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By Angel Luis Gonzalez Almaraz aluis@microshopnet.

Course Protocol and Good Ways
CLASS AGENDA 1. You or You LESSON 2. Class Presentations 3. Shaking hands, hug,
kiss, etc. CLASS 4. Punctuality CLASS 5. Yield Class 6. Tacos and profanity CLAS
S 7. Tipping CLASS 8. How to behave in the car (I) CLASS 9. How to behave in the
car (II) CLASS 10. How to behave in the car (III) Class 11. How to set the tabl
e CLASS 12. How to sit at the table (I) CLASS 13. How to sit at the table (II) C
LASS 14. How we use CLASS 15. Use the napkin and cutlery CLASS 16. CLASS table c
onversation 17. Wine Class 18. Seated at the table: other considerations
1st LESSON You or You Choose to use the times between you or the problematic and
you can get to act incorrectly. In this lesson, point out some rules that can b
e useful to know what to do in most situations. From the outset, we should not a
buse the familiarity, but is increasingly common: the other person may feel unco
mfortable with so much familiarity. Note that you can put the leg by tutear wron
gly, never use you, but not falling into ridiculous situations: You do not call
his father or his mother. When speaking to a stranger the right thing is to use
you, especially with older people or social position, but it is best to use it w
ith anyone (you can only input tutear children). When the relationship develops,
the person is older or social status, or, where appropriate, the lady, to be pr
oposed by the "first-name basis, which will be accepted immediately with a smile
. Tutee not a waiter that you're trying to let alone whether it is a person of a
certain age (not behave like a "gentleman"). Tutee not the driver, or the woman
of the service, give them the respect they deserve. By the way, they too should
you tutear. At work may tutear to peers, but his boss directed to be cautious a
nd use the You, who expected to be proposed by the familiarity. If a friend intr
oduced him to a friend can tutearle, unless age or social position is advisable
to use you.
2nd LESSON Presentations If you organize a party or gathering, as a good host sh
ould strive to present each guests. Also, if you agreed with two friends who do
not know each other, must come also to have them. How do you make presentations?
There is a basic rule must always keep in mind: the less important person prese
nts the most important, therefore:
Youth must be presented to the older person. The man must be presented to women.
The subordinate must be submitted to the chief. The person of lower social or p
rofessional category must be presented to the highest category. The family shoul
d be brought to a third party. Simply enter the name and surname of the person p
resented. If the presentation is made at a meeting or party would be advisable t
o give some information about the persons nominated, in order to facilitate that
may arise between them, a topic of conversation: Example: "Meet Emilio de la Pu
erta, a lawyer and lover of painting. By the way, has just returned from a trip
to Argentina. But in moderation: Example to Avoid: "Meet Emilio de la Puerta, a
man of honor, a friend of his friends, a student pointed out that current law st
udent with honors. Beloved husband and father exemplary. Model of rectitude and
propriety, compliant citizen who pays his taxes. If you're sitting and you have
a person should be lifted as a sign of respect. Only women can continue to sit,
but should also rise if you submit an older lady or a gentleman of high social s
If you organize a party a few guests present their obligation is to everybody. I
f the guests are numerous, are not obliged to present them all, but must ensure
that none of them wander the holiday as "lost soul" trying to accommodate a grou
p. The self-presentation is acceptable in some cases. So if you attend a party a
nd is not presented, may resort to self-present: say your name, add something al
ong the lines of "I really wanted to know" or "I have talked a lot about you." L
ESSON 3rd shaking hands, hugging, kissing ... The greeting between two men is al
ways a handshake: The handshake should be with determination, not too short (it
seems that it annoys you), not too long.
Firm: do not put soft hand (it seems that is made of rubber), or tighten (this i
s not to dislocate the bones to the other person).€The hand moves slightly: do n
ot shake the arm of another, which electric shock. Always looking to the eyes an
d the best smile. If you sweat a hand secársela take care to give it before (it
is especially nice wet hand shake.) A woman does not shake hands with you if she
offers it is taken gently. If you wear gloves have to take it off before shakin
g hands. If there is great trust between two people (two brothers, childhood fri
ends, father and son ...), can hug, a kiss on the cheek or a pat on the back:
Anyway, try not to abuse these effusive forms (if not, who will leave to his fri
ends) When it comes to greet a woman wait for her to offer his hand, take it gen
tly and nodding will head the gesture of kissing (remember that kissing is not r
eached). Do not try to kiss on the cheek of a woman who just presented (you may
not like). Wait for her to take the initiative (offering his hand, put his cheek
...) and act accordingly. Intersection right is a kiss on the cheek (two women
did not shake hands or hug) The nation will have one or two kisses (or maybe thr
ee): In Europe there are two kisses to normal in Latin America kiss is a kiss in
Russia three times Finally, before greeting, if the gentleman wears a hat, you
will find, while the woman is not required to be disclosed. Lesson 4 Punctuality
Punctuality is a basic standard of education:
No one can be more or less on time, one should always be punctual. Punctuality m
ust be present both at work and in social life
Can not be late for a business meeting, or to a dinner (for a lot of confidence
we have with the host). Also, the timeliness for both the governing and for the
host, the guest can not be late for dinner, nor the host can reciver to guests w
ithout having already arranged everything. Do not ask a guest to be cutting the
bread, or else if you do not mind going to buy ice. Neither received his guests
with a towel Morelia at the waist, leaving a trail of water throughout the corri
dor. So bad is the delay, how to arrive early (this may be even worse): If you h
ave been quoted at 10 pm, please no-show at 9:30 and "pinch" to Mrs. the house s
till with her rollers. Some believe that courtesy is to arrive with a delay of a
bout 15 minutes, giving room for the hosts if they were delayed. This view is de
batable, but in any case not later than one quarter of an hour. Be aware that fo
r their tadanza can be cool and "spoil" such delights has been so carefully prep
ared all afternoon host (get hate him). When organizing a lunch or dinner at hom
e is often given a half hour complimentary to guests. So, as they come in the fi
rst snack is offered, allowing time for those left behind to be incorporated. Af
ter the half hour the guests will be asked to spend at the table. Do not wait fo
r everyone because of a friend Tardón. If the appointment is in a restaurant, th
e guests will wait in the bar or sitting at the table: It may take a drink, but
do not start to itch and (repress his insatiable appetite) If for an unforeseen
event, one will come late for an appointment or meeting (something at the outset
, unforgivable), if the delay exceeds 15 minutes is inexcusable call.
Apologize, explain the reasons for the delay, indicate when envisions that can h
ost and ask to be starting, which will join you later.
When you arrive, apologize again for the hosts and other guests continued Finall
y, if you are the host and one of his guests is delayed forever, without calling
for explanations, ruining the dinner and the evening, causing a family dispute.
... ... When her beautiful angelic face peek through that door, do not fight, d
oes not hit, do not throw out the window, simply ask if the coffee or just take
a little milk. LESSON 5th Yield The yield is a basic rule of courtesy, although
there is less style: When you have to give way? The answer is always (but then m
ention some exceptions). The yield is especially required in the following cases
: The man always give way to women (although this is her mother). The young alwa
ys give way to the older person. A subordinate always give way to his boss (for
what might happen). But it must also be transferred over same-sex: Men and women
together with each other should also give way. However, this rule has some exce
When you enter a restaurant, the man come forward, to ask the waiter for a table
and also because it is uncomfortable to enter these premises and that all the g
uests we are facing (avoid the bitter pill to swallow for women). When you enter
a taxi, the gentleman passes in front: no oblique to his wife having to crawl o
n the seat, which reptile, reaching the window opposite. When lowering a ladder,
the man will go ahead: if the woman stumbled and fell to save her, receiving it
in their strong arms. No one is obliged to give way at bus queues, cinema, thea
ter, of the carnage. Prima the principle of "first come, first happens." That ye
s, they will yield inexcusably to an elderly person, a pregnant woman or a patie
nt. And when you have passengers in the car?
Right, before climbing into the car, is directed primarily to the passenger door
, open it for the guest pass, especially if you are a woman, help from outside t
o close the door and only then got into the car. Lesson 6 Tacos and profanity As
a basic rule the use of plugs is quite at odds with good education and as such
must be accepted. However, the use of tacos, though he was not able to apply def
enses (except the temporary insanity), if they could apply for mitigation. It is
not the same one taco delivered by a cheerful, fun, carefree, watching a footba
ll game, that same taco pronounced by a man austere, serious, scowling in front
of a window of a Ministry either Use tacos, in any case, must follow certain bas
ic rules mandatory:
The woman under any circumstances use plugs (there are no extenuating circumstan
ces here that are worth). The older people have a preference category or the use
of studs on younger or lesser social status. The head takes precedence over the
subordinate. Never use religious offenses involving tacos. The block will be us
ed sparingly, as it should be reserved for very unique cases that can justify. T
he block is supported in any case as an expression, never aimed at another perso
n with the intention of offense. Tacos are not allowed, chained, lose freshness
and spontaneity, prevailing mood of offense. Example: "bastard son of a bitch."
In any event, admitted the use of two blocks down the tone in the second one, if
possible, not over pronounced. Example: "fucking pissed ...!" Once launched the
outburst (the cue is always a fit, do not forget), what
is right to apologize. Example: "But what baddest motherfucker! .. Ohhh, sorry,
that my own vocabulary" The taco is more acceptable admiring Example: After a fa
ntastic play tennis, exclaimed: "Why bastard!, Like playing ..." The taco is alw
ays admiring introduced by the exclamatory particle "what ..!" In any case, and
the difficulty of knowing when you can conveniently use a block, the most pruden
t and advisable is to not use them, you shall be like a gentleman. Attention
Once you have decided not to use anchors, you can not under any circumstances re
place cries sound similar. Example: "oysters" "... I do not touch the boxes," "I
cachis in the sea." And worst of all would use ridiculous expressions. Example:
"corchis" "caspita" "snails" .. LESSON 7th Tipping Tipping is a courtesy, and a
ppreciation for the special care. We must discard the notion that the tip as an
act of paternalism that implies a certain humiliation for the person who receive
s it. The tip should be a discretionary act, in which rewards the service receiv
ed, therefore, should not be automatic, since it would lose its sense of reward.
The amount should be the appropriate amount, according to the usage of the site
: Not too small to be angry to the receiver, not too high to leave all staff
the restaurant to pay homage, while wondering who is this "crazy" so generous. I
n any case, if there is any doubt, better to spend that fall short. There is a w
idespread custom in restaurants as a tip to leave 10% of the amount of the accou
nt. Give a tip can not be an opportunity to get rid of all the coins (loose chan
ge low-value). Try to give it in the currency most comfortable for the recipient
. Who are you tipping? Among others: Waiters Taxi
Ushers pizza delivery messengers film Hotel Waiters Hairdressers exranjero When
traveling to worry about to find out the customs. In some countries the tip beco
me almost de rigueur.€Be cautious and take the amount of the gratuity provision
prepared when the occasion may occur. The excuse "Sorry, but I do not wear anyth
ing, the next time ...", is just that, an excuse, it denotes a lack of foresight
and also" upset "a lot. Lesson 8 How to behave in the car (I) In the car is a p
lace where you should be especially careful in The maintenance of good manners,
because it is very common in the car there is a terrible transformation of perso
nality. People normally quiet, gentle and educated at the wheel once they become
violent, quarrelsome and guerrillas.
In the car, both driver and passenger, follow and respect basic rules of etiquet
te. In any case, let's start with something prior to that, one's own car mainten
Maintain this car The car is part of their habitat and, therefore, he must keep
his trademark: Keep your car clean, inside and out. It is your obligation to tak
e your car in good maintenance, preservation and, above all, for your safety. Th
is is especially important if you carry passengers. Be discreet in your decor: I
n principle, avoid any type of sticker, and if it exceeds its strength dicreta c
hoose one as possible. Avoid "corny", such as "I love Benajudilla Creek," or eve
n something ordinary "Do not touch me the whistle irritates me." Avoid placing i
n the back of a dog that you move your head, or a traffic light that lights it.
Absolutely forbidden cushions, curtains, blinds, and even balls covers for seats
. Prohibited speakers with built-in tunes. His car has lights that the manufactu
rer deems appropriate, not become a nightclub stock. No "Metamorfose" his car. I
f you have purchased an SUV, that's a utilitarian and nothing more, do not try t
o turn it into a kind of flying saucer with all types of skirts, spoilers and ot
her various accessories. In terms of colors, each according to his taste, but if
I could avoid "lemon", the "Green Turquoise", the "orange butane, and the like,
their countrymen will be grateful. 9th Lesson How to behave in the car (II)
In this lesson we will analyze the behavior of a gentleman at the wheel of his c
ar. Driver Behavior First basic rule: observe scrupulously the traffic signs and
speed limits. If they are there for nothing, remember that could endanger not o
nly her life but (and more importantly whether or not you believe it) the lives
of others. Try to facilitate the work of other drivers: If another driver wants
to join, whether you are a gentleman and step CEDAL. If it is you to whom I give
, thank them with a hand gesture. If a truck makes it easy to overtake making hi
m the intermittent signals, agradézcaselo with a touch of horn. If a driver stop
ped on the shoulder troubles without anyone assisting him, stop the car and offe
r your help. If someone comes in front and dazzles you, do not wear like a madma
n to make changes in light, and please with a pair of flashing lights. If you ar
e traveling with a passenger, let the journey as comfortable as possible: The ri
ght front seat is reserved for the most important person (is excluded from this
ranking the driver). Drive a safe speed: do not take the beating heart. Do not b
e rough on your driving: avoid violent turns and braking. In short, try not to n
ot be dizzy. Do not put the radio without asking first, and in any case, put it
at a moderate level (it's a car, not a nightclub).
Do not lower the window without permission, and even obtaining the permit, asses
s to what extent you can be annoying (a gnashing of teeth coming from the rear s
eat can be a good clue). Do not put the heating without asking first. In any cas
e, every so often ask How are you, if you prefer more or less heat, music and mo
re. If you smoke, do not you have the slightest suspicion that may disturb. In a
ny case, ask before smoking. If the passenger who smokes, ask him to do so witho
ut waiting for the asking. If you are traveling with several people, be careful
not to smoke if you think someone may
Disturb. Every now and ask if someone wants to make a stop. Do not wait for peop
le to be chipped with tears, biting her lips and crossing her legs which, contor
tionists, not to "piss" in the car. Pay the toll or petrol is obligation of the
owner of the car, so do not let collaborations. Invite others if you like coffee
, snacks, etc. If students€peers who are together every day to work, etc., this
rule does not apply. When preparing to enter the car, if you go with passengers
are the driver know that the last-in, first open the door to the coach, and last
among you. In case of collision with another car, do not get you as a beast: ac
t calmly, and if you disagree with the interpretation of another driver, there w
ill be time to discuss it in court. The horn is reserved for very special occasi
ons (weddings silver, the first man on the moon, etc.).. So do not lean his elbo
w on the horn, or use left and right. And finally, forbidden to throw objects ou
t the window number. 10th Lesson How to behave in the car (III)
Let's see now how to behave the passenger. Passenger Behavior When traveling in
a car outside our behavior must be such that the driver will be pleasing our com
pany. This will require follow some basic rules: Strictly forbidden to tell the
driver how to drive (assuming you already know). It will accept your particular
driving style, albeit different from our own (faster, slower, sharper, softer, e
tc.). Only in extreme cases, in which they come to fear for the physical, will a
llow for discreet observation (with the greatest kindness). The passenger must a
ccompany the driver, giving him talk if he wants to talk or respect his silence.
Be avoided controversial issues that could end up in discussion (there is a risk
of disturbing or having to leave the car before arrival). Nor is the car's plac
e to tell jokes and make the driver is "split" with laughter. Absolutely forbidd
en to sleep (and less snoring), especially if front-seat passenger. The passenge
r will insist on helping to pay for gasoline, tolls, etc, (which the driver shou
ld reject). Therefore, the passenger should invite to coffee, snacks, etc. Refra
in from smoking if the driver does not (the smell of snuff remains in the car).
In case of force majeure leave and will be asked smoke essentials. Also ask for
permission to close the window. However, it must be remembered that even if the
driver does not object, you may find it somewhat uncomfortable.
The passenger must moderate their demands: "we put music", "stop here", "we turn
over there", etc. The passenger must accept its role as a supporting actor role
and leave the driver. Like sitting in the car If you travel with a driver, will
take the backseat on the right, diagonally with the driver, facilitating commun
ication that may arise. If several passengers, preferred seating is still the ri
ght rear, then left rear, and lower-ranking person will occupy the front seat be
side the driver. If traveling in a private car, the preferred seating is the fro
nt on the right. In the back are preferred seats near the windows, and in last p
lace in the middle. 11th Lesson How to set the table Whenever there is a formal
lunch or dinner on the table layout must follow strict rules: The table should b
e fully prepared when the first guests arrive (no races at the last minute). Sho
uld be well lit, neither dazzled guests, and guests in the dark. The table is co
vered with a cloth, preferably linen, white or raw (no
"Placemats" individual). The tablecloth should match the dishes and decor of the
room, must be impeccably ironing (no excuses: "... is that like wrinkled linen
look just ...").
The table should not be overloaded, as a decorative motif a beautiful flower arr
angement, but it does not obstruct the vision among the guests. Between each sit
e will be kept far enough away so that guests can unwind in comfort (if your tab
le is for 8 people, do not try to beat any record setting 14). The napkin is ava
ilable in a rectangle or triangle to the left of the plate or on it. No form of
"dove" or other allegorical, much less into a glass. The dishes may be already p
laced, but more orthodox is to have a low dish prepared by placing the dishes an
d go as you intend to use. Placement of Covered: The knife, spade fish and spoon
to the right of the plate (the knife with the blade facing the plate). The fork
to the left. The Hotel has a covered are such that the first to be used are tho
se furthest from the plate, and those used in last place the closest to it.€The
dessert cutlery are placed in front of the plate (between it and the cups): the
fork facing right and the spoon or knife facing left. The cups are placed in fro
nt of the plate. There are several ways to arrange them, but the more orthodox s
traight and slightly displaced to the right of the plate. The order of the glass
es will be: high to low size and from left to right. Starting from the left, the
glass of water first, then red wine and white wine then, between the latter two
places the glass of cava or champagne. In front of the plate, a little to the l
eft, place the dish of bread. The bread is cut by hand (no knife), and the crumb
s, if possible, falling on the plate (for something it gets). Finally, do not pu
t ashtrays on the table. If there were smokers among the guests ashtrays will be
removed only when they serve coffee.
12th Lesson How to sit at the table (I) When sitting at the table are there is a
very specific order of preference. There are basically two systems when you set
this preference: French System hosts sit in the middle of the table, facing eac
h other. The guest of honor sits to the right of the host and his wife to the ri
ght of the host's second most important guest sits to the left of the host and h
is wife left the host So go forth featuring couples in diagonal form, though the
rest of the guests is sitting with more freedom.
A: Hosts, the numbers indicate the order of preference Anglo System
The hosts sit on each end of the table. The guest of honor sits to the right of
the host and his wife to the right of the host.
The second most important guest sits to the left of the host and his wife left t
he host. So providing couples will in the form of diagonal. In both systems shou
ld meet the following standards: Couples never sit together, but diagonally.
If possible, it is alternately a man and a woman. The hosts may assign their sit
es to the guests of honor, occupying the post this guest of honor.
13th Lesson How to sit at the table (II) who will announce the host into the din
ing room when, after an appetizer that should not last more than 30/45 minutes.
To get into the dining room should observe the following rules: The anfitiriona
is the first to go (in case something was not right to fix it). It is followed b
y other ladies. They then pass the knights. The anfitirión is the last to enter.
The anfitiriona indicate the location corresponding to each of the guests.
Do not sit anywhere you like, not going to happen like that in a wedding guest s
at in the first free site with bad luck was that it was the table of the couple,
who had to fit one on each side of the guest "star." The gentlemen will not sit
until you have made the women (are exempted from this provision to the elderly)
. Gentlemen must help women to sit, the chair slightly away from the table. By t
he way, is for the anfitiriones prevent the number of guests is 13 (do not tempt
fate and there are guests who may feel uncomfortable). Once seated to keep in m
ind: Do not lean your elbows on the table, rest your forearms (we can not confus
e a dining table with a school desk).
The hands are always on the tablecloth, no hidden hands under the table on the l
egs (much less on the leg of the neighbor, especially if it is not his wife). Th
e back straight, but naturally: not bent, nor give the impression of being in pl
aster. 14th LESSON do we serve when serving must follow a very specific order: F
irst, it serves the most senior women (by age or social status) which will norma
lly be seated at the right of the host. Then served the rest of the ladies, as a
counter-clockwise. The latest lady to be served will be the hostess. The follow
ing gentlemen served to follow the outline, hosted the last to be served. If the
re are no waiters and passes the tray: It begins with the most senior lady and t
he tray is passed to the guest who is right. When serving it, keep in mind:
It is to the left of the diner, while the dishes, once you have finished, retire
to your right. The wine, however, is served by the right. One must serve a disc
rete quantity:
Not much (it seems that does not eat hot day) or low (might give the impression
that you do not like the food).€He uses part of the source is closer, no conside
ration of the fillets go to see which looks better, or to inspect the fried eggs
to see which has more "cuscurritos." Do not start eating until everyone is serv
ed it will be the host who starts. If there were many guests the host begins whe
n the guests are served within its right and left, eating slowly to allow time f
or other guests to be served. The hostess asks if anyone wants to repeat: The an
swer is clear: it must be repeated (however it was the food delicious.) LESSON n
apkin and cutlery 15th We will see in this lesson as it is used properly the nap
kin and silverware. Napkin We have already commented that putting the table napk
in is placed over the plate or to the left or in the form of a triangle or recta
ngle. How do I use a napkin? When we sit at the table we must place the napkin o
n your lap.
The napkin is used only to wipe their lips discreetly, before and after drinking
. Once Conclude the meal, the napkin is placed to the right of the plate in a ma
informal: no fold carefully as if it had been used (although it is not made to l
eave a "mess"). When Cutlery utensils used must follow a set of rules: they cove
red their mouths and the mouths of the silverware, so when you eat you have to s
tay straight, at most slightly inclined toward the plate, and those covered will
be food to the mouth (nothing to bring the face plate). The cover will not chan
ge hands: the spoon, knife and shovel of fish are caught with the right and the
left fork. Only, sometimes, the holder (when used like a spoon, for example with
peas) is held with the right hand. The knife never goes into the mouth strictly
prohibited and may be dangerous. The spoon is placed in the mouth for the tip,
not the side. When you're chewing or talking utensils are placed on the wedge-sh
aped plate, which indicates that there has not been completed. When the ends are
left covered in parallel and perpendicular to the table.
LESSON 16th Conversation at the table The table is not just a place to enjoy fin
e food but it is, and most importantly, a social gathering place where conversat
ion plays a leading role. In this regard, the board is to respect some basic rul
Never spoken with his mouth full (strictly forbidden). We must engage in convers
ation without trying to monopolize it. The guest host must allow a certain role.
It is important to engage in conversation without delays in food (we do not hav
e to wait then we finish the dish). We must Convesa with different diners around
us: you can not limit one to talk to one of them ignoring the rest (however bor
ing that we prove). There are subjects taboo to be avoided. Among others: Footba
ll Politics Religion Sex should not prolong a conversation in which there are di
ners who, through ignorance, are not eligible. The conversation should be varied
, providing an opportunity for all those invited to participate. The anfitirión
must play a major role here, offering new items to address when the conversation
will decline.
If there is a little guest participation, the anfitirón must propose a topic tha
t gives this guest the chance to join the meeting. The table is not a place to d
iscuss, so we must avoid open disputes, it is the duty of the host cut more educ
ated as possible. Nor is the table the place to talk shop, leaving many guests c
ompletely out of play. LESSON 17th Wine A good wine is the necessary complement
to a meal, therefore, can not skimp when choosing a wine to be served at the tab
le. Good education requires having some minimal knowledge of wine, but become
an expert is really complicated and very few can claim to be. However, we must k
now at least minimum standards: The wine will be tasted by the host, though it m
ight offer such honor to a guest who is understood. Tasting wine requires a cert
ain ceremony: moving the glass and raise it to appreciate the color, closer to t
he nose to enjoy its aroma and drink a little sip yours to enjoy its flavor. The
guest who tastes the wine only in extreme cases (when that is pure vinegar) may
make an observation to the host politely, but nothing to spit the wine, waving
and screaming they are trying to poison us!! The host is responsible for serving
the wine.€The wine is served with the right hand (some people think it's bad lu
ck to do it with the left hand).
If a waiter pours the wine will do it for the right of the guest (as opposed to
the meal, served from the left). When served the wine bottle is not supported on
the rim of the glass (bottle may be a little dirty). The cup is half full or so
(never to the brim like a cup of water). Free half of the cup allow the flavors
to concentrate and enjoy the smell. The bottle can be left on the table, althou
gh it is better to place it in a small side table. The wines served will be kept
cold in a container with ice, but when nothing of religion, serving in a white
napkin (up there we could get there). Before and after drinking, you have cleane
d your lips with a napkin. Each meal demands a wine that will need to know. In a
ny case, the wines are served in an order: White and pink are served before the
red. The wines should be served at certain temperatures: White and pink are serv
ed cold (10 °). Sherry, chamomile, and also digs cold (5 º / 10 º).
The red at room temperature (20 º). If someone does not want to drink wine (he l
oses), it will offer water, but never a drink (it would be an affront to the hos
tess who has prepared a delicious meal).
LESSON 18th Seated at the table: other considerations Now, before closing the ch
apter of good table manners, some final thoughts: We have to eat at the same rat
e as the rest of diners: not so fast (no prizes for end first), nor too slow (wh
ich we expect the other guests). If the guest needs something, you go to the hos
t (no order it directly to the service). When eating is done with the mouth clos
ed and making as little noise as possible (can not mount a scandal with the ratt
le of the jaws). The food does not smoke (in fact, the table does not put ashtra
ys until coffee is served). If there is a "catastrophe" in food (drinks spilled,
broken dishes, etc..) Guest should apologize and make a move to help. The hosts
diminish what happened and not allow the guest is set to pick up the mess (call
to service or they will do so personally). Do not dip bread in the sauce, howev
er rich it may be try to avoid this temptation. It has been a thorn in the mouth
: do not panic: she covers her mouth with one hand or napkin and discreetly with
the other spine is removed and deposited on the plate (nothing to teach the res
t of the diners as a trophy hunting). Nothing to poke with a stick in the teeth:
the only adjective that could be given to this custom is that of terror.

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