Strengthens the skin and prevents cracks in the n
ipples. Direct sunlight, wherever possible, also helps
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• The fetus continues to grow until about three cm • The face is clearer • The l
anguage is already formed • The internal parts of the ears are taking shape
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• The legs and arms are now longer and have fingers in final training • Have you
distinguish the shoulders, hips, elbows and knees • The internal organs are alm
ost all developed • Baby stir enough, although the mother does not feel
Fourth month of pregnancy
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• The sickness passed • Increased risk of miscarriage • Emotional stability of t
he pregnant woman is changed: you feel more insecure, anxious, and anxious; goes
from crying to laughing for no apparent reason
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• It is normal, too, that sexual desire will change to a greater or lesser • In
addition to the nipples, the woman may notice a darkening of the skin also in th
e genital area, armpits, or on signs and scars on her face
Pregnancy month by month: Mother • Caution:
- Pregnant women should practice exercise: walking, swimming, water aerobics and
even yoga - is an advisable course of childbirth preparation and care of the fe
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- Should talk to your partner about the sexual life together, find the locations
and frequency recommended for this season
Pregnancy month by month: the fetus
Pregnancy month by month: the fetus
• The fetus measures twenty-two inches and weighs three hundred and forty grams
• Begins to take the first hair • Formed a substance protective skin of the baby
in the womb
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• The mother's blood supplies substances that give resistance to certain disease
s in the first weeks of life • The fetus now responds to outside noise and moves
frequently, although some reserve for rest periods
Fifth month of pregnancy
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• The vaginal discharge increases and is more acidic, creating an environment co
nducive to fungal infections and urinary
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Changes in metabolism give rise to the so-called desires, by the lack of certa
in substances in the body, in some few cases may be linked to emotional factors,
when a woman seeks compensation in food
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• The skin and hair are different: dry or too oily
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Caution: - symptoms such as itching and burning sensation when urinating or it
ching in the urogenital tract shall be transmitted to the doctor
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- To combat oily skin and hair can buy specific products, preferably based on na
tural compounds
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- There have taste in wardrobe and grooming, as it provides a sense of well-bein
g and feeling beautiful is crucial in this time of many changes
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- Should be attentive to the physical form: no exaggeration in candy, condiments
, pasta or salt even when the will becomes unmanageable - it is a good time to c
atch colds or contracting any virus
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- Must avoid thermal shock, air currents and indoors, with many people and tobac
co smoke
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• The fetus is now thirty-three centimeters and weighs five hundred and seventy
grams • Begin to form the first sweat glands and the muscles are already under i
ntense activity
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• The skin becomes thicker, but the fetus is still very slim, because there is s
till fat accumulation • I hear the voice of the mother and sobressaltase with su
dden noises • Makes some facial expressions • Occasionally punches, kicks and so
mersaults • You may have hiccups and coughing
Sixth month of pregnancy
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Sit back pain • A need to urinate often • The body temperature is higher, caus
ing excessive sweating • Do you feel extreme fatigue
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Caution: - at this stage should increase fluid intake and seek environments no
t too warm - should reserve some time after lunch or late afternoon for a nap to
restore energy
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• The fetus is thirty-seven cm and weighs about one kilogram • Start now to buil
d up some fat • The lungs are in the final stages of development
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• Has a huge taste buds, so its taste is fairly accurate • A part of the brain r
esponsible for reasoning is well developed and therefore already reacts to pain
as a baby born
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• The hearing is near perfect • Already open your eyes
Seventh month of pregnancy
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• You may have swollen ankles and feet • You can experience shortness of breath
will return to having heartburn • • You may experience cramps, especially at nig
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Caring - to redouble their attention to driving: the reflexes are slower - sho
uld avoid traveling by plane
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- To counteract the swelling, pregnant women should reduce the amount of salt in
food, and every night before bed, soak your feet in a basin of warm water with
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- If there is high blood pressure and there is the formation of edema (swelling)
, seek immediate medical attention - to decrease the sensation of weight caused
by varicose veins, must always lie down with legs higher than your head
Pregnancy month by month fetus
Pregnancy month by month fetus
• The fetus measures 40.5 cm and weighs 1.6 kg • It is already fully formed and
its head is more proportionate to the body • At this stage, begin to fatten up a
little more
Pregnancy month by month fetus
• It distinguishes light from darkness • It is likely to already be upside down
Eighth month of pregnancy
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Has the apples in the face rounder • Your breasts are lumpy • You'll feel a lo
t of back pain
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• My legs felt heavy and have trouble sitting or lifting • When lying on his bac
k, the sensation of breathlessness is
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Caution:
- The pregnant woman should lie down facing the left side because it improves ci
rculation and breathing - the sex life need not be interrupted, unless on medica
l advice, please find the most comfortable positions
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- Is also important now choose from the doctor and the obstetrician, the deliver
y type best suited to decide on the hospital where he is going and be aware of t
heir rights such as maternity leave, for example
Pregnancy month to month fetus
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• The fetus is forty-six cm and weighs two kilograms and a half • The head is al
ready in the pelvic cavity • It occupies the entire space of the uterus and kick
s and punches
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• Your skin is now more pink hair and can have up to five centimeters in length
• You're almost ready to be born
Ninth month of pregnancy
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• The entire body weighs • Sit difficulties in locomotion and movement • Back pa
in, lack of sleep position for sleep and anxiety prevent a peaceful and stable
• At the end of the ninth month of the belly and down the contractions, which be
gan at about the twenty-eighth week, stepping up and arrive at increasingly smal
ler intervals, when they come up every twenty minutes, it's time to go to a hosp
ital, with or without rupture of the placenta
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
• Caution:
- In recent weeks, the doctor visits become weekly, is the time to clarify all t
he doubts that still exist, and choose, definitely the type of delivery to be ma
de - must insist on walking and breathing exercises and relaxation
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- More than ever, must be attentive to warning signs: bleeding at this time coul
d mean the displacement of the placenta prior, ie, their separation from the ute
rus before childbirth, and that will leave the fetus without oxygen and nutrient
s, if it happens, should go immediately to the maternity
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- The pregnant, take a warm bath, preferably in the bath - can have a tea of cha
momile or linden, before bedtime, it helps you relax and sleep better
Pregnancy month by month: Mother
- Should take care of themselves and their appearance, to feel good and self-est
eem, to receive the baby
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
Pregnancy month by month: The fetus
• The fetus is fifty-one cm and weighs 3.4 kg • Are you ready to be born
• ADOPTION: - is the legal act in which an individual is always assumed as a chi
ld by a person or a couple who are not the biological parents of adopted. - When
this happens, the responsibilities and rights of biological parents over the ad
opted are fully or partially transferred to the adopters.
- In most countries, the adopted child has the same rights as a legitimate child
Supporting Institutions
Supporting Institutions
• They exist to provide support to pregnant teenagers, the teenage mothers and t
heir children - children whose parents and / or boyfriend to leave
Supporting Institutions
- Adolescents without economic possibilities - teenagers who feel the need to su
pport or be accompanied by
Supporting Institutions
• There are several institutions in Portugal to host teenagers who find themselv
es in situations of risk: - The Life Born in Portalegre - SOCIAL (Association of
Social Solidarity of Maia)
Supporting Institutions
- Cradle Aid and Relief for Mom in Lisbon - Home Divine Savior in Aveiro - Santa
Casa da Misericordia de Vale de Cambra - Office Support Pregnant Guard - SOS Su
pport Pregnant Algarve
Role of the animator
Role of the animator
• Given the realities teenage pregnancy the animator must: - First warning teens
about the risk of pregnancy by having unprotected sex
Role of the animator
- Should give the audience all kind of information as possible so as to prevent
more cases of teenage pregnancy - become aware of what the needs of pregnant ado
lescents and to respond according to these and every one in particular
Role of the animator
- Forwards them to an institution - inform them on the doubts that they make

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