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60 Tips to lose weight without dieting

Already made the decision to lose weight. Now it's time to eliminate some habits
that can undermine its objective and to incorporate others that allow you to sh
ed kilos with ease. Gain or lose weight depends largely on the attitude we have
in front of the food. The way to choose the food, the time to devote to food, th
e ability to incorporate healthy habits to benefit our bodies with physical acti
vity can be decisive for the final goodbyes kilos. In this note we find the keys
necessary to reach desired figure. Habits with long-term effect Always sit at t
he table, especially when it comes to calorie foods. Since you have decided to t
ake a taste is important to dedicate the time and space it deserves. If you eat
fast, at the end, the urge to eat something good will intact. Take the dishes se
rved at the table. With the source in front of you will be more difficult to con
trol. Allocate a single place to eat and avoid leaving food near the bed or chai
rs. The extended desktop or family gatherings can be done quietly without tempti
ng foods involved. To lose five kilos in a year without dieting should only take
about 100 calories of food daily. To do this replace the half of the toast and
breakfast in double savings change a pie slice of ham and cheese for a pascualin
a. Often retain fluid that appear to be extra kilos. To remove them avoid foods
that pose a strain on your liver, for example, coffee and sugar included in the
pastries and sweets. By contrast, increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables,
water and perform physical activity. You can also use mixtures of herbs designed
to naturally eliminate fluid retention, but before adopting check with your doc
tor to rule out organic causes. Write down everything you eat. Achieved thus awa
re of what goes in their mouths and also may plan calorie meals, which will burn
sporadically. Every 15 days or measure despite what you eat. So remember the ex
act steps and prevent the passage of days it becomes a half portion. Never skip
breakfast. It is a good way to burn calories from the early hours of the day. Mo
ve more. The best way to lose weight is to increase caloric expenditure and that
is enough to go for a walk every day, up and down stairs or doing
housework more movement. Another option is to adopt a dog: it is cheaper to hire
a personal trainer and will force him out for walks several times a day. Play w
ith your children may also be a great way to burn calories. Resume skates, cycli
ng and dancing. Avoid using the car to go anywhere, for example, to make purchas
es every day. Go walking and if you travel by bus get off two stops antes.Todos
eat, I do not need isolation or force the whole family dieting with you. With so
me tricks you can enjoy delicious meals with fewer calories. If you make potato
cake for the whole family, do it without oil and reserve a source sector to cove
r with mashed potatoes instead of pumpkins. Prepare various side dishes to accom
pany a main course. For example, if you made a baked chicken accompany it with b
its of squash, peppers, onions and potatoes for the rest of the family. When you
choose to enjoy a plate of pasta, remember that you can reduce your calories if
accompanied with a sauce made without fats and some vegetables sauteed with coo
king spray and drops of broth. Yes, avoid serving with grated cheese. In prepari
ng pizza is not exceeded with the cheese and use for the covers fresh sliced tom
atoes, onions desflemadas, roasted peppers and a small amount of skim shredded m
ozzarella. If you plan to use a preferred deli ham fat. If you have ice cream ou
tside your home prefer those made on the basis of water and fruit instead of cre
am, which have twice the calories. Goodbye to hunger pangs Drink plenty of fluid
s during the day. At least two liters. This will not only hydrate but also help
you lose weight, and that often confuse hunger and thirst. Also has a place in t
he stomach that could be filled, if not, foods with more calories. While cooking
has to supply some cup of hot soup with vegetables, pickles, celery sticks, car
rot sticks, diced tomatoes with basil and green apple. This side will prove the
custom of cooking. Fiber provides a feeling of fullness.€So, include vegetables
or bread in their lunch or breakfast. To avoid the temptation to snack while pr
eparing the boys, instead of baking cakes and puddings, buy facts, and only have
to cut them or serve them. Talking about what you eat can not only give you mor
e hungry. That food is not their only topic of conversation.
Upon arriving home after a day of work you put in the water to drink hot soup an
d give yourself a shower. When you leave you will forget the idea to jump on the
fridge to eat anything without thinking. Eat something before you go shopping,
because it is very difficult to choose good and not be tempted with sweets or sn
acks. A light soup or salad before the meal leaves will help reduce the appetite
and the amount of food you eat afterwards. No more promises to never touch a sl
ice of cake or a cake. Propose a reasonable limit of one or two times per week t
o include some small portion of these foods. n For the times that desperately ne
eds something sweet in the fridge always have to eat gelatin diet alone or mixed
with chopped fruit, yogurt or cream flavor in the same light. That a food is co
nsidered low in fat does not mean that you can eat unlimited. If you eat a super
bowl of mashed pumpkin does not lose weight. In contrast, a small portion of ma
shed potatoes will taste and be smart adelgazando.Compras Make a list of everyth
ing you need to buy. Just walk as little as possible between the gondolas. Stop,
however, to the fresh fruit and vegetables in order to appreciate the seasons a
nd the newest will be used to vary their diet. Always read the label on the pack
aging. This allows you to choose lighter foods, for example, low-fat mayonnaise,
light sausage, crackers and cheese low calorie diet. Choose cuts of meat are le
aner: buttock ball back, peceto, loin and rump. With them you can prepare all ki
nds of recipes, including roast or meat and vegetable brochettes. If you buy rea
dy meals and costs controlled, always carry small amounts of less than one kilo.
Eating away from home you have to be many hours without eating anything, eat a
good amount of liquid, low-fat yogurt and smoothies. Will be less hungry and wil
l not be thinking about what you'll eat later. When you feel like eating somethi
ng fattening, share the serving and accompany with salad, vegetable or palm pana
ché with lemon. For dessert, choose between a cup of strawberries with a little
cream, a baked apple with Marsala or fruit salads. Choose Arabic bread sandwich
es with plenty of vegetables like tomatoes, lettuce, fresh or pickled cucumbers
or arugula. Instead of fatty meats choose lean deli turkey, smoked tenderloin, h
am fat or processed meats such as chicken, turkey, or Pastrone peceto.
The kiosks can buy low-fat yogurt, fruit salads or granola bars low in fat. You
can also eat some sausage without the bread or ask at a café a fruit smoothie a
nd water or milk without sugar. If you bring food from home wrap rolls of ham or
cheese sticks. In a bowl, take pieces of apple sprinkled with lemon juice that
will help her take off hunger at midmorning or midafternoon. Healthier cooking m
ethods Change the oil spray nonstick vegetable and use containers to minimize fa
t intake. On the plates in the oven add one cup of broth mixed with an equal amo
unt of red or white wine. Avoid using oil and the end result will be richer and
lightweight. Cooking salt is another method you can employ to avoid fat in baked
goods. Wrap the food in parchment paper or aluminum. Will have much more flavor
. Another option is marinated: Leave the meat for a day in a mixture of vinegar
and wine with herbs or spices. Store in a covered container in the refrigerator.
Replace each egg by two clear. Reduce the amount of fat without altering the fi
nal result. Remove skin from chicken before cooking and to prevent the meat from
drying cover with apple slices or slices of lean ham. One way is to prepare foo
d defatted some of them one day in advance. So the fat solidifies and can be eas
ily removed before heating. To give good flavor to food without having to exagge
rate the use of oils, creams and butters add herbs and spices. This will give yo
u different flavors in one dish. When choosing vegetables for a salad remember t
hat leaf, tomato, cabbage and grated zucchini with half the calories of carrots,
beets, hearts of palm and pumpkin.€Therefore you can eat twice as the first wi
thout fear of gaining weight. Special occasions and holiday dining If you get pe
ople to place a tray with flowers and fruits in the center of the table. This al
lows you to divert your attention from other foods to serve. Eat little alcohol
and prefer cider, dry champagne or wine and light beer. Remember that the more s
weet or more alcohol drinks are, the more calories will.
When serving add a chopped cherry tomatoes, mushrooms with garlic and parsley, p
alm hearts, pickles, celery sticks, raw carrots, diced meats, palette and cheese
defatted leanest. You can avoid the sticks, fries and other ingredients superhe
at. Do not fast before going to a party or schedule a subsequent fasting tacitly
giving permission to eat all at the meeting. Have a light lunch and a snack bef
ore hand. Once at the party, avoid the first bin, since it is impossible to get
something that is lightweight and also once he started to eat bread is impossibl
e to restrain the rest of the food. Choose cheeses and cold cuts instead and sal
ads if any. Remove the sauce and check the fittings for the main dish. Eat moder
ately to indulge and to choose a small portion of dessert. n If exceeded discard
the fast food. Fruit, yogurt and lots of fluids will serve to clean the inside.
Shrink calorie replacements Start with a gradual replacement in recipes common a
nd can save hundreds of calories. The results will be soon. Replace the oil as s
alad dressing a mixture of nonfat yogurt, mustard, salt, pepper and a dash of ma
yonnaise. This saves the amount of calories equivalent to a slice of cake or a b
ite of caramel. Choosing a product with fewer calories you can afford to replace
the difference in calories with food that you miss. Every 100 grams of mayonnai
se you save the equivalent of one serving of noodles with sauce and grated chees
e. In desserts, replace the Chantilly cream on low-fat white cheese beaten with
sugar or sweetener and vanilla. The white sauce can be prepared with skim milk m
ixed with a little cornstarch, salt, pepper and nutmeg. It is with the same cons
istency and as rich as the traditional. Prepare Drinking low-fat ice creams with
flakes and sprinkle sugar-free popcorn. As gravy mix low fat yogurt drops of yo
ur favorite liquor and cocoa diet. "Stretch" food. It is not the same eating a p
iece of cheese from 50 to 60 g that seems insignificant to grate on the vegetabl
e gratin. The same happens with 200 g of beef, which can be a bifecito or transf
ormed into a hearty meal when paired with vegetables in a casserole. Take the di
shes served at the table. With the source in front of you will be more difficult
to control. If you have an ice cream with his family, prefer those made on the
basis of water and fruit instead of cream to have twice the calories.
Fiber provides a feeling of fullness. So, include vegetables or bread in their l
unch or breakfast. Eat something before you go shopping, because it is very diff
icult to choose good and not be tempted with sweets or snacks.

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